Era of The Inquinator
Era of The Inquinator
Era of The Inquinator
Given the undiscriminating and widespread use of the medium of the Internet as a source of information
which is sometimes reliable but often unreliable, and which mass medium is now favoured by
propagandists, we humans have entered a new phase of development: the era of the inquinator. {1}
This is the era where, for example, the esoteric and the numinous - and their mysteries and their effluvia
{2} - have often become and are increasingly becoming not only obscured by the propaganda spread by
ideologues in the service of their ideology, be it political or religious or otherwise, but also sullied by
inquinators who do not understand kalos kagathos let alone what it means and implies in personal terms
and who naturally turn to the Internet to search for its meaning as they do for terms such as 'inquinator'.
For the medium of the Internet has become a tool of the hoi polloi; which tool and its manipulation can be
taught and learned and used on behalf of any abstraction, any ideology or for any materialistic or
egotistic purpose without any reference to the supra-personal, the balance, that for millennia has often
restrained our hubris. Of course, it is probable that only a few will understand what is meant here.
One historical balance to the use of such an inquinatious tool was the personal quest - ἄνοδος - of
Hermeticism and Alchemy, involving as they did various stages of practical learning and personal
transformation; for the quests were an épistémé, ἐπιστήμη. That is, a means to change the φύσις, physis -
the character/nature/perception - of an individual, as well described in v. 25 of the Poemandres tractate of
the Corpus Hermeticum:
"Thus does the mortal hasten through the harmonious structure, offering up, in the first realm,
that vigour which grows and which fades, and - in the second one - those dishonourable
machinations, no longer functioning. In the third, that eagerness which deceives, no longer
functioning; in the fourth, the arrogance of command, no longer insatiable; in the fifth, profane
insolence and reckless haste; in the sixth, the bad inclinations occasioned by riches, no longer
functioning; and in the seventh realm, the lies that lie in wait." {3}
However, this ancient wisdom although kept alive in both practical and theoretical ways by a few modern
Adepts has been and is being sullied by inquinators who for ideological (and sometimes personal) reasons
have described both that practice and theory by pejorative causal and wholly inappropriate abstractions
to divert attention from the modern traditions which convey such wisdom.
This is most obvious, at least to us, in the esoteric effluvia that is The Star Game: a modern
representation of hermetic, alchemical, and other mysteries as intimated in texts such as The Noetic Star
Game {4} and Julius Evola, The Seven Fold Way, And Hermeticism. {5}
For, contrary to the evidence, the inquinators have, through their mastery of propaganda and by using
the Internet as a primary tool, not only described those modern traditions as "neo-nazi" and as "anti-
semitic" {6} but also as advocating dishonourable deeds totally at variance with the Greco-Roman ideal
of kalos kagathos. {7}
This inevitably resulted in three things: (i) in the hoi polloi believing their inquinations, (ii) in The Star
Game - as a modern, unique, apolitical, effluvia of hermetic and alchemical traditions - receiving little or
no attention outside of certain closed esoteric circles; and (iii) in the esoteric knowledge and traditions of
past generations not becoming as widespread as they otherwise might have been. {8}
Yet even in the Era Of The Inquinator such a modern épistémé as The Star Game is being and in the
future will be taught in the traditional individual manner, from Adept to Initiate, as will the modern
practical quest that is the apolitical Hermetic Hebdomian Way. {9}
Rachael Stirling
30th October 2022 ev
{1} Cf. Cicero, De Optimo Genere Oratorum, 3.7, "in verbis si inquinatum".
{2} Esoterically and metaphysically the term effluvium is, as Myatt explained, preferable to emanation:
"in order to try and avoid any potential misunderstanding. For although I have previously used the term
emanation in my philosophy of pathei-mathos as a synonym of effluvium, emanation is often understood
in the sense of some-thing proceeding from, or having, a source; as for example in theological use where
the source is considered to be God or some aspect of a divinity. Effluvium, however, has (so far as I am
aware) no theological connotations and accurately describes the perceiveration: a flowing of what-is, sans
the assumption of a primal cause, and sans a division or a distinction between ‘us’ – we mortals – and
some-thing else, be this some-thing else God, a divinity, or some assumed, ideated, cause, essence,
origin, or form." The Way Of Pathei-Mathos – A Précis,
{3} Translated by Myatt. Corpus Hermeticum: Eight Tractates, 2017 Gratis Open Access document:
{5} Julius Evola, The Seven Fold Way, And Hermeticism is available at
{7} In his 2021 interview, Anton Long explains that ethos of the O9A is described by the terms πάθει-
μάθος, καλὸς-κἀγαθός, and kindred-honour:
{8} Traditions such as the esoteric correspondences of the hermetic septenary system with the Tarot and
the alchemical process; Sorcery In Virgil's Aeneid; Baphomet as a Goddess; The Avenging Alastoras; Azoth
in Western Alchemy And The Septenary System, and links to ancient Arabic traditions such as the one
described in the Ghayat al-hakim manuscript.
The Appendix includes two examples of the tradition relating the ancient hermetic septenary system with
the Tarot and the stages of a Renaissance alchemical tradition.
The Hermetic Septenary System, The Tarot, And A Renaissance Alchemical Tradition