Interbrands Best Global Brands Report
Interbrands Best Global Brands Report
Interbrands Best Global Brands Report
Acts of Leadership
There’s little denying, we are Over the past 30 years, we have
living through a renaissance, conducted thousands of brand
a period in time when our valuation exercises, underpinned
understanding of the world shifts. by our proprietary Brand Strength
framework, to help business'
Change is perpetual; it’s the create roadmaps to stronger
modus operandi in which we growth. This year, against a
must build and manage brands backdrop of increased economic
today—the macro level context uncertainty, the cumulative
Gonzalo Brujó in which business exists. value of the world’s 100 Best
Global Chief Executive Humanity will advance more in Global Brands surpasses $3
Officer, Interbrand the next fifty years than it has trillion for the first time—up
in all of history—a shift driven 16% year on year; proof that
largely by technology. This strong brands have greater
acceleration will fundamentally resilience in tough times.
shift how we engage with
each other, with business, Are the world’s most valuable
and with the world at large. brands impervious to risk? No.
Renowned business thinker The average age of the top 5
and leadership scholar brands in our ranking is just
Prof. Rita McGrath argues: 39.6 years vs an average of 110
years across all 100 brands.
Competition is fierce, and the
Big inflection moments speed at which the world’s
most relevant businesses can
change the recipe scale is unprecedented. So too
for success.” is the risk. In the two decades
since we launched Best Global
Brands, only 36 companies
But in a world where change is have remained in our Top 100
the norm, what is the inflection Table. More than 140 have
point? And more importantly, dropped off in the intervening
what does the new recipe years, including staple brands
for success look like, for the such as Nokia, AOL, Yahoo! and
world’s biggest brands? MTV (once such a significant
presence in so many of our lives).
Surpassing functional,
emotional and moral
Societal change is now seen So if businesses have never companies’ outspoken protection We may borrow from the work
not just by leading thinkers, been so central to societies, then of their employees’ rights. of Oxford economist Kate
but by the public too, as being brands—the constructs around This is a radical shift from Raworth4 to illustrate this. These
a core function of companies. which trust is formed— have never the times when brands were brands provide experiences that
The business of business is been so central to businesses. consistently advised to steer well sit within a ‘doughnut’—they
no longer just business. Over the past decade, our study clear of controversy and focus consistently surpass customer
of the world’s most valuable on commerce. Extraordinary expectations, but within the
As a recent study conducted by global brands has seen the times reward bold moves, not limits of ethical standards
Edelman, a consultancy, shows, emergence of a new league of fearful silences. Once seen that are deliberately stricter
companies have become the most brands: a cohort whose growth as the safe way to healthy than rules and regulations.5
trusted type of institution, ahead far surpasses all competition— growth, today neutrality is
of government, media and NGOs.3 with no signs of slowing down. seen as a failure of leadership; Fall below expectations, and
This year, the cumulative value activism, its embodiment. demand and loyalty are at risk.
If this is true, then brands are, of the top 10 brands (1,649 $m) Overshoot ethical standards,
by implication, the world’s is greater than the combined As a result, today’s most relevant and reputation and governance
most powerful narratives. value of the next 90 (1,440 $m). and valuable brands are those are at risk. By operating within
that seem to effortlessly balance the doughnut, they make the
With trust in traditional institutions Many of the brands in this power and responsibility. As such, moves that consistently show
dwindling, it is to great brands league do more than offer they are not just growth engines; the way, redefining both what
that many of us look up for exceptional products, services they are acts of leadership that ‘great’ and ‘good’ look like.
true leadership in and beyond and experiences. They take sides shift our expectations in terms of They show leadership, mitigate
crisis. We see them as beacons on the most critical debates experiences, yes—but ethics too. risk and sustain growth.
of change, and expect them of our times, from Apple’s
to be about much more than pledge to privacy to Nike’s
the marketing of an offer. stances on inclusion, to many
4. Kate Raworth, Doughnut Economics, Random House, 2018
3. Edelman Trust Barometer, 2022. 5. Developed in conjunction with Principia Advisory.
1. Explore your arena. 3. Define your trajectory. The turbulent times we are facing participation, public/private
Consider the needs you’re Determine the principles at require a ‘quantum’ reset. We partnerships and philanthropy
addressing now and might the heart of your experience must unlearn the conventions of to address global challenges.
address next. Identify whom and ethical leadership that will consumerism and shareholder
you’re really competing with now make your brand a great and capitalism, and embrace the Like never before, the world
and may be competing with next. good addition to the arenas you new role that brands must play. demands businesses to show
Look at how you might address want to play in. Be ruthlessly true leadership and fearless
better the jobs you’re already singular and pragmatic about For the first time, the 100 most action—because when that
helping customers get done now; what will make your brand a valuable global brands exceed happens, new sources of
think about the many ways in strong centerpoint for your an aggregate value of three growth materialize, creating
which IKEA helps people dwell. business. Could your brand trillion. Brands have never had as immense possibility for all.
become a verb that encapsulates much power and responsibility,
2. Explore possibilities. a way of doing things? and on such a scale. This is Now is the time for business
What other jobs could you help a time to abandon cynicism leaders to rethink their brands
customers get done next, based 4. Make your moves. and small thinking, and accept as their most influential
on your edge, relationships, Walk the talk and talk the walk: the influence and legacy that acts of leadership.
and the way the context is make meaningful and visible great brands can have on the
changing? Think about the way
in which Amazon is moving
moves that give your purpose
impact and that inspire others
choices and behaviours of their
customers, yes—but also on their
Every time that something solid
across very different arenas, to follow your leadership. talent and communities too, be is put into doubt or dismantled,
helping people procure, play, they local, regional or global. something else opens up,
learn, and much, much more. and allows us to see further
Now is the opportunity for
brand leaders to build stronger
than we could before.”
relationships beyond transactions,
and intertwine constituent -Carlo Rovelli, Helgoland
Interbrand’s contention, shared in the Intuitively, the idea of brands to consumers. Why, then, is it
introduction to this years’ Best Global Brands as acts of leadership feels in so difficult to point to brands
report (p4), is that today’s most relevant and tune with the zeitgeist—but we with a clear and compelling
valuable brands are balancing acts of power wanted to establish quantitatively stance? Well, as we argued in
and responsibility, not just engines of growth whether consumers are sensitive the introduction to this report, a
—but acts of leadership. In this article we to environmental and social well-run brand used to steer away
explore the opportunities and challenges of issues in their decision making. from controversy and focus on
both doing things right, and doing the right Chris Nurko The results suggest a resounding “commerce” but safe silences are
things, drawing on Best Global Brands data, Global Innovation “yes”: We found that more than no longer rewarded and, today,
best-in-class examples, and some of the Officer 90% of people are aware and neutrality is seen as a failure of
proprietary methodologies we offer our clients. concerned by environmental and leadership. This leaves brands
social issues and that these topics caught in a tension—between
are material to brand relevance. criticism of “not doing enough”
Brand integrity and Ethics, along at one end of the spectrum,
with the perception of having a or of “doing things wrong” at
positive impact on society, is a the other. This tension leads to
statistically significant driver of what we’re calling a “mitigation
choice in all sectors and in all mindset”—an understandable
steps of the customer journey. tendency towards doing enough
to not be wrong, but not enough
Convincing numbers, but to be exceptional. What does it
perhaps it’s not “new news” take to move from a “mitigation
that these topics are of concern mindset” to a leadership stance?
As Nike enters the top 10 for push down. Sarah said: “I was FIND OUT MORE
the first time ever, with an 18% really tired of being told ‘those are Interbrand’s Inclusive Design
increase YOY and a brand value the shoes that are for you because practice works with its talent,
of 50,289 $m—arguably the you have a disability,’ so I think partners and clients to break
most inclusive brand on the we’ve been very deliberate in that down the design divide, by
planet, built from a core belief we might be designing for people removing barriers across
that everyone is an athlete. Nike’s with disabilities, but this shoe is for every brand experience. Every
stance on inclusion—celebrating everybody,’’ she says. There are touchpoint of a customer journey
life through sport— captures the many slip-on shoes on the market, has the potential to make life
zeitgeist and stands in direct but the FlyEase line is designed better. As a result of their efforts,
contrast to the ‘status quo’ in with both fashion and the needs brands who champion a wider
which outdated ideals, apathy of people with disabilities in mind. spectrum of human need are
and historic legacy have led starting to experience some
to a divide that many brands The Go FlyEase is proof that key benefits. So, with a view to
have unwittingly perpetuated. universal design can actually future-proofing ourselves, our
Sarah Reinertsen is a former lead to a product that’s better societies and our economies,
Paralympian who had to wear for everyone—to that end the we want to help our clients move
specialist medical footwear for brand quickly sold out of the from ‘passive’ to ‘purposeful’
years, which she says made her Go at launch in February 2021 in their inclusivity efforts.
feel ‘othered.’ Sarah is also a and faced some criticism from
designer at the FlyEase Innovation the disabled community as it
team at Nike, which has quickly sold out. While Nike never
developed Nike’s first universally intended artificial scarcity—it
designed shoe—rather than using supplied tens of thousands of
straps or laces, it simply hinges pairs for launch— the company
open and closed, so the wearer had to quickly address shortages.
just needs to slip their foot in and
06 07 08 09 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
+7% +16% +9% +9% +23% +8% -1% +15% New +21%
22,837 $m 22,117 $m 21,928 $m 21,164 $m 20,417 $m 14,050 $m 13,832 $m 13,504 $m 13,416 $m 13,359 $m
31 32 33 34 35 56 57 58 59 60
+15% +1% +4% +23% +14% -8% +4% +3% +6% +4%
20,412 $m 19,622 $m 19,093 $m 18,694 $m 17,314 $m 12,985 $m 12,981 $m 12,915 $m 12,801 $m 12,767 $m
36 37 38 39 40 61 62 63 64 65
+17% +17% +19% +18% +9% +10% +13% +30 New +9%
17,311 $m 17,258 $m 17,058 $m 16,989 $m 16,375 $m 12,212 $m 11,884 $m 11,846 $m 11,547 $m 11,247 $m
41 42 43 44 45 66 67 68 69 70
+23% +19% +17% +3% +4% +18% +3% +16% +8% +6%
16,125 $m 15,931 $m 15,747 $m 15,487 $m 15,061 $m 11,039 $m 10,921 $m 10,676 $m 10,505 $m 10,324 $m
46 47 48 49 50 71 72 73 74 75
+11% +11% +10% +16% +12% -4% +5% -3% +17% +31%
14,976 $m 14,958 $m 14,819 $m 14,526 $m 14,431 $m 10,211 $m 10,130 $m 9,528 $m 9,521 $m 9,365 $m
81 82 83 84 85
86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95
96 97 98 99 100
The speed to market that a
company demonstrates in the
face of opportunity or challenge,
enabling it to get ahead and
stay ahead of expectations.
Decade of
purpose and a powerful ambition that will steer
your brand through turbulence and chaos.
Possibility with
The battle for customers is increasingly won
and lost in the everyday brand experience. It’s
more vital than ever to work with customers and
employees as collaborators, co-creators and
innovators, optimizing, aligning and transforming
the experience, creating faster brand impact
that customers can see and feel every day.