Untold Stories of Mahabharata

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1. The story of five golden arrows

As Kaurawas were losing the battle of Mahabharata, Duryodhana approached Bhisma one night and accused him of not fighting
the Mahabharata war to his full strength because of his affection for Pandavas. Bhisma greatly angered, immediately picked up 5
golden arrows and chanted mantras declaring tomorrow he will kill 5 pandavas with the 5 golden arrows. Duryodhana not
having faith in his words asked Bhisma to give custody of 5 golden arrows saying that he will keep them and will return them
next morning.

2. Sehdeva ate his father’s brain, literally!

When Pandu, the father of the Pandavas, was about to die, he wished for his sons to partake of his brain so that they inherit his
wisdom and knowledge. Only Sahadeva paid heed, though; it is said that with the first bite of his father’s brain, he gained
knowledge of all that had happened in the universe. With the second he gained knowledge of the present happenings, and with
the third he came to know of all that would occur in the future.

3.The Story of Karna

Karna was the child of Kunti from the Sun God. The story is that Kunti, while still youthful, had event to serve Rishi
(sage) Durvasa. She cared for him with extraordinary devotion. Durvasa was exceptionally satisfied. He gave Kunti a
mantra (serenade) and said that whichever God she would consider in the wake of recounting the mantra, would show
up before her and favor her with a child supplied with his own genuine characteristics.As the child of the Sun God .he
had gotten a kavach and a Kundal (protective layer and studs). He had a shelter that he was unable to be vanquished
as long as he wore them. (Indra deceived him to take these away, yet that will come later in the story.)The second
factor that caused his passing was the revile by Parshurama. Karna had gone to him for learning arrow based
weaponry and related war related abilities. Parshurama showed just Brahmins, and Karna being a Kshatriya needed to
deceive get his preparation. Under Parshurama he took in an assortment of abilities, including the incomparable
weapon Brahmastra. One evening Parshurama was having a rest on Karna's lap a honey bee bit Karna. Karna, not
having any desire to wake his master didn't respond and persevered through the torment. Parshurama was ultimately
woken when he felt the blood deceiving from Karna's injury. He inferred that Karna couldn't in any way, shape or form
be a Brahmin, since it was inconceivable for a Brahmin to persevere through such torment and not respond. Irritated
that his exercises had been obtained through misleading, he reviled Karna that he would fail to remember how to
utilize the Brahmastra when he most required it.The third factor was the revile by the Earth Goddess. Karna once
ended up gathering a youngster who had spilled her pot of ghee [Purified Indian butter]. He took a stab at comforting
the kid and even offered her new ghee, yet the youngster would not take it, demanding that she needed a similar
ghee. Having sympathy for the child, Karna picked the dirt on which the ghee was spilled, and pressed it hard so just
the unadulterated ghee went in. The kid got her ghee however the power that Karna utilized was tremendous to the
point that it hurt the Earth Goddess. In a demonstration of retribution she reviled Karna, saying that his wheel of his
chariot would get caught in garbage during a basic piece of the war.At that point comes the part where Karna loses
the Kavach Kundal and procures the Indrastra. As referenced before, Karna had the kavach Kundal which made him
practically everlasting. Realizing that Karan would in the end experience Arjun in the war, Krishna needed to remove
these forces from Karna. So he requested that Indra come camouflaged as a bum and request the kavach and Kundal.
On catching wind of the Gods scheming against his child, Surya (Karna's dad) showed up in his fantasy and cautioned
him about.Indra coming as a homeless person to take his assurance. Anyway good cause was Karna's very nature. So
in spite of the notice, and realizing completely well that surrendering them would prompt his passing, he energetically
surrendered them when Indra came to request them. Intrigued by his liberality, Indra gave him the Indrastra, which
could murder anybody it hit, yet must be utilized once.At that point comes the part where he needed to 'squander' his
Indrastra on Ghatotkacha (Bhima's child) [Karna had saved it to use on Arjun]. It was the thirteenth day of Kurukshetra
war, and the war had continued into the evening. Ghatotkacha had nearly demolished the Kauravas armed force.
(Being a half asura his forces expanded around evening time). In a urgent move, Karna needed to utilize the Indrastra
to slaughter Ghatotkacha. Krishna is accepted to have moved in satisfaction on catching wind of Ghatotkachs' passing,
since it implied that Karna couldn't utilize the Indrastra on Arjun.In his last fight against Arjun every one of these
elements met up. His chariot stalled out in the mud. He attempted to utilize the Brahmastra, however because of
Parashurama's revile failed to remember how to utilize it. He didn't have the Indrastra since he had utilized it on
Ghatotkacha. As he got down to fix the wheel he mentioned Arjuna to stop the fight. (In lieu of general war behavior.)
However Krishna cajoled Arjun to proceed with the assault expressing that Karna had broken the war manners during
the assault against Abhimanyu (Arjun's child).On the seventeenth day of fight the two enemies confronted each other
again. The heroes on the front line and the devas in paradise watched the fight in stunned awe and alarmed adoration
of the strength and expertise of these most prominent of champions. Karna cut the line of Arjuna's bow commonly. As
the fight strengthened, Arjuna pushed back Karna's chariot 10 stages in reverse each time by the energy of the bolts,
however Karna was simply ready to push Arjuna's chariot 2 stages in reverse. Seeing this Lord Krishna commended
Karna and respected the ability of Karna. When addressed by Arjuna, Krishna said it is unthinkable for any human
actually to push his chariot in reverse on the grounds that the chariot of Arjuna contains both Hanuman and Krishna,
along these lines holding the whole weight of the universe. In any event, pushing it back two feet was a unimaginable
assignment.The epic expresses that at first, the fight was even between the two enemies, yet then Karna's chariot
wheel was caught in the mud because of the revile he got before from a Brahmin. He actually shielded himself, yet at
the pivotal second failed to remember the chants to summon Brahma Astra, because of his Guru Bhagwan
Parshuram's revile. Karna got down from his chariot to free the haggle Arjuna to stop, helping him to remember the
manners of war. In any case, Krishna helped Arjuna to remember Karna's savageries – Draupadi's affront and
Abhimanyu's passing among them, and the maddened Arjuna assaulted Karna while he was attempting to lift his
depressed chariot wheel. Karna shielded himself and conjured Rudraastra, hitting Arjuna on his chest. Fainting, Arjuna
lost his hold on his Gandiva, which tumbled down from his hand for the first. Adhering to the principles of
commitment of war, Karna didn't attempt to kill the oblivious Arjuna yet rather attempted to use the time in removing
the wheels of his chariot.Arjuna recuperated and utilizing the Anjalika weapon, beheaded the weaponless Karna, who
was all the while attempting to lift the indented chariot wheel. In spite of the fact that it was exceptionally illegal as
indicated by the guidelines of commitment of the battle to assault a weaponless hero or to assault a foe from the
back, Arjuna assaulted Karna from the back and murdered him as recommended by Krishna. It was later uncovered
that Karna could be murdered just when all the 3 condemnations acted together upon him, and this made Krishna
utilize duplicity to execute Karna.In different renditions of the epic, when Arjuna utilized the Anjalika Astra on the
weaponless Karna, Krishna found that Karna was as yet alive despite the fact that truly injured. Krishna found that
Dharma-devata, the goddess liable for ensuring Dharma, was guarding Karna from death and opposing each bolt sent
by Arjuna. Krishna disclosed to Arjuna that the Dharma-devata herself was shielding Karna from death due to the huge
great legitimacy Karna procured by giving foundation during his lifetime and it was inconceivable in any event, for
Lord Shiva to kill Karna. Krishna said any place Dharma is available there is triumph and this time Dharma was with the
side of Karna. So Krishna went down from his chariot and showed up as a Brahmin and requested Karna's punya or
legitimacy to him as good cause. Karna gave his whole merits as good cause to the Brahmin as his blood and once
Karna talented his life's legitimacy to him, Krishna remunerated Karna with the perspective on Krishna's Vishwaroopa.
Krishna told that solitary this way it was conceivable to murder Karna and when Karna parted with his life's legitimacy
to Krishna, Dharma-devata vanished. Karna requested that Krishna incinerate him in a virgin land where no one else is
available. At that point Krishna returned to his chariot and requested that Arjuna make the execute effort on Karna.

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