ADHD Symptomatology Is Best Conceptualized As A Spectrum

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ADHD Atten Def Hyp Disord (2015) 7:249–269

DOI 10.1007/s12402-015-0171-4


ADHD symptomatology is best conceptualized as a spectrum:

a dimensional versus unitary approach to diagnosis
Rebeca Heidbreder1

Received: 18 January 2015 / Accepted: 18 April 2015 / Published online: 10 May 2015
 Springer-Verlag Wien 2015

Abstract The aim of this paper is to build a case for the optimal therapy. Rather than continuing to attribute a large
utility of conceptualizing ADHD, not as a unitary disorder amount of heterogeneity in symptom presentation as well
that contains several subtypes, but rather as a marker of as a high degree of symmetric and asymmetric comorbidity
impairment in attention and/or impulsivity that can be used to a single disorder, clinical evaluation should turn to the
to identify one of several disorders belonging to a spec- diagnosis of the type of attentional deficit and/or impul-
trum. The literature will be reviewed to provide an over- sivity an individual has in order to colocate the individual’s
view of what is known about ADHD in terms of disorder on a spectrum that captures the heterogeneity in
heterogeneity in symptomatology, neuropsychology, neu- symptomatology, the symmetrical and asymmetrical co-
robiology, as well as comorbidity with other diseases and morbidity, as well as subthreshold presentation and other
treatment options. The data from these areas of research variants often worked into the disorder of ADHD. The
will be critically analyzed to support the construct of a spectrum model can accommodate not only the psy-
spectrum of disorders that can capture the great variability chophysiological profiles of patients, but is also consistent
that exists between individuals with ADHD and can dis- with what is known about the functional heterogeneity of
criminate between separate disorders that manifest similar the prefrontal cortex as well as the construct that cognitive
symptoms. The symptoms associated with ADHD can be processes are supported by overlapping and collaborative
viewed as dimensional markers that point to a spectrum of networks.
related disorders that have as part of their characteristics
impairments of attention and impulsivity. The spectrum Keywords ADHD  Heterogeneity  Spectrum disorder 
can accommodate symmetrically and asymmetrically co- Diagnosis  Prefrontal cortex  Comorbidity  Neural
morbid psychiatric disorders associated with ADHD as circuitry  Neural networks  Attention  Impulsivity 
well as the wide heterogeneity known to be a part of the Mental health disorders
ADHD disorder. Individuals presenting with impairments
associated with ADHD should be treated as having a
positive marker for a spectrum disorder that has as part of Introduction
its characteristics impairments of attention and/or impul-
sivity. The identification of impairment in attention and/or The century-long observation that certain children exhibit a
impulsivity should be a starting point for further testing behavior pattern that is characterized by fidgetiness and/or
rather than being an endpoint of diagnosis that results in frank hyperactivity and that often presents along with a
pharmacological treatment that may or may not be the lack of attention or focus as well as impulsivity (Anasto-
poulos et al. 1994; Barkley and Peters 2012; Lange et al.
2010; Taylor 2011) has resulted in decades of research
& Rebeca Heidbreder about the disorder now known as Attention Deficit
[email protected]
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Diagnostic and Statistical
PsychResearchCenter, LLC, 3669 Michaux Mill Drive, Manual of Mental Disorders 5th ed., American Psychiatric
Powhatan, VA 23139, USA Association 2013, (DSM V)]. This disorder has been

250 R. Heidbreder

characterized in terms of types and traits (Fair et al. 2012; The present review will provide an overview of what is
Sonuga-Barke 2002), age (Feldman and Reiff 2014; known about ADHD in terms of heterogeneity in symp-
Volkow and Swanson 2013; Wolraich 2006), gender (Ar- tomatology, neuropsychology, neurobiology, as well as
nett et al. 2014; Skogli et al. 2013, Berry et al. 1985), comorbidity with other diseases and treatment options. The
treatment (Bolea-Alamañac et al. 2014; Cunill et al. 2015; data from these areas of research will be critically scruti-
Ollendorf et al. 2013; Evan et al. 2014; Stevenson et al. nized in order to build a case that the current DSM system
2014), duration (Faraone 2005; Mattfeld et al. 2014; van used as the gold standard for the diagnosis of ADHD is
Lieshout et al. 2013), comorbidity with other syndromes insufficient either to capture the great variability that can
(Biederman et al. 1991; DSM V 2013; Patel et al. 2012; exist between individuals in their manifestation of the
Pliska et al. 1999; Williamson et al. 2014), as well as disorder or to discriminate between separate disorders that
differences in neuroanatomical structure and function (Cao manifest similar symptoms. The review will conclude with
et al. 2014; Valera et al. 2007; for review see Rubia et al. the suggestion that the construct of a spectrum is not only
2014a). The DSM V (2013) characterizes ADHD as a better able to handle individual variability and hetero-
single disorder the diagnosis of which can be made more geneity among the ADHD population in terms of external
specific in terms of the presence or absence of inatten- manifestations such as symptom presentation, neuropsy-
tiveness or hyperactivity to varying degrees as a function of chological assessment and comorbidity, but given what is
the fulfillment of several criteria across different settings. known about the cytoarchitecture and heterogeneity of the
There is growing evidence, however, that ADHD is a much prefrontal cortex (Chudasama 2011; Heidbreder and
more heterogeneous disorder than such a diagnosis is able Groenewegen 2003; Kesner and Churchwell 2011) as well
to capture not only in children and adolescents (Fair et al. as strong evidence supporting that different cognitive
2012; Balázs and Keresztény 2014; Koziol and Budding processes are subserved by different subregions of the
2012; Sonuga-Barke 2002; Williamson et al. 2014), but prefrontal cortex, such a model can better explain the
also, and perhaps to an even greater extent, in adults (De overlap in symptoms and strong interrelations ADHD has
Quiros and Kinsbourne 2001; Kessler et al. 2011). Fur- with other psychiatric diseases.
thermore, it has even been proposed that the presentation of
inattentiveness as the primary symptom in some indi-
viduals that are given the diagnosis of ADHD may be Prevalence of ADHD
indicative of a similar, but separate disorder (Barkley 2001;
Barkley 2013; Carlson 1986; Diamond 2005; Hinshaw There are many reviews on the historical evolution of
2001; Lee et al. 2014; Milich et al. 2001). ADHD is also ADHD (Anastopoulos et al. 1994; Barkley and Peters
highly comorbid with other psychiatric disorders with some 2012; Lange et al. 2010; Matthews et al. 2014; Tarver et al.
estimates as high as 60–70 % (MTA Cooperative Group 2014) that reveal a disorder first characterized by a hy-
1999; Patel et al. 2012). This comorbidity is bidirectional perkinetic aspect and then the inability to focus in the
as well as in that not only will the ADHD-diagnosed pa- presence of excessive distractibility. Over the last few
tient have one or more psychiatric or learning disorders, decades, research has concentrated more on the attention
but those patients with a primary diagnosis of one of sev- and impulsivity aspects of the disorder as the understand-
eral psychiatric disorders also meet criteria for ADHD at ing of the neural substrates that govern these aspects of
rates higher than the general population (Biederman et al. cognition has increased, and pharmacological treatment has
1991; Pliszka 2015), further complicating the etiology of become more widespread (Douglas 1972, 1994, 1999,
ADHD and adding to the great variability in the ADHD 2005; Konrad et al. 2006; Leth-Steensen et al. 2000; Rubia
population. Given the increasing rate in the diagnosis of et al. 2005, 2014a). This is particularly meaningful given
ADHD in children (Visser et al. 2014) and adults (Kessler that (1) the hyperkinetic portion of the disorder may di-
et al. 2011) as well as the exponential increase in the minish with age (Barkley 1990, 1997; AACAP 1997) and
treatment of ADHD with pharmacological agents over the (2) the disorder may persist into adulthood when the ob-
last decade, it is increasingly becoming more important to vious hyperactivity has all but disappeared (Volkow and
refine the characterization of ADHD to allow health care Swanson 2013; Willoughby 2003). The fact that the dis-
workers to delineate specific dysfunctions and maximize order may manifest as a constellation of different symp-
efficacy of treatment. toms depending on the individual has contributed to the
The aim of this paper is to build a case for the utility of variability in the estimation of the frequency of the disorder
conceptualizing ADHD not as a unitary disorder that in the population. Whereas the DSM V (2013) states that
contains several subtypes, but rather as a marker of im- the prevalence of ADHD across cultures is about 5 % in
pairment in attention and/or impulsivity that can be used to children and 2.5 % in adults, data from the most recent
identify one of several disorders belonging to a spectrum. National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) (Visser et al.

ADHD symptomatology is best conceptualized as a spectrum: a dimensional versus unitary approach… 251

2014) indicate that as of 2011, the prevalence in children greater than Polanczyk et al. (2014). This difference could
4–17 years of age who had ever received a diagnosis of indicate that the suspicion and/or diagnosis of ADHD re-
ADHD by a health care provider as reported by a parent in mains subjective even when formal diagnostic criteria
the USA is approximately 11 % (6.4 million children). The established by the DSM are implemented. This subjectivity
study also states that this figure represents a 42 % increase comes primarily from two sources. First, the presence or
in parent-reported history of ADHD diagnosis since 2003. absence of symptoms necessary for diagnosis are provided
In addition, the national yearly rate at which ADHD has by parents, teachers and the patient himself, which are then
been diagnosed has increased by 5 % since 2003; however, interpreted and evaluated by a clinician. Second, certain
the rate of diagnosis varies substantially by state, from a combinations of symptoms are more likely to prompt
low of 5.6 % in Nevada to a high of 18.7 % in Kentucky. clinical intervention and a subsequent diagnosis. There are
All told the NSCH reveals that, relative to 2003, in 2011 data supporting that it is the symptomatology associated
approximately 2 million more American children had re- with hyperactivity, behavior disruption and disorganization
ceived a diagnosis of ADHD. When Polanczyk et al. rather than inattention and even impulsivity that will
(2014) conducted a meta-analysis of the data found in 135 prompt consideration for clinical or therapeutic interven-
studies published from 1985 to 2012 and aimed at inves- tion (Diamond 2005, Feldman and Reiff 2014; Nigg et al.
tigating the prevalence of ADHD worldwide, the results 2005; Weiss et al. 2003). In addition, there is also evidence
suggested that differences in the estimates of prevalence suggesting that girls with ADHD are underidentified (Berry
were significantly associated with the diagnostic criteria, et al. 1985; Bruchmüller et al. 2012). This underidentifi-
impairment criterion and source of information. The au- cation may be due to the qualitative differences between
thors concluded that accurate prevalence rates can only be the genders in their presentation of ADHD, which include
estimated if standardized diagnostic procedures are im- symptom severity, (Arnett et al. 2014), behavior differ-
plemented in representative samples of the community. In ences (Gaub and Carlson 1997) and cognitive differences
their study, standardized diagnostic criteria were defined as (Arnett et al. 2013). The qualitative gender difference may,
those studies that used the diagnostic criteria from The at least in part, also be responsible for the significant
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 3rd quantitative gender differences in ADHD (Willcutt 2012).
ed., American Psychiatric Association, (1980) (DSM III), All of these factors can ostensibly interact with cultural/
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 3rd individual perceptions of what is or is not considered
ed., text rev. American Psychiatric Association (1987), symptoms of a behavior disorder. Therefore, the very same
(DSM III-R), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental factors that would tend to encourage over diagnosis in
Disorders 4th ed., text rev. American Psychiatric Asso- some cases make it impossible to account for all of the
ciation (2000) (DSM IV) and the International Statistical possible cases that were not included in the studies because
Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. of differences in thresholds for seeking clinical help for a
World Health Organization, (1992) (ICD 10). The authors child with ADHD in other cases. This variability in
state that when such an approach is taken, not only does the threshold holds particularly true with respect to compar-
variability in ADHD prevalence estimates disappear, but so isons across geographical regions, and may account for the
does the increase over time (1994–2010) in the number of difference between the Polanczyk et al. (2014) study which
children who meet the criteria for ADHD. Wolraich et al. failed to find a significant effect of geographical region and
(2014) also set out to disentangle the epidemiology of the variance in prevalence among the different geo-
ADHD using the strict definition provided by the DSM IV graphical regions found by Visser et al. (2014) and Wol-
(2000), which as in the DSM V (2013) requires information raich et al. (2014).
from multiple informants and settings to establish the di-
agnosis. Their results yielded an overall prevalence more in
line with the Visser et al. (2014) study than the Polanczyk Diagnosis
et al. (2014). Both Wolraich et al. (2014) and Visser et al.
(2014) also found geographical differences in the preva- The historical evolution of ADHD since the second edition
lence range within the USA. In contrast, Polanczyk et al. of the DSM (DSM II) (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
(2014) found no prevalence variations as a function of Mental Disorders 2nd ed., American Psychiatric Asso-
geographical regions of the world. ciation 1968) until the current fifth edition (DSM V) has
Though the net objectives in the Polanczyk et al. (2014) seen ebb and flow in terms of subtyping in an attempt to
study and the Wolraich et al. (2014) study were the same, capture the heterogeneity in the disorder evident to re-
that is, to use the DSM diagnostic criteria to provide an searchers and clinicians. As suggested by the work on
estimate of the prevalence of ADHD, the prevalence rates prevalence (Polanczyk et al. 2014; Visser et al. 2014;
found by Wolraich et al. (2014) are more than 1.5 times Wolraich et al. 2014) reviewed in the previous section,

252 R. Heidbreder

variability in the identification of ADHD in a patient occurs part of the ADHD criteria for diagnosis combine and pre-
not only as a function of differences in methodology, but sent in any one patient, as well as the ‘‘subthreshold’’
between clinical evaluations even when there is adherence (Balázs, and Keresztény 2014) presentation of symptoms
to the criteria of the DSM. Typically, the suspicion of a that does not lead to a true diagnosis of ADHD, but can still
clinical problem begins when either the parent or the tea- cause impaired function. Furthermore, data are building in
cher starts to notice, among other things, that the child support of the idea that some patients that receive the di-
cannot sit still, struggles to focus and has behavioral issues, agnosis of ADHD may actually be suffering from a dis-
which may also negatively impact academic performance order that is separate, but somehow similar to ADHD (e.g.,
(Sibley et al. 2014). The physician who ultimately sees the Diamond 2005; Hinshaw 2001; Milich et al. 2001).
child may reach a diagnosis of ADHD simply based on the
anecdotal evidence from the parent and/or teacher without
actually subjecting the child to a comprehensive assess- Subtype or separate disorder?
ment (Sciutto and Eisenberg 2007). The physician may rely
on further interviews, including with the patient himself, The DSM V (2013) allows for the specification of ADHD
rather than standardized assessment tools and may or may along several dimensions based on the number of criteria
not adhere to the DSM criteria in order to reach their di- that have been fulfilled in the categories of ‘‘Inattention’’
agnosis and start the child on medication (Wasserman et al. and ‘‘Hyperactivity and Impulsivity.’’ As a result, the pa-
1999). Even many psychologists do not regularly follow tient with ADHD can be considered to have a Combined
assessment procedures that are consistent with the best Presentation (the abbreviation ‘‘CT’’ will be used, which
practice guidelines, which can result in a false-positive refers to the virtually identical ‘‘Combined Type’’ presen-
diagnosis and the inception of pharmacological therapy tation from the DSM IV-TR) if sufficient criteria from both
(Handler and DuPaul 2005). These scenarios seem to categories have been met, a Predominantly Inattentive
indicate that clinical practitioners still view ADHD as a presentation (PI) if sufficient criteria are met only for the
compartmentalized disorder that presents with a concrete ‘‘Inattention’’ category, or a Predominantly hyperactive/
and highly recognizable set of symptoms (Bruchmüller impulsive type (HI) if sufficient criteria are met only for the
et al. 2012). This narrowed view on positive clinical pre- ‘‘Hyperactivity and impulsivity’’ category. The DSM V
sentation is particularly vexing in the area of what defines a (2013) further suggests specifying the disorder in terms of
clinically significant academic problem that is specific to the severity of presentation (mild, moderate and severe).
the ADHD patient as compared to the academic problems Several studies have investigated the cognitive differences
observed in the normal age-matched population (Sibley between these subtypes with varying results (e.g., Baeyens
et al. 2014). The lack of objective delineation not only et al. 2006; Bonafina et al. 2000; Chhabildas et al. 2001;
muddies the waters, but can also lead to a failure to identify Fair et al. 2012; Faraone et al. 1998; Geurts et al. 2005;
a child who actually has a clinical problem. For example, Lockwood et al. 2001; Nigg et al. 2002; Riccio et al. 2006;
teachers may fail to detect children with symptoms of Song and Hakoda 2014). However, it has been proposed
inattention because they exhibit no hyperactivity and are that the differences between the CT subtype and the PI
often quiet and less likely to act out in the classroom. These subtype are significant enough and that rather than being
children may appear to be working, but they are often not two different subtypes of the same disorder, the CT and PI
paying attention to what they are doing. Conversely, some subtypes should be considered as two distinct disorders
children who are actually exhibiting the clinical hyperac- (Baeyens et al. 2006; Barkley 2001; Diamond 2005; Hin-
tivity and impulsivity that are characteristic of some forms shaw 2001; Milich et al. 2001). Both Milich et al. (2001)
of ADHD in the classroom setting will be considered as and Diamond (2005) provide detailed reviews of the
merely having disciplinary problems, and rather than being qualitative differences between the two subtypes, which
evaluated for the disorder will simply be subject to punitive make a strong case for positing CT and PI as nearly
practices to correct their behavior. diametrically opposite conditions. Although the PI subtype
In their review, Nigg et al. (2005) point out that though represents about 25–30 % of the ADHD cases seen in the
most theorists do not believe that individuals with ADHD clinic (Faraone et al. 1998; Weiss et al. 2003), in the
have a unitary disorder with a ‘‘common pathway to their community it is the more prevalent subtype (Carlson and
problems,’’ there is still a need to address empirically the Mann 2000) by nearly double relative to the CT subtype
heterogeneity that everyone accepts as fact. Beyond pos- (Gaub and Carlson 1997). The CT subtype has almost
sible differences in neuropsychological profiles that the exactly the opposite prevalence profile, namely in the clinic
authors were specifically addressing, the heterogeneity the CT subtype is seen nearly twice as much as the PI
among the ADHD population can also be a function of subtype (Faraone et al. 1998). Furthermore, whereas gen-
comorbidity, the manner in which the symptoms that are der differences in prevalence ratios for the CT subtype in

ADHD symptomatology is best conceptualized as a spectrum: a dimensional versus unitary approach… 253

the community and in the clinic are significantly different, who have no symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity,
the PI subtype has practically the same gender distribution but who manifest problems with attention. Namely, one
in both the community and the clinic. This discrepancy disorder is characterized by the Inattentive criteria outlined
suggests that not only are individuals with the PI subtype in the DSM, and the second disorder, seen only in a subset
receiving clinical care at a lower frequency than the CT of PI patients, is characterized by specific traits including
subtype, but the CT subtype is associated with symptoms hypoactivity, dreaminess and forgetfulness. There has been
that are more readily identifiable as being part of a disor- a recent resurgence in the number of investigations aimed
der. It is likely that the very character attributes that dis- at providing evidence for the validity of qualifying SCT as
tinguish the CT from the PI subtypes are what prompt the a separate disorder (Barkley 2013; Bauermeister et al.
visit to the clinician for further evaluation. Diamond (2005) 2012; Becker et al. 2014; Lee et al. 2014; Saxbe and
reminds us that while individuals with the CT subtype are Barkley 2014). The utility of these and future investiga-
hyperactive, fidgety, impulsive, talkative, disinhibited, tions is not only in their ability to reach consensus, but
disorganized and impatient, the PI subtype is characterized more importantly to increase the understanding in psy-
by the inability to pay close attention to detail, difficulty in chopathological problems of attention. As Becker et al.
planning and remembering to do what is required, and (2014) point out, ‘‘SCT may be useful as a transdiagnostic
disorganization. Diamond (2005) also points out that construct,’’ which could fit in neatly with the reminder
though both the PI and CT subtypes could have the qua- from Barkley (2001) that ‘‘attention is multidimensional
lifier ‘‘easily distracted’’ added into their characterization; such that several distinct disorders of attention are likely to
the difference between them has to do with the type of be identified besides ADHD.’’
distractibility that they experience. Whereas the individual With respect to the CT and HI subtypes, there is evi-
with CT subtype could become easily distracted by another dence to suggest that these may not be separate conditions
stimulus that enters his sphere of awareness, the individual that remain stable over time, but rather subsets of each
with the PI subtype becomes distracted because she loses other. On the one hand, investigators such as Lahey et al.
interest in the activity she is engaging in. This difference (2005) suggest that HI is a less severe form of CT, perhaps
can be qualified as an external versus internal mode of due to the fact that hyperactivity reduces or disappears with
distractibility. According to Weiss et al. (2003), an indi- age. On the other hand, Barkley (2007) suggests that the HI
vidual suffering from the constellation of symptoms asso- form of ADHD is simply a precursor to the CT form. Data
ciated with the CT subtype is also more functionally to support either position only adds greater weight to the
impaired than someone suffering from the symptoms as- proposition that ADHD may not really be one disorder with
sociated with the PI subtype. Furthermore, the individual dimensional presentations, but rather several disorders that
with the CT subtype has a higher likelihood of not only are tied together by ‘‘etiological vicinity.’’
being medicated, but being medicated at a higher dose Finally, the diagnostic criterion of impulsivity has been
(Barkley 2001; Diamond 2005; Milich et al. 2001; Weiss used to subcategorize patients diagnosed with ADHD for at
et al. 2003). In fact, Faraone et al. (1998) report that the CT least two decades. However, the question about how to
subtype is associated with a more clinically severe syn- define impulsivity in particular with respect to psychiatric
drome than either the PI subtype or the HI subtype. Finally, illness still continues to be debated (for review see Moeller
although both subtypes appear to respond to treatment with et al. 2014). The list of ‘‘Hyperactivity/Impulsivity’’ cri-
stimulants, the CT subtype has a higher probability of teria in the DSM V (2013) fails to capture the hallmark
being rated as improved relative to the PI subtype (Weiss traits of delayed gratification, rapid and unplanned actions,
et al. 2003). as well as reduced sensitivity to negative consequences that
Although the data are compelling, there is as yet no have historically been associated with impulsivity. In fact,
absolute consensus regarding the separation of the PI and though ADHD is highly comorbid with conduct disorder
CT subtypes into two separate disorders. However, the and oppositional disorder (Biederman et al. 1991), the
research that has set in motion part of this debate has DSM V (2013) definition of the impulsivity associated with
inadvertently opened the metaphorical ‘‘Pandora’s Box,’’ ‘‘Disruptive impulse control and conduct disorders’’ is very
which has postulated the possibility of splitting the PI different from the impulsivity associated with ADHD; yet,
subtype itself into two different disorders of attention when referring to the comorbidity with ADHD, the DSM V
(Carlson and Mann 2002). The idea that ‘‘sluggish cogni- (2013) says that since ADHD individuals are impulsive,
tive tempo’’ (SCT) could be indicative of an impairment then it is not unusual that they should show this comor-
that is separate from the PI subtype was proposed by bidity. Although the paragraph on diagnostic features as-
Carlson and Mann (2002) as an extension to the findings sociated with ADHD does mention the hallmark traits
from McBurnett et al. (2001). In their view, it may be associated with impulsivity, the examples provided for an
possible to distinguish two different disorders in patients impulsive action ‘‘darting into the street without looking’’

254 R. Heidbreder

or ‘‘taking a job without adequate information’’ only add to Comorbidity

the ambiguity for several reasons. Whereas it is not diffi-
cult to envision an individual who cannot wait his turn, Beyond the recognized variety in symptomatology of
who is on the go and who runs about and intrudes and ADHD, the accurate diagnosis of a patient can be con-
interrupts as capable of darting into traffic or making poor founded by the presence of one or more comorbid disor-
career choices, the individual who fits the profile of the PI ders. It is now well established that 50–75 % of patients
subtype can find themselves engaging in these same actions diagnosed with ADHD will have at least one comorbid
for reasons that have nothing to do with impulsivity, but learning disorder, psychiatric disorder or neurodevelop-
instead everything to do with the quality of the attentional mental disorder (Barkley 2005; Biederman et al. 1991;
processes these individuals may have access to. Though Jensen et al. 1997; Patel et al. 2012; Pliszka et al. 1999). In
Barkley (1997) suggests that the differences in the attention addition, an adult with ADHD throughout his lifetime will
difficulties between the PI and CT subtypes are related to have six times the likelihood of developing another psy-
problems with selective attention in the former and prob- chiatric disorder (Brown 2006). The extensive review by
lems with disinhibition in the latter, it is also possible to Biederman et al. (1991) tells us that ADHD is comorbid
look at both subtypes in terms of opposite ends of an at- with conduct disorder at a rate of between 30 and 50 %,
tentional spectrum. Specifically, whereas the PI subtype with oppositional defiant disorder at a rate of at least 35 %,
may have an ‘‘attentional spotlight’’ that is too narrow, the with mood disorders at a rate ranging from 15 to 75 %,
CT and HI subtypes may have ‘‘attentional spotlights’’ that with anxiety disorders at a rate of at least 25 %, and with
are too wide. The analogy of an ‘‘attentional spotlight’’ learning disabilities at a rate between 10 and 92 %. ADHD
(Posner and Petersen 1989) or the fact that it may be too has also been associated with a greater risk for substance
wide in ADHD is not new (Shalev and Tsal 2003); how- abuse (Wilens and Morrison 2011). We also know that
ever, the idea that the subtypes may vary as a function of comorbidity with ADHD can be asymmetrical, that is,
the breadth of the attentional spotlight is. On the one hand, while the rate of ADHD in certain disorders can exceed
the wide attentional spotlight of the CT and HI subtypes that in the general population, patients with ADHD do not
prevents those individuals from focusing selectively on any necessarily show those same disorders at a rate higher than
one stimulus for an interval long enough to make eval- in the normal population (Pliszka 2015). For example,
uative judgments. In other words, they are overwhelmed by 60 % of Tourette patients will be concurrently diagnosed
stimuli, and as such, no one stimulus necessarily has more with ADHD; nevertheless, people with ADHD are not di-
salience than another. In contrast, the narrowness of the PI agnosed with Tourette’s at a rate higher than what occurs in
subtype spotlight does not give them access to many other the general population (Jummani and Coffey 2015). Ap-
competing stimuli that may be available at any one time proximately 40 % of those diagnosed with borderline
and are necessary to form an evaluative judgment. As a personality disorder will also have received a diagnosis of
result, on the one hand, the person with CT or HI subtype ADHD (Ferrer et al. 2010), but borderline personality
may dart across the street or make a bad decision because disorder does not occur more frequently in those whose
they do not rest their focus long enough among the wide primary diagnosis is ADHD. Patients with bipolar disorder
range of stimuli available to them to avoid making a de- have comorbid ADHD at a rate of 60–90 %, but only 22 %
cision that might have negative consequences. In other of patients with ADHD as a primary diagnosis will have
words, those individuals cannot stop moving their spotlight comorbid bipolar disorder (Wilens et al. 2003). Obsessive
across the wide range of stimuli that are available to them. compulsive disorder is highly comorbid with ADHD par-
On the other hand, the PI subtype may have a stagnant ticularly in boys in whom the rate of comorbidity is about
spotlight, such that even when the appropriate information 50 % (Geller 2006). Finally, there is even some evidence
is available, they do not have the ability to access the in- that the presence of ADHD symptoms may be indicative of
formation that would permit a better decision. In other premorbid schizophrenia or even be linked with a ‘‘distinct
words, they are not giving their attention to all that they neurodevelopmental progression of schizophrenia’’ (Marsh
can. Nevertheless, in both cases, the end result is the same. and Williams 2006).
In sum, there is an abundance of data indicating that the Certain patterns of comorbidity are also more strongly
variety in the symptomatology of patients seeking clinical correlated with ADHD than others (Greene et al. 1996;
help for suspected ADHD exceeds the current nosology for Jensen et al. 1997; Lynam 1996). For example, the rela-
the delineation of this disorder. Furthermore, it would appear tionship between ADHD, conduct disorder and opposi-
that the manner in which patients present these symptoms do tional defiant disorder often makes it difficult to
not necessarily fall into clear-cut categories that are varia- distinguish one from the other (Biederman et al. 1991).
tions within only one disorder as proposed by the DSM. Though large epidemiological studies do not usually

ADHD symptomatology is best conceptualized as a spectrum: a dimensional versus unitary approach… 255

provide comorbidity rates in ADHD by subtype, Faraone Pharmacotherapy and alternative therapy
et al. (1998) found that it is actually the CT form of for ADHD
ADHD that is associated with the highest rate of co-
morbidity with conduct disorder and oppositional defiant Although not an exhaustive review, the evidence provided
disorder. Furthermore, the difference in the rate of co- so far argues against describing a patient as simply having
morbidity between the CT and PI groups for these dis- ADHD or simply amassing together groups of patients that
orders, the so-called externalizing disorders, was may have important differences at the level of symptom
significant. Though the relationship between internalizing presentation, underlying psychiatric disease, and symptom
disorders and the different subtypes is not as well defined severity leading to impairment under one disorder. Nev-
(for review see Garner et al. 2013), children with the PI ertheless, the prescription of pharmacotherapy to treat the
subtype tend to be more socially isolated and may be symptoms of what appears to be ADHD often starts with-
associated with a higher rate of comorbid internalizing out an in-depth assessment of the true nature of the disorder
disorders, including anxiety and depression, or at the very in the patient. The finding by Wolraich et al. (2014) that
least are less prone to externalizing disorders (Diamond 5.7 % of the children sampled in their study received a
2005). Schaughency et al. (1987) report that 43 % of diagnosis of ADHD and were prescribed ADHD medica-
individuals with ADD without hyperactivity, the DSM III tion despite the fact that they did not meet the DSM IV-TR
(1980) subtype that is equivalent to the PI subtype of later (2000) criteria for ADHD underscores the willingness to
editions, also received diagnoses of either anxiety or de- treat pharmacologically a set of symptoms that look like a
pression. Patients that have ADD with hyperactivity, the disorder, but for which there is no objective evidence of its
DSM III subtype that is equivalent to the CT subtype of presence in the patient. Furthermore, even when a diag-
later editions, were diagnosed with these disorders only at nosis is made using the criteria provided by the DSM,
a rate of about 10 %. Faraone et al. (1998) also noted that pharmacological treatment efficacy may vary significantly
the PI subtype was associated with a higher lifetime rate depending on the constellation of symptoms present in the
of major depressive disorder relative to the other sub- patient (del Campo et al. 2011; Feldman and Reiff 2014;
types. The study by Weiss et al. (2003) that involved Hale et al. 2011). As of 2011, 1 million more children are
comprehensive and multidisciplinary evaluations also re- taking ADHD medication than in 2003 (Visser et al. 2014).
vealed higher rates of anxiety and depression in the PI The very significant increase in use of ADHD pharmaco-
subtype than in the CT subtype. Finally, it may be the logical therapy is best described in the March 2014 Express
case that some of the impairment associated with ADHD Scripts Lab Report ‘‘U.S. MEDICATION TRENDS for
subtypes may be more related to the influence of the ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER.’’
comorbid disorder rather than to the disorder of ADHD This report states that ADHD medication use among
itself (Milich et al. 2001). For example, Lockwood et al. Americans has risen 35.5 % from 2008 to 2012. This in-
(2001) were able to show significant neuropsychological crease has translated into a spending increase on ADHD
differences at 80 % accuracy between the CT and PI medication of 14.2 % in 2012 and represents the greatest
types of ADHD when effect of presence of comorbidity increase seen among any traditional drug category. ADHD
was controlled. medication sales are also forecast to continue to grow to
To summarize, there can be no doubt that the relationship nearly 25 % by 2015.
that ADHD has with a variety of psychiatric disorders is a The willingness to prescribe pharmacological therapy,
tangled and intricate one and many questions are left beg- specifically stimulants, for the patient presenting with
ging. There is still no clear understanding as to why there is ADHD symptoms comes in part from the awareness that
such a high incidence of comorbidity between ADHD and this type of treatment seems to work best at alleviating the
other psychiatric diseases or how the diagnosis of ADHD can core symptoms of ADHD (Faraone and Buitelaar 2010),
seemingly predispose an individual to another psychiatric may be equally effective across subtypes (Solanto et al.
disorder at a future date. One explanation may be that ADHD 2009) and affects various aspects of cognition (Coghill
and its comorbid psychiatric disorders may share a common et al. 2014) by exerting their effects on the frontal cortex
neural substrate involving the prefrontal cortex, which as a (Rubia et al. 2014a). These findings are not surprising since
result of heterogeneity in its neural circuitry can account for a it is well known that stimulants exert their effects on the
range of neurological, cognitive and psychiatric disorders dopaminergic network (for review see Segal and Kuczenski
(Chudasama 2011; Heidbreder and Groenewegen 2003; 1994; Kuczenski and Segal 1997), and these effects pro-
Kesner and Churchwell 2011). Recent evidence also sug- duce changes in behavior (Volkow et al. 1998). Given that
gests that there may be a common neural substrate across even a single dose of methylphenidate can enhance cog-
multiple mental illnesses (Goodkind et al. 2015). nitive performance in healthy volunteers and that there is a

256 R. Heidbreder

dose-dependent and a dose–response relationship that dif- (Stevenson et al. 2014; Sonuga-Barke et al. 2013) con-
fers across a variety of cognitive domains (Linssen et al. cluded that though supplementation with free fatty acid
2014), pharmacotherapy as a global treatment for all pa- appears to have a small effect on ADHD-related behaviors,
tients diagnosed with ADHD without sensitivity to the there is no definitive effect of dietary treatment on these
array of symptoms and functional deficits in any one in- behaviors.
dividual may be akin to taking a canon to an anthill. For There have also been numerous studies that have looked at
example, though there may be an initial improvement in the effect of exercise on children with ADHD. A review by
some of the symptoms, pharmacotherapy does not always Kamp et al. (2014) on the effects of exercise on ADHD-
‘‘normalize’’ cognition and/or behavior (e.g., Bédard et al. related behaviors in children under 14 years of age con-
2015; Gualtieri and Johnson 2008; Rapport et al. 1994; cluded that a wide variety of exercises, if implemented for
Hale et al. 2011; Rubia et al. 2009), and worse yet can end 1–10 weeks, can have a positive effect on motor skills, social
up precipitating far more serious symptoms, including behavior and strength in this population. However, when
psychosis if pharmacotherapy is begun when the relation- Hoza et al. (2015) compared the effects of physical activity
ship between the impairment due to any detected or un- and sedentary activity before the start of school on the be-
detected comorbid disorder and that due to the ADHD havior of early elementary school age children at risk for
symptoms is unclear (Schaeffer and Ross 2002). Further- ADHD, they were unable to assert conclusively that there
more, as suggested earlier, though the evidence to date was a difference between interventions. Though the benefits
indicates that pharmacotherapy seems to eliminate the core of exercise for the treatment of ADHD may still be unclear,
symptoms of ADHD irrespective of subtype, there is evi- there is sufficient preclinical as well as clinical data on non-
dence that the CT subtype has a higher probability of being ADHD populations that show that exercise has a beneficial
rated as improved relative to the PI subtype (Weiss et al. effect on neurobehavioral functioning and as such may be a
2003). Whether or not the differences in efficacy across the direction worth pursuing (Halperin et al. 2014).
different presentations of ADHD as well as their associated Psychosocial interventions for children and adolescents
effects on cognition and behavior are linked with differ- with ADHD have a long and controversial history (see
entiable changes in the aberration patterns of brain activity, Antshel and Barkley 2011, for a historical review; Pelham
and/or, for example, a related change in catecholamine and Fabbiano 2008). Evans et al. (2014) conducted a meta-
availability (del Campo et al. 2011; Schmeichel and Ber- analysis on 122 recent studies that investigated evidenced-
ridge 2013) has yet to be fully clarified. Taken together all based effects of training intervention and behavior man-
of these factors point to the great need for the refinement agement treatments. Their results confirm that traditional
and deepening of the diagnostic process in order to identify behavior management therapies have a well-established ef-
a clear clinical presentation that can optimize the clinical ficacy and that organization training also appears to be ef-
outcome. fective; however, improvement in function comes only with
In parallel to the increased use of pharmacotherapy to the implementation of behavior management techniques
treat ADHD, there has also been an explosion in the search (Feldman and Reiff 2014). Other training interventions in-
for alternatives to the pharmacological treatment of ADHD cluding neurofeedback (for review see Holtmann et al.
(Sonuga-Barke et al. 2013) even though many of these 2014), cognitive training (for review see Sonuga-Barke et al.
alternative treatments show no evidence of efficacy. The 2014) and social skills training (for review see Mikami et al.
development of these alternatives has been fueled by 2014) show little or no efficacy. There are at least two caveats
variability in efficacy of pharmacotherapy (Faraone and to these findings. First, most studies do not look at effects of
Buitelaar 2010), the desire to avoid the known side effects these alternative therapies by subtype. Mikami et al. (2014),
(Graham et al. 2011; Bolea-Alamañac et al. 2014; Clemow however, did notice that social skills training seemed to be
and Walker 2014) and the unknown consequences of long- more effective for the PI subtype than for the CT subtype.
term treatment with pharmacotherapy (Volkow and Insel Second, the addition of a behavioral therapy component to
2003; Vitiello 2001) or simply by the desire to find a more the pharmacological treatment does not appear to confer any
holistic solution in lieu of the pharmacological one (Tim- advantage to the resolution of symptoms (Jensen et al. 2001a,
imi 2004). b; Sonuga-Barke et al. 2013).
One area that has received significant attention is the
role of diet in ADHD either as the etiological basis for its
symptoms (Wolraich et al. 1985; Wolraich et al. 1994) or Neural substrates of ADHD
as an option for treating the symptoms of the patient
(Millichap and Yee 2012; Nigg et al. 2012). Recent re- The rationale behind why the core symptoms of ADHD
views and meta-analyses of randomized controlled studies improve with stimulants comes from decades of research
to investigate the effects of dietary treatments for ADHD that has revealed the effect of amphetamines on the

ADHD symptomatology is best conceptualized as a spectrum: a dimensional versus unitary approach… 257

dopaminergic network (for review see Segal and implication is that there is a correlated dysfunction in
Kuczenski 1994; Kuczenski and Segal 1997) and its the areas of brain that support that task (Miyake et al.
consequent effects on behavior (Volkow et al. 1998). The 2000). In other words, the rather circular argument
effects of varying levels of dopamine in the brain have states that objective evidence of injury to these areas
been linked specifically to the frontal cortex in normal is correlated with poor EF as measured by neuropsy-
subjects as well as in a variety of neurological and psy- chological tests, and poor performance on those same
chiatric disorders (for review see Clark and Noudoost tests is assumed to be the result of underlying abnor-
2014). In particular, levels of dopamine in the frontal mality in those same brain regions. Neuroimaging
cortex seem to modulate among other things impulsivity studies of ADHD patients that have required the per-
(Dagher and Robbins 2009; Volkow et al. 2009; for re- formance of tasks that measure EF during image ac-
view see Sebastian et al. 2014), motivation (Volkow et al. quisition, ostensibly in order to activate the neural
2011) and inattention (Rosa-Neto et al. 2005) all hallmark substrates which support task execution, have not re-
characteristics of ADHD. As a result, there has been a liably and consistently shown a significant correlation
virtual explosion of studies aimed at uncovering differ- between performance on tasks of EF and the activation
ences in anatomy and function in the brains of ADHD of the neural substrates supporting the task. Namely,
patients relative to normal cohorts. The scientific impetus some studies were successful in demonstrating a cor-
to conduct such studies stems presumably from a need to relation between poor performance and hypoactivation
understand what may be dysfunctional or aberrant in the (Booth et al. 2005; Konrad et al. 2006), but many have
brain of the ADHD patient as well as the hope of finding failed to show a correlation between performance on
a biomarker that could render a diagnosis conclusive (for these tasks and deactivation of brain regions recruited
review see Shaw et al. 2013). There are basically four during these tasks (Bell et al. 2006; Rubia et al. 2010;
main lines of research with this aim that have identified Cubillo et al. 2011; Rubia et al. 2011; Smith et al.
functional and anatomical differences in the brains of 2006, Congdon et al. 2014; Konrad et al. 2006; Banich
ADHD patients relative to age-matched normal controls: et al. 2009), or even to detect significant differences
(1) analysis of brain volume and cortical thickness, (2) either in performance on the measure of EF or in the
functional MRI (fMRI), (3) diffusion tensor imaging brain activation patterns (Congdon et al. 2014). Fur-
studies (DTI) and (4) most recently, connectomics. The thermore, data from resting state fMRI studies suggest
combined results from these studies as well as a plethora that the hypoactivation seen on fMRI is unrelated to
of meta-analyses across such studies suggest that on av- the performance of the task during image acquisition
erage children and adolescents with ADHD have reduced (Tian et al. 2008; Yu-Feng et al. 2007; Hoekzema
brain volumes (Castellanos et al. 2002; Nakao et al. 2011; et al. 2014; Li et al. 2014).
Lim et al. 2015), reduced cortical thickness (McLaughlin Although the absence of a corroborative behavioral
et al. 2014; Almeida et al. 2010; Shaw et al. 2013), show effect does not make neuroimaging findings irrelevant, it
deactivation in function relative to controls predominantly does beg the question as to which of the potential ‘‘cog-
in fronto-striatal, fronto-parietal and fronto-cerebellar re- nitive algorithms’’ is the subject able and not able to re-
gions (for review see Cubillo et al. 2011 and Rubia et al. cruit during the performance of the task, and how if at all
2014b) and appear to have abnormalities in functional are they linked to the ongoing detectable activity in the
connections (Cao et al. 2014; Tomasi and Volkow 2012; brain (Mostofsky and Simmonds 2008; for commentary
Sripada et al. 2014) primarily between these areas as well see Wilkinson and Halligan 2004). With respect to
as a lag in brain maturation both in terms of structure ADHD, there are at least three issues that need to be
(Shaw et al. 2007) and functional architecture (Sripada evaluated before it will be possible to answer this ques-
et al. 2014). tion. First, is the variability in the corroboration between
The regions of brain that show decreased activation performance and activation in the associated neural sub-
in the ADHD patient as measured by fMRI have his- strates due to the neuropsychological task? Second, given
torically been thought to support executive function the reviewed evidence for significant differences between
(EF) given in part to the now well-documented finding subtypes, is the variability in the corroboration between
that patients who have suffered lesions in these areas performance and activation in the neural substrates a
perform poorly on tasks that recruit EF such as, but function of the heterogeneity in ADHD? Third, is the
not limited to the Stroop test, Stop-signal task, or Go/ variability in the corroboration between performance and
no-go task (Shallice and Burgess 1991; Stuss et al. activation in the neural substrates a function of an in-
2001). By extension, when a patient who does not complete understanding about the interaction between
have an observable injury of the brain performs poorly heterogeneity of cognitive processes and heterogeneity in
on such neuropsychological instruments, the the architecture of the frontal cortex?

258 R. Heidbreder

Is the variability in the corroboration ADHD assume for purposes of their experiments, the Fair
between performance and activation et al. (2012) analysis reveals that though valid at the group
in the associated neural substrates due level, if individual results from the ADHD group are
to the neuropsychological task? compared with the normal controls, the differences are
significant only in about 50 % of the comparisons. A
One could argue that the sample size in the studies that similar pattern was detected for working memory as well as
failed to show a correlation between hypoactivation in temporal information processing. The finding that only
brain regions and performance was too small (in gener- about 50 % of the comparisons were significant when
al \ 20) to detect performance differences given that pre- looked at individually rather than as a group follows the
vious studies of purely cognitive or neuropsychological general trend that the percentage of children with ADHD
deficits in ADHD with similar sample sizes also failed to who show clinically significant impairment varies within
show effects associated with deficits in EF (Barkley 1997). the ADHD population and also as a function of the task
However, there is also evidence showing that robustness in being used to measure EF (Wåhlstedt et al. 2009). Beyond
EF may not be a valid or reliable measure for the identi- just the individual versus group comparisons on neu-
fication of ADHD patients (Barkley 2012; for review see ropsychological tests, a neuroimaging study of the neural
Lange et al. 2014). For example, Wåhlstedt et al. (2009) substrates of response inhibition in normal adults indicates
report that 20–40 % of children with ADHD do not score that single-subject analysis reveals a pattern of activation
in the clinically significant impairment range on a variety associated with inhibitory response that is different from
of EF measures. Duff and Sulla (2014) also make the case the pattern of activation produced in group analysis
that although poor performance on an EF measure may be (Mostofsky et al. 2003).
strongly suggestive of the presence of a clinical disorder, Koziol and Budding (2012) argue that precisely because
failure to demonstrate impairment on the measure does not of the highly heterogeneous character of ADHD, the sub-
belie the existence of a disorder. In addition, there seems to types provided by the DSM cannot capture the individual
be a continuum effect such that there is a significant cor- nature of the disorder at the neuropsychological level, and
relation between level of impairment on EF measures and as such, cannot be used to characterize the disorder in
negative behavioral symptoms. Furthermore, the use of any terms of dysfunction of a specific set of neuroanatomical
one ‘‘cold’’ cognitive construct such as those used in task- substrates. Rather, ADHD may perhaps best be described
related fMRI studies may or may not be truly representa- in terms of a continuum or spectrum (Haslam et al. 2006;
tive of EF functioning (Barkley 2012). For example, there for review see Bell 2011) a notion that is lent even more
are data suggesting that simply the addition of a working support from the observation that there are individuals with
memory component, which requires the maintenance of an subthreshold ADHD. Balázs and Keresztény (2014) report
attentional set in order to complete the task, increases the a wide range (0.8–23.1 %) in the prevalence of sub-
probability of detecting differences in neural substrates that threshold ADHD due to the lack of uniformity regarding
are correlated with the performance of a go/no-go task in the minimum number of symptoms that should be used to
normal adults, (e.g., Mostofsky et al. 2003; Mostofsky and define subthreshold ADHD functional impairment. This is
Simmonds 2008), a color-word Stroop test in ADHD pa- the case despite the fact that the DSM V (2013) includes
tients (Burgess et al. 2010) and an n-back test of working both an ‘‘Other Specified Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
memory for spatial position (Bédard et al. 2014). Disorder’’ category as well as an ‘‘Unspecified Attention-
The inconsistency in the findings relative to the per- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder’’ category meant to be used
formance of neuropsychological tests by patients with to identify individuals who have some of the symptoms
ADHD may be related to the idea that the heterogeneity of characteristic of ADHD that cause clinically significant
symptom presentation does not warrant the assumption that problems in academics or the work place.
the diagnosis of ADHD should lead to a homogeneous In addition to the heterogeneity in neuropsychological
response pattern across patients during a neuropsycho- profiles within the ADHD population, there exists one
logical assessment. An analysis conducted by Fair et al. other caveat that may be confounding the results on neu-
(2012) clearly indicates that neuropsychological subtypes ropsychological tasks of EF as well as neuroimaging during
can be discerned with high precision not only in children task execution. There is evidence suggesting that ADHD
with ADHD, but also in typically developing control youth. performance on many experimental tasks is subject to at-
Furthermore, there appears to be an overlap between the tentional inconsistency (Castellanos and Tannock 2002;
heterogeneity found in children with ADHD and the var- Douglas 1999; Epstein et al. 2003; Leth-Steensen et al.
iation found in typically developing children. With respect 2000). This finding is not surprising given that lapses in
to the deficit in response inhibition that many studies on attention can be, by definition, part of the ADHD disorder

ADHD symptomatology is best conceptualized as a spectrum: a dimensional versus unitary approach… 259

(DSM V 2013). What is of much greater interest is how which ADHD symptoms have been observed will all per-
these lapses in attention present. Leth-Steensen et al. form in a homogeneous manner.
(2000) discovered abnormally slow reaction times in the
tails, but not the leading edges of the distribution of the
reaction times. Further analysis revealed that group dif- Is the variability in the corroboration
ferences disappeared when only leading edge reaction between performance and activation
times for the ADHD group were compared with those of in the neural substrates a function
the control group. Thus, the attentional lapse may be oc- of the heterogeneity in ADHD?
curring as a function of duration of the test, suggesting that
the longer the test goes on, the poorer the performance of A great majority of task-dependent neuroimaging studies
the subject. However, and in addition, each individual re- do not make any distinctions in terms of symptom pre-
action time is made up of a constellation of several steps sentation or subtype of the ADHD subjects (Booth et al.
each of which may also be affected by attentional lapses. In 2005; Hart et al. 2013; Konrad et al. 2006; Rubia et al.
other words, within any one response, there is the moment 2005; Rubia et al. 2010; Simmonds et al. 2008). As has
when the subject sees the response, decides what to do with been discussed earlier in this review, there is converging
it and then decides how to respond. Each of these steps evidence suggesting that not only are the differences be-
could be subject to an attentional lapse, resulting in not tween the variants of ADHD important, but in some cases,
only reaction time differences, but variability in the times the differences are so remarkable that they may warrant
at which areas of brain devoted to the execution of the steps being considered as separate disorders rather than subtypes
are recruited. This is an especially important consideration of ADHD. Therefore, as our understanding about ADHD
when attempting to describe the neural substrates of the continues to grow, the evidence must confirm or deny the
disorder. Namely, the differences measured during the rationale for using ADHD as an umbrella term for the
performance of these tasks as well as the associated dif- various subtypes and/or using only one subtype in ex-
ferences in activation of brain regions across groups may perimental designs.
be the result of a comparison made between different The comparison of some of the data that have been
portions of the sequence of operations required to complete collected to elucidate the neural substrates that support
the task. The assumption that any variability simply aver- working memory exemplify the need to take into account
ages out particularly when such small sample sizes are used the heterogeneity seen in ADHD. When adult patients with
may inadvertently be washing out the very effect that is ADHD (collapsed across all subtypes) performed an n-back
being sought. task during the acquisition of fMRI data, significant dif-
In sum, variability in the performance on neuropsy- ferences between adults with and without ADHD were
chological tests of EF across the ADHD population can be found in the bilateral prefrontal cortices. However, only
attributable to at least four issues. First, it is still not clear men with ADHD showed less activation in a network of
how or if each of the neuropsychological tests used to brain regions that was lateralized to right frontal and sub-
measure EF in individuals with ADHD is actually mea- cortical regions and left occipital and cerebellar regions
suring EF or at the very least what aspects of EF it is relative to controls. Adult females with and without ADHD
measuring. Second, there are not enough data to know how were indistinguishable despite the fact that ADHD symp-
much of a cognitive load needs to be introduced into a tomatology in both the females and males was similar
neuropsychological test in order for performance differ- (Valera et al. 2010). Burgess et al. (2010) looked at the
ences relative to controls to be observed. Third, ex- brains of adult males and females specifically with CT
perimental designs do not take into account either the subtype ADHD with fMRI while they performed either a
variability in performance as a function of test duration or working memory digit span or spatial span task. They
the variability in performance across the span of the test. found decreased function in the left dorsolateral prefrontal
Both of these points are especially relevant when testing cortex relative to normal controls; however, this study did
performance in subjects who are known to have variations not look at gender differences. Mills et al. (2012) found
in attention, focus and impulsivity over a span of time. evidence for atypical thalamic connectivity with cortical
Finally, there are little data regarding performance differ- structures in children with ADHD (collapsed across sub-
ences on neuropsychological tests as a function of ADHD types) related to their performance on a task of spatial span
subtype or severity of symptomatology. Given the evidence working memory using rs-fcMRI. Massat et al. (2012) also
presented thus far in the review, there is not only sufficient studied children with CT subtype ADHD using fMRI to
support to warrant such investigations, but more impor- investigate differences in activation patterns between that
tantly there is no rationale for assuming that patients in group and normal controls while performing an n-back

260 R. Heidbreder

working memory task, and their data found no evidence for the externalized behaviors, namely the hyperactivity and
differences in prefrontal areas between children with CT impulsivity associated with the CT subtype and the sig-
subtype ADHD and normal cohorts, but did find decreased nificantly slower response times in the low-working-
activation in inferior parietal cortex, as well as decreased memory group. These findings led the authors to postulate
activity in the striatum and the cerebellum. that individuals diagnosed with low working memory may
When Lockwood et al. (2001) explicitly targeted the actually be manifesting the PI subtype of ADHD.
identification of differences between ADHD subtypes with Finally, there are preliminary data that provide some
respect to neuropsychological performance, all attempts justification for taking into account the heterogeneity seen
were made to minimize methodological limitations in- in ADHD when designing experiments that measure brain
cluding insuring that all participants were medication free, activity. Although their study did not seek to uncover task-
that clinical diagnosis was accurate, that there was no co- related differences in brain using fMRI, Fair et al. (2013)
morbidity and that there was equal representation across did discover that resting-state functional connectivity MRI
genders. Their results indicate that the PI subtype had (rs-fcMRI) was able to differentiate between the CT and PI
greater difficulty selecting previously presented auditory subtypes of ADHD. Another study using DTI uncovered a
information from prompted material. This finding agrees network of connections in the right frontal regions that was
with the hypothesis discussed earlier in this review that the able to differentiate between the CT and PI subtypes;
PI subtype is associated with a narrow focus of attention. In specifically, there was decreased connectivity in the CT
other words, one explanation for their findings could be subtype compared with the PI subtype (Hong et al. 2014).
that the discrimination between previously heard and cur- Both studies suggest that there could be neural signatures
rently heard material was difficult because the children that are specific to at least two ADHD subtypes. As such,
stagnated their attention at different times during the pre- not taking into consideration the heterogeneity that exists
viously presented stimuli and as such some of the infor- in ADHD and mixing the results of qualitatively different
mation was not encoded into memory. In contrast, children groups can actually end up canceling out the differences
with the CT subtype showed impaired response inhibition one is searching for (Barkley 2001).
and reengagement as well as difficulty carrying out goal- Taken together, all of these results point to the conclu-
directed activities. This finding also fits with the previously sion that there is no rationale for using exclusively one
presented hypothesis that the CT subtype is associated with subtype in an experimental design; or worse yet, to group
the inability to stop shifting focus, which in this case re- together several subtypes under one umbrella category la-
sulted in attending to inappropriate stimuli. beled as ADHD. Additionally, the Lockwood et al. (2001)
The postulates from the Barkley (1997) model of ADHD study underscores the importance of using heterogeneous
that only the CT and HI subtypes, but not the PI subtype, attentional measures if the aim is to assess neuropsycho-
are associated with EF deficits, have led to several studies logical differences between ADHD subtypes. Failure to do
aimed at investigating the validity of this claim. Though so could lead to the inaccurate collection of data and the
several studies did not find differences in EF across sub- erroneous interpretation of results. Finally, the data that do
types (e.g., see Duff and Sulla 2014 for review; Geurts exist pertaining to the neural substrates associated with the
et al. 2005; Riccio et al. 2006; Song and Hakoda 2014), the heterogeneity found in ADHD actually provide some evi-
failure to find differences may be the result of assuming a dence that symptomatological variants may be supported
binary response across a homogeneous test. That is to say, by different brain circuits, and as such, could theoretically
the expectation is that the response from individuals of one be considered as related, but separate disorders.
subtype will somehow be discrete from the other subtype.
What is lacking in most of these studies, and
serendipitously discovered in the Song and Hakoda (2014) Is the variability in the corroboration
study is that cognitive load, particularly with respect to between performance and activation
working memory, may elicit the difference that is being in the neural substrates a function of
investigated. In fact, Diamond (2005) suggests that the an incomplete understanding about the interaction
primary deficit of the PI subtype is in working memory. between heterogeneity of cognitive processes
Furthermore, in their study on the comparison between and heterogeneity in the architecture of the frontal
children with low working memory and children with the cortex?
CT subtype of ADHD, Holmes et al. (2014) report that
children with a diagnosis of low working memory are al- The data pointing to impairment of EF in ADHD as well as
most indistinguishable to CT subtype children across many an observed hypoactivation of the frontal cortex in patients
assessments, including EF and degree of inattentive be- with ADHD can lead to the assumption that EF is exclu-
havior. However, what distinguished the two groups were sively a function of the prefrontal cortex. However,

ADHD symptomatology is best conceptualized as a spectrum: a dimensional versus unitary approach… 261

paraphrasing from both Dimond (1980) and Barkley Brown’s statement is that, on the one hand, he acknowl-
(2012), the functions of the frontal lobe are as varied as it is edges that there is no single test to determine if someone
large, and the dimensionality of EF is as broad as it is deep. has ADHD, but at the same time suggests that skilled
Therefore, perhaps a better way to conceive of the pre- clinicians nevertheless somehow ‘‘know’’ what ADHD
frontal cortex is as a way station to different functions looks like. Brown’s comment is actually corroborated by
given its various interconnections with cortical and sub- what the team of scientists from Johns Hopkins who won
cortical regions (Cubillo et al. 2011; Stuss and Benson the ‘‘The ADHD-200 Global Competition’’ (http://f-
1986), particularly since there is strong evidence support- discovered.
ing that different cognitive processes are subserved by They were able to demonstrate that there was a much
different subregions of the prefrontal cortex (Chudasama greater probability of correctly discriminating between
2011; Heidbreder and Groenewegen 2003; Kesner and typically developing children and children with ADHD
Churchwell 2011). In a meta-analysis of lesion and func- than there was for correctly identifying children with a
tional neuroimaging studies that investigated the role of the true-positive diagnosis of ADHD. Interestingly, the Johns
frontal lobes and EF, Alvarez and Emory (2006) concluded Hopkins team was also able to discern the subtypes of
that the participation of the frontal lobes in EF is linked to ADHD with high accuracy. This pattern of discrimination
the sensitivity of the different tests used to measure EF, indicates that the individual who receives a diagnosis of
each of which might be recruiting different cognitive pro- ADHD is different from a normal individual, yet the di-
cesses. Their findings support the idea that EF is ‘‘frac- agnosis of ADHD is not associated with a signature that
tionable’’ (Lopez-Vergara and Colder 2013; Miyake et al. either renders the diagnosis unequivocable or is sufficiently
2000). However, as the review by Donohoe and Robertson unique that variations in presentation are not easily dis-
(2003) points out, though there is evidence for the discrete tinguishable. The primary aim of the present review was to
neuroanatomical separation of the different ‘‘fractions’’ of elucidate whether or not there is something unique to
EF, there remains an overlap between the different ex- ‘‘know’’ about ADHD such that every one of those tens of
ecutive measures because they are correlated with each millions of individuals could somehow fit under the same
other and are causally related to each other. Furthermore, in single disorder; or rather, if there was some way to take
their review on working memory and EF, Carpenter et al. what is known about ADHD and use it as a diagnostic tool
(2000) provide converging evidence for a system in which for a spectrum of disorders that as Asperger (1979) said are
rather than there being an association between each frac- ‘‘…at once so alike, but so different…’’ and yet the
tion of EF and a single cortical area, each cortical region ‘‘…differences are so great…’’
has more than one function, and the functions of each of The data on the prevalence, diagnosis, heterogeneity and
the regions may overlap each other. The authors suggest comorbidity of ADHD described in this review all point to
further that each task may prompt a different combination the struggle at trying to fit a wide variety of clinical pre-
of several brain regions depending on the requirements of sentations into the diagnostic criteria for a single disorder
the task. Since this ‘‘nondiscreteness of specialization’’ that usually leads to a debate about what should and should
proposed by Carpenter et al. (2000) is probably a reality of not be included. Though the observation of certain be-
cortical organization in general, it can also serve as a point havioral traits as indicated by the DSM V (2013) is un-
of departure for a novel way of conceptualizing ADHD. deniably necessary to identify individuals at risk, the
diagnostic process is limited by the assumed need to fit a
wide variety of symptoms under one rubric in part because
Do ADHD symptoms point to a spectrum instead of the limitation of therapeutic avenues, but more impor-
of a disorder? tantly because of the urgency to bring relief to an indi-
vidual whose ability to engage in the everyday functions of
If the DSM is correct, then there are more than 70 million life can be severely compromised. One way out of the
children and more than 60 million adults worldwide that conundrum of having to use a single diagnosis for so many
have ADHD. These estimates have been made despite the clinical presentations is to think of ADHD as a ‘‘psy-
fact that as Brown (2006) so succinctly puts ‘‘There is no chophysiological modality’’ that can be expressed across a
one test that can determine whether a given individual spectrum that can accommodate the wide heterogeneity
meets DSM diagnostic criteria for ADHD. This is a diag- observed in ADHD. Earlier in this review, the idea of
nosis that depends on the judgment of a skilled clinician varying widths of attentional spotlights was introduced as a
who knows what ADHD looks like and can use data from way in which to describe the differences in attention and
multiple aspects of the individual’s daily life over pro- hence impulsivity exhibited by the PI and CT subtypes of
tracted periods of time to differentiate it from other pos- ADHD. Specifically, whereas the PI subtype was described
sible causes of impairment.’’ What is so interesting about as having a narrow spotlight of attention, the CT and HI

262 R. Heidbreder

subtypes were described as having wide spotlights of at- attention to dedicate to the external world. The schizo-
tention. The width of the spotlight dictated the degree to phrenic patient also shows no impulsivity to the extent that
which an individual had access to information as well as he can be considered even risk aversive (Reddy et al.
the ability the individual had to focus on information. As a 2014). Thus, schizophrenia would be colocalized on the
result of a narrow spotlight of attention, the patient with PI part of the spectrum that is associated with the most narrow
subtype fails to detect certain external stimuli because they attentional focus and the lowest degree of impulsivity,
are outside of his attentional focus. The extended spotlight giving it a greater ‘‘etiological vicinity’’ to the PI subtype
width of the CT subtype creates a stimulus overload by than the CT subtype.
allowing too many external stimuli to flood the attentional Conversely, the CT subtype and conduct disorder could
space, making it difficult for the patient to focus on any one be seen as having a very proximal ‘‘etiological vicinity’’ and
of the myriad of external stimuli to which these patients would be extremely close in terms of their colocalization on
have access. Each subtype can also be associated with an the proposed spectrum. Both disorders are characterized by
observed or perceived impulsivity. The PI subtype may high levels of impulsivity and both have an overly wide
appear impulsive only because decisions made were based attentional spotlight, making it difficult for patients with
strictly on information that the patient could access. On the either disorder to focus on the appropriate stimuli that would
other hand, the impulsivity of the CT subtype could be the lead to good decision making. Though their very high sym-
result of an inability to focus on the necessary bits of in- metrical comorbidity and similarity in characteristics invite
formation to which the patient has access. In other words, the tendency to want to consider them as a single disorder
the difference between the two can be summarized as ‘‘not (Biederman et al. 1991), there are sufficient fine differences,
having access’’ versus ‘‘not knowing what to select.’’ for example in the exhibition of defiance, that would separate
Barkley (1997) suggests that problems with selective at- these disorders on the spectrum.
tention are associated with the PI subtype and inhibition OCD would be colocalized somewhere between the PI
was the problem with the CT subtype. The suggestion here subtype and schizophrenia and the CT subtype and conduct
is that both inhibition and selective attention are a problem disorder. The patient with OCD is characterized by the
for the CT subtype. That is, though the patient with the CT presence of obsessions and/or compulsions with some pa-
subtype may not be able to inhibit competing responses, tients showing relatively more impulsivity than others
they also cannot select the appropriate responses for eval- (Kashyap et al. 2012). OCD patients are also classified
uation. On the other hand, although the patient with PI according to the degree of insight they have related to the
subtype may have a deficit of selective attention, it is un- nature of their disorder. The OCD patient who shows the
clear whether or not the selection of what to attend to is greatest impulsivity also has the poorest insight where poor
under his voluntary control. As such, the CT and PI sub- insight is defined by the patient’s belief that his OCD
types can be considered to lie on a spectrum that varies as a compulsions are warranted and true (Kashyap et al. 2012).
function of attention and impulsivity. Poor insight is thus considered a form of delusion, and
A spectrum of attention and impulsivity could also ac- since delusion is the result of internally generated beliefs,
commodate the extremely high symmetrical and asym- the attentional spotlight would be narrowed. However,
metrical comorbidity linked with ADHD since so many of because the internally generated beliefs are about external
these comorbid disorders also show impairment in atten- stimuli, and not an imagined construct as in schizophrenia,
tion and/or impulsivity as part of their own clinical profiles. the attentional spotlight would not be as narrow as in
Although it is neither the intention nor the scope of this schizophrenia. Thus, this type of OCD would be colocal-
review to map out entirely what such a spectrum of dis- ized partly in the direction of the spectrum associated with
orders could look like, three separate psychiatric disorders some impulsivity and partly in the direction of a narrowing
that have been associated with ADHD (schizophrenia, width of attentional spotlight. Conversely, some OCD pa-
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and conduct disor- tients have low impulsivity and high insight. This type of
der) will be used to illustrate how they could be colocalized OCD would be colocalized in the direction of that part of
on the spectrum. the spectrum associated with little or no impulsivity and in
Schizophrenia is associated with a vast number of the direction of a growing width of attentional spotlight.
symptoms, including delusions, hallucinations, flat affect The spectrum approach to identifying disorders of attention
and inappropriate emotional expression that originate from and impulsivity avoids many pitfalls by permiting less
completely within the schizophrenic patient rather than as a subjectivity and more objectivity by shifting the focus to
reaction to external stimuli. As a result, the schizophrenic the quality of the defect rather than using the presence of
can be viewed as having an extremely narrow attentional the defect to position the disorder under one category or a
focus inasmuch as the patient is focused almost exclusively subset of the same category. It is not inconceivable that
on internally generated stimuli, leaving little breadth of such a system could lead to customizable treatment even as

ADHD symptomatology is best conceptualized as a spectrum: a dimensional versus unitary approach… 263

medicine moves toward individual gene-based treatment become the starting point if we accept that the presence of
approaches. those symptoms could point to any one of the disorders that
The concept of looking at a group of psychiatric disor- make up part of the spectrum. The physician, therefore, will
ders as interrelated because they share a common psy- be prompted to start a deeper clinical investigation rather
chophysiological modality that comprises varying degrees than simply halted after observing that a patient has a par-
of two major cognitive functions in this case, attention and ticular constellation of symptoms. Thus, the impairment in
impulsivity, is plausible not only as part of psychological attention/hyperactivity/impulsivity will itself not be the
theory, but also as part of what we know about the function disorder, but rather the marker for any of several disorders
of the brain. The neurological construct supporting this that are interrelated. This type of diagnostic also allows for
idea would be similar to the one Carpenter et al. (2000) greater flexibility in the identification of individuals who do
write about, that is, of a ‘‘cognitive process that spans not naturally come to mind when we think of the disorder
multiple cortical sites with closely collaborative and ADHD, for example, patients who show an SCT profile or
overlapping functions’’. Data about the symmetric and subthreshold patients. Additionally, if clinicians use the at-
asymmetric comorbidity associated with ADHD as well as tentional/impulsivity marker as the start of their diagnosis,
the heterogeneity that have been observed within the dis- the diagnostic tools that will be used to refine their opinion
order implicate the prefrontal cortex (PFC) as a major site about the patient could not only reduce the total number of
for the dysfunction. There is an abundance of evidence patients treated pharmacologically, but also reduce the
indicating that the PFC is a heterogeneous structure that is number of individuals who engage in the feigning and ma-
divisible not only in terms of its cytoarchitectonics, lingering to obtain a prescription for ADHD medication, a
(Heidbreder and Groenewegen 2003), but also on the basis problem which is currently on the rise (Bagot and Kaminer
of differences in connectivity patterns with structures such 2014; Lensing et al. 2013; Quinn 2003; Rabiner 2013; Tucha
as the amygdala, the temporal cortex, the parietal cortex, et al. 2014).
thalamic nuclei, hippocampus, dorsal and ventral striatum, In order to develop better and more varied treatment
hypothalamus and midbrain, as well as with one another options for people who have impairments in the ‘‘attention/
(Chudasama 2011). Furthermore, the manipulation of the impulsivity’’ dimension, data sets generated with much
different regions of the PFC produces distinct and disso- greater scrutiny reliability and validity must be construct-
ciable cognitive deficits including impaired attention, poor ed. Data are lacking in the ability to discriminate among
working memory, dysregulated affect, abnormal decision the heterogeneity in what today is known as ADHD. Few
making, impulsivity, inflexibility and profound disinhibi- data have been collected under conditions that elucidate,
tion (Kesner and Churchwell 2011). Therefore, it is not for example, within subject differences across neuropsy-
difficult to envision a neural circuit governing attention and chological tests, or between subtype differences on the
impulsivity that allocates dynamically to a vast number of same neuropsychological test. There remains an urgent
other neural circuits that underlie any number of disorders. need to create experimental designs that carefully control
The contribution of this ‘‘attentional/impulsivity neural for the different presentations of attention/impulsivity/hy-
circuit’’ to the network of neural circuits associated with a peractivity, including as a function of age and gender. As
particular disorder allow for that disorder to be colocated the pieces of the puzzle come together not only will we be
along the spectrum defined by the ‘‘attentional/impulsivity able to increase our understanding about how impairments
neural circuit’’. Finally, such a spectrum is not limited to in attention and impulsivity can present, but we will also
clinically disordered states, but can also capture the elucidate how the different cognitive processes may be
heterogeneity in the ‘‘attentional/impulsivity’’ dimension distributed across the neural networks that make up the
seen in the general population that may affect behavior, but heterogeneity of the prefrontal cortex. Data already exist
does not necessarily cause impairment. that point to similarities in the underlying neural pathology
The benefit of characterizing comorbid disorders and associated with some psychiatric diseases and patients
interrelated impairments as varying along one dimension presenting with ADHD (e.g., for review see Banaschewski
that spans a spectrum and using it as a starting point for et al. 2005; Rubia et al. 2010); however, there is also
diagnosis and treatment has several advantages. For exam- evidence for shared neural substrates across diverse psy-
ple, in the case of ADHD, diagnosis is the result of a con- chopathologies (Goodkind et al. 2015). Further clarification
vergence of opinions (teachers, parents, clinicians and related to the neural networks that support the different
multiple settings) that confirm that a child is impaired from disorders that lie across the spectrum will lead to both the
the point of view of attention and/or from the point of view prescription of the appropriate treatments that are available
of hyperactivity/impulsivity. In other words, the endpoint of today as well as the identification of new treatments that
the diagnosis is the confirmation of impairment in those target specific populations of neurotransmitters associated
domains. In contrast, that convergence of opinions could with the neural networks.

264 R. Heidbreder

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