Abm PM2 Impacts of Using Mobile Phones To The 12 Abm PM Students 1 2

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A Research Presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School Department

PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta,

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan


In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements in the subject

APP 006 Practical Research 2


Deciree Fey T. Baniaga

Kynnah Moira C. Gabot

John Michael S. Medrano

John Carlo B. Aquino

Philip M. Dela Cruz


October 2017

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Senior High School Department

This research here to attached, entitled “EFFECTS OF MOBILE PHONES TO


COLLEGE URDANETA” prepared and submitted by Kynnah Moira C. Gabot,

John Michael S. Medrano, John Carlo B. Aquino, Deciree Fey T. Baniaga

and Philip M. Dela Cruz in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject

APP 006 Practical Research 2 is hereby accepted.



Academe Adviser


The researchers wish to extend their deepest thanks and heartfelt

gratitude to all the people who shared their ideas and knowledge which helped

them come up with better research study. The researchers salute those people

for not leaving them on cliffs and for helping them in materializing their study.

The researchers express their highest praises and thanks to God

Almighty who gave them strength and wisdom to accomplish the study;

to Mr. Cristian Mark M. Soy, their adviser, for his unstoppable moral and

intellectual support, motivation and patience in guiding the researchers from the

preparation of the study until the end; for pushing the researchers to do their best

at all times; for the healthy criticism which truly helped in polishing the research

paper; and for the pieces of advice which strengthened the researchers’ mind

and heart to pursue the study in spite of all hindrances;

to their Parents and Guardians, who never failed in showing their whole

hearted financial and moral support; and

to all whose names were not mentioned, the help they gave were truly

appreciated. In everything, the researchers give thanks.


This thesis work is dedicated first to Almighty God for making this work

possible; to my friends, classmates, who shared their ideas and knowledge that

helps us come up with better research study and to those people who believe in

my abilities; and to my teacher who patiently taught me.

Last but definitely not the least, to my parents who have taught me to work

hard for the things that I aspire to achieve. Thank you for standing by my side.

-Kynnah Moira

I dedicate this research to all those individual who served as our subjects

and cooperated with us to finish this research project. We know that their are so

many struggles and misunderstanding we have been through but we remain

strong and creative in doing our research. And I also dedicate this research to my

hardworking groupmates who never cease to work on this research for our good

and the good of the subjects.

To my friends, family and our Almight God thank you for helping and

guiding us to achieve our goals in life.

-John Michael

Through this research we truly felt how hard doing a thesis like this. We

realized the importance of pushing each other to fulfill our goal in doing our

research to be more successful. This study is the fruit of our hard work so we are

truly thankful for all the knowledge we have learned.

We humbly dedicate our research to our Lord God because we know that

all the thing that we are doing, in our daily life God is always there to support and

guide us, to our parents, friends, classmates and to our teacher who patiently

taught us to do this.

-John Carlo

This thesis dedicated to my parents who taught me that the best kind of

knowledge to have is that which is learned for its own sake and who taught

me that even the largest task can be accomplished if it is done one step at a

time. To my teacher who is always there to guide us in every part of the thesis

and who also there to correct us.

-Deciree Fey

I humbly dedicate this work first to our God for giving me strength

and knowledge to finish this work; to my family that give support for me

mostly in financial. Especially my parents whose always there to guide me

whatever I do, they always support me and also to my friends and classmates for

their cooperation while conducting this study.



This study entitled “Impacts of Using Mobile Phones to 12-ABM PM2

Students’ Academic Performance at PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta” sought

to determine the perception on the Impacts of mobile phones on the Grade 12

ABM-PM2. As well, it also focused on determining the significant relationship

between the profile of the respondents.

This research follows the descriptive survey method under the quantitative

approach to research. It considered all the 12 ABM 02P students who had and

are presently enrolled in Academic track under Accountancy, Business and

Management at PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta.

After the administration of 4-scale researcher made likert-type

questionnaire among the respondents, it was found out that (a) the impacts of

using mobile phones is considered as descriptive equivalent of Agree (A).

Therefore, it only shows that mobile phones are useful when the students are

studying. and (b) there is a significant relationship between the profile variables

and the impacts of mobile phones in the students’ academic performance to 12


With the drawn conclusion, Majority of the respondents are female, and

most of the respondents are 17 years old. The perception of the respondents on

the impacts of mobile phone in their academic performance is A (Agree). In the

respondent profile, there is a significant relationship between the respondents’

gender, and there is no significant relationship between the respondents’ age in

using cellular phone


TITLE PAGE--------------------------------------------------------------- i

APPROVAL SHEET ---------------------------------------------------- ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT------------------------------------------------ iii

DEDICATION-------------------------------------------------------------- iv

ABSTRACT---------------------------------------------------------------- vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS------------------------------------------------ vii

List of Tables-------------------------------------------------------------- x

Figure - --------------------------------------------------------------------- x


Background of the Study------------------------------------------- 1

Statement of the Problem--------------------------------------- 4

Research Hypothesis--------------------------------------------- 4

Scope and Delimitation------------------------------------------- 5

Significance of the Study ------------------------------------------- 6

Definition of Terms ---------------------------------------------- 7


Review of Literature -------------------------------------------------- 8

Related Studies --------------------------------------------------------- 10

Research Paradigm---------------------------------------------------- 15


Research Design ----------------------------------------- 16

Population and Locale of the Study-------------------------- 17

Data Gathering Tool --------------------------------- 17

Data Collection Procedures ----------------------------------- 17

Treatment of Data ----------------------------------- 18


Results and Discussions ---------------------------------------- 20

Profile of the 12 ABM PM2 Students------------------------ 21

“Impacts of Using Mobile Phones to 12-ABM PM2

Students’ Academic Performance at PHINMA

UPang College Urdaneta”--------------------------------------- 22

Significant Relationship Between theProfile Variables

of the respondents and the impacts of mobile phones to

students’ academic performance----------------------------------- 24


Conclusions------------------------------------------- 27

Recommendations----------------------------------- 28

BIBLIOGRAPHY---------------------------------------------- 30


A. Letter for the Content Validation

of the Questionnaire----------------------------------- 32

B. Request Letter to the Respondents----------------- 33

C. Survey Questionnaire--------------------------------- 34

CURRICULUM VITAE ----------------------------------------- 35

List of Tables

Table No. Title Page No.




2 Impacts of mobile phones on Grade12 ABM-

PM2 students’ academic performance at 22

PHINMA Upang College of Urdaneta







Figure No. Title Page No.

1 Paradigm of the Study 15


The Problem

Background of the Study

The adverse effect of mobile phone addiction, the rationale of this study,mobile phone is a

product of technology that gives us more knowledge about our new and different generations.

Mobile phone has given us advantages and disadvantages. Mobile phone addiction is one of

the main problems that our country is facing right now. Even though it is preferred as a

problem, lots of people would rather call it a big help. For them, mobile phone helps their

communications be a lot easier and faster, they can cover long distance calls, they can also

use mobile phone in times of emergencies in their studies and even for entertainment.

Businessman treated their mobile phones as their buddy, due to using of their mobile phones

regularly; they use it to know when and where they will have their meeting and the exact time

to meet. But because of the great development of technology, most people who involve in this

study were teenagers. Teenagers aren’t comfortable as of today living without their mobile

phones. Most of them are students that are addicted to modern gadgets especially, mobile

phones. Despite of its being useful, abusive of this device also has its various negative

effects. A person can be called a mobile phone addict when he/she suffers abrupt behavior in

case the mobile phone is missing or lost.

A new study on students’ test performance and smartphones found teens who attend

schools with smartphone bans did better on tests even more so if they were struggling

academically before the ban was instituted.

Researchers at the London School of Economics gathered test scores from thousands

of 16-year-olds between 2000 to 2012, studying the effects of cell phone bans on schools. The

found that the bans boosted test scores by 6%. If a child was previously academically

underperforming, their scores improved up to 14%. Dr. Richard Murphy, assistant professor of

Economics at the University of Texas and co-author of the study, told Yahoo Parenting, “Our

conclusion is that unstructured use of phones in schools has a negative impact, mainly for kids

at the bottom half of the class. Schools should consider having a policy restricting phone use.”

Liz Kolb, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Education and

author of Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education, says close to 70%

of schools that had cell phone bans in place five years ago are reversing their policies. Why?

“Part of it is because it’s hard to fight the tidal wave and there’s so many students with cell

phones. The second part is that they’re really seeing them as a learning tool, not just a toy for

entertainment, and they’re seeing that they can be cost effective for the schools instead of

having to purchase technology for students.”

Moreover, they use phones to search for assignments instead of going out doing practical

research. Many things like these are taking us away from healthy activities that have a positive

impact on our lives. Every child of this generation owns a smartphone. They prefer playing

games on their phones instead of going out in a natural setting with friends. They like playing

virtual football rather than playing it in actual fields, which keeps them away from healthy

physical activity that they can highly benefit from. Smartphone technology was created to

serve us in a positive way, to connect us to the world, and to help us explore. However, this

technology has been put to the wrong use and many of us are getting addicted to it. There are

real dangers to smart phone addiction including prominent physical and mental disorders. It is

important to manage your smart phone use and avoid exploiting the technology. Appreciate

the technology that has been provided to you instead of letting it rule your life.

Mobile phone overuse is a dependence syndrome seen among certain mobile phone users.

Some mobile phone users exhibit problematic behaviors related to substance use disorders.

These behaviors can include preoccupation with mobile communication, excessive money or

time spent on mobile phones, use of mobile phones in socially or physically inappropriate

situations such as driving an automobile. Increased use can also lead to increased time on

mobile communication, adverse effects on relationships, and anxiety if separated from a

mobile phone or sufficient signal.

These are the reasons why the researchers will conduct this study and wanting to help the

society in minimizing the involvement of teenagers to addiction of using mobile phones and so

that it will not affect their academic performance in school.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find out the impact of using mobile phones to 12 ABM PM2 Students’

Academic Performance at PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta.

More specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. School

d. Socio-economic status

2. Is there a significant difference between the use of mobile phones and books in doing school


3. Is there a positive and negative effect of having mobile phones among Grade 12 ABM PM2


Research Hypotheses

As part of this study, the following hypotheses were addressed:

1. There is a significant difference between using mobile phones and books in doing


2. There are positive and negative effects of having mobile phones in studying among Grade 12

ABM PM2 students.

3. The excessive exposure of students in using mobile phones can greatly affect their academic

performance as well as their study habits.

4. There is no significant relation in terms of age, sex, school, and socio-economic status of ABM

PM2 students in using mobile phone.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to find out the possible impacts of mobile phones to the Grade 12 ABM PM2

students’ academic performance at PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta, Urdaneta City,

Pangasinan. This study will be conducted on S.Y.2017-2018. And through survey research,

the researchers will know if the use of mobile phones have good and bad effects to the

students’ academic performance.

This study will only focusing on the impacts of using mobile phones on Grade 12 ABM PM2

students’ academic performance at PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta.

Significance of the Study

This study will focus on the impacts of using mobile phones to 12 ABM PM2 students’

academic performance at Phinma UPANG College,Urdaneta. Thus, it aims to benefit the


1. Students – this study will help the students to know if they have to refrain from using

mobile phones in studying or not. Through this, students will become aware on the

impacts of using mobile phones in school and what are the effects of using this in

their academic performance.

2. Teachers – the results of this study will serve as a guide for the teachers in

preparing their classroom rules and regulations about using mobile phones. To

convince students not to focus on using their mobile phones during class


3. Parents – this will be a reminder to encourage their children to know the limitations

and boundaries of using mobile phones in school. To guide them that the excessive

use of mobile phones can affect their studies.

4. Other Researchers – this study will serve as reference for future researchers who

will also take this topic.

Definition of Terms

 Academic Performance: The level of intelligence of students in school.


 Mobile Phone: An electronic telecommunications device, often referred to as a

cellular phone or cellphone. Mobile phones connect to a wireless

communications network through radio wave or satellite transmissions. Most

mobile phones provide voice communications, Short Message Service (SMS),

Multimedia Message Service (MMS), and newer phones may also provide

Internet services such as Web browsing and e-mail.


 Study Habits: study habits are the behaviors used when preparing for tests or

learning academic material.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth search

done by the researchers. This review of related literature and studies provides the basis for the

current study to understand and know the impacts of using mobile phones on the academic

performance of a student.


Referring to the idea of embodiment, Prensky (2005) cites the direct words of a

Japanese student who said, “if you lose your mobile phone you lose a part of your brain” This

statement truly reflects the idea of embodiment.

Self-identity and individuality, the distinctive features of adolescence, could be the key

reasons that trigger teens to possess a mobile phone. Caronia and Caron (2004) added that

the mobile phone resulted in a ‘drastic’ social performance and is perceived to be a ‘detonator’

of social thinking. “Cell phone provokes reflective thinking on the ethics, etiquette and

aesthetics of everyday action and social life that includes identity-making processes such as

presentation of oneself on a public scene” (Caronia & Caron, 2004, p. 28).

One of the main beliefs of the constructivist is that people develop and build

understanding from their own personal and subjective experiences.  Students bring their own

schema (past experiences) into their academics and use it to enhance their learning by gaining

more knowledge and build upon their old.  Even though a teacher can be excellent and excel

at implementing constructivist learning theory in conjunction with mobile technologies, students

will not necessarily learn. The students need to have the opportunity to experiment and utilize

previous experiences to build new understandings of the educational material. Constructivist

learning theory enables the mobile technology to focus on the student’s ability to be self

directed and draw conclusions (Karagiorgi & Symeou 2005).

As defined by Tuckman (1975), performance as the obvious expression or

demonstration of sympathetic, ideas, skills and knowledge of a person and planned grade

clearly indicate the performance of a student. So student’s academic performance are given

more emphasis and keeping in view all the factors adversely or positively impacts on their

academic performance. Majority of students use smartphones for leisure purposes and only

few uses for educational development purposes.


Foreign Studies

Their research concerning Online Social networking (OSN) Paul et al (2013), their

results revealed a statistically significant negative relationship between time spent by students

on OSN and their academic performance. The time spent on OSN was found to be heavily

influenced by the attention span of the students. Specifically, we determined that the higher the

attention span, the lower is the time spent on OSN. Further, attention span was found to be

highly correlated with characteristics that predict or influence student behavior, such as their

perceptions about society’s view of social networking, their likes and dislikes of OSN, ease of

use of OSN, etc. (J. A. Paul, H. M. Baker, and J. D. Cochran, "Effect of online social

networking on student academic performance," Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 28, pp.

2117-2127, 2012.)

Grosseck et al (2011), in their study found that the majority of students spend significant

time on Facebook more for social uses (to stay in touch with friends and family, to share / tag

photos, to engage in social activism, volunteering etc.) and less for academic purposes, even if

they take part in discussions about their assignments, lectures, study notes or share

information about research resources etc.( G. Grosseck, R. Bran, and L. Tiru, "Dear teacher,

what should I write on my wall? A case study on academic uses of Facebook," Procedia-Social

and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 15, pp. 1425-1430, 2011.)

According to Salehan et al (2013), As the penetration of mobile phones in societies

increases, there is a large growth in the use of mobile phones especially among the youth.

This trend is followed by the fast growth in use of online social networking services (SNS).

Extensive use of technology can lead to addiction. This study finds that the use of SNS mobile

applications is a significant predictor of mobile addiction. The result also shows that the use of

SNS mobile applications is affected by both SNS network size and SNS intensity of the user.

(M. Salehan and A. Negahban, "Social networking on smartphones: When mobile phones

become addictive," Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 29, pp. 2632-2639, 2013.)

The relationship between Facebook use and grades was examined in a large sample by

Junco, and reveals that unlike previous research, his study used university records to collect

GPA data. Time spent on Facebook was negatively related to overall GPA. Time on Facebook

was also negatively related to time spent preparing for class. Some Facebook activities were

positively and some negatively related to outcomes. (R. Junco, "Too much face and not

enough books: The relationship between multiple indices of Facebook use and academic

performance," Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 28, pp. 187-198, 2012.)

According to, the use of the Internet has become a part of life of every student and a

mean to search for the information as and when it is needed. These days, use of mobile

phones for internet purposes has become a routine and number of mobile consumer accessing

the Internet is surpassing fixed line internet users. The Smartphone with the capability of

always connected makes it much easier for the students to avail this type of education facility

and makes the Smartphone a perfect fit device for distance learning.( M. Kumar, "Impact of the

Evolution of Smart Phones in Education Technology and its Application in Technical and

Professional Studies: Indian Perspective," arXiv preprint arXiv:1109.0937, 2011)

As per Dean, text messaging plays an important role in college student’s life, too. A

survey conducted at the University of Colorado and several other universities in 2010 found

that text messaging and emailing are two of the most commonly used functions on smart

phones among college students, followed by reading news, watching videos and reading

books.( Dean, "Smartphone user survey: A glimpse into the mobile lives of college students,"

Digital News Test Kitchen, 2012.)

According to kirschner et al (2010) a research was conducted to study the relationship

between academic performance and Facebook usage. Sample were taken from population of

219 university students and they found that Facebook users had lower Grade Point Averages

and they were online most of the time and utilized very less time for their studies in comparison

with students who did not use Social Networking Services (SNS). Only 26% of students

reported that SNS impacted positively and helped to grow in their lives and 74% said that it

had adverse impact like procrastination, lack of concentration or distraction and poor time

management.( ]P. A. Kirschner and A. C. Karpinski, "Facebook® and academic performance,"

Computers in human behavior, vol. 26, pp. 1237-1245, 2010.)

In their research titled “Smartphone Addiction in University Students and Its Implication

for Learning” Lee et al, found that the higher the addiction level is, the lower level of self

-regulated learning the students have, as well as low level of flow when studying. Further

interview for smartphone addiction group was conducted, it has been found that the

smartphone addict—learners are constantly interrupted by the other applications on the

phones when they are studying, and does not have enough control over their smartphone

learning plan and its process.( J. Lee, B. Cho, Y. Kim, and J. Noh, "Smartphone Addiction in

University Students and its Implication for Learning," in Emerging Issues in Smart Learning,

ed: Springer, 2015, pp. 297-305)

Aoki and Downes (2004) focused on the behavioral and psychological aspects of cell

phone usage among college students. They tried to find the reasons behind why a technology

is adopted in a particular way. They identified several attitudinal factors based on the

exploratory study including, necessity in modern times, cost efficiency when compared to

landline phone, safety or security, and dependency. The study also endeavored to look at the

motivational and behavioral characteristics of mobile phone usage. The authors tried to

combine their results and the result of previous research to find the trends in usage by the

youth, “why college students in the US use the cell phone, what they think of the technology,

and how they use it”. The motivational themes identified by the study include personal safety,

financial incentive, information access, social interaction, parental contacts, time

management/coordination, dependency, image, and privacy management. The results of the

focus group interviews indicated five distinct user groups in terms of their attitudes toward their

cell phone usage and in terms of the levels of integrating cell phones into their lives. Aoki and

Downes (2002) enumerate the groups as the cost‐conscious group, safety/security conscious,

dependent, sophisticated, and practical users. The cost‐conscious users believe that a mobile

phone helps them save money. The safety/security conscious users are cognizant of their own

security and having a cell phone gives them a feeling of security. The dependent user is a

person who is reliant on his/her phone and feels disconnected to the world without one. The

sophisticated users have had their phones for the longest time and feel it is absolutely a

necessity for functioning in the world. The practical user believes a mobile phone gives cost

saving, safety benefits, and time efficiency. This study serves as a valuable guideline on how

questionnaires focusing on mobile phone use may be designed by using focus interviews.

( Aoki K, Downes EJ. Analysis of young people’s use of and attitudes towards cell phones.

Telematics and Informatics 2004; 20(4):349-364.)

Local Studies

The cell phone, now the most widely used medium in Asia specifically here in the

Philippines, has major educational implications. Most users, however, do not realize the cell

phone's potential for education, nor even for the communication functions for which it was

originally designed. Most educators still see the computer and the cell phone as unrelated

devices, and the tiny cell phone more as a personal accessory, especially for young people.

With falling prices and increasing functionality, however, it is virtually certain that not too far in

the future all of the world's students will have a cell phone. This is sufficient reason and

motivation for educators to explore the possibility of making the cell phone an important tool in

the educational systems of developed and developing countries. This article describes the

experience of two major projects that are studying the potential of cell phone and short

message service (SMS) techniques for formal and nonformal education in the Philippines. The

studies have yielded positive reactions from students and trainees about the potential of these

techniques, and are suggesting design and logistical principles for use in educational cell

phone implementation.

Paul Anthony Villegas (2000), a teacher at the Ateneo de Manila High School noticed that his

students have been using shortcuts in their compositions. In addition, text messaging has

become the new way of cheating. Students send questions and answers to each other during

exams. To combat these, elementary and high schools have prohibited the use of cellphones

during and in-between class hours.


Based on the findings the researchers constructed suggested measures to improve or

sustain the perception on the level of effectivenes in teaching techniques to the respondents at

PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta.

Determining the:

1. Profile of
1. Profile of Respondents in 1. Knowing the
Respondents in terms
terms of : different impacts
of :
A. Age of using mobile
A. Age
B. Sex phones on the
B. Sex
2. Impacts of Using Mobile academic
2. Impacts of Using
Phones to the 12 ABM performance of
Mobile Phones to the
PM2 Students’ Academic Grade 12 ABM
12 ABM PM2
Performance at PHINMA PM2 Students.
Students’ Academic
University of Pangasinan
Performance at
College of Urdaneta.
PHINMA University of
3. Significant relationship
Pangasinan College of
between the profile
variables of the
respondents and the

impacts of using mobile

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Stud

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter covers the research Design and Methodology. It includes sampling, population,

establishing accurate judgement during and after data collection, ethical considerations and

data analysis.

Research Design and Methodology

The study lies on Descriptive- Quantitative. As Burns and Grove (2003:201) defined

descriptive research, it is designed to provide a picture of a situation as it naturally happens.

Quantitative method in the other hand is used for the interpretation of the data gathered. It is

presented in numerical form, and analyzed through the use of statistics. It also involves

computation and is useful in generalizing numerical data across groups of people to explain a

particular phenomenon.

This makes the Descriptive Quantitative Research Design appropriate for the study of

the Effects of Using Mobile Phones to ABM PM2 Students’ academic performance at PHINMA

UPang College Urdaneta. The information gathered will be analyzed and interpreted to

determine the result of the study.

This study aims to determine the relationship between the independent variable which is

the profile of the respondents and the dependent variable, the effects of using Mobile Phones

to ABM PM2 students’ academic performance. Moreover, it aims to support the positive effects

and eliminate the negative effects of using mobile phones to ABM PM2 students’ Academic

performance at PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta.

Population and Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta. The respondents of

this research were the Grade 12 ABM students from the section of PM2 respectively.

Data-gathering Tools

To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers made a survey-questionnaire

that serves as the main tool in gathering the needed information and data. The questionnaire

has two parts. The first part contains th

e profile of the students in terms of a.) Course, b.)School Year, c.)Semester and d.) Gender.

While the second part contains information or statements about the different impacts of using

mobile phones on the academic performance of the respondents in school.

Data Gathering Procedures

First and foremost, the conduct of this study, the researchers came up with the title, by

the guidance and help from their practical research adviser, Mr, Cristian Mark M. Soy.

For the purpose of the research, survey questionnaire were used. Questionnaires are

written set of questions that are given to the respondents in order to collect data about

something, whose aim is to identify respondents’ feelings, emotions, and opinions if they are

agree or disagree to the given statements. The instrument for data collection was designed

elicit information on demographic and psychographic aspects of the respondents. The

researcher distributed the questionnaires to the selected respondents and collected to perform

data analysis accurately.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

1. Profiling of the students – Percentage and Frequency

2. In order to determine the impacts of mobile phones on students’ academic performance, the

researchers use this formula and also to weight the average mean.


4 f 4+ 3 f 3+2 f 2+1 f 1


WM= weighted mean

F1= number of respondents who answered “Strongly Disagree”

F2= number of respondents who answered “Disagree”

F3= number of respondents who answered “Agree”

F4= number of respondents who answered “Strongly Agree”

The following scale was used to interpret the obtained weighted mean:

Scale Descriptive Equivalent

3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.50 – 3.24 Agree

1.75 – 2.49 Disagree
1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

3. To determine the significant relationship between the profile and the impacts of using

mobile phones to 12 ABM PM2 students, Chi- square formula was used:

X² = ∑ (fo – fe)²



fo is the observe frequency

fe is the expected frequency

X² is the computed of chi – square

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the different processes that were conducted to answer the

problems and the analysis of data followed by the discussion of the research finding. The

result was related to the research questions that served as a guide of the study.

The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted in this chapter. The results obtained

from the statistical analysis done were presented in both tabular and narrative forms to explain

further the answers regarding to the objectives of the study.

Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

Problem one of this study tackled about the profile of the respondents. Table 1

represents the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender and school.

It is stated in table 1 on the next page that in terms of gender, the number of female

respondents is greater than males having the percentage of 74 and 26 for male. It is also

stated in table 1 that in terms of the age of the respondents, most of them are 17 years old with

the total percentage of 74,next are the respondents with the age of 18 years old having 24%.

Lastly, 16 years old with the total percentage of 2%.

Table 1


URDANETA, S.Y. 2017-2018


Profile (f) (%)

Female 37 74
Male 13 26
16 1 2
17 37 74
18 12 24
PUCU 50 100
Legend: F=Frequency; %= Percentage

Perception on the Impacts of mobile phones on the Grade 12 ABM-PM2 students’

Academic Performance at PHINMA Upang College of Urdaneta

The second problem of this study sought to know if there is a difference between

mobiles phones and books in doing school works. Table 2 on the next page presents the

tabular representation of the impacts of mobile phones in students’ academic performance.

Table 2

Impacts of mobile phones on Grade12 ABM-PM2 students’ academic performance at

PHINMA Upang College of Urdaneta

Indicators AWH DE
1. Mobile phone is useful while I am studying. 2.8 A
2. Mobile phone became a distraction while I am
2.92 A
3. I think there is a difference between a mobile phone
3.4 SA
and a book in providing information.
4. Mobile phone has advantages in my academic
2.9 A
5. Mobile phones are necessary in school. 2.86 A
6. Mobile phones are better than books in terms of
2.3 D
7. Mobile phones should be required in studying to
2.62 A
every student in school.
8. Mobile phones can also be the main source of
3.04 A

Legend: AWH=Average Weighted Mean; DE= Descriptive Equivalent; 3.25-4.00= Strongly

Agree (SA); 2.5-3.24= Agree (A); 1.75-2.49= Disagree (D); 1.00-1.74= Strongly Disagree (SA)

Table 2 shows that the first indicator which states that “Mobile phone is useful while I

am studying” has an average weighted mean of 2.8 with a descriptive equivalent of Agree (A).

Therefore, it only shows that mobile phones are useful when the students are studying.

Moreover the second indicator states that “Mobile phone became a distraction while I

am studying” gained an average weighted mean of 2.92 which has a descriptive equivalent of

Agree (A). It only shows that mobile phones distract students when they are studying.

Meanwhile, respondents’ “I think there is a difference between a mobile phone and a

book in providing information” has an average weighted mean of 3.4 with a descriptive

equivalent of Strongly Agree (SA). It only shows that there is a difference between a mobile

phone and a book in terms of providing information.

The fourth indicator states that “Mobile phone has advantages in my academic

performance” gained an average weighted mean of 2.9 with a descriptive equivalent of Agree

(A). Therefore, it inly proves that mobile phone has disadvantages to students’ academic


Respondents’ “Mobile phones are necessary in school” has an average weighted mean

of 2.86 with a descriptive equivalent of Agree (A). It only shows that students need mobile

phones in school for communication and some school-related activities.

Mobile phones are easy to access that is why, for the students it is better that a book in

terms of studying. The respondents easily find information in just one click, unlike in a book

that you must find it the topic or the information you need. On the other hand, respondents’’

“Mobile phones are better than books in terms of studying” has an average of 2.3 with a

descriptive equivalent of Agree (A).

The seventh indicator which states that “Mobile phones should be required in studying

to every student in school” has an average weighted mean of 2.62 with a descriptive

equivalent of Agree (A). Therefore, it is necessary that mobile phones should be required in

schools. Because, some schools now uploads activities and files related to their subject online.

And so that students will be updated.

The last indicator states that “Mobile phones can also be the main source of learning”

gained an average weighted mean of 3.04 with a descriptive equivalent of Agree (A). It only

proves that students nowadays need mobile phones as a source of learning because it is now

more accessible than books.

Table 3




Profile X2 df Tabular Value DE

Gender 26.95 3 7.81 S

Age 2.28 6 12.50 NS

LEGEND= S=Significant; NS= Not significant; x 2=compounded value; df=degrees of freedom;

*Tested at 0.05 level of Significance

The table presents the summary of results of the chi-square conducted to test the

statistically significant relationship of the respondents’ profile variables and the impacts of

mobile phones in the students’ academic performance.

The results implies that the tabular value of the respondents under gender is 7.81 which

shows that the value of t(7.82) is lower than the computed value of t(26.95) at 0.05 level of

significance. The outcome suggests that the student’s gender have a significant relationship

towards the ABM PM2 students’ academic performance at PHINMA Upang College of

Urdaneta. Because both males and females know that mobile phones have an impact on their

academic performance.

Moreover, almost all of the respondent’s fall on the age of 17 years old. And the

researchers proved that it affects how they use mobile phones while they are studying.

Based from the findings, the tabular value of the respondents’ under age is 12.50 which

shows that the value of t(12.50) is higher than the computed value of t(2.28) at 0.05 level of

significance. The results suggests that the students’ age does not have a significant

relationship between the ABM PM2 students’ academic performance at Phinma Upang

College of Urdaneta.

According to Salehan et al (2013), As the penetration of mobile phones in societies

increases, there is a large growth in the use of mobile phones especially among the youth.

This trend is followed by the fast growth in use of online social networking services (SNS).

Extensive use of technology can lead to addiction. This study finds that the use of SNS mobile

applications is a significant predictor of mobile addiction. The result also shows that the use of

SNS mobile applications is affected by both SNS network size and SNS intensity of the user.

(M. Salehan and A. Negahban, "Social networking on smartphones: When mobile phones

become addictive," Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 29, pp. 2632-2639, 2013.)

Suggested Policy Measures to Improve or Sustain the Impacts of Using Mobile Phones

to 12-ABM PM2 Students’ Academic Performance at PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

From the result and findings of this research, the researchers suggest that the following

policy measures should be done and deemed necessary:

1. Upang-U teachers should restrict students in using mobile phones when it is not necessary.

1. Upang-U teachers should prepare appropriate instructional materials, provides appropriate

motivation and presents lesson well.

2. Upang-U teachers should be well-prepared in constructing objectives of the lesson, shows

mastery of the subject matter and uses effective varied instructional materials in order to

lessen the usage of mobile phones;

3. Upang-U teachers should provide more examples and information about the topic that help

students to articulate ideas.

4. Upang-U teachers should promote good quality of teaching personality and use different

teaching strategies or methods approaches for student learning.

5. Upang-U teachers should provide students appropriate syllabus for student’s reference point

to effectively reach desired goals.

Chapter 5

Conclusions and Recommendations

Based on the findings presented through the interpretation and analyzed data gathered, the

researchers found out:

1. Majority of the respondents are female, and most of the respondents are 17 years old.

2. The perception of the respondents on the impacts of mobile phone in their academic

performance is A (Agree).

3. In the respondent profile, there is a significant relationship between the respondents’

gender, and there is no significant relationship between the respondents’ age in using

cellular phone.


The following recommendations are offered as possible ways to improve this study:

a. For the Teachers

1. Teachers must be easy to approach, in order that if students have questions about

their research or lesson it will be comfortable enough for them t ask.

2. Teachers must be creative in teaching the students in order for them to participate in

his/her class.

3. Teachers must know the strengths and weaknesses of his/her students so that

he/she can solve or do something about it immediately.

b. For the Students

1. Students must gather more information related to their study/research.

2. The students must be prepared for the possible problems they can encounter as

they do their research. They should also determine some aspects that can affect

their research.

3. The students should also know the different tasks and responsibilities as they

conduct the research.

c. For the Future Researcher

1. To improve the data that they will collect, as early as possible, they show prepare

and be ready.

2. Future researchers must look for other causes or things that can affect the students’

academic performance.

3. The future researchers must gather and interpret their data correctly to have a valid

and reliable result.

d. For the Parents

1. Parents must be aware of the things that might affect their child’s performance in


2. They must know how to solve problems that will affect their child’s academic


3. They must guide their children.


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Dear Madam/Sir:

We are presently enrolled in Research Thesis writing at PHINMA UPang College

Urdaneta in Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. And currently working on our research entitled,



In this regard, may we ask your technical expertise in the content validation of the

questionnaire that we have conducted. Please feel free to correct the items or to make

comments and suggestions for the improvement of the questionnaire.

Thank you very much. God bless!

Very truly yours,

Gabot, Kynnah Moira C.

Medrano, John Michael S.

Aquino, John Carlo B.

Baniaga, Deciree Fey T.

Monegas, Philip M.




Research Adviser, PHINMA UPang





February 22, 2017

To whom it may concern:


We, the undersigned, are currently conducting a research, entitled “IMPACTS OF


AT PHINMA UPANG COLLEGE OF URDANETA”, as partial fulfillment of the of the

Requirements for the Subject APP 006 Practical Research

In view thereof, may we request your participation in this study by answering the survey

questionnaire for the success of this research. Rest assured that any information will be

treated as confidential and will be used for academic purpose.

We anticipate for your positive response.

Thank you and more power.


Gabot, Kynnah Moira C.

Medrano, John Michael S.
Aquino, John Carlo B.
Baniaga, Deciree Fey T.
Monegas, Philip M.



Research Adviser, PHINMA



Phinma University of Pangasinan College of Urdaneta

Mc Arthur Highway, Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

“Impacts of mobile phones to 12 ABM PM2 students’ academic performance at Phinma Upang

College of Urdaneta”

Students Name (Last, First): Gender:

Course Age:

DIRECTIONS: Please answer the following questions by putting a check (/) that best describes
your opinion.

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

INDICATORS Agree Disagree

1. Mobile phone is useful while I am

2. Mobile phone became a distraction
while I am studying.
3. I think there is a difference between a
mobile phone and a book in providing
4. Mobile phone has advantages in my
academic performance.
5. Mobile phones are necessary in school.

6. Mobile phones are better than books in

terms of studying.
7. Mobile phones should be required in
studying to every students in school.
8. Mobile phones can also be the main
source of learning.


Personal Data

Name : John Micahel S. Medrano

Address : Alcala, Pangasinan

Date of Birth : October 26, 1999

Contact Number: 09998386686

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Motto : “If tomorrow isn't the due date, then today isn't the do date.”

Educational Background

Senior High School : PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

A.Y 2017 - present

Secondary :Arboleda National High School

Alcala, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2015-2016

Elementary : San Pedro Ili Elementary School

Alcala, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2011-2012

Personal Data

Name : John Carlo B. Aquino

Address : San Nicolas, Alcala,Pangasinan

Date of Birth : September 17, 1999

Contact Number: 09489672893

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Motto : “Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten.”

Educational Background

Senior High School : PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

A.Y 2017 - present

Secondary :Arboleda National High School

Alcala, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2015-2016

Elementary : Alcala Central School

Alcala, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2011-2012

Personal Data

Name : Kynnah Moira C. Gabot

Address : San Pedro Ili, Alcala,Pangasinan

Date of Birth : October 20, 1999

Contact Number: 09126328343

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Motto : “Be the best and nothing less.”

Educational Background

Senior High School : PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

A.Y 2017 - present

Secondary : Arboleda National High School

Alcala, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2015-2016

Elementary : Alcala Central School

Alcala, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2011-2012

Personal Data

Name : Philip M. Dela Cruz

Address : San Juan, Alcala,Pangasinan

Date of Birth : March 1, 1999

Contact Number: 09777111367

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Motto : “if you believe, you can achieve”

Educational Background

Senior High School : PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

A.Y 2017 - present

Secondary :Arboleda National High School

Alcala, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2015-2016

Elementary : Alcala Central School

Alcala, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2011-2012

Personal Data

Name : Deciree Fey T. Baniaga

Address : Sison, Pangasinan

Date of Birth : July 04, 1999

Contact Number: 09279404490

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Motto : “Patience is a virtue.”

Educational Background

Senior High School : PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

A.Y 2017 - present

Secondary : Benigno V. Aldana National High School

Pozzorubio, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2015-2016

Elementary : Don Manuel I. Venezuela Elementary School

Sison, Pangasinan

S.Y. 2011-2012

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