Fulton FB-L Manual
Fulton FB-L Manual
Fulton FB-L Manual
2 Description/Instructions
Locating the Boiler
Dimensions & Specifications 1.2-3.6 BHP
3 Operation
Starting the Boiler
Boiler Controls
Sight Glass Isolation Valves
4 Maintenance
Recommended Daily Maintenance
Parts 30
5 Spare Parts Ordering Instructions
Parts List
6 Warranty 36
Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. 2-ES 4-00
Safety Warnings/Precautions
Safety Warnings Cautions & Caution versus an element to place the dessi-
Notes Unless otherwise specified, the steam
safety valve supplied with the boiler is Note
The following WARNINGS , CAU- pre-set. This valve is provided as a
TIONS, and NOTES appear in vari- safety device for the boiler and Where a condensate return tank is to
ous chapters of this manual. They should not be used as the sole pro- be fitted, this should:
tection for other equipment using a) Be vented and
are repeated on these safety sum- steam from the boiler. Do not tamper b) Have a capacity sufficient to satis-
mary pages as an example and for with the setting (It could accidentally fy boiler consumption as well as
emphasis. be set at a pressure higher than the maintain proper return tank tempera-
design pressure of the boiler and, ture
WARNINGS must be observed to therefore ,create a hazardous condi- and
tion. c) Vent pipe should not be down-
prevent serious injury, or death to sized (This may cause pressure build
personnel. Caution up in the condensate tank.)
Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. 4-ES 4-00
Description/Instructions 12 - 36 kW / 1.2 - 3.6
Number of Elements 1 1 1 2 2 2
Output 1000 BTU/HR 41 51 61 82 102 123 Notes
1000 KCAL/HR 10 13 15 21 26 31
Steam Output** LB/HR 40 50 60 81 101 121 **Steam output ratings, at
KG/HR 18 23 27 37 46 55 180oF (82oC) feedwater
Approx. Shipping Weight LB 420 420 420 440 450 450 temperature, 0 PSIG.
KG 191 191 191 200 201 204 --Indicates not available.
Probe liquid level control,
Water Capacity GALLONS 7 7 7 7 7 7 standard on all units.
LITERS 26 26 26 26 26 26
Electrical Power Requirements (In Amps) Optional Water Level Controls
Watts 142-5
208V 3 Phase 34 42 50 67 84 100 McDonnell Miller 53-2
230V 1 Phase 52 65 78 -- -- -- McDonnell Miller 47-2
240V 3 Phase 29 36 43 58 73 87
480V 3Phase 15 18 21 29 36 44
575V 3 Phase 13 16 18 24 30 36
Dimensions are approximate. We reserve the right to change specifications. Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. 6-ES 4-00
Description/Instructions 50-200 kW / 5 - 20 BHP
Number of Elements 2 3 4 6 4
Output 1000 BTU/HR 171 256 341 512 683
1000 KCAL/HR 43 64 86 129 172
Steam Output** LB/HR 169 252 336 505 674
KG/HR 77 115 153 230 306
Approx. Shipping Weight LB 580 850 970 1223 1425
KG 263 386 440 556 648 **Steam output ratings, at 180oF
Water Capacity GALLONS 13 39 39 50 79 (82oC) feedwater temperature, 0 PSIG.
LITERS 49 148 148 189 299
Electrical Power Requirements (In Amps) Probe liquid level control, standard.
208V 3 Phase 139 208 278 416 556 Optional Water Level Controls
240V 3 Phase 120 180 241 361 482 McDonnell Miller 157-157M McDonnell
Miller 53-2
480V 3Phase 60 90 120 180 241 McDonnell Miller 47-2
575V 3 Phase 50 76 101 150 201
Dimensions are approximate. We reserve the right to change specifications.
Number of Elements 4 7 10 14
Output 1000 BTU/HR 1025 1708 2561 3416
1000 KCAL/HR 258 430 645 860 Notes
Steam Output* LB/HR 1011 1684 2526 3368
KG/HR 460 765 1148 1530 **Steam output ratings, at 180oF (82oC)
Approx. Shipping Weight LB 1440 1825 2150 2300 feedwater temperature, 0 PSIG.
KG 655 830 977 1043 * Indicates voltages available at special
Water Capacity GALLONS 115 195 270 360 request
LITERS 435 738 1022 1362 Probe liquid level control, standard.
Electrical Power Requirements (In Amps)
208V 3 Phase 832 * * * Optional Water Level Controls
MCDonnell Miller 157-157M
240V 3 Phase 724 * * * McDonnell Miller 53-2
480V 3Phase 363 607 906 1204 McDonnell Miller 47-2
575V 3 Phase 301 502 756 1004
Dimensions are approximate. We reserve the right to change specifications. Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. 10-ES 4-00
Basic Boiler,
Condensate Tank,
and Blow off
Piping Diagram
Unless otherwise specified, the
steam safety valve supplied with
the boiler is pre-set. This valve is
provided as a safety device for the
boiler and should not be used as the
sole protection for other equipment
using steam from the boiler. Do not
tamper with the setting (It could
accidentally be set at a pressure
higher than the design pressure of
the boiler, and therefore create a
hazardous condition.
dance with state and/or local codes.
Model FB-L 012 015 018 024 030 036 050 075 100 150 200 300 500 750 -- Indicates
not available.
208V 3 Phase 34 42 50 67 84 100 139 208 278 416 556 832 * * Indicates
* * voltages
available at
230V 1 Phase 52 65 78 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- request.
Electrical Requirements be adjusted to suit the boiler applica- equipped with one low water cut off relay
a) Connect wiring as shown in the tion. The control has two scales (main in the panel box connected to one
specific wiring diagram which is and differential) which can be adjusted probe in the top of the boiler and one
furnished inside the cover of the by means of screws on top of the con-
electrical control box. Be sure to install a trol. The main scale setting should be
separate fused disconnect for the adjusted to the desired operating steam
element contactors and a separate pressure.
fused disconnect for the feed water Caution
pump. All wiring must conform to NEC Do not adjust to exceed the pressure
Code. rating on the boiler.
b) A correctly sized fused disconnect b) A high limit pressure control is located
switch should be fitted as close to the next to the operating steam pressure
boiler as possible and connections control and should be set 5 to 10
made to the boiler control panel in pounds higher than the operating steam
compliance with NFPA (National Fire pressure control. This control serves as
Protection Association), NEC Code, and a secondary high pressure cut-off if for
local codes. The appropriate number of some reason the main operating steam
terminals are provided inside the control pressure control should become
panel box to take these connections, inoperative.
but the panel box must be drilled to water level control relay in the panel box
accept the type of conduit used. Water Control Relays
operating two probes in the top of the
Boiler Controls --Fulton packaged a) Boilers from 1.2 to 3.6 HP are boiler.
electric steam boilers are equipped with
both a steam pressure control and a
high limit pressure control mounted on
the outside of the electrical panel box.
a) The steam pressure control should
b) Boilers from
5 - 20 HP con-
tain two low
water cut off
relays in the
panel box con-
nected to two
probes in the
top of the boiler.
c) Boilers from
30 - 100 HP
have an exter-
nal water col-
umn on the right
hand side of the
boiler. There are two low water cut off
Only properly trained personnel
should install and maintain water
gauge glass and connections. Wear
safety glasses during installation.
Before installing, make sure all parts
are free of chips and debris.
Keep gauge glass in original packag-
ing until ready to install.
1. Verify the proper gauge has
been supplied.
2. Examine the gauge glass and
packings carefully for damage before
installation. Do not use the glass if it
contains any scratches, chips, or any
other visible signs of damage.
3. Do not subject the gauge glass to
bending or torsional stresses.
4. Apply Teflon tape or pipe dope to
pipe threads. Install top gauge fitting
(fitting without a drain valve) into the
uppermost tapping. Wrench tighten the
fitting until it is snug and the glass outlet
is pointing at five o’clock (about 1/8 turn
from its final downward vertical position).
5. Install the bottom gauge fitting (the
fitting with a drain valve) until it is snug
and the glass outlet is pointing directly
upward. Verify top and bottom fittings
are threaded into the tappings the same
number of turns (distance A=distance
6. Remove glass packing nut, friction
washer and glass packing from the
fittings, and place them, in the same
order, on to both ends of the gauge
glass. Push both packings about an
inch up the gauge glass.
7. Gently insert one end of the glass
into the top gauge fitting. Keeping the
glass inside the top fitting, gently rotate
the top gauge fitting clockwise until ver-
tically aligned with the bottom gauge fit- up as far as possible. utilize automatic ball checks where
ting, then inset glass into bottom fitting necessary to help prevent injury in case
until glass bottoms out on the shoulder of glass breakage.
inside the bottom fitting. 10. Hand tighten both glass
packing nuts, then tighten 1/2 turn Warning
8. Carefully raise glass about 1/16” and
more by wrench. Tighten only enough Improper installation or maintenance
slide lower glass packing down until the
to prevent leakage. Do not over of gauge glass and connections can
glass packing contacts the lower gauge
tighten! If any leakage should occur, cause immediate or delayed breakage
fitting. DO NOT allow the glass to
tighten slightly, a quarter turn at a time, resulting in bodily injury and/or
remain in contact with any metal!
checking for leakage after each turn. property damage.
9. Carefully slide upper glass packing
11. Install the protective guard, and
Reasons for the increased hardness controlled in open recirculating systems Iron (oxides): Iron in any of its oxide or
or other suspended solids should be by limiting the cycles of concentration. complex forms is undesirable in boiler
determined. Corrosion from chlorides can also be water. It is very difficult to disperse so
controlled by increasing the amount of that it can be removed the bottom
In line filters, or various types of blowoff lines.
corrosion inhibitor or changing to a more
pretreatment can be used to lower the
effective inhibitor. Reverse osmosis is
suspended solids level. Various Iron in its various forms can originate in
another method of pretreatment to
polymers assist in holding solids in the raw water makeup, condensate
reduce chlorides.
suspension . return water, or form directly in the boiler
Osmosis is a process that uses a as a result of corrosion. Most iron oxide
Alkalinity: Alkalinity is the capacity of a originates outside the boiler. It does not
semi-permeable membrane, under
water to neutralize acids. Common water concentrate in the boiler and it tends to
pressure, to reject dissolved salts and
alkalinities consist of bicarbonate, collect in stagnant areas. If a boiler is
allow water to pass through. When a
carbonates, hydroxide, phosphate, and using raw water makeup, iron is almost
solution of salt and water is separated
silicate. These alkalinities, especially certain to be a major component of
by a membrane, the osmotic pressure
bicarbonates and carbonates, break developing scale.
forces the water through the membrane,
down to form carbon dioxide in steam,
diluting the salt solution. When pressure
which is a major factor in the corrosion Water Hardness: Water hardness is
greater than osmotic pressure is applied
on condensate lines. High alkalinity also the measure of calcium and magnesium
to the salt solution, the membrane allows
causes foaming and carry over in boilers. content as calcium carbonate
the water from the salt solution to pass
equivalents. Water hardness is a
Both foaming and carry over cause errat- into the water solution and rejects the
primary source of scale in boiler equipment.
ic boiler operation. When foaming occurs dissolved salts. The osmotic process is
an antifoam should be added or reversed, hence, reverse osmosis. Feedwater: Feedwater is the
increased. The reason for the high combination of fresh makeup and
Oil: Oil is not a natural constituent of
alkalinity should be determined. It may returning condensate that is pumped to
boiler water; still it can frequently enter a
result from lack of sufficient blow off. the boiler.
system through leaks in a condenser or
Pretreated makeup water and condensate
other heat exchanger. Oil can also enter Condensate: Condensate is
should also be checked. Quite often the
a system through the lubrication of condensed steam that is normally low in
source of alkalinity is an overdose of
steam driven reciprocating equipment. dissolved solids. Hence, it does not
alkaline internal water treatment chemical.
Whatever the source, the presence of oil contribute to the dissolved solid content
pH: pH is a measure of the degree of in boiler water is undesirable. Oil can act of the feedwater. In addition, condensate
acid or base of solution. Normal pH as a binder to form scale. In high is very expensive to waste. It's been
ranges of 6.5-9.0 will have little influence heat-transfer areas oil can carbonize and chemically treated, heated, pumped,
on the corrosion rate of cooling waters. If further contribute to the formation converted to steam, and condensed.
for some reason— pollution, etc.—the of scale. This costs money and when condensate
pH is lowered into the acid range, is returned to the boiler, money is saved.
Foaming is one indication of oil in
increased corrosion can be expected.
boiler water. Its presence can also be
The solution lies in determining the
confirmed by first shaking a bottle
cause of the low pH and correcting that
containing boiler water. If oil is present
condition. A low pH can result in
foam will result. To ensure the foaming is
corrosion of metals, while a high pH can
being caused by oil, add a small amount
result in scale formation. In order to
of powdered activated carbon
control boilers and equipment used for
to the bottle containing the boiler water
the external treatment of make up
and shake. Little or no foam will appear
water, it is essential that reliable pH mea-
if the foaming is caused by oil. Often oil
surements be made.
in boiler water will originate in the
Phosphates: Ground or surface waters condensate. This contaminated
seldom contain large amounts of condensate should be directed to the
phosphates. If present, it generally sewer until the source of the oil is
indicates fertilizer runoff or pollution. determined and corrective steps taken.
Phosphate from raw water can be the
Silica: Silica in boiler deposits is usually
cause of scale problems in open
combined with other constitutents.
recirculating cooling water systems after
Silicates form a number of different scale
the water is concentrated.
complexes with calcium, magnesium,
Chlorides: Chlorides are involved in aluminum, sodium, and iron. Since there
most cooling water corrosion cells. Other is at present no effective dispersant for
factors being equal, it can be assumed silicate deposits, the scale problem can
the higher the chloride content, the more be alleviated by maintaining close
corrosive the water. When pits or cracks control of calcium, aluminum, and iron as
occur on stainless steel or other metals, well as silica. The usual control
chlorides are always suspect. procedure is to maintain the silica
level in open recirculating water at
If chloride levels are high enough to 180 PPM max.
cause severe corrosion, they can be
Installation Check Points 3. Mix washing soda with water in a 5. Fill the boiler with water. Water level
one-gallon container and pour it into the is about center in the water gauge
1. Make sure all piping connectors are boiler through the steam safety valve glass.
complete and tight opening.
2. Make sure the pressure controls are
adjusted properly.
3. Make sure all electrical connections
in the control panel box, the water
column, and elsewhere are secure.
After installation is complete and
prior to operation, the pressure vessel
should be cleaned.
50 Kw to 75 Kw 1 lb.
750 Kw 4 lbs.
1000 Kw 5 lbs.
2. Remove the steam safety valve. 4. Replace the steam safety valve.
Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. 20-ES 4-00
Introduction c) Open main steam stop valve at the feed water pump should be kept in the
The following instructions are given for the top of the boiler. “on” position at all times during the
guidance of the operator in the use of boiler operation as well as during the
Fulton Electric Steam Boilers. Before non-operating period of the boiler. This
operating your Fulton Electric Steam Boiler: should be turned off only when repairs
or adjustments are to be accomplished.
Stop! Make sure you have read and
followed all previous safety information.
Check with local authorities where
approval for start-up is required. In
some localities, final inspection of
services may be required.
In general, ensure that the boiler area
is in conformance with established
boiler room requirements. Review
national and local codes.
Starting the Boiler d) Open water feed valve on boiler.
Do not attempt to start the boiler until all
of this section has been read. Carry out
the following procedure on the initial
start up of the boiler and on every sub-
sequent occasion when restarting the h) Turn the switch on the boiler to the
boiler after a shut down. “on” position. The white light will light
a) Close blow-off valve. indicating that the electrical circuit for
the boiler has been energized and that
all controls are working properly.
Boiler Controls re-energize the elements when the water button located on the panel box. For
The boiler is now fully operational and in the boiler has regained a safe level. Models FB-012-L through FB-036-L
will be automatically controlled as follows: Proper water level control is maintained there is a pump control relay and one
automatically by two water level probes low water cut off control relay located in
located in the boiler shell (1.2-20 HP) or the panel box. For Models FB-050-L
in the water column (30-100 HP). These through FB-1000-L there is a pump
control relay and two low water cut off
control relays located in the panel box.
The pump control relay is located on the
left and the water level control relay(s)
on the right.
Do not tamper with the safety features
of the low water safety cut off.
c) The boiler has a manual reset control
should a low water condition arise. It
will be necessary to reset the low water
control after the water again reaches a
safe level in the boiler. In the event of
power failure this control must also be
a) The steam operating pressure control reset. Place the main switch to the “on”
will control the on/off cycle of the ele- two probes turn the water pump on or position and press the low water reset
ments once the boiler is operating. The off. button and the contactor will start.
low water cut-off probes will signal the
low water relays and shut off power to b) Fulton Boilers are equipped with d) On Models FB-012-L through
the elements should the water in the solid state plug-in relays. Manual FB-075L after starting the boiler and the
boiler drop to an unsafe level and will reset is standard. It can easily be steam pressure reaches the set pres-
only distinguished by the low water reset sure on the operating pressure control,
the heating element will then shut off
automatically, and the amber light will
go out. After the steam pressure drops
according to the differential setting on
the operating pressure control, the
heating element will then restart
automatically and the amber light will
come back on. The differential can be
When stopping the boiler for any
extensive repairs, shut off main
power switch and pull main
disconnect switches on both the
boiler side as well as the feed
water side.
Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. 24-ES 4-00
Your Fulton Electric Steam Boiler has Caution plates and the opening of the control
been designed for years of trouble-free panel box, the electrical supply to be
Keep boiler area clear and free from
performance. To ensure the continued boiler must be disconnected.
combustible materials, gasoline, and
safety and efficiency of the boiler, the
other flammable vapors and liquids.
schedule of maintenance outlined in this Caution
section should be adhered to. The Warning
boiler should be inspected annually. All Do not use harsh compounds which
service should be performed by a Prior to the commencement of any will injure the feed water pump
certified contractor. work requiring the removal of cover or elements.
Recommended Annual
Maintenance B
a) Repeat six month maintenance.
b) Check elements for correct amp draw.
c) Provide annual inspection by quali-
fied ASME Boiler Inspector (if applicable C D
in your state).
C. Control Switch Check all wires from switch terminals for looseness
or corrosion. Replace if either is evident. Next check for proper make and break of
D. Low Water Safety Relay Verify that boiler has water. Check to verify
power on terminal #1. If power is present, check to verify
power on terminal #10. If power is not present, press the low water reset button
to reset relay. If relay does not reset, inspect terminals for loose
connections. Inspect probe connection.
Pump Circuit Failure A. Fuse If a break is detected, shut off power and remove
fuse. Replace with a new fuse of same voltage and amps. Turn
power on.
Primary Voltage Circuit A. Fuse If a break is detected, shut off power and
remove fuse. Replace with a new fuse of the same volt-
age and amps. Turn power on.
Problem Cause Check
Primary Voltage Circuit C. Wiring Connections With power off, check continuity of circuit
through each point in the circuit. If a break in
the circuit is found, repair. After repair, recheck with continuity light
with power off. Turn power on and check with an amp meter.
E. Contactor Contact Points If burned or dirty, clean with fine emory paper.
If burned through, replace. If not engaging com pletely,coil may be weak. Replace.
F. Elements Shorting or Open Circuit With power using a continuity tester, check to
see if an element is burned out between each point. If power is on, a volt meter may
be used. If an element is bad, replace.
Low Water Condition A. Circulating Pump Clean or replace all filters or screens to
assure proper water flow through them.
B. Water Makeup Supply Check to see that your supply water has not
been shut off or that there are no restrictions in the line leading to the boil-
Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. 30-ES 4-00
Spare Parts
a) It is important that the correct supplied, together with the following Note:
replacement part is fitted to your details as shown on your boiler
Fulton Electric Steam Boiler. identification plate: The policy of Fulton Boiler Works,
Inc. is one of continuous improve
b) When ordering replacement or 1. Boiler Number ment, and therefore, we reserve the
spare parts, make sure that the full 2. Boiler Type right to change prices, specifications,
information given in the Parts List is 3. Electrical Specifications and equipment without notice.
Month Year
For Connections Use Wire Suitable For At Least 167°F (75°C) Minimum
2-40-024 60 Amp Contactor 120 volt with 300 Volt Fuse Clip
2-40-025 60 Amp Contactor 120 volt with 600 Volt Fuse Clip
2-40-022 60 Amp Contactor 220V with 600 Volt Fuse Clip -
2-40-027 240 Volt Coil for 60 Amp Contactor
2-45-006 SC-40 Fuse
2-45-007 SC-50 Fuse
2-45-008 SC-60 Fuse
2-45-010 JKS-35 Fuse
2-45-011 JKS-40 Fuse
2-45-012 JKS-50 Fuse
2-45-013 JKS-60 Fuse
Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. 36-ES 4-00
j 5 Year (60 Month) Conditional Warranty*
n On the Fulton Boiler Pressure Vessel
n *Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. will repair or replace F.O.B. factory any Fulton pressure vessel which, within FIVE (5) years of the date
j of shipment from factory, is found to be defective in workmanship or material, provided this equipment is installed, operated and
maintained by the buyer in accordance with the Fulton instruction manual and approved practices, and that the +water quality
n used in the system has been regularly checked to meet the standards for ideal and proper boiler feedwater during the warranty
j period. ++This warranty does not cover damage or failure that can be attributed to corrosion, (including oxygen pitting) scale or
dirt accumulations, or to low water conditions. Follow feedwater specifications and recommended treatment specifications as
n detailed in Section 1 of the instruction manual shipped with your boiler as well as maintenance procedures as listed in Section
j 5. This 5 year warranty applies only in the continental U.S.A. and Canada. The Warranty does not include labor charges of any
n kind. In the event a failure is reported, Fulton will require an analysis of the boiler feedwater to determine that acceptable water
conditions are present at the installation site as well as documentation on the feedwater treatment employed since the installa-
j tion of the boiler. The boiler will be required to be shipped freight prepaid to the Fulton factory for inspection after a failure is
n reported. The customer may witness the inspection and verification at the factory.
j +Consult Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. for analysis of acceptable water conditions.
n of
++Feedwater treatment and proper daily blowdown procedures are very important in keeping your boiler heating surfaces free
scale formation, pitting, oxygen corrosion and foaming or bouncing water. Professional feedwater treatment consultants
j should be contacted when the boiler is installed. They will recommend the proper treatment required for prolonging boiler life. A
n thorough boiler inspection should take place during the first six months of operation to assess the effectiveness of boiler water
j treatment techniques, including analysis of potential oxygen pitting.
n that
It is the owner's responsibility to assure safe operation of the boiler. To avoid corrosion, scale or dirt accumulations, it is recommended
a daily blow down procedure be instituted. The boiler power should be left on during daily blow down so that correct opera-
j tion in the low water relay may be checked. While blowing down the boiler, the pressure will drop significantly. Detailed blow down
n procedures are in the boiler instruction manual shipped with your boiler.
j Corrosive acid and chlorine based chemicals in the atmosphere can be damaging to this boiler. It is the owner's responsibility
to have the boiler room periodically tested to assure these damaging chemicals are not present.
Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. 38-ES 4-00