Ecology and Evolution
Ecology and Evolution
Ecology and Evolution
Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms and
their environment.
Description of ecological terms
1. Species
This is a group of organisms or individuals capable of interbreeding to produce
fertile off springs.
2. Population
This is a group of organisms or individuals of the same species which occupy a
particular area or habitat at the same point and time. The population size of a
given species changes with time and changes in environmental factors.
3. Habitat
This is a place or physical area where the organism or species lives in an
Description of ecological terms
4. Community
A community is a group of plants and animals of different species living
together in a certain environment i.e. plant and animal community.
5. Ecological niche
Refers to the particular part of the habitat where an organism lives, its
feeding habits and how it interacts with other organisms in the habitat
in terms of the role it plays and the total environmental factors
affecting the organism in the ecosystem.
Description of ecological terms
6. Ecosystem
• An ecosystem refers to the interaction between living organisms and non-living
components of the environment or habitat to form a self-supporting system e.g. in a pond
or aquatic ecosystem. It consists of phytoplanktons, saprophytes, zooplanktons as the
biotic component (living) whose interaction with Types of ecosystem -
There are two main kinds of
I. Natural Ecosystem – These ecosystems operate under natural conditions without any major
interference of man. They may be terrestrial or aquatic.
Terrestrial : - as forest, grassland, desert etc.
Aquatic : - as pond, river, lake, wetland, estuary etc.
II. Artificial Ecosystem – These ecosystems are man made and artificially maintained by
addition of energy and planned manipulations.Cropland and an aquariumead decaying
organic matter or recycle for self-sustainability.
Description of ecological terms
7. Biosphere
This is part of the earth inhabited by living organisms. The biosphere comprises of
terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem.
The biosphere is subdivided into bio-geographical regions each inhabited by destructive
species of plants and animals that are favored by unique conditions of such areas.
Bio-geographical regions are also subdivided into particular areas called ‘biomass/biomes’.
Biome refers to a large recognizable community formed as a result of interaction between
regional climates with regional/biotic e.g. tropical rain forests, tropical savanna, desert,
temperate region. The biome is divided into zones e.g. forests biome forms the ground
level and canopy. The lake forms the limnetic zone, littoral zone, benthos and profundal
zone, each zone supporting a particular type of organisms.
The structure of the ecosystem (Components of
the ecosystem)
1. Biotic component:
These are the components which interact between the different living organisms e.g.
competition, predation, symbiosis. Also they are called density dependent factors.
2. Abiotic factors (density independent factors)
These are factors affecting the population regardless of the number of individuals within e.g.
temperature changes, natural catastrophes like foods, storms, volcanicity, fire, earth quake,
drought, etc.
3. Edaphic factors
The soil directly influences plant growth and indirectly the animal population e.g. soil
texture, soil pH, air, humus, salts, water, etc.
4. Climatic factors (density dependent)
E.g. light, water/rain fall, wind/air, relative humidity, temperature.
The biotic part includes producers, primary consumers (first level carnivores), tertiary
consumers (higher carnivores), decomposers, detritivores, etc.
Energy Flow
1) Sun is the only source of energy for all ecosystems except deep sea
2) OF the total incident solar radiation, less than 50% of it is
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR).
3) Plants capture only 2-10 % of the PAR and this small amount of energy
sustains the entire living world.
4) Directly or indirectly, all organisms are dependent for their food on
5) There is unidirectional flow of energy from sun to producers and then to
consumers. The direction cannot be reversed. Energy can be used only once in
the ecosystem.
Energy flow
• Producers
Organisms able to make their own food from inorganic compounds
using photosynthesis Plants, protista (algae), and some bacteria
• At the bottom of all food pyramids, all other organisms depend on
producers for energy.
Energy flow
Consumers get energy by feeding on producers or other consumers
Classification depends on location within the in the food chain:
Food Chain
Food chains are always straight and have four or five trophic levels.
Energy flow
Energy flow
There are three types of food chains.
1) Grazing Food Chain.
2) Detritus Food Chain.
3) Parasitic Food Chain.
A simple Grazing Food Chain (GFC) is as
Energy flow
Energy flow
Detritus Food chain
• The detritus food chain (DFC) begins with dead organic matter. It is
composed of decomposers which are heterotrophic organisms, mainly
fungi and bacteria. They get their energy and nutrients by degrading the
detritus. These are known as saprotrophs.
Decomposers secrete enzymes that breakdown dead organic materials in
to simple inorganic materials which are absorbed by them. Detritus food
chain may be connected with the grazing food chain at some levels. In a
natural ecosystem some animals like cockroaches, crows, bears, man etc
are omnivores which eat producers as well as consumers. These natural
interconnection of food chains make it a food web.
Food web
Ecological pyramid
• Ecological Pyramids
Ecological pyramid is a graphic representation of the relationship
between the organisms of various successive trophic levels with respect
to energy, biomass and number.
Ecological pyramid
I) Pyramid of number
1. The relative number of individuals per unit area at different trophic levels,
constitutes the number pyramid.
2. It shows relationship between producers, herbivores and carnivores at
successive trophic levels, in terms of their number.
3. In grassland, the producers which are mainly grasses are always more in number.
4. This number goes on reducing from base to apex of the pyramid.
5. The primary consumers as rabbits, mice etc are lesser than the number of
6. As we go in upward direction i.e. to secondary, tertiary/ top level consumers as
hawk or other birds their number will be least. Thus the pyramid is upright.
Ecological pyramid
Ecological pyramid
• Commensalism
One organism benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed in a
commensalistic relationship.
• Mutualism
Both organisms benefit in a mutualistic relationship. Ex. flowers and
• Parasitism
One organism benefits and the other is harmed in a parasitic
relationship. Ex. mosquitoe
Population Growth
Population Size = the number of individuals within a given population
• Ammonification
When plants or animals die, the nitrogen present in the organic matter
is released back into the soil. The decomposers, namely bacteria or
fungi present in the soil, convert the organic matter back into
Denitrification is the process in which the nitrogen compounds make
their way back into the atmosphere by converting nitrate (NO3-) into
gaseous nitrogen (N).Done by Clostridium and Pseudomonas
water cycle
Water cycle
• The water cycle shows the continuous movement of water within the
Earth and atmosphere. Liquid water evaporates into water vapor,
condenses to form clouds, and precipitates back to earth in the form
of rain and snow. Water in different phases moves through the
atmosphere (transportation). Liquid water flows across land
(runoff),into the ground (infiltration and percolation), and through
the ground (groundwater). Groundwater moves into plants (plant
uptake) and evaporates from plants into the atmosphere
(transpiration). Solid iceand snow can turn directly into gas
(sublimation). The opposite can also take place when water vapor
becomes solid (deposition).
Theories of Evolution
The theory of special creation or divine intervention was challenged by
Charles Darwin.He made observations on his seatrip around the world
and concluded that all existing living forms share similarities among
themselves and also with other life forms, which existed millions of
years ago of which many are extinct.
● The evolution of life forms has been gradual and those life forms
better fit in environments that leave more progeny. This is called
natural selection.
Evidences of Evolution
● Fossils− They represent plants and animals that lived millions of years ago and are
now extinct. Different aged rock sediments contain fossils of different lifeforms, which
probably died during the formation of the particular sediment.
● Comparative anatomy and morphology− It shows evidences of the similarities and
differences between living forms of today and that of the prehistoric times. Some of
the examples of comparative anatomy and morphology are:
● Homologous organs− All mammals share the same pattern of forelimbs. Though
they perform different functions, they are anatomically similar. This is called divergent
evolutionand the structures are called homologous structures (common ancestors).
● Analogous organs− The pair of organs is not anatomically similar,but performs the
same function (e.g., the wings of butterflies and birds). This is called convergent
Biological Evolution & Mechanism of Evolution
Evolution of Plants
● Cellular life forms occurred on earth about 2000 million years ago.
● Some of these cells had the ability to produce oxygen through
reactions similar to photosynthesis.
● Slowly, singlecelled organisms became multicellular.
● Seaweeds and some plants probably existed around 320 million years
Evolution of Plants and Animals
Evolution of Animals
● Animals evolved about 500 million years ago. The first of them toevolve were invertebrates.
● Jawless fishes evolved around 350 million years ago
● Some of the fishes could go on land, and then come back to water. These were the first
amphibians. In 1938, a fish Coelacanth, which was thought to be extinct, was caught in South
Africa. This variety of fish, called lobefins, is believed to have evolved into the first amphibians.
● Amphibians evolved into reptiles. In the next 200 million years,reptiles of different sizes
dominated the earth. However, about 65million years ago, some of them such as dinosaurs
● The first among the mammals were small shrewlike mammals.
● During continental drift when North America joined South America,primitive mammals
suffered, but pouched mammals of Australia survived the same drift because of lack of
competition from other mammals