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2 Sheets-Sheet 1.


Magazine Fire-Arm.
No. 49,409. Patented Aug. 15, 1865.

, EEERS, P-38).
2. Sheets-Sheet 2.

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Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 49,409, dated August 15, 1865.

To all chom it may concern: stock, as clearly shown in Figs. 7 and S, the
BC it known that we, G. W. HUGHES and main portion of the cavity being located in
J. G. PUSEY, of the city of Providence and the lower part of the stock.
State of Rhode Island, have invented certain One of these metallic pieces is provided
new and useful Improvements in Magazine with grooves running longitudinally, and the
Fire-Arms; and we hereby declare that the other with corresponding flanges or projec
following is a full, clear, and exact descrip tions c to fit therein, by which, when in place,
tion thereof, reference being had to the accoin the parts at and b are firmly locked together,
Danying drawings, making part of this speci but in such a manner as not to interfere with
cation, alad to the letters of reference marked the longitudinal movement of the part a, as
thereon, of which indicated in Fig. 5, the parts ( and b being
Figure 1 is a side elevation of the part con firmly secured to their respective portions of
taining the mechanism of the lock and car the stock A.
tridge-carrier, having the front broken away Within the magazine thus formed is located
to show the internal arrangement. Fig. 2 is a spiral spring, C, which is oval in its cross
a side view of the same, showing the breech section, as shown in Fig. 8.
opened, ready to be used as a single breech To the front of this spring C is attached a
loader, and exhibiting the operation of a stop follower, D, the front end of which is inclined
device for limiting the movement of the car or beveled, as shown in Figs. 5 and 6, for the
rier-block. Fig. 3 is a plan, and Fig. 4 a sec purpose of pushing or feeding the cartridges
tional, view of the stop. Fig. 5 is a longitud forward to the carrier-frame and presenting
inal vertical section of the stock and maga them in an inclined position thereto, as show it
Zine, showing the latter opened, ready to be in Fig. 5.
filled with cartridges. Fig. 6 is a similar Near the front end of the cap at of the mag
view showing the magazine closed, with a azine two pins or lugs, f, are secured in Such a
portion of the cartridges in position. Fig. 7 position as to fit into recesses on either sile
is a Vertical transverse section of the stock of the follower D, so that when the upper por
and magazine, showing the position of the tion of the stock, with cap a, is drawn back
cartridges; and Fig. 8 is a similar view, show the follower D is also forced back with it,
ing the oval spring used to feed the cartridges compressing the spring C in the rear portion
forward to the carrier block or frame. of the magazine, as shown in Fig. 5, whereby
The nature of our invention consists, first, in the magazine is opened, ready to receive its
a nagazine of novel construction, having no supply of ammunition.
detached parts to be dropped or lost, and that A catch-bolt, e, operated by the knobe,
will hold a large supply of ammunition; sec serves to hold the cap (it in place when the
ond, in carrier-frame of novel construction; magazine is closed, and also to hold it open
third, in lock of peculiar construction and ar when the magazine is to be filled, the bolt e
rangement; fourth, in a stock of novel con engaging in the recess at in the latter case,
struction, and in various minor features to be The top of the magazine is arched and its
hereinafter explained. bottom is made concave, as shown in cross
To enable others skilled in the art to con section in Figs. 7 and 8.
struct and use our improved gula, we will pro The cartridges are placed on end, and the
ceed to describe it. concave botton allows them to assume the
A in Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8 represents the positions indicated in dotted lines in Fig. 7
stock, made in the usual form, and divided by which means they are packed closely, the
transversely longitudinally, as there shown. flanges overlapping one another, as show it ill
This stock is then recessed or cut out in the Fig. 6.
direction of its length to receive the maga This concave bottom is specially adapted to
zine, which is composed of two metallic pieces, central-fire cartridges, as it is evident that if
at and b, the former being secured in the up such be used their central base points contain
per and the latter in the lower portion of the ing the fulminate will not rest upon the bot
2 49,409

tom of the magazine, and there will be less breech-block G independent of the carrier
danger of accidental explosions from ally fall frame P, which movement is necessary to al
or jar to which the arm may be accidentally low said block to be forced up between the
subjected. front and rear walls of the opening in the up
The stock A and the barrel F are firmly per side of the breech-frame E, aid thus be
connected by a metallic breech-frame, E, which securely locked in place.
The hanner II is constructed as shown in
is cut out internally of such shape as to adapt
it to receive the carrier-fraine IP and breech Fig. 1, and being located in the interior cavity
block G, which, together with the hammer II ofpivoted
the carrier-frame, as alreadly described, is
centrally upon the pin a', upon which
and retractors R, are located therein, between the carrier-frame is also pivoted.
the front endl or mouth of the magazine and
the rear end of the barrel. A notch or projection, (, is provided, as
The carrier-frame P is constructed of two shown in Fig. 1, near the rear end of the head,
segments of a circle, the front one being in which the dog or trigger . .) engages when
smaller or of less diameter than the other, and the laininer is pulled or forced back, and thus
made solid or united on its periphery. The holds it at full-cock ready for firing.
rear segment consists of two side pieces hav The main spring Kis located within the lever
ing a space between them of proper size alid guard O, which is chambered or recessed for
shape to permit the laminer II to be located that purpose. The guard O is made deep
therein, these portions being formed by all enough to allow the requisite play to the spring
extension backward of the sides of the front and allow the same to be covered by a piece
segment, the rear portion being enlarged so as or cover fitted in or pon the upper edge of
to form the arc of a larger circle, as indicated the lever-guard, as indicated in Fig. 1; or the
in Figs. 1 and 2, in the former of which figures spring may have its edges nicely fitted to the
this carrier-frame, together with the hammer side of the guard flush with its upper side,
H and breech-block G, are shown in place by and thus obviate the necessity of any cover.
a vertical longitudinal section. This carrier The spring K is secured by a screw or in
frame is pivoted at ('. any suitable manner to the real portion of the
The breecl-block G consists of a solid lolock guard at , the lear end of the spring extendling
of metal of proper shape and size to cover the back of said point of attachment, and serving to
rear end of the barrel and fill the opening operate the catch I, which locks the lever-guard
through the upper portion of the breech-frame up in position when the parts are in place
when in place. The interior of this block G is ready for firing the arm.
recessed or cut out for the purpose of giving The front end of the spring Kextends for
room for the upper portion of the hammer II, ward far enough to come under the friction
as shown in Fig. 1. roller e', pivoted to the rearward projection of
A small opening extends from the 'ecess the hammer II, as fully shown in Fig. 1.
through to the front face of said block ( near In the bottom of the recess in the guard O,
its lower edge, through which the lose h of aln(l underneath the main spring K, is attached
the hammer strikes the flange of the cartridge a short spring, n, to which is attached a pin,
at the lower side of the bore of the barrel; or I, the body of which rests in a hole through
by raising the hole and the nose of the ham the lever-guard O. When the hammer II is
lmer correspondingly, the cartridge may be cocked the main spring K is pressed down
struck at the upper side of the flange, or the upon the spring m, and thereby causes the
parts may be so arranged as to have the ham end of this pin L to protrude through the hole
mer strike the cartridge at the center of the and project outside of the lever-guard O, as
bore in case central-fire cartridges are used, indicated by the blue lines in Fig. 1, which
From the lower side of the breech-block G. represent the position of these parts when
two arms, Y, project downward through the the gun is cocked. As the hammer is located
carrier-frame P, below which they are pivoted inside of the carrier-frame, and out of sight
to the lever-guard O by the pin it. These arms of the person using the arm, this serves to in
Y are made flat, and are recessed into the in form lin whether or not the gun is cocked,
ner sides of the curved lates or side pieces and thus also to prevent accidental discharges.
forming the carrier-frame, so as to be flush R represents the retractors, there being one
therewith, and thus leave ample space and on each side of the front segment of the car
form no obstruction to the movements of the rier-frame, the two being rigidly secured to a
hammer EI playing back and forth between pin, M, passing transversely through the front
them. portion of the carrier-frame, as shown in lig.
The upper edge of the carrier-fralue has a 1. A spiral or coiled spring, o', is located in
rectangular notch cut therein of proper size to a recess or allular chamber surrounding said
receive the breech-block G, the top of which pin M, and has one end attached to the pin,
is so curved as to form a continuation of the the other end being secured to body of the
larger arc of a circle formed by the rear por carrier-frame, by which means the retractors
tion of the carrier-frame, as clearly shown in are kept pressed forward against the rear end
Fig. 2. of the barrel, as shown in Fig. 2, until by the
The arms Y are of such a length as to per
rotation of the carrier-frame the shoulders at
mit of a limited vertical movement of the the front of the recesses in which the retractors
-r-e-r-r- - --

49,409 3

R. Work come in contact with the front edge The operation is as follows: The magazine
of the retractors and carry them bodily back being filled with cartridges, the finger or thunb.
Wald With the carrier-frame P as the latter is pressed upon the catch I, which releases
continues its backward motion. the lever-guard O, which is then thrown down
In order to convert the arm at will from a ward and forward. As the guard O begins to
repeater to a single breech-loader we add the the move the breech-lolock G is alrawl down out of
Stop N, which consists of a small rod or pin frame mortise or opening in the top of the breech
extending entirely through the stock or breech by a further E, whereby the parts are unlocked, wheil,
frame underneath the barrel, and just in front rier-fraine P and novement of the glard, the ('il '-
of the front segment of the carrier-frame, as breech-block (i are rotated
indicated by N in Fig. 1, the hole in which it backward upon the pivot (e' until the front
is seated being so located as to be bisected by face of G is brought no a line with the bot
the front wall of the recess or chamber in which tom of the magazine, when a cartridge is forced
the front segment moves. The body of this frame forward out of the magazine upon the carrier
pin N is cut away to one-half of its thickness, in front of G, the base of the cartridge
als show ll it it, Eig. 3, for a distance equal to resting upon the face of (i. At the same time
the hammer II is callied lback with the cal'.
the thickness of the carrier-frame, as there rier-frame until its projecting point g is caught
shown, in which case it is ol) vious that if the
pill N be turned, as it may, by the lever-arm by the dog J, by which means the gun is cocked
and knob l, so as to bring the remaining half simultaneously. The novement of the lever
outside of the line of the front face of P, the Oandis breech-block
then reversed, by which the carrier-frame
are rotated forward, and of
latter can be moved, as usual, to its full ex
tent, its periphery passing readily through the course, carrying with them in their movement
the cartridge resting thereon, which is thus
Space formed by cutting away one-half of the forced
pill N, as already described. One-half of the barrel, into the clhamber at the rear end of the
remaining half of the body of the pin is then J. As the hammer being retained by the dog
cut away in a similar manner, as shown in tion thethefacelever O is brought back into posi
Section in Fig. 4, but for a less distance, the up against theofendtheofbreech-lblock G is forced
cut stopping short at each end, and leaving being at the same time the barrel, the block G
forced up into the open
the shoulder's S S projecting inward a short ing in the top of the breech-frame E, by which
distance beyond the shoulders pp, formed by meansitis securely locked in place, and
the first cut, as shown in Fig. 3. A groove or can then be fired by simply pulling thethe artin
or recess, it', is also cut in each side of the in the usual malnner. In a similar maller
front segment along its edge for a distance the operation may be repeated as often as de
Cual to the movement of the carrier-frame sired, the retractors each time removing the
when it is intended to use the arm as a single empty shell of the exploded cartridge as the
bleecli - loader, and into these recesses or lever is thrown forward.
grooves the shoulders s fit when the stop is If at any time it is desirable to uncock the
titlined, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. As the gun it can be readily done by simply throw
grooves ' do not extend to the lower edge of
the front segment, but terminate in a shoulder ing the end of the lever-guard down a short
at ty, it is obvious that when the carrier-frame distance and pulling the trigger, the first lnove
ment of the guard serving to draw (low) the
is rotated backward, with the stop so turned as breech-block
to bring the shoulders ss out into the recesses low the hole G, so that the solid portion be
through which the nose of the
a', the rotation or movement of the carrier. hammer strikes will impinge upoll the bev
frame must cease the instant that the shoulder
2) is brought in contact with the shoulders, in eled or inclined portion of the hammer, and
which case the lever-guard and carrier-block thus force it back away from the cartridge.
Hence, if the trigger be pulled at any time
will occupy the position shown in Fig. 2. It when
will be seen that by this arrangement the the toptheofbreech-block is drawn down against
the carrier-frame, the body of the
notion of the Calrier-frame is arrested before
the mouth of the Inagazine is opened, and hammer will strike against the point ac, and
thus prevent the nose from striking through
that while the parts are in this position a car the hole. This is also a sure preventive of
tridge can be inserted into the rear open end premature
of the barrel by hand, as shown in Fig. 2, and mer cannotdischarges, as the nose of the han
enter the hole until the breech
the contents of the magazine be thus retained block is shoved entirely up and securely locked sm--

for an emergency or any desired future use; in place.

and thus by simply moving the knob l from By this construction and arrangement of
one to the other end of the groove q, Fig. 2, the various parts we obtain a most perfect
the arm can instantly be converted from a
imagazine or repeating arm into a single breech arm-one that will contain, at least, twenty
loader, or vice versa, at the pleasure of the cartridges in its magazine; that can be fired
very rapidly; is very compact, and free froin
To facilitate the insertion of single cartridges all irregular projections, such as the ordinary
gun-hammeris when located externally. These
by laid the upper portion of the breech-frame
E is cut away, as shown at 2, Fig. 2. features render the arm Well adapted to mili
4. 49,409

tary purposes, especially in the hands of mount 6. The hammer H, constructed as shown,
ed men; also, for use in the woods or as a sport and located inside of the carrier-frame and
ingarm. breech-block, as and for the purpose set forth.
Having thus described our invention, what 7. We claim locating the mainspring Kin
We claim is the lever-guard O, substantially as shown.
1. The magazine B, having a concave bot S. The indicator L, operating substantially
tom, as shown, with the sliding cover con as set forth, for the purpose of showing when
structed as described, so combined and ar the gun is cocked.
ranged that the magazine can be filled with 9. The coiled spring o', located in the annu
out detaching any of the parts. lar recess surrounding the shaft M of the re
2. In combination with the magazine B, the tractors, as and for the purpose set forth.
oval spring C, substantially as described. 10. The stop N, constructed and operating
3. The bevel-faced follower ID, in combina as herein set forth.
tion with the cap (, provided with the fingers ll. We claim making the under side of the
f, arranged and operating substantially as and sliding cover of the magazine concave orarched,
for the purposes set forth. Substantially as shown, to fit it to the form of
4. The carrier-frame P, cut away internally the bullet.
to permit the location of the hammer therein, G. W. HUGEES.
substantially as shown. J. G. PUSEY.
5. The breech - block G, when recessed as
shown and described, and having a hole for Witnesses:
the nose of the hammer to strike through, as N. F. HOPKINs,
set fortif. CHAS. H. JACKSON.

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