Chain Design

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Chain Drives My grandfather once told me that there were two kind those who do the w "ho do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first there was much less competition. 4.4, INTRODUCTION CS The chain drive is intermediate between belt and gear drives. ft has the major advantazes of both belt and gear drives, Chain drives are used for velocity ratios less than 10 with chai velocities upto 25 m/s and power ratings upto 125 kW. Chain drives are popularly used in the transportation industry such as bicycles, motor cycles and automobile vehicles. They also find wide applications in agricultural machinery, metal and wood working machi machinery, building construction and materials handling machinery. 5, textile 4.2. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF CHAIN DRIVES COMPARED WITH BELT AND GEAR DRIVES Advantages : Y They can be used for long as well as short centre distances. ‘They are more compact than belt or gear drives. There is no slip between chain and sprocket. So they provide positive drive One chain can be arranged to drive several sprockets. Higher efficiency (upto 98%) of the drive They transmit more power than belt driv SLSKSN 1 belt drives. Smaller load on the shafts than i Y ‘They can be operated under adverse temperature and atmospheric conditions Disadvantages : Y ‘They require precise alignment of shafts than the belt drives. jarly lubrication) and slack adjus Y ‘They require proper maintenance (particul compared with belt drives Y Noisy operation Y They require the take-up devices (te compensate the increase in chain pitch due to 8) wear of chain joi Y More complicated design —<$<$< Scanned with CamScanner re Design of Transmission Systems 4.3. TYPES OF CHAIN DRIVES The common types of chains are : 1. Link chains (or welded chains), 2. Transmission chains (or roller chains), and 3. Silent chains (or inverted tooth chains). All these chains will be discussed, in detail, in the following sections. LINK CHAINS 4.4. LINK CHAINS Link chains, also known as welded load chains, are widely used Y In low capacity hoisting machines such as hoists, winches and hand operated cranes as the main lifting appliances. Y _Assslings for suspending the load from the hook or other device. 4.5. DIMENSIONS OF A LINK CHAIN The main dimensions of the link chain are shown in Fig.4.1. -E9 (GD =a: Fig. 4.1. Main dimensions of a link chain They are pitch (t) equal to the inside length of the link, outside width (B) and diameter (d) of the chain bar. 4.6. CLASSIFICATION OF LINK CHAINS J. Depending on the ratio between the pitch and the diameter of the chain bar : (a) Short link chains : If (<3 d, then the chains are known as short link chains (6) Long link chains : \f (> 3 d, then the chains are known as long link chains. 2. Depending on the manufacturing accuracy : (a) Pitched chains; When the permissible deviations from the nominal within + 0.03 d and from the outside width is within + 0.05 d, then the chain is called as pitched chain. (b) Calibrated chains : When the permissible deviations is within + 0.1 d of the nominal size in pitch and outside width, then the chain is known as calibrated chain. Scanned with CamScanner Chain Drives 43 4.7. CONSTRUCTION OF LINK CHAINS ¥ Link (or welded) chains are formed from oval steel links in the sequence shown in Fig.4.2. ¥ Link chains are manufactured from steel 2 and 3. @ w © () Fig, 4.2. Stages in the manufacture of welded chains (a) Blanks of cut steel bar, (b) Prebent blanks, (c) Chain assembled prior to welding, (d) Chain with welded links Y Links for welded chains are formed by a number of methods. Mostly forge welding and electric resistance welding are used. Y In forge welding, a single weld is made in the link. In the electric resistance method, the link is made from two butt-welded half-links. The welds are made on the straight sides of the link. The resistance welding method produces more accurate chains with increased strength. ¥ When assembling separate lengths of forged links into chains, the welded ends of each pair of adjoining links should form one joint to increase the life and strength of the chain. Chains welded by the electric resistance method can be assembled in any manner. Y After manufacturing, the chains are annealed. 4.8, SELECTION OF LINK CHAINS In link chains, it is extremely difficult to determine the actual stresses. Because, with Tespect to external forces the links of welded chains are statically determinate and with fespect to internal stresses three-fold statically indeterminate, Therefore the stresses are determined approximately. The chains are checked for tension. To compensate the statically indeterminate feature of the chain, somewhat reduced safe stress is taken, The general formula for selecting link chains in tension is given by Pr > = (4d Pre (4.1) Safe load carried by the chain, and Where Pre P, = Breaking load of the chai n = Factor of safety from Table 4.1 Scanned with CamScanner » at Me hay LX Design of Transmission Systems 44 Table 4.1. Data for selection of link chains Chains Drive Factor of safety. 3 1. Welded calibrated and uncalibrated Hand Power 6 2. Welded calibrated on a pocket sheave Hand 45 Power 8 3. Welded uncalibrated on slings = 6 between the pitch of the The intensity of wear depends on the following factors : the ratio z tive turn of the links as chain and drum, the tension and speed of the chain, the angle of rela they pass around the sheaves, the environment, e/c. 4.9. ADVANTAGES OF LINK CHAINS Y Good flexibility in all directions. Y Smaller pulley diameters and drums. Y Simple design and manufacture. 4.10. DISADVANTAGES OF LINKS CHAINS Y Heavy height. Y Susceptibility to jerks and overloads. Y Sudden failure, ¥ Intensive wear of the links in the joints. TRANSMISSION CHAINS AND SPROCKETS 4.11. TRANSMISSION (OR ROLLER) CHAINS A roller chain provides a readily available and efficient method for transmitting power between parallel shafts. That’s why the roller chains are also called as transmission chains. A roller chain consists of an endless chain running over two sprockets ~ driver and driven, A sprocket is a wheel with teeth of a special profile. Smaller sprocket is called pinion and Driven sprocket Driving sprocket ‘Typical roller chain 2.4.3. Fig. j. Chain drive 4.12, CONSTRUCTION OF ROLLER CHAINS The construction of a roller chain is shown in Fig.4.4. It consists of alternate links made of inner and outer link plates. The outer plates are known as pin link or coupling lick whereas Scanned with CamScanner hain Drives 45 ihe inner plates are called roller link, The other parts of a roller chain are pin, bushing and roller. Pins are press fitted into the outer plates whereas busltes are press fitted into the inner plates. The pin and the bush form a swivel joint and the outer link is free to swivel with respect to the inner Tink. The chain rollers mounted on the bushings roll over the sprocket teeth. Roller link. Fig. 4.4. Construction of a roller chain 443. CHAIN MATERIALS Y Link plates are made of cold-rolled, medium-carbon or alloy steels such as C45, C50 and 40 Crl. ¥ Pins, bushings and rollers are made of carburizing steels such as C15, C20, and 30 Ni4 Cri. 4.44, SPECIFICATION OF A ROLLER CHAIN Roller chain is specified by three dimensions — pitch, width and diameter. Pitch : It is the distance from centre to centre of adjacent pins or rivets. Width : It is the nominal width of the link or the length of the pin. Diameter : \t refers to the actual outside diameter of the roller. Roller chains are available in single-row or multi-row construction such as simplex, duplex or triplex strands as shown in Fig.4.5. (refer data book, page no. 7.71). (2) Simplex chain (b) Duplex chain (6) Tiplex chain Fig. 4.5. Scanned with CamScanner i TTT 46 Design of Transmission Systems 4.45. GEOMETRIC RELATIONSHIPS OF A ROLLER CHAIN AND SPROCKET : Fig.4.6 shows a sprocket driving a chain in a counter clockwise direction. Let p = Chain pitch, c = Pitch angle, — jo @/2 = Angle of articulation, D = Pitch circle diameter of the Vetere sprocket, and f = Number of teeth on the sprocket. Pitch circle diameter (D) : | 60 Pitch angle, a = 32. (42) From the trigonometry of the figure, Fig, 4.6. Engagement of a chain and sprocket ; pi? megs el 360 or p-—-+~ -—4 [vo=-%] .. (43) Sy = (8) The angle a/2, through which the link swings as it enters sprocket, is called the angle of articulation. Transmission (or velocity) ratio of chain drive (i): Let N,andN, = Speeds of rotation of driving and driven sprockets respectively z,andz) = Number of teeth on driving and driven sprockets respectively ‘Transmission ratio, (44) Pitch diameters of sprockets + Let d, and dy = Diameters of driving and driven sprockets respectively ‘Then, the equation (3.2) can be rewritten as Diameter of driving sprocket, <, (45) Diameter of driven sprocket, dy = =—& 4.6 and ian Wy” FecoTs (46) Average velocity of the chain (») : The average velocity of the chain is given by n-D-N DN M 60 60 + (4.7) Scanned with CamScanner spain Drives 47 ength of te chain (L); The length of the chain is always expressed in terms of the number of links (or pitches) L = 1xp + (4.8) where Le Length of the chain in mm, and 1 = Number of links (or pitches) in the chain, Number of links in the chain (ly: The approximate number of links (or pitches) in the chain can be determined by using the following formula, 2 )-(@2) «(2) (49) Centre distance between axes of driving and driven sprockets in mm “ti is known that the calculated number of links (/,) should be rounded to the next digit. Since the chain consists of alternate pairs of inner and outer link plates, therefore it is always preferred to have even number of links. When the chain has odd number of links, an additional link called ‘offset’ link, is required. But the offset link is weaker than the main links. L ly _ Where a 0 4.46. CENTRE DISTANCE The centre to centre distance between the axes of the two sprockets corrected to an even umber of links can be determined by using the following relationship et+ye?-8M Centre distance, a = xp [from data book, page no. 7.73] ... (4.10) 4 where 2 2 Me. ) + constant. ‘n actual practice, a small amount of sag is essential for the links to take the best position on the sprocket wheel. Therefore in order to accommodate the initial sag, centre distance Should be decreased by the amount Aa. ba 80.5 f © 0.5 (0.02 a) 8 0.01a [from data book, page no. 7.75] where f = Chain sag of driven side inmm = 0.02.4 Scanned with CamScanner 48 Design of Transmission Systems 4.47, CHORDAL (OR POLYGONAL) ACTION An important factor affecting the operating smoothness of a roller chain drive, particularly at high speeds, is chordal action, The chordal action is illustrated in Fig.4.7(@) and (b). In Fig 7a), roller A has just seated on the sprocket, and the centreline ofthe chain is at the chordal rads r Aer the sprocket rotates through angle (0/2), the chain is in the position shown in Figed.7(b). Here, the chain centreline is at the sprocket piteh radius 7. Chordal rise, Fe ) Fig. 4.7. Chordal action of a roller chain ‘The amount of chain rise and fall (ie., chordal rise) is given by rarer (1-cos$) =+[1-cos() ] 41D) where z = Number of teeth in the sprocket. 4 ar " Thus it is cl that the linear speed of the chain is not uniform but varies from ¥,,., © Vu: during every eycle of tooth engagement. This results in a pulsating and jerky motion @ Neos (%) s _ RDNeos (5 1 EDN Youn = 60 and Vinay 60 tecause of chordal action, a chain drive is analogous to a belt drive running with a pr Yn order to reduce the variation in chain speed, the number of teeth sprocket should be increased. Iris better to use an ould number of teeth (such as 17, 19 oF 21) for the drivi va muuner of teeth of the sprocket, in combination with an even number oF chai fins, fii more uniform eat 4.48, DESIGN PROCEDURE OF ROLLER CHAIN 1. Selection of the transmission ratio () + Select a preferred transmission ratio from Table 4.2 er Scanned with CamScanner Chain Drives 49 Table 4.2. Transmission ratio, i (from data book, page no. 7.74) 1.12, Se 2, Selection of number of teeth on the driver sprocket (ps Select the number of teeth on the driver sprocket (z,) by consulting Table 4.3. Table 4.3. Recommended no. of teeth on the pinion sprocket, 2; (from data book, page no. 7.74) i 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 $-7 FL 30-27 27-25 25-23 23-21 21-17 [Note] Where space is a problem, 2,,,; = 7 3. Determination of number of teeth on the driven sprocket (23) : FAmin Determine the number of teeth on the driven sprocket (z;) by using the transmission ratio (#) and 2). m= ig Recommended value of 22 2) max = 10010120... [from data book, page no. 7.74] ‘Now check whether the calculated z) is less than the recommended 2) mu... Because, when 2; is large, the stretched chain may slip off the sprocket for a small pull, 4. Selection of standard pitch (p) : Knowing (or assuming) the initial centre distance (a), determine the range of chain pitch by using the relation a = (30-50)p ss (4.13) From the pitch range obtained, consulting Table 4.4, select a suitable standard pitch. Table 4.4. (from data book, page no, 7.74) No. of teeth on pinion Piteh, p, mm sprocket 4 9.525 127 15.875 7 2800 2600 2000 9°. 2800 2400 1800 Is 2400" " 2400 1800 21 2400 2100 1500 2 2100 1800 1300 35 1800 1600 1200 45 1600 1400 1000 5. Selection of the chain : Select the chain type and chain number, by using the selected standard pitch, from Table 4.5. Initially assume simplex or duplex chain, Scanned with CamScanner Design of Transmission Systems Table 4.5. from data book, page nos. 7.71, 7.72 and 7.73, This table gives some details for a few chains.) Roller | Bearing | Breaking | Mass/metre ie Designation | Rolon | PitehPs | ismeter, | area,A | lond,Q | (average) | tween WON, | No, | mm | gem” | mm? | newton | makgfm | DPE" Plates, az O8B-1 RI278 12.7 B51 50 18200 0.70 8.00 088-2 pri2g | 12.7 | 8st 100 31800 132 8.00 O8B-3 TRI278 12.7 8.51 150 45400 1.95 8.00 10A-1 R50 15875 | 10.16 70 22200 1.01 935 WOA-2 DRSO 15.875 10.16 140 44400 178 9.55 10A-3 ‘TRSO 15.875 10.16 210 66600 3.02 9.55 T2A-1 R60 19.05 ng 105 32000 147 11.90 124-2 DR60 19.05 Wg 210 63600 2.90 11.90 124-3 TREO 19.05, Wg 315 95400 4.28 11.90 [Note] R-Simplex, DR Duplex, TR - Triplex 6. Calculation of total load on the driving side of the chain (P) : . Centrifugal Fi Total load on the Tangential force tension (P.) Tension driving side (P,y{ ~ }, €uetopower } 4d ONT SD due to chain transmission (P, ue to spees sagging (P. PO) ofthe chain seine (Pa) or Pr = P+Pe+P, + 4.14) { ( To find tangential force (P,) : 1020N v ves 4.15) where N = Transmitted power in kW, and ‘ was XPXN, 2x pXN v = Chain velocity inm/s = At 4, BXPXN2 60x 1000 * Ox 1000 (ii) To find centrifugal tension (P.) : P= mt 416 where m = Mass of chain / metre, from Table 4.5, (iii) To find tension due to sagging (P,) : PL = k-wea + (4 bo Scanned with CamScanner 4.1 & = Coefficient of sag taking into account the arrangement of chain drive, from Table 4.6. w = Weight of chain / metre = m+ g, and @ = Centre distance in metre, Table 4.6. Coefficient for sag, k (from data book, page no. 7.78) Position of chain drive Coefficient for sag Horizontal_| Upto 40°__| More than 40° | Vertical { k 6 4 2 1 7. Calculation of service factor (k,) : The service factor is used to account for variations in the driving and driven sources for roller chains. “ Service factor. k, = ky ky- hy shy ksh vs (4.18) Select the values of y, ks, ky Ky, ks and ky from Tables 4,7 to 4.12 correspondingly. Table 4.7. Load factor, k, (from data book, page no. 7.76) Types of toad Ay Constant load 10 Variable load or load with mild shocks 1.25 Ls Variable load or load with heavy shocks Table 4.8. Factor for distance regulation, hy (frvm data book, page no. 7.76) “Types of distance regulation R 10 ua ‘Adjustable supports Drive using idler sprocket Fixed centre distance Table 4.9, Factor for centre distance of sprockets, k; (from data book, page #0. 7.78) Centre distance of sprockets a Las > 1 or a, <25p 4 A 6 15 oF ay, ~ (300 50)p 10 220 org, ~ (UWI ae 20 oF a, > 4 ny where /, Scanned with CamScanner re 4.12 Design of Transmission Syste, a, = Approximate centre distance in multiples of pitches, = ag/p. where ay = Initially assumed centre distance in mm, and p = Pitch, mm. Table 4.10, Factor for the position of the sprockets, k, (from data book, page no. 7.77) Position of the sprockets ky Inclination of the line joining the centres of the sprockets to the horizontal upto 60° 1 More than 60° 1.25 Table 4.11. Lubrication factor, ks (from data book, page no. 7.77) ‘Types of lubrication ks Continuous (oil bath or forced lubrication) 08 Drop lubrication 10 Periodic 1s : Table 4.12. Rating factor, kg (from data book, page no. 7.77) Working schedule (or rating) ke Single shift of 8 hours a day 1.0 Double shift of 16 hours a day 1.28 Continuous running 1s 8 Calculation of design load : Design load = Total load on the driving side of the chain x Service factor or Design load = Py x ky (4 9. Calculation of working factor of safety (FS,) : Calculate the working factor of safety by using the relation Factor of safety = Breaking load Q obtained from Table 4.5 Saee) a (42 Design load = Bixk 1x ky 10. Check for factor of safety : Compare the working factor of safety with the recommended minimum value of fa<'0"° safety given in Table 4.13. Scanned with CamScanner Chain Drives Table 4.13. Factor of safety, n’ (from data book, page no. 7.77) Pitch Speed of smaller sprocket, rpm | uptosd | 200 | 400 | 600 | 800 | 1o00 | 1200 | 1600 | 2000 | 2400 | 2800 9.525 78 | sss | 935 | 102 | 110 | 1.7 | 132 | 14s | 163 | I80 15.875 Ifthe working factor of safety (FS,,) is greater than the recommended minimum value of factor of safety (1), then the design is safe and satisfactory. If the working factor of safety is not satisfactory, one more chain may be added (ie. simplex to duplex or duplex to triplex) to the existing one or the chain pitch may be increased, 11. Check for the bearing stress in the roller : Y Calculate the bearing stress in the roller using the formula _ Tangentialload _ Px k, (21 © = “Bearing area ~~ A = re Take the bearing area (A) value from Table 4.5. ¥ Now compare the calculated bearing stress (or induced stress) value allowable bearing stress value given in Table 4.14. For safer design, the induced stress should be less than the allowable bearing stress. Table 4.14, Allowable bearing stress, [o}, Ninn? (from data book, page no. 7.77) | Pitch Speed of rotation of smaller sprocket, rpm Pemm | 587 * 31.496 214 65 (65-27) /2nP 1, = 2(31.496) + (crue + 31.496 = 110.153 = 112 (rounded off to an even number) Actual length of chain, L = J, xp = 112 15.875 = 1778 mm 12. Exact centre distance : et+tye?-8M a= xp where e= =112- 265) = 66 2 2 65-2) ae M= = ( = = 36.57 664+ VOR-8x3657 a= 7 x 15.875 = 314.92 mm Decrement in centre distance for an initial sag, Aa = 0.01. 2 = 3.149 mm Exact centre distance = 514.92~5.149 = 509.77 mm 13. Sprocket diameters : 18.875 het: Pe eae For smaller sprocket : Ped = Saqis07a) ~ Sako ) = 136,74 mm and Sprocket outside diameter, dg, = d+ 0.84, From Table 4.5, d, = Diameter of roller = 10.16 mm do, = 136.74 + 08 x 10.16 = 144.87 mm Is, sin (180765) Ped © For larger sprocket : and — Sprocket outside diameter, doy = d)+0.8d, = 328.58 +0.8 x 10,16 336.71 mm Scanned with CamScanner

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