Angles Pendents 2n Practice

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Grammar and Vocabulary Starter unit

Grammar there was / there were

5 Match sentence halves 1–4 to A–E.

like + -ing / noun
There was a E
1 Choose the correct option. 1 There wasn’t __
2 There was __
Do / Are you like computer games?
3 There weren’t __
1 Do you like dance / dancing?
4 There were a lot of __
2 My sister doesn’t like / likes chocolate.
3 Do / Does Elsa like playing football?
A some juice in the fridge.
4 We don’t / doesn’t like going shopping.
B any good books in the library.
5 I like swim / swimming.
C people at the party. It was very noisy.
D any meat on my pizza.
Present simple
E horror film on TV last night.
2 Put the words in the correct order to make
sentences and questions. Vocabulary
do / in his free time / what / he / does / ?
What does he do in his free time? Free time activities
1 play / Josh / an instrument / doesn’t
_____________________________________ 6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in
2 we / never / for school / late / are the box.
_____________________________________ do go hang listen play watch
3 you / where / live / do / ?
Chloe and Jason often do sports.
1 When do they __________ TV?
4 lunch / I / have / at home / always
2 It’s a nice day. Let’s __________ cycling.
3 My friends and I __________ out at the beach.
5 often / my brother / TV / watches
4 I __________ to music in my bedroom.
5 Ana and Pablo __________ the guitar.

Question words Likes and opinions

3 Complete the question words.
7 Put the underlined words in the correct
Wh e n is your birthday? sentences.
1 H _ _ o _ _ _ _ do they do sport? We’re love about playing basketball. crazy
2 W _ _ _ are you doing right now? 1 Yuck! I mind pizza! I’m not eating it. _______
3 W _ _ _ _ is the shopping centre, please? 2 I can’t like playing chess – it’s boring! _______
4 W _ _ _ _ sport do you prefer: tennis or football? 3 I stand going cycling. I go every day. _______
5 W _ _ is your favourite actor? 4 I don’t crazy going shopping. It’s OK. _______
5 Carlos doesn’t hate horror films. He
Present continuous only watches comedy films. _______

4 Complete the present continuous sentences Clothes

with the correct forms of be.
I am watching TV at the moment. 8 Complete the words.
1 _______ you hanging out with Jo today?
b o o ts
2 Look! Grace _______ dancing! She’s
1 c_p 4 tr _ _n _ rs
really good!
2 tr _ _ s _ rs 5 ha _
3 I _______ walking to school. I’m going by bus.
3 l _ gg _ ngs 6 sh _ rts
4 We _______ eating lunch right now. I’ll call
you later.
5 What _______ your friends doing?
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1
Grammar 4 Choose the correct option.
Maria use / used to wear glasses.
1 He use / used to have a computer.
Past simple
2 Did they use / used to be friends?
1 Complete the table with the correct form of the 3 My mum didn’t use / used to play tennis.
regular and irregular verbs. 4 My friends and I use / used to chat online.
5 Did you use / used to eat meat?
Regular verbs Irregular verbs
Affirmative She watched TV. He ate pizza.
Verbs: opposites
She (1) _______ He didn’t
watch TV. (2) _______ pizza. 5 Choose the correct option to complete the
pairs of opposites.
Did he
(3) _______ she
Questions (4) _______ wake up get up / go to sleep
watch TV?
pizza? 1 ask answer / hear
2 sit relax / stand
Yes, she did. Yes, he (6)
Short 3 catch ≠ take / throw
No, she (5) _______ . No, he
_______ . didn’t. 4 start begin / finish
5 forget remember / give
2 Write the past simple form of the verbs. Are the 6 stand up lie down / go out
verbs regular or irregular? Write R or I.
watch watched R Adjectives: feelings
1 take _______ __
2 start _______ __ 6 Underline the positive adjectives.
3 ask _______ __ 1 angry 5 scared
4 give _______ __ 2 bored 6 nervous
5 remember _______ __ 3 calm 7 relaxed
6 find _______ __ 4 excited 8 tired
7 stand _______ __
8 answer _______ __ Talk about school

used to 7 Put the words in the correct order to make

3 Match sentence halves 1–4 to A–E. teacher / the / who’s / ?
My hair used to be short, C Who’s the teacher?
1 Sam didn’t use to play football, ___ 1 she / what / like / does / look / ?
2 My parents used to drive to work, ___ ___________________________________
3 The children didn’t use to like fruit, ___ 2 what’s / subject / your / favourite / ?
4 Did this building use to ___ ___________________________________
3 history / at / you / are / good / ?
A but they don’t now. ___________________________________
B be a cinema? 4 is / room / which / that / in / ?
C but now it’s long. ___________________________________
D but they love it now. 5 you / got / English / when / have / ?
E but he does now. ___________________________________
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 2
Grammar Vocabulary
Past continuous Materials

1 Correct the underlined mistakes. 4 What are these things usually made of?
At 8.30 a.m., my sister walking to school. cotton leather paper rubber wood wool
was walking
dining room table and chairs wood
1 Why did he leave? Was I talking to him!
1 winter hats and gloves __________
2 shirts and T-shirts __________
2 They left the cinema early because they wasn’t
3 boots, shoes and jackets __________
enjoying the film.
4 rain boots, balls, some pet toys __________
5 books and magazines __________
3 At 6.30 this morning, I sleep.
__________ 5 Look at the pictures and complete the materials.
4 What you were doing last night?
5 What were you and your parents watch on TV?

Past continuous and past simple cardboard 1 c_________

2 Choose the correct option.

While we were travelling / travelled across the
USA, we stopped in Chicago for a few days.
1 What did he wear / was he wearing when
you saw him? 2 g_________ 3 m_________
2 I got / was getting your text message at 9.05
last night.
3 Ryan was walking / walked on the beach when
he found a bottle. 6 Choose the best word.
4 The phone rang while I did / was doing my
a bottle of water / potatoes
1 a bowl of orange juice / fruit
5 You weren’t running very fast when I saw /
2 a box of cola / chocolates
was seeing you.
3 a glass of milk / vegetables
3 Match sentence halves 1–4 to A–E. Then 4 a jar of ice cream / marmalade
complete the sentences with when or while. 5 a packet of crisps / olive oil
I found your wallet B
1 Lauren was cooking __ Describe lost objects
2 José was playing __
7 Complete the dialogue with the words in
3 My friend sent me a __
the box.
4 We were sitting __
brand colour leather look lost white

A text __________ I was doing my exam. A Hello. I lost my gym bag yesterday.
B under the sofa while I was cleaning. B What does it (1) __________ like?
C on the beach __________ it started to rain. A It’s big and it’s made of (2) __________ .
D dinner __________ she burned her hand. B What (3) __________ is it?
E football __________ he broke the window. A It’s black and (4) __________ .
B What (5) __________ is it?
A Adidas.
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 3
Grammar Vocabulary

will / won’t for future predictions The environment / green issues

1 Look at the picture and complete the predictions 4 Complete the words in the sentences.
with will or won’t. We need to use more e c o-fr i e ndly forms
of transport.
1 They started a c _ mp _ _ gn to educate people
about the effects of global warming.
2 Air p _ ll _ t _ _ n is a problem in a lot of cities.
3 We all need to do more to look after the
_ nv _ r _ nm _ nt and save our planet.
4 Don’t throw those boxes away – we can
r _ cycl _ them.
5 Do you think it’s a good idea to b _ n all cars
from the city centre?

The body

5 Choose the correct option.

1 You won’t be a doctor.

2 You _______ meet a beautiful woman.
3 You _______ have children.
4 You _______ live in a small flat.
chest / brain 1 thumb / wrist
5 You _______ travel to other countries.

The first conditional (if / unless)

2 Underline the result clause in each sentence.

If we don’t ban plastic bags, people won’t stop
2 toe / blood 3 heart / knee
using them.
1 The plants will die unless it rains soon.
2 Air pollution will get worse if we continue to use
our cars so much.
3 If you eat too many sweets, you’ll feel ill.
4 Unless we look after our planet, many animal
species will disappear. 4 finger / ankle 5 shoulder / back
5 More Arctic ice will melt if global warming
continues. Talk about health problems

3 Choose the correct option. 6 Who says these things? Write D (doctor)
We will / won’t go skiing if it doesn’t snow. or P (patient).
1 What will / won’t your teachers say if you don’t What’s the matter? D
go to school? 1 Please lie down. ___
2 We won’t stop global warming if / unless 2 I don’t feel very well. ___
everyone takes action. 3 My back hurts. ___
3 If you study, you will / won’t pass the exam. 4 How do you feel? ___
4 If you wear a coat, you will / won’t be cold. 5 I’ve got a cough. ___
5 He won’t go to the cinema if / unless he’s busy. 6 Have some medicine. ___
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 4
Grammar Vocabulary

be going to for future plans and intentions Money

1 Mr and Mrs Smith won a lot of money on the 4 Choose the correct answer.
lottery. Complete their plans using be going to. I’m ____ my money so that I can buy a phone.
They aren’t going to live in a small house. () A saving B donating C winning
1 They __________ buy a big house. () 1 You have to pay in cash. They don’t take ____ .
2 Mrs Smith __________ keep her old car. () A notes B coins C credit cards
3 She __________ buy a new sports car. (✓ ) 2 Fin gets ____ money from his dad every week.
4 Mr Smith __________ wear cheap clothes. () A prize B pocket C coins
5 He __________ buy expensive new clothes. (✓) 3 Mum has a good job. She ____ a lot of money.
A earns B wins C sells
2 Complete the questions and short answers.
4 I’ve got some money, so I’ll ____ for your lunch.
Write one word in each space.
A donate B pay C spend
Is Ava going to go shopping in the morning?
Yes, she is.
Verbs and prepositions of movement
1 Are Ava and her mum going _______ have
lunch together at 12.30?
5 What are they going to do? Look at the pictures
_______ , they _______ . and choose the correct verbs.
2 Is Ava _______ to make lunch at home?
_______ , she _______ .
3 _______ Ava and Harry going to play football?
_______ , they _______ .

be going to and will for predictions

climb / stand up 1 jump / crawl
3 Read the sentences and write PB, PE or FP. the tree under the bed
PB = a prediction based on a belief
PE = a prediction based on external evidence
FP = a future plan or intention
I think more people will live in cities in the
year 3000. PB
1 Laura is going to fly to the USA on Tuesday
2 dive / hop into 3 fall / slide down
morning. ____
the swimming pool the hill
2 I thought the film was really good. I think
it’ll win lots of awards. ____
3 The tree branch isn’t strong enough. Look – it’s
Pay for something in a shop
breaking! The man is going to fall! ____
4 Our exams are over! Now I’m going to relax for a
6 Who says these things? Write C (customer)
few days. ____ or S (shop assistant).
Can I pay by card? C
1 Here’s your change. ____
2 Have you got your receipt? ____
3 I’d like to return this, please. ____
4 Would you like a refund? ____
5 I’d like to pay for this T-shirt, please. ____
6 That comes to £12.99. ____
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 5
Grammar Vocabulary

Modals: can, can’t, could, couldn’t Life stages

1 Choose the correct option. 5 Match the words 1–6 to the pictures A–F.
Jo could play the piano when she was three! teenager C 3 elderly person ___
present ability / past ability 1 young adult ___ 4 middle-aged person ___
1 No, you can’t go to the party. 2 baby ___ 5 toddler ___
present ability / present permission
2 Could you use your phone in class at
your old school?
past permission / present ability
3 I could read before I started school. A B C
present permission / past ability
4 My brother can speak five languages!
present ability / past ability

Comparative and superlative adverbs D E F

2 Complete the table with the correct comparative

or superlative form of the adverbs. Verbs: learning and the community
Adverb Comparative Superlative
6 Look at Sasha’s diary entry and choose the
easily more easily the (1) _______ correct verbs.
than easily
This year, I’m going to …
well better the best
do / make well at school.
(2) _______
1 do / make new friends.
fast (3) fast___ than (4) _______ 2 spend / be more time with my family.
fastest 3 work / be better in a team.
4 try / help to get up earlier.
3 Complete the sentences with comparative and 5 do / make progress in my dance class.
superlative adverbs from exercise 2.
You learn languages more easily than I do.
1 He runs the _______ of all the players in the
Express opinions
football team.
2 You sing _______ than I do.
7 Complete the sentences with the words in
3 Wait for me! You walk _______ than I do. the box.
4 I cry more _______ than my sister does.
feel honest like personally right what

less … than, the least … and (not) as … as What do you think of this painting?
1 Do you __________ this song?
4 Cross out the extra word. 2 __________ , I don’t think much of this book.
Cooking is the less fun than reading. 3 How do you __________ about modern art?
1 You aren’t as old as than me. 4 You’re absolutely __________ about that.
2 Are apples as the healthy as oranges? 5 To be __________ , I don’t like this film.
3 Which is the least than expensive phone?
4 Tom is less as quiet than Maria.
5 Your bedroom is the less tidy than mine.
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 6
Grammar Vocabulary

Present perfect Jobs

1 Complete the table with the past participles in 5 Match words 1–6 to pictures A–F.
the box and decide if each verb is regular (R) or firefighter F 3 pilot ___
irregular (I).
1 florist ___ 4 sales assistant ___
bought eaten saw started visited worked
2 veterinary nurse ___ 5 radio DJ ___

Regular (R) or
Infinitive Past participle
irregular (I)?
start started R
1 visit __________ ___
2 buy __________ ___ A B C
3 see __________ ___
4 work __________ ___
5 eat __________ ___

2 Choose the correct option.

You have / Have you worked in a shop before? D E F
1 Megan has worked / has work with animals.
2 I haven’t / hasn’t flown a plane before. Holidays
3 Erin and Ben have / has been to Barcelona.
4 John hasn’t / haven’t sold anything online. 6 Choose the correct option.
5 Have / Has that actor been in any other films? be / go ill
1 stay / book in a hostel
There has / have been 2 miss / lose your suitcase
3 explore / meet a new place
3 Complete the missing words in the sentences. 4 get / have an accident
Have there been any good programmes on TV? 5 miss / lose a flight
1 With our special offers, _______ has never been 6 have / get sunburned
a better time to buy a new phone!
2 There _______ been much rain. It’s been dry. Tell and react to a story
3 Has _______ been any news?
4 Fortunately, there _______ been any accidents. 7 Complete the dialogue with the words in
5 _______ have been some great films this year. the box.
guess joking right suddenly tell true way
Present perfect: ever and never
A You’ll never guess what happened!
4 Complete the dialogues with ever or never. B Go on, (1) __________ me!
A Well, on the first day of my trip to New York, I
A Have you ever made a video?
went to Times Square and took lots of photos.
B Yes, I have, but I’ve never posted one
B (2) __________ .
A So, I was looking at the photos later when,
1 A Have you _____ climbed the Eiffel Tower?
(3) __________ , I saw something incredible.
B No, I haven’t. I’ve _____ been to Paris.
Lucas from school! He was in the photo!
2 A I can’t believe Emily has _____ organized
B You’re (4) __________ .
a party before!
A It’s (5) __________ ! He was in New York,
B I know! This is the best party I’ve _____
been to!
B No (6) __________ !
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 7
Grammar Vocabulary
Modals: should and must Verbs: survival

1 Match sentences 1–3 to A–D. 5 The underlined verbs are in the wrong
sentences. Write them in the correct places.
You must do this. D
Help! That bee is trying to kick me! sting
1 You mustn’t do this. ____
1 Attack your fingers into the shark’s eyes! _____
2 You should do this. ____
2 Don’t push your football into my garden. _____
3 You shouldn’t do this. ____
3 Camels can sting for weeks without water. _____
4 I ran away when the bear tried to
A It isn’t permitted.
survive me. _____
B It’s a good idea.
C It isn’t a good idea. Adjectives: feelings and qualities
D It’s essential or obligatory.
6 Find and complete the adjectives in the
2 Choose the correct option. wordsearch.
Should I / I should eat vegetables? brave, p________ , ch________ ,
Positive ☺
Yes, you should. cl________
1 You should / shouldn’t study all the time. m________ , w________ ,
Negative 
You need to relax, too. r________
2 People must / mustn’t ride bikes here.
It’s illegal. C H E E R F U L
3 We should / shouldn’t stay up late. We’ll be L P R Z U G E P
tired tomorrow. E M L E D S T A
4 You must / mustn’t talk loudly in the library.
5 You should / shouldn’t read this book.
It’s really good.
have (got) to + infinitive R S C V U O P N
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of have got to. Give instructions and advice
I haven’t got to study tonight. () 7 Complete the dialogue with the sentences
1 He ____________ get up very early. (✓) in the box.
2 _______ we _______ buy more milk?
What should I do next?
3 You____________ help me! (✓)
Am I doing it right?
4 Simon ____________ go to the dentist’s. (✓)
No, I haven’t, but I’d like to try!
5 My parents ____________ work tomorrow. ()
Let me try again.
6 _______ I _______ start my homework now?
A Have you ever made an origami bird before?
4 Put the words in the correct order. B No, I haven’t, but I’d like to try!
to / we / pay / do / have / where / ? A First, take a square piece of paper and fold
Where do we have to pay? one corner to the opposite corner, like this.
1 have / leave / to / now / they B (1) _________________________________
______________________________________ A Yes, but try doing it a bit more neatly. It must
2 doesn’t / Sara / have / go / school / to / to be a perfect triangle.
______________________________________ B (2) _________________________________
3 the / dog / feed / Michael / to / has A That’s better.
______________________________________ B (3) _________________________________
A Now turn the paper over and repeat.
That’s it! You’re doing great!
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 8
Grammar Vocabulary
Indefinite pronouns Everyday items

1 Complete the words in the table with the correct 6 Tick (✓) the things that you usually find in
affirmative or negative forms. a bathroom.
Person Thing Place shower 
Affirmative somebody / (1) ___thing (2) some___ soap  mirror 
someone microwave  phone charger 
duvet  electric cooker 
Negative / (3) any___ / (4) any___ (5) ___where
fridge  bath 
Questions anyone
7 Complete the sentences with the words
2 Choose the correct option. in the box.
Do you want anything / anywhere to eat? air conditioning central heating hairdryer
1 Let’s buy something / anything for Mum. pillow sink washing machine
2 I want to go somewhere / something hot! Do you have a hairdryer I can use, please?
3 Don’t tell anyone / someone. It’s a secret! It’s too cold to go outside with wet hair.
4 Is there anywhere / anybody I can charge my 1 There’s a duvet on my bed, but there isn’t a
phone, please? __________ . Can I have one, please?
5 There isn’t anything / something interesting to 2 The __________ isn’t working, so it’s really hot.
read in this magazine. 3 Now that we’ve got __________ , the house is
6 There’s somebody / anyone at the door. always lovely and warm.
4 Please don’t leave your dishes in the
Quantifiers: some, any, a lot of, much, __________ !
many, (not) enough 5 Put your dirty clothes in the __________ .
3 Complete the sentences with some or any.
TV programmes
There aren’t any eggs in the fridge.
1 Is there __________ soap in the bathroom?
8 Complete the types of TV programme.
2 There are __________ apples on the table.
chat show
3 We haven’t got __________ money.
1 s__p _p_r_ 5 t _ l _ nt sh _ w
4 Is there __________ water in the bottle?
2 cr _ m _ s _ r _ _ s 6 q _ _ z sh _ w
5 Has she got __________ sisters?
3 w _ _ th _ r f _ r _ c _ st 7 c _ _ k _ ry
4 Look at the underlined words in exercise 3. pr _ gr _ mm _
Decide whether they are countable or 4 s _ tc _ m 8 w _ ldl _ f _
uncountable nouns and write them in the table. d _ c _ m _ nt _ ry
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Make polite requests and negotiate
eggs soap
9 Put the words in the correct order.
think / you / do / could / help / you / me / ?
5 Cross out the incorrect word. Do you think you could help me?
1 minute / have / a / got / you / ?
We don’t eat many / a lot of / much meat.
1 Do you watch a lot of / much / many sitcoms?
2 time / a / it’s / not / good
2 We’ve got some / any / enough milk.
3 Have we got many / any / enough time?
3 in / I’ll / bit / do / it / a
4 There aren’t a lot of / some / any good drama
series on TV.
4 I’m / something / in the middle / just / doing / of
Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 9
Grammar Vocabulary

Reflexive pronouns Verbs

1 Match pronouns 1–7 to reflexive 4 Read the clues and complete the puzzle.
pronouns A–H. Find the mystery verb in the grey squares.
I H A yourself C R E A T E
1 you (singular) __ B ourselves 1
2 he __ C herself 2
3 she __ D yourselves 3
4 it __ E himself 4
5 you (plural) __ F themselves 5
6 we __ G itself 6
7 they __ H myself
I want to create a new video game.
2 Complete the reflexive pronouns. 1 If we work hard, we’ll _______ .
2 He decided to _______ himself to learn the
3 I want to try to _______ my novel.
4 Is it really difficult to _______ an app?
5 Did Thomas Edison _______ the light bulb?
6 I need to _______ for my presentation tomorrow.
Megan repaired the Austin and Nathan
bike herself. The mystery verb is __________ .
washed the car

5 Complete the adjectives with the word parts

in the box.
-al -ant -ed -ful -ile -ing -ive -ous -y
We got some very surprising news.
1 What an innovat____ product!
Lauren and I made Eric bought the
2 I thought the novel was brilli____ .
the cake ___selves. phone ____self.
3 It’s a craz____ idea, but I think it’ll work.
4 Those shoes aren’t very practic____ .
Question tags 5 My cousin loves drawing humor____ cartoons.
6 The film had a very unexpect____ ending.
3 Complete the sentences with the question tags
in the box. 7 I love this app. It’s really use____ .
8 Be careful! Those sculptures are very frag____ .
aren’t they can’t you do you doesn’t it
haven’t we isn’t he shouldn’t I
Organize a party
You can help me, can't you?
1 His designs are interesting, ____________ ? 6 Are the people asking for help (A), offering to
help (O) or responding to offers of help (R)?
2 Roberto is really clever, ____________ ?
3 This dress looks horrible, ____________ ? Could you organize the music? A
4 You don’t want to go out, ____________ ? 1 Shall I get some crisps? ____
5 We've got enough money, ____________ ? 2 That’s really kind of you. ____
6 I should go home now, ____________ ? 3 Do you need any help with that? ____
4 Excellent. Thanks! ____
5 Can anyone help me organize the music? ____

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