Fernandez ED101 Module 2 PDF

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Fernandez, Catherine

ED101 - J

Lesson 1: Biological Beginnings

Motivation/Prompting Questions

What is inside the mother’s womb? Reflect on the picture and write your
reflection below.
Inside the mother’s womb is an unborn baby, an umbilical cord and a

Cari Nierenberg - Live Science Contributor May 19, 2015

Has each one gone through this life’s stage? Yes, everyone has gone through
this life’s stage.

What life stage of biological development does the picture show? A fetus.
Check your own understanding from the video you have just watched.
1. When does life begin?
Life begins in the stage of fertilization or conception.

2. How did it happen? It happens when an egg cell and sperm cell unite.

Learning Activities
Write the BIG IDEAS on this topic. Trace the course of pre-natal
development. Give insights of what’s really happening to some unborn child in
the womb of the mother. Cite some hazard incidents that may affect the
development of the fetus.
Related Periods Concept Characteristics Insights
Germinal Stage During the first two During this stage the two
(First two weeks weeks the two cells cells are still developing and
after conception) unite after conception the pregnant woman should
and becomes a be more cautious as the
Fertilization cells zygote. The cells are process is too fragile if
and implantation of divided into many harmed. One factor that could
the zygote. cells and attaches harm the development of the
into the uterine wall zygote is when a pregnant
after days of mother has genetic disorder
conception and is that usually occurs when the
ready for the next two genes from the parents
stage. met and not compatible to
each other. It can cause to
unsuccessful implantation of
the zygote in the uterine wall.

Embryonic Stage This stage occurs As this stage tackles about

(2 to 8 weeks after within 2-8weeks after the development of embryo
conception) conception where the and life-support systems,
zygote becomes an there are some activities that
Formation of embryo. Organs are may harm its process. An
embryo, slowly formed such example of it is when a
organogenesis, and as nervous system, pregnant mother has health
life-support respiratory system issues which might cause
Systems. and so forth and the deformities in an embryo.
embryo receives This results to some birth
life-supports that defects of the unborn child.
was developed from
the fertilized egg.

Fetal Stage (2 to 7 months after The development of The process of this stage is
conception) embryo to fetus longer than the two stages.
during this stage This stage is where the fetus
Continuous occurs dramatically. starts to have body parts.
development of The fetus starts to Common activities that can
Fetus. have body parts harm the fetus is when he
such arms, legs, and pregnant mother is smoking.
all physical attributes. Well, all stages of prenatal
The pregnant mother development that smoking
could feel the should be avoided. Smoking
movement of the can cause some birth defects
fetus and it grows and to the fetus since cigarettes
weighs continually. have harmful substances that
can harm the fetus.

A. Filling the blanks

Development refers to the process in which a baby develops from a single
1. ______________
cell after conception into an embryo and later a fetus
______________ the process of organ formation during the first two months
of pre-natal development.
3. ______________ develops during the germinal period and later into an
4. ______________ the life-support system that consists of a disk-shaped group
of tissues.
Fetal Stage
5. ______________ Growth and development continue dramatically during this
Discuss why pregnant mothers are advised not to smoke, not to drink
alcoholic drinks, not to take in any medication without doctor’s advice.

According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, pregnancy is the quality of

being pregnant. It occurs during the process of fertilization. Also, pregnancy
lasted for 9 months. When pregnancy occurs, there are things a mother
should consider, this includes: how a pregnant mother takes care of her baby?
And, what are the things to consider in order to avoid harm for the baby’s

During pregnancy, a mother is advised to eat healthy foods (i.e., being

mindful of what should be taken internally), to stay active, to watch her
position during she sleeps, to watch her pregnancy notes (e.g., 3 months), etc.
On the contrary, a pregnant mother should not smoke, drink alcoholic
beverages, and take drugs or any other medications without the consent of
their doctor. So, when a pregnant mother is smoking this might harm the
baby’s health or life. Since tobacco contains harmful chemicals such as
nicotine, this might lead to a premature baby or worst can cause miscarriage.
On the other hand, when a pregnant mother drinks alcoholic beverages, the
baby will also receive the same drinks that may lead to suffer the unborn
baby. By doing so, the baby might have heart defects, face defects, fingers
defects, etc. if the mother continues to drink. And, if a pregnant mother take
drugs or any other medications without the consent of the doctor, it is
possible that the baby may be at risk. For example, if she takes aspirin with
large dosage during her late pregnancy, it might cause abnormal bleeding for
her and for her baby during the process of delivery.

To sum it up, a pregnant mother should be vigilant of what she do or of

what she takes internally to avoid harmful effects for their baby.
This is your Project worth 50 points.
Pretend you are 4 months old in the womb. Your mother is concentrating of
doing abortion. Write her a LETTER convincing her that you are a human being
developing contrary to what she and other pro-abortionists are thinking.
Describe to her the development that has already taken place in 4 months.
Dear Mom,
Reflect what you learned on pre-natal development in this module.
I know what you are thinking, I know what you are feeling because I am
connected to you. Mom I’m telling you, do not do actions that may cause you
regret in the future. Do not let emotions driven you out. Please hear me out,
Mom—listen to me.

The moment when the sperm cell of my father and your egg cell
fertilizes, I knew that I will be formed. Do not forget that I am your product—a
product of you and dad’s love. I didn’t ask you to make me, but you made me
intentionally. And, that is a thing that I should be proud of. I am happy Mom
that you gave me this life. As you know, you are pregnant for 4 months.
During this 4 months, you already hear my heart beating. You can feel the
movements of my arms and legs for the first time. Mom I’m telling you, my
eyelids, hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, and nails are now formed. My toes and
fingers are now apparent. I know you will be happy Mom because you can
now determine my sex whether I’m a he or a she (male or female). This is
great news! Right, Mom?

You know, you are a lucky individual Mom because you are healthy. You
can produce an angel that some women are hoping to do so. The capability of
you bearing a child is God’s gift. And, I am also a gift Mom—God’s gift. You will
me the opportunity to see the world that you have been seeing until now. You
will give me the opportunity to see you—to see my beautiful and brave
mother. Please, don’t give me false hopes Mom by aborting me. Please don’t
kill me Mom—an innocent and hopeful daughter of yours. Please stop what
you are doing Mom. It is not too late to stop. Tell the abortionist to stop Mom,

I love you so much, Mom. There are still beautiful things that awaits for
the both of us. Please hold unto me, Mom. Whatever you are facing right now
will eventually be over. Don’t let me go because I am just one. Even if you will
produce another human being, surely that isn’t me because we are unique
individuals. Whoever you may produce will always be different from each
other. Always remember that, Mom.

Truly Yours,
Write your comments about lesson 1 of module 2
How did you find the lesson?
The lesson is fine. Though, I need to understand and comprehend so that I
can answer the questions given by the lesson.

Lesson 2: Physical and Motor Development

Motivation/Prompting Questions
Review: In module 1 you learned about cephalocaudal and proximodistal
What is the difference between cephalocaudal and proximodistal pattern of
development? Use the picture below to figure out your answer.

The difference between cephalocaudal and proximodistal pattern is that;
Cephalocaudal pattern starts to develop from top to bottom (e.i., starting from
the head, to the neck, then shoulders, followed by middle trunk and so on.) On
the other hand, proximodistal pattern starts to develop in the center of the
body. In which the muscular control of the trunk and arms grows earlier
compared to the hands and fingers of a baby.

1. What are the big ideas under the physical and motor development?
The big ideas under the physical and motor development are as follows:
Cephalocaudal Trend, Proximodistal Trend, Height and Weight, Brain
Development, Motor Development, and Sensory and Perceptual Development
Adult Vision.

2. What are its implications to the total development of children?

Physical and motor development is fundamental to the early development
of each child and affects many aspects of a child’s health this includes short
and long-term health benefits in physical, emotional, social, and cognitive
domains across the life span.
Learning Activities
I would like you to discover the characteristics and behaviors of infants,
mobile infants and toddlers when considering their physical and motor
development. Please watch the videos from the given links.

Come up with a graphic presentation of the milestone of the various

aspects of physical development during infancy and toddlerhood.
2 years old
• Have the ability to climb on a stair without the support of others.
• Can kick a ball.
• Interested of learning, listening to stories.
• Have the ability to throw a ball.

18 months old
• Can talk simple words and phrases.
• Can draw circles and can color objects.
• Runs and walks confidently.
• Drinks from a cup.

1 year old
• Can stand alone.
• Can eat on his own with the guidance of a parent or a caregiver.
• Stocks a couple of blocks.
• Have the ability to imitate others either by words or actions.

toddlerhood in a landscape style. I did try to

landscape this page but the whole document
9 months old

Note: Please view the milestones of infancy and

• Can stand with a support just like furniture.
• Can sit without a support.
• Still needs a support from standing to going back into a sitting position.
• Have the ability to take little steps with a support.

6 months old
• Can sit with a support.
• Starts to eat solid foods about 1-2 tablespoon.
During Infancy and Toddlerhood

• Rolls over both from stomach to back and from back to stomach.
• Can crawl.
4 months old
• Can grasp or hold objects.
Milestones of the Various Aspects of Physical Development

• Can lift his head steadily.

• Brings hand to mouth.
• Can roll over from tummy to back.

2 months old
• Slowly lift his head.
• Begins to smile.
• Can recognize voices.
• Makes slower movements of arms and legs.
Read the following scenarios that highlight some characteristics and
behaviors of young infants, mobile infants, and toddlers when considering
physical development, specifically gross- and fine-motor skills. After reading
the scenarios, consider all you have learned throughout this lesson.

Which characteristics or behaviors would be considered fine-motor skills

and which would be considered gross-motor skills? Write these down and
then think about possible ways you could support each of these young
children. Be sure to add ideas to your chart as you complete the remaining
lessons and learn even more about the physical development of infants and

1. Young infant (birth to 8 months)

Bobby’s provider knows it is important to give him time on his tummy when
he is awake. Bobby is four months old. “Tummy time” will help him strengthen
his muscles and learn to raise his head and body with his arms to look
around. Sometimes his provider uses a supportive pillow to put under
Bobby’s arms and chest to help support his body so that he can look around
and reach for a toy while he is on his tummy.

2. Mobile infant (8 months to 18 months)

Ms. Kendra, a family child care provider, is caring for twins. She is excited to
see which of the 13-month-old twins will walk first. Carrie was quite eager to
crawl and enjoys moving around the room to explore. Cindy was more
content to sit and play with her toys and started to crawl after Carrie learned.
Both girls are pulling themselves up in their cribs. Ms. Kendra is thinking
even more about child proofing areas in her home as she prepares for the
new walkers.

3. Toddler (18 to 36 months)

Deondre was born six weeks premature and at 25 months of age, he shows
some delays in motor development. Deondre’s parents are working with
specialists to help facilitate his motor development. Deondre enjoys sitting on
the floor while looking at books and playing with puzzles that have large
knobs. He works hard at turning and pushing the pieces into place. Deondre
claps along with his family child care provider to show his delight at
completing a puzzle.

1. Young infant • Reach for a • Raise his head Young infants need full support
(birth to 8 toy. and body with from adults (e.g., parents,
months) his arms. caregivers) so that they can do
and learn something on their
own. Through guiding them and
teaching them the things to say
or do, they will be able to
develop their skills.

• Sit and play • Crawl and Mobile infants are starting to

with her toys. enjoys moving learn some basic skills like
around the starting to stand up and sitting
2. Mobile infant (8 room to on their own. To support them in
months to 18 explore. learning, we should help them
months) through encouraging them to do
• Pulling
some activities like building
themselves up
blocks of toys or any activities
in their crib.
that will help them improve and
develop their skills.

• Deondre • Sitting on the Toddlers are more capable of

claps along floor. doing bigger things compared to
with his the time when they are infants.
3. Toddler (18 to family child They developed their skills and
36 months) care provider knowledge from being an infant
to show his and currently continuing to
delight at learn. Toddlers are explorers.
completing a We should let them play
puzzle. around—play outdoor games
such as sports together with
• Looking at
their co-toddlers. When they
books and
experience such a situation, they
playing with
can gain knowledge on their
puzzles that
own. So instead of refraining
have large them to play, support them and
knobs. guide them about the right thing
to do. In this sense, they will be
• He works
able to have greater growth and
hard at
development and they will feel
turning and
the freedom of choosing their
pushing the
own choice.
pieces into

Having learned the physical development of infants and toddlers, as a future
parent or caregiver of children, reflect on this line:
1. What you should do more often for infants and toddlers.
• I should guide them always because they are not capable of
handling themselves. Indeed, they are fully dependent to adults.
Since they are dependent, I need to be mindful of their feeding time
and sleeping time. Aside from that, I should also talk to them even if
they cannot understand me and slowly teach them simple words like
“Mama.” Also, I will not isolate them to other people. Instead, I will
let them socialize and play with others. Before letting them play, I
should always make sure that the environment they are in is safe
for them.

2. What you should refrain from doing to facilitate their growth and
• I should refrain from giving them toys that can be harmful for
them such as beads because they might swallow it. I should not
left them nor chitchat with others because they might meet an

How did you find the lesson? Write your comment below.
Honestly, this lesson is quite not easy, it needs great analysis and
Lesson 3: Neuroscience and Brain Development

Motivation/Prompting Questions
Let’s know the following terms first before we can proceed to our lesson
1. Neuroscience - it is the scientific study of the nervous system and the
2. Neurons - a nerve cell that carries information between the brain and
other parts of the body.
3. Synapse - is the point at which electrical signals move from one nerve
cell to another.
4. Dendrites - one of the short parts like threads at the edge of a nerve
cell that carry messages to the cell.
5. Plasticity - the quality of being soft enough to be changed into a new

Source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english

I would like you to study the picture and discover when and how brains

Please open the link to explore the neuroscience and brain development for
kids. https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/brain/episode1/index.html
1. Discuss on when and how brains develop for kids from the video you
have just watched.
We all know that the brain is the command center of our body. It helps us
to function our body and mind. In fact, the brain is the crucial part of our
whole being. So, when do we know if our brain starts to develops? And, how
do brain develops?

Brain development starts when we are still developing inside the

mother’s womb. When the neural tube closes, the brain starts to develop. The
baby’s brain grows at a rapid rate. When parents, caregivers or any adults
nurture the child positively in a way that they show care and love for the baby,
this actions helps the baby to develop a strong and healthy brain. This might
also enables the child to move, speak and think in more complex ways. On
the other hand, if the child is not nurtured properly or the child have a
negative experience while growing up, the brain develops at a slower rate
and fewer brain connections may develop. This might lead to a difficulty in
developing a healthy brain.

Therefore, nurturing a child effectively really matters. Talking to them,

showing our love and care to them, letting them play, letting them socialize to
others, reading a story for them and sing a song for them are necessary for
them to develop a healthy brain during their early years. This might lead to
success in their study, career, and relationships in the future.

Learning Activity
Explain why body weight has surprising impact on brain function
Use the link below to figure out your answers.

According to the news article of Neuroscience, “Obesity and higher

body mass are linked to decreased cerebral blood flow.” This means
that when a person is classified as obese his/her blood flow and the
capacity of the brain to do such activities will decreases. Further, when
the blood flow and the activity of the brain decreases, the person who
is obese or underweight have the possibility that he/she may acquire
Alzheimer’s disease. When you say Alzheimer’s disease, this refers to
the degeneration of the brain that eventually slows the memory and
thinking skills of a person. Aside from that, a person may also
experience depression, bipolar disorder, etc.

A. Check the letter from the given choices which has the answer for
each question.
1. The system that controls everything you do
A. Nervous
B. Olfactory
C. Respiratory
D. Endocrine
2. Without the nervous system, you couldn’t:
A. Walk
B. Breadth
C. Think
D. All of the above
3. The nervous system is made up of these three parts
A. Brain, heart, and spinal cord
B. Brain, spinal cord, and nerves
C. Nerves, arteries, and veins
D. Nerves, liver, and heart
4. Rate of neurons developed for fetus at 4 weeks in the womb
A. 150,000 every minute
B. 250,000 every minute
C. 350,000 every minute
D. 450,000 every minute
5. The nervous system develops from embryonic tissue called the
A. Ectoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm
D. Bioderm

B. Discuss how the brain develops in a child in -

1. 4 weeks at the womb the neural tube closes. Then, the baby’s brain
will develop from the neural tube.

2. At birth the child’s brain develops rapidly. The learning movements

of the head, arms and legs, the child becomes able to touch and
handle objects as well as capable in developing speaking skills
through the interactions with the environment.

3. Two years old have the ability to move his/her arms and legs freely.
Therefore, he/she is able to play and can interact effectively to
his/her significant others. The child is able to choose what he/she
wants to play and what materials to use. At this time, since they are
aware of what they are doing, parents should be there to guide
them with their decisions---helping them to distinguish what is
right and what is wrong. Aside from that, let them feel comfort and

4. Three years old children develops fine-motor skills. It is the ability

to use the hands of a child for holding an object, wearing a shirt, etc.
Since the development of fine-motor skills is present, parents
should guide their child to arrange their things and to develop
hygiene habits. Also, reading short stories for them, letting them
talk and singing a song for them are ways to promote the child’s
brain development and oral language.
Research on at least three issues/problems that affect human brain
development. Reflect on these issues and their effects on human growth and

1. Proper nutrition starting in pregnancy.

• When a pregnant mother do not have a proper nutrition it will result
to inadequate brain growth. Hence, the baby will experience cognitive
deficit, lower IQ, slower language and fine-motor development, and
poorer school performance. So, healthy diet and right nutrition is
essential to develop a healthy brain.

2. Exposure to toxins or infections.

• During pregnancy, the developing brain is extremely sensitive to
many chemicals. When certain substances reach dangerous levels at
particularly sensitive points in time, they can disrupt that
developmental process through toxic effects on the general health of
brain cells as well as on their ability to perform specialized functions.
These toxic influences can weaken the foundational structure of the
brain and result in permanent impairment, thereby leading to a wide
range of lifelong, adverse impacts on learning, behavior, and health.
In addition, if a pregnant mother experiences stress and trauma
negative consequences may occur for the child’s brain at a long-term

3. The child’s experiences with other people and the world.

• If a child is expose to an environment where bad deeds are visible,
the brain development will not grow as healthy as it should be
expected. The child might experience depression and trauma because
no one encourages nor motivates him/her. Since, he/she do not have
a proper guide on what is the right and wrong thing to do, the
development is low. In particular, everyday experiences can greatly
influence the child’s brain development. Children grow and learn best
in a safe environment where they are safe from neglect and such
• https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/early-brain-development.html
• https://www.aph.gov.au

Write your comments about lesson 3 of module 2.
This lesson is fine☺.
Lesson 4: Factors Affecting Biological/ Physical Development

Motivation/Prompting Questions
In the previous lessons you learned about how child develops from
conception till birth. In our lesson today I would want you to connect your
ideas about nature and nurture in learning the factors that influence the
growth and development of every child.

Reflect what’s in the picture then write your reflection below.

A child’s characteristics may be affected by two factors, namely: Nature
(Heredity) and Nurture (Environment). When we say nature these are the
biological factors that came from the offspring of the parent’s child. For
example, he/she may inherit the physical appearance and personal
characteristics of her father/mother or might as we say both. Meanwhile,
nurture refers to the influences of external factors that a child may acquire. It
includes all the conditions that may affect a child’s behavior, growth and
development. For example, a child is expose to an environment where the
people respect each other’s differences. The child also sees that most of the
people are paying respect to the elders by using polite words such as “po and
opo.” Another example, when a child is expose to a family where the
members are cursing words when they are angry, the child might imitate
what they are doing and might carried it throughout his/her life.

In the video that you will be watching from the link given below, I would want
you to identify the factors that affect the growth and development in children.
1. What are the factors that influence the growth and development of
children from the video you have just watched?
2. List them down and discuss each.
1. The factors that influence growth and development of children are as
follows: Heredity, Environment, Gender, Exercise and Health, Hormones,
Nutrition, Familial Influence, Geographical Influences, Socio-economic
Status and Learning and Reinforcement.

2. * Heredity - refers to the biological factors of the parent’s offspring

that may inherit the child’s growth and development. For
example, physical appearances such as height, weight,
color of the eyes, shape of the face, etc. and as well as the
attitudes and even diseases.

* Environment - refers to the influences of external factors that a child

may acquire. It includes all the conditions that may affect
a child’s behavior, growth and development such as
relationship with family and peers.For example, a child is
expose to an environment where the people respect each
other’s differences. The child also sees that most of the
people are paying respect to the elders by using polite
words such as “po and opo.” Another example, when a
child is expose to a family where the members are
cursing words when they are angry, the child might
imitate what they are doing and might carried it
throughout his/her life.

* Gender - Boys and girls differs in their growth development,

especially when they are at the stage of puberty. Boys are
considered strong compared to girls. When boys is on its
adolescence stage they are much taller compared to girls
who becomes mature when puberty hits them. Aside from
that, both gender shows different interest of things
because their temperaments vary visibly.

* Exercise and Health - this refers to the normal playtime and sport
activities done by the children outdoor. This helps
them to gain increase in muscular strength and put
on bone mass. Also, if the child was expose outside
where microbes are present, the child may build
resistance towards diseases and other allergies. In
fact, exercising helps the child to fight off diseases
and can keep a healthy body and a strong immune
* Hormones - timely functioning of hormones is critical for normal
physical growth and development of children. The
different physical parts of children have their own
hormones that can control body functions. Thus,
imbalances in the functioning of hormone-secreting
glands can result in growth defects, obesity,
behavioural problems and other diseases.

* Nutrition - right nutrition is essential in child’s development and

growth. This is because everything the body needs to build
and repair itself comes from the food we eat. On the other
hand, if a child experiences malnutrition, he/she may suffer
from deficiency diseases that leads to affect his/her growth
and development. Also, if a child overeats, he/she may suffer
diabetes and heart diseases in the long run. Therefore, less
consumption and too much consumption of foods affects
greatly to growth and development of children.

* Familial Influence - to have a healthy growth and development, parents

are expected to maintain their positive and healthy
relationship towards the children these includes their
love and care for them. Also, interacting with the child
like talking to them. On the contrary, when a family
abuse and neglect their children this may lead to poor
skills and cannot maintain a healthy bonding with
other people.

* Geographical Influences - where a family lives can have a great impact

on how the child turn out to be. Living in an
enriching community like there are schools,
libraries, and park where children plays
sports and interact to one another can help
the child to develop his/her capabilities, skills,
talents and even behaviour. Unfortunately,
those children who have an uninteresting
community tends to stay in their homes. They
are more on video games, etc. which is not a
good routine.

* Socio-economic Status - this determines the quality of the opportunity

a child gets. Wealthy families can give their
children a good nutrition and can provide
better education which they can select a good
school for their child. Thus, poor families
doesn’t have the capability to supply all the
good nutrition for their children. Aside from
that, due to the overload of works they cannot
provide enough time to the development of
their children.

* Learning and Reinforcement - this involves the development of

mental, intellectual, emotional and social
capabilities of children which can help them
function healthily in their society and even in
their school. As the child gains some maturity,
this is where the development of mind takes
place. In the sense that a child can reinforce
the learnings that he/she acquires from a
certain activity or exercise. As the cliche goes,
“Practice makes perfect.” This means that, any
lessons that is taught and repeated will lead
in obtaining right results.

Learning Activities
As future educator and parent, how would you support young kids in facing
challenges? The following links will help you figure out your answers.

As a future educator and parent, I would support young kids in facing
challenges by setting a good example for them. For example, I gave my past
experiences on how I handle my problem just like calming myself, taking a
deep breath, then providing a better solution. Aside from that, I will expose
them to stress in small appropriate doses so that they will have an
opportunity to learn on how to manage their stressors. Helping children deal
with stress in their younger years will eventually results to a positive
outcome when they will become an adult. Also, I should be their stress buffer.
In a sense that, I am always present. I should be the one to provide a steady,
warm and trusting relationships to them in order for them to be equipped in
managing stressful situations. In addition, I should allow young kids to
engage into taking small risks just like letting them walk and stand on their
own. Of course, I am watching them in case any circumstances may happen.
Further, I should teach young kids to have a “growth mindset.” For example, if
they encounter failures and challenges in life, I should motivate and
encourage them. They should not feel being down when failure takes place in
any situation. Instead, I’ll help them to realize that it is an opportunity for
them to learn something from it so that when they encounter another failure
and challenges they will do things differently and may become wiser
How will the parents and educators NURTURE children’s development in the
following areas?
Areas of Development Parent Educator
Cognitive • Exposing children to • Provide them
puzzles and books. situational problems,
• Reading a story for then let them
them. answer.
• Answering their • Use pictures, videos
queries. or other materials in
presenting the
lesson and let them
Socio-cultural • Listen to child’s • Maintain a healthy
point of view. relationship with the
• Give them warmth, children so that they
care and support can respond and
• Give reasonable cooperate properly in
demands. class discussions.
Physical • Invite children to • Encourage them
help with household to stretch their
chores. bodies.
• Provide them • Provide a play
nutritious foods. environment which
do have enough
space for them to
enjoy and play
whatever they want
to play.
Mental • Promote emotional • Teach and
competency and reinforce positive
build resilience. behaviors and
• Communicate with decision-making.
the kids regularly
and take interests in
their activities.
Spiritual • Introduce them to • Let children
the family’s religion explore their
and raise them in a spiritual core by
faith-based home. guiding them in doing
• Provide them love meditation.
and attention.
Conduct an interview to parents/guardians and gather information regarding
their experiences in rearing children from infancy to toddlerhood.

Interviewer: Fernandez, Catherine G.

Interviewee: Fernandez, Mary Ann G. (My Mother)

1. Describe your experiences in rearing your child.
My mother told me that, all of us undergone breastfeeding. She is a healthy
woman that’s why she doesn’t have to use baby formula. Aside from that, she needs
to go to Health Center to have our immunization. Immunization starts from 1 month
until 9 months old. When we reached 4 months old, she started to feed us cerelac.
She needs to be mindful of the time when we should eat our breakfast, lunch and
dinner. When we cannot sleep, she needs to sing a lullaby so that we can sleep or
might as well swing us in a hammock. At midnight, when we cry she needs to get us
out in a hammock or in a crib then breastfeed us. In addition, every morning my
mother always talk to us. Then, from time-to-time she plays with us by hiding her
face in her palm and say “bulaga.” She also taught us how to close and open our
hand. At first, she will do it on her own and letting us watch her actions. Then, she
will guide our hands so that we can imitate what she did. Further, she let us crawl
and play by giving us objects that can produce sound when we squeeze and grasp it
Moreover, she always ensure that we eat nutritious food. Also, to make sure that
we are away from any diseases she let us have our vitamins (syrup). Furthermore,
she taught us how to walk and stand on our own. At the age of 2 or 3 years old, she
let us play outside together with our cousins. She let us explore on our own. Then,
she’ll just watch over. After that, she’ll check our back if our clothes are wet from
sweat so that she can change our clothes. On top of that, she taught us to exercise
good deeds in our early days, she taught us right values and she introduced us God’s

2. What are the challenges that you encounter? How did you overcome them as
The challenges that my mother encounter are as follows: when we are sick (e.g.,
fever, cough & cold) and when we have our first tooth—in dialect it is known as
“magtango.” My mother overcome them by bringing us to the doctor. After bringing
us to the doctor, she will buy the prescribed medicine so that she can let us take the
medicine. On the other hand, if we have cough & cold, she let us take in herbal
medicine such as oregano, juice from malunggay leaves, etc.

Write your comments below for lesson 4 of module 2.
The lesson is good. Honestly, I’m having a good time while I interviewed my
Lesson 5: Developmental Milestones (Gesell) and Ecological
Systems Theory (Bronfenbrenner

Motivation/Prompting Questions
Study the paradigm below
What does the paradigm show?
• The paradigm shows the Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Theory.

What is ecology?
• Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms,
including humans, and their physical environment; it seeks to
understand the vital connections between plants and animals and the
world around them.
Source: https://www.esa.org/about/what-does-ecology-have-to-do-with-me/

What is ecological system?

• Ecological system is a system involving the interactions between a
community of living organisms in a particular area or its nonliving
Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Ecological+systems

The figure above shows the Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Theory.

Reflect on the different factors that exert influence on the individual’s
For me, Bronfenbrenner’s biological systems theory shows the child may
exposed to different environments such as immediate environment (e.g.
home), school system and expansive system (e.g., social & cultural). In short,
the theory emphasizes that a child can be influenced in multiple
environments---what we known as ecological system. The different kinds of
ecological system affects the different aspects of the child’s growth an
Learning Activities
Reflect on this quotation from Urie Bronfenbrenner “Children need people in
order to become human”
The quotation simply means that, the environment where the children
they are in can influence his/her growth and development. Children’s are like
water, if you put water in a glass they shape like a glass. Also, if you put
water in a bottle they become the bottle. Just like water, they can adopt,
change and take forms and be able to build their own identity. One such
example is the story of Tarzan, where he act like an ape, eat like an ape, and
sleep like an ape instead of acting like a human. Without human influence, a
child can never become a human being.

A. Recall your childhood years. You may also ask your parents/guardians
for some information. Answer the following sentence completion

1. When I was 5 years old, my parents taught me on how to arrange and

put my toys in there proper places after playing.

2. As a child my unforgettable playmates were my cousins and the

daughter of my father’s godfather.

3. When I was in elementary, I regularly watched the television show for

cartoons, anime, and drama.

4. When I was growing up, we went to church every Sunday together with
my family, friends and co-legionaries.

5. I cannot forget my teacher who treat me like I was her own daughter.

6. When I was growing up, I was away from crowded places and far from
loud noises.

7. When I was in high school, I was close to my classmates and

schoolmates in elementary.

8. As a child, I can recall this big news about my mother conceiving my

little sister.

9. The most serious challenge our family experienced was my father who
was unemployed for 3 months. We were having financial problems that
10. The most important thing that I learned from my elementary school
was following and listening attentively to the instructions given by the

B. Looking at your answers in the Activity, describe how these people or

circumstances have influenced your attitudes, behavior and habits.
• Those people who became part of my life helped me shape who I
am today as a person. They taught me how to carry tasks on my own
without depending on them too much. They taught me not to isolate
myself from other people. They taught me how to follow and read
instructions carefully. They taught me how to be thankful of
everything that comes into my life. They taught me to be faithful with
God and to trust His ways. Also, They imparted their good deeds to
me, which I think contributes a lot in shaping myself.

1. Please reflect on this line: Bronfenbrenner said that the “instability and
unpredictability of family life is the most destructive force of the child’s
development.” Write your reflection below.
• Family is the main support system of children. In fact it is an
immediate environment where the child influences his/her
growth and the three dimensions of development, these are
biological, socio-emotional and cognitive. If children is exposed to
instability and unpredictability of family life negative influences
may be visible in children’s behavior, social interactions, and
cognitive development.

1. What would be the effect of this to the child’s behavior and beliefs?
• The effect of this child to the child’s behavior and beliefs is that
the child may isolate his/her self from other people. Mostly, they
are more lonely and have difficulties in expressing their emotions.
They are more likely to withdrawn from school. Aside from that,
they might suffer trauma that would lead them to not trust other
people, depression, anxiety, etc. that might affect their entire life

2. As a future educator how will you support your student in terms of

instability and broken relationships with his immediate environment?
• As a future educator, I should get to know first my students so
that I can have a background why they are having such behavior
or attitude. Further, I will support them by the means of providing
care for them as their second mother and maintaining a healthy
relationship to them. In a way that they can ask for my help, listen
to them if they have problems, and I should correct their mistakes
so that they cannot commit the same mistake twice. Also, I will
encourage and motivate them to go on with life.

Write your comments below
The lesson is good. Thus, it needs analysis.

Lesson 6: Current Research Pedagogical Applications

Motivation/Prompting Questions

What is the role of an educator/adult in

child’s physical and Cognitive development?
• The role of the teacher/adult in
child’s physical and cognitive development is
to give them activities that can capture their
interests just like playing building blocks, etc.
Thus, if the child wants to have further
learning, the educator/adult may take this opportunity to give another
activity and let the child explore more. By doing so, it might show more
capability of the child that the educator haven’t seen before.

What is the role of the classmate in the

learning development of the student?
• The classmate may act as “scaffolding’
who might help the student expand his/her
learning boundaries and learn more than
he/she would be able on his/her own.

Posted by Christine Sarikas Gen Ed. Jan 2020

Learning Activities

1. How do early educators contribute to the cognitive growth of children

in their first 3 years?
Early educators contribute to the cognitive growth of children in their
first 3 years by communicating with them effectively. In a sense that an
adult may provide simple languages and let the child imitate the adult’s
word. In the latter, as the child grows he/she may learn how to construct
simple languages in his/her early years. Aside from that, adults may
provide activities that can improve the cognitive capabilities of the child.
Such examples are playing building blocks, let them color an object, let
them hear a song, and most importantly let them explore. Letting them
explore can make them learn and understand things on their own.

1. The word “pedagogy” means
a. To guide the child
b. To lead the child
c. To educate the child
d. To understand the child
2. Pedagogy is the study of
a. Education
b. Guiding students
c. Learning process
d. Teaching methods
3. Which one of the following indicates child’s physical growth
a. Negative
b. Quantitative
c. Qualitative
d. Positive
4. The best method to study growth and development of the child is –
a. Psychoanalytic theory
b. Comparative method
c. Developmental method
d. Statistical method
5. Concrete examples of Scaffolding
a. Educators or peers
b. Theories
c. Methodologies
d. Principles
6. “Individual learns from his own mistakes” This statement is based on
what learning theory?
a. Instrumental conditioning
b. Insight
c. Trial and error
d. Classical conditioning
7. What should the role of teacher in meeting the individual differences?
a. Try to know the abilities, interest, and aptitude of individual
b. Try to adjust the curriculum as per the needs of individuals
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
8. Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in
interesting way and relate this new information to the things students
a. Don’t know
b. Already know
c. Willing to know
d. Not willing to know
9. If a child has mental age of 5 years and chronological age of 4 years
then what will be the IQ of the child?
a. 125
b. 80
c. 120
d. 100
10. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Growth is a biological process
b. Development is a quantitative process
c. Education is a goal-oriented process
d. Learning is a process of behavioral changes


Discuss the following concepts
1. Developing Implicit Theories: Implication for Adults
• This plays a crucial role for adults to identify the concept of a
child—how a child sees and reacts to objects or things done by adults. In
this way, adults may provide educational materials for the child to focus
on simple yet descriptive activities that might lead them to understand
the child’s framework and their theory of mind. Thus, this might also help
the child to deepen his/her understandings about how adult responds to a
certain situations. Aside from that, designing effective materials in a
given domain or subject matter requires knowing what implicit theories
children hold, what core causal principles they use, and what
misconceptions and gaps in knowledge they have, and then using
empirically validated steps to help lead them to a more accurate, more
advanced conceptual framework.

2. Infant’s sensitivity to Teaching Cues: Implication for Adults

• Communicating is one way to develop a child’s capability to
understand, locate, and determine an object. One way of communicating
is through eye-to-eye contact and then, pointing out an object to see if the
child responds to adults act. This signals can help the child to recognize
that someone is teaching them towards something. This results to an
awareness where the child learns to respond through signals. For
example, 4-year-old children were exposed to a novel object's function
either by seeing an adult deliberately use the object or by seeing the adult
deliberately use the object after maintaining eye contact with the child
and saying “watch this.” In both conditions, children noticed the object's
property and attempted to elicit it from other similar objects. But when
those objects were doctored to be nonfunctional, the children in the
nonpedagogical condition quickly abandoned their attempts to elicit the
property and played with the objects in some other way. Children who
saw the same evidence but with direct communication for their benefit
persisted in trying to elicit the property from other objects (Butler and
Markman, 2012a,b).

3. Effects of Language used by adults: Implication for Adults

• An adult can foster effective cognitive growth of child by securing that
they are imparting useful language to them that helps them differentiate
things or situations around them. One example for this is labeling. If a
child usually hear this line “girls line up on this side, or boys line up in the
right side” from adults they can simply determine if that person is a she
or a he. Thus, this kind of method have a negative consequences. This
means that, reinforcing categories or concepts and labels might lead to
an undesirable act. For example, children might bully other gender by
saying “you do not belong to this boy group because you act like a girl.”

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