Narada Purana, Ganita

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atha śrībṛhannāradīyapurāṇe pūrvabhāge bṛhadupākhyāne dvitīyapāde jyotiṣavarṇanaṃ nāma

catuḥpañcāśattamo 'dhyāyaḥ

sanandana uvāca
jyotiṣāṅgaṃ pravakṣyāmi yaduktaṃ brahmaṇā purā /
yasya vijñāna mātreṇa dharmasiddhirbhavennṛṇām // 1 //
triskandhaṃ jyautiṣāṃ śāstraṃ caturlakṣamudāhṛtam /
gaṇitaṃ jātakaṃ vipra saṃhitāskandhasaṃjñitāḥ // 2 //
gaṇite parikarmādi khagamadhyasphuṭakriṃye /
anuyogaścandrasūryagrahaṇaṃ tacodasyākam // 3 //
chāyā śṛṅgonnatiyutī pātasādhānamīritam /
jātake rāśibhedāśca grahayoniśca yonijam // 4 //
niṣekajanmāriṣṭāni hyāyurdāyo daśākramaḥ /
karmājīvaṃ cāṣṭavargo rājayogāśca nābhasāḥ // 5 //
candrayogāḥ pravrajyākhyā rāśiśīlaṃ ca dṛkphalam /
grahabhāvaphalaṃ caivāśrayayogaprakīrṇake // 6 //
aniṣṭayogāḥ srījanmapalaṃ niryāṇameva ca /
naṣṭajanmavidhānaṃ ca tathā dreṣkāṇalakṣaṇam // 7 //
saṃhitāśāstrarūpaṃ ca grahacāro 'bdalakṣaṇam /
tithivāsaranakṣatrayogatithyarddhasaṃjñakāḥ // 8 //
muhūrtopagrahāḥ sūyasaṃkrāntirgocaraḥ kramāt /
candratā rābalaṃ caiva sarvalagrārtavāhvayaḥ // 9 //
ādhānapuṃsasīmantajātanāmānnabhuktayaḥ /
caulaṅkarṇyayaṇaṃ maiñjī kṣurikābandhanaṃ tathā // 10 //
samāvartinavaivāhapratiṣṭāsadmalakṣaṇam /
yātrāpraveśanaṃ sadyovṛṣṭiḥ karmavilakṣaṇam // 11 //
utpattilakṣaṇaṃ caiva sarvaṃ saṃkṣepato bruve /
ekaṃ daśa śataṃ caiva sahasrāyutalakṣakam // 12 //
prayutaṃ koṭisaṃjñāṃ cārbudamabjaṃ ca rarvavakam /
niravarva ca mahāpadmaṃ śaṅkurjaladhireva ca // 13 //
atyaṃ madhyaṃ parārddhaṃ ca saṃjñā daśaguṇottarāḥ /
kramādutkramato vāpi yogaḥ kāryottaraṃ tathā // 14 //
hanyādguṇena guṇyaṃ syāttainaivopāntimādikān /
śuddheddharoyadguṇaścabhājyāntyāttatphalaṃ mune // 15 //
samāṅkato 'tho vargasyāttamevāhuḥ kṛtiṃ budhāḥ /
antyāttu viṣamāttyaktvā kṛtiṃ mūlaṃnyasetpṛthak // 16 //
dviguṇenāmunā bhakte phalaṃ mūle nyasetkramāt /
tatkṛtiṃ ca tyajedvipra mūlena vibhajetpunaḥ // 17 //
evaṃ muhurvargamūlaṃ jāyate ca munīśvara /
samatryaṅkahatiḥ prokto ghanastatravidhiḥ pade // 18 //
procyate viṣamaṃ tvādyaṃ same dve ca tataḥ param /
viśodhyaṃ viṣamādantyāddhanaṃ tanmūlamucyate // 19 //
trighnādbhajanmūlakṛtyā samaṃ mūle nyasetphalam /
tatkṛtitvena nihatānnighnīṃ cāpi viśodhayet // 20 //
ghanaṃ ca viṣamādevaṃ ghanamūlaṃ murhubhavet /
anyonyahāranihatau harāṃśau tu samucchidā // 21 //
lavā lavaghnāśca harā haraghnā hi savarṇanam /
bhāgaprabhāge vijñeyaṃ mune śāsrārthacintakaiḥ // 22 //
anubandhe 'pavāhe caikasya cedadhikonakaḥ /
bhāgāstalasthahāreṇa haraṃ svāṃśādhikena tān // 23 //
ūnena cāpi guṇayeddhanarṇaṃ cintayettathā /
kāryastulyaharāṃ śānāṃ yogaścāpyantato mune // 24 //
ahārarāśau rūpyaṃ tu kalpayeddharamapyathā /
aṃśāhatiśchedaghātahṛdbhinnaguṇane phalam // 25 //
chedaṃ cāpi lavaṃ vidvanparivartya harasya ca /
śeṣaḥ kāryo bhāgahāre kartavyo guṇanāvidhiḥ // 26 //
hārāṃśayoḥ kṛtī varge ghanau ghanavidhau mune /
padasiddhyai pade kuryādathoravaṃ sarvataśca ravam // 27 //
chedaṃ guṇaṃ guṇaṃ chedaṃ vargaṃ mūlaṃ padaṃ kṛtim /
ṛṇaṃ svaṃ svamṛṇaṃ kuryādṛśye rāśiprasiddhaye // 28 //
atha svāṃśādhikone tu lavāḍhyo no haro haraḥ /
aṃśastvavikṛtastatra vilome śeṣamuktavat // 29 //
uddiṣṭārāśiḥ saṃkṣiptau hṛtoṃ'śai rahito yutaḥ /
iṣṭaghnadṛṣṭenaitena bhaktarāśiranīśitaḥ // 30 //
yogontareṇonayutodvitorāśītasaṃkrame /
rāśyantarahṛtaṃ vargottaraṃ yosutaśca tau // 31 //
gajagrīṣṭakṛtirvyaikā dalitā ceṣṭabhājitā /
eko 'sya vargo dalitaḥ saiko rāśiḥ paro mataḥ // 32 //
dviguṇeṣṭahṛtaṃ rūpaṃ śreṣṭhaṃ prāgrūpakaṃ param /
vargayogāntare vyeke rāśyorvargosta etayoḥ // 33 //
iṣṭavagekṛtiśceṣṭaghanoṣṭagrau ca saukakau /
eṣīsyānāmubhe vyakte gaṇite vyaktameva ca // 34 //
guṇaghnamūlonayutaḥ saguṇārddhe kṛtaṃ padam /
dṛṣṭasya ca guṇārddho na yutaṃ vargīkṛtaṃ guṇaḥ // 35 //
yadā lavonapumrāśirdṛśyaṃ bhāgonayugbhuvā /
bhaktaṃ tathā mūlaguṇaṃ tābhyāṃ sādhyotha vyaktavat // 36 //
pramāṇecche sajātīye ādyante madhaayagaṃ phalam /
icchaghnamādyahṛtseṣṭaṃ phalaṃ vyaste viparyayāt // 37 //
pañcarāsyādike 'nyonyapakṣaṃ kṛtvā phalacchidām /
bahurāśivadhaṃ bhakte phalaṃ svalpavadhena ca // 38 //
iṣṭakarmavadhemūlaṃ cyutaṃ miśrātkalāntare /
mānaghnakālaścātītakālāghnaphalasaṃhṛtāḥ // 39 //
svayogabhaktānighnāḥ syuḥ saṃprayuktadalāni ca /
bahurāśipalātsvalparāśimāsaphalaṃ bahu // 40 //
cedrāśivivaraṃ māsaphalāntarahṛtaṃ ca yaḥ /
kṣepā miśrahatāḥ kṣepoyogabhaktāḥ phalāni ca // 41 //
bhajecchidāeṃśaistairmiśrai rūpaṃ kālaśca pūrtikṛt /
pūrṇogacchetsamedhyavyesamevargorddhitetyataḥ // 42 //
vyastaṃ gacchataṃ phalaṃ yadguṇavargaṃ bhacahi tat /
vyekaṃ vyekaguṇāptaṃ ca prādhnaṃ mānaṃ guṇottare // 43 //
bhujakoṭikṛtiyogamūlaṃ karṇaśca dorbhavet /
śrutikṛtyantarapada koṭirdoḥ karṇavargayoḥ // 44 //
viṃvarāttatkarṇapadaṃ kṣetre tricaturasrake /
rāśyorantaravargeṇa dvighne ghāte yute tayoḥ // 45 //
vargayogotha yogāntahṝntirvargāntaraṃ bhavet /
vyāsa ākṛtisaṃkṣaṇṇovyāsāsyātparidhirmune // 46 //
jyāvyāsayogavivarāhatamūlonito 'rddhitaḥ /
vyāsaḥ śaraḥ śaronāñca vyāsāccharaguṇātpadam // 47 //
dvighnaṃ jīvātha jīvārddhavarge śarahṛte yute /
vyāsoṣṭatebhavedevaṃ proktaṃ gaṇitakovidaiḥ // 48 //
cāponanighnaḥ paridhiḥ pragaṅlaḥ paridheḥ kṛte /
turyāṃśena śaradhnenāgheninādhaṃ caturgaṇam // 49 //
vyāsadhnaṃ prabhajedvipra jyā kāśaṃ jāyate sphuṭā /
jyāṅghrīṣudhnovṛttavargobagdhighnavyāsāḍhyamaurvihṛt // 50 //
labdhonavṛttavargādripaderdhātpatite dhanuḥ /
sthūlamadhyāpṛvannavedho vṛttāṅkāśeṣabhāgikaḥ // 51 //
vṛttāṅgāṃśakṛtirvedhaniprīyanakarāmitau /
vārivyāsahataṃ dairdhyaṃvedhāṅgulahataṃ punaḥ // 52 //
kharavendurāmavihataṃ mānaṃ droṇādivāriṇaḥ /
vistārāyāmavedhānāṃmaṅgulyonyanāḍighnāḥ // 53 //
rasāṃkābhrābdhibhirbhaktā dhānye droṇādikāmitiḥ /
utsedhavyāsadairdhyāṇāmaṅgulyānyasya no dvija // 54 //
mithoghnāti bhajetsvākṣeśairdreṇādimitirbhavet /
vistārādyaṃ gulānyevaṃ mithoghnānyapasāṃbhavet // 55 //
vāṇebhamārgaṇairlabdhaṃ droṇādyaṃ mānamādiśet /
dīpaśaṅkutalacchidraghnaḥ śaṅkurbhaivaṃbhavenmune // 56 //
narona dīpakaśikhaucyabhakto hyatha bhodvane /
śaṅkaunṛdīpādhaśchidraghnairdīpauccyaṃ narānvite // 57 //
viṃśakudīpauccaguṇācchāyā śaṅkūddhṛtā bhavet /
dīpaśaṅkvantaraṃ cātha cchāyāgravivaraghnabhā // 58 //
mānāntaradrudbhūmiḥ syādathobhūnarāhatiḥ /
prabhāptā jāyate dīpaśikhauccyaṃ syāttrirāśikāt // 59 //
etatsaṃkṣepataḥ proktaṃ gaṇite parikarmakam /
grahamadhyādikaṃ vakṣye gaṇite nātivistarān // 60 //
yugamānaṃ smṛtaṃ vipra khacatuṣkaradārṇavāḥ /
taddaśāṃśāstu catvāraḥ kṛtākhyaṃ pādamucyate // 61 //
trayasretā dvāparaḥ dvau kalirekaḥ prakīrtitaḥ /
manukṛtābdasahitā yugānāmekasaptatiḥ // 62 //
vidherddine syurviprendra manavastu caturdaśa /
tāvatyeva niśā tasya viprendra parikīrtitā // 63 //
svayaṃbhuvā śaragatānabdānsaṃpiṇḍya nārada /
khacarānayanaṃ kāryamathaveṣṭayugāditaḥ // 64 //
yuge sūryajñaśukrāṇāṃ khacatuṣkaradārṇavāḥ /
pūjārkiguruśukrāṇāṃ bhagaṇāpūrvapāpinām // 65 //
indorasāgnitriṣu sapta bhūdharamārgaṇāḥ /
dasratryāṣṭarasāṃkāśvilocanāni kujasya tu // 66 //
budhaśīghrasya śūnyartukhādritryaṅkanagendavaḥ /
bṛhaspateḥ khadasrākṣivedasraṅhūyastathā // 67 //
śitaśīghrasya yaṣṇasatriyamāśvisvabhūdharāḥ /
śanerbhujagaṣaṭpacarasavedaniśākarāḥ // 68 //
candroñcasyāgniśūnyākṣivasusarpārṇavā yuge /
vāmaṃ pātasya ca svagniyamāśviśikhidasrakāḥ // 69 //
udayādudayaṃ bhānorbhūmaiḥ sācena vāsarāḥ /
vasuvdyaṣṭādrirūpāṅkasaptādritithayo yuge // 70 //
ṣaḍ vahitrihutāśāṅkatithayaścādhimāsakāḥ /
tithikṣayāyamārthākṣidvyaṣṭavyomaśarāśvinaḥ // 71 //
ravacatuṣkā samudrāṣṭakurpacaravimāsakāḥ /
ṣaṭtryagnivedagnipañcaśubhrāṃśumāsakāḥ // 72 //
prāgāteḥ sūryamandasya kalpesaptāṣṭavahnayaḥ /
kaujasya vedasvayamā baudhasyāṣṭartuvahnayaḥ // 73 //
ravaravarandhrāṇi jaivasya śaukrasyārdhaguṇeṣavaḥ /
gognayaḥ śanimandasya pātānāmathavā mataḥ // 74 //
manudasrāstu kaujasya baudhasyāṣṭāṣṭasāgarāḥ /
kṛtādricandrājaivasya ravaikasyāgniravanandakāḥ // 75 //
śanipātasya bhagaṇāḥ kalpe yamarasartavaḥ /
vartamānayuge pānāvatsarābhagaṇābhidhāḥ // 76 //
māsīkṛtāyutā māsairmadhuśuklādibhirgataiḥ /
pṛthaktthāsidhimāsagrāsūryamāsavibhājitāḥ // 77 //
athādhimāsakairyuktā dinīkṛtya dinānvitāḥ /
dvisthāstitikṣayābhyastāścāndravāsarabhājitāḥ // 78 //
lathonarātrirahitālaṅkāryāmarddharātrikāḥ /
sāvanodyūgasārarkādirdinamāsābdayāstataḥ // 79 //
saptibhiḥ kṣapitaḥ śeṣaḥ mūryādyovāsareśvaraḥ /
māsābdadinasaṃkhyāsaṃdvitrighnaṃ rūpasaṃyutam // 80 //
saptorddhanāvaśeṣau tau vijñeyau māsavarṣapau /
snehasya bhagaṇābhyasto dinarāśiḥ kuvāsaraiḥ // 81 //
vibhājito madhyagatyā bhagaṇādirgraho bhavet /
evaṃ hyaśīghramandāñcaye proktāḥ pūrvapāpinaḥ // 82 //
vilomagatayaḥ pātāstadvañcakrāṣviśodhitāḥ /
yojanāni śatānyaṣṭau bhūkarṇauṃ dviguṇāḥ smṛtaḥ // 83 //
tadvargato daśaguṇātpada bhūparidhirbhavet /
laṃbajyāghnasvajīvāptaḥ sphuṭo bhūparidhiḥ svakaḥ // 84 //
tena deśāntarābhyastā grahabhuktirvibhājitā /
kalāditatphalaṃ prārcyāḥ grahebhyaḥ pariśodhayet // 85 //
rekhāpratīcisaṃsthāne prakṣipetsyuḥ svadeśataḥ /
rākṣasātapadevaukaḥ śailayormadhyasūtragāḥ // 86 //
avantikārohatikaṃ tathā sannihitaṃ saraḥ /
vārapravṛttivāgdeśe kṣayārddhebhyadhiko bhavet // 87 //
taddeśāntaranāḍībhiḥ paścādūne vinirdiśet /
iṣṭanāḍīguṇā bhuktiḥ ṣaṣṭyā bhaktā kalādikam // 88 //
gate śoddhyaṃ tathā yojyaṃ gamye tātkāliko grahaḥ /
bhacakraliptāśītyaṃśaḥ paramaṃ dakṣiṇottaram // 89 //
vikṣipyate svapātena svakrāntyantādanuṣṇaguḥ /
tatra vāsaṃ dviguṇitajīvasriguṇitaṃ kujaḥ // 90 //
budhaśukrārkajāḥ pātairvikṣipyante caturguṇam /
rāśiliptāṣṭamo bhāgaḥ prathamaṃ jyārddhamucyate // 91 //
tato dvibhaktalabdhonamiśritaṃ taddvitīyakam /
ādyenaiva kramātpiṇḍānbhaktāllabdhonitairyutān // 92 //
khaṇḍakāḥ syuścaturviśā jyārddhapiṇḍāḥ kramādamī /
paramā pakramajyā tu saptarandhraguṇendavaḥ // 93 //
tadgumajyā trijivāptā tañcāpaṃ krāntirucyate /
grahaṃ saṃśodhya mandoñcattathā śīghnādviśodhya ca // 94 //
śeṣaṃ kandapadantasmādbhujajyā koṭireva ca /
gatādbhujajyāviṣame gamyātkoṭiḥ pade bhavet // 95 //
sameti gamyādvāhudajyā koṭijyānugatā bhavet /
liptāstattvayamairbhaktā labdhajyāpiṇḍakaṃ gatam // 96 //
gatagamyāntarābhyastaṃ vibhajettattvalocanaiḥ /
tadavāptaphalaṃ yojyaṃ jyāpiṇḍe gatasaṃjñake // 97 //
syātkramajyāvidhiścaivamutkramajyāgatā bhavet /
liptāstattvayamairbhaktā labdhajyā piṇḍakaṃ gatam // 98 //
gatagamyāntarābhyastaṃ vibhajettattvalocanaiḥ /
tadavāptaphalaṃ yojyaṃ jyāpiṇḍe gatasaṃjñake // 99 //
syātkramajyāvidhiścaivamukramajyāsvapismṛtaḥ /
jyāṃ prohya śeṣaṃ tattvatāśvi hṝntaṃ tadvivaroddhṛm // 100 //
saṃkhyātattvāśvisaṃvargyasaṃyojyaṃ dhanurucyate /
ravermandaparidhyaṃśā manavaḥ śītagoradāḥ // 101 //
yugmānte viṣamānte tunakhaliptonitāstayoḥ /
yugmānterthādrayaḥ khāgnisurāḥ sūryā navārṇavāḥ // 102 //
ojedvyagā ca suyamāradārudrāgajābdhayaḥ /
kujādīnāmataḥ śaughnyāyugmānterthāgnidasrakāḥ // 103 //
guṇāgnicandrāḥ khanagādvirasākṣīṇi go 'grayaḥ /
ojānte dvitriyamatādviviśveyamaparvatāḥ // 104 //
khartudasnāvipadvedāḥ śīghnakarmaṇi kīrtitāḥ /
ojayugmāntaraguṇābhujajyātrijyayoddhṛtāḥ // 105 //
yugmavṛttedhanarṇaśyādojādūne 'dhike sphuṭam /
tadguṇe bhujakoṭijyebhagaṇāṃśavibhājite // 106 //
tadbhujajyāphaladhanurmāndaṃ liptādikaṃ phalam /
śai'yakoṭiphalaṃ kendre makarādau dhanaṃ smṛtam // 107 //
saṃśodhyaṃ tu trijīvāyāṃ karkādau koṭijaṃ phalam /
tadbāhuphalavargaikyānmūlakarṇaścalābhidhaḥ // 108 //
trijyābhyastaṃ bhujaphalaṃ makarādau dhanaṃ smṛtam /
saṃśodhyaṃ tu trijīvāyāṃ karkādau koṭijaṃ phalam // 109 //
tadbāhuphalavargaikyānmūlaṃ karṇaścalābhidhaḥ /
trijyābhaghyastaṃ bhujaphalaṃ palakarṇavibhājitam // 110 //
labdhasya cāpaṃ liptādi phalaṃ śaidhryamidaṃ smṛtam /
etadādau kujādīnāṃ caturthe caiva karmaṇi // 111 //
māndyaṃ karmaikamarkendvorbhaundvorbhauṃmādīnāmāthocyate /
śairdhyaṃ mādyaṃ punarmāndyaṃ śairghyaṃ catvāryanukramāt // 112 //
ajā dikendre sarveṣāṃ māndye śairghye ca karmaṇi /
dhanaṃ grahāṇāṃ liptādi tulādāvṛṇameva tat // 113 //
arkabāhuphalābhyastā grahabhuktivibhājitāḥ /
bhacakrakalikābhistu liptāḥ kāryā graher'kavat // 114 //
grahabhaktaḥ phalaṃ kāryaṃ grahavanmandakarmaṇi /
karkādau taddhanaṃ tatra makarādāvṛṇaṃ smṛtam // 115 //
dorjyottaraguṇābhuktistattvanetroddhṛtā punaḥ /
svamandaparidhikṣuṇṇā bhagaṇāṃśoddhṛtāḥkalāḥ // 116 //
mandasphuṭakṛtā bhuktiḥ śīghnoccabhuktitaḥ /
taccheṣaṃ vivareṇātha hanyātrijyāṅkakarṇayoḥ // 117 //
cakrakarṇahṛtaṃ bhuktau karṇe trijyādhike dhanam /
ṛṇamūne 'dhike prohya śeṣaṃ vakragatirbhavet // 118 //
kṛtartucandrairvedendraiḥ śūnyatryekairguṇāṣṭabhiḥ /
śararudraiścaturyāṃśukendrāṃśerbhūsutādayaḥ // 119 //
vakriṇaścakraśuddhaistairaṃśairujutivakratām /
kramajyā viṣuvadbhāghnī kṣitijyā dvādaśoddhṛtā // 120 //
trijyāguṇā dinavyāsabhaktā cāpaṃ ca śatravaḥ /
tatkārmukamudakrāntau dhanahīno pṛthakkṣate // 121 //
svāhorātracaturbhāgedinarātridale smṛte /
yāmyakrāntau viparyaste dviguṇaite dinakṣaye // 122 //
bhabhogo 'ṣṭaśatīrliptāḥ svāśivaśailostathāttitheḥ /
grahaliptā bhagābhogābhāni bhuktyādinādikam // 123 //
ravīnduyogaliptāstu yogābhabhogabhājitāḥ /
gatagamyāśca ṣaṣṭighnā bhuktiyogāptanāḍikāḥ // 124 //
arkenacandraliptāstu tithayo bhogabhājitāḥ /
gatagamyāśca ṣaṣṭighnā nātobhuktataroddhṛtāḥ // 125 //
tithayaḥ śuklapratipado dvighnāḥ saikā na gāhatāḥ /
śeṣaṃ bavo bālavaśca kaulavastaitilo garaḥ // 126 //
vaṇijobhre bhavedviṣṭiḥ kṛṣṇabhūtāparārddhataḥ /
śakunirnāgāśca catuṣpada kiṃstughnameva ca // 127 //
śilātalevasaṃśuddhe vajralepetivāsame /
tatra śakāṅgulairiṣṭaiḥ samamaṇḍalamālikhet // 128 //
tanmadhye sthāpayecchaṅkuṃ kalpanā ddvādaśāṅgulam /
tacchāyāgraṃ spṛśedyatra dattaṃ pūrvāparāhnayoḥ // 129 //
tatra binduṃ vidhāyobhau vṛtte pūrvāparābhidhau /
tanmadhye timinā rekhā kartavyā dakṣiṇottata // 130 //
yāmyottaradiśormadhye timinā pūrvapaścimā /
digmadhyamatsyaiḥ saṃsādhyā vidiśastadvadeva hi // 131 //
caturastaṃ bahiḥ kuryātsūtrairmadhyādviniḥsṛtaiḥ /
bhujasūtrāṅgulaistatra dattairiṣṭaprabhā matā // 132 //
prāṅkpaścimāśritā rekhā procyate samamaṇḍalam /
bhamaṇḍalaṃ ca viṣuvanmaṇḍalaṃ parikīrtitam // 133 //
rekhā prācyaparā sādhyā viṣuvadbhāgrayā tathā /
iṣṭacchāyāviṣuvatormadhyehyagrābhidhīyate // 134 //
śaṅkucchāyākṛtiyutermūlaṃ karṃṇo 'ya vargataḥ /
prohya śaṅkukṛte mūlaṃ chāyā śekuviparyayāt // 135 //
triṃśatkṛtyoyuge bhānāṃ cakraṃ prākparilaṃbate /
tadguṇādbhadinairbhaktyā dyugaṇādyadavāpyate // 136 //
taddosrivnādaśādhnāṃśā vijñeyā ayatānidhāḥ /
tatsaṃsvakṛtāddhahātkānticchāyāvaradalādikam // 137 //
śaṅkucchāyāhate trijye viṣuvatkarkabhājite /
laṃbākṣajye tayośchāye laṃbākṣau dakṣimau sadā // 138 //
sākṣārkāpakramayutirddiksāmyentaramanyathā /
śeṣahyānāṃśāḥ sūryasya tadvāhujyātha koṭijāḥ // 139 //
śaṅkumānāṅgulābhyaste bhujatrijye yathāṅkramam /
koṭījyayāvibhajyāpte chāyākarmābahirddale // 140 //
svākṣārkanatabhāgānāṃ diksāmye 'taramanyathā /
digbhedopakramaḥ śeṣastasya jyā trijyayā hatā // 141 //
paramopakramajyāpta cāpamepādigo raviḥ /
karkādau prohyacakrārddhāttulādau bhārddhasaṃyutātta // 142 //
mṛgādau prohyacakrāttu madhyāhner'kaḥ sphuṭo bhavet /
tanmandamasakṛddhāmaṃphalaṃ madhyo divākaraḥ // 143 //
grahodayāḥ prāṇahatāḥ khakhāṣṭaikoddhatā gatiḥ /
cakrāsavo labdhayutī svrahorātrāsavaḥ smṛtāḥ // 144 //
tribhadyukarṇārddhaguṇā svāhorātrārddhabhājitāḥ /
kramādekadvitribhaghājyā taccāpāni pṛthak pṛthak // 145 //
svādhodhaḥ praviśodhyātha meṣāllaṅkodayāsavaḥ /
svāgāṣṭayorthagogaikāḥ śaratryekaṃ himāṃśavaḥ // 146 //
svadeśacarakhaṇḍonā bhavantīṣṭodayāsavaḥ /
vyastāvyastairyutāstaistaiḥ karkaṭādyāstatastu yaḥ // 147 //
utkrameṇa ṣaḍevaite bhavantīṣṭāstulādayaḥ /
gatabhogyāsavaḥ kāryāḥ sāyanāḥsveṣṭabhāskarāḥ // 148 //
svodayātsuhatā bhaktā bhaktabhogyāḥ svamānataḥ /
abhiṣṭadhaṭikāsubhyo bhogyāsūnpraviśodhayet // 149 //
tadvadevaiṣyalagnāsūnevaṃ vyāptāstathā kramāt /
śeṣaṃ triṃśatkramāddhyastamaśuddhena vibhājitam // 150 //
bhāgayuktaṃ ca hīnaṃ ca vyayanāṃśaṃ tanuḥ kuje /
prākpaścānnatanāḍībhyastadvallaṅkodayāsubhiḥ // 151 //
bhānau kṣayadhane kṛtvā madhyalagnaṃ tadā bhavet /
bhogyāsūnūnakasyātha bhuktāsūnadhikasya ca // 152 //
sapiṇḍyāntaralagnāsūnevaṃ syātkālasādhanam /
virāhvarkabhujāṃśāścedindrālpāḥ syād graho vidhoḥ // 153 //
teṣāṃ śivaghnāḥ śailāptā vyāvarkājaḥ śarāeṅgulaiḥ /
arkaṃ vidhurvidhuṃ bhūbhā chādayatyathā channakam // 154 //
chādyachādakamānārdhaṃ śaronaṃ grāhyavarjitam /
tatsvacchannaṃ ca mānaikyārddhāṃśaṣaṣṭaṃ daśāhatam // 155 //
channaghnamasmānmūlaṃ tu khāṅgonaglauvapurhṛtam /
sthityarddhaṃ ghaṭikādisyādvyaṅgabāhvaṃśasaṃmitaiḥ // 156 //
iṣṭaiḥ palaistadūnāḍhyaṃ vyagāvūner'kaṣaṅguṇaḥ /
tadanyathādhike tasminnevaṃ spaṣṭe sukhāntyage // 157 //
grāsena svāhate cchādyamānāme syurviśopakāḥ /
pūrṇāntaṃ madhyamatra syāddarśānteñjaṃ tribhonakam // 158 //
pṛthak tatkrāntyakṣabhāgasaṃskṛtau syurnatāṃśakāḥ /
taddighnāṃśakṛtidvyūnārddhārkayutā hariḥ // 159 //
tribhānāṅgārkaviśleṣāṃśo ḥṃśonaghnāḥ /
harāptālaṃbanaṃ svarṇavitribherkādhikonake // 160 //
viśvaghnalaṃbanakalāḍhyonastu tithivadyaguḥ /
śaronolaṃbanaṣaḍaghne tallavāḍhyonavitribhāt // 161 //
natāṃśāstajāṃsāne prādhṛtastadvivarjita /
śabdenduliptaiḥ ṣaḍbhistu bhaktānatirnatirnatāṃśadik // 162 //
tayornāṭyohabhinnaikadik śaraḥ sphuṭatāṃ vrajet /
tataśchannasthitidale sādhye sthityarddhaṣaṭtribhiḥ // 163 //
aṃśastairvintribhandvisthaṃlaṃbanetayoḥ pūrvavat /
saṃskṛtestābhyāṃ sthityarddhe bhavataḥ sphuṭe // 164 //
tābhyāṃ hīnayuto madhyadarśaḥ kālau mukhāntagau /
arkādyūnā viśva īśā navapañcadaśāṃśakāḥ // 165 //
kālāṃśāstairūnayukte ravau hyastodayau vidhoḥ /
dṛṣṭvā hyādau kheṭabiṃbaṃ dṛgauñcye laṃbamīkṣya ca // 166 //
talluṃbapāpabiṃbāntardṛṇau vyāptaravighnabhāḥ /
aste sāvayavā jñeyā gataiṣyāstithayo budhaiḥ // 167 //
vyaste yuktāntibhāgaiśca dvighnatithyāhṛtā sphuṭam /
saṃskāradikalaṃbanamaṅgulādyaṃ prajāyate // 168 //
seṣvaśonāḥ sitaṃ tithyo balannāśonnataṃ vidhoḥ /
śṛṅgamanyatra udvācyaṃ balanāṅgulalekhanāt // 169 //
pañcatve goṅkaviśikhāḥ śeṣakarṇahatāḥ pṛthak /
vikṛjyakāṅgasiddhāgnibhaktālabdhonasaṃyutāḥ // 170 //
trijyādhikone śravaṇe vapūṃṣi syurhṛtāḥ kujāt /
ṛjvoranṛjvorvivaraṃ gatyantaravibhājitam // 171 //
vakrartvorgatiyogāmaṃ gamyetīte dinādikam /
khanatyāsaṃskṛtauvveṣūdaksāmyenyentaraṃ yutiḥ // 172 //
yāmyodakkheṭavivaraṃ mānaukyāddholpakaṃ yadā /
yadā bhedolaṃbanādyaṃ sphuṭārthaṃ sūryaparvavat // 173 //
ekāyanagatau syātāṃ sūryācandramasau yadā /
tayute maṇḍale krāntyau tulyatve vai dhṛtābhidhaḥ // 174 //
vipaṭītāyanagatau candrākārai krāntiliptikāḥ /
samāstadā vyatīpāto bhagaṇārddhe tapoyutau // 175 //
bhāskaredvor bhacakrānta cakrārddhāvadhisaṃsthayoḥ /
dṛkkalpasādhitāṃśādiyuktayoḥ svāvapakramau // 176 //
athojapadagamyendoḥ krāntirvikṣepasaṃskṛtāḥ /
yadi syādadhikā bhānoḥ krānteḥ pāto gatastadā // 177 //
nyūnā cetsyāttadā bhāvī vāmaṃ yugmapadasya ca /
yadānyatvaṃ vidhoḥ krāntiḥ kṣepāccedyadi śuddhyati // 178 //
krāntyorjetrijyayābhiste paramāyakramoddhate /
taccāpāntarmarddhavāyorjyabhāvinaśītagau // 179 //
śodhyaṃ candrādgate pāte tatsūyagatitāḍitam /
candrabhuktyā hṛtaṃ bhānau liptādiśaśivatphalam // 180 //
tadūcchaśāṅkapātasya phalaṃ deyaṃ viparyayāt /
karmaitadasakṛttāvatkrāntī yāvatsametayoḥ // 181 //
krāntyoḥ samatve pāto 'tha prakṣiptāṃśonite vidhau /
hīner'dvarātraghikāghato bhāvī tātkālike 'dhikā // 182 //
sthirīkṛtārddharā trārddhau dvayorvivaraliptakāḥ /
ṣaṣṭiścācandrabhuktāptā pātakālasya nāḍikāḥ // 183 //
ravīndvormānayogārddhaṃ ṣaṣṭyā saṃguṇya bhājayet /
tayorbhuktayantareṇāptaṃ sthityamarddhāṃ nāḍikādivat // 184 //
pātakālaḥ sphuṭo madhyaḥ so 'pi sthityarddhavarjitaḥ /
tasya saṃbhavakālaḥ syāttatsaṃyogektasaṃjñakaḥ // 185 //
ādyantakālayormadhye kālo jñeyo 'tidāruṇaḥ /
prajvalajjvalanākāraḥ sarvakarmasu garhitaḥ // 186 //
ityetadgaṇito kiñcitproktaṃ saṃkṣepato dvija /
jātakaṃ vācmi samayādrāśisaṃjñāpuraḥsaram // 187 //

iti śrībṛhannāradīyapurāṇe pūrvabhāge bṛhadupākhyāne dvitīyapāde jyotiṣavarṇanaṃ nāma

catuḥpañcāśattamo 'dhyāyaḥ
Chapter Fifty-four

Mathematics and Astronomy

Sanandana said :
1. I shall now set out the auxiliary (of the Veda) called Jyotisa which had been enunciated by
Brahma in days of yore and through the mere knowledge of which men can attain the fulfilment
of their ordained duties.
2. O Brāhmana! the science of Jyotisa, which has been expounded in four lakhs of verses, falls
into three sections, devoted, respectively, to mathematics and astronomy (Ganita), horoscopy
(Jātaka) and natural astrology (Samhitā).
3-4a. Topics of Mathematics and astronomy. In the Ganita section have been set out the
arithmetical operations (z)i».12b-59); computation of the mean and true positions of Planets
(vv. 6o-127); 'the questions' (on time, place and direction)1 (vv. 128-53a); lunar and solar
eclipses, (vv. 153b-65a); the diagrammatic representation thereof,2 (gnomonic) shadow, (vv.
165b-67a); elevation of the lunar horns (vv. 167b-69), planetary) conjunction (vv. 170-73) and
the (vyati-)pātas3 (vv. 174-87).
4b. Topics oj Horoscopy. In the Jātaka section are treat¬ed — the signs (rāśi) (of the zodiac),
their divisions (and properties); Nature of the planets (and their properties; (Mani¬fold inferior)
5. Conception; Birth; Early death; Longevity; Order of divisions (and subdivisions in one's
life): Vocations; Eight emplacements, (being those of the 7 planets and the lagna, in the
horoscopic chart); 'Royal' planetary combinations; 'Atmospheric' planetary combinations;
6. 'Lunar' planetary combinations; 'Ascetic' planetary combinations; Effect of the planets
occupying the different signs; Effect of planets aspecting one another; Effect of the planets
being in the several 'houses'; Effect of mutual association (of planets); Miscellaneous matters
(relating to the asso¬ciation of planets) :
7. Malefic combination (of planets; Female horoscopy; Death; Reconstruction of lost
horoscopes; and Effects ofdeca-nates.
8. Topics of Natural astrology. The contents of the Samhitā section are: Effects of the motion of
the planets (across the different signs) (vv. 1 -108); Abdalaksana (Characteristics of the year)
(vv. 109-33a); Tithi (Lunar day) (w.l33b-56a); Vara (Weekday) [vv. 156b-67a); Naksatra
(Asterism) (vv. 167b-21 la); Toga* (vv. 21 lb-19a); Tilhyartha or hararta* (vv. 219b-23).
9. (Auspicious moment Muhūrla) (j|t'.224-2a); Upagraha
(Secondary atmospheric phenomena) (vv. 230-50a); (Sań-
krānti (Sun's transit into a sign) (vv. 250b-70); Gocara (Current
motion of the planets) (vv. 271-82); Candra-Tārābala (Astro-
logical strength of the Moon and of the Asterisms) (vv. 283-89);
Sarvalagna (Rising of the signs) (vv. 290-312a); Ārtava (First
menstruation) (vv. 312b-17).
10. Ādhāna (Conception) (vv.318-19); Pumsavana (Rite for the birth of a male child) (vv. 320-
25); Jāta-Nāma-karma (Birth rites and Naming Ceremony) (vv. 326- 30a); Annabhukti
(Annaprāśana, First feeding) (vv. 330b-34); Caula (Tonsure) (vv. 335-43a); Ańkurārpana
(Auspicious sowing) (vv. 343b- 47); Mauñjibandhana (and Upanayana, Tying the girdle and
commencing studies) (w.348-79), Ksurikābandhana, (Girding the sword) (vv. 380-91a).
11. Samāvarlana (Return from studies) (vv. 391b-94a); Vivāha (Marriage) (vv. 394b-523);
Pratisfhā (Installation of deities in temples) (vv. 524-39a); Sadma (Building of human
residences) (w.539b-619); Tātrā (Travel for pilgrimage, war etc.) (w.620-712): Praveśana
(Return home) (DO. 713-20); Sadyovrsti (Immediate rain) (vv. 721-39a); K ūrma-vibhāga
(Division of the globe) («\739b-45); and Ulpāta (Portentuous phenomena) (vv. 646-56a). I shall
be setting out all these briefly.


12b-14a. Notational places. Eka (one), daśa (ten), śata (hundred), sahasra (thousand), ayuta (ten
thousand), laksa (lakh), prayuta (ten lakhs/million), koti (crore), arbuda, abja, kharva, nikharva,
mahāpadma, śańku, jaladhi, antya, madhya, parārdha—these are the names (of the notational
places), each succeeding one being ten times (the preceding).
14b. Addition and subtraction. Addition and subtraction (of numbers) can be done either in a
forward or in a backward manner.6
15a. Multiplication. In multiplication, the multiplicand (gunya) is multiplied up to its last digit
(by the multiplier) (and the products added together).7
15b. Division. O sage! In division that is the quotient (phala) which when multiplied by the
divisor is completely subtractable (from the dividend).
16a. Square. The product of a number multiplied by itself is called varga (square); the learned
call it also (by the term) krti.
16b-18a. Square root. (Mark off the odd digits of the number whose square root is required.)
Having subtracted the (greatest possible) square from the last odd place, keep that 'root' apart.
Double that "root' and divide the remainder and place the quotient alongside the previously
obtained 'root'. Subtract, O Brāhmana, the square of that and again divide as before by the
(newly formed) 'root'. O great sage, by repeating as above (till all the digits are completed) the
square root is obtained.
18b-21a. Cube and cube root. The product of the multiplication thrice of the same number is
called its ghana (cube). The method to derive the cube root (pada) is as follows: The first place
(unit's digit of the number whose cube root is required) is termed 'odd'; the next two digits (i.e.,
the tens and hundreds) are termed 'even.' (Mark off the digits of the number into groups of three
digits each in this manner, each group having one 'odd' and two 'evens'). Subtract from the last
(group having an) odd place the (greatest possible) cube; that is the cube root (mūla) (of that
group). Divide (the next) even place with thrice the square of the (previous) cube root and place
the quotient alongside the previous cube root. Square the new quotient and multiply it by three
and by the last cube root and subtract it (from the next even place). Subtract, the cube (of the
new cube root-digit) from the next odd place. Repeat the process and the cube root of the
number is obtained.
21b. Fractions. Two fractions are reduced to a common denominator when their numerators and
denominators arc multiplied by the denominator of one by that of the other.
22. Fractions of fractions. O sage! Enquirers into science should understand that in fractions of
fractions (bhāga-prabhāga), the products of their numerators and of their denominators give the
correct figures (of the numerator and denominator of the resultant fraction).
23-24a. Associated and dissociated fractions. Associated fractions (bhāgānubandha) and
dissociated fractions (bhāgā-pavāha) are those in which a number is increased or decreased (by
a fraction of its own). Here, multiply the whole number by the denominator (talasthahāra),
ascertain whether the fraction is positive or negative and accordingly add to or subtract from it
the numerator.
24b. Addition and subtraction of fractions. O sage! (Addition and subtraction of fractions are
effected by) adding together or subtracting one from the other their numerators (after reducing
the fractions) to a common denominator.
25a. Denominator of an integer. When a denominator is not attached to a number, take 1 as its
25b-26. Multiplication and division of fractions. The product of the multiplication of two
fractions is obtained by dividing the product of the numerators by the product of the
denominators. In the division of two fractions, the numerator and denominator of the divisor are
inverted and the process of multiplication applied.
27. Square etc. of fractions. For the square, cube, square root and cube root of fractions,
calculate the respective squares etc. of the numerator and of the denominator. These for zero are
always zero.
28-29. Inverse operations. When the result (of certain operations) is 'given' (drsya) and the
original number is to be found (rāśiprasiddhaye), calculate taking the denominator as the
numerator and the numerator as the denominator, the square as the square root and the square
root as the square, minus as plus and plus as minus. However, in such cases of inverse
operation where a part (of an item) has been added to or subtracted from it, the denominator to
which the numerator has been added to or subtracted from should be taken as the denominator,
and the denominator as such should be taken as the numerator; the rest (of the calculations are
to be done) as before.
30. Operations with assumed numbers (Iṣṭakarma). When an intended number (uddiṣṭa-rāśi) has
been multiplied, divided, has a part of its taken away from it or added to it (and the result is
dṛṣta 'known'), the intended number can be found by multiplying that result by an assumed
number and dividing by the resultant (obtained by subjecting the assumed number to all the said
31. Operations with sums and differences. The difference (of two numbers) when added to or
subtracted from the sum (of those two numbers) and (the result) divided by two, will give the
two numbers.8 (This operation is called) Saṅkrama. The difference of the squares (of two
numbers) will give their sum.9 (And from the said sum and difference), the individual numbers
(can be found as stated above).
32-34. Methods to get perfect squares based on any assumed number (vargakarma). Multiply
the square of an assumed number by 8 (gaja), subtract 1, halve it and divide by the assumed
number. This would be one (number). Square this number and add 1. This would be another
such number.10
Or, 1 divided by twice the assumed number and the assumed number added is one (number).
The other number is 1. The sum or difference of these two numbers reduced by one would be
the squares of the two (desired) numbers.
Or, multiply the square of the square and the cube of the assumed number and add 1 to the first.
The two desired numbers are obtained. These are according to the methods to be adopted in
arithmetic (vyakta-gaṇita) and algebra (avyakta-gaṇita).
35-36. Operation involving the addition of a quantity to squares. When a resultant (dṛṣta) is
obtained by adding to or subtracting from a square its root multiplied by a multiplicand, that
resultant should be added to the square of half the multiplicand and the root of the result
calculated. To this result half the multiplicand is added (when guṇaghanamīda had been
subtracted) and subtracted (when the guṇaghanamūla had been added) and the result squared.
(This would give the required number). (This is called) Guṇa-(Karma).
When, however, the resultant (dṛśya) is less or more by a part of the (required) number, the
resultant and the root are to be appropriately reduced or increased and using them the required
number is calculated as before.
37. Rule of three (In a Trairāśika) the Pramāṇa (argument) and Icchā (requisition) are to be of
the same denomination and (are to be placed) at the beginning and at the end. Phala (fruit)
(which would be of a different denomination) would be placed in the middle. Phala multiplied
by Icchā and divided by Pramāṇa (ādya) will yield the Icchā-phala. In the Inverse (rule of
three), (the method is) reversed.
38. Rule of five etc. In Pañcarāśika etc. the pramāṇa side and the phala side are properly set
down. By dividing the product of the larger number (of quantities) by the product of the smaller
number (of quantities) the result is obtained.
39a. Capital and interest. Capital is obtained through calculation with an assumed number
(iṣṭakarma-vidhi, see verse 30, above). That subtracted from the composite amount (of capital
and interest) will give the interest (kalāntara).
39b-40a. Rate multiplied by time, and the interest multiplied by the invested time are to be
calculated and kept independently. Each divided by their sum and multiplied by the composite
amount, would yield results which are respectively the capital and the interest.
40b-41a. (In the matter of the loan of different amounts for different periods, the individual
income is identical), while arranging the sides (as in Pañcarāśika etc., see above, verse 38), if
the product of the smaller number of quantities and the months be greater than the product of
the larger number of quantities, the interest divided by the total number of months, would give
the rate.
41b. (In the case of investments by different people making up the capital), the investment by
each (kṣepa) multiplied by the total income (miśra) and divided by the total investment
(kṣepayoga), would give the (proportionate) income (phala).
42a. Time for filling a tank. (When different pipes individually take different times to fill a
tank, in order to find the time required to fill the tank if all the pipes arc opened together),
divide the denominators by the numerators of the individual fractions of time taken by each to
fill the tank), find the sum (of the new fractions obtained) and (with that sum) divide 1. The
time to fill (the tank) is obtained.
42b-43. Geometrical progression (Gunottaraśreḍhi). The sum of the series in geometrical
progression (mānam gunottare) (is found thus): when the number of terms (gaccha) is odd,
reduce it by 1 and multiply; when it is even, halve it and square. (Continue the process) till the
number ends. Then, beginning from the last term (gacchānta) perform backwards (vyasta) the
operations of multiplication (guna) and squaring (varga) (in continuation). From the result
subtract 1, divide the remainder by 'gunaka-1' and multiply by the first member of the series
44-45a. Triangles and quadrilaterals. In the case of plane figures (kṣetra), like triangles and
quadrilaterals (tri-caturaśraka), the following apply; The hypotenuse (karna) is the square root
of the sum of the squares of the base (bhuja) and altitude (koṭi). The base would be the square
root of the difference between the squares of the hypotenuse and the altitude. And, the altitude
would be the square root of the difference between the squares of the hypotenuse and the
45b-46a. (The rational sides of a right angled triangle, as calculated from any two numbers
would be: (1) The square of the difference of two (natural) numbers added to twice the product
of the numbers, which is equal to the sums of their squares; (ii) the product of the sums and
differences of the two numbers, which is equal to the difference of their squares, and (iii) twice
the product of the numbers.13
46b. Circumference of a circle. O sage, the diameter of a circle multiplied by 22 (ākṛti) and
divided by 7 (adri) will give the circumference of a circle.14
47-48. Relation of Sine, Reversed sine and Diameter. Experts in trigonometry say: Reversed
sine (śara) is given by multiplying together the sum and difference of the sine (jyā) and the
diameter (vyāsa), finding the square root thereof and halving the result. The sine (jyā) is given
by (diameter-minus-reversed sine) multiplied by the reversed sine, finding its root and doubling
it. And, the diameter is obtained by squaring half sine, dividing it by the reversed sine and
adding to the result the reversed sine.15
49-50a. Sine of an arc. Let the (circumference minus arc) multiplied by the circumference be
called 'First' (prāg). One fourth the square/of the circumference is multiplied by 5 and the 'First'
subtracted therefrom. With the result divide (Diameter 'First'). O brāhmaṇa! the result obtained
would be the sine (jyā) (of the relevant arc).10
50b-51a. Arc from sine. One fourth the sine is multiplied by the square of the circumference
and divided by four times the diameter to which the sine is added. The result is subtracted from
one fourth the square of the circumference and the square root (of the same is calculated). Thus,
when subtracted from half the circumference, gives the arc.17
51b-52a. Measure of corn heaped up in a cone.
When coarse, medium and fine grain are heaped, the heights (vedha) (of the cones so formed)
would, respectively, be one-ninth (añka) one-tenth (āśā) and one-eleventh (iśa) of the respective
circumferences. The measure of the grain in cubic cubits (ghana-kara) would be given by the
square of one-sixth (aṅga) multiplied by the height.18
52b-53a. Measure of water in a tank. The length of the (stretch of) water multiplied by its
breadth and height in inches and divided by 3100 (khakhendurāma) will give the volume of
water in droṇa measures.19
54b-55a. Measure of rubble. The height, breadth and length, in inches, O brāhmana, of a heap
of rubble, multiplied together and divided by 1150 (kha-akṣa-iśa) would give its volume in
droṇa measures.
55b-56a. Measure of metal. In the case of metal pieces, the length, breadth and height, in
inches, multiplied together and divided by 585 (bana-ibha-mārgana) should be declared to be
the volume of the heap in drona measures.
56b-57. Gnomon and the lighted lamp. O sage! The gnomon20 multiplied by the distance
between the lamp and the gnomon and divided by the height of the lamp less the gnomon, gives
the gnomonic shadow.21
Again, the gnomon multiplied by the distance between the gnomon and the lamp and divided
by the gnomonic shadow, gives the height of the lamp.22
58. The height of the lamp-minus-gnomon multiplied by the gnomonic shadow and divided by
the gnomon will give the distance between the lamp and the gnomon.23
58b-59a. Two gnomons and the lighted lamp. The distance between the shadow tips multiplied
by the shadow and divided by the difference between the shadows gives the base (bhūmi of the
relevant shadow).24
59. The base multiplied by the gnomon, and divided by the shadow gives the height of the lamp
by the rule of three.26


Mean Planets (Madhya-graha)

60. (Operational) mathematics has been set out con-
cisely, as above. Now, shall be set out in brief, (the compu-
tation of) the mean planets etc. according to (astronomical)
61-62a. The aeon (yuga). O brāhmana! The measure of the (great) aeon (mahā-yuga, caturyuga)
is said to be43,20,000 (khacatuska-rada-arnava) (divine) years.26 Four tenths of it is said to be
the krta-yuga; three tenths form the Tretā-yuga; two tenths the Dvāpara-yuga; and one tenth the
62b. Seventyone yugas plus one krta-yuga period form (the time duration of) one Manu.27
63. O foremost among brāhmanas! fourteen Manus occur during the day-time of God Brahma.
That much period, again, O foremost among brāhmanas! is said to be His night.
64. O Nārada! the years that have gone by from the beginning of creation by God Brahma
might be consoli¬dated and the computation of planets could be commenced from that
beginning. Alternatively, the computation could be done from the beginning of any desired
65. Revolutions of the planets. The number of eastward revolutions (bhagana) in a yuga (i.e.,
mahā-yuga) or (caturyuga), of the Sun, Mercury (Budha) and Venus (Śukra) and of the
śighrocca2S of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter is 43,20,000.
66. The number of revolutions of the Moon is 5,77,53,336; that of Mars is 22,96,832.
67. The number of revolutions of the śighrocca of Mer¬cury (Budha) is 1,79,37,060. The
revolutions of Jupiter are 3,64,220.
68. The number of revolutions of the śighrocca of Venus is 70,22,376. The revolutions of
Saturn are 1,46,568.
69. The number of revolutions of the Moon's mandocca (apogee) is 4,88,203 and the retrograde
revolutions of the Moon's ascending node (pāta) are 2,32,238.
70. Terrestrial and Lunar days.2'' The time from sunrise to sunrise is a terrestrial civil day
(bhūmi-sāvana-vāsara). The number of terrestrial days in a (mahā-yuga) is 1,57,79,17,828. The
number of lunar days (tithi-s) in the yuga is 1,60,30,00,080.
71. Additive months30 and Subtractive days.31 (In a mahā-yuga) there are 15,93,336 additive
months (adhimāsa) and 2,50,82,252 subtractive days (tithi-kfaya).
72. Solar months32 and lunar months.33 There are (in a mahā-yuga) 5,18,40,000 solar months
(ravi-māsa), and the num¬ber of lunar months is 5,34,33,336.
73-74. Mandoccas or Apogees of the planets.3* The number of eastward revolutions of the
Sun's apogee (Śūrya-mandocca) in a Kalpa period is 387; that of Mars 204; that of Mercury
368, that of Jupiter 900; that of Venus 535; and that of Saturn 39.
74b-76a. Pātas or Nodes of the planets.35 Now, to the retrograde (vāma) revolutions of the
nodes (of the planets) in a Kalpa: Of Mars it is 214, of Mercury 488, of Jupiter 174, of Venus
903 and of Saturn 662.
76b-79. Ahargana or number of days from the epoch.3* The (solar) years, called bhagana that
have elapsed in the current yuga are converted into (solar) months (by multiplying them by 12)
and added to the (lunar) months Madhu, (Caitra)— Śukla (bright fortnight), etc. which have
elapsed (in the

current year), and the result is written downsepa..11< l\ (intwo places). It is then multiplied by
the number of additive months (in a yuga) and divided by the number of solar months (in a
yuga). The quotient got (which will be the elapsed additive months) is added to the result (in
months) got before and converted into days (by multiplying by 30). The number of days
elapsed (in the current month) is added to it and the result written down in two places. (In one
place) it is multi¬plied by the subtractive days (tithiksaya) (in the Yuga) and divided by the
number of lunar days (in the Yuga). The quo¬tient obtained would be the elapsed subtractive
days. These (elapsed subtractive days) are subtracted from the result (kept as above, in the
second place). The result would be the number of elapsed terrestrial days (from the
commencement of the yuga) to the previous midnight at Lańkā.37
79b-80a. Lords of the day etc. The Lords of the current day, month and year are reckoned, as
counted from the Sun. Thus, (the ahargana) divided by 7 and (the remainder) counted from
Sunday will give the name of the Lord of the day. (Again, the ahargana) is divided by the
number of days in a month and that in a year (viz., 30 and 360); the quotients are then
multi¬plied, respectively, by 2 and 3, and the products increased by 1. The results are divided
by 7 and the remainders counted from the Sun will give the Lords of the present month and
year, respectively.
81b-82a. Mean planets. The number of revolutions of a planet (in a Mahāyuga ) multiplied by
the (currently) elapsed terrestrial days and divided by the number of terrestrial days (in the
yuga) will give the elapsed revolutions of the planet (in signs, degrees etc.).
82b-83a. Mean apogees and nodes. In the same manner, can be computed the mean positions of
the apogees with direct motion, mentioned before. The nodes, too, (should be com¬puted )
similarly, but the results have to be subtracted from the circle (cakra, 180° or 12 signs) because
of their retrograde motion).
83b-84a. Measurements of the Earth. The diameter of the Earth is 1600yojanas.38 The square
there is to be multiplied

by 10, and the square root of the product will give the circum¬ference of the Earth.
84b. The Earth's circumference multiplied by the sine colatitude (lambajyā) (of a given place)
and divided by the radius (trijivā)39 is the exact circumference of the Earth at that place.
85-86a. Deśāntara correction to due terrestrial longitude. The Deśāntara (i.e., the distance of the
place, in yojanas, along the said local circumference, from Zero or Lańkā-Ujjain meri¬dian) is
multiplied by the daily motion of the planet (in minutes) and divided by the local circumference
of the Earth. The quotient, which would be in minutes (kalā), should be subtract¬ed from the
mean planet (at Lańkā, vide verse 81b-82a, above) if the place is east of the meridian, and
added if it is to the west of the meridian. The result would be the mean position of the planet at
the given place.
86b-87a. The central meridian. On the central meridian, which extends from the capital of the
demons (Lańkā) to the divine mountain (Meru), are (the cities of) Avantikā (Ujjain), Rohitaka
and the one near the 'Tank' (Kuruksetra).
87b-88a. Beginning of the weekday (Vārapravrlti). A weekday (at a place) commences (at
midnight at that place, which would be) midnight (at Lańkā meridian, vide verse 79) to which
the deśāntara-nād'is (time-difference due to terrestrial longitude) are added (if the place is) to
the east and subtracted from (if the place is) to the west (of the meridian).
88b-89a. Mean-position of a planet at any time. The desired time in nādi-s (after the local
midnight as calculated above) multiplied by the mean daily motion of the planet and divided by
60 gives a result in terms of minutes. This, when added (to the mean position at midnight) if the
time taken after mid¬night and subtracted from it before midnight, will give the position (of the
planet) at the desired time.
89b-91a. Vikfepa or Celestial latitude of the Moon and the planets.*0 The Moon is deflected by
its node towards north and south from the limit of its declination, the maximum deviation being
1/80 of a circle (i.e. 4°30'). Jupiter (is similarly de¬flected) by twice one-ninth (i.e., 2/9) thereof
(i.e., of the deflec¬tion of the Moon (j. e., 2/9 of 4°30'=1°), Mars thrice (i.e.,

3/9 of 4°30=1° 30') and Mercury, Venus and Saturn arcde-flected four times (i.e., 4/9 of 4°30'-
91b-93a. Primary Sines. The eighth part of the minutes contained in a sign (rāśi) is the first sine
(jyārdha).*1 That divided by itself, the quotient subtracted from the sine and the remainder
added to the sine will give the second sine. In the same manner, divide, successively, the sines
found by the first sine, subtract (the sum of) the quotients from the divisor and add the
remainder to the previous sine. The result will be the next sine. Thus the 24 sines are to be
calculated successively.42
93b-94a. Krānti or declination. The sine of Maximum declination (Parama-apakramajyā) is
1397.43 When any sine is multiplied by this and divided by trijivā (sine 90°, i.e., 3438), the arc
of the result would be the declination (of the planet required).
94b-95a. Sines re. planetary positions. When (the longi¬tude of) the planet is subtracted from
that of its mandocca (higher apsis of the equation of the centre) or from its śighrocca (higher
apsis of the equation of conjunction), the remainder is its kendra anamoly); the pada (quadrant)
(of the kendra is noted, and from that) its base-sine (bhuja-jyā) and perpendi¬cular-sine (koti-
jyā) are found.44
95b-96a. In an odd (visama) quadrant the base-sine is reckoned from the part gone by (gata)
and the perpendicular-sine from the part yet to be covered (gamya). In an even quadrant (sama),
the base-sine is reckoned from the part yet to be covered and the perpendicular-sine from the
part gone by.
96b-98a. Derivation of sines of arcs. (To derive the sine of any arc, e.g., the kendra-mtVttw-
planet, convert the arc) to minutes and divide by 225 (laltva-locana); the result would be the
number of the preceding tabular sine (jyā-pindaka). Multiply the remainder (in minutes) by the
difference of the preceding and following tabular sines and divide by 225 (tattva-locana). The
quotient obtained is added to the preceding tabular sine; the result would give the sine (of the
arc taken).

The same procedure is to be adopted also for versed sines (utkramajyā).

100b-101a.45 Derivation of arcs from sines. Subtract from the given sine the next less tabular
sine; multiply the remainder by 225 {taltvāśvi) and divide by the difference between the next
lower and next higher tabular sines. Add the quotient to the product of the serial number of the
next less sine and 225. The result would be the arc (of the sine taken).
101b-103a. Manda-paridhi {Epicycle of the apsis or the equation of the centre). The number of
degrees of the Sun's mandaparidhi is 14, and that of the Moon 32, at the end of the even
quadrants; at (lie end of the odd quadrants, they are 20 ininulcs less (in each case).
(In the case of the other planets, they are), at the end of even quadrants, 75 for Mars, 30 (for
Mercury), 33 (for Jupiter), 12 (for Venus) and 4<) (for Saturn). At the end of the odd quadrants,
(they are) 72 for Mars, 28 (for Mercury), 32 for Jupiter, 11 (for Venus) and 48 (for Saturn).
103b-105a. Sighraparidhi or Epicycles of the equation of conjunction. The Śighrapwridkis at
the end of the even quadrants are 235 for Mars, 133 (for Mercury), 70 (for Jupiter), 202 (for
Venus) and 39 (for Saturn). At the end of the odd quadrants they are 232 for Mars, 132 (for
Mercury), 72 (for Jupiter) 260 (for Venus) and 40 (for Saturn).
105b-106a. Sphutaparidhi or corrected epicycle. The base-sine {bhujajyā) should be multiplied
by the difference of the epicycles at the odd and even quadrants and divided by the Radius
{trijyā) and the result, (which would be in minutes), should be applied to the even epicycle
(Tugma-vrtta): (these minutes are) additive if the even epicycle is less than the odd epicycle and
subtractive otherwise. The corrected (sphuta) epicycle (is thus obtained).
106b-10 7a. Mandaphala or Equation of the centre. The base-sine {bhujajyā) and perpendicular
sine (kotijyā) should be multiplied by the corrected epicycle and divided by the number of
degrees in a circle (360). (The result would be the corres¬ponding bhujāphala and kotiphala,
respectively, in minutes). The arc corresponding to the base-sine {bhujajyā) would be the
equation of the centre {mandaphala) in minutes etc.

107b-108. Ślghraphala or Equation of coujumlion. When the kendra is in the half-orbit

beginning with Capricorn (maka-rādi), the result from the perpendicular-sine (ko(i-phala) of the
distance from the conjunction (kendra) is to be added to Radius (trijivā) and subtracted when in
that beginning with Cancer (karkyādi). The square of this sum or difference is added to the
result from the base-sine (bhujāphala). The square root of their sum is called calakania (variable
1 lOb-111 .<6 The result from the base-sine (bhujāphala) is multiplied by radius and divided by
the variable hypotenuse (calakarna). The arc corresponding to the quotient is in minutes and
will be the equation of conjunction (śaighrya-phala). This (the Śaighryaphala) is to be
employed in the first and fourth process of correction for Mars and other planets.
112. Computation oj' True planets. For the Sun and the Moon, mandakarna alone is required.
That for Mars etc. is now stated: (First) that for conjunction, then that for the apsis, again that
for apsis and for conjunction—the four in succession (half the corrections being applied of the
first two and the entire correction of the last two).'
113. When the kendra is in the half or bit beginning with Aries (Ajādi) the equation is additive
(dhana) for all planets, both in the correction for conjunction and for the apsis; they are all
subtractive in the half orbit beginning with Libra (Tulādi).
114. Bhujāntara correction for the equation of time. The daily motion (bhukti) of a planet
multiplied by the sun's result from the base-sine and divided by the number of minutes in a
circle (bhacakra). The result, which would be in minutes, is applied to the True planet got
(verses 112-13 above) in the same direction as (the equation applied to) the Sun.
115-16. Mean daily motion. The equation of a planet's daily motion is to be calculated like that
for the Mean planet in the process for the apsis. The daily motion is multiplied by the difference
of the tabular sines corresponding to the base-sine (doriyāntara) of anamoly and then divided by
225 (tattvanetra). The result is multiplied by the corresponding epicycle of the apsis
(mandaparidhi) and divided by the number of degrees in a circle (bhagana); (the result) is
additive when

in the half-orbit beginning with cancer, and subtractive when in the half-orbit beginning with
117-18. Subtract the daily motion of theplanet corrected for the apsis from the daily motion of
its conjunction (śighra). Multiply the remainder by the difference between the last hypotenuse
(antya-karna) and the radius and divide by the variable hypotenuse (calakarna), verses 107b-
108). The result is to be added to the daily motion when the hypotenuse is greater than the
radius and subtractive when it is less; (in the latter case, if the result) is greater (than the daily
motion) subtract the latter from it; the remainder will be the retrograde (vakra) daily motion (of
the planet).
119-120a. Retrogression of planets. Mars and other planets would (commence to be in
retrograde motion (vakri) when the degrees of their kendra in the fourth process (verse 112) are,
respectively, (Mars) 164, (Mercury) 144, (Jupiter) 130, (Venus) 163 and (Saturn) 115. rFhey
cease to be retrograde from when the degrees (of their kendras) arc equal to the above-said
numbers subtracted from (the degrees in) a circle.
120b-121a. Length of day and night. Sine declination (krāntijyā) multiplied by the equinoctial
shadow (visuvadbhāY1 and divided by 12 is the Earth-sine (ksitijyā).1H This multiplied by
Radius (trijyā) and divided by the'day-radius' (dina-iyāsa)w (gives the sine of the ascensional
difference, cara). The corres-pondic arc (in minutes) would be the ascensional difference in
prānasm (cārāsavah).
121 b-122. The said arc added to and subtracted from the fourth part of the day and night,
separately, will give the duration of half day and half night respectively, when the declination is
north (udak-krānti). The reverse would be the case when the declination is south (yāmya-
krānti). Double these (half days and nights) would give (the lengths of) the day and night,
123. Position of a planet in an asterism,51 (Since 27 naksatra-s or bham-s or asterisms make up
the full ecliptic of 360°), the extent in it of one astciism (bha-bhoga) is 800 minutes (or 13°
20'). (And, since the Moon gains in longitude over the Sun one circle or 3603 in 30 lunar days
or tithis), the extent of a tithi (tithi-bhoga) is 720 minutes. The asterisms crossed by a



planet is got by dividing the longitude of the True planet by 800. (The remainder divided) by
the daily motion of the planet will give the days etc. (traversed by the planet in the next
124. Toga at a given time.52 The sum of the true longi¬tudes of the Sun and the Moon at the
required time, reduced to minutes, if divided by 800, will give the number of Togas which have
elapsed. The portion gone (gata) and to go (gamya) in the current Toga multiplied by 60 and
divided by the sum of the daily motion of the Sun and the Moon will give the corresponding
nādikās thereof.
125. Tithi at a desired time. Subtract the longitude of the Sun in minutes from the longitude of
the Moon in minutes and divide by the extent of a tithi (tithibhoga, 720'); the result will be the
tithis elapsed. The nādis gone or to go in the current tithi at the desired time are derived by
multiplying the remainder by 60 and dividing by the difference between the daily motion of the
Sun and Moon at the desired time.
126-127. The Karana at the desired time.53 The tithis elapsed after the first half of the first tithi
of the bright fortnight are multiplied by two and divided by seven (nāga). The remainder,
counted as Bava, Bālava, Kaulaka, Taitila, Gara, Vanij and Visti, would give the elapsed
karanas. The karanas from the latter half of the fourteenth tithi of the dark fortnight (to the first
half of the first tithi, of the bright fortnght) are Śakuni, Nāga, Catuspāt and Kimstughna.
128. Setting the gnomon. On a stone slab, levelled with water, or on hard level plaster, describe
a circle with any radius measured in gnonomonic digits.
129-131. At its centre fix the gnomon, of twelve digits of the measure of the gnomonic digits
used above. Mark the two points where the (gnomonic) shadow meets the circum¬ference of
the circle, before and after noon; these two points are to be called the west and east points,
(respectively). Midway between them, draw, (using a pair of compasses), by means of a fish-
figure (timi), a north-south line. Also, Midway bet¬

ween the north and south directions, draw, by means of a fish-figure, an east-west line. In the
same manner, by means of fish-figures (matsya), draw the intermediate directions between the
four cardinal directions.
132. Draw a square circumscribing (the circle), along with the (eight) lines emanating from the
centre. Any given shadow is reckoned by the digits of its base-sine (bhujā-sūtra) projected on
the square.
133. Prime vertical etc. The east-west line is called the prime vertical (sama-mandala); it is
termed also the equatorial horizon (six o'clock circle, unmandala) and equinoctial circle
(celestial equator, visuvanmandala).
134. Agra (Amplitude). (In the circle) draw another east-west line through the extremity of the
equinoctial shadow {visuvadbhā); the interval between any given shadow and the line of the
equinoctial shadow is termed the amplitude (agrā).
135. The square root of the sum of the squares of the gnomon and of the shadow is the
hypotenuse (karna). If, from the square of the latter, the square of the gnomon be subtracted, the
square roo of the remainder is the shadow; the gnomon is found by the converse process.
136. Precession of the equinoxes (Ayanacalana), at any desired time. In a Tuga, the circle of
asterisms librates eastward thirty score (i.e., 600) times. This (number) multiplied by the
terrestrial days elapsed (at the desired time) and divided by the number of days in a Tuga gives
the elapsed liberations, (signs, degrees) etc.
137. Derive the sine (of the ayana-sphuta thus got), multiply it by three and divide by ten. The
result will be the amount of the precession of the equinoxes (at the desired time). The longitude
of the planets should be corrected (by adding to or subtracting from the longitudes) the said
precession. It is from this (corrected longitude of the planets) that their declination (krānli),
gnomonic shadow (chāyā), ascensional difference (cara) etc. are to be calculated.
138. Latitude and co-latitude from shadow. The radius multiplied separately by the gnomon
(12) and the equinoctial shadow (chāyā) and divided by the equinoctial hypotenuse



(visuvatkarna)M will give the cosine and sine, respectively, of the latitude. The arcs of these
sines will be the co-latitude and latitude. These two will always be inclined to the south.
139. £enith distance of the Sun. The Zenith distance of the Sun (at any time) would be the sum
of the latitude of the place and the Sun's declination, when both are in the same direction; and,
their difference when in opposite directions. From the Zenith distance, its sine and cosine are to
be found.
140. The shadow and its hypotenuse from ^enith distance. The sine (of the Zenith distance,
found as above) and the Radius55 multiplied by the length of the gnomon in digits (i.e., 12) and
divided by the cosine (of the Zenith distance), give, respectively, the shadow of the gnomon
and its hypotenuse at midday (ahardala).
141. Sun's declination and longitude from latitude of a place and zenith distance. Find the
difference between the degrees of the latitude (of the place) and those of the Sun's zenith
dis¬tance at noon when both are in the same direction and their sum, otherwise. The sun's
declination (apakrama) would be detained.
141b-143a. Multiply sine decimation by the Radius and divide by the maximum declination of
the Sun (i.e., 1397 mi¬nutes). (Taking the quotient as the sine) find its arc. This arc will be the
longitude of the Sun (in the first quarter of the ecliptic) beginning with Aries. When the Sun is
(in the se¬cond quarter) beginning with Cancer, subtract (the arc) from 6 signs (cakrārdha).
When (in the third quarter beginning with Libra), add (the arc) to 6 signs (bhārdha). When (in
the fourth quarter) beginning with Capricorn subtract (the arc) from 12 signs (cakra); in each
case, the result will be) the true longitude (sphuta) of the Sun at midday.
143b. Mean Sun. Apply to this the equation of the apsis (mandaphala) repeatedly in the
opposite sign and the Sun's mean longitude will be got.
144. Ahorātrāsu of a planet. The diurnal motion (in minutes) of any planet (on any day) is to be
multiplied by the number of prānas (asus or respirations, of time) contained in the rising periods
of the sign (rāśi) occupied by the planet and

divided by 1800. The quotient added to the number of prānas in a circle is termed the day-night
duration in prānas of the planet (on that day).
145-146. Right ascensions of the Signs at Lañkā. (Towards finding the right ascensions of the
ends of the first three signs, Aries, Taurus and Gemini, find the declinations of the said ends),
multiply the day-radius of three signs (tribhadyukarnārdha) and divide by their own respective
day-radii (svāhorātrārdha), in order, the sines of one, of two and of three signs. The quotients
when converted into arc and subtracted, each from the one following, give, beginning with
Aries, the times of rising (in prānas) (of the three signs) at Lańkā. They are, respectively, 1670,
1795 and 1935.
147a. Right ascensions at any place. The above, diminish¬ed each by its portion of ascensional
difference (carakhanda), as calculated for a place, give the times of rising at that place.
147b-148a. For the three signs beginning with Cancer, invert the times of rising at Lańkā and
add the portions of ascensional difference of the respective signs inverted. The above six, in
inverse order, will be the times for the other six commencing with Libra.
148b-149a. Udaya-Lagna (rising point of the ecliptic) at any time. The ascensional equivalents
of the parts of the sign (occupied by the planet) which are gone (bhukta) and to come (bhogya)
are to be calculated from the longitude of the Sun at the given time. They will be given by the
number of degrees traversed and to be traversed, multiplied by the ascensional equivalent
(udayāsavah) of the sign and divided by 30.
149b-150a. From the desired time in nādikās (as reckon¬ed from sunrise) reduced to prānas,
subtract the equivalent in prānas of the part of the sign to come, and also the ascensional
equivalents of the further signs, in succession. In the same manner, subtract the equivalents of
the part which has gone by and of the signs which have to go, in inverse order.
150b-151a. If there be a remainder, multiply by 30 and divide by the equivalent of the
unsubtracted sign; subtract or add the quotient, appropriately, to the whole signs. The

result would be the point of the ecliptic at the horizon at thai time.
151b-152a. Madhyalagna (Point of the ecliptic at the meri¬dian). From the east or west hour-
angle of the Sun in nādis (nata-nādi), calculate as above using the equivalents in right ascension
(lańkodayāsavah) and apply the result as an additive or subtractive equation to the Sun's
longitude. The point of the ecliptic upon the meridian (Madhya-lagna) at that moment would
152b-153-a. Time from Lagna. (In order to find the instant when a given point of the ecliptic
would be upon the horizon), add together the ascensional equivalents, in prānas, of : (1) the part
of the sign to be traversed by the given point (on the ecliptic) if it is less (than the longitude of
the Sun), (2) of the part traversed if it is greater (than the longitude of the Sun), and (3) of the
intervening signs. The sum (in prānas) will give the instant (for the given lagna).
153b-154a. Possibility of a lunar eclipse. (Compute the True Sun, Moon and Node at the
syzygies). If sine (Sun-minus-Node) is less than 14 (Indra), there is a possibility of an eclipse.
The said sine in minutes is to be multiplied by 11 (Śiva) and divided by 7 (śada). The result is
called Sara in digits (ańgulas), and would be directed towards the hemi¬sphere in which (Sun-
minus-Node) lies.
154b. Eclipser and the eclipsed. (In the solar eclipse, which occurs only at new moon), the
Moon obscures the Sun; and in the lunar eclipse, (which occurs only at full moon), the shadow
of the Earth obscures the Moon.
154b-155a. Half the (angular) diameters of the eclipsed and the eclipser minus the Sara is called
channa (ka), (the eclipsed portion, reckoned in digits).56 Subtract, (if possible), the eclipsed
body from the channa; the result would be kha-cchanna (empty space eclipse).
155b-156b. Computation of the lunar eclipse. Half the angular diameters is to be added to the
śara, the sum multi¬plied by ten and divided by channa. The square root (of the product) is
found and a sixth of it is subtracted from it and

divided by the angular diameter of the Moon (glau-vapuh). The result will give the half-
duration of the eclipse (sthityardha) in ghatikā etc.
156b-158a. The sthityardha (is placed at two places). Sine Sun-minus-Node in degrees is
doubled and the number taken as palas. They are subtracted from or added to the sthityardha if
Sun-minus-Node is less than 6 signs or 12 signs, respectively, and vice versa if otherwise. The
results got would , be the true sthityardha (as reckoned) from the commencement and
completion of the eclipse. The eclipsed portion (in digits) multiplied by 20 (nakha) and divided
by the angular diameter of the eclipsed body will give the results called Vi(rh)śopaka-s.
158b-159. Computation of the solar eclipse. (In the solar eclipse), the mid-eclipse occurs at the
moment of conjunction. Calculate the tribhona-lagna (rising point of the ecliptic-minus-three
signs) of the Sun for the moment of conjunction (parvānta) and keep it apart. (For the tribliona-
lagna) calculate the parallax in latitude in degrees (natāmśa) by combining, appro¬priately, the
declination (krānti) and latitude (aksa). Divide it by 22 and square the result. If the square is
less than 2, halve it and add to the square; if the square is more than 2, subtract 2 from it, halve
the result and add to the square. The result thus got is added to 12 and the sum is called 'divisor'
160. Find the difference between tribhona-lagna and the Sun, reduce it by a tenth thereof,
multiply by 14 (purandara) and divide by the 'divisor' (found in verse 159). The result would be
the lambana (parallax in longitude, in nādikās). If tribhona-lagna is more than 12 (arka), the
lambana is positive and, if otherwise, negative.
161. The lambana-nādikās are multiplied by 13 (viśva); the result is to be reckoned in terms of
minutes and added to or subtracted from Sun-minus-Node appropriately and (from its sine) its
śara is determined (vide verse 154a). The lambana therefrom is multiplied by six. After
appropriate addition and subtraction thereof, re. tribhona-lagna, the natārhśas are again
162-163a. A tenth part of these natārhśas are subtracted

II. 54.163b-168


from 18 and the result multiplied by the said tenth part. The product is subtracted from 18
minutes and divided by 6. The result will give parallax in longitude (nati) in the same direction
of the (previous) natāmśas. Appropriate application of this subtractively or additively in
accordance with opposite directions or the same direction of the two, will render the śara
163b-165a. Using the said śara, the (exact) eclipsed portion (channa) and half duration of the
eclipse are to be found (as before). The half-duration is multiplied by 6; the result, which would
be in degrees, is kept at two places and the tribhona-lagna subtracted from or added to it,
respectively, and the lambana calculated from the two, as before. The results being
appropriately applied, the exact (first and second) half dilutions are obtained. These subtracted
from and added to, as the case may be to the mid-eclipse (madhya-kāla), will give the exact
times of the commencement and the conclusion of the eclipse.
165b-166a. Heliacal visibility of the planets61. The kālārhśa-(degrees of time) of the planets
beginning with the Moon are : 12 (Moon), 17 (Mars), 13 (Mercury), 11 (Jupiter), 9 (Venus) and
15 (Saturn). The heliacal setting and rising of these planets occur, respectively, at times got by
subtracting (the kālāmśas) from sunrise and by adding them to sunset.
166b-167a. Shadow of a planet. Consider the reflection of a planet (in water or in a mirror) and
ascertain the ocular altitude (drgaucyam lambam). The distance between the foot of the gnomon
and the spot of the reflection, multiplied by 12 (ravi) and divided by the ocular altitude, will
give the measure of the shadow of the planet (in digits).
167b-168. Elongation of the Moon's horns. At sunset (on the desired day) the tithi and its
divisions (nādikā, vinādikā etc.) gone and to go are accurately determined. The tithis are
multi¬plied by 16 and the square of the tithis subtracted therefrom. The result is multiplied by
the equinoctial shadow (aksabha) and divided by 15. The direction of the result is taken as north
and corrected appropriately with the declination (in minutes) of the Sun and also by śara of the
Moon in minutes applied
reversely. The result is divided by twice the tithis. The valana (deflection) in digits towards the
direction of the correc¬tion (i.e., the direction in which the Sun is with reference to the Moon)
is got.
169. Subtract from the tithi one-fifth of itself; (the measure of) the illuminated part of the Moon
(phase, sita) is obtained. The horn of the Moon will be elongated in the direction of valana. The
measure in digits of the elongation shall be ascertained by means of a diagram.
170-171a. Conjunction of the planets. The numbers 5, 6, 7, 9 and 5 (corresponding to the five
planets Mars etc.) are multiplied by Tny>ā-minus-the respective ñghrakarna and (placed at two
places. One set is divided, respectively by 21, 12, 6, 24 and 3 and the result is applied to other
set, i.e., subtracted if the hypotenuse is larger than trijyā and added otherwise. The results
divided by 3 will be the angular diameters of the discs of the several planets beginning from
171 b-172a. Time of conjunction. (When it is necessary to determine when two planets will
meet): If the two planets are both regular or retrograde, the difference in their longi¬tudes is
divided by the difference of their rates of motion; if one is regular and the other retrograde, (the
difference of their longitudes) is divided by the sum of their rates of motion. The result in days
etc. would give the time to pass for their con¬junction.
172b-173. Mutual non-obscuration of planets in conjunction. (The two planets in conjunction)
should be corrected by their respective parallaxes in latitude (nati) according to their Saras, it
being addition if in the same direction and subtraction other¬wise. When the north-south
difference of the two planets is less than half the sum of their diameters, there will be (visual)
distinction between the two, (there being no obscuration). True (sphu(a) results can, of course,
be arrived by working with the parallax in longitude (lambana) etc. as in the case of the solar
174. Vaidhrta.™ When the Sun and the Moon are in
the same ayana, i.e., on the same side of either solstice, if the sum (of their longitudes) is one
circle (360) , and botli have equal declinations, that situation is called Vaidhrta.
175. Vyatipāta. When the Sun and the Moon are on
the opposite sides of either solstice and have equal minutes of
declination, that situation is called Vyatipāta, the sum (of their
longitudes) being a half-circle.
176. Time when declinations are equal. When the longi¬tudes of the Sun and the Moon
corrected by the degrees of precession of the equinoxes as found by observation, is equal to 12
signs or 6 signs, respectively, compute their declinations.
177. Then, if the declination of the Moon, which is in an odd quadrant, and had been corrected
for its latitude (Vik-sepa), is greater than the declination of the Sun, the situation of pāta is
already past.
178. If less, it is still to come. In an even quadrant, the reverse is the case. If the Moon's
declination is subtractible from its latitude, the rules as to the quadrant are to be reversed.
179. Multiply the sines of the two declinations separately by Radius (trijyā) and divide by the
sine of the maximum decli¬nation (parakrāntijyā, viz., 1397) and find the arcs (of the two
results). The difference (of the arcs) or half that difference is to be added to the Moon's
longitude when the pāta is yet to occur.
180. It is to be subtracted from the Moon's longitude when the pāta is past. The said
(difference) when multiplied by the Sun's daily motion and divided by the Moon's daily motion,
gives a correction, in minutes, to be duly applied to the longitude of the Sun, (being subtracted
from the Sun if the pāta is past and added to it if the pāta is yet to occur).
181. A similar correction is to be applied, in the reverse order, to the Moon's mode. This
operation is repeated until the declinations (of the Sun and the Moon) are equal.
182. Mean time of the Pāta. The pāta occurs at the moment when the declinations are equal. (To
find out whe¬ther a pāta is past or yet to come): If the Moon's longitude at the pāta found by
applying the correction to the Moon (vide verse 180) is less or greater than (the Moon's

midnight (of that day), the pāta is past or is yet to occur, respectively.
183. True time of Pāta. The minutes of the interval between the Moon's longitude (at the Mean
pāta), as ascer¬tained, and that at midnight, when multiplied by 60 and divided by the Moon's
daily motion, will give the time of the pāta in nādikās.
184. Half-duration of the Pāta. Multiply half the sum of the diameters of the Sun and the Moon
by 60 and divide by the difference of their daily motions. The result will be the half-duration,
(sthityardha (of the pāta), in nādikā etc.
185. Beginning, Middle and End of the Pāta. The true time (of the pāta (vide verse 183) is the
middle (moment of the pāta). That diminished by the half-duration (vide verse 184) is the
moment of its commencement and that increased by the half-duration is the moment of its end.
186. Consequence of the Pāta. Compared to the beginning and the end, the middle moment of
the pātais extremely harmful. It is like burning fire and is to be avoided in all (auspicious) rites.
187. O brāhmana! Thus has been stated, in brief, matters relating to mathematics and astronomy
(ganita). I shall, now, set out horoscopy (jātaka) commencing with (the statement of) the
nomenclature of the rāśi-s (signs).


1. Hindu texts on astronomy call this section as Tripraśna-adhyūya, since it deals with
'problems' concerning the 'three' topics, viz-, time, place and direction.
2. Actually, however, this topic is not treated in the Purāna.
3. The two vyatīpatas, being malignant aspects of Sun and Moon, called Lata and Vaidhrta,
occur at the moments when the sum of the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon is equal to 180°
and 360°, respectively. These moments are considered to be highly inauspicious (vi-ati-pāta) ■
4. For the constitution and list of Togas, see below, note under verse 211b. Sec also ch. 54,
Verse 124 and footnote.
5. For the nature of karana and the list thereof, see below, note under verse 219b. See also ch.
54, verses 126-27 and footnote.
6. The idea is that the operation could start from the unit digits
i.e., from the right end of the numbers, as is the general practice, or from
the highest digits of the numbers at the left end.
7. For the detailed working, see Līlāvatī of Bhāskarācārya, (edn.
Hoshiarpur, 1975). So also, for the arithmetical operations set out below.
8. Written in modern convention, this would be
(a+b)+ (a—b) (a+b) — (a—b) ,
2 = •» 2
n _9 K2
= a+ b
10. 1. Verses 32-34 give three methods to derive, on the basis of any assumed number, sets of
two numbers which when squared and added together or one subtracted from the other, and
reduced by 1, give perfect squares.
1 TV. u 8x2—1 ,,,,(8x2—1)2
Method I. 1 he numbers are : —a and 111 K V l ■
2x «
Sum of their squares minus 1 = 64x4 — 2 + g^y-4= (8x2 —_ 2 )2
DifT. of their squares minus 1 = 64x4 + 6 + g^4 —32x2 _ J_= (8x2—2 + —)»
Method II. The numbers are : (x + g—) and 1.
Sum of their squares minus 1 = (x + 4-)2 + l2— 1 = (x + -^-)2
2x 2x
Diff. of their squares minus 1= (x + j—)2—l2—I=(*+ś~)a
Method III. The numbers are : (8x4+1) and 8x3 Sum of their Squares minus 1= (8x« + 1 )2+
(8x3)2—1= (8x*+4x2)2 Diff. of their Squares minus 1= (8x*+1 )2—(8x3)2—1 = (8x4-4x2)2
Thus, all the results obtained are perfect squares.

= m x gr m(gr-\)
11. Here, the first two lines give the method to calculate the last term of the series and the third
line, the sum of the series. Thus, in a geometrical series, if m is the first member (mukha, prāg),
g is the common ratio (gunaka), r is the number of terms (gaccha) and s the sum of the series
(dhana, sarvadhana) :
The last term =
Sum of the series =
For detailed working, see Līlāvati, op. cit., 125 (pp. 256-64).
12. Thus, in a right angled triangle, if a is the altitude, b the base, the hypotenuse, a2+b2=h2.
13. The three sides would thus be i. (a-b)2+2ab =a2 +b2; (a+b) (a-b) = a2—b2; iii. 2ab, for (a*-
b2)2(+ 2ab)2 =(a2 + b2)2.

14. Thus the circumference of a circle is 22/7rf.

15. Thus: iara= 1/2 (vyāsa—\/Jvyāsa+jyā) (vyāsa-jyā)
jya= 2 \/(Vyāsa-śara) x śara Vyāsa — (1 I2jya) 2 + Sara śara
If a is the arc, c circumference, d diameter and s sine; 'First' = (c — a) a

17. Arc

C _ /_£*_

5 s.c«-^4 4d+s

18. Different heights for different grains are suggested for the reason that when made into a
conical heap, coarse grain would pile up higher while fine grain would slip down and so pile up
only to a lesser height.
19. Drorta is one of the bigger measures of volume used in ancient and mediaeval India.
20. The gnomon in general use in ancient India was a strong, straight, cylindrical rod, made of
metal or of wood, 12 inches in height, and pointed at the tip. In use, it was fixed firmly on a
hard, level surface at the centre of a graduated circle.
21. In the figure, LA=Height of the lamp
CS = Gnomonic shadow
CS =
By the application of the rules of similar triangles, shadow,

11.54 Notes


Height of the lamp, _T GCxBC BL=—os" Lamp to gnomon,

24. If LB, the lamp, GC and G' C, the two
gnomons, CS and C S', the two
shadows BS and BS', the two
(CS'—CS) : CS'
SS' x CS
Base BS = SS' 3
BS' =
(CS'—CS) 25. Lamp LB=
26. A 'divine' year (divya-varsa) is equal to 360 'mortal' years or siderial years of current
astronomical parlance.
27. Manu is one of the mythical progenitors of man and the time mentioned here is called a
manvantara. 14 manvantaras constitute a longer Puranic duration of time mentioned in the next
verse, which is termed Kalpa,
28. By Śighrocca is meant the farthest point from the centre of the earth in the orbit of the
planet, or the higher apsis of the epicycle related to the equation of conjunction.
29. A lunar day (tithi) is equal to one-thirtieth of a lunar month (cāndra-māsa) which is the
interval between two conjunctions (or oppositions) of the Moon, being the period of the moon's
synodical revolution, and is reckoned either from new moon to new moon or from full moon to
full moon.

30. A lunar month, extending over 29.5306, days, being shorter than a solar month of 30.4380
days, the number of lunar months in about three solar years would be one more than that of the
solar months. This extra lunar month is called adhimāsa (additive or intercalary month).
31. A lunar day (tithi) being smaller than a terrestrial day (bhūdina), if the two begin
simultaneously at a sunrise, the lunar day will end earlier. This difference will increase day by
day and when it is equal to one day (24 hrs.), it constitutes one lithiksaya or subtractive day.
32. The solar month (saura-māsa), being one-twelfth of a solar year (saura-varsa) or siderial
year (naksatra-varsa), is the time required by the Sun to pass through one rati (sign or 30°) of
the Zodiac and is equal to 30.4380 terrestrial days.
33. A lunar month (cāndra-māsa) is equal to 30 lunar days (tithis) and is equal to 29.5306
terrestrial days.
34. Mandocca is equivalent to the higher Apsis. The mandoccas of the Sun and the Moon are
the same as their Apogees (points on the orbit farthest from the planet), while the mandoccas of
the other planets are equivalent to their Aphelions (points on the orbit farthest from the Sun).
35. Pāta (node) is the point at which the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic.
36. The ahargana (lit. 'total of days') or bhūdina at any time is the number of (terrestrial) days
that have elapsed upto the previous mid¬night from the time of the commencement of the
epoch, which latter is gene¬rally taken as the current Tuga.
37. Lańkā is one of the cardinal hypothetical cities on the Earth's equator where the meridian of
the Indian city of Ujjain cuts it. In Indian astronomy, days are reckoned from midnight (or
sunrise, according to differ¬ent systems) at the meridian of Lańka. For a discussion on the
position of Lańkā, see Āryabhafiya, Ed. with Tr., (Delhi 1976), pp. 123-25. See also below,
verses 86b-87a.
38. 1. A Tojana, according to this, will be about 4.95 miles or 7.56 km.
Thus, if r is the radius of the Earth, Circumference=2r2x\/l0=
2rx-\/\0. Here \/l0 is taken as re as per the formula, dr. = 2 re r. This works out of 5059.556
39. Trijīvā, called also trijyā, tribhajyā, triguna, trirāiijyā, is sine 3 rāSis (or 90) and is equal to
the radius of the circle.
40. Viksepa (celestial latitude) is the deviation of the planets from the plane of the ecliptic.
41. Thus : The cycle=360°, rāśi or sign = 1/12 x 360° = 30° 1/8 sign = 3°45' or 225'. This is the
first of the 24 signs contained in a quarter (90° or 3 signes).
42. The second sine, being the sine for the second section (khanda) 225'+225'=450', would be :
225/225=1; 450-1=449*.
The third sine, being the sine for the third section (Khanda), 225'+225' + 225=675', would be :
Present quotient 449/225=2; the sum of the quotients= 2+ 1 = 3; the sum reduced from the first
sine 225=225 - 3 = 222. The result added/to the second sine = 449+222 = 671, the third sine.
The process is repeated. The several sines calculated thus are given
below :—
No. Khanda in minutes Sine No. Khanda in Minutes Sine
0 ' 0 000
1 225 225 13 2925 2585
2 450 449 14 3150 2728
3 675 671 15 3375 2859
4 900 890 16 3600 2978
5 1125 1105 17 3825 3084
6 1350 1315 18 4050 3177
7 1575 1520 19 4275 3256
8 1800 1719 20 4500 3321
9 2025 1910 21 4725 3372
10 2250 2093 22 4950 3409
11 2475 2267 23 5175 3431
12 2700 2431 24 5400 3438

11.54. Notes


43. In Hindu astronomy, the maximum declination (obliquity of the ecliptic) is taken as 24';
and 1397 represents sine 24°.
44. While the mandoccas of the Sun and the Moon are the same as as their apogees, that of the
other planets are equal to their aphelions. For details on the concept of and computations with
mandoccas and śighroccas in Hindu astronomy, see E. Burgess, Translation of the
Sūryasiddhānta, ed. by P. Gangooly, Calcutta, 1935, pp. 53-56.
45. The Venkatesvara Press edn. of Nārada Purāna used for this, translation, repeats, here,
haplographically, two verses, thus erratically in¬creasing serial number of the verses by two.
While the repeated verses are dropped in the translation the increased serial number is retained
so that there might not be any discrepancy in the number of the verses in the text edition and the
present translation.
46. The Venkatesvara Press edition of Nārada Purāna used for this translation repeats here
haplographically three earlier lines, increasing the serial numbering of the verses
correspondingly. Here, the changed verse number is adopted according to the edition; the
repeated lines are not translated.
47. Visuvad-bhā or Equinoctial shadow at a place is the shadow of the Sun cast by a gnomon of
12 digits at Midday on the day of the Vernal equipox (March 21) or Autumnal equinox
(Sept.23) at that place.
48. Ksitijyā (Earth-sine) is the sine of the arc of the diurnal circle intercepted between the
horizon and the six o'clock line.
49. Dina-vyāsa-dala (day-radius), called also dyu-jyā('day-sine') is the radius of the diurnal
circle, in contrast to trijyā which is the radius of the 'great circle' or the 'tabular radius'.
50. Prāna or Asu ('respiration') is the period of time required for one respiration and is /equal to
4 seconds.
51. The ecliptic is divided into 27 asterisms or lunar mansions of equal extent of 13°20' or 800'
each, called Aśvini, Bharani etc. The naksatra forms one of the members of the five-member,
almanac (Pañcāńga) of the Hindus, the other four members being, Vara (weekday), tithi (lunar
day), Toga and Karana, for which see below.
52. Toga, one of the members of the five-membered Hindu almanac, is used only for
astrological purposes. It is a period of time of variable length during which the joint motion of
the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon amounts to 13°20' or 800', being the extent of a lunar
mansion. They are 27 in number, and are mentioned in Hindu almanacs for each day. They
have individual names, as follows :—
1. Viskambha, 2. Prīti; 3. Ayusmān; 4. Saubhāgya; 5. Śobhana, 6. Atiganda, 7. Sukarma, 8.
Dhni; 9. Śūla; lp, Ganda; il. Vrddhi; 12. Dhruva; 13. Vyāghāta; 14. Harsana; 15. Vajra, 16.
Siddhi, 17. Vyatīpāta, 18. Variyas; 19. Parigha, 20. Śiva, 21. Siddha; 22. Sādhya; 23. Śubha;
24. Śukla, 25. Brahman, 26. Indra, and 27. Vaidhrti.

53. The kararfa is also an entity made use of only in astrology and forms a member of the five-
membered (pañcāńga), Hindu almanac. Each Karana extends over half a tithi. The four dhruva
('fixed') karanas viz., śakuni, JVāga, Catuspāt and Kimstugna occupy the four half-tithis as
stated above, and the other seven karanas repeat eight times through the next 56 halī-tithis,
when the cycle of 60 karanas in a lunar month is completed. The cycle is then repeated.
54. Visuvatkarna, or equinoctial hypotenuse, is the hypotenuse of the equinoctial shadow found
by calculating the square root of the sum of the squares of the equinoctial -shadow and the
55. By 'Radius' (with capital 'R') is meant the radius of the great circle or the tabular radius. In
Sanskrit it is called trijyā, trijīvā, tribhajyā etc., meaning the sine of three sines or 90°.
56. It might be noted that if the śara is larger and cannot be subtracted from half the (angular)
diameters of the eclipsed and the eclipser, there will be no channa (eclipsed portion) and so no
57. For a little time before sunrise and after sunset, the planets, near the Sun, would be invisible
on account of the sun's brilliance. The times after sunset and before sunrise they would be
visible are indicated here.
58. This section, called Pātādhikāra (Section on pātas) in treatises, treats of two astronomical
situations called Vyatīpāta and Vaidhrla which are highly malignant in character. They are
computed and used for astrological purposes, viz., to avoid auspicious acts being held at these
atha śrībṛhannāradīyapurāṇe pūrvabhāge bṛhadupākhyāne dvitīyapāde jyotiṣavarṇanaṃ nāma
catuḥpañcāśattamo 'dhyāyaḥ

sanandana uvāca
jyotiṣāṅgaṃ pravakṣyāmi yaduktaṃ brahmaṇā purā / yasya vijñāna mātreṇa dharmasiddhirbhavennṛṇām //
1 //
triskandhaṃ jyautiṣāṃ śāstraṃ caturlakṣamudāhṛtam / gaṇitaṃ jātakaṃ vipra saṃhitāskandhasaṃjñitāḥ // 2 //
gaṇite parikarmādi khagamadhyasphuṭakriṃye / anuyogaścandrasūryagrahaṇaṃ tacodasyākam // 3 //
chāyā śṛṅgonnatiyutī pātasādhānamīritam / jātake rāśibhedāśca grahayoniśca yonijam // 4 //
niṣekajanmāriṣṭāni hyāyurdāyo daśākramaḥ / karmājīvaṃ cāṣṭavargo rājayogāśca nābhasāḥ // 5 //
candrayogāḥ pravrajyākhyā rāśiśīlaṃ ca dṛkphalam / grahabhāvaphalaṃ caivāśrayayogaprakīrṇake // 6 //
aniṣṭayogāḥ srījanmapalaṃ niryāṇameva ca / naṣṭajanmavidhānaṃ ca tathā dreṣkāṇalakṣaṇam // 7 //
saṃhitāśāstrarūpaṃ ca grahacāro 'bdalakṣaṇam / tithivāsaranakṣatrayogatithyarddhasaṃjñakāḥ // 8 //
muhūrtopagrahāḥ sūyasaṃkrāntirgocaraḥ kramāt / candratā rābalaṃ caiva sarvalagrārtavāhvayaḥ // 9 //
ādhānapuṃsasīmantajātanāmānnabhuktayaḥ / caulaṅkarṇyayaṇaṃ maiñjī kṣurikābandhanaṃ tathā // 10 //
samāvartinavaivāhapratiṣṭāsadmalakṣaṇam / yātrāpraveśanaṃ sadyovṛṣṭiḥ karmavilakṣaṇam // 11 //
utpattilakṣaṇaṃ caiva sarvaṃ saṃkṣepato bruve / ekaṃ daśa śataṃ caiva sahasrāyutalakṣakam // 12 //
prayutaṃ koṭisaṃjñāṃ cārbudamabjaṃ ca rarvavakam /
niravarva ca mahāpadmaṃ śaṅkurjaladhireva ca // 13 //
atyaṃ madhyaṃ parārddhaṃ ca saṃjñā daśaguṇottarāḥ /
kramādutkramato vāpi yogaḥ kāryottaraṃ tathā // 14 //
hanyādguṇena guṇyaṃ syāttainaivopāntimādikān /
śuddheddharoyadguṇaścabhājyāntyāttatphalaṃ mune // 15 //
samāṅkato 'tho vargasyāttamevāhuḥ kṛtiṃ budhāḥ / antyāttu viṣamāttyaktvā kṛtiṃ mūlaṃnyasetpṛthak // 16 //
dviguṇenāmunā bhakte phalaṃ mūle nyasetkramāt / tatkṛtiṃ ca tyajedvipra mūlena vibhajetpunaḥ // 17 //
evaṃ muhurvargamūlaṃ jāyate ca munīśvara / samatryaṅkahatiḥ prokto ghanastatravidhiḥ pade // 18 //
procyate viṣamaṃ tvādyaṃ same dve ca tataḥ param /
viśodhyaṃ viṣamādantyāddhanaṃ tanmūlamucyate // 19 //
trighnādbhajanmūlakṛtyā samaṃ mūle nyasetphalam / tatkṛtitvena nihatānnighnīṃ cāpi viśodhayet // 20 //
ghanaṃ ca viṣamādevaṃ ghanamūlaṃ murhubhavet / anyonyahāranihatau harāṃśau tu samucchidā // 21 //
lavā lavaghnāśca harā haraghnā hi savarṇanam / bhāgaprabhāge vijñeyaṃ mune śāsrārthacintakaiḥ // 22 //
anubandhe 'pavāhe caikasya cedadhikonakaḥ / bhāgāstalasthahāreṇa haraṃ svāṃśādhikena tān // 23 //
ūnena cāpi guṇayeddhanarṇaṃ cintayettathā / kāryastulyaharāṃ śānāṃ yogaścāpyantato mune // 24 //
ahārarāśau rūpyaṃ tu kalpayeddharamapyathā / aṃśāhatiśchedaghātahṛdbhinnaguṇane phalam // 25 //
chedaṃ cāpi lavaṃ vidvanparivartya harasya ca / śeṣaḥ kāryo bhāgahāre kartavyo guṇanāvidhiḥ // 26 //
hārāṃśayoḥ kṛtī varge ghanau ghanavidhau mune /
padasiddhyai pade kuryādathoravaṃ sarvataśca ravam // 27 //
chedaṃ guṇaṃ guṇaṃ chedaṃ vargaṃ mūlaṃ padaṃ kṛtim /
ṛṇaṃ svaṃ svamṛṇaṃ kuryādṛśye rāśiprasiddhaye // 28 //
atha svāṃśādhikone tu lavāḍhyo no haro haraḥ / aṃśastvavikṛtastatra vilome śeṣamuktavat // 29 //
uddiṣṭārāśiḥ saṃkṣiptau hṛtoṃ'śai rahito yutaḥ / iṣṭaghnadṛṣṭenaitena bhaktarāśiranīśitaḥ // 30 //
yogontareṇonayutodvitorāśītasaṃkrame / rāśyantarahṛtaṃ vargottaraṃ yosutaśca tau // 31 //
gajagrīṣṭakṛtirvyaikā dalitā ceṣṭabhājitā / eko 'sya vargo dalitaḥ saiko rāśiḥ paro mataḥ // 32 //
dviguṇeṣṭahṛtaṃ rūpaṃ śreṣṭhaṃ prāgrūpakaṃ param /
vargayogāntare vyeke rāśyorvargosta etayoḥ // 33 //
iṣṭavagekṛtiśceṣṭaghanoṣṭagrau ca saukakau / eṣīsyānāmubhe vyakte gaṇite vyaktameva ca // 34 //
guṇaghnamūlonayutaḥ saguṇārddhe kṛtaṃ padam / dṛṣṭasya ca guṇārddho na yutaṃ vargīkṛtaṃ guṇaḥ // 35 //
yadā lavonapumrāśirdṛśyaṃ bhāgonayugbhuvā /
bhaktaṃ tathā mūlaguṇaṃ tābhyāṃ sādhyotha vyaktavat // 36 //
pramāṇecche sajātīye ādyante madhaayagaṃ phalam /
icchaghnamādyahṛtseṣṭaṃ phalaṃ vyaste viparyayāt // 37 //
pañcarāsyādike 'nyonyapakṣaṃ kṛtvā phalacchidām /
bahurāśivadhaṃ bhakte phalaṃ svalpavadhena ca // 38 //
iṣṭakarmavadhemūlaṃ cyutaṃ miśrātkalāntare / mānaghnakālaścātītakālāghnaphalasaṃhṛtāḥ // 39 //
svayogabhaktānighnāḥ syuḥ saṃprayuktadalāni ca / bahurāśipalātsvalparāśimāsaphalaṃ bahu // 40 //
cedrāśivivaraṃ māsaphalāntarahṛtaṃ ca yaḥ / kṣepā miśrahatāḥ kṣepoyogabhaktāḥ phalāni ca // 41 //
bhajecchidāeṃśaistairmiśrai rūpaṃ kālaśca pūrtikṛt /
pūrṇogacchetsamedhyavyesamevargorddhitetyataḥ // 42 //
vyastaṃ gacchataṃ phalaṃ yadguṇavargaṃ bhacahi tat /
vyekaṃ vyekaguṇāptaṃ ca prādhnaṃ mānaṃ guṇottare // 43 //
bhujakoṭikṛtiyogamūlaṃ karṇaśca dorbhavet / śrutikṛtyantarapada koṭirdoḥ karṇavargayoḥ // 44 //
viṃvarāttatkarṇapadaṃ kṣetre tricaturasrake / rāśyorantaravargeṇa dvighne ghāte yute tayoḥ // 45 //
vargayogotha yogāntahṝntirvargāntaraṃ bhavet / vyāsa ākṛtisaṃkṣaṇṇovyāsāsyātparidhirmune // 46 //
jyāvyāsayogavivarāhatamūlonito 'rddhitaḥ / vyāsaḥ śaraḥ śaronāñca vyāsāccharaguṇātpadam // 47 //
dvighnaṃ jīvātha jīvārddhavarge śarahṛte yute / vyāsoṣṭatebhavedevaṃ proktaṃ gaṇitakovidaiḥ // 48 //
cāponanighnaḥ paridhiḥ pragaṅlaḥ paridheḥ kṛte / turyāṃśena śaradhnenāgheninādhaṃ caturgaṇam // 49 //
vyāsadhnaṃ prabhajedvipra jyā kāśaṃ jāyate sphuṭā /
jyāṅghrīṣudhnovṛttavargobagdhighnavyāsāḍhyamaurvihṛt // 50 //
labdhonavṛttavargādripaderdhātpatite dhanuḥ / sthūlamadhyāpṛvannavedho vṛttāṅkāśeṣabhāgikaḥ // 51 //
vṛttāṅgāṃśakṛtirvedhaniprīyanakarāmitau / vārivyāsahataṃ dairdhyaṃvedhāṅgulahataṃ punaḥ // 52 //
kharavendurāmavihataṃ mānaṃ droṇādivāriṇaḥ / vistārāyāmavedhānāṃmaṅgulyonyanāḍighnāḥ // 53 //
rasāṃkābhrābdhibhirbhaktā dhānye droṇādikāmitiḥ /
utsedhavyāsadairdhyāṇāmaṅgulyānyasya no dvija // 54 //
mithoghnāti bhajetsvākṣeśairdreṇādimitirbhavet / vistārādyaṃ gulānyevaṃ mithoghnānyapasāṃbhavet // 55 //
vāṇebhamārgaṇairlabdhaṃ droṇādyaṃ mānamādiśet /
dīpaśaṅkutalacchidraghnaḥ śaṅkurbhaivaṃbhavenmune // 56 //
narona dīpakaśikhaucyabhakto hyatha bhodvane /
śaṅkaunṛdīpādhaśchidraghnairdīpauccyaṃ narānvite // 57 //
viṃśakudīpauccaguṇācchāyā śaṅkūddhṛtā bhavet / dīpaśaṅkvantaraṃ cātha cchāyāgravivaraghnabhā // 58 //
mānāntaradrudbhūmiḥ syādathobhūnarāhatiḥ / prabhāptā jāyate dīpaśikhauccyaṃ syāttrirāśikāt // 59 //
etatsaṃkṣepataḥ proktaṃ gaṇite parikarmakam / grahamadhyādikaṃ vakṣye gaṇite nātivistarān // 60 //
Mathematics and Astronomy

Sanandana said :
1. I shall now set out the auxiliary (of the Veda) called Jyotisa which had been enunciated by
Brahma in days of yore and through the mere knowledge of which men can attain the fulfilment
of their ordained duties.
2. O Brāhmana! the science of Jyotisa, which has been expounded in four lakhs of verses, falls
into three sections, devoted, respectively, to mathematics and astronomy (Ganita), horoscopy
(Jātaka) and natural astrology (Samhitā).
3-4a. Topics of Mathematics and astronomy. In the Ganita section have been set out the
arithmetical operations (z)i».12b-59); computation of the mean and true positions of Planets
(vv. 6o-127); 'the questions' (on time, place and direction)1 (vv. 128-53a); lunar and solar
eclipses, (vv. 153b-65a); the diagrammatic representation thereof,2 (gnomonic) shadow, (vv.
165b-67a); elevation of the lunar horns (vv. 167b-69), planetary) conjunction (vv. 170-73) and
the (vyati-)pātas3 (vv. 174-87).
4b. Topics oj Horoscopy. In the Jātaka section are treat¬ed — the signs (rāśi) (of the zodiac),
their divisions (and properties); Nature of the planets (and their properties; (Mani¬fold inferior)
5. Conception; Birth; Early death; Longevity; Order of divisions (and subdivisions in one's
life): Vocations; Eight emplacements, (being those of the 7 planets and the lagna, in the
horoscopic chart); 'Royal' planetary combinations; 'Atmospheric' planetary combinations;
6. 'Lunar' planetary combinations; 'Ascetic' planetary combinations; Effect of the planets
occupying the different signs; Effect of planets aspecting one another; Effect of the planets
being in the several 'houses'; Effect of mutual association (of planets); Miscellaneous matters
(relating to the asso¬ciation of planets) :
7. Malefic combination (of planets; Female horoscopy; Death; Reconstruction of lost
horoscopes; and Effects ofdeca-nates.
8. Topics of Natural astrology. The contents of the Samhitā section are: Effects of the motion of
the planets (across the different signs) (vv. 1 -108); Abdalaksana (Characteristics of the year)
(vv. 109-33a); Tithi (Lunar day) (w.l33b-56a); Vara (Weekday) [vv. 156b-67a); Naksatra
(Asterism) (vv. 167b-21 la); Toga* (vv. 21 lb-19a); Tilhyartha or hararta* (vv. 219b-23).
9. (Auspicious moment Muhūrla) (j|t'.224-2a); Upagraha
(Secondary atmospheric phenomena) (vv. 230-50a); (Sań-
krānti (Sun's transit into a sign) (vv. 250b-70); Gocara (Current
motion of the planets) (vv. 271-82); Candra-Tārābala (Astro-
logical strength of the Moon and of the Asterisms) (vv. 283-89);
Sarvalagna (Rising of the signs) (vv. 290-312a); Ārtava (First
menstruation) (vv. 312b-17).
10. Ādhāna (Conception) (vv.318-19); Pumsavana (Rite for the birth of a male child) (vv. 320-
25); Jāta-Nāma-karma (Birth rites and Naming Ceremony) (vv. 326- 30a); Annabhukti
(Annaprāśana, First feeding) (vv. 330b-34); Caula (Tonsure) (vv. 335-43a); Ańkurārpana
(Auspicious sowing) (vv. 343b- 47); Mauñjibandhana (and Upanayana, Tying the girdle and
commencing studies) (w.348-79), Ksurikābandhana, (Girding the sword) (vv. 380-91a).
11. Samāvarlana (Return from studies) (vv. 391b-94a); Vivāha (Marriage) (vv. 394b-523);
Pratisfhā (Installation of deities in temples) (vv. 524-39a); Sadma (Building of human
residences) (w.539b-619); Tātrā (Travel for pilgrimage, war etc.) (w.620-712): Praveśana
(Return home) (DO. 713-20); Sadyovrsti (Immediate rain) (vv. 721-39a); K ūrma-vibhāga
(Division of the globe) («\739b-45); and Ulpāta (Portentuous phenomena) (vv. 646-56a). I shall
be setting out all these briefly.

12b-14a. Notational places. Eka (one), daśa (ten), śata (hundred), sahasra (thousand), ayuta (ten
thousand), laksa (lakh), prayuta (ten lakhs/million), koti (crore), arbuda, abja, kharva, nikharva,
mahāpadma, śańku, jaladhi, antya, madhya, parārdha—these are the names (of the notational
places), each succeeding one being ten times (the preceding).
14b. Addition and subtraction. Addition and subtraction (of numbers) can be done either in a
forward or in a backward manner.6
15a. Multiplication. In multiplication, the multiplicand (gunya) is multiplied up to its last digit
(by the multiplier) (and the products added together).7
15b. Division. O sage! In division that is the quotient (phala) which when multiplied by the
divisor is completely subtractable (from the dividend).
16a. Square. The product of a number multiplied by itself is called varga (square); the learned
call it also (by the term) krti.
16b-18a. Square root. (Mark off the odd digits of the number whose square root is required.)
Having subtracted the (greatest possible) square from the last odd place, keep that 'root' apart.
Double that "root' and divide the remainder and place the quotient alongside the previously
obtained 'root'. Subtract, O Brāhmana, the square of that and again divide as before by the
(newly formed) 'root'. O great sage, by repeating as above (till all the digits are completed) the
square root is obtained.
18b-21a. Cube and cube root. The product of the multiplication thrice of the same number is
called its ghana (cube). The method to derive the cube root (pada) is as follows: The first place
(unit's digit of the number whose cube root is required) is termed 'odd'; the next two digits (i.e.,
the tens and hundreds) are termed 'even.' (Mark off the digits of the number into groups of three
digits each in this manner, each group having one 'odd' and two 'evens'). Subtract from the last
(group having an) odd place the (greatest possible) cube; that is the cube root (mūla) (of that
group). Divide (the next) even place with thrice the square of the (previous) cube root and place
the quotient alongside the previous cube root. Square the new quotient and multiply it by three
and by the last cube root and subtract it (from the next even place). Subtract, the cube (of the
new cube root-digit) from the next odd place. Repeat the process and the cube root of the
number is obtained.
21b. Fractions. Two fractions are reduced to a common denominator when their numerators and
denominators arc multiplied by the denominator of one by that of the other.
22. Fractions of fractions. O sage! Enquirers into science should understand that in fractions of
fractions (bhāga-prabhāga), the products of their numerators and of their denominators give the
correct figures (of the numerator and denominator of the resultant fraction).
23-24a. Associated and dissociated fractions. Associated fractions (bhāgānubandha) and
dissociated fractions (bhāgā-pavāha) are those in which a number is increased or decreased (by
a fraction of its own). Here, multiply the whole number by the denominator (talasthahāra),
ascertain whether the fraction is positive or negative and accordingly add to or subtract from it
the numerator.
24b. Addition and subtraction of fractions. O sage! (Addition and subtraction of fractions are
effected by) adding together or subtracting one from the other their numerators (after reducing
the fractions) to a common denominator.
25a. Denominator of an integer. When a denominator is not attached to a number, take 1 as its
25b-26. Multiplication and division of fractions. The product of the multiplication of two
fractions is obtained by dividing the product of the numerators by the product of the
denominators. In the division of two fractions, the numerator and denominator of the divisor are
inverted and the process of multiplication applied.
27. Square etc. of fractions. For the square, cube, square root and cube root of fractions,
calculate the respective squares etc. of the numerator and of the denominator. These for zero are
always zero.
28-29. Inverse operations. When the result (of certain operations) is 'given' (drsya) and the
original number is to be found (rāśiprasiddhaye), calculate taking the denominator as the
numerator and the numerator as the denominator, the square as the square root and the square
root as the square, minus as plus and plus as minus. However, in such cases of inverse
operation where a part (of an item) has been added to or subtracted from it, the denominator to
which the numerator has been added to or subtracted from should be taken as the denominator,
and the denominator as such should be taken as the numerator; the rest (of the calculations are
to be done) as before.
30. Operations with assumed numbers (Iṣṭakarma). When an intended number (uddiṣṭa-rāśi) has
been multiplied, divided, has a part of its taken away from it or added to it (and the result is
dṛṣta 'known'), the intended number can be found by multiplying that result by an assumed
number and dividing by the resultant (obtained by subjecting the assumed number to all the said
31. Operations with sums and differences. The difference (of two numbers) when added to or
subtracted from the sum (of those two numbers) and (the result) divided by two, will give the
two numbers.8 (This operation is called) Saṅkrama. The difference of the squares (of two
numbers) will give their sum.9 (And from the said sum and difference), the individual numbers
(can be found as stated above).
32-34. Methods to get perfect squares based on any assumed number (vargakarma). Multiply
the square of an assumed number by 8 (gaja), subtract 1, halve it and divide by the assumed
number. This would be one (number). Square this number and add 1. This would be another
such number.10
Or, 1 divided by twice the assumed number and the assumed number added is one (number).
The other number is 1. The sum or difference of these two numbers reduced by one would be
the squares of the two (desired) numbers.
Or, multiply the square of the square and the cube of the assumed number and add 1 to the first.
The two desired numbers are obtained. These are according to the methods to be adopted in
arithmetic (vyakta-gaṇita) and algebra (avyakta-gaṇita).
35-36. Operation involving the addition of a quantity to squares. When a resultant (dṛṣta) is
obtained by adding to or subtracting from a square its root multiplied by a multiplicand, that
resultant should be added to the square of half the multiplicand and the root of the result
calculated. To this result half the multiplicand is added (when guṇaghanamīda had been
subtracted) and subtracted (when the guṇaghanamūla had been added) and the result squared.
(This would give the required number). (This is called) Guṇa-(Karma).
When, however, the resultant (dṛśya) is less or more by a part of the (required) number, the
resultant and the root are to be appropriately reduced or increased and using them the required
number is calculated as before.
37. Rule of three (In a Trairāśika) the Pramāṇa (argument) and Icchā (requisition) are to be of
the same denomination and (are to be placed) at the beginning and at the end. Phala (fruit)
(which would be of a different denomination) would be placed in the middle. Phala multiplied
by Icchā and divided by Pramāṇa (ādya) will yield the Icchā-phala. In the Inverse (rule of
three), (the method is) reversed.
38. Rule of five etc. In Pañcarāśika etc. the pramāṇa side and the phala side are properly set
down. By dividing the product of the larger number (of quantities) by the product of the smaller
number (of quantities) the result is obtained.
39a. Capital and interest. Capital is obtained through calculation with an assumed number
(iṣṭakarma-vidhi, see verse 30, above). That subtracted from the composite amount (of capital
and interest) will give the interest (kalāntara).
39b-40a. Rate multiplied by time, and the interest multiplied by the invested time are to be
calculated and kept independently. Each divided by their sum and multiplied by the composite
amount, would yield results which are respectively the capital and the interest.
40b-41a. (In the matter of the loan of different amounts for different periods, the individual
income is identical), while arranging the sides (as in Pañcarāśika etc., see above, verse 38), if
the product of the smaller number of quantities and the months be greater than the product of
the larger number of quantities, the interest divided by the total number of months, would give
the rate.
41b. (In the case of investments by different people making up the capital), the investment by
each (kṣepa) multiplied by the total income (miśra) and divided by the total investment
(kṣepayoga), would give the (proportionate) income (phala).
42a. Time for filling a tank. (When different pipes individually take different times to fill a
tank, in order to find the time required to fill the tank if all the pipes arc opened together),
divide the denominators by the numerators of the individual fractions of time taken by each to
fill the tank), find the sum (of the new fractions obtained) and (with that sum) divide 1. The
time to fill (the tank) is obtained.
42b-43. Geometrical progression (Gunottaraśreḍhi). The sum of the series in geometrical
progression (mānam gunottare) (is found thus): when the number of terms (gaccha) is odd,
reduce it by 1 and multiply; when it is even, halve it and square. (Continue the process) till the
number ends. Then, beginning from the last term (gacchānta) perform backwards (vyasta) the
operations of multiplication (guna) and squaring (varga) (in continuation). From the result
subtract 1, divide the remainder by 'gunaka-1' and multiply by the first member of the series
44-45a. Triangles and quadrilaterals. In the case of plane figures (kṣetra), like triangles and
quadrilaterals (tri-caturaśraka), the following apply; The hypotenuse (karna) is the square root
of the sum of the squares of the base (bhuja) and altitude (koṭi). The base would be the square
root of the difference between the squares of the hypotenuse and the altitude. And, the altitude
would be the square root of the difference between the squares of the hypotenuse and the
45b-46a. (The rational sides of a right angled triangle, as calculated from any two numbers
would be: (1) The square of the difference of two (natural) numbers added to twice the product
of the numbers, which is equal to the sums of their squares; (ii) the product of the sums and
differences of the two numbers, which is equal to the difference of their squares, and (iii) twice
the product of the numbers.13
46b. Circumference of a circle. O sage, the diameter of a circle multiplied by 22 (ākṛti) and
divided by 7 (adri) will give the circumference of a circle.14
47-48. Relation of Sine, Reversed sine and Diameter. Experts in trigonometry say: Reversed
sine (śara) is given by multiplying together the sum and difference of the sine (jyā) and the
diameter (vyāsa), finding the square root thereof and halving the result. The sine (jyā) is given
by (diameter-minus-reversed sine) multiplied by the reversed sine, finding its root and doubling
it. And, the diameter is obtained by squaring half sine, dividing it by the reversed sine and
adding to the result the reversed sine.15
49-50a. Sine of an arc. Let the (circumference minus arc) multiplied by the circumference be
called 'First' (prāg). One fourth the square/of the circumference is multiplied by 5 and the 'First'
subtracted therefrom. With the result divide (Diameter 'First'). O brāhmaṇa! the result obtained
would be the sine (jyā) (of the relevant arc).10
50b-51a. Arc from sine. One fourth the sine is multiplied by the square of the circumference
and divided by four times the diameter to which the sine is added. The result is subtracted from
one fourth the square of the circumference and the square root (of the same is calculated). Thus,
when subtracted from half the circumference, gives the arc.17
51b-52a. Measure of corn heaped up in a cone.
When coarse, medium and fine grain are heaped, the heights (vedha) (of the cones so formed)
would, respectively, be one-ninth (añka) one-tenth (āśā) and one-eleventh (iśa) of the respective
circumferences. The measure of the grain in cubic cubits (ghana-kara) would be given by the
square of one-sixth (aṅga) multiplied by the height.18
52b-53a. Measure of water in a tank. The length of the (stretch of) water multiplied by its
breadth and height in inches and divided by 3100 (khakhendurāma) will give the volume of
water in droṇa measures.19
54b-55a. Measure of rubble. The height, breadth and length, in inches, O brāhmana, of a heap
of rubble, multiplied together and divided by 1150 (kha-akṣa-iśa) would give its volume in
droṇa measures.
55b-56a. Measure of metal. In the case of metal pieces, the length, breadth and height, in
inches, multiplied together and divided by 585 (bana-ibha-mārgana) should be declared to be
the volume of the heap in drona measures.
56b-57. Gnomon and the lighted lamp. O sage! The gnomon20 multiplied by the distance
between the lamp and the gnomon and divided by the height of the lamp less the gnomon, gives
the gnomonic shadow.21
Again, the gnomon multiplied by the distance between the gnomon and the lamp and divided
by the gnomonic shadow, gives the height of the lamp.22
58. The height of the lamp-minus-gnomon multiplied by the gnomonic shadow and divided by
the gnomon will give the distance between the lamp and the gnomon.23
58b-59a. Two gnomons and the lighted lamp. The distance between the shadow tips multiplied
by the shadow and divided by the difference between the shadows gives the base (bhūmi of the
relevant shadow).24
59. The base multiplied by the gnomon, and divided by the shadow gives the height of the lamp
by the rule of three.26

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