The Impact of High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home On Eighth

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University of Nebraska at Omaha

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The Impact of High-Speed Internet Connectivity at

Home on Eighth-Grade Student Achievement
Kent J. Kingston

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Kingston, Kent J., "The Impact of High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home on Eighth-Grade Student Achievement" (2013). Student
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The Impact of High-Speed Internet Connectivity at

Home on Eighth-Grade Student Achievement


Kent J. Kingston

A Dissertation

Presented to the Faculty of

The Graduate College of the University of Nebraska

In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

For the Degree of Doctor of Education

Major: Educational Administration

Under the Supervision of Dr. John W. Hill

Omaha, Nebraska

March 2013

Supervisory Committee

Dr. Kay A. Keiser

Dr. Peter J. Smith

Dr. Neal F. Grandgenett

UMI Number: 3558271

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Kent J. Kingston, M.Ed., Ed.D.

University of Nebraska, 2013

Advisor: Dr. John W. Hill

In the fall of 2008 Westside Community Schools – District 66, in Omaha, Nebraska

implemented a one-to-one notebook computer take home model for all eighth-grade

students. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a required yearlong

one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at

school on (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite score norm-

referenced EXPLORE achievement test scores, District’s Criterion-Referenced

Descriptive Writing Assessment scores, and classroom performance grade point average

(GPA) scores for the core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d)

cumulative GPA scores of eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home (n = 19) compared to eighth-grade students eligible (n = 19) and not

eligible (n = 19) for free and reduced price lunch program participation who do have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home. The results of this study support the

implementation of a one-to-one notebook computer program as a systematic intervention

to improve student achievement. Furthermore, all within group pretest-posttest gains and

between group posttest-posttest equipoise demonstrated that the achievement gap

between students eligible and students not eligible for free or reduced price lunch

participation with or without high-speed Internet connectivity at home had been mitigated
through participation in the school-wide one-to-one notebook computer program. While

the one-to-one notebook eighth-grade computer program in this study may  not  be  

singled  out  solely  for  between  group  posttest  equipoise  causality, its inclusion as a

fundamental academic  programmatic component of this middle school’s  curriculum  

should be considered as a contributing factor.



It is with much gratitude and appreciation that I acknowledge those who have

helped me reach this professional milestone. First and foremost on that list is my

beautiful wife of 27 years, Roxanne. Without her enduring love and support my personal

and professional goals would have been unachievable. Your passion for being the best

wife, mother, and teacher each and every day inspires me to be a better husband, father,

educator. The Lord surely blessed me when he made you part of my life and I love you

very much!

To my children, Joshua and Emily, thank you for being loving and supportive

children who think it is cool that their father is still taking college classes and working on

getting his doctorate. I am so proud of the fine adults you have both have become. Your

enthusiasm for learning at the University undergrad and graduate levels has been an

inspiration for me to do my very best during this doctorial journey. You continue to

make me proud on a daily basis and I love both of you very much.

I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to thank some of my colleagues who

have helped guide and shape my professional thinking as an educational leader. Early in

my career, Superintendent Craig Pease encouraged and promoted me into a school

leadership pathway that has culminated with me receiving this leadership degree. To Dr.

Susan Evanich, both friend and mentor, I thank you for asking me to join one of the most

amazing school districts in our nation, Westside Community Schools – District 66.

While at Westside I was honored to work with outstanding educational leaders like Dr.

Ken Bird, Ms. Jacquie Estee, Dr. Bert Jackson, and Dr. Andy Rikli just to name a few.

Each of these people has had a profound impact on my thinking as an educator.


I would also like to thank Dr. Eric Weber and Dr. Anthony Weers for their

support and encouragement during this doctorial process. I enjoyed the many hours of

classes that we shared and the support that we gave each other as we all completed this

part of our educational life together. I am blessed to call each of you friend.

I would also like to thank my dissertation committee chair Dr. John Hill. Through

his incredible research knowledge, statistics background, and dissertation experience he

provided the support and knowledge necessary for me to succeed in this endeavor. I also

appreciated our discussions about relevant personal and community topics when he

sensed I needed a break to recharge my batteries. During those discussions I learned new

vocabulary, some of which I used within this paper. In addition, I would like to thank the

remaining members of my committee Dr. Kay Keiser, Dr. Neal Grandgenett, and Dr.

Peter Smith who have supported this research and my progress through the University

system. A special thank you as well to Barb Mraz for her editing and revision support.

Finally, I would like to thank the staff and administration at Westside Middle

School, Nancy Mitchell, Doug Pierson, members of the Counseling and Language Arts

departments at Westside Middle School, and Jeremy Waymire who helped collect data

and score papers. To all other friends, family, colleagues, and mentors who helped me

along this quest I send a note of gratitude. Their support and guidance have helped make

this process possible, and I am forever thankful.


Table of Contents

Abstract ii

Acknowledgements iv

Table of Contents vi

List of Tables ix


1. Introduction 1

History Repeats Itself—The New Divide in America 1

Students and the Digital Divide 3

Schools Try to Fill the Void 5

Purpose of study 7

Research questions 7

Data collection procedures 12

Performance site 13

Assumptions 13

Delimitations of the study 13

Limitations of the study 14

Definition of terms 14

Significance of the study 20

Organization of the study 20

2. Review of Literature 21

Use of Instructional Technology 21

Student Achievement 26

Improvement of Writing 34

Readiness 37

Current Broadband Divide 40

3. Methodology 43

Purpose of Study 43

Participants 43

Number of participants 43

Gender of participants 43

Age range of participants 44

Racial and ethnic origin of participants 44

Inclusion criteria of participants 44

Method of participant identification 44

Description of procedures 45

Research design 45

Implementation of the independent variable 47

Dependent measures 47

Research questions and data analysis 47

Data collection procedures 55

Performance site 56

Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of Human Subjects

Approval Category 56

4. Results 57

Purpose of Study 57

Implementation of the Independent Variables 57

Dependent Measures 57

Research Question #1 Results 60

Research Question #2 Results 66

Research Question #3 Results 76

Research Question #4 Results 78

Research Question #5 Results 80

Research Questions #6 Results 86

5. Conclusions and Discussion 94

Research Conclusion #1 94

Research Conclusion #2 98

Research Conclusion #3 101

Research Conclusion #4 102

Research Conclusion #5 103

Research Conclusion #6 106

Discussion 109

Implications for practice 110

Implications for policy 112

Implications for research 113

6. References 116

List of Tables


Table 1. Student Demographics 59

Table 2. Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Not Have High-Speed Internet

Connectivity at Home Pretest Beginning Eighth-Grade Compared to Their

Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade Norm-Referenced EXPLORE Test for (A)

English, (B) Math, (C) Reading, (D) Science, and (E) Composite Normal

Curve Equivalent Scores 61

Table 3. Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity

At Home and Are Eligible for Free And Reduced Price Lunch Program

Participation Pretest Beginning Eighth-Grade Compared to Their Posttest

Ending Eighth-Grade Norm-Referenced EXPLORE Test for (A) English,

(B) Math, (C) Reading, (D) Science, and (E) Composite Normal Curve

Equivalent Scores 63

Table 4. Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at

Home and Are Not Eligible for Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program

Participation Pretest Beginning Eighth-Grade Compared to Their Posttest

Ending Eighth-Grade Norm-Referenced EXPLORE Test For (A) English,

(B) Math, (C) Reading, (D) Science, and (E) Composite Normal Curve

Equivalent Scores 65

Table 5. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade EXPLORE Test English Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

Following Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook

Computer Program Supported by High-Speed Internet Connectivity at

School 67

Table 6. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade EXPLORE Test Math Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

Following Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook

Computer Program Supported by High-Speed Internet Connectivity at

School 69

Table 7. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade EXPLORE Test Reading Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

Following Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook

Computer Program Supported by High-Speed Internet Connectivity at

School 71

Table 8. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade EXPLORE Test Science Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

Following Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook

Computer Program Supported by High-Speed Internet Connectivity at

School 73

Table 9. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade EXPLORE Test Composite Normal Curve Equivalent

Scores Following Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One

Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-Speed Internet

Connectivity at School 75

Table 10. Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Not Have High-Speed Internet

Connectivity at Home and Eighth-Grade Students Who Have High-Speed

Internet Connectivity at Home and Who Qualify and Do Not Qualify for

Free Or Reduced Lunch Program Participation Pretest Beginning Eighth-

Grade Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment

Holistic/Total Category Scores to their Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment

Holistic/Total Category Scores 77

Table 11. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing

Assessment Holistic Scores Following Participation in a Required

Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-

Speed Internet Connectivity at School 79

Table 12. Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Not Have High-Speed Internet

Connectivity at Home Pretest Ending Seventh-Grade Compared to Their

Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade Grade Point Average Scores for Core

Subjects (A) English, (B) Science, (C) Social Studies, and (D) Cumulative

GPA Scores 81

Table 13. Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at

Home and Also Qualify for Free and/or Reduced Price Lunch Program

Participation Pretest Ending Seventh-Grade Compared to Their Posttest

Ending Eighth-Grade Grade Point Average Scores for Core Subjects (A)

English, (B) Science, (C) Social Studies, and (D) Cumulative GPA Scores


Table 14. Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at

Home and Who Do Not Qualify for Free and/or Reduced Price Lunch

Program Participation Pretest Ending Seventh-Grade Compared to Their

Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade Grade Point Average Scores for Core

Subjects (A) English, (B) Science, (C) Social Studies, and (D) Cumulative

GPA Scores 85

Table 15. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade English Scores Following Participation in a Required

Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-

Speed Internet Connectivity at School 87

Table 16. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade Science Scores Following Participation in a Required

Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-

Speed Internet Connectivity at School 89


Table 17 Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade Social Studies Scores Following Participation in a Required

Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-

Speed Internet Connectivity at School 91

Table 18 Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending

Eighth-Grade Cumulative Grade Point Averages (GPA) Scores Following

Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer

Program Supported by High-Speed Internet Connectivity at School 93




During the greatest economic downturn in our country’s history, the Great

Depression, a technological divide loomed large in this country. That divide was on the

electrical power grid that provided countless benefits to those lucky enough to be

connected and have homes and work places with electric lights. During the 1930’s nine

out of ten urban dwellers had electricity compared to only one out of ten rural Americans

("TVA: Electricity for All," n.d.). Electricity improved the economic health and well

being for those fortunate to be connected to the grid. Rural electrification was based on

the belief that affordable electricity would improve the standard of living and the

economic competitiveness of the family farm ("TVA: Electricity for All," n.d.).

History Repeats Itself—The New Divide in America

This rural and urban divide exists today even though both have a similar

percentage of households connected to the Internet. However the rate of high-speed

penetration for rural areas lags behind those in urban and suburban areas (Cooper &

Gallagher, 2004). During this current economic downturn of the twenty-first century a

new technological divide is again hampering those in the lowest income brackets and in

rural areas—connectivity to broadband Internet. Just over 200 million Americans have

high-speed, wired Internet access at home while millions of other Americans are

completely offline (Crawford, 2011). Families reporting incomes of $75,000 or more

have wired high-speed Internet access in 90% of their homes compared to only 40% of

homes with annual incomes below $25,000 (Crawford, 2011). This new digital divide

puts at risk the quality of life for many Americans in a world where quick, easy access to

vital information is necessary to compete and survive. Many scholars and policy makers

hypothesize that high-speed Internet users are better able to make use of the Internet and

therefore gain more value when performing critical day-to-day activities, as opposed to

those with dial-up access who are left behind in terms of efficiency and capability

(Dewan & Riggins, 2005).

The late 1990s were a time of rapid increase in Internet and computer use across

all levels of American society (Martin, 2003). Young adults today may represent the

harshest legacy of the digital divide as they lived out their childhoods during the 1980s to

1990s, an era when personal computers were available for home purchase yet were far

too expensive for most people below upper-middle-class income levels (Ching, Basham,

& Jang, 2005). When computers entered the educational landscape they were almost

impossible to deploy for underfunded schools, and when the Internet opened its doors to

vast stores of knowledge it remained prohibitive to access without costly school

equipment and infrastructure improvements (Ching et al., 2005). However, as the

country moved forward more homes were being wired yet the increase in Internet

connectivity was more pronounced among individuals and families in the highest income

levels in our country.

After a decade of debate by experts in public policy, communications, philosophy,

social sciences, and economics, there is still no consensus on the definition, extent or

impact of the digital divide (Dewan & Riggins, 2005). Yet, computer and Internet users

in this country are divided along demographic and socioeconomic lines, as the use of

both technologies is higher among Whites than among Blacks and Hispanics (Rainie,

2010). Students living with more highly educated parents are more likely to use these

technologies than those living with less well educated parents, and those living in

households with higher family incomes are more likely to use computers and the Internet

than those living in lower income households (DeBell & Chapman, 2006). But studies

show that those students who do not have a parent with a bachelor’s degree seem more

likely to agree that having a notebook computer has improved their grades than are

students who have a parent with a bachelor’s or graduate degree ("One-to-One Laptops in

a High School Environment," 2004).

The digital divide can be categorizes into two types---a first-order digital divide or

a second-order digital divide (Kim, Lee, & Menon, 2009). First-order refers to the

inequality of access to Internet and communications technology, and second-order refers

to the inequality in the user ability to interact in meaningful ways with the Internet and

communications technology (Dewan & Riggins, 2005). The implication of this divide

impacts all socio-economic groups because if members of the society must make a

collective choice among a set of extreme alternatives, that society must make an effort to

inform the digitally challenged so they have the right information too when making a

decision that benefits the welfare of the society at large (Kim et al., 2009).

Students and the Digital Divide

Ninety-eight percent of all schools own computers with the current student-to-

computer rate below 10 to 1 (Coley, Cradler, & Engel, 1997). While the effectiveness of

educational technology can be debated the fact remains that nearly all schools today are

wired for high-speed Internet connectivity. However, many disadvantaged students only

use the Internet while at school because they do not have this technology at home that

requires the expenditure of discretionary dollars. Income, education, and ethnicity are

strong predictors of whether or not children have access to a home computer, as well as

strong predictors of the quality of access (Becker, 2000). Among groups of students who

access the Internet from only one location, 60% of these students come from families in

poverty and 63% come from families whose parents have not earned a least a high school

diploma (DeBell & Chapman, 2006). Low socio-economic status continues to

distinguish between the “haves” and the “have-nots” with technology access at home,

which have a positive influence on reading achievement of students even when socio-

economic differences are accounted for (Espinosa, Laffey, Whittaker, & Sheng, 2006).

Because what students do with technology ultimately determines the effectiveness

of their education experience, it is key that they have access to meaningful, high-quality,

interactive educational content online (Solomon, 2002). If technological inequalities are

allowed to persist then they will exacerbate other forms of social and economic

inequalities for students most at risk in this country (Martin, 2003). Today, more and

more students use creative online simulations and web applications to learn, they consult

experts, exchange ideas with peers around the world, take virtual field trips to distant

places, and do research using vast databases of information all via high-speed Internet

access (Solomon, 2002).

In a truly equitable digital environment, every student would have access to this

kind of online learning twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Data from a study of

eighth-grade students computer usage revealed that those in low-income groups more

often use computers for lower-order skills, such as drill and practice, meanwhile their

peers who are considered more economically advantaged get more opportunities to use

technology for higher-order activities, which are positively related to gains in academic

performance (Solomon, 2002). Several researchers in the United States and the United

Kingdom examined home use of computers and found that the use of technology at home

is aligned with positive academic achievement for students (Espinosa et al., 2006).

Schools Try to Fill the Void

Using a computer at school and at home affect economic outcomes in at least two

ways. First, computer skills - knowing how to use a computer - may have direct effects

on productivity and wages. Second, computers can be used as means for learning other

skills, such as math, reading, and science that in turn may give rise to positive labor-

market outcomes (Woessmann & Fuchs, 2005). In recent years, governmental funding

programs such as Goals 2000 and Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology,

which provide federal dollars for such necessities as purchasing equipment, wiring

classrooms, and training teachers, have been somewhat successful at building bridges

across the digital divide for the current generation of K-12 students (Ching et al., 2005).

The state of Maine decided to improve equity of opportunity towards their digital

divide by giving all secondary students a computing device to take home. More than

70% of teachers in one Maine school reported that the laptop program has improved

student interaction with teachers, and that it has improved interaction among students

they define as traditional, at-risk, or low achieving ("One-to-One Laptops in a High

School Environment," 2004). More than two-thirds of teachers in a one-to-one notebook

computer school indicated that, for at-risk or low-achieving students, notebook computers

have improved student engagement/level of interest, motivation, participation in class,

ability to work in groups, ability to work independently, interaction with teachers and

with other students, and quality of work ("One-to-One Laptops in a High School

Environment," 2004). During this time of high unemployment and underemployment

research studies on broadband and economic growth have found a positive correlation

between broadband Internet availability, home computer use and local employment

opportunities (Kolko, 2012). For society the cost of delivering services to meet the needs

of a shrinking minority of people who either do not have access to broadband or lack the

skills to use it will put added financial strain on already limited resources (Horrigan,

2011). Having a computer at home and using it at school will almost certainly raise some

computer skills that have implications for the society at large (Woessmann & Fuchs,


As the current economic crisis lingers, we may see only modest gains in the

proportion of poorer households with computers or Internet access (Martin, 2003). While

the digital divide debate should not abandon equity arguments, it should also consider the

cost to individuals, and more importantly to society, of having a sizable portion of the

population offline (Horrigan, 2011). This exclusion makes a lack of Internet access more

disadvantages today than a decade ago and could cause the digital divide to easily persist

for a generation or two longer than anticipated (Martin, 2003).

For individuals without access to broadband, they either miss out on information

all together or they must use more costly means to accomplish certain daily tasks

(Horrigan, 2011). Internet users with broadband at home are more likely than those with

dial-up or no home Internet to engage in searches related to health services, news,

weather, government agency information, and recreational opportunities (Cooper &

Gallagher, 2004). There is hope on the horizon, if you have people together in structured

environments, such as public schools, where individuals have assured access at school

and at home, the digital divide seems to dissipate in many of the traditional ways that we

think about the digital divide (Cotten & Jelenewicz, 2006). If we intend to have an

impact on our students for their entire life, school experiences with computers must take

place in an environment where technology is important and enjoyable, the learning

activities should be personally meaningful, and all students should be guaranteed these

powerful experiences (Ching et al., 2005). Then perhaps we can hope that after another

span of years, with the next generation of young adults, we will see a waning legacy of

the digital divide.

Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a required yearlong one-

to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at

school on the norm-referenced achievement test scores, writing assessment scores, and

grade point average scores of eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home compared to eighth-grade students eligible and not eligible for free

and reduced price lunch program participation who do have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home.

Research Questions

The following research questions were used to analyze the Norm-referenced

EXPLORE Test scores for eighth-grade students who completed a required yearlong one-

to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at

school who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home compared to eighth-

grade students eligible and not eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home.


Overarching Pretest-Posttest EXPLORE Test Research Question #1. Do

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and

eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who

qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for free or reduced

lunch program participation lose, maintain, or improve their pretest beginning eight-grade

compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced EXPLORE Test for (a)

English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve Equivalent


Sub-Question 1a. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home pretest

beginning eighth-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced

EXPLORE Test for (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite

Normal Curve Equivalent Scores?

Sub-Question 1b. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest beginning eighth-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced EXPLORE Test

for (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve

Equivalent Scores?

Sub-Question 1c. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest beginning eighth-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced EXPLORE Test

for (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve

Equivalent Scores?

Overarching Posttest-Posttest EXPLORE Test Research Question #2. Do

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and

eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who

qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for free or reduced

lunch program participation have congruent or different posttest compared to posttest

ending eighth-grade EXPLORE Test (a) English, (b) reading, (c) math, (d) science, and

(e) composite Normal Curve Equivalent scores following participation in a required

yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet

connectivity at school?

Overarching Pretest-Posttest Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive

Writing Assessment Research Question #3. Do eighth-grade students who do not have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home and who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation lose,

maintain, or improve their pretest beginning eighth-grade compared to their posttest

ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment

holistic/total category scores?


Sub-Question 3a. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home pretest

beginning eighth-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-

Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores?

Sub-Question 3b. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest beginning eighth-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores?

Sub-Question 3c. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest beginning eighth-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores?

Overarching Posttest-Posttest Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive

Writing Assessment Research Question #4. Do eighth-grade students who do not have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home and who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation have

congruent or different posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores following participation in a


required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed

Internet connectivity at school?

Overarching Pretest-Posttest Classroom Performance Research Question #5.

Do eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and

eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who

qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home lose, maintain, or improve their pretest

ending seventh-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade grade point average

scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative

GPA scores?

Sub-Question 5a. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home pretest

ending seventh-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade grade point average

scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative

GPA scores?

Sub-Question 5b. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest ending seventh-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade grade point average scores for core

subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores?

Sub-Question 5c. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest ending seventh-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade grade point average scores for core

subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores?

Overarching Posttest-Posttest Classroom Performance Research Question

#6. Do eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home

and eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who

qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home have congruent or different posttest ending

eighth-grade, grade point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c)

social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores following participation in a required

yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet

connectivity at school?

Data Collection Procedures

All study achievement data were retrospective, archival, and routinely collected

school information. Permission from the appropriate school research personnel was

obtained. Study participants in arm one (n = 19) were a naturally formed group of

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home. Study

participants in arm two (n = 19) were randomly selected eighth-grade students who have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home who qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation. Study participants in arm three (n = 19) were randomly selected eighth-

grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home who do not qualify for

free or reduced lunch program participation. Non-coded numbers were used to display

individual de-identified achievement data. Aggregated group data, descriptive statistics,


and parametric statistical analysis were utilized and reported with means and standard

deviations on tables.

Performance site. The research was conducted in the public school setting

through normal educational practices. The study procedures did not interfere with the

normal educational practices of the public school and did not involve coercion or

discomfort of any kind. Data were stored on spreadsheets and computer flash drives for

statistical analysis in the office of the primary researcher and the dissertation chair. Data

and computer files were kept in locked file cabinets. No individual identifiers were

attached to the data.


The study has several strong points including: (a) that having access to a notebook

computer 24-7 advantageous in increasing student academic performance, (b) all subjects

were enrolled in the same school district during both their seventh-grade and eighth-grade

school years (c) student without access to high-speed Internet at home may be at a

disadvantage to peers with such access, and (d) all students were assessed by the same

standardized prognosis test.

Delimitations of the Study

This study was delimited to the incoming eighth-grade students of one middle

school in a suburban school district who were in attendance from the fall of 2007 to the

spring of 2009. A small number of students were excluded from this pool because they

did not attend this school as seventh-graders. Study findings were delimited to the

students participating yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program.


Limitations of the Study

This exploratory study was confined to eighth-grade students (N = 57)

participating in yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program. Study participants in

arm one (n = 19) were a naturally formed group of eighth-grade students who do not have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home. Study participants in arm two (n = 19) were

randomly selected eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home who qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation. Study participants in

arm three (n = 19) were randomly selected eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program


The small number of study subjects could limit the utility and generalizability of

the study results and findings.

Definition of Terms

Broadband. For the purpose of this study broadband will be synonymous with

high-speed Internet access. Relating to, or being a high-speed communications network

and especially one in which a frequency range is divided into multiple independent

channels for simultaneous transmission of signals (as voice, data, or video).

Internet. For the purpose of this study Internet will be an electronic

communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer

facilities around the world.

21st century skills. 21st century skills are the skills students need to succeed in

work, school, and life. They include but are not limited to the following: (1) 21st

Century Core Subjects and the 21st Century Themes: global awareness; financial,

economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy and health literacy, and

environmental literacy. (2) Learning and Innovation Skills: creativity and innovation,

critical thinking and problem solving skills, communication and collaboration skills. (3)

Information Media and Technology skills: information literacy and media literacy

(Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2011).

Academic achievement data. For this study academic achievement data

includes performance on five separate assessment measures: The norm-referenced

EXPLORE (i) Reading total subtest, (ii) English total subtest normal curve equivalent

(NCE) scores, first and fourth quarter English grades, the district developed fall and

spring Writing Assessment, grades in core subject areas (i.e., English, social studies, &

science) and the students’ grade point average (GPA).

Blogs. For this study blogs are interactive websites where an individual or group

creates a running log of entries or comments that can be read by other users, such as in an

online journal.

Broadband. Broadband, short for broadband Internet access refers to a high rate

data connection to the Internet. Broadband technologies provide download data transfers

faster than typical dial-up speeds. Broadband connections provide faster transfer of data

from the user to the Internet and from the Internet to the user. For the purpose of this

study this term is synonymous with high-speed Internet.

Digital divide. For the purpose of this paper the divide between people with

access to high-speed Internet compared to those without access to high-speed Internet.

Digital equity. Digital equity in education means ensuring that every student,

regardless of socioeconomic status, language, race, geography, physical restrictions,


cultural background, gender, or other attribute historically associated with inequities, has

equitable access to advanced technologies, communication and information resources,

and the learning experiences they provide (Soloman, Allen, & Resta, 2003).

Digital immigrants. Digital immigrants are defined as students or adults who

have not grown up with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile

phones and other mobile devices. They often come from home environments where there

is no Internet access and/or no personal home computer.

Digital natives. Digital natives are students or adults who have grown up with

digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones, and other mobile

devices. They often come from home environments where there is Internet access and a

personal home computer.

District Writing Assessment. For this study, the District Writing Assessment

refers to a writing assessment administered each fall and spring to eighth-grade students

in the Westside Community Schools. Students write a descriptive essay that is scored

holistically by trained raters from the district.

First-order digital divide. People without physical access to the Internet

because of hardware or infrastructure limitations or both.

Free and reduced priced lunch. Children from families with incomes at or

below 130% of the poverty level ($28,665 for a family of four) are eligible for free lunch

program participation. Those with incomes between 130% and up to 185% of the

poverty level ($40,793 for a family of four) are eligible for reduced‐price lunch program

participation, for which students can be charged no more than 40 cents. Free and reduced

priced lunch program participation is commonly referred to in educational literature as a


standard poverty level of which to draw conclusions about socioeconomic status

compared to their peers who do not qualify for participation in this program (United State

Department of Agriculture, 2011).

Globalization. For this study and in the literature review, globalization refers to

the process by which economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through

a global network of communication, technology, transportation, and trade.

Grade point average (GPA). GPA provides a value of a student’s overall

academic performance across content areas. GPA is typically expressed in either total

GPA on a four-point scale or individually for separate subject areas on a four-point scale.

GPA may also be reflected as cumulative GPA in which the GPA accumulates across


Internet. The Internet refers to an interconnected worldwide network of

technology systems and computer pathways for which data and information is shared for

a variety of purposes by a variety of users.

Local area network. A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that

connects computers and devices in an identified and specific geographical area such as

home, school, computer laboratory, or office. They usually have high data-transfer rates,

smaller geographic area and do not require telecommunication lines.

Laptop Computer. For this study, a laptop computer refers to small mobile

personal computer. Laptops contain various software and tools used by students and are

often networked so that students may connect wirelessly to a Local Area Network (LAN).

For this study this term is synonymous with notebook computer.


One-to-one laptop computer program. For this study, a one-to-one laptop

computer program refers to providing each student with a laptop computer for both

school and home 24/7 ubiquitous use and access. One-to-one laptop computer programs

may be either school district provided, individual student provided, or a combination.

Paid lunch students. Children from families with incomes above 130% of the

poverty level ($28,665 for a family of four), which are not eligible for free, lunch

program participation. Those with incomes between 130% and up to 185% of the

poverty level ($40,793 for a family of four) are not eligible for reduced‐price program

participation, for which students can be charged no more than 40 cents. These students

would commonly be referred to in educational literature as students not in poverty, which

sometimes is used to draw conclusions against their peers who qualify for free/reduced

lunch program participation (United State Department of Agriculture, 2011).

Pilot Program. For this study, a pilot program refers to a temporary,

experimental program or project intended to test an educational theory or assumption.

Pilot programs cited in this study and literature review usually contain a limited number

of students, schools, teachers, and/or classrooms (Bird, 2008).

Second-order Digital Divide. People with physical access to the Internet but

lacking a skill-set that allows them to gather and use the necessary information to make

informed decisions.

Social networking websites. For this study, social networking websites refer to

Internet social websites in which communities of people share information, interests and

activities (e.g., Facebook, MySpace).


Socioeconomic status. For this study, socioeconomic status refers to an

individual or family’s economic and social position relative to others, based on income,

education, and occupation. Socioeconomic status is generally divided into three

categories (high, middle, and low) to describe the three areas a family or an individual

may fall into.

Technology. For this study, technology refers in general to any information

technology device such as computers, mobile wireless devices, systems of networks (e.g.,

Internet, local networks), and computer software.

Technology integration. Technology Integration is the use of technology tools in

content subject areas in education thus allowing students to apply computer and

technology skills to learning, problem solving, and communication.

Wide area network. A wide area network (WAN) is a computer network that

connects multiple buildings or sites within an organization. They have high data-transfer

rates and require the use of telecommunication lines (i.e., fiber, T1, T3 lines), high

throughput radio transmitters, or high throughput lasers.

Wi-Fi. For this study, WI-FI refers to a process for wirelessly connecting

electronic devices. A device enabled with Wi-Fi, such as a computer, gaming device,

smart phone, or digital audio player, that connects to the Internet via a wireless Internet

access point.

Wikis. For this study wikis are referred to as collaborative websites that allow

users to freely create and edit web page content (e.g., Wikipedia).

Significance of the Study

This study has the potential to contribute to research, practice, and policy. It is of

significant interest to educators seeking ways to help student achievement by providing

24-7 access to technology tools.

Contribution to research. There is a great deal of research in the area of school

technology but little research on what happens when that technology goes home. This

study could help to inform those that worry about the achievement of those students

without high-speed Internet access at home

Contribution to practice. This study has the potential of contributing to

educational practice by examining technology processes and practices used at the

research school, as well as other middle schools. The findings of this study will inform

the research school about its technology processes and the need to continue the existing

process or change the process to better meet the needs of students.

Contribution to policy. The results of this study could inform the research

school district to make policy changes in the technology integration. It could further

assist other school districts in developing a technology implementation plan to be used in

placing technology in the hands of their students for home use.

Organization of the Study

The literature review relevant to this study is presented in Chapter 2. This chapter

reviews professional literature on the digital divide and the expansion of digital tools in

schools. Chapter 3 describes the research design, methodology, and procedures used to

gather and analyze the data of the study.




Use of Instructional Technology

From birth, today’s students have always lived in a digital world. Many in this

generation will never know a phone that hung on a wall or what a cassette or VHS tape

looks like, these students live in a world where they carry their entire music collection

with them everywhere they go (Pitler, Flynn, & Gaddy, 2004). While some might

question the expense of a one-to-one notebook computer initiative, both in human and

monetary capital, school officials see this as an opportunity to reshape the very nature of

teaching and learning (Pitler et al., 2004). Schools have always used technology to

support instruction. Prior to computers we saw a number of other forms of technology in

our classrooms—film, radio, and television (Koschmann, 1996). With Micro-processers

many schools and teachers started requiring that students bring to school specific makes

and models of graphing calculators (Campbell & Pargas, 2003). The use of what would

later be known as Instructional Technology was being widely used and advocated for by

educators even though it was a daunting task (Campbell & Pargas, 2003).

With the invention of the personal computer and its use in schools the term

instructional technology came into its own broad area of study and analysis by

educational researchers (Koschmann, 1996). The early use of instructional technology

lumped all forms of computer use into a paradigm known as Computer-Assisted

Instruction (Koschmann, 1996). This was highlighted by the use of such things as IBM’s

Coursewriter I authoring tools in schools in the early 1990’s (Koschmann, 1996). This

type of learning strategy required a passive learner that receives content from the teacher

via a technology tool (Koschmann, 1996).

The one-to-one computer access movement began in the 1980’s with the Apple

Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) project (Donovan, Hartley, & Strudler, 2007). This

was the first large-scale one-to-one computer access project for K-12 educators and

students (Donovan et al., 2007). This was followed in the 1990’s by Microsoft

Corporation Anytime Anywhere Learning (AAL) project (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005).

One of the first large-scale portable one-to-one notebook computer initiatives was done

by Henrico County Public Schools, Henrico, Virginia; in 2002 they deployed over 25,000

laptops to teachers and students in grades 6 through 12 (Donovan et al., 2007). Students,

teachers, and families of the Henrico system considered the notebook computer to be a

positive addition to the teaching and learning experience (Donovan et al., 2007). In

addition, families felt that it also improved school to home communication, while at the

same time increasing student motivation to be more self-directed learners (Donovan et

al., 2007). Today many parents, educators, and students view notebook computers not as

technology tools but rather as cognitive tools that are holistically integrated into the

teaching and learning frameworks of their school (Weston & Bain, 2010).

By 2003, the United States and Australia were tied for first in the world on having

the lowest computer to student ratio of 5 computers to every one student (Gulek &

Demirtas, 2005). Also in 2003 the Texas Legislature created the Technology Immersion

Pilot (TIP) with the hope of “immersing” schools in technology rather than by

introducing technology resources in a cyclical fashion over time (Shapley, Sheehan,

Maloney, & Caranikas-Walker, 2010). They invested more than $20 million to high-

need secondary schools through completive grants for one-to-one notebook pilots to

wireless Internet access through an entire school campus (Shapley et al., 2010). Not only

was there progress in number of devices per students available at U.S. schools but also a

new paradigm was emerging because of the development of programs that used artificial

intelligence (Koschmann, 1996). These types of software programs now allowed the

computer to be a student’s personal tutor (Koschmann, 1996). This was followed by the

current technology paradigm that knowledge should be acquired through a process of

students actively constructing their own learning (Koschmann, 1996). Technology

transforms classrooms into more collaborative, engaging, dynamic and student-centered

learning environments (Jeroski, 2003). The use of technology in the classroom allows

teachers to more easily shift towards a constructivist teaching pedagogy (Windschitl &

Sahl, 2002). This in turn allows teachers to use more student-centered strategies for

student learning that marries well with the integration of technology tools within their

classroom (Koschmann, 1996). When teachers use technology in this way their

classroom is transformed from being one with a teacher that is an authority figure that

imparts knowledge to a classroom in which the teacher becomes the facilitator or guide

on the side for student learning (Windschitl & Sahl, 2002).

A goal of many one-to-one notebook computer programs is to create a learning

environment that inspires students to take more ownership of their learning while at the

same time increasing their intrinsic motivation for learning (Warschauer, 2008). One-to-

one programs can provide an environment which include more student centered

strategies, project-based learning opportunities, cooperative or collaborative learning

activities, while the teacher serves as a facilitator for learning (Warschauer, 2008).

Unfortunately, many educators even today think that implementation of a one-to-one

notebook computer program automatically results in student centered learning. However,

a true theoretical explanation would be that moving to a one-to-one notebook-computing

model requires a school to first shift toward student-centered practices within the learning

environment prior to implementation of any one-to-one computer program model

(Donovan et al., 2007). In the main, one-to-one notebook computer immersion programs

require a comprehensive approach that transforms the school culture, changes the nature

of teaching and learning, and expands the educational boundaries of the school and the

classrooms in anticipation of distributing the laptop computers (Shapley et al., 2010).

While there still may be some critics of one-to-one notebook computer programs,

particularly given their expense and the expenditure of scarce tax dollars, few educational

initiatives have resulted so completely in positively transforming the teaching, learning,

and evaluation process of so many schools in so many states in so many countries that

now are connected in so many ways. The result is now known and this new standard for

opening up worlds of knowledge to all students irrespective of their economic advantages

or disadvantages in our schools is getting the positive media coverage it deserves

(Weston & Bain, 2010).

Also, for states with struggling economies, quality schools with low computer to

student ratios or even a one-to-one notebook computer program may be a way for a state

to repair, maintain, or improve their economic status for their citizens (Pitler et al., 2004).

These type of technology programs level the playing field for low socio-economic

students while at the same time preparing them for the very tools that they will find in

today’s military, workplace, or schools of higher-learning (Pitler et al., 2004). Digital


equity is established by ensuring that all students have the same tools coupled with high

teacher expectations (Lemke & Martin, 2003). This creates “equity of opportunity” for

all students within a learning system and has the potential to impact in a positive way

achievement for those most at risk who normally would not have access to these type of

tools within their domicile (Lemke & Martin, 2003).

Educators began to ask could we do a better job of educating our students if they

were provided a portable notebook computer with a wireless Internet connection that was

available to them 24 hours a day, seven days a week (Campbell & Pargas, 2003)? They

began experimenting with providing students online resources that reinforced, brought

forth prior knowledge and/or presented new knowledge to their students (Campbell &

Pargas, 2003). A one-to-one notebook computer setting can bridge the digital divide that

currently exists among some of our students (Mouza, 2008). Educators at both the K-12

and at higher education institutions have realized that providing online resources that

were carefully selected by the instructor allows students to be better prepared when they

entered that day’s classroom (Campbell & Pargas, 2003).

The emergence of handheld devices and computers that have low acquisition

price points began to gain traction in school districts across the United States (Carter,

2001). These smaller handheld devices are all Internet ready, have longer battery life and

have short learning curves for the end user (Crichton, Stuewe, Pegler, & White, 2011).

While handhelds may be more portable and cheaper than laptops they are not comparable

to a fully loaded notebook-computing platform that includes a robust chip set and large

storage capabilities (Carter, 2001). It can be agreed among computer aficionados of

either handhelds or portable-computing devices that the increasing use of wireless


networking coupled with access to the Internet is transforming teaching and learning

worldwide (Wambach, 2006). With the expansion of wireless Internet access learning

places have the fluidity of truly becoming anytime, anywhere, educational spaces

(Windschitl & Sahl, 2002). These technology rich, connected learning environments

provide a collaborative learning experience that allows students to think through and

solve real-world problems (Campbell & Pargas, 2003). This real world experience also

applies to the social mores of our society when using electronic devices. When students

are working at school to complete assignments using computer technology they are also

learning real world electronic etiquette (Campbell & Pargas, 2003).

Student Achievement

Back in 1996 Microsoft Corporation launched the “Anytime Anywhere Learning

Project” at selected schools (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005). Key findings from a study of that

program resulted in increases by students in the following areas; engaging in

collaborative work, participation in project-based learning, writing quantity, writing

quality, directing their own learning, problem-solving and critical thinking, and increased

time on homework (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005). The Crossriver School District also found

that their one-to-one notebook computer program increased peer-to-peer collaboration

among their students finding that 91% of students who had one-to-one computers

collaborated at least one time per week with a peer, while 76% of the control group

students who did not use one-to-one computers collaborated with another peer once per

week (Lowther, Ross, & Morrison, 2003). The Crossriver study also mirrored the

Microsoft study in that students participated in more project-based activities, increased

the quantity of writing, and used higher level thinking skills (Lowther et al., 2003).

Schools participating in one-to-one programs have come to be associated with more

regular school attendance with students staying in school longer, both of these things can

be keys to student achievement (Carter, 2001).

Since 1996, state and district level agencies have invested over ten billion dollars

to acquire and integrate computer-based technologies into American schools (O'Dwyer,

Russell, Bebell, & Tucker-Seeley, 2005). More and more schools are embracing one-to-

one notebook computer initiatives, in which students of every grade at participating

schools have access to a laptop throughout the day to level the playing field for all of

their students. Some one-to-one initiatives begin and end with the school day, while

others aim to ensure student access to computers and Internet access twenty-four hours a

day, seven days a week. As we examine the impact of one-to-one technology use on

student learning, it is critical that the measures actually assess the types of learning that

may occur as a result of technology use and that those measures are sensitive enough to

detect potential changes in learning that may occur (O’Dwyer et al., 2005). Given that

students within a classroom are likely to influence the attitudes and instructional practices

of their teachers and that these practices in turn affect all of the students in the classroom,

it is important to examine the classroom as a hierarchical organization within which

technology use occurs, it is a tool rather than a means to an end (O’Dwyer, et al., 2005).

The Crossriver School District showed that students with laptops acquired

computer skills in more diverse and real world connected ways than those students who

only used computers in school lab settings (Lowther et al., 2003). Ubiquitous access to

technology tools in conjunction with well-prepared teachers can ensure equity of

opportunity in today’s digital world for our most socio-economic disadvantaged students

(Mouza, 2008). At the heart of studies on Instructional Technology is the desire to learn

the answer to the question “What are the instructional benefits of introducing technology

into the classroom” (Koschmann, 1996)? With mandates in the No Child Left Behind

(NCLB) Act, schools have felt an increased pressure to provide every child with access to

high-quality instruction and tools to close any achievement gaps (Mouza, 2008).

There is also a sense of urgency to insure that all students leave school equipped

with 21st century skills and knowledge to compete in a global market (Mouza, 2008).

Research has shown that providing all students with a one-to-one notebook computer

creates a supportive school environment that fosters student responsibility, competence,

and autonomy (Mouza, 2008). This fostered autonomy and ownership of learning can be

leveraged by school officials to increase academic engagement, which can lead to

increased student achievement on academic measures (Mouza, 2008).

The Enhancing Missouri’s Instructional Networked Teaching Strategies

(eMINTS) student cohort initiated in 2004 found that integrating multimedia technology

into an inquiry-based learning environment earned higher scores on the Missouri’s

Assessment Program in mathematics and social studies than students who were not in the

cohort (Pitler et al., 2004). Henrico County, Virginia, began a one-to-one notebook

computer program in 2001 (Pitler et al., 2004). When they started their one-to-one

notebook computer program less than 8 out of 10 schools in their district were fully state

accredited due to some schools having less than 70% of their students passing the

Virginia Standards of Learning test. However, by 2003 every regular school in their

district was now fully accredited with school officials pointing to their technology

initiative as the reason for this success (Pitler et al., 2004).


Similar results were also found in Texas’s Technology Immersion Pilot (TIP)

pilot program where teachers and administrators increased students’ access to notebook

computers resulting in improved state assessment scores in math (Shapley et al., 2010).

During this same study they also found this same positive predictor of state math scores

when students increased their frequency and duration of computer use while away from

the school (Shapley et al., 2010). The study revealed that immersion through the one-to-

one technology initiative also had a positive relationship with student reading

achievement (Shapley et al., 2010). The majority of the students in the research group

were primarily minority, from low socioeconomic circumstances, highlighting the

importance of district provided laptops (Shapley et al., 2010). Equalization of learning

experiences outside of school for students in disadvantaged situations expanded where

and how learning occurs and increases the likelihood of academic success for these at-

risk students (Shapley et al., 2010). Doing so promoted a ubiquitous learning

environment, minimized the digital divide, and improved academic achievement for all

students (Shapley et al., 2010).

The Pleasanton Unified School District in Pleasanton, California, established a

notebook computer immersion program in 2001 (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005). Results from

a study that was conducted of the program showed that it had a significant positive effect

on math and language scores (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005). They also found that the

student’s overall cumulative GPA increased for their students in this program (Gulek &

Demirtas, 2005). The University of South Carolina studied the one-to-one initiative at

Beaufort County Schools District, in South Carolina, and found that students with

individual notebook computers scored higher on standardized achievement tests than

their non-laptop counterparts (Carter, 2001).

By 2002 the State of Maine, through its Maine Learning Technology Initiative

implemented a one-to-one middle school notebook computer program for all seventh and

eighth-grade students and their teachers (Silvernail & Gritter, 2007). This initiative also

provided technical and professional development for teacher integration of one-to-one

notebook computers into their curriculum and instructional practices (Silvernail &

Gritter, 2007). Examination of the state’s writing scores found that there was a

statistically significant improvement in writing scores after the implementation of the

one-to-one initiative when comparing 2000 writing scores to 2005 writing scores

(Silvernail & Gritter, 2007). The study also found that the more extensively a student

used the one-to-one in the development and production of a written product the greater

the likelihood that a students writing would result in higher scores (Silvernail & Gritter,


Over 75% of the teachers in a Maine study reported that having notebook

computer for their students allowed them to better meet Maine’s statewide learning

standards (Silvernail & Lane, 2004). This initiative also provided technical and

professional development for teacher integration into their curriculum and instructional

practices (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005). Conversely a study of Maine ninth-grade students

found that the quantity and quality of their schoolwork and writing declined once they no

longer had access to their school provided laptop when they entered 10th-grade (Pitler et

al., 2004).

Many times students are able to increase the pace of their studies because of the

time savings created by each student having their own computing device containing rich

multi-media resources (Wenli, Lim, & Tan, 2011). One study showed that students could

increase their timesavings from 30% to 50% on traditional school assignments when one-

to-one computers were provided (Garthwait & Weller, 2005). Teachers and students are

able to work smarter, go into more depth, reach higher levels of thinking with one-to-one

laptop computers utilized within a subject area (Garthwait & Weller, 2005). This study

also found that the greatest impact on student achievement was not the technology tool

per se but rather the teacher’s use of the technology tool in and out of the classroom

(Shapley et al., 2010). No technology system has yet been designed to replace the role of

a skilled classroom teacher and that is why professional development for the use of

technology tools in teaching and learning are imperative for any technology initiative

(Garthwait & Weller, 2005).

Either way parents/schools must find a way to provide students a way to carry

home the laptops used in classes all day or encourage parents to provide a computer for

their child’s evening study (K-12 Lease-to-Own Laptop Initiatives, 2008). The

decreasing cost, combined with the lighter weight of notebook computers and increasing

availability of wireless connectivity, are making one-to-one initiatives more feasible to

implement on a broad scale (Research: What It Says About 1 to 1 Learning, 2005).

States such as Maine and Texas, for example, have invested in statewide initiatives to

fund access to laptops for secondary school students (Research: What It Says About 1 to

1 Learning, 2005). Large districts like Henrico County in Virginia and Cobb County in

Georgia are providing laptops and digital content to all middle and high school students

(Penuel, 2006). Hundreds of public and parochial schools are implementing large-scale

projects that provide one-to-one, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week access to

computers and the Internet. Several studies show that the presence of educational

resources in the home, including computers, is a strong predictor of academic success in

mathematics and science (Jackson et al., 2006).

Ubiquitous access makes it possible for students to use a wider array of resources

to support their learning, to communicate with peers and their teachers, and to become

fluent in their use of the technological tools of the twenty-first century workplace

(Research: What It Says About 1 to 1 Learning, 2005). One-to-one notebook computer

access allows teachers to individualize instruction, which is a critical quality for a

learner-centered environment that benefits all students (Dunleavy, Dexter, & Heinecke,

2007). Being able to take computers home further expands students’ access, facilitates

students keeping their work organized, and makes the computer a more “personal” device

(Research: What It Says About 1 to 1 Learning, 2005). The use of word processing in

writing instruction has been shown to have a positive effect on student writing, especially

for struggling writers (MacArthur, 2009). Also, having 24-7 access to a notebook

computer has been associated with higher test scores in reading, even after controlling for

family income and other factors related to reading test scores (Jackson et al., 2006).

Beyond facilitating more frequent use of technology in class, many argue that

providing students with better access to computers can provide students with more

equitable access to resources and learning opportunities. Thus results of a reading study

regression analyses indicated that children who used the Internet more subsequently had

higher GPAs and higher scores on standardized tests of reading achievement than did

children who used the Internet less (Jackson et al., 2006). Educational leaders have

argued that providing students with a computer with Internet access gives everyone the

ability to use up-to-date learning resources that before were available only to those who

lived close to a library or benefited from school budgets that allowed for regular

purchases of new textbooks (Penuel, 2006). There has been widespread interest and

investment in initiatives designed to provide each student with a computer to support

academic learning for close to ten years now in the United States. The earliest initiatives

in the U.S. began appearing in the mid-1990s, and the most visible sponsored initiative at

that time was Microsoft’s “Anytime, Anywhere Learning Program” (Penuel, 2006). As

part of this program, scores of schools and districts implemented programs in which

students could lease or buy laptop computers that they and their teachers were expected

to use in school. In the past five years whole districts and even states continue to invest

in initiatives designed to give every student in particular grade level a laptop computer

(Penuel, 2006).

Moreover, studies have indicated that playing games of an academic nature on a

computer, namely action games that involve rapid movement, imagery, intense

interaction, and multiple activities occurring simultaneously, improves visual intelligence

skills (Jackson et al., 2006). Furthermore, some evidence suggests a positive relationship

between computer game playing and visual spatial skills and between owning a home

computer and school performance (Jackson et al., 2006). Collaborative tools such as

blogs, wikis and social networking websites help students and teachers share content in

much more meaningful and creative ways that lead to increased student motivation and

engagement (Ferriter, 2009). Studies completed on one-to-one learning programs found


that teachers felt more empowered and spent less time lecturing while at the same time

using websites and online resources to create a more inquiry-based learning environment

(Rockman, 1998).

The invention of the computer today is analogous to the invention of written

language centuries ago (Turkle, 2004). The invention of written language brought about

a radical shift in how we process, organize, store, and transmit representations of the

world and even though writing remains our primary information technology, today when

we think about the impact of technology on our habits of mind, we think primarily of the

computer (Turkle, 2004). Schools hope that the increased use of notebook computers

will lead to improved student scores in the area of academic achievement. To accomplish

this, we need much more experience and experimentation with notebook computers in the

classroom by our best teachers (Campbell & Pargas, 2003). Notebook computers for

students will truly be fully integrated when they effectively become invisible by blending

into the teaching and learning that is taking place within the learning environment rather

than being a primary focus (Campbell & Pargas, 2003). Teachers must design tasks that

are consistent with the curriculum and use software and the Internet in meaningful ways

so students will see those connections (Crichton et al., 2011). A study of the Technology

Immersion Pilot (TIP) pilot in Texas stated that one-to-one notebook programs can be

instituted with fidelity if school districts and their individual schools are committed to

ensuring student access within and outside the school and found the prospects for raising

academic achievement very promising (Shapley et al., 2010).

Improvement of Writing

Both teens and their parents say that good writing is an essential skill for later

success in life and 83% of parents of teens feel there is a greater need to write well

today than there was 20 years ago. Furthermore, 86% of teens believe good writing

is important to success in life--some 56% describe it as essential and another 30%

describe it as important (Lenhart, Arafeh, Smith, & Macgill, 2008). In just 25 years,

we have progressed from the first computers useful for word processing in our

schools to students using Web 2.0 applications that support easy creation of written

Internet content (MacArthur, 2009). The digital age does present a paradox for

educators as most of the students they teach spend a considerable amount of their life

composing texts, but those same students do not think that a lot of the material they

create electronically is real writing (Lenhart et al., 2008).

Among children of college-educated parents, 47% believe that they write more

outside of school thanks to computers, compared with 34% of teens whose parents

have no college experiences (Lenhart et al., 2008). However, when measuring

students’ use of computers, it may be important to not only develop more precise

measures of what students are doing with computers, but also what content students

are learning as they use the computers (O'Dwyer, Russell, Bebell, & Tucker-Seeley,

2008). A meta-analysis of over 150 studies from 1990 through 1995 indicates that

using computers for student writing assignments improves their written work because

of the ease of editing which improves the quality of student writing (Burner, 2012).

Without the ongoing barriers presented by verb tense, punctuation and other writing

constructs, students are allowed to fully concentrate on generating ideas, organization

of thoughts, making generalizations, and synthesizing ideas into their writing

(Burner, 2012).

The phenomenon of students not meeting grade-level proficiencies as they progress

through school is more prevalent among lower socioeconomic status students, where non-

Whites are heavily over-represented (Suhr, Hernandez, Grimes, & Warschauer, 2010).

Children of more economically advantaged families score significantly higher on reading

and writing performance then their disadvantaged peers in regard to socioeconomics

(Suhr et al., 2010). This disparity widens substantially in fourth-grade as students

transition from the lower to the upper elementary grades (Suhr et al., 2010). A study

confirmed that when fourth-grade students in nine separate school districts were put into

classrooms with an abundance of technology resources they had higher scores on their

state writing assessments (Suhr et al., 2010). Over a two-year interval students with

notebook computers to use submitted higher quality written compositions, wrote longer

essays, revised the writing more frequently, and exhibited mastery of the content then

those students without a laptop computer (Suhr et al., 2010).

One Canadian school showed that access to notebook computers raised the

proportion of students who met the national writing performance standard from 70% to

92% in a single year (Suhr et al., 2010). Notebook computers are not the magic bullet

that will automatically raise writing scores single-handily, however, studies show that

with effective instructional practices they have a positive impact on raising student

achievement (Suhr et al., 2010). When it comes to using technology for school or non-

school writing, teens believe that when they use computers to write they are more

inclined to edit and revise their written texts (Lenhart et al., 2008). However, to get the

full benefit of using a word processing program, students should complete the entire

writing process from drafting through publication on their computer rather than mixing

digital (e.g., computer) with analog (e.g., handwriting) tools (MacArthur, 2009). Nearly

six in ten teens (57%) say they edit and revise more when they write using a computer

compared with when they write by hand (Lenhart et al., 2008). Students who reported

higher frequencies of computer use for editing papers during school time tended to have

higher writing scores, while students who reported higher frequencies of computer use

during school for creating presentations tended to have lower writing scores (O'Dwyer et

al., 2005).


Nearly all studies of one-to-one notebook computer programs success depend

largely on their teachers and their preparation (Bebell & O'Dwyer, 2010). Successful

one-to-one notebook computer programs have at their very core a strong professional

development component (Pitler et al., 2004). From the very beginning of Apple’s

Classrooms of Tomorrow project sprang forth the conceptual framework that any

proposed technology adoption goes through a process in which staff will use technology

tools in their classroom in direct proportion to their comfort level with the tool and/or

software being used (Donovan et al., 2007). What often happens is that teachers are

rarely consulted on the usefulness of the innovation, yet they are expected to adopt it with

open arms (Donovan et al., 2007). This feeling of discomfort must be acknowledged and

addressed by school leadership when they plan and develop their professional

development offerings (Donovan et al., 2007). By doing this, the school leader can help

those being trained see the innovation adoption and implementation cycle as a

developmental process rather than a one time event (Donovan et al., 2007). Even though

one-to-one notebook computing schools have been in existence since the early part of this

century, adopters of this system would still be considered on the front line for this type of

implementation (Bebell & O'Dwyer, 2010). Special attention needs to be paid to provide

essential supports for teachers, the school and the communities that have decided to

undertake a one-to-one initiative (Bebell & O'Dwyer, 2010).

While technology can be a catalyst for change, only through congruent

professional development can long-term positive change in the learning environment be

achieved (Pitler et al., 2004). The professional development needs to be tied to the

learning outcomes of the school and it must also be targeted and specific to developing

the necessary skill set of classroom teachers so that they can focus on maximizing

learning opportunities for their students (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005). Key findings from

Microsoft’s Anytime Anywhere study showed that the program resulted in staff

increasing their use of constructivist teaching practices, while increasing the feeling of

teaching empowerment, while at the same time lowering the amount teacher’s lectured to

students (Ching et al., 2005). The aforementioned Crossriver study also showed that

teachers used more student-centered strategies, teacher as a coach practices, and peer-to-

peer cooperative learning activities within their classroom to engage students and

increase achievement (Lowther et al., 2003). All technology professional development

should include instruction on the essential elements of the initiative, how to design

technology enhanced learning environments, lesson development in the core subject

areas, ongoing professional development offerings, as well as ongoing coaching and

technical support (Bebell & O'Dwyer, 2010).

To ensure success of the Maine Learning Technology Initiative state legislators

provided within their initiative funds technical support to limit failure points while also

providing funds for professional development of teachers to ensure success of the

notebook computer integration into their curriculum writing and teaching practices

(Silvernail & Gritter, 2007). Professional development for technology has two key

phases--Phase One is a series of trainings to master the basics of software and hardware

with Phase Two being supporting integration into classroom practices (Carter, 2001).

Schools rich with technology will need to quickly move from the “entry” phase--in which

teachers make decisions not to use technology because of their discomfort, to “invention”

phase--in which teachers are capable of transforming the learning environment within

their classroom because of the use of the school’s technology resources (Windschitl &

Sahl, 2002). Strong administrative leadership coupled with professional development

opportunities for teachers contribute to the success of one-to-one initiatives (Windschitl

& Sahl, 2002).

Studies have shown that the lack of planning time, in the form of teacher

collaboration, becomes a barrier to the successful implementation of any one-to-one

notebook initiative (Bebell & O'Dwyer, 2010). The use of regular planning time with

colleagues who share both an interest and desire to use technology in the classroom also

has a positive impact on a teacher’s success in integrating these tools (Windschitl & Sahl,

2002). Professional development is a very complex issue that requires a well thought out

and simple process for teachers (Windschitl & Sahl, 2002). This process should include a

mix of many professional development modalities that consistently reflect the district’s

expectations for technology use while at the same time respecting the teacher’s beliefs

about learners and learning (Windschitl & Sahl, 2002). Wise school leaders will need to

understand how this technology trend affects the lives of their teachers as well as the

school so they can make informed recommendations that allow good teaching to flourish

regardless of the tools at hand in the classroom (Windschitl & Sahl, 2002). When

implementing a one-to-one notebook program for the first time teachers need to be

treated as learners and their learning must be honored and personalized as well as

supported (Crichton et al., 2011). This process will ensure that their comfort with the

tool or software allows them to successfully make professional practice judgments that

will benefit their students (Crichton et al, 2011).

Schools must also have in place the necessary infrastructure to pull off a large-

scale one-to-one notebook computer program. This would include the use of a secure

Local Area Network (LAN) that is part of a robust Wide Area Network (WAN) (Crichton

et al., 2011). Planning for security and computer configuration is also a vital but

sometimes over looked task (Crichton et al, 2011). School administrators must also make

certain that school policies and rules reflect the changing dynamics that these tools bring

and take into consideration the potential issues associated with these type of endeavors

(Crichton et al., 2011).

Current Broadband Divide

Access to broadband Internet is spreading in the United States but the Federal

Communications Commission (FCC) shows that there are still 19 million Americans

without access to this type of service as we entered the year 2012 (19 Million Americans

Still Go Without Broadband, 2012). While this number has improved from the 2011

number of 26 million Americans the FCC continues to attribute this high number of

disconnected people to those mainly living in rural areas (19 Million Americans Still Go

Without Broadband, 2012). Education Week, a respected educational journal,


commented that the lack of broadband Internet connections in many rural communities

limits the educational options for all residents that reside in those areas (Broadband

Access, 2012). They referred to this disparity as the “opportunity gap” between urban

and rural communities (Broadband Access, 2012). When looking at rural versus non-

rural homes only 1.8% of non-rural homes did not have access to high-speed Internet

compared to 23.7% in rural areas (19 Million Americans Still Go Without Broadband,


When most think about rural areas they immediately envision places like

Wyoming or Montana, yet 35% of the people living in California’s rural areas could not

order broadband Internet service at the end of 2011 calendar year (19 Million Americans

Still Go Without Broadband, 2012). Cellular service providers are now offering mobile

broadband service but nearly 20 million Americans, or 6.2% of the population, do not

have access to this type of service either (19 Million Americans Still Go Without

Broadband, 2012). FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has set a goal of 2020 to try to

deliver broadband Internet access to all people living within the boarders of the United

States (19 Million Americans Still Go Without Broadband, 2012). While this lack of

access is a concern for rural schools, it also can be limiting to post-secondary schools that

may offer online courses that could add to people’s credentials or job skills while at the

same time increasing their potential earning power (Broadband Access, 2012). As we

come near the exit of the 2012 calendar year this Internet divide between rural and urban

America puts many at a disadvantage at benefiting from important learning opportunities

and information (Broadband Access, 2012). It is only when one-to-one computer

technology and broadband access are used in tandem that we may expect the greatest use

of these tools to support student learning congruent with the expectations of the worlds of

learning and work these students all will face tomorrow.




Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a required yearlong one-

to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at

school on the norm-referenced achievement test scores, writing assessment scores, and

grade point average scores of eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home compared to eighth-grade students eligible and not eligible for free

and reduced price lunch program participation who do have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home.


Number of participants. The maximum accrual (N = 57) for this study included

a naturally formed group of eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home (n = 19), a randomly selected group of eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home who qualify for free or reduced lunch

program participation (n = 19), and a randomly selected group of eighth-grade students

who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home who do not qualify for free or

reduced lunch program participation (n = 19).

Gender of participants. Of the total number of selected subjects for this study

(N = 57) 18 (32%) were male and 39 (68%) were female. The gender distribution of the

students selected for participation while skewed towards higher female study

participation was congruent with the total pool of eligible students assigned to both the

naturally formed group and the two randomly assigned groups.


Age range of participants. The age range for all study participants was from 12

years to 14 years. All participants were in the eighth-grade during pretest measures and

in the eighth-grade during posttest measures. The age range of the study participants is

congruent with the research school district’s age range demographics for eighth-grade


Racial and ethnic origins of participants. Of the total number of students for

this study (N = 57) 47 (82.5%) were White, 8 (14.0%) were African-American, 1 (1.8%)

was Hispanic, and 1 (1.8%) was Native American. The naturally formed group of eighth-

grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home (n = 19) 14

(74%) were White, 3 (16%) were African-American, 1 (5%) was Hispanic, and 1(5%)

was Native American. For the randomly selected group of eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home who qualify for free or reduced lunch

program participation (n = 19) 15 (79%) were White and 4 (21%) were African-

American. For the randomly selected group of eighth-grade students who have high-

speed Internet connectivity at home who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation (n = 19) 18 (95%) were White and 1 (5%) was African-American.

Inclusion criteria of participants. Students selected were enrolled in the eighth-

grade and attended the research district’s middle school where they completed both their

seventh-grade and eighth-grade academic years.

Method of participant identification. Students selected completed and received

grades in four core subject areas (English, social studies, science, math) in both their

seventh-grade and eighth-grade school years and who also took part in both the

EXPLORE test and state writing prompt pretest and posttest measures.

Description of Procedures

Research design. The pretest-posttest, three-group comparative efficacy study

design is displayed in the following notation:

Group 1 X1 O1 Y1 O2

Group 2 X1 O1 Y2 O2

Group 3 X1 O1 Y3 O2

Group 1 = study participants #1. Naturally formed group of eighth-grade

students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home (n = 19).

Group 2 = study participants #2. Randomly selected group of eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or

reduced lunch program participation (n = 19).

Group 3 = study participants #3. Randomly selected group of eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for

free or reduced lunch program participation (n = 19).

X1 = study constant. Eighth-grade students (N = 57) at Westside Middle School,

Omaha, NE who completed a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program

supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at school. These students also completed

seventh-grade in the research school district.

Y1 = study independent variable, high-speed Internet connectivity at home,

condition #1. Eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at


Y2 = study independent variable, high-speed Internet connectivity at home,

condition #2. Eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home

who qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation.

Y3 = study independent variable, high-speed Internet connectivity at home,

condition #3. Eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home

who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation.

O1 = study pretest dependent measures. (1) Achievement as measured by the

research school district’s fall eighth-grade administration of the EXPLORE Test for (a)

English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve Equivalent

scores. (2) Writing achievement as measured by the research school district’s eighth-

grade administration of the Fall Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing

Assessment for holistic/total category scores. (3) Classroom performance as measured by

the research school district’s spring seventh-grade second-semester grade point average

scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative

GPA scores.

O2 = study posttest dependent measures. (1) Achievement as measured by the

research school district’s spring eighth-grade administration of the EXPLORE Test for

(a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve

Equivalent scores. (2) Writing achievement as measured by the research school district’s

eighth-grade administration of the Spring Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive

Writing Assessment for holistic/total category scores. (3) Classroom performance as

measured by the research school district’s spring eighth-grade second-semester grade


point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d)

cumulative GPA scores.

Implementation of the Independent Variable

The independent variables for this study were eighth-grade students who do not

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home, eighth-grade students who have high-

speed Internet connectivity at home who also qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation, and eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation.

Dependent Measures

The study’s dependent variables are achievement, writing achievement, and

classroom performance. Achievement will be measured by the research school district’s

spring eighth-grade administration of the EXPLORE Test for (a) English, (b) math, (c)

reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve Equivalent scores. Writing

achievement will be measured by the research school district’s eighth-grade

administration of the Spring Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing

Assessment holistic/total category scores. Classroom performance will be measured by

the research school district’s spring eighth-grade, second-semester grade point average

scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative

GPA scores.

Research Questions and Data Analysis

The following research questions were used to analyze the Norm-referenced

EXPLORE Test scores for eighth-grade students who completed a required yearlong one-

to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at


school who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home compared to eighth-

grade students eligible and not eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home.

Overarching Pretest-Posttest EXPLORE Test Research Question #1. Do

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and

eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who

qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for free or reduced

lunch program participation lose, maintain, or improve their pretest beginning eighth-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced EXPLORE Test

for (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve

Equivalent Scores?

Sub-Question 1a. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home pretest

beginning eighth-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced

EXPLORE Test for (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite

Normal Curve Equivalent Scores?

Sub-Question 1b. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest beginning eighth-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced EXPLORE Test

for (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve

Equivalent Scores?

Sub-Question 1c. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest beginning eighth-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced EXPLORE Test

for (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve

Equivalent Scores?

Analysis. Research Sub-Questions #1a, 1b, and 1c will be analyzed using

dependent t tests to examine the significance of the difference between eighth-grade

students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or

reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation norm-referenced pretest compared to posttest EXPLORE Test Normal

Curve Equivalent Scores. Because multiple statistical tests will be conducted, a one-

tailed .01 alpha level will be employed to help control for Type 1 errors.

Overarching Posttest-Posttest EXPLORE Test Research Question #2. Do

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and

eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who

qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for free or reduced

lunch program participation have congruent or different posttest compared to posttest

ending eighth-grade EXPLORE Test (a) English, (b) reading, (c) math, (d) science, and

(e) composite Normal Curve Equivalent scores following participation in a required


yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet

connectivity at school?

Analysis. Research Question #2 will be analyzed using Analysis of Covariance

(ANCOVA) to determine the rate of score change over time between eighth-grade

students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or

reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation posttest ending eighth-grade EXPLORE Test (a) English, (b) reading, (c)

math, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve Equivalent scores. An alpha level of

.05 will be utilized to test the null hypothesis.

The following research questions will be used to analyze the Criterion-Referenced

District Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores for eighth-grade

students who completed a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program

supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at school who do not have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home compared to eighth-grade students eligible and not eligible

for free and reduced price lunch program participation who do have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home.

Overarching Pretest-Posttest Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive

Writing Assessment Research Question #3. Do eighth-grade students who do not have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at


home and who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation lose,

maintain, or improve their pretest beginning eighth-grade compared to their posttest

ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment

holistic/total category scores?

Sub-Question 3a. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home pretest

beginning eighth-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-

Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores?

Sub-Question 3b. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest beginning eighth-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores?

Sub-Question 3c. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest beginning eighth-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores?

Analysis. Research Sub-Questions #3a, 3b, and 3c will be analyzed using

dependent t tests to examine the significance of the difference between eighth-grade

students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or

reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation pretest compared to posttest Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive

Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores. Because multiple statistical tests will

be conducted, a one-tailed .01 alpha level will be employed to help control for Type 1


Overarching Posttest-Posttest Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive

Writing Assessment Research Question #4. Do eighth-grade students who do not have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home and who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation have

congruent or different posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores following participation in a

required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed

Internet connectivity at school?

Analysis. Research Question #4 will be analyzed using Analysis of Covariance

(ANCOVA) to determine the rate of score change over time between eighth-grade

students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or

reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores. An alpha level of .05 will

be utilized to test the null hypothesis.


The following research questions will be used to analyze classroom performance

as measured by the research school district’s grade point average scores for core subjects

(a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores for eighth-

grade students who completed a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer

program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at school who do not have high-

speed Internet connectivity at home compared to eighth-grade students eligible and not

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation who do have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home.

Overarching Pretest-Posttest Classroom Performance Research Question #5.

Do eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and

eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who

qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home lose, maintain, or improve their pretest

ending seventh-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade grade point average

scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative

GPA scores?

Sub-Question 5a. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home pretest

ending seventh-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade grade point average

scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative

GPA scores?

Sub-Question 5b. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest ending seventh-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade grade point average scores for core

subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores?

Sub-Question 5c. Is there a statistically significant difference between

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation pretest ending seventh-

grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade grade point average scores for core

subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores?

Analysis. Research Sub-Questions #5a, 5b, and 5c will be analyzed using

dependent t tests to examine the significance of the difference between eighth-grade

students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or

reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home grade point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b)

science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores?. Because multiple statistical

tests will be conducted, a one-tailed .01 alpha level will be employed to help control for

Type 1 errors.

Overarching Posttest-Posttest Classroom Performance Research Question

#6. Do eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home

and eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who

qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home have congruent or different posttest ending

eighth-grade, grade point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c)

social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores following participation in a required

yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet

connectivity at school?

Analysis. Research Question #6 will be analyzed using Analysis of Covariance

(ANCOVA) to determine the rate of score change over time between eighth-grade

students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or

reduced lunch program participation and eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home posttest ending eighth-grade, grade point average scores for

core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores.

An F ratio will be calculated and an alpha level of .05 will be utilized to test the null

hypothesis. An alpha level of .05 will be utilized to test the null hypothesis.

Data Collection Procedures

All study achievement data were retrospective, archival, and routinely collected

school information. Permission from the appropriate school research personnel was

obtained. Achievement data in arm one (n = 19) were a naturally formed group of

eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home. Study

participants in arm two (n = 19) were randomly selected eighth-grade students who have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home who qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation. Study participants in arm three (n = 19) were randomly selected eighth-

grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home who do not qualify for

free or reduced lunch program participation. Non-coded numbers were used to display

individual de-identified achievement data. Aggregated group data, descriptive statistics,


and parametric statistical analysis were utilized and reported with means and standard

deviations on tables.

Performance site. The research was conducted in the public school setting

through normal educational practices. The study procedures did not interfere with the

normal educational practices of the public school and did not involve coercion or

discomfort of any kind. Data were stored on spreadsheets and computer flash drives for

statistical analysis in the office of the primary researcher and the dissertation chair. Data

and computer files were kept in locked file cabinets. No individual identifiers were

attached to the data.


Non-coded numbers were used to display individual achievement. Individual data

were de-identified by the appropriate personnel after all information was linked and the

data sets were complete. All data were analyzed in the office of the Executive Director

of Administrative Services at the Westside Community Schools Administration, Board,

and Curriculum (ABC) Building located at 909 South 76th Street, Omaha, Nebraska,

68114. Data were stored electronically on spreadsheets and external hard drives for

descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Data and external hard drives were kept in

the Executive Director’s locked file cabinet. No individual student identifiers were

attached to the data.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of Human Subjects

Approval Category. The exemption categories for this study were provided under

45CFR.101(b) categories 1 and 4. The research was conducted using routinely collected

archival data. A letter of support from the district was provided for IRB review.



Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of a required yearlong one-to-

one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at school

on the norm-referenced achievement test scores, writing assessment scores, and grade

point average scores of eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home compared to eighth-grade students eligible and not eligible for free

and reduced price lunch program participation who do have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home.

Implementation of the Independent Variable

The independent variables for this study were eighth-grade students who do not

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home, eighth-grade students who have high-

speed Internet connectivity at home who also qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation, and eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation.

Dependent Measures

The study’s dependent variables are achievement, writing achievement, and

classroom performance. Achievement will be measured by the research school district’s

spring eighth-grade administration of the EXPLORE Test for (a) English, (b) math, (c)

reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve Equivalent scores. Writing

achievement will be measured by the research school district’s eighth-grade

administration of the Spring Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing


Assessment holistic/total category scores. Classroom performance will be measured by

the research school district’s spring eighth-grade, second-semester grade point average

scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies, and (d) cumulative

GPA scores.

All study achievement data related to each of the dependent variables were

retrospective, archival, and routinely collected school information. Permission from the

appropriate school research personnel was obtained before data were collected and


Table 1 displays demographic information of eighth-grade students participating

in a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed

Internet connectivity at school who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home

compared to eighth-grade students eligible and not eligible for free and reduced price

lunch program participation who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home.


Table 1

Student Demographics

Students: n (%) n (%) n (%)

Naturally Formed Random Subject Random Subject

Group/No Internet Selection/Internet Selection/Internet
at home at home at home
19 (100) 19 (100) 19 (100)

Lunch Program
Participation: n (%) n (%) n (%)

Eligible 8 (42.1) 19 (100)

Not Eligible 11 (57.9) 19 (100)

Gender: n (%) n (%) n (%)

Females 13 (73.7) 11 (57.9) 15 (78.9)

Males 6 (31.6) 8 (42.1) 4 (21.1)

Ethnicity: n (%) n (%) n (%)

Black 3 (15.7) 4 (21.1) 1 (5.3)

White 14 (73.7) 15 (78.9) 18 (94.7)
Hispanic 1 (5.3)
American Indian 1 (5.3)


Research Question #1

Table 2 displays eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home pretest beginning eighth-grade compared to their posttest ending

eighth-grade Norm-referenced EXPLORE Test for (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d)

science, and (e) composite Normal Curve Equivalent Scores.

Sub-Question 1a. As seen in Table 2 the null hypothesis for English, math,

science, and composite Normal Curve Equivalent Scores were not rejected in the

direction of posttest score improvement where the English subtest score pretest M =

55.68, SD = 21.01, posttest M = 58.68, SD = 23.27, t(18) = 1.16, p = .13 (one-tailed), ES

= 0.135; math subtest score pretest M = 54.73, SD = 19.12, posttest M = 58.68, SD =

22.54, t(18) = 1.66, p = .06 (one-tailed), ES = 0.189; science subtest score pretest M =

56.68, SD = 24.84, posttest M = 57.31, SD = 26.56, t(18) = 0.15, p = .44 (one-tailed), ES

= 0.024; and composite subtest score pretest M = 56.84, SD = 22.40, posttest M = 60.84,

SD = 23.69, t(18) = 1.49, p = .08 (one-tailed), ES = 0.173. Also as seen in Table 2 the

null hypothesis for the reading Normal Curve Equivalent Score was rejected in the

direction of posttest score improvement where the reading subtest score pretest M =

55.73, SD = 28.71, posttest M = 64.63, SD = 18.98 t(18) = 2.07, p = .03 (one-tailed), ES =


Table 2

Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Not Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home

Pretest Beginning Eighth-Grade Compared to Their Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade
Norm-Referenced EXPLORE Test for (A) English, (B) Math, (C) Reading, (D) Science,
and (E) Composite Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

Pretest Posttest
______________ ______________
Source M SD M SD ES t p

English 55.68 (21.01) 58.68 (23.27) 0.135 1.16 .13

Math 54.73 (19.12) 58.68 (22.54) 0.189 1.66 .06
Reading 55.73 (28.71) 64.63 (18.98) 0.373 2.07 .03*
Science 56.68 (24.84) 57.31 (26.56) 0.024 0.15 .44
Composite 56.84 (22.40) 60.84 (23.69) 0.173 1.49 .08
Note. Normal Curve Equivalent M = 50; SD = 21.06.

ns. *p < .05.

Sub-Question 1b. As seen in Table 3 the null hypothesis for English, math,

science, and composite Normal Curve Equivalent Scores were not rejected in the

direction of posttest score improvement for math, science, and composite while the

English score was not rejected in the direction of a lower posttest score where the English

subtest score pretest M = 53.00, SD = 15.08, posttest M = 50.57, SD = 16.14, t(18) = -

1.14, p = .13 (one-tailed), ES = -0.155; math subtest score pretest M = 48.63, SD = 14.32,

posttest M = 49.47, SD = 17.95, t(18) = 0.25, p = .40 (one-tailed), ES = 0.052; science

subtest score pretest M = 51.63, SD = 17.99, posttest M = 51.84, SD = 22.77, t(18) = 0.07,

p = .47 (one-tailed), ES = 0.008; and composite subtest score pretest M = 51.41, SD =

14.83, posttest M = 52.36, SD = 17.79, t(18) = 0.40, p = .35 (one-tailed), ES = 0.058.

Also as seen in Table 3 the null hypothesis for the reading Normal Curve Equivalent

Score was rejected in the direction of posttest score improvement where the reading

subtest score pretest M = 51.26, SD = 16.92, posttest M = 55.47, SD = 16.00, t(18) = 1.75,

p = .05 (one-tailed), ES = 0.255.


Table 3

Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity At Home and

Are Eligible for Free And Reduced Price Lunch Program Participation Pretest
Beginning Eighth-Grade Compared to Their Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade Norm-
Referenced EXPLORE Test for (A) English, (B) Math, (C) Reading, (D) Science, and (E)
Composite Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

Pretest Posttest
______________ ______________
Source M SD M SD ES t p

English 53.00 (15.08) 50.57 (16.14) -0.155 -1.14 .13

Math 48.63 (14.32) 49.47 (17.95) 0.052 0.25 .40
Reading 51.26 (16.92) 55.47 (16.00) 0.255 1.75 .048*
Science 51.63 (17.99) 51.84 (22.77) 0.008 0.07 .47
Composite 51.42 (14.83) 52.36 (17.79) 0.058 0.40 .35
Note. Normal Curve Equivalent M = 50; SD = 21.06.

ns. *p < .05.

Sub-Question 1c. As seen in Table 4 the null hypothesis for English, math,

reading, science, and composite Normal Curve Equivalent Scores were not rejected in the

direction of posttest score improvement where the English subtest score pretest M =

64.31, SD = 18.46, posttest M = 66.42, SD = 16.39, t(18) = 0.86, p = .20 (one-tailed), ES

= 0.120; math subtest score pretest M = 70.94, SD = 15.50, posttest M = 73.21, SD =

17.49, t(18) = 1.28, p = .11 (one-tailed), ES = 0.137; reading subtest score pretest M =

66.42, SD = 13.13, posttest M = 70.31, SD = 15.67, t(18) = 1.32, p = .10 (one-tailed), ES

= 0.270; science subtest score pretest M = 65.42, SD = 18.09, posttest M = 69.47, SD =

16.49 t(18) = 0.96, p = .17 (one-tailed), ES = 0.234; and composite subtest score pretest

M = 68.94, SD = 15.24, posttest M = 71.73, SD = 16.98, t(18) = 1.45, p = .08 (one-tailed),

ES = 0.173.

Table 4

Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home and Are
Not Eligible for Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program Participation Pretest Beginning
Eighth-Grade Compared to Their Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade Norm-Referenced
EXPLORE Test For (A) English, (B) Math, (C) Reading, (D) Science, and (E) Composite
Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent Scores

Pretest Posttest
______________ ______________
Source M SD M SD ES t p

English 64.31 (18.46) 66.42 (16.39) 0.120 0.86 .20

Math 70.94 (15.50) 73.21 (17.49) 0.137 1.28 .11
Reading 66.42 (13.13) 70.31 (15.67) 0.270 1.32 .10
Science 65.42 (18.09) 69.47 (16.49) 0.234 0.96 .17
Composite 68.94 (15.24) 71.73 (16.98) 0.173 1.45 .08
Note. Normal Curve Equivalent M = 50; SD = 21.06.


Research Question #2

Table 5 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade English EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent scores

following participation in a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program

supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at school. As seen in Table 5 the null

hypothesis was not rejected for posttest ending English EXPLORE Normal Curve

Equivalent adjusted mean scores where students with no Internet at home (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 60.40), students with Internet at home who did qualify for free and/or

reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 54.63), and students

with Internet at home who did not qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 60.64) overall main effect of posttest ending

eighth-grade English EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent scores was not statistically

significant where, F(2, 53) = 2.02, p = .14. Because no significant main effect was found

post hoc contrast analyses were not conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean

change equipoise correlation r = .84 and coefficient of determination r2 = .71.


Table 5

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

EXPLORE Test English Normal Curve Equivalent Scores Following Participation in a
Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-Speed
Internet Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 425.35 212.67 2 2.02 .14

Adjusted Error 5566.88 105.04 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 58.68 60.40

Students with Internet at home who 50.57 54.63

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 66.42 60.64

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch


Table 6 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade math EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent scores following

participation in a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by

high-speed Internet connectivity at school. As seen in Table 6 the null hypothesis was

not rejected for posttest ending math EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent adjusted mean

scores where students with no Internet at home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 61.92), students

with Internet at home who did qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 58.58), and students with Internet at home who

did not qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 60.86) overall main effect of posttest ending eighth-grade math EXPLORE

Normal Curve Equivalent scores was not statistically significant where, F(2, 53) = 0.40, p

= .67. Because no significant main effect was found post hoc contrast analyses were not

conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean change equipoise correlation r = .81

and coefficient of determination r2 = .66.


Table 6

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

EXPLORE Test Math Normal Curve Equivalent Scores Following Participation in a
Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-Speed
Internet Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 104.84 52.42 2 0.40 .67

Adjusted Error 6961.30 131.35 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 58.68 61.92

Students with Internet at home who 49.47 58.58

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 73.21 60.86

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch


Table 7 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade reading EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent scores

following participation in a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program

supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at school. As seen in Table 7 the null

hypothesis was not rejected for posttest ending reading EXPLORE Normal Curve

Equivalent adjusted mean scores where students with no Internet at home (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 65.89), students with Internet at home who did qualify for free and/or

reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 59.24), and students

with Internet at home who did not qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 65.27) overall main effect of posttest ending

eighth-grade reading EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent scores was not statistically

significant where, F(2, 53) = 1.74, p = .19. Because no significant main effect was found

post hoc contrast analyses were not conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean

change equipoise correlation r = .72 and coefficient of determination r2 = .52.


Table 7

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

EXPLORE Test Reading Normal Curve Equivalent Scores Following Participation in a
Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-Speed
Internet Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 104.84 52.42 2 0.40 .67

Adjusted Error 6961.30 131.35 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 58.68 61.92

Students with Internet at home who 49.47 58.58

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 73.21 60.86

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch


Table 8 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade science EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent scores

following participation in a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program

supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at school. As seen in Table 8 the null

hypothesis was not rejected for posttest ending science EXPLORE Normal Curve

Equivalent adjusted mean scores where students with no Internet at home (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 58.25), students with Internet at home who did qualify for free and/or

reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 56.62), and students

with Internet at home who did not qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 63.75) overall main effect of posttest ending

eighth-grade science EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent scores was not statistically

significant where, F(2, 53) = 0.95, p = .39. Because no significant main effect was found

post hoc contrast analyses were not conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean

change equipoise correlation r = .70 and coefficient of determination r2 = .49.


Table 8

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

EXPLORE Test Science Normal Curve Equivalent Scores Following Participation in a
Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-Speed
Internet Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 492.70 246.35 2 0.95 .39

Adjusted Error 13714.87 258.77 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 57.31 58.25

Students with Internet at home who 51.84 56.62

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 69.47 63.75

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch


Table 9 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade composite EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent scores

following participation in a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program

supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at school. As seen in Table 9 the null

hypothesis was not rejected for posttest ending composite EXPLORE Normal Curve

Equivalent adjusted mean scores where students with no Internet at home (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 62.95), students with Internet at home who did qualify for free and/or

reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 59.61), and students

with Internet at home who did not qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 62.37) overall main effect of posttest ending

eighth-grade composite EXPLORE Normal Curve Equivalent scores was not statistically

significant where, F(2, 53) = 0.54, p = .59. Because no significant main effect was found

post hoc contrast analyses were not conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean

change equipoise correlation r = .86 and coefficient of determination r2 = .73.


Table 9

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

EXPLORE Test Composite Normal Curve Equivalent Scores Following Participation in a
Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-Speed
Internet Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 114.03 57.01 2 0.54 .59

Adjusted Error 5578.46 105.25 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 60.84 62.95

Students with Internet at home who 52.36 59.61

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 71.73 62.37

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch


Research Question #3

Table 10 displays eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home and eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home and who qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation and

eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who do not

qualify for free or reduced lunch program pretest beginning eighth-grade Criterion-

Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores to their

posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing

Assessment holistic/total category scores.

As seen in Table 10 the null hypothesis for the Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment was not rejected in the direction of posttest score

improvement for eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing

Assessment holistic/total category scores pretests for those who do not have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home pretest M = 5.43, SD = 1.13, posttest M = 5.61, SD = 1.17,

t(18) = 0.65, p = .26 (one-tailed), ES = 0.153. Also in Table 10 the null hypothesis for

the Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment was not rejected in the

direction of posttest score decline for eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores pretest for eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who qualify for free or

reduced lunch program participation pretest M = 5.31, SD = 1.15, posttest M = 5.02, SD =

0.93, t(18) = -1.60, p = .06 (one-tailed), ES = -0.284.

Table 10 also shows that the null hypothesis for the Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment was rejected in the direction of posttest score decline for

the eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment

holistic/total category scores pretest for eighth-grade students who have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for free or reduced lunch program

participation pretest M = 6.31, SD = 0.74, posttest M = 5.87, SD = 0.92, t(18) = -2.16, p =

.02 (one-tailed), ES = -0.528.

Table 10

Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Not Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home and
Eighth-Grade Students Who Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home and Who
Qualify and Do Not Qualify for Free Or Reduced Lunch Program Participation Pretest
Beginning Eighth-Grade Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment
Holistic/Total Category Scores to their Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade Criterion-
Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment Holistic/Total Category Scores

Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment Scores

Pretest Posttest
______________ ______________
Source M SD M SD ES t p

No Internet 5.43 (1.13) 5.61 (1.17) 0.153 0.65 .26

Internet F/R 5.31 (1.15) 5.02 (0.93) -0.284 -1.60 .06

Internet not F/R 6.31 (0.74) 5.87 (0.92) -0.528 -2.16 .02*

Note: Internet refers to home connectivity and F/R stands for Free or Reduced Lunch
Program participation.

ns. *p < .05.

Research Question #4

Table 11 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing

Assessment holistic scores following participation in a required yearlong one-to-one

notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at school. As

seen in Table 11 the null hypothesis was not rejected for posttest ending science

Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment adjusted mean scores

where students with no Internet at home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 5.75), students with

Internet at home who did qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 5.22), and students with Internet at home who did

not qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted

M = 5.50) overall main effect of posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced

District Descriptive Writing Assessment scores was not statistically significant where,

F(2, 53) = 1.81, p = .17. Because no significant main effect was found post hoc contrast

analyses were not conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean change equipoise

correlation r = .55 and coefficient of determination r2 = .30.


Table 11

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment Holistic Scores Following
Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program
Supported by High-Speed Internet Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 2.67 1.33 2 1.81 .17

Adjusted Error 39.16 0.74 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 5.61 5.75

Students with Internet at home who 5.02 5.22

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 5.87 5.53

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch


Research Question #5

Table 12 displays eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home pretest ending seventh-grade compared to their posttest ending

eighth-grade grade point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c)

social studies, and (d) cumulative GPA scores.

Sub-Question 5a. As seen in Table 12 the null hypothesis for English, social

studies, and cumulative GPA scores were not rejected in the direction of posttest score

improvement where the English scores pretest M = 3.05, SD = 1.18, posttest M = 3.18,

SD = 0.95, t(18) = 0.66, p = .26 (one-tailed), ES = 0.123; social studies scores pretest M =

3.05, SD = 1.34, posttest M = 3.42, SD = 1.03, t(18) = 1.66, p = .06 (one-tailed), ES =

0.310; and cumulative GPA scores pretest M = 3.26, SD = 0.73, posttest M = 3.33, SD =

0.77, t(18) = 0.83, p = .21 (one-tailed), ES = 0.098. Also as seen in Table 12 the null

hypothesis for the science scores was rejected in the direction of posttest score decline

where the science scores pretest M = 3.10, SD = 1.04, posttest M = 2.81, SD = 1.37 t(18)

= -2.07, p = .03 (one-tailed), ES = -0.240.


Table 12

Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Not Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home

Pretest Ending Seventh-Grade Compared to Their Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade Grade
Point Average Scores for Core Subjects (A) English, (B) Science, (C) Social Studies, and
(D) Cumulative GPA Scores

Core Content Areas and Cumulative GPA Scores

Pretest Posttest
______________ ______________
Source M SD M SD ES t p

English 3.05 (1.18) 3.18 (0.95) 0.123 0.66 .26

Science 3.10 (1.04) 2.81 (1.37) -0.240 -2.07 .03*
Soc. Studies 3.05 (1.34) 3.42 (1.03) 0.310 1.66 .06
Cum. GPA 3.26 (0.73) 3.33 (0.77) 0.098 0.83 .21

ns. *p < .05.

Table 13 displays eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home and also qualify for free and/or reduced lunch price program

participation pretest ending seventh-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade

grade point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies,

and (d) cumulative GPA scores.

Sub-Question 5b. As seen in Table 13 the null hypothesis for English, social

studies, and cumulative GPA scores were not rejected in the direction of posttest score

improvement where the English scores pretest M = 2.92, SD = 0.78, posttest M = 3.10,

SD = 0.95, t(18) = 0.75, p = .23 (one-tailed), ES = 0.212; social studies scores pretest M =

2.47, SD = 1.02, posttest M = 2.94, SD = 0.97, t(18) = 1.71, p = .052 (one-tailed), ES =

0.476; and cumulative GPA scores pretest M = 2.86, SD = 0.65, posttest M = 3.05, SD =

0.76, t(18) = 1.55, p = .07 (one-tailed), ES = 0.094. Also as seen in Table 13 the null

hypothesis for the science scores was rejected in the direction of posttest score decline

where the science scores pretest M = 2.60, SD = 1.12, posttest M = 2.21, SD = 1.29 t(18)

= -2.33, p = .02 (one-tailed), ES = -0.327.


Table 13

Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home and

Also Qualify for Free and/or Reduced Price Lunch Program Participation Pretest
Ending Seventh-Grade Compared to Their Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade Grade Point
Average Scores for Core Subjects (A) English, (B) Science, (C) Social Studies, and (D)
Cumulative GPA Scores

Core Content Areas and Cumulative GPA Scores

Pretest Posttest
______________ ______________
Source M SD M SD ES t p

English 2.92 (0.78) 3.10 (0.95) 0.212 0.75 .23

Science 2.60 (1.12) 2.21 (1.29) -0.327 -2.33 .02*
Soc. Studies 2.47 (1.02) 2.94 (0.97) 0.476 1.71 .052
Cum. GPA 2.86 (0.65) 3.05 (0.76) 0.094 1.55 .07

ns. *p < .05.

Table 14 displays eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home and who do not qualify for free and/or reduced lunch price program

participation pretest ending seventh-grade compared to their posttest ending eighth-grade

grade point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies,

and (d) cumulative GPA scores.

Sub-Question 5c. As seen in Table 14 the null hypothesis for English and

science scores were not rejected in the direction of posttest score decline where the

English scores pretest M = 3.94, SD = 0.43, posttest M = 3.81, SD = 0.80, t(18) = -0.81, p

= .21 (one-tailed), ES = -0.213; and science scores pretest M = 3.76, SD = 0.75, posttest

M = 3.57, SD = 0.78, t(18) = -1.59, p = .06 (one-tailed), ES = -0.240. Also seen in Table

14 the null cumulative GPA scores was not rejected in the direction of posttest score

improvement where the cumulative GPA scores pretest M = 3.77, SD = 0.50, posttest M =

3.79, SD = 0.54, t(18) = 0.35, p = .37 (one-tailed), ES = 0.039. However as seen in Table

14 the null hypothesis for the social studies scores was rejected in the direction of posttest

score improvement where the social studies scores pretest M = 3.52, SD = 0.87, posttest

M = 3.94, SD = 0.81, t(18) = 2.51, p = .011 (one-tailed), ES = 0.501.


Table 14

Eighth-Grade Students Who Do Have High-Speed Internet Connectivity at Home and

Who Do Not Qualify for Free and/or Reduced Price Lunch Program Participation
Pretest Ending Seventh-Grade Compared to Their Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade Grade
Point Average Scores for Core Subjects (A) English, (B) Science, (C) Social Studies, and
(D) Cumulative GPA Scores

Core Content Areas and Cumulative GPA Scores

Pretest Posttest
______________ ______________
Source M SD M SD ES t p

English 3.94 (0.43) 3.81 (0.80) -0.213 -0.81 .21

Science 3.76 (0.75) 3.57 (0.78) -0.240 -1.59 .06
Soc. Studies 3.52 (0.87) 3.94 (0.81) 0.501 2.51 .011*
Cum. GPA 3.77 (0.50) 3.79 (0.54) 0.039 0.35 .37

ns. *p < .05.

Research Question #6

Table 15 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade English scores following participation in a required yearlong

one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at

school. As seen in Table 15 the null hypothesis was not rejected for posttest ending

English scores adjusted mean scores where students with no Internet at home (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 3.30), students with Internet at home who did qualify for free and/or

reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.29), and students

with Internet at home who did not qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.50) overall main effect of posttest ending eighth-

grade English scores was not statistically significant where, F(2, 53) = 0.35, p = .71.

Because no significant main effect was found post hoc contrast analyses were not

conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean change equipoise correlation r = .47

and coefficient of determination r2 = .22.


Table 15

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

English Scores Following Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook
Computer Program Supported by High-Speed Internet Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 0.43 0.21 2 0.35 .71

Adjusted Error 32.20 0.61 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 3.18 3.30

Students with Internet at home who 3.10 3.29

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 3.81 3.50

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch


Table 16 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade science scores following participation in a required yearlong

one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet connectivity at

school. As seen in Table 16 the null hypothesis was not rejected for posttest ending

science scores adjusted mean scores where students with no Internet at home (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 2.86), students with Internet at home who did qualify for free and/or

reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 2.77), and students

with Internet at home who did not qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 2.95) overall main effect of posttest ending eighth-

grade science scores was not statistically significant where, F(2, 53) = 0.32, p = .73.

Because no significant main effect was found post hoc contrast analyses were not

conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean change equipoise correlation r = .85

and coefficient of determination r2 = .72.


Table 16

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

Science Scores Following Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One Notebook
Computer Program Supported by High-Speed Internet Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 0.25 0.13 2 0.32 .73

Adjusted Error 21.02 0.40 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 2.81 2.86

Students with Internet at home who 2.21 2.77

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 3.57 2.95

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch


Table 17 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade social studies scores following participation in a required

yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by high-speed Internet

connectivity at school. As seen in Table 17 the null hypothesis was not rejected for

posttest ending social studies scores adjusted mean scores where students with no Internet

at home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.40), students with Internet at home who did qualify

for free and/or reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.19),

and students with Internet at home who did not qualify for free and/or reduced price

lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.71) overall main effect of

posttest ending eighth-grade social studies scores was not statistically significant where,

F(2, 53) = 1.70, p = .19. Because no significant main effect was found post hoc contrast

analyses were not conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean change equipoise

correlation r = .54 and coefficient of determination r2 = .29.


Table 17

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

Social Studies Scores Following Participation in a Required Yearlong One-To-One
Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-Speed Internet Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 2.18 1.09 2 1.70 .19

Adjusted Error 34.09 0.64 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 3.42 3.40

Students with Internet at home who 2.94 3.19

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 3.94 3.71

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch


Table 18 displays Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) posttest compared to

posttest ending eighth-grade cumulative grade point averages (GPA) scores following

participation in a required yearlong one-to-one notebook computer program supported by

high-speed Internet connectivity at school. As seen in Table 18 the null hypothesis was

not rejected for posttest ending cumulative grade point averages (GPA) scores adjusted

mean scores where students with no Internet at home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.36),

students with Internet at home who did qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch

program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.44), and students with Internet at home

who did not qualify for free and/or reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 3.36) overall main effect of posttest ending eighth-grade cumulative grade

point averages (GPA) scores was not statistically significant where, F(2, 53) = 0.18, p =

.84. Because no significant main effect was found post hoc contrast analyses were not

conducted where the rate of test score adjusted mean change equipoise correlation r = .82

and coefficient of determination r2 = .67.


Table 18

Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Posttest Compared to Posttest Ending Eighth-Grade

Cumulative Grade Point Averages (GPA) Scores Following Participation in a Required
Yearlong One-To-One Notebook Computer Program Supported by High-Speed Internet
Connectivity at School

Source of Sum of Mean

Variation Squares Square df F p

Adjusted Means 0.06 0.03 2 0.18 .84

Adjusted Error 8.69 0.16 53


Observed Means Adjusted Means

______________ ______________

Students with no Internet at home 3.33 3.36

Students with Internet at home who 3.05 3.44

did qualify for F/R Lunch

Students with Internet at home 3.79 3.36

who did not qualify for F/R Lunch



Conclusions and Discussion

The following conclusions may be drawn from the study for each of the six

research questions.

Conclusion Research Question #1

Sub-Question #1a. Evaluating eighth-grade students who do not have high-

speed Internet connectivity at home posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced

EXPLORE Test for (a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite

Normal Curve Equivalent Scores converted to percentile ranks and stanine scores helps

put their performance in perspective. Eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home posttest ending English subtest score posttest M = 58.68 is

congruent with a percentile rank of 66 and a stanine score of six which is the upper

stanine in the average range (stanines 4, 5, and 6) predict that these students may expect

to complete further high school English coursework successfully. Furthermore, eighth-

grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home posttest ending

math subtest score posttest M = 58.68 is congruent with a percentile rank of 66 and a

stanine score of six which is the upper stanine in the average range (stanines 4, 5, and 6)

predict that these students may expect to complete further high school math coursework

successfully. Also, eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home posttest ending reading subtest score posttest M = 64.63 is

congruent with a percentile rank of 75 and a stanine score of six which is the upper

stanine in the average range (stanines 4, 5, and 6) predict that these students may expect

to complete further high school reading coursework successfully. Eighth-grade students


who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home posttest ending science subtest

score posttest M = 57.31 is congruent with a percentile rank of 63 and a stanine score of

six which is the upper stanine in the average range (stanines 4, 5, and 6) predict that these

students may expect to complete further high school science coursework successfully.

Eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home posttest

ending composite subtest score posttest M = 60.84 is congruent with a percentile rank of

70 and a stanine score of six which is the upper stanine in the average range (stanines 4,

5, and 6). In the main, these posttest English, math, reading, science, and composite

EXPLORE standard scores indicate that these students may expect to complete further

high school coursework successfully. Furthermore, high stakes assessment scores at this

level also indicate the overall positive effects of student participation in the research

school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of Internet

connectivity at home.

  Sub-Question #1b. Evaluating eighth-grade students who do have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced EXPLORE Test for (a)

English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve Equivalent

Scores converted to percentile ranks and stanine scores helps put their performance in

perspective. Eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation posttest

ending English subtest score posttest M = 50.57 is congruent with a percentile rank of 53

and a stanine score of five which is the middle stanine in the average range (stanines 4, 5,

and 6) predict that these students may expect to complete further high school English

coursework successfully. Furthermore, eighth-grade students who do have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation posttest ending math subtest score posttest M = 49.47 is congruent with a

percentile rank of 50 and a stanine score of five which is the middle stanine in the

average range (stanines 4, 5, and 6) predict that these students may expect to complete

further high school math coursework successfully. Also, eighth-grade students who do

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price

lunch program participation posttest ending reading subtest score posttest M = 55.47 is

congruent with a percentile rank of 61 and a stanine score of six which is the upper

stanine in the average range (stanines 4, 5, and 6) predict that these students may expect

to complete further high school reading coursework successfully. Also, eighth-grade

students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free

and reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending science subtest score

posttest M = 51.84 is congruent with a percentile rank of 53 and a stanine score of five

which is the middle stanine in the average range (stanines 4, 5, and 6) predict that these

students may expect to complete further high school science coursework successfully.

Also, eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and

are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending

composite subtest score posttest M = 52.36 is congruent with a percentile rank of 55 and

a stanine score of five which is the middle stanine in the average range (stanines 4, 5, and

6). In the main, these posttest English, math, reading, science, and composite EXPLORE

standard scores predict that these students may expect to complete further high school

coursework successfully. Furthermore, high stakes assessment scores at this level also

indicate the overall positive effects of student participation in the research school districts

one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of Internet connectivity at


Sub-Question #1c. Evaluating eighth-grade students who do have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price lunch

program participation posttest ending eighth-grade Norm-referenced EXPLORE Test for

(a) English, (b) math, (c) reading, (d) science, and (e) composite Normal Curve

Equivalent Scores converted to percentile ranks and stanine scores helps put their

performance in perspective. Eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation posttest ending English subtest score posttest M = 66.42 is congruent with a

percentile rank of 77 and a stanine score of six which is the upper stanine in the average

range (stanines 4, 5, and 6) predict that these students may expect to complete further

high school English coursework successfully. Eighth-grade students who do have high-

speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price lunch

program participation posttest ending math subtest score posttest M = 73.21 is congruent

with a percentile rank of 86 and a stanine score of seven which is the lower stanine in the

above average range (stanines 7, 8, and 9) indicate that these students may expect to

complete further high school math coursework successfully. Eighth-grade students who

do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and

reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending reading subtest score posttest

M = 70.31 is congruent with a percentile rank of 84 and a stanine score of seven which is

the lower stanine in the above average range (stanines 7, 8, and 9) predict that these

students may expect to complete further high school reading coursework successfully.

Eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending science

subtest score posttest M = 69.47 is congruent with a percentile rank of 83 and a stanine

score of seven which is the lower stanine in the above average range (stanines 7, 8, and 9)

predict that these students may expect to complete further high school science

coursework successfully. Eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation posttest ending composite subtest score posttest M = 71.73 is congruent with

a percentile rank of 84 and a stanine score of seven which is the lower stanine in the

above average range (stanines 7, 8, and 9). In the main, these posttest English, math,

reading, science, and composite EXPLORE standard scores predict that these students

may expect to complete further high school coursework successfully. Furthermore, high

stakes assessment scores at this level also indicate the overall positive effects of student

participation in the research school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home

initiative regardless of Internet connectivity at home.

Conclusion Research Question #2

Posttest English Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted mean score

comparison for eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 60.40), eighth-grade students who do have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 54.63), and eighth-grade students who do have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price

lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 60.64) was not statistically

different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest rate of gain with a coefficient of

determination r2 = .71 or 71% rate of English test score congruence. Equipoise indicates

the overall positive effect on English test scores of students’ participation in the research

school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of Internet

connectivity at home.

Posttest math Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted mean score

comparison for eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 61.92), eighth-grade students who do have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 58.58), and eighth-grade students who do have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price

lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 60.86) was not statistically

different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest rate of gain with a coefficient of

determination r2 = .66 or 66% rate of math test score congruence. Equipoise indicates the

overall positive effect on math test scores of students’ participation in the research school

districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of Internet

connectivity at home.

Posttest reading Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted mean score

comparison for eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 65.89), eighth-grade students who do have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 59.24), and eighth-grade students who do have


high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price

lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 65.27) was not statistically

different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest rate of gain with a coefficient of

determination r2 = .52 or 52% rate of reading test score congruence. Equipoise indicates

the overall positive effect on reading test scores of students’ participation in the research

school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of Internet

connectivity at home.

Posttest science Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted mean score

comparison for eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 58.25), eighth-grade students who do have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 56.62), and eighth-grade students who do have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price

lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 63.75) was not statistically

different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest rate of gain with a coefficient of

determination r2 = .49 or 49% rate of science test score congruence. Equipoise indicates

the overall positive effect on science test scores of students’ participation in the research

school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of Internet

connectivity at home.

Posttest composite Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted mean score

comparison for eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 62.95), eighth-grade students who do have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 59.61), and eighth-grade students who do have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price

lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 62.37) was not statistically

different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest rate of gain with a coefficient of

determination r2 = .73 or 73% rate of composite test score congruence. Equipoise

indicates the overall positive effect on composite test scores of students’ participation in

the research school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative

regardless of Internet connectivity at home.

Conclusion Research Question #3

Evaluating eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home, eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at

home and who qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation, and eighth-grade

students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who do not qualify for

free or reduced lunch program posttest ending eighth-grade Criterion-Referenced District

Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category scores which can range from a

low score of 2 to a high score of 8. The cut score requires students to receive a score

equal too or greater than 4.33 to be considered proficient on this writing assessment

measure. Students meeting or exceeding the cut score are deemed proficient while those

below the cut score are deemed non-proficient.

Eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home

posttest ending Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment

holistic/total category score M = 5.61. In this group 89% (17 out of 19) scored equal too

or greater than the necessary cut score of 4.33. The mean for this group is well above the

necessary cut score and predicts that these students may expect to complete further high

school writing prompts and coursework successfully. Also, eighth-grade students who

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who also qualify for free or reduced

lunch program participation posttest ending Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive

Writing Assessment holistic/total category score M = 5.02. In this group 84% (16 out of

19) scored equal too or greater than the necessary cut score of 4.33. The mean for this

group is well above the necessary cut score predicting that these students may expect to

complete further high school writing prompts and coursework successfully. In addition,

eighth-grade students who have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and who do not

qualify for free or reduced lunch program participation posttest ending Criterion-

Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment holistic/total category score M =

5.87. In this group 95% (18 out of 19) scored equal too or greater than the necessary cut

score of 4.33. The mean for this group is well above the necessary cut score and predicts

that these students may expect to complete further high school writing prompts and

coursework successfully. Furthermore, high stakes assessment scores at this level also

indicate the overall positive effects of student participation in the research school districts

one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of Internet connectivity at


Conclusion Research Question #4

Posttest Criterion-Referenced District Descriptive Writing Assessment Analysis

of Covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted mean score comparison for eighth-grade students

who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home (ANCOVA adjusted M =

5.75), eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and

are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M

= 5.22), and eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home

and are not eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 5.50) was not statistically different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest

rate of gain with a coefficient of determination r2 = .30 or 30% rate of writing test score

congruence. Equipoise indicates the overall positive effect on writing scores of students’

participation in the research school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home

initiative regardless of Internet connectivity at home.

Conclusion Research Question #5

Sub-Question 5a. Evaluating eighth-grade students posttest ending eighth-grade

grade point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies,

and (d) cumulative grade point average (GPA) scores for students who do not have high-

speed Internet connectivity at home grade point average scores (GPA) that range from 4.5

to 0.0 converted to letter grades helps put their performance in perspective. Letter grades

at the research site range from a high grade of A+ (4.5) to a low grade of F (0.0). Eighth-

grade students who do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home posttest ending

English subtest score posttest M = 3.18 is congruent with a letter grade of B predicting

that these students may expect to complete further high school English coursework

successfully. Also, eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home posttest ending science subtest score posttest M = 2.81 is congruent

with a letter grade of B- predicting that these students may expect to complete further

high school science coursework successfully. In addition, eighth-grade students who do

not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home posttest ending social studies subtest

score posttest M = 3.42 is congruent with a letter grade of B+ predicting that these

students may expect to complete further high school social studies coursework

successfully. Finally, eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home posttest ending cumulative GPA subtest score posttest M = 3.33 is

congruent with a letter grade of B predicting that these students may expect to complete

further high school coursework successfully. Furthermore, core classroom grade scores

at this level also indicate the overall positive effects of student participation in the

research school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of

Internet connectivity at home.

Sub-Question 5b. Evaluating eighth-grade students posttest ending eighth-grade

grade point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies,

and (d) cumulative grade point average (GPA) scores for students who do have high-

speed Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch

program participation grade point average scores (GPA) that range from 4.5 to 0.0

converted to letter grades helps put their performance in perspective. Letter grades at the

research site range from a high grade of A+ (4.5) to a low grade of F (0.0). Eighth-grade

students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free

and reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending English subtest score

posttest M = 3.10 is congruent with a letter grade of B predicting that these students may

expect to complete further high school English coursework successfully. Also, eighth-

grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for

free and reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending science subtest score

posttest M = 2.21 is congruent with a letter grade of C predicting that these students may

expect to complete further high school science coursework successfully. In addition,

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending social

studies subtest score posttest M = 2.94 is congruent with a letter grade of B predicting

that these students may expect to complete further high school social studies coursework

successfully. Finally, eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation posttest ending cumulative GPA subtest score posttest M = 3.05 is

congruent with a letter grade of B predicting that these students may expect to complete

further high school coursework successfully. Furthermore, core classroom grade scores

at this level also indicate the overall positive effects of student participation in the

research school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of

Internet connectivity at home.

Sub-Question 5c. Evaluating eighth-grade students posttest ending eighth-grade

grade point average scores for core subjects (a) English, (b) science, (c) social studies,

and (d) cumulative grade point average (GPA) scores for students who do have high-

speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price lunch

program participation grade point average scores (GPA) that range from 4.5 to 0.0

converted to letter grades helps put their performance in perspective. Letter grades at the

research site range from a high grade of A+ (4.5) to a low grade of F (0.0). Eighth-grade

students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for

free and reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending English subtest score

posttest M = 3.81 is congruent with a letter grade of A- predicting that these students may

expect to complete further high school English coursework successfully. Also, eighth-

grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible

for free and reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending science subtest

score posttest M = 3.57 is congruent with a letter grade of B+ predicting that these

students may expect to complete further high school science coursework successfully. In

addition, eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home

and are not eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation posttest ending

social studies subtest score posttest M = 3.94 is congruent with a letter grade of A

predicting that these students may expect to complete further high school social studies

coursework successfully. Finally, eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced price lunch program

participation posttest ending cumulative GPA subtest score posttest M = 3.79 is

congruent with a letter grade of A- predicting that these students may expect to complete

further high school coursework successfully. Furthermore, core classroom grade scores

at this level also indicate the overall positive effects of student participation in the

research school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of

Internet connectivity at home.

Conclusion Research Question #6

Posttest English core grade score Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted

mean score comparison for eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.30), eighth-grade students who do have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch

program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.29), and eighth-grade students who do


have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced

price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.50) was not statistically

different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest rate of gain with a coefficient of

determination r2 = .22 or 22% rate of English core grade score congruence. Equipoise

indicates the overall positive effect on English core grade scores of students’ participation

in the research school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative

regardless of Internet connectivity at home.

Posttest science core grade score Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted

mean score comparison for eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed Internet

connectivity at home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 2.86), eighth-grade students who do have

high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced price lunch

program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 2.77), and eighth-grade students who do

have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for free and reduced

price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 2.95) was not statistically

different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest rate of gain with a coefficient of

determination r2 = .72 or 72% rate of science core grade score congruence. Equipoise

indicates the overall positive effect on science core grade scores of students’ participation

in the research school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative

regardless of Internet connectivity at home.

Posttest social studies core grade score Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)

adjusted mean score comparison for eighth-grade students who do not have high-speed

Internet connectivity at home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.40), eighth-grade students who

do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are eligible for free and reduced

price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.19), and eighth-grade

students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are not eligible for

free and reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.71) was

not statistically different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest rate of gain with a

coefficient of determination r2 = .22 or 22% rate of social studies core grade score

congruence. Equipoise indicates the overall positive effect on social studies core grade

scores of students’ participation in the research school districts one-to-one notebook

computer take home initiative regardless of Internet connectivity at home.

Posttest cumulative grade point average (GPA) core grade score Analysis of

Covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted mean score comparison for eighth-grade students who

do not have high-speed Internet connectivity at home (ANCOVA adjusted M = 3.36),

eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home and are

eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA adjusted M =

3.44), and eighth-grade students who do have high-speed Internet connectivity at home

and are not eligible for free and reduced price lunch program participation (ANCOVA

adjusted M = 3.36) was not statistically different indicating a congruent pretest to posttest

rate of gain with a coefficient of determination r2 = .67 or 67% rate of cumulative grade

point average (GPA) score congruence. Equipoise indicates the overall positive effect on

cumulative grade point average (GPA) scores of students’ participation in the research

school districts one-to-one notebook computer take home initiative regardless of Internet

connectivity at home.


The results of this study support the implementation of one-to-one notebook

computer programs as a systematic intervention to improve achievement for students

eligible for free or reduced price lunch program participation as well as students who are

not eligible for free or reduced price lunch program participation who may or may not

have access to high-speed Internet connectivity at home. Programs such as these provide

24-7 access to technology-rich environments and instruction and they should merit

consideration by policy makers and educators for implementation within their home

districts (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005). School leaders should not only implement this type

of program but they also need to guarantee the sustainability of these programs. School

leaders know they can increase the achievement for all students while at the same time

blurring the disadvantageous caused by students from low socioeconomic backgrounds

and/or those with no Internet access at home. Furthermore, all pretest-posttest within

group gains and posttest-posttest between group equipoise demonstrated that the

achievement gap between students eligible and students not eligible for free or reduced

price lunch participation with or without high-speed Internet connectivity at home had

been mitigated through participation in the school-wide one-to-one notebook computer

program. Providing all students with equity of opportunity in a digital way is

fundamentally something that all school leaders in public and private educational settings

should aspire to accomplish for their students. While the one-to-one notebook eighth-

grade computer program in this study may  not  be  singled  out  solely  for  between  group  

equipoise  causality, its inclusion as a fundamental academic  programmatic component

of this middle school’s  curriculum  should be considered as a contributing factor.  


Implications for practice. Educational leaders and policymakers are dealing

with the challenges of selecting and implementing devices that provide access to high-

quality digital resources (Bailey, Schneider, & Vander Ark, 2012). State governments

and local school districts have invested billions of dollars to acquire and integrate

computer-based technologies into American schools and board of educations and state

officials want to see increased student achievement results from these expenditures

(O'Dwyer et al., 2005). More and more schools are embracing one-to-one notebook

computer initiatives, in which students of every grade at participating schools have access

to a mobile technology throughout the day and at home in hopes of leveling the playing

field for all of their students. Students will need access to devices that allow them to

consume and create digital content tailored to their individual learning styles and

instructional needs (Bailey et al., 2012). Using a project-based backwards design lesson

coupled with a one-to-one notebook computer setting allows for students to personalize

their learning meeting their unique learning requirements (Huff & Saxberg, 2009).

In actual practice school districts will need to ask themselves, how do students

learn best and what can they create that demonstrates that learning (Lehmann, 2012).

Schools will then need to provide access to the tools and resources necessary for all

students to meet the challenges of the before-mentioned questions. Schools must provide

rigorous, project-based lessons that focus on inquiry, research, collaboration, student

reflections, and writing (Lehmann, 2012). Educators will be called upon to create the

content and activities for a system that is targeted to engage the learners in the key

concepts of their individual content areas (Huff & Saxberg, 2009). As educators peer-

review these lessons they will quickly be able to see which activities work best for

students with different learning styles (Huff & Saxberg, 2009)

Findings from numerous studies show that one-to-one notebook implementations  

have  resulted  in  increased  student  peer  collaborative work, increased  participation in

project-based learning, improved  writing  quantity  and  quality, improved problem-

solving and critical thinking skills, and  increased time spent working on school work

away from school (Gulek & Demirtas, 2005). Along with this focus on individual

students, educators will need real-time student information to make the best instructional

decisions for their students. Broadband access coupled with technology tools would give

teachers access to information from a central data repository in regard to each student’s

learning preferences, motivations, personal accomplishments, and achievement record

over time which would allow teachers to tailor learning to meet each student’s needs

(Bailey, Carter, Schneider, & Vander Ark, 2012). Even at the University level access to

electronic portfolios provide program participants real time access to their learning goals,

academic progress, and serve as a gathering place for student artifacts that demonstrate

that learning has taken place (Smith, 2011).  

Technology tools allow staff to differentiate not only for a child’s cognitive

ability but for their social and emotional abilities as well. Students having difficulty

communicating with other peers, develop difficulties building close friendships.

Technology tools can break down those physical barriers that sometime disrupt students

from working together. Friendships present opportunities for children to use, refine, and

augment skills that allow them to network, negotiate, resolve conflicts, exchange ideas,

collaborate, and solve problems (Hill & Coufal, 2005). These types of interactions,

whether face-to-face or online, develop the necessary 21st century skills that allow a

person to negotiate the complexities of today’s world.

Implications for policy. Schools must learn to leverage and plan their

technology purchases with devices already in the hands of their staff and students.

Students have increased access to cellular connectivity--it has been 10 years since mobile

phone subscriptions surpassed the number of fixed telephone lines in the United States

(Bailey et al., 2012). Partnerships with city governments along with broadband providers

can create community access points that make broadband connectivity more affordable

for our most economically disadvantaged students (Bailey et al., 2012). School officials

along with policy makers can use the current fiscal down-turn to combine limited

resources and put an end to the “factory model” of education by leveraging community

resources with school resources to prepare all students for college or work after their K-

12 education has been completed (Schorr & McGriff, 2011).

Residents of the United States rank near the top of all countries by percentage of

its citizens using Smart Phones to access content on the Internet (Olson, 2012). Schools

in this country must be ready to implement policies that allow for students to use their

mobile devices to take control of their learning. Many schools need to rethink their

policies of barring students from using their Smart Phones during the school day.

However, on a world scale there are 5 billion people with cell phone subscriptions, but

only 2 billion are connected to the Internet. Government policymakers and school

leaders must fight for the creation of affordable data plans so that more people worldwide

can be empowered and benefit from access to online resources (Olson, 2012).

Today many parents, educators, students, and community members demand that

technology tools, including student access to notebook computers, be integrated into the

teaching and learning frameworks of the schools that serve their communities (Weston &

Bain, 2010). School officials and policy makers must be mindful to create access

opportunities to these powerful technology tools as well as access to rich and varied

Internet content for their students and staff members. Providing these tools in

conjunction with digital content is congruent with societal expectations for today’s

schools. This type of ubiquitous technology coupled with Internet access creates a shared

value of success for all students. Educational institutions that display the shared values

of fairness, justice, respect, cooperation, and compassion have a upbeat sense of

community which in turn supports and motivates the teachers and students within that

building (Keiser & Schulte, 2009). Failure to do so puts at risk the core value of public

education--that is meeting the unique needs of the students they serve each and every


Implications for further research. The results of this study point to the need for

further research in several areas. The findings suggest the need for researchers to

measure the duration, scope and type of the student notebook computer use outside the

normal school setting to evaluate the effectiveness of this type of technology

intervention. Students are given omnipresent access to notebook computers at the

research school but this study did not measure the amount time or type of use outside the

school day. Drs. Neal Grandgenett, Neal Topp, and Bob Mortenson from the University

of Nebraska-Omaha in 2005 completed a study on the amount of time students used their

notebook computers away from school at the research district’s high school one-to-one

notebook program at Westside High School. They did find a positive correlation in the

amount of time students spent on the computer away from school with engagement and

motivation for learning (Grandgenett, Topp, & Mortenson, 2005). This same type of

study should be conducted again and this time should include the eighth-grade students at

this district who also participate in the one-to-one computer notebook program.

Also in this study, both students qualifying for free and reduced priced lunch

programs and students who did not qualify for free or reduced priced lunch programs,

including those with and without home high-speed Internet connectivity demonstrated

student achievement gains in many of the measures. However, it is not known

specifically which technology intervention or interventions impacted their performance.

A mixed methods or qualitative study examining specific technology tools or

instructional strategies deployed by the school district being studied would add further to

this body of research. This type of design was not feasible within the limits and scope of

this study. Finally, additional research should be conducted to follow students in a

longitudinal study to track progress in student achievement. It would also be important to

follow those students that are not demonstrating achievement gains and correlate the use

of notebook computers within and outside the normal school day to achievement data of

the student that participated in this computer notebook program and their long-term

academic success.

A strategically designed and well-implemented one-to-one notebook computer

initiative that allows for students to take those devices home can further effective

instruction beyond the limits of class time and brick and mortar school walls. One-to-one

notebook computer initiatives embolden teachers to use high-engagement instructional


strategies, which in turn allow educators to create more student-centered learning

opportunities within and beyond their classrooms. Ultimately, these results suggest that

one-to-one notebook computer initiatives hold promise in providing equity of opportunity

for all students. This bodes well for the technology-literate students entering our

classrooms today that will one-day lead our nation tomorrow.



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