Shaltari Aaru Cruisers

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Shaltari Aaru Basalt

Fleet Carrier 140 pts

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special
Aaru basalt 12” 3”/ 10” 9 5+/4+ 9 1 M Launch

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Disruptors 4+ 6 1 F(N) -
Harpoon Cascade 4+ 3 1 F/S/R Close Action

Load Launch Special

Fighters & Bombers 4 -

Encountered ships of the class: Khan’s Command, Temple Blade, Locust

Shaltari Aaru Basalt
Fleet Carrier
Current thinking suggests that more modern Shaltari starchiefs prefer ranged
Length: Unknown
combat to the use of manned launch assets, either because direct weapons fire
offers them a more personal means of killing, or because air crew are simply no Beam: Unknown
longer available. The Shaltari’s continued meddling in the Reconquest, the Battle Height: Unknown
for Earth, as well as their recent seizure of Aaru must have cost the aliens dearly, Displacement:
and they are a race who cannot replenish their meagre numbers quickly. Unknown
This theory may be supported by the low numbers of relatively new fleet carriers
- most are of ancient design. The typical Basalt class is one of the newest, though
still quite rare. Recent sightings of older patterns, especially above Aaru, do
include carriers of similar configuration to the alien’s ancient Platinum class
supercarriers, but smaller, matching the Basalt in projected performance. Lacking
a specific class name, the Admiralty has simply designated these newcomers as
‘Aaru Basalts’.
Shaltari Aaru Emerald
Mothership 100 pts

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special
Aaru Emerald 12” 3”/ 10” 9 5+/4+ 9 1 M Launch

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Disruptors 4+ 6 1 F(N) -
Harpoon Cascade 4+ 3 1 F/S/R Close Action

Load Launch Special

Gates 3 -

Encountered ships of the class: Grace of Fusion, Sanctity, Kuzco’s Palace

Shaltari Goethite
That the planet of Aaru retains some special significance for the Shaltari race is
Length: Unknown
clear - various tribes have been fighting each other, humanity and the Scourge
for it since records began. Currently, a loose tribal coalition led by the especially Beam: Unknown
bellicose Mongols has apparently taken Aaru, overcoming the Scourge garrison Height: Unknown
- much reduced from sending reinforcements to Earth. Garbled reports from Displacement:
mankind’s few remaining subterranean assets suggest that ground combat is Unknown
ongoing, however.
Above Aaru, the picture is clearer. Scans from Lysander class stealth lighters
confirm a heavy Shaltari naval presence above the planet, including space
stations, suggesting they intend their occupation to be long-term. Also observed
were several motherships of unusual design but of similar capability to the
standard Emerald class. Their configuration was similar to Shaltari battleships,
ancient vessels, suggesting these cruisers may be among the oldest in the Shaltari
navy. Their presence confirms the importance of Aaru to the aliens, as such
venerable ships are only risked in significant campaigns.

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