Bar 90 Test Analyzer System Specifications 1989 1

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BAR 90

June t989

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1.01 Backgr9und Information . . . . . . . . -. . 1

1.02 List of Abbreviations: . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.03 Righ Throughput Testing Capability . 6

1.04 Manufacturer's Assurance 6

1.05 Applicable Codes . 6

1.06 Tam~er Resistance 7

1. 07 Hie .:ocomputer Compatibility 11

1.08 Directory and File Structure . ll

1.09 Required Printers .. . . . . . . .. I.
::. .10 Vehicle Repair and Diagnostic~ Application .· 16

1.11 Capability To Access OBD Fault Codes . 18

1.12 Master Reference Table .

1.13 Annual Software Modifications 20

1.14 Bar Code Readers 21

1.15 Training 23

1.16 Stat~/QA Representative Access To Test/Calibration

Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

1.17 Clock/Calendar . . .
. 24

1.18 Lockout Notification 24

1.19 Manual Testing Mode . . . . .. . . . . .-,:::

1.2u Software Loading . . 25

1.2~ Documentatio~

1.22 Availability Of Circuitry 26

. '. .- . .
. J'. ••
' '
1.23 State Acces~ •..•.•. . 26

~ 1.24 Data and File Transfer 27

J1.25 Test Record Storage Capacity 30

l. o26 Loaded Mode Capability o o .o o . . 30
.J.-·::27 Loaded Mode Terminal. Requirements 32


2o0l Station Number And Mechanic Access coaes 33

2o02 Applicable Model Years 36

2o03 Gross Vehicle Weight o 36

2o04 Vehicle Make Entries o 36

2.05 Underhood Inspection o 37

· 2o06 Emissions Test o o o o 38

2o07 Commencement o! the Emissions Sampling Period 42

2o08 Vehicle Preconditioning . ' 42

2o09 Engine RPM Detection . . . ~• ':•

2.10 Testing Hea~j-Duty Gasoline-Powered vehicle3 . . 45

2.11 Dual Exhaust . . • . .d.-


2o12 Emission Standards o 46

2 . 13 Functional Inspection 43

2.14 7re-inspection Repairs 49

2ol5 Repair Action Information 50

2.16 Escape Command 50

2ol7 =ertificate Of Noncompliance 0 51

.J 2 o18 Data Storage And Recall Capa:bili ty . 51

2.19 Warranty And Cost Limit Message On VIR 51

2.20 Decision Criteria . . . . . . . . . 53 .


. . .
3o0l Menus ~.\ . . . .
,· -:·.
0 , • 54
3 o02 Prints ere en .capab·i li ty 68.

3o03 Display During Testing_ 0 0 0 68

3o04 Messages Permitted During Testing 68

3.05 Information Not Permitted During Testing . . 68

3·. 06 Readability Of Display . 68

3.07 Engine RPM • • . 68

3.08 Test Results . . 68

3.09 Rard Disk Warning Message . . . . . .. . . . . 69

3.10 Mechanic's Access Code . 69

3.11 Vehicle Hodel Year . 69

3 .·12 License Plate Number . 70

3.13 Vehicle Identification Number {7IN) 70

3.14 Vehicle Type . . . . . 71

3.15 Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 72

3.16 Vehicle Make Abbreviation 73

3.l7 Number of Cylinders 76

3.18 Vehicle Engine Size 77

3.19 Transmission Type 73

3.20 Certification Type 78

3.21 Vehicle Odometer Reading . . 80

3.22 Test Type Code . 81

3.23 Vehicle Fuel Type Code 81

3.24 Dual Exhaust 83

3.25 Emission Control Systems Visual Inspection 83

3.26 Emissions Test . 86

3.27 Vehicle Preconditioning Procedure 87

3.28 Functional Checks 90

3.29 Pre-inspecti~~·Repairs • . . ,. . . 95

3.30 Repair Action categories (only for t-frst t~~~")

3.31 Parts Cost (only for test type ".A") . . . 98

.., ...,..., __ ,.,.
- .-- -
-~ ..... -'OJ-- :~nly for ti:!st t:rpa H,L\llj
r - -·'- . . . . . . . 99

3.33 The Exceedance of Cost Limit Information 1.00

. 3.34 Display Test.Results . l.02

3. 35 Certificate of Compliance or Noncompliance I:iumber ':·l.02

3.36 Abort codes l.07


4.01 Vehicle Test Record . 109

4.02 Calibration Test Data 120



5.01 Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) 122

5.02 Alignment of the Certificates l24

5.03 Validation Number ' 124

5.04 Required Printers 125

5.05 Results statement 126

5.06 Span Test Results 129

5.07 Test Result with FAIL or ESCAPE Conditions . . 1.30

5.08 Escape Code Entry 130


ANALYZER . . . ·. . . . . . . . . 131

6. 0 ~·- General :!..31

6.02 Automatic Zero and Span 131

~ . _,

•' 6.03 Zero Drift Lockout Threshold . 1.31.

v 6.04 Gas Calibration and Leak Check 131

~.05 Propane Equivalency Factor . 1.32

6.06 NDI:R Beam Strength . . • . . . . .. . 1.32

6.07 Date of Last Gas
Calibration . 133
6.08· Lockout cr~teria . . .. 133·.

6.09 Audit Gas Pressure 1.33

6.10 Calibration and Leak Check Gas Usage . 133

6.11 Span Points· 133

6.12 134

6.13 Minimum Analyzer Display Resolution 135

6.14 Display Refresh Rate 135

6.15 System Response Time Req:uirements For A..o.""lalyzer

Channels • . . . ·. . • . . . . . . . . . 135

6.16 Temperature Operating Range 1·35

6.17 Humidity Operating Range . 13 6

6.18 Interference Effects . 136

6.19 Power/Telephone Cord . 136

6.20 ?ower Requirements . ,~...,


6.21 wa=m-up Time . 138

6.22 System Lockout During Warm-up 138

6.23 Instrument Construction 133

6.24 Materials 138

6.?5 Finish . . . . . . . . . . . 133

6.26 Mobility . . . . . . . . 139

6.27 Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

6.28 Electrical Design . . . . . . . . . . 139

6.29 Electromagnetic Isolation and Interference 140

6.30 Vibration and Shock Protection . . . 140

6.31 Operator's Instructio~ Manual storage 140

6.32 Sampling System 140

6.33 System Leak· Check 141

6. 34 Integral· Span.
~Gas . . . . . . 141

6.35 Running Changes 142

6.36 Probe 142

./ 6 . 3 7 Hang-up Check 144



6·... 39 Barometric Pressure Compensation 145

\ .

REQUIREMENTS . . • . . • . . . • . 146

7.01 General . . . . . . . . . . . 146

7.02 Instruction Manual . 146

7.03 Instrument Warranty 147

7.04 Spare Parts 149

7.05 service centers 149

7.06 Workmanship 150

7.07 Parts Removed 150

7.oa Noncompliance With Any Portion of the T~S
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . 150


8.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

a.1.1 Certification Requirements . . . . . . . . . . 152
a .1. 2 Accreditation Submittal '?ac:cage 154
a.1.2.1 Application for ~ccredi~ation: 154
a.1.2.2 InstrumE:Jt Description .. . 154
a.1.2.3 Accredit~tion Test Report: ..... . 155
a.1.2.4 Business status: . . . . . . . . . . 1_:;::;>

a.1.2.5 organizacion Chart .. . 156

a.1.3 Test Equipment - General . . . . . . . 157
a.1.3.1 candidate Instruments: .. . 157
a.1.3.2 standard Inst~~e~~s: .. . ~--
a.1.3.3 Gases: ....... . 157
a.l.3.4 Recorders: . . . . ....... . 157
8 . 1. 3 • 5 Fuel: . . . . . . ·. . . . . . . 157
a.1.4 Test Sequence . . . . . . . . 157
8.1.5 Failure criteria • • . ....... . 158
a.1.6 Changes to Test Requirements . . . . 15a
a~ 1. 7 Accreditation Test Report . • . . ·. . . . J.Sa
8.2 Test Procedures: Sample System and Pneumatics 159
8.2.1 Exhaust Sampli~g Bose - • . . . . . . 159
8.2.2 Bose and Probe: Temperature Test . . . . . .
8.2.3 Sample: system Leaks 161
8.2.4 Flo~ ·Sensitivity . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . 162
a.2.5 Flow Restrictions . . • . . . . 163
a.2.6 Particulate Filter . . . . . . . . . 163
8.2.7 Hydrocarbon Bnngup • 164
8. 2 .• a Probe Antidilution • . . . . . 164
8.2.9 Dilution • . . • • . . 165


.. .
.: ; .
u-~ cicorag~ Tempera~ure Conditioning . . . . . . . . 166

• 8.4· Temperature Stability 166

8.5 Test Procedures: controlled Ambient conditions . . . . 167

8.5.1 Warm-up Time • • • • . . • . • . • . . . . 167
8.5.2 Drift Tests . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Zero Drift: . . . . . . . . 168 Span Drift: . . . . . . . . . . 169
8.5.3 Analyzer Accuracy and Bias . . . . . . . . . . 169
8. 5. 4 System Repeatability . . . . . . . . . . . 171
8.5.5 System Response Time . . . 171
8.5.6 HexanejPropane Conversion Ratio . . . . 172
8.5.7 Gas Interference . . . . • . . . . . . 172
8. 5. 8 Voltage Variations . . . . . . 173
8.5.9 Pressure Compensation . . . . . . 174
8.5.10 Accuracy (Exhaust Gas) . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
8.5.11 Hard Disk • . . . . . . . . . . . 176

• -8.6 Tachometer Test 177

8.7 . Digital Volt/Ohmmeter Test . ' 177

8.8 Bar Code Scanner 179

8.9 Modem 1 -a
I -

8.10 Noise Tests . . . . . . . . . 179

8.10.1 RFI (Automotive) Test .. . 179
8.10.2 Induction Field Test . . . . . . . 180
8.10.3 Line Interference Test ..... . 180
8.10.4 VHF Ba~d Frequency Interference Test . 180

8.11 Vibration and Shock 131

8.12 Field Testing 181

8.13 Software Testing . 182





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APPENDIX G ·-. Sj},MPLE SMOG. CHECK. CERTI:ii.C ATE. ~YOUT -··-··. • • G 1.



• • • • SYSTEH.CERTI~ICATION . • • . • • • • • . I - 1.


I .



5:07- Test Result with FAIL or ESCAPE Conditions ,

'A TEST RESULT with FAIL or with ESCAPE conditions shall have
the following message printed at the bottom of the VIR:

5.08 Escape Code Entry

The mechanic shall be required to enter the appropriate
··-es-cape code when it is needed. The explanation for the code
shall be included with the TEST RESULTS.

The emission values on the VIR are the.values from theTAS

at the instant the ESCAPE mode was entered.

' .

1. ·'

'l. '·
\ ..

·I · ..
J .
·-·· · ···· ··.···· .· ...
-~eii~~~i'~ . = : · ..

The analyzer shall be compatible with all types of

automotive service operating environments. Tha analyzer
shall operate under the conditions and performance
requirements listed below.

~-~·.Oi;:Ali't'oiliat'*c~:. zerci·:~d ·:span

·.. :. ~ .
· The analyzer shall conduct an automatic zero and span'check
(or equivalent, with bureau approval), prior to each test.
The span check shall include the HC, co and co 2 channels
(and optional 0 2 .and NO where applicable).

6.03~Zero ,~rift~Lockout Threshold .

·~;·-:. ff .. z.~ro andior span drift cau'se 'the infrared signal
to move beyond the adjustment range of the analyzer, the
operator shall be ~ocked out from testing and instructad to
cal.l for service. The analyzer manufacturer shall indicate,
in writing, at what point the drift lockout will occur.
6. 04 :.Gas· ."cati.b~~ti..~n ·a-nd LeaJc
The analyzer shall, to the maximum ext9nt possible, maintain
accuracy betw~en gas calibrations taking into account all
errors including noise, repeata~ility, drift, linearity,
temperature and barometric pressure.

The analyzer shall automatically re~uire and s.uccessfully

pass a gas calibration for HC, co and co 2 (and on the
optional 0 2 if purchased and NO in areas requesting loaded
mode tes~ing) by a method that is approved by BAR at ~east
every three days or the analyzer shall lock itself out from
further I/M tests. The gas calibration shall ensure that
accuracy specifications are satisfied and that ~inearity is
correct at both of the required span points or the analyzer
shall be automatically prohibited from performing any
portion of the I/M test. The gas calibration procedure
shall correct the readings to the center of the allowable f
tolerance range. Manufacturers shall include an evaluation
of this capability, consisting of at least five analyzers,
with their certification application materials and shall
demonstrate this feature during certification.

Gas calibration shall be accomplished by introducing NBS

traceable gases into the analyzer either through the
calibration po~t or through the probe. Span gases utilized
for calibrat~on shall be withi~ two percent of the required_
span points.: .

;· .
. -"'
The gas calibratipn and leak check procedures shall,require
no more than five minutes. The analyzer shall provide ~­
adequate promp~s/ on the display to guide the mechanic
through . the calibration procedure in a manner that minimizes
the amount of gas used. The analyzer shall be designed to
keep the loss of calibration gas to an absolute minimum
(less than 0.5 liters in 24 hours) · if the- mechanic forgets
to shut the valve off. \. ·

Alternate gas calibration systems, used in lieu of

introducing gas at the specified span points, will be
considered by the bureau, but will be r~quired to meet
additional requirements that will be specified in the BAR 90
Certification Test Procedures. At the vert least, alternate
gas calibration systems or procedures shall ~ornpensat~ for
I the following items: (1) optical bench temperature and
ambient barometric pressure shifts; (2) the effects·pf .
.ambient air conta:nination on span anC. linea:::-ity; (3) the
~ffects of the buildup of organic matter on the optical
windows on the span, linearity and P.E.?.; (4) the effects
of changes in the sample cell wall reflectio~s en linearity;
(5) the effects of the atigle of incidence ori the optical
filter en center frequency and the bc.nd·..;idth; ( 6) optic:;al
settling effects resulting from benches -~assing through
thermal transients; and (7) ageing cf the source. The
bureau feels strongly that the only sur~ way ~o compensate
for these effects is to perform frequent. gas calibrations
using gases in the spectral range of at least the two
required span points.

Proposals for less frequent gas calibrations vlill be

subjected to lengthy accuracy and drift tests. Proposals of
this type shall be thoroughly evaluated (e.g., lab as well
as field testing in the range of the required span points
for accuracy and drift for extended periods of time) and
characterized prior to submission to the bureau.
· -· •• ~ - . . . · • - ~ 6> · . ~ - ~-,.-· · ·: · s· ·
6. OS Prqp~·ne ~qui valency
--~·::PEF.. shall be conveniently displayed for the quality
assurance inspectors and the bureau field representatives,
in a manner acceptable to the bureau.
6.o~~~e~am:$tre~gth · .
The beani ' 's trength' -from 'the sou:;:ce to the detector for all
channels shall be monitored such that when the beam degrades
beyond the adJustment range of the analyzer, the analyzer
shall be locked out from operation. The manufacturer shall
· specify at~h~t point degradatiori occurs whereby the signal
cannot be corre~ted.
- .t~'
i j
.. \. 1
t =...'
.- .....
6.07 Date o~ Last Gas Calibration
The date of the last gas span shall be ke~t in non-volatile
memory (or on the hard disk) and ·shall be-displayed on the
status page.

6. 08 ··Lockout .criteria -i
_, -···If the ·TAS has nb~ ~ucc~ssful ly_ pass.ed.- .a . .gas ca-lib£ation and
- ··-cci eak clieck for a period o! three days or more, it shall
lock itself out :t:rqJU performing an official I/M test and
display-a message to the operator upon start up.
-~·~:-r"'•-:1a.~.~~Jifi~~m;~~f~ct:'~tM~.--... - ~ ~
6:."o9~·Audit·· ·Gas "Pressure
During a gas audit, analyzer readings shall not change by
more than one percent if the audit gas pressure is modified
by plus or minus 1.5 PSI from one atmosphere of pressure at
the probe.

6.10 .calibiation and-Leak Check Gas Usig~ '

..~\ ~~_-.:·.. · lor He, · CO~· and co 2 , analyzer manufacturers shall limit gas
us~ge during the gas calibration procedure to two liters per
span point or demonstrate to the satisfa~ticn oZ the bureau
that a greater amount must b~ utilized ta prope~ly calibrate
their instrument and that it would be cost prohibitive to
reduce it to acceptable levels. An additional two liters
may be used to perform the leak check. TAS units will be
allowed to use an additional 2.5 liters af gas to calibrate
NO analyzers .
......--r-r.":"·-~-:_Jw.-.;.:''·;:~:-:·: : .
6 .lJ..·~~pan···Points ··
~~A two-point gas calibration procedure shall be followed by
all manufacturers. The span shall be acco~plished at the
following points:
300 ppm propane
1.0 % carbon monoxide
6.0 % carbon dioxide
1000 ppm nitric oxide
20.9 % oxygen (if equipped
1200 ppm propane
4.0 % carbon monoxide
12.0 % carbon dioxide
3000 ppm nitric oxide

Ambient air may be used to calibrate the 0 sensor. Nitric

oxide calibration gas will only be r~quire~ on analyzers
capable of per.~-orming loaded m.9de ,testing .
. ~·

·. -
t ••
• · ··- ...

6 . 12 ?a-ccuracy;~lt(;""rs=~'!"&'>:Rep:e~:t;.~i_~;_j:y,i;~·~~~.Ea~ces

The analyzer shall meet the following accuracy requirements:

Channel Range Accuracv Nois8 Renei'ltabilitv

HC, ppm C-400 + 12 6 8

401-1000 + 30 10 15
1001-2000 + 80 20 30

co, % 0-2.00 + 0.06 0.02 0.03

2.01-5.00 + 0.15 0.06 0.08
5.01-9.99 + 0.40 0.10 0.15

C0 2 , % o- 4.0 + 0.6 0.2 0.3

4.1-14.0 + 0.5 0.2 0.3
14.1-16.0 + 0.6 0.2 0.3

NO., ppm 0-1000 + 32 16 20

1001-2000 + 60 25 30
2001-4000 + 120 50 60

02, % 0-10.0 + 0.5 0.3 0.4 (optional)

02, % 10.1-25.0 + 1.3 0.6 l.O (optional)

Rounding beyond the decimal places show~ in the table shall

follow the standard mathematical practice of going to next
higher number for any numerical value cf five· o:;: more. Onl v
numerical values more than thre-=·places behind the decimal~
may be truncated.

Accurac~ and repeatability shall be d~fined by the test

procedures in Section 8 of this document. Noise shall be
defined operationally as follows: Sa~ple ~idrange TAS
calibration gas for 20 seconds. co!iect all the analyzer
output readings for each channel over the 20 seconds. (For
example, if the analyzer outputs are read by the TAS at the
rate of twice per second, the total number of readings would
be 40.) The peak-to-peak noise shall be calculated as:

. ~~'


:· --~
.. ,


where ~ 1 = the i th reading of the set of readings

= the arithmetic average of the set of readings
n = - ~he total number of- readings

The noise, as calculated above, shall be within the limits

specified in this section, AND, in the set of data co'llected
above, no more than 5% of the readings in the set shall
deviate (peak-to-peak) from the average by more than 150% of
the specified limits .
.. . .~·~,,·:·· ·r-· -. ·<~.::-r : '1.···· · .·- "' ··· - ;. • - ··· • .
6.13 <Minimum Analyzer Display ·R esolution . f
The analyzer electronics shall have sufficient resolution
and accuracy to achieve the following:
co 0.01 .,.
C0 2 0.1 .,.o. C0 2
Oz 0.1 % Oz (optional)

6 .14. :' Displa~(.:Re.f£esh Rate

· Dynamic information being displayed shall be refreshed at a
minimum of twice per second. Alternatives may be submitted
to the bureau for its evaluation.

6. 15..;·system ..':Response Time Requirements . For Analyzer Channels

The . response .t ime .from the probe to the display shall not
exceed eight seconds to 90% of a step change in input, nor
shall it exceed 12 seconds to 95% of a step change in input.
For NO~analyzers, the response times shall not exceed an
additional four seconds for each. If an analyzer is
equipped with a optional Oz sensor, the response time shall
be 15 seconds to 90 percent of full scale.

6.16 Temperature Operating Range

The analyzer, including all of the software/hardware
enclosed in the cabinet, s .hall operate within the ~
performance specifications described herein ±n ·ambient air
temperatures ranging from 41 to 110 degrees fahrenheit. The
bureau will att~mpt to simulate, as close as possible,
actual .d iurnal ~.·and seasonal temperature changes which- might
be experienced by the stations to evaluate this performance
requirement. · Analyzers must be designed ·so thut adequate
~ir flow is provided around critical ccrnponents_to prevent

·~· 135

t· . =

.-·-. . ,
overheating (and automatic shutdown) and to prevent the
condensation of water vapor which could reduce the
reliability and durability of the analyzer.

6.17 Humidity Operating Range

The analyzer, includi~1g c;l:_l__..Q.:t:. . the soft·.'iarejhu.rd•!iare
- ---- · - --- enclosed in "tne cabinet, shall operate within the ' _,
performance specifications described herein at up to ao
percent relative humidity throughout t~e required
temperature range.

6.18 Interference Effects

The interference effects from non-inte~cst gases shall not
exceed ± 10 PPM for hydrocarbons, ± 0.05 percent for carbon
monoxide, + 0.20 percent for carbon dioxide and + 20 ?PM NO
for oxides of nitrogen.

6.19 PpwerjTelephone Cord

e ose e meeting
approval. Alternative methods to protect the li>1e
may be submitted to the bureau for approval.

The manufacturer shall include provisions to .ensure that the

power necessary to activate the modem at the ~ppropriate
time is available.

The Smog Check station should keep the TAS modem phone line
plugged-in at all times, but the analyzer shall only check
fo~ a dial tone once each night during designated "Auto
Answer Communication Times." The analyzer "Auto Answer
Communication Times" will initially be set at 2400-0530
hours. If a dial tone is not found, the followin~message
shall be displayed the next time the power to _the analyzer
is turned·on:




The message shall be_ di§ipl.~..e.Ji _for__at. __J_e.ast. _3-Cl...s..econds.-or,

- ·------ ----· -- ·--- -following the JO-second period, when an entry is made on the
analyzer's keyboard. If the analyzer does not detect a dial
tone five nights in a row, i t shall' be locked out from
testing. If the analyzer has been unplugged for the same
period, i t should check for a dial tone and, if there is
none, then it should lock out; othe~wise, it should operate

The analyzer shall be supplied with a 25 fact U.L. approved

power cord. The manufacturer shall design the cabinet so
. ~h~t bonvenient storage is provided for the exces~ cor~ not
needed to reach the nearest power outle~.

6.20 Power Requirements

The TAS shall operate only on alternatihg cu==cnt (AC). No
direct current (DC) models will be acceptable. The TAS
shall not be powered by a portable AC generating unit. An
exception to this rule may be sought ~y the manufacturer if
it can be shown, to the satisfaction of the B~u~, that the
analyzer is immune to the line frequency variations of the
portable AC generating unit. Irnr.~unity to lin·e frequency
variations is defined here as line freguency·variations
which will not cause more than one percent of full scale
(FS) disturbances on any of the analyzers. Additionally,
any AC portable generating unit used ~ith the TAS shall not
have frequency excursions exceeding one hertz from 60 hertz.

Input power shall be 115 VAC, €0 hertz. All instruments

shall meet the requirements contained in the BAR 90
.. : specifications, with an input voltage variation of no more
:_j than + 12 volts. Maximum allowable performance change due
to line voltage variations shall not exceed one percent of
FS value. ·

The analyzer shall have a main power switch locat~d on the

back panel with a power-off/standby mode swit9~ ori the front
panel. The oper_a tor shall be instructed in the Owner's
Manual to leave the main power switch on and the telephone
line plugged ~n at all times unless the analyzer needs to be
relocated or . ~amage to th~ - fi1ephone line will result. The
"power-off/standby" mode shall provide the power necessary
for the terephone modem to remain in a "standby 1''condition.


----- -
6. 2 ~ ..,warm-:up-::~.rime- ·- ~~-': · :;
-~~tThe-=~ah"aiyze·r ;;;hall reach stability within 15 minutes · at 4l°F
from startup (except for NO which will be ~llowed 30
minutes). If an analyzer does not achieve stability within
the allotted time frame, it shall be locked out from I/M
testing and a message shall be displayed instructing the
_-·ope_r:~t.Q~ to QGll.l... for service.
6.-:.f..2.~~sj5~-~~~~-=Lo ckou t · warm-up . . . .
·· Funct1onal operat1on of the gas sampl1ng un1t .shall remaln
disabled through a system lockout until the instrument meets
stability and warm-up requirements. The ins~rument shall be
considered "warmed-up" when the zero and span readings fer
HC, co, and C0 2 have stabilized, within +3 % of the full
range of low scale, for five minutes without adjustment .
• Evaluation of this feature will require demonstration of
accuracy at both span points when the analyzer meets the
•. -
w.arm-un criteria.

During warm-up the analyzer so::t·..;a::-e. shall chec]( for mail

from the bureau sent by telephcne modem the night before.
During the warm-up, the Main Menu shall be displayed unless
there is a message from the bureau or the Status page is
selected. If the operator selects any item frow the Hain
Menu except "STATUS PAGE", a message shall be _prominently
displayed .as follows:

When stability is achieved and the wa~-up requirements a::-e

satisfied, access to programs shal~ be c.llowed.
6.23 Instrument Construction
The instrument shall be designed and constructed to provide
reliable and accurate service in the automotive repair
environment. The analyzer shall be supplied with a cabinet
which is equipped with a storage area large enough to secure
all accessories and operating manuals.
6.24 Materials
The materials used in instrument construction shall be
resistant to corrosive type substances found in the
a~tomotive repair environment and be last for at
least the period of the warranty.
; ~~
Finish •· --~--,;--"'·-
The exterior .• and interior fin'i sh of the cabinet and
console shaii be ~ufficiently durable to withstand the
chemicals and environmental conditions normally encountered

. ., . .
in the automotive repair environment for the period of the

6.26 Mobility
The analyzer may be permanently mounted or mobile with
wheels. Wheels must be at least five inches in diameter and
have a locking mechanism capable of preventing movement on a
1-5° - inc;line-~~- -- --·.-- -- ··- - -· ~ -· · - - - · - ------ ----

If mobile, the analyzer shall be designed so that movement.

over rough surfaces (three-inch deep holes) and on 15°
inclines, will not cause it to tip over. Analyzers shall
not tip over when placed at the cente~ of an inclined plane
that makes an angle of 10 degrees with the horizontal and
rotated 360° stopping in the position where it is most
likely to tip over. In addition, the analyzer shall not
become unstable or tip over .when rolled st=aight off the
e~_e of a t•11o-inch high platfo:;:"!ii o:::: _when or.e ~vheel is rolled
over a drain, two inches below the surface, inside an is-
inch diameter depression.

6.27 Identification
The analyzer serial number, the date of production, the TAS
number and the Propane Equivalency Factor (PEF) shall be
conveniently displayed to the quality assurance inspectors
and the bureau field representatives, in a ~a~ner meeting
the bureau 1 s approval. The left t-,...o cl"1aracters of the _lAS_
number shall be alphas denoting the mam..:.facturer 1 s ini t'ials,
and shall not be changeable from the keyboard even in the
manufacturer 1 s service mode. The ini·tials chosen are
subject to approval by the bureau to prave~t duplication
between manufacturers. The remaining six characters shall
be numeric. The numbers shall be right justified. Zeroes
shall be used to fill any blank spaces betHeen the initials
and the numerics. For example, the TAS number for analyzer
#23 fromHobo Electronics would be "HE000023."

6.28 Electrical Design

Provisions shall be made for storing the power cord in a f
manner satisfactory to the bureau. Fuses or circuit
breakers shall be used to protec~ individual electrical
circuits and emission analyze~.. · Breakers and fuses shall
b~ readily accessible from the exterior of the cabinet ..
Analyzer operation shall be unaffected: by electrical line
noise and voltage surges.' The analyzer shall be
sufficiently,p~otected from voltage surges to prevent damage
... to the analyzer from the siml,lltaneous start up of a: 220 volt
compressor,~~h arc welder, hydraulic ~ontrols and other
equipment commonly found in the typical garage.



6.29 Electromagnetic Isolation and Interference

Electromagnetic signals found in an automotive environment \
shall not cause malfunctions or changes in accuracy in the
~lect=onics· of the TAS. The instrument design shall insure
that readings do not vary as a result of electromagnetic
radiation and induction devices normally found in the garage
__ ___ e:)v~.:;:-c;1.I1IIt~nt (including high. en~ vefr.i~e- ·ign±'t-ion systems, -
RF transmission radiation sources and building electrical
In addition, the manufacturer shall ensure that the analyzer
processor and memory components are s~fficiently protected
to prevent the loss of programs and test records.

6.30 Vibration and Shock Protection

System operation shall be unaffected by the vibration and
shock encountered under the normal o~eratins conditions
encountered in an automotive environ~ent. Ins~ruillents, '
~otb~s, pumps, and disk drives shall be shock-mounted to
absorb any vibration which might affect the system

6.31 Operator's Instruction Manual storage

A drawer or enclosed cabinet with shelvas shall be providec
to store the analyzer operating i~str~ction manual, the BAE
Smog Check Manual (expected to consist of t~o t0o-inch loose
leaf binders by 1990) and the BAR Repair Hanual (expected· to
consist of the equivalent of one ~·,.;o-inch binde:;:). The
operating manual shall include at least an overEiew of
analyzer and soft~are operation, Smog Check inspection and
test procedures, gas calibration procedures, leak check
procedures and operator maintenance tips.
~~..:-' .. .
. :: · '.
~ The sampl~ng system shall, at a minimu~. consist of a.
tailpipe probe, flexible sample line, a water removal
system, particulate trap, sample pump and flow control
components. The sample system shall'be designed to allow
the addition of the necessary components to · conduct ~~~
~testing. The flexible sample line shall be at least
25 1 long, measuring from the front of the analyzer. The
bureau ' may allow exceptions for sample hoses that have · an
overall length of 25 1 that were purchased prior to
January 1, 1990. ·The water removal systew shall be of the
continuously draining type. Alternate schemes may be used,
providing they af.e . ac~eptable to the.bureau.
. ~ ...
The system sh~~~·be designed to · insure durable, leak free
operation and'be easily maintained. Analyzers which are not
equipped to conduct loaded mode testing shall be plainly

.- .... labeled and the purchaser shall be advised'in writing that
the analyzer will have to be retrofitted .to conduct loaded
mode testing. The bureau reco~ends that the manufacturer
ask the purchaser to sign a copy of this advisory to keep in
their files in case there is any question that it was
provided. The operator 1 s manual shall also indicate the
capabilities of the particular system provided.

Materials that are in contact with the gases sampled shall

not contaminate or change the character of the gases to be
analyzed. The sampling system shall be designed to be
corrosion-resistant for at least five years and be able to
withstand typical vehicle exhaus~ temperatures. An optional
~ and sampling system shall be available from the
~a~acturer and be capable of withstanding the higher
temperatures associated with loaded mode testing. f

The sample hose shal~ be connected to the analyzer sarn~le

'System with a screw-type fitting. The probe used to test
vehicles with a single exhaust pipe shall be connected to
the sa~ple hose with a screw-type fitti~g which has a tee
with a quick disconnect. The ~~ick discc~nect on the tae
will allow the secon~ - probe to be easily attached for ·
testing vehicles with dual exhaust. Quick disconnects will
not be allowed on either the sarople hose or the primary '

Fittings and connectors used on the sample ho~e-. and probe

shall be assembled in a manner that makes byp-assing the
sample line and probe, in an attempt to fals~ly pass a leak
check, very- difficult. Separate regulators shall be used
for each cylinder necessary to perform a gas calibration.
Regulators shall be compatible with the gases of interest .
.;.,...:{!f :::~ ~:.~,~~ :-·J! ~· ·;'f:."· .• ·-...~ -:,· .\ • .·. . ,, ,. ..• ·. ·J
6;33 · System Leak Check -
The analyzer shall require that a leak check be successfully

passed on the same frequency as the gas calibration.

The analyzer shall not allow an error of more than 3% of

reading using midrange BAR 90 span gas to perform the leak
check. ·
l •
6.34~a1:~~:spai:i·--,c;a:s -· _ _
U~on i~i~ial delivery of the analyzer,· the analyzer
manufacturer shall supply the analyze·r with all required
calibration 9?~S needed for prop~r operation. The gases
supplied shall-:be obtained f~orn a blender meeting the
requirements-• O_f the bure~-~~-s.u:;-re~-~ SJ;?_ec"~fis_~~_ion~~N_f£E.. ,,
a roved as blenders. mn··ewanal?T£i:ht4.~maflli=mtili.~S:1\sna'1-:t

• .... , SECTION 6

The analyzer shall be designed, in a manner approved by the

bureau, to accommodate gas cylinders o= other hardware
necessary to perform the three-day gas calibra_tion:_ 'rl:le_ ____ ____ __ ~ --
an~"'i-yzer - ·shrll - be equipped with a·-ga-s cali'bra·tion port for
the purposes ot performing a probe to calibration port
comparison. Mounting locations for brackets, necessary for
gas-cy-1-iRdlft-s (including loaded mode ga:;es), etcetera, shall
provide adequate room for routine access, ser1icing and
replacement of secured components. Brackets and other
hardware shall be located so that analyzer stability and
impact protection is considered in the design.

The analyzer manufacturers shall design the connectors used

wi~h span gas cylinders so that cylir.cers containing.
different concentrations or composi~ion~ of gas cannot 6e
switched. As an alternative, manufacturers may use the same
connectors on all required cylinders i~ they display a
message instructing the operata= to properly connect the
hoses to the gas calibration cylinders when ·they ·are no~
connected correctly. In addition, for this alt~rnative,
some type of reasonably perillane~t, prominent label or tag
shall be used to readily identify which hose should be
attached to which cylinder. Other alternatives may be
presented to the bureau for consideration. In any event,
the cylinders themselves shall be equipped with CGA 165
connectors as used in the BP~. 80 a~d BPR 84 oroarams.
~ --

6. 3 5 Running Changes -- .
Any changes to design characteristics or compon~nt
specifications must be approved by B&~. It will be the
instrument manufacturer's responsibility to confirm that
such changes have no detrimental effect on analyzer
. 0
6.36 Probe
The analyzer manufacturer shall equip the analyzer with a
sampling probe which meets the following criteria:

Retention - Th~ probe shall incorporate a positive

means of retention to prevent it from slipping out of
the tailpipe when in use.

H~nd Griri'·~~-
A thermally-,insulatEid~ ~eC'urely-attached
hand grip _must be provided on the probe in such a
manner·that .easy probe insertion using one hand is

··-·-:-,. .
Flexibility - Manufacturers shall supply two type-s of
removable probe tips with each analyzer sold. The
probe and boeh probe ~s shall meet the following

a) the probe shall be designed so that the tip

- ---e-xtends-- -1-5- inches-into the tail p-ip-a; - - -
b) the probe and probe tip should be designed so the
average garage operator can easily remove and
reinstall them without soecial tools;
c) a handle, made of thermally insulating materials,
shall be attached to a rigid, reasonably non-
crushable portion of tubing,made of stainless
steel or something equivalent, which can be easily
removed from the sample line and reinstalled by
the operator; and •
d). the probe tip shall be sh~elded so that debris is
not scoopeq up by the probe whe~ it is insert~d
into the tailpipe.

In addition, one of the probe tips supplied ~ith the

analyzer shall be of the traditional style meeting the
following specifications:

a) flexible enough to extend into a 1~ inch diameter

exhaust pipe having a thre~-inch radius, 45 degree
bend; and
b) the flexible portion shall be constructed·so that
it is sealed to prevent any sample dilution.

Manufacturers shall also supply the analyzer with an

essentially straight probe tip (no·more than a 15°
bend) meeting the following specifications:
a) made of either stainless steel or copper, 3/16
inch outside diameter (O.D.) solid-wall tubing,
which is readily available; and
b) designed so that the connector between the
removable probe tip and the rigid por~ion of
tubing is up inside the tailpipe at least three
inches to reduce the effects pf any leak that
might occur.

Serviceability - For the purposes of economical ·

replacement, the flexible portion of the probe
.. ~-~. .... - . assembly, · ~ust be designed so it can be replaced. The
probes s~pplied shall be "re~dily available. ·

Materiais - The probe shall be made of materials that

will withstand exhaust temperatures up to 700 degrees


' ;
• .- ..... SECTION G

fahrenheit. Use of dissimilar metals with thermal ~

expansion factors of more than five percent shall no't
be used in either the construction of probes or

Audit Gas Introduction- Probes shall be designed ~o __ _

allow·,---or· suppli-ea- ·:w-ith - anadaptor -a llowing, the
introduction of audit gas from a one-half inch inside
diameter flexible hose. The probe tip or the adaptor
shall be sized to provide a tight fit so that dilution
cannot occur at the probejhose connection.

Probe Cap - A probe tip cap suitable for perfo~ing a

system leak check shall be crovided if the vacuu~ decav
method of leak check is utiiized. ot!"le:L_-'..rise, whatever ..
hoses and connectors are necessary shall be prov~ded t~
'allow the operator to pe:::-.fon the lea}~ ch~c!<. ,

6.37 Hang-up Check

Activation of the emission moce of the T.?~ s
shall be prevented unless a s~ccessful hang-~p check has
been performed immediately prior· to the test s:~~ence.
Hang-up shall not exceed 2b P?M hexa~~ prior to testing. A
unit with a clean sample sys-t:'e:t'l shall have an HC hangup time
of no more than 120 seconds. If the HC hangup does not drop
below 20 PPM within 150 seconds, the following message shall
be displayed: "POSSIBLE DIRTY FILTERS OR s;..11PLE LINE. 11

6.38 Dilution
The analyzer supplier shall demonstrate to the satisfaction
of the B&~ that the flow rate on the +AS unit shall not
cause more than 10 percent dilution during sampling of the
exhaust of a 1.6 liter engine at normal idle. 10 percent
dilution is defined as a sample of 90 percent exhaust and
10 percent ambient air.

The procedure for measuring flow rate dilution is as


a. Set vehicle with 1.6 liter maximum engine

displac~ment at factory-recommended ::id~e speed,
OEM configu:z;at_ion exhaust system, transmission in
neutra: , "hood up (a blower to cool the engine may
be used if needed) . Set idl~ speed not to exceed
920,J .<PM. (Set for 900 RPM :with an upper toleranc~..,'~->
ot"·2-0 =R?M. )

b. With . a laboratory grade analyzer system, sample

the exhaust .. at 40 centimeters depth 'vith a flow
sample rate below 320 liters per hour. Allow

.- ..... ·.
sufficient time for this test. Record all HC, co
and co 2 readings. '
A chart recorder may be used to detect the point
of stable readings.

c. Set the TAS in the I/M mode and take HC, co and
C0 2 readings. Use the l'AS IDLE HODE readings for
the computations in "e" below.

d. Repeat "b."
e. If the difference of the readings bet~een parts
"b" and "d" exceed five pe:::cent. of the average of
"b" and "d," repeat parts "b," "c 11 and "d";
otherwise average 11 b 11 ar:d . 11 d 11 and compare. wit.h
"c." If "c" ~s. w~th~:1
. . 10 perce~t o:: the average '
'· of b and "d," then the equipment meets dilution
11 11

' •••": ~ •,..".' ,'::''l :'!.,.)..~~~·-:" ' ''•' " ' ' •., , ,·~ ,· ,,• • •·,.,''•• 0, •• • - ' '• •

6.~9·B~rom~tric Pressure Compensation :

Ba:::ometric pressure compensation shall ce provided.
Compensation shall be made for elevations U? to 6,000 feet
(mean sea level). At a given altitude an~ te~perature,
errors due to barometric pressure changes of +2 inches of
mercury will not exceed the accuracy limits specified in
this chapter. Manufacturers shall describe in . writing how
compensation will be' accomplished. The method· used shall be
subject to approval by the Bfu~ .





8.1. General
These test procedures are an integral part of the BAR 90
Test Analyzer System Specifications, and have been developed
to ensure that the instruments proposed for use in the
_______California I/M program comply with certain--m-in±r.rc..m
requirements of Senate Bill 1.997 and of the BAR 90 TAS
specification. Additional testing will be performed by
bureau personnel to determine conformance with the goals of
the program and the intent of the legislation and the

The candidate instruments shall be tes-ted using the

procedures specified below. In additio~, as a condition of
• initial certification, the instruments shall undergo field
testing in Sacramento, California, _as specified in Paragraph
8 .12, to verify the performance, relia::,ili-t.y nnd "user-'.
fr.iendliness" of the instruments in th·= actual garage
environment. The analyzer may be rejected for user
unfriendliness or any function, prompt cr ent~y that the
bureau feels would induce incorrect o~ inaccurate entries.
The bureau will identify or approve Smog Check stations t~at
may be candidate sites for field testing.

The following paragraphs describe the standard instru~ents,

and the testing, recording and reporting re~~irements.

8.1.1 Certification Requirements

1. All of the tests in this section shall be perfo~ed by

the manufacturer, arid all the Acceptan~e ~riteria shall
be met. (See Paragraph 8.1.5 and the individual
Acceptance Criteria.)

2. An Accreditation Test Report (see Para. 8.1.7) shall be

prepared, and included in the accreditation submittal

3. An Accreditation Submittal Packagz shall be prepared,

and one copy shall be submitted to the bureau.
Additional copies must be provided if requested by the
bureau. (See Para. 8.1.2.)
·. .
4. One'TAS unit shall be provided to the bureau for
.• .~'-- :?'... .··, . .. .... .
testing a _t: its laboratory facili~.i.e~s at 1.0240 Systems
Parkway;, ·' Sacramento, CA; Three TAS units· shall be made
available - for field testing in the Sacramento area.
Field testing may be performed concurrently with BAR
lab testing· or after completion of the lab testing. It


. ... . SECTION 8
is recommended that a spare unit- be readily available
(i.e., within two hours' drive) in the event that a ·..
problem develops during the bureau's laboratory testing
or field testing.

5. All TAS designs must meet the intent as the

__1_~~-t;~r of_t,he _BAR ..9Jl TAS specifica-t-io-~

If the applicant's application for accreditation is complete

and acceptable and is substantiated by evaluation tests
(from this specification) conducted by the manufacturer or
an approved laboratory, the buraau will certify that
specific model. That model instrument will be acceptable
for sale and use in licensed Class A s~ations and ~ualified
repair stations in California.

The bureau may, at its discretion,· direct the instrument

m~nufactur~r to retest at his expense any production model
from the manufacturer's supply to verify that quality
control standards are being met. Should the retest indicate
substandard quality or nonconformance with the technical
specifications, it shall be the instru~ent manufacturer's
responsibility to recall and correct or replace, at his
expense, all defective units. At tte bureau's discretion,
approval may be withdrawn if deficiencies and p~oblems are
not expe~itiously corrected.

It is the bureau's intent that no dsviations ·in the

performance requirements be gra~ted. If, in order to
comply, a candidate instrument would r --=~~i:;:-e a major cost
increase on an item that is in no way related to
performance, a waiver _r equest may be c6r:sidered and should
include the following:

a. Reason for the request.

b. Description of the deviation fro~ the design
''.. , specifications.
c. The effect of the deviation on overall compliance of

the instrument.
d. Extent and impact of corrective action required to
modify the instrument if the waiver is not granted.
e. Delivery of a sample instrument to the bureau for
demoHstration purposes. ·

Allow up to 30 _gays from the bureau 1 ~ receipt of the waiver

request and dem6nstration inst;rument to obt.ain approval or
··· disapproval o.-f·' _the request 9f the waiver.


. . "';
8.]..2 Accredit~tion Submittal Pac~uge

The submittal package shall contain the following


Application for accreditation

Instrument . ~es_crAp_:t=~oi1 -- -· -- ·- ·
Accreditation test report
Instruction manual
Business and financial report
Organization Chart

The submittal package and its conten·ts will be treated by

the bureau as confidential, and will be kept secured.

In addition to a hard-copy of the certification submittal

package documentation, manufactur~rs shall provide a copy or.
a. 3. 5" floppy disk,, i~ WordPerfect 5. o c:;: ASCII for-:na t .,

8.1.2.l . Application for Accreditatioc:

A completed "APPLICATION FOR BA...~-90 T::::ST A}TriLYZER SYSTE~1

CERTIFICATION" (see Appendix I) must accompany the
accreditation submittal package at the time an analyze~ ~s
submitted for certification. The bureau will make a
preliminary review of the analyzer c..:r;d accreditation
submittal package before forMally accepting the application
for certification. Instrument Description

1. Ooeration: Furnish a complete description of the

instrument and its operation i~cluding descriptive
brochures (proof copies acceptable) of the instrument.

2. Soecifications: Submit perforillaJ:ice, mechanical, power,

weight and dimensional specifications for each model.
3. Price List: Submit a base instrument retail price list
for each model and a price list of optional accessories
available to the purchaser.
4. Schematics · and Photograuhs: Detailed mechanical,
analyzer, electrical drawings and· schematics shall be
submitted. Color 8 x 10 photogr~phs of the sample
handlJng , .a:tld filtering system, analyzer section, .; ~ . ' '>'' · r .

enci osures, nameplates, sensors, displays,

keyboar~jcontrols and gas calibration instruction
plates'shall be provided in the package.


. -·.....
5. Software: Functional flow diagrams of all software ·:
routines and subroutines shall be provided. These flow
diagrams shall include decision points and
decision/timing criteria so that the logic of the
programming can be correlated, where applicable, to the
BAR 90 TAS Specification. Two complete sets of source
_ __ __ -- ~o9,e lj,.~1;j.n.g:s _shall. b~L~ apare<ir -i-n-both-- hard -copy and -- --- -
- -- 3.5-inch floppy disk. The bureau does not intend to
require submittal of the listi~gs at this time, but
reserves the right to do so in the future.

6. Instruction Manual: A complete instruction manual

(proof copies acceptable) for each model instrument
shall be submitted. The manual shall contain, as a
minimum, all items specified in Section 7.02 of the BAR
90 TAS Specification. Each step of t~e operating and
cal_ibrating procedure shall be ve::-ifie.d by the
manu~acturer as specified in Section
'· ' Accreditation Test Report:

The data establishing the perfo~a~ce and technical

capabilities of the instrument shall be included in a test
report prepared by the manufacturer or a Bureau-approved
commercial laboratory. Confirmation of the te~t data will
be made by the bureau at their SacramentoE California,
facility. Business Status:

1. Financial and Business Information: Manufacturers and

distributors shall submit information with their .
request for accreditation, including the following:

Evidence that the applicant is a bona fide manufacturer

or distributor of exhaust gas analyzers or closely
related instrumentation. As a minimum, include an
approximate number of instruments of the type for which
accreditation is requested that have been manufactured
and sold. •
Evidence that the applicant is ~ither a California
corporation or out-of-state/foreign corp9ration
registered to do bu~iness in California.
: ,:
Annual sa'les volume during the most recent fiscal year
for al~·~rodticts including exhaust gas analyzers.


--- ----------- ----------

· ·- ·~
Manufacturing capacity dedicated to, or available for,
producing the instrumen~, including number of ,
manufacturing personnel and size of factory.
Total assets, total liabilities and net worth of the
applicant at the time of the most recent guart~rly
report. To qualify, the financial . statement shall show
that the in-s trument manufacturer's nE!t w-o-r·t h is a-c· -
least $1,000,000. An equivalent proof of financial
soundness may be presented to,the Bureau for its

The most recent annual or q~arterly report of publicly

held corporations may be substituted if it contains all
the same information.

2. Marketina/Trainina Plan: The marketing plan shall

include statewide distribution · ~et~cds and a training
plan t~ cover all new instrument p~rchasers and '
designated trainees. The scope cf t~e training plan
shall encompass the instrume~t·s use as an inspection
and diagnostic tool, steps in perfcrMi~g gas
calibrations and leak checks, preventative maintenance
and recogniti.on of malfunctions requiring assistance of
a manufacturer's service representative.

The instrument manufacturer shall be capable of

providing instruments for delivery within 180 days
after instrument accreditation has been granted or
within 30 days after an order re~eipt from a customer.

3. Servicing Products: The manufacturer's statewide

service network shall be such that each instrument
marketed can obtain service within a reasonable time.
Warranty response provisions shall be listed.

In addition, service facilities shall be located

throughout California at locations to ensure reasonable
access by all purchasers. Each instrument manufacturer
will provide a permanent company representative within
the state to control and ensure continued quality
maintenance of their product~· organization Chart

An organization.~hart listing the names and titles of the

key persons iny~lved with the d~velopment, testing, sales
and service for.~he BAR-90 analyzers, including regional and
local sales and service staff throughout California and a
telephone .and address directory for those persons.

· a··.1.3 Test Equipment - General

a .1. 3 . 1 Candidate Instrumen·ts:

The tests shall be performed on three candidate instruments,

each of which shall be of production CQnfiguration. Minor
deviations, cosmetic in nature L_ :t;.~y_b~ allow.e d ..hlf---the ·-~ -· · - -
- ·--bureau. --- - ·- · - - -- · - · --- --- · standard Instrument~:

Where appropriate (see individual test procedures),

candidate instrument readings shall be comnared with the
readings of laboratory-grade analyzers such as the Horiba
PIR-2000 series or equivalent. Gases:

Span gases and gases used for accurac·;, resoonse time ' and
other tests shall be high pur.i.ty, zer; blend tolerance, wi~h
a manufacturer-certified accu~acy cf ± :.a~ of the
concentrations shown on the c•.rlinde~ J..::.b-el. · E:·:ceot as
otherwise noted, all gases sl:~ll be 11 "!:::::-i.-blends" ;f propane,
co and co 2 in nitrogen. Recorders:

Where required, analyzer outputs sha~l be recorded by analog

or digital strip chart or equ~valen~ ~~corders e~~ipped with
event marking capability. Each analos record shall note the
chart speed and the scale (i.e., volts pe:::- division).
Digital recorders shall sample at a mi~~mum ra~e of 10 Hz.
Event marking shall be used tQ record the start and finish
of test intervals to fully substantiate repor~ data. Copies
of desired records will be made available to the bureau on
.. Fuel:

.'~· -j

In cases where the test procedures require sampling vehicle

exhaust, the vehicle shall be fuel.ed vri th Indolene HO III.

a.1.4 Test Sequence

The sequence'of performing the tests .is left to the testing

organization's ,., discretion, except as o'cherwise noted. rlhere
possible, th~ ..:testing organization may 'C'oinbine tests to
their best advantage, while insuring that valid data is
collected fer all tests.


-- -- -
. --....
8.1.5 Fai1ure criteria
At least two of the three candidate instruments mu:::t.pass'>
all tests with no adjustments or service except as permitted
or required by the individual test procedure~. Failure of a
component constitutes failure of that in:lividuc:.l instrument.
The component may be replaced and the testing continued if
:-the--manufacturer ~-s- - -failure analys.:ts-·co:rttrms --that: - - ----

1. The failure is not related to the instrument design.

2. A reliability study predicts that the se~vice life of

the failed component or system is consistent with the
accreditation period.

I 3• The validity of the test data will not be affected by

replacing the component .
~ny type of sample system fa{lure other than re?lacing or
cleaning particulate filters constitutes a failure of the
incividual instrument. The same crite~ia for r~placement
and test continuance apply as for components.

If any one of the three criteria above cannct be met, the

accreditation testing must begin agai~ as neces3ary to
insure at least two of the three car.d~date instruments are
in full compliance.

8.1.6 Changes to Test Requirements

The bureau may, at its option, add, mod~fv or delete certain

test and/or documentation re~~irement~. A~y changes will be
based on such factors as questionable validity .. excessive
cost, implementation problems, or unforeseen problems with
instruments (candidate or standard), ~quipment or

8.1.7 Accreditation Test Report

The accreditation test report shall include the following:

1. Table of Contents ·

2. Introduction: Include a description of the candidati

instruments from a hardware and funct1onality
standpoi~~' a description of the test facilities and
..e ,q uiprnen.t" used,. and the .rationale for the testing··
r , _ _

sequence· .~mployed. and any tests ~tlhich were combined.

! ..
. .... -
3. A list of all tests performed, including repeat~d
tests, in chronological order. Reference the paragraph
number of each test, and include pas~/fail results.
4. A list of all failures encountered, including which
candidate failed, test during which the failure
occurred, cause of failure, repai~s · ~e.~~o~~ed.
-· ·- - - ------ - --
5. A list of adjustments and component. replacements,
including tests during which they w9re performed and
the reason why they were p2rfo~ed.

6. Completed data sheets such as those recommended in

Appendix A. out-of-spec data shall be clearlv noted on
the data sheets, by color, asterisk, or other device,
along with percent deviation, where:

(Test reading - stc. value)

· ·~ Deviation=---------------------------- X 100%
Std. valu2
7. Certification by an official of the wa~~fac~u~er that
the ·instructions and other inforMation in the
Operator's Manual are correc~ anc ccwplete, both in
fact and in sequence.

8. Certification by an official of the manufacturer that

the data in the Accreditation Tes~ Report are the
actual test data taken during testing to the
requirements of these procedures.

8.2 Test Procedures: Sample System and Pne~atics

The instrument evaluation procedures belo~ are designed to

determine candidate instrument comoliance with the technical
provisions of the other sections of this document.

8.2.1 Exhaust Sampling Hose

1. Crush Test: Place the sample hose on a concrete floor.
Drive a vehicle we~ghing at least 4,000 pounds over the
hose twice at a rate of 3 - 5 mph and in a direction
perp~ndicular ·· to the hose. '

Acceptance Criteria: The candidate hoses shall

exhi~it no permanent defo=IDation or kinking. They
sh~i-1 quickly returh to their original shape and
cr'Os·s-section. They shall shaH no evidence of any.
test-induced defect or abnormality, such as a
collapsed core or separated layers.


. ' ... SECTION 8

2. Flexibility Test: In a temperature-controlled chamber,

stretch each candidate hose out in a straight line and
restrain the ends so that the hoses cannot curl. The
hoses shall remain in the cha~~er at a stabilized
temperature of 60° F ± 5° F for three hours. At the
end of this period, lay one end of the hose on the
- ·- - floor of the -chamber ,. i:ea:vinq- ·r r·-u:nr-eS"E-rainea- rn any
way. Holding the other end, coil the entire hose into
as tight a coil as possible.

Acceptance Criteria: Each candidate coil shall

have a maximum diameter of 24 inches.

3. Kink Test: Form a portion of each candida·te hose into

a 9-inch diameter loop (se~ fic:;-..:::::e belm;). Grasp hose
at points A and B and pull so as to tighten the loop
and force a kink.

Acceptance Criteria: Cancic~t2 hoses shall roll

out of the loop, rather t~an ~2 forced ints a

8.2.2 Hose and Probe: Temperature Test

This test verifies the· ability of the sample hose and probe
to withstand the high idle exhaust ga~ temperatures produced
by converter-equipped vehicles. . P..djus·t. the engine of a
catalytic converter-equipped vehicle so that the tailpipe
ternpera~ure is 600° F + 50° F within 16 inches of the exit.

Wlth the caridldate TAS unit on and sampling, insert the

sample probe fully into the tailpipe • .
\ ·- 1~
Sample the exh:·aust gas · while monitoring the ·temperature for
20 minutes. :.' ···.· ,

Remove the probe from the tailpipe and examine the hose and
..;, ·
probe " for any signs of permanent damage, such as charring,

. --...
melting, weakness, permanent change in flexibility, . .
separation of layers, or any change in overall functioning.

Acceptance criteria: No signs of p:2r.nanen-t damage or

change in functionality. No changes that would be
considered detrimental to the life ex~ecta~c~r_ of the
hose or probe.

8.2.3 Sample System Leaks

The sample system shall be tested fer leaks prior to

performing any of the certification tests that follow.

a. Sample System: Perform a sa~ple syste~ leak check

using the manufacturer's instructions.

NOTE: If the methcd of checking for leaks is based on

gas introduction through the probe, t~1e gas pressure at
the probe inlet shall be
o ± 0.1 psig.
Acceptance Criteria: Per ~a~ufac~~rer. Repair
any leaks found and repeat ths leak check until
the sample system sho~s ~o more leakage.

Flow midrange BAR 90 calibraticn span gas through the

probe. Gas pressure at the probe inlet shall be zero
psig. Record the readings. Using a needle valve teed
into a line somewhere upstream of the saill?le pump
inlet, introduce a leak which reduces the rsadings by
3% (e.g., if the reading was 4.00% CO; the new reading
would be 3.88% CO). Perfo=m a lea~ check following the
manufacturer's instructions.

Acceptance Criteria: The candidate instrument (1)

shall fail the leak check and (2) shall not allow
an inspection to be performed.

b. Integral Calibration Gas Control System: With the TAS

unit's calibration gas flow control valve in - the off

position, open the cal gas cylinder valve. Sh~t the
cyl_inder valve off when the downstream pressure gauge
on the cylinder regulator has stabilized. ·Monitor the
pressure for 10 minutes •
Accep~ance Criteria:. There sha-ll be. no
pe:r::c'E~~ti_ble loss of pressure.

I ·i

> •

Visually check all tubing and connections between the

cal gas flow control valve and the sample cell(s) of
the optical bench.
,·,. Acceptance Criteria: There shall be no signs of
ldose fittings or tubing, and no signs of
de-t-ective or -damaged - fittD'lg s or· - -e-ul5irf<~r: - - - - ---


8.2.4 Flow Sensitivity

This test characterizes the effect of variations in pressure

. ,' . differential/flow on gas readings.

1. Gas calibrate the instrument.

·, L
.. . 2. Connect a cylinder of 60% high range gas (see Para .
- 8. 5. 3) to .one inlet of a three-t,yay val:;re, connect the
outlet of-the valve to a tee and then to the sample
probe inlet. Leave the second valve inlet open to
ambient air, and connect to the last tee opening a
pressurejvacuum gauge, capable of reading at least +5
psig. (See figure.)

3. Open the gas cylinder valve and adjust the gas flow
{using the cylinder regulate~ andjor an auxiliary
.. __ ;
throttling valve)· so that the inlet pressure to the
probe is 0 psig ± 0.1 psig. Let the readings
stabilize, then record them.

4. Adjust the gas flow so that the inlet pressure to the

probe is +1.5 psig + 0.1 psig. Let the reading~
stabilize, then record them.

5. Adjust,the gas flow so that the inlet pressure to the•

-~·"' -· 7 • probe is -1.5 psig + o .1 psig. ;Let the readings·
stabilize, then record them.
6. Repeat.Steps 3,4· and 5 two more times.

~: ~; .

• ,)

..., .
'" )

.·. ,
.' Acceptance criteria: All gas readings sh~ll
'.,·'· differ by no more than 1% of each other.
8.2.5 Flow Restrictions

a. Using a gas blend of 1200 ppm propane, 4.0% co and

12.0% co inN e~tering the ~a~p~~probe at atmospheric
pressure, take -a base reading with no restriction in
the line. Insert a throttling valve in the vacuum side
of the sampling system. With the gas flowing (still at
atmospheric pressure), restrict the sample flow until
(1) the low flow indication is activated, (2) the
response time of the slowest channel exceeds 13 seconds
to 90%-of the base reading or 15 seconds to 95% of the
base reading, whichever comes first, or (3) the actual
gas reading differs from the base reading on any
channel by more than 3% of the base reading.
' is
Acceptance Criteria: · The low flow indication
activated and the response times of all channels
are 13 (15) seconds or less to 90% (95%) of the
base readi.ngs, and the actual gas ·readings differ
from the base readings by 3% of the base readings
or less.

b. If the low flow sensor is activated by pressure (or

vacuum), insert a 0-10 psig (0-30 in. Hg) gauge between
the throttling valve and the inlet to the low flow
sensor. Use the throttling valve to activate and
deactivate the low flow indication. Measure the
pressure (vacuum) at which activation and deactivation
occur. Perform this test three times.

Acceptance Criteria: The difference between the

r, . activation and deactivation point shall be no
greater than 3% of the activation point (pressure
or vacuum) •
8.2.6 Particulate Filter
Install a new particulate filter per the manufacturer's
! ' instructions and perform a leak check. Adjust ~ 3.0-liter
or larger engine to produce an exhaust gas hydrocarbon ·
,... . concentration of 700-800 ppm. Sample the exhaust gas fo~
two hours or until the low flow indication is activated.

Acceptance criteria: The low flow indication shall not'

be activated at any time during or at the end of the
two-hour test period.

iI .
' '


··, Note: This test must not be performed before the
successful completion of the flow restriction test in
Paragraph 8.2.6.
8.2.7 Hydrocarbon Rangup
With -a new particulate filter installed, arid with the
ambient temperature at 45°F + 5°F and the ambient relative
humidity at 80% + 5%, insert the candidate instrument's
sample probe in the tailpipe of a vehicle whose eight-
cylinder idling engine is emitting between 600 and 700 ppm
HC. After sampling the exhaust gas for one minute, remove
the sample probe from the tailpipe. Holding the probe in
clean air, time the drop in the HC reading. Make three such
• ·'
tests, allowing at least three minutes between each complete
test. These three minutes shall commence at the end of the
preceding test,· after the reading· has dropped to 20 ppm or
the· timer has reached 20 seconds, whichever comes first.
Acceptance criteria: For each complete test, (1) the
HC reading shall decay to 20 ppm or less within 20
seconds. (2) Inspection testing shall be locked out
until the HC reading drops to 20 ppm or less.
As an alternative, perform the same test except with the
vehicle's HC emissions between 600 and 700.ppm and decrease
the initial sample time to one minute. The analyzer and
sample hose must be at 45°F and the ambient relative
humidity at 80% ± 5%. The sample hose must be ·at least 25'
measuring from the front of the analyzer. ·
Acceptance Criteria: For each complete test, (1) the
HC reading shall decay to 20 ppm or less within 20
seconds. (2) Inspection testing shall be locked out
until the HC reading drops to . 20 ppm or less.
) .
' 8.2.8 Probe Antidilution

This test evaluates the ability of candidate antidilution
device to (a) prevent dilution of the sample,. and (b) · allow
no dilution when testing certain vehicles of the mid-
seventies having noise baffles in their tailpipes. •
1) Antidilution:·Use a test-vehicle whose engine · size is
between 1.3 and 1.8 liters, and which idles between 650
and 850 RPM. The test vehicle's tailpipe shall have an
outer diameter of between 1.25 and 1.5 inches.

II :.. _;..
a) With the engine at no'rmal operating temperature,
and normal idle speed, detune the engine to
produce at least 1000 ppm HC or 5% co.
b) With the candidate instrument properly adjusted
and warmed up, insert the standard probe into the
t~ilpipe to i~s full _insertion d~ pth of 16 inches.
Record the HC, co, C0 2 and (optional) 0 2 readings.
c) Withdraw the probe to 6 inches and record the
:- readings.
d) Repeat steps b, c, and b again.
e) Average the (b) readings for each channel, average
the (c) readings for each channel, and subtract
the (c) average from the (b) average.
f) For instruments· provided with an antidilution
device, repeat steps (b) through (e) using the
antidilution device.
Acceptance criteria: The difference found ~n (e) if no
antidilution device is provided, or (£) if one is
provided,· shall be within the accuracy requirements of
the BAR 90 Specifications, Section 6.12.
2) Noise Baffles: Use a test vehicle with at least one
noise baffle in its tailpipe.
Acceptance criteria: The standard probe (or
dilution device, if provided) shall demonstrate
its ability to pass through the holes in the noise
baffle(s) to its full insertion depth of 16
inches, or shall meet the acceptance criteria of
(1) above with insertion to the depth of the
baffle screen. (Note: To meet this latter
;·~ ;j criterion, it may be necessary to open a hole in
the noise baffle to allow full insertion of the
8.2.9 Dilution
a. Set vehicle with 1.6 liter. maximum engine displacement
at factory-recommended idle speed, OE~ configuration·
exhaust•system transmission - ~n .n eutral, hood up (a
blower to cool the engine may be used if needed). Set
idle speed not to exceed 920 RPM. (Set for 900 RPM
·' , .
with an upper tQlerance of 20 RPM.)

01 . ·

:; .~ ~~~


b. With a ~aborat~ry ·grade analyzer system, sample,the

exhaust at 40 centimeters depth with a flow sample rate
below 320 liters per hour. Allow sufficient time for
this test. Record all HC, CO and C02 readings.

. ~I
A chart recorder may be used to detect the point of
stable -~P.adings. _ ___ ____ _
c. Set the TAS in the I/M mode and take HC, CO and C02
readings. Use the TAS IDLE MODE readings for the
computations in "e" below.
d. Repeat "b."
e. If the difference of the readings beb·Teen parts "b" and
"d" exceed five percent of the average of "b" and "d,"
repeat parts "b," "c" and "d".; otherwise average "b"
and "d" and compare with "c." If "c" is within 10'
percent of the average of "b" and "d," then the
equipment meets dilution specifications.
Acceptance Criteria: The flow rate of 'the TAS unit
shall not cause more than 10 percent dilution during
sampling of the exhaust of a 1.6 liter engine at normal
idle. Ten percent dilution is · defined as a sample of
90 percent exhaust and 10 percent ambient air.

8.3 Storage Temperature Conditioning

This preconditioning operation demonstrates the ability of
the candidate instruments. to meet the storage temperature
requirements of the specifications. This test shall be
performed before proceeding with the remaining tests. Each
unit shall be stabilized at an ambient temperature of -4°F
for at least three hours with power off, followed by a
three-hour soak at +130°F. At completion of these soaking
temperatures, restabilize the instrument to approximately
75°F before continuing with the tests.

8.4 Temperature Stability

This test will be run continuously until completed , in the
sequence shown. Any deviation or failure will require that
the test be redone.
1. _ stabilize' the instruments at an· ambient tempeJ:.a"tJ.Ire of
· · .,# ~ · - ·7S°F + soF for at least two hours, with power and pump

2. Gas calibrate the instruments using the standard BAR 90
blends. Flow the high range calibration span gas
through the instruments and record the readings.
3. Lower the ambient temperature to 60° F ± S0 and .
;. ·· -
stabilize the _inst:rumenb:; for.. .two hours, leaving- ·the
--power . ori-and pump running. Readjust zero and
electronic span only as necessary, then reintroduce the
calibration is not permitted). Record the readings.
4. Raise the ambient temperature to 90° F ± S0 and
stabilize for at least two hours leaving the power on
and pump running. Readjust ~ero and electronic span
only as necessary. Reintroduce the span gas (gas •
calibratiqn is not permitted). Record the readings.
- . '
s. Return the instrument to 7S° F + S0 and stabilize.
Adjust 'zero and electronic span~ introduce span gas and
record the readings, showing error as per-cent of full
Acceptance criteria: When gas calibrated at 7S°F,
·I I '
the difference between the highest and the l9west
readings, regardless of temperature, shall not
exceed 4% of reading.
S.S Test Procedures: Controlled Ambient conditions
All subsequent analyzer performance tests (unless .otherwise
·' noted) shall be conducted at each of the following ambient
conditions in the sequence shown:

2. lOS° F (± 5° F), 80% (+S%) relative hu~idity.

3• +4S° F (+ S° F), SO% (± S%) relative humidity and

10 mph wind.

8.5.1 warm-up Time
1. Prior to the warm-up test·, instrument power shall be •
off and the unit shall have been stabilized at the
selected environmental test condition for a minimum of
._, t~o ' hours. The unit shall then ·be turned on, warmed
. up, ieroed and gas calibrated, then turned off for a
minimum of six hours.

\..,. .

~: ~.
·t !· SECTION 8

2. Upon completion of this stabilization period,

instrument power shall be turned on. For each
candidate instrument, record the "time interval between
power on and system ready indication. Verify that the
emissions analyzer is prevented from performing an
inspection, and that no exhaust readings of any kind
can be made. - -- -

3. Perform an automatic zero and electronic span, enter

the tuneupjdiagnostic mode, and sample 80% low range
span gas through the probe.' Gas entering the probe
shall be at room atmospheric pressure.· Record the zero
and span gas readings for each channel.

4. Wait five minutes. Do not perform any adjustments.

I ··.
Record the zero reading, feed 80% low range gas through
the probe~· and record the gas rea~ing.

Acceptance criteria: (1) Warm-up time of the

complete system shall not exceed 15 minutes from
"power on" to 11 system ready" at the 45° F, 75° F
and 105° F conditions. The instrument is
considered warmed up as soon as the zero <:lnd sp.1n
readings for each channel (a) have drifted less
than + 12 ppm HC, +0.06% co, +0.5% co 2 over a
five-minute interval without adjustment, and (b)
are within+ 12 ppm HC, ±0.06% co, +0.5% co 2 of
the zero and gas cylinder values. ·

(2) The system lockout and system ready features

shall demonstrate their proper functioning during.
the analyzer warm-up period.

8.5.2 Drift Tests Zero Drift:

The zero drift test shall be conducted immediatelv following

completion of the warm-up test, and is essentially a
continuation of it .. Instruments which cannot display
negative values shall be monitor~d directly at the signal
outputs of the bench, or at some other position in the
signal path where negative values can-~e monitored.

Record the readings for each five-minute inter-
vals for one 'hour after .warm-~p. The first reading (time =
zero) shall be the first reading. taken . after the unit
completed its warmup,~ycle; the second reading (time·= 5
minutes) shall be the second reading taken during the warmup
·test (see Para. 8.5.1) .During this test, zero adjustments

are not allowed. All components such as motors, pu~ps and
lighting shall remain on during the one-hour test. ·
Acceptance Criteria: (1) Drift over the one-hour
period shall not exceed ±12 ppm HC, ±0.06% co, ±0.5%
C02 • (2) No cyclical variation with a period less than
10 minutes shall have a peak value exceedi.,nq l,_._5% . rs_ ___
lo'\'r range. -- -- ---- -- --·- ·· · ---- - - ---- span Drift:

This three-hour test shall be conducted simultaneously with
the zero drift test (Paragraph
Sample 80% low range span gas through the probe every five
minutes for the first 30 minutes, every 10 minutes for the f
second 30 minutes and every 15 minutes for the second and
third hours. The first reading (time= zero) shall be,the
first gas reading taken after the unit completed its wa~up
cycle; the second reading (time = 5 minutes) shall be the
second reading taken during the warmup test (Para. 8.5.1).
The gas pressure shall be room atmospheric ~t the entrance
to the probe.
Electronic zerojspan adjustment, if necessary, is per-
missible only at the end of the first hour. Components such
as pumps, motors and lighting shall remain on for the
duration of the test.
Acceptance criteria: (1) Span drift shall not exceed
±12 ppm HC, .+0.06% co, ±0.5% C0 2 during the f~rst hour.
(2) Span dr~ft shall not exceed +8 ppm HC, 0.04% co,
0.4% C0 2 range during each of the second and third
8.5.3 Analyzer Accuracy and Bias
This test confirms the ability of the candidate instruments
to read various concentrations of gases within the t
tolerances required by this specification. The test
compares the response of the candidate instruments with that
of standard instruments, and also estimates the uncertainty
of the readings~ '

This test shall be performed after completion of the drift
tests. The standard instruments shall be calibrated per
their manufacturer's instructions. The candidates shall be
zeroed and gas calibrated using the BAR 90 low- and mid- ·
range calibration gases. The instruments shall be tested
using blends of propane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide

in nitrogen, blended to +1% certified accuracy, in the

following concentrations: 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% of ·full
scale high range, and 0%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% of full
scale low range. Full Scale High Range is defined as 10.00%
CO, 16.0% C02 , ~nd 2000 ppm hexane (4000 ppm propane). Full
Scale Low Range is defined as 2.00% co, 4.0% co 2 , and 400
ppm h exane (800 ppm propane)-. - -- --- ---- --- - - - - -- -

' ,./ , 1. Introd~ce the gases in ascending order of concentra-

tions beginning with the zero gas. Record the readings
of the standard and candidate instruments to each con-
centration value.

2. After the highest concentration has been introduced and

,) '
! recorded, introduce the same gases to the standard and
candidate analyzers in descending order, including the
zero gas .. · Record the response of the analyzers to each
gas. Record negative values of zero, if any.
3. Repeat steps 1 ~ 2 for the candidates only, four more
times, for a total of five.

4. Calculations:
a. Calculate the average value of each concentration
for the readings of the standard instruments.
b. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of each
candidate's readings for each concentration. In-
clude both upscale and downscale . readings for the
same gas concentration. (All calculations may not
be possible for zero readings.)
c. For each concentration, calculate the difference
between the candidate mean and the standard
d. For each concentration, compute the following:

- 1) yl = X + Ksd
., 2) Yz = x - Ksd

where Ksd = std. dev. X 3. 5 for zero and the

·• : highest concentration value,

= std. dey. X 2.5 for all other

concentration values, and •

.. ., '·'·"' ....... ··- x =mean (arithmetic averageJ · of the

set of candidate readings.

e. Compute the.uncertainty (U) of the calibration

curve for each concentration as follows:
....:.. ·

U1 = concentration value Yt
• 1

U2 = concentration value - y 2

Acceptance criteria: · (l) For each concentration,

the differences calculated in Step c shall be no
greater than the accuracy tolerances required in
-- seci=± t.-~'l 6 .12· -o-f -this -~c-t!ication. \2) - For - ·eacn· - ·-
concentration, the uncertainties, (U 1 and U2 )
shall b'e not greater that the accuracy tolerances
required in Section 6.l2 of this specification.

8.5.4 System Repeatability

This test characterizes the ability of the instrument to

give consistent readings when repeatedly sampling the same
gas concentr~t~on.

1. Using an 80% FS low ran~e gas, introduce the gas '

through the calibration port. Record the readings.

2. Purge with ambient air or zero air for .a minimum of 30

seconds and a maximum of one minute.

3. Repeat Steps 1 & 2 four more times.

4. If the audit port flow path is pneumatically different

from that of the calibration port, repeat Steps 1, 2 &
3, introducing the gas through the audit ,port.

5. Repeat Steps 1, 2 & 3, introducing the gas through the

probe. ·

Acceptance criteria: The difference between the

highest and the lowest readings from the data for
all three ports shall not exc~ed 8 ppm HC, 0.03%
CO, 0 • 3% C0 2 •

8.5.5 System Response Time

This test determines the speed of response of t -h e candidate

instrur.~nts to the introduction of a gas through its probe
when t.t. 2-ir. sample systems are clean.

1. Gas calibrate the candidate instrument per the •

manufacturer's instructions .

2. Using a solenoid valve or equivalent selector system
(or alternate BAR-approved'method), remotely introduce
an 80% F.S. high range span gas to th~ probe. The gas


·. 1

pressure at the ent~ance to the probe shall be .equal to

room ambient (i.e., zero psig). Measure the elapsed
times required for the instrument display to read 90%
and 95% of the final stabilized reading.
Alternatively, the bench outputs may be recorded
against a time base to determine the response times.
-Repeat thi-s~ -te st - three --~s-;- Record-ai-1--t~ime-s - in

Acceptance criteria: Response time shall be no

more than 8 seconds to 90% of the final reading,
and no more than 12 seconds to 95% of the final
reading, from the time that the gas was introduced
at the probe .
• 8.5.6 Hexane/Propane Conversion Ratio

1. Calibrate . the instruments per the manufacturer's in~

structions, using gas blends having propane as the
hydrocarbon. ·

2. Sample a 40% low range tri-blend having hexane as the

hydrocarbon. Record the readings.

3. Sample a 40% high range tri-blend having hexane as the

hydrocarbon. Record the readings.

Acceptance criteria: The HC readings taken in

Steps 2 & 3 shall not differ from the associated
cylinder values by more than 12 ppm (Step 2) or 30
ppm (Step 3).

8.5.7 Gas Interference

This test examines the effect of non-interest gases on the

analyzer channels. Testing shall be performed under.the 45°
F, 75° F and 105° F conditions, except as noted below.

1. Zero a~d span the candidate instruments.

2. Sample the following gases for at least one min-ute.

_Record the response of each channel to the presence of
these gasas.

Interfering Gas

16% Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen

1600 ppm Hexane in Nitrogen

10% carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen
·3000 ppm Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen
Water-Saturated Hot Air
NOTE: The water-satu~ ated h c t --a±r- -shall ·1:re ·drawn - · -
through the probe from the top of a sealed vessel
partially filled with water through which ambient air
will be bubbled. The water shall be maintained at a
temperature of 50° C + 5° C. THIS TEST SHALL BE
Acceptance Criteria: (1) No gas or vapor in the
above list shall cause a change in reading of more
than .+10 ppm HC, ±0.05% co, +0.2% co 2 on any ,
channel. (2) Immediately after the water vapor
test, there shall be no evidence of condensation
anywhere in the sample inlet tubing to the
analyzer sample cell.
8.5.8 Voltage Variations
This test examines the effects of variations in AC line
~oltage on instrument readings.
1. Perform a gas calibration on the candidate instruments
with the line voltage at 115 volts AC.
2. Sample an 80% FS low range gas through the probe. Gas
pressure shall be zero psig (room ambient atmospheric)
at the entrance to the probe. Record the readings.
3. Adjust the line voltage to 127 VAC while continuing to
sample the gas. Record the readings.
4. Adjust the line voltage to ' 1o3 VAC while continuing to
sample the gas. Record the readings. ·
5. Adjust the line voltage to 115 VAC while continuing to
sample the gas. Record the r~adings.
Acceptance Criteria: Readings shall not vary more
tha~ ~ ppm HC, 0.02% co, and 0.1% co 2 over the
ent1re voltage variation.


-------- -------
8.5.9 Pressure Compensation

This test examines the precision of the candidate instru-

ment's pressure compensation system in keeping the readings
constant over swings in barometric pressure. Two methods
a-re u-sed--to compensa-te -:f~ -pr-essure variations· - One _______
involves monitoring ambient barometric pressure; the other
involves monitoring sample cell pressure. The following test
procedure applies to both. ·
1. Insert a flowmeter at the sample cell inlet. To avoid
unnecessary flow restriction; the flowmeter shall not
have an integral needle valve.
2. Sample room air through the probe. Measure and record
the flow rate.

3. Disconnect the tubing between the sample system and the

flowmeter inlet. Install a throttling valve upstream
of the flowmeter, and a source of 40% high range gas
with a low pressure regulator upstream of the
throttling valve. At the sample cell discharge, tee in
the bench's pressure sensor (if not already there) and
a pressure gauge capable of reading 0-32 inches Hg
absolute. Follow this with a second throttling valve,
a reservoir of about 125 cu. "in. (2 liters), and a .
vacuum pump with a bleed va'lve at its inlet. See the
figure below .

.·. ;

. .
4. .Adjust the gas flow and the two throttling valves (and
the vacuum pump and/or the bleed valve, if necessary)
to produce the flow rate found in Step 2 and an exhaust
pressure of 29.0" HgA. Adjust the readings to agree
with .the cylinder values.
5. Readjust the system to maintain the flow rate at a
pressure of 31" HgA. Record the readings.

6. Readjust the system to maintain the flow rate at a

pressure of 27 11 HgA. Record the readings.

7. Readjust the system to maintain the flow rate at a

pressure of 26" HgA. Adjust the readings to agree with
the gas cylinder values.

8. Readjust the system to maintain the flow rate at a

pressure of 28" HgA. Record the readings.

9. Readjust the system to maintain the flow rate at a

pressure of 24 11 HgA. Record the readings.

Acceptance Criteria: (1) The"difference between

the readings in Steps 4, 5 & 6 shall be no greater
than the allowable accuracy tolerances in Section
6.12 of the BAR 90 specification. {2) The
difference between the readings in Steps 7, 8 & 9
shall be no greater than . the allowable accuracy
tolerances in Section 6.12 of the BAR 90

8.5.10 Accuracy (Exhaust Gas)

This test confirms that the concentration readings of the

candidate instruments agree with each other and with those
of the standard instruments . when sampling the exhaust from
the tailpipe of a vehicle.

1. Gas calibrate the candidate and standard instruments.

2. Sample the exhaust of a vehicle with an eight-cylinder

engine running with nominal exhaust concentrations.
(Note: The vehicle exhaust may, if necessary, be run
into an insulated container so that all instruments can
sample simultaneously. The container shall have a vent
so that there is no pressure·buildup inside it.)
Record the readings of the standard and the ca·nd1date
instruments once a minute for five minutes.

3. Disconnect one spark plug wire, and repeat step 2.
' - y-,

4. For each instrument, _calcula:te the . mean and standard

deviation of each set of five readings .

. :....:..:

;:: 175
5. Perform the following calculations:

l} Yl = X + Ksd

2} Yz = X - Ksd

where K 5 d = std. dev. X 3. 5, and

X ' = mean (arithmetic average) of the

set of readings.

6. Compute the uncertainty (U} of the sets for each con-

centration •

• Acceptance criteria: (1) For each concentration, the

means of t~e sets for each candidate shall differ fro~
those for the standard instruments by no more than the
accuracy tolerances required in Section 6.12 of this
specification. (2) The Y1-to-Y 2 spread for each
instrument shall overlap all the others. For example,

Instrument Y, Yz
Std. 600 ppm HC 550 ppm HC
A 580 ppm HC 540 ppm HC
B 620 ppm l!C 560 ppm HC
c 570 ppm HC 520 ppm HC

would meet the criterion, because the y-spread for all

instruments contains the region from 560 to 570 ppm.
If Unit B's y values were 620 and 575, it would fail
the criterion because its y-spread would not overlap
Unit C's y-spread. ·

8.5.11 Hard Disk

This test exercises the hard disk under high-temperature,

high-humidity conditions to ensure that it will function
consistently in an adverse environment. THE TEST SHALL BE
PERFORMED AT THE l05°F (±5°F), 80% (+5%) R.H. CONDITION

A sequence of · readjwri te opera.tions shall be performed under

the automatic control of either Norton· utilities' Disktest.
(DT) and system Information (SI) programs, or PC Magazine ' .
Laboratory's Benchmark Series Hardware Performance Tests,
Release 5.1.

8.6 Tachometer Test

The following test shall be performed on each of the

following engines as a minimum: conventional ignition, Quad
4, Niss an Pulsar, DIS (at 1 east GM and Ford) !_ ~~d c~ -~ . _
-· -- - . .. - -· --- ,-- - -
-~ ~

1. Connect the candidate instrument's RPM sensor to a test

vehicle's engine (an engine on a test stand may be sub-

2. Place a·piece of reflective foil suitable for use with

an optical tachometer on an appropriate rotating engine
component whose ratio of rotation with respect to
engine RPM is known.

3. With the ~ngine warmed up and at idle RPM, measure t~e
engine speed.using the candidate's tachometer and also
using an optical tachometer having an ac~uracy of ±1
rpm. Record the readings.

4. Repeat Step 3 at engine speeds of 1500, 2000, 2500,

3 000, 2500, 2000, 1500 (all + 50 RPM) , -and idle RPM.

5. For each engine speed, calculate the differences

between each candidate reading and its paired optical
tachometer reading.

Acceptance criteria: For each engine speed,

no difference shall be greater than ±3% of
the nominal engine speed being ·measured.

8.7 Digital Volt/Ohmmeter Test

1. Connect the candidate instrument's voltmeter leads to a

source of DC voltage capable of producing continu~usly
variable voltages of +25vdc. In parallel, connect a 4-
1/2-digit digital . voltmeter, accurate to 1% of reading.
(Note: If the voltage source has a built-in DVM ' which
has th~ required accuracy, it may be used in lieu of

the external DVM.)

2. Adjust the source vo~tage t,o -20.00 vdc, using the

digital voltmeter to set the voltage. Record the exact
setting and the reading of the candidate instrument's

3. Repeat Step 2 fo~ voltage settings of -lS.OOv, -lO.OOv,

-s.oov, -2.00v, -1.oov, -o.soov, o.ooov, +o.soov,
+l.OOv, +2.00v, +S.OOv, +1Q.OOv, +lS.OOv, +20.00v,
+0.250v, and ±0.750v.

i .':; 177
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 in reverse, going from +20.00v to
5. Repeat Steps 2, 3, and 4 four more times.
6. For each voltage level, calculate the difference
-~ - - -~ - - ·-- - -- ----- between ·th-e cand·i dat·e - readings-·and--the---se-t-t-;kRg~~ ."l~s
percent of setting-- i.e.,
Error, %of point= [(rdg. ~ set.)xlOO]jset.
Calculate also the mean of these percentages, and plot
the means versus voltage level.
Acceptance Criteria: ,(1) No individual difference
shall exceed ±2.3% or ±1 least significant digit,
w~ichever is greater. (2) The plot of the means
shall be a smooth curve. Any anomaly (e.g., '
discontinuity or bump in the curve) or bias (i.e.,
re~dings which are consistently higher or lower
than the settings) shall be explained so that the
bureau can judge the acceptability of the anomaly
or bias.
7. Using the candidate ohmmeter circuit, measure the
resistance of a l-inch length of electrical wire, and
the resistances of precision resistors (+1%) whose
values are approximately 25, so, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175
and 200 ohms.
B. For each resistance value, calculate the difference
between the ohmmeter reading and the resistor value as
percent of resistor value. (See Step 6, above.) Plot
the difference percentages against resistor value.
Acceptance Criteria: (1) No individual resis-
tance difference shall exceed ±3.2% or ±1 least
• significant digit, whichever is greater. ·. (2)
The plot of the difference percentages shall be a
smooth curve. Any anomaly (e.g., discontinuity or
bump in the curve} or bias (i.e., readings which
ar.e consistently higher or lower than the, resistor
values) shall be explained so that the bureau can -
judge the acceptability of the anomaly or bias ••
\ .
9. ~onnect the voltmeter to a . known· go·o d:· vehicle 0~ sensor
in an engine. With the engine at normal operat~ng
temperature and at idle RPM, measure the 0 2 sensor
voltage output for 30 seconds.



Acceptance criteria: The signal must reach 0.7

volts or more at least twice in a second, and must
fall to 0.3 volts or less at least two times in a
second for five consecutive seconds during the 30-
--- _second ..!:Jm~ __ perio.d to .pass the .0 2. Sen.sor. Test • . -If.
these criteria are not met, the o2 sensor Test
shall be repeated at 2500 + 300 rpm. If the
criteria are again not met, the 0 2 Sensor Test
shall indicate a failure. (Note: These criteria
are tentative, since our information on 0 2 sensors
is still incomplete.)

10. Repeat Step 9, using a known bad o2 sensor. The data

shall not meet the Acceptance Criteria for Step 9. •
8.8 Bar Code Scanner
There are two primary configurations of bar code VIN
labeling at present: In one, the bar code is on a sticker
located about one inch behind a windshield; in the second,
the bar code is etched through a white painted area on a
standard black metal VIN plate.

For each con~iguration, scan the bar code five times,

clearing the reading from the TAS before each attempt.

Acceptance criteria: The scanner must demonstrate its

ability to reliably read both configurations by
successfully reading the code on all ten attempts.

8.9 Modem

The modem must meet the criteria specified in Appendices A

and H.

8.10 Noise Tests

The following tests examine the sensitivity of the candidate

instruments to extraneous electrical and electro-magnetic


8.10.1 RFI {Automotive} Test

l .
•. _..... ·~ .tl
Use a test vehicle with an engine· having a high energy
ignition system or equivalent, a solid ' core coil"wire
·and a 3/8" air gap . Leave the engine off.

2. Locate the instrument within 5 feet of the front of the

vehicle. Gas calibrate the instrument.

t -- - -
i- •
i• '
3. Sample 80% ~ow range gas through the probe. ~as
pressure shall be room ambient atmospheric (zero psig)
at the entrance to the probe. Record the readings.
4. Start the engine. With the hood open, cycle the engine
-f rom -idie through- -2·5-e-Q RPM• - With the--low- range -ga-s --- ·- ---
flowing through the probe, record the readings.
5. Relocate the instrument t~ within 6 inches of one side
of the engine compartment and repeat the test in Step

6. Relocate the instrument to within 6 inches of the other

side of the engine compartment and repeat the test in
Step 4.
Acceptance Criteria: The readings shall deviat'e
no more than 1% full scale low range.
8.10.2 Induction Field Test
Use a variable speed (commutator type) hand 'drill having a
plastic housing and rated at 3 amps or more. While sampling
80% low range gas, vary the drill speed from zero to maximum
while moving from the front to the sides of the instrument
at various heights.
Acceptance Criteria: The readings shall deviate
no more than 1% full icale low range.
8.10.3 Line Interference Test
Plug the var~able speed drill described in 8.10.2 into one
of the two outlets of a 116-3 wire extension cord 20 feet
long. Connect the instrument into the other outlet of the
extension cord. Repeat 8.10.2 above.
Acceptance criteria: The readings shall deviate
no more than 1% full scale low range.
8.10.4 VHF Band Frequency Interference Test

While sampling 80% low range gas, press and release the
transmit button of a citizens band radio transmitter (with•
output equivalent to FCC legal maxim~m), and simultaneously
key a highway patrol transmitter (or equivalent). Both
transmitters shall be located within 50 feet of the
analyz'e r.

Acceptance criteria: ·The readings shall deviate
no more than 1% full scale low range.
8.11 Vibration and Shock
The vibration test.simulates rolling a mobile instrument
over a rough garage floor. The shock test simulates a
rolling instrument which collides with a wall or other fixed
object. (This test does not require temperature
conditioning. )
The test floor shall be a 6' x 10' expanded metal grating
with diamond-shaped openings of 1 x 3.7" or equivalent,
elevated 2" off the test facility floor.
1. Zero and calibrate the instrurnemt in accordance witl'l.
the instrument manufacturer's instructions. Introduce
the low range calibration gas to the probe (pressure =
zero psig); record the readings.
2. Roll the instrument six times over the 6' x 10'
expanded metal grating in the direction of the "short
way of the diamond." Roll·the instrument completely
off the edge of the grating each time ..
3. Introduce· the low range calibration gas to the probe
(pressure = zero psig); record the readings.
Acceptance Criteria: The instrument readings
shall not have permanently shifted more than ±12
ppm HC, +0.06% co, +0.5% co 2 from the original
zero and span check values.
8.12 Field Testing
Three candidate instruments shall be operated in an actual
shop environment for at least three weeks each. The actual
period of time will depend on the type and frequency of
problems that occur in the test sites. Each of the test

sites must be approved by the bureau in advance. In
- addition, all future software updates shall be field tested.
in accordance with the requirements. of this section.
Instruments shall have their BAR 90 inspection capabilities
activated, except that blank paper or dummy certificates •
---.-. . ............ .
- ~ .- -
shall be loaded .in place of actual inspection certificates.
Leak checks and gas calibrations shall be performed per the
BAR 90 required schedule. The station personnel shall· be
trained, and shall pe~form the inspections, the scheduled
leak checks and gas calibrations, and ··the normal field
maintenance. The manufacturer shall provide field support to

the field test facility. The field testing shall consist of
the following as a minimum:
1. Hexane/Propane Ratio: Upon installation at the field
site, the TAS unit shall have its PEF measured, using
the-- procedure in ·Para. 8-~ 5. 6, - ~but ·checkinq-at only one~
point with midrange BAR 90 Cal gas. Record the data.
Repeat this PEF test on completion of the thre~-week
field test, as the very last task before shutdown.
Acceptance criteria: The difference in PEF values
from beginning to end of the field test shall be
• 2.
no more than 0.005 .
Calibratio.n monitoring: Instrument calibration shall
be checked; but ·not adjusted (unless necessary), on~e a
day at random times during the course of the day. The
candidate instrument shall be zeroed and electronically
spanned; then both low and high BAR 90 blends shall be
introduced through the probe (gas pressure at the probe
tip= 0 + 0.1 psig) and the readings recorded, along
wit~ the ambient temperature and the barometric
Acceptance criteria: The TAS shall require no
unscheduled gas calibrations during the course of
the field tests. A failed leak check shall lock
out .the inspection mode.
3. Inspections: At least five inspectioDs per day shali
be performed on a variety of vehicles to exercise the
TAS unit, the software and the procedures. Any
problems encountered shall be brought to the attention
of the ·bureau, and an analysis shall be made as to
whether the cause is design-related or procedural. All
TAS failures shall be investigated and a failure report
submitted. Any design-related flaws shall be corrected
before full certification will be issued.
8.13 Software Testing
The manufacturer will perform software verification befor~
submittal of the TAS units for accreditation testing. The
··.< ' bureau will te~t all critical areas . to ensure that the
proper logic. is followed, the proper .decisions made, the
.correct screen data is displayed and the correct printing
formatting has been implemented. Other tests will be made
on an ad hoc basis to attempt to uncover flaws in the

.. __________ __ .,
software, procedures and security, and that recovery from
operator ~rrors is benign.


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