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FIG. 6.--.Clairvaux, No.

1 (Cistercian), General

these develop only when the first host is swallowed

the angle u1 be very small, O'1 is the Gaussian image;

all his capacity for study he was a man of the world, and a

north rise the Buck of Cabrach (2368) on the Banffshire border,

be forwards, unless the body be over long. The cause is, for

most urgently needed for the protection of the public and

claim membership thereof. In the year 1885 the Society of

plays and indecent orgies. One of his boon companions was

while Conjugatae may be shut out from Chlorophyceae as an

which is strong''; (2) ``Jesus, on whom be peace, has said:

it. Each of the larger and older states has now a settled

(Jubilees, iii. 28; Jos. Antiquities, i. I, 4).

the extreme north and south (Egypt, Algeria, Cape Colony and

the Bible. A very good article, now somewhat antiquated,

1898), and art. on ``The Survival of Animal Sacrifices'' in

Very few specimens of early Palestinian altars remain. The

attacks by the neighbouring barons, and was strongly fortified,

city, a post which they named Fort Nassau. Three years later

Exploratory Laparotomy.---In many cases of serious intra-abdominal

acres. In the north Atlantic states the average was 376.4 acres

some of which are almost of the fineness of grains of sand.

fellow-guest at Roskilde, at the banquet given, in 1157, by

there remain many important alkaloids--quinine, morphine,

Everywhere there have been great and constant changes of

who desired it, might be admitted into communion with the

rocks are invariably overlain by white and brown sandstones,

made perfect who are at rest throughout the world.'' So

a stage in the passage to the multicellular condition.

For the first ten years the numbers increase 32.6%, and from

thousand camels, carrying salt from Bilma to the Hausa states.

and the Roman Citizen (1895), Ramsay's views gain both in

out by them, he died on the 17th of November 1668; and the

colourless, odourless gas, which for convenience is carried

A. Cloister gallery.

as, French and Turks, 35,000 infantry, with 68 guns; British,

the towns, who were embittered by confiscations and religious

of the Oxus. Before he could pass the river with safety

m. Special attention has already been called to the

in it which the king, on giving up the palace for government

though considerable oak, beech, elm and pine forests still

(see M. von Rohr, Theorie und Geschichte des photographischen

All its neighbouthood is strewn with kurgans (tumuli).

and part 1 of the Interpedia Project. ***Disclaimers follow***

globe. The parrot tribe form one of the most pre-eminently

Anthophyllite . . (Mg,Fe)SiO3.

result. Notwithstanding this terrible disaster, Alexandria

by his talents committed to a literary career, and being

an individual reviser,'' the revision in question was the

Golea was originally a settlement of the Zenata Berbers, by

several colours. E. Abbe succeeded in computing microscope

in 46 made the Romans definitely masters of Numidia, and the

preface by Willibald Alexis,'' so closely imitated the style

the coup d'etat of Gustavus III., king of Sweden, in 1772,

Paraclete, and given over to the loving care of Heloise, who

church of the Jacobins, a brick building of the 13th century,

on the Orange River Boers, while in 1865 the mind of the

it rise four tall minarets of the same material, one at each

the type devised by Joseph Bramah. The gas is prepared in a

thousand ways,'' but many men and women of note have found

or the demurrage, or other charge for which a lien has been

French, but with a large admixture of the English representative

slaughtered. Under the provisions of the Contagious Diseases

lieutenant-colonel, went to the Horse Guards, where in 1852

treatise of some value by him on astronomical chronology.

heaven (Deut. xxv. 17-19). An allusion to this appears

Acton, a physician at Besancon, and was born there in 1736,

hunger. Yet, except in the north and south temperate

infiltration, by which the siliceous solutions gained access

honour of Queen Elizabeth, a name of much wider significance

The next two years are notable for legislative extravagance and

(1695), after Namur, and a Latin poem entitled Pax Gulielmi

mirror. The instrument can be calibrated by a continuous

brewers, the brewing industry being, broadly speaking, most

that even before its plans for mobilization were completed

and conduits, communicating with the brooks and streams

to a famous victory gained over the Russians, on the 20th

Africa nova was at the time of the Third Punic War the

pasture. He can attend to it and yet give a certain number

white men in tropical Africa generally is dependent largely

not run on as a continuous whole; this may occur either, in

of Albert Nyanza. They are akin to the Shilluks of the White

Port ships. The English form ``admiral'' arose from popular

A feature of Lake Albert Edward Nyanza is the thick haze which

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