E. K. R00T, No. 13,999.: Patented Dec 25, 1855
E. K. R00T, No. 13,999.: Patented Dec 25, 1855
E. K. R00T, No. 13,999.: Patented Dec 25, 1855
No. 13,999. Patented Dec 25, 1855.
N. Peters, Photo-uihcGRAPHER, WASIGston, c
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 13,999, dated December 25, 1855.
To all whom it may concern: rotating breech and parallel there with; and
Be it known that I, E. K. Root, of Hart below this plate the block is formed into a
ford, in the State of Connecticut, have made a loop or eye, h, of suitable shape to receive the
certain new and useful Improvement in Many trigger-finger, by which the block, with its
Chambered Rotating-Breech Fire-Arms; and driving-pin, can be pushed forward and drawn
I do hereby declare that the following is a back the required distance for rotating the
full, clear, and exact description thereof, ref. breech. After the sliding block has been
erence being had to the accompanying draw drawn back sufficiently far to pass out of one
ings, making part of this specification, in of the diagonal grooves to turn the breech
which the required distance to bring the next cham
Figure 1 is a side elevation: Fig. 2, a lon ber in line with the barrel, and to enter one
gitudinal vertical section, and Fig. 3 a bottom of the longitudinal grooves to hold the cham
view. ber in line, its rear end then strikes against
The same letters indicate like parts in all the end of the spring-catch i, which holds the
the figures. tumbler j of the cock or hammer k, and liber
My said invention relates to an improve ates it that the cock or hammer may be forced
ment on that class of rotating-breech fire-arms onto the cap with the full force of the main
in which the breech is rotated to bring the spring. In this way the driving-pin cannot
several chambers in succession to the line of present any impediment to the motion of the
the barrel by a driving-pin attached to a slide cock or hammer.
and Working in longitudinal and diagonal The arm can be operated with great rapid
grooves cut in the periphery of the rotating ity by pushing forward the slide of the driv.
breech. ing-pin with the trigger-finger while the ham
In this class of arms as heretofore made meris brought to the full-cock with the thumb,
the driving-pin has been connected with and and then by pulling back the slide with the
operated by the hammer or cock or some part trigger-finger the breech is rotated, held in
of the lock connected and moving with the place, and the hammer liberated by the one
cock or hammer, so that if the driving-pin motion.
meets with any obstruction in the longitudinal Instead of making the grooves on the pe
grooves in the act of firing the momentum of riphery of the rotating breech, they may be
the hammer will be so far checked as not to made on the periphery of a small cylinder, l,
have force enough to explode the cap. mounted on journals in the slot?, as repre
The object of my improvement is to avoid sented in Figs. 4 and 5, placed below and
this difficulty; and to this end my said inven parallel with the rotating breech, and geared
tion consists in combining the driving-pin there with by a pinion, In, on the end of the
that Works in the grooves to rotate and hold cylinder and corresponding cogs, n, on the pe
the breech with a slide below having a loop riphery of the breech. When thus modified
or equivalent for the reception of the trigger the number of grooves in the periphery of
finger, by which it is moved back and forth, the cylinder t should be proportioned to the
and adapted to act on the lock at the end of difference between the diameter of the range
its back motion to liberate the hammer and of cogs on the breech and the pinion on the cyl
fire the load. inder. m
In the accompanying drawings, a represents What I claim as my invention, and desire
the many-chambered rotating breech with the to secure by Letters Patent, is
well-known arrangement of longitudinal and Combining the driving-pin that works in
diagonal grooves b, in which the driving-pin the grooves to rotate and hold the breechin
c works to rotate the breech to bring the cham line with a slide below adapted to the recep
bers successively in line with the barrel, and tion of and to be operated by the trigger-fin
to hold each chamber in line during the dis ger, and acting on the lock at the end of the
charge. This pin is fitted to a sliding block, back motion to liberate the cock or hammer
d, and provided in the usual manner with a to discharge the load, substantially as de
spring, e, to force it against the bottom of the scribed.
grooves and adapt itself to their varying E, K, ROOT,
depth in manner Well known; and the sliding Witnesses:
block is adapted to slide freely but accurately J. N. STANCLIFF,
in a slot, f, in the bottom plate, g, below the SAML, COLT.