Furious and Ferocious
Furious and Ferocious
Furious and Ferocious
Hi dear reader! I wrote this little pdf to present you a hack using my two favorite systems, Space Aces
and Index Card RPG. I hope you enjoy the hack, and if you find it cool enough, let me know about it.
About Defense, I kept it as it fits nicely like described in the quickstart, not the core book, working like a
stat, with the player rolling to avoid harm. Also, it’s the player’s duty to roll effort if it’s a failure (with no
modifiers, it’s already hard enough). Less GM rolls, more player’s investment.
For the character’s creation, the player has 10 points to distribute between stats, defense, and effort.
About XP
For people who prefer characters who slowly evolve, keeping their starting stats for a long time, this is
the rule. The concept is very simple: like effort’s heart, a character stack up XP points from each
session/scene/whatsoever, and when the track reaches 10, a new XP heart is added. This Heart can be
used to raise by one a stat, an effort, or to add another Heart, and only one of these.
How many XP for which game length, it’s up to the table. For a mission/quest game style, 1 XP point is
good enough per mission/quest for a slow but logic progression.
Unused Benefit
Sometimes it’s the emptiness, no idea pops out for cost & benefit. A cost is better consumed
immediately, because if it’s delayed it’s easy to forget, and harder to apply bad things later in the game.
Benefit however can be turned into a token, and stock for later use, as accepting not having any
improvement right now to have something good later is a common mechanism.
So, “Unused Benefit” is a special rule to turn a classic Space Aces benefit into a token (with no limit on
how many tokens). When a cost is rolled (just the cost, not the d20 result) a player can use an Unused
Benefit to cancel it.
Another possibility is to transform a classic d6 (ie. no cost and no benefit) into a benefit, but never a cost
into a benefit by using two tokens, it’s a bit too much. Also, Unused Benefits disappear at the end of a
scene (can be changed by the table, but it helps alot and avoids a good load of trouble).
Special note
Solo Play / GM-Less with ICRPG
It’s the way it’s used by me, and my own table. It can fit your own!
With the Space Aces parts this hack already shows how to go without a GM, but with ICRPG, and mostly
with the Effort and loot concepts, it’s a bit foggy to move forward, especially with monsters. Here some
Both Effort and loot parts are concerned here, as the latter affect the former. If a creature has a special
ability, like a death ray or an area attack, it’s in the loot. In the same time, the loot/ability determines if the
attack is magic, or a weapon, or if it’s a gun, or raw strength. By writing this, I already gave the tip: nearly
everything about monsters are parts of the Effort, so AFTER the player’s defense roll. It’s about how the
monster handles the outcome, not how it manages to hit first. One thing to keep in mind, as the
monster’s Effort affects the player’s character, it’s the player who rolls the Effort (think “how does the
character handle the monster’s Effort?”).
But what about an area attack? It’s the “nearly”, as it obviously affects the defense roll, and that’s why
EASY/HARD is so important in the ICRPG mechanics. If an attack is very HARD to avoid, like a zone
attack, it’s HARD. Also, if an attack can’t be dodge, maybe the defense roll is all about halving the
About difficulty and Solo Play
With low power character, deadly mechanics, and no one to help, solo play can quickly be turned to a
one mission character. It can be fun to play like that, but sooner or later a player wants a character who
survives more than 2 or 3 missions. Here 2 pieces of advice to help you achieve this goal.
First um up stats (defense included) and effort, divide by 12 (or 13, but it’s less convenient), round up.
The result is the Difficulty Step. An Easy Global Target is 9.
- Easy: 9
- Normal: Easy + Difficulty Step
- Hard: Normal + Difficulty Step
- Nightmare: Hard + Difficulty Step
Don’t underestimate the difficulty, a magic trap can kill a character in one strike. The system is already
deadly enough to add more ways to fail.
Second, with a brand new character, don’t go further than 2 Hearts, or even a single Heart. If it’s too
easy, fine, it’s time to add another one, or more, but keep in mind adversity has power to easily cripple
the character, a single WEAPON can cut a Heart in two, and if a opponent has loots, a single Heart is
already an unbalanced battle.
XP 1/2(8) HEART 1
I want to thank the Holy Goat, who implicitly pushed me to write this hack and play with them, my wife
and her incredible support while I dive into my hobby, P0rthos47, space bunnies will come back,
Brandish Gilhelm and his fluid fundamentals, Ryan M. Danks, Jacob Possin, Mike Olson, Fred Hicks,
and Rob Donoghue, for all their work who inspired me and helped me build this hack.