Evaluation of Guidance and Counseling Approaches

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Guidance and Counseling Services Evaluation: 

An overview of guidance associates

and teacher counselor’s practices
in the schools of Cadiz City 

Guidance and counseling is a profession that is known globally for shaping, rebuilding, and
improving the quality of life of troubled individuals and even with those no issues at
all. (Umar,2014) The significance of guidance and counseling services has become a major
consideration due to its contribution to the improvement of the quality of education system.
Students can perform effectively in school if they receive appropriate assessment and counseling
services. The duties of a guidance counselor, however, include not just counseling students, but
also connecting with their families, aiding with school events, coordinating with teachers, and
even participating in community service.

Guidance counselors cannot do everything at once, thus guidance associates and teacher
counselors are invaluable in assisting them in doing their duties efficiently. In the Philippines, it
is a requirement that before conducting therapy or counseling sessions with a student, guidance
counselors must obtain a license or become a certified guidance counselor. According to R.A.
9258, Article IV, no one can practice guidance and counseling services if he or she does not have
a Professional Identification Card, deliver services while his or her license is suspended, or
enable another person to use his or her credentials. However, there is a shortage of registered
guidance counselors in both private and public schools. The Department of Education's 2018
statistics survey estimated that there are around 1,090 guidance-related positions that were
occupied by guidance staff who were not registered guidance counselors. (Malipot,2020)
In response to the lack of licensed guidance counselors, guidance personnel such as teacher
counselors and guidance associates are appointed to compensate for the shortage.

The newly signed law which is the R.A. No. 11036 or the Mental Health Act encourages all
companies, communities and schools to abide into the new policy that caters the needs of the
people in terms of their mental-health. In accordance with this, Cadiz City schools have made
every effort to incorporate new methods in guidance and counseling. However, it is evident that
due to the city's scarcity of licensed guidance counselors, some schools’ heads would assign
teacher counselors and designate guidance associates even if they are not licensed yet and lack of
necessary trainings to conduct counseling. Despite their efforts to comply with the mental health
policy, this problem persists in Cadiz City schools.

As previously said, the need of guidance and counseling in all schools is universal, and many
countries have researched it. Some countries with published guidance and counseling practices
are China, Nigeria, Ethopia, Bangladesh and New Zealand. (Sun, et al., 2012; Mogbo, et al.,
2011; Alemu, Y. 2013; Hossain, et al., 2013; Small, J. J. 1979) Many research studies like this
exist in the Philippines also. Some of it were conducted in schools like Cagayan State University
Philippines and La Consolacion University. (Addatu, 2020; Sison, M. (2019) However, there are
limited information or studies that discusses guidance and counseling services and guidance
personnel practices in the locale of the study. Along with this concern, two main research gaps
the researcher seeks to understand are the following: First, the lived experiences of the teacher
counselors and guidance associates assigned in the schools of Cadiz City. Second, their ways,
professional challenges, approaches or practices upon working as guidance personnel.

The importance of guidance personnel and guidance and counseling services plays an important
role in the character building of the students. In order for the counseling session to succeed, the
competence, practices and expertise of the counselor matter. The counselor's skill and practices
are important in order for the counseling session to be successful. A guidance counselor must be
knowledgeable and skilled in assisting students in resolving their own concerns. (Kapur, 2018)
By pursuing this research study, significant information on guidance and counseling services and
guidance personnel procedures will be obtained by researching this topic. It is necessary to
narrow the gap on this research. Furthermore, this study will go further into the experiences and
practices of Cadiz City's teacher counselors and guidance associates.

Purpose Statement:

The experiences and counseling services in the schools of Cadiz city conducted by guidance associates
and teacher counselors. 

ADDATU-CAMBRI, J. O. N. A. (2020). Counseling Needs of Students at Cagayan State

University Philippines: A Framework for the Enhancement of the University Guidance
Program. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(06).

Alemu, Y. (2013). Assessment of the provisions of guidance and counseling services in

secondary schools of East Harerge Zone and Hareri Region, Ethiopia. Middle Eastern &
African Journal of Educational Research, 2(1).

Duchesneau, N. (2020). Social, Emotional, and Academic Development through an Equity

Lens. Education Trust.

Hossain, S., & Faisal, R. A. (2013). Guidance and counseling services in schools of Bangladesh:
An exploratory study. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2(10), 132-

Kapur, Radhika. (2018). Counselling and Guidance Services in Relation to Academic


Malipot, M. (2020, March 5). DepEd to address lack of guidance counselors in schools. Manila
Bulletin. Retrieved from https://mb.com.ph/2020/03/03/deped-to-address-lack-of-

Mogbo, I. N., & Obumneke-Okeke, I. M. (2011). Implementation of guidance and counseling

services in Nigerian schools. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and
Policy Studies, 2(5), 361-364.

Sison, M. (2019). Evaluation of Student Affairs and Services Programs: A Tool for Quality
Improvement [Master's Thesis, La Consolacion University Philippines Graduate School
Department Master of Arts in Education Major in Guidance and Counseling.]

Small, J. J. (1979). Guidance and Counseling Research in New Zealand.

Sun, V. J., & Yuen, M. (2012). Career guidance and counseling for university students in
China. International journal for the advancement of counselling, 34(3), 202-210.

UMAR, M., & MUHAMMAD NASIRU, H. A. R. U. N. A. (2014). The impact of guidance and
counseling services on students academic performance and career choice in selected
secondary schools of sokoto metropolis.

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