Basketball Rules and Regulations 1

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Basketball: Rules and Regulations

1. Officials: 2 Referees  Score keepers

2. Coaches: Responsible for discipline, calling time-outs and

making substitutions.

3. Playing the game:

 Each team begins with 5 players on the
 Each game consists of four, 8-minute
quarters. 1 minute between each
quarter and up to a 10 minute half
 A jump ball starts the game, after
which possession situations are
decided by an alternating direction
 The ball may be passed, thrown, tapped, rolled or dribbled but not
kicked or carried.
 Once you stop dribbling you must pass or shoot. Another player
must possess the ball before you may dribble again.
 A player is in possession of the ball when s/he is holding or dribbling
a live ball.
 A team is in possession of the ball when a team member is in
possession or when the ball is being passed between two

4. Scoring
 Shots from the field = 2 points (inside the 3 point line)
 Shots from outside the 3 point line = 3 points
 Foul shots = 1 point

5. Live Ball
 Ball becomes live when: tapped at a jump ball, is touched by a
player on the court or when it is handed to the player on the foul

6. Dead Ball
 A ball is dead when: a point is scored, a foul occurs, the ball
touches the basket supports, at the first of two free throws or
touches the boundary line.

7. Throw-Ins
 When a ball is out of bounds, possession is awarded to the team
that did not touch the ball last.
 During a throw in, only the in-bounder may be out of bounds. The
in-bounder may roll, throw or bounce the ball into play. The ball
must be passed directly into the court within 5 seconds.

8. Foul Shots
 A point awarded on an unhindered shot scored from within the free
throw circle and behind the free throw line.
 Taken after a technical foul, a personal foul in the act of shooting or
after a team has committed 7 fouls in the half (a bonus situation)

9. Violations
 A minor infraction of the rules, penalized by a loss of the ball
 Violation = automatic dead ball
 3 types of violations ~ 1) Free throw violation 2) Goal tending and
basket interference 3) Floor violations =traveling, double dribble,
back court, 3 seconds in key, carrying the ball
 10 second violation = ball must be over the center line within 10
 5 second violation = by a dribbler that is closely guarded, by an
offensive player with the ball that is closely guarded and the ball
must be in-bounded from the sideline within 5 seconds

10. Fouls
 Infraction involving personal contact with an opponent
 If a player is not shooting when fouled, her/his team is awarded the
ball until the 7th foul, then free throws are awarded
 If shooting, the fouled player is awarded free throws ~ 1 if the
fouled shot went in or 2 if it was missed, 3 if fouled while
attempting a 3-point shot and missed

The Basketball Court

Centre Line /
Half Court

Line Foul Line

Foul Throw



Dribble: ball movement caused by the player in control who bounces the
ball in a one-handed pushing action towards the floor

Blocking: is an illegal personal contact with an opponent, which impedes or

stops her/his progress

Holding: is an illegal personal contact with an opponent, which interferes

with her/his freedom to move

Pivot: occurs when a player in possession of the ball steps in any direction
with the same foot while keeping the other foot anchored to the floor

A try: an attempt to shoot the ball into the basket, for a possible score of 2
or 3 points

The act of shooting: begins simultaneously with the start of the try and
ends after the ball is clearly in flight

Infraction/Foul: is the breaking of the game rules


Ball Handling / Dribbling

 Ready position
 Maintain body control and balance
 Ball controlled beside and slightly ahead of the body
 Ball is pushed towards the floor (pads of fingers)
 Dribble slightly above waist height
 Ball awareness = eyes up

Two Handed Chest Pass

 Fingers spread, thumbs behind ball
 Elbows bent, in line with shoulders
 Ball held at chest and passed to chest of receiver
 Step into pass
 Arms extend, palms face out, thumbs point down

Two Handed Bounce Pass

 Same as above
 Ball is bounced slightly before the feet of the receiver (3/4 of the
distance to the receiver)
Two Handed Overhead Pass
 Ball is raised over the head with tow hands
 Fingers spread, thumbs rest under the ball
 Elbows flexed, wrists cocked
 Step into pass
 Arms extend, wrists flick, thumbs point up
 Received above chest level

Set Shot
 Ready position
 Shoulders and hips square to the basket
 Ball is in front of and slightly above forehead, supported by
shooting arm
 Ball held on the pads of the hand, fingers spread comfortably
 Elbow is below the ball and is in line with shooting knee and
 Wrist is fully bent so that the hand and forearm are at right angles
 Shot begins as body extends from the legs … through the arm…
elbow extension and finishes with a flick of the wrist.

**** REMEMBER BEEF (Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow-through)

BALANCE: Feet should be shoulder width apart, with dominant foot forward.
Ball starts in shooting pocket and power is generated by the legs.

EYES: Eyes focused on the rim.

ELBOW: Student forms “L” with shooting arm. Index finger over right eye for
right handed shot. Elbow is under the ball and the wrist is bent so that the
wrinkles are visible on the shooting hand. The off hand is used for support

FOLLOW-THROUGH: Together with the power generated by the legs, “wave

good-bye” to the ball (put your fingers in the cookie jar)
Basketball Referee Signals

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