Evidence A World of Differences and Similarities

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Descargado por Faraon PimpPollo ([email protected])
Learningactivity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: A world of differences and similarities /Evidencia: Un mundo de

diferencias y semejanzas

Read the following paragraph about Scott Dinsmore’s morning routine. Scott is a
32year-old entrepreneur, writer, and ultra-runner. Find similarities and differences
between his routine and your routine. Write at least six sentences using the
grammar and vocabulary you have learned in this learning activity. / Lea el
siguientepárrafosobre la rutina de la mañana de Scott Dinsmore. Scott es un
empresario, escritor y ultra-corredor de 32 años de edad. Encuentre similitudes y
diferencias entre su rutina y la rutina de Scott. Escribe al menos seis frases
utilizando la gramática y el vocabulario aprendido en esta actividad de aprendizaje.

Example: / Ejemplo:

1. Scott and I usually get up at 6.00 am. / Scott y yopor lo general noslevantamos a
las 6:00 a. m.

2. Scott exercises in the morning. I don’tlike to exercise. / Scott hace ejercicio en la

mañana. A mí no me gustahacer ejercicio.

Scott Dinsmore’s morning routine


Scott usually wakes up at 6.00 am. He always drinks a liter of water after he gets
up. He says it is very important to be hydrated. He meditates from 6.10 to 6.30 am.
He feels meditation is an essential element to avoid stress. He watches a TED talk
or reads a little from 6.30 to 7.00 am. These activities give him inspiration to start
the day. He exercises from 7.00 to 8.00 am. He says exercising clarifies his ideas.
Then, he takes a cold shower at 8.10 am. He thinks cold showers increase
testosterone levels and improve circulation. He has breakfast at 8.40 am. He

Similarities and differences

Descargado por Faraon PimpPollo ([email protected])


1. Scott usually wakes up at 6.00 a.m. I usually wake up between 7 am - 8am.

2. Scott always drinks a liter of water after getting up. I sometimes when I
wake up drink a bottle of water.
3. Scott Breakfast at 8:40am. I usually have breakfast between 8am-9am.
4. Scott From 6:30am to 7:00am watch a TED talk or read a little. I always do
the cleaning from 9am-12pm.
5. Scott takes a cold shower at 8:10am. I often take a cold shower at 4pm
when I go to practice soccer.
6. Scott meditates from 6:10am to 6:30am. I always play video games every
usually has vegetable juice, bananas, peanut butter, and almonds. Finally, he does
all his creative work from 8.40 to 12.00 m.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Clickon “Ver Evidencia” button.

2. Attachthe file whichmust be previouslysavedonthecomputer.
3. Leave a commentforthe instructor (optional).

Una vez finalice la evidencia envíe al instructor el archivo a través de la plataforma,


1. Clic en el botón "Ver Evidencia".

2. Adjuntar el archivo el cual debe estar previamente guardado en el equipo.
3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividades
propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluación
• Intercambia información respecto a rutinas, usando la estructura y vocabulario
requeridos en un contexto.
• Aplica la hora empleando la estructura y vocabulario requeridos en un contexto.

Manuel escorcia 2022

Descargado por Faraon PimpPollo ([email protected])

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