Eucass2022 4914

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DOI: 10.


SSTO Reusable Launchers:

a Critical Comparison of Propulsion Concepts
Stefano Salvi, Christian Paravan, Luciano Galfetti
Politecnico di Milano, via La Masa 34, 20156 Milano, Italy
Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Space Propulsion Laboratory (SPLab)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Single stage reusable launchers could be the best alternative to disposable rockets, but they need a proper
propulsion system which can guarantee several flights in its lifespan. An overview of different
architectures is proposed, including a critical review, which will select RBCC and SABRE as best
candidates. Numerical models are developed for the chosen systems and a rocket-powered baseline to
compare their performance for a LEO SSTO flight. Results demonstrate the advantages in terms of mass
savings for both RBCC and SABRE, highlighting the properties that allow to select SABRE as the most
attractive SSTO engine.

1. Introduction

Space industry has recently experienced an overwhelming growth, pushed both by public and private companies with
their necessity of putting satellites in orbit for research and commercial purposes. The increasing demand of space
vehicles cannot be further satisfied by expendable rocket launchers because of their unsustainable economical and
environmental impact. Recent projects from private companies brought to the development of reusable parts of
launchers, mainly lower stages, with complex and heavy fly -back solutions, and still the upper stages are disposable.
Furthermore, in order to significantly reduce the economic impact of recovery and refurbishment of lower stages, they
have to be employed for several launches, a situation that must be carefully evaluated not to reduce safety. Some
projects managed to realise reusable orbiters capable of gliding back and land on the ground, which unfortunately still
rely on expendable rocket launchers for their ascent. A valid alternative is needed: the most attractive solution is to
develop a fully reusable Single-Stage-To-Orbit vehicle. A purely rocket powered SSTO would require very high
propellant mass fractions. It is believed that the best strategy would be to employ propulsion systems capable of
increasing the net specific impulse during the trans-atmospheric ascent: air-breathing propulsion technologies can be
employed, exploiting atmospheric oxygen for the combustion reactions, reducing the amount of stored oxidizer needed.
The main challenge is to develop a propulsive architecture suitable for velocities that range from null up to high Mach
numbers in atmosphere, and capable of providing thrust in vacuum conditions for orbit insertion. Aim of this paper is
to present different propulsion systems suitable for a Single Stage vehicle for LEO missions, select the architectures
that seem to better satisfy all the requirements and carry out a preliminary performance analysis to identify the most
promising technology.

2. SSTO Launchers - A Comparison of Different Architectures

Different propulsion strategies have been proposed through years to provide an efficient solution to all issues
concerning orbital insertion adopting a SSTO strategy [1].

2.1 Thermochemical Rockets

Advantages of these architectures are the high thrust-to-weight ratio, the ability of working in vacuum conditions and
the high experience gathered in several decades of employment for space missions. Solid Rocket Motors are widely
used for sounding rockets, military missiles and boosters. They provide very high thrust and structural simplicity, but
restarts are not available, thrust profile is established during the design and combustion products of conventional
compositions are armful to the environment. Specific impulses reached are low, approximately between 300s and 350s.

Copyright © 2022 by S. Salvi, C. Paravan, L. Galfetti. Published by the EUCASS association with permission.
DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914

S. Salvi, C. Paravan, L. Galfetti

Hybrid Rocket Engines’ main characteristic is the different state in which fuel and oxidizer are stored. They provide a
good level of specific impulse, between SRMs and LREs, and high flexibility in operation. Neverth eless, low
regression rates limit the thrust produced by these systems. Liquid Rocket Engines provide high specific impulses,
allow for thrust control and restart during the mission, and some propellant mixtures are environment respectful, but
they usually rely on turbomachinery, a negative contribution in terms of structural complexity and weight . The main
drawback of rocket systems is the necessity to store both fuel and oxidizer needed for the mission.

2.2 Ramjets and Scramjets

Ramjet engines exploit ram compression to slow down the incoming airflow and increase its static pressure: incoming
supersonic airflow is compressed and decelerated to subsonic conditions, usually through a series of oblique
shockwaves generated inside the inlet. Air is then mixed with fuel and burnt in the combustion chamber. High
temperature products are eventually expanded into a nozzle. Conventional hydrogen fuelled ramjets reach up to Mach
5 or 6, higher flight Mach numbers require different propulsion systems. Scramjets allow to accelerate a veh icle up to
higher velocities. These devices have similar configurations with respect to ramjets: they consist of ducts without any
moving part embedded. The main difference is that in scramjets the airflow never reaches subsonic conditions:
incoming air is decelerated and compressed through a series of oblique shockwaves, but its velocity still remains
supersonic. Scramjets theoretically allow to provide thrust in hypersonic flight regimes, ideally from Mach 5 and even
above Mach 10. In this sense, a dual mode ramjet-scramjet engine is able to cover a wide range of flight Mach numbers,
but it would be able to provide thrust only if the vehicle is already moving, giving reasonable performances above
flight Mach numbers between 2 and 3. Different solutions must be employed to accelerate the vehicle from steady
conditions on ground and in vacuum for the in-space phase of the ascent.

2.3 Liquid Air Cycles

Liquid Air Cycle Engines (LACE) combine air-breathing solutions with conventional rockets. The fuel employed in
this engine is liquid hydrogen, burnt inside a combustion chamber with oxidizer taken from atmosphere. The working
process requires to pump the liquid fuel into a precooler and a condenser, exchanging heat with the incoming air flow.
This procedure allows to liquefy air, which is lately pumped inside the combustion chamber and burnt with hydrogen
coming from the cooling jacket, like in conventional LREs. Combustion takes place at high pressure, and the gaseous
products are then expanded into a supersonic nozzle. The basic LACE engine ideally works with an equivalence ratio
of 7 to 8, resulting in a specific impulse around 1000 s. The main mechanism might be improved in different manners,
for example by employing a small turbine to expand the hydrogen and further reduce its temperature, like in cryo-jets,
providing a high theoretical specific impulse of 3000-4000s. On the other hand, a better air cooling ability collides
with the intensification of risk of solidification of moisture inside the heat exchanger. Ice accumulation reduces heat
transfer capability and eventually clogs the airflow path. A more complex variant of the LACE, the Air Collection
Enrichment (ACE) system, incorporates a liquid oxygen separator after the liquefier, which allows to simultaneously
feed the rocket combustion chamber and fill the oxidizer tanks during the air-breathing ascent. Both conventional
LACE and ACE technologies are not ideal for a SSTO launcher because of their high fuel consumption: basic LACE
at sea level conditions require fuel air ratios even 8 times greater than the stoichiometric one to efficiently cool down
the air. Furthermore, their technological complexity does not compensate the small gain in terms of specific impulse
with respect to conventional thermochemical rockets.

2.4 Rocket Based Combined Cycles

Rocket-Based Combined Cycles (RBCC) are composed of different subsystems, particularly a dual mode ramjet-
scramjet and a rocket, that work collaboratively in different combination in response to changing flight environments.
A RBCC engine consists of an inlet, an isolator, an ejector primary rocket, a combustion chamber and a nozzle. In the
first phase of the mission, the rocket is activated to generate thrust in static condition, working from null velocities up
to supersonic flight as an ejector. This allows to bring the vehicle in the correct configuration for activating the ramjet
mode, which is expected to take place at a flight Mach number between 2 and 3. Rocket is shut down, and the ramjet
engine accelerates the vehicle in an efficient way up to Mach 5 or 6, where the transition to scramjet mode takes place.
Inlet and isolator slow down and compress the airflow through a series of oblique shocks. The flow enters the
combustion chamber in supersonic conditions, where it is mixed with fuel and burnt. Combustion products are finally
expanded in the supersonic nozzle, providing thrust. The scramjet accelerates the vehicle up to about Mach 10, when
it reaches an altitude where air is too thin to allow an air-breathing device to work properly. The final working mode
transition of the RBCC is performed: the inlet is closed to avoid air entering the engine, while the primary rocket is
again operating, providing all the thrust necessary to reach orbit. RBCC engines may be divided into two main families
according to their conceptual layout. The first family is represented by axisymmetric configuration engines, in which

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914


the rocket is installed in the central axis as a conical rocket. The second layout is more similar to typical scramjets, as
it is based on a rectangular section design. This configuration allows to integrate the inlet with the vehicle body, as
well as the nozzle, obtaining a beneficial effect form the forebody compression and afterbody expansion of the flow
entering and exiting the engine, respectively, like in strut-jets. RBCC engines, particularly strut-jets, are suitable for
both horizontal and vertical take off, thanks to the high thrust provided by the rocket in the first accelera tion, and
constitute perfect candidates for SSTO LEO missions or TSTO launches.

2.5 Turbine Based Combined Cycles

The idea behind these devices is to embed a turbojet engine along with a dual mode ramjet-scramjet system. The turbo-
compressor allows to feed the combustion chamber with high pressure air at subsonic and low supersonic velocities.
At higher Mach numbers, the incoming airflow is deviated in order to bypass the turbojet section, exploiting the
compression effect of the geometry of the duct like a conventional ramjet system. Integration of both systems is
fundamental to reach high flight velocities. Different architectures have been proposed for TBCC engines. The simplest
one considers two different flow paths for the different working modes, significantly contributing to the increase of
the total weight of the engine. Other configurations propose to integrate the turbojet and the dual mode ramjet -scramjet
subsystem in the same air flow path, accounting for specific devices capable of deviating the flow towards the correct
subsystem according to flight conditions.

2.6 Precooled Hybrid Air-Breathing-Rocket Engines

These kind of engines are still matter of research. They come from the basic idea of LACE technology, adding some
improvements to grant a high specific impulse, and combining air-breathing and rocket propulsion in two different
phases of the missions employing the same combustion chamber and nozzle. The first attempt to realize such system
was Rolls Royce air augmented rocket engine RB545, developed as propulsion system of the abandoned HOTOL space
launcher. The engine employed high pressure hydrogen to cool down the incoming airflow directly. The fuel flow was
then split in two different streams: 2/3 of the available flow were forced to expand in a turbine to provide power to the
compressor. The remainder hydrogen was injected in the combustion chamber.
Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine, also known as SABRE, is a hybrid air-breathing rocket engine developed by
Reaction Engines Ltd., originally designed as propulsion unit of the concept SSTO vehicle SKYLON. It works in both
air-breathing and rocket mode employing the same combustion chamber, associated pumps, pre-burner and nozzle.
After being slowed down and compressed by an axisymmetric shock cone inlet, incoming airflow is split into two
different streams. The first flow enters the central path, passing through a precooler and a heat exchanger to reduce its
temperature to the vapour contour, without liquefying and avoiding clogging issues. The flow encounters a turbo-
compressor before entering the combustion chamber. Both the heat exchanger and the turbo-compressor are powered
by a separate helium cycle, kept at low temperature employing LH2 fuel. A pre-combustor is located immediately after
the compressor, where a small amount of air is burnt in excess of hydrogen and then forced into a heat exchanger to
further heat up the helium before its turbine expansion. The fuel rich combustion products are then injected into the
main combustion chamber to complete their reaction . After combustion is completed, hot high-pressure gases are
finally expanded in the E-D nozzle, in which a central spike pushes the flow against the walls of the bell creating a
separate flux region inside the divergent part of the nozzle. The secondary airflow enters a bypass ring region that feeds
ramjet burners located all around the main nozzle exit. This process allows to consume the excess hydrogen used in
the heat exchanger to provide a sufficient cold helium mass flow rate to reduce air temperature in the precooler. The
complex air-breathing phase of the SABRE is able to provide thrust from steady conditions on ground up to a flight
altitude of 28.5 km and a Mach number around 5.5. At this point the engine switches into pure rocked mode, feeding
the combustion chamber with stored LOX.

3. Advantages and Performance Analysis

3.1 Selection of best Candidates

Among all candidates presented, only a reduced number of technologies can be considered suitable for a SSTO mission.
Criteria of selection are based on the necessity to integrate in a unique propulsion unit all the technologies required to
bring the launcher from steady conditions on ground up to the target orbit. Ramjets, scramjets and dual mode engines
are not a n appropriate choice to carry out the entire mission, since they would require two different subsystems to
provide thrust during the initial and final phases of the ascent. Liquid Air Cycle Engines could work even in vacuum
conditions if a secondary plant is included to feed the combustion chamber with stored oxidizer, but the necessity to
bring air in liquid state requires extremely low temperatures, and the amount of fuel needed for the liquefying process

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914

S. Salvi, C. Paravan, L. Galfetti

is very high: fuel/air mixture of 0.2 are required. Turbine-Based Combined Cycles allow to work from steady
conditions up to supersonic Mach numbers. On the other hand, they are not able to provide thrust in space applications,
hence they would require a second propulsion unit for acceleration in vacuum conditions.
The unique propulsion architectures capable of generating thrust efficiently both in trans -atmospheric and in-space
phases of the launch are Rocket-Based Combined-Cycle engines and the innovative Reaction Engines Limited SABRE.
These technologies make use of hydrogen as fuel, both in air-breathing and rocket working modes: this fact represents
an advantage for future, sustainable flights, since combustion products are not toxic. To make a significant analysis of
the advantages brought by these technologies, a preliminary mission design will be carried out in order to compute the
amount of propellant and structures needed to complete a Low Earth Orbit flight. A rocked -propelled, single stage
baseline will participate to the comparison, providing a reference point to quantify the differences between the currently
employed technologies and the different innovative solutions proposed.

3.2 Mission Definition

A target orbit of 300 km is selected, corresponding approximately to the lower limit of exploitable Low Earth Orbits
interval. A hypothetical payload of 5000 kg is considered for the analysis. The ∆V has been computed through the
following formula

𝛥V = √ (1)

where µ is the standard gravitational parameter of Earth, R is Earth radius and h is the distance of the selected orbit
from the surface of Earth, both in meters. For the preliminary design of the mission, average contributions to the
velocity variation are considered.

4. Models Development

4.1 Atmosphere Model

The model is developed basing on data from the 1976 U.S. Standard Atmosphere Model, and it provides temperature,
pressure, density, molar mass and sound velocity in International System units according to the altitude considered.
The target orbit selected for the compa rison is 300 km high, atmospheric data range from ground level up to the altitude
of the orbit selected, including the troposphere (0 – 14.5km), the stratosphere (from tropopause up to 50km), the
mesosphere (from stratopause up to 85 km), part of the thermosphere (above 110 km) and the relative pause layers.
The model is built to solve for air properties at such high altitudes only for completeness: as it will be clear in following
sections, air-breathing working modes of the selected engines shut down at lower altitudes in atmosphere.
Atmospheric properties allow for calculation of several effects, including dynamic pressure, produced by the resistance
imparted from the air to the vehicle flying across the atmosphere. It is the main driving parameter of aerodynamic
forces once the geometry and flight configuration of the vehicle are defined. To avoid excessive loads on the structure
of the spacecraft, dynamic pressure corridors have been defined, dictat ing the flight Mach number not to be exceeded
in order to grant a suitable value of dynamic pressure according to operating altitude. Typical limit values go from 50
kPa for rockets and manned vehicles up to 95 kPa for military missiles. Low dynamic pressure trajectories allow to
reach high velocities at elevated altitudes, keeping considerably small loads on the structures. Nevertheless, flying at
high altitudes means crossing reduced air density regions, which results into insufficient mass flow rate for the engine
in air-breathing mode. For this reason, a trade-off has to be accomplished in order to keep reasonable values of
aerodynamic drag and the proper mass flow rate necessary for the correct operation of the engine.

4.2 Rocket-Based Combined Cycle Numerical Model

Several codes have been developed to compute performance parameters for Rocket Based Combined Cycle engines:
the first numerical tool, SCRREAM, was developed and presented by J. Olds and J. Bradford [2]. Hybrid Propulsion
Optimizer (HyPro) developed by Mogavero et al. include the ability to analyse the full working process of a RBCC.
In 2010, Williams developed ERIDANUS [3], a MATLAB code written to predict performance parameters for all the
working modes of a RBCC engine. Eventually, in 2020 Zhang et al. developed the RBCC analysis tool Skye [4], to
carry out the preliminary design of a concept TSTO launch system and its optimization.
None of this computational tools has been employed in this work: an ad-hoc code is written to compute performance
parameters for the four different working modes of the considered engine. The RBCC is modelled on the basis of the
works of T. Zhang et al., F.S. Billig and J. R. Olds. The working cycle of the engine is split into four different modes,

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914


basing on the flight regime. Between Mach 0 and 2, the engine works in ejector mode; between Mach 2 and 5, the
engine is functioning in ramjet mode; from Mach 5 up to Mach 10, the RBCC works in scramjet configuration; from
Mach 10 up to orbital velocities, the pure rocket working mode is activated.

Key Assumptions. In order to develop a preliminary and simplified analysis tool, some assumptions have to be made:
the code computes flow parameters solving one-dimensional compressible equations for conservation of mass,
momentum and energy for a hydrogen fuelled RBCC, considering the embedded primary rocket fed by cryogenic
LOX/LH2 propellant mixture. Each component of the engine is treated as a control volume, in which a ir, combustion
products and their mixture behave as calorically and thermally perfect gases, neglecting friction and boundary layer
effects. No transients are considered, transitions from a working mode to another take place instantly. In ejector mode,
flow mixing is considered ideally completed. In air-breathing phases, combustion is modelled as heat addition,
providing an efficiency of 90% to account for performance losses. In subsonic combustion working modes, namely
ejector and ramjet, the flow is thermally choked. In scramjet mode, the compression process inside the inlet is
characterized by complex oblique shockwaves trains, which are modelled considering a unique strong oblique
shockwave, relying on an empirical relation to compute total pressure loss. The expansion process is modelled
accounting for a variable geometry ramp nozzle. These assumptions, which are mainly the same adopted by Zhang,
Billig and Williams, make the solution of the simulations different from real behaviour of the gas flows inside the
engine. Nevertheless, they allow to build a simplified yet enough accurate model suitable for a preliminary study.

Stations Identification. Figure 1 shows all the stations identified in the engine flow path, corresponding to critical
positions where flow properties are calculated.

Figure 1: RBCC stations identification

Station 1 denotes the exit area of the primary rocket nozzle and the beginning of the mixing region; station 2
corresponds to the exit section of the inlet; station 3 marks the end of the mixer; station 4 identifies the entry section
of the combustion chamber; station 5 denotes the exit of the combustion chamber and the beginning of the nozzle: it
marks the choking position of the gas flow for ejector and ramjet modes; station e corresponds to the exit section of
the main nozzle. Inlet entry area and main nozzle exit area are considered variable: these devices are modelled as ramps
capable of changing their position in order to maintain the correct velocity for air at the entry of the mixer and provide
optimal expansion according to atmospheric pressure, respectively. Areas of section 2 and 3, maximum areas of inlet
and nozzle and primary mass flow rate are assumed to be the same as the ones of Hyperion propulsion systems
described by J. Olds. Station 4 has a different area with respect to the one proposed by Olds because of a different
assumption: the engine designed for Hyperion employed a physical throat for the expansion process in the main nozzle
for subsonic combustion, while, on the other hand, the RBCC system considered in this work employs a thermal throat.
Because of the adoption of a thermal chocking, the section of the combustion chamber had to be reduced .

Table 1: Engine dimensions

Maximum Inlet 𝑨𝟐 𝑨𝟑 𝑨𝟒 Maximum 𝑨 𝒆

2 2 2 2
2.51 𝑚 0.77 𝑚 1.05 𝑚 1.5 𝑚 8.83 𝑚2

Ejector Mode. The ejector mode is modelled starting from the LOX/LH2 liquid primary rocket of Hyperion
spaceplane, which provides a total mass flow rate of 97.975 kg/s. The combustion chamber pressure is set to 137 bar,
with a mixture ratio of 8, corresponding to the stoichiometric value to avoid spontaneous combustion between air and
unburnt hydrogen in the plume of the rocket during mixing process. Primary rocket flow properties are computed with
the NASA software Chemical Equilibrium and Applications, solving for combustion temperature, density of gases in
combustion chamber and molar mass of combustion products, whereas specific heats and their ratio are computed
according to the perfect gas theory. Flow composition is assumed to be frozen in the primary nozzle. Knowing mass
flow rate and combustion chamber mixture properties, primary throat area can be computed. Secondary flow properties
are computed setting a Mach number of 0.8 at the exit of the inlet, consistent with Billig’s results [5]. In order to solve

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914

S. Salvi, C. Paravan, L. Galfetti

for other flow properties at entry station of the mixer, total pressure recovery of the air intake is modelled applying the
empirical relation (2), in which 𝑃𝑡 2 and 𝑃𝑡0 represent the total pressures in station 2 and 0, and 𝑀0 is the Mach number
of incoming air in front of the intake.

= 1 − 0.0291 𝑀0 − 0.0206 𝑀0 (2)

Mixing process computation is carried out with the hypothesis of constant pressure: the rocket plume enters the mixer
and continues its expansion process, while the secondary a ir-flow is accelerated and expanded by the primary flow,
until the two flows match the same pressure value, computed depending on the conditions of the two flows. Define 𝑃2∗
and 𝑃1∗ the pressure reached respectively by the secondary and primary flows when one of them completely occupies
the whole mixing region. If 𝑃1∗ < 𝑃2∗ < 𝑃1 , the matching pressure of the mixed flow is 𝑃2∗ , otherwise if 𝑃1 < 𝑃2∗ < 𝑃𝑡1 ,
the mixed flow settles at pressure value 𝑃1 [4]. If the flow velocity after the mixing process is supersonic, a normal
shockwave reduces its speed to subsonic values before entering the expansion section upstream of the combustor [9].
Properties of the flow are computed according to the shockwave relations. The following compression process that the
flow experiences is assumed as isentropic: isentropic relations are used to compute properties of the flow entering the
combustion chamber given the area ratio between station 3 and station 4.
Combustion process in section 5 is treated as heat addition, and the flow is brought to choking conditions. Properties
of the gases at the exit of the combustion chamber are computed according to Rayleigh choked flow equations: total
enthalpy balance allows to compute the mass flow rate of the fuel necessary for the combustion reactions, providing
an efficiency of 90% to account for losses that might affect the process. The final expansion phase is assumed
isentropic, and properties at the exit of the nozzle are computed solving isentropic one-dimensional compressible
relations. The expansion is assumed optimal at each altitude, accounting for a variable, ramp-like nozzle. If this process
results in a exit area larger than the maximum allowable one, the code fixes 𝐴𝑒 at its maximum value, and computes
flow conditions with the new area ratio. Eventually, once the flow properties at the exit of the nozzle are known, thrust ,
specific impulse and specific fuel consumption can be computed.

Ramjet Mode. Ramjet mode is modelled similarly to the ejector part, but, in this case, the primary rocket is not
working. Incoming air is forced through a normal shockwave on the cowl lip of the inlet, that brings its velocity in
subsonic conditions. Airflow Mach number is set to 0.8 at the exit of the inlet, consistent with the previous working
mode. The flow experiences a series of isentropic compression and expansion processes passing through the isolator
and reaching the combustion chamber. Here, the flow is thermally choked following the same heat addition modelled
in the ejector section. Eventually, isentropic expansion process is simulated with the same procedure applied in the
first propulsion mode, computing molar mass of combustion products exploiting the "combustion" problem set up
provided by CEA code. Thrust specific fuel consumption and Is are obtained similarly to the previous case, but the
primary mass flow rate is null since the rocket is shut down.

Scramjet Mode. The scramjet mode is more complex to be efficiently modelled : assumptions and simplifications
allow to provide an approximated yet valid model. Total pressure recovery of air in the inlet is computed according to
the empirical formula (3), in which the properties considered are the same of (2):

𝑃𝑡2 800
= (3)
𝑃𝑡0 𝑀04 + 935

Given this relation to compute total pressure in station 2, the inlet compression effect is simulated as a unique strong
oblique shockwave: starting from the total pressure recovery relation, the equivalent angle of deflection of the flow
has been computed through oblique shockwave relations. This procedure allows to obtain an equivalent normal
component of the Mach number of the free stream, model the oblique wave and compute flow properties across the
shock. After the compression process is carried out by the inlet, the flow is assumed to cross in an isentropic way the
isolator. Combustion is assumed to take place in a stoichiometric mixture compositio n. There is a limit to the heat that
can be added in the scramjet combustion process: according to Rayleigh equations, heat addition in a supersonic flow
slows it down, eventually making it reach choking conditions. The code developed for the scramjet part automatically
reduces the equivalence ratio if heat addition reaches unacceptable results of subsonic flow after combustion , allowing
to respect the physical limit stated by the choking condition. Nozzle expansion is eventually modelled solving similar
equations with respect to the ones employed in the previous working modes, accounting for total pressure losses
connected with high velocities by introducing an expansion efficiency set to 90% .

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914


Rocket Mode. For the final propulsive phase, the air inlet is closed and the primary rocket embedded in the engine is
re-activated. Rocket mode is modelled according to conventional rocket theory. Throat dimensions, propellant mass
flow rate and combustion chamber pressure are the same as the ejector primary working mode. CEA software allows
to compute combustion temperature, density of reactants and molar mass of combustion products, considering
stoichiometric mixture ratio. Shifting equilibrium is chosen between the combustion chamber and the throat; in the
divergent part of the nozzle, frozen composition assumption is adopted. Also in this case, the nozzle can adapt its shape
in order to optimize the expansion process according to changing working environment, up to the altitude at which
limit exit area allowed by engine geometry is reached. Above this altitude, the nozzle efflux area is fixed, and the
rocket works in under-expanded conditions.

4.3 SABRE Model

There is scarce practical knowledge about the engine. The simplified model of the engine is constructed starting from
J. Zhang et al. work [6]: a detailed study of each component of SABRE (Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine)
would require in-depth analyses that fall outside of the purposes of this work. Zhang at al. modelled the air intake by
determining a total pressure recovery coefficient for the adiabatic compression process. In this way, temperature and
pressure values at the exit of the inlet are computed according to flight altitude and Mach number. Exiting from the
inlet, air is forced inside the shell of the heat exchanger, where it is cooled down by the helium passing through the
tube bundle. Air temperature at exit section of the precooler is 133 K. After the cooling process, air enters in the
compressor. There are no available parameters to determine the performance of t his device, hence Zhang et al.
modelled it according to reference turbomachinery, modified with defined coupling factors. The result in design point
showed that air exiting from the compressor has a pressure of 145 bar and a temperature around 650 K, corresponding
to a compression ratio of 111. Eventually, part of air is injected in a secondary combustion chamber, where it is burnt
in excess of fuel to heat up the helium coming from the precooler, before its expansion in the turbine that drives the
compressor. Fuel rich combustion products are then injected into the main combustion chamber, along with the
remaining air, which experiences a 40% pressure drop during the injection process. Solution of the model at different
altitudes allowed the authors to compute air mass flow rates in the main and secondary combustion chamber and their
pressure and temperatures. Fuel mass flow rate is kept constant at 34.6 kg/s. With all the properties resulting from the
model presented by Zhang et al., CEA software is employed to compute density of reactants in the combustion chamber
and combustion products properties, in order to model the expansion process for each point. A linear interpolation of
the discrete results allows to solve for flow properties at the exit section of the nozzle as function of altitude. An
expansion-deflection nozzle is under consideration for SABRE, which makes use of a centre body in the throat, that
changes its position according to the flight altitude. In this work, a conventional nozzle with an expansion area ratio of
46 is assumed, providing an over-expanded thrust up to 15 km, where the exit pressure matches the atmospheric one.
Above this altitude, the engine works in under-expanded condition. Given properties of the mixture in the combustion
chamber, expansion process is modelled using isentropic relations for velocity, temperature and pressure of exhaust
gases given the expansion ratio of the nozzle.
For the rocket working mode, combustion chamber pressure is fixed to the value it reaches at the end of the air-
breathing phase: 104 bar. The engine works with cryogenic mixture LOX/LH2, under the assumption of stoichiometric
composition. As previous cases, CEA software allows to compute combustion chamber temperature, density and all
properties of gases in expansion process, considering mixture chemistry as frozen. Throat area is fixed by chosen
nozzle design, while exit area is changed to provide better performance in vacuum operations. This hypothesis can be
translated into a conventional double-geometry nozzle, where a secondary section is dropped to enlarge the divergent

4.4 Thermochemical Rocket Baseline

For the pure-rocket SSTO preliminary design, an existing rocket engine is selected to start the computation process.
Particularly, Aerojet Rocketdyne AR-25, also known as Space Shuttle Main Engine SSME, is chosen. Starting from
data reported from NASA, CEA software is employed to compute other parameters concerning combustion process
and gaseous products. Computation is carried out with the hypothesis of shifting equilibrium between combustion
chamber and throat, while frozen equilibrium assumption is adopted for the remaining divergent expansion section.
With the computed properties, a MATLAB code solves equations for exhaust gas pressure, density, temperature and
velocity, thrust and specific impulse under the assumption of isentropic expansion process.

4.5 Performance Indicators

Air-Breathing Trajectories. To provide a comparison of the air-breathing phases of the ascent for the combined cycle
engines, a preliminary, simplified trajectory design is carried out. This simulation allows to calculate the range covered

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914

S. Salvi, C. Paravan, L. Galfetti

by the spaceplane before the rocket working mode is switched on. For air-breathing engines, trajectory design and
optimization is a complex problem: simplifications are needed in order to easily come to a solution. A constant dynamic
pressure trajectory is selected both for RBCC engine and SABRE, in order to maintain a stable force environment
during trans-atmospheric ascent. The selected value for dynamic pressure is 43000 Pa, which allows to reach Mach 5
at 25 km of altitude and to keep contained the aerodynamic loads on the structure. Once the constant dynamic pressure
trajectory is fixed, Mach number and velocity at ea ch altitude can be obtained. Knowing performance parameters of
the engines and velocities computed according to the modelled trajectory, the Breguet formula can be solved for the
range. A vector of different altitudes is defined to compute velocities in different points of the trajectory according to
altitude and Mach number fixed by dynamic pressure. Altitude and velocity are given as input to the engines models
outlined above to solve for their performance parameters in the defined locations of the trajectory. Breguet formula
takes into account also aerodynamic performance of the spaceplane, which contributes to the range calculation. To
provide realistic values of lift and drag coefficients, data relative to SKYLON reported by Mehta et al. are employed
[7]. The sum of all the range steps returns the overall air-breathing trajectory of the engines under examination.

Preliminary Masses Sizing. The conclusive part of the work focuses on the preliminary sizing of the masses of
propellant and structures of launchers. Two different configurations are adopted for combined -cycle and pure-rocket
engines. The first configuration is the one considered for combined engines RBCC and SABRE: a spaceplane-like
architecture is proposed. The model is based on the configuration outlined by Reaction Engines Ltd. for the SKYLON
spaceplane, considered also for aerodynamic characteristics in range computation. The obtained structural index is
employed to compute the total mass of the launcher at take off. The amount of propellant consumed during trans-
atmospheric ascent is calculated applying Tsiolkovsky equation in discrete positions: trajectory is divided into several
steps, each denoted by an altitude increment of 500 m. At each step, dynamic pressure allows to compute flight velocity
and Mach number. With known flight conditions, engines models return the particular specific impulse for the portion
examined. The ∆V to be considered is given by the difference between flight velocities at the end and at the beginning
of the trajectory segment. The propellant mass needed for the last part of the ascent is computed taking into account a
velocity variation provided by the difference between ideal target velocity and the velocity of the spaceplane at air-
breathing mode cut off, with a 10% increment to take into account drag and gravity losses. For the rocket-propelled
launcher, masses computation is carried out considering a conventional vertical take-off configuration. To account for
gravity losses and atmospheric drag contribution, the ideal velocity variation needed for orbit insertion of 7.73 km /s is
incremented to 9.38 km/s. Once the performance parameters of the engine are known, values for masses of propellant
and structures are computed. A structural index of 0.1 has been selected starting from typical values employed in
literature [8]. Once the overall masses are known, the conclusive calculation refers to the evaluation of the number of
engines needed. The computation is carried out considering the requirement stated on the Thrust-to-Weight ratio, which
must be higher than one for vertical climbing in rocket mode. For the pure-rocket launcher, the requirement is imposed
as a Thrust-to-Weight ratio of 1.4 at lift off. With gross take off weight and thrust of the engine at sea level, the number
of engine is computed as the closest integer to the ratio. For RBCC engine and SABRE, the same procedure is applied,
but considering the configuration of the spaceplane at air-breathing mode cut off. Masses and thrusts of the engines at
ignition of the pure rocket propulsive phase are known from the solution of the air-breathing trajectory simulation and
from the models previously outlined.

5. Simulation Results

Engines performance is measured through specific impulse, thrust and thrust specific fuel consumption. These
parameters supply a general overview of a propulsion system main qualities. Once the vector containing the altitude
range considered and the dynamic pressure value for the trajectory is set, the codes of RBCC end SABRE models take
these parameters as input and compute all performance indicators. Results are shown in forms of vectors and can be
plotted to examine their behaviour with respect to flight altitude. The air-breathing trajectory modelled with Breguet
equation is included. In this sense, an estimated ground range can be computed in order to provide a preliminary value
of the duration of the air-breathing propulsive phase.

5.1 Rocket Based Combined Cycle

Specific Impulse. Specific impulse starts off with rocket-like values, below 500s. As the Mach number increases, also
Is starts growing. This behaviour is the result of the initial ejector working: as the velocity of the vehicle increases,
the air mass flow rate inside the engine increases, making the ramjet -like working contribution more and more
significant, up to a specific impulse value of 603.7 s when the vehicle reaches Mach 2 and an altitude of 13.5 km
(Figure 2). As the first transition takes place, the Is experiences a drastic growth. Ramjet mode shows the highest
values of specific impulse, ranging from a maximum of 4233.9 s at starting and a minimum of 3048.2 s. Final air-

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914


breathing working mode powers the engine from Mach 5 at 2 5.5 km of altitude up to Mach 10 and 35 km. Scramjet
specific impulse spans from 2983.5 s down to 1206.5 s when it is shut down to let the pure rocket working mode begin.
Scramjet Is shows a steep trend and reaches quite low values for an air-breathing device. This behaviour may be
explained by the low level of thrust that this propulsion architecture provides, caused by the reduced difference between
the flight velocity and the exhaust gases speed. Final propulsive phase is carried out by a pure-rocket working mode,
and specific impulse experiences a drastic reduction settling down to a value of 438.03 s, consistent with typical liquid
rocket behaviours.

Figure 2: RBCC Specific Impulse

Thrust. In the ejector mode, thrust reaches its peak: starting from an initial value of 465.73 kN, it grows significantly
reaching its maximum of 706.86 kN at primary rocket shut down (Figure 3). This trend efficaciously demonstrates the
benefits of air augmented rocket propulsion: as the pressurized air mass flow rate inside the engine increases, the
ramjet-like behaviour of the engine sums with the pure rocket contribution coming from the primary. After the
transition into ramjet mode, the thrust experiences a drastic reduction, as the primary rocket is shut down. Ramjet thrust
spans from 64.43 kN up to 85.08 kN at Mach 5, where the second transition takes place. In scramjet mode, thrust
reaches its lowest values, ranging from 39.76 kN down to 9.23 kN. These extremely low values are connected to the
above mentioned reduced difference between flight speed and exhaust gas velocity. Furthermore, assumptions made
on the inlet lead to extremely high stagnation pressure loss, which reduces the overall effectiveness of the engine. In
pure rocket mode, thrust reaches again high values, as it settles around 468.64 kN.

Figure 3: RBCC Thrust Profile

Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption. In ejector mode, TSFC starts with rocket-like value of 2.419 ·10 −4 kg/(Ns), and
progressively reduces due to the benefit of the secondary airflow (Figure 4). The reduction of specific fuel consumption
is connected to high thrust levels reached in this phase, but TSFC still remains high because of the presence of the
primary rocket mass flow rate. Lowest values of consumption are reached in ramjet mode, in which an increase between
2.408 ·10 −5 kg/(Ns) and 3.417 ·10 −5 kg/(Ns) is noticeable. In scramjet mode, specific fuel consumption increases in
connection with the above mentioned poor thrust values: it starts from 3.607 ·10 −5 kg/(Ns) at Mach 5, and reaches a

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914

S. Salvi, C. Paravan, L. Galfetti

value of 8.449 ·10 −5 kg/(Ns) before shutting down. Eventually, during pure-rocket ascent, TSFC settles again on an
almost constant value of 2.327 ·10 −4 kg/(Ns).

Figure 4: RBCC Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption

Air Breathing Trajectory. In ejector mode, climbing is steep: 13.5 km altitude and flight Mach number 2 are reached
when the spaceplane is 117.37 km far from its take-off position. Ramjet mode covers a range of 524.47 km, bringing
the vehicle to a location 641.85 km away from the runway position. Scramjet mode is the one that covers the widest
range, due to the fact that climbing is much slower with respect to previous phases, in order to keep the correct constant
value of dynamic pressure. In this phase of the ascent, the vehicle covers 1938.99 km, which results in a total distance
of 2580.83 km covered in air-breathing engine working modes.

5.2 SABRE Engine

Specific Impulse. Air-breathing specific impulse starts from 2596.0 s and grows up to reach its maximum of 3550.5 s
at 17 km altitude and a flight Mach number of 2.65 (Figure 5). Above this altitude, Is starts decreasing, reaching the
value of 3493.4 s at air-breathing mode shut down. In its first propulsive mode, SABRE maintains a high specific
impulse for all the duration of the phase. The pure-rocket working mode starts at an altitude of 25 km, where the flight
Mach number reaches the value of 5. At transition, the engine presents a specific impulse of 423.3 s, that keeps
increasing until it settles at a value of 431.0 s. Rocket-mode maximum specific impulse values are different with respect
to the ones declared by Reaction Engines Ltd in SKYLON users’ manual: REL reports maximum values of 3567.8 s
for the first propulsive mode and 458.72 s for the second one. This misma tch may be explained considering the
assumptions made during the gas expansion modelling: a conventional nozzle with fixed expansion ratios for the two
phases of the ascent is adopted. Particularly, to keep nozzle exit radius into reasonable measures, the expansion ratio
is fixed to 150, which limits the performance achievable by the engine.

Figure 5: SABRE Specific Impulse

Thrust. In air-breathing propulsive phase, thrust starts with a value of 881.14 kN, then increases to reach its maximum
of 1205.14 kN at Mach 2.65, corresponding to the maximum value of specific impulse. Thrust then reduces down to
1167.40 kN at Mach 5, corresponding to the air-breathing mode cut-off. Rocket-mode shows a slight increase in thrust,
starting from 1346.52 kN and rapidly settling at 1372.28 kN (Figure 6). The main advantage of SABRE is connected

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to the very high thrust provided in air-breathing mode: in this phase, overall thrust reaches values that approach the
ones that characterize the pure-rocket working mode. This advantage allows to rapidly climb in atmosphere for the
first phase of the ascent.

Figure 6: SABRE Thrust Profile

Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption. Thrust specific fuel consumption starts from typical values of air-breathing
devices, ranging from 3.927 ·10−5kg/Ns to 2.964 ·10 −5 kg/(Ns), with a minimum of 2.871 ·10 −5 kg/(Ns)
corresponding to maximum values of thrust and specific impulse. In pure-rocket working mode, TSFC initiates from
2.408 ·10 −4 kg/(Ns) and gradually settles around 2.365 ·10 −4 kg/(Ns), consistent with conventional values of liquid
rocket engines. The trend is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: SABRE Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption

Air-Breathing Trajectory. For SABRE engine, air-breathing trajectory is fully covered by the only airbreathing
working mode of the engine. This propulsive phase range is reduced with respect to the air-breathing ascent of the
Rocket-Based Combined Cycle engine case, due to the fact that the transition to pure-rocket working mode happens at
Mach 5, corresponding to an altitude of 25 km. Total range covered by SABRE airbreathing phase of the ascent is
541.61 km.

5.3 Rocket Baseline

Specific Impulse. According to typical rocket-like values, it starts from a value of 343.9 s at sea level, increase rapidly
within the initial 30 km of the climb and settles on a value of 421.6 s (Figure 8). The results obtained with this model
are quite below the performance parameters reported for Shuttle main engine. The discrepancy is connected to the
computation based on the results provided by CEA: values of specific heats ratio are obtained assuming isentropic
expansion and starting from the CP reported by the software, which assumes a frozen composition.

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914

S. Salvi, C. Paravan, L. Galfetti

Figure 8: Rocket Baseline Specific Impulse

Thrust. Thrust starts from a value of 1866.81 kN at sea level, and increases towards its maximum value of 2288.73
kN, which is kept almost constant above 40 km of altitude (Figure 9). Such high values underline the advantage
provided by rocket engines, as they are able to generate very high thrusts with respect to conventional air-breathing

Figure 9: Rocket Baseline Thrust Profile

Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption. Maximum propellant consumption takes place in the very first phase of the
ascent, as it starts from a value of 2.965 ·10 −4 kg/Ns. TSFC gradually decreases during the climb, and it settles to the
constant value of 2.418 ·10 −4 kg/Ns (Figure 10). Results obtained for TSFC show the high expenses in terms of
propellant consumption connected to rocket propulsion.

Figure 10: Rocket Baseline Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption

6. Performance Comparison

For what concerns specific impulses, Rocket-Based Combined Cycle results clearly show the advantages introduced
by the air-breathing working modes. The ramjet provides an extremely favourable increase of the Is that translates into
high propellant savings. High values are maintained even by the scramjet working mode, even though the performance
experiences a serious reduction as the engine climbs and accelerates across the atmosphere. Rocket mode and ejector
mode present low values of Is, connected to the fact that for both cases the primary rocket is active. Concerning the
pure-rocket propelled launcher, specific impulse follows trends typical of conventional rockets. Results are consistent
with the main drawback of rocket propulsion: such low values of specific impulse are connected with the fact that all
the propellant employed for thrust generation comes from tanks mounted on board, which means that all the mass
expelled by the engine comes from stored fuel and oxidizer. This is the main limitation of rocket engines, which
establishes the necessity of massive systems to carry all the propellant needed for the mission. Eventually, SABRE
shows expected conventional rocket-mode values of specific impulse in its second propulsion mode, whereas air-
breathing phase shows very high Is, similar to those reached by the RBCC engine in ramjet working mode. Again, this
fact underlines the advantages of combined air-breathing and rocket propulsion modes to improve the performance of
spaceplanes in a perspective of Single-Stage-To-Orbit launches. Trends highlighted by the specific impulse analysis
are confirmed by the computation of thrust specific fuel consumption: for what concerns rocket modes of all engines,

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914


the mass of propellant per unit thrust are one order of magnitude higher with respect to the values obtained for air-
breathing modes. In air-breathing working modes of the two combined cycle engines, SABRE and RBCC ramjet mode
show comparable performance, while RBCC scramjet propulsive phase demonstrates a significant increase of fuel
consumption. As previously mentioned, this is connected to the low thrust provided by the engine. Analysis of thrust
of RBCC engine highlights the strong differences between purely air-breathing propulsion and rocket-based
propulsion. In ejector and rocket modes, thrust assumes values that are one order of magnitude higher with respect to
ramjet mode, and even two orders of magnitude above values reached in scramjet phase. Again, this confirms the poor
thrust capability of the scramjet working mode, that leads to slow accelerations during climbing. The pure-rocket
engine based on SSME shows very high thrust values, consistent with the characteristics of rocket propulsion. SABRE
thrust demonstrates the great advantage of this propulsive technology. Differently from RBCC engine, SABRE thrust
in air-breathing working mode approaches the high values reached by the rocket phase. This benefit comes from the
high pressure ratios reached by the compressor and the architecture of the combustion chamber, which is the same for
the two working processes, the only difference being the oxidizer source. Air-breathing performance of SABRE clearly
overcomes ramjet and scramjet modes of RBCC engine, representing a good candidate to rapidly cross atmosphere
exploiting the advantages in terms of propellant savings connected with air-fed propulsion technologies.

Results on Masses Computation. Results concerning Rocket-Based Combined Cycle engine are reported in Table 2.

Table 2: RBCC Masses Computation Results

Parameter Value
Velocity covered in air-breathing phase 3076.2 m/s
Velocity covered in rocket mode 5119.2 m/s
Total propellant mass 43.185 103 kg
Structural mass 8.262 103 kg
Total take-off mass 56.446 103 kg

With the computed results, the total mass at air-breathing modes shut down is 43.652 ·103 kg. With this value and a
Thrust-to-Weight ratio of 1.4 imposed, the total required thrust at the beginning of the rocket phase of the ascent would
be 656.10 kN. Since one engine provides 468.64 kN of thrust, to meet the requirement the spaceplane would need two
RBCC engines, in order to obtain a thrust of 937.28 kN in pure-rocket mode, and a real Thrust-to-Weight ratio of 2.19.
Table 3 shows the results of masses computation concerning SABRE.

Table 3: SABRE Masses Computation Results

Parameter Value
Velocity covered in air-breathing phase 1495.0 m/s
Velocity covered in rocket mode 6858.5 m/s
Total propellant mass 121.660 103 kg
Structural mass 23.278 103 kg
Total take-off mass 149.940 103 kg

The same procedure applied for RBCC engine was adopted to compute the number of engines necessary to climb
towards orbit in pure-rocket mode. The Thrust-to-Weight requirement imposed is the same mentioned in the previous
subsection. The results revealed a minimum required thrust of 1919.82 kN, a condition that is satisfied by adopting
two engines, with a resulting total thrust of 2742.6 kN and a Thrust-to-Weight ratio of 1.95.
Values computed for the pure-rocket SSTO launcher are reported in Table 4.

Table 4: Rocket Baseline Masses Computation Results

Parameter Value
Velocity variation to be covered 9380.0 m/s
Total propellant mass 322.670 103 kg
Structural mass 32.271 103 kg
Total take-off mass 359.940 103 kg

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914

S. Salvi, C. Paravan, L. Galfetti

With the requirement on the Thrust-to-Weight imposed at lift off and 2289.2 kN of thrust provided by a single engine,
the number of LREs needed for take off is three, reaching a total thrust of 5600.3 kN and a TtW ratio of 1.59.
As expected, the conventional rocket launcher presents the highest demand in terms of propellant mass. This is the
result of rockets drawback above mentioned: the low specific impulse maintained for the t otality of the mission comes
from the necessity of draw both fuel and oxidizer from tanks. In this sense, all the propellant carried on board represents
a source of mass to be accelerated during the ascent, which translates into humongous systems to climb towards orbit
in a pure-rocket single stage mission. SABRE is the second most demanding engine, but the difference with the rocket
launcher is already clear: the air-breathing working mode of the propulsion system allows to save a huge amount of
oxidizer during the first phase of the ascent. Hence, the spaceplane has to carry a significantly reduced amount of
propellant with respect to the previous case. Eventually, RBCC-propelled launcher shows the best performance among
the architectures under consideration. The take off mass is almost one seventh of the one computed for the rocket
launcher, and one third of the total mass resulting from computations for SABRE. The advantage of this propulsion
system is the high velocity it can reach in air-breathing working phase: the transition into pure-rocket happens at Mach
10, drastically reducing the total ∆V to be covered by the final propulsive mode.
The comparison of the results concerning masses computation successfully demonstrated the advantages connected
with combined cycle technologies: SABRE-propelled spaceplane has a total mass 58.34% lower than the pure-rocket
one; for RBCC engine, this reduction reaches 84.31%. Such systems reduce drastically the propellant demand of launch
vehicles, leading to more performing launchers in terms of consumption and dimensions. Furthermore, RBCC engine
demonstrated to be the best choice between the two air-breathing devices, thanks to the ability to reach very high
velocities and altitudes in scramjet mode. This advantage would lead to crown the Rocket-Based-Combined-Cycle as
the most suitable propulsion systems for a SSTO launcher in a spaceplane configuration. Nevertheless, a final
consideration concerning air-breathing trajectories will be carried out in order to highlight the advantages and
drawbacks of both combined cycles.

Air-Breathing Trajectories. Both cases show a similar result until 25 km of altitude, where SABRE engine
experiences its transition into pure-rocket working mode. RBCC engine continues its air-breathing ascent up to
approximately 35 km of altitude. As previously explained, RBCC architecture appear to be the most advantageous
because of its extremely low propellant demand. Nevertheless, to reach 35 km altitude and flight Mach number 10,
this device covers a range above 2500 km. Such an extended range and the very low thrust provided by ramjet and
scramjet working modes of the engine translate into the necessity of long residence time in atmosphere at very high
flight velocities. In this sense, the spaceplane structures could experience intense stresses connected to heating of the
surfaces, and the overall time-to-orbit of the mission would be significantly higher with respect to conventional
launchers and SABRE-propelled vehicles. In conclusion, both SABRE and RBCC engine demonstrated their
advantages for a single-stage LEO mission. The best solution between this two candidates has to be selected according
to requirements connected to surface heating and time constraints to reach orbit, for which SABRE demonstrates a
better performance.

7. Conclusions

First aim of this analysis was to provide an overview of the attempts made to develop SSTO vehicles. Particular
attention was given to different propulsion architectures proposed through years; a preliminary qualitative comparison
allowed to choose Rocket-Based Combined Cycles, Synergetic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine as best candidates among
all technologies in perspective of a LEO flight, along with conventional LREs. Numerical models were developed to
compute specific impulses, thrust profiles and propellant consumption of the different working modes of each
propulsion system during its ascent. To account for varying conditions of the working environment, constant dynamic
pressure trajectories were modelled for air-breathing configurations. Simulations results managed to demonstrate the
outstanding advantage coming from combined cycles employment: specific impulses of air-breathing working modes
are one order of magnitude higher with respect to conventional rockets’ ones. This characteristic translates into a great
reduction of fuel consumption. These engines put together the best qualities of rockets and air-breathing devices:
propulsive phases that exploit air for combustion do not require stored oxidizer, resulting in a drastic reduction of
stored propellant. Furthermore, rocket working modes provide thrust in vacuum conditions, necessary to fulfil in-space
operations. Performance results coming from simulations were em ployed to carry out a preliminary computation of
total take off masses and propellant fractions. A spaceplane configuration has been employed for combined cycle
technologies, whereas a conventional vertical take off slender body has been considered for the all-rocket powered
vehicle. Results demonstrated that the most demanding propulsive solution is the liquid rocket engine. Both SABRE
and RBCC show a drastic reduction of gross lift off masses and propellant loads. The total take of mass of SABRE is
58.34% lower than the one obtained for the rocket baseline. RBCC engine gave even better results: the total take off
mass of the spaceplane propelled by the rocket-based combined cycle is 84.31% smaller with respect to the rocket
powered launcher. Furthermore, propellant mass fraction at take off is significantly reduced by air-breathing

DOI: 10.13009/EUCASS2022-4914


technologies: for the rocket launcher, 89.65% of lift off weight consists of propellant, while for SABRE and RBCC
the propellant weight fraction amounts to 81.14% and 76.40% respectively. Results clearly show that the only possible
solution to reduce launch costs by employing a reusable SSTO is to select one of the combined cycle engines. RBCC
seems to be the best candidate, since the high velocity reached in scramjet m ode lowers the remaining ∆V covered by
the rocket working mode. Eventually, a comparison between the air-breathing trajectories of the combined cycle
engines was carried out. Results show that SABRE covers a range of 541.61 km before switching to the final phase of
the ascent, whereas RBCC engine needs 2580.83 km to reach the flight conditions at which the rocket mode can be
activated. In this sense, the Rocket-Based Combined Cycle presents a drawback: such long distances covered in air-
breathing mode translate into long residence time in the atmosphere. Furthermore, the low values of thrust provided
by ramjet and scramjet working modes contribute to the increase of the overall time-to-orbit. In this sense, accounting
for propellants saving, high thrust and low time-to-orbit, SABRE engine demonstrated to be the ideal solution for a
SSTO LEO flight.

7.1 Future Developments

This work provided a preliminary analysis and comparison of different architectures for a SSTO vehicle. Strong
assumptions were adopted in order to develop simplified analysis tools to be employed for the simulations. Future
works concerning RBCC engines should focus on improving this model by accounting for real gas behaviours, friction
losses and transients of transitions from one working mode to another. Furthermore, the scramjet working mode could
be improved by developing a suitable inlet that allow to reduce the performance loss by increasing the total pressure
recovery. Once the structural configuration is fixed, the correct drag coefficient and reference surfaces can be
computed: in this sense, the force balance in longitudinal direction could establish a new requirement on the number
of engines necessary to successfully carry out the conclusive phase of the air-breathing ascent. Regarding SABRE,
future developments might be carried out once details on components are available. The scarce knowledge and data
availability of this technology allowed to realize a model which strongly simplifies the actual working mode of the
engine, resulting in a approximated analysis. Nevertheless, the simulations managed to demonstrate the advantages
coming from this technology, providing results that match well with performance parameters found in literature.
Furthermore, a more detailed study could be carried out including the modelling of the contribution coming from
bypass ramjet burners and the advantage established by the E-D nozzle. Eventually, trajectories optimization, structural
and aerodynamic design of spaceplanes might result in a successful conceptual design of a revolutionary SSTO vehicle.
A study on the development and operative costs could conclude the overview on spaceplanes technologies, hopefully
establishing a turning point towards a easier and more accessible way to reach space.


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