O9A: Modern Manifestations of The Magian Ethos
O9A: Modern Manifestations of The Magian Ethos
O9A: Modern Manifestations of The Magian Ethos
° Distinguishing The Magian
° Aeonic Sorcery: National Socialism
° The O9A Seven Fold Way And The Magian Ethos
° Appendix I: The Abstractions Of Racism And Racists
° Appendix II: The Crusade Against Hate-Speech
° Appendix III: Sorcery, The Sinister, Aeons, and The Psyche of The Folk
° Appendix IV: Some Observations On Personal NS Conduct
Distinguishing The Magian
The Magian ethos - the character, nature, the physis, the beliefs, the world-view,
that animate and distinguish a Magian - was and still is manifest in Judaism, in
Christianity, and in Islam, all of which religions make a distinction between "the
chosen ones", "the saved," "the damned" and "the heretics" - and thus possess a
necessary dialectic of opposites as well as invented causal abstractions - with there
also being an Eschatology and an expected belief by adherents to some "official"
Aeonic Sorcery: National Socialism
The O9A Seven Fold Way And The Magian Ethos
"The ethos of The New Aeon is a pagan one evolved (by the O9A and
others) from the Greco-Roman and Western notion of καλὸς κἀγαθός, of τὸ
καλόν (the beautiful) and τὸ ἀγαθὸν (the honourable) manifest as these
are in the O9A Code Of Kindred Honour and in the balancing
(ἀρρενόθηλυς) of the masculous and the muliebral via the enantiodromia
that is the Seven Fold Way and presenced as that balance is in the Grade
Rituals of Internal Adept and of The Abyss.
That is, the O9A Seven Fold Way can lead the individual to discover Lapis
Philosophicus, and thus Wisdom. The wisdom of a Magus/Mousa/Rounwytha, of
someone "above Time", {17} and which wisdom I personally - and several others
who associate themselves with the O9A - believe David Myatt expressed in the
essentially pagan way of life he termed the philosophy of pathei-mathos and also in
his two 2017 monographs titled Classical Paganism And The Christian Ethos and Tu
Es Diaboli Ianua. {18}
Knowing this, the real men 'above Time' are the first ones to understand
and to appreciate the wholehearted efforts of their disciples 'against
Time,' however awful these might appear to ordinary people [...] The fallen
world can never understand them."
But 'the fallen world' often hates these individuals who are above Time, and the
legacy they leave behind, which legacy is often a means to uncover what the causal
abstractions of the fallen world conceal or have concealed.
May 2021 ev
{4} Applying Myatt's Philosophy To The Real World: Part Two, The Crusade Against
Hate-Speech. e-text, 2019. Included here as Appendix II.
{7} The little known - to outsiders - 2006 O9A text Sorcery, The Sinister, Aeons, and
The Psyche of The Folk, states that
{10} The five principles are: (i) the way of practical deeds; (ii) the way of culling;
(iii) the way of kindred honour; (iv) the way of defiance of and practical opposition to
Magian abstractions; (v) the way of the Rounwytha tradition. {11} The term
'sinister' is defined in A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms, version 5.03, as
follows: "Of or pertaining to our Dark Tradition, and thus to the five core principles
of the O9A. Often used as a synonym for both the Left Hand Path and for what is
antinomian, or heretical, in a particular culture, religion, or society. It is thus
more general than the term "satanic" and in O9A esotericism is often used - like the
term Dark - to refer to manifestations (intrusions) of the acausal continuum in the
causal and which manifestations can include The Dark Gods and can occur in the
psyche of individuals where they may be perceived as archetypes." Qv. The
Seofonfeald Paeth available at https://www.scribd.com/document/432774955
{13} https://archive.org/details/myatt-vindex
Appendix I
The Abstractions Of Racism And Racists
Magian Abstractions
Return To Our Ancestral Pagan Source
Richard Stirling
February 2019 ev
τοῦ δὲ λόγου τοῦδ ̓ ἐόντος ἀεὶ ἀξύνετοι γίνονται ἄνθρωποι καὶ πρόσθεν ἢ ἀκοῦσαι
καὶ ἀκούσαντες τὸ πρῶτον· γινομένων γὰρ πάντων κατὰ τὸν λόγον τόνδε
ἀπείροισιν ἐοίκασι, πειρώμενοι καὶ ἐπέων καὶ ἔργων τοιούτων, ὁκοίων ἐγὼ
διηγεῦμαι κατὰ φύσιν διαιρέων ἕκαστον καὶ φράζων ὅκως ἔχει· τοὺς δὲ ἄλλους
ἀνθρώπους λανθάνει ὁκόσα ἐγερθέντες ποιοῦσιν, ὅκωσπερ ὁκόσα εὕδοντες
{4} https://archive.org/details/myatt-vindex
Part Two
The Crusade Against Hate-Speech
The term "hate-speech" is, like the term "racist", a modern abstraction and is an
integral part of the new political crusade "against hate".
The result is conflict, ideological, political, and practical; the projection of the
denotata "hate-speech" onto words spoken and written; demands for punishment of
those deemed to be the offenders; and dehumanizing propaganda in the media and
elsewhere about those alleged offenders.
In terms of Myatt's philosophy the error of all this is not only the perpetuation of
the separation-of-otherness by means of impersonal abstractions with the inevitable
dialectic but also because of the continuing manufacture of modern
abstractions which remove us ever further from the insight, the wisdom, the
understanding of physis {2}, that he states can only be discovered through personal
empathy and via pathei-mathos.
"A personal pathei-mathos [is] one of the primary means whereby we can come to
know the true φύσις (physis) of Being, of beings, and of our own
being; a knowing beyond 'abstractions', beyond the concealment implicit in
manufactured opposites, by ipseity (the separation- of-otherness), and by
denotatum." {3}
In The Real World
Rachel Stirling
February 2019 ev
Appendix III
Sorcery, The Sinister, Aeons, and The Psyche of The Folk
Esoteric Notes XXIX
The Folk Psyche and Folkish Archetypes
Aeons, Civilizations and The Presencing of Acausal Energy
According to the sinister tradition of the ONA, there have been five Aeons, including
the current Thorian (or "Western") one. The current Aeon is, however, unique - for it
has, in the last hundred years or so, suffered from a distortion of its life-force, a
distortion of its soul. This distortion has been somewhat simplistically and rather
graphically described as akin to a "viral infection" which has modified the behaviour
of the peoples of the civilization through changing, modifying, and in some cases
supplanting, the natural archetypes of the Aeon. In the esoteric sense, this
distortion, this infection, can be understood as a natural process affecting our
evolution - a consequence of that evolution itself - and such an infection could have
certain undesirable consequences for our evolution, and for our ability to free
ourselves from those viral forces which are, in essence, de-evolutionary. That is, this
distortion, this infection, represents a challenge to the Sinister Way - to sorcery, to
the alchemy of evolution itself.
Thus, one aim of Aeonic Magick is to counter this Aeonic distortion through various
sinister strategies; another aim is to consciously bring-into-being a new Aeon: one
which will allow us, as human beings, to evolve and fulfil the potential latent within
The Sinister Way
Anton Long
117 Year of Fayen
v. 1.01
(1) q.v. the MS The Five-Dimensional Magick of the Seventh Way. For a basic
discussion of causal and acausal, see Chapter 0, A Theory of Magick, in Naos and
the O9A MS Aeonic Magick - A Basic Introduction.
(2) It needs to be understood that the ONA/O9A uses such terms as psyche, and
archetype, in a particular and precise esoteric way, and thus such terms should not
be considered as being identical to those used by others and defined, for example,
by Jung.
(3) Such connexions, such living-beings as the folk and the folkish-culture which
derives from the living of such a being, are only what-are, on this planet where we
dwell. That is, they are aspects of Nature: they correctly describe the reality of how
the acausal is presenced, in the causal, on this planet, through that living-being
which is Nature. In a simplistic descriptive sense, such folk-beings are among Her
descendants, her "sons and daughters".
Appendix IV
Some Observations On Personal NS Conduct
You either know what honour and fairness are - you feel them in your heart and your
very being - or you do not.
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