Technical Drawing Intro + 01 Layout
Technical Drawing Intro + 01 Layout
Technical Drawing Intro + 01 Layout
First In Architecture
The information contained in this guide is for informational purposes only.
No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted or sold in whole or in
part in any form, without the prior written consent of the author.
01 Introduction
02 Layout
03 Next Steps
04 Thank you!
Welcome to our new Technical Drawing Series!
Over this series we will be exploring the world of technical drawing for architecture,
construction and interior design.
We will be looking at best practice for producing drawings. The architect or designers
key tool for communication is drawing. Whether it is a quick concept sketch, or a
detailed construction drawing, this is the primary way we communicate. A drawing
can help us develop our ideas, work through solutions and flesh out the details of our
design. As such, drawings are produced in a number of ways according to the stage
of design. For this series we will mainly be focussing on drawings for design and
presentation (ie, for a planning application) and drawings as a guide for construction
(construction drawings).
All too often, technical drawings can contain errors and omissions that make it
difficult for the construction team to follow, and can result in costly mistakes and
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When we produce our drawings we must ask ourselves, who is this drawing for, and
what information do they require.
I guess you could say that there are two aspects of the technical drawing, the visual
clarity – ie, how clear is the drawing itself in order for it to be understood. Then you
have the content of the drawing, is it correct, does it provide the information the user
will be looking for etc.
The goal of this series is to help students understand the standards and requirements
of technical drawings, including the conventions, and how to visually present the
drawings in a neat and informative way.
Without further ado, let us dive into part 1 of this super informative series - Layout!
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In part one of our technical drawing series, we will look at Layout.
How should a drawing be composed, and what sort of information do we need to
show on our architectural drawings?
Architectural drawings can be produced on varying paper sizes. From A0 all the way
down to A4, paper sizes are assigned according to the information being presented,
office standards, type of project and so on.
No matter the size of the drawing sheet, the drawing layout must fulfill certain
Your drawing will require a title block and likely further information and notes. The
layout of our drawings needs to be clear, rational and easy to read.
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Sheet composition
The composition of your drawing sheet is important. If you have more than one
drawing on a sheet, make sure they are in line and space well. Leave a margin around
the page of at least 10mm. Traditionally you would use a border line around the
drawing sheet, although now it has become just as common to have no border.
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Image 02 - the main drawing is centred on the page with the small details aligned and evenly spaced.
Image 03 - drawing sections line through, and neatly centred on the page
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Image 04 - Section details line through with finished floor levels
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Title Blocks
Title blocks can be displayed both horizontally and vertically, and can depend on
office standards, aesthetics, or the information displayed on the sheet. It is more
common to see a title block on the right hand side of a drawing displayed vertically.
It is important the the title block remains consistent within your architectural drawing
package, and the format, font and sizing remains the same.
Title blocks vary from company to company, here are a few examples of title blocks,
some traditional and some more contemporary.
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Image 06 - Example of a title block
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Image 08 - Example of a title block
The key takeaway here is that the information is clear, concise and easy to read.
These title blocks provide suitable information to anyone viewing the drawing so that
they can understand the nature of the drawing, who it has been drawn by, the
location of the project, when it was drawn and so on.
Never produce a drawing, whether for a client or for a student project, that doesn’t
have a title block/ basic information. (This of course excludes presentation boards,
visualisations etc, which is different).
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You can find both the series introduction and Layout guide on our website:
So, now that we have our basic drawing layouts and title blocks covered, its time to
move on and start looking at labelling and annotation. Check out the next part of the
series, here:
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I hope you have found this guide useful.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Thanks again,
with their studies. She loves to take complicated topics and break them
down into simple explanations.
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