Summary Critical Thinking

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I. What’s the critical thinking .?

Critical thinking is careful thinking, directed to a goal.
“Careful thinking” is the intellectual process we use to
analyze and evaluate an idea, and “directed to a goal”.
this process is applied to make a judgment or decision.
II. The importance of critical thinking
Help make better decisions
Critical thinking helps us make smarter choices through
the process of examining, comparing, and evaluating
many factors and drawing conclusions for problems in a
timely manner. To make a wise decision, we need to be
carefully calculated, not just in terms of 1-2 aspects. That
way, critical thinking helps us deal with problems more
Promote inquiry and learning
Critical thinking skills require us to have a large amount
of knowledge
because in order to see the problem comprehensively and
make the right decision in what
field, we must first have a very good understanding of
the issues. expertise in that field.
Therefore, critical thinking encourages us to seek new
sources of knowledge and improve our understanding.
Promote creativity
Determining the flexibility of human imagination when
approaching a problem. By practicing critical thinking,
we not only allow ourselves to solve problems but also
come up with new and creative ideas to implement. It
also allows us to analyze these ideas and adapt them
The key to career success
Critical thinking is very important for our career path
because it trains us to think independently and creatively
to solve work problems. For any company, they want
employees who can solve problems quickly, but more
importantly, they want people who can solve them
effectively. Critical thinking helps people become more
confident and brave because they can be independent in
thinking and courageously express their personal views.
At the same time, practicing this way of thinking also
teaches us to organize our ideas more organized and to
be more agile in communication
Enhance your skills and confidence
Critical thinking helps people become more confident
and brave because they can be independent in thinking
and courageously express their personal views. At the
same time, practicing this way of thinking also teaches
us to organize our ideas more organized and to be more
agile in communication. Thanks to the ability to think
critically, we will become more confident when
expressing our own opinions
III. The levels of critical thinking
1. The golden rule of discussion
Debating is not about winning, arguing is about
finding out the essence of the problem
2. Sophisticated
A fallacy is an intentional or unintentional act in
which a reviewer uses logical errors in an argument, or
distracts, from an argument to end or achieve an
argument. The fallacy causes the debate to have no
end, or end very quickly in ambiguity without
resolving the issue.
+ Disguise personal attack
+ Statistical fallacy
+ The fallacy cannot be proved
+ Disguise personal reputation
3. Specific tips for consulation
_ If you have debated, you must have a thesis system (
Opinion – Argument – Argument ).
Present a systematic view as follows: Opinion –
Argument – Argument.
In which, Opinion is the choices, the argument is the
big reason, the argument is the things you use to prove
the correctness of the argument.
_ Always argue from the same point of view.
Make it a habit to exchange views before starting an
argument. Let's start sharing a point of view by saying
"in terms of".
_ Respond quickly by pointing out key points.
A wrong view can be due to Information, Axiom,
Perception, Logic. Please quickly point out their
wrong points, try to agree on each wrong point and
then continue, avoid rambling arguments. Ask
questions, it's the simplest way to get to a point.
_ Distinguishing absolute and relative factors
Avoid the type of a man who says "high probability",
a man who argues "not sure"
_ Don't argue to win, argue right
Arguing is not about finding out who is right and who
is wrong. Debate and criticism are for everyone to see
the full nature of the problem. From there, choose the
most appropriate decision for each context.
_ Know when to admit mistakes
It doesn't make you inferior, it makes you more self-
_ Accept the difference
2 people have critical thinking, 2 people have the same
amount of input data, 2 people can still make different
choices. Because Critical Thinking cannot exclude the
_ Always listen
If you really listen, it will help the debate move
forward. If you just want to talk but don't want to
listen, people will too.
_ If possible, agree before criticizing
When starting a critique, it's not necessary to start off
with "you're wrong". If you're a little subtle, you'll
make people listen to you more closely. Let's start
with analyzing WHAT PERSON IS RIGHT", and
then start to criticize their wrong.
_ Use pleasant words
Instead of saying “This is wrong, that is not right” use
words that touch their heart a little
_ Don't argue when the blood is rushing to the brain
Humans cannot eliminate the emotional element. And
when emotions prevail, reason has no say.
_ Limit provocative language
Sometimes an argument breaks down just because of a
few sarcastic, personal attacks. Please limit this as
much as possible
4. Steps to always remember
1. Express your appreciation for the comments
2. Show appreciation for the commenter's thoughts
3. Express your point of view, and show others that it's
your view from another angle, not right or wrong
4. Again acknowledge the value of others'
IV. How to practice Critical thinking
1. Don’t believe everything you’re heard or told
As u can be seen, I’ve told a statement true;
however, it’s not 100% correct, because there are
also several important skills else that is equal to
critical thinking. So, we shouldn’t completely
believe to everything we’re heard or told, but we
should try to see the whole picture of an idea.
2. Listen positively
We should listen to someone/ topic/ idea carefully
before we decide it’s not right or does not fit us. As
a result, we can have a clear, full view of the topic
3. Read more newspaper
I won’t say ab reading benefit ‘cause I believe we
all know ab it. Therefore, I want to list some
believable international online newspaper: CNBC,
The Guardian, BBC News, etc
4. Ask questions
When trying to ask more questions, especially in
academic performance, we can get more interesting
knowledge, which can be the basement to improve
more and be boosted on our future career path.
Besides, we can practice radiant and critical
thinking through a wonderful method for academic
performance- mind mapping.
- The definition
The mind map is called by several definitions,
but in here, we’d like to introduce the meaning
according to Tony Buzan - the author of
handbook the how to mind map:
Mind map is the ULTIMATE organizational
thinking tool
The EASIEST WAY to be both input and
output in your brain
CREATIVE & EFFECTIVE means of note-
taking; also one of the most academic skills
- The benefits of mind-mapping
A. Gain some academic skills :
As mind map provides an overview of a large
subject/ area and gathers a huge amounts of
data in 1 place by connect all news to old
+ Creative skills: find a new, effective and
efficient way to deal with problems
+ Memorizing: Drawing mind map by
yourselves=> so knowledge can last longer
+ Time-saving: you can also use the mind map to
remember important and urgent tasks to organize
period plan to follow
+ Organizational schedule : formulate your all
small and big events to create a careful plan to
work smoothly
+ Concentration: creating mind map helps to gain
ability of paying attention, especially when using
imagines, colour, lines, etc. Thus, it make the
creator to focus on drawing mind map, as a
result, concentration skills are improved.
+ Communication skills: have a lot of knowledge
to communicate with others, especially on team-
B. Gain more loves in reading, musing over
and memorizing
Through mind mapping, students are
encouraged to read more to acquire more and
brooding all the knowledge they have got. In
consequence, news will last longer throughout
they still using the mind map.
- Why mind map
Organise your thoughts/link different ideas
together => generate solutions to problems;
also puts a new perspective on things by
allowing to see all the relevant issues and
analyze choices and light the big picture
- Ways to mind map
There are 7 main steps to mind map and I shall
introduce with you through the video below.

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