Fetterman Complaint As Filed 10252022

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FOUNDATION October 24, 2022 Leigh M. Chapman Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Pennsylvania Department of State Division of Charities Investigation 613 North Street, 212 North Office Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 Mr. Mark R. Corrigan Chairman Pennsylvania Ethics Commission Finance Building 613 North Street, Room 309 Harrisburg, PA 17120-0400 Re: Investigation of Mr. John Fetterman and Braddock Redux, Inc. Dear Secretary Chapman and Chairman Corrigan: ‘The CPAC Foundation (“CPAC-F”) hereby submits this complaint to the Division of Charities Investigations and to the Pennsylvania Ethics Commission. We request a review of the transactions outlined below to determine whether violations of state and/or federal law occurred with respect to the operation of Braddock Redux, Inc. and the acquisition of real property by Mr. John Fetterman. Background During his term as Braddock Mayor, Mr. Fetterman established a non-profit called Braddock Redux. Its stated purpose was: “revitalization through the creative re-use of existing structures...” (Exhibit 1) The board of this non-profit includes, during the relevant time, Mr. Fetterman (Board president) and Jebediah Feldman (Board vice president). Braddock Redux is also largely funded by taxpayer monies funneled to the organization as government grants. In 2007, the Board’s vice president, Mr. Feldman purchased a commercial parcel for $75,000 in his personal capacity. In 2011, Mr. Feldman sold an unimproved portion of that property to Braddock Redux for $1. In 2014, after no improvement to the property, Braddock Redux sold the parcel to Mr. Fetterman for $1,100 or $.16 per square foot. (Exhibit 2) While there are no formal comparables listed in the Allegheny County Real Estate Portal, we believe this to be significantly below market value. Property values of the remaining parcels on the same 1199 NORTH FAIRFAX STREET, SUITE SO0A, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA 22307 (202) 347-9388 WWW.CONSERVATIVE.ORG block average $2 per square foot. Mr. Fetterman, therefore, purchased the property for about 8% of the average value of other properties on the same block. ‘The transaction history, the minimal value of the sale price of the property to Mr. Fetterman, and the magnitude of the discount of the property in question when compared to other properties on the same block give rise to the appearance of improper conduct. Violation of the Braddock Redux Corporate Charter Braddock Redux’s corporate charter is unambiguous in terms of prohibiting self-dealing. Its articles of incorporation make clear that “no part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to any contributor, director, officer, or other private individual or person...” (Exhibit 3) A transaction in which Mr. Fetterman benefitted would seem to patently violate the Braddock Redux articles of incorporation. As such, we request a review of this matter. Potential Breach of Fiduciary Du Pennsylvania state law creates a fiduciary duty for officers. 15 Pa.C.S. § $712(c) states that “an officer [of a corporation] shall perform his duties as an officer in good faith, in a manner he reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation and with such care, including reasonable inquiry, skill and diligence, as a person of ordinary prudence would use under similar circumstances.” An officer of a corporation may not engage in self-dealing without violating his/her fiduciary duty to the corporation. Commonwealth v. New Foundations, Inc., 182 A.3d 1059 (Pa. ‘Commw. Ct. 2018). The president of a non-profit organization directing the organization to sell an asset to the president at a below-market rate would appear to be a clear violation of fiduciary obligations. Failure to Comply With Pennsylvania's Non-Pro} nance Law Not only do the transactions in question appear on their face to run afoul of Fetterman’s fiduciary obligations, but Pennsylvania law has also set forth specific duties before a non-profit corporation may enter into a contract with officers or directors of a corporation that they control: © The non-profit must give notice to the board of directions of the material facts of the transaction; «The transaction must be approved by a majority of the board of disinterested directors; and ‘+ The nonprofit and its directors must demonstration that the transaction was “fait” atthe time it was authorized. Commonwealth v. New Foundations, Inc., 182 A.3d 1059 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 2018) (citing 15 Pa.C.S. § 5728). ‘The third point is particularly noteworthy, as it puts the burden of explaining the transaction, and demonstrating its faimess, squarely on the organization. This is an affirmative obligation that must be satisfied prior to the transaction. Nowhere in the record, however, does it appear that Braddock Redux or Mr. Fetterman complied with these requirements. 2 Inaccurate Information on IRS Tax Returns of Braddock Redux Question 28(a) of the 2011 IRS Non-Profit Tax Retum form specifically asks: “Was the organization a party to a business transaction with . .. [a] current or former officer, director, trustee or owner?” In its 2011 retums, Braddock Redux answered this question in the negative, despite the Board vice president selling property to the non-profit. (Exhibit 4) It is clear from property records and the “organizations tax filings that: 1) Braddock Redux was a party to the real estate transaction; and 2) ‘Mr. Feldman was a board member at the time of the transaction. As president of Braddock Redux, ‘Mr. Fetterman failed in his duty to ensure that its tax filing was complete and accurate. In its 2014 tax retum, Braddock Redux answered a similar question on its 2014 Form 990 (Part IV Question 28(a)) also in the negative. (Exhibit 5) Again, Braddock Redux failed to disclose the sale of the relevant parcel to Board President Fetterman on its Form 990. Given the public record, these two tax returns appear facially inaccurate. Acquisition of Properties Condemned by the Allegheny County Redevelopment Authority Beyond the acquisition of property from a non-profit he controlled, Mr. Fetterman purchased other properties on the same block that raise concems as well. In particular, he acquired five parcels that had been condemned by the Allegheny County Redevelopment Authority during his tenure as Mayor. Exhibit 6) Conveniently, Braddock Redux vice president Jebediah Feldman was also project manager for the Allegheny County Redevelopment Authority, in addition to his position as vice president of Braddock Redux around this time. (Exhibit 7) While Mr. Feldman is not the subject of this ‘complaint, these data points create an appearance of the use of insider information by Mr. Fetterman to acquire property after the county had condemned it. As such, we request a review of the information to propriety of these transactions. Conclusion Based on publicly available data, we are calling on the Pennsylvania Department of State and the Pennsylvania Ethics Commission to conduct a review of these matters and issue a public report of the propriety of Mr. Fetterman’s actions. Respectfully, Jig David H. Safayian Senior Vice President Attachments EXHIBIT 1 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under sation 503(c, 527, or 4947(2(4 f the Enteral Revenue Cade (except private {oundatons) ot ener ste secunty numbers on ths form a= it maybe made puble ‘Tovrmaton aout Form 980 ana atrucuons at wa AS eo /fmoo0 2 chock fai TT tte ee aren com feos PRRERRRETS = Trmanded eum | SURRY SEAT cozy 913-1391 Fane anddeers oper oncer WG) Te ths «group return or ‘ie tomany staeer sytem? Vovee Sraspock pa 15104 yy Ae a FTereemimer FFsavaa) Fs )amerm) Teo Ms trewdea Tre Tee Hay ach et (se nstuctions) [Picpeaten eae fo 438 F webake:> Wins BRADDOCKREDUX ORG Me)_Grovp exempuon number ia dome Be ‘rem emuranin [7 caponten [Trot hemos oie heres AtBA tse ranay ee cea ive nate ensne ewe rone ent i eas i 3 B | :Gaeranmn riocomnann coment on ocemaceonar Ba DR TOIT |S neterstnpecen vata monocr tegrray ny aie 1) i 7 ¢ oalnmrctvoome ertmanedcessen) vee . aie pe owaatessunetseeenenenvenvitiesime(Chimet2 ol tl) Bm . Is nsvemcutedbisnss nape cane on fomsse-ine30 os ee ee = | 8 rroaemsercererene isle 29) mare am E |oe tmemenconegenviticoumn aymss.améra) s 22. [ is : strat oa ar oma po aR Cane nT 2 fe sencks pewtsertrmenbers (Par came 4) i ib Selene ce compenaven pes bene (Pe clime (} be aad : g fh Sy E isn rotrnore tncrosing es (Pa chon A, e386) . B |e tmsnenns pre 02) oH ¥ a HE foe reese parcionse) Tea Ta SEL Teorseniner (ork eee) - a Tse ; BE le Necassesorfng ones sent ne 2 tm ne Tai Taare Signature Block Uneerevaties of pequry.1 delara aT] Pave exared Os eur, acing accompanying Schedles and Stalevets ond Voie Best oT FPntnauage and betel te, conect, and complete Ceetaratono Prepare ote: oices)» based en al aton ef hich Poparerhat ary krawledge eee “ ena @ coulte cha [reo cen Era Poiess-xe Oe Te Paid stds Preparer [Eases = eee Use Only reveamch Pa 1019 a ‘hoy the I ascure tu return ath the prepa show above? (ee nativcbons) EXHIBIT 2 10/19/22, 10:21 AM Real Estate| Owner History| Allegheny County Parcel ID -0802-K-00199-0000-00 Municipality: 808 Braddock Property Address: BRADDOCK AVE Owner Name: FETTERMAN JOHN BRADDOCK, PA 15104 Deed Book: 15696 Deed Page: 304 Owner Sale Date Sale Price FETTERMAN JOHN 8/8/2014 $1,100 BRADDOCK REDUX 31/2011 st FELDMAN JESEDIAH s47/2007 $75,000 Nota pcevious owners ar listed on this page, nor their information necessarily complete. The assessment system doesn't contain a complete sales history for every property and every sale, For complete sale/owner history you must doa deed search at the Department of RealEstate nvu2.alleghenycounty us/RealEstate'Sales.aspx?ParcellD=0302K001980000008 SearchType=3& CurtRow-0&SearchName=BSearchStreet=BSearc... 1 EXHIBIT 3 PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF STATE CORPORATION BUREAU Articles of Incorporation-Nonprofit US PaCS) Entity Number _£__ Domestic Nonprofit Corporation (§ $306) DIACSAL Nonprofit Cooperative Corporation (§ 71028) Nowe ‘Document will be returned tothe Betsy A. Ruth, NcNees Wallace ¢ Murick LIC ‘name and address you eter Feros ‘helen. 300 Pane Street, P.O. Box 1166 - Sey 3a Tip Cae Harrisbur; PA 17109-1166 | Fee: $100 Fed te perme of se on FEB 2 6 2003 Bret 2 LL ACTIN In compliance withthe requirements ofthe applicable provisions relating to articles of incorporation or cooperative corporations generally), the undersigned. desiring to incorporate a nonprofiv/ nonprofit cooperation corporation, hereby state(s) that: {The name ofthe corporation i: Braddock redux 2, The (a) address ofthis corporation's current registered office in this Commonwealth or (b) name ofits ‘commercial registered office provider and the county of venue is (ay Number and Street City State Zip County $30 Braddock Avenue, 3rd Floor _sraddock PA 3510¢ __ALleghen: {b) Name of Commercial Registered Office Provider ‘County [The corporation fs incorporated under the Nonprofit Corporation Law oF 1988 for the following purpose or Passes Soe Attachment A_and Exhibit 8 attached hereto +4. The corporation does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit, incidental or otherwise. DSCB-15-5306-7102R-2 5. Check one of the following The camoratin is organized on 2 non-stock bass Option for Nonprofit Cooperative Corporation Only: The corporation is organized on a stock share basis. l 6, For Nonprofit Corporation Onl: (Sorite ow if napplicabley: The corporation shall have no members. (Sirike ow if inapplicable): “Toe incosposators constitute a majorty-of the members ofthe committer uthoraad-tosncorporate——————__—by the ssquicte cote requitad: bathe orgonielow-oCthe association forsheamendmentofeuch-organioawn 17. For Nonprofit Cooperative Corporation Onl ‘Complete and strike out the inapplicable term: The corporation isa cooperative corporation and the common bond of membership among its (members) (shareholders) is 8. The name(s) and address(es) of cach incorporator(s) is (are) (all incorporators must sign below): Name(s) Address(es) soy A. But a pa 7108-: 9. The specified effective date, iFany. is: Upon Eling ‘month year hour, Wany 10. Additional provisions ofthe arictes, if any. atach an 8% x 11 sheet. See Attachment A and Exhibit B TN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the incorporator(s) hhasthave signed these Anicles of Incorporation this, 26th day of February 2003 hig fey Signanare Signature mann 64 ATTACHMENT A. tem 3 ‘The Corporation is incorporated under the Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988 exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. and for the following purposes consistent with the forgoing: (a) (b) (c) () (e) (fy (g) (h) To perform, foster and support educational and employment opportunities for at-risk disadvantaged young people in Braddock, Pennsylvania and the Monongahela Valley. To provide resources to own, lease, manage and maintain facilities and equipment and to engage in other activities in support of the corporation's purposes. To promote the general health and we'fare of all persons, without regard to race, creed. color, national origin, sex, handicap or economic status. To promote the welfare of at-risk disadvantaged young adults in the community by providing educational and vocational support. To provide. maintain, operate, directly or indirectly, any and all facilities incidental or desirable to the conduct of the purposes of this corporation. To do all things which may be necessary to enable this corporation to secure and retain tax status as a tax-exempt section 501(c)(3) organization in accordance with the applicable regulations of the internal Revenue Code existing from time to time. To make gifts, grants or donations to other section 501 (c)(3) organizations in support of their charitable, religious, educational or scientific purposes. To solicit and raise funds and endowments, received by way of gift, purchase, devise, will or otherwise, property, real, personal or mixed, and to hold, use, maintain. lease. donate, pledge, encumber, sell, convey or otherwise dispose of all such property in furtherance of the objectives and purposes of this corporation. To engage in such pursuits as may be necessary and incidental, or which may aid and assist in carrying out the objectives and purposes for which the corporation is organized. (b) EXHIBIT B ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS ayments and distributions in _furtherance of the purposes set forth above. No substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, except to the extent permitted by section 501(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any corresponding section of any future federal tax law, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Articles of Incorporation, this corporation shall not carry on any other activity not permitted to be carried on (i) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 504 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any corresponding section of any future federal tax law, or (i) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Intemal Revenue Code or any corresponding section of any future tax code. Upon the dissolution of this corporation, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the corporation, the Board of Directors shall dispose of all assets of this corporation exclusively to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as a tax-exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or any successor provision of any subsequent federal tax law. In addition, the Board of Directors may distribute this corporation's assets to the federal government, or to any state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the County in which the registered office of the corporation is then located exclusively for the purposes set forth herein. EXHIBIT 4 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under section $030,527, 0 4547((2 of the Interal Revenue Cade (except bck lune ener trator pvt foundation) ‘The oramzation my have use 8 op) ofthis retire to cabty cate reporug requirements Fats aoe Fone cnege Finale Treraat Tamed ten Tomato eng yer as Pre Pn attach a ist (eee structions) i Twcempraans Famicom) Fst) Aimer) Temmoiiie 187 | yey Greupexempbon number ate uipragy sTaeer irom commutes F Copamtonl Taal san” coer [Cvearaftmancn 2003 [Wome osseoncie FA Sommer { a. Sie s bs 9E T iprnGncarard peso Guesed ome av i ae [3 necwrctcuginanes ote overna bar avin = 3 5 zB l+ pers of the governing body (Part VI, me 1b) + a a ¢ Touinaearef once etme eter) : ao etoalcantecbeaess etna pont cee) ex2 me = Ts rurated bonnes watrnca on Fra 90, 34 a |e rornmacrcererenee unt 29) : 273i aa § nd 76 1,335] 2,150 Else tere come oven hee 2400476)» ; : feed oans med GH Ce RVs T-3T > z ia terete pustocrememive an Eenm Mine) q it suenrcamerconensuen eee ome enn nes , fh Bt [ssa profesional tondrening fees (Part 1X, column (A), ne 36) « ° AB | > eotemanseyexorns Pert con 0} ne 25) q Taming ot | — aaa fe Tetieouer (rite 28) « Loe, 09 Team EB la. ecassetsortuna balances subtract ine 21 fom ine 20 i384 ianss78 ‘Signature Block IS pry, a a afd lr Eng Seog SRS SF SHEC RT was cated one copie Denon a pepe other an ofa itachi y mas secre ggg sp co pos [StSe ) rerocmuan Bie fae orem Pare TE RSET cD eRe own above? (eee mtrzoone) Fe Te 990 (2011) Checklist of Required Schedules (continued) {id the organuzaton report more than 45,000 of grants and ater asuutace to governments ond og8 um we fhe Unted States on Perey calum (A), ine 1917 Yes comple Schele, Parte and 1 ithe arpenzetion report more than $5,000 of grants and othr assistance to individuals inthe Untee States. | 39 ‘on Part IX, column (A), line 2? If "Yes, "complete Schedule I, Parts I andIIl . . « «+ Ne Di the ogarzeton answer Yes" to Part VII, Sexton A, questions 3 4, 0°5, about compensation ofthe ‘organization's current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated B No Staovees? vercconpleesoasuey css wee ey ntes wns Diseneergomzaton have a tex-exempt bnd sve wth n outstanding principal smount of more tan $200,000 Suofth ost day ofthe eur tat wes tetuod aher December 31,2002 1"¥e,anewerGuesbons 20-244 and ‘complete Schedule K.If"No,"gotolme25- - 9+ + + + ee ee ee ee 24e baal Didtheergenzation invest any proceeds of excenempt bonds beyond temporary penad excenton? . . [aap Did the ogenztin mamta an escrow secount ster than a refunding escrow at any time during the year cides on 0 ee On ener eeee eee ee [te Did the ergonevon act as an “on behalf of wsverfor bonds outstanding atany tne dunn the yeer? [aaa section 501(0\(3) and 501()(4) organtztlon. Dis the organization engage In an excess benef transaction wth SGsquones poron duns the your Ite, complete Schaefer es sn 20 wo Ts the ovganzatonavare that it engaged m an excess banat transaction wth a diequelifed person i anor {eatond thatthe Vonsacton has not been pared on any ofthe organzeuans prio Farms 990 or 990-E29 1F | 25b No Oe Cope Shee ee eee eee Wer a oentoorbya curent or mer oteer, director, tutes, ke employee, highly compensated employee, or Aisquaiied person outstanding ts ofthe ena ofthe orgonzauans tx ye? If Yes," complete Shee, 25 wo bre theorgenzaten provide «grant orother assistance to an ofcer, decor trustee, key employe, substantal Contr ora pan selection commits mere, orto a person relatedto such an naval? ves," | 27 No copiteschea Petits sn nnn wt nt tee ns Winn the orgenaton apart to «business transaction th oe ofthe foiowng partes? (see Schedule L Part Instore tor appiceble Ting tveshaes, eontwors, ond ekeepion2) A curent or former fice, director, trustee, or key employee? if Yes,"camplete Schedule, Prt A femiy member ofa curent or former officer, director, taste, or ey emelovee? Ife," complete Schedule, PartIV. 6 6 6 ee ee ee ee 28d We Aan enbty of whieh current or former oie director, trustee, of kay employee (or family member thereof) was ‘an officer, director, trustee, or owner? If “Yes,” complete Schedule l, Fart IV... Be hac! Dia te ongamzatn receive more then $25,000 in nen-cesh contnbuons? If"Ys,"complete Schedule H 7 x ic the organization receive contributions of at hstoncal treasures, or other simular assets or culifed ‘conservation contributions? If "Yes,"complete ScheduleM . . - «6 2 1 1 6 8 ee 30 No Dia te organize quite terminete, or cesolve and cease operations? 1 Yes, “complte Schedule Pott Es No Dic the organzaton set exchange, spose of or tanear more than 259% of Ws net assets? If "Yes,"complete ScheduleN, Patil. se 5 ee ee ee ee 32, No Dis ene argameatin om 200% ofan ery cergarded as separate fom tne erganaton under Regulations sections 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-3? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, PartI» - « + 6 soe 33 = tos the organzaton relate to any tax-exempt or taxable any? I "escapee Schedule ats 12, 1¥ amd Vel se ee Es = Te any related orgenzatos a controled entity ofthe ling organization wathn the meaning of section 542013)? alte oa rolled enuty ofthe ng organza a 01820 5g, we Did te ergunztion receive any payment rom or engage m any wansaction mth a contri ety thin the [355 meaning of section 512(b)(3 3)? If "Yes, “complete Schedule R, Part V,ine2. = Ne Saction 501(0)(3) ervaniztions i the rgeinaton make any transfers to an exempt nn-chantable related ‘organization? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Fert V,lime2» - + + + + s + s + © 36 Ne Dideneerganzaton conduct more than s% oft stves through an en thet i nt related eramzaion ‘and that is treeted as a partnership for federal income tax purposes? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part VI 37 No Dis te ergancaton complete Schedule © and provide explanations Schedule © for Par VI, lines 11 and 187 Note. Ali Form 990 filers are required to complete ScheduleQ . - - + + + + + + + + + 3e | Yer Form 990 (017) 1m 990 (2011) pase7. Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors CheckifSchedule © contains a response toany question inthis Pat VIE 7 7 + + ee ee Salon A, Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees ‘Complete this table orl persons required to be listea. Report compensation forthe calendar year ending with or within the organization's Littl of the organization's cuent offcers, directors, trustees (whether individuals or organuzations), regardless of amount ‘Compensation, and current key employees ‘Enter -O- in columns (D), (E), ané (F) fine compensation was paid List al ofthe organization's eument key employees, any See instrucbens for definition of "key employee tion's five current highest compensated employees (other than an oficer, director, trustee or key employee) frtable compensation (80x 5 of Form W-2 and/or Sox 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $ 100,000 from the ‘any related organizations List al of the orgenizetion's Former oficers, key employees, or highest compensated einployees who received more than $100,000 reportable compensation from the organization and any related organtzations List al of the organization’ former directors oF trustess that received, inthe capacity #s 8 former director or trustee ofthe ‘Ganvzetion, more than $ 10,000 of reportable compensation from the organization ard any related organizations. st persons in the following order individual trustees or directors, institutional trustees, officers, Key employees, highest Impensated employees, tnd former such persons (Check this box if neither the organization nor any related organizations comsansated any current or former offcer, director, or trustee ™) @) © Name end Title average | Position (do not check Estima hours more then one box, compensation | compensation | amount of ather er unless person is both ‘rom the fromrelated | compensation week ‘an officer and a organization (W- | organrzations ‘rom the (desenbe Girectorftrustee) 2/1099-misc) | (W- 2/1099- | organization and hours = Misc) related for es ls| jae organizstions related 22 |2| BEE Prowraweom 68 | Fla le Be (2 in gis setoe [88 |S UP BP ER 9) Pal ela} £2 a e 2 {am FETTERNAN 200 | x x | q ° ‘ HecEn WACHTER o |x x q ql > ‘CRETAWY ° jes FEDNAN woo | x x 9 5 ° Cemaesioe Teme ore 30 | x a a ° Nn eee Tor EXHIBIT 5 Return of Organization Exempt From income Tax ‘Unt eactlon 803), 527, or 447(a\1) of the Internal Revenue Code except pate roan po nt ener soci scanty nmber 2 sf pts ‘ines abet Fom 990 and te astwctons st we emBSD Frtaowsscange s1.04ase26 Frame care Fea eu Freon tar (422)933-1393, Senna Fama 1 ataon pnt fess otpraceaoRcer HG) Tes 2 group retum or Sonn rarrernan nesibext eran? veh wo BRADDOCK, PA 15104 MO) Arwalizutoramatee vee” no Tate Fava PF mia) ieee) Pomme Dar as seach tat (eee neractone) J Walaa: WHWBRADDOCKREDUXORG | ted Grosp exemption nner cman F Conaanl na Raman oe yen corm 298) [We haa dence PA RE Sinner 2 heck ta box PP ite orgnnatonsscontinund tz operabons -enmies & Governance 2 muntr stems nenber ete svg et PARI 38) + . 2 4 : ceuny men a he prea bd eV, a) * n Toslnunte oft (womans) ene n we Setoalemetec vanes venur ten aril come Chee 32 me : g | + reommtarnce vane revit toe 30) a7 sa | tation roi cums san) ; IM unrrrens ort con aia 8 89,1068 336) . {2 [yoann nt etc oi one hn FS Gros oar ana Ba WET or owe TT ; sents dearer mentes Pa cot A) en ws ° sau, oderconoeronn eyes brett column Ae vena ame a0 Ss ese ne $ im rronenattntnang es Pca A Ine 36)» . Be sctane ree ohn 22 is _fevenn ns cpncr Serato Soa ine}? ied Hass 5 ema emt | aaa z Nat assets or find balances Subtracting 21 om ine 20. == 781,505 FETE ‘Signature Block wep espe epee wr cadkon ar cain cha Fae [eats [ote Paid Fetrane > RT RE RSG Fes a Preparer Prone no (412) 71-7060 Doe omy [Fmsatina anos 0 ne (2 ‘Topine TRS Gocune ths vtor th he preparer shou above” (nee matracbons) For Peper Reduction Act Notice see the sare srcton. ‘at We 989 Fret ne Ferm 9807034 vem 990 (2014) Checklist of Required Schedules (continued) 4 2 Page 4 ‘Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to any domestic orgenizetion oF domestic government on Part IX, column (A), ine 1? IF "¥es,"complete Schedule I, Parts fang IT. 116 the organvzation report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for domestic individuals on Part 1x, column (A), line 27 If "Yas,"complete Schedulel, Pats Tend iT... s+ vse id the organization answer "Yes" to Part VII, Section A, line 3, 4, or $ about compensation of the organization’: Current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees? If "Yes," Complete Scheie se es ett et ee te tt id the organization have 2 tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than $100,000 tt of the last day of the year, that was tsued after December 31, 20027 If Yes," answer ines 260 thraugh 244 fand complete Schedule K'IF"Ne,"gotolme 25. - + + ce id the organtzetion mvest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? - Did the organization maintain an escrow secount other than a refunding escrow at any time during the year Rodotease anytaxcexemptbonds? vst et tr tt te Did the organizetion act as an “on behalf of issuer for bonds outstanding at any time duning the year?» « ‘Section 501(<)(3), 501(€)(4), and 50(c)(29) organizations. Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction wth e disquolited person during the yeer? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, PartT.- + Is the organization avare that t engaged in an excess benefit transaction with @ disqualified person n @ pnor Year-end that the transaction has nat been reperted an any of he organizstion’s prior Forms 990 or 990-EZ? ZF Mesncomplete Schedule, Partlow se te ee BD Did the organization report any amount on Part X, line 5, 6, or 22 forreceivables from or paysbles to any current Or former aficers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, or disqualified persons? 1 '¥es," complete Schedulel Pat ok ee = Did the organczatin provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, substanti Eontabutoror employee therect,»ofant selection committee member or toe 35% controlled entity 67 fry, member of any ofthese persons? 1f "es,"complete Schedule, Part IITs. + + + + 4 + Was the organization a party to business transaction with one of the following partes (see Schedule L, Part1V Instructions for applicable fling thresholds, conditions, and exceptions) | current orfermer officer, cirector, trustee, or key employee? Jf "Yes," complete Schedule , Fart Ve te ee ee ee ‘A family member ofa current orformer oftcer, director trustee, or key employee? If "es," complete Schedule, PatV vy te tt eB Am entity of which «current or former ofer, rector, trustee, or key employee (or «famly ember thereof yas fn officer, ciector, tristee, or direct or indirect ower? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV.» « Did the organvzetion receive more than $25,000 in non-cash contnbutions? If "Yes,"complete Schedule . 3 Did the orgenizetion receive contributions of at, histoncal treasures, or other similar assets, or qualified Conservation contributions? JF Yes,"complete Schedules ee se et ee en Did the organvzetion liquidate, terminate, or ciesolve end cease operations? If "Yes," complete Schedule N, Did the organzation sell, exchange, diepose of, or transfer more than 25% of ts net assets? If "Yes," complete ScheduleN Put vst ss ete te te Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations Sections 301 7701-2 and 301 7701-37 IF "Yes,"complete Schedule R Fart. + + ss Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entty? If "es," complete Schedule R, Part 11, 111, or1V, fndPat Vinci set ee ete ee Did the organizetion have a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b\23)? 1e-¥es"to ine 352, di the organization receive any payment fom or engage in any transaction with 2 controlied tntity within tie meaning of section 512(bML3)? ZF "Yes," complete Schedule R PartV, lime2 . =» Section 501(c)(3) organizations, Did the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-cheritabe relates Orpamzation? 1f "Yes,"complate Schedule R, art, liMe2 = + ev vt tt ee Did the organization conduct more than 5% ofits actiities through an entity that isnot e related organization {nd that 1s treated as 8 partnership for federal income tex purposes? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Pert VI Did the organization complete Schedule © and provide explanations in Schedule O for Pert VI, lines 11b and 197 Note, All Form 990 flers are required to complete Schedule Ow. ss ee sss Bn No No No yes No Yes 3 [3 |B BF No No 8 le No No 8 |e |x 2 ves Form 990 (2014) vem 990 (2014) Pave ‘Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors Eneekit Schedule © contains response or note to any ine inthis Part VII - wee Section & Officers, Directors, Trustees. Wey Emplayees_and Highest Compensated Erployeoa ‘Complete ths Table fora persons required to be lated. Report compensation forthe calendar year ending wth or within the erganation® xyear eUiseat ofthe organization's curent ofcers, directors, trustees (whether individuals or organvzations), regardless of amount Compensation Enter -0- in columns (0), (), and (Ff ne compensation was paid fe List el of the organization's current key employees, any See instructions for definition of "key employee * ‘List the organization’ five current highest compensated employees (other than an office, director, trustee or key employee) fe comsensation (30x 5 of Farm W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1088-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the received repo ‘Genization and any related organizations fe List al ofthe organization's former oficers, key employees, or highest compensated employees who received more than $100,000 Feportable compensation fom the organtzation and any related organizations 4 List all of the organization's former directors or trastees that received, inthe capacity as a former director or trustee of the Gonization, more then § 10,000 of reportable compensetion from the organization and eny related organizations st persons inthe following order individual trustees or directors, institutional trustees, officers, key employees, highest ‘mpensated employees, and former such persons ‘Check this box if either the organizetion nor any related organization compensated any current ofcer, director, or trust @ o « o © @ Name and Te avereae | Postion Gernot check | Reportabie | Reportable | esumated oursser |marethensneboxsuness | compensaton | compensation | amount ot eekiist "pewoniebotnanoncer | cTromte. | ‘tomrelotes. | other Tephous | ‘sndedrectovtrustee) | orpanzaton | orgenatons | compensation frreutes [= Grezyiose- | (weanoss: | “nomine Saunton [2B Jz [SE Bale] “wiser” | wtecd” | oanaton coon 08 |2 18 fe Be and rletee jomecine) /BB |= |* BBE i organtzations Sele] BRS) | an Hl Fl a FEF , J Fn WATER 75 x |e q q ° x] |e q q ° x] |x q a ° Form 9902014 t0z (73-066 40 066 wos) 7 2InpeuIS ‘STO? NI Givda¥ SVM ALON SHLUSASMOH plo’ Te daaWaoaq Q30N3 UV3A 3HL YO4 LON JHLNO JAVW AIM SLN3WAVE ON OOS'TT SVM ALON 3HL sO} BONVIVE 3HLGN3 YV3A JO SW PTOZ CAGN UVIA JH YOd G1¥d SVM 1SIUALNI ON WANNY| Wad %0 JO ALVY BH. 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The assessment system doesnitcontain acomplete sales history for every property and every sal. Far complete sle/ovmer history you must dos deed search atthe Department af RealEstate. hips? slleghenycounty us RealEstae(Sales.aspx?ParcellD=0302K00 1870000008 SearchType=38CurfRow=08 SearchNare=8SearchStroet=8. wt 10128122, 3:48 PM Real Estate | Owner History| Allegheny County Parcel ID: 0302-K-00188-0000-00 ‘Municipality : 808 Braddock Property Address: 1214 1215 BRADDOCK AVE (Over Name : PETERMAN JOHNK ‘BRADDOCK, PA 15104 Deed Book: 14099 Deed Page:76 owner Sale Date SalePrice FETTERMAN JOHN K 4/24/2015, $12,000 REDEVELOPMENT AUTH OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY 12/18/2014 so DUHONANDREWT& MARIEL rors so [Not all previous overs are listed on this page. nor stele information necessarily complete. The assessment system doesnt contain acomplete sales history for every property and every sale For complete ale/owner history youmust doa deed search atthe Deartmentaf Real state. hnps:/hvin2 alogherycounty.usReslEstate/Sales.aspx?Parcoll0=0302K00 1880000008 SearchType=38CurRow=08SearchName=8SearchSteel=8,.. 1/4 10126122, 945 °M Real Estate | Owner History | Alegheny County Parcel |D:0202-K-00290-0000-00 Municipality : 808 Braddock Property Address: 1211 1215 BRADDOCK AVE ‘Owner Name: FETTERMANJOHN K BRADDOCK, PA 15104 Deed Book: 16039 Deed Page: 76 ‘owner Sale Date Sale Price FETTERMAN JOHNK 4/28/2015 $12,000 REDEVELOPMENT AUTH OF ALLEGHENYCOUNTY 12/18/2014 $0 VINCENT R BURKE sy21/1994 $2,000 Not all previous owners are listed on tis page, noris ther information necessarily complete. The assessment system doesn't containa complete sales history for every property and every sale. For complete sale/owner history you must do deed search atthe Department of RealEstate, hitpsww2 allaghenycounty us RealstattSales.aspx?ParcellD=0302K001800000008SearchType=38CuntRow=08SearchName=8SearchStet=s... 1/1 10/2522, 3:45 PM Real Estate | Owner History | Allegheny County Parcel ID :0302-K-00191-0000-00 Municipality: 808 Braddock Property Adress: 1211-1215 BRADDOCK AVE ‘Oumer Name: FETTERMAN JOHN K BRADDOCK, PA 15104 Deed Book: 16039 Deed Page: 76 Owner Sale Date Sale Price FETTERMAN JOHN K 4724/2015 12000 REDEVELOPMENT AUTH OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY 12/18/2014 so PETROVIC ROBERT & DEBORAH (W) 96/1992 st Not ll previous owners ae iste on this page, nors thelr information necessarily complete, The assessment system doesnt containacomplete sales history for every property and every sale. For complete salefowner history you must doa deed searchat the Denartment of RealEstate tps? alleghenycounty.us/RealEstatlSales.aspx?ParcellD=0302K00 1910000008 SearchType=34CurfRows08SearchName=&SearchSireet=&. " 10128122, 3:45 PM Real Estate | Owner History| Alegheny County Parcel ID ;0302-K-00192-0000-00 Property Address: 1211 -1215 BRADDOCK AVE BRADDOCK, PA 15104 Municipality: 808 Braddock ‘Owner Name: FETTERMAN JOHN K Deed Book 26039 Deed Page: 76 Owner Sale Date Sale Price FETTERMAN JOHN K aprayz01s $1200 REDEVELOPMENT AUTH OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY 12/18/2014 so THOMAS SAMUEL snsyi999 $50,000 otal previous owners are listed on this page, nor is thei information necessarily complete. The assessment system doesnt contain acomplete sales histor for every property and every sale. For complete sale/owner history you must do a deed search atthe Department of RealEstate hips v2 alleghenycounty. us/Realéstate/Sales aspx ?ParceliD=0302K00 1820000008 SearchT ype=38 Cunrftow=08SearchName=8SearchSteet=6... ” EXHIBIT 7 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANNUAL MEETING AnD PUBLIC HEARING KOPPERS BUILDING CONFERENCE CENTER, 9™ FLOOR, GRANT ROOM 436 SEVENTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA January 25, 2013—10:30 a.m. ‘The Regular Meeting and Public Hearing of the Pattaa Kot Tagray County was held on Friday January 25, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. in Kopp ice Center, 9* Floor, Grant Room, 436 Seventh Avenue, Pinsburgh Penney ania 1s Board Members present were: Herky Pollock, Fao, Senate Woone Fontana, and Doris Carson Williams. Also present were: Steve Papernick, Authdtity Solicitog’Dennis Davin, Director; Robert Hurley, Deputy Director; Jack Exler, Deputy Diner Damellfoses, Authorities Manager; Samuel Bozzolla, Project Manager; Angié™Bicks, Pgpject Mangger; Tom McGrath, Fiscal Manager; Anita Truss, Senior ‘AccountangPat Eat ley, Maneijerj,Bayley Conroy, Project Manager; Heather Schultz, Project Manager; ae Manager; Maureen Quinn, Project Manager; Erin Deasy, Project Manage" Regn “Project. Manager, and Heather Westenzweig, Redevelopment Coors. ~y Others present Pern Biches, ‘Tribute Review; Len Barcousky, Pittsburgh Post Gazette; Heidi Nevalay ‘Allegheny “ten 's Office; Rosa Davis and Madelon Edelston, Pennsylvania Organization for ySmen in Early Recovery (POWER); and Alison Hall, Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR). OG wy L R BALL Se ‘The meting was called to order, roll was called and a quorum was present. Il. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—Decemser 13, 2012 ON A MOTION MADE BY MR. BROOKS AND SECONDED BY SENATOR FONTANA, THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING WERE APPROVED AS. PRESENTED REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY 2 MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 2013 1. RATIFICATION OF BILLS ‘Ms. Williams reviewed the Ratification of Bills Payable for the month of December, 2012 and found them to be in good and proper order. ON A MOTION MADE BY MR. BROOKS AND SECONDED BY SENATOR, FONTANA, THE RATIFICATION OF THE BILLS WERE APPROVED AS PRESENTED. OLD BUSINESS A. ROBERT CRANMER T/D/B/A CRANMER CONSULTSNTSSAMENBMENT oN J “ 4 Request authorization to: (i) amend thefcxisitg aéréemept with Cranmer Consultants effective January 1, 2013; antl Wj) allow’ the Direttor“to execute all the necessary documents with Solicitor appro wy ‘The amended agreement will extend Weert) from Becember 31, 2012 to December 31, 2013. All other FOWisions will refidin the same. ON A MOTION MADE BY SENATORGONTANA AND SECONDED BY MS. WILLIAMS, THE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. fs > / AuLecueny /“CounTe EcoNosn€ = Devevorment, — CoMMuNITY INFRASTRUCTURE &@-TOURisM FUND (CITF) - AMEND GRANT CONTRACT AND PROGRAM GUNSELINES a Reg Authorigation to: 9G) amended the CITF grant contract and program SES and (ii) allow the Director to execute the necessary documents with ctor approval.» ‘The grat contract“Wwas updated to reflect minor administrative changes such as the inclusign,of the internal audit fee, a revised budget breakdown form, and the ition ofa grantee’s procurement certifications. The program guidelines were fevised ti'reflect the changes to the contract. \. ‘@N A MOTION MADE BY MR. BROOKS AND SECONDED BY SENATOR FONTANA, THE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. C. ALLEGHENY —CouNTy — ECONOMIC_—-DEVELOPMENT, — COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE & TOURISM FUND (CITE) ~ PITTSBURGH ZOO Request authorization to: (i) amend the existing agreement with Zoological Society of Pittsburgh for $100,000 to reflect an increase in the amount of funding by $150,000 for a total not to exceed $250,000 for safety improvements and repairs to the Zoo and to extend the existing agreement until May 30, 2013; and REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY 3 “MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 2013 Gi) allow the Director to execute the necessary documents with Solicitor approval. The Zoological Society is still planning to undertake the original project scope of improving the perimeter appearance of their Highland Park campus so that it is visually consistent with the historic fixtures and amenities within Highland Park. ‘The CITF funds will be used specifically to extend black omamental wrought iron fencing around the Kid’s Kingdom and other zoo facilities, paint and screen existing fencing, and improve landscaping in the project areay.Additionally the City of Pittsburgh has agreed to replace deteriorated cufbing “alo ‘One Wild Place. The key feature of the project is the extension ofthe wrought inn fencing into Highland Park. After a more detailed examination of project aa it was discovered that there was a need to incorporate s{6rm Water titigation 1 prevent flooding and pedestrian safety measures will aso be cdmpleteay ‘The/additional funding will used to address these issues, A \ > ON A MOTION MADE BY MS. WILLI IS ANB) SEGONDED BY MR. BROOKS, THE ABOVE Requests a7 OVED ‘ASPRESENTED. V. PUBLIC COMMENTS . VI. NEW BUSINESS A Tax aging srn- ‘WestroRT Woops equal theBeation to:“) prepare a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the ‘Westport Woods\project for the purpose of creating a Tax Increment Financing Distficty“and (ii) {Mow the Director to execute the necessary documents with Sole approval he ponds ‘Westport Woods TIF District will comprise of approximately 800 écres tBalt is zoned for light industrial and business park development, and will \. include all of the land that is currently within the Potato Garden Run TIF District ‘\minus three parcels that are currently developed (These parcels are owned by ‘ALRO Steel, ADC, and Okonite). The Potato Garden Run TIF will be amended to include only these three developed parcels. This will allow all future development that occurs at the site to aid in funding public improvements for the Westport Woods portion of the site in order to make that portion available for development. The TIF will be a twenty-year TIF and the amount of TIF funds being requested is $3.2 million. These funds will repay a portion of the $4.8 million BIOS loan that the developer, Imperial Land Corporation, has secured in order to make the public improvements, These improvements include site remediation (specifically reclaiming a deep mine on the site), storm water REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY 4 MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 2013 c management, water and sewer upgrades, utility upgrades including gas and electric, paving, erosion and sediment control, and street lighting. Findlay Township and the West Allegheny School District have already passed Resolutions of Intent regarding the proposed Westport Woods TIF. A Resolution of Intent will also be introduced to County Council in the near future. ON A MOTION MADE BY SENATOR FONTANA AND SECONDED BY MS. WILLIAMS, THE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. _ Sports LEGACY FOUNDATION - MONTOUR JUNCTION PROPERTY Request authorization to: (i) purchase parcel # g#2-M- 103 “eonsisting Bf 1.5910 acres from the Trinity Development Corpor for , amousihnotito exceed $25,000 and transfer the respective deeds.4® the Redevelopment Wuthority; and Gi) allow the Director to execute the" Hcessary documerts “vith Solicitor approval. Funding source for this project will be rk ‘yom RAAC’s Pre-Development Fund. The 1.5910 acre paréel"@feland “$8 purchased for $25,000 by the Redevelopment Authority ‘within thé flext 90 days for purposes of developing nontraditional sports fields| *, ON A MOTION/N&ADE BY!MS. WIMLIAMS AND SECONDED BY MR. BROOKS, THEREOVEE REQUESDWAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. RAAC! Owstbprorsiery-TRARGF Request authbrigation to: WW transfer the deed of five (5) parcels of land to the Boroughi)of East,Pittsburgli: and (ii) allow the Director to execute the necessary + doeuments with Scipr approval. 7 ‘The Bevough’s Municipal Building, Police Station, Police Parking Area and Public Pasgageway are located on these RAAC parcels. The parcels are: 375-H- “eO210. 375,F- 00212, 375-H-00214, 375-H-00216, and 375-H-00313.They are all \Abcated dont ‘Linden Avenue in the Borough of East Pittsburgh. “Sigce 1966 these parcels have been owned by RAAC. RAAC acquired these parcels through eminent domain for the development of the East Pittsburgh Mall. ‘The Borough's Municipal Building, Police Station, a parking lot and public passageway are located on these parcels. The Borough of East Pittsburgh will take ownership of these parcels. ON A MOTION MADE BY SENATOR FONTANA AND SECONDED BY MR. BROOKS, THE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY 5 MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 2013 D. E. \ WoRLD TRADE CENTERS ASSOCIATION: 2013 MEMBERSHIP DUES Request authorization to: (j) utilize Partnerships for Regional Economic Performance (PREP) funds in the amount not to exceed $10,000.00 to be utilized for the 2013 World Trade Centers Association membership dues; and (ii) allow the Director to execute the necessary documents with Solicitor approval. ‘The World Trade Centers Association (WTCA) is an organization based in New York City, NY, that brings together businesses and government agencies involved in foreign trade. It is a one-stop trade information hub #here | ‘Yealimembers are offered the full range of services that include market peMearch, OnLingiservices , trade shows & exhibit space, business services, trade education, group trade missions and World Trade Center clubs. WZCA‘is a Symbol réeognized throughout the world with 300 centers in && counties. Alleghet County received a license in 1990 (ACED has beensrespoiisiblé Tor p since 2001) and has participated every year since. If'the paymeétis we bd in any given year, Allegheny County would ona the Higase. A“ 4 Jicense would cost approximately $200,000 with no guarantee aly wel awarded. The local efforts of this program are primarily repfesented by te Pittsburgh Regional Alliance. a a ON A MOTION MADE\BY MS.\WILLIAMS AND SECONDED BY SENATOR FONTANA, THE ABOVE) REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. z CarRi FURNACE \REOBYELOPMENT- ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Request autioriztion to; §)"enroll the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny Géunty jto thé PennDOT’s Engineering and Construction Management System; FanG(ii) Wow the\Dizector to execute the necessary documents with solicitor appreval } Staff seeK@ permission to enroll the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny “Céunty intg PennDOT’s Engineering and Construction Management System as a \ BusinessPartner, ECMS is a centralized construction management system which ‘allows’ its participants to bid and award PennDOT construction projects. ‘Enrolling RAAC into this system will enable RAAC and PennDOT to partner together on future projects, such as the Carrie Fumace Flyover Bridge, which must be bid through ECMS per PennDOT requirements. ON A MOTION MADE BY SENATOR FONTANA AND SECONDED BY. MR. BROOKS, THE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY 6 MINUTES OF JANUARY 25,2013 F VACANT PROPERTY RECOVERY PROGRAM (AVPRP)— GRANT AGREEMENT Request authorization to: (j) enter into a grant agreement with Allegheny County for an amount not to exceed $100,000 to administer the AVPRP (ii) accept said grant; and (iii) allow the Director to execute the necessary documents with Solicitor approval Source of funds for the grant are derived from Allegheny County's General Fund. ON A MOTION MADE BY MR. BROOKS AND SECONDED BY,SENATOR FONTANA, THE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVa9 AS PRESENTED. ALLEGHENY VACANT PROPERTY RECOVERY PROGRAM (AVBRP) - OPTION AGREEMENT w& » ¢ Ww i Request authorization to: (i) ratify “aq, agreethent eralnicly Landmarks Development Corporation the option 4o purchase 520 Seanetje’ Street (Block and Lot 176-H-256) and 724 Kelly Avenue (Block and Lot.J76-H-299); and (ii) allow the Director to execute the necessary docurfents with Solicitor approval. one Rh ‘The Redevelopment Authofity acquiredithese two properties through the Vacant Property Recovery Program Landmarks Development Corporation has proposed rehabilitating the properties ag part of a bréader affordable housing project. ON A MOTJS%, MADE BY MS»AVILLIAMS AND SECONDED BY SENATOR, FONTANAg THE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED.” » * + ALLEGHENYIVACANT PROPERTY RECOVERY PROGRAM (AVPRP) Zquest authorization to: (i) approve various resolutions related to the Allegheny Vacutit Property Rgtovery Program for property located in the municipality of Swissvale; and (ii) allow the Director to execute the necessary documents with Solicitor agproval. \\ Resolutio I-Authorization for the Authority to act as the Planning Commission ‘of AMfegheny County, pursuant to the Urban Redevelopment Law of ‘Peansyivania, (a) Certifying that each property listed in the attachment is blighted, and () Approving that the acquisition and disposition and subsequent disposition would be in accord with the comprehensive plan of the Borough/Municipality. Resolution 2-Authorization for the condemnation by eminent domain of each property listed in the attachment. Resolution 3-Authorization for the execution of contract of sale and delivery of a deed for each property listed in the attachment. REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY 7 ‘MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 2013 Coe ee a ee ee ey L ON A MOTION MADE BY SENATOR FONTANA AND SECONDED BY MS. WILLIAMS, THE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. ALLEGHENY COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, — COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE & TOURISM FUND (CITF) - AGENCY AGREEMENT WITH ALLEGHENY COUNTY FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF FY 12-13 FUNDS (YEAR 6 Funps) Request authorization to: (i) enter into an Agency Agreement.with Allegheny County to receive and administer the FY 12-13 annual disbursetfient of funds from the Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Developmeéil.& Touristy)Fund; (ii) accept the Year 6 Funds from the County; (ii) act as“@gent for the County administering the Year 6 Funds in accordance wi the CITF ram Gilidelines; (iv) establish monetary accounts for these purpéses; andi(y) allow)the Director to execute any necessary documents with Solicitor approval: Sy, On an annual basis, RAAC must enter into auliggency ‘wxcemént with Allegheny County in order to receive funds‘ @ldocated ‘to All County from the Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Developriént, & ‘ourisnf Fund, These funds are to be disbursed and used insi€8tdance withthe Allegheny County Economic Development, Community Ifrastructix®& TourisniFund program guidelines. Mr, Pollock stated that on bebalf of the board they would like to thank the staff fora job well done” Mr. Davin stated thine anpeecistes {he job that staff has done. ON Aasirion' ‘MADE BY MR. BROOKS AND SECONDED BY SENATOR FONTANAS RUIPABOVE PEQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. ‘Avecuzhy “€ouyry — Economic Devetorment, —_ ComMuNrTy INFRASSRUCTURE $e TOURISM FUND (CITF) — PITTSBURGH ACTION AGAINST Rare (RAAR) BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS. quest Apthorization to: (i) award a Grant in an amount not to exceed _/$31,380;00 to Pittsburgh Action Against Rape to help finance the PAAR Building (Improvements; and (ii) allow the Director to execute the necessary documents ‘With Solicitor approval. For over 38 years, Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR), has been providing, hope and healing to victims of sexual violence, Each year, AAR serves over 2,200 victims of sexual violence. PAAR provides free comprehensive services to victims and their families. Grant funds will be used for building repairs, including the removal and replacement of all loose caulking and mortar around windows as well as filling and reinforcing loose mortar on the building exterior. The funds will also be used REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY ‘MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 2013 to replace the building’s current 25 year-old boilers with two new, high-efficiency units. ON A MOTION MADE BY MR. BROOKS AND SECONDED BY MS. WILLIAMS, THE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. K. ALLEGHENY CoUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, — COMMUNITY InrRasrRUCTURE & Tourism FUND (CITF) — FACILITY EVALUATION FOR Community BENEFIT Request Authorization to: (i) award a Grant in gil_amount not ito exceed $64,000.00 to Pennsylvania Organization for Women in Batly Recovery to help finance the Facility Evaluation for Community Rghefit Projectiand (ii);allow the Director to execute the necessary documents. Solicitor approval, , wet. POWER plans to acquire a building that Sjcureilifjease s¥mthe Diocese of Pittsburgh and they also have the chance to dgquire an(adjacght school building that has not been in use for more théialZ0 years POWER would like to renovate for a variety of potential community usesdicludiyg additfonal POWER services, low-income houses, retail stosés, Gfamunity useel|er a combination of usages. The feasibility analysis will\include: an engineering analysis of structural issues, a review of current zoning and ther legal requirements, an examination of potential environmental hazglfds, gd an aiialysis. _/ ON A MOTION MADEBY-MS. WILLIAMS AND SECONDED BY SENATOR FONTANA; FRE ABOVE REQUEST WAS APPROVED AS PRESENTED. ADJOURNMENT © ‘THERE BEING NQ, BURTHER BUSINESS TO TRANSACT, ON A MOTION MADE BY SENATOR FONTAN& AND SECONDED BY MS. WILLIAMS, THE ADJOURNMENT OF THE REGULAR MEETING:OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ALLEGHENY COUNTYWAS)UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. r Darnell Mase Damell Moses, Authorities Manager

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