Crime Detection and Investigation: Prepared by Prof. Jayson Paul Vanta

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Prepared by Prof. Jayson Paul Vanta

Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and a. During the identification of criminal offender

Special Crime Investigation b. During the arrest, detention and interrogation
of the offender
1. It deals with the identity, location and arrest of a c. During the gathering of evidence to prove the
person who commits a crime and simultaneously guilt of criminal offender
identifies, collect, preserve and evaluate evidence d. During police line-up
for the purpose of bringing criminal offender to
justice. (June 2019 Board Exam Question) 6. What specific offense has been committed? Who
a. Investigation committed it? When it was committed? Where it
b. Criminal investigation was committed? Why it was committed? And how
c. Investigative process it was committed? These are
d. Criminal inquest called_______________________ of criminal
2. After identifying, collecting and preserving a. Cardinal Points
information gathered about the crime, the b. Three I’s = Information, Interview/Interrogation
investigator shall _______________ such & Instrumentation
information to determine whether it can stand c. Golden Rule = MAC/M-ove, A-lter, C-hange or C-
prosecution and trial. ontaminate
a. Recognize d. Bridges burn = MEC/ M-oved, E-mbalmed, C-
b. Collect remated
c. Preserve
d. Evaluate 7. One of the stages of criminal investigation is the
identification of criminals, which can be done in any
3. Which of the following is not one of the forms of or a combination of the following, except:
information the investigator obtained from regular, a. By confession or admission by the criminal
cultivated or grapevine sources? (June 2018 Board b. By corpus delicti
Exam Question) c. By circumstantial evidence
a. Sensory d. By eyewitness
b. Written
c. Concrete 8. Coerced and uncounseled statements are
d. Physical forms considered involuntary or forced confession which
are usually an:
4. Through this tool of criminal investigation a. Judicial
tangible things may be used to detect crimes, b. Extra judicial
identify the criminals, facilitate, and assist the c. Prosecutorial
investigator in its task in achieving the objectives of d. Admission
criminal investigation. (Nov-Dec 2019 Board Exam
Question) 9. After apprising him of his rights under Republic
a. Information Act 7438, Lauro Galit who was invited and
b. Criminalistics – application of various science interrogated for the crime of murder executed an
c. Instrumentation extra-judicial confession acknowledging his guilt to
d. Interview/Interrogation the crime charged. What is the effect of such
Interview= simple questioning confession to his case?
Interrogation=skillful/forceful/rigid/intense/ a. It can be used as evidence against him
vigorous questioning b. He will be convicted for the crime of murder
c. He waived his rights to prove his innocence
5. Which phase of criminal Investigation that the d. His case will prosper
investigator apprised the person of his right under
Republic Act 7438?

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10. Which of the following is not an element of d. Confession must be ratified by the judge or the
corpus delicti? (June 2019 Board Exam Question) fiscal
a. Proof of the occurrence of certain event ratified = binago
b. Person’s criminal responsibility for the acts
c. Additional evidence of a different character to 15. Assume that you are an investigator who
the same point = corroborative evidence investigates a murder case perpetrated by an
d. Proper chain of custody unknown suspect. A person in the name of Ruel, a
call center agent, saw the crime and he is willing to
11. An act or declaration made in the presence and identify the suspect. Which of the following
within the hearing or observation of a party who methods will you not utilize to establish the identity
does or says nothing, when the act or declaration of the suspect?
naturally calls for action if comment is not true. a. Verbal Description (Portrait Parle) and Rogue’s
a. Admission by Silence Gallery (Photographic Files)
b. Res inter alios acta b. General Photographs and Cartographic Sketch
c. Admission (Artist’s Assistance) [Composite Artist]
d. Negative pregnant c. Police Line-up
Res inter alios acta = An admission made by a third d. Systematic interview that may lead to the
party is inadmissible in court. identity of a known criminals
EXCEPTION: an admission made by a conspirator
under Section 30, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court 16. You are an investigator, investigating a
suspected rape-slaying case which was allegedly
12. In this process, written confession of the witnessed by a certain person who volunteered to
accused is used as a script in describing events of identify and testify against the perpetrator. What
the crime. This strengthens the prosecutor’s case are the factors that you should not consider to
and serves to convince the judge that the accused determine the accuracy of his identification of the
was not maltreated nor affected by sinister suspect?
psychological influence. a. His ability to observe and remember the distinct
a. Mental reconstruction = after physical appearance of the suspect
reconstruction, mag-iisip si Investigator ng concl b. The prevailing conditions of visibility and
usion base sa statement ng witness. observation when the crime was committed
b. Crime reenactment =pagsasadula c. His state of mind when he witnessed the
c. Reconstruction commission of the crime
d. Physical reconstruction = may witness na d. The lapse of time between the criminal event
nagdedescribe sa pangyayari and when identification was made

13. Statement no. 1. Confession is a voluntary 17. Circumstantial Evidence is evidence that
statement, either oral or written, made by a person indirectly proves a fact in issue through an
charged with the commission of a crime which he inference which fact-finder draws from the
admits participation in, or commission of, the evidence presented. It is sufficient to produce the
criminal act. It cannot be implied, it should be direct conviction of the accused if:
and positive acknowledgment of guilt. a. There are more than one circumstances present
Statement no. 2 Admission is a statement by the b. The facts from which the inferences derived are
accused regarding facts pertinent to the crime. It proven
tends, in connection with the proof of other facts, c. The combination of all the circumstances is such
to prove the suspect’s guilt. It can be implied. as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable
a. Statement No. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is doubt
false d. All of the above
b. Statement No. 1 is false while statement no. 2 is
true 18. You are an investigator who investigates an
c. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both true alleged robbery with homicide case perpetrated by
d. Statements No. 1 and 2 are both false unknown suspects. Since there are no witnesses to
the crime the following may give you a hint to
14. Which of the following need not be present in identify the suspect, except one.
order to prove the guilt of the accused by means of a. Motive and opportunity
confession or admission? b. Declaration and acts indicative of guilt,
a. Confession must be supported by corroborative preparation for a commission of crime and
evidence possession of fruits of a crime of the perpetrator
b. Corpus delicti must be established separately c. Modus Operandi, associative evidence and
c. Confession must be voluntarily and freely given criminal potentiality

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d. Knowledge, skills, tools or facilities that could c. Place of exit
easily be adopted to criminal use by the suspect d. All of the above

19. Person who by social or professional position 25. What is the type of reasoning whereby the
possesses or has access to information of collected information is analyzed carefully to
continuing interest, and who willingly provides develop a theory of the crime.
information to the police either in response to a a. Inductive = specific to general
specific request or his own initiative. b. Deductive = general to specific
a. Incidental informant c. Systematic
b. Casual informant d. Logical
c. Automatic informant
d. Recruited informant 26. The most unusual style of interrogation:
(December 2018 Board Exam Question)
20. Covert observation of a person, place, or things a. Jolting
by human or technical means to acquire b. Hypnotism
information. (Nov-Dec 2019 Board) c. Mutt and Jeff = sweet and sour
a. Surveillance d. Bluff on a split pair
b. Stationary surveillance = hindi lumilipat ng
pwesto, nasa isang station lang 27. When is the labeling of evidence: (June 2019
c. Mobile Board Exam Question)
d. Technical a. In the crime scene upon collection
b. After tagging the evidence
21. In this method of shadowing, operatives are c. Upon taking photographs
station at a fixed point assuming that subject d. None of these
followed the same general route each day.( Tag= ito ay isang maliit na card na ina-attach sa
December 2018 Board Exam Question) evidence
a. ABC Method Label= ito yung information regarding sa evidence
b. Leap Frog Method na inilalagay sa packaging ng ebidensya.
c. Combined Foot- Auto Surveillance
d. None of the above 28. After reconstructing the crime scene, the
following are the minimal requirements to be
22. Sometimes called “roping”. An investigation observed by the investigator to insure admissibility
technique whereby the operative conceals his true of photographs in court.
identity and adopts an assumed role to obtain a. The object which is represented should not be
information or accomplish a specific mission. immaterial or irrelevant
a. Undercover assignment b. The photograph should not unduly incite
b. Dwelling assignment prejudice and sympathy
c. Work assignment and social assignment c. The photograph should be free from distortion
d. Personal contact assignment d. All of the above

23. You are an investigator tasked to investigate a 29. Why does the dead body of the victim of
suspected murder case which there is no known violence needs to be photographed after its
suspect, no witnesses nor any other circumstantial removal from the crime scene?
evidence, except physical evidence. Where can you a. To have a set of view showing the relationship
get these pieces of evidence that may lead you to of the body with the surrounding
the identity of the suspect? b. To identify the victim and have close-up picture
a. The Crime Scene Sources of of the wounds
b. The Victim Physical c. To provide reserve picture in case of loss or
c. The Suspect damage
d. All of the above d. All of the above
Note: Crime Scene is the primary source of physical
evidence 30. Photographs to be taken at the scene of the
24. You were an investigator who tries to a. Over-All and environment’s photograph
reconstruct the crime scene. What are the b. Photographs of articles of evidence and
components of the crime scene situation which you photographs of the deceased
would analyze? c. Photographs of the scene of the crime
a. Suspect arrival at the scene and place of entry operatives showing their identity
b. Movement of suspect from point of entry and d. Special techniques photograph of the body after
his contact with the victim removal

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Paano nga ba mapapanatili ang legal integrity ng
Actually guys kulang ang tanong, may EXCEPT po isang ebidensya? Bakit Chain of Custody ?
dapat ito, naibigay itong tanong na to sa Final = Dahil sa chain of custody nakatala o
Coaching namin same question, same choices kaya dokumentado mula sa umpisa kung sino ang
letter C ang sagot kasi yung letter C tumutukoy na nangolekta ng ebidensya, kung kanino ipinasa at
yan dun sa tao, yun ay SOCO Team. Hindi yan ang kung sino ang huling humawak nito kung saan
purpose of photographing a crime scene. Yung A madaling makikilala kung sino man yung huling
and B pasok yan sa 3 types of photographs na humawak ng ebidensya at maipapatawag agad
kinukuha sa crime scene. General View and Close- upang magpatunay sa korte kung kinakailangan.
up view even letter D po pasok yan. Sa madaling salita anumang pagbabago sa
ebidensya ay responsibilidad ng mga taong huling
31. It supplements photographs of the crime scene humawak nito. Dahil para mapatunayan ang chain
and considered to be the simplest and the most of custody kinakailangan na ang ebidensyang
effective way of showing actual measurements and nakuha sa pinangyarihan ng krimen ay pareho sa
of identifying significant of evidence in their ipinipresenta sa korte.
location at the scene.
a. Crime scene sketch LEGAL ibis sabihin BASIS
b. Rough sketch = done in crime scene, no scale, no
proportion, no measurement 35. The methodology involving the systematic
c. Finished sketch = for courtroom presentation searching, handling, distribution and accountability
d. Direction sketch = X of all evidence found at the crime scene, including
the documentation of every article of evidence
32. In searching for physical evidence at the crime from the point of initial discovery at the scene, to
scene, the following types of search could be used its collection and transport to the point of
depending upon locale, number of personnel examination, its temporary storage and its final
available, type of object sought and speed desired, disposal is referred to us. (June 2019 Board Exam
except: Question)
a. Strip and double strip or grid search a. Corpus delicti = body of the crime
b. Zone search = aka Quadrant/Sector search b. Necropsy report
c. Rectangular and circular search c. Blotter
d. Spiral and wheel search d. Chain of custody

33. Which of the following must be done to 36. To prove the chain of custody of evidence the
maintain the physical integrity of evidence? following must be demonstrated except:
a. Evidence must be photographed and packaged a. The evidence must be free from alteration,
b. Evidence must be properly documented contamination and switching
c. Maintain its chain of custody b. The evidence offered is the same evidence
d. Identify, tag and seal the evidence found at the scene
c. There is no opportunity to replace or improperly
Paano mapapanatili ang physical integrity ng alter the evidence
ebidensya? d. Any change in the condition of the evidence
= tumutukoy na ito dun mismo sa ebidensya, sa can be explained
chain of custody kasi sequential documentation na Explanation: Para mapatunayan ang chain of
yan. So kinakailangan para mapanatili ang physical custody kinakailangan na yung ebidensya na
integrity ng isang ebidensya from the word nakuha ay nasa parehong condition pa rin mula ng
PHYSICAL kolektahin ito hanggang sa itransfer ito. Dahil
-IDENTIFY it, is it a gun or a knife? dapat nung una pa lang pinangalagaan na ito para
-TAG- ilalagay dito yung police identification di ito macontaminate at masira.
number, date and time and the description of
evidence, kung saan kinuha, sino ang nagkolekta. 37. Which of the following is not one of the
and of course importante SEAL THE EVIDENCE para questioning techniques that should be utilized in
hindi sya macontaminate. interrogation?
a. Chronological
34. Which of the following must be done to b. General to specific
maintain the legal integrity of evidence? c. Going backward
a. Evidence must be properly documented d. Going upward
b. Maintain its chain of custody
c. Identify, tag and seal the evidence 38. In questioning a witness, an ideal type of
d. Photographed and packaged the evidence written statement is:

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a. Narrative type because it is easier and will be 45. Physical evidence are contaminated, altered of
short shape, damaged or lost because of:
b. Question and answer because it provides a. Improper packaging
details of acts b. Corruption of investigator
c. Combination of the two c. Non-maintenance of chain of custody
d. Your convenient type d. A and C are true

39. Generally, how many hours does the blood 46. Developed in the case of WEEKS vs. U.S. in 1914,
settle down permanently: (December 2018 Board it works to exclude any evidence against an
Exam Question) individual which was seized in violation of the
a. 8 person’s constitutional rights. (June 2018 Board
c. 4 Exam Question.)
b. 6 a. Hammurabi Law
d. 2 b. Laurel’s Law
c. Miranda Rule
40. An accusation in writing charging a person with d. Exclusionary Law
an offense subscribed by the prosecutor and filed
to court. (June 2019 Board Exam Question) 47. Statement no. 1-Tagging of physical evidence
a. complaint = subscribed by the offended party aside from the marking should be made
b. deposition immediately after receipt by the evidence
c. information custodian; Statement no. 2- Marking or labeling of
d. Blotter physical evidence should be made at the crime
scene upon collection.
41. What are the Golden Rules in homicide a. Statement No. 1 is correct
investigation? b. Statement No. 2 is incorrect
a. Never touch, alter and change the position of c. Statement No.1 and 2 are both correct
anything until identified, measured and d. Statement No.1 and 2 are both incorrect
b. If article has been move it can never be restored Statement no. 1 -Any physical evidence obtained
again to its original position must tagged BEFORE its submission to the evidence
c. A and B are true custodian.
d. All of the above
Statement No. 2-Marking or labeling of physical
42. The interview of a witness can be described by evidence should be made after tagging the
the acronym IRONIC, which stands for: (Dec 2017 evidence.
Board Exam Question)
a. Inquiry, Recognition, Organization, Novelty, 48. Under Republic Act 7438, when does the police’
Identity, Continuity custody of suspect to a crime commence, hence the
b. Identity, Rapport, Omnipresent, Narration, latter is entitled to be informed of his rights under
Inquiry, Conclusion the Miranda doctrine which cannot be waived?
c. Identity, Recognition, Opening statement, a. At the time of custodial investigation
Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion b. During the actual questioning
d. Identity, Rapport, Opening statement, c. During the announcement that he is under
Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion arrest
d. At the moment that he is invited for
43. Which one is not a means of recording crime a questioning
a. By photographs 49. What is the principal psychological factor that
b. By notes contributes to a successful interrogation?
c. By sketches a. Privacy
d. Surveying b. Rapport between the interrogator and the
44. Application of all procedures for the search of c. Legality
missing persons. d. It should be done in the interrogation room with
a. Rogues gallery = photographic files of known one way mirror
criminals Explanation: It is human nature that people with
b. Tracing problems find it easier to confide in another person
c. manhunt = Wanted Person alone rather than in the presence of a third party.
d. order of battle = X

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50. The Female Blowfly which typically lay it’s eggs b. Process of determining who is responsible for
at the _______. (December 2018 Board Exam the death
Question) c. Process of determining how the victim was
a. drainage killed
b. canals d. Process of determining when the victim was
c. water killed
d. rotten flesh
57. In a case of dead person, when autopsy should
51. “Eavesdropping the crime scene” means: be performed?
a. Extent the estimate of the scene a. Death has been caused by violence
b. Search physical evidence at the scene b. At once when there is the slightest reason to
c. Playing the role of a curious spectator and mix suspect the probability of homicide.
with the crowd to listen to their conversation c. Upon the request of the dead person’s family
d. None of the above d. In all cases involving death

52. Criminal investigative activities virtually deal 58. Which of the following is the primary role of the
with: investigator upon arrival at the homicide scene?
a. Recognition and collection of facts which may a. Verification of death
be sensory, documentary and physical forms b. Identification of the person who is responsible
b. Preservation and evaluation of information for the death
gathered from the regular, cultivated and c. Call a physician for the proper declaration of
grapevine sources death
c. Persons and things d. All of the above
d. A and B only
59. Legally, when does death considered to have
53. Crimes involving destruction of life, except: occurred?
a. Mutilation serious physical injuries and rape a. Respiratory system is no longer performing
b. Duel, abortion and infanticide within the body
c. Homicide and murder b. Cardiac activity is no longer performing within
d. Parricide the body
c. Central nervous system activity is no longer
54. Vincent killed his adaptor after the rendition of performing within the body
judgment of the petition for adoption. What was d. All of the above
the crime committed by Vincent?
a. Parricide 60. You were a police officer responded in a violent
b. Murder crime just recently occurred. How would you
c. Homicide determine signs of death?
d. None of the above a. By detecting signs of breathing and respiratory
55. Principles in homicide investigation that should b. By hearing heart sounds
be borne in mind are, mistakes of the homicide c. By applying pressure in the fingernails of a
investigator cannot be corrected and the homicide person
investigator should not cross the three bridges d. Any of the above
which he burns behind him. Which of the following
is not one of this so called “Burned bridge”? 61. Uses of physical evidence, except:
a. When the dead person has been moved a. Determine the cause of crime
b. When the dead body has been embalmed b. Reconstruct the crime
c. When the dead body has been contaminated c. Identify the participants
and the chain of custody was not properly d. Confirm or discredit an alibi
d. When the body is burned or cremated 62. In order to introduce physical evidence in trial,
MEC three important factors may be considered, except:
M-oved a. The article must be properly identified
E-mbalmed b. Continuity or chain of custody
C-remated c. Legality of the procurement
d. Competency must be proved, that the evidence
56. Considered to be the beginning of any homicide is material and relevant
investigation is:
a. Process of establishing the accurate cause of 63. Evidence of violence characterized by the
death removal of the superficial epithelial layer of the skin

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brought about by the friction against a hard rough 70. Which of the following is not an element of
surface. corpus delicti? (June 2019 Board Exam Question)
a. Contusion =pasa a. Proof of the occurrence of certain event
b. Abrasions = gasgas b. Person’s criminal responsibility for the acts
c. Patterned wound c. Additional evidence of a different character to
d. Hematoma =bukol the same point
d. Proper chain of custody
64. You are a police officer responding to a crime
which there is a dying person. You will obtain dying 71. What is the common likely the murderer in the
declaration from him. Which of the following is not bed room? (June 2019 Board Exam Question.)
one of your duties in regard to dying declaration? a. Male
a. Observe the victim as to whether he is b. Female
manifesting a feeling of his impending death c. Children
b. Observe carefully the mental condition of the d. Parents
victim and jot down immediately his statements Murderer= Male
c. Attempt to save the life of the victim Murdered = Female
d. Avoid leading questions and produce the
statement. 72. Identification of a dead body through
examination of the teeth: (Nov- Dec 2019 Board
65. Which of the following is NOT includes in police Exam Question)
report writing? (December 2018 Board Exam a. Forensic pathology
Question) b. Forensic chemistry
a. Affidavit c. Forensic odontology
b. Memorandum d. Forensic medicine
c. Notetaking
d. Informal 73. In tropical countries like Philippines, the color
of post mortem lividity after death is _______.
66. Which of the following is NOT one of the (June 2019 Board Exam Question)
examples of covert information: (June 2018 Board a. Blue
Exam Question) b. Red
a. Grapevine c. Purple
b. Information d. Dark red
c. Informers
d. Public Records 74. In a case of dead person, when autopsy should
be performed?
67. Children conceived by prostitutes are called a. Death has been caused by violence
(June 2019 Board Exam question) b. At once when there is the slightest reason to
a. manceres suspect the probability of homicide.
b. adulterous c. Upon the request of the dead person’s family
c. illegitimate d. In all cases involving death
d. incestuous
75. Which of the following is NOT one of the
68. Post-mortem change that is characterized by examples of covert information: (June 2018 Board
the discoloration of the body after death. Exam Question)
a. livor mortis a. Grapevine
b. rigor mortis b. Information
c. algor mortis c. Informers
d. all of the above d. Public Records

69. Which of the following is true about post 76. The notion, which declares that human
mortem rigidity? (December 2018 Board Exam behavior tends to repeat itself, can serve as basis of
Question) the investigator in determining:
a. It is the instant stiffening of the muscles in a a. Criminal behavior
certain group = cadaveric spasm b. Modus operandi
b. It is characterized by hardening of the muscles c. Nature of the crime
due to the coagulation of protein d. Criminal intent
c. It lasts from 12-36 hours
d. It is characterized by hardening of the muscles 77. This is the first that an investigator must do
due to the solidification of protein. upon his arrival at the scene of the crime:
a. Secure the crime scene

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b. Taking a picture I. Criminal Investigation is governed by rigid rules
c. Interview of witness II. Crime Probe is governed by intuition, felicity of
d. Attend to emergency inspiration and chance or luck.
III. Criminal Investigation involves application of
78. It refers to the forcible expulsion of a fetus from various sciences therefore it is a science.
the mother’s womb: IV. Criminal investigation is an art for it is not
a. Infanticide governed by rigid rules
b. Parricide A. I, II and III
c. Abortion B. II, III and IV
d. Murder C. I and II
D. III and IV
79. In this case, a price, reward or promise has
been considered to kill the victim: 86. An investigator tries to reconstruct the crime
a. Homicide scene. What are the components of the crime
b. Parricide scene situation which should be analyzed? - 1.
c. Infanticide Suspect arrival at the scene 2. place of entry 3.
d. Murder movement of suspect from the point of entry and
his contact with the victim 4. place of exit.
80. Marking produced by screw driver used to a. 1, 2, 3 and 4
forcibly open the cabinet is called _______. b. 1, 2, 3
(December 2018 Board Exam question) c. 1, 2, 4
a. Scratch marks d, 1, 3, 4
b. Scuff marks
c. Tool marks 87. An investigation technique whereby the
d. Skid marks operative conceals his true identity and adopts an
assumed role to obtain information or accomplish
a specific mission.
81. The disinterment of the body to determine the a. Personal contact assignment
cause of death is called. b. dwelling assignment
a. Autopsy = examination c. work assignment and social assignment
b. Medico Legal d. undercover assignment
c. Exhumation
d. All of these 88. When a person is under questioning and
disinterment= paghukay sa libingan ng patay custody, he needs to be informed of his
constitutional rights, which among the following
82. When a bullet is fire through a pane of glass, the forms of questioning in which the appraisal of such
side of the glass where the concentric fractures will rights is not applicable?
MOST probably appear is the pane of glass? A. Field Inquiry
a. Both side where the bullet entered B. Custodial investigation
b. Neither side of C. Custodial Interrogation
c. The side where the bullet exited D. Tactical interrogation
d. The side where the bullet entered
89. Rough Sketch is made by the investigator at the
83. It is the photographing of arrested suspect both crime scene, no scale, proportion is ignored and
full face and side profile. everything is approximate. Can this be presented to
a. Line up the Court?
b. Portrait parle A. Photographed
c. Selfie B. Finished Sketch
d. Mug shot C. Yes
D. No
84. One of the motives of an informant in providing
the investigator necessary information by reason 90. This sketching method requires measuring the
that he had feeling of regret for his past actions. distance of an object along a straight line from two
a. Remuneration widely separated fixed reference points.
b. Civic mindedness A. Baseline method
c. vanity B. Compass point method
d. repentance C. Cross Projection method
D. Triangulation method
85. Which of the following notion regarding
criminal investigation is true?

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91. To prove the chain of custody of evidence the 98. Fired empty shells must be marked inside the
following must be Demonstrated except: mouth, in case of .22 caliber shells, the marking
A. The evidence offered is the same evidence found must be placed:
at the scene A. Outside the mouth
B. There is no opportunity to replace or improperly B. Inside the mouth
alter the evidence C. On the side of the body of the shell
C. Any change in the condition of the evidence can D. All of these
be explained
D. The evidence must be free from alteration, 99. In marking specific evidence such as revolver it
contamination and switching must be marked on the:
A. the chamber facing the firing pin as soon as it is
92. It is often drawn by a draftsman to show proper opened for examination
relationships and scales. This sketch is more B. Separately on the frame, butt, cylinder, barrel
presentable for court presentations. and stock
A. Rough Sketch C. Either A or B is correct
B. Finished Sketch D. A and B is correct
C. Exploded Sketch
D. Crime Scene Sketch 100. One of the motives of an informant in
providing the investigator necessary information
93. What is the last priority of the First Respondent solely for material gain he is to receive.
upon arrival at the crime scene? A. Repentance
A. To cordon off and protect the area B. Remuneration
B. To give first aid; or try to save life, if possible = 1st C. Civic mindedness
priority D. Vanity
C. To protect and if necessary collect and preserve
evidence CDI 2 - Traffic Management and Accident
D. To apprehend the suspected offender Investigation

94. Physical evidence is generally given weight by 1. In arresting the traffic violator or when it
the courts because- involved arrest due to traffic violation, the
I. Addresses to the senses of court following procedures are followed except:
II. Not affected by emotion a. bring the suspended person before the court
III. It cannot lie b. detention of the arrested person may take place
IV. It speaks for itself c. arrest can be effected even without a warrant
A. III and IV only d. impose the probable penalty that might be
B. I, III and IV imposed
C. II, III and IV only
D. I, II, III and IV 2. Safety campaign is an important aspect of traffic
safety education because:
95. Those made by the accused in open court. a. It is designed to make road users behave more
A. Confession safely
B. Judicial Confession b. It informs the public of any updates in traffic
C. Admission c. It focuses on the strict compliance to traffic
D. Extra-Judicial Confession – during custodial signs
investigation d. It can prevent accident

96. In Police Parlance, SOCO means 3. Separation of traffic units in a vehicular accident
A. Scene of the Crime Operatives is referred to as_________________. (June 2019
B. Scene of the Crime Operation Board Exam Question)
C. Scene of the Crime Operating a. final position
D. Scene of the Crime of Operation b. Hazards
c. disengagement
97. Who among the following is a target or subject d. stopping
of police interrogation?
A. Ready witness 4. A person can escape from the scene of the
B. Complainant accident on one of the following ground:
C. Hostile Witness a. offense committed is serious
D. Demented person b. bringing the person to your custody
c. bring the suspect before the court to answer a
charge of violation

Amici Review Center Page 9

d. if the person is under the imminent danger a. The vehicle coming from the right = binibigyan
b. The vehicle coming from the center
5. Used when traffic enforcer observed a minor c. The vehicle coming from the left =nagbibigay
violation but preoccupied at a moment. d. The one which arrives there first
a. visual warning
b. verbal warning 13. Every device which is self-propelled and every
c. written warning vehicle which is propelled by electric power
d. oral warning obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not
operated upon rails.
6. What is the general rule for the movement of a. Skating
vehicular traffic in the Philippines? b. Bicycle
a. “keep to the left” c. Tricycle
b. “Safety First” = International safety reminder d. Motor vehicles
c. “keep to the right”
d. “watch out” 14. Motor vehicle propelled by an internal
combustion engine shall be equipped with a ____
7. The effectiveness of traffic law enforcement as said motor vehicle passes through a street of any
program is best measured by which of the city, municipality or thickly populated district or
following. barrio.
a. Decrease in the ratio of convictions to a. wiper
enforcement actions b. light
b. Reduction of traffic accidents and delay c. muffler
c. Increase in traffic enforcement actions d. windshield
d. None of the foregoing
15. A traffic police officer stationed the route of a
8. It is customary for the police to keep records of parade has been ordered by his superior to allow
lost or stolen automobile license plates. The best no cars to cross the route. While the parade is in
reason for this practice is to progress, an ambulance driver on an emergency
a. permit the promote issuance of new plate run attempts to drive his ambulance across the
b. prevent cards from being stolen route while the parade is passing. Under these
c. keep record of all outstanding license plate in use circumstances the traffic police officer should.
d. detain any person found using or attempting to (December 2018 Board Exam question)
use any of these plates. a. ask the driver to wait until the traffic police
officer contact his superior and obtains decisions
9. With respect to minor traffic violations, the b. stop the parade long enough to permit the
traffic police officers should be guided foremost by ambulance to cross the street
the consideration that c. hold up the ambulance in accordance with the
a. some traffic violation are intended superior's order
b. the aim is to discourage violations d. direct the ambulance driver to the shortest
c. some traffic violations are caused by negligence detour which will add at least then minutes to run
d. violations must be punished
16. When the applicant for student driver’s permit
10. A number representing the resistance to sliding is between 16-18 years old, the most important
of two surfaces in contract is known as: document he should submit is________________.
a. coefficient of friction a. Birth certificate
b. traffic jam b. Voter’s I.D.
c. attribute c. Passport
d. contract damage d. Parent’s consent

11. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape 17. When approaching in an intersection where the
from collision course or otherwise avoid a hazard flashing yellow is on, the motorist
a. start of evasive action should_________________.
b. point of possible perception a. Stop and proceed with caution
c. point of no escape = wala ka ng chance b. Slow down and proceed with caution
maiwasan yung aksidente c. Reduce speed
d. final position d. Give way to motor vehicles coming from the
opposite direction
12. When two vehicles approach an intersection at
approximately the same time, which shall have the 18. What the chronological arrangement of the
right of way? (June 2019 Board Exam question) color of the traffic lights from the top?

Amici Review Center Page 10

a. Yellow, red, green stop. What should the motorist do? (June 2019
b. Red, yellow, green Board Exam Question)
c. Green, red, yellow a. Ignore the police officer and proceed with
d. Green, yellow, red = from the bottom caution
b. Ignore the traffic light and come to a full stop
19. The privilege of immediate use of roadway in c. Ignore both the police officer and traffic light and
preference to another vehicle or pedestrian. cross the intersection
a. Immunity d. Ignore the police officer and stop only when
b. Right of way second signal is made
c. Leniency
d. Giving way 26. When traversing on a solid yellow or white line
with a dotted yellow or white line, you can overtake
20. What country first used traffic signs and only: (June 2019 Board Exam question)
symbols? a. the solid line is in your lane.
a. Germany b. the dotted line is in your lane.
b. France c. Oncoming traffic from the opposite direction is
c. America free from any hazard.
d. England d. the oncoming traffic is visible that no vehicle or
whatsoever is coming from the opposite direction.
21. A motor vehicular accident resulting to the
death of a puppy. 27. It was them who brought road building to its
a. Fatal accident = may patay highest point of perfection in ancient times:
b. Property damage a. Romans
c. Non-fatal accident = injury lang b. Arabs
d. Vehicular accident c. Chinese
d. Greeks
22. These include pedestrians, pedal cyclists,
drivers and passengers: 28. How do you call a person, with a valid driver’s
a. Road obstructions license, on board a motor vehicle?
b. Road users = other term a. Driver
c. Traffic units b. Passenger
d. Road ways c. Motorist = other term ng driver
d. Pedestrian
23. A traffic police officer stationed the route of a Nakasakay lang sya, hindi siya nag-dadrive
parade has been ordered by his superior to allow
no cars to cross the route. While the parade is in 29. What enforcement action will not result to legal
progress, an ambulance driver on an emergency consequence(s)?
run attempts to drive his ambulance across the a. Warning
route while the parade is passing. Under these b. Apprehension
circumstances the traffic police officer should. c. Impounding
(December 2018 Board Exam Question) d. Issuance of citation ticket
a. ask the driver to wait until the traffic police
officer contact his superior and obtains decisions 30. It is the entire width between the boundary
b. stop the parade long enough to permit the lines of every way that is publicly maintained and is
ambulance to cross the street open to the use of the public for purposes of
c. hold up the ambulance in accordance with the vehicular travel:
superior's order a. Pavement
d. direct the ambulance driver to the shortest b. Highway
detour which will add at least then minutes to run c. Headway
d. Embankment
24. It is an object or vehicle on the road that hinders
or prevent the smooth flow of traffic: 31. This refers to the number of vehicles occupying
a. Obstruction a specific length of a roadway at a given instant:
b. Hindrance a. Density
c. Hazard b. Volume
d. Debris c. Gravity
d. Number of units
25. While approaching an intersection, the green
traffic light is on, however, a police officer suddenly
proceed to the center and signals a motorist to

Amici Review Center Page 11

32. When wheeled carts were invented, the next D. Ignore the police officer and stop only when
problem by man when travelling was? (June 2018 second signal is made
Board Exam Question)
a. Wider pathways which will accommodate the 39. A marked stretch of road or street, designated
much wider wheeled cart solely for the purpose of passing or overtaking:
b. An engine which will power the wheeled a. Passing lane
carriages b. Shoulder
c. how to propel the vehicles c. Pavement
d. how to get rid the domesticated animals d. Curb

33. What is the combination of verbal warning and 40. These signs are intended to inform road users
citations called? of special obligations, instructions or prohibitions
a. Traffic consultation which motorists must comply:
b. Citation warnings a. Regulatory
c. Written warnings b. Place identification
d. Traffic rules implementation c. Danger warning
d. Bus and Jeepney stop
34. Safe use of the streets by drivers and
pedestrians is a matter of 41. This refers to the authorized or unauthorized
a. adequate utilization of traffic resources use of the opposite lane of a two ways or separated
b. effective traffic enforcement road:
c. correct attitude and habit a. Counter flow
d. sustained information campaign b. Overtaking
c. Passing through
35. In the examination of the scene of accident, d. Swerving
which of the following evidence will show how the
accident happened? (October 2015 Board Exam 42. An elevated structure built for the safety of the
Question) pedestrians in crossing busy highways: (June 2019
a. hole on the road pavement Board Exam Question)
b. the driver under the influence of liquor a. Flyover
c. point of impact b. Skyway
d. vehicle has break failure c. Underpass
d. Overpass
36. What is the occurrence in a sequence of or a
chain of events which usually produce unintended 43. The three pillars of traffic management:
injury, death, or damage to property? a. Engineering, education, enforcement
a. Calamity b. Engineering, education, environment
b. crime c. Engineering, education, economics
c. Accident d. Engineering, economics, environment
d. Assault
44. Over speeding can cause traffic accident and we
37. A safety device installed at the roadside to attribute the same to: (Nov-Dec 2019 Board Exam
protect vehicles, which run out of control form Question)
falling on steep slopes or hitting fixed objects: a. Unworthy vehicle
a. Signal cycle b. Human error
b. Guard rail c. Traffic error
c. Cycle split d. Road deficiency
d. Drainage
45. The basic principle behind selective
38. While approaching an intersection, the green enforcement in traffic control is
traffic light is on, however, a police officer suddenly a. selection of geographical areas for strict
proceed to the center and signals a motorist to enforcement
stop. What should the motorist do? (June 2019 b. concentration of enforcement activities at peak
Board Exam Question) traffic hours
A. Ignore the police officer and proceed with c. a shifting emphasis on different types of
caution violations
B. Ignore the traffic light and come to a full stop d. a warning rather than a citation will act as
C. Ignore both the police officer and traffic light and preventive measure for future violation
cross the intersection

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46. It deals with the study of the changing urban 53. It was them who brought road building to its
environment due to the scale and density of new highest point of perfection in ancient times:
urban concentration. A. Chinese
a. Traffic Education B. Greeks
b. Traffic Enforcement C. Romans
c. Traffic Engineering D. Arabs
d. Traffic Environment
54. It is painted on the pavement and placed at
47. Motor vehicles registered under this intersections and other places to provide
classification shall not be used for hire under any pedestrians with safety zone when crossing:
circumstances. A. Crosswalk
a. Diplomatic B. Lane
b. Government C. Stop lines
c. Private D. Center
d. For hire
55. On traffic enforcement, what do you call on the
48. It shall mean any motor vehicle with a trailer act of bringing a motor vehicle as a consequence of
having no front axle and so attached that part of traffic law violation?
the trailer rest upon the motor vehicle. A. Confiscation
a. Articulated Vehicle B. impounding
b. Vehicle C. Encumbrance
c. Motor Vehicle D. Seizure
d. Trailers
56. What lane indicates your driving lane, which
49. He perfected the Macadamized road system in prohibits you from crossing on it?
England: A. White dotted line
a. John road B. Solid yellow
b. John Palmer C. Cross walk
c. John Mc Adam D. Center
d. John Negroponte
57. An occurrence in a sequence of events, which
50. The inter-link between municipalities and usually produces unintended injury, death or
within the city proper with a right of way of 15 property damage.
meters. A. traffic incidents
a. Provincial Road B. traffic accidents
b. Barangay Road C. traffic hazards
c. Municipal Road D. traffic events
d. City Road
58. An order wherein a violator is commanded to
51. When traversing on a solid yellow or white line appear in court, but without detaining him.
with a dotted yellow or white line, you can overtake A. traffic citation
only: (June 2019 Board Exam question) B. traffic request
A. the solid line is in your lane. C. traffic warrant
B. the dotted line is in your lane. D. D. traffic violation
C. Oncoming traffic from the opposite direction is
free from any hazard. 59. The first accidental touching of an object
D. the oncoming traffic is visible that no vehicle or collision course or otherwise avoid a hazard.
whatsoever is coming from the opposite direction. A. primary contact
B. secondary contact
52. A driver who was in traffic accident is justified C. disengagement
to leave from the accident area, if any of the D. initial contact
circumstances below are present, except:
a. He is in imminent danger of being harmed by 60. On a highway, a traffic sign reads 80 kph as the
other persons by reason of an accident maximum speed. While the area is very foggy, a
b. He surrenders to proper authority man drives at 80 kph. If you are a traffic patrol
c. He summons the assistance of a physician or officer assigned at the area, you may apprehend
nurse to aid the victim the driver for-
d. He hides from the police for justifiable cause A. Underspeeding
B. Failure to slow down
C. Reckless driving

Amici Review Center Page 13

D. Overspeeding C. Thwarted
D. Top Notch
61. Any person using a traffic way for travel, parking
or other purposes as a pedestrian or driver, 69. These are incidents or instances of one moving
including any vehicle, or animal. traffic unit or person striking violently against
A. Traffic unit another.
B. Road ways A. Accident
C. Road users B. Collission
D. Road obstruction C. Gridlock
D. Traffic Congestions
62. Are signs left on the road by tires that are sliding
or scrubbing while the wheel is still turning. 70. These are conditions on road networks that
A. Skid Marks occurs as use increases, and is characterized by
B. Scuff Marks slower speeds, longer trip times and increased
C. Centrifugal skid vehicular queueing.
D. Centrifugal force A. Accident
B. Collission
63. This is the method used to determine whether C. Gridlock
a driver is under the influence of alcoholic D. Traffic Congestions
beverages or not.
A. Counting 71. A state or condition of severe road congestion
B. Field sobriety test arising when continuous queues of vehicles block
C. Walking thru straight line an entire network of intersecting streets bringing
D. Balance traffic in all directions to a complete standstill.
A. Accident
64. It is the combination of verbal warning and B. Collission
citation. C. Gridlock
A. Visual warning D. Traffic Congestions
B. Written warning
C. Verbal Warning 72. When you see the triangle red and black signs it
D. Traffic warning is precautions of the dangerous conditions ahead
such as the following, except:
65. An act reminding the driver of his violation in A. Slippery roads
order for him to not do it again. No arrest or citation B. Curves, hills ahead
is made. C. Distance of places
A. Visual warning D. Men working
B. Written warning
C. Verbal Warning 73. When there are two or more vehicles
D. Traffic warning approaching the intersection almost at the same
time, one is travelling along the national road and
66. What is the Protocol Plate number of a Chief the other is in the secondary road. Who has the
Justice? right of way?
A. 1 A. vehicle on the left
B. 3 B. vehicle on the right
C. 5 C. Vehicle on the national road
D. 7 D. Vehicle on the secondary vehicle

67. Is one who goes or travel on foot or in a 74. Which of the following consideration does not
perambulator. He is bound to observe or obey rules act as a deterrent to motorist and pedestrian?
the existing traffic management and regulations for A. Loss of driving privileges
his safety. B. increase of insurance premium
A. Passenger C. Fear of fine and punishment
B. Pedestrian D. possibility of being involved in an accident
C. Conductor
D. Driver 75. It is considered as the most effective deterrent
to traffic accidents.
68. They are self-centered and not learned how to A. Regular maintenance and checkup of the traffic
be unselfish. units
A. Egotist B. increase insurance premium
B. Over-emotional C. Arrest and prosecution of traffic law violators

Amici Review Center Page 14

D. Decrease car insurance liability to a minimum C. 40km/h
D. 30km/h
76. Single white dotted line indicates all of the
following EXCEPT 84. The maximum allowable speed for a passenger
A. on two-lane road, it separates traffic moving in cars and motorcycle on “through streets” or
the opposite directions boulevards, clear of traffic, with no ” blind corners,”
B. on a one-way street, separates traffic moving in when so designated is
one direction A. 50km/h
C. overtaking is possible when other lane is clear of B. 80km/h
oncoming vehicle C. 40km/h
D. absolutely no overtaking D. 30km/h

77. Any motor vehicle accident which occurs 85. New Anti-Carnapping Act of 2016
entirely in any place other than a traffic way. A. Republic Act No. 10883
A. Non- motor vehicle Non-traffic accident B. Republic Act No. 7924
B. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident C. Republic Act No. 6539
C. Motor vehicle non-traffic accident D. Republic Act No. 10586
D. Motor vehicle traffic accident
86. It is a theory, which asserts that man exhibits
78. Refers to any accident occurring on a traffic way constant variation of life energy and mood states.
involving persons using the traffic way or travel or A. The biorhythm
transportation, but not involving a motor vehicle in B. mood swing
motion. C. Classical
A. Non- motor vehicle Non-traffic accident D. None of these
B. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident
C. Motor vehicle non-traffic accident 87. Marks left on the roadway by tires when the
D. Motor vehicle traffic accident brakes were applied strongly, hence the wheels
locked, and not free to rotate
79. Any motor vehicle accident occurring on a A. Key event
traffic way B. Scuff marks
A. Non- motor vehicle Non-traffic accident C. Debris
B. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident D. Skid marks
C. Motor vehicle non-traffic accident
D. Motor vehicle traffic accident 88. The following are principles of rules of right of
way, EXCEPT the driver of the vehicle
80. Is any accident occurring in a private traffic way A. upon a highway shall bring to a full stop before
involving persons using vehicle or transportation traversing any "through highway" or railroad
but not involving a motor vehicle in motion. crossing
A. Non- motor vehicle Non-traffic accident B. upon a highway within a business or residential
B. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident area shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian
C. Motor vehicle non-traffic accident crossing such highway within crosswalk
D. Motor vehicle traffic accident C. in an express way shall not yield the right of way
to the police or fire department vehicles and
81. The 10th or the last Commandment of traffic is ambulances
A. Keep right D. entering a highway from a private road or drive
B. The Philosophy of Pinoy Driver shall yield the right of way to all vehicles
C. Safety First approaching on such highway
D. Observe Traffic Management Measures
89. From the bottom, what is the arrangement of
82. It is the 1st Commandment of traffic. color of the traffic light?
A. Keep right A. red, yellow, green
B. The Philosophy of Pinoy Driver B. green, red, yellow
C. Safety First C. green, amber, red
D. Observe Traffic Management Measures D. red, green, yellow

83. Motor trucks and buses on open country roads, 90. Bonafide tourist and transients who are duly
with no “blinds corners” not closely bordered by licensed to operate motor vehicles in their
habitations have a maximum allowable speed of respective countries may be allowed to operate
A. 50km/h motor vehicles during their stay but not beyond?
B. 80km/h A. 12 months

Amici Review Center Page 15

B. 90 days B. PD 1686
C. 60 days C. PD 612
D. 3 years D. PD 207

91. Wheel is believed to be originated in- 98. Under the Land Transportation Code, is it NOT
A. Western Asia parking prohibition if you park _____________.
B. America A. within the intersection
C. Africa B. in front of private driveway
D. Europe C. on a sidewalk
D. within 4 meters of the driveway of a Fire Station
92. If the plate number of a motor vehicle is TGP
984, what month should it be registered? 99. In an intersection not controlled by lights or
A. April peace officers, pedestrian have the right of way the
B. May moment he starts to cross:
C. June A. Absolutely false
D. July B. Absolutely true
C. Partly true
93. What is the slang term used in referring a D. Partly false
narrow portion of the roadway due to traffic
congestion or where "build up" usually occurs? 100. The protocol plate number of Speaker of the
A. Congestion House of representatives.
B. Traffic jam A. 1
C. Bottleneck B. 5
D. Gridlock C. 4
D. 7
94. Single white dotted line indicates the all of the
following EXCEPT CDI-3 Special Crime Investigation
A. on two-lane road, it separates traffic moving in
the opposite directions 1-60= nasa Quiz no. 8 nyo to
B. on a one-way street, separates traffic moving in
one direction 61. Eduard killed Edna his Common Law Partner.
C. absolutely no overtaking What is the crime committed?
D. overtaking is possible when other lane is clear of A. Parricide
oncoming vehicle B. Homicide
C. Murder
95. Single continuous line on a Four-lane indicates D. Matricide
all of the following EXCEPT
A. overtaking is possible when other lane is clear 62. A spouse of B conspires with C to kill B. C is the
of oncoming possible stranger in the relationship. C killed B by poisoning.
B. when there are slow and fast lanes, NEVER The means employed is made known to A and A
overtake by passing over the solid white line agreed that the killing will be done by poisoning.
C. Lanes 1 and 4 (outer lanes) for slow moving What crime is committed by A?
vehicles. Vehicles on this lane should not be BELOW A. Parricide
the minimum speed limit B. Homicide
D. Lanes 2 and 3 (inner lanes) are usually for faster C. Murder
moving vehicles D. Matricide

96. A double yellow or white line with a dotted line 63. In the above scenario, C committed the crime
in between means all EXCEPT of?
A. overtaking is extremely dangerous A. Parricide
B. stay in your lane until you pass the end of the B. Homicide
solid lines C. Murder
C. absolutely no overtaking D. Matricide
D. overtaking is possible when other lane is clear
of oncoming vehicle 64. The following are the elements of parricide,
97. It declared as part of the laws of the Philippines A. That a person is killed.
the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, Signs and B. That the deceased is killed by the accused.
Signals. C. That the deceased is the father, mother, or child,
A. PD 101 whether legitimate or illegitimate, or a legitimate

Amici Review Center Page 16

other ascendant or other descendant, or the D. Testimony of the witnesses
legitimate spouse, of the accused.
D. With evident premeditation 72. Is death which occurs beyond the sway of ones
will and although it comes about through some act
65. Is the stiffening of certain group of muscles of will, lies beyond the bounds of human forceable
occurring at the moment of death, usually consequences.
associated with violent death due to extreme A. accidental
nervous tension, or even fatigue. B. homicidal
A. Rigor Mortis C. suicidal
B. Cadaveric spasm D. All of these
C. Cold stiffening
D. heat stiffening 73. Is defined as a dispersion of blood spots of
varying size created when a source of fluid blood is
66. A type of lividity in which the blood is still in fluid subjected to an external force.
form inside blood vessel; change as position of the A. Projected stain
body changes. Blood remains fluid in the blood B. Passive stain
vessel for 6- 8 hours. C. transfer stain
A. Hypostatic lividity D. blood spatter
B. Diffusion lividity
C. Post-mortem lividity 74. Includes drops, flows and pools, and typically
D. Post-mortem rigidity resulted from gravity acting on an injured body and
67. It usually takes _________ for the stomach to A. Projected stain
empty its contents after meals. B. Passive stain
A. 1-2 hours C. transfer stain
B. 2-3 hours D. blood spatter
C. 3-4 hours
D. 4-5 hours 75. Refers to the spurt of blood released when a
major artery is severed.
68. Are the result of a person’s instinctive reaction A. Gun shot spatter
of self-protection. B. Arterial spray
A. Hacked wound C. Expirated spatter
B. Defense wound D. Cast off
C. Lacerated wound
D. Incised wound 76.There is no such crime as Robbery with
Attempted Rape, this statement is
69. Is one in which the muzzle of the weapon is A. true
away from the body at the time of discharge yet is B. false
sufficiently close so that power grains emerging C. partially true
from the muzzle strike the skin producing powder D. partially false
A. Contact range 77. The "Anti-Cattle Rustling Law of 1974"
B. Distant range A. PD 532
C. Intermediate range B. PD 533
D. Maximum range C. PD 1612
D. PD 145
70. A wound which is larger and more irregular in
appearance; no abrasions ring; there is far more 78. Is the act of any person, who, with intent to
blood escapes an exit wound. gain, for himself or for another shall buy, possess,
A. Exit wound' keep, acquire, concealed, sell or in any other way,
B. Entrance wound deal on any articles, items, objects, or anything of
C. Either A or B value which he knows to have been derived from
D. lacerated wound the proceeds of crime or robbery or theft.
A. Fence
71. Evidence to show that the wound is accidental, B. Fencing
except: C. Both a and b
A. Usually there is but one shot. d. All of these
B. The fire is usually in contact or near contact =
C. There is no special area of the body involved

Amici Review Center Page 17

79. Under RA 8353 which amended the Penal Code, C. hacked wound
on October 22, 1998, a male or female can now D. Abrasion
commit rape. This statement is
A. True 86. Killing of a child more than 3 hours of age.
B. False = Oct. 22, 1997 A. parricide
C. Yes B. Infanticide
D. No C. Abortion
D. Murder
80. Within what period should a police officer who
has arrested a person liable for the crime of murder 87. These are fact/s to prove that a certain crime
by virtue of a warrantless arrest turn over the has been committed.
arrested person to the judicial authority? A. Information
A. 12 hours B. Corpus Delicti
B. 18 hours C. Evidence
C. 36 hours D. Investigation
D. None = if with warrant of arrest
88. These types of robbers view themselves as
81. The marriage of Anne and King was terminated. lifetime robbers and commits infrequent robber
Thereafter, Anne contracted another marriage with offenses, often recklessly. They are called
Carl within 300 days after such termination of the A. alcoholic Robber
former marriage. Suppose, Anne gave birth to B. Professional Robber
Joshua before 180 days following the solemnization C. Opportunist Robber
of the subsequent marriage. Who is considered as D. Amateur intermittent Robber
the legitimate father of Joshua?
A. King 89. Arturo wants to get an NBI clearance but he has
B. Carl = after 180 days been previously convicted for Murder making it
C. Both King and Carl impossible to acquire a clearance. So he
D. None of them approached an NBI staff and offered a considerable
amount. The NBI staff accepts the money offered
82. The cracks produced in glass originate on the and issue him an NBI clearance. What is the crime
opposite surface of the glass and subjected to committed by Arturo?
stretching are known as: A. Extortion
A. radial B. Favoritism
B. Concentric C. Bribery
C. A and c D. Corruption of public official
D. None
90. Gerald and Mateo, while having a drinking
83. Which of the following is not a crime against spree, had an argument on who among them is
person? more handsome. Mateo, in order to terminate the
A. Parricide quarrel, stood up and went home. Without Mateo’s
B. Illegal discharge of firearm knowledge, Gerald followed him to his house.
C. Physical Injury When Mateo was already inside his house, Gerald
D. Direct Assault took it as an opportunity to kill him by burning his
house which he did successfully. What is the crime
84. This is characterized as having long-term committed by Gerald?
commitment to crime as a source of livelihood, A. Murder only
planning and organizing crimes before committing B. Arson with Homicide
them and pursuing money to support a particular C. Arson and Murder
lifestyle is called- D. Arson only
A. opportunist robber
B. drug addict robber 91. Which of the following medical evidence can
C. alcoholic robber show that a gunshot wound is homicidal?
D. professional robber A. No sign of struggle from the victim =suicidal
B. wounding firearm found in the hands of victim
85. Effusion of blood into the tissues underneath =suicidal
the skin on account of a rupture of a blood vessel C. no disturbance in the crime scene =suicidal
as a result of the application of blunt force or D. site of wound entrance has no point of election
A. Laceration 92. These are spontaneous and unplanned remarks
B. Contusion made by persons at the scene of the crime:

Amici Review Center Page 18

A. Adverse testimony D. homicide
B. Hearsay
C. Res Gestae 100. Supposed Ana threw the three days old baby
D. Dying declaration of her sister, what crime has been committed?
A. Infanticide
93. When the gunshot wound of the victim is B. Parricide
located in the area of the body that is relatively C. Murder
inaccessible to the victim, it is an indication of: D. homicide
A. natural death
B. homicidal death CDI-4 Organized Crime and Terrorism
C. Accidental death
D. Suicide 1. It refers to transnational, national or local
groupings which highly centralized enterprises run
94. Which of the following are the questions in by the criminals for the purpose of committing
incidents involving assaults that CANNOT be serious crime which direct or indirect financial
answer by a medico legal? materials and benefits to the others. (Oct. 2015
A. How many are the victims? Board question)
B. What is the position of the victim when he was a. Transnational crimes
assaulted b. Transnational organized crime
C. Was there evidence of defense mark or struggle c. Organized crime
D. From what direction was the force applied d. Organized crime investigation
coming from
2. Overtly violent organized crime group whose
95. Rape is committed either by sexual intercourse members are known to be los hampones (the
or by sexual assault. Which of the following is not a hoodlums) and controller of coca cultivation in
rape by sexual assault? Bolivia and Peru; production-drug labs in Colombia,
. Inserting penis into another person's anal orifice Nicaragua, and Panama; smuggling operations-
B. Inserting penis while the woman is sleeping Bahamas, Turks, and Caicos, and later in Mexico.
C. Inserting any instrument or object, into the (Dec. 2017 Board Question)
genital or anal orifice of another person a. Colombian Drug Cartels
D. Inserting penis into another person's mouth b. The Cali Cartel
c. Medellin Cartel
96. The adoptive parents killed their adopted child, d. Northern Valle Del Cauca
the crime will be?
A. Parricide 3. Known as the Guzmán-Loera Organization called
B. Homicide La Alianza de Sangre ("Blood Alliance"), which
C. Infanticide considered by the United States Intelligence
D. Arson Community as the "the most powerful drug
trafficking organization in the world“. (Dec. 2017
97. June killed his illegitimate grandchild. What is Board question)
the crime committed? a. The Gulf Cartel
A. Parricide b. Tijuana Cartel
B. Homicide c. The Juarez Cartel
C. Infanticide d. Sinaloa Cartel
D. Arson
4. The Yakuza is organized into families which
98. Vince and Mark are cousins. One night, Mark adopts a relationship known as: (Oct. 2015 Board
(with the assistance of Vince) killed his father. What question)
crime was committed by Mark? a. Oyabun-Kobun
A. Murder b. Yubitsume
B. Homicide c. Kabuki-mono
C. Parricide d. Bakuto
D. All of these
5. In Joseph Albini’s Patron-Client Model.
99. One night, while high on drugs, Ana threw her Organized crime group is consists of syndicates in
three hours old baby down the stairs, which caused a loose system of power relationship. At the center
the same to die. What crime has been committed? of each organized crime unit or crime family is/are:
A. Infanticide a. Capo, Sottocapo and Consigliere
B. Parricide b. Mafioso
C. Murder c. Caporegime

Amici Review Center Page 19

d. Soldati b. Outlaws
c. Tongs
6. Where does the concept of organized crime d. Hells Angels
a. In China, when the Triad was established 13. Most influencial organized crime group in
b. In Japan, when Yakuza was founded japan.
c. In Sicily Italy, when the Mafia was first to a. Bakuto
emerged b. Boryokudan =aka Yakuza
d. In the US, when Al Capone ran Chicago with c. Gokudo
blood and guns d. Inigawa-kai

7. The Mafia is believed to be originated from: 14. Considered as the most powerful organized
a. Morte Alla Francia, Italia Anela crime group in the world.
b. the practice of the criminals to seal a black a. Sinaloa cartel
handprint at the scene of the crime b. Medellin cartel
c. Italian’s beauty, perfection, grace, and c. Cali cartel
excellence d. Sicilian mafia
d. the Sicilian struggle in the 13th Century against
French Rule 15. The United Nations defines terrorism as:
(October 2015 Board Exam Question)
8. The code of secrecy of Mafia is called? (Nov-Dec a. The use or threatened use of force designed to
2019 Board Exam Question) bring about a political change
a. Mafioso b. An illegitimate use of force to achieve a political
b. Omerta objective by targeting innocent people
c. code of ethics c. Socially and politically unacceptable violence
d. code of silence aimed at an innocent target to achieve
psychological effect.
9. Known as “Big Six” transnational organized crime d. Any act intended to cause death or serious
group. bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with
a. Sicilian and American Mafia Families; Russian the purpose of intimidating a population of
Mafiya; Yakuza; Triads; Colombian Cartels; and serious bodily harm and compelling a government
Mexican Federation. or an international organization to do or abstain
b. Nigeria; Panama; Jamaica; Puerto Rico, doing any act
Dominican Republic, Colombia
c. Red Army; Shining Path; Revolutionary Armed 16. ISIL means (Dec. 2017 Board Question).
Forces of Colombia; People’s Irish Republican a. Islamic states of iraq and the leviathan
Army; Al Qaeda; and ISIS b. Islamic states of iraq and the levant
d. Gambino, Colombo, Profaci, Lucchese, c. Islamic states of iraq and the levantant
Bonnano, Genovese Crime Families d. Islamic states of irap and livant

10. Considered to be the one who first to master 17. Who is the founder of Sinaloa cartel.
money laundering. a. Salvatorre Maranzano
a. Al Capone In Chicago b. Pablo Escobar Gaviria
b. Meyer Lansky c. Don Pepe
c. Salvatore “Lucky” Luciano d. Joaquin ‘’ El chapo” Guzman
d. Bugsy Seigel
18. The origin of terrorism can be traced from:
11. It is the same level of underboss or the one who a. The French Revolution which describe the
considered as council or adviser.( Oct. 2015 Board actions of the French government.
exam question) b. After World War II, when the world’s nationalist
a. Boss groups revolted from European domination
b. Caporogime c. Year 1960 to early 1980, when it was applied to
c. Consigliere violent left-wing groups, as well as nationalist.
d. Capo de tuti capi d. A large groups who are independent from a
state, violent religious fanatics, and violent groups
12. Founders of organized crime in the US like who terrorize for a particular cause such as the
Alphonse Capone, Charles “Lucky” Luciano, Meyer environment
Lansky and Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, are notably,
members of a small street gang in New York called:
a. Five Points Gang

Amici Review Center Page 20

19. It refers to a massive weapon which b. Al jazeera
indiscriminately kill the large number of people, c. Al zawahiri
whether biological, Nuclear, or Chemical. d. insider
a. Weapon of mass destruction
b. Bombing 25. In its self-proclaimed status as a caliphate, it
c. Nuclear bomb claims religious authority over all Muslims
d. Holocaust worldwide, and aims to bring most traditionally
Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under its
20. In state sponsored terrorism, the state’s political control.
regime: (Oct. 2015 Board question) a. Jimaah Islamiya
a. Insist fear against elements of its own b. Abu Sayyaf
population to create conditions sufficient to c. Islamic State
remain in political control. d. Al Qaeda
b. Uses its military instrument against the civilian
population of an enemy nation for the purpose of 26. What is the law that defines and penalizes crime
undermining the population’s will to support its of terrorism in the Philippines
own government, or shattering the cohesion of the a. Act No. 3815
population making it unable to support its b. RA 10175
government. c. RA 9372
c. Employs lethal force across international d. RA 9208
borders for the purpose of destroying or weakening
the political cohesion of a targeted political entity 27. Money laundering’s main objective is:
without using its own military instrument to deliver a. To conceal the beneficial ownership or audit
the lethal force, but harness social elements within trail of illegally obtained money or valuable so
the targeted entity to do so. that it appears to have originated from a
d. All of the following legitimate source.
b. to keep the money hidden from the authorities
21. Which of the following may not be a target for c. to gain interest from the money
terrorist attack? ( Oct. 2015 Board Question) d. to buy expensive jewelry
a. Structures which have a symbolic or practical
significance and propaganda value 28. Known as G-7 Nations, they were mandated to
b. Places where the terrorists have an easy access devise international standards and policies to
to the target area and security combat money laundering. Which of the following
c. Structures which are vulnerable for destruction is not one of them? (June 2019 Board Question)
and persons of importance to the enemy a. France, Germany and Italy
d. Places where weapons, transportation needs, b. Japan
and support network are available c. United Kingdom of Great Britain, United States
of America, and Canada
22. Terrorist safe haven is. (Oct. 2015 Board d. China, South Korea and Russia
a. an area of relative security exploited by 29. INTERPOL means; (June 2018 Board Exam
terrorists to indoctrinate, recruit, train, and Question)
regroup, as well as prepare and support their a. International police
operations. b. International Criminal police organization
b. a place where terrorists hide and coddled by c. Internation police agency
their sympathizers d. International police commission
c. global media, and satellite communications that
allow terrorists to fulfill many of their functions 30. An operation launch by the Philippine National
d. an area which is difficult to track and control. Police- Special Action Force Commandos that led to
the killing of the international terrorist Zulkifli bin
23. The leader of Al Qaeda is called: ( Oct.2014 Hir at the Mamasapano, Maguindanao.
board question) a. Oplan Wolverine
a. The Base b. Oplan Neptune Spear
b. Jihad c. Oplan Terminator
c. The Emir d. Oplan Exodus
d. Bearer of the Sword
31. In the investigation of cybercrime, “VES”
24. What TV station that cover the 9/11 bombing. approach is used. VES literally means, except one.
(Oct.2014 board question) (Oct. 2015 board question)
a. CNN a. Victim

Amici Review Center Page 21

b. Evidence d. Peru- Columbia- Bolivia
c. Violation
d. Suspect 39. Considered as the golden crescent. ( April 2016
Board questions)
32. What is the name of the operation launched by a. Thailand- myanmar-laos
US Navy Seals that killed Osama Bin Laden? (Oct. b. Afghanistan-pakistan-india-iran
2014 board question) c. Peru-bolivia-panama
a. Operation Geronimo d. Thailand- burma-laos
b. Operation Neptune Spear
c. Operation Jabbidah 40. Marijuana plant can easily be identified by:
d. Operation Merdeka (Oct. 2015 board questions)
a. Its stalk that grows up to 12 feet
33. What is the oldest Organized Crime Group that b. Its pungent scent when matured or fully grown.
exists? (Nov-Dec 2019 Board Exam Question) c. Its branches which occur at opposite points on
a. Japan Yakuza the stalk
b. Chinese Triad d. Its finger-like leaves broken into leaflets whose
c. Sicilian Mafia edges are serrated in shape.
d. American Mafia
41. The Golden Triangle produces how many
34. Black Notice is INTERPOL’s notice to: percent of opium in the world? (Oct.2015 board
a. Determine the identity of deceased person question)
b. Provide information on modus operandi, a. 60%
objects, devices and concealment methods used by b. 80%
criminals. c. 70%
c. Individuals and entities that are subject to UN d. 90%
d. Any of the above 42. Investigation, prosecution and trial of the crime
of trafficking in person is done in-
35. Pertains to the assasination of prominent a. Open and public
government officials. b. Personal
a. Assasination c. Closed-door
b. Excellent cadaver d. Official capacity
c. Hit men
d. marksman 43. Core elements of trafficking, except-
a. Recruitment, transportation, transfer,
36. This rituals by yakuza is is for the first offense, harboring or receipt of trafficked person = Act
the transgressor must cut- off the tip of his left little b. Entry of the victims to the country of
finger and hand the severe portion to the boss as destination
penance or apology. ( Oct. 2015 board exam c. Threat of or the use of force, deception,
questions.) coercion, abuse of power or position of
a. Yubitsume vulnerability = Means
b. Irezumi d. Exploitation = Purpose
c. Pearling MAP
d. Oichu kabu 44. The most intractable safe havens of terrorist
groups worldwide. (October 2015 Board Exam
37. What country is considered as the haven for sex Question)
industry. a. Internet
a. China b. Global media
b. Thailand c. Regions where ineffective governance allows
c. Philippines their presence
d. Japan d. Those created by electronic infrastructure

38. Considered to be one of the prime suppliers of 45. INTERPOL'S rules in fighting Terrorism.
Heroin in Asia is the so called Golden Triangle a. Prevent acts of international terrorism
where 80% of illicit drugs of the world originate. b. If terrorist acts are carried out, ensure that the
This lies on the borders of: (Oct. 2015 board perpetrators are brought to justice which could be
questions) achieved by exchanging information with its
a. Thailand –Laos –Burma member countries through its source messaging
b. Iran –Afghanistan – Pakistan system and by arranging meetings of expert to
c. Thailand – Laos- Myanmar address the subject.

Amici Review Center Page 22

c. Arrest the terrorist c. Either of the above
d. A and B d. Neither of the above

46. The oldest method employed by the terrorists 52. In an organized crime, he is the one who makes
usually directed to high ranking public officials: an arrangement for the killing and injuring whether
(December 2018 Board Exam Question) physically, economically and psychology of a
a. Ambush member of non-member:
b. Assasination a. Corrupter
c. Rob out b. Enforcer
d. Kidnapping c. Corruptee
d. Boss
47. Republic Act No. 9160 as amended by RA 9194
, RA10167 and RA10365 defines money laundering 53. The Interpol or International Criminal Police
as a crime whereby the proceeds of an unlawful Organization, an organization established to
activity (predicate crime) are transacted, thereby promote international criminal police cooperation
making them appear to have originated from is composed of:
legitimate sources. It is committed by any person a. 200 countries
who: b. 183 countries
a. transacts or attempts to transact with any b. 250 countries
monetary instrument knowing that it involves or d. 190 countries
relates to the proceed of an unlawful activity.
b. facilitates the commission of money-laundering 54. Also known as Electronic Commerce Act 0f
as defined in no.1 by knowingly performing or 2000:
failing to perform an act. a. RA 8792
c. fails to disclose and file a report with AMLC of b. RA 8294
any instrument or property as required under the c. RA 6969
law d. RA 6235
d. All of the above
55. Which of these acts is not punishable under E-
48. In 2000 the United Nations Convention against commerce Act of 2000?
Transnational Organized Crime extended the legal a. Internet gambling = PD 1602
definition of money laundering to include all b. Hacking
serious crimes. This is known as: c. Cracking
a. Palermo Convention d. Denial of service attack
b. United Nations Convention
c. Transnational Organized Crime Convention 56. It is a kind of hacking similar to an act of
d. Organized Crime Convention vandalism on public property where teenagers ruin
public walls in an effort to express their taught
49. Which of the following are the commonly publicly.
identified forms of human trafficking? a. Denial of service attack
a. Sexual exploitation and organ removal =most b. Web Defacement
common c. E-commerce shopping
b. Exploitation of children in begging, sex trade d. Wire transfer
and warfare
c. Forced labor, Domestic servitude and forced 57. This is the famous case involving the virus
marriage; created by a Filipino, a dropout from a popular
d. All of the above computer educational institution in the Philippines,
that prompted the passage of E-commerce Act 0f
50. The modern form of Human slavey is called? 2000:
(Nov-December 2019 Board Exam Question) a. I love You Virus
a. Human trafficking b. Love Bug
b. Money laundering c. A and B
c. smuggling of migrants d. Neither of the Choices
d. Drug trafficking
58. This terrorist organization in the Philippines is
51. It is a program which pretends to do one thing known as “Back to Islam”:
while actually doing something completely a. Abu Sayyaf
different: b. Moro Islamic Liberation Front
a. Trojan horse c. Jemaah Islamiya
b. Worm d. Rajah Solaiman Movement

Amici Review Center Page 23

been assassinated by the Mafia in Palermo on May
59. This refers to an attribute of organized crime 23, 1992.
that their memberships have limitations based on A. Giovanni Falcone
kinship, criminal record, or similar considerations: B. Joaquin Guzman-Loera
a. no political goals C. Amado Carrillo
b. hierarchical D. Joseph Profaci
c. constitutes a unique subculture
d. limited or exclusive membership 67. This terrorist organization is responsible for the
bombing of the World Trade Center:
60. The convention held at Palermo Italy in 2000 a. Abu Sayyaf
provides that an organized criminal group must b. Hamas
have a membership of at least ___: c. Al Qaeda
a. 3 or more d. Taliba
b. 2 or more
c. 4 or more 68. The organized crime group usually takes the
d. 5 or more following three step process of converting illegal
income or proceeds into free cash back to the
61. These are the most frequent terrorist acts, hands of the kingpins, EXCEPT:
accounting for as much as 80% of terrorist-related A. Layering
violence: B. Converting
a. Bombings C. Placement
b. Assassinations D. Integration
b. Kidnapping
d. Prostitution 69. The most prominent and dominant Russian
criminal group operating in the US.
62. It refers to the code of silence and secrecy that A. Dolgopruadnanskaya Gang
forbids Mafiosi from betraying their comrades to B. Solntsevskaya Bratva
the authorities: C. Odessa Mafia
a. Ideal of manliness D. Tambov Gang
b. Omerta
c. Vendetta 70. Formed in 1980s Los Angeles by Salvadoran
d. Capo immigrant youth, is today one of the largest street
gangs in the United States and northern Central
63. This terrorist organization is known as “THE America (Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras).
BASE”: A. Mara Salvatrucha
a. Jemaah Islamiya B. The Bloods
b. Al Qaeda C. The Crisps
b. Taliban D. Hand Sign
d. Abu Sayyaf Group
71. One of the largest and most violent associations
64. A massacre transpired in Corregidor which of street gangs in the United States, with an
involved soldiers trained to invade Sabah and estimated 30,000 to 35,000 members.
believed to be the catalyst for the foundation of A. Mara Salvatrucha
Moro National Liberation Front. What was the B. The Bloods
name of the operation of the massacred soldiers to C. The Crisps
invade Sabah? D. Hand Sign
a. Jabbidah
b. Merdeka 72. Known as the “Expanded Anti-Trafficking in
c. Neptune Spear Persons Act of 2012.
d. Geronimo A. RA 9208
B. RA 6235
65. It is the English meaning of Abu Sayyaf: * C. RA 10364
1 point D. RA 6969
a. Back to Islam
b. Islamic congregation 73. Called by the Italian Media as the “Fifth Mafia”.
c. Father of the swordsman A. Stidda
d. The base B. Sacra Corona Unita
C. N'drangheta
66. He was a famous Italian judge of Sicily D. Camorra
specialized in Mafia crimes. He is believed to have

Amici Review Center Page 24

74. The attribute of organized crime having a c. organized crime
vertical power structure with at least three d. Mafia
permanent ranks not just leader and followers each
with authority over the level beneath: 82. This has been called the ivy league of organized
A. No political goals crime. They are presently the strongest and richest
B. Hierarchical Mafia family in the United States with an estimated
C. Constitute a unique subculture membership of about 200. Charles "Lucky Luciano
D. limited or exclusive membership was the first don of the family.
A. Gambino Crime Family
75. Sending of fraudulent e-mails or website pop- B. Genovese Crime Family
ups, to get victims to divulge sensitive financial C. Colombo Crime Family
information such as credit card numbers or social D. Bonnano Crime Family
security numbers.
A. Website defacement 83. The most powerful Mafia family in the United
B. Phishing States for the last few decades involves primarily in
C. Identity Theft narcotics trafficking, gambling and car-theft. The
D. Computer Virus first don was Vince Mangano.
A. Gambino Crime Family
76. A gang involves in drug trafficking, women and B. Genovese Crime Family
child trafficking and prostitution. C. Colombo Crime Family
A. The 14k Triad D. Bonnano Crime Family
B. Big Circle Gangs
C. Born to Kill 84. Founded by Joseph Profaci. The family's primary
D. United Bamboo Gang activities include narcotics, gambling, loan sharking
cigarette smuggling, pornography, counterfeiting,
77. A well known, vicious Asian-American street hijacking, bankruptcy fraud, etc.
gang, made up of Vietnamese refugees. A. Gambino Crime Family
A. The 14k Triad B. Genovese Crime Family
B. Big Circle Gangs C. Colombo Crime Family
C. Born to Kill D. Bonnano Crime Family
D. United Bamboo Gang
85. Their operation comes into its hiatus when they
78. This is reputed to be the third-largest gang in were infiltrated by Donnie Brasco - an undercover
Japan known for having created most of its wealth FBI agent w/ the real name of Joseph Pistone. It was
from sophisticated business scams. reported composing of 150 members as of 2005.
A. Ichiwa-kai A. Gambino Crime Family
B. Inagawa-kai B. Genovese Crime Family
C. Sumiyoshi-kai C. Colombo Crime Family
D. Yamaguchi-Gumi D. Bonnano Crime Family
86. The sake-sharing ceremony to seal bonds of
79. It is the Palestinian Sunni Islamic or Islamist brotherhood between individual yakuza members
political party that governs the Gaza Strip and also or groups.
known as enthusiasm: A. Irezumi
a. Hamas B. Yubitsume
b. Al Qaeda C. Pearlings
b. Jimaah D. Sakazuki
d. Hezbollah
87. Hand-poked full-body tattoos for the members
80. It was an event said to be the origin of conflict through hand-made and hand-held tools with
in Mindanao and for the establishment of Moro needles of sharpened bamboo or steel, this yakuza
National Liberation Front (MNLF): ritual refers to
a. Rizal Day Bombing A. Irezumi
b. Black September B. Yubitsume
c. Ninoy assassination C. Pearlings
d. Jabbidah Massacre D. Sakazuki

81. The use or threatened use of force design to 88. The members, whenever they play this card
bring about political change: game, are given the chance to display their tattoos
a. terrorist to the other members as they normally keep them
b. terrorism

Amici Review Center Page 25

concealed with long-sleeved and high-necked C. Ethnocentric
shirts. D. Revolutionary
A. Irezumi
B. Yubitsume 96. Mujahedeen is also known as:
C. Oicho-Kabu a. Freedom fighter
D. Sakazuki b. Jihad
c. Holy warriors
89. Operates in Mindanao headed by Tahir Alonto, d. Terrorist
a creation of MILF to generate funds.
A. Lexus Group 97. It is the Arabic meaning of Abu Sayyaf
B. Pentagon Group a. Back to Islam
C. Francisco Group b. Islamic congregation
D. Rex "Wacky" Salud Group c. Father of the swordsman
d. the sword bearer
90. An ethnic group engaged in kidnap for ransom
operations. Members are either belong from the 98. He is the first leader of Abu Sayyaf group.
family clan or natives from Samar and Leyte. Their A. Abdurajak Janjalani
leader was arrested on September 24, 2005. B. Isnilon Totoni Hapilon
A. Martires KFR Group C. Bernabe Vuscayno
B. Pentagon Group D. Hilarion del Rosario Santos III
C. Waray-Waray Group
D. Rex "Wacky" Salud Group 99. What is the set of doctrines or beliefs that form
the basis of political, economic, and other systems?
91. Is a higher form of hacking in which the A. Religion
unauthorized access culminates with the process of B. Ideology
defeating the security system for the purpose of C. Tradition
acquiring money or information and/or availing of D. Politics
free services.
A. A computer virus 100. Arch-terrorist who used to be the most
B. Cracking wanted terrorist in the world who issued a "fatwa"
C. Identity theft that calls all Muslims around the world to slay
d. Worm Americans and their allies
A. Osama- Bin Laden
92. Spread itself to other computers without B. Ramzi- Ahmed Yousef
needing to be transferred as part of a host. C. Ahmed Yassin
A. A computer virus D. Abu-Abbas
B. Cracking
C. Identity theft
d. Worm CDI 5- Drug Education and Vice control
93. He is the first person to be convicted for
violation of E-commerce Act of 2000: 1. The Golden Crescent is located in the South West
a. JJ Maria Giner Asia composed of Which Countries? (Dec 2017
b. Onel Deguzman BEQ)
c. Francesca Rojas a. Iran, Persia, India and Pakistan
d. People of the Philippines vs. Medina b. Afghanistan, Iran, India and Pakistan
c. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Persia and Iraq
94. The category of terrorist organization which is d. Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Turkey
aimed at establishing a dominant or superior race
that will be looked upon by the entire populace in 2. Teofilo is a drug addict. Realizing that drug use
the world. will bring him elsewhere he ceased from using it.
A. Political Teofilo’s act is called:
B. Nationalistics a. Abstinence
C. Ethnocentric b. Rehabilitation
D. Revolutionary c. Self-medication
d. Dependence
95. The category of terrorist group which is
dedicated to overthrow an established order and 3. What court has the jurisdiction to hear and try
replacing it with a new political or social structure. drug cases? (June 2019 BEQ 2x)
A. Political a. Heinous Crime Court designated by the SC
B. Nationalistics among the existing RTC

Amici Review Center Page 26

b. Special Court designated by the SC 10. Who shall handle the prosecution of drug
c. Sandiganbayan related cases? (June 2019 Board Exam Question)
d. Special Court designated by the SC among the a. Public Attorney’s Office
existing RTC b. Ombudsman
c. National Prosecution Service
4. Which of the following country in the Middle East d. Special Prosecutor designated by the DOJ
is the biggest producer of cannabis sativa? (April
2016 BEQ) 11. Which of the following is not untrue?
a. Lebanon a. The DDB shall have the custody of all dangerous
b. Iraq drugs confiscated
c. Kuwait b. The DDB cause the filing of the appropriate civil
d. Afghanistan action for violation of RA 9165 while the PDEA takes
care to criminal aspects
5. The major transshipment point for international c. The DDB promulgates rules and regulations
drug traffickers in Europe and known to be the related to drugs which are usually implemented
“Paradise of Drug Users” in this continent (April by PDEA
2016 BEQ) d. The DDB is the implementing arm of the PDEA in
a. Portugal the enforcement of the prohibitory provisions of
b. Spain RA 9165
c. Germany
d. Turkey 12. Which of the following is not false?
a. R.A. 9165 gives a single definition to dangerous
6. This drug is representative of a broad class of drug
stimulants known as “pep pills”. It is usually b. R.A. 9165 did not remove the distinction
prescribed to reduce appetite and to relieve minor between regulated and prohibited drug
cases of mental depression. (June 2019 Board Exam c. R.A. 9165 defers dangerous drug to prohibited
Question) drug
a. Amphethamine d. R.A. 9165 defined regulated drug as dangerous
b. Ecstasy drug
c. Methamphetamine
d. Shabu 13. Heroin is Blanco; Codeine is School Boy;
psilocybin is Magic Mushroom; Cocaine is:
7. Operation of drug syndicates are usually made a. Hearts
secretly that makes it detection quite difficult. b. Crack
Various techniques were made by its operator in c. Uppers
concealing their activities. (June 2019 BEQ) d. Speed
a. Hide –out operation
b. Disguised operation 14. Which of the following does not carry a capital
c. Clandestine Operation punishment?
d. Confidential a. possession of 20 grams morphine
b. possession of 100 grams of marijuana
8. Drug trafficking, according to Comprehensive c. possession of 15 grams of MDMA
Drug Act of 2002, except: (June 2018 BEQ) d. possession of 60 grams of shabu
a. Cultivation, culture and delivery, Se. 11 Possession of Dangerous Drugs
b. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale PENALTY: Life Imprisonment and fine ranging from
and trading, Php 400k to 500k.
c. Use, consumption, addiction and tolerance • 50 grams or more of SHABU
d. Transportation, distribution, importation, • 500 grams or more of MARIJUANA
exportation and possession • 10 grams or more of ANY DANGEROUS
9. What court has the jurisdiction to hear and try
drug cases? (June 2019 Board Exam Question 2X) 15. Ecstasy is essence; LSD is wedding bells;
a. Heinous Crime Court designated by the SC mescaline is:
among the existing RTC a. Buttons
b. Special Court designated by the SC b. Dope
c. Sandiganbayan c. Brain eaters
d. Special Court designated by the SC among the d. Herbals
existing RTC
16. Hashish is 8 to 10 times stronger than the
commercial trade marijuana, it is:

Amici Review Center Page 27

a. Concentrated resin extracted from marijuana b. La Cosa Nostra
b. Dried flower of marijuana c. Medellin Cartel
c. Fruiting top of the plant cannabis sativa d. Chinese Mafia
d. Finest and high grade leaves of marijuana plant
25. Cocaine has originated from Columbia; Shabu
17. How many grams of shabu does a person originated from:
possess to render him ineligible to post bail? a. Japan
a. 100 grams b. China = top producer of Shabu
b. Half of a kilogram c. Mexico = number one producer of marijuana in
c. less than 50 gram the world
d. 50 grams or more d. India

18. Sources of Dangerous drugs particularly opium 26. Transshipment point of all forms of heroin in
poppy is cultivated and harvested mostly in the the world.
areas of which part of the globe? a. Japan
a. South East Asia b. Hongkong
b. South West Asia c. Philippines
c. Middle East d. Burma
d. Europe
27. Cocaine is from South America; ivory white
19. The Golden Crescent is located in the South heroin is from;
West Asia composed of which Countries? a. The Golden Crescent
a. Iran, Persia, India and Pakistan b. The Golden Triangle
b. Afghanistan, Iran, India and Pakistan c. Hongkong
c. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Persia and Iraq d. Silver Triangle
d. Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Turkey
28. It is any immoral conduct or habit, the
20. The Golden Triangle produces how many indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness
percent of opium in the world? (October 2015 and corruption of the minds and body. (June 2019
Board Exam Question) Board Exam Question)
a. 60% a. Prostitution
b. 70% b. Gambling
c. 80% c. Drug addiction
d. 90% d. Vice

21. Which of the following country in the Middle 29. White crystalline powder with very bitter
East is the biggest producer of cannabis sativa? numbering taste and said to be one of the strongest
a. Lebanon derivatives of Opium poppy.
b. Iraq a. Morphine
c. Kuwait b. Heroin
d. Afghanistan c. Codeine
d. Cocaine
22. The major transshipment point for international
drug traffickers in Europe and known to be the 30. This drug is representative of a broad class of
“Paradise of Drug Users” in this continent stimulants known as “pep pills”. It is usually
a. Portugal prescribed to reduce appetite and to relieve minor
b. Spain cases of mental depression. (June 2019 Board Exam
c. Germany Question)
d. Turkey a. Amphethamine
b. Ecstasy
23. Principal source of all forms of cocaine c. Methamphetamine
a. South East Asia d. Shabu
b. South America
c. Middle East 31. Which of the following is the commonly known
d. South West Asia as the “poorman’s cocaine”.
a. Amphethamine
24. The Golden Triangle is controlled by the Triad; b. Ecstasy
the Colombian and Peruvian drug trafficking was c. Methamphetamine
controlled by: d. Shabu
a. The Mafia

Amici Review Center Page 28

32. Drug addicts when under the influence of drugs d. 0.50
are menace to the Community because they:
a. Are violently insane 39. The prevention of drug addiction is primarily a
b. Ruin their life/health responsibility of what institution so as to prevent its
c. Flagrantly immoral members from being hook to addiction?
d. Feel no restraint in committing crimes. a. Church
Menace= threat b. Family
c. Barangay
33. Marijuana plant can easily be identified by: d. School
(October 2015 Board Exam Question) PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Family is also an institution
a. Its stalk that grows up to 12 feet
b. Its pungent scent when matured or fully grown. 40. The following shall undergo Mandatory Drug
c. Its branches which occur at opposite points on Testing according to R.A. 9165, EXCEPT. (October
the stalk 2015 Board Exam Question)
d. Its finger-like leaves broken into leaflets whose a. Officers and Employee of public and private
edges are serrated in shape. offices. = Random Drug Testing
b. Applicant for firearms license and for permit to
34. If cocaine is a stimulant, what is LSD? carry firearms outside residence.
a. solvent c. Officers and Members of the Military, police and
b. Narcotic other law enforcement agencies.
c. hallucinogen d. All persons charged before the prosecutor’s
d. depressant office with a criminal offense having an imposable
LSD= discovered by Dr. Albert Hoffman penalty of not less than six (6) years and one (1)
35. Which of the factors below is perceived to be
the major cause of initial drug abuse? 41. Also known as Papaver Somniferum and
a. poor environment considered as the mother drugs of other narcotics
b. experimental thrill substance.
c. domestic violence a. Codeine
d. peer pressure b. Heroin
PEER PRESSURE = kpag ikaw naimpluwensyahan o c. Morphine
pinilit ng ibang tao na gawin yung isang bagay na d. Opium Poppy
hindi mo naman karaniwang ginagawa.
42. Pedro cannot function without drugs in his
For Example kasama mo mga tropa mo lahat sila system and if he does not take drugs, he develops
nagsisigarilyo, ikaw lang ang hindi. Ngayon pinipilit withdrawal signs such as restlessness, pain, or
ka nilang humithit kahit isa lng. Dahil sa Pressure, convulsions. Pedro is (June 2018 Board Exam
sinunod mo yung gusto nila hanggang sa nasundan Question.)
ulit kasi narealize mo iba pala ang pakiramdam pag a. physically dependent on drugs
humihithit ka. So, that is PEER PRESSURE. b. mentally dependent on drugs
c. psychologically dependent on drugs
36. The source of most analgesic narcotic is: d. socially dependent on drugs
a. Opium
b. Morphine 43. Removal of toxic substances from the body as a
c. heroin result of abusing drugs: (June 2019 Board Exam
d. All of them Question)
a. Cleansing process
37. What group of drugs is used medically as pain b. Aversion treatment
killers? (December 2018 Board Exam Question) c. Abstinence
a. opiates d. Detoxification
b. Track
c. shabu 44. A form of physical dependence, severe craving
d. coke for the drug even to the point of interfering with
the person’s ability to function normally.
38. Percentage of alcohol blood which indicates a. Tolerance
that the person is under the influence of the liquor b. Addiction
(alcohol)? c. Habituation
a. 0.05 = not under the influence of alcohol d. Psychological Dependence
b. 0.15
c. 1.5

Amici Review Center Page 29

45. They serve as permanent consultant of the 52. Operation of drug syndicates are usually made
Dangerous Drug Board: (June 2019 Board Exam secretly that makes it detection quite difficult.
Question) Various techniques were made by its operator in
a. Secretary of DILG and Secretary of Justice concealing their activities. (June 2019 Board Exam
b. NBI Director and PNP Director General Question)
c. PDEA Director General and PNP, Chief a. Hide –out operation
d. PNP Director and PDEA Director b. Disguised operation
c. Clandestine Operation
46. Drugs that is commonly used by athletes having d. Confidential
the properties of increasing stamina and/or energy.
(June 2019 Board Exam Question) 53. People feels EUPHORIA when taking drugs,
a. Ecstasy which means: (December 2018 Board Exam
b. Shabu Question)
c. MDMA a. states of exhaustion
d. Anabolic Steroid b. states of sleepiness
c. states of well being
47. Drugs that affects sensation, thinking and self- d. states of sadness
awareness and emotion: (June 2019 Board Exam
Question) 54. A person found guilty of use of dangerous drugs
a. Hallucinogens for the first time shall be punished with:
b. Sedatives/Depressant a. Imprisonment of 6 yrs and one day to 12 years =
c. Stimulants 2nd offense
d. Narcotics b. Rehabilitation of a minimum period of 6
48. Marijuana has been one of the most abuse c. Rehabilitation for 6 months to 18 months
hallucinogens in the Philippines and its control d. Imprisonment of at least 6 months
becomes difficult according to some authorities
due to the fact that: 55. What will be the disposition in a case where
a. It is easy to smoke it secretly minor is convicted for the possession of dangerous
b. It is sellable in the market drugs? (June 2019 Board Exam Question)
c. It is easy to cultivate a. Judgment will be suspended
d. It is in demand b. Turn-over to DSWD
c. Sentence will be suspended
49. One of the most abuse hallucinogenic drugs in d. None of the above
the Philippines that contain active components
known as Tethrahydro-cannabinol? 56. National campaign strategy against illegal
a. Mescaline drugs, focus of which is through law enforcement,
b. Marijuana prosecution and judicial actions.
c. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamine) a. Demand reduction = through policy formulation,
d. Ecstacy(methylenedioxymethamphetamine) preventive education, research, treatment,
rehabilitation and reintegration
50. A type of Drugs according to pharmacological b. Supply reduction
classification which often relives pain and induces c. Inter-agency coordination
sleep. d. International cooperation
a. Hallucinogens
b. Sedatives/Depressant 57. Consider the following;
c. Stimulants 1. Drug addicts can be detected by means of
d. Narcotics observation of the person suspected to be addicted
of drugs.
51. Considered to be one of the prime suppliers of 2. Drug addicts can be detected through
Heroin in Asia is the so called Golden Triangle laboratory examination.
where 80% of illicit drugs of the world originate. 3. Drug addicts can be detected through
This lies on the borders of: (June 2019 Board Exam psychological examinations such as intelligence,
question) personality, aptitude, interest and psychiatric
a. Thailand –Laos –Burma examinations.
b. Thailand – Laos- Myanmar
c. Iran –Afghanistan – Pakistan What is the correct answer?
d. Peru- Columbia- Bolivia a. I, II and III
BURMA= old name of Myanmar b. II only
c. I and II

Amici Review Center Page 30

d. II and III
65. Considered by the Assyrians as a “Sacred Tree”
58. Which of the following is not one of the means planted by the Incas of Peru. It is considered as the
of the taking methamphetamine hydrochloride? world’s Oldest cultivated plant which is the source
a. Chasing the dragon = usually sa heroin of dangerous drug. (June 2019 Board Exam
ginagawa Question)
b. Snorting =inhaled a. Papaver Somniferum
c. Smoking b. Cannabis Sativa
d. Oral c. Coca Plant
d. Ephedrine
59. Kinds of drug that excite the central nervous
system, increasing alertness, decreasing fatigue 66. Considered as the most powerful natural
and delaying sleep. stimulant.
a. Narcotic a. Tetrahydrocannabinnol
b. Hallucinogen b. Cocaine hydrochloride
c. Shabu c. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
d. Stimulant d. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine

60. What are the symptoms of the use of 67. Chinese Emperor who prohibited the trading of
amphetamines? (June 2019 Board Exam Question) opium in China by the British Indies that lead to the
a. Sensation of distorted time, space, sound, color Opium War of 1840.
b. False perceptions of objects and experiences a. Lao Tzu
c. Excitement, alertness and wakefulness b. Sun Tzu
d. Loss of appetite, anxiety and irritability c. Yung Chen
d. Mao Zedong
61. What drugs that produce sensations such as
distortions of time, space, Sound, color and other 68. Known as the “Father of Medicine”. He
bizarre effects? prescribed opium poppy juice in surgery which was
a. Opiates cultivated by the Summerrians during 7000 BC.
b. Heroine a. Hippocrates
c. Narcotics b. Morpreus
d. Hallucinogens c. Confucious
d. Socrates
62. Known as the “Big Four Drugs” trafficked in the
global drug market. (June 2019 Board Exam 69. A laboratory examination is only required to
question) apprehended offender within 24 hours if the
I. Heroin and Cocaine person arrested has:
II. Shabu and Ecstacy a. Visible manifestation that suspect was under
III. Marijuana and Methamphetamine the influence of drugs
IV. Narcotics, Hallucinogens, Stimulants and b. Physical sign of drug abuse
Depressants c. Symptoms of Drug abuse
d. All of the above
a. I and II As provided under Sec. 38 of RA 9165
c. II and III 70. The term "Ecstasy" is used for a group of
d. V "designer" drugs closely related in chemical form to
the amphetamine family of illicit drugs. Its scientific
63. Which of the following drug trafficking name is:
organization which furnishes drugs to the users? a. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride =Shabu
a. Core organization b. Papaver somniferum =Opium Poppy
b. Secondary organization c. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
c. Cartel d. Cannabis sativa =Marijuana
d. Local organization
71. One of the most abuse hallucinogenic drugs in
64. Most popular plants as a source of dangerous the Philippines that contain active components
drugs, except: known as Tethrahydro-cannabinol?
a. Indian hemp a. Mescaline
b. Opium poppy b. LSD
c. Coca bush c. Marijuana
d. Ephedra d. Ecstacy

Amici Review Center Page 31

d. Lethal Dose = cause death
72. Drug trafficking, according to Comprehensive
Drug Act of 2002, except: 79. The newest operational plan against drug abuse
a. Cultivation, culture and delivery, focused in the barangay level in cooperation with
b. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale barangay officials.
and trading, a. OPLAN bakal
c. Use, consumption, addiction and tolerance b. OPLAN Mercurio
d. Transportation, distribution, importation, c. OPLAN Yagit
exportation and possession d. OPLAN Banat

73. Drugs that is commonly used by athletes having 80. A degree of Intoxication wherein the mind is
the properties of increasing stamina and/or energy. confused, behavior is irregular and the movement
(Nov-Dec 2019 BEQ) is uncontrolled. The speech is thick and in
a. Ecstasy coordinated. The behavior is uncontrollable.
a. Slight Inebriation = reddening of the face
b. Shabu b. Moderate Inebriation = argumentative &
c. MDMA overconfident
d. Anabolic Steroid c. Drunk
d. Coma = stuperous or in comatous condition
74.”Bembol” was arrested for possessing seven (7)
grams of Shabu at 7:00 P.M. October 23, 2012. Up 81. The head of the PDEA is known as the Director
to what time and date the arresting officer have to General with a rank of ______________?
subject “Bembol” to a drug test as required by the a. Secretary
law? b. Assistant Secretary
a. 7:00 P.M, October 25 c. Undersecretary
b. 7:00 P.M., October 24 d. Senior Secretary
c. 8:00 A.M., October 26
d. 8:00 A.M., October 25 82. DDB can issue subpoena Testificandum and
subpoena duces tecum relative to the conduct of
75. Marijuana plant can easily be identified by: (Oct investigation involving the violations of RA 9165.
2015 BEQ) a. True
a. Its stalk that grows up to 12 feet b. False = PDEA Only
b. Its pungent scent when matured or fully grown. c. Partially True
c. Its branches which occur at opposite points on d. Partially False
the stalk
d. Its finger-like leaves broken into leaflets whose 83. is a citizen-based information collection
edges are serrated in shape. program designed to encourage the active
participation of private citizens to report illegal
76. What are the symptoms of the use of drug activities in their communities. We need to
amphetamines? (June 2019 BEQ) establish trust, confidence and maintain a mutually
a. Sensation of distorted time, space, sound, color beneficial relationship between PDEA and the
b. False perceptions of objects and experiences public for a unified effort combating the drug
c. Excitement, alertness and wakefulness menace in our country,”
d. Loss of appetite, anxiety and irritability a. Operation Neptune Sphere
b. Operation Private Eye
77. It refers to the willful act of any person of c. Operation Green Gold
maliciously and secretly inserting, placing, d. Operation Double Barrel
attaching, or adding directly or indirectly, through
any overt or covert acts: 84. There are two schools of thoughts as regards
a. Entrapment prostitution. What school of thoughts believes that
b. Instigation prostitution is both a crime and vice and should be
c. Planting of Evidence repressed and prohibited?
d. Black mailing a. The School of Regulatory Control
b. The School of Prostitution Control
78. The amount of drug that produces untoward c. The School of Total Repression
effect or symptoms of poisoning. d. The School of Total Control and Repression
a. Toxic Dose
b. Minimal Dose = needed to treat or heal 85. PO3 Suboh planted 0.5 grams of shabu to their
c. Maximal Dose = produced a desired therapeutic suspect and PO2 Lebron planted 1 gram of shabu.
effect w/out symptoms of toxicity Is their penalty the same?

Amici Review Center Page 32

a. No c. Ilocos Sur- Benguet- Mt Province
b. Yes d. Zamboanga- Cotabato- Davao
c. False
d. True 93. Marijuana also called marijane or grass or weed
is a crude drug made from cannabis Sativa, a plant
86. SPOIV Masipag intentionally failed to appear as that contains a meal altering ingredient. Which one
a prosecution witness during trial of the case is NOT an immediate effect of marijuana?
against the alleged drug dealer caught in buy- bust a. Acute panic anxiety reaction-external fear of
operation. What will be his penalty? losing control.
a. 20 years and 1 day to life imprisonment b. Altered sense of time/disorientation
b. 12 years and 1 day to 20 years c. Impaired reflexes coordination and
c. Life imprisonment concentration
d. Death Penalty d. Moderate heart beat and pulse rate
*FASTER heart beat and pulse rate
87. Can a high school student be compelled to
undergo drug test? (October 2015 Board Exam 94. Hashish is 8 to 10 times stronger than the
Question) commercial trade marijuana, it is: (June 2018 BEQ)
a. Yes a. Concentrated resin extracted from marijuana
b. it depends b. Dried flower of marijuana
c. maybe c. Fruiting top of the plant cannabis sativa
d. no d. Finest and high grade leaves of marijuana plant

88. Among the following, who was the German 95. What natural stimulants that found in the
pharmacist who discovered the morphine drug? coffee?
a. Allan Heithfield a. Caffeine
b. Albert Hoffman =LSD b. Papaver somniferum
c. Freidrich Serturner c. Hashish plant
d. Alder Wright =Heroin d. Amphetamine types of stimulants

89. The part of the body most affected to by heavy 96. Marijuana has been one of the most abuse
drinking are: hallucinogens in the Philippines and its control
a. digestive system and nervous system becomes difficult
b. brain and veins of the body according to some authorities due to the fact that:
c. the lungs and heart (June 2018 BEQ)
d. None of the above a. It is easy to smoke it secretly
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM = usually ang naapektuhan is b. It is sellable in the market
yung pancreas and Liver c. It is easy to cultivate
Nervous System = Brain d. It is in demand
Circulatory System is also included = Heart
97. The Golden Triangle are the producers of
90. If a person devotes considerable time and effort opium in south East Asia are composed of which
in obtaining the drug, thinking and discussing about country? (Dec 2018 BEQ)
it and using it to meet his problems and to escape a. Thailand, Burma, Laos
from reality, he is _____________. b. Thailand, Myanmar, Laos
a. socially dependent on drugs c. Peru, Colombia, Bolivia
b. mentally dependent on drugs d. Afghanistan, Iran, India and Pakistan
c. psychological dependent on drugs
d. physically dependent on drugs 98. It is any immoral conduct or habit, the
indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness
91. What are the symptoms of the use and corruption of the minds and body. (June 2019
amphetamines. (June 2019 Board Exam Question) board Exam question)
a. Sensation of distorted time, space, sound, color A. Prostitution
b. False perceptions of objects and experiences B. Gambling
c. Excitement, alertness and weakfulness C. Drug addiction
d. Loss of appetite, anxiety and irritability D. Vice

92. What is referred to as the “Green Triangle 99. The head of the PDEA is known as the Director
Area”? General with a rank of ______________?
a. Mindoro- Palawan- Masbate a. Secretary
b. Benguet- Kalinga Apayao- Mt Province b. Assistant Secretary

Amici Review Center Page 33

c. Undersecretary t=1 1hr 60mins
d. Senior Secretary 5 1hr
t= 1 60 mins = 60mins. = 12 mins.
100. DDB can issue subpoena Testificandum and 5 5
subpoena duces tecum relative to the conduct of 5. Caused by volcanic eruption or humidity.
investigation involving the violations of RA 9165. a. Providential fire = Natural Fire cause
a. True b. Intentional fire
b. False c. Unnatural fire
c. Partially True d. Accidental fire
d. Partially False
6. Fire stage that has the highest rate of intensity.
CDI-6 Fire Technology and Arson Investigation a. Incipient
b. Free burning
1. Government’s office mandated by RA 6975 to c. Smoldering
suppress destructive fires, implements the fire d. Initial
code and investigates all fires cases in the
Philippines 7. Decomposition of matter in reaction to heat.
a. BFP a. Thermal balance
b. PNP b. Oxidation
c. BJMP c. Burning
d. Bureau of Fire in the Phillippines d. Pyrolysis

2. Product of combustion which combustible 8. As the product of combustion rises in a building

materials and oxidizing agents react to heat. or flows out of an opening an equal volume of air
a. Fire replaces them. If during extinguishments, water is
b. Fire Gases distributed in such a manner as to upset the
c. Smoke thermal balance, a condition will appear known as:
d. Flame (December 2018 Board Exam question)
a. Explosion of steam
3. Means employed to avoid the occurrence of fire. b. Thermostat
a. Fire Suppression c. Thermal imbalance
b. Fire Control d. Sudden burst of fire
c. Fire Inspection
d. Fire prevention 9. Means employed to pacify the fire.
a. Fire prevention
4. The fire truck speed is 100km per hour and b. Fire safety
bound 20km to a town which is on fire. At what c. Fire control
time will the fire truck arrive? (June 2019 Board d. Fire suppression
Exam Question)
a. 5 minutes 10. What is a normally open device installed inside
b. 8 minutes an air duct system which automatically closes to
c. 12 minutes restrict the passage of smoke or fire? (June 2018
d. 20 minutes Board Exam Question)
Formula: t = d ÷ s A. fire exit
Given: B. damper
t=? C. fire trap
d = 20km D. fire alarm
s = 100km/hr
1hr = 60 mins. 11. Known as the “Fire Code of the Philippines”.
a. RA 6975
Solution b. RA 9263
t = 20km ÷ 100km Reciprocal 100km/hr, c. RA 9514
hr then change the d. PD 1613
t = 20km X 1hr operation from division
100km to multiplication 12. Known as the 4th element of fire. (June 2018
Board Exam Question)
Simplify it, get the Greatest Common Factor, then a. Fuel
divide it to 20/100 b. Heat
t = 20 ÷ 20 = 1 1hr c. Uninhibited chemical reaction
100 ÷ 20 5 d. Oxygen

Amici Review Center Page 34

a. Kitchen
13. Heat transfer that occurs in fluids. b. Point of origin
a. Convection c. Electrical Wire
b. Radiation = electromagnetic waves d. None
c. Conduction= solid materials
d. Electrolysis 22. The burnt pattern in woods indicating the
spontaneous and intensive burning has occurred.
14. The means employed to keep the fire to a a. Alligatoring
minimum or manageable level. b. Discoloration
a. Fire control c. Collapse
b. Fire prevention d. Charring
c. Fire suppression
d. Fire inspection 23. Which of the following should be performed
first in conducting fire investigation?
15. It refers to the size of fire which is determined a. Secure the fire scene
by the size of flame and the area of fuel that is b. Photograph the façade
burning. c. Pacify the fire
a. Temperature d. Conduct search
b. Heat
c. Intensity 24. Fire which there are human casualties.
d. Magnitude a. Deadly fire
b. Fatal fire
16. An act of removing fire hazards from the c. Spot fire
building. (October 2015 Board Exam Question) d. Arson
a. Lien
b. Abatement 25. If the motive of fire is due to insanity, who
c. Inspection among the following is the probable perpetrator?
d. Renovation a. Jolted lover
b. Rebel
17. Normal pattern or movement of fire, smoke and c. Terrorist
fire gases within a building or structure or natural d. Pyromaniac
condition created by fire.
a. Thermal balance 26. Which of the following will not cause the
b. Thermal imbalance investigator to hypothesize that the series of fires
c. Fire turbulence are not performed by a serial arsonist?
d. Fire direction a. There is a significant difference in modus
operandi in all series of fire
18. Office of the BFP that facilitates the b. There is significant variations as to the time of
implementation of the Fire Code of the Philippines. the commission of arson
a. Fire Investigation Section c. There is a significant similarity in manner of
b. Fire Safety Enforcement Branch commission of offense
c. Fire Safety Inspection Section d. Similar devices were used to propagate the fire
d. Personnel Section
27. If the investigator did not found any trace of
19. The process of determining the cause of fire in incendiarism, which of the following will be the
a particular installation. assumption?
a. Fire safety a. The fire was intentional
b. Fire inspection b. The fire was accidental
c. Fire investigation c. The fire was providential
d. Fire control d. The fire was not accidental

20. The first to be observed in ascertaining the 28. Which of the following shall cause the
cause of fire. investigator to assume that the victim died of direct
a. The point of origin contact with flame?
b. The burnt pattern of ceiling a. Presence of soot and fire gases at respiratory
c. The room of origin tract
d. The color of smoke and flame = inoobserbahan b. Prominence of trauma that is probably caused
para malaman kung ano ang nasusunog by a stab
c. Intense charring of the whole body
21. Place in the fire scene where the fire started. d. None of the above

Amici Review Center Page 35

36. When fire occurred, the first action upon
29. System of interconnected pipe that supplies discovery is:
water for fire suppression system in a particular a. Run for life
installation. b. Raise the alarm
a. Wet pipe c. Pack up personal belongings
b. Dry pipe d. Call an ambulance
c. Stand pipe
d. Sprinkler 37. It is used to include not only architects
responsible for the design and erection of a
30. Product of fire that is detected by gas complete building but also the various specialist
chromatogram and ion spectrometer. engineers who may be concerned with the
a. Flames structure, the electrical installation, the heating
b. Heat ventilation system and so on.
c. Soot a. Building contractors
d. Fire gases b. Designers
c. Office of building permits
31. To point out the difference between the d. Building planners
incendiary cause of fire and natural cause the fire
investigator must photograph the natural fire 38. Which of the following is a primary purpose of
pattern and: statutory requirements for fire protection?
a. Arson fire pattern a. To see to it that the building is insured
b. Accidental fire pattern b. To safeguard life
c. Providential fire pattern c. To insure that the building is hazard-free
d. Suspicious fire pattern d. To generate income for the government

32. Most arson cases are proved 39. It helps the arson investigator solve the fire
by__________________ evidence rather than that mystery. The fact that fire feeds or combustible
direct evidence. while propagating itself. It will indicate generally
a. Circumstantial the deepest from where the fire originated.
b. Documentary a. Charring
c. Testimonial b. Alligatoring
d. Physical c. Burning
d. Trailer
33. To establish the prima facie evidence of arson,
the total insurance carried on the building and/or 40. Preparation to set a fire. It is design to feed the
goals is more than ________ of the value of such fire as rapidly as possible when ignition device is
building and/or goods at the time of the fire. lighted.
a. 60% a. Plants
b. 50% b. Trailer
c. 80% = as provided under Art. 326-B (par. a) of c. Accelarants
RPC d. Fuel
d. 90%
41. If combustion waves propagate at supersonic
34. When carbon monoxide is absent in the blood speed, a shock front develops ahead of it to
of the dead body found in a burned structure, this produce:
will be a strong circumstantial evidence that the a. Explosion
person: b. Detonation
a. Was dead when the fire began c. Conflagration
b. Was killed by someone else during the blaze d. Big fire
c. Was still alive before the fire
d. Died due to suffocation 42. Chemical decomposition of matter through the
action of heat.
35. A popular chemical element used by the a. Flash over
arsonist to hide the odor of flammable liquids. b. Pyrolysis
a. Sulfides c. Ignition
b. Nitrates d. Combustion
c. Sulfur
d. Ammonia 43. As the product of combustion rises in a building
or flows out of an opening an equal volume of air
replaces them. If during extinguishments, water is

Amici Review Center Page 36

distributed in such a manner as to upset the a. Heat
thermal balance, a condition will appear known as: b. Flame
(Dec 2018 Board Exam Question) c. Temperature
a. Explosion of steam d. Fire
b. Thermostat e. Fire gases
c. Thermal imbalance
d. Sudden burst of fire 51. It refers to the luminous body of a burning gas
which becomes hotter and less luminous when
44. What is the enclosed space of passage that burning gas is mixed with proper amount of
extends from floor to floor as well as from the base oxygen.
to the top of the building? (October 2015 Board a. Heat
Exam Question) b. Flame
a. vertical shaft c. Temperature
b. sprinkler system d. Fire
c. Standpipe e. Fire gasses
d. flash point
52. It refers to a thick, viscous, light, and stable
45. Fire can leapfrog across wide malls and material that floats on almost any liquid, including
shopping centers through electromagnetic waves. water. This has the effect of excluding the oxygen
This heat transfer is: during fire fighting operations.
a. conduction a. Blanket
b. radiation b. Carbon dioxide
c. combustion c. Foam
d. convection d. Dry chemical
e. BCF-Halon 1211
46. What equipment is made of trussed or solid
beam where rungs are connected horizontally to 53. AFFF means?
the beam forming ascent or descent? a. Aqueaous Film Forming Foam
a. rope b. Aqueaous filter Forming Foam
b. ladder c. Aqeous Filter Foam Forming
c. hydrant d. Aqueaous Film Forming Forming
d. nozzle
54. Those extinguishers that contain Carbon
47. The lowest section of an extension ladder is Monoxide Gas use to fight class A, B, and C fires are
known as: the –
a. heel a. Water fire extinguishers
b. bed ladder b. B and C
c. butt c. Liquefied fire extinguishers
d. fly ladder d. Cryogenic gas
e. Dry chemical fire extinguishers
48. What type of ladder is best suited for
firefighting operation involving high-rise building? 55. Flame safety lamp is a device which detects the
a. attic presence of flammable vapors, but its intentional
b. aerial use for this purpose is very dangerous particularly
c. extension in an atmosphere that may contain acetylene or
d. hook hydrogen because of the possibility of -
a. Backdraft
49. Jessie is the step father of Jean. One day, Jessie b. Flashover
and Jean quarreled. Because of anger, Jessie put c. Vapor Explosion
the clothes of Jean in a luggage and burned them. d. Reflash
a. Jessie committed malicious mischief and is liable e. All of these
b. Jessie committed malicious mischief but is
exempt from criminal liability 56. Upon arrival at the fire scene, the fire fighters
c. Jessie committed arson and is criminally liable noted based that the building contains large
d. Jessie committed arson but is exempt from quantities of superheated fuel under pressure but
criminal liability under Article 332 of the Revised little oxygen. The stage of fire is on –
Penal Code a. Initial stage
b. Smoldering phase
50. What is the product of fire which is responsible c. A and B
for the spread of the burning? d. Incipient stage

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e. Free-burning phase compartments so that heat and smoke will be
directed upwards to a roof vent?
57. What is being used as a precautionary measure a. fire door
to facilitate the rescue of an overcome investigator b. electric arc
or firefighter who is wearing an OBA, air-line mask, c. fire trap
or similar equipment? It is usually made of a 50- d. curtain board
foot nylon covered steel wire for use with the OBA
or air-line mask. 64. What is a normally open device installed inside
a. Air-line an air duct system which automatically closes to
b. Breathing apparatus restrict the passage of smoke or fire? (June 2018
c. Rescue rope Board Exam Question)
d. Oxygen hose A. fire exit
e. Tending line B. damper
C. fire trap
58. Flashover is the sudden ignition of accumulated D. fire alarm
radical gases produced when there is –
incomplete combustion of fuels 65. The fire extinguisher contains of _______. (June
a. A and B 2019 Board Exam Question)
b. insufficient oxygen a. 4% foam 96% water
c. introduction of heat b. 94% water 6% foam
d. sufficient oxygen c. 50% foam 50% Water
d. 25% foam 75% Water
59. It refers to any condition or act that increases
or may cause increase in the probability that fire 66. Passageway from building to another or
will occur or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or through or around a wall in approximately the
interfere with fire fighting operations and the same floor level.
safeguarding of life and property. a. smelting
a. Fire trap b. fulminate
b. Clogged fire way c. vestibule
c. Fire hazard d. horizontal exit
d. Hazardous fire area
67. A finely powdered substance which, when
60. Before attacking a fire in closed building it is mixed with air in the proper proportion and ignited
necessary to determine whether ventilating is will cause of explosion.
necessary and if so, the method of ventilating. a. fire lane
Which is of least value in making such a decision? b. fire trap
a. Observing density of smoke through windows c. dust
b. Observing the points at which smoke may be d. fire alarm
oozing out from the building
c. Feeling walls and roofs for hot spots 68. Those materials that yield oxygen or other
d. Observing the color of the smoke oxidizing gases during the process of a chemical
61 . A fire hydrant should be carefully opened when a. Fuel
in use in order to: b. oxygen
a. reduce vibration of the hydrant c. heat
b. ensure that the drip valve is all the way closed d. self-sustained chemical reaction
c. prevent water hammer
d. close the coupling 69. A colorless, odorless gas and one of the
composition of air which is approximately 21 % by
62. These are the possible benefits of ventilation, volume.
Except: a. Fuel
a. Control the direction of fire b. oxygen
b. Possible visibility c. heat
c. Release of gases d. self-sustained chemical reaction
d. Slow rate of burning
70. In scientific terms, the fuel in a combustion
63. What is a vertical panel of non- combustible or reaction is known as?
fire resistant materials attached to and extending a. Reducing agent
below the bottom chord of roof trusses to divide b. oxidizing agent
the underside of the roof into separate c. temperature

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d. none of these 79. Allan, an employee of fireworks factory in
Calamba, Laguna has been intensely reprimanded
71. The heat energy derived from nuclear energy by by his supervisor for being a habitual late-comer.
the splitting of atoms is known as: With grudge to the company and his employer, he
A. Fission set fire in such factory and the same has been
B. Radiation burned. In this case, there is ________________.
C. Ignition A. Consumated Arson
D. Fusion B. Destructive Arson
C. Simple Arson
72. What does it indicate when during a D. Arson of small value
conflagration, the smoke emitted is grayish?
A. Presence of nitrate 80. A complete and detailed checked of the
B. Loosely packed substance such as straw and hay structures and materials involved in the fire to
C. Indicate humid substance make sure that every spark and ember has been
D. Presence of phosphorus extinguished and to have assurance against
73. It is known as the chemical decomposition of A. Salvage
matter through the action of heat. B. rescue
A. Flashover C. Overhaul
B. Pyrolysis D. None
C. Combustion
D. Ignition 81. A sudden introduction of air into a closed space
containing an oxygen-starved superheated product
74. It is the type of ladder which is best suited for of incomplete combustion or oxygen-deficient free
fire fighting operations involving high-rise building. radicals, may result to an explosion, which is called:
A. Aerial A. Flashover
B. Extension B. Flash Fire
C. Attic C. Backdraft
D. Fly ladder D. Spontaneous Ignition

75. It is the smoke which indicates lack of air but if 82. Which among the following material will serves
accompanied by large flames it indicates petroleum as the best conducting material?
products or rubber? A. Heat
A. Fire smoke B. Plastic
B. Black smoke C. Iron
C. White smoke D. Styrofoam
D. Biting smoke 83. If the cause of fire is accidental in nature, does
76. What will happen in case one or more electrical it constitute prima facie of arson?
appliances or devices draw or consume electrical A. It depends
current beyond the designed capacity of the B. Sometimes
existing electrical system? C. Yes
A. Overloading D. No
B. Consumption
C. Electric meter 84. If you saw a man carrying all materials in arson,
D. Overheating as an arson prober what case will you file?
1 point
77. Faulty electrical wiring includes the following A. Malicious Mischief
except: B. Attempted Arson
A. Pressing C. Illegal Possession of Arson Paraphernalia
B. Leaking gas pipe D. None
C. Low Line Capacity
D. Improve Voltage 85. It is arson when the owner of a house burned
his own for purposes of collecting insurance
78. What is the most common motive in Arson money. This is commonly referred as:
Cases? A. Mischief
A. Intimidation B. Concealment
B. Economic Gain C. Insurance Fraud
C. Punitive Measure D. Arson
D. Concealment of Crime

Amici Review Center Page 39

86. Tired of seeing a dilapidated train bound to
Laguna, Johnny intentionally burned a moving train 93. Highly flammable chemicals that are used to
but there was no passenger except the operator or facilitate flame propagation.
driver. As a result, the train operator died of heart A. Trailer
attack and the train was heavily burned. What will B. Gasoline
be your charged in court, if any? C. Accelerant
A. Murder D. Plant
B. Arson
C. Malicious Mischief 94. These are materials involving combustible
D. Homicide metals, alloys or metal compounds either in a solid,
semi solid or liquid state.
87. In order for arson to be deemed committed by a. Class A
a syndicate, what is the minimum number of b. Class B
persons involved? c. Class K
A. 1 d. Class D
B. 2
C. 3 95. Known as the “Fire Code of the Philippines”. *
D. 4 1 point
a. RA 6975
88. The liquid which causes fire when in contact c. RA 9514
with organic matter or with certain chemical is b. RA 9263
__________________. d. PD 1613
A. Corrosive Acid 96. If conflagration is only the means of killing the
B. Incendiary victim, the crime that you have to file is:
C. Combustible Material A. Arson
D. Fuel B. Murder
C. Murder with arson
89. William already placed gasoline-soaked rags D. Arson with murder
beside the wall of Happy Ending Spa but was caught
by Kurt before he could strike the match to burn the 97. The following are prohibited acts under the
building. William committed arson at what stage? Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008,
A. Frustrated except:
B. Attempted A. Locking fire exits during period when people are
C. Belated inside the building
D. Consumated B. Abandoning or leaving a building or structure by
the occupant or owner with appropriate safety
90. Out of anger, because his younger brother was measures
mauled by the neighbor Munding, Juswa burned C. Giving false or malicious fire alarms
the house of Munding who unknown to him was D. Removing, destroying, tampering or obliterating
sleeping in the said house during that time. As an any authorized mark, seal, sign or tag posted or
Arson Investigator you will charge Juswa with required by the fire service
A. Arson with Murder 98. When white smoke appears even before the
B. Murder only water from the fire hose comes in contact with the
C. Arson and Murder fire, it indicates ___________________.
D. Arson only A. lack of air
B. humid material burning
91. This usually indicates the type of burning C. chlorine burning
materials. D. lack of oxygen
A. Color of Flame
B. Size of Blame 99. Fire is an example of what type of chemical
C. Color of Smoke reaction?
D. Size of Fire A. Precipitation
B. Acid-base
92. What moves rapidly by convection and can C. Oxidation-reduction
spread laterally along the ceiling? D. None of these
A. Temperature
B. Smoke 100. This is the normal/common behavior of fire in
C. Heat a building:
D. Fire A. It moves vertically

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B. It has a circular movement “There in No secret for Success.
C. It only moves horizontally It is only the result of preparation, hardwork and
D. It has a circular movement while moving learning from failure”
horizontally JPV

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