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Necessity - Simon

From a data that is way back 2017 from DOH (department of health) and WHO (world
health organization) that there are over 230000 Filipinos death caused by various end- stage
organ disease. Because of organ donation donations from brain dead patient remains disimally
low in the Philippines. That is why patient all around visit country to country like china to be
able to buy an organ or even in the black market to prevent there self from dieing. We cannot
blame them on going to other country or even blackmarket. Organs are purchased 3rd party
brokers cyphen funds away from doners and safety is uncertain for reciptents or the doner that
is why legalizing selling organs is necessary to be approved not in the blackmarket but making
Ang marketplace for organs that is licensed by DOH, WHO, and the government, legalizing this
kind of market is to save lives and to even prevent unnecessary death to patients. Because in
the recent data that have been provided by the WHO there are over 100,000 plus patient that
are waiting for organ doners, that is why legalizing a market place is to prevent the 2017
unnecessary death to Filipino and over around the world patient that are seeking for an organ.


In your statement you don't want to legalize selling organs because of abuse?

So you would discard those lives that should've been saved?

Your saying that those lives doesn't worth saving?

Beneficiary - Tulbanos

I believe, together with my team mates, we should legalize the selling of organs. Why? Let me
inform you of whom and how it can benefit if we legalize it. The medical institutions can benefit
by increasing the supply of organs so we can prevent a shortage of organs. In the USA, only
donations of organs are allowed, so they fall short of the actual demand. One source states that
the number of kidney transplants able to be administered in a year within the US is about
20,000, far less than the 100,000 a year that would be needed in order to meet the demand.
The same source explains that under the current laws, some people have to wait nearly 10
years to receive a kidney transplant, and often people on the waiting list die before they are
able to receive a transplant.

We can also benefit economically, as Iranian authorities claim their system provides poor
people with a relatively safe way to make the same money while saving lives, keeping surgery
costs low, and reducing transplant waiting times in a country where few organs were harvested
from people who died until recently.
As Narser Simforoosh, the Chairman of the neurology and kidney transplantation department
at the Shahid Labbafinejad Medical Center in North Teuran, India said, "Yes, people donate
because they need money, but this is a reality all over the world. Instead of doing something
illegal to cover their debt, like stealing or smuggling, they are saving life first." Also, he said,
"This is not exploitation. The result is good for the recipient and the donor.


The number of Filipinos with kidney failure, technically known as end-stage renal disease
(ESRD), is increasing tremendously, primarily due to uncontrolled hypertension and type 2
diabetes, according to Dr. Romina Danguilan, NKTI Deputy Director for Medical Education and
Research and REGALO Organizing Committee Head. ESRD patients must undergo either dialysis
or kidney transplantation in order to survive. Kidney transplantation is considered the
treatment of choice for many ESRD patients. "Quality of life and survival are better in kidney
transplant recipients than in patients who are treated with dialysis". In fact, due to a lack of
deceased organ donors, patients in need of a liver transplant travel to India to receive a
transplanted liver. Therefore, the legalized selling of organs in India is effective, so why can’t we

Practicality - Bingat

Organ donation is something that is more important than people realize. It is important for
society as a whole as well as for an individual. There are thousands of patients waiting every
day for an organ transplant but they only keep waiting because of the lack of donors. Legalizing
the sale of organs will increase the supply of organs. This means shorter waiting lists for those
waiting for donations. It means that more people will be able to receive life saving transplants.
First of all, organ donation is very helpful for the grieving process. Furthermore, many donor
families take relief and consolation due to organ donation. This is because they understand that
their loved one has helped save the life of other people. Most noteworthy, a single donor can
save up to eight lives. These proponents claim, creating an economic incentive for organ
donation will save lives. And I strongly believe that this is the way to eliminate the black market
to avoid any exploitation of internal organs. Also in the United States, 10,000 people die every
year while waiting for an organ, and the median waiting time goes from 2 to 6 years (Beard et
al. 2013; Roth et al. 2005). In Western Europe, approximately 40,000 patients are waiting for an
organ (Mossialos et al. 2008). Developed countries tend to have higher cadaveric donation
rates than developing countries, while, the reverse is true for living donation (International
Registry in Organ Donation and Transplantation 2017). An act of service and saving lives is

Why does it become a human rights violation even if the person is purposely donating or an act
of kindness to donate their organs legally to the other people especially the young ones. If
there is a violation of human rights, can you give me the statement or evidence that proves that
it is a human rights violation. Is it necessary to know the background of the donor or the seller
of the organ?

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