PCE CIRCULAR 202 (R3) DT 29.07.2022

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No: W-294.CE.FOB.Circulars
Date: 29.07.2022

PCECircular No.: 202 (Revision R3)

Sub:- Design, Fabrication, Erection& Maintenance of
Foot Over Bridges on C. Rly
Supersedes earlier PCE Circular No. 202
(revision R2) issued vide Letter No.
CE/Circular/Correspondence dtd 13.05.2020)
APPLICABILITY:-AlL FOBs being constructed on C.Rly by
Open Line, Construction Organization,

1. General Layout/ GAD/Design:

1.1 Following standard designs are available on date
Central Rly
a) GM (W)BB/6664-R2, GM (WJBB/6667-R2 - for 3.66m wide FOB
b) GM (W)BB/6671-R2, GM (W)BB/6672-R2 -

for 4.5 to 5.0m wide FOB

ii. RDSO
a) RDSO/B-10402, RDSO/B-10405-for 3.00m wide FOB
b) RDSO/B-10401, RDso/B-10403, RDSO/B-10404- for 6.00m wide FOB
1.2 ln case standard design of CR or RDSO is not used, then the designs & drawings shall be
prepared inhouse by open line/construction organization and approved by CR HQ office of
Open line/Construction. In case designs and drawings are prepared by Consultants, it shall
be proof checked by 3rd party and thereafter approved by CR HQ office of Open
line/Construction. In such designs, the Live load on FOB shall be taken as per Clause 2.3.2 of
IRS Bridge rules. Further, where Live Load daily peak variations are
likely to be
frequent & high, the FOB may be checked for Fatigue failure under relevant provisions of
IRS Steel Bridge Code as per design requirement.

1.3 FOBs can be designed using Plate Girders or Truss type girders in the superstructure.
However, from the point of view of the difficulty in the launching of Truss type girders in
congested multi-line locations, Plate Girder shall be adopted Up to 24 m clear span. For a
clear span of more than 24 m, Truss Girders may be adopted.

1.4 Minimum Width of FOB shall be 3.0m, except in suburban section where it shall be 6.0m.
Any proposal of lesser width shall be permitted, only with the prior approval of GM as per
Rly Bd's letter No. 2018/LM (PA)/03/06 dated 09-04-2018. Maximum clear span of FOB
shall be 30.0m.

1.5 As far as possible, double row columns shall be provided at all locations of FOB for better
stability and for providing redundancy to the structure. Single row of columns, however,
may be
provided exceptional circumstances due to space constraint as intermediate
support (but not at end supports) to reduce the span length, on practical considerations.

1.6 Normally staircase should not be permitted at the locations having single row of columns.
However, in unavoidable locations, if the staircase does have to be
locations, the stringer of staircase shall not be connected with main
provided at such
on independent columns.
girder and it shall rest

1.7 Any other type or

configuration, span 30m
single row of column at end support can be
> or
considered in unavoidable condition,
specific constraints to be clearly brought out by

sponsoring organization or executing agency, with prior approval of

1.8 The Key plan of FOB at stations will indicate full
platform lengths, also showing all other
FOBs and entry/exit points of station to appreciate passenger movement through the
proposed FOB.

1.9 Provision of future lifts, escalator etc shall be shown in the GAD, if required to be
at stations, as per extant guidelines for provision of such facilities.

1.10 As per RDSO's letter No.

CBS/Stainless Steel/FOB dated 29/07/2019, Stainless steel
reinforcement bars, in coastal areas, shall preferably be used or alternatively, Fusion
Bonded Epoxy Coating (FBCE) on
MS/HYSD reinforcement bars shall be used. At places
other than coastal area, any other suitable
anti-corrosive coating shall be applied.
1.11 A method statement for
execution shall be prepared by Executing agency indicating
Execution Plan, Quality control and Safety issues and
approved by Engineer-in charge. It
shall also indicate requirement of barricading
keeping in view passenger's convenience,
signages for passenger movement and safety warnings etc. The executing Agency shall
submit a Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) manual which shall contain Hazard
identification & Risk assessment (HIRA) with a responsibly matrix & checklist.

2. Foundation/ Substructure/ Superstructure arrangement

2.1 Foundation -

2.1.1 The executability of the foundation shall be decided

keeping in view site conditions and
constraints of limited working space in platform/yard and should be examined
in detail at
the time of preparation of General Arrangement
Drawing (GAD) itself. The GAD should also
indicate need of speed restriction, if any required for execution.

2.1.2 The foundation pedestal shall be minimum 60cm higher than the surrounding ground level.
On platforms, foundation pedestal shall be minimum 30cm
higher than platform level.

2.1.3 No stagnation of water should be allowed over the pedestal or within column base to avoid

2.1.4 The connection between the bed plate and column base shall be provided with Zinc
aluminum nake coated bolts and welded connections should not be used.

2.1.5 The steel column shall not be embedded in concrete pedestal. No sitting platform shall be
provided around the column base.

Substructure -

2.2.1 Only submerged arc welding shall be used for Built up sections of main column.

2.2.2 Splicing in columns shall not be permitted. In case it is unavoidable, the same shall be
provided as per designed splice with HSFG bolt. No field splicing with welding shall be

2.2.3 The bracings provided on the platform for the stability of column shall be suitably designed
so as not to cause any obstruction to the movement of passengers, keeping minimum height
of bracings from platform level as 2.4m.

2.3 Main girder arrangement (superstructure)-

2.3.1 Only submerged arc welding shall be used for Built up sections of Main girders

2.3.2 Splicing of web/ flange will be done with HSFG bolts with DTI washers under the
supervision of suitably trained personnel. In case welded splice is to be provided, the same
shall be as per approved design and shall be provided with submerged arc welding only.
Splicing with field welding will not be permitted.

2.3.3 Loads Bearing Welded connections on main members shall not be provided.

2.4 Secondary arrangement:

2.4.1 Diaphragm and cross bracing shall be bolted by HSFG bolts with DTI washers under the
supervision of suitably trained personnel.

2.4.2 The arrangement of end diaphragm and cross bracings shall be so designed that it does not
adversely affects the movement of staff during maintenance and inspection.

2.5 Roofing /Roof cladding:

2.5.1 Typical drawings issued by Central Railway open line for roofing shall normally be used. In
exceptional cases, deviation may be done with justification with prior approval of CBE.

2.5.2 No other extra loading over the roof structure shall be permitted.

2.5.3 The roofing shall be projected/ extended beyond the outer edge of FOB deck by minimum
300mm so that the water does not fall over the edges of deck slab, and corrosion of outer
girders is prevented on this account.

3.0 Fabrication of steel work:

3.1 All fabrication material & fabrication process must be as per B1-2001 (Indian Railway
standard specification for fabrication and erection of steel girders and locomotive turn-

3.2 Steel should be procured from primary manufacturer only, like SAIL, TISCO, JINDAL, RINL
and tested/ verified w.r.to manufacture's certificate & test reports.

3.3 Fabrication drawings shall be prepared for accuracy of dimensions and preferably using
standard software and same should be approved by the concerned Engineer-in-charge.
For fabrication of each steel structúral member, Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and Welding
Procedure Specification Sheet (WPSS) shall-be prepared by Executing Agency, which shall
be approved by concerned DEN/Sr:DEN for open line & PSU/outside organizations, and by

Dy CE(C) for construction organization, before starting the work.

Girders shall, preferably, be fabricàt d in RDSO approved workshop or Railway's
where it is not possible to
Engineering Workshop at Manmad only. In exceptional cases,
fabricate girder in RDSO approved workshop or Railway's Engineering Workshop at

Manmad, it can be fabricated in other workshops which shall have adequate infrastructure
and WPSS for
and competent staff to carry out such fabrication; however, in such cases, QAP
for his
Girder fabrication shall be forwarded by concerned DEN/Sr. DEN to CWM/Manmad
approval in case of Open line & PsU/outside organizations, and for construction
Field Engineers shall ensure strict
organization, Dy CE(C) may approve QAP and WPSs.
taken up, only after approval of QAP
compliance of approved QAP and WPSS. Work shall be
and WPSS.

fabrication drawing should be allowed.

3.6 No splicing, other than the approved splicing, in the
All welds should be done in workshop only by Submerged Arc Welding process either by
fully automatic or semi-automatic machines as approved by designer. Only approved
if required, shall be done
welders shall be assigned the fabrication work. Any deviation,
with the prior approval of CBE.
3.8 Field welding shall not be permitted. In special circumstances, however, field welding
may be undertaken by competent welder in accordance with Para 26 of B1-2001 for very
short runs and members of minor importance. Such locations of field welding shall be
provided with proper size of weld and ensuring proper grinding. All field welds shall be
tested at site as per QAP and WPSS. All fleld welds shall be subjected to 3rd party
inspection as per Para 4.0 below.

3.9 Proper record of work done as per QAP and WPSS shall be maintained.
3.10 Connections of members should not create pockets for accumulations of water and
replacement should be easy.

3.11 It should be possible to visually inspect all such welded joints during periodical inspections.

4.0 3rd Party inspection of fabrication and erection:

4.1 The Quality of fabrication and erection including jointing details of steelwork for columns,
staircases, bracings, roofings etc, including girders not fabricated in RDSO approved
workshop or Railway's Engineering Workshop at Manmad, shall be ensured at each stage by
employing 3d party inspection by Agencies like RDSO, RITES, WRI, FIU at CEW Manmad or
any other expert public undertaking eg. CEIL. The final responsibility for quality work as
per specifications, however, shall rest with concerned Railway official approving the work.

4.2 While approving QAP and WPSS, consultation with 3rd party Inspecting Agency shall be
done by concerned DEN/Sr. DEN/ Dy CE (C), wherever deployed.

4.3 Trial assembly of girders shall be done in workshop and passed by inspection agency fixed.

4.4 Inspection report should be submitted by 3rd party agency to Division or field construction
unit for rectification & follow up action. The rectification report shall be examined and
accepted by concerned Sr. DEN/Co at Divisional level or Dy. CE(C) in construction as per
CRly HQ letter no. W.294.BR FOB.Cross dated 16-04-2019.

4.5 Girders fabricated in RDSO approved workshop shall be checked for specifications, quality
and acceptance by concerned Railway officials.

5.0 Erection at site:

5.1 The crane deployed for erection shall be of adequate capacity with at least 50% extra
margin to lit the girders at specified working radius and boom length as per approved
scheme. Crane must have Working Automatic Safe Load Indicator (ASLI) and Crane must be
certified fit by TPA. Competency certificate of crane operator must be available.

5.2 Provision of standby crane of adequate capacity shall always be made at erection sites.

5.3 Erection shall be done at site as per launching scheme (TAD) approved in presence of
sectional Sr.DEN/DEN.

5.4 No Gas cut holes shall be allowed to fix diaphragms/cross bracing.

5.5 Joint inspection with 3rd party inspection agency shall be conducted by sectional
ADEN after erection to ensure that the joints are properly fitted. After erection, 3rd
party inspection is must, even if the girders are fabricated in RDSO approved workshop or
Railway's Engineering Workshop at Manmad. Detailed inspection proforma shall be
followed for joint inspection after erection.

6.0 Deck slab:

6.1 Cast in-situ deck slab should, generally, be available for visual inspection. Corrosion
resistant sheets (eg. profiled galvalume sheets) may be used as sacrificial shuttering for
casting of deck slab as per design and manufacturer's specifications. MS plates should not be
used for sacrificial shuttering. Sacrificial shuttering, however, should not be used for
staircases and ramps.

6.2 The thickness of deck slab (RCC slab) shall be restricted to maximum 100mm.

6.3 The sequence and method statement of casting shall be approved by sectional DEN/Sr.DEN.

6.4 Suitable anti-slippage floor finish should be provided on the deck but total thickness of slab
and finishing over girder should not be more than 135mm.

6.5 No additional load, beyond the total thickness of 135mm of concrete & floor finish, such as
that of pipes, cables, hoardings etc shall be allowed without prior approval of HQ design cell.

Corrosion resistant, protective screen as per RDS0's drawing and specifications should be
provided during construction itself.
6.7 A clear gap of minimum 50mm should be kept between FOB deck slab & bottom of
protective screen to facilitate its cleaning & painting. The Protective screen shall not be
resting on the deck floor.

6.8 The edge of the deck slab may be provided with "Drip Course" to avoid water contact with
the steel girders.

7.0 Staircase
7.1 No structure shall be allowed under the staircase structure for any purpose. Entire space
underneath staircases, ramps should be kept free for inspection and maintenance.

7.2 The steps of staircase should be of uniform height & width.

7.3 Anti-slippage floor finish with grooved lining, on FOB steps shall be provided.

8.0 Metallizing & Painting:

8.1 All steel members of new FOBs including nuts, bolts, washers etc shall be metallised as per
IRBM para 218 (1).

9.0 Miscellaneous:

9.1 Railing of 40mm dia pipe (Gl or stainless steel) for differently abled persons should be
provided on steps/ ramp during construction itself.

9.2 Floor should be provided with suitable camber and drainage arrangement to prevent
stagnation of water/ water pockets on floor slab.

9.3 Hoarding shall not be provided unless there are special circumstances and the conditions
specified in JPO issued vide letter no. W.294/Br/Hoarding/Division dated 19-07-2018 is
fully complied with.

10. Inspection & Maintenance:

10.1 Periodic inspection of FOB shall be conducted in detailed proforma circulated vide letter No.
W.294.Br.FOB.Maint.Mumbai dated 29-05-2019.

This issues with the approval of PCE/CR.

(Sunil Kumar Gupta)


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