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● Has numerous roots of

HISTORY OF BADMINTON development, China, Greece and

India. China called this game as
● Badminton is a racket sport where ● In 1887 the Bath Badminton Club
the racket is being used to volley an was formed; it was replaced in 1893
object called shuttlecock. by the Badminton Association of
● Badminton is a sport that is usually England, which codified the rules
played by two players, sometimes 4. that still govern competitive play.
it involves the usage of the ● Military personnel introduced
equipments of Racket in which it is badminton to Vancouver in the late
use to volley the shuttlecock back 1890’s.
● A game that somewhat resembles ● Badminton Canada was founded in
tennis and volleyball and involves 1921, with the first national
the use of net, lightweight rackets, championships being held in
and a shuttlecock, a cork ball fitted Montreal.
with stabilizing feathers. ● Canada was one of nine founding
members of the International
ABOUT THE HISTORY OF BADMINTON Badminton Federation in 1934.
Badminton was known in ancient times; an ● Badminton was included in the 1972
early form of the sport was played in ancient Munich Olympics as a
Greece. In Japan, the related game demonstration sport.
Hanetsuki was played as early as the 16th ● In 1992, six Canadians contested
century. In the west, badminton came from badminton as a full medal sport at
a game called battledore and shuttlecock, in the Barcelona Olympics.
which two or more players keep a feathered ● Jamie Paulson of Calgary wins gold
shuttlecock in the air with small rackets. medal in men’s singles at 1970
Commonwealth Games in
Edinburgh, Scotland.
● Invented in India in a version called
poona after the garrison town of POONA/POONAH - The game was called
Poona. "Poona" in India during the 18th century,
● During the 19th century the British and British Army officers stationed there
military soldiers stationed at Poona took a competitive Indian version back to
India, referred badminton as to England in the 1860s, where it was played
“Battledore” for it means “Bat” at country houses as an upper class
● Battledore (Badminton) is named amusement.
after the Indian City
Badminton rackets are one of the most
● British army officers learned the important pieces of equipment you need in
game about 1870. order to play badminton. Badminton rackets
are mostly made of either graphite,

aluminum, or steel, depending on the estate, Badminton, from which the
manufacturer producing them and on the game derives its name.
quality of the racket itself. For high-quality
rackets, graphite is used. For low-quality MATERIALS & EQUIPMENTS USED FOR
rackets, aluminum and steel are used. BADMINTON
❖ RACKET - Has a handled frame
with an open hoop with a network of
HOW TO PLAY BADMINTON?? strings stretched tightly. It is used to
1. Badminton is a racket sport played strike the shuttlecock.
by either two opposing players - The badminton racket is one of
(singles) or two opposing pairs the most important tools a player
(doubles), who take positions on has in the game. Badminton rackets
opposite halves of a rectangular are much lighter than most other
court that is divided by a net sports rackets because they are
2. Players score points by striking a made from materials such as carbon
shuttlecock with their racket so that it fiber or lighter metals such as
passes over the net and lands in aluminum. Parts of the racket
their opponents' half of the court. include the head, throat, shaft and
3. A rally ends once the shuttlecock handle with a maximum length of
has struck the ground, and the 27.77 inches and a width of 9
shuttlecock may only be struck once inches.
by each side before it passes over
the net. ❖ SHUTTLECOCK - a cork ball fitted
with stabilizing feathers; “bird”
EARLY NAMES - The badminton shuttlecock, also
● Badminton came from its original referred to as a shuttle or birdie, acts
name, “Battledore and shuttlecock” similarly to a ball in other racket
around 2000 years ago, which likely sports. However, the design of the
emerged in Ancient Greece. It birdie creates more drag as it is
appears likely that it moved propelled through the air due to its
eastward from there to China, feathered shape. The shuttlecock is
Japan, India, and Siam (Thailand). made up of a cone shape with a
● Battledore, which means "bat," and hard cork at its tip.
shuttlecock were an ancient game
that British military officers in the ❖ NET - fixed across the middle of the
Indian town of Poona put a net to. court
They named this new game after the - A mesh net divides the
Indian town, “Poona”. badminton court into two
● Poona was eventually brought back sides. A badminton net is
home by the officers, and was placed lower than a volleyball
played at the Duke of Beaufort’s net at five feet and one inch
residence in 1873. high on the sides and five
● In 1873, the duke of Beaufort feet high in the center. The
introduced the sport at his country length may vary depending

on whether doubles or WHAT IS THE MEASUREMENT OF THE
singles are playing, with NET?
singles reaching 17 feet and
doubles reaching 22 feet. - For the standard badminton net size,
The net is 30 inches wide the total width of the badminton net
with a 3-inch white tape must be 20 feet which is 6.1 m. The
doubled over the top. entire badminton net height must be
5.1 feet, which is 1.55 m. The height
Badminton Court and Dimensions of the net must not be more than 2
feet 6 inches which is 0.76 meters.
The badminton court should be 44 feet long
by 22 feet wide if playing doubles, and 44 - The total height of the net at the
feet long by 17 feet wide for singles. If the center of the badminton court must
facility is indoors, there needs to be enough not exceed 5 feet which is 1.524
height for the shuttlecock to be able to float meters. -Thetopofthenethasawhite
across the net without hitting the ceiling. tape that must be 2 feet 16 inches.
This height will vary depending on the
strength of the players. - the thickness of the net mesh must
be around 9 /16 feet or 13/16 feet.

Proper Attire of Badminton

1. Badminton Clothes
2. Socks 1. The Net Line - The net line marks
3. Badminton shoes the middle of the court where the net
is placed, creating a 22 feet by 20
4. Grip
feet area on each side of the net.
5. Badminton Accessories (wrist
band, head band) 2. The Badminton Net - The top of the
badminton net is hung 5 feet above
in the center net line.

BADMINTON NET 3. Short Service Line - The short

service line is marked 6 feet 6
inches from the center line. The area
WHAT IS A BADMINTON NET? inside the short service line is also
called the Non Volley Zone.
★ The Badminton Net is the central
gameplay element in a game of 4. Center Line - The Center Line is the
Badminton, requiring players to line that divides the court from the
return the shuttlecock from one side Short Service Line to the Back
of the court to the other during the Boundary Line. This delineates the
match. Left from Right Service Court.

connects the racket head to the rest of the
5. Side Line for Singles Play - The racket. And of course, the handle is the part
Singles Side Line is marked 1 1/2 you’ll be very familiar with since it’s where
feet from the edge of the outer you grab the racket.
boundary (doubles side line)

6. Back Boundary Line and Long BASIC GRIP BADMINTON

Service Line for Single - The back
boundary line is the same for singles 1. FOREHAND
and doubles play; it is the outermost 2. BACKHAND
back line on the court.

7. Long Service Line for Doubles -

The Long Service line for Doubles is GRIP
marked 2 1/2 feet inside the Back
"Shake hands" type of grip face of racket
Boundary Line. perpendicular to floor

▪ little finger should be at the end or "butt" of

the racket
PARTS & FUNCTIONS OF ▪ a "V" will be formed by the thumb and
BADMINTON RACKET pointer finger on top of the racket handle

A racket is used in badminton to hit the

shuttlecock back and forth. A badminton 1. Forehand Grip / V-Grip The V-grip
racket has a frame of 68cm, with the head is used to play strokes where the
being 28cm long and 22cm wide. The head shuttle is level with the player, on
is where the racket's stringed area is. The both the forehand and backhand
handle, where players hold the racket, is at sides. The thumb and first finger of
the bottom. the hand creates a “V” shape on the
racket handle. The position of the
STANDARD SIZE - The length of a bottom of the “V” is important and is
badminton racket is measured from the shown in the illustrations below.
bottom of the racket handle/grip to the tip of 2. Thumb Grip/ BACKHAND The
the racket head. See illustration above. A thumb grip is used to play basic
typical racket length is between 665m to backhand strokes in front of the
675mm, and should not exceed 680mm. body. Examples include net
shots,net lifts, net kills, backhand
The badminton racket has four parts that serves and backhand drives (when
make up its 680 mm maximum frame struck in front of the body). The
length. These parts are the racket head, thumb is “committed” to the back of
shaft, handle, and throat. The stringed area the racket handle, with a slight gap
is the part the shuttlecock hits, the head between the hand and the racket
bounds the stringed area, and the throat handle.
keeps the head stable. The shaft is what

➔ same grip as the forehand
can be used
➔ rotate the racket slightly so
the thumb is along the wide
side of the racket




• Keep your feet still.

• Disguise your shots.

• Observe your opponent's position. • Mix up

your serves.

4 main types of service in badminton and

most can be executed with either your
forehand or backhand.





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