Chapter - 1 - Review

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Chapter 1 Review

1. Define programmable logic controller.

2. list seven distinct advantages that PLCs offer over the conventional relay (antral system.

3. list four tasks in addition to relay switching that PLCs are capable of performing.

4. State two ways in which UO is incorporated into the PlC.

5. Describe how the VO modules connect to the processor in a modular-type PlC configuration .

6. Describe the main function of each of the following main component parts of a PlC.
a. Processor module (CPU)
b. 110 modules
c. Programming device
d. Power supply module

7. List two common types of PLC programming devices.

8. Answer the following with reference to the unit process control relay ladder diagram of
Figure ' ·9 on page 11 :
a. When do the pressure switch contacts dose?
b. When do the temperature switch contacts dose?
c. How are the pressure and temperature switches connected with respect to each other?
d. Describe the two conditions under which the motor starter coil will become energized.
e. What is the approximate value of the voltage drop across each of the following when their
contacts are open?
(I) Pressure switch
121 Temperature switch
(l) Manual pushbutton

9. Answer the following with reference to the unit process control PlC ladder logic diagram of
Figure 1·11 on page 11:
a. What do the individual symbols represent?
b. What do the numbers represent?

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): An Overview 17

c. What field device is the number 112 identified with?
d. What field device is the number 0/1 identified with?
e. What two conditions will provide a continuous path from left to right across the rung ?
f. Describe the sequence of operation of the controller for one scan of the program.

10. Compare the method by which the process control operation is changed in a relay system to
the method for a PLC system.

11. Compare the PLC and general-purpose computer with regard to:
a. Operating environment
b. Method of programming
c. Execution of program
d. Maintenance

12. Describe two categories of software written and run on a personal computer and used in
conjunction with a PLC.

13. a. Identify the typical size classification of PLC that fits each of the following descriptions:
(1) thousa nds of I/O points
(2) 32 va points
(3) small enough to fit in a shirt pocket
b. What are the two most important factors in selecting the size of a PLC?

14. Compare the single-ended, multitask, and control management types of PLC applications.

15. List five factors affecting the memory size needed for a particular PLC installation.

16. What does the instruction set for a particular PLC refer to ?

17. What is considered to be a soft logic controller?

18. Why are most of the PLC systems built today considered to be proprietary in nature?

19. Discuss the physical hardware differences between a PLC and a personal computer.

20. What is the most popular language for programming PLCs? Why?

21 . The programmable controller operates in real time. What does this mean?

22. What is the memory capacity, expressed in bits, for a PLC that uses 16·bit words and has an
8 K word capacity?

18 Chapter 1
1. Given two single-pole switches. write a program that wi ll turn on an output when both switch
A and switch B are closed.

2. Given two single-pole switches. write a program that will turn on an output when either
switch A or switch 8 is closed.

3. Given four NO (Normally Open) pushbuttons (A-S-C-D), write a program that will turn a lamp
on if push buttons A and B or C and 0 are closed.

4. Write a program for the relay ladder diagram shown in Figure 1-16.

120 V ac

., LS I , ,

L: LS2
, ,


5. Write a program for the relay ladder diagram shown in Figure 1-17.

~---------------- 120Vac ----------------~

FIGURE ' · 17

Programmable logic Controllers (PLCs): An Overview 19

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