Instruction, Operation, and Maintenance Manual Fulton Oil Fired/Gas Fired Steam Boilers
Instruction, Operation, and Maintenance Manual Fulton Oil Fired/Gas Fired Steam Boilers
Instruction, Operation, and Maintenance Manual Fulton Oil Fired/Gas Fired Steam Boilers
This manual is provided as a guide to the installation work is carried out correctly.
correct operation and maintenance of
your Fulton Oil Fired/Gas Fired Boiler, Prior to shipment the following high All units can be transported with forklift.
and should be permanently available to standard tests are made to assure the Under no circumstances should weight
the staff responsible for the operation of
customer has the highest quality of be allowed to bear on the jacket, control
the boiler.
manufacturing: panel, or fan housing of any Fulton
These instructions must not be Boiler.
considered as a complete code of a) Material inspections.
practice, nor should they replace existing b) Manufacturing process inspections.
codes or standards that may be The customer should examine the boiler
c) ASME welding inspections.
applicable. for any damage, especially the refractory
d) ASME hydrostatic test inspection.
The requirements and instructions Rigging your boiler into position should
contained in this section generally relate e) Electrical components inspection. be handled by a experienced in handling
to the standard Fulton Oil Fired/Gas heavy equipment
f) Operating test.
Fired steam Boiler. When installing a
packaged unit, this entire section should g) Final Inspection.
be read carefully to ensure that the
h) Crating inspection.
Safety Warnings Cautions Notes
Specifications & Dimensions 4HP-150 HP
Locating the Boiler
The Fuel Oil Supply
The Gas Supply
Boiler, Condensate Tank, and Blow off Separator Piping
Boiler Installation
Water Supply
Glossary of Water Treatment
Electrical Requirements
Fresh Air Supply for Boiler Room
Conventional Venting
Exhaust Side Wall Venting
Combustion Air Intake
Corrosion of Flue Pipe
Installation Checkpoints
Cleaning the Pressure Vessel
Starting the Boiler
Oil Burner Set Up
Gas Burner Set Up
Primary Air Adjustment
Secondary Air Adjustment
Boiler Controls
Procedure for Cleaning Water Probes
Flame Rod Adjustment
Flame Scanner Adjustment
Checking Stainless Steel Combustion Ring
Furnace Refractory Replacement Procedure
Recommend daily Maintenance
Recommend Weekly Maintenance
Recommend Monthly Maintenance
Recommend Semi Annual Maintenance
Recommend Annual Maintenance
Trouble shooting
6 Warranty
Files Card for Fulton Boiler Users
Guarantee Card of Fulton Boiler
Safety Warnings Cautions & Notes
Safety Warnings Cautions & Notes
3. Vent pipe should not be NOTE
downsized (This may cause
Safety Warnings, Cautions & a) The fused disconnect switch
pressure build up in the
Notes that controls the feed water
condensate tank).
pump should be kept in the
The following WARNINGS,
4. Return pipes must not be “on’ position at all times
CAUTIONS, and NOTES appear in
insulated. This can cause during the boiler operation as
various chapters of this manual.
overheating the return system, well as during the
They are repeated on these safety
causing a vapor lock in the pump. non-operating period of the
summary pages as an example and
for emphasis. 5. See Return System Instruction
Manual for detailed instructions. b) This switch should be turned
WARNINGS must be observed to
“off” only when repairs or
prevent serious injury or death to NOTE
adjustments should be made.
Care should be taken to ensure
CAUTIONS must be observed to that the blow off receptacle used
prevent damage or destruction of meets the regulations covering The pump will continue to
equipment or loss of operating such vessels. If in doubt consult operate until the water reaches
efficiency. Fulton for a advice. the correct level in the boiler. This
level is approximately the center
NOTES must be observed to keep NOTE
of the water gauge glass.
boiler being operated with high
Only properly trained personnel
efficiency. WARNING
should install and maintain water
It is the responsibility and duty of all gauge glass and connections. Prior to the commencement of
personnel involved in the operation Wear safety glasses during any work requiring the removal of
and maintenance of this equipment installation. Before installing, cover plates and the opening of
to fully understand the WARNINGS, make sure all parts are free of the control panel box, the
CAUTIONS, and NOTES by which chips and debris. electrical supply to the boiler
hazards are to be reduced or must be disconnected.
eliminated. Personnel must become
thoroughly familiar with all aspects Keep gauge glass in original
of safety and equipment prior to packaging until ready to install. Do not tamper with the safety
operation or maintenance of the features of the low water safety
equipment. cut off.
Improper installation or
maintenance of gauge glass and
Some matters used for leak testing
connections can cause When stopping the boiler for any
are corrosive to certain types of
immediate or delayed breakage extensive repairs, shut off main
metals. Rinse all piping thoroughly
resulting in bodily injury and /or disconnect switches on both the
with clean water after leak check
property damage. boiler side as well as the feed
has been completed.
water side.
After installation is completed
Where a return tank is to be fitted,
and prior to operation the To ensure that your Fulton Steam
this should:
pressure vessel should cleaned. Boiler is kept operating safely
1. Be vented and and efficiently, follow the
maintenance procedures set froth
2. Have a capacity sufficient to
Do not store halogenated in Section 4 of this manual.
satisfy boiler consumption as
hydrocarbons near or in the
well as maintain proper return
boiler room.
tank temperature.
Safety Warnings Cautions & Notes
Motor HP 2850RPM/50CY 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 3/4 1/3 3/4 11/2 2 11/2 2 11/2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
* All ratings at 212 degree F(100 ). ℃ 3 3
**Fuel consumption based on Light oil 11200 kcal/kg, propane gas 22500kcal/ m , Natural gas 8900 kcal/ m , Town gas 3500
kcal/ m .
***Apply IRI and CSA standard time: 2 inch (50mm).
Dimensions and Weight
Minimum Clearance
H. The least height Required for
Replacing burner in. 72 82 86 92 96 106 104 114 124 126 129 151 157
mm 1828 2083 2184 2337 2438 2692 2642 2896 3149 3200 3277 3835 3988
J. The Front f The Boiler IN 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41
mm 1041 1041 1041 1041 1041 1041 1041 1041 1041 1041 1041 1041 1041
K. Sides & Rear of Boiler IN 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
mm 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915
Water Content U.S.GAL 14 16 24 39 77 170 220 245 270 375 580 876 904
LITERS 53 61 91 148 292 643 835 927 1022 1419 2195 3317 3423
Weight LB 1400 1700 2000 2280 3400 4780 6400 6526 7280 10506 11608 14918 15550
Approx. Shipping Weight KG 640 770 910 1035 1545 2170 2905 2963 3305 4770 5270 6773 7060
** Clearance for boilers below 50PSIG are 18”(457mm) on sides and rear of boiler
insulated. This can cause c) There are three blow off valves
overheating the return on the boiler, the main valve at
Condensate Tank, system, causing a vapor lock the rear of the boiler, the water
in the pump gauge glass blow off valve and
And Blow off Separator water gauge blow off valve. The
boiler blow off valves supplied
with the boiler should be
Where a condensate return tank is
connected to the blow off pipe
to be fitted, this should: To be sure that the blow off
in accordance with
1. Be vented. separator used is in accordance
specifications. Use specified
2. Have a capacity sufficient to with the local codes. If there are any
blow off pipe to connect with
satisfy boiler consumption as questions, consult with Fulton
blow off receptacle. All these
well as maintain proper return Company.
procedures should be done in
tank temperature. a) Make sure two check valves are
accordance with local codes.
3. Vent pipe should not be installed between the boiler and
The water gauge and water
downsized (this may cause pump (one check valve is
gauge glass blow off valve
pressure build up in the pre-fitted).
should be connected to the
condensate tank). b) In a closed system an end of
main blow off line.
4. Return pipes must not be the line trap should be installed.
To boiler
Boiler Installation
The Steam Supply—Pipe the
steam supply line from the top right
side of the boiler.
The Steam Safety Valve
1) Before installing, be sure that
all pipes and connections have
been blown clean. Pipe sealing
dope is used on external
threads only. Be sure inlet of
valve is free of any foreign
material to avoid leakage of
safety valve.
premature failure of the gauge.
Install the steam gauge into the BHP Inch Millimeter support. I t is critical that the pipe
siphon on the water column. be independently supported near
4 1/2 12.5 the pump so no stain will be
The Blow-off Valve
transmitted to the unit.
There are three blow off valves on 6 1/2 12.5
the boiler, the main valve at the 5)Connect the feed water stop
9.5 1/2 12.5
valve to the water pipe at the rear of
rear of the boiler ,the water gauge
10 1/2 12.5 the boiler and pipe it to the return
glass blow off valve and water lever system.
blow off valve. The boiler blow off 15 3/4 19
valves supplied with the boiler 20 3/4 19
should be connected to the blow off
30 1 25
pipe in accordance with
specifications, Use specified blow 40 1 25
off pipe to connect with blow off 50 1 25
receptacle. All these procedures
60 1 25
should be done in accordance with
local codes. 80 1-1/4 25
100 1-1/4 31.7
6) Remove glass packing nut,
The Water Column friction washer and glass
Install the piping from the water packing from the fittings, and
place them in the same order,
column and water gauge glass to a
on both ends of the gauge
safe blow-off point. glass. Push both packing
about an inch up the gauge
Water Gauge & Gauge Glass
Installation Instructions
7) Gently insert one end of the
glass into the gauge fitting.
Only properly trained personnel Keeping the glass inside the
should install and maintain water top fitting, gently rotate the top
gauge fitting clockwise until
gauge glass and connections.
vertically aligned with the
Wear safety glasses during bottom gauge fitting, then inset
installation. Before installing, glass into bottom fitting until
glass bottoms out on the
make sure all parts are free of shoulder inside the bottom
clips and debris. fitting.
Note 8) Carefully raise glass about
Keep gauge glass in original 1/16’’(1.6mm)and side lower
glass packing down until the
packing until ready to install. glass packing contacts the
1) Verify the proper gauge has lower gauge fitting. DO NOT
been supplied. allow the glass to remain in
contact with any metal.
2) Examine the gauge glass and
9) Carefully slide upper glass
packing carefully for damage
packing up as far as possible.
before installation. Do not use
10) Hand tighten both glass
the glass if it contains any packing nuts, then tighten 1/2
scratches, chips, or any other turn more by wrench. Tighten
visible signs of damage. only enough to prevent
leakage. DO NOT OVER
3) Do not subject the gauge glass TIGHTEN. If any leakage
to bending or torsion stresses. should occur, tighten slightly, a
4) Apply PTEE tape or emulsion quarter turn at a time, checking
for leakage after each turn.
to pipe threads. Install top
11) Install the protective guard.
gauge fitting (fitting without a
Gauge glass valves utilize
drain valve) into the uppermost automatic ball checks to help
tapping. Wrench tight the fitting prevent injury in case of glass
until it is snug and the glass
outlet is pointing at five o’ WARINING
clock. Improper installation or
5) Install the bottom gauge fitting maintenance of gauge glass and
(fitting with a drain valve) until connections can cause
it is snug and the glass outlet is immediate or delayed breakage
pointing directly upward. Verify resulting in bodily injury and /or
top and bottom fittings are property damage.
PH(25 ℃) ≥7 10-12
Oil mg/L ≤2 -
Note Oxygen had better be removed to make a dissolubility of equal to or less than 0.1mg/L.If there is partial
corrosion because not removal of oxygen, the action must be done for removing.
is important that the feed water carbonates, break down to form
Glossary of Water and the boiler water are mixed carbon dioxide in steam, which
Supply thoroughly and as quickly as is a major factor in the corrosion
possible so that boiler water on condensate lines. High
Dissolved Oxygen: Oxygen sodium sulfite may consume alkalinity also causes foaming
that is dissolved in the feed feed water oxygen before the and carries over in boilers.
water will cause the steel in the latter can cause damage to the
boiler and the feed water boiler. Both foaming and carry over
system to be attacked by the cause erratic boiler operation.
water in a manner described as Sulfite as a treatment When foaming occurs an
“pitting”. The pits that are represents a second line of anti-foam should be added or
produced can vary from tiny defense against oxygen increased. The reason for the
depressions to holes large corrosion. A vigorous high alkalinity should be
enough to penetrate the boiler maintenance program to safe determined. It may result from
metal and are usually covered guard against oxygen leakage lack of sufficient blow off.
with tubercles of iron oxide. into the pre-boiler system Pretreated makeup water and
Once pitting starts, it may be should be followed. condensate should also be
extremely hard to arrest. Pitting checked. Quite often the source
can proceed at a surprisingly Suspended Solids: of alkalinity is an overdose of
rapid rate and can occur not Suspended solids are the alkaline internal water treatment
only in the boiler proper, but undissolved matter in water, chemical.
also in pre-boiler equipment including dirt, silt vegetation,
such as economizers, feed and any other insoluble organic pH: pH is a measure of the
water heaters, and feed water matter. Normally suspended degree of acid or base of
lines. solids are expressed in terms of solution. Normal pH ranges of
turbidity. The presence of 6.5-9.0 will have little influence
Sodium Sulfite Its purpose is suspended solids in cooling on the corrosion rate of cooling
to chemically remove the water can increase waters. If for some reason—
dissolved oxygen left in the feed impingement type corrosion. pollution, etc.—the pH is
water. Sodium Sulfite reacts Suspended solids may also lowered into the acid range,
chemically with dissolved deposit in low velocity areas increased corrosion can be
oxygen, producing sodium and create differential aeration expected. The solution lies in
sulfate. Since it is desirable to cells. Pitting can result. The determining the cause of the
remove dissolved oxygen from most common cause of high low pH and correcting that
the feed water before it reaches suspended solids is high condition. A low pH can result in
a boiler. Sodium sulfite is best hardness feed water. Of the corrosion of metals, while a high
introduced continuously at agents which cause foaming, pH can result in scale formation.
some suitable point in the feed suspended solids probably In order to control boilers and
water system (the storage have the least effect. equipment used for the external
section of the feed water heater, Reasons for the increased treatment of make up water, it is
six inches below the water line). hardness or other suspended essential that reliable pH
Chemical residual control is solids should be determined. measurements be made.
based on the maintenance of a In line filters or various types of
specific excess of sodium sulfite pretreatment can be used to Phosphates: Ground or
in the boiler water. The lower the suspended solids surface waters seldom contain
essential requirement being to level. Various polymers assist in large amounts of phosphates. If
maintain in the feed water at all holding solids in suspension. present, it generally indicates
times slightly more than enough fertilizer runoff or pollution.
sodium sulfite to consume all of Alkalinity: Alkalinity is the Phosphate from raw water can
the dissolved oxygen. capacity of a water to neutralize be the cause of scale problems
When sodium sulfite is not fed acids. Common water in open recirculation cooling
continuously, protection of the alkalinities consist of water systems after the water is
boiler against oxygen attack bicarbonate, carbonates, concentrated.
must depend on the reserve of hydroxide, phosphate, and
sodium sulfite that is present in silicate. These alkalinities, Chlorides: Chlorides are
the boiler water. In this case, it especially bicarbonates and involved in most cooling water
corrosion cells. Other factors is usually combined with other treated, heated, pumped,
being equal, it can be assumed constituents. Silicates form a converted to steam, and
the higher the chloride content, number of different scale condensed. This costs money
the more corrosive the water. complexes with calcium, and when condensate is
When pits or cracks occur on magnesium, aluminum, sodium, returned to the boiler, money is
stainless steel or other metals, and iron. Since there is at saved.
chlorides are always suspect. present no effective dispersant
for silicate deposits, the scale Electrical Requirements
High chloride levels can cause problem can be alleviated by a) Connect wiring as shown in
severe corrosion. Corrosion maintaining close control of the wiring diagram which is
from chlorides can be controlled calcium, aluminum, and iron as furnished inside the electrical
by increasing the amount of well as silica. control panel box.
corrosion inhibitor or changing
to a more effective inhibitor. Iron (oxides): Iron in any of its b) Be sure to install a separate
oxide or complex forms is fused disconnect for each. The
Oil: Oil is not a natural undesirable in boiler water. It is disconnect should be installed
constituent of boiler water; still it very difficult to disperse so that in compliance with all local
can frequently enter a system it can be removed the bottom codes.
through leaks in a condenser or blow off lines.
other heat exchanger. Oil can c) Connections for an optional
also enter a system through the Iron in its various forms can audible alarm are provided in
lubrication of steam driven originate in the raw water the control panel and are clearly
reciprocating equipment. makeup, condensate return indicated on the diagram.
Whatever the source, the water, or form directly in the
presence of oil in boiler water is boiler as a result of corrosion. Fresh Air Supply for Boiler
undesirable. Oil can act as a Most iron oxide originates Room
binder to form scale. In high outside the boiler. It does not a) It is most important to provide
heat transfer areas oil can concentrate in the boiler and it free access of air to the boiler.
carbonize and further contribute tends to collect in stagnant 6.4cm2 is needed for every 756
to the formation of scale. areas. If a boiler is using raw Kcal).
water makeup, iron is almost
Foaming is one indication of oil certain to be a major
in boiler water. Its presence can component of developing scale. b) Proper ventilation of the
also be confirmed by first boiler room is essential for good
shaking a bottle containing Water Hardness: Water combustion. Install two fresh
boiler water. If oil is present hardness is the measure of air openings, one at a low level
foam will result. To ensure the calcium and magnesium of 610mm from floor and one at
foaming is being caused by oil, content as calcium carbonate a higher level on the boiler room
add a small amount of equivalents. Water hardness is (See the picture). This will
powdered activated carbon to a primary source of scale in provide a flow of fresh air intake
the bottle containing the boiler boiler equipment. into from the bottom hole and
water and shake. Little or no exhaust the hot air from the top
foam will appear if the foaming Feed water: Feedwater is the hole.
is caused by oil. combination of fresh makeup
and returning condensate that is c) The following openings are
pumped to the boiler. recommended for each size
Often oil in boiler water will boiler:
originate in the condensate. Condensate: Condensate is
This contaminated condensate condensed steam that is
should be directed to the sewer normally low in dissolved solids.
until the source of the oil is Hence, it does not contribute to
determined and corrective steps the dissolved solid content of
taken. the feed water. In addition,
condensate is very expensive to
Silica: Silica in boiler deposits waste. It's been chemically
down draft in the stack or
Make UP Air Openings Be sure total BHP --- air restrict the burner’s air supply
BHP BT² M² opening size. For instance if which will result in poor
4 1 0.09 you have three 10 BHP combustion. It is essential that
6 1 0.09 boilers, it is a total BHP of 30, only fresh air is allowed to
10 1 0.09 and the 30 BHP make up air enter the combustion air
15 1.5 0.14 opening size is 0.37 M² system. Foreign substances,
20 4 0.37 recommended. such as combustible volatiles
30 4 0.37 and lint, in the combustion
NOTE system can create hazardous
40 5 0.46
These measurements are conditions.
50 5 0.46
60 7.5 0.69 subject to local regulations.
The installation of exhaust fans
80 12.5 1.11
in a boiler room is not
100 16 1.49
recommended. An exhaust fan,
130 20 1.86
or similar equipment can create
150 23.5 2.19
c). The stack and chimney must be regulator prior to the first turn of the
Conventional Venting (in constructed from material that is flue.
accordance with the local fire rated for 532 degrees C operating
prevention and control code) temperature. Check all local codes g) The installer should check the
for exact requirements. draft with a meter at -0.02 -0.04”
a) The stack should rise W.C. pressure with the burner off,
continuously to the connection with d) Adequate provision must be ma- and -0.04 to -0.06 W.C. pressure
the chimney, and should contain no de for the support of the weight of with the burner on.
more than two bends at 45 angles the chimney and stack to avoid Boiler Flue Size
or less. If required as the result of BHP
having too great a load imparted to
space limitations, one 90 elbow can the flue outlet connection of the Inches Millimeters
be fitted at the back of the boiler. boiler. 4 6 152
There should be two feet of straight,
6 6 152
horizontal flue before any bends or e) The proper flue size and draft
10 6 152
turns. Any alternative stack control is most important for proper
arrangement must supply -.02 -.04” burner operation. The flue must be 15 8 203
W.C. pressure burner off. as large or larger than the outlet on 20 10 254
the boiler. Avoid flue piping too long 30 12 305
b) The total horizontal run of the and elbows too much by placing the 40 12 305
boiler stack should not exceed 25% boiler as close as possible to the 50 12 305
of the total vertical rise. Except for chimney. 60 12 305
the condition as a), the horizontal 80 14 356
flue should be avoided, and the f) A mechanical draft regulator may 100 14 356
horizontal total pipe length must be need to be installed in the flue 130 16 400
no more than 4 feet. outlet. Do not install the draft 150 16 407
Exhaust Side Wall Venting (In 2) A U.L. approved draft fan must must be between the boiler and
accordance with the local fire be installed to provide sufficient dr- draft fan.
prevention and control code) aft of -0.02 and -0.04 " W.C.
5) The draft fan shall have an air
Boilers for which sidewall venting pressure to safely vent the products
flow proving switch wired in series
may be utilized are Town gas, of combustion.
with the boiler air safety switch.
propane gas, natural gas, or
3) The draft fan should be located
combustion oil and natural gas, 6) The sidewall venting total length
as close to the flue outlet as
sizes 4 to 30HP.The following from boiler exhaust to termination
criteria is required for installations possible.
shall not exceed 35 feet (10.7 m)
using sidewall venting. 4) Draft regulation sufficient to with 4 elbows maximum.
1) Flue vent piping shall be pitched lower the draft to between -0.02
upward at 1/4" per foot of length. to -0.04 " W.C. pressure may be
required. The draft regulator(s)
combustion system flue line installed and before it is placed in
Combustion Air Intake (In
accordance with the local fire increases in temperature, the water service it is advisable to purge the
prevention and control code ) vapor no longer condenses pressure vessel of any oil film, dirt,
because the flue temperature is or other impurities. Clean the
This shall be applicable only for above the dew point of the pressure vessel as follows:
gas fired vertical units, sizes combustion gas. The combustion
4-30 boiler horsepower. The 1) Isolate the boiler from the system
gas then dries out (dehydrates) the
following criteria are required for by shutting off the main steam
hydrochloric acid solution leaving
installations using combustion valve.
behind dry chloride salt.
air intake assemblies.
2) Remove the steam safety valve.
b) When the next cold start-up
1) Outside air intake inlet shall occurs, the process repeats except 3) Mix washing soda with water r
be equipped with a vent cap in that more and more chloride and pour it in- to the boiler through
order to prevent flame blow out
collects and concentrates along the the steam safety valve opening.
from excessive wind. This vent
cap shall have a minimum cross flue. As the quantity of chloride
4) The mixture of washing soda to
sectional opening equal to an 8 increases it does not dehydrate
water is as follows:
inch vent pipe. completely as the flue heats up and
Boiler Size Soda
a corrosive poultice develops which
2) All intake ducting shall have a 4-6 454g
attacks the steel and will also attack
cross sectional area equal to or 10-15 908g
the boiler.
greater than 50 square inches. 20-30 1362g
c) Concentration levels of only a 40-50 1589g
3) A mesh screen shall be few ppm of chlorine containing 60 1816g
affixed to the air inlet with compounds in combustion air can 80 2270g
openings of approximately 1/2" produce serious corrosion over 100-130 3178g
x 3/4".
long periods of time. High chlorine 150 4250g
4) The total length from containing compounds such as
outdoors to the boiler intake carbon tetrachloride or perchloride
shall not exceed 35 feet (10.7 m) would be prime suspects. 5) Replace the steam safety valve.
with four elbows maximum. Installation Check Points 6) Fill the boiler with water. Water
1) Make sure all piping connections column is about center in the water
Corrosion of flue pipe are complete and tight. gauge glass.
a) In the case of a combustion flue 2) Make sure the pressure controls 7) Generate 15 PSI (1.054kg/cm2)
pipe, acid may develop over a long are adjusted properly. of steam and shut off the boiler.
period of time per the following Allow this hot solution to remain in
3) Make sure all electrical
process. Chlorine containing gases, the boiler for 10 minutes.
connections in the control panel
such as halocarbon refrigerants,
box, the water column, and 8) Drain and flush the boiler twice
carbon tetrachloride,
elsewhere are secure. with fresh water.
trichloroethylene, when drawn into
combustion air are broken down 4) Make sure the door in the boiler
into elemental chlorine gas which room is closed. Combustion air 9) To remove all the oil and dirt
exits up the flue pipe. If the flue contaminates can cause damage to from the main steam and the
pipe is cold, as it would be if the the boiler jacket and stack. condensate return lines, allow the
combustion process had been off returns to go into a floor drain or a
After installation is complete and
for some time, the water vapor safe discharge point for the first
prior to operation the pressure
condenses in the flue pipe during week of operation.
vessel should be cleaned.
the first few minutes of ignition and
the chlorine in the combustion gas CAUTION
Cleaning the Pressure Vessel
dissolves in the water forming
Do not store halogenated
hydrochloric acid. As the a) After the boiler has been
1) Shutting off the main steam valve 2) Remove the steam safety valve
3) Inject soda water 4) Make boiler water level at the position 5) Keep boiler pressure for 10
Of arrow minutes at 15PSI
4-20 BHP have only one stage. 30-150
BHP have two.
addition to the standard operating pressure control that will send a
Gas Burner Set Up For Boilers 0-135 ohm signal to the modulation motor to adjust the firing rate. Both
Equipped with Modulation pressure controls should have the same setting.
c)A visual inspection down the view f) High Limit Pressure
port should also show the fire CAUTION Control—located in the control
completely covering the furnace panel box and connected to the
walls. If the fire is tunneling down or Do not tamper with the safety steam pressure gauge assembly by
is not to the outside wall of the features of the water safety cut means of a copper tube. The
furnace , the efficiency will drop out. pressure is usually set 10-15PSI
off .Close the secondary air damper (about0.703-1.054kg/cm2) above
until tunneling stop. c) Pressure Relief Valve—limits the operating pressure, but below
maximum operating pressure of the the maximum pressure of the
Boiler control boiler. pressure relief valve. If the
pressure exceeds the high limit
a)Flame Safeguards/Burner d) Operating Steam Pressure pressure control setting, the boiler
Control—this is the main control in Control—located in the control will automatically shut off. The high
the panel box. The programmer in panel box and connected to the limit pressure control must be
conjunction with a sensing steam pressure gauge assembly by manually reset depressing the
device(flame rod or an ultra violet means of a copper tube. The plunger located on top of the
scanner) “supervises the ignition pressure control regulates the control.(The reset –type controller
sequence—proves the flame is on/off cycle of the burner, shutting is optional.)
satisfactory—and finally “monitors” the burner off when maximum
the established flame. Should any pressure is reached and switched
fault occur, either during ignition on when the steam pressure falls
sequence or during normal running, below a predetermined level.
the programmer will immediately go
to “lock-out” and the burner will be
shut down.
To ensure the continued safety
efficiency of the boiler, the
schedule of maintenance
outlined in this section should be
adhered to.
Prior to the commencement of
any work requiring the removal
of cover plates and the opening
of the control panel box, the
electrical supply to the boiler
must be disconnected.
as the refractory may be rotated to down the furnace with wire
Checking the Stainless Steel avoid these clips during installation fastened around the refractory in
Combustion Ring for Fulton of the lower refractory. The three positions. When the refractory
Gas Fired Steam Boilers 60-150 HP boilers have welded is close to position, it can be tipped
flats bars beneath the top refractory. by maneuvering the wire to drop it
These bars will have to be cut to flat on the holding clips. If the
a) The stainless steel combustion
change the lower refractory and refractory will not tip, it may have to
ring in Fulton gas fired boilers are
refitted as the top refractory is be removed and again rounded and
designed to bring quick and
installed. For the lower refractory beveled.
effective flame transfer to the flame
you will also need to break off the
wall. The ring should fit securely
top holding clips that were used to i) Install the top refractory in the
and against the furnace wall for
keep the refractory in position same manner as the bottom
best results.
during shipment. refractory. When installed the outer
b) The ring should be inspected for
edges must be sealed with
distortion in the event of poor
e) Break up the top and/or bottom insulcrete- a castable refractory mix
combustion in the event of poor
refractories and remove the pieces available from the Fulton factory.
combustion which could result in
from the through the clean-out It is not necessary to reinstall the
flame failures
plugs. shipping clips.
j) Install the stainless steel
If only the top refractory is to be combustion ring, burner assembly
changed, the bottom refractory and clean out plug.
need not be broken. k) Normal operation can be
resumed immediately.
f) Round and bevel the outer edges
of the new refractories.
g) The bottom refractory has the
largest hole, while the top refractory
has the smallest.
h) Lower the bottom refractory
Stainless Steel Ring
Furnace Refractory
Replacement Procedure
/or the boiler shell. Manual reset of
Recommended Daily
Maintenance Schedule the low water relay is required.
g) Remove brass pipe plug at the a) Place the gasket on the hand
cross connection below water c) Check electrical controls and hole plate and ensure that it is
column and clean nipple into boiler. motors for correct operation. seating correctly. Do not use any
Boiler must be cold and water level grease, lubricant, or adhesive.
below pipe. d) Check water pump for correct b) Position the plate in the boiler.
operation. Set the yoke and tighten the
securing nut sufficiently enough to
e) Shut off the boiler completely provide a snug fit. Verify the
and drain. position of the plate in the boiler,
f) Remove the hand holes and then make it hand tight and then
inspect the interior of the vessel for snug with wrench about 1.4 turn.
scale or sludge deposits. The Do not compress excessively.
amount of deposits will indicate the
efficiency of the water treatment
being used. The frequency of the
inspection will depend on the
condition of the water side of the
Recommended Semi-Annual
Maintenance Schedule
Recommended Annual
Maintenance Schedule
Gap to Pipe
3/16”±1/16 ”
1) Remove the burner and flue
cover plate.
Gap to Pipe
3/16” ±1/16”
Trouble shooting
a) The following trouble shooting guide will assist in the diagnosis and the correction of minor field problems . It
contains instructions and isolate possible troubles which occur during normal operation. It should be used in
conjunction with the wiring diagram.
b) The following lists the most common troubles that may occur on the Fulton oil fired boilers. Refer to left hand column
of the chart to locate the problem. Determine which cause, listed in the center column,That presents the problem by
performing the corrective action as listed in the right column titled “REMEDY”.
Ignition Failure 1. Power Supply check fuse or circuit breaker. Reset or replace, as
7. Gas Valve Sticking Check for dirt in valve or orifice and clean if
(pilot) necessary.
Check for faulty actuator or vaslve and replace if
Flame Failure 1. Oil Supply Check oil level in supply tank to be sure it is not below
intake line. Fill tank with oil.
Check for clogged nozzle. Clean or replace.
Check oil filter and replace if necessary.
2. Gas Supply Check for gas pressure and for intermittent supply
problems. Gas pressure for natural gas should be
3-1/2” W.C. plus fan pressure at the elbow to the
burner and 7” to 11” W.C. at the head of the train.
3. Ignition Electrode Check electrodes for carbon build up and clean if
Check for proper adjustment. Readjust if necessary.
Check for cracks in porcelain; if found, replace.
4. Primary Air Adjustment Check air adjustment. Air may be blowing flame away
from flame sensor.
5. Oil Valve Check voltage between oil valve natural at terminal
block to be sure oil valve is getting power.
6. Oil pump Check for clogged strainer or filter. Remove and
Check for slipping or broken coupling. Tighten or
7. Scale Built Up in Boiler Call water treatment professional and consult Fulton
8. Pressure Control Disconnect all power to the controller. Disconnect the
wires from the controller. Put an OHM meter between
the switch terminals. Lower the set point of the
controller. Switch should make. Raise the set point
and recheck with OHM meter. Switch should break. If
the controller operates improperly, replace it.
Boiler is surging 1. Steam traps blowing Check traps to see if they are clean or replace as
through necessary.
Boiler is surging 2. Perc(cleaning solvent in Clean boiler with washing soda per instruction
boiler) manual.
3. Scale build-up or lime Call water treatment professional and consult Fulton
deposits company.
4. Too much compound in Dump return tank and flush system. Have water
system (water treatment) tested by water treatment company.
5. Too much water Have water tested by water treatment company.
softener (high PH)
6. Vapor locking of pump Allow system to cool down, check steam traps and
check to be sure return lines are not insulated. Check
return tank temp. I f it ids above 82 degree of C, vapor
locking of pump will occur. Inspect check valves.
Clean and replace as needed. Replace pump with
multistage centrifugal good for 121deg.C.
7. Too much of a load Check total equipment horsepower required against
horsepower of boiler being used. Decrease amount of
equipment being used at one time.
8. Boiler new (not cleaned) Clean per instruction in instruction manual.
Boiler Rumbles and Pulsates 1. Draft problem Check draft with a gauge. Draft should be a -0.02” to
-0.04”W.C. with burner off or -0.04” to -0.06” when
2. Too much primary air Check primary air adjustment.
3. Air or water in the oil Check tank and lines for water and air.
Boiler pushing water with the 1. steam traps Check traps. Clean or replace as necessary.
steam 2. Too much boiler Dump return tank and flush system. Have water
compound tested by water treatment company.
Pump will not cur off 1. Dirty Probes Clean or replace as necessary.
2. Relay failed Make sure relay is plugged in tightly . If so, replace
water level relay.
3. Ground connection Check for ground connection condition.
Pump runs but does not put 1. Vapor locking of pump Allow system to cool down, check steam traps and
water into boiler check to be sure return lines are not insulated. Check
return tank temp. I f it ids above 82 degree of C, vapor
locking of pump will occur. Inspect check valves.
Clean and replace as needed. Replace pump with
multistage centrifugal good for 121deg.C.
2. Impeller adjustment Check for impeller wear and adjust per component
information in instruction manual.
3. Back pressure on pump The pump needs to be repaired.
4. Plugged Feed water Check and clean.
Water pump will not come on 1. Scale on probes Clean and replace.
at times 2. Bad Pump Contactor Check to see if contactor is being powered. Check
to see if contactor coil is pulling in or if the motor turns
while pump does not run, replace if necessary.
3. Bad Pump Motor Check the incoming power to the pump to be sure it is
receiving power. If power is present but motor does
not run , replace it.
Boiler Flooding 1. Pump does not shut off Dirty probes. Clean or replace.
2. Relay failed Check for the contact surface , replace if necessary.
3. Ground Connection Check ground connection condition.
Boiler Flooding 4. Vacuum created with As the boiler cools off, it pulls water from the system
boiler off piping. To prevent this, add a 1/4’’(6mm) check valve
on the steam gauge assembly piping, which closes
under pressure and opens under vacuum.
Boiler has after burn when 1. Bad Oil Valve Check to see if something is holding oil valve open
boiler shuts down after it is to be closed. Clean or replace.
Oil flames coming out 1. Bad draft condition Check draft with a gauge. Draft should be a -0.02” to
around the oil pump housing -0.04”W.C. with burner off or -0.04” to -0.06” when
on shut down operating.
2. Venting of room Check to see that doors to boiler room are closed to
prevent air from being pulled out of the boiler area.
Make sure proper openings are available as
described in the manual.
Wiring EC7830A
*The EC7830A must have an earth ground providing a connection between the base and the control panel or the equipment.
The earth ground wire must be capable of conducting in event of an internal short circuit, fusing 2A fuse or circuit breaker.
7830A have a low impedance ground connection to the equipment frame which, in turn, needs a low impedance connection
to earth ground. For a ground path to be low impedance at RF frequencies, the connection must be made with minimum length
conductors that have maximum surface areas. Wide straps or brackets are preferred rather than lead wires. Be careful to
ensure that mechanically tightened joints along the ground path, such as pipe or conduit threads or surfaces held together
with fasteners, are free of nonconductive coatings and are protected against mating surface corrosion.
*2000 W maximum connected load to EC7830A Assembly. Use section that more than 2.5mm soft wires to connect. The
power must insure the rated requires and fit voltage regulator power, otherwise not in warranty range.
*Total load current, excluding Burner motor and firing transformer outputs cannot exceed 5A, 25A inrush.
Sketch of Layout for Boiler Room of 4-150HP Fulton Oil/Gas fired Steam Boilers
1. This layout is a reference for Fulton oil/gas fired steam boilers.
2. The boiler room must be in accordance with the local code and related fire prevention and control code , and the oil
tank should fit with firewall.
3. There should be set two venting of up and down according to the size of the boiler room.
4. The chimney can be installed at the roof after it is extend the roof or the wall in accordance with the manual.
5. Gas intake pressure must be in accordance with the rated requires for boiler. Otherwise, set pressure reducing
valve or pressure regulator valve at he outlet of filter. (pump inlet pressure is no more than -10’’ of mercy, including oil
filter and resistance of line, pump inlet height should be higher 500mm than outlet, but no leakage and air resistance
occur, and set resistance turning check valve on lines, especially when tone line is feeding two boilers.
6. If necessary, fit soft connection pipe for circling pump, and expanded tube must be located between the high level
water tank and the return water intake.
3 Year Conditional Warranty
On the Fulton Boiler Pressure Vessel
Fulton Boiler Works. Inc. will repair or replace any Fulton pressure vessel which. Within three (3) years of the date
of shipment from factory, is found to be defective in workmanship or material, provided this equipment is installed,
operated and maintained by the buyer in accordance with the Fulton instruction manual and approved practices, and
that the water quality used in the system has been regularly checked to meet the standards for ideal and proper
boiler feedwater during the warranty period.
This warranty does not cover damage of failure that can be attributed to corrosion, (including oxygen pitting)
scale or dirt accumulations, or to low conditions. Follow feedwater and recommended treatment specifications as
detailed in section 1 of the instruction manual shipped with your boiler as well as maintenance procedures as listed in
section 4. This 3 year warranty applies only in the continental U.S.A and Canada. The warranty does not include labor
charges of any kind. In the event a failure is reported, Fulton will require an analysis of the boiler feedwater to
determine that acceptable water conditions are present at the installation site as well as documentation on the
feedwater treatment employed since the installation of the boiler.
Consult Fulton Boiler Works, Inc. for analysis of acceptable water conditions.
Feedwater treatment and proper daily blowdown procedures are very important in keeping your boiler heating
surfaces free of scale formation, pitting, oxygen corrosion and foaming or bouncing water. They will
recommend the proper treatment required for prolonging boiler life. A thorough boiler inspection should take
place during the first three months of operation to assess the effectiveness of boiler water treatment
techniques, including analysis of potential oxygen pitting. It is the owner's responsibility to assure safe
operation of the boiler. To avoid corrosion, scale or dirt accumulations, it is recommended that a daily blow
down procedure be instituted. The boiler power should be left on during daily blow down so that correct
operation in the low water relay may be checked. While blowing down the boiler, the pressure will drop
significantly. While blowing boiler down with power on, it is normal to hear the boiler feed pump come on. The
burner should not turn on. If the burner does come on, turn the boiler off and contact our factory immediately.
Corrosive acid and chlorine based chemicals in the atmosphere can be damaging to this boiler. It is the
owner's responsibility to have the boiler room periodically tested to assure these damaging chemicals are not
Files Card for Fulton Boiler Users
Boiler No.
Please read carefully the user manual from Fulton , and operation and maintenance must be in accordance
with this manual.
The inlet voltage of electric panel box must be kept at the ranges of 200V±10%, otherwise the controller
can be damaged, and the constant voltage equipment is advised. If the boiler draft and panel box both
use 220V/1, use the 3KW ,220V constant voltage with high accuracy. If the draft use 380V/3 but panel
box use 220V/1, then use the 1KW ,220V constant voltage with high accuracy.
We are not in charge of the problems caused by that the feed water is not as the manual requires (such
as no soften water equipment),
Please install fuel lines filter, otherwise the user bear themselves .
Guarantee Card of Fulton Boilers
Boiler No.
Thanks for purchasing Fulton Boiler, please answer these questions and send back to us.
Guarantee Card of Fulton Boiler
Which affect you the deepest among the character of Fulton boiler.
( ) Design of vertical with no tube ( ) The operation is simple.
( ) PV 3years warn y ( ) Maintenance easily
( ) Steel components of electric boiler ( ) efficiency
( ) Burner with special design of Fulton ( ) safety
Talk about the impression to Fulton with simply words:
The inlet voltage of electric panel box must be kept at the ranges of 200V±10%, otherwise the controller
can be damaged, and the constant voltage equipment is advised. If the boiler draft and panel box both
use 220V/1, use the 3KW ,220V constant voltage with high accuracy. If the draft use 380V/3 but panel
box use 220V/1, then use the 1KW ,220V constant voltage with high accuracy.
We are not in charge of the problems caused by that the feed water is not as the manual requires (such
as no soften water equipment),
Please install fuel lines filter, otherwise the user bear themselves .
It will be valid that this card must be written and sent back to Hang Zhou Fulton Thermal Equipment co., Ltd.
after purchases 40days. (may be copies)