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 torno de Evaluación y Seguimiento 

/ ►
 Act. 2 : Preknowledge Quiz

Comenzado el miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016, 20:07

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016, 20:32

Tiempo empleado 25 minutos 25 segundos

Calificación 5,00 de 10,00 (50%)

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
Reading Section

Choose the best option according to the Reading 2 "CHANGING LIFESTYLES":


 What does society get out of high disposable incomes and few

Seleccione una:
a. A new level of women.
b. A couple.

c. A new class of professionals. 

Correct! This is the right answer.

d. A bad habit.

La respuesta correcta es: A new class of professionals.

Pregunta 2
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that fits the following definition:

 A person who doesn't like to spend money.

Seleccione una:
a. Raffle
b. Funny
c. Dummy

d. Cheapskate 
Congratulations! It means a stingy or ungenerous person.

La respuesta correcta es: Cheapskate

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Reading Section

Choose the best option according to the Reading 2 "CHANGING LIFESTYLES":


 When did a new class of professionals appear?

Seleccione una:

a. A couple of decades ago. 

Correct! This is the right answer.
b. 20s and 30s
c. 20s
d. 30s

La respuesta correcta es: A couple of decades ago.

Pregunta 4
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Listening Section

Based on "Audio 2 : Vacations", complete the following sentence:

 Last year vacations were very good because


Seleccione una:
a. all of them were happy.

b. the weather was wonderful. 

Correct!The weather was wonderful.

c. all of them were very tired.

d. the transportation was excellent.

La respuesta correcta es: the weather was wonderful.

Pregunta 5
Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section 

Choose the word that best completes the following definition:

GPS map

 A car driver uses a Respuesta

 to produce the movement of the car, so it continues its way.

Pregunta 6
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Reading Section

Choose the best option according to the Reading 2 "CHANGING LIFESTYLES":


 What has contributed to the consumption of alcohol?

Seleccione una:
a. Couple of decades.
b. Have high disposable incomes.

c. Among both women and men. 

Incorrect! This is not the right answer.

d. Extended youth.

La respuesta correcta es: Extended youth.

Pregunta 7
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Listening Section

Based on "Audio 2 : Vacations", complete the following sentence:

 The lowest temperature in spring that the narrator has lived was

Seleccione una:
a. years ago.

b. she doesn´t remember. 

Incorrect! She remembers last year was not as cold as this one.

c. last year.
d. this year.

La respuesta correcta es: this year.

Pregunta 8
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar and Vocabulary Section

 Choose the INCORRECT question according to the picture:

Seleccione una:
a. What did you do yesterday?

b. Where did you travel? 

Correct!  This statement doesn't have anything to do with the context shown in the picture.

c. What film did you see in the cinema?

d. Where did you go yesterday night?

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: Where did you travel?

Pregunta 9
Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Listening Section

Based on "Audio 1 : New Apartment", answer the following question:

 Is there much crime?

Seleccione una:
a. No, It’s pretty good.
b. Yes, It’s pretty dangerous. 
That is incorrect because Meg didn’t mention it.

c. Yes, somebody stole her car.

d. No, It’s pretty safe.

La respuesta correcta es: No, It’s pretty safe.

Pregunta 10
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar Section

Select the correct option according to the picture:


 The man is Respuesta

 taller than the boy.

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 ntorno de Evaluación y Seguimiento / ►

 Act. 2 : Preknowledge Quiz

Comenzado el miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016, 21:27

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016, 21:46

Tiempo empleado 18 minutos 44 segundos

Calificación 9,00 de 10,00 (90%)

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that fits the following definition:

 A person who doesn't like to spend money.

Seleccione una:
a. Funny
b. Raffle
c. Dummy

d. Cheapskate 
Congratulations! It means a stingy or ungenerous person.

La respuesta correcta es: Cheapskate
Pregunta 2
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar and Vocabulary Section

 Choose the correct advice according to the picture:

Seleccione una:
a. You need to drink plenty of water.
b. You need to take these antibiotics with every meal.

c. You ought to visit a specialist. 

Correct!  This is not a recommendation for a person who has allergies.

d. You should look for another job.

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: You ought to visit a specialist.

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section
Read the options and match the right one with the context below:

 You can find this nice place at any city. Here you can walk and
get some services, goods or food.

Seleccione una:
a. Park
b. Gallery
c. Movies

d. Supermarket 
This is right!!!

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: Supermarket

Pregunta 4
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Listening Section

Based on "Audio 1 : New Apartment", answer the following question:

 How many restaurants are there nearby?

Seleccione una:
a. A lot and near here there is an excellent Colombian restaurant.
b. A lot and her mother lives near here.

c. A lot and near here there is an excellent Korean restaurant. 

Congratulations!!! That is correct.

d. A lot, near here there is an excellent Italian restaurant.

La respuesta correcta es: A lot and near here there is an excellent Korean restaurant.

Pregunta 5
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar Section

Choose the correct option to complete this satement:


 I'm interested Respuesta

 reading the book.

Pregunta 6
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Reading Section
Choose the best option according to the Reading 1 "GLOBAL WARMING MAP:
Greenhouse Effects":

 What did Scientists call harbingers to?

Seleccione una:
a. More frequent events.

b. Events that become more frequently and widespread with climate change. 
Correct! This is the right answer.

c. Direct manifestation of warming.

d. Climate changes and direct manifestations of weather.

La respuesta correcta es: Events that become more frequently and widespread with climate

Pregunta 7
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Listening Section

Based on "Audio 1 : New Apartment", answer the following question:

 What did Meg do on Sunday afternoon?

Seleccione una:

a. She worked as a cashier. 

Congratulations!!! That is correct.

b. She worked in a karaoke bar.

c. She worked selling coffee.
d. She worked in a restaurant.

La respuesta correcta es: She worked as a cashier.
Pregunta 8
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Reading Section

Choose the best option according to the Reading 2 "CHANGING LIFESTYLES":


 When did a new class of professionals appear?

Seleccione una:
a. 20s

b. A couple of decades ago. 

Correct! This is the right answer.

c. 20s and 30s

d. 30s

La respuesta correcta es: A couple of decades ago.

Pregunta 9
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar and Vocabulary Section

 Choose the correst question according to the picture:

Seleccione una:
a. We have a headache.

b. We have a bad cold. 

Correct!  This sentence agrees with the situation that the picture shows.

c. We have a hard allergy.

d. We have a sunburn.

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: We have a bad cold.

Pregunta 10
Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

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Grammar Section

Choose the correct word to complete the following sentence according to the sentence:

 The sports car is the Respuesta

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 torno de Evaluación y Seguimiento / ►

 Act. 4 : Quiz 1 Unit 1

Comenzado el sábado, 2 de abril de 2016, 23:34

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 2 de abril de 2016, 23:42

Tiempo empleado 8 minutos 12 segundos

Puntos 12,00/15,00

Calificación 60,00 de 75,00 (80%)

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Talking about burglaries and breaks-ins

Answer the question according to the audio "The Street Robbery":

 How many people talk in this dialogue?

Seleccione una:

a. Two people 
Correct! Your reading comprehension is great.

b. Three people
c. Seven people
d. Four people

La respuesta correcta es: Two people

Pregunta 2
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Gerunds

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una:
a. on the road
b. in the country
c. in a highway

d. in a hospital 
That´s it! You can't smoke in a hospital.

La respuesta correcta es: in a hospital

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Unit 1 : Past Progressive Vs Past Tense

Answer the question according to the audio "Speaking on the hairdressing":

 When did Melissa come to the US?

Seleccione una:
a. In 1892, when she was seventeen.

b. In 1992, when she was seventeen. 

Correct! Your reading comprehension is great.

c. During 1999, when she was seventeen.

d. On 1989, when she was seventeen.

La respuesta correcta es: In 1992, when she was seventeen.

Pregunta 4
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Modal Verbs

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una:
a. in a bookstore

b. in a train station 
Correct answer! You need your ticket before traveling.

c. in a parking lot
d. in a cafeteria

La respuesta correcta es: in a train station

Pregunta 5
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Unit 1 : Past Progressive Vs Past Tense

Answer the question according to the audio "Speaking on the Hairdressing":

 Chuck's English is good because …

Seleccione una:
a. He studied English for two years.
b. He did an intense course in the US.

c. He was born in the U.S. 

Correct! Your reading comprehension is great.

d. He worked for an international company.

La respuesta correcta es: He was born in the U.S.

Pregunta 6
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Vocabulary

Select the correct word after reading the definition:

 Destruction or harm to a person's property.

Seleccione una:
a. fill out
b. claim

c. damage 
Correct! This word is the right one taking into account the definition.

d. fill up

La respuesta correcta es: damage

Pregunta 7
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Modal Verbs

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una:

a. at a beach 
The answer is correct! At a beach you can see this advertisement.

b. on a hill
c. in a forest
d. at a zoo

La respuesta correcta es: at a beach

Pregunta 8
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Compound Adjectives

Choose the best option:

 The combination for creating the compound adjective “ Nicely-

decorated” is:

Seleccione una:

a. Adverb + past participle 

That is correct.

b. Number + Adjective
c. Noun + Noun
d. Adjective + Noun

La respuesta correcta es: Adverb + past participle

Pregunta 9
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Modal Verbs

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una:
a. at a beach
b. in an office

c. in a hospital 
Perfect choice! In a hospital you can see this advertisement.

d. in a park

La respuesta correcta es: in a hospital

Pregunta 10
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Modal Verbs

Select the correct option according to the picture:

Seleccione una:
a. You had better not park here
b. You do not need to park here

c. You must not park here 

Excellent! This is the correct option

d. You do not have to park here.

La respuesta correcta es: You must not park here

Pregunta 11
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Asking for / Giving Directions

Read the description and choose the correct word:

 People can walk or drive through this narrow place, implicitly

between buildings.

Seleccione una:
a. Road
b. Block
c. Avenue

d. Street 
Well done! Because it is narrower than an avenue.

La respuesta correcta es: Street

Pregunta 12
Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Modal Verbs

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una:
a. in a church

b. in a school 
Sorry. It is not the right one! This advertisement is not usual in a school.

c. in a cafeteria
d. in a hotel

La respuesta correcta es: in a hotel

Pregunta 13
Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Past Progressive Vs Past Tense

Answer the question according to the audio "The Street Robbery":

 How many people were at the street?

Seleccione una:
a. Seven people

b. Three people 
Incorrect! You need to improve your reading skill.
c. Four people
d. Two people

La respuesta correcta es: Four people

Pregunta 14
Puntúa 1,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 1 : Modal Verbs

Where can you find this advertisement?

Seleccione una:
a. in a taxi

b. in a bus 
Perfect! In a bus you can see this advertisement.

c. in an elevator
d. on the street

La respuesta correcta es: in a bus

Pregunta 15
Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

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Unit 1 : Vocabulary

Select the correct word after reading the definition:

 A house in a town or city, usually a comfortable, expensive one in a

fashionable area.

Seleccione una:

a. condo 
Incorrect! Sorry, this word is not the right one taking into account the definition.

b. unit
c. apartment
d. town house

La respuesta correcta es: town house

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 Act. 6 : Quiz 2 Unit 2

Comenzado el jueves, 14 de abril de 2016, 14:50

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en jueves, 14 de abril de 2016, 15:25

Tiempo empleado 34 minutos 47 segundos

Puntos 13,00/15,00

Calificación 65,00 de 75,00 (87%)

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 2 : Tag Questions

Complete the sentence with the correct tag question:

 My friends are playing soccer in the park, Respuesta
are they?

Pregunta 2
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 2 : Reading Comprehension

Answer this question according to the reading "Authors of English Literature":

 Who of them traveled to another country after the college?

Seleccione una:

a. Eric Blair John Synge 

Sorry! That's not the correct sentence.

b. Edward Forster and Thomas Eliot

c. Eric Blair and Edward Forster
d. Thomas Eliot and Jhon Synge

Your answer is incorrect.
La respuesta correcta es: Eric Blair and Edward Forster

Pregunta 3
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 2 : Present Perfect Continuous

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs:


 Caroline Respuesta


 been Respuesta

 a novel by Garcia Marquez this month.

Pregunta 4
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 2 : Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
Read the description and choose the correct phrasal verb:

 We usually do this action when we are so tired and we don't want to

listen to any noise.              


Seleccione una:
a. Turn up

b. Turn off 
Well done! Because we must turn off the appliances if we want to rest.

c. Turn down
d. Turn on

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: Turn off

Pregunta 5
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Unit 2 : Reading Comprehension

Taking into account "Maddy's story", answer this question:

 What lesson did Maddy learn?


Seleccione una:
a. Be careful what you wish for.

b. Practice makes perfect. 

Congratulations! That's the correct sentence.

c. Do not ride a scooter with pink shoes.

d. School is fun with new shoes.

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: Practice makes perfect.

Pregunta 6
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Unit 2 : Reading Comprehension

Answer this question according to the reading "Authors of English Literature":

 Who studied in more than one university?

Seleccione una:
a. Eric Blair

b. Thomas Eliot 
Congratulations! That's the correct sentence.

c. John Synge
d. Edward Forster

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: Thomas Eliot
Pregunta 7
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Unit 2 : Word Order - Sentence Structure

According to the picture, choose the best option: 

Seleccione una:

a. They sang a song last night. 

Excellent! This is the correct option according to the picture.

b. They are fighting on the microphone.

c. They song a sing together.
d. They singing a song together.

La respuesta correcta es: They sang a song last night.

Pregunta 8
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Unit 2 : Vocabulary

Choose the correct option according to the definition:

 Adjective that describes an object that is extremely useful, important

or represents a high cost.

Seleccione una:

a. Valuable 
Correct! Valuable is an adjective to describe an object that is important or has monetary value.

b. Price
c. Antique
d. Cheap

La respuesta correcta es: Valuable

Pregunta 9
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Unit 2 : Future Tense
Select the best option according to the following question:

 Which of the following sentences indicates an action taking place in

the future?

Seleccione una:
a. Andrea is doing her English homeworks.
b. The little boy is playing soccer in the background.

c. My parents are leaving town next weekend. 

Congratulations! That's the correct sentence.

d. Carrefour gives away dairy products.

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: My parents are leaving town next weekend.

Pregunta 10
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Unit 2 : Reading Comprehension

Answer this question according to the reading "Authors of English Literature":

 Who studied music when was young?

Seleccione una:
a. Eric Blair
b. Thomas Eliot
c. Edward Forster

d. John Synge 
Congratulations! That's the correct sentence.

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: John Synge

Pregunta 11
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Unit 2 : Synonyms

Select the best option to complete the paragraph:


 Insurance companies usually Respuesta

 non-smokers to their policies.

Pregunta 12
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Unit 2 : Reading Comprehension

Answer this question according to the reading "Authors of English Literature":

 Who of them were not poets?

Seleccione una:
a. Thomas Eliot and Jhon Synge

b. Eric Blair and Edward Forster 

Congratulations! That's the correct sentence.

c. Edward Forster and Thomas Eliot

d. Eric Blair and John Synge

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: Eric Blair and Edward Forster

Pregunta 13
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Unit 2 : Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs

Read the description and choose the correct phrasal verb:

 That's why vehicles can't move.

Seleccione una:
a. Run out of sugar
b. Run out of wáter
c. Run out of cash

d. Run out of petrol 

Well done! it is neccesary to move a car.

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: Run out of petrol

Pregunta 14
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Unit 2 : Present Perfect Tense

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs:


 Respuesta

 she Respuesta

 many books in the last five years?

Pregunta 15
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Unit 2 : Reading Comprehension

Answer this question according to the reading "Authors of English Literature":

 Who of them were poets?

Seleccione una:
a. Jhon Synge and Edward Forster

b. John Synge and Thomas Eliot 

Congratulations! That's the correct sentence.

c. Edward Forster and Thomas Eliot

d. John Synge and Eric Blair

Your answer is correct.
La respuesta correcta es: John Synge and Thomas Eliot

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 Act. 7 : Final Exam

Comenzado el sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016, 15:40

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016, 16:43

Tiempo empleado 1 hora 2 minutos

Puntos 23,00/25,00

Calificación 115,00 de 125,00 (92%)

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 0,00 sobre 1,00

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Writing Section
Unit 2

Select the sentence without spelling mistakes:

Seleccione una:
a. The weather's bad, isn't it?

b. The weather's bad, is't it? 

Incorrect! Review the spelling, it’s very important to express ideas in the correct way. The
correct sentence is: The weather's bad, isn't it?

c. The wether's bad, isn't it?

d. The weater's bad, isn't it?

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es: The weather's bad, isn't it?

Pregunta 2
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar Section
Unit 1

Choose the best answer to complete the conversation:

 A: I don't like this sweater.

Seleccione una:
a. B: You should bought a new one.
b. B: You shouldn't to use it, then.

c. B: You shouldn't put it on, then. 

Correct! The verbs should is used to give recomendations, suggestions and/or advice.

d. B: You should buying a new one.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: B: You shouldn't put it on, then.

Pregunta 3
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Reading Section
Unit 2

According to the "Reading 2 : Princess Diana", choose the correct answer:

 How was the lifestyle of Diana before her marriage to Prince


Seleccione una:
a. She was one of the victims of the epidemic AIDS.

b. She was an unknown figure to public. 

Correct! She was famous when she decided to marry Prince Charles.

c. She became the most photographed person in the world.

d. She was a rich woman.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: She was an unknown figure to public.

Pregunta 4
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar Section
Unit 2

Select the option that best completes the conversation:

A: Where are the papers that were on the table? Did you put them away? 
I threw them aw ay
B: Respuesta

. Why, were they important?” 

A: Yes! It was my English homework. Now I’ll have to do it over again.

Pregunta 5
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Writing Section
Unit 2

Select the sentences without spelling mistakes:

Seleccione una:
a. This’l work, won’t it?
b. This wil work, will it?

c. This will work, won't it? 

Well done! It’s important to pay attention to the spelling of words.

d. This’ll work, wont it?

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: This will work, won't it?

Pregunta 6
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Reading Section
Unit 1

According to the "Reading 3", complete the sentence with the correct answer:

 Tom Sawyer and jumping frogs are ...

Seleccione una:
a. Mark Twain’s characters.
b. contests made in Missouri.

c. Mark Twain’s creation in two short stories. 

Correct! Both were written by Twain.

d. names of characters on short stories.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Mark Twain’s creation in two short stories.

Pregunta 7
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section
Unit 2

Select the option that defines the word:

 Lightning

Seleccione una:
a. Abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth accompanied by the

emission of light. 
Correct! That's the right answer. That is the definition of lighting.

b. A thunder is a loud, rolling noise produced by the expansion of air.

c. The lights of the moon.
d. Covered or enveloped as if with fog.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth
accompanied by the emission of light.

Pregunta 8
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Vocabulary Section
Unit 2

Select the best option that defines the word:

 Pizza

Seleccione una:
a. Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced mixture of e.g. tomato sauce

and cheese. 
Correct! That is the right word. That is how the pizza is made.

b. Thin, flat cake of flour, eggs, and milk, fried on both sides in a frying pan.
c. A rounded, flattened patty of ground beef.
d. Two slices of bread with a layer of meat, cheese, or other food between them.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced
mixture of e.g. tomato sauce and cheese.

Pregunta 9
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Listening Section
Unit 1

Listen to the "Audio 2"  and choose the correct answer:

 Where does Jasmine live?

Seleccione una:



Correct! She lives in a campus dorm.


Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: 

Pregunta 10
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section
Unit 2

The sentence in the picture can be completed as follows:

Seleccione una:
a. aren't you?

b. are you? 
Correct! The Tag Question is formed with the auxiliar and the subject. The picture shows YOU
AREN´T, So the Tag is ARE YOU.

c. do you?
d. will you?

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: are you?

Pregunta 11
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Listening Section
Unit 2

According to the "Audio 1"   choose the correct answer:

 What is the woman's main concern?

Seleccione una:
a. She is afraid because her husband will become a fitness freak.

b. She is worried her husband will have a healthy problem. 

Correct! She is worried about what will happen with his husband heart.

c. She is worried because her husband will spend too much time away from home.
d. She is concerned about her husband's shape.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: She is worried her husband will have a healthy problem.

Pregunta 12
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar Section
Unit 1

Complete the sentence using the appropriate form of the verb:


 The natural habitat of the African Elephant Respuesta

 been reduced dramatically.

Pregunta 13
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Writing Section
Unit 2

Select the correct sentence:

Seleccione una:
a. You are to meet Julieth tonight.

b. You are going to meet Julieth tonight. 

Correct! You recognize the correct structure of the future tense with going to.

c. You will going to meet Julieth tonight.

d. You going to meet Julieth tonight.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: You are going to meet Julieth tonight.

Pregunta 14
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section
Unit 2

Complete the sentence appropriately:

turned dow n

 The bank Respuesta

 my application for the loan. I am so sad.

Pregunta 15
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section
Unit 1

According to the picture, choose the correct option:

Seleccione una:

a. You don't have to pay the ticket. 

Correct! It's is not necesary to pay.

b. You shouldn't pay the ticket.

c. You have to pay.
d. You must pay the ticket.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: You don't have to pay the ticket.

Pregunta 16
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Reading Section
Unit 1

According to the "Reading 3", choose the correct answer:

 If you visit Hannibal, Missouri, what particular item from Mark

Twain's day might you see?

Seleccione una:
a. You will participate on a jumping contest.

b. You may find a white fence at Twain’s boyhood home. 

Correct! There is a fence at his old fashioned home.

c. You can find a big picture of Samuel Clemens.

d. You may find a Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: You may find a white fence at Twain’s boyhood home.

Pregunta 17
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section
Unit 2

Select the option that matches the definition:

 To cause (water) to flow, as by opening a valve.

Seleccione una:

a. To turn on 
Correct!. To TURN ON on means to start a valve or to run something that was off before.

b. To turn down
c. To turn off
d. To turn up

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: To turn on

Pregunta 18
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Reading Section
Unit 1

According to the "Reading 3", choose the correct answer:

 What was the writer talking about in this text?

Seleccione una:

a. It was telling his own childhood story. 

Incorrect! It is not an autobigraphy.

b. It was telling about his work in Missouri.

c. It was talking about Mark Twain’s life.
d. It was describing Missouri’s landscape.

Respuesta incorrecta.
La respuesta correcta es: It was talking about Mark Twain’s life.

Pregunta 19
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar Section
Unit 1

Complete the sentence using the appropriate word:


 The Eurotunnel joins Britain and France Respuesta

 the sea.

Pregunta 20
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Listening Section
Unit 2

According to the "Audio 6"  , choose the correct answer:

 How much time does she spend with each patient?

Seleccione una:
a. 12 minutes
b. 15 minutes

c. 45 minutes 
You are right! She works 45 minutes with each patient.

d. 30 minutes

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: 45 minutes

Pregunta 21
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Vocabulary Section
Unit 2

The problem this picture shows is:

Seleccione una:
a. The car is out of maintenance.
b. The gasoline is over the hood.
c. The car broke down.

d. The car ran out of gas. 

Correct! The picture shows the gasometer almost out of gas. The phasal verb means that
something is over is "run out of".

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: The car ran out of gas.

Pregunta 22
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar Section
Unit 1

Select the correct word to complete the text:

w hom

 Shall know the true, it matter not by Respuesta

 you are accused.

Pregunta 23
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Grammar Section
Unit 2

The option that best completes the message in the picture is:
Seleccione una:
a. The man is getting in the horse.
b. The man is getting into the horse.
c. The man is getting under the horse.

d. The man is getting onto the horse. 

Correct! The right preposition for expression CLIMBING would be ONTO.

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: The man is getting onto the horse.

Pregunta 24
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Listening Section
Unit 2

According to the "Audio 3"  , answer the following question:

 What was the score in the game that the speaker described?

Seleccione una:
a. 7 - 28
b. 17 - 18

c. 70 - 8 
Correct ! According to the audio they lost by about 70 points to 8.

d. 60 - 18

Respuesta correcta
La respuesta correcta es: 70 - 8

Pregunta 25
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Enunciado de la pregunta
Listening Section
Unit 1

According to the "Audio 2"   and choose the correct answer:

 Where will they meet for lunch?

Seleccione una:


Correct! They will have lunch at the college café.


Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es: 

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