EBook To Marketing Strategies

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Marketing strategies for

every small business owner


Marketing strategies for every small business owner 1

What is guaranteed strategic planning? 4

How is marketing automation support your industry? 6

The best ultimate guide for website marketing strategy 8

Our Marketing Services. Your Edge

Marketing strategies for

every small business
owner have to know

For startups of small business owners, there are

some challenges such as limited resources in
1) Content marketing:
marketing and less visibility, often they depend on As a small business owner you need to do more
their experience to decrease the cost of hiring a efforts to generate more leads from your target
marketing consultant. audiences, then you need to grab their attention,
to encourage them to read your blog by creating
As we discussed before, there 3 stages for good content.
marketing funnel (bottom – medium – top).
In the beginning, the entrepreneur hesitates in But, you have to be patient because, in the long
which stage he should start to lead generation? term, they will trust you, and the number of leads
will be increased.
“Marketers who document their strategy are 538
percent more likely to report success than those You could do that through some methods such as
who don’t.” sharing posts, videos, free eBooks, showing the
According to articulatemarketing website. value of your brands, and using your services.
Professional content with backlinks will increase
Here are some effective marketing strategies for your SEO, support your target audience to take
small business owners: the right decision for purchase.

Content Use the power

marketing of social media 2) Use the power
of social media:
Provide free
consultation Any small business owner has to create and
services share posts on different social media channels.
This will make a new direct connection with the
customers, build a strong community and
Partner with
empower his brand and products.
other businesses
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The main advantage in social media platforms is

getting fast comments from other customers’
reactions to let you know their feedback, hence
you will know their concerns and the uncovered
needs yet.

If social media is the answer to both those

questions, it’s the perfect channel for your
Replying to your customer comments will increase
trust in your brand too.
But, the secret here is to identify where your
customers are and how they like to be

“67% of consumers use social media for customer

support, and 33% prefer using social media
instead of the telephone.” According to
conversocial website 3) Email marketing:
Digital marketing strategy depends on email
marketing as one of the effective tools in
marketing especially for small business owners.
The big mistake for some startup entrepreneurs is
expecting fast results and reactions from the

67% target audience after a short time.

However, you have to collect data from your
customers, you will never do that without building
trust with them, there are many ways to do that
such as offering a free digital download, a free
service trial, a “seat” at a webinar, site
membership, a coupon, etc.
Besides, you need to nurture your leads to
encourage them to buy.
However, social media platforms support
companies to spread faster, but there is difficult “The global e-mail marketing market was valued
competition between industrial companies to at $7.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to increase
improve their products and share videos or posts to $17.9 billion by 2027.”
telling the customer about the advantage of their According to statista website
product over others.
It depends on how much time and resources you
should be investing in growing your social
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Other benefits of email marketing include:

* Global reach
* Immediate communication
* Easy to set up and run
* Low cost
* Easy to track and optimize
* Easy to automate
* Easy to segment

4) Provide free
consultation services:
I think it is the power of success and sustainability
for small business owners, how to show others 5) Partner with other
that you are expertise in the service you provide.
Then, you could use promoting a free consultation businesses:
as a great way to generate new leads, besides
Teamwork is always more effective than singular
your personal relations and referrals it also sets
effort, and combining resources with another
you up to close a large percentage of leads.
business can help you do things you could never
accomplish on your own.
Provide the data and don’t be afraid that the
customers won’t come back, on the contrary,
It’s typically best to target companies in your local
giving the data considers a great value for the
area, even if your clientele isn’t local.
customer and will grab his attention to think for
Your goal is to work out a complementary
arrangement that provides mutual benefit for both
If they trust you, they will deal with you as
expertise in this field.
This can be used both online and offline.
It can be advertised via pamphlets, newspapers,
signs, or even word-of-mouth.
And it can be prominently displayed on your
website and social media channels.
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What is guaranteed
strategic planning?

Every industry has its long-term goal and a Moreover, designing well strategic plan could
development plan, to achieve these goals, you contribute to your business’s growth and success
need to design your strategic planning process. because it tells you and your employees how best
to respond to opportunities and challenges.
It determines the direction of your manufacturing,
the target group, your vision and mission, and
action plans, your values, the specific goals, and Strategic planning
how to measure them.
process steps:
It is better to divide the tasks into individual
projects, this called “strategy mapping”

(A strategy map is a simple graphic that shows a

logical, cause-and-effect connection between
strategic objectives), it can vastly improve any Prioritize your Manage
strategic communication effort, where during your
map, you will have objectives want to achieve it. objectives your plan
“67% of well-formulated strategies failed due to
poor execution”
According to cascade website.
Design your Review
strategic plan your plan
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1) Prioritize your 3) Manage your plan:

objectives: After preparing your plan, you have to start
After knowing the current position of your You already have the goals and you have to use
business, and determining the opportunities that KPIs.
will help in your business growth, and achieving Then turn your broader strategy into a concrete
your objectives, potential objectives can be plan by mapping your processes.
updating website content, improving email open
rates, and new leads in the pipeline.
Most importantly that it will make a clear view for
both of your mission and vision.
4) Review your plan:
To select the right path, you need to know well
The final stage of the plan—to review and revise
who are your competitors?
—gives you an opportunity to reevaluate your
What are the most initiatives that you need?
priorities and course-correct based on past
What are the tools you will use to measure your
successes or failures.
In addition, you have to set SMART goals and

2) Design your
strategic plan:
After creating your strategic plan, now is the time
to set your smart goals create a strategic plan to
successfully reach your goals.
This step requires determining the tactics
necessary to attain your objectives and
designating a timeline and clear communication of
Our Marketing Services. Your Edge

How is marketing
automation support your

In the technology era, there are updates for the There are two types of automation software:
techniques of marketing and sales roles and
recent methods have been applied widely and
give great results, from between these methods * Customer relationship
we selected marketing automation where it
expresses using of automation software to
management (CRM),
facilitate doing marketing tasks such as email
is the combination of practices, strategies, and
marketing, social media posting, as well as with
technologies that companies use to manage and
measuring overall ROI on campaigns and even ad
analyze customer interactions and data
campaigns in a more streamlined and efficient
throughout the customer lifecycle, to improve
customer service relationships and assist in
customer retention.
Marketing automation supports marketers to
generate leads, save their valuable time and
generate more revenue, the time- and cost-saving * Customer data platform
effects of automation increase as an organization
grows in size and complexity. (CDP) software,
In addition, it improves the implementation of an
inbound marketing strategy, where inbound is software that collects and unifies first-party
marketing is about providing valuable content that customer data—from multiple sources—to build a
aligns with your customers’ needs and interests. single, coherent, complete view of each customer.
This should not change if you start using Digital sources include transactional data, such as
marketing automation. customer purchases and returns, from e-
commerce or POS systems.
“Businesses that use marketing automation to
nurture prospects experience a 451% increase in
qualified leads.”
According to the salesforce website
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CRM integration:

This allows businesses to transfer lead

information between marketing and sales.

Campaign management:

Companies can run email campaigns to nurture

leads along the sales cycle.
It enables teams to send direct and personalized
emails to a large number of people.

What are the Marketing Here are some steps to apply

Automation Features? that in a professional way:
There are some important marketing automation 1- Define your goals:
features as the following:
To use marketing automation well, you have to
Lead generation: determine your goals, know how to invest in your
First of all, you have to collect data as much as
you can, then send a series of automated emails 2- Coordinate with your sales team:
to engage the prospects by offering relevant
information. Assign a perfect team to create a marketing
It’s much easier to sell to someone that has automation software for the benefits of
purchased from you before. implementation of your marketing automation
Keeping your customers engaged with content strategy.
marketing is an essential piece of growing your
3- Shape your objectives:
Customers Segmentation: Setting meetings with your sales and marketing
team are good, but using a diagram to show your
You have to personalize your email marketing marketing workflow and putting your objectives in
which helps businesses to develop better big shapes will activate your team to remember
relationships with their customers. them always and work.
Nurture those relationships by sending
segmented, customer-only content, that will
educate and encourage them to continue to come
4- Collect your customer data:
back to your company for thought leadership and
Use this data to segment your customers,
determine when and how you could start your
email marketing campaigns, to nurture your leads.
Our Marketing Services. Your Edge

The best ultimate guide for

website marketing

Marketing through your website is the best type of

marketing but in case you know how to use your What is website marketing?
marketing tools to grab the attention of your target
audience, to know more about this important
point, you could listen to our latest webinar.
Website marketing is the strategic promotion of a
website to drive relevant visitors to your website
Knowing your customer well, will help you to know
which means more opportunities to put your value
their needs, make them available on your website.
proposition in front of potential customers.

Online marketing is a simple and low expensive

Besides that, the implementation of search engine
way of marketing; in addition, it is an effective one
optimization (SEO) tactics, content marketing,
to get more revenue.
social media engagement will lead to a high rank
The website marketing strategy is a great tool for
in search engine results pages (SERPs).
your business because you could improve your
sales rate or increase your website traffic through
Your main goal of the website marketing
different digital marketing channels.
campaign is to attract more people who may be
So if you want to compete strongly and ensure the
interested in a company’s products or services
survival of your business, you have to determine
and at the same time likely to purchase.
your website marketing strategy.
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Some quick tips to improve your

website marketing strategy:

1- Improve the content of your blog to promote

your product.
2- Plugin social media to let your visitors share
your posts.
3- use visual offers.
4- Make links for your social media platforms.
5- Provide free EBooks or white paper.
6- Optimize your website on mobile. Is it possible to start marketing
my website with no experience?
Yes, just you need to know some techniques to
take advantage of all digital marketing channels.
Don’t forget during your marketing strategy
journey to think about how to grab the attention of
your potential customer, you need to add more
customers through your marketing funnel.
Creating high-quality content will support your
website marketing strategy.
Here some steps for successful website marketing

What is a website 1) Optimize your website for

marketing strategy? social media:
A website marketing strategy is a marketing plan If you want to optimize you have to follow these
to achieve your goals according to your current points:
website status. Here your focus on leading Insert images and videos into your website
generation from your target audience. But why do content, where visitors tend to watch videos better
you need it? than reading a blog.
Digital marketing develops your brand and adds If they like it, they will share through social media
more benefits to your business. networks, so it is better to add the share buttons
on your page.
If your website does not allow users to share your
content properly, don’t expect any social media
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2) Don't forget to use 3) Create an effective content

Paid Ads marketing plan:
Paid Advertising will let you get your target traffic Improvement of your content marketing will
much faster and improve your sales rate. contribute directly to promoting your digital
Here some examples for Advertising platforms marketing.
such as: This will help to generate new customers to visit
your website, be engaged in your brand.
Do the following steps to reach that:
Facebook Paid Ads:
Select the keyword from your research to know
Think well before you pay for any Ads, is it will
which topics more your customers are interested
return with benefits for my business?
to know.
To save your money.
So it is better to start with a low budget.
Keep watching the current offers provided from
In general, adding Paid Ads to your Facebook
your competitors and make competitor analysis
page, Instagram sure will promote your business.
and compare to know your weak points to improve
Promote your Facebook page, social media
postings, or ads to people using Facebook,
Instagram, or Facebook messenger.

Google Ads:

Target people based on the search terms they

use on Google or show your ads on other Google
properties (YouTube, Gmail) and websites that
participate in Google AdSense.
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Thank you for reading

Farinas – Marketing services was founded to help small and medium enterprises
(SME) thrive in today’s highly competitive marketing environment.
While other companies rush to abandon traditional marketing in favor of digital
techniques, we’ve bolstered our offline marketing capabilities while expanding our
team with seasoned professionals to support our clients’ marketing needs.

Total Marketing Solutions for Your Business Growth

Marketing Research
Digital Marketing
Lead Generation
Marketing Consultations

Contact us

WWW.Farinasmarketing.com [email protected]

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