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Slab Design Calculations

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Project Name : Proposed Two-Storey Building- Cainta, Rizal
Client Name :
Engineer Name : Engr. Christian Oledan
Design File : C:\Users\Public\Documents\RCDC Design\slab.rcdx
Analysis File : C:\Users\Public\REVISED-2-Storey_CAINTA.mdb
Analysis Last Modified : 07/05/2022 2:02:03 pm

1. Density of concrete assumed as 25 kN/cum.

Definitions Of Terms: :
Ratio of flexural stiffness of beam section to flexural
1. αf =
stiffness of slab.
Ratio of torsional stiffness of edge beam section to
2. βt =
flexural stiffness of slab.
3. Φt = Strength reduction factor.
4. As = Area of Tension reinforcement required in 'sqmm'.
5. As,min = Min area of flexural reinforcement in 'sqmm'.
Area of longitudinal reinforcement provided at
6. AstPrv =
given section in 'sqmm'.
Total area of longitudinal reinforcement calculated at
7. Ast =
a given section in 'sqmm'.
8. b = Width of the Slab in 'mm'.
9. B1 to B4 = Width of beams around slab in 'mm'.
10. Cc = Effective Cover to tension reinforcement in 'mm'.
cross-sectional constant to define torsional properties
11. CA and CB =
of slab and beam.
12. deff = Effective depth of slab in 'mm'.
13. D1 to D4 = Depth of beams around slab.
14. Icr = Moment of Inertia of concrete crack section.
Length of clear span in direction that moment are
15. Ln =
being determined in 'mm'.
16. L2 = Length of adjacent span of Ln in 'mm'.
17. lb1 to lb2 = Moment of inertia of beams around slab in 'mm4'.
18. Mcr = Cracking Moment.
19. Mu = Factored Bending Moment at a section in 'kNm'.
20. Ptmin = Minimum percentage steel as per chapter 8.
21. PtPrv = Provided percentage steel.
22. Vc = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete in 'kN'.
23. Vu = Factored Shear Force at a section in 'kN'.
24. Vud = Design Shear Force in 'kN'.
25. y = Neutral axis depth.

Code References :

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NSCP C101 - 2015


1. Ptmax : 407.3.3.1, 408.3.3.1, 409.3.3.1
2. Ptmin : 407.6.1.1 & 408.6.1.1/407.7.2.3
3. Vc : 422.6.5
4. Av : 422.5.10.5 & 422.6.7
5. Moment calculations : 408.10
6. spacing between main bars : 407.7.2
7. spacing between distribution bars : 407.7.6 & 408.7.2
8. Minimum reinforcement : 407.6.1 & 408.6.1
9. fs,perm : 424.3.2.1
10. fc,perm : A.3.1 (ACI 318-99)
10. Wcr : Eq 1-2 ( ACI 224R-01)

Slab No. : S1
Level = 2F
Design Code = NSCP C101 - 2015
Grade Of Concrete = C21
Grade Of Steel = Fy276
Clear Cover = 20.000 mm
Long Span, Ly = 3.700 m
Short Span, Lx = 2.700 m
Imposed Load = 2.420 kN/sqm
Live Load, Qk = 1.900 kN/sqm
Slab Thickness = 100.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LX, Deffx = 75.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LY, Deffy = 65.000 mm
Self Weight = 2.500 kN/sqm
Total Load, TL (ultimate) = 8.940 kN/sqm
Span = 2-Way
Load Combination = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL

Short Span Long Span

Side1 Side2 Side1 Side2
  B (mm) 250 250 250 250
  D (mm) 400 400 400 400
  Ib (mm4)   x106 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33
Adjacent Slab
  Thk (mm) - 100 100 -
  Span (mm) - 4650 4000 -
  Ib (mm4)   x106 112.5 306.25 320.83 154.17
αf lx, αf ly 11.85 4.35 4.16 8.65
αf 7.25
Ln (mm) 2450 3450

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L2 (mm) 1975 1475

Effective Width (mm) 925 675
Ly/Lx Lx/Ly
1.37 0.73
Total BM (kNm) 13.25 19.63
  Moment Co-efficent 0.57 0.57
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 7.55 11.19
  Moment factor for CS 0.639 0.831
  CS Moment (kNm) 4.83 9.3
  MS Moment (kNm) 2.73 1.89
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 4.1 7.9
  Design Moment M1, M3 (kNm) 2.73 1.89
  Moment Co-efficent 0.7 0.7
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 9.28 13.74
  Moment factor for CS 0.639 0.831
  CS Moment (kNm) 5.93 11.42
  MS Moment (kNm) 3.35 2.32
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 5.04 9.71
  Design Moment M2, M4 (kNm) 3.351 2.32

Design Moments:
Short Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M1 = 2.730 kNm
M1 (per m) = M1/Effective
= 2.950 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 161.020 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Short Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M2 = 3.350 kNm
M2 (per m) =
= 3.620 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 198.540 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of
= 118.030 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M3 = 1.890 kNm
M3 (per m) =
= 2.800 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 177.200 sqmm/m

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Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M4 = 2.320 kNm
M4 (per m) =
= 3.440 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 218.730 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of = 130.130 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Distribution Reinforcement @ 0.18% -
Area Of Reinforcement = 135.000 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m

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Shear Check :
Along Short Span
Vsx (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 4) = 6.040 kN
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 43.490 kN
> 6.040 Slab Is Safe In Shear
Along Long Span
Vsy (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 2 x = 7.670 kN
(1 - (Lx / (2 x Ly))))
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 37.690 kN
> 7.670 Slab Is Safe In Shear

Slab No. : S2
Level = 2F
Design Code = NSCP C101 - 2015
Grade Of Concrete = C21
Grade Of Steel = Fy276
Clear Cover = 20.000 mm
Long Span, Ly = 4.000 m
Short Span, Lx = 2.700 m
Imposed Load = 2.420 kN/sqm
Live Load, Qk = 1.900 kN/sqm
Slab Thickness = 100.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LX, Deffx = 75.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LY, Deffy = 65.000 mm
Self Weight = 2.500 kN/sqm
Total Load, TL (ultimate) = 8.940 kN/sqm
Span = 2-Way
Load Combination = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL

Short Span Long Span

Side1 Side2 Side1 Side2
  B (mm) 250 250 250 250
  D (mm) 400 400 400 400
  Ib (mm4)   x106 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33
Adjacent Slab
  Thk (mm) - 100 - 100
  Span (mm) - 3680 - 3700
  Ib (mm4)   x106 112.5 265.83 166.67 320.83
αf lx, αf ly 11.85 5.02 8 4.16
αf 7.26
Ln (mm) 2450 3750
L2 (mm) 2125 1475
Effective Width (mm) 1000 675

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Ly/Lx Lx/Ly
1.48 0.68
Total BM (kNm) 14.26 23.19
  Moment Co-efficent 0.57 0.57
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 8.13 13.22
  Moment factor for CS 0.606 0.848
  CS Moment (kNm) 4.92 11.2
  MS Moment (kNm) 3.21 2.02
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 4.18 9.52
  Design Moment M1, M3 (kNm) 3.21 2.02
  Moment Co-efficent 0.7 0.7
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 9.98 16.23
  Moment factor for CS 0.606 0.848
  CS Moment (kNm) 6.04 13.76
  MS Moment (kNm) 3.94 2.48
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 5.14 11.69
  Design Moment M2, M4 (kNm) 3.941 2.48

Design Moments:
Short Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M1 = 3.210 kNm
M1 (per m) = M1/Effective
= 3.210 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 175.320 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Short Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M2 = 3.940 kNm
M2 (per m) =
= 3.940 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 216.250 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of
= 128.590 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M3 = 2.020 kNm
M3 (per m) =
= 2.990 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 189.290 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C

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= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M4 = 2.480 kNm
M4 (per m) =
= 3.670 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 233.740 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of = 139.100 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Distribution Reinforcement @ 0.18% -
Area Of Reinforcement = 135.000 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m

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Shear Check :
Along Short Span
Vsx (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 4) = 6.040 kN
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 43.490 kN
> 6.040 Slab Is Safe In Shear
Along Long Span
Vsy (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 2 x = 8.000 kN
(1 - (Lx / (2 x Ly))))
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 37.690 kN
> 8.000 Slab Is Safe In Shear

Slab No. : S3
Level = 2F
Design Code = NSCP C101 - 2015
Grade Of Concrete = C21
Grade Of Steel = Fy276
Clear Cover = 20.000 mm
Long Span, Ly = 4.000 m
Short Span, Lx = 3.680 m
Imposed Load = 2.420 kN/sqm
Live Load, Qk = 1.900 kN/sqm
Slab Thickness = 100.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LX, Deffx = 75.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LY, Deffy = 65.000 mm
Self Weight = 2.500 kN/sqm
Total Load, TL (ultimate) = 8.940 kN/sqm
Span = 2-Way
Load Combination = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL

Short Span Long Span

Side1 Side2 Side1 Side2
  B (mm) 250 250 250 250
  D (mm) 400 400 400 400
  Ib (mm4)   x106 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33
Adjacent Slab
  Thk (mm) 100 100 - 100
  Span (mm) 2700 3520 - 3700
  Ib (mm4)   x106 265.83 300 166.67 320.83
αf lx, αf ly 5.02 4.44 8 4.16
αf 5.4
Ln (mm) 3430 3750
L2 (mm) 2125 1965
Effective Width (mm) 1000 920

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Ly/Lx Lx/Ly
1.09 0.92
Total BM (kNm) 27.95 30.89
  Moment Co-efficent 0.57 0.57
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 15.93 17.61
  Moment factor for CS 0.724 0.774
  CS Moment (kNm) 11.53 13.63
  MS Moment (kNm) 4.4 3.98
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 9.8 11.59
  Design Moment M1, M3 (kNm) 4.4 3.98
  Moment Co-efficent 0.7 0.7
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 19.57 21.63
  Moment factor for CS 0.724 0.774
  CS Moment (kNm) 14.16 16.74
  MS Moment (kNm) 5.4 4.89
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 12.04 14.23
  Design Moment M2, M4 (kNm) 5.41 4.89

Design Moments:
Short Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M1 = 4.400 kNm
M1 (per m) = M1/Effective
= 4.400 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 242.240 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Short Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M2 = 5.400 kNm
M2 (per m) =
= 5.400 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 299.330 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of
= 178.210 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M3 = 3.980 kNm
M3 (per m) =
= 4.330 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 277.200 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C

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= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M4 = 4.890 kNm
M4 (per m) =
= 5.310 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 343.250 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of = 204.650 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Distribution Reinforcement @ 0.18% -
Area Of Reinforcement = 135.000 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m

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Shear Check :
Along Short Span
Vsx (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 4) = 8.230 kN
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 43.490 kN
> 8.230 Slab Is Safe In Shear
Along Long Span
Vsy (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 2 x = 8.890 kN
(1 - (Lx / (2 x Ly))))
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 37.690 kN
> 8.890 Slab Is Safe In Shear

Slab No. : S4
Level = 2F
Design Code = NSCP C101 - 2015
Grade Of Concrete = C21
Grade Of Steel = Fy276
Clear Cover = 20.000 mm
Long Span, Ly = 4.650 m
Short Span, Lx = 3.700 m
Imposed Load = 2.420 kN/sqm
Live Load, Qk = 1.900 kN/sqm
Slab Thickness = 100.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LX, Deffx = 75.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LY, Deffy = 65.000 mm
Self Weight = 2.500 kN/sqm
Total Load, TL (ultimate) = 8.940 kN/sqm
Span = 2-Way
Load Combination = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL

Short Span Long Span

Side1 Side2 Side1 Side2
  B (mm) 250 250 250 250
  D (mm) 400 400 400 400
  Ib (mm4)   x106 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33
Adjacent Slab
  Thk (mm) 100 - 100 100
  Span (mm) 1330 - 2700 2550
  Ib (mm4)   x106 209.58 154.17 306.25 300
αf lx, αf ly 6.36 8.65 4.35 4.44
αf 5.95
Ln (mm) 3450 4400
L2 (mm) 2450 1975
Effective Width (mm) 1162.5 925

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Ly/Lx Lx/Ly
1.26 0.8
Total BM (kNm) 32.6 42.75
  Moment Co-efficent 0.57 0.35
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 18.58 14.96
  Moment factor for CS 0.673 0.811
  CS Moment (kNm) 12.51 12.14
  MS Moment (kNm) 6.08 2.82
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 10.63 10.32
  Design Moment M1, M3 (kNm) 6.08 2.82
  Moment Co-efficent 0.7 0.65
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 22.82 27.79
  Moment factor for CS 0.673 0.811
  CS Moment (kNm) 15.36 22.54
  MS Moment (kNm) 7.46 5.24
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 13.05 19.16
  Design Moment M2, M4 (kNm) 7.461 5.24

Design Moments:
Short Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M1 = 6.080 kNm
M1 (per m) = M1/Effective
= 5.230 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 289.370 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Short Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M2 = 7.460 kNm
M2 (per m) =
= 6.420 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 358.020 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of
= 213.340 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M3 = 2.820 kNm
M3 (per m) =
= 3.050 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 193.570 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C

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= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M4 = 5.240 kNm
M4 (per m) =
= 5.670 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 367.390 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of = 270.600 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Distribution Reinforcement @ 0.18% -
Area Of Reinforcement = 135.000 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m

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Shear Check :
Along Short Span
Vsx (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 4) = 8.270 kN
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 43.490 kN
> 8.270 Slab Is Safe In Shear
Along Long Span
Vsy (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 2 x = 9.960 kN
(1 - (Lx / (2 x Ly))))
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 37.690 kN
> 9.960 Slab Is Safe In Shear

Slab No. : S5
Level = 2F
Design Code = NSCP C101 - 2015
Grade Of Concrete = C21
Grade Of Steel = Fy276
Clear Cover = 20.000 mm
Long Span, Ly = 3.520 m
Short Span, Lx = 1.330 m
Imposed Load, Qk = 2.420 kN/sqm
Live Load = 1.900 kN/sqm
Slab Thickness = 100.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LX, Deffx = 75.000 mm
Self Weight = 2.500 kN/sqm
Total Load, TL(ultimate) = 8.940 kN/sqm
Span = 1-Way
End Conditions = End Span
Load Combination = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL

Design  Moments:
Short Span Positive Moment at Mid Span -
Moment Coefficient, M1 = 0.0710
Mu (M1 x TL(ultimate) x Lx x = 1.130 kNm
Area Of Reinforcement = 61.050 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Short Span Negative Moment at Continuous Support -
Moment Coefficient, M2 = 0.1000
Mu (M2 x TL(ultimate) x Lx x = 1.580 kNm
Area Of Reinforcement = 85.690 sqmm/m
Required (BM)

Additional Area Of

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Reinforcement Required = 0.000 sqmm/m

Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
All Other Sections provide Minimum Steel @ 0.18% -
Area Of Reinforcement = 135.000 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Shear Check :
Shear Coefficient, SF1 = 0.500
Vsx (SF1 x TL(ultimate) x Lx) = 5.950 kN
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 43.490 kN
> 5.950 Slab Is Safe In Shear

Slab No. : S7
Level = 2F
Design Code = NSCP C101 - 2015
Grade Of Concrete = C21
Grade Of Steel = Fy276
Clear Cover = 20.000 mm
Long Span, Ly = 2.550 m
Short Span, Lx = 2.000 m
Imposed Load = 2.420 kN/sqm
Live Load, Qk = 1.900 kN/sqm
Slab Thickness = 100.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LX, Deffx = 75.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LY, Deffy = 65.000 mm
Self Weight = 2.500 kN/sqm
Total Load, TL (ultimate) = 8.940 kN/sqm
Span = 2-Way
Load Combination = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL

Short Span Long Span

Side1 Side2 Side1 Side2
  B (mm) 250 250 250 250
  D (mm) 400 400 400 400
  Ib (mm4)   x106 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33
Adjacent Slab
  Thk (mm) 100 - - -
  Span (mm) 3700 - - -
  Ib (mm4)   x106 237.5 83.33 106.25 106.25
αf lx, αf ly 5.61 16 12.55 12.55
αf 11.68
Ln (mm) 1750 2300
L2 (mm) 1400 1125

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Effective Width (mm) 637.5 500

Ly/Lx Lx/Ly
1.27 0.78
Total BM (kNm) 4.79 6.65
  Moment Co-efficent 0.57 0.84
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 2.73 5.59
  Moment factor for CS 0.668 0.815
  CS Moment (kNm) 1.82 4.55
  MS Moment (kNm) 0.91 1.04
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 1.55 3.87
  Design Moment M1, M3 (kNm) 0.91 1.04
  Moment Co-efficent 0.7 0.16
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 3.36 1.06
  Moment factor for CS 0.668 0.815
  CS Moment (kNm) 2.24 0.87
  MS Moment (kNm) 1.12 0.2
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 1.9 0.74
  Design Moment M2, M4 (kNm) 1.121 0.2

Design Moments:
Short Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M1 = 0.910 kNm
M1 (per m) = M1/Effective
= 1.430 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 77.120 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Short Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M2 = 1.120 kNm
M2 (per m) =
= 1.750 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 94.880 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of
= 56.320 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M3 = 1.040 kNm
M3 (per m) =
= 2.070 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 130.330 sqmm/m
Required (BM)

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Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C

= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M4 = N.A. kNm
Area Of Reinforcement = N.A. sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Distribution Reinforcement @ 0.18% -
Area Of Reinforcement = 135.000 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m

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Shear Check :
Along Short Span
Vsx (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 4) = 4.470 kN
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 43.490 kN
> 4.470 Slab Is Safe In Shear
Along Long Span
Vsy (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 2 x = 5.440 kN
(1 - (Lx / (2 x Ly))))
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 37.690 kN
> 5.440 Slab Is Safe In Shear

Slab No. : S8
Level = 2F
Design Code = NSCP C101 - 2015
Grade Of Concrete = C21
Grade Of Steel = Fy276
Clear Cover = 20.000 mm
Long Span, Ly = 3.700 m
Short Span, Lx = 2.550 m
Imposed Load = 2.420 kN/sqm
Live Load, Qk = 1.900 kN/sqm
Slab Thickness = 100.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LX, Deffx = 75.000 mm
Effective Depth Along LY, Deffy = 65.000 mm
Self Weight = 2.500 kN/sqm
Total Load, TL (ultimate) = 8.940 kN/sqm
Span = 2-Way
Load Combination = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL

Short Span Long Span

Side1 Side2 Side1 Side2
  B (mm) 250 250 250 250
  D (mm) 400 400 400 400
  Ib (mm4)   x106 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33 1333.33
Adjacent Slab
  Thk (mm) 100 - 100 100
  Span (mm) 4650 - 3520 2000
  Ib (mm4)   x106 300 106.25 300.83 237.5
αf lx, αf ly 4.44 12.55 4.43 5.61
αf 6.76
Ln (mm) 2300 3450
L2 (mm) 1975 1400
Effective Width (mm) 925 637.5

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Ly/Lx Lx/Ly
1.45 0.69
Total BM (kNm) 11.68 18.63
  Moment Co-efficent 0.57 0.35
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 6.66 6.52
  Moment factor for CS 0.615 0.843
  CS Moment (kNm) 4.09 5.5
  MS Moment (kNm) 2.57 1.02
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 3.48 4.67
  Design Moment M1, M3 (kNm) 2.57 1.02
  Moment Co-efficent 0.7 0.65
  Distributed Moment (kNm) 8.18 12.11
  Moment factor for CS 0.615 0.843
  CS Moment (kNm) 5.03 10.21
  MS Moment (kNm) 3.15 1.9
  Moment on Beam (kNm) 4.27 8.68
  Design Moment M2, M4 (kNm) 3.151 1.9

Design Moments:
Short Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M1 = 2.570 kNm
M1 (per m) = M1/Effective
= 2.770 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 151.250 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Short Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M2 = 3.150 kNm
M2 (per m) =
= 3.410 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 186.450 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of
= 110.820 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Positive Moment At Midspan -
M3 = 1.020 kNm
M3 (per m) =
= 1.600 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 100.520 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C

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= 524.000 sqmm/m
Long Span Negative Moment At Continuous Support -
M4 = 1.900 kNm
M4 (per m) =
= 2.980 kNm/m
Area Of Reinforcement = 188.720 sqmm/m
Required (BM)
Additional Area Of = 138.460 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Required
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m
Distribution Reinforcement @ 0.18% -
Area Of Reinforcement = 135.000 sqmm/m
Reinforcement Provided = #10 @ 150 C/C
= 524.000 sqmm/m

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Shear Check :
Along Short Span
Vsx (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 4) = 5.700 kN
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 43.490 kN
> 5.700 Slab Is Safe In Shear
Along Long Span
Vsy (TL(ultimate) x Lx / 2 x = 7.470 kN
(1 - (Lx / (2 x Ly))))
Nominal Shear, ΦVc = 37.690 kN
> 7.470 Slab Is Safe In Shear


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