Dream 100 Action Plan

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Dream 100 Action Plan


● Export your initial list - Association, ReachMarketing, SIC Codes, Existing Prospects
● Append revenue data if unavailable (www.ReachMarketing.com)
● Drop out any prospects less than $1M per year revenue
● Narrow 250 or less and manually review website
● Drop your list into the Dream 100 Data Sheet
○ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GtHkbRpov6V_2y1uNQKkEeIQZE_79


● Do they have a website?
● Does it look like they have made an investment in their website / online marketing efforts
● Is there some room for improvement?

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved

● Owner eMail
● Website Address
● Owner Facebook URL
● Owner LinkedIn URL
● Business Facebook page
● Current Provider
● Verify Mailing Address

Tools to help with additional details

● www.Hunter.io
● www.Seamless.ai
● https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/ (Get cell phone number & personal mailing address)

Be sure to fill out the Prospect Datasheet as completely as possible

You want a list of KNOWN prospects that you hand selected & feel
confident would be a great fit for your services.

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved


Make sure they KNOW who you are, the value you provide & that you are eager to earn
their business leveraging a multi-channel communication strategy

❏ Direct Mail
❏ eMail
❏ Phone
❏ Social Media (FB / LinedIn)
❏ Social Messenger (Personal & Business)
❏ FB Ads

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved
● Upload your Dream 100 list to Facebook for match as a custom audience
● Run promoted ads to them of your webinars, case studies, interviews & ads offering a
free strategy session

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved
Make sure they KNOW who you are, the value you provide & that you are eager to earn
their business leveraging a multi-channel communication strategy

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved


Email List & Campaign

1) Targeted Cold Email Lists
a. Cleanup your purchased targeted email list
b. Remove anyone that you do not want to get into your process
c. Use Fiverr and my other tools to locate emails that are missing
d. Create Batches of 300 – 500 so you can keep sending while you are working
on cleaning list
e. Once we have them all cleaned up, discard any that do not make sense
f. Send in batches of about 300 – 500

2) Targeted Cold Email Campaign

a. Continue to locate emails until the list is completed
b. Add batch by batch to Mailshake or Woodpecker
c. Check these platforms daily and move over anyone that raises their hand to
d. Send follow-up emails from there
e. Call everyone that responds as a minimum and everyone that opens if time

DREAM 100 Action Plan

Dream 100 Creation – Initial List

1) From your purchased list, review and select 125 potential clients that will create your
initial list:
a. Are greater than 1.5 million
b. Offer one of the most expensive services in your niche
c. Are members of an association

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved

d. Have multiple teams, crews, hygienists or some other factor you have
e. Look at website to determine if they are companies you want to work with
f. Keep these in a different list than your other emails because you are going to
be send these more customized emails
g. Tag: Dream 100

2) Dream 100 List Update

Adjust the initial 125 down to a Dream 100 list from what you have learned as you focus
on this list.
a. It gets way too confusing to do it one by one so add in new prospects of 20 –
25 at a time.
b. At this point you should have all potential clients in YOUR CRM where you
will select them from.
c. Remember to figure out the last email received and go from there

3) Prospecting Methods for DREAM 100

a. Cold, but targeted emails – Sent from YOUR CRM
i. Verify you have the correct name of the owner
ii. Like the person on Facebook
iii. Connect with them in LinkedIn
iv. Identify and make a specific comment in the email
you are sending
v. Minimum of 25 per week
vi. Call them
vii. Update the CRM

b. Printed Magazine Using Snail Mail
i. Search Facebook group for PLR digital services
ii. Verify you have the correct name of the owner
iii. Like the person on Facebook
iv. Connect with them in LinkedIn
v. Mail 25 of them
vi. Call them
vii. Update the CRM & Tag: Magazine 1 sent

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved

Gatekeeper Strategy – If you are struggling to get to the decision maker, try
this strategy to get in the door.
a. Call and determine name of the Office Manager
b. Send 20 – 25 gifts
c. Wait x days and then call and introduce yourself to the gatekeeper
d. Ask, what is the best way to get on the decision makers calendar for a brief
e. Ask for an appointment
f. Update CRM & tag: Gatekeeper Sent, Spoke to Gatekeeper

Database Cleanup
1) The biggest way to reduce the number of bad strategy sessions is work at cleaning
up your database over time.
2) It also provides you a way to connect with more potential clients.
3) Set aside 2 hours per week to work on this
a. Select a batch of emails based upon the tag: Opened Woodpecker or
Opened Mailshake
b. Review their information vs their website: Verified
c. Connect with them on LinkedIn & add tag: LinkedIn
d. Friend them on Facebook and make a comment when it makes sense &
add tag: Facebook
4) Identify Dream 100 prospects and tag: Potential Dream 100
a. This will save you time when you need to replenish your Dream 100
5) Call them
6) Email them something unique

Please track everything you do.

Copyright © 2020, Seven Figure Agency, LLC, All Rights Reserved


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