For Example

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For example, Arjuna knows all the eight techniques of archery and twenty-one manoeuvres of bow,

which Brahma taught him. Arjuna is also superior to him in the knowledge of divine weapons. With
an unending shower of arrows from Arjuna's Gandiva due to the inexhaustible quivers, Karna
doesn't really have much of a chance, even if his preceptor Parashurama hadn't cursed him to forget
the mantra of Brahmastra. Let's make an analysis of both these warriors.

Karna's feats:

a. Karna conquered almost all the kingdoms of India for political expansion of Hastinapura.

b. Karna defeated all the kings in the swayambara of Duryodhana's wife.

c. Karna defeated Jarasandha in a fierce wrestling combat.

d. Karna was a possessor of a wide variety of weapons in his arsenal. The likes of Vasavi Shakti,
Brahmastra, Nagastra and Varunastra being notable ones among them.

e. Karna caught Lord Shiva's Asani weapon with his bare hands which was hurled by Ghatotkacha.
Sanjaya said no mortal warrior other than Karna could have performed that feat.

f. Karna defeated all the foremost Pandava warriors except Abhimanyu and Arjuna in the
Kurukshetra war.

Arjuna's feats:

a. Conquered the northern direction and later the entire earth for Yudhishthira's glory.

b. Fought a fierce battle with Lord Shiva and satisfied him.

c. Acquired divine weapons from Lord Shiva, Kubera, Varuna, Yama and Indra.
d. Killed the invincible Nivatakavacha demons whom even Ravana couldn't defeat.

e. Defeated all the gods including Indra in a battle.

f. Single-handedly defeated the foremost Kuru warriors, the likes of Bhishma, Karna, Drona and
Ashwatthama in Virat war. Repeated the same feat in Kurukshetra war too.

On judging the feats of both Karna and Arjuna, it can be discerned that the feats of Karna are those
of a warrior who was the best among all mortals. Whereas the feats of Arjuna can be attributed to a
warrior who was from a different planet. In a nutshell, the feats of Arjuna are more glorious than
that of Karna. Arjuna earned the praise of all the gods including Lord Shiva by his unmatched deeds.

These are some criteria where Arjuna would easily edge past Karna in terms of prowess and

1. It's quite clear in physical strength, Arjuna was superior to Karna. He easily lifted the heavy bow in
Draupadi's swayambara, which Karna and Shalya couldn't.

2. Arjuna fought a terrible battle with Lord Shiva upto a stalemate. On witnessing Arjuna's strength,
Lord Shiva had no other options but to use full might to subdue him.

3. Karna killed only some hundreds of gandharvas in the battle of ghosh yatra. Whereas Arjuna killed
one million gandharvas within an instant in the same battle. Thus Arjuna was superior to Karna in
prowess. Most importantly, Arjuna was able to rescue the Kurus, which Karna couldn't.

4. Such was Arjuna's calibre that even Lord Shiva had to exclude Arjuna from his boon. Lord Shiva
gave the boon to Jayadratha that barring Arjuna, he would be able to defeat other Pandava brothers
for one day.

5. The Virata war itself bears testimony to Arjuna's strength. Karna tried repeatedly to beat Arjuna
but was unable to do so.

6. Arjuna was the warrior who caused the maximum carnage in the Kurukshetra war, by eliminating
7 Akshauhinis of Kourava soilders on the 14th day. Karna too fought valiantly, but he could destroy
upto 1.5 Akshauhinis of Pandava soilders during the period he was the Kourava commander.
It's worth mentioning that although Lord Krishna was present all the time with Arjuna during the
Kurukshetra war, he basically acted as a mentor to Arjuna, rather than a preceptor. All that Arjuna
achieved in the war was solely due to his own calibre.

Now let's come to the battle between Karna and Arjuna without Lord Krishna's presence, assuming
both the warriors fight to their full potential.

Arjuna's weaponry looks fearsome. With the likes of Pashupatastra and Brahmashira, any mortal
warrior would fear his arsenal. With two inexhaustible quivers and an indestructible chariot, Arjuna
looks a lethal warrior.

However, there are some points which can be spoken for Karna also. The greatest weapon of Karna
is his inpenetrable armour (if we assume that Indra wouldn't come to take away his armour) and
Indra's Vasavi Shakti (if we assume that Karna wouldn't use it on Ghatotkacha.)

Arjuna too has Indra's armour, which is immune to most of the celestial weapons. His arsenal is
sufficient to counter all of Karna's weapons. Speaking of Vasavi Shakti, although it's a lethal weapon,
afterall it's a weapon of Indra. As per Mahabharata, there's no other weapon superior to
Pashupatastra. It's superior to any weapon of Brahma, Lord Vishnu, Indra and Agni and has the
ability to counter any weapon of these deities. Owing to this fact, Pashupatastra is superior to Vasavi
Shakti. The destructive potential of Pashupatastra as compared to Vasavi Shakti is also testified in
Mahabharata. When Lord Shiva released Pashupatastra, it destroyed millions of demons in the city
of Tripura in an instant. Whereas when Karna hurled Vasavi Shakti, it killed Ghatotkacha only and
caused no furthur carnage. Arjuna would be able to neutralize Vasavi Shakti with Pashupatastra.

Another point for Karna is his Nagastra, with Ashwasena serpent residing inside it. We read in
Mahabharata that Lord Krishna saved Arjuna from the serpent fired by Karna, by pressing the chariot
down with his feet. Later Arjuna killed the serpent but we never knew whether he was capable of
countering the serpent fired by Karna. Lord Krishna was aware that a harm might befall on Arjuna,
therefore he wasted no time and countered the snake before handedly. A good option for Arjuna to
counter Ashwasena would be Pashupatastra.

Now the million-dollar question comes whether Arjuna would be able to break the inpenetrable
armour made of nectar of immortality, which guarantees invulnerable protection to Karna all the
time. We read in Mahabharata that Karna lost to Bhima in Rajasuya yagna war, even when he was
protected by his inpenetrable armour. In the same logic, Karna can be beaten by Arjuna, even with
his inpenetrable armour on his body.

Now let's come to the point raised in the question.

It would be extremely difficult for Karna to kill Arjuna even in Lord Krishna's absence, as Arjuna's
knowledge in warfare in quite more as compared to him. For example, Arjuna knows all the eight
techniques of archery and twenty-one manoeuvres of bow, which Brahma taught him. Arjuna is also
superior to him in the knowledge of divine weapons. With an unending shower of arrows from
Arjuna's Gandiva due to the inexhaustible quivers, Karna doesn't really have much of a chance, even
if his preceptor Parashurama hadn't cursed him to forget the mantra of Brahmastra.


Arjuna would be able to defeat Karna in Lord Krishna's absence, as he did it thrice in Virat war.
However, I don't want to make the comment whether Arjuna would be able to kill Karna or not. I
leave that speculation for eternity.

Regards :)

Karna was defeated by Arjuna successively — 11th day, 12th day, 14th morning, 14th evening, and
17th day. On 17th day, Arjuna challenged Karna to save his son Vrishasena, but Karna failed to do so,
and Vrishasena was killed by Arjuna in front of Karna.

With eyes red in wrath, that hero capable of slaying Yama himself if the latter fought with him, then
laughed terribly and said unto Karna and all the other Kaurava heroes headed by Duryodhana and
Drona's son, these words, "Today, O Karna, in thy very sight in this battle, I will dispatch the fierce
Vrishasena unto Yama's abode with my keen arrows! People say that all of you, united together,
slew my son, endued with great activity, in my absence, and while he was alone and unsupported on
his car. I, however, will slay thy son in the very sight of you all. Let all the Kaurava car-warriors
protect him. I will slay the fierce Vrishasena. After that, I will slay thee, O fool, even I, Arjuna, in the
midst of battle! Today I will, in battle, slay thee that art the root of this quarrel and that hast become
so proud in consequence of Duryodhana's patronage. Putting forth my strength, I will certainly slay
thee in this battle, and Bhimasena will slay this Duryodhana, this wretch among men, through whose
evil policy this quarrel born of dice hath arisen." Having said these words, Arjuna rubbed the string
of his bow and took aim at Vrishasena in that battle, and sped, O king, a number of shafts for the
slaughter of Karna's son. The diadem-decked Arjuna then, fearlessly and with great force, pierced
Vrishasena with ten shafts in all his vital limbs. With four fierce razor-headed arrows he cut off
Vrishasena's bow and two arms and head. Struck with Partha's shafts, the son of Karna, deprived of
arms and head, fell down on the earth from his car, like a gigantic shala adorned with flowers falling
down from a mountain summit. Beholding his son, thus struck with arrows, fall down from his
vehicle, the Suta's son Karna, endued with great activity and scorched with grief on account of the
death of his son, quickly proceeded on his car, inspired with wrath, against the car of the diadem-
decked Partha.

Some people are confused by Krishna’s speech after the fall of Karna that no one would have been
able to vanquish him if he had the kavach-kundala (divine armor and ear-rings) and the shakti
weapon. But a careful reading will show that Arjuna had become arrogant at this point and Krishna
was merely trying to bring him down from his high horse.

And that brings me to the point (well, one of the points) that Krishna was trying to make: Your
personal attributes — wisdom, courage, piety — are influenced by your actions. Even the best of
men fall if their actions serve to strengthen evil. Karna did not fall because he was a lesser warrior.
He fell because his bravery was tainted by his malice.


Lord Krishna was with Arjuna in battle of Mahabharat.

In first encounter in Rangbhumi Karna challenged Arjuna but could not defeat. Lord Krishna was not

2nd Karna along with hundred Kaurawas went to capture Dhrupad where Dhrupad defeated them
single handly. After defeat of Karna and Kaurawas Arjuna and Bhima defeated same Dhrupad and his
army. Here Lord Krishna was not present.

Battle of Viraat where it was Arjun vs Kuru Army. Kuru Army which includes Bheeshma Drona Krupa
Ashwathama Duryodhana etc and Arjuna defeated them single handly. Arjuna killed Karna's brother
who came to protect Karna from Arjuna. Here also Krishna was not present.

As per Dhanurveda there have been only three mighty archer

Mahadeva the creater of Dhanurveda

Lord Ram there is no archer and skill beyond him.

Arjuna the sabyasachi

Karna was jealous of Arjuna his entire life.

Arjuna always focused on self-improvement whereas Karna always focused on Arjuna. He dedicated
his entire life just to prove that he was better than Arjuna and unfortunately could not prove.
People think that when Arjuna killed Karna he didn't had Vijay Bow but reality is ha had his famous
Vijay Bow when Arjuna killed him.

Arjuna killed Karna's brother in front of him

Arjuna killed Karna's son in front of him

Arjuna killed Jayadratha in front of him

People usually ask such question because they know Mahabharat through TV serials and Fake
fictious Novels.

Karna was defeated by Bhima, Pradumnya, Satyaki.

In his entire life Arjuna was never ever defeated. He was called Dhananjaya.

Honestly the question itself is an insult for a skilled opponent like Arjuna. The truth is, Karna and
Arjuna were equal in battle. Arjuna had much more skill than Karna(sad but true), In original “Jaya
Samhita" or Mahabharat there are many example of that. But Arjuna had one crucial weakness i.e.
He had problem in implementing his vast knowledge in practical ground because of his lack of
agressiveness. Karna had this advantage on Arjuna, He was very much aggressive and use it properly
in practical ground.

Arjuna was right in assessing every move of his opponent that day. Karna definitely fought his best
and tried hard. But Arjuna outclassed him with his patience, intelligence and superior skills.

Both gave us different lessons in life. While Karna taught never give up to circumstances, Arjuna
taught to never be contented with your progress and always aim to make ourselves better.

Considering all these points Arjuna was superior to Karna but Karna wasn't far behind

confusa est filia Aegypti magis mori quam foedari

Fortes fortuna iuvat

Victoria enim gloria est in porta


He rubbed his fingers over the box and opened it. Inside was a silver ring with a gold outline. The
Potter Family Symbol was a lion and a Gryffin standing together behind a shield with two wands
crossed Infront of the shield. There Family Motto was Honore tuo sanguine meaning Honour thy
blood. He wore the ring and felt the Family Magic enter his mind. The Potter Family Magic mostly
consisted of Warding and runic magic with some Transfiguration as well.

He took the next box and picked it up.


He opened the box and inside was another silver ring with golden outlines. There Family Symbol was
a black raven with a snake coiled around it's neck and a vertical wand Infront of it. There Family
Motto was Tojours Pur which meant Always Pure. He wore the ring and felt the Family Magic add
into his mind library. There Family Magic consisted a lot of dark arts and very dark curses as well
dark potions.

He took the next box.


He opened the the box to see another silver ring with gold outlines. There Family Symbol was a
Arctic Wolf with two swords in a cross below its head a wand vertical between the swords. There
Family Motto was Fidem usque ad mortem which meant Faith till death. He wore the ring and felt
the Family Magic absorb into him. There Family Magic mostly consisted of elemental magic with high
focus on Water and Ice Elements.

He picked the next box.


He opened the box and saw another silver ring with gold outlines. There Family Symbol was a
Hippogriff with a shield below its head a vertical wand over the shield. There Family Motto was
Audaces fortuna iuvat which meant Fortune Assists the Daring. He wore the ring and felt the Family
Magic enter his mind. There Family Magic included a lot of healing magic and charms.

He took the 10th Box and opened it.


Inside the box was a silver ring. There Family Symbol was a niffler behind two crossed wands. There
Family Motto was Fortuna manet in domo Domini which meant The Fortune of the House Remains.
He wore the ring and felt the Family Magic absorb into him. There Family Magic contained a variety
of things, from spells to potions to runes.

He picked the next box and opened it.


The box also had a silver ring. There Family Motto was a polar bear with a two sands below its head
vertical and another wand vertical but reversed above his head. There Family Motto was Quam aqua
densior sanguine which meant Blood thicker than water. He wore the ring and felt the Family Magic
enter his mind. There Family Magic contained mostly potions with some spells to subdue large
Magical beasts.

The Vandran and Pinegrew were two Ruby and emerald rings with no motto or family coat of arms
as they were just Noble Houses.

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