Lecture 5

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Operating System (Lecture 5 – Internet Ready Environment)

1. ISPConfig is a software package that permits the easy management of servers,

webspace, resellers and single virtual hosts. Identify THREE(3) level of system
administration in ISPConfig
a. ISPConfig for server administrators allows the management of servers,
webspace, resellers and customers
b. ISPConfig for resellers allows the management of webspace, customers and
virtual hosts (sites)
c. ISPConfig for webmasters allows the management of sites, co-domains and

2. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for the transfer
of computer files between a client and server on a computer network
a. FTP is still widely used even though it considered an outdated protocol. Give
TWO(2) deployment scenario of FTP that considered relevant and widely used
i. Connecting devices to acquire data
1. With IoT, internet-connected objects such as your computer
and a server, you're able to collect and transfer data over a
wireless network without any human intervention
2. You can set up automated FTP transfers to handle the data
transfer on a routine basis

ii. Content distribution

1. Radio shows, TV shows, and other large media content
companies need fast and reliable data transfer so shows air on
2. File transfer protocol's abilities to transmit large amounts of
data and create automation help deliver media content once it is

b. Give an apt command to install a FTP server named vsftpd

i. sudo apt install vsftpd

3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is one of the oldest and most commonly used protocols
found on the Internet today. Its purpose is to reliably transfer files between computer
hosts on a network
a. List TWO(2) ways to manage access for FTP Server
i. ftpusers is used to list users who are denied access to the FTP server.
ii. ftphosts is used to allow or deny login from various hosts to various
accounts on the FTP server.

b. Give an apt command install a FTP server named proftpd-basic

i. Sudo apt install proftpd-basic
4. ISPConfig is an open-source hosting control panel for Linux, licensed under BSD
license. It provides different level of privileges to different group of users.
Differentiate TWO(2) privieges for resellers and customers

5. ISPConfig is an open source hosting control panel for Linux which is capable of
managing multiple servers from one control panel. Briefly discuss TWO(2) benefits
of ISPConfig
a. Low server resource needs
i. ISPConfig is very lenient on server resources, and unneeded service
can be disabled to conserve resources (email, DNS, FTP, etc), allowing
it to run on very low-RAM servers.

b. Virtualization support
i. ISPConfig is one of the only open-source control panels that support
virtualization technology natively. It allows you to create OpenVZ
containers (virtual servers) and set up a virtualized environment.

6. Discuss how ISPConfig can help you in performing your duty as system administrator
a. ISPConfig is a software package that permits the easy management of servers,
webspace, resellers and single virtual hosts

7. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is one of the oldest and most commonly used protocols
found on the Internet today. Although it consider not secure but it still widely used.
Analyse area of deployment and access method
a. Connecting devices to acquire data
i. With IoT, internet-connected objects such as your computer and a
server, you're able to collect and transfer data over a wireless network
without any human intervention
ii. You can set up automated FTP transfers to handle the data transfer on
a routine basis
iii. Active mode
b. Content distribution
i. Radio shows, TV shows, and other large media content companies
need fast and reliable data transfer so shows air on time
ii. File transfer protocol's abilities to transmit large amounts of data and
create automation help deliver media content once it is ready.
iii. Passive mode

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