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Nowadays world is facing problems related to energy sources like non

availability of enough energy sources to satisfy even the basic needs of the world‟s
population. This is going to be a worst condition as most of our conventional energy
sources will be over in nearly 10-15 years in future. So the usage of non conventional
energy resources has to be adopted and made available for the daily use of energy. In
countries like India a vast supply of non-conventional energy source is available and
that is sun. India is blessed with sunlight. The sun shines for nearly 300 days a year
but 90% of solar energy is being wasted and just converted into heat energy. Also
the modern civilization and its advancement have had a great impact on our planet's
natural resources. The natural disasters like melting ice caps, rising sea levels,
weather changes and temperature rises are now becoming major environmental issues.
Therefore sustainable solutions are required to solve such problems. Scientists have
come up with many different kinds of methods and solutions in order to fight these
changes but many of them were not effective as needed. Thus more complex
approaches and more general and interlinked solutions for solving these problems
have to be adopted.

One of the key issues for global warming is the increased levels of CO 2.Two

main industries largely influencing the production of CO 2– car transport and energy
production. Thus the biggest impact will have the technologies reducing pollution
from vehicles and power plants. So we should put existing technologies for building
cleaner cars and more modern electricity generators into widespread use. There is
however, a technology that can help us to normalize our climate, but also help in our
daily lives. The Smart Solar Roadways is one possible solution that can drastically
change our way of living for better.


The solar roadway is a technology that combines a transparent driving surface

with underlying solar cells, electronics and sensors to act as a solar array with
programmable capability. Each panel interlinks with neighbouring panels to form the
Solar Roadway system. It consists of structurally- engineered solar panels which can
bear the vehicular traffic by replacing the usual asphalt surfaces. This system requires
the development of strong glass which is transparent and has the properties of
necessary traction, impact-resistance and self-cleaning. The idea is to collect energy
to be used by our homes, hospitals, schools and industries by replacing the current
petroleum-based asphalt roads, parking lots, and driveways with Solar Road Panels. It
not only collect solar energy and rain water but also illuminate roads at night, heat
themselves in the winter and are easily programmable to direct drivers. The Solar
roads combine different solutions in one – it help us in production of energy from
solar panels, in collection and distribution of rain water, it facilitate the development
of electric cars and driver-less cars etc. The ultimate goal is to store excess energy in
or along the sides of Solar Roadways. This renewable energy replaces the need for the
current fossil fuels like petrol, diesel used in driving vehicles. This, in turn, reduces
the greenhouse gases to half. This approach can offer many additional benefits to
citizens as well as to the environment.

Sharma A (2011) described the concept and design of a novel roadway microgrid. It
operates as a smart microgrid that optimally utilizes the public right-of-way and roadway infrastructure to
provide cost-effective, highly efficient, and reliable wind/solar electric power production, distribution,
storage, and utilization. The fundamental unit of the microgrid is called the energy-plus roadway/traffic
signal light (EPRTL), which contains a grid-connected wind/solar hybrid generation system installed on the
pole of a roadway/traffic signal light for clean electric power production. The term “energy-plus” stands for
annual energy consumption that is less than production. The generated electric power will be consumed
locally by the roadway/traffic signal light; the excess power generated will be stored in batteries, optimally
distributed in the microgrid, and supplied to the utility main grid. The deployment of the proposed roadway
microgrid will dramatically change the role of the public right-of-way from an energy consumer to an
energy producer, leading to energy-plus roadways. This will not only reduce the roadway agency operating
costs but also generate new revenues for the Highway Trust Fund. The use of renewable electric power will
also promote the development of green roadways.
Selvaraju R (2012) performed the experimental Investigations on solar roadway. Efficiency of
traditional solar panels is known to be very low and hence necessitates the use of extensive open spaces for
producing solar-based electric power. In solar roadways concept, open spaces such as roads, parking lots,
bicycle lanes, footpaths are proposed to be utilized. An in-depth quantitative feasibility study for
implementing solar roadways in Canada is carried out considering the total available surfaces, solar panel
efficiency and effects of fast moving shades. The load carrying capability of commercially available
materials for the solar panel top cover is studied in an effort to examine the current as well as near-future
implementation of this proposed concept. In addition, a piezo-based auxiliary energy harvesting system is
proposed for harnessing the vehicle-induced strain on the solar panel top cover. The positions of the
piezoelectric elements are optimized by studying the vibration characteristics of the top cover via
numerical as well as experimental methods.
Kulkarni A (2013) studied solar roadway technology which may replace all current petroleum-
based asphalt roads, parking lots, and driveways Tried to replace all current petroleum-based asphalt roads,
parking lots, and driveways with solar roadways technology. He showed that solar roadways will create the
clean energy boom and provide a decentralized, secure, intelligent, self-healing power grid which pays for
Johny S (2014) The study about Future of solar roadway , Hearing the concerns about global
warming and knowing our dependency on fossil fuels the solar roadways imagined to develop roadways
with solar panels. This paper presents the concept of Solar Roadway which is a series of structurally
engineered solar panels that are driven upon. The idea is to replace all current petroleum-based asphalt
roads, parking lots, and driveways with Solar Road Panels that collect energy to be used by our homes and
businesses. This renewable energy replaces the need for the current fossil fuels used for the generation of
electricity which in turn reduces the greenhouse gases.
Ranjan R et. al (2015) The study about Solar Power Roads: Revitalising Solar Highways, Electrical
Power and Smart Grids researchers started batting around the idea of replacing asphalt and concrete
surfaces with solar panels that could be driven upon. The solar Roadways can save the world from energy
crisis and climate change. The day by day the human beings are looking for the answers to our deteriorating
highway infrastructure, our crumbling power grid, and the climate crisis. For all such questions the answer
is “SOLAR ROADWAYS". An intelligent highway infrastructure and a self-healing decentralized power
grid will eliminate our need for fossil fuels and also it will lead to less investment in antiquated technology
and overhead power lines. As the day by day the price of petroleum products are getting huge hike &
resources are very less there will be no longer feasible material such as asphalt for our road surfaces. When
Solar Road Panels are refurnished, the solar cells will be upgraded to newest technology, which will allow
keeping up with population growth and increased energy needs.
Patil N (2016) Study about solar roads, The solar roads work on solar energy. Solar roadways
use solar panels, photovoltaic effect , LED and microprocessor chips. In this paper, solar roads are
discussed in brief. The advantages and disadvantages of solar roads are also discussed in this paper. At end
the study has been summarized.
Agrawal R (2017) described the Feasibility Study of Solar Roadways This gives an overview of
the certain environmental implication rendered by use of solar roadways and also the shortcomings
associated to the project. The proper feasibility analysis dealing with the consequence of project is
enlightened in this paper. And, the solution for the shortcomings will surely be the area of interest for future
research works to be ascertained for more effective and reliable outcome.
Joseph Moges (2017) perform the Urban Sustainability, Architecture and Structures: wanted to
implement a few modern technologies in USA, which have been unified to create a better, safer, more
profitable, environmentally friendly, and energy producing solution, because United States of America has
many proud characteristics: free, powerful, wealthy, and innovative.

.The photovoltaic effect refers to photons of light exiting electrons
into a higher state of energy, allowing them to act as charge carriers for an electric
current. Photovoltaic cell is defined as a device whose electrical characteristics such
as current, voltage or resistance vary when exposed to light. Figure1 shows a
photovoltaic cell. Photovoltaic power generation employs solar panels composed of a
number of solar cells containing a photovoltaic material like mono crystalline silicon,
polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon etc and such cells are designed and
arranged to supply usable electric power for a variety of purposes, using the sun as the
power source.

Due to the increased demand for renewable energy sources, the manufacturing
of solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has increased considerably in the past few years.


The world‟s current electricity is generated from fossil fuels such as coal, oil
and natural gas. These energy sources face a number of challenges including rising
prices, security concerns over dependence on imports from a limited number of
countries which have a significant fossil fuel supplies, and growing environment
concerns over the climate change risks associated with power generation using fossil
fuels. As a result of these, the governments and consumers are increasingly supporting
the development of alternative energy sources. Renewable energy sources such as
solar, biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric and wind power generation have emerged as
potential alternatives against these problems since they are unlimited. Solar power
generation has several advantages over other forms of electricity generation and is
preferred over other forms of energy.

3.1. Reduced dependence on Fossil Fuels: Solar energy production does not require
fossil fuels and is therefore less dependent on this limited and expensive natural
resource. Although there is variability in the amount and timing of sunlight over the
day and year, a property sized and configured system can be designed to be highly
reliable while providing long term, fixed price electricity supply.

3.2 Flexible Locations: Solar power generation facilitates can be installed at the
customer site which reduces investments in production and transportation

3.3. Matching Peak Time Output with Peak Time Demand: Solar energy can
effectively supplement electricity supply from an electricity transmission grid, such as
when electricity demand peaks in the summer.

If the entire United State‟s interstate highway system were surfaced with solar
roadway panels, it would produce more than three times the amount of electricity
currently used nationwide. Recent studies in United Kingdom shows that the solar-
road studs to light-up the lines of roads during night time in an area of England, which
has reduced night time accidents by 70%.


A solar roadway is a road surface where the generation of electricity is from

the solar power photovoltaic cell. One current proposal is for 12ft × 12ft (3.658 m ×
3.658 m) panels including solar panels and LED signage over which vehicles can be
driven. The concept involves replacing highways, roads, parking lots, driveways, and
sidewalks with such a system.

Figure.2 solar roadways (source:

Figure.2 shows a simple example of a solar roadway. A layer of embedded

LEDs will be used to create traffic warnings or crosswalks, and excess electricity
could be used to charge electric vehicles or routed into the power grid. The electrical
components will be embedded between layers of extremely durable, textured glass.


The structural design requirements for a solar road panel are as follows:

1. The structure must be able to support the cyclic distributed load from vehicle tires
without failing through deformation, fracture.

2. The transparent layer cannot deflect over the cell compartments so much that the
layer transmits load to the solar cells.

3. The structure must be corrosion resistant to potential contaminants.

4. The weight of the panel must be low enough such that it can be easily manoeuvred
for testing and installation purposes.

5. When a solar panel exposed to sunlight, the light energies are absorbed by a
semi conduction materials.

6. Due to this adsorbed energy, the electrons are liberated and produce the external
DC current. The DC current is converted into 240-volt AC current using an inverter
for different applications.


6.1 Principle

Solar panels consist of three layers, road surface layer, electronics layer and
base plate layer. In order for the solar roadways to achieve success, the 3 components
need to be working as a single unit. The street floor layer desires to be clear enough to
let the sunlight bypass through the electronics layer, the electronics layer wishes to
accumulate electricity and preserve the road functioning well, and the base plate layer
desires to determine wherein the strength is meant to move. Due to the fact that the
road lines on solar roadways are in reality LEDs, the base plate layer wishes to make
certain that the roadway has sufficient electricity wished before sending the rest of the
electricity out toward the grid.



Figure.3 path of energy in solar roadways


Existing prototype panels consist of three layers:

1. Road surface layer

2. Electronics layer

3. Base plate layer

Figure.4 Layers of Solar Roads (source:

Figure 4 shows the various layers of a solar roadway, namely the road surface
layer, the electronics layer and the base layer.

7.1. Road surface layer

As this is the top most layers of the assembly and also from this layer the
solar rays will reach up-to the photovoltaic cells. This layer is composed of a

translucent and high strength material, it is rough enough to provide sufficient
traction, yet still passes sunlight through to the solar collector cells embedded within,
along with LEDs and a heating element. This layer needs to be capable of handling
today‟s heaviest loads under the worst of conditions and to be weatherproof, to protect
the electronics layer beneath it. Also this is made in such a fashion that it is rough
enough to provide great traction to avoid the skidding of vehicles. Figure.5 shows a
typical road surface layer.

Figure.5 Road surface layer (source:

7.2 Electronic layer

Figure 6 shows the electronic layer. It contains photovoltaic cells which

absorbs solar energy. It also contains a microprocessor board with support circuitry
for sensing loads on the surface and controlling a heating element. By implementing
this technology there will be no more snow or ice removal problem due to inclement
weather in the snow falling regions as well as reducing school and business closings
due to inclement weather.

Figure.6 Electronic layer (source:

The microprocessor controls lighting, communications, monitoring, etc. which

are fitted at every 12 feet distance makes the Solar Roadways as an “Intelligent
Highway System”. There is no need to expend energy lighting desolate roads when
no cars are travelling, so the intelligent roadways will tell the LEDs to light up only
when it senses cars on its surface - say 1/2 mile ahead and 1/4 mile behind the vehicle
as it travels. This way, drivers will know an oncoming car is ahead when they see the
lights on the other side of the road begin to light up ahead. The LEDs can also be
programmed to move along with cars at the speed limit and it gives warning to the
drivers instantly when they are driving too fast or the speed of the car increases
beyond the speed limit. With a communication device every 12 feet, a solar roadway
can be an intelligent highway system.

7.3 Base plate layer

Figure 7 shows the base plate layer. While the electronics layer collects
energy from the sun, it is the base plate layer that distributes that power collected
from electronic layer as well as data signals (phone, TV, internet, etc.) down the line
to all homes and businesses connected to the solar roadways. It needs to be
weatherproof to protect the electronics layer above it.

Figure.7 base plate layer (source:


Table 1. Mohs hardness scale

1 Talc
1.3 Asphalt
.2 Calcium, cadmium
2.5-3 Gold, silver
3 Copper
4 Iron, nickel
4-4.5 Platinum
5 Cobalt
5.5-6 Glass
6-7 Fused quartz
9-9.5 Hardened steel
10 Diamond

8.1 Strength

When glass is tempered it becomes 4-5 times stronger than the non-tempered
annealed glass. Bulletproof and bomb resistant glass is made with tempered glass.

Solar Roadway panels are made similarly. Tempered glasses are less likely to
experience a thermal break.

8.2 Hardness

The scale to measure the hardness of materials is called the Mohs hardness
scale in Table 1. It refers to the resistance of a material to being scratched. It lists
materials from the softest to the hardest e.g. on a 1 to 10 scale, with talc earning a 1
and diamond being 10. Asphalt has hardness of 1.3 and glass has a hardness of 5.5-6.

8.3 Weight limits

The glass has undergone both 3D Finite Element Method analysis and actual
physical load testing at civil engineering labs. The results showed that Solar
Roadways can handle trucks up to 113,398 kg.

8.4 Texture/traction

One of the many technical specifications required for solar roadway panels is to
provide the same or greater traction than which the current asphalt roads offers even
during rainy season. A variety of textures were tested with a British pendulum skid
resistance tester. The solar roadways texture was a midrange texture. The final testing
results showed the texture was sufficient to stop a vehicle going at 129kph on a wet

8.5 Durability

Solar roadway panels have been designed to last a minimum of 20 years. The
advanced loading test that is performed to simulate many years of truck abuse in a
matter of months. Environmental tests are also conducted. All this will help to
maximise the life expectancy of solar roadway panels. The hexagonal shape was
chosen so that any force from vehicles (such as during collision) is distributed to
multiple surrounding panel. The hexagonal shape ensures easy installation on hills
and curves.


9.1 Renewability and lifespan

The main advantage of the solar roadway concept is that it utilizes a renewable
source of energy to produce electricity. It has the potential to reduce dependence on
conventional sources of energy such as coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels. Also,
the life span of the solar panels is around 20-30years, much greater than normal
asphalt roads, which last 7-12 years.

9.2 Military and rescue assistance

In the event of an environmental disaster or military emergency, solar roadways

would provide power when it is needed most. As solar power is renewable, it
obviously requires no external connection to an artificial power source.

9.3 Reduction in accidents

The Solar Roadways can protect wildlife and motorists. Load cells in the Solar
Road Panels can detect if something is on the surface of the panel. In the event that an
animal does get onto the Solar Roadway, oncoming drivers will be warned via
embedded LEDs of the danger ahead and will be given plenty of time to slow down.

9.4 Lighting up of roads

By adding LEDs beneath the transparent panel, road can be lightened up for
safe night travel and aesthetic look.

9.5 On the go charging

With induction plating embedded inside these roads, all electric cars can be
recharged while in motion on top of these roads. This would reduce the costs and the
time-inconvenience to wait at a charging station.


Table.2 Length of roadways


National highways 70,934 km
State highways 1,63,898 km
Major and other district roads 25,77,396 km
Rural roads 14,33,577 km


As per a survey on length of road conducted by Indian tollways (An e-news

magazine on road projects), Table 2 shows the distances covered by various
roadways. India has a road network of over 42,45,805 kilometres in 2011, the second
largest road network in the world. In which national highways and state highways
cover 0.05% of total road network, which can produce 450 TWh of electricity
according to references if they are replaced with solar roads. Whereas India needs
991 TWh of electricity per annum. This implies that if 0.1% of total road network
of India is surfaced with Solar Roadways Panels, it would illuminate our nation.


11.1 Cost consideration:

Table 3 comparison between asphalt and solar roadways


12 feet, so a 4 lane highway would be Adding no additional cost to the
12' (width per lane) x 4 (lanes) x current asphalt system, this will allow
5280' (one mile) = 253440 square us to invest about $48 ($16 x 3) per
feet. square foot.

Average cost of asphalt roads in 2006 Each individual panel can be made
was roughly $16 per square foot. The for no more than $6912.00 then the
cost does not include maintenance Solar Roadway can be built for the
(pothole repair, repainting lines, etc.) same cost as current asphalt roads.
or snow/ice removal. However, asphalt roads don't give you

anything back.

The 4.84 billion Solar Road Panels

Your one-mile stretch of asphalt required to replace the asphalt, and
highway will cost $4,055,040.00. we get a target cost of $9923.16 per
panel. This number is considerably
higher if we don‟t consider the costs
of utility poles and relay stations that
will no longer be needed with the
Solar Roadways system.

last for an average of 7 years Last Ffor at least 21 years (three times
that of asphalt roads),

Asphalt roads: 25,000 square miles in 4.84 billion (12‟ by 12‟) Solar Road
the “lower 48” states = Panels would be required to replace
696960000000 square feet. At the current asphalt road system,
$16/square foot, this is a cost of parking lots, and driveways in the 48
$11,151,360,000,000 and the cost of contiguous states.
asphalt is rising rapidly with the cost
of petroleum.

gives back nothing to help this earth Based on 15% efficiency, each Solar
Road Panel can produce an average of
7.6kWh per day. Our hypothetical 4-
lane, one-mile stretch of road would
require 1760 Solar Road Panels. That
means that, each day, this stretch of
Solar Roadway would produce at
least 13,376 kWh of electricity. That's
4,882,240 kWh per year - enough to
take 500 homes completely "off grid".
That is not obtained from asphalt.


The table above is showing the cost difference between a normal asphalt road
and the new and improved solar road way. Asphalt road cost less up front, but over
time to fix and repair the roads the price is jacked up. The roads we drive on today
don't give back anything to the people or to the earth and only last an average of seven
years. On the other hand solar roads cost much more up front but over time they will
pay for them self and will be supplying electricity for house and cars, clean water
supply, and it will lower our car repair bills. Solar Roadways will last for 21 year
before it will have to be rebuilt and updated and then it is good for another 21 years
and does not need to be replaces like asphalt roads have to be.

We plan to design the Solar Roadways to last at least 21 years (three times that
of asphalt roads), at which the panels would need to be refurbished. Adding no
additional cost to the current asphalt system, this will allow us to invest about $48
($16×3) per square foot. This means that is each individual panel can be made for not
more than $6912.00, then the solar roadway can be built for the same initial cost as
current asphalt roads. However, asphalt roads don‟t give you anything back.


12.1 Solar parking lots

A large amount of solar energy can be harvested by placing solar panels on the
parking lots and can charge cars with more efficiency.

12.2 Illuminated roads

Accidents drastically reduced unlike the dark roads we drive on by night today,
the Solar Roadways will have LEDs which will "paint" the lanes, and can be instantly
customized as needed. Many people face the problem during the night driving as they
face the trouble seeing the road lines at night, particularly when the oncoming
headlights are blinding them or when it's raining. By implementation of these
illuminated roads, the country can over come from this problem & also accidents at
night time will get reduced henceforth the night-time driving will be safer. Figure 8
shows illuminated roadways.

Figure 8 illuminated roads (source:

12.3 Electric vehicles

Since the Solar Roadway creates and carries clean renewable electricity,
electric vehicles can be recharged at any conveniently located rest stop. Owners can
plug-in their cars in and recharge while they're eating or shopping. Engineers are even
investigating ways to use mutual induction to charge electric vehicles while they are
driving down the Solar Roadway. This would reduce the costs and the time-
convenience of waiting at a charging station. By the way using electric cars would
eliminate most of the other half of the cause of global warming.

Figure.9 On The Go Charging in cars (source:

12.4 Smart grid

The Solar Roadways replaces all current centralized power stations including
coal and nuclear-powered electricity generation plants. With the Solar Roadway, the

road becomes the power grid, eliminating the need for unsightly utility poles and relay
stations. Power is generated everywhere - every road, parking lot and driveway. The
Solar Roadways generates "secure" energy; it can't be deliberately shut down. Not by
terrorists, not by power companies. A smart grid would be more automated and more
"self-healing" and so less prone to failures. It would be more tolerant of small-scale,
variable power sources such as solar panels and wind turbines in part because it would
even out fluctuations by storing energy.

Figure 10 example for smart grid (source:

12.5 Aesthetics

While driving, views are marred by power lines. Travelling and enjoying with no
such obstructions is more preferable. This will make our world much safer as well.
No more unsightly utility poles, relay stations, coal stacks, cooling towers, etc. all
power lines are replaced by the Solar Roadways.

12.6 Snow/ice managements

A benefit to the use of solar roadways is that the de-icing of roads will not be
required; this is due to panels being capable of self heating. The panels will have
sensors which will determine when the temperature falls below a certain point and
will activate the heating system which will prevent the build up of snow and ice. Thus
eliminates the use of de-icing salts and the impacts that arise due to their use such as,
contaminated surface runoff and rusting of road structures and vehicles.

Figure 11 Snow Management (source: Wikipedia)

12.7 Traffic management

Each Solar Road Panel contains a microprocessor that monitors and controls
the panel, while communicating with neighbouring panels and the vehicles travelling
overhead. The dashed road lines that are seen on highways can travel alongside at the
designated speed limit, thus helping us to maintain proper speed.

The road can warn about traffic congestions ahead and even diversions nearby.
It can even notify law enforcement to assist in tracking down stolen vehicles or
suspects‟ cars equipped with GPS tracking devices. Crosswalk panels can alert drivers
when pedestrians are on the crosswalk. Once the crosswalk panels detect a pedestrian,
the LEDs within the crosswalk begin flashing and a warning is displayed in front of
oncoming vehicles. Wildlife protection system works in the same way. Load cells in
the Solar Road Panels can detect if something is on the surface of the panel. If a
vehicle crosses the centre line too many times within a given distance, a ring of LEDs
can be drawn around the vehicle, which will travel with it indefinitely. This will warn
other drivers of a potential danger and will alert law enforcement officials of a
potential problem. The Solar Roadways could drastically reduce the number of

deaths/injuries caused by impaired driving. It can save electricity by turning on
roadway lighting in remote areas only when a vehicle comes along.

Figure 12 Pedestrian warning system Figure 13 Wildlife protection system

(source: (source :

12.8 Homes/business

Businesses will be able to have solar parking lots, which will enable them to
quickly go off grid as well as offer their customers the convenience of allowing their
electric vehicles to recharge while they are shopping, eating, working etc. They will
no longer have the expense of snow removal. Their parking lots will be safer at night
with the light provided by the LED's. Walkways can be replaced with similar solar
panels, enabling more energy collection, and the safety features like lighting and
heating. A solar driveway will have many features, including LED lit address markers
and the ability to add customized wording, such as "Happy Birthday” or "Wedding
reception here”. The driveway will also become an instantly customizable sports

Figure 14 Sports court created from solar roadways

12.9 Solar roadway lighting

Solar roadways can be supplemented by solar-powered led roadway lighting

system. Highly efficient, long lasting, environmentally friendly and controllable LEDs
have opened up a whole new world of possibilities for lighting. In some remote areas
where the grid power cannot reach, solar powered lighting using high-power LED
provides a promising solution. LED will reduce the power consumption as well as
LLP (loss of load power) and thus is the best choice for solar roadway lighting


This innovation begun in early 2009 and later the company was established by
name Solar Roadways in United States and awarded a contract by federal
government. They started the project by name „solar roadways‟ in Idaho, United
States. The phase 1 has been completed and second phase also under completion and
opened for testing in December 2014. They built a prototype of solar parking lot of
12-by-36-foot (3.7 by 11.0 m) in dimension. Some latest facts are: 

 Solar Roadways has received two phases of funding from the U.S. Federal
Highway Administration for research and development of a paving system that
will pay for itself over its lifespan.
 The glass surface has been tested for traction, load testing, and impact
resistance testing in civil engineering laboratories around the country, and
exceeded all requirements.
 The implementation of the concept on a grand scale could create thousands of
jobs in the United States and around the world. It could allow all the ability to
manufacture economic crisis.
 A solar roadway structure with an intelligent system can become the new
Smart Grid using wireless power transmission.

Figure. 15 A prototype of solar parking slot (source:


14.1 Maintenance cost

In spite of many advantages, the start up and maintenance costs of building

such roadways and parking lots may be extremely high and may not be feasible and
economical as it initial and installation cost may be three times more compared to our
convectional roads. The solar roads cannot be constructed in the poorest developing
nations due to the high initial start-up costs. However, advancement in this technology
will cause the costs to fall.

14.2 Seasonal efficiency

In India the solar road will work efficiently in summer, while it will give
comparatively less efficiency in other seasons due to lack of solar radiations. Where
as in the countries where summer lasts for more than half of year this technique can
be efficiently used.

14.3 Need for town planning

If these roads are to be used town planning plays a vital role as these roads needs
accurate orientation of buildings, roads, sanitary lines, parking lots, playgrounds, etc.

14.4 Effect of climate

These may not work properly in rainy season as poor sunlight is available
during day time.


In future, normal roads can be replaced by the solar roadways but huge initial
investment is required. The solar roadway alternative could be made at less cost with
an energy return. As old roads are scheduled to be under maintenance, the process of
solar roadway placement could occur seamlessly. The alternative of airports and
parking lots are under varying timelines. Whenever fiscal dilemmas become the
primary motivating factor for a state or municipal budget, the option of solar
roadways should be presented and defended. With respect to solar roadways being
future proof asphalt roads are a dead end. There are no redeeming features to asphalt
that should hinder the progress of a new model. The Intelligent Transportation System
program seems to be begging for a concept that is readily available for the next step.
Solar roadways will answer our nations problem in the field of transportation
pollution, waste pollution, coal pollution, transportation funding and energy.


As the prevailing price of a ton of asphalt is continuing upward, photovoltaic

cell technology is becoming more and more efficient. The need for an alternative
energy source is increasing at an alarming rate. We can't wait any longer to find a
replacement for oil, which is rapidly disappearing. The solar roadways if implemented
can be a solution for all our energy concerns which we are facing right now. In
developing countries, the major part of the geographical area is to be explored in
terms of road connectivity. These roads can be utilised to develop solar roads so they
could improve economy with infrastructure. The reasons why solar roadways project
is viable are to reduce fossil-fuel dependency and global warming activities. It also
has some of its drawbacks such as high cost, durability, and weather. However, we
believe that we would able to overcome those limitations eventually in order to serve
the society with greater efficiency.

Generally solar roadways will:-

1. Create an intelligent, secure highway infrastructure that pays for itself.

2. Create a decentralised, self-healing power grid.

3. Eliminate the need for coal fired or nuclear power plants.

4. End our dependency on oil and other fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas).

5. Cut our nations greenhouse gas emissions by over 50%.

6. Provide safer driving conditions.

7. Snow & Ice management.

8. Traffic Management

9. Wild life protection


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