Mock Board Exam in CDI Set A

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SET – A – 100 Items

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one
answer for each item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the
answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no.1 only.

1. From the given names below, who was the former convict that became a notorious
thief-catcher in Paris? It was in 1811 when he became part of the Brigade de la
Surete which eventually evolved as national detective agency of France.
A. John Fielding
B. Eugene Vidocq
C. Edmond Locard
D. Henry Goddard

2. What was the name of the first organized group of non-uniformed thief-catchers that
served as the forerunner of Scotland Yard?
A. Criminal Investigation Department
B. Bow Street Runners
C. Brigade de la Surete
D. Shire Reeve

3. Which case caused total damage on the reputation of anthropometry as positive means
of personal identification? This case led to advancement of fingerprints in United
A. Colin Pitchfork case
B. West Case (William West & Will West)
C. New York vs. Castro
D. Daubert Case

4. In 1914, the US Supreme Court decided Weeks vs. United States. The doctrine of
criminal jurisprudence established in this case which prohibited unreasonable
searches and seizures in order to obtain evidences is now popularly called
A. Miranda Doctrine
B. Archipelagic Doctrine
C. Exclusionary Evidence Rule
D. Poisonous Tree Doctrine

5. In 1966, a controversial criminal case was appealed to the US Supreme Court that
established standard procedural guidelines for arresting suspects and taking
criminal confessions. What is the famous name of this criminal case?
A. People vs. Weeks
B. Miranda vs. Arizona
C. Mapp vs. Ohio
D. Morales vs. Enrile

6. Mapp vs. Ohio was the case decided by the US Supreme Court which established the so
called -
A. Exclusionary Rule
B. Fruit of Poisonous Tree Doctrine
C. Miranda Doctrine
D. Hearsay Rule.

7. In the determining the sufficiency of evidence, proof beyond reasonable doubt is

the weight and sufficiency of evidence needed to convict the defendant in -
A. Administrative cases
B. Civil cases
C. Criminal cases
D. Political issues

8. If a suspect refuses to answer questions because he is afraid that he might say

things that can be used against him later, he should claim his right
A. to remain silent
B. to have an attorney
C. against self-incrimination
D. to liberty

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9. In order to have a speedy and logical flow of conducting criminal investigation,
the detective or investigator should have
A. Evidence
B. a systematic plan
C. a theory
D. intelligence

10. The criminal investigator, after identifying and collecting information or

evidence, the next logical step to do is
A. present them before the court
B. preserve their legal integrity
C. evaluate their strength in establishing proof
D. recognize their importance in the case at bar

11. What is the activity devoted to the planning and coordinating legal search which
are conducted to locate physical evidences at the locus criminis?
A. crime scene investigation
B. intelligence
C. instrumentation
D. covert operation

12. Which law defined certain rights of persons arrested, detained or under custodial
investigation as well as the duties of the arresting, detaining, and investigating
A. Republic Act No.7255
B. Republic Act No.7438
C. Republic Act No.3815
D. Republic Act No.7659

13. What is the first stage of crime scene investigation?

A. Collection of evidence
B. Preservation of the crime scene
C. Processing the crime scene
D. Crime scene boundary

14. In the arson investigation cases, the presence of carbon monoxide in the blood of
the victim of fire is considered a tell tale sign that the victim died
A. before the fire
B. after the fire
C. during the fire
D. of smoking

15. Any condition or act which increases or may cause increase in the probability of
the occurrence of fire or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with fire
fighting operations and the safeguarding of life and property is called
A. Duct system
B. Fire hazard
C. Hose reel system
D. Abatement

16. A passage hall or antechamber between the outer doors and interior parts of a house
or building.
A. Smelting
B. Refining
C. Distillation
D. Vestibule

17. Combustion is classified into flaming and glowing mode. Which one of the following
represents the flaming mode of combustion?
A. Fire tetrahedron
B. Fire triangle
C. Free radicals
D. Elements of fire

18. A fire can exist in the presence of oxygen, fuel and heat. How many percent of
oxygen is needed to sustain continuous combustion?
A. Below 15%
B. At least 16%
C. Not higher than 21%
D. More than 35%

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19. A fire started from the basement of a building. After 30 minutes, the whole
building had turned into ashes. Which among the following was responsible for the
spread of fire throughout the building?
A. Carbon Monoxide
B. Flame
C. Smoke and the fire gases
D. Carbon Dioxide

20. The means sanctioned by the rules of court of ascertaining the truth, respecting a
matter of fact is refers to
A. Evidence
B. Physical evidence
C. Proof of Facts
D. Corpus Delicti

21. An effort made to determine what actually occurred and the understanding of the
circumstances of a crime is called
A. Physical construction
B. Crime scene investigation
C. Mental reconstruction
D. Crime reconstruction

22. The written record made by the investigator upon arrival at the crime scene which
contains observations of the crime scene, results of the interview of witnesses,
evidence collected and others is called
A. Preliminary investigation report
B. Final Investigation report
C. Secondary Report
D. Field note taking

23. An examination of the immediate vicinity of the crime scene where the perpetrator
may have been hiding immediately after commission of the crime is called
A. Warm search
B. Hot search
C. Cold search
D. Spiral search

24. The systematic classification of the fundamentals or basic factors of a criminal

method is called
A. Corpus delicti
B. Modus operandi
C. Mens Rea
D. None of these

25. In criminal investigation, it is considered that __ is inner drive or impulse or

intention that causes a person to accomplish a criminal act.
A. Motive
B. Urge
C. Intent
D. Need

26. What element of crime commission referring to the condition and favorable time of
the suspect to possibly execute and commit the crime?
A. Motive
B. Timing
C. Opportunity
D. Alibi

27. The setting made up of all those who had custody of the evidence since its
acquisition by a police agency to ensure continuous accountability is called -
A. chain of custody
B. custody of evidence
C. transfer of evidence
D. chain of custody of evidence

28. Dismembered or cut up parts of the human body such as hand, feet, torso, sex organ,
and others which are thrown to different places to conceal a crime are medically
termed as
A. Mutilation
B. Chop chop
C. Mutilated remains
D. Corpse

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29. The official inquiries made by the police on the facts and circumstance surrounding
the death of a person that is expected to be unlawful is properly termed as
A. Official investigation
B. Homicide investigation
C. Murder investigation
D. Death investigation

30. What is known to refer to the peculiar habits of the criminals in committing
A. operational method
B. criminal trademark
C. modus operandi
D. crime signature

31. The intelligent, logical questioning of a suspect about a crime to secure a

confession of guilt is called -
A. Admission
B. Interview
C. Torture
D. Interrogation

32. Hints that suggest lines of investigative actions and information that is valuable
in expanding the universe of suspects, identifying prime suspects and finding the
guilty person are called -
A. Trace items
B. Clues
C. Investigative Leads
D. Angles

33. One is an important tool in investigation which refers to the investigative lead
that shows the identity of a criminal by reproducing the picture of the person from
a system of several hundred plastic slides containing photo reproduction of one
small portion of human face, nose, mouth, ears, etc.
A. Rogues gallery
B. Identi-kit
C. Portrait parle
D. Cartography

34. Under Philippine law, breaking and entering into house or building with felonious
intent is known as
A. Burglary
B. Larceny
C. Robbery
D. Theft

35. Those robbers who usually enter windows of second floor, puts chair against door to
afford time to leave, especially if discovered are called -
A. Apartment house robbers
B. safe robbers
C. Jimmy entry robbers
D. Super robbers

36. In police parlance, this kind of robbery is one made in an open place following
sudden attack. What is being referred to?
A. “Snatching cases”
B. “Hold up cases”
C. “Forcible entry”
D. “frisking”

37. The killing of four or more victims at one location at one single event is also
called -
A. Mass murder
B. Spree murder
C. Serial murder
D. Manslaughter

38. A criminal act committed by a person of respectability and high social status in
the course of his or her occupation is called
A. Corporate crimes
B. White-collar crime
C. Occupational crime
D. Environmental crime

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39. The following are the requisites of self-defense, except -
A. unlawful aggression
B. reasonable necessity of the means employed to repel it
C. sufficient provocation on the part of person defending himself
D. lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself

40. Among the following persons, who can be prosecuted in the case of prostitution?
A. gay prostitute
B. lady prostitute
C. mother selling daughter’s
D. any of the above

41. Robbery can be committed in band. Band means

A. 5 man team
B. concert band
C. 3 armed malefactors
D. 4 armed malefactors

42. Criminal investigation, to be effective, is not governed by rigid rules or laws,

but most often, it is governed by -
A. intuition
B. felicity of inspiration
C. some chances
D. All of the above

43. As an initial step in criminal investigation whereby the investigator strictly

observe one of the nine (9) golden rules upon arrival at the crime scene. Which one
is referred to?
A. Arrest the suspect and prosecute him
B. Do not touch or move any object
C. Save the life of the victim, and at the same time be able to identify the
suspect, if any.
D. Apply immediately the mechanics of search and cordon the crime scene.

44. Articles and materials which are found in connection with investigation and which
aides in establishing the identity of the penetrator or the circumstances under
which the crime was committed or which in general, assist in the prosecution of the
A. Corpus delicti
B. fruits of the crime
C. physical evidence
D. chain of custody of physical evidence

45. When a suspect is questioned of his or her involvement in a crime and that he or
she is reluctant to divulge information, the method of questioning should be
through -
A. Interrogation
B. Interview
C. Use of 3rd degree
D. Instrumentation

46. He may be one who gives the necessary information to the investigator. He may give
the information openly and even offer to be a witness or he may inform the
investigator surreptitiously and request to remain anonymous.
A. Informant
B. Tracing
C. Sources of information
D. Informer

47. When the crime subject of investigation is gambling, prostitution, illegal sale of
drugs, alcohol, dishonesty among employees or infidelity of a spouse, the
appropriate method of surveillance is -
A. Casing
B. shadowing or tailing
C. One-man shadow
D. Two-man shadow

48. From among the methods of surveillance of persons, which is the most appropriate
method applied in crowded places?
A. One-man shadow
B. Two-man shadow
C. Multiple shadow
D. Undercover assignment

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49. Among the constitutional rights accorded to every arrested person under custodial
investigation, one of them is not included -
A. Right to bail bond
B. Right to remain silent
C. Right to have a legal counsel
D. Right to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation.

50. Sweating, color change, dry mouth, pulse and breathing if found to be abnormal to a
subject/suspect, may indicate -
A. sufficient, strong and convincing evidence of guilt
B. physiological symptoms of guilt
C. circumstantial evidence of guilt
D. innocence of the subject

51. When a subject of investigation confessed to the crime, the investigator can
determine voluntariness of the confession through the following, except -
A) presence of the physiological symptoms of guilt
B) statement obtained by request and was spontaneous or self-induced utterance
C) statement was obtained without coercion and free from any force or
D) statement was obtained during the official investigation after the accused
was informed of the cause and nature of the offense charged, of the fact that
the evidence can be used against him at the trial

52. Search of crime scene where the searchers (A, B & C) proceed slowly at the same
pace along the path parallel to one side of the rectangle. At the end of the
rectangle, the searcher turns and proceeds back along new lanes but parallel to the
first movement. This type of search is called -
A. spiral method C. zone method
B. strip method D. wheel

53. Legally, in order to establish a case of arson

A. the fire must have been started by the suspect with own hand
B. the property does not belong to the suspect of the crime
C. the evidence of incendiarism must be direct and positive not circumstantial
D. the presumption that the fire was accidental in origin must be overcome

54. If a fire breaks out simultaneously in different parts of the building, it is most
reasonable to think that the fire is the result
A. Explosive
B. Spontaneous combustion
C. Carelessness
D. Incendiary fire

55. Probably one of the most definite clues to arson or attempted arson is -
A. intensity of the flame
B. multiple fires
C. odor of burning materials
D. difficulty in extinguishments

56. You arrive first at an automobile fire. A short circuit caused a small fire under
the hood which has spread to the dashboard and wires are also involved. Of the
following, the one which should be performed first is
A. cool the hood by applying the water
B. apply ashes, sand or earth on the hood
C. cut the ignition wiring using a knife
D. disconnect the battery terminal connections

57. The public attitude towards fire prevention which is most difficult to overcome is
A. maliciousness
B. laziness
C. indifferences
D. unreasonableness

58. Because no fires are alike, it is impossible to lay down general plans for fire
fighting operations. This viewpoint is unacceptable primarily because
A. the variety of techniques and methods available are conducive to all levels
of command
B. proper utilization of forces at hand are independent of the variable
characteristics of fire situations
C. elements of similarity are sufficient to establish tactics and strategy
applicable in a variety of situations
D. All of the above

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59. You were on your way home late at night when you noticed smoke pouring out on one
of the windows in a house in which several families reside. Your first
consideration under these circumstances should be to
A. determine the cause of smoke
B. arouse all the residents of the house
C. carry out to safety any person overcome by smoke
D. summon fire apparatus to the scene of the fire

60. A partially filled gasoline drum is a more dangerous fire hazard than a full one.
Of the following, the best justification for this statement is that
A. air is not combustible
B. gasoline is difficult to ignite
C. gasoline vapors are more explosive than gasoline itself
D. a partially filled gasoline drum contains relatively little air

61. A certain intersection, for several reasons, has more traffic accidents than any
other part in the area. The Police unit assignment to the area should.
A. Park near the intersection, in plain view, and wait for violators.
B. Park your motorcycle at the center of intersection to caution motorist
C. Park near the intersection, more or less hidden from view
D. Cruise all the assigned area but give extra attention to the intersection

62. Every device which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by
electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails
are considered -
A. Skating C. Tricycle
B. Bicycle D. Motor vehicles

63. It is the investigator’s responsibility to insure that every precaution is

exercised to preserve the evidence. What is being described?
A. Tagging of evidence
B. Evaluation of evidence
C. Preservation of evidence
D. Releasing evidence

64. Trial is allowed only after arraignment and the accused may waive his right to
appear at the trial except when his presence is required for purposes of
identification. This is the principle of trial by:
A. Substitution
B. Absentia
C. Re-assignment
D. Ordeal

65. If the sworn written statement charging a person with an offense, is subscribed by
the prosecutor and filed with court, such written statement is called -
A. Deposition
B. Complaint
C. Police blotter
D. Information

66. The fundamental responsibility of the officer in charge of protecting the crime
scene is to:
A. interrogate the witnesses
B. engage in the search for traces left by the search for traces left by the
C. remove of evidence which may prove importance to the case
D. preserving the site of the crime in the same physical condition as it was
left by the perpetrator

67. The main reason why both traffic officers and signal lights are used on some
intersection is that
A. motorist are discourage from “jumping signals”
B. traffic can be kept moving at a faster rate
C. greater safety to pedestrians and motorist is effected
D. an officer can stop and start as necessity demands

68. All lines, patterns, words, colors or other gadgets except signs set into the
surface or applied upon or attached to the pavement or curbing officially place for
the purpose of regulating traffic are considered -
A. warning signs
B. traffic management
C. traffic engineering
D. pavement marking

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69. The principal alkaloid of opium constituting as much as 20% of opium is
A. Morphine
B. Heroin
C. Codeine
D. hashish

70. “A” stabbed “B”. “A” brought “B” to a hospital for medical treatment. Had it not
been the timely medical attendance. “B” would have died. This is a case of
A. physical injury
B. an attempted felony
C. a consummated felony
D. a frustrated felony

71. Traffic accidents happen anytime and anywhere in the roads. Of the following types
of accident, which one is most decreased by the installation of traffic light?
A. Cross traffic accidents
B. Misunderstanding between motorist and traffic officers
C. Accidents of confusion
D. Accidents of decision of right of way

72. Exit doors in theatre should swing out in the direction of the street mainly
A. people should walk, not run, to the nearest exit
B. exits are more readily seen
C. the doors may not catch fire
D. audience can go out easier incase of fire or emergency

73. The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices which draw or consume
electrical current beyond the designed capacity of the existing electrical system
is called -
A. self-closing door
B. jumper
C. overloading
D. oxidizing material

74. When people are considered sources of information, the experienced police officer -
A. recognizes that persons from all walks of life represent potential
investigative resources
B. develops his contracts only with law abiding citizens
C. restricts his efforts to members of the departments
D. concentrates all his efforts to acquire informants only from criminal types

75. The adjudication by the court that the defendant is guilty or not guilty of the
offense charged and the imposition of the penalty provided by law on the defendant
who pleads or is found guilty thereof is appropriately called -
A. judgment
B. litigation
C. review
D. arraignment

76. Clandestine operations are conducted by the police in criminal investigation

activities. In police parlance, clandestine operation means -
A. covert intelligence
B. surveillance
C. secret activity
D. overt intelligence

77. Any motor vehicle accident that result in injuries other than fatal to one or more
A. Property damage
B. non-fatal injury accident
C. fatal accident
D. traffic law enforcer

78. A written order of the court or any competent authority consigning an offender to a
bail or prison for confinement is called -
A. Order of contraband
B. Mittimus
C. Instrumental of restraint
D. Release order

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79. An enclosed vertical space of passage that extends from the floor to floor, as well
as from the base to the top of the building is known as
A. sprinkle evidence
B. vertical shaft
C. flash point
D. standpipe system

80. What do you call the name of the drug from the leaves of the coca bush plant, a
South American shrub? It is a central nervous system stimulant.
A. opiates
B. marijuana
C. cocaine
D. shabu

81. What do you call a word or group of words that expresses a complete thought?
A. adverb
B. verb
C. subject
D. sentence

82. When an investigator finds an entry tool at the crime scene, he should first
A. Pick it up for closer observation taking care not to jar with it.
B. Compare the cutting edge of the tool with the impressions to determine if
this was the tool used in the crime.
C. Immediately collect it and always send it to the crime laboratory for
scientific examination
D. Wait until the crime scene has been sketched or photographed and measurements
taken before he collects the evidence

83. A wall designated to prevent the spread of fire having a fire resistance rating of
not less than four hours with sufficient structural stability to remain standing
even if construction on either side collapses under the fire conditions is called -
A. firewood
B. fire wall
C. post wall
D. fire trap

84. Amphetamine is representative of good class of stimulant known as

A. stick
B. speed
C. reefers
D. pop pills

85. Investigator must be patient to obtain accurate and complete information especially
with uncooperative subjects. He should have -
A. logical mind
B. power of self-control
C. perseverance
D. integrity

86. The so called “golden triangle” where illicit drugs are produced refers to -
A. Myanmar-Vietnam-Thailand borders
B. Laos-Thailand-China borders
C. Thailand-Myanmar-Laos borders
D. Thailand-Myanmar-China borders

87. A traffic police officer stationed at the route of a parade and has been ordered by
his superior to allow no cars to cross the route. While the parade is in progress,
an ambulance driver on an emergency run attempts to drive his ambulance across the
route while the parade is passing. Under these circumstances the traffic police
officer should.
A. ask the driver to wait until the traffic police officer contact his superior
and obtains decisions
B. stop the parade long enough to permit the ambulance to cross the street
C. hold up the ambulance in accordance with the superior’s order
D. direct the ambulance driver to the shortest detour

88. An instance that may cause fires from the heat accumulated from the rolling,
sliding or friction in machinery or between two hard surfaces, at least one of
which is usually a metal is called -
A. static electricity
B. overheating of machine
C. friction heat
D. heat from arching
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89. Assume a dead body has been discovered on the street and being the only police
officer around, you have been called upon by a passersby to proceed to the scene
upon arriving at the scene, several onlookers are gathered. As a rule, it essential
that a police office should refrain from expressing his opinion as to the probable
cause of death because -
A. opinion may influence the investigator assigned to the case
B. no useful purpose will be served
C. the killer may overhead your conclusion
D. you do not know the cause of the death

90. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from collision course or
otherwise avoid a hazard is -
A. state of evasive action
B. point of possible perception
C. point of no escape
D. final position

91. What group of drugs can produce insensibility, stupor, melancholy or dullness of
mind with delusions?
A. Stimulants C. Depressant
B. Narcotics D. Volatile Substance

92. What group of drugs that produce perceptual alternation, varying emotion, change
ego distortion and thought disruptions?
A. stimulants C. Tranquilizers
B. depressant D. Hallucinogen

93. Any event the results in unintended injury or property damage attribute directly or
indirectly to the action of motor vehicle is called -
A. motor transportation way
B. non motor vehicle traffic accident
C. motor vehicle accident
D. motor vehicle non traffic accident

94. The behavior of uncontrollable impulse to put things on fire is known as

A. Kleptomania C. Pyromania
B. Pedophilia D. Hero Type

95. Normally, fire feeds in all directions, but the least likely path a fire will
follow is
A. Upward C. Downward
B. Sideward D. Outward

96. Usually, the color of the smoke will indicate the type of material that is burning,
in order to be of value to the investigator, observation should be made
A. before the fire C. after the fire
B. after the water has been poured D. during overhaul

97. The primary responsibility of a fire investigator in fire investigation is to -

A. determine the true cause of fire C. determine the fire setter
B. determine the origin of fire D. determine the victim

98. The type of flame which do not deposit soot because it has complete combustion is
called -
A. non-luminous flame C. diffusion flame
B. laminar flame D. luminous flame

99. When the maximum heat and destructive capability of the fire is developed, the fire
is in its -
A. incipient phase C. smoldering phase
B. free burning phase D. ignition

100. Smoke of usual color that changes to yellow or grayish yellow is caused by a
dangerous fire condition known as -
A. Back draft condition
B. Flashback condition
C. Flash over condition
D. Stack effect


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