wms 关于IMO发布在406MHz频率上工作的自浮式应急无线电示位标 (EPIRB) 新性能标准(MSC.471

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CCS 技术通告

Technical Information

(2020 年)技术通告第 55 号总第 489 号

2020 年 08 月 28 日(共 2 页+ 附件)


关于 IMO 发布在 406 MHz 频率上工作的自浮式应急无线电示位标


国际海事组织海上安全委员会第 101 届会议于 2019 年 6 月 14 日以 MSC.471
(101)决议通过了在 406MHz 频率上工作的自浮式应急无线电示位标(EPIRB)新
根据 MSC.471(101)决议,在 2022 年 7 月 1 日或以后安装的 406MHz EPIRB,
符合的性能标准和型式认可标准应不低于此决议附件中规定的标准;在 2022 年
7 月 1 日之前安装的 406MHz EPIRB,符合的性能标准应不低于经 MSC.56(66)和
MSC.120(74)决议修正的 A.810(19)决议附件中规定的性能标准,符合的型式认
可标准应不低于 A.696(17)决议规定的型式认可标准。

1.新增要求 EPIRB 应设有用于定位的全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)接收机,
并相应补充 GNSS 接收机位置报告的相关要求。
2.新增要求 EPIRB 应设有船舶自动识别系统(AIS)定位信号,并补充 AIS
3.EPIRB 传输信号的技术特征和报文格式引用最新 Cospas-Sarsat 系统文
件 C/S T.001 或 C/S T.018 的要求。
4.对于 121.5 MHz 寻址信号,传输占空比应不少于 50%(1.125 秒开,1.125
秒关),而且如果高于 50%,开启时间应增加至超过 1.125 秒,关闭时间进行相

本通告附件提供了 MSC.471(101)决议的中文译文,如有疑问,应以英文原
问题,请与本社总部科技和信息处([email protected])联系。

附件:MSC.471(101)决议— 在 406 MHz 频率上工作的自浮式应急无线电示位标

海安会 MSC.471(101)决议

(2019 年 6 月 14 日通过)

在 406 MHz 频率上工作的自浮式应急无线电示位标(EPIRB)性能标准


忆及国际海事组织公约第 28(b)条关于本委员会的职能,

还忆及经修正的《1974 年国际海上人命安全公约》
(SOLAS)第 IV/7.1 和 14.1 条关于



认识到为在 406 MHz 频率上工作的自浮式卫星应急无线电示位标(EPIRB)制定性能

标准的需要,示位标通过 Cospas-Sarsat 全球卫星搜救系统的低地轨道卫星、中地轨道卫星

和静止轨道卫星在 GMDSS 中使用,以确保这些设备的运行可靠性,并尽可能避免这些设备


还认识到作为 GMDSS 的一部分并在 Cospas-Sarsat 系统以 406-406.1 MHz 频率工作,

EPIRBs 应进行型式认可,以确保 Cospas-Sarsat 全球卫星搜救系统的完整性,避免对星载设


审议了航行、通信和搜救分委会在其第 6 次会议上提出的建议案,

1. 通过在 406MHz 频率上工作的自浮式应急无线电示位标(EPIRB)性能标准的建议案,


2. 建议成员国确保作为 GMDSS 一部分的在 406MHz 频率上工作的自浮式 EPIRBs:

.1 如果在 2022 年 7 月 1 日或以后安装,符合的性能标准和型式认可标准应不低于


.2 如果在 2022 年 7 月 1 日之前安装,符合的性能标准应不低于经 MSC.56(66)和

MSC.120(74)决议修正的 A.810(19)决议附件中规定的性能标准,符合的型式认

可标准应不低于 A.696(17)决议规定的型式认可标准;

3. 提请 Cospas-Sarsat 全球卫星搜救系统合作伙伴确保,任何可能影响本性能标准的对

Cospas-Sarsat 406MHz 遇险示位标技术参数的修正应在其被通过前与本组织进行商定;

4. 同意对本决议提出的任何修正在其被通过之前与 Cospas-Sarsat 全球卫星搜救系统合

5. 还同意保持对本性能标准的审议并在必要时通过修正案。

在 406MHz 频率上工作的自浮式应急无线电示位标(EPIRB)性能标准

A 部分——总则

1 引言



2 通则

2.1 EPIRB 应能够向配备搜救 406MHz 处理器或中继器的卫星传输遇险警报,包括来


2.2 EPIRB 应是自浮式的。该设备、支架和释放装置在海上可能遇到的极端情况下应


2.3 EPIRB 应:

.1 设有适当的措施以防止无意中激活 EPIRB;

.2 其设计应能保证电气部分在 10 米深度保持水密至少五分钟。在从安装位置到浸

入水中的转变过程中应考虑 45 度的温度变化。海洋环境、冷凝和漏水的不利影


.3 在浮离后可以自动激活;

.4 能够手动激活和关闭;

.5 设有显示信号正在发射中的措施;

.6 能够在平静水面上垂直漂浮,并且在任何海况中具备正稳性和足够的浮力;

.7 能够从 20 米高度被抛进水里而无破损;

.8 能够在不使用卫星系统的情况下进行试验,以确定 EPIRB 能够正常运行;

.9 是非常显目的黄色或橘色,并且设有逆反光材料;

.10 应配备一个适于用作系绳(系于救生筏、救生艇或水中的人,但不系于船舶)


.11 安装占空比较低的灯(0.75 cd),光线较暗时激活,灯光为人的肉眼可见,也


.12 不会受到海水和/或油的不当影响;
.13 能够应对因长时间暴晒阳光下而引起的退化;

.14 设有 121.5MHz 示位标,主要用于航空器的寻址;

.15 设有用于定位的全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)接收机,并附带指示 GNSS 信号


.16 按照 ITU-R M.1371 建议案《以甚高频海上移动频带使用时分多址的自动识别


2.4 电池的容量应足以使 EPIRB 运行至少 48 小时。

2.5 EPIRB 应设计成在以下任何环境条件下运行:

.1 -20°C 至 +55°C 之间的环境温度;

.2 结冰;

.3 相对风速达到 100 节;和

.4 温度在-30°C 至+70°C 之间存放后。

2.6 安装的 EPIRB 应:

.1 能够就近手动激活;也可以在设备安装在自浮式底托上时从驾驶室进行远程激


.2 当安装在船上时,能够在冲击、振动范围内及海船甲板上经常遇到的其他环境


.3 设计成在任何角度的横倾或纵倾时,在到达 4 m 深度前自动释放并自由浮离。

3 遇险功能

3.1 当手动操作 EPIRB 时,应只有通过专用的遇险警报激活器才能激活遇险警报。

3.2 专用的激活器应:

.1 被明确地标识;和

.2 防止误操作。

3.3 手动遇险警报激活应要求至少两个独立的动作。

3.4 EPIRB 在手动从释放装置拿出之后,应不会自动激活。

4 GNSS 接收机位置报告

当 EPIRB 被激活时:

.1 应以不超过 5 分钟的间隔更新 GNSS 定位;

.2 当更新后的定位首次以 AIS 信息传输时,假定漂移速率为 3 节,则传输的定位

位置和实际位置之间的误差不应超过 30 米。
5 标记

5.1 应尽可能通过图形图像和符号而无需文字来理解操作控制和指示器的标记。

5.2 除了 A.694(17)决议中对一般要求规定的项目,设备外部应明确标示以下内容:

.1 简洁的操作说明;

.2 所用原电池组的失效日期;和

.3 编入发射器的识别码。

B 部分——射频信号

1 传输信号的技术特征和报文格式应符合 Cospas-Sarsat 系统文件 C/S T.001 或 C/S

T.018 的要求。

2 对于使用非易失性存储器存储 EPIRB 中遇险信息的固定部分应做出规定。

3 所有 406 MHz 信息中应包括一个唯一的示位标标识码。

对于符合 C/S T.001 的 EPIRB,


.1 船舶电台识别号后面 6 位数字,依照 ITU 无线电规定建议案 ITU-R M.585 中附

件 43——海上移动业务识别码的分配和使用;或

.2 一个唯一的序列号;或

.3 无线电呼叫信号。

优先使用上述.1 所述的方法。

符合 C/S T.018 的 EPIRBs,这个标识码应包括三位数字的海上识别数字码,以指示示位


4 对于 121.5 MHz 寻址信号:

.1 121.5 MHz 传输占空比应不少于 50%(1.125 秒开,1.125 秒关),而且如果高于

50%,开启时间应增加至超过 1.125 秒,关闭时间进行相应的减少;和

.2 除了扫描方向外,应满足无线电规则附录 15 的技术特征。扫描可向上或向下。

5 AIS 定位信号应:

.1 按照 ITU-R Rec M.1371 建议案传输;

.2 在第一次 406 MHz 卫星信息之后开启,并确保 AIS 信号不会和预定的 406 MHz


.3 当 AIS 信号与预定的 121.5 MHz 寻址信号相一致时,可中断 121.5 MHz 寻址信

号以传输 AIS 信号,前提是保持最少 50%的占空比;

.4 在 AIS 信息 14 中播送 Cospas-Sarsat 示位标 15 HEX-ID,在 AIS1 和 AIS2 上交

替“EPIRB 激活”文字;和

.5 当收录的定位位置信息超过 5 分钟时,在传输的 AIS 定位信号中显示。

C 部分——在 Cospas-Sarsat 系统中运行的 EPIRBs 的型式认可

1 作为 GMDSS 的组成部分,并在 Cospas-Sarsat 卫星系统中以 406-406.1MHz 频带运

行的 EPIRB,则应进行型式认可,以确保 Cospas-Sarsat 卫星系统的完整性,避免对星载设


2 国家主管机关应:

.1 确保作为国家型式认可程序的一部分,对在船上使用的任何新型式的 EPIRB 进

行试验,以确认符合 EPIRBs 的性能标准;确认 EPIRB 满足本性能标准 B 部分


.1 根据国家程序正在进行或已经进行所有适当的试验;和/或

.2 接受通过 Cospas-Sarsat 第一代示位标型式认可程序(Cospas-Sarsat C/S

T.007 文件)或 Cospas-Sarsat 第二代示位标型式认可程序(Cospas-Sarsat C/S

T.021 文件)获得的型式认可试验结果,并通过 Cospas-Sarsat 型式认可证书


.2 鼓励国家型式认可当局尽可能制定与 Cospas-Sarsat 系统文件 C/S T.007 或 C/S

T.021(视情况而定)相兼容的试验程序,并在必要时与 Cospas-Sarsat 秘书处磋

MSC 101/24/Add.1
Annex 24, page 1


(adopted on 14 June 2019)




RECALLING Article 28(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization

concerning the functions of the Committee,

RECALLING ALSO regulations IV/7.1 and 14.1 of the International Convention for the Safely
of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended, concerning radiocommunications for the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), which require, inter alia, that ships be
provided with an emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB), which shall conform to
appropriate performance standards not inferior to those adopted by the Organization,

RECOGNIZING the need to prepare performance standards for float-free EPIRBs operating
on 406 MHz through the Cospas-Sarsat System of low-altitude earth orbiting, medium-altitude
earth orbiting, and geostationary earth orbiting satellites to be used in the GMDSS, in order to
ensure the operational reliability of such equipment and to avoid, as far as practicable, adverse
interaction between such equipment and other communication and navigation equipment on
board ships,

RECOGNIZING ALSO that EPIRBs, as a component of the GMDSS and operating through
the Cospas-Sarsat System in the frequency band 406-406.1 MHz, should be type-approved to
ensure the integrity of the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system, avoid harmful interference to the
spaceborne equipment, exclude unauthorized transmissions, and to provide reliable data to
rescue coordination centres,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation made by Sub-Committee on Navigation,

Communications and Search and Rescue, at its sixth session,

1 ADOPTS the Recommendation on performance standards for float-free Emergency

Position-Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) operating on 406 MHz, set out in the annex to
the present resolution;

2 RECOMMENDS that Member States ensure that float-free EPIRBs operating on the
frequency 406 MHz, which form part of the GMDSS:

.1 if installed on or after 1 July 2022, conform to performance standards and

type-approval standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to the
present resolution;

.2 if installed before 1 July 2022, conform to performance standards not inferior

to those specified in the annex to resolution A.810(19), as amended by
resolutions MSC.56(66) and MSC.120(74), and type-approval standards not
inferior to those specified in resolution A.696(17);

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3 INVITES the Cospas-Sarsat partners to ensure that any amendments to the

specification for Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz distress beacons that could impact on this
performance standard are agreed with the Organization prior to their adoption;

4 AGREES that any proposed amendments to this resolution are agreed with the
Cospas-Sarsat partners prior to their adoption;

5 ALSO AGREES to keep these Performance Standards under review and to adopt
amendments thereto, as necessary.

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The emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) should, in addition to meeting the
requirements of the Radio Regulations, the relevant ITU-R Recommendations and the general
requirements set out in resolution A.694(17), comply with the following performance standards.


2.1 The EPIRB should be capable of transmitting a distress alert, including encoded
position information from a receiver using a recognised global navigation satellite system
(GNSS) with global coverage, to satellites equipped with a search and rescue 406 MHz
processor or repeater.

2.2 The EPIRB should be of an automatic float-free type. The equipment, mounting and
releasing arrangements should be reliable, and should operate satisfactorily under the most
extreme conditions likely to be met with at sea.

2.3 The EPIRB should:

.1 be fitted with adequate means to prevent inadvertent activation;

.2 be so designed that the electrical portions are watertight at a depth of 10 m

for at least 5 min. Consideration should be given to a temperature variation
of 45°C during transitions from the mounted position to immersion. The
harmful effects of a marine environment, condensation and water leakage
should not affect the performance of the beacon;

.3 be automatically activated after floating free;

.4 be capable of manual activation and deactivation;

.5 be provided with means to indicate that signals are being emitted;

.6 be capable of floating upright in calm water and have positive stability and
sufficient buoyancy in all sea conditions;

.7 be capable of being dropped into the water without damage from a height
of 20 m;

.8 be capable of being tested, without using the satellite system, to determine

that the EPIRB is capable of operating properly;

.9 be of highly visible yellow/orange colour and be fitted with retroreflecting


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.10 be equipped with a buoyant lanyard suitable for use as a tether (to a liferaft,
lifeboat or person in the water but not to the ship), which should be so
arranged as to prevent its being trapped in the ship's structure when floating

.11 be provided with a low duty cycle light (0.75 cd), active during darkness,
visible to the human eye and detectable by all types of night vision devices,
to indicate its position to nearby survivors and to rescue units;

.12 not be unduly affected by seawater or oil or both;

.13 be resistant to deterioration in prolonged exposure to sunlight;

.14 be provided with a 121.5 MHz beacon primarily for homing by aircraft;

.15 be provided with a GNSS receiver for position fixes and an associated
indication that GNSS signal reception is satisfactory or unsatisfactory; and

.16 be provided with an Automatic Identification System (AIS) locating signal in

accordance with the Recommendation ITU-R M.1371, Technical
characteristics for an automatic identification system using time division
multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile frequency band.

2.4 The battery should have sufficient capacity to operate the EPIRB for a period of at
least 48 h.

2.5 The EPIRB should be so designed as to operate under any of the following
environmental conditions:

.1 ambient temperatures of -20°C to +55°C;

.2 icing;

.3 relative wind speeds up to 100 knots; and

.4 after stowage, at temperatures between -30°C and +70°C.

2.6 The installed EPIRB should:

.1 have local manual activation; remote activation may also be provided from
the navigating bridge, while the device is installed in the float-free mounting;

.2 be capable, while mounted on board, of operating properly over the ranges

of shock and vibration and other environmental conditions normally
encountered above deck on seagoing ships; and

.3 be designed to release itself and float free before reaching a depth of 4 m at

a list or trim of any angle.


3.1 When the EPIRB is manually operated a distress alert should be initiated only by
means of a dedicated distress alert activator.

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3.2 The dedicated activator should:

.1 be clearly identified; and

.2 be protected against inadvertent operation.

3.3 Manual distress alert initiation should require at least two independent actions.

3.4 The EPIRB should not be automatically activated after being manually removed from
the release mechanism.


When the EPIRB is activated:

.1 the GNSS position fix shall be updated at intervals of no more than five
minutes; and

.2 when an updated fix is transmitted in the AIS message for the first time, the
error between the transmitted and the actual position shall not exceed 30 m
assuming a drift rate of 3 kn.


5.1 Labelling for operation controls and indicators should, as far as possible, be
understood through graphical images and symbols without the need for text.

5.2 In addition to the items specified in resolution A.694(17) on general requirements, the
following should be clearly indicated on the exterior of the equipment:

.1 brief operating instructions;

.2 expiry date for the primary battery used; and

.3 the identity codes programmed into the transmitters.


1 The technical characteristics of the transmitted signal and the message format should
be in accordance with the requirements of Cospas-Sarsat System documents C/S T.001
or C/S T.018.

2 Provisions should be included for storing the fixed portion of the distress message in
the EPIRB using non-volatile memory.

3 A unique beacon identification code should be made part of all 406 MHz messages.
For EPIRBs compliant with C/S T.001 this identification code should include a three-digit
maritime identification digits (MID) code to denote the country in which the beacon is
registered, followed by either:

.1 the trailing 6 digits of the ship station identity in accordance with appendix 43
of ITU Radio Regulations Recommendation ITU-R M.585, Assignment and
use of identities in the maritime mobile service; or

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.2 a unique serial number; or

.3 a radio call sign.

Preference is given to the method in sub-paragraph .1 above.

For EPIRBs compliant with C/S T.018 this identification code should include a three-digit
maritime identification digits (MID) code to denote the country in which the beacon is
registered, followed by a unique serial number and either the maritime mobile service identity
or a radio call sign.

4 The 121.5 MHz homing signal should:

.1 have a 121.5 MHz transmitting duty cycle not less than 50% (1.125 seconds
on, 1.125 seconds off) and if more than 50%, the on time should be increased
beyond 1.125 seconds and the off time reduced accordingly; and

.2 with the exception of the sweep direction, meet the technical characteristics
of appendix 15 of the Radio Regulations. The sweep may be either upward
or downward.

5 The AIS locating signal should:

.1 transmit in accordance with recommendation ITU-R Rec M.1371;

.2 start after the first 406 MHz satellite message and ensure the AIS signal does
not conflict with a scheduled 406 MHz satellite signal;

.3 when the AIS signal coincides with a scheduled 121.5 MHz homing signal,
then the 121.5 MHz homing signal may be interrupted for the transmission
of the AIS signal, provided the minimum 50% duty cycle is maintained;

.4 broadcast the Cospas-Sarsat beacon 15 HEX-ID in the AIS message 14,

alternating with the text " "EPIRB ACTIVE" on AIS1 and AIS2; and

.5 indicate in the transmitted AIS locating signal when the included position fix
is more than five minutes old.


1 EPIRBs forming an integral component of the GMDSS and operating through the
Cospas-Sarsat satellite system in the frequency band 406 - 406.1 MHz should be type
approved to ensure the integrity of the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system, avoid harmful
interference to the spaceborne equipment, exclude unauthorized transmissions, and to provide
reliable data to rescue coordination centres.

2 National administrations should:

.1 ensure, as part of national type approval procedures, that any new type of
EPIRB to be deployed on board ships is tested to confirm that it is in
accordance with the performance standards for EPIRBs; confirmation that
the EPIRB meets part B of this performance standard can be achieved by

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.1 performing, or having performed, under national procedures, all

appropriate tests; and/or

.2 accepting type approval test results obtained through the

Cospas-Sarsat type approval procedure for first generation beacons
(Cospas-Sarsat document C/S T.007) or the Cospas-Sarsat type
approval procedure for second generation beacons (Cospas-Sarsat
document C/S T.021) and confirmed by the delivery of a
Cospas-Sarsat Type Approval Certificate; and

.2 encourage national type approval authorities to develop test procedures

compatible, to the extent possible, with Cospas-Sarsat System document
C/S T.007 or C/S T.021 as appropriate and, if necessary, in consultation with
the Cospas-Sarsat Secretariat.


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