Data Envelopment Analysis - Basic Models and Their

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Data Envelopment Analysis - Basic Models and their Utilization

Article  in  Organizacija · March 2009

DOI: 10.2478/v10051-009-0001-6 · Source: RePEc


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Alenka Baggia
University of Maribor


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Organizacija, Volume 42 Research papers Number 2, March-April 2009

DOI: 10.2478/v10051-009-0001-6

Data En­ve­lop­ment Analy­sis -

Ba­sic Mo­dels and their Uti­li­za­tion
Mi­lan M. Mar­ti}1, Ma­ri­na S. No­va­ko­vi}1, Alen­ka Bag­gia2

1Uni­ver­sity of Bel­gra­de, Fa­culty of Or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal Scien­ces, Jove Ili}a 154, 11000 Bel­gra­de, Ser­bia
2Uni­ver­sity of Ma­ri­bor, Fa­culty of Or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal Scien­ces, Ki­dri­~e­va ce­sta 55a, 4000 Kranj, Slo­ve­nia

alen­ka.bag­[email protected]

Data En­ve­lop­ment Analy­sis (DEA) is a de­ci­sion ma­king tool ba­sed on li­near pro­gram­ming for mea­su­ring the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency
of a set of com­pa­rab­le units. Be­si­des the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­cient and inef­fi­cient units, DEA iden­ti­fies the sour­ces
and le­vel of inef­fi­ciency for each of the in­puts and out­puts. This pa­per is a sur­vey of the ba­sic DEA mo­dels. A com­pa­ri­son of
DEA mo­dels is gi­ven. The ef­fect of mo­del orien­ta­tion (in­put or out­put) on the ef­fi­ciency fron­tier and the ef­fect of the con­ve­xity
re­qui­re­ments on re­turns to sca­le are exa­mi­ned. The pa­per also ex­plains how DEA mo­dels can be used to as­sess ef­fi­ciency.

Key­words: Ef­fi­ciency, DEA mo­dels, Ef­fi­ciency fron­tier.

1 In­tro­duc­tion ot­her DMU­s with the sim­ple re­stric­tion that all DMU­s lay
on or be­low the ex­tre­me fron­tier. DEA is a non-pa­ra­me­
One of the most im­por­tant prin­ci­ples in any bu­si­ness is tric met­hod as it does not re­qui­re any as­sump­tion about
the prin­ci­ple of ef­fi­ciency; whe­re the best pos­sib­le eco­no­ func­tio­nal form (e.g. a re­gres­sion equa­tion, a pro­duc­tion
mic ef­fects (out­puts) are at­tai­ned with as litt­le eco­no­mic func­tion, etc.). It is a met­ho­do­logy di­rec­ted at the fron­tier
sa­cri­fi­ces as pos­sib­le (in­puts). Ef­fi­ciency can be de­fi­ned as rat­her than at cen­tral ten­den­cies. Whi­le sta­ti­sti­cal pro­ce­
the de­mand that the de­si­red goals are ac­hie­ved with the du­res are ba­sed on cen­tral ten­den­cies, DEA is a pro­cess
mi­ni­mum use of the avai­lab­le re­sour­ces. In or­der to as­sess of ex­tre­mi­ties. DEA analy­zes each DMU se­pa­ra­tely and
the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of a bu­si­ness unit, it is ne­ces­sary cal­cu­la­tes a ma­xi­mum per­for­man­ce mea­su­re for each
to con­si­der the con­di­tions and ope­ra­tion re­sults of ot­her unit. DEA has be­co­me one of the most po­pu­lar fields in
units of the same kind and to de­ter­mi­ne the real stan­ding ope­ra­tions re­search, with ap­pli­ca­tions in­vol­ving a wide
of the re­sults of such a com­pa­ri­son. ran­ge of con­text (Tha­nas­sou­lis, 2001).
In a sim­ple case whe­re units have a sin­gle out­put and DEA is one of the most po­pu­lar fields in ope­ra­tions
a sin­gle in­put, ef­fi­ciency is de­fi­ned as their ra­tio. Ho­we­ver, re­search (Emrouz­ne­jad et al., to ap­pear; Sei­ford, 1997).
typi­cal or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal units have mul­ti­ple and in­com­men­ Sin­ce the se­mi­nal work of Char­nes, Coo­per and Rho­des
su­ra­te in­puts and out­puts. Data En­ve­lop­ment Analy­sis (1978) and sin­ce 1995, the­re was li­te­rally “ex­po­nen­tial”
was in­tro­du­ced by Char­nes, Coo­per and Rho­des (1978) to growth in the num­ber of pub­li­ca­tions. Bet­ween 1995
as­sess the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal units with and 2003, the num­ber of re­le­vant pub­li­ca­tions sta­bi­li­zed
mul­ti­ple in­puts to pro­du­ce mul­ti­ple out­puts. The aut­hors at about 225 per year. Ho­we­ver, in the last four years
of DEA de­fi­ned the ef­fi­ciency of the unit un­der eva­lua­ (2004-2007), the num­ber in­crea­sed to ap­pro­xi­ma­tely 360
tion as the ra­tio of the sum of its weight out­puts to the per year. Jour­nals such as the Eu­ro­pean Jour­nal of Ope­ra­
sum of its weight in­puts. tio­nal Re­search, Jour­nal of Pro­duc­ti­vity Analy­sis, and the
Re­cently, the Data En­ve­lop­ment Analy­sis met­hod Jour­nal of the Ope­ra­tio­nal Re­search So­ciety are the most
is be­co­ming po­pu­lar for as­ses­sing the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency uti­li­zed.
of bu­si­ness en­ti­ties. DEA is a tech­ni­que of mat­he­ma­ti­cal The pa­pers pre­sen­ted show am­ple pos­si­bi­li­ties for
pro­gram­ming that enab­les the de­ter­mi­na­tion of a unit’s using the DEA for the eva­lua­tion of the per­for­man­ce of
ef­fi­ciency ba­sed on its in­puts and out­puts, and com­pa­res bank branc­hes, schools, uni­ver­sity de­part­ments, far­ming
it to ot­her units in­vol­ved in the analy­sis. The DEA can be es­ta­tes, hos­pi­tals and so­cial in­sti­tu­tions, mi­li­tary ser­vi­ces,
des­cri­bed as data-orien­ted as it ef­fects per­for­man­ce eva­ en­ti­re eco­no­mic systems (re­gions) and ot­her things. DEA
lua­tions and ot­her in­fe­ren­ces di­rectly from the ob­ser­ved is a met­ho­do­logy of se­ve­ral dif­fe­rent in­te­rac­ti­ve ap­proac­
data and with mi­ni­mal as­sump­tions. The ef­fi­ciency of a hes and mo­dels used for the as­ses­sment of the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­
De­ci­sion Ma­king Unit (DMU) is mea­su­red re­la­ti­ve to all ciency of DMU and for the as­ses­sment of the ef­fi­ciency

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Organizacija, Volume 42 Research papers Number 2, March-April 2009

fron­tier. It sup­plies im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion for ma­na­ging im­por­tan­ce of each in­put and out­put and are de­ter­mi­ned
the ope­ra­tions of ef­fi­cient and inef­fi­cient units. This pa­per in the mo­del so that each DMU is ef­fi­cient as much as pos­
is a sur­vey of the ba­sic DEA mo­dels. Some ways in which sib­le. Gi­ven that the con­di­tion (2) is true for every DMU,
the­se mo­dels can be used are also gi­ven. it means that each of them lies on the ef­fi­ciency fron­tier
or be­yond it. If Max hk = hk* = 1, it means that ef­fi­ciency
is being ac­hie­ved, so we can tell that DMUk is ef­fi­cient.
2 DEA Mo­dels Ef­fi­ciency is not ac­hie­ved for hk* < 1 and DMUk is not
ef­fi­cient in that case. DMUk is to be con­si­de­red re­la­ti­vely
DEA met­ho­do­logy, ori­gi­nally pro­po­sed in (Char­nes et al., inef­fi­cient, if it is pos­sib­le to ex­pand any of its out­puts
1978), is used to as­sess the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of a num­ber wit­hout re­du­cing any of its in­puts, and wit­hout re­du­cing
of en­ti­ties using a com­mon set of in­com­men­su­ra­te in­puts any ot­her out­put (out­put orien­ta­tion), or if it is pos­sib­le to
to ge­ne­ra­te a com­mon set of in­com­men­su­ra­te out­puts. re­du­ce any of its in­puts wit­hout re­du­cing any out­put and
The ori­gi­nal mo­ti­va­tion for DEA was to com­pa­re the pro­ wit­hout ex­pan­ding some ot­her in­puts (in­put orien­ta­tion).
duc­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of si­mi­lar or­ga­ni­za­tions, re­fer­red to as Prob­lem (1) - (4) is non­li­near, non­con­vex, with a
DMU­s. The prob­lem of as­ses­sing ef­fi­ciency is for­mu­la­ted li­near and frac­tio­nal ob­jec­ti­ve func­tion and li­near and
as a task of frac­tio­nal pro­gram­ming, but the ap­pli­ca­tion frac­tio­nal con­straints. Using a sim­ple trans­for­ma­tion de­ve­
pro­ce­du­re for DEA con­sists of sol­ving li­near pro­gram­ lo­ped by Char­nes and Coo­per (1962), the abo­ve CCR
ming (LP) tasks for each of the units un­der eva­lua­tion. ra­tio mo­del can be re­du­ced to the LP form (the Pri­mal
Let xij - de­no­te the ob­ser­ved mag­ni­tu­de of i - type CCR mo­del) so that the LP met­hods can be ap­plied. In
in­put for en­tity j ( xij > 0, i = 1, 2, ..., m, j = 1, 2, ..., n) and this mo­del, the de­no­mi­na­tor has been set equal to 1 and
yrj - the ob­ser­ved mag­ni­tu­de of r-type out­put for en­tity j the nu­me­ra­tor is being ma­xi­mi­zed. The in­put orien­ted
(yrj > 0, r = 1, 2, ..., s, j = 1, 2, ..., n). Then, the Char­nes-Coo­ CCR pri­mal mo­del is:
per-Rho­des (CCR) mo­del is for­mu­la­ted in the fol­lo­wing
form for the se­lec­ted en­tity k: MODEL (M2)

MODEL (M1) (5)


∑u r
y rk
Ma­xi­mi­ze hk = r =1
i =1
x ik

Sub­ject to
∑u r
y rj
r =1 ≤1, j =1,2,..., j ,..., n (2) (9)
m k
∑v x i ij The mat­he­ma­ti­cal mo­del gi­ven abo­ve is li­near and
can be sol­ved using any of the fa­mi­liar pro­grams pac­ka­ges
ur ≥ε , r =1,2,..., s (3) for LP. Ho­we­ver, in prac­ti­ce, it is of­ten sol­ved dual task for
prob­lem (5) - (9), which is:
v i ≥ε , i =1,2,..., m (4)
n vi is the weights to be de­ter­mi­ned for in­put i; (10)
n m is the num­ber of in­puts;
n ur is the weights to be de­ter­mi­ned for out­put r;
n s is the num­ber of out­puts;
n h is the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of DMUk; (11)
n n is the num­ber of en­ti­ties;
n ε is a small po­si­ti­ve va­lue.
The re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency hk, of one de­ci­sion-ma­king (12)
unit k, is de­fi­ned as a ra­tio of the weigh­ted sums of their
out­puts (vir­tual out­put) and the weigh­ted sums of their (13)
in­puts (vir­tual in­put). As for the de­ci­sion-ma­king unit k,
for which a ma­xi­mum in ob­jec­ti­ve func­tion (1) is sought, The ba­sic idea be­hind DEA is best con­ve­yed in the
the con­di­tion (2) is true, mea­ning that it is ob­vi­ously 0 < dual CCR mo­del (M3), which is easy to sol­ve be­cau­se of
hk ≤ 1, for each DMUk. The weights vi and ur show the its cal­cu­la­ting size. The dual mo­del for a gi­ven unit using

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Organizacija, Volume 42 Research papers Number 2, March-April 2009

in­put and out­put va­lues of ot­her units tries to con­struct a bi­na­tion of DMU­s, which are in the set (tho­se that have
hypot­he­ti­cal com­po­si­te unit out of the exi­sting units. If it po­si­ti­ve va­lue for λ in the op­ti­mal so­lu­tion). The DMU
is pos­sib­le, the gi­ven unit is inef­fi­cient, ot­her­wi­se it is ef­fi­ ope­ra­tes un­der va­riab­le re­turns to sca­le if it is sus­pec­ted
cient and lies at the ef­fi­ciency fron­tier. The ef­fi­ciency fron­ that an in­crea­se in in­puts does not re­sult in a pro­por­tio­nal
tier is a set of seg­ments in­ter­con­nec­ting all the ef­fi­cient chan­ge in the out­puts. The con­ve­xity con­straint en­su­res
DMU­s and it acts as an en­ve­lo­pe for inef­fi­cient units. An that the com­po­si­te unit is of si­mi­lar sca­le size as the unit
inef­fi­cient unit can be en­ve­lo­ped be­low (in­put-orien­ted being mea­su­red. The BCC mo­del yields a mea­su­re of
mo­del) or abo­ve (out­put-orien­ted mo­del). pure tech­ni­cal ef­fi­ciency that ig­no­res the im­pact of the
Be­cau­se the prob­lems des­cri­bed by mo­dels (M2) and sca­le size by only com­pa­ring a DMU to a unit of si­mi­lar
(M3) are as­so­cia­ted and be­cau­se of the dua­lity theo­rem sca­le. Of­ten, small units are qua­li­ta­ti­vely dif­fe­rent from
in li­near pro­gram­ming, DMUk is ef­fi­cient if and only lar­ge units and a com­pa­ri­son bet­ween the two may di­stort
if con­di­tions for op­ti­mal so­lu­tion (λ*, s+*, s-*, Zk*) are mea­su­re­ments of com­pa­ra­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency. The mea­su­red
ac­com­plis­hed for the prob­lem (10)-(13): ef­fi­ciency is al­ways at least equal to the one gi­ven by the
CCR mo­del. The en­ve­lop­ment sur­fa­ce ob­tai­ned from the
Zk* = 1 (14) BCC mo­del re­sults in a con­vex hull.
s+* = s-* = 0 in all al­ter­na­te op­ti­ma (15) The DEA mo­del can be in­put or out­put orien­ted.
The in­put orien­ted mo­del con­tracts the in­puts as far as
Using the op­ti­mal so­lu­tion (λ*, s+*, s-*, Zk*) of the pos­sib­le whi­le con­trol­ling the out­puts. In an in­put orien­
prob­lem (10) - (13), it can be de­ter­mi­ned:
ted mo­del, an inef­fi­cient unit is made ef­fi­cient through
the pro­por­tio­nal re­duc­tion of its in­puts, whi­le its out­puts
X’’k = Zk*Xk - s-* (16)
pro­por­tions are held con­stant. The out­put orien­ted mo­del
Y’’k = Yk + s+* (17) ex­pands the out­puts as far as pos­sib­le whi­le con­trol­ling
the in­puts. In an out­put orien­ted mo­del, an inef­fi­cient unit
It can be shown that af­ter CCR pro­jec­tion (16), (17),
DMUk with al­te­red in­puts X’’k and out­puts Y’’k be­co­mes is made ef­fi­cient through the pro­por­tio­nal in­crea­se of its
ef­fi­cient. The dif­fe­ren­ce ∆Xk = Xk - X''k and ∆Yk = Y''k out­puts, whi­le the in­puts' pro­por­tions re­main unc­han­ged.
- Yk res­pec­ti­vely shows the es­ti­ma­ted amount of in­put An inef­fi­cient DMU can be made more ef­fi­cient by pro­
and out­put inef­fi­ciency. Thus it can be seen for inef­fi­cient jec­tion onto the fron­tier. Mo­del orien­ta­tion de­ter­mi­nes
DMUk, how to chan­ge its in­puts and out­puts, so it would the di­rec­tion of the pro­jec­tion for inef­fi­cient DMU­s. In an
be­co­me ef­fi­cient. We should emp­ha­si­ze that, for each in­put orien­ta­tion, one im­pro­ves ef­fi­ciency through the pro­
DMUj (j = 1, 2, ..., n) ta­ken as DMUk, an ap­pro­pria­te por­tio­nal re­duc­tion of in­puts, whe­reas an out­put orien­ta­
li­near pro­gram­ming prob­lem is sol­ved (10) - (13). Hen­ce, tion re­qui­res pro­por­tio­nal aug­men­ta­tion of the out­puts.
we should sol­ve n li­near pro­gram­ming tasks with the form The in­put and out­put mea­su­re­ments are al­ways the
(10) - (13), with (s+m+1) va­riab­les and (s+m) con­straints same in the CCR mo­del, but fre­quently dif­fer in the BCC
per task. mo­del. Thus, if we are using the CCR mo­del, we can sol­ve
The CCR mo­dels (dual and pri­mal) with in­put orien­ one mo­del and give eit­her in­ter­pre­ta­tion. If we sol­ve the
ta­tion are still the most wi­dely known and used DEA BCC in­put mo­del, we can only give an in­put in­ter­pre­ta­
mo­dels des­pi­te the nu­me­rous mo­di­fied mo­dels that have tion and we must sol­ve the BCC out­put mo­del for an out­
ap­pea­red. The CCR mo­dels as­su­me con­stant re­turns to put in­ter­pre­ta­tion. Anot­her dif­fe­ren­ce bet­ween the BCC
sca­le. DMU ope­ra­tes un­der con­stant re­turns to sca­le if an and CCR mo­dels lies in the sca­lar trans­for­ma­tions of all
in­crea­se in the in­puts re­sults in a pro­por­tio­na­te in­crea­se data for a gi­ven DMU. The ef­fi­ciency mea­su­re in the CCR
in the out­put le­vels. The­se mo­dels cal­cu­la­te an ove­rall mo­del is unc­han­ged by sca­lar trans­for­ma­tions, sin­ce the
ef­fi­ciency in which both its pure tech­ni­cal ef­fi­ciency and ef­fi­ciency ra­tio of the sca­led DMU is unc­han­ged. On the
its sca­le ef­fi­ciency are ag­gre­ga­ted into a sin­gle va­lue. The ot­her hand, the sca­lar trans­for­ma­tions of a gi­ven DMU
en­ve­lop­ment sur­fa­ce ob­tai­ned from the CCR mo­del has chan­ge the sca­lar size and could ea­sily af­fect the ef­fi­ciency
the sha­pe of a con­vex cone. The ef­fi­cient DMU­s would lie mea­su­re­ments from the BCC mo­del.
on top of the struc­tu­re, whi­le the inef­fi­cient ones would Nu­me­rous ex­ten­sions of the ba­sic DEA mo­dels are
be co­ve­red un­der the cone. In a sin­gle in­put and out­put pre­sen­ted in the li­te­ra­tu­re (Char­nes et al., 1995; Coo­per et
case, the ef­fi­ciency fron­tier is re­du­ced to a straight line. al., 2005; Tha­nas­sou­lis, 2001). Some of the ex­ten­sions are:
The CCR mo­del yields the same ef­fi­cien­cies re­gard­less of n con­straints are pla­ced on the weights for par­ti­cu­lar
whet­her it is in­put- or out­put-orien­ted. in­puts and out­puts (Tha­nas­sou­lis, 2001),
The most im­por­tant ex­ten­sion of the ori­gi­nal CCR n con­straints are pla­ced on the amount of par­ti­cu­lar vir­
mo­dels is gi­ven in Ban­ker et al. (1984) whe­re an ad­di­tio­nal tual in­puts and out­puts (Tha­nas­sou­lis, 2001),
con­straint was in­tro­du­ced in mo­del (M3): n in­puts and out­puts that can­not be con­trol­led are
n brought into analy­sis (Ban­ker and Mo­rey, 1986),
∑λ j
=1 (18) n ca­te­go­ri­cal va­riab­les are brought into the mo­del (Ban­
j =1 ker and Mo­rey, 1986),
This con­straint enab­les va­riab­le re­turns to sca­le and n mo­dels for ran­king re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­cient DMU­s are
pro­vi­des that the re­fe­ren­ce set is for­med as a con­vex com­ de­ve­lo­ped (An­der­sen and Pe­ter­sen, 1993).

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Organizacija, Volume 42 Research papers Number 2, March-April 2009

3 DEA Mo­del Uti­li­za­tion be­co­me re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­cient. For each inef­fi­cient DMU
(one that lies be­low the fron­tier), DEA iden­ti­fies the sour­
In the first part of this sec­tion, we dis­cuss how DEA ces and le­vel of inef­fi­ciency for each in­put and out­put. The
mo­dels can be used to as­sess DMU­s. A key sta­ge in a le­vel of inef­fi­ciency is de­ter­mi­ned by com­pa­ri­son with a
DEA as­ses­sment is the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the in­put/out­ sin­gle re­fe­rent DMU or a con­vex com­bi­na­tion of ot­her
put va­riab­les per­tai­ning to the units being as­ses­sed, see re­le­vant DMU­s lo­ca­ted on the ef­fi­cient fron­tier that uti­li­
(Bous­so­fia­ne et al., 1991). Sin­ce DEA is used to eva­lua­te ze the same le­vel of in­puts and pro­du­ce the same or hig­her
per­for­man­ces by di­rectly con­si­de­ring in­put and out­put le­vel of out­puts. In the pre­vi­ous sec­tion, we have seen that
data, the re­sults will de­pend on the in­put/out­put choi­ce we can reach the le­vel of inef­fi­ciency using the op­ti­mal
for the analy­sis and the num­ber and ho­mo­ge­neity of the so­lu­tion of mo­del (M3) and re­la­tions (16) and (17). We can
DMU­s to be eva­lua­ted. In this sta­ge it is im­por­tant to ar­ri­ve at si­mi­lar in­for­ma­tion through sen­si­ti­vity analy­sis of
con­sult the peo­ple wor­king in the units that are to be eva­ the op­ti­mal so­lu­tion in mo­del (M1). The­se re­sults are very
lua­ted, so ma­jor in­puts and out­puts can be iden­ti­fied pro­ im­por­tant to ma­na­gers, be­cau­se they in­di­ca­te the sour­ces
perly. It is im­por­tant to en­ve­lop all the im­por­tant in­puts of inef­fi­ciency for re­la­ti­vely inef­fi­cient DMU­s.
in the analy­sis, na­mely all the re­sour­ces used, and all the Im­pro­ve­ment of ef­fi­ciency in not only inef­fi­cient but
im­por­tant out­puts (the pro­ducts and ser­vi­ces pro­du­ced). also the ef­fi­cient units can be at­tai­ned by iden­tif­ying an
A lar­ge num­ber of in­puts and out­puts com­pa­red to the ef­fi­cient ope­ra­ting prac­ti­ce. It can usually be found in the
num­ber of units to be eva­lua­ted may re­du­ce the dis­cri­mi­ re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­cient units. Ho­we­ver, among the re­la­ti­vely
na­ting ten­dency of the met­hod. The lar­ger the num­ber of ef­fi­cient units, some are bet­ter than ot­hers at set­ting a
in­puts and out­puts com­pa­red to the num­ber of units to good exam­ple. A need to di­stin­guish the re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­
be eva­lua­ted, the grea­ter the chan­ces that the units will cient units and find a good ope­ra­ting prac­ti­ce, emer­ges
al­lo­ca­te ap­pro­pria­te weights to a sin­gle sub­set of in­puts from the es­sen­ce of a DEA mo­del that al­lows a unit to
and out­puts that will make them ap­pear ef­fi­cient. In or­der se­lect the weights that will show it as ha­ving ma­xi­mum
to pre­ser­ve the dis­cri­mi­na­ting po­wer of the met­hod, the ef­fi­ciency. In this way, the units may ap­pear ef­fi­cient
num­ber of the units to be eva­lua­ted should be much lar­ be­cau­se all very small in­put sub­sets will be ig­no­red wit­hin
ger than the num­ber of in­puts and out­puts. Some aut­hors their choi­ce of weights. Mo­reo­ver, the in­puts and out­puts
sug­gest from ex­pe­rien­ce that the num­ber of units in the as­sig­ned lar­ger weights could be gi­ven a se­con­dary im­por­
DMU should ex­ceed the num­ber of in­puts and out­puts by tan­ce whi­le tho­se that are ig­no­red could be as­so­cia­ted
at least twi­ce. Bous­so­fia­ne et al., (1991) pro­po­se te­sting with the units' main func­tions.
the cor­re­la­tion bet­ween the in­puts and out­puts, as one To di­stin­guish the re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­cient DMU­s, Bous­so­
pos­sib­le way to re­du­ce their num­ber. If a pair of in­puts fia­ne et al. (1991) sug­ge­sted the fol­lo­wing met­hods (or a
is po­si­ti­vely cor­re­la­ted then one may be omit­ted wit­hout com­bi­na­tion of the­se):
any im­pli­ca­tions on the ef­fi­ciency to be ra­ted. The same n cross ef­fi­ciency ma­trix,
ap­plies to out­puts. The avai­la­bi­lity of data may also af­fect n the di­stri­bu­tion of vir­tual in­puts and out­puts,
the choi­ce of in­puts and out­puts in prac­ti­ce. If the data on n weight re­stric­tion,
an in­put or out­put is not avai­lab­le then the pos­si­bi­lity of n the fre­quency by which an ef­fi­cient unit ap­pears in
using a sub­sti­tu­te for which such data is eit­her avai­lab­le or the peer groups.
can be ob­tai­ned re­la­ti­vely ea­sily should be chec­ked. Ba­sic DEA mo­dels eva­lua­te the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of
DEA is a met­ho­do­logy with se­ve­ral dif­fe­rent in­te­rac­ DMU­s but do not al­low any ran­king of the ef­fi­cient units
ti­ve ap­proac­hes and mo­dels used for the as­ses­sment of them­sel­ves. This is the main weak­ness of the ba­sic DEA
the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of a DMU and for the as­ses­sment mo­dels. One way to rank ef­fi­cient DMU­s is to mo­dify
of the ef­fi­ciency fron­tier. It sup­plies im­por­tant in­for­ma­ ba­sic DEA mo­dels. One of the­se has been for­mu­la­ted
tion for ma­na­ging the ope­ra­tions of both ef­fi­cient and by An­der­sen and Pe­ter­sen (1993). The ba­sic idea is to
inef­fi­cient units. For each inef­fi­cient unit, DEA iden­ti­fies com­pa­re the unit un­der eva­lua­tion with a li­near com­bi­na­
a set of re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­cient units, thus ma­king a peer group tion of all the ot­her units in the sam­ple, i.e., the ob­ser­ved
for the inef­fi­cient unit. The peer set for an inef­fi­cient unit DMU is exc­lu­ded from the peer group. Ef­fi­cient units
con­sti­tu­tes the units with the same op­ti­mum weights as may pro­por­tio­nally in­crea­se the va­lue of the in­put vec­tor
the inef­fi­cient unit, but with a re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency ra­ting of whi­le pre­ser­ving ef­fi­ciency. The units ob­tain an ef­fi­ciency
1. Such peer units are iden­ti­fied fairly ea­sily by the fact sco­re abo­ve 1. This sco­re ref­lects the ra­dial di­stan­ce of
that they all have a po­si­ti­ve va­lue for λ in the op­ti­mum the DMU un­der eva­lua­tion from the pro­duc­tion fron­tier,
so­lu­tion to (M3) for an inef­fi­cient unit. The iden­ti­fi­ca­tion es­ti­ma­ted with that DMU exc­lu­ded from the sam­ple. This
of peer groups should be very use­ful in prac­ti­ce. Peer ap­proach pro­vi­des an ef­fi­ciency ra­ting for ef­fi­cient units
units can be used to high­light the weak as­pects of the that is si­mi­lar to the ra­ting of the inef­fi­cient units abo­ve.
per­for­man­ce of the cor­res­pon­ding inef­fi­cient unit. The The se­cond part of this sec­tion re­la­tes to two of the
in­put/out­put le­vels of a peer unit can also so­me­ti­mes pro­ most im­por­tant ap­pli­ca­tions of DEA in Ser­bia. DEA is
ve use­ful tar­get le­vels for the inef­fi­cient unit. used very suc­cess­fully for the com­pa­ra­ti­ve analy­sis and
From the so­lu­tion of any DEA mo­del, we can get in­for­ ran­king of 30 re­gions in Ser­bia (Mar­ti} and Savi}, 2001)
ma­tion on how much a re­la­ti­vely inef­fi­cient unit should and in as­ses­sing the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of 20 in­vest­ment
re­du­ce their in­puts or in­crea­se their out­puts in or­der to pro­grams in agri­cul­tu­re (Mar­ti} et al., 1996).

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Organizacija, Volume 42 Research papers Number 2, March-April 2009

In Mar­ti} and Savi} (2001), DEA is used to es­ti­ma­te Ni­sa­va, the City of Bel­gra­de and the re­gion of Jab­la­ni­ca
how well re­gions in Ser­bia uti­li­ze their re­sour­ces. Ba­sed uti­li­ze their re­sour­ces most ef­fi­ciently.
on the data for 4 in­puts (Arab­le area, Ac­ti­ve fi­xed as­sets, In Mar­ti} et al. (1996), it is shown how DEA could
Con­sump­tion of elec­tri­city and Po­pu­la­tion) and 4 out­puts be used to pro­vi­de in­for­ma­tion con­cer­ning ef­fi­cient and
(Gross do­me­stic pro­duct, To­tal num­ber of physi­cians, inef­fi­cient in­vest­ments, and also to rank the ef­fi­cient
To­tal num­ber of pu­pils in pri­mary school and To­tal num­ in­vest­ments and in­di­ca­te how to im­pro­ve the ef­fi­ciency
ber em­plo­yed in the so­cial sec­tor), an out­put-orien­ted of the­se inef­fi­cient in­vest­ments. An exam­ple il­lu­stra­tes
CCR DEA mo­del is ap­plied and it ap­pears that 17 out the ap­pli­ca­tion of the ap­proach pro­po­sed to as­sess the
of the 30 re­gions are ef­fi­cient. 5 out of 7 re­gions from Voj­ re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of 20 in­vest­ment pro­grams in agri­cul­tu­
vo­di­na and 12 out of 18 re­gions from cen­tral Ser­bia are re and their ran­king. The agri­cul­tu­re bank ma­na­ge­ment
ef­fi­cient, whi­le all the re­gions from Ko­so­vo and Me­to­hia of­ten fa­ces a prob­lem in mea­su­ring the ef­fi­ciency of new
are inef­fi­cient. Li­near Dis­cri­mi­na­tion Analy­sis (LDA) is in­vest­ments. Nor­mally, the go­vern­ment is ef­fec­tua­ting its
also ap­plied to de­ter­mi­ne the re­gions. The com­pa­ri­son bet­ in­vest­ments in the agri­cul­tu­ral sec­tor through the ban­king
ween the DEA and the LDA re­sults in­di­ca­ted that LDA system, by no­mi­na­ting one or se­ve­ral banks to hand­le the
could be a use­ful tool for chec­king the DEA re­sults. in­vest­ment loans to va­ri­ous agri­cul­tu­ral firms com­pe­ting
The aut­hors analy­zed which chan­ges in in­puts and for funds. The banks are fa­cing the tre­men­dous prob­lem
out­puts inef­fi­cient re­gions should make in or­der to be­co­ of de­ci­ding, un­der the con­straints of li­mi­ted funds and
me ef­fi­cient. Ho­we­ver, it was shown that goals ob­tai­ned the wish to ma­xi­mi­ze the eco­no­mic re­turn, which firms to
using the ba­sic CCR mo­dels and DEA mo­dels with exo­ se­lect for their in­vest­ment port­fo­lio. Furt­her, banks have
ge­nously fi­xed in­puts are not qui­te rea­li­stic. It is dif­fi­cult to take care of the uni­form de­ve­lop­ment of all re­gions,
to ex­plain that some re­gions have goals to re­du­ce the size unem­ploy­ment le­vels, eco­lo­gi­cal fac­tors, etc.
of the po­pu­la­tion or arab­le area. For inef­fi­cient re­gions, The first step in as­ses­sing the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of a
we ex­pe­ri­men­tally de­ter­mi­ned rea­li­stic goals wit­hout set of in­vest­ment pro­grams in the agri­cul­tu­ral sec­tor is the
any re­duc­tion of its in­puts. The­se goals could be ac­hie­ved de­fi­ni­tion of the sets of com­mon in­puts and com­mon out­
more ea­sily but are not in the pro­duc­tion pos­si­bi­lity set. puts. By re­vie­wing the stan­dard prac­ti­ce of eva­lua­ting the
In or­der to rank the 17 ef­fi­cient re­gions, an out­put- in­vest­ment pro­grams that is used by the in­vest­ment banks,
orien­ted ver­sion of An­der­sen-Pe­ter­sen’s DEA mo­del and 4 in­puts (Re­qui­red loan amount, La­bour costs, Pro­duc­tion
a cross ef­fi­ciency ma­trix are used. The same or si­mi­lar costs and Energy con­sump­tion) and 3 out­puts (Ex­pec­ted
rank was ob­tai­ned for 12 re­gions. A com­pa­ri­son of the va­lue of do­me­stic sa­les, Ex­pec­ted va­lue of ex­ports, So­cial
ob­tai­ned ranks shows that the re­gions were ran­ked more ju­sti­fia­bi­lity and en­vi­ron­men­tal ac­cep­ta­bi­lity) have been
rea­li­sti­cally with the cross ef­fi­ciency ma­trix. Ne­vert­he­ in­ve­sti­ga­ted. The de­fi­ni­tions and cor­res­pon­ding units
less, the same 8 re­gions are ran­ked in the top ten in both of mea­su­re are ob­vi­ous for all in­puts and the first two
ap­proac­hes. The ranks ob­tai­ned sho­wed that the re­gion of out­puts li­sted. Ho­we­ver, so­cial ju­sti­fia­bi­lity and en­vi­ron­

Tab­le 1: In­put and out­put va­lues for 20 in­vest­ment pro­grams com­pe­ting for loans

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Organizacija, Volume 42 Research papers Number 2, March-April 2009

men­tal ac­cep­ta­bi­lity de­ser­ve furt­her ex­pla­na­tion. Na­mely, tion of each in­put and out­put to the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of
any in­vest­ment pro­gram must be so­cially ju­sti­fiab­le and the sub­ject unit in com­pa­ri­son with the ot­her units. The
en­vi­ron­men­tally ac­cep­tab­le. The term so­cially ju­sti­fiab­le op­ti­mal weights for each of the 4 in­puts and 3 out­puts
en­com­pas­ses a num­ber of fac­tors such as the unem­ploy­ of the ef­fi­cient units are ob­tai­ned as the va­lues of dual
ment le­vel, re­gio­nal le­vel of de­ve­lop­ment and si­mi­lar. va­riab­les in (M2). Ba­sed on that, the va­lues of the vir­tual
Each of the in­vest­ment pro­grams pro­po­sed has been as­sig­ in­puts and out­puts are com­pu­ted in­di­ca­ting how each of
ned a so­cial ju­sti­fia­bi­lity and en­vi­ron­men­tal ac­cep­ta­bi­lity the ef­fi­cient units at­tai­ned their ma­xi­mum ef­fi­ciency. The
le­vel using a sca­le from 0 to 100. Thus, an in­vest­ment pro­ in­vest­ment pro­grams P3 and P4 have the ma­xi­mum ef­fi­
gram that is fully so­cially ju­sti­fiab­le and en­vi­ron­men­tally ciency due to the sa­tis­fac­tory va­lue of mix y2/x4, be­cau­se
ac­cep­tab­le has an as­sig­ned le­vel of 100. Con­ver­sely, an the lar­gest pro­por­tion in the vir­tual out­put co­mes from y2
in­vest­ment pro­gram that can­not be so­cially and/or en­vi­ and from x4 in the vir­tual in­put. The in­vest­ment pro­gram
ron­men­tally ju­sti­fied at all, has a le­vel of 0. P5 is re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­cient, mostly due to out­put y2 be­cau­se
An il­lu­stra­ti­ve exam­ple, ba­sed on the data for 20 of its best mix y2/x1 and the sa­tis­fac­tory va­lue of mix y2/
in­vest­ment pro­grams com­pe­ting for loans, is analy­zed x4. A si­mi­lar rea­so­ning ex­plains the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of
here. Their in­put and out­put va­lues are pre­sen­ted in Tab­le the ot­her ef­fi­cient units.
1. The 20 li­near pro­grams of type (10) - (13) are for­mu­la­ Furt­her, it is pos­sib­le to analy­ze the pos­sib­le pro­por­
ted, con­si­sting of 28 va­riab­les (m+n+s+1=28) and 7 con­ tio­nal chan­ge of in­puts and/or out­puts nee­ded to make
straints (m + s =7). The re­sults were ob­tai­ned using the E- an inef­fi­cient in­vest­ment pro­gram into an ef­fi­cient one,
DEA pro­gram­ming pac­ka­ge (see Mar­ti} & Savi}, 2001)), es­tab­lis­hing the sen­si­ti­vity of the ef­fi­ciency to chan­ges
de­ve­lo­ped at the Fa­culty of Or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal Scien­ces from in in­puts and/or out­puts. By using the op­ti­mal so­lu­tion
Bel­gra­de and are also pre­sen­ted in Tab­le 1. of mo­del (M2) and re­la­tion (16) and (17), set tar­gets can
The so­lu­tion ob­tai­ned al­lows the clas­si­fi­ca­tion of the be de­ter­mi­ned for a re­la­ti­vely inef­fi­cient unit to gui­de
in­vest­ment pro­grams into a set of ef­fi­cient pro­grams with them to­wards im­pro­ved per­for­man­ce. This set of tar­gets is
a re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of 1 and a set of inef­fi­cient pro­grams in­put-orien­ted as the main chan­ges are to the in­put le­vels.
with a re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency less than 1. The num­ber of re­la­ The ne­ces­sary va­lue of the in­puts and out­puts that make
ti­vely ef­fi­cient in­vest­ment pro­grams is 10. For each inef­fi­ each inef­fi­cient in­vest­ment pro­gram be­co­me ef­fi­cient are
cient pro­gram, the list of peer pro­grams is gi­ven. gi­ven in Tab­le 2.
Bous­so­fia­ne et al., 1991, pro­po­ses that a sim­ple count The re­sults ob­tai­ned, show that DEA can be suc­cess­
of the fre­quency that an ef­fi­cient unit ap­pears in dif­fe­rent fully used in sup­por­ting the de­ci­sion ma­king pro­cess of
peer groups could be used as an al­ter­na­ti­ve in­di­ca­tor of in­vest­ment banks. The re­sults of the ap­pli­ca­tion of the
good ope­ra­ting prac­ti­ce. This count in­di­ca­tes the ex­tent DEA met­hod to as­sess the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of in­vest­
that a re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­cient unit is a self eva­lua­tor or an eva­ ments in agri­cul­tu­re pro­vi­de:
lua­tor of ot­her units. Ac­cor­ding to the fre­quency count, n a mea­su­re of the grea­test re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency that each
the re­sults ob­tai­ned in­di­ca­te that the in­vest­ment pro­gram in­vest­ment pro­gram can ac­hie­ve ac­cor­ding to the fac­
P10 ap­pears in all the peer groups. A sa­tis­fac­tory ra­ting is tors and fields inc­lu­ded in the analy­sis,
gi­ven to the in­vest­ment pro­grams P18 and P7, ap­pea­ring in n in­for­ma­tion about the most im­por­tant in­puts and out­
5 peer groups, as well as P14 and P17 with 4 ap­pea­ran­ces. puts for each ef­fi­cient in­vest­ment,
One of the ways to com­pa­re re­la­ti­vely ef­fi­cient units n the list of ef­fi­cient in­vest­ments that form a peer group
is the di­stri­bu­tion of vir­tual in­puts and out­puts. Vir­tual for each inef­fi­cient in­vest­ment and
in­puts and/or out­puts are ob­tai­ned by mul­tipl­ying their n a re­port on the ex­cess of in­puts and the lack of out­
mag­ni­tu­des with the cor­res­pon­ding op­ti­mal weights vi puts when the re­la­ti­ve ef­fi­ciency of an in­vest­ment is
and ur. Thus, ur ∗ yrj is a vir­tual out­put r for unit j, whe­re less than 1.
ur de­no­tes the op­ti­mal va­lue for ur in (M1). The mag­ni­ In Mar­ti}, Kr­~e­vi­nac & Pe­tri}, it ������������������
is also shown how
tu­des of the vir­tual in­puts and out­puts show the con­tri­bu­ the DEA met­hod could be used for ran­king a set of ef­fi­

Tab­le 2: The va­lue of the in­puts and out­puts that make each inef­fi­cient in­vest­ment pro­gram be­co­me ef­fi­cient

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Organizacija, Volume 42 Research papers Number 2, March-April 2009

cient in­vest­ment pro­grams in agri­cul­tu­re using An­der­sen- Char­nes, A., Coo­per W. & Rho­des E. (1978). Mea­su­ring the
Pe­ter­sen’s DEA mo­del and a cross ef­fi­ciency ma­trix. The Ef­fi­ciency of De­ci­sion Ma­king Units. Eu­ro­pean Jour­nal of
re­sults ob­tai­ned are analy­zed and com­pa­red. Ope­ra­tio­nal Re­search, 2: 429-444.
Coo­per, W., Sei­ford, L. & Tone, K. (2005). In­tro­duc­tion to Data
En­ve­lop­ment Analy­sis and its Uses: With DEA-Sol­ver Soft­
wa­re and Re­fe­ren­ces. New York: Sprin­ger.
4 Conc­lu­sions Coo­per, W., Sei­ford, L., Tha­nas­sou­lis, E. & Za­na­kis, S. (2004).
DEA and its Uses in Dif­fe­rent Coun­tries. Eu­ro­pean Jour­nal
DEA is a non-pa­ra­me­ter met­ho­do­logy for eva­lua­ting of Ope­ra­tio­nal Re­search, 154: 337-344.
the ef­fi­ciency of non-pro­fit DMU­s. It con­tains so­lu­tions Emrouz­ne­jad, A., Par­ker, B. & Ta­va­res, G. (to ap­pear). Eva­lua­
for se­ve­ral mu­tually con­nec­ted li­near pro­gram­ming mat­ tion of re­search in ef­fi­ciency and pro­duc­ti­vity: A sur­vey and
he­ma­ti­cal mo­dels for each of the DMU­s. Whi­le each of analy­sis of the first 30 years of scho­larly li­te­ra­tu­re in DEA.
So­cio-Eco­no­mic Plan­ning Scien­ces.
the­se mo­dels ad­dres­ses ma­na­ge­rial and eco­no­mic is­sues
Mar­ti}, M., Kr­~e­vi­nac S. & Pe­tri} J. (1996). An Ap­pli­ca­tion of
and pro­vi­des use­ful re­sults, their orien­ta­tions are dif­fe­rent Data En­ve­lop­ment Analy­sis to As­sess Re­la­ti­ve Ef­fi­ciency
and, more im­por­tant, they ge­ne­ra­li­ze and pro­vi­de con­tact of In­vest­ments in Agri­cul­tu­re. Stu­dies in Re­gio­nal&Ur­ban
with the­se dis­ci­pli­nes and con­cepts. Thus, the mo­dels may Plan­ning, 4: 141-152.
fo­cus on in­crea­sing, de­crea­sing or con­stant re­turns to sca­ Mar­ti}, M. & Savi} G. (2001). An Ap­pli­ca­tion of DEA for Com­
le as found in eco­no­mics, which are here ge­ne­ra­li­zed into pa­ra­ti­ve Analy­sis and Ran­king of Re­gions in Ser­bia with
the form of mul­ti­ple out­puts. Re­gards to So­cial-Eco­no­mic De­ve­lop­ment. Eu­ro­pean Jour­
nal of Ope­ra­tio­nal Re­search, 129: 344-355.
The ex­ten­si­ve but pro­bably in­com­ple­te bib­lio­graphy Sei­ford, L. (1997). A Bib­lio­graphy for Data En­ve­lop­ment
(Emrouz­ne­jad et al., to ap­pear) is in­ten­ded to do­cu­ment Analy­sis (1978-1996). An­nals of Ope­ra­tions Re­search, 73:
the dif­fu­sion and growth of DEA usa­ge. The bib­lio­graphy 393-438.
shows DEA ap­pli­ca­tions in a wide ran­ge of con­texts, such Tha­nas­sou­lis, E. (2001). In­tro­duc­tion to the theory and ap­pli­ca­
as edu­ca­tion (pub­lic schools and uni­ver­si­ties), health care tion of data en­ve­lop­ment analy­sis: a foun­da­tion text with
(hos­pi­tals, cli­nics and physi­cians), ban­king, the ar­med for­ In­te­gra­ted Soft­wa­re. Bo­ston: Klu­wer Aca­de­mic Pub­lis­her.
ces (re­crui­ting and air­craft main­te­nan­ce), au­di­ting, sports,
mar­ket re­search, mi­ning, agri­cul­tu­re, re­tail out­lets, or­ga­ni­ Mi­lan M. Mar­ti} ob­tai­ned his doc­to­ral de­gree in the field
za­tion ef­fec­ti­ve­ness, trans­por­ta­tion (fer­ries and high­way of Or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal Scien­ces from the Uni­ver­sity of Bel­gra­de.
main­te­nan­ce), pub­lic hou­sing, in­dex num­ber con­struc­tion, He works as an As­so­cia­te pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­sity of
bench­mar­king, etc. Bel­gra­de, Fa­culty of Or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal Scien­ces in the field of
Ope­ra­tions Re­search. His re­search in­te­rests inc­lu­de Data
En­ve­lop­ment Analy­sis, Per­for­man­ce Mea­su­re­ment, Op­ti­mi­
Re­fe­ren­ces za­tion Met­hods and Pro­ject Sche­du­ling.

An­der­sen, P. & Pe­ter­sen, N. (1993). A Pro­ce­du­re for Ran­king

Ma­ri­na S. No­va­ko­vi} ob­tai­ned her ma­ster de­gree in the
Ef­fi­cient Units in Data En­ve­lop­ment Analy­sis. Ma­na­ge­
field of Or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal Scien­ces from the Uni­ver­sity of
ment Scien­ce, 39: 1261-1264.
Bel­gra­de. She works at the of­fi­ce of stu­dent af­fairs and
Ban­ker, R., Char­nes A. & Coo­per W. (1984). Some Mo­dels for
con­ducts all ad­mi­ni­stra­ti­ve af­fairs re­la­ted to teac­hing and
Es­ti­ma­ting Tech­ni­cal and Sca­le Inef­fi­cien­cies in Data En­ve­
stud­ying on gra­dua­te le­vel. Her re­search in­te­rests inc­lu­de
lop­ment Analy­sis. Ma­na­ge­ment Scien­ce, 30:1078-1092. Ope­ra­tions Re­search, Pub­lic
Re­la­tions and Bu­si­ness ����
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