Christian Notes: Weogufka Second Baptist Church

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Christian Notes

Volume 1 Number 6 May 2010

Weogufka Second Baptist Church

Special Events Paul Dunsieth, Director

Sunday School
April 27th Women on Missions will meet
in the fellowship Hall at 6:00pm What’s the best thing you could do to
help someone in the direction of knowing
May 1st ...Need donations for the yard Christ. Invite them to Sunday School.
sale booth at Mule Day...bring that day Southern Baptist Association studies
to the booth. Money raised will be used show if a person is coming to Sunday
for Vacation Bible School. School they are likely to accept Christ
and join the church later. So its easy to
May 2nd 2010 Graduate say come to Sunday School with me.
Morgan Varner Celebration Talk about the discussion of previous
Bring covered dish, fellowship after the lessons, and how they help in everyday
morning service. life. See you in Sunday School and bring

Bain Culver, Chairman Paul Dunsieth

Deacon’s Ministry
Kelley Wright, Director
We are looking ahead to Vacation Bible Vacation Bible School
School the week of July 18 - 21st . Please
help our ministry by volunteering for one Maybe instead of Director I should call
of the fun classes. The theme is “Bible myself the Recruiting Officer for VBS
Boot Camp.” We know from past this year because we are going to “Bible
summers what a great blessing this event Boot Camp!” The date is July 18 - 21st.
brings to all of us in the community. The focus will be on the Armor of God.
This has been a theme that I have been
thinking about for a couple of years but it
never really came together. But this year,
everything seems to be falling into place.
I believe that God’s timing is perfect and
2 Volume 1 Number 5 May 2010

that He has something great planned for Children’s Church

VBS this year. I believe that learning
how to put on the armor of God is very Children’s Church Lesson Schedule
important for this day and time that we
live in. And if we don’t teach children May 2nd Darlene’s Team
how to guard themselves against the May 9th Brooke’s Team
enemy, who will?. May 16th Darlene’s Team
May 23rd Brenda’s Team
In the next few weeks I will be recruiting May 30th No Children’s Church
“Drill Sergeants”, “Mess Hall Workers”,
and Platoon Leaders” for duty. I will Darlene’s Team: Darlene, Amanda,Sonya
have outlines for each department: Music, (205-280-6243)
Story Time, Crafts, Recreation, and Brooke’s Team: Brooke, Greta, Pam S.
Kitchen. We will also need Guides to (249-3910)
lead the children to each area. Beverly Brenda’s Team: Brenda, Paul
and Billy have already agreed to do our (245-7349)
decorations again. I don’t know about
you, but I can’t wait to see what they NOTE: If you swap a week with
come up with!!! someone let Brooke know in advance.
Please begin praying now for God to
show you the area in which He would Musical Notes
have you to serve. That’s all for now. Judy Stocks

Until next time......”FORWARD Music - is so much more than just singing

MARCH!” a few songs then listening to what the
pastor has to say for that Day. It touches
God Bless You, the heart of God and takes a decision on
Kelley the part of each one. When we come into
a service, some people will just sing,
some may close their eyes, others may
even raise their hands towards heaven,
but whatever way you worship, it should
come from your heart. Worship is a
desire to please the heart of God and it
shows reverence and gratitude. Worship
is all about the position of our hearts.
The music sets the atmosphere for the
Word that Brother Brandon will bring
and can make a difference for a life
changing service. Honestly, the music
3 Volume 1 Number 5 May 2010

can make or break a service by our be a part of His plan. Come

attitude and how we come to God through expecting....and see what happens.
our worship service. I have been the
music director for less than two months Make a Joyful Noise
now and my desire is to help usher in Judy Stocks
God’s presence to every service. I truly
believe that if we all come with an
expectant attitude and pray for the Children’s Corner
anointing to be in our service and on Brenda Dunsieth
Brother Brandon, then God will show up
and meet the needs of those in the service. The Puppet Place
I am new at being a leader in this position
and I am learning through God’s direction We seem to be moving a little slow right
(and with your help) and am so excited now in the Puppet Corner. I’d like to
about what God is doing in our church. take this opportunity to remind my
There is a spirit of love and unity here puppeteers how important it is to attend
and we are growing - not only in number practice. For the last several meetings I
but in the things of God. The Easter have only had two, maybe three, in
program we just had was an example of attendance.
that. There was such a sweet spirit and It seems my puppeteers have decided to
people all over the congregation were try their hand at acting. Currently we are
being ministered to, touched and people practicing a skit to present for Easter.
received a true blessing. I encourage you Brother Brandon has graciously agreed to
to get more involved in our worship help us. At first I tried to adapt the skit to
service. Come expecting God to be here the puppets but the children voted to do
to minister, come expecting to receive the skit themselves. I couldn’t be prouder
and prepare your heart to tell God how of “my kids.” I can hardly wait to see
much you love and honor Him. them do this skit. I know they’ll be great
There are some that have a desire to get and we give our Father all the praise and
involved with the music and use the talent glory for bringing them so far.
God has given them. There is plenty of Keep us in your prayers. With spring
room for you to join the choir. If you coming, I know some will be involved in
have a special song you wold like to do or various sports and school activities along
if you need help in developing your with family trips. Pray for their safety
talent, I will work with you and help any and their devotion to God.
way I can to bring forth what God has
placed in your heart and called you to do. Puppets For Christ
I am excited about the future of the Brenda Dunsieth
church and what God has for all of us and
thankful He placed Ollis and me here to
4 Volume 1 Number 5 May 2010

Church Fund Raiser Story Time, Poems, Articles

“Play Ground Project”
Brooke Baird, Director

We still have those traditional Cook

Books to sell. We are encouraging our
members to “sign out” and sell a number
of Cook Books to help with the fund
raising. Please call Brooke Baird, who
has been elected the Director of the Play
Ground Project, at 249-3910, to help
with this much needed fund raiser.
There's nothing more pathetic than a lost
earthworm. Trust me, I know, my daughter
Business Meetings Annie and I were walking down a long dirt road
from our house to the street to pick up the paper
Business meetings are held the second when I spotted it.
Monday of every month at 6:00 pm. The unlucky earthworm had crawled from the
Please bring a covered dish for supper lush green grass at the edge onto the sandy
and fellowship before the meeting. surface of the road. You could trace his progress
The next meeting is Monday, May 10th in the sand. He seemed headed across the road
when he swerved. Maybe it was the slight rise
and fall of the surface that threw him off, I don't
know. But all at once he began to crawl in
Yoder’s Family Traditions irregular circles. When we found him, the poor
thing was thin and dry, covered with tiny grains
Debe Hooley from Yoder’s Family of sand, in utter despair. Round and round he
Traditions and Gifts is offering various wriggled as the sun rose higher hastening the
craft classes at her shop. We encourage hour when his arch enemy--car tires--would find
him naked and exposed. Swish, grind, and that
you to stop by and visit Debe. See her would be all.
collection of unique jams and jellies and
"Let's rescue him," I said to Annie. She gently
much more. Call Debe at 245-7345 lifted his grainy form from the road and
deposited it gingerly in the safety of the tall grass
at the side. What a way to begin a day. It makes
Neighborhood Watch you feel good deep inside to rescue a worm.
But there were others. Scores of others. Worm
The monthly meeting for the Community after hapless worm had made his way from the
Neighborhood Watch is held on the 3rd safety of the grass to the trackless desert of the
Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the road. Occasionally we'd find a fat, juicy worm
Weogufka School Lunchroom. All area just beginning his brave journey, blissfully
unaware of the dangers ahead. Little did he
residents are invited to attend. Just bring know....
a covered dish for supper.
5 Volume 1 Number 5 May 2010

But we were there for them. I would look for the will pick us up, hopeless and lost though we may
tell-tale circling track in the sand. "There's be, and gently deposit us on the other side.
another," I would shout, and Annie would rush to "Rescuer," you know means about the same as
the rescue site to lift yet another victim to safety. "Savior." Jesus is that Rescuer. He knows the
What would explain this great worm exodus? As way.
we worked together as a finely-tuned mercy Are you tired of going round in circles, fighting
team, a theory began to unfold. There must have fatigue and the fear of being squashed flat? Lift
been some worm of a disk jockey on a late night your weary head one more time and utter a faint
station who had offered a prize for the worm who worm-prayer. And then watch for your Rescuer.
made it to the other side. That must be it! Look up! Look up!
But who would receive the prize? We began to
look for that one worm winner who possessed
that stamina, courage, and unerring sense of
direction required for this daring expedition. Did
this one make it, I would wonder as I traced his
trail in the sand. No, here he starts to curve
around. Invariably, one after another, the worms
would lapse into circles, aimlessly crawling,
going nowhere--rapidly at first, then slower and
slower as their precious resources drained away.
We were almost back to the house when we
found him, the worm who had bet against the
odds and won. We traced his trail from one side
of the road to the other. But no, he was within
inches of the grass on the far side when he veered
and began heading the wrong direction, back to
where he came from, the "Wrong Way Carrigan"
of the worm world.
I tell you no lie. It actually happened, though I
can't vouch for the disk jockey part. But enough
of grainy, bedraggled worms.
As Annie and I joked and rescued our way back
to the house I thought of people I know. Where
are we on our journey? Where are we going,
anyway? Do we have a life goal, a destination, or
are we just wandering?
A verse came to mind as I acted as chief worm-
spotter: "I will instruct you and teach you the way
you should go; I will counsel you with my eye
upon you" (Psalm 32:8). If only those worms had
air support--someone with perspective to radio
down their position--they could make it.
And I thought of how desperately we need a
Guide to show us the way across, a Rescuer who

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