3 Methods For Teaching Reading
3 Methods For Teaching Reading
3 Methods For Teaching Reading
Pre-literacy skills
Phonics Method
Whole-word Approach
Language Experience Method
Tips for parents
Learning difficulties
How touch-typing can help
Read and Spell blog
3 Methods for teaching reading
Learning how to read is one of the most important things a child will do before the
age of 10. That’s because everything from vocabulary growth to performance across
all major subjects at school is linked to reading ability. The Phonics Method teaches
children to pair sounds with letters and blend them together to master the skill of
The Whole-word Approach teaches kids to read by sight and relies upon
memorization via repeat exposure to the written form of a word paired with an image
and an audio. The goal of the Language Experience Method is to teach children to
read words that are meaningful to them. Vocabulary can then be combined to create
stories that the child relates to. Yet while there are various approaches to reading
instruction, some work better than others for children who struggle with learning
Orton Gillingham is a multi-sensory approach that has been particularly effective for
dyslexic children. It combines visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile learning to
teach a program of English phonics, allowing children to proceed at a pace that suits
them and their ability.
No two students will learn to read in exactly the same way, thus remaining flexible in
your approach is key. It can be useful to combine methods, teach strategies and
provide the right classroom accommodations, particularly for students who have
specific learning differences. Remember that motivation is key and try to be patient
so as to avoid introducing any negative associations with school and learning.
They may enjoy singing the alphabet song and reciting nursery rhymes, which helps
them develop an awareness of the different sounds that make-up English words. As
fine motor skills advance, so does the ability to write, draw and copy shapes, which
eventually can be combined to form letters.
There are plenty of ways parents can encourage pre-literacy skills in children,
including pointing out letters, providing ample opportunities for playing with
language, and fostering an interest in books. It can be helpful to ask a child about
their day and talk through routines to assist with the development of narrative skills.
Visit your local library and bookstore as often as possible. The more kids read with
their parents, teachers and caregivers, the more books become a familiar and
favourite pastime. Young children should be encouraged to participate in reading by
identifying the pictures they recognize and turning the pages.
Teachers and parents can then create unique stories that use a child’s preferred
words in different configurations. Children can draw pictures that go with them and
put them together in a folder to create a special reading book. You can look for these
words in regular children’s fiction and use them to guess at the meaning of unknown
words met in a context – an important comprehension strategy that will serve kids in
later grades.
8 Tips for parents
No matter which method or methods you use, keep these tips in mind:
1. Read as often as possible. Develop a routine where you read a book together in the
morning or in the evening. You may start by reading aloud but have the child
participate by running a finger along the text. Make reading fun, include older
children and reserve some family reading time where everyone sits together with
their own book to read for half an hour—adults included!
2. Begin with reading material that the child is interested in. If he or she has a favourite
subject, find a book full of related vocabulary to boost motivation.
3. Let the child choose his or her own book. When an individual has agency and can
determine how the learning process goes, he or she is more likely to participate.
Take children to libraries or bookstores and encourage them to explore books and
decide what they would like to read.
4. Consider graded readers. As a child develops his or her reading ability, you will want to
increase the challenge of books moving from materials that present one word per
page to longer and longer sentences, and eventually, paragraph level text. If you’re
not sure a book is at the right level for your child, try counting how many unfamiliar
words it contains per page. You can also take the opposite approach and check to
see how many Dolch words are present.
5. Talk about what you see on the page. Use books as a way to spur conversation around
a topic and boost vocabulary by learning to read words that are pictured but not
written. You can keep a special journal where you keep a record of the new words.
They will be easier to remember because they are connected through the story.
6. Avoid comparisons with peers. Every child learns to read at his or her own pace.
Reading is a personal and individual experience where a child makes meaning and
learns more about how narrative works as he or she develops stronger skills.
7. Don’t put too much pressure. Forcing a child into reading when he or she is not ready
can result in negative reactions and cause more harm than good.
8. Do speak with your child’s teacher. If your child doesn’t enjoy reading and struggles
with decoding and/or sight reading, it may be due to a specific learning difficulty. It’s
advised you first discuss it with your child’s teacher who may recommend an
assessment by a specialist.