Safety Consequence Management Policy

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To provide a fair and consistent approach to dealing with employees who’s conduct,
behavior and/or performance falls below acceptable standards or regulatory requirements.

Employee whose conduct, behavior and/or performance falls below acceptable standards
or regulatory requirements will be subject to corrective action.

All hourly employees.


Each employee is expected to conduct themselves in a manner which conforms to generally
accepted standards of workplace behaviour and conduct. These standards can be
summarized as follows:
Employees will observe all laws, rules and regulations of Sri Lankan law and
the Company rules and regulations.

Employees will be honest and truthful at all times in dealing with the
Company and fellow employees.

Employees will, at all times, respect the personal and property rights of their
fellow employees and the Company.

Employees are expected to meet and maintain all Company performance and
conduct standards.

When a violation of an established standard occurs, each case will be investigated

thoroughly and disciplinary action will be administered on the merits of each case.

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Level 1 - Verbal Warning
This level will provide an opportunity for the supervisor and the employee to address a
violation of standards at an early stage. Specific actions needed to correct the problem
and a time frame within which to accomplish them will be defined.
While this early intervention is considered a verbal warning the supervisor should maintain
his own record of when the discussion took place and any points of significance.

Level 2 - Documented Warning

Should there be a subsequent violation, this level will once again provide an opportunity
for the supervisor and the employee to address the problem. Specific actions needed to
correct the problem and a time frame within which to accomplish them will once again be
reviewed. At Level 2 the supervisor will document the discussion, providing the
employee and the Manager with a copy. A copy will also be placed on the employees
personnel file.

Level 3 - Letter of Reprimand

Should there be a subsequent violation, or if the incident warrants, it will be necessary to
issue a letter of reprimand.
At this level the Manager or designate will be present at the meeting with the supervisor.
If desired the Manager may seek input from the Human Resources Advisor. Specific
actions needed to correct the problem(s) and a time frame within which to accomplish them
will be defined as well as consequences for failed compliance will be discussed and
documented in a letter to the employee with copies to the supervisor and the employees

Level 4 - Suspension
In cases of serious infractions or when an employee has committed a series of infractions
and been previously disciplined, a suspension will be issued.
The length of the suspension will depend upon the seriousness of the infraction. The
suspension will normally range in duration from 1 day to 2 weeks.

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Level 5 - Discharge
This action will be taken if all previous attempts to help an employee conform to acceptable
standards fail or if the infraction is of such a magnitude that discharge is the required
The employee will be removed from the workplace in a manner which is respectful of the
employee but ensures security of other employees as well as equipment and processes.
If necessary, the employee may be suspended indefinitely pending an investigation to
determine the appropriate level of discipline. The employee will be advised of
termination of employment.

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