O9A: Modern Manifestations of The Magian Ethos

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Modern Manifestations 

Of The Magian Ethos


° Distinguishing The Magian
° Aeonic Sorcery: National Socialism
° The O9A Seven Fold Way And The Magian Ethos
° Appendix I: The Abstractions Of Racism And Racists
° Appendix II: The Crusade Against Hate-Speech
° Appendix III: Sorcery, The Sinister, Aeons, and The Psyche of The Folk
° Appendix IV: Some Observations On Personal NS Conduct

Given the mention of "modern manifestations of the Magian ethos" in various recent

O9A texts, a more detailed explanation of the phrase seemed necessary, especially in
the context of the O9A Seven Fold Way and in the context of some nexions,
inspired by or presencing Occult O9A philosophy according to their own judgement,
who openly support the modern heresy that is National Socialism.

Distinguishing The Magian

The Magian ethos - the character, nature, the physis, the beliefs, the world-view,
that animate and distinguish a Magian - was and still is manifest in Judaism, in
Christianity, and in Islam, all of which religions make a distinction between "the
chosen ones", "the saved," "the damned" and "the heretics" - and thus possess a
necessary dialectic of opposites as well as invented causal abstractions - with there
also being an Eschatology and an expected belief by adherents to some "official"

Modern manifestations of the Magian ethos - of the physis that distinguish a Magian

- include what have been termed "anti-fascism" and "anti-racism", the myth of the
holocaust, and also Marxist-Leninism {2}{3}. These manifestations have led to the
recent invention of causal abstractions such as "hate speech", "racial hatred",
"racism", and "holocaust denial" all of which have been used and are being used to
not only censor the views of opponents of modern manifestations of the Magian
ethos but also to criminalize and imprison them, these modern heretics.

For such modern manifestations of the Magian ethos as anti-fascists and

communists not only have declared as enemies those who are in practice dissenters
and heretics from the "righteous beliefs" - the ideology/theology - of "the chosen
ones", "the saved," the believers, but also anti-fascists and communists and other
Magians have a pre-determined, restrictive, religious, intolerant, way of observing
and interacting with the world and with other human beings based on the
ideological causal abstractions they or their fellow-travellers have invented.

One distinction between the Magian ethos and the classical Greek and Western

Faustian ethea is that the pagan world-views of Ancient Greece and of the
indigenous, non-Christian, folk of Europe did not have a theology of, or an
abstraction or abstractions regarding, heresy and so over generations tolerated
diverse interpretations of the pagan world-view and a tolerance regarding diverse
religious beliefs in general.

In respect of the modern Magian abstractions of "hate speech", "racial hatred", and

"racism", such abstractions not only represent an ideology in part derived from
Marxist-Leninism, but also represent - despite what some supporters of such
abstractions may believe - an intolerance because individuals and groups are
impersonally judged, stereotyped, according to whether such heretics have done or
said things that their opponents do not approve of and have invented terms and
categories to describe.

For those so accusing others of such modern heresies, or believing such accusations

of heresy, always assume, from whatever motive or for whatever reason,that "they
are the righteous ones and represent the moral high ground, as zealous crusaders -
be they political or religious - always do and always have done." {4}

Hence they, with the certitude born of intolerance and hatred, have made it almost

impossible for those they accuse of such heresies to defend themselves for they have
persuaded so many Westerners - especially in governments, in the police, in
positions of authority, in academia, in the teaching profession - that their invented
abstractions are real and that such heretics must be guilty because to defend and to
support such things as racial separation, as an ethnic State, a desire to live among
one's own kind, to be proud of one's ancestral White, Western, culture, and to
defend National Socialist Germany and to question the holocaust, are morally
reprehensible, evil, hateful things to do, and - ipso facto - are "hate speech", "racial
hatred", "racist" and in respect of the myth of the Shoah/holocaust "demean, insult,
disparage" the memory of the dead or "glorify or justify genocide" with it being a
criminal offence in over a dozen European countries to deny the holocaust - aka
"demean, insult, disparage" the memory of those allegedly killed {5} - with law
courts in several countries having gone so far as to declare that the alleged
holocaust meets the criteria for what is termed 'judicial notice' so that in any trial
the truth of the holocaust cannot be questioned or doubted.

It seems undeniable to us, at least, that the invention of such modern Magian

abstractions, such modern heresies, and using them as a means of censorship and
repression, have benefited those who support both multi-racial societies and the
demise of the practical resurgence of Western paganism as was represented by
German National Socialism and is now represented by philosophies of the kind
espoused by groups such as Reichsfolk {6} and as embedded in O9A philosophy.

Aeonic Sorcery: National Socialism

The understanding of National Socialism which is embedded in O9A philosophy

enrages "both the believers in the modern manifestations of the Magian ethos and
their fanatical anti-fascist crusaders" {1} for three reasons.
First, because it is a heresy against their ideology, against the modern Magian and
anti-fascist religion of holocaustianity; {8} second, because it exposes, through for
example references to Myatt's 1990s NS writings {9} the lies about National
Socialist Germany and National Socialism which are one of the foundations of
holocaustianity; third, because O9A philosophy positively encourages practical,
direct, opposition to Magian abstractions - a practical opposition which is one its
five core principles {10} - by means of Aeonic sorcery, by Insight Roles where
National Socialism is publicly championed and propagated, and by sinister rites
such as The Mass of Heresy. {11}

In regard to Aeonic sorcery, in a text distributed in the 1980s titled Aeonics and

Manipulation I - published in 1992 in Hostia volume II {12} - the following are
regarded as necessary to aid the creation of a new Aeon:

1) the presencing of sinister energies in particular ways at this present

time - i.e. the creation of specific archetypal forms/images/systems/ideas
which affect individuals.

2) the opening of a physical nexion to draw acausal energies in a

significant way and enable their presencing.

3) the performance of certain Aeonic rites (e.g. Nine Angles) to create

sinister 'psychic pressure', altering individuals. [Note: this is more general
than (1) and involves letting the energies presence according to their
nature, this nature being formed via the rites used.]

4) the creation of particular and specificc practical forms and the

channelling of magickal energies into these.

5) the emergence of more Adepts of the sinister tradition - i.e. individuals

possessed of self-understanding, Occult insight and abilities, who are
imbued with the ethos of the new Aeon.

6) the creation of the ethos of the new Aeon in a way enabling its

apprehension (both unconsciously and consciously) by those who are not
Adepts and who are not involved in esoteric Arts.

In addition, and as mentioned above, there is (a) undermining Nazarene/

Magian forms/effects; and (b) aiding the fulfilment of a Faustian Imperium

[...] (b) involves assisting in both a magickal and a practical way, those

individuals/groups/forms who/which have as their aim a practical
expressing of Faustian ideals, and who/which thus assist or contribute to
the Faustian ethos. In political terms, this means National-Socialism and
similar expressions of the Faustian ethos.

In Aeonics and Manipulation II - also published in 1992 in Hostia volume II - more

detail was given, although it should be remembered that the O9A use the term
Satanism to refer to what is antinomian, or heretical, in a particular culture; to refer
to opposition to the Magian ethos in particular, and to refer to "a pagan joy in
conquest, experience, living, in seeking and going beyond limits, physically and
What all this amounts to is that O9A philosophy - together with the presencing of
that philosophy by individuals and nexions, together with its Vindex mythos - are
profoundly anti-Magian in both theory and practice, seeking as they do a New Aeon
and an Imperium whose founders, as Myatt wrote in his 1984 text Vindex - Destiny
of the West,

"may not call themselves National Socialists or use as their symbol the

swastika fi‚ag, [but] they will nevertheless be the heirs of National
Socialism. In this bond lies the key to the creation of Imperium." {13}

The O9A Seven Fold Way And The Magian Ethos

The ancient Greek term Kαλὸς Kἀγαθός manifests both the aim of the O9A Seven

Fold Way {14} and the ethos of The New Aeon which the O9A exists to presence via
its Sinister Dialectic. It also expresses the truthful essence of National Socialism
and which essence {15} the Magian has done so much to hide through, for example,
the myth of the holocaust and their modern invented abstractions such as "racism".

As described in A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms, version 5.03,

"The ethos of The New Aeon is a pagan one evolved (by the O9A and
others) from the Greco-Roman and Western notion of καλὸς κἀγαθός, of τὸ
καλόν (the beautiful) and τὸ ἀγαθὸν (the honourable) manifest as these
are in the O9A Code Of Kindred Honour and in the balancing
(ἀρρενόθηλυς) of the masculous and the muliebral via the enantiodromia
that is the Seven Fold Way and presenced as that balance is in the Grade
Rituals of Internal Adept and of The Abyss.

Exoterically, καλὸς κἀγαθός expresses the law of personal honour as

opposed to the lifeless, abstract, law of the nation-State and of
supranational entities such as the United Nations. It represents a new yet
anciently-derived type of civitas, of duty, and thus implies a new
aristocracy in place of the democracy of the herd and the politics of the

In practice, the O9A Seven Fold Way does the exact opposite of modern invented

Magian abstractions. Such abstractions "hide the physis (the nature) of living beings
and thus the ontological relationship between living beings and between an
individual being and Being itself," {16} while the Seven Fold Way, through its
ordeals, its sorcery, its Insight Roles, its Grade Rituals, gradually over a period of
years and via pathei-mathos, reveals - uncovers - the physis of the individual
sorcerer/sorceress, the physis of living beings, and of our relation to both Being and
causal/acausal Time.

That is, the O9A Seven Fold Way can lead the individual to discover Lapis
Philosophicus, and thus Wisdom. The wisdom of a Magus/Mousa/Rounwytha, of
someone "above Time", {17} and which wisdom I personally - and several others
who associate themselves with the O9A - believe David Myatt expressed in the
essentially pagan way of life he termed the philosophy of pathei-mathos and also in
his two 2017 monographs titled Classical Paganism And The Christian Ethos and Tu
Es Diaboli Ianua. {18}

As Savitri Devi wrote in Chapter 3 of her 1958 book The Lightning and The Sun:

"But there are also men 'outside Time' or rather 'above Time'; men who

live, here and now, in eternity; who (directly at least) have no part to play
in the downward rush of history towards disintegration and death, but
who behold it from above - as one beholds, from a strong and safe bridge,
the irresistible rush of a waterfall into the abyss - and who have
repudiated the law of violence which is the law of Time [...] But the
salvation which the men 'above Time' offer the world is always that which
consists in breaking the time-bondage. It is never that which would
finds expression in collective life on earth in accordance with Golden Age
ideals. It is the salvation of the individual soul, never that of
organised society [...]

Men 'outside Time' or 'above Time,' at the most saviours of souls, have,

more often than not, disciples who are definitely men 'against Time.' No
organisation can live 'outside Time' - 'above Time' - and hope to bring
men back, one day, to the knowledge of the eternal, values. That, all men
'above Time' have realised. In order to establish, or even to try to
establish, here and now, a better order, in accordance with Truth
everlasting, one has to live, outwardly at least, like those who are still 'in
Time'; like them, one has to be violent, merciless, destructive - but for
different ends.

Knowing this, the real men 'above Time' are the first ones to understand
and to appreciate the wholehearted efforts of their disciples 'against
Time,' however awful these might appear to ordinary people [...] The fallen
world can never understand them."

But 'the fallen world' often hates these individuals who are above Time, and the
legacy they leave behind, which legacy is often a means to uncover what the causal
abstractions of the fallen world conceal or have concealed.

As Richard Stirling of Reichsfolk wrote, {16} Myatt's

"continuing emphasis is on Greco-Roman and Western values and virtues

such as honour, chivalry, nobility of character, and personal manners. In
other words, Myatt's apparently 'above time' philosophy of pathei-mathos
is ineluctably Western, pagan, and practical, and in essence opposed to
the Magian abstractions - such as the concept of "racism" - that now
dominate the nation States of the modern Western world to the detriment
of our ancestral Faustian ethos."

May 2021 ev

{1}  Toward A New Aeon, O9A e-text, 2021 ev

{2} "From Judaism have come two religions: Christianity and Islam. Its third and

latest child has not been a religion but an ideology: Marxism [...] It is this which
draws us near to our close relatives, the Marxists [...] A Jewish passion runs through
them too. No people gave more to its political ideas than the Jews, and one of the
most glorious chapters in our history is that of the Jewish martyrs for materialism."
Rabbi Lionel Blue, To Heaven with Scribes and Pharisees, Darton, Longman & Todd,
in association with the Reform Synagogues of Great Britain, 1975.

{3} R. S. Wistrich, Revolutionary Jews from Marx to Trotsky. Harrap, 1976.

{4} Applying Myatt's Philosophy To The Real World: Part Two, The Crusade Against
Hate-Speech. e-text, 2019. Included here as Appendix II.

{5} The government of one Western country enacted a law which stated that

"whoever intentionally, publicly, verbally or in print, over the internet or through any
other medium or means, approves, ridicules or maliciously denies the existence or
seriousness of crimes of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, the
Holocaust and other crimes of Nazism" is liable to criminal prosecution and
imprisonment. https://www.lawspot.gr/nomikes-plirofories/nomothesia/n-927-1979

{6} Regarding the National Socialism of Reichsfolk, see

https://cosmicreich.wordpress.com/ and especially (i)
https://cosmicreich.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/ethical-ns.pdf and (ii)

{7} The little known - to outsiders - 2006 O9A text Sorcery, The Sinister, Aeons, and
The Psyche of The Folk, states that

"such living-beings as the folk and the folkish- culture which derives

from the living of such a being, are only what-are, on this planet
where we dwell. That is, they are aspects of Nature: they correctly
describe the reality of how the acausal is presenced, in the causal, on this
planet, through that living-being which is Nature."

The text is included here as Appendix III.

{8} Holocaustianity is a modern faith where (i) believers insist that the truth of the

Holocaust cannot be questioned or doubted, (ii) believers make a solemn promise
that they will never forget "Nazi crimes" and what happened in the Holocaust, (iii)
believers demand that those who question or doubt the Holocaust should be publicly
shamed and punished: tried as criminals and imprisoned; (iv) believers hold regular
public ceremonies where the Holocaust is solemnly remembered; (v) believers seek
to have governments, especially in the West, hold regular public ceremonies where
the Holocaust is solemnly remembered; (vi) believers demand that their version of
the Holocaust be taught to all school-children who should make regular pilgrimages
to what they insist are sites where the Holocaust took place.

{9} Several of these writings are included in https://archive.org/details/myatt-ns-


See also Appendix IV below, Some Observations On Personal NS Conduct, which

expresses not only the essence of National Socialism but also Myatt's evolution of
National Socialism as evident in his Reichsfolk group.

{10} The five principles are: (i) the way of practical deeds; (ii) the way of culling;
(iii) the way of kindred honour; (iv) the way of defiance of and practical opposition to
Magian abstractions; (v) the way of the Rounwytha tradition. {11} The term
'sinister' is defined in A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms, version 5.03, as
follows: "Of or pertaining to our Dark Tradition, and thus to the five core principles
of the O9A. Often used as a synonym for both the Left Hand Path and for what is
antinomian, or heretical, in a particular culture, religion, or society. It is thus
more general than the term "satanic" and in O9A esotericism is often used - like the
term Dark - to refer to manifestations (intrusions) of the acausal continuum in the
causal and which manifestations can include The Dark Gods and can occur in the
psyche of individuals where they may be perceived as archetypes." Qv. The
Seofonfeald Paeth available at https://www.scribd.com/document/432774955

{12} Hostia is available from


{13} https://archive.org/details/myatt-vindex

{14} The Seven Fold Way is described in detail in the chapter The Seven Fold Way

Of The Order Of Nine Angles in the compilation The Seofonfeald Paeth available at

{15} Myatt's 1990s essay Some Observations On Personal NS Conduct expresses

not only this essence but also his evolution of National Socialism as evident in his
Reichsfolk group. The essay is included here in Appendix IV.

{16} The Abstractions Of Racism And Racists, included in Appendix I.

Appendix I

Applying Myatt's Philosophy To The Real World:

The Abstractions Of Racism And Racists

One of the principles of David Myatt's philosophy of pathei-mathos is that denotata -

the manufacture, the use, and the naming of categories - hides the physis (the
nature) of living beings and thus the ontological relationship between living beings
and between an individual being and Being itself. {1} To illustrate his contention
Myatt in his 2015 essay Personal Reflexions On Some Metaphysical Questions
quotes a fragment attributed to Heraclitus and provides his own iconoclastic
translation {2}.

Another principle of Myatt's philosophy is that the ontological relationships between

living beings are revealed by the wordless and the individual knowing that empathy
provides. {3}

Myatt contends that, in respect of human beings, such denotata depend on the

supposition that named opposites exist and that implicit in such a supposition is a
dialectic; i.e. a real or assumed or a potential conflict. Such a conflict between
assumed opposites inevitably leads to or perpetuates suffering among human beings
because one denotatum is often assumed to be "good" or "true" or "necessary", with
its named opposite assumed to be "bad", "an error", or "unnecessary" and
"unwarranted". {1}

A pertinent modern example in respect of human beings living in the lands of the

West is the denotatum "racism" and which recently manufactured abstraction
has spawned denotata such as "racist" and "institutional racism" as well as
dialectical opposites such as "anti-racist".

Implicit in this abstraction is the political belief, the dogma, that "racism" is "bad"

and has to be challenged, fought, and eradicated. That is, there is or there should be
a dialectical conflict between "racists" and "anti-racists", with the consequence that
the manufactured entity - the abstraction - known as the State having a duty to
manufacture laws which punish what is deemed to be "racist" behaviour and "racist"
attitudes. In effect there is a zealous crusade against "racists" and "racism".

In this example, the denotata "racist" is projected by one or many human beings or

by the Media or by functionaries of the State onto the deeds or words of another
human being, or onto the deeds or words of other human beings, or onto the deeds
or words attributed to an entity such as a political party or political group. The
result is stereotyping, a pre-judgment of the individual, or individuals, or of the
political entity. In the case of human beings, their physis - their individual character,
their nature - has been concealed by the denotata with them considered
impersonally, by those so describing them as "racist" or accusing them of "racism"
who usually do not know, or who have not taken the trouble to know, the accused
individual or individuals personally and who thus have or who acquire a prejudice
against them and who sometimes develop a dislike or a hatred of them.

Such dehumanization of those considered opponents - political or religious - is not

new. As Myatt notes it has been occurring for thousands of years with only the
projected abstractions changing over the centuries.

Magian Abstractions

The modern abstraction named "racism" - and the crusade against "racists" and

"racism" - derives from the ideological movements that have come to dominate the
political life of the nations of the West. In his seminal 1984 text titled Vindex:
Destiny of the West {4} Myatt wrote,

"several new studies (often erroneously described as 'sciences') have come

to dominate Western life, both within institutions of learning and without.
The cumulative effect of these studies has been to change the course of
the West, since the people most affected by them - those in institutions of
higher education - tend to come to dominate the educational life of the
West, its media and the cultural sphere in general by virtue of the
positions of authority and control obtained through their
educational opportunities. As a consequence, social changes have resulted
from both government policy and non-governmental pressure. A new
Zeitgeist has arisen, and a consensus of opinion created and maintained
throughout all the societies of the West.

These new studies - apart from being but complementary to Marxism and

the psychological theories of Freud and Adler - are sociology, social
anthropology, social studies, and linguistics. Some of these movements or
studies have as their aim direct political action [...]
All these subjects, movements, and schools, as well as the so-called
'liberation movements' that derive from them have profoundly changed the
spirit of the West and profoundly altered both its inner and outer
structures. In fact, the ethos of the West has been changed over a period
of some one hundred and fifty years [...]

That all these movements are a distortion of the ethos of the West is

evident if one considers not only what was representative of the West
before these movements began, but also what kind of art, philosophy, and
politics should have been produced by the natural process that transforms
a higher civilization into an Imperium [...]

What is significant about this distortion is that the technology of the West,

as well as its more material resources, have been harnessed not only to
propagate all aspects of the distortion but also to root it so firmly in the
soil of the Western psyche that what is truly Western has very little chance
of surviving at all, so chocked would its flower be by these weeds."

Myatt goes on to describe those movements and studies, and the distortion itself, as


"What all these movements and theories have in common, apart from the

fact that they all, directly or indirectly, contradict the ethos of the West, is
their common origin. They are all the creations of Jews - the last
representatives of the decayed Magian soul. Marxism, with its apocalyptic
visions, is a modern manifestation of Judaism, just as the theories of Freud
represent the Jewish concern with sexuality (evident in the Talmud). Jews
themselves understand this:

"It is this which draws us near to our close relatives, the

Marxists - a Jewish passion runs through them too. No people
gave more to its political ideas than the Jews, and one of the
most glorious chapters in our history is that of the Jewish
martyrs for materialism."

In this context, the historian R. S. Wistrich's study, Revolutionary Jews from Marx to

Trotsky is invaluable."

Return To Our Ancestral Pagan Source

In the final paragraphs of his most recent effusion {1} Myatt makes mention of "our

own Ancestral Culture" just as in his 2017 books titled Classical Paganism And The
Christian Ethos and Tu Es Diaboli Ianua he writes about his proposed new pagan
metaphysics and about how it may

"reconnect those in the lands of the West, and those in Western émigré

lands and former colonies of the West, with their ancestral ethos, for them
to thus become, or return to being, a living, dwelling, part - a connexion
between the past and the future - of what is still a living, and evolving,
culture." {5}
There thus seems to be an unbroken Faustian thread here, beginning with his
Vindex: Destiny of the West and culminating with his most recent effusion,
particularly given his criticism of Christianity in that 1980s Vindex text, in the
aforementioned 2017 books, and in his most recent effusion. In that 2019 effusion
he writes that

"καλὸς κἀγαθός, such personal conduct, and such a new civitas,

[summarizes] how the philosophy of pathei-mathos might, in one way, be
presenced in a practical manner in the world." {1}

His continuing emphasis is on Greco-Roman and Western values and virtues such as

honour, chivalry, nobility of character, and personal manners.

In other words, Myatt's apparently "above time" philosophy of pathei-mathos {6} is

ineluctably Western, pagan, and practical, and in essence opposed to the Magian
abstractions - such as the concept of "racism" - that now dominate the nation States
of the modern Western world to the detriment of our ancestral Faustian ethos.

Richard Stirling
February 2019 ev

{1} Physis and Being. 2019.  https://davidmyatt.wordpress.com/2019/02/10/physis-



τοῦ δὲ λόγου τοῦδ ̓ ἐόντος ἀεὶ ἀξύνετοι γίνονται ἄνθρωποι καὶ πρόσθεν ἢ ἀκοῦσαι
καὶ ἀκούσαντες τὸ πρῶτον· γινομένων γὰρ πάντων κατὰ τὸν λόγον τόνδε
ἀπείροισιν ἐοίκασι, πειρώμενοι καὶ ἐπέων καὶ ἔργων τοιούτων, ὁκοίων ἐγὼ
διηγεῦμαι κατὰ φύσιν διαιρέων ἕκαστον καὶ φράζων ὅκως ἔχει· τοὺς δὲ ἄλλους
ἀνθρώπους λανθάνει ὁκόσα ἐγερθέντες ποιοῦσιν, ὅκωσπερ ὁκόσα εὕδοντες

Although this naming and expression exists, human beings tend to ignore it,

both before and after they have become aware of it. Yet even though, regarding such
naming and expression, I have revealed details of how Physis has been cleaved
asunder, some human beings are inexperienced concerning it,
fumbling about with words and deeds, just as other human beings, be
they interested or just forgetful, are unaware of what they have done. [Fragment 1]

{3} The Numinous Way of Pathei-Mathos. ISBN 9781484096642

{4} https://archive.org/details/myatt-vindex

{5} Classical Paganism And The Christian Ethos.

{6} In regard to the concept of "above time", refer to Savitri Devi's book Lightning

and the Sun, and the essay David Myatt, Reichsfolk, Esoteric Hitlerism, and Savitri
Devi, which is available at https://www.scribd.com/document/333071701/David-
Appendix II

Applying Myatt's Philosophy To The Real World:

Part Two
The Crusade Against Hate-Speech

The term "hate-speech" is, like the term "racist", a modern abstraction and is an
integral part of the new political crusade "against hate".

The term "hate-speech" originated in America in the late 1930s and was used in a

newspaper article in reference to a speech made by Adolf Hitler. It became current
in the 1980s as a mass-noun to refer to speech or written material which is deemed
to be inciting hatred or intolerance with especial reference to that directed at a
specific ethnicity or to a religious belief or to a sexual preference for someone of the
same gender.

In terms of its definition and use what is important is the fact that the speech or

written material is assumed or believed by someone, or by some others, to incite
hatred or intolerance, and that this assumption or belief by some is projected onto
or imposed on others.

For, as with the term "racism" {1} implicit in the abstraction "hate-speech" is a

moral judgment, a political belief, by some or by special interest (pressure) groups
or by politicians that "hate-speech" is "bad" and has to be challenged, fought, and
eradicated. That there is or there should be a dialectical confi‚ict between those who
are deemed to have incited hatred or intolerance and those who crusade "against
hate", with the State having a moral duty to manufacture laws which punish not
only those deemed to have incited hatred or intolerance but also those who are
believed to have, or are judged to have, intended such incitement.

The result is conflict, ideological, political, and practical; the projection of the
denotata "hate-speech" onto words spoken and written; demands for punishment of
those deemed to be the offenders; and dehumanizing propaganda in the media and
elsewhere about those alleged offenders.

In brief, there is one more modern zealous crusade based on abstractions such as

"defeating hate and countering hate-speech" with the crusaders assuming they are
the righteous ones and represent the moral high ground, as zealous crusaders - be
they political or religious - always do and always have done.

In terms of Myatt's philosophy the error of all this is not only the perpetuation of
the separation-of-otherness by means of impersonal abstractions with the inevitable
dialectic but also because of the continuing manufacture of modern
abstractions which remove us ever further from the insight, the wisdom, the
understanding of physis {2}, that he states can only be discovered through personal
empathy and via pathei-mathos.

As Myatt wrote in his The Way Of Pathei-Mathos – A Précis,

"A personal pathei-mathos [is] one of the primary means whereby we can
come to know the true φύσις (physis) of Being, of beings, and of our own
being; a knowing beyond 'abstractions', beyond the concealment implicit
in manufactured opposites, by ipseity (the separation-of-otherness), and by
denotatum." {3}

"A personal pathei-mathos [is] one of the primary means whereby we can come to
know the true φύσις (physis) of Being, of beings, and of our own
being; a knowing beyond 'abstractions', beyond the concealment implicit in
manufactured opposites, by ipseity (the separation- of-otherness), and by
denotatum." {3}

In his most recent essay he wrote

"empathy and pathei-mathos lead us away from the abstractions we have

constructed and manufactured and which abstractions we often tend to
impose, or project, upon other human beings, upon ourselves, often in the
belief that such abstractions can aid our understanding of others and of
ourselves, with a feature of all abstractions being inclusion and exclusion;
that is, certain individuals are considered as belonging to or as defined by
a particular category while others are not." {4}

In The Real World

While all this mention of empathy, pathei-mathos, and ipseity might seem obscurely

philosophical it amounts in Myatt's view to one important thing: that both empathy
and pathei-mathos are personal and thus that what they reveal to an individual is
only relevant to that individual and cannot be "abstracted out" from the moment or
moments of revealing.

In practical terms in the real world this means that such insights cannot form the

basis for any political or religious dogma, agenda, ideology, or belief. For such
political and religious things are by their nature - their physis - supra-personal, and
based on the claim, the assumption, or the necessary belief, that individuals should
place such dogma, agenda, ideology, or belief before their own insight and

According to Myatt's philosophy the philosophical mistake of millennia, continued

with the manufacture of new abstractions such as "racism" and "hate-speech", is
and has been some individuals believing that their own always fallible instinct or
their understanding and insight can be or should be generalized and applied to
others; that their interpretation or view of the world or of events is the correct one
with others opposed to their instinct or interpretation or view needing to be
challenged and challenged in ways which more often than not involve practical
confi‚ict. Thus have military, political and religious leaders and teachers emerged
and, latterly, political parties and ideological movements.

Myatt's philosophy is a move away from all this. A move toward what he describes

as wu-wei, a Taoist term which based on his study of Taoism while living in the Far
East signifies
"a personal 'letting-be' deriving from a feeling, a knowing, that an
essential part of wisdom is cultivation of an interior personal balance and
which cultivation requires acceptance that one must work with, or employ,
things according to their nature, their φύσις, for to do otherwise is
incorrect, and inclines us toward, or is, being excessive - that is, toward
the error, the unbalance, that is hubris, an error often manifest in personal
arrogance, excessive personal pride, and insolence - that is, a disrespect
for the numinous.

In practice, the knowledge, the understanding, the intuition, the insight

that is wu-wei is a knowledge, an understanding, that can be acquired
from empathy, φύσις, and by a knowing of and an appreciation of the
numinous. This knowledge and understanding is of wholeness, and that
life, things/beings, change, flow, exist, in certain natural ways which we
human beings cannot change however hard we might try; that such a
hardness of human trying, a belief in such hardness, is unwise, un-natural,
upsets the natural balance and can cause misfortune/suffering for us
and/or for others, now or in the future.

Thus success lies in discovering the inner nature (the physis) of

things/beings /ourselves and gently, naturally, slowly, working with this
inner nature, not striving against it." {5}

For me, this expresses the fundamental and personal insight of paganism both

modern and old.

Rachel Stirling
February 2019 ev

{1} qv. Part One, available as Appendix I

{2} Myatt's use of the term physis is explained in essays such as Towards

Understanding Physis, published in 2015.

{3} The essay is included in his 2014 compilation One Vagabond In Exile From The

Gods: Some Personal and Metaphysical Musings.

{4} Physis And Being: An Introduction To The Philosophy Of Pathei-Mathos. 2019

{5} The Numinous Way Of Pathei-Mathos, ISBN 9781484096642

Appendix III

Sorcery, The Sinister, Aeons, and The Psyche of The Folk

Esoteric Notes XXIX

Essentially, sorcery (magick) is - according to the Sinister tradition of the ONA -

defined as "the presencing of acausal energy in the causal by means of a nexion. By
the nature of our consciousness, we, as human individuals, are one type of nexion -
that is, we have the ability to access, and presence, certain types of acausal energy."
Thus, understood esoterically, an individual represents a willed-evolution: the
potential to change and evolve by means of utilizing certain energies, with such
change and evolution involving a bringing-into-being, or, more prosaically, a
bringing-into-consciousness. That is, a making-conscious of what was hitherto
"unknown", hidden and latent, both within and external to the individual. This
making-conscious is the first step - the beginning - of genuine individual sorcery; the
first stage of that Sinister Way one of whose aims is the creation of a new, more
conscious, more highly evolved, individual.

The psyche of the individual is a term used, in the Sinister Way, to describe those

aspects of an individual - those aspects of consciousness - which are hidden, or
inaccessible to, or unknown to, the individual. Basically, such aspects can be
considered to be those forces/energies which do or which can influence the
individual in an emotional way or in a way which the individual has no direct control
over or understanding of. One part of this psyche is what has been called "the
unconscious", and some of the forces/energies of this "unconscious" have been, and
can be, described by the term "archetypes".

Understood esoterically, an archetype is a limited presencing (a manifestation) of

acausal energy, which presencing is limited in causal time. [2]

Fundamentally, the basic task of an esoteric Initiate is to make-conscious - to

experience, know and understand - their own psyche, and this, in the beginning
stages of magickal Initiation, is done by means of symbols and rituals, both hermetic
and ceremonial. That is, the forces/energies, both archetypal and otherwise, are
objectified, experiences and experimented with - hence such symbols and tools such
as The Septenary System (of correspondences, including the Tree of Wyrd), the
Tarot, and The Star Game. To complement this, the individual undertakes "Insight
Roles" where they identify with a certain symbolic aspect or aspects, or rôle - and/or
a certain archetype or archetypes - and thus experience, in real life, such energies,
and their causal effects. One particular aspect, of course, is The Sinister itself,
which is manifest in archetypes such as "The Sorcerer/Sorceress", The Mistress of
Earth, and in Satan.

As stated in the MS The Five-Dimensional Magick of the Seventh Way:

"All sorcery - external, internal and Aeonic - is but a means to apprehend,

experience and presence acausal energies, and thus create/provoke
Change. That is, the conventional magick of the Tree of Wyrd, of
books such as Naos, of rituals, is but a beginning - through such things,
the individual Initiate acquires experience and knowledge,
and also develops as an individual: in terms of character. In
the simplistic sense, they move, through the Grades, beyond "The Abyss",
toward The Goal, which is the transformation of the individual and the
emergence of a new type of being, beyond the Adept."

Furthermore, the archetypal energies which affect and influence an individual - a

non-Adept - are, according to The Sinister Way of the ONA, both personal/individual,
and related to the Aeon during which the individual lives. In addition, some of the
personal archetypal energies which are manifest, or which can be manifest, in the
psyche of the individual, are related to the living-being which is the folkish culture
of the individual. Thus, in order to properly progress along The Way toward
Adeptship - in order to evolve as an individual - the individual needs to understand,
and work with, such particular energies.

The Folk Psyche and Folkish Archetypes

By virtue of being a nexion, an individual is connected to the causal presencing that

is Nature, and to those living-beings which are manifest in Nature. One such living-
being is the folkish-culture, the folkish-psyche, to which they belong - from which
they have come-into-being, as an individual. [ 3] Basically, this is just a precise way
of understanding that all non-Adepts are, or can be or will be, influenced by various
unconscious archetypal forces deriving from their ancestors, and their ancestral
culture (or way of life) and that, whether they know or not (and they mostly do not
know) they are connected to such living-beings. Generally, such a connexion (both
unknown and made-conscious) is positive: that is, it tends towards an affirmation of
life, and provides the individual with access to certain energies which are beneficial
to them.

Furthermore, it needs to be understood that sorcery as a Way is neutral - that is, it

can be used (or more correctly can be assumed, by those individuals below the
stage of Mastery, to be so used) to either aid or harm such connexions, such Earthly
living-beings, as human beings are connected to and from which they have emerged,
such folkish-culture and folkish-archetypes.

In practical terms of self-development and evolution, an individual can greatly

benefit from knowing, and from direct involvement with, their folk psyche and
folkish archetypes: and this is especially true when the stage of Adept is reached
and Aeonic workings are undertaken.

Aeons, Civilizations and The Presencing of Acausal Energy

An Aeon - according to the Sinister Way of the ONA - is a particular presencing of

certain acausal energies on this planet, Earth, which energies affect a multitude of
individuals over a certain period of causal time. One such affect is via the psyche of
individuals. This particular presencing which is an Aeon is via a particular nexion,
which is an Aeonic civilization, which Aeonic civilization [4] is brought-into-being in
a certain geographical area and usually associated with a particular people, or folk.
An Aeon can thus be considered to be a type of acausal being [5] manifesting in the
causal, and, as such, has certain archetypal energies associated with it: that is, it
can to a certain extent be "re-presented", or apprehended, via causal-thinking, in
terms of certain symbols, archetypes, abstractions, myths, rituals, and so on. The
living-being which is an Aeon is thus "born", lives for a specific period of causal
time, and then "dies", as, of course, do the archetypes associated with such an Aeon.
Each Aeonic civilization can - according to limited causal-thinking - be described, or
re-presented, by a particular mythos, which mythos is a limited causal apprehension
of the life-force, of "the soul" or psyche, of the Aeon from which that civilization

Hitherto, we human beings have lacked the ability to affect Aeons and thus Aeonic

civilizations. That is, as stated in the MS Aeonic Magick - A Basic Introduction: "All
the individuals associated with a particular civilization - unless and until they attain
a specific degree of self-awareness [variously called 'individuation' and 'Adeptship'] -
are subject to or influenced by their psyche. This psyche draws its energy from
- is determined by - the civilization and thus the aeon. In practical terms, the
psyche is a manifestation of the acausal energy that creates/created the
However, sorcery - correctly understood and correctly used - is a means not only of
personal development and personal understanding (a freeing from psychic,
archetypal, infi‚uences and affects) but also of evolving to the next level of our
human existence where we can understand, and to a certain extent control and
infi‚uence, supra-personal manifestations of acausal energies, such as an Aeon, and
thus cause, or bring-into-being, large-scale evolutionary change. Such
understanding, such control, such a bring-into-being, is Aeonic Magick.

Aeonic Magick is the sorcery of the Adept and those beyond: the sorcery of the

evolved human being who has achieved a certain level of self-understanding and
self-mastery and who thus is no longer at the mercy of unconscious psychic,
archetypal, influences, both personal/individual, and of other living-beings, since as
the folk, and Aeons.

According to the sinister tradition of the ONA, there have been five Aeons, including
the current Thorian (or "Western") one. The current Aeon is, however, unique - for it
has, in the last hundred years or so, suffered from a distortion of its life-force, a
distortion of its soul. This distortion has been somewhat simplistically and rather
graphically described as akin to a "viral infection" which has modified the behaviour
of the peoples of the civilization through changing, modifying, and in some cases
supplanting, the natural archetypes of the Aeon. In the esoteric sense, this
distortion, this infection, can be understood as a natural process affecting our
evolution - a consequence of that evolution itself - and such an infection could have
certain undesirable consequences for our evolution, and for our ability to free
ourselves from those viral forces which are, in essence, de-evolutionary. That is, this
distortion, this infection, represents a challenge to the Sinister Way - to sorcery, to
the alchemy of evolution itself.

Thus, one aim of Aeonic Magick is to counter this Aeonic distortion through various
sinister strategies; another aim is to consciously bring-into-being a new Aeon: one
which will allow us, as human beings, to evolve and fulfil the potential latent within

There is thus a real war occurring at present, part of which is magickal, Aeonic and

supra-Aeonic: a war, battles, between those who represent the genuine wisdom and
understanding and freedom and life-enhancement which genuine sorcery (with its
presencing of the acausal) brings, and those who represent what is fundamentally
de-evolutionary, limiting, enervating and stiflingly causal, and who are manifest
through and in the distortion of the Thorian Aeon. [6]

The Sinister Way

In essence, all genuine sorcery is Sinister because it is Change: a move-toward a

new bringing-into-being. A re-ordering in the causal. That is, it is a presencing of the
acausal - from which all that is evolutionary and life-affirming arises.

However, to work - to affect evolutionary Change - such presencings have to be

based upon, to manifest, to use, what-is acausal: that is, there has to be a knowing,
an understanding, of the acausal as the acausal is. Without this knowing, this
understanding, there has been, is and will be only the delusion of self and at best a
stasis and at worst a return to the thralldom of the past.

Anton Long
117 Year of Fayen
v. 1.01


(1) q.v. the MS The Five-Dimensional Magick of the Seventh Way. For a basic
discussion of causal and acausal, see Chapter 0, A Theory of Magick, in Naos and
the O9A MS Aeonic Magick - A Basic Introduction.

(2) It needs to be understood that the ONA/O9A uses such terms as psyche, and
archetype, in a particular and precise esoteric way, and thus such terms should not
be considered as being identical to those used by others and defined, for example,
by Jung.

Thus, esoterically understood, an archetype is a particular causal presencing of a

certain acausal energy and is thus akin to a type of acausal living being in the causal
(and thus "in the psyche") - it is born (or can be created, by magickal means), it
lives, and then it "dies" (ceases to be present, presenced) in the causal (i.e. its
energy in the causal ceases).

(3) Such connexions, such living-beings as the folk and the folkish-culture which
derives from the living of such a being, are only what-are, on this planet where we
dwell. That is, they are aspects of Nature: they correctly describe the reality of how
the acausal is presenced, in the causal, on this planet, through that living-being
which is Nature. In a simplistic descriptive sense, such folk-beings are among Her
descendants, her "sons and daughters".

Furthermore, there is a symbiosis involved in such connexions - or, rather, there is

now a symbiosis involved as a result of our natural evolution of will and
consciousness; a symbiosis between us, our folk-beings, and with Nature, as well as
with the Acausal beyond Nature.

(4) To be precise, this nexion is "a culture" which itself is a living-being, a spawn of

a particular Aeon, with the Aeonic civilization itself being a by-product, a
manifestation, a stage, of this new culture. However, the general term civilization
will be retained, although such Aeonic "civilizations" such be understood in such a

Also, note that what is referred to is an Aeonic civilization - not just a "civilization".

q.v. Aeonic Magick - A Basic Introduction.

(5) For a basic introduction to "acausal beings" refer to the MS Advanced

Introduction to The Dark Gods: Five-Dimensional Acausal Sorcery which explains
the nature of the acausal-thinking (or, more prosaically, the "esoteric/magickal"
thinking) that is required to begin to understand such beings: to apprehend Them as
they are.

In addition, it needs to be understood that, as explained in many other MSS, there

are many and varying types of acausal entities, or acausal beings or acausal forms of
life. Some exist solely in the acausal; some can manifest in some ways in the
causal, with some such causally-manifesting beings - or forms of life - being in
symbiosis with the causal (or rather, in symbiosis with causal life-forms) and thus
"dependant" on them to some extent. Some such dependant symbiotic acausal
beings may cease to exist (in both the causal and the acausal) when their energy
fades and "dies", while others may return to the acausal to leave only a dead causal
"shell" or "shells".
Further, it should be obvious that the majority of such acausal life-forms cannot and
should not be conceptualized in an anthropomorphic way, bound and limited as such
conceptualizations are by causal Time and causal Space.

(6) The distortion has been, exoterically, described as "Magian": as representative of

a particular ethos deriving from the psyche of a certain people.




Appendix IV

Some Observations On Personal NS Conduct

What the Way of National-Socialism Is:

First, let us be quite clear what National-Socialism is. It is the way of Adolf Hitler

and the warriors of the SS: that is, the Way of personal honour, the Way of duty to
the community before self-interest and self-gratification, and the Way of steadfast
loyalty unto death.

Thus, National-Socialism is the Way of the noble individual - the individual who is

civilized, decent, fair-minded, idealistic and who seeks to aid and further evolve
their own culture. The true National-Socialist seeks to do what is noble, right,
decent, and idealistic. A true National- Socialist tries to set an example for others to
admire and follow.

All of this arises because the Way of National-Socialism is ethical and moral - it has

its own unique ethics, based upon honour. Thus a National-Socialist warrior is not
someone who simply desires or is trained to fight. Neither is a National-Socialist
warrior someone who just takes part in some combat or belongs to some
professional Army. Rather, a National-Socialist warrior - like all National- Socialists -
is someone who lives by the high ethical standards of honour, loyalty and duty and
who is prepared to die in the service of those standards.

We must be quite clear what such ethics mean in practice. They mean that the ends

do not justify the means. A true National-Socialist would only ever use honourable
means and methods - for anything and everything else is simply unethical - it is
wrong. Honour can only ever be achieved through honour just as civilization can
only ever be created and maintained through civilized means: those who cannot
understand this do not understand what honour and civilization are.

You either know what honour and fairness are - you feel them in your heart and your
very being - or you do not.

What the Way of National-Socialism Is Not:

1) A true National-Socialist does not act in a cowardly or unfair way. Thus a

National-Socialist would not, for example, be part of a gang which attacks one
person, regardless of the culture, way of life, religion or race of that person, and
regardless of what that person is alleged to have done or even may actually have

A true National-Socialist admires toughness and the combative warrior spirit, and

seeks to be tough and combative in a warrior way, but they always seek a 'fair-fight'.
Several individuals attacking one individual is simply unfair.

Nothing justifies a person or persons being unfair or acting in a cowardly manner.

One of the things which makes a person a true National-Socialist - a follower of
Adolf Hitler and admirer of the SS - is self-discipline: that is, an individual using
their own will to do what is noble, right, decent, and idealistic. If a person cannot
use their own will to stop themselves from being unfair or acting in a cowardly way,
then they are not true National-Socialists: they are simply weak individuals who lack
the noble character which all true National-Socialists have or strive to have through
using their will. In brief, a true National-Socialist puts the noble ideals of the
National-Socialist way of life before their own personal desires and feelings.

2) A true National-Socialist does not spread rumours or make or repeat any personal

allegations about any individual or individuals because such conduct is
dishonourable - it is unfair. A person of strong character - that is, someone who puts
noble ideals before their own feelings and desires - keeps his/her opinion of others
to themselves, and only makes a personal judgement about an individual when they
have personally met that individual.

It is only individuals of weak character who "cannot keep their mouths shut" and

who repeat or who make-up rumours and allegations about someone. Once again -
nothing justifies a person being unfair: not what you personally may intensely
believe about someone. You must put the ideal of fairness, of honour, before your
own personal belief and even your own personal desire to seek revenge or whatever.

3) A National-Socialist does not approve of or take part in any act or acts of cruelty

toward either humans or animals because such cruelty is uncivilized - it is cowardly,
unethical and unfair. Thus, a National-Socialist would never torture any person,
even if such a person is a sworn enemy and even if by such means some "valuable
information" could be obtained. Torture is simply unfair. To be humane is to be fair
and thus civilized.

Furthermore, true National-Socialist warriors do not condone those modern

methods of warfare which by their nature are cowardly and dishonourable. These
methods include aerial bombing of civilian targets, and most modern technological
warfare itself where the "enemy soldiers" (and often civilians) are targeted by
weapons fired from a great distance, without the warrior being at risk, and able to
personally confront the enemy.

The true National-Socialist warrior prefers combat to modern warfare. The essence

of combat is personal knowledge of the enemy - the enemy is known to you, or there
is chance to personally confront the enemy and have dialogue with them and
possibly honourably settle the dispute, and there is a principle of honour involved in
the dispute.

The essence of modern war is the impersonal idea of "the enemy" who is not

personally known to you, with there being no chance given for any dialogue with
them, and with the war being about impersonal, abstract things such as the
government of one nation having declared war on another nation, for some political
or economic reason. Furthermore, war involves propaganda - the demonizing of "the
enemy" and thus dishonourable deceit.

4) A National-Socialist does not lie, cheat or steal because such things are

dishonourable, the sign of a weak character - of a lack of personal will: of an
individual placing their own personal needs, feelings and desires before the noble
ideal of honour.

5) A National-Socialist respects people of other cultures, and strives to treat them in

a courteous and fair way.

6) A National-Socialist does not give in to temptation and do something ignoble,

unethical or selfish, for example just to "fit in" or be "one of the lads" or because
friends expect it. Rather, a National- Socialist uses their will to do what is noble and
idealistic, regardless of what others expect, do or say.

The most fundamental principle of the way of National-Socialism - and of civilization

itself - is that an individual can change themselves for the better through a triumph
of individual will.



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