Lenten Calendar 2020 Final

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26 Feb 27 Feb 28 Feb 29 Mar
Ash Wednesday
Day of Fasting In this Lent 2020, Abstain from Think of some
and Abstinence how can I renew eating meat spiritual formation
my loving today and all sessions you want
Reflect on how your relationships with Fridays of Lent. to go to this lent.
Lent 2020 will be God, myself and
different from the others?
previous years.

1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar

Matthew 4, 1-11
Reflect: Give up something Take time to think
Ask yourself: how Pray for someone Think of a small Offer a prayer for a you would buy and what your skills
How can I be more can I spend more who is sick. personal action you friend in need. save the money for and talents are.
steadfast with my time with Jesus in can do this week to alms-giving. How can you put
faith in God? prayer? bring a smile to them to good use
someone. for others?

8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar

Mathew 17, 1-9 Do not say or think Thank God and pray Today, do something It’s Friday again! Pray in a
Reflect: Today, anything bad about for each good for an office- What will you give special way for
read the Bible, anybody today. member of your mate or co-worker or up today? someone whom
In this noisy world, especially about the family today. classmate without you do not get
how can I listen to Passion of Jesus. them along with or are
God’s voice? knowing it. difficult to deal

15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar 19 Mar 20 Mar 21 Mar

John 4, 5-42 How about giving up Try to be kind to peo- Spend sometime to St. Joseph Skip a dessert or Pray the
Reflect: some pride today? ple today be with a friend in Pray for your father snack today and "Our Father" very
What does Who would you say especially towards need or with some and for the fathers instead buy slowly, thinking
“worshipping God in “sorry” or “well done” those you don’t like. street kids. who are far from something for the that the words of
Spirit and Truth” to today? their families. street children. this prayer are
mean to me? from Jesus.

22 Mar 23 Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26 Mar 27 Mar 28 Mar

John 9, 1-41 Take time to pray to Pray for the repose of Annunciation Before leaving DLSU Community I will pray for my
Reflect: God and ask for the souls of your Take out your school, drop by the Stations of Cross country and its
Which part of your forgiveness. dead loved ones. Lasallian Rosary chapel and thank 9-11 am. leaders.
life needs healing and pray at least a God for three Join one station.
from God? decade. blessings you
received today.

29 Mar 30 Mar 31 Mar 1 Apr 2 Apr 3 Apr 4 Apr

John 11, 1-45 Education breaks the Help in the
Jesus said he is the Today, go to school cycle of poverty. Reflect today on Today, express to Spend money wisely household chores
resurrection and the with a grateful heart how God has been others how are they today. and try to do
life. What does it towards your parents Find a fact or story faithful, loving and good news for you. Think of others. things yourself
mean for you? and teachers. online that proves true to you. today.
this and share it.

5 Apr 6 Apr 7 Apr 8 Apr 9 Apr 10Apr 11 Apr

Palm Sunday Holy Monday Holy Tuesday Holy Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday
Matthew 26, 14-27 Sit in silence before Today is Wednesday Visit Jesus in the Fast. Spend most of
Reflect: a crucifix and reflect St. La Salle’s feast Donate something to Blessed Sacrament Abstain. this day in silence
When do I shout on how much God day. Ask him to pray a charitable today and pray for Pray. or at least tone
“Crucify him!” in my loves you. for you and DLSU. institution. the last, the lost and down a little.
life? the least.

12 Apr
Easter Sunday, John 20, 1-9 “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ also ought
Greet your friends in Facebook, Twitter and IG with this: to procure for you the benefit of making you
“THE LORD IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! ALLELUIA!” rise spiritually by causing you to live according
Happy Easter to all! to grace. This means that it will cause you to
enter an entirely new and heavenly life.”
-St. John Baptist de La Salle - Meditations, 29.3

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