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Descriptive Translation of Terms From English Into Russian in The Field of Corporate Governance

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Academic Year 2016/2017

Descriptive Translation of Terms from English into Russian in

the Field of Corporate Governance

Student: Mariia Iakusheva


Dr. Carlos F. Márquez Linares

Dr. Enrique F. Quero Gervilla

Doctoral Programme in Languages, Texts and Contexts

Faculty of Translation and Interpreting

Editor: Universidad de Granada. Tesis Doctorales
Autora: Mariia Iakusheva
ISBN: 978-84-9163-371-6
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/47711
Table of Contents
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................. 5
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Аннотация ................................................................................................................................... 10
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................... 13
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 15
A. Theoretical Background......................................................................................................... 21
1. Terminological Units ............................................................................................................... 22
2. Guidelines for Term Formation ............................................................................................. 27
2.1. Transparency .......................................................................................................................27
2.2. Consistency .........................................................................................................................29
2.3. Appropriateness ..................................................................................................................29
2.4. Linguistic Economy or Conciseness ...................................................................................30
2.5. Derivability .........................................................................................................................32
2.6. Linguistic Correctness ........................................................................................................32
2.7. Preference for the Native Language ...................................................................................33
2.8. Monosemanticity ................................................................................................................33
2.9. Excluding Synonyms ..........................................................................................................35
3. Term Formation ...................................................................................................................... 36
3.1. Term Formation as a Monolingual Activity .......................................................................40
3.1.1. Creation of New Forms ................................................................................................40 Derivation .................................................................................................................40 Compounding ...........................................................................................................41 Abbreviated Forms ...................................................................................................42
3.1.2. Using Existing Forms ...................................................................................................43 Conversion ...............................................................................................................43 Terminologization ....................................................................................................43 Transdisciplinary Borrowing....................................................................................44
3.2. Term Formation as an Interlingual Activity .......................................................................45
3.2.1. Direct Loan ...................................................................................................................45
3.2.2. Loan Translation or Calque ..........................................................................................46
3.2.3. Descriptive Translation ................................................................................................48
3.2.4. Direct Translation Equivalent ......................................................................................49

4. Basic Principles of Term Formation in Russian ................................................................... 51
5. Terminology for Corporate Governance ............................................................................... 54
5.1. Defining the field of Corporate Governance ......................................................................54
5.2. The dynamics of Corporate Governance (Business) Terminology ....................................58
6. Translating Coporate Governance Terminology ................................................................. 64
6.1. Business Term Translation .................................................................................................64
6.1.1. The indeterminacy of Business terminology. Contextual or Occasional Translation. .66
6.1.2. Homonyms and Synonyms in Business Terminology Translation ..............................73
6.1.3. Attributive Сombinations in Сomplex or Сompound Corporate Governance Terms .77
6.1.4. Figurative Terms in the field of Corporate Governance ..............................................78 Conceptual and Conventional Metaphors in Management Terminology ................79 Translating Figurative Terms from Corporate Governance .....................................83
6.1.5. Translation of Business Term Abbreviations ...............................................................85
6.1.6. Lexicographic tools for business terminology translation. The translators’ work with
LSP .........................................................................................................................................86
6.2. Term Translation as a Basic Method of Corporate Governance Terminology Formation in
Russian .......................................................................................................................................88
7. Defining Descriptive Translation of Terms .......................................................................... 92
8. Descriptive Translation and Term Formation Requirements ............................................. 97
8.1. Transparency, Linguistic Correctness and Preference for the Native Language Term
Formation Requirements ............................................................................................................98
8.2. Deriviability, Consistency, Appropriateness, Monosemanticity; and Excluding Synonyms
Term Formation Requirements. ...............................................................................................101
8.3. Conciseness Term Formation Requirement ......................................................................107
9. Descriptive Translation Groups within the Coporate Govenrance Field ........................ 109
10. Harmonization of Terminology .......................................................................................... 112
B. Case Study ............................................................................................................................. 119
1. Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 120
2. Descriptive Translation methods. Analysis. ........................................................................ 124
2.1. Pure Descriptive Translation ............................................................................................126
2.1.1. Content-oriented DT ..................................................................................................126 Pure DT. Generalization........................................................................................126 Pure DT. Concretization.........................................................................................130 Pure DT. Etymologically-Motivated terms .............................................................132

2 Pure DT. Figurative Meaning.................................................................................138 Pure DT. Explanation of Content Using Componens of Other Terms ..................140 Pure DT. Ambiguity in interconnected spheres .....................................................143
2.1.2. Form-Oriented Pure DT .............................................................................................149
2.2. Calque and Descriptive Translation ..................................................................................155
2.2.1. Сalque and DT. Single Unit Term. ............................................................................155
2.1.2. Calque and DT. Calque of the whole term combined with explanation of content ...158
2.1.3. Calque and DT. Figurative Meaning ..........................................................................161
2.1.4. Calque and DT. Concretization ..................................................................................164
2.3. Direct Loan and Descriptive Translation ..........................................................................168
2.3.1. Direct Loan and DT. Concretization and Assimilation. .............................................168
2.3.2. Calque based on Direct Loan with Assimilation ........................................................171
2.4. Descriptive Translation with Additional or Irrelevant Components.................................175
2.4.1. DT and Irrelevant Components ..................................................................................175
2.4.2. DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components. Provisional Form ............................178
2.5. Direct Loan, Calque and DT .............................................................................................183
2.6. The use of different DT methods for the translation of one term .....................................185
3. Statistics and Results ............................................................................................................. 196
3.1. Calque and DT. Results ....................................................................................................201
3.1.1. Calque and DT. TERM FORM and CONTENT........................................................201 Complex term (Source term with 3 or more elements) ..........................................202 Noun (in attributive position) + noun.....................................................................205 Adjective/participle + noun ....................................................................................205 Phrasal verb nominatives .......................................................................................207 Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................207 Prepositional constructions ....................................................................................209 Other term forms ....................................................................................................210
3.1.2. CALQUE and DT. Figurativeness .............................................................................211
3.1.3. CALQUE AND DT. Competitiveness and Use .........................................................215
3.2. PURE DT. Results ............................................................................................................223
3.2.1. Pure DT. Term Form and Content .............................................................................223 Noun .......................................................................................................................225 Complex term (a term with 3 or more components) ..............................................226

3 Noun (in attributive position) + noun.....................................................................228 Compound term (nominative unit) .........................................................................229 Other term forms ....................................................................................................232
3.2.2. PURE DT. Figurativeness ..........................................................................................236
3.2.3. PURE DT. Competitiveness and Use .........................................................................239
3.3. Additional or Irrelvant Components and DT. Results. Competitiveness and Use ...........246
3.4. Direct Loan and DT. Results. Competitiveness and Use ..................................................256
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 259
Выводы ...................................................................................................................................... 265
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 273
Appendix 1. Classification of Term Creation Methods in the Spehere of Corporate
Governance ............................................................................................................................... 308
Appendix 2. Classification and Analysis of Descriptive Terms ............................................. 352


DT: Descriptive Translation

ECOSOC: UN Economic and Social Council. (1999).

FRC: Financial Reporting Council

IAS: International Accounting Standard

IFC. International Finance Corporation. World Bank Group. (2008). IFC Central Asia Corporate
Governance Project. English-Russian and Russian English Corporate Governance Glossary.

IFC-RCGP: International Finance Corporation. Russian Corporate Governance Project. (2014).

LSE: London South East. Finance Glossary

LGP: Language for General Purposes

LSP: Language for Special Purposes

M.c.: Main corpus (Ruscorpora)

N.c.: Newspaper corpus (Ruscorpora)

OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (2002).

OECD-1: OECD. Ocenka i Rezul'tativnost' Pomoshhi. (2004).

OECD Principles: OECD. (2015). G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

Online Etymology Dictionary: Harper, D. (2001- 2017). Online Etymology Dictionary

Ruscorpora: Russian National Corpus “Ruscorpora”

UNCITRAL: United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. (2010).


UNCITRAL-2. United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. (2005).

UNCITRAL-3: United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. (2016).


UNCITRAL - 5: United Nations Commission On International Trade Law. (2012).

UN: United Nations Economic and Social Council. (2008).

UN-1: Organizacija Ob"edinennyh Nacij. Jekonomicheskij i Social'nyj Sovet. (2008).

UNTERM: UNTERM. Budget terms.

This study deals with the issue of Descriptive Translation within the field of Corporate
Governance (English and Russian). It aims to provide a contribution for the internationalization
of the topic and its consolidation.

This piece of work gives priority to the innovative and modern nature of Terminology.
Language for Special Purposes (LSP) gives priority to international and concise term forms.
Correspondingly, Direct Loan and Calque are considered as preferable term creation methods.
Nevertheless, in many cases a less desirable term creation method, like Descriptive Translation,
is used.

The English language is the lingua franca for Russian terms within the field of Corporate
Governance. Non-transparent and unwieldy term forms often need to be explained and clarified.
Descriptive Translation has proven to be one of the most effective methods for making term
forms transparent, grammatically and semantically correct.

Descriptive Translation is one of the most frequently used methods for term translation,
although it is not given proper attention within Terminology studies.

This study aims to show how English terms are integrated into the Russian LSP using
Descriptive Translation; to identify the reasons for the use of Descriptive Translation; its
purposes and characteristic features and to analyze whether it is necessary to harmonize the
whole system of Management terms. This should lead to the fulfillment of the main objective: to
carry out the classification of descriptive terms and justify their practical use.

The material for the present study is based on Russian-English glossaries, compendiums and
legislative guides of Corporate Governance and Finance, retrieved from reliable sources
compiled by UN, IFC, OECD, UNCITRAL and ECOSOC. All the Russian terms have been
defined with the help of dictionaries, their variations have been retrieved and analyzed
considering their use in comprehensive Russian National corpus “Ruscorpora”, available online,
or on the Internet (if not present in Ruscorpora). The study shows how the content and the form
of a source term influence a target term. An analysis of how the figuratively-motivated terms are

translated has been carried out, i.e. how the conceptual patterns along with the traditions of the
target language influence the terminology creation patterns.

The research reveals the main patterns of the Descriptive Translation of terms (Pure
Descriptive Translation, Descriptive Translation and Calque, Descriptive Translation and Direct
Loan and Descriptive Translation with Additional or Irrelevant Components) in the sphere of
Corporate Management and has discovered the most effective and competitive one: Calque and
Descriptive Translation. The competitiveness of the terms has been described using a
comparison with the basic term creation and translation patterns: Calque, Direct Loan and the
search for a Direct Translation Equivalent.

The study has been narrowed down to the special field of Corporate Governance, a dynamic
and relatively new Management sphere. This ensures the innovative and modern nature of the
research. The previous studies of Descriptive Translation of terms are limited, and the
classification of Descriptive Translation patterns has never been a focus in scientific research.
This contributes to the practical value of the study. Descriptive Translation classification groups
have no precedent in terminological studies. The study compares the theory of Terminology with
its practice and finds the reasons for violation or fulfillment of the strict terminology
requirements within the field of Corporate Governance.

The “Theoretical Background” section is based on the theory of Terminology in general, and
Corporate Governance in particular, and the implications of Descriptive Translation use and its
function within LSP. The “Case Study” section reveals the patterns of the Descriptive
Translation of terms in Russian, its dependence on English term forms and content, and the
analysis of figurative terms, the competitiveness of Descriptive Translation methods and the
recommended translation for each term.

The harmonization of language signs is urgently needed within the field of Corporate
Governance. The analysis of Descriptive Translation patterns is important for stating a universal
formula for eliminating deficient term forms within terminology. This study highlights the need
for restructuring the whole system of Management terms. The study is crystallized around the

idea that Descriptive Translation is essential when it comes to the translation of Corporate
Governance terms into Russian, but it needs organization.

The research justifies that Descriptive Translation can be considered as a full-fledged term
formation method and translation technique into Russian. This contributes to the creation of
accurate, well-defined and convenient to use Descriptive term forms within the field of
Corporate Governance and to the further elaboration of Corporate Governance terminology and
the field of Management in general.

В данной работе рассматривается описательный перевод терминов с русского языка на
английский в области корпоративного управления. Исследование направлено на
достижение международного развития темы.

В центре работы находится инновационный и современный характер науки о

терминологии, а также правила функционирования языка для специальных целей, где
предпочтение отдаётся международным и кратким формам терминов. Самыми
продуктивными способами создания терминов традиционно считаются калькирование,
транскрипция и транслитерация; однако, зачастую используется менее желательный метод
– описательный перевод, то есть формальное объяснение содержания термина исходного

Английский язык – это lingua franca в терминологии корпоративного управления, так

как большая часть терминов создаётся именно в англоговорящих странах. Кодексы
корпоративного управления оказывают явное воздействие на русские термины, в свою
очередь русский язык борется с нечёткими и непрозрачными формами терминов, что
приводит кто появлению описательных форм в заимствованной терминологии.
Описательный перевод может считаться одним из самых эффективных методов создания
прозрачных, семантически и грамматически корректных форм терминов.

Описательный перевод – это один из самых распространённых способов создания и

перевода терминов, хотя ему не уделяется должного внимания в науке о терминологии.

Данная работа направлена на достижение следующих задач:

- определение путей трансформации английских терминов для обеспечения

полноправного функционирования переведённых форм на русском языке;
- обозначение причин использования описательного перевода, его целей и
отличительных особенностей;
- доказательство необходимости гармонизации терминологии менеджмента и
области корпоративного управления, в частности.

Данные задачи служат достижению главной цели, которая заключается в
классификации описательных терминов и обосновании их практического использования.

Материал данного исследования базируется на русско-английских глоссариях,

сборниках и законодательных инструкциях по финансам и корпоративному управлению,
составленных международными и общепризнанными организациями такими, как ООН
(UN) , Международная Финансовая Корпорация (IFC), ОЭСР (OECD), ЮНСИТРАЛ
(UNCITRAL) и ЭКОСОС (ECOSOC). Все русские термины были снабжены словарными
определениями, и варианты перевода были проанализированы на основании их
использования в русском национальном корпусе “Ruscorpora” (Ruscorpora), или же в
Интернете, в случае отсутствия соответствий в “Ruscorpora”. Исследование раскрывает
тему взаимодействия формы и содержания целевого и исходного термина, и оказания
влияния последнего на формирование термина на языке перевода. В работе обозначается
проблема перевода терминов с образной мотивировкой и влияния концептуальных схем
наряду с традициями русского языка на создание терминологии.

В исследовании определяются главные варианты описательного перевода терминов в

области корпоративного управления: «Чистый Описательный Перевод», «Описательный
Перевод и Калькирование», «Описательный Перевод и Прямое Заимствование», a также
«Описательный Перевод с Дополнительными или Избыточными Элементами». В работе
выявляется самый конкурентоспособный и эффективный способ перевода:
«Описательный Перевод и Калькирование». С целью анализа конкурирования терминов
между собой используется сравнение описательного перерода и основных способов
создания и перевода терминов таких, как калькирование, прямое заимствование и поиск
прямого переводческого эквивалента.

Исследование сводится к специализированной области корпоративного управления, то

есть сфере руководства корпорациями или крупными компаниями, являющейся
динамичной и относительно новой подкатегорией менеджмента. Современный и
развивающийся характер области исследования поддерживает инновационную линию
работы. Предыдущие исследования описательного перевода терминов имеют

ограниченный характер, к тому же классификация вариантов описательного перевода
терминов не становилась объектом научных исследований, что обеспечивает
практическую ценность данной работы. Классификация описательного перевода терминов
не имеет прецедента в науке о терминологии. Исследование направлено на сопоставление
теории и практики терминологии и на выявление причин соблюдения или нарушения
строгих требований создания терминов в области корпоративного управления.

Теоретический раздел данной работы базируется на теории терминологии в целом, и

области корпоративного управления, в частности, а также предпосылках использования
описательного перевода в языке для специальных целей. Практический раздел выявляет
варианты и схемы описательного перевода терминов на русский язык, зависимость
целевых терминов от содержания и формы английских терминов, анализ образно-
мотивированных терминов, а также конкурентоспособность описательного перевода и
рекомендуемый перевод для каждого термина.

В области корпоративного управления существует острая необходимость в

гармонизации терминов, что представляется возможным достичь с помощью анализа схем
описательного перевода и установления универсальной формулы исключения избыточных
и дефектных форм терминов из терминологии. Данное исследование подчёркивает
необходимость реструктуризации всей терминологии в области менеджмента. Идея
данной работы заключается в том, что описательный перевод может считаться
полноправным способом перевода и создания терминов корпоративного управления на
русском языке; однако, с условием внесения порядка в систему перевода. Данное
исследование является доказательством полноправности описательного перевода как
способа создания и перевода терминов. Должная форма описательного перевода
позволяет обеспечить создание точных, чётко обозначенных и удобных в использовании
терминов в области корпоративного управления, что может послужить дальнейшей
разработке терминологии корпоративного управления и менеджмента в целом.

This work has become one of the biggest projects of my life, the outcome of certain
decisions, circumstances and personal interests. I may have never ventured into undertaking
this research and accomplishing it without a number of great people, for whose help, trust and
support I am especially grateful.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Carlos F. Márquez Linares and Dr. Enrique
F. Quero Gervilla, my research supervisors, for their priceless instructions, constructive
feedback and useful suggestions, which contributed to the consistent development and
planning of this work. It was an honour to be their PhD student.

My acquaintance with terminology studies and descriptive translation began as far back as
2010-2011, when I was finishing my graduate studies in St. Petersburg State University. I
would like to express my very great appreciation to Professor Andrei V. Achkasov, who
opened up the topic of terminology and descriptive translation for me and helped to develop
my first pieces of scientific research. My grateful thanks are also extended to the professor of
Russian language and literature in the town of Langepas, Galina M. Tatjanenko, whose
professional skills and great personality helped me to develop the greatest interest in my life –

Life in two countries, Russia and Spain, has predetermined my development as a researcher.
The research stay in the University of Verona (Italy) also contributed to shaping the final work,
mostly due to the professor Stefano Aloe, to whom I would like to express my gratitude for
his collaboration and encouragement.

I would like to offer special thanks to my parents, Elena and Sergey, for their experienced
support and enthusiastic encouragement, which I always feel despite being thousands
kilometers away. It is not only their unlimited belief in my efforts, but also their useful pieces
of advice which help me enormously to gather strength and motivation.

I would also like to extend my thanks to my friends, Vera and Tamara, whose continuous
support, encouragement and help have contributed greatly to the success of the project. I also

would like to thank my friends Irina and Anna for their belief in my strength and their support
over the enormous distance between us.

And finally, I cannot forget to thank Alexander for believing in me and never having doubts
in my success, for being responsive and helping to refine the project, and also for encouraging
my personal and professional growth.

This study focuses on the Descriptive Translation of terms within Corporate Governance
Terminology. Descriptive Translation is a formal explanation of the content of a source term. It
differs from conventional definitions in that its form is crystallized and relatively convenient to
use. However, Descriptive Translation is a contradictory phenomenon within the study of
terminology. Language for Special Purposes gives priority to innovative, international and
concise term forms. Correspondingly, although transliteration, transcription and Calque are
considered as preferable term creation and translation methods, in many cases a less desirable
technique, i.e. Descriptive Translation, is used.

Corporate Governance focuses on the ruling of a company or a corporation and adheres to the
field of Management. Corporate Governance Terminology has been under close examination for
only the last few decades. The emergent concepts belonging to this field are not clear-cut. In
addition to this, English-speaking countries generate the majority of Corporate Governance
Terms, create Corporate Governance codes and implicitly determine the development of
terminology in other languages. English exerts an enormous influence over the form of Russian
terms. In turn, Russian struggles with unclear and non-transparent term forms. This is exactly
why the descriptive form of a term appears in Russian.

The hypothesis of this work is that Descriptive Translation can be considered as a full-fledged
term formation method and translation technique into Russian. The following arguments are put
forward for this study:

- A proper descriptive term form should meet the main term formation requirements.
Conciseness will not necessarily be violated, because descriptiveness does not imply
- Descriptive Translation is not a pure description of term content. A term retrieved by
Descriptive Translation should be fixed in codified resources. Occasional term forms
should be neglected and excluded from lexicographic sources;
- Descriptive Translation can employ other term creation processes, such as Calque or
Direct Loan to shape the form of a term.

The main objective of this study is to carry out the classification of descriptive terms and
justify their practical use. The grouping of descriptive forms is based on the supposition that
Descriptive Translation can focus either on the content or on the form of a source term. Once all
the terms are grouped into major categories it is essential to show how they function within LSP.
It is important to limit the field of study to the specialized area of Corporate Governance
terminology, so that Descriptive Translation can be logically and consistently organized.
The specific aims of this study are as follows:
- to show how English terms are integrated into the Russian LSP using Descriptive
- to identify the reasons for the use of Descriptive Translation;
- to focus on the purposes of Descriptive Translation and on its characteristic features.
- to analyze whether it is necessary to restructure and harmonize the whole system of
Management terms, based on the example of Сorporate Governance terminology;
This work consists of two major sections: theoretical background and case study.
The first section is based on the theory of Terminology in general, and Corporate Governance
in particular, and the implications of Descriptive Translation use and its function within
Language for Special Purposes. The section is subdivided into the following chapters:
1. Terminological Units;
2. Guidelines for Term Formation;
3. Term Formation;
4. Basic Principles of Term Formation in Russian;
5. Terminology for Corporate Governance;
6. Translating Corporate Governance Terminology;
7. Defining Descriptive Translation of terms;
8. Descriptive Translation and Term Formation Requirements;
9. The Descriptive Translation groups within the field of Corporate Governance;
10. Harmonization of Terminology.
The discussion of the theoretical background is necessary for the disclosure of the nature of
terminological units (chapter 1). The understanding of concept-term relationships is essential to

understand how new terminology is formed. This is impossible without the guidelines for term
formation, which regulate both form and content (chapter 2).
The Term Formation chapter (3) has been organized around the main term creation patterns
within Monolingual and Interlingual Activities. Term formation as an Interlingual Activity is of
great importance for the study of Descriptive Translation within Corporate Governance
Terminology, because this method deals with the integration of source language units into the
target language.
In the chapter devoted to the Basic Principles of Term Formation in Russian (4), special
attention was given to the morphological patterns used in Russian for the creation of new forms.
The analysis of Russian term creation patterns contributes to the understanding of basic
assimilation patterns used for the integration of borrowed words into the Russian language
The first sections consider term formation patterns in English and in Russian, the guidelines
for term formation and the terminological units. This information was applied to the sections
devoted to the field of Corporate Governance. The chapter “Terminology for Corporate
Governance” (chapter 5) deals with the historical background of Corporate Governance; its
definition, and dynamic development; while the chapter “Translating Corporate Governance
Terminology” focuses on the main issues relevant for term translation. The latter chapter
contains the analysis of the main challenges for Terminology Translation:
- The indeterminacy of Business terminology, resulting in occasional or contextual
translations, which undermine the strict nature of terminology;
- the violation of the monosemanticity requirement, the problem of polysemy and
homonymy, which may trigger ambiguity within the field of Corporate Governance;
- the abundancy of attributive semantically-dense combinations in English as opposed
to the restrictions for these structures in Russian, which cannot be reproduced
without additional elements or changes;
- the conceptual patterns in both languages, which do not often coincide, and
complicate the translation of figurative terms, especially metaphorical ones;
- the existence of innovative types of abbreviations, which are considered as modern in
Corporate Governance terminology.

The chapter also contains a brief review of lexicographic tools which can help solve these
translation problems. The chapter ends with the classification of term formation in the special
field of Corporate Governance in Russian.

The analysis of Corporate Governance terminology and its translation into Russian is
followed by the chapters dedicated to the Descriptive Translation of terms (chapters 6, 7, 8 & 9).
These chapters include the definition of Descriptive Translation, its functions and characteristic
features, and also provide the classification groups of the Descriptive Translation method. The
concluding chapter of the Theoretical Background section is devoted to the Harmonization of
Terminology (chapter 10), which is important for structuring and organizing terminology.
Harmonization and its aims highlight the importance of this research for combating the disorder
of descriptive terms within Corporate Governance Terminology.

The classification groups which were proposed in the Theoretical Background section have
been applied in the second section “the Case Study”, revealing the patterns of Descriptive
Translation use, its dependence on English term forms and content. The Case Study includes a
methodology section, which provides essential information about the research: scope, sources,
objectives and tools. The chapter on Methodology is followed by the analysis of Descriptive
Translation methods. The following chapters reveal the main characteristic features of each
Descriptive Translation method, which is illustrated by the analysis of specific Corporate
Governance terms. The findings of Case Study are expressed in the section on Statistics and
Results. The statistics focus on the translation which can be recommended for each descriptive
term, retrieved from the sources. The results reveal the reasons for the use of Descriptive
Translation: the form or figurativeness of a source term. Each Descriptive Translation method
has been analyzed to disclose its competitiveness and practical use.

This study can be considered innovative because it focuses on the use of Descriptive
Translation within LSP and terminology, claiming to prove that Descriptive Translation can be
one of the most effective means of translation and term formation. The Descriptive Translation
of terms is, per se, a contradictory topic, because a term is a strict notion, and Descriptive
Translation is a conventionally free translation method.

The theory proposed can prove practical because it develops a classification for the
Descriptive Translation of terms. The classification groups of Descriptive Translation of terms
are based on the characteristic features of both target and source terms. These classification
groups have no precedent in terminological studies. The classification is meant to show the
importance of the use of the Descriptive Translation of terms and the statistics retrieved are
meant to highlight the most effective means of translation.

The analysis of the reasons for the use of Descriptive Translation can lead to the future
harmonization of terminological systems, outlining and defining the patterns of Descriptive
Translation. The comparison of Descriptive Translation with Direct Loan and Calque is
essential for all terminology, because it shows the advantages and disadvantages of term
formation/translation methods which are generally accepted as the leading ones. The analysis of
Descriptive Translation patterns is important for stating a universal formula for eliminating
additional and irrelevant terms within terminology.

The specific area chosen for the study, Corporate Governance, has, without any doubt, great
potential for practical use and innovation, especially during this era of international business
relations. The main contribution of this work to the study of terminology is the international
nature and practical use of the research.

A. Theoretical Background

1. Terminological Units
According to Cabré (1999), terminology refers to three different phenomena:

1. the whole field: the principles guiding term studies;

2. its methodology: the norms used in terminography;

3. a number of terms belonging to a certain special field (p. 32).

Terminology, in its broadest sense, is a scientific “interdisciplinary field” because it combines

concepts and elements from different disciplines, such as “Linguistics, Logic, Ontology and
Information Science” (ibidem). Terminology borrows certain elements following its cognitive,
linguistic and communicative nature (Sager, 1990, p. 13). By borrowing elements from different
disciplines following its special purposes, terminology acquires its unique features (Cabré 1999,
p. 32). Terminology reasonably claims to have independent status, because it has “a specific
subject matter: the vocabulary of LSP” (Temmerman, 2000, p. 3). It is LSP, i.e. Language for
Special Purposes (hereafter: LSP) that determines the special status of terminology.
Terminological science studies concept-designation relations and principles guiding these
relations in a particular subject field as well as methods of “collecting, processing, managing and
presenting terminological data” in certain languages (Valeontis & Mantzari, 2006, p. 1).

Terminological science focuses, first and foremost, on the study of terminological units, i.e.
terms. The nature of terminology is determined to a large extent by term-concept relations and
the process of designation. Even though terminological studies are abundant and thoroughly
developed, term definitions remain provisional and controversial. According to Karpova and
Averbuh (2009, p. 13), a term is the “semantic center” of texts for special purposes. Antia (2000,
p. xix) refers to terms as “the information and knowledge centers”. Kageura (2002) agrees with
Bessé, Nkwenti-Azeh and Sager on the following “provisional definition of a “term”: “a lexical
unit consisting of one or more than one word which represents a concept inside a domain”
(ibidem, p. 9). Ahmanova (1966) provides a simple definition of a term in “The Dictionary of
Linguistic Terms”: “a word or a word combination of some specific (scientific, technical, etc.)
language created (accepted, borrowed, etc.) to precisely define some special notions and to

designate special objects”. It should be considered that, for a long time, the ideas of notion and
concept were used synonymously (Leichic & Shelov, 2003, p. 87).

All the definitions of terms share the common ground of emphasizing the importance of
concept-term relations as well as the significance of semantic meaning which a term conveys in a
certain domain, i.e. a subject field.

Terms function within LSP, which determines their special purposes and restricts both their
content and form. Taking into consideration all the characteristic features of the terms
mentioned, terms can be defined as distinctive signs which designate a certain concept and
convey semantic meaning in texts for special purposes.

Professional and scientific communication is only possible provided a term and a

corresponding concept are linked. Long before the main function of terminology was defined it
had been postulated that a word, an object and a concept are linked. Ogden and Richards (1923,
p. 11) introduced a semantic triangle showing the link between a thought of reference, a symbol
and a referent.

Terms, like any words in general language vocabulary, have two sides: a “systematic side” a
“pragmatic” one (Cabré, 1999, p. 80). The systematic side is determined by the form and the
content of a term, i.e. formal and semantic aspects, and also by their functions, i.e. a functional
aspect. Terms are also significant from a pragmatic point of view, performing communicative
functions and being the core of specialized communication.

Terms are units of codified resources, an established code, which is why they are necessarily
systematic. From a formal point of view, as well as a semantic one, terms resemble general
language units. Nevertheless, terms have a tendency towards conciseness, which leads to
abbreviated forms, sign use, etc. Regarding the semantic side of a term, in theory, the term
should designate a single explicitly defined concept, trying not to break a strict form
requirement. According to Leichik (Leichik, 2007, p. 30; Leichik & Shelov, 2003, p. 88), terms
borrow a “language substratum” from the lexical units of a natural language. From the
terminological point of view, a term acquires the ability to designate a certain concept in the
whole system of concepts belonging to a special field of knowledge. Consequently, a term

represents a “multi-strata product in which the natural language substratum and the logical
superstratum are both present” (Leichik, 2007, p. 31; Leichik & Shelov, 2003, p. 88). The
“logical superstratum” of terms allows them to designate special concepts. Terms, like general
language elements, perform a number of functions: they reflect, describe, codify, fix and indicate
some information. According to Kageura (2002, p. 14), “the basic function of terms is to express
more sharply delineated meanings identified as necessary within a particular domain by the
complexity and number of concepts that have to be clearly distinguished”.

Terms make special language discourse possible, serving as communicative and pragmatic
units. Terminological units designate concepts belonging to special activities and disciplines,
which makes their pragmatic side different from that of common language lexical units.

Terms function within LSP, being a “part of a structured system” (Cabré, 1999, p. 82). Terms
are usually closely linked to the units of the same subject field, which are separated from terms
functioning in other disciplines. Terms function in the context determined by their special field,
e.g. the term derivative behaves differently in the mathematical and management contexts:

- “The derivative of a function represents an infinitesimal change in the function with

respect to one of its variables” (Weisstein, n.d.);
- “In June 2004, the total notional amount of derivatives traded over the counter was
$220 trillion.” (Stulz, n.d., p. 5).

In the first case, where the term is used to denote “the change of a function, f(x), with respect
to an infinitesimally small change in the independent variable” (Collins), the term can be
potentially linked to a number of expressions used in Mathematics: variables, functions, etc. The
second case illustrates the usage of the management term, referring tо “a financial instrument,
such as a futures contract or option, the price of which is largely determined by the commodity,
currency, share price, interest rate, etc., to which it is linked” (Collins). The given management
term can be surrounded by the following expressions: currency, interest rate, to trade, notional
amount, share price, etc.

When a word becomes a term it loses its connections with the synonyms and antonyms of
general language elements. This process leads to term delineation from the elements of the

language for general purposes, e.g. the term ceiling is used in the fields of Finance and
Economics when referring to “an upper limit set on the number or amount of something”

“concerning NH3 emissions: 19 Member States are already now below the ceilings, and the
EU as a whole is also projected to ‘overachieve’ the target” (Commission of the European
Communities, 2009, p. 30).

The term ceiling conveying such a meaning is close to such synonymic expressions as
threshold, (upper) limit, maximum and the highest point, etc. Similarly the term is opposed to the
following expressions: the lowest/starting point, minimum, bottom, etc. The term ceiling is
connected to the antonym floor, to the term used in the field of Management conveying the
opposite meaning: “a lower limit or base” (Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus). Not only
was a single concept transferred to the field of Management, but it was also accompanied by its
antonym. Both terms are incorporated in the conceptual metaphor FINANCIAL
OPERATIONS/COMPANIES AS BUILDINGS. The usage of a term is confined to a particular
subject field, which determines its connections with synonyms and antonyms associated with the
concept designated by the term.

A term can be borrowed not only from Language for General Purposes (hereafter: LGP), but
also from another subject field, forming new synonym/antonym connections. For example, the
term flotation is used in Physics:

“principle of flotation: A floating object displaces a weight of fluid equal to its own weight”

In this case its use is extremely close to LGP and the following synonyms can be attributed to
the term: buoyancy, floating, etc. The term used in the field of Physics was derived from the
lexical unit to float, the meaning of which is opposite to that of to sink: “to go to the bottom”
(Merriam-Webster). The Management term flotation which is used to denote “the raising of a
loan or new capital by bond or share issues” (Collins): “some mature companies with a track
record and stable earnings may be suitable candidates for floatation on a stock exchange”
(Lavelle Coleman Solicitors, 2009, p. 1) is connected to such expressions as bond issue, shares,

to value, etc. The term was derived from the financial term to float: “to offer for sale (stock or
bond issues, etc.) on the stock market” (Collins). The business term to sink, conveying the
following negative meaning: “to lose (money) in an unwise or unfortunate investment” (Collins),
cannot be considered as an antonym of the financial term to float, connected to stock or bond
issues and is deprived of any connotation.

Terms can be separated from colloquial language, or on the contrary, they can be extremely
close to informal language (Grinev-Grinevich, 2008, pp. 24-25). Term delineation from LGP and
informal language can be observed in cases of strictly codified terminologies, e.g. the field of
Medicine, where the term forms are thoroughly developed. The use of such terms is confined to
LSP (though a few exceptions exist, e.g. the medical term obesity is used in informal language),
while some lexical items function both in LSP and LGP, being “attributed to a borderline area”
between the two languages: “chemical composition, metamorphic, invasive, recrystallization”
(Cabré, 1999, p. 73). A term can be close to colloquial language due to a number of factors, such
as its convenient form, the exposure to the public etc. The term kicker used in the field of Sport
functions both in informal and special languages, whereas the term kicker attributed to the field
of Management is more separate from informal language:

“the top fifth of taxpayers will garner nearly two-thirds of the kicker, averaging $2,002, or
six times what the typical taxpayer will receive” (Oregon Center for Public Policy, 2007, p.

Different usage patterns of homonymous terms can be explained by the different nature of the
subject fields where the terms function.

2. Guidelines for Term Formation
According to Sager, there are “three dimensions of the terminology theory”: a “cognitive”
one, a “linguistic” one and a “communicative” one (Sager, 1990, pp. 13). This fact coupled with
the specific nature of scientific and technical language determines a special use of terms and
restricts term-concept relations. Terms represent complicated structures and enjoy special,
unique functions within the LSP.

The etymology of the word “term” (Latin terminus “end, boundary line” (Online Etymology
Dictionary) indicated the restriction of term functions (Kornievskaya, 2015). A number of
principles are attributed to terms, outlining the guidelines for designating a concept:
transparency, consistency, appropriateness, linguistic economy (conciseness), derivability,
linguistic correctness, preference for the native language (ISO, 1999, p. 24; UNESCO, 2005, p.
10). Some researchers also pay attention to the requirement for a single meaning or
monosemanticity (Leichik, 2007, p. 45; Reformatskij, 2005, p. 61; Lemov, 2000, pp. 46-47, etc.).
The principle of excluding synonyms within a particular terminology is sometimes considered as
indispensable for terminology (Vinogradov & Platonova, 1999).

It goes without saying that a term cannot be contradictory, nor can it refer to an undefined
meaning, otherwise its main function would be impaired. A term should always have a clear
definition, being a part of language for special purposes and referring to a single concept. Thus,
term accuracy is one of the most important term features.

2.1. Transparency
Term transparency implies an explicit relation to a certain concept. A term is transparent
when the concept it is linked to is obvious to some extent. The meaning of a term is visible when
“a key characteristic, usually a delimiting characteristic” is used (ISO, 1999, p. 24). For example,
“chalk board” is more transparent than “blackboard”, because “the complexity of concept system
increased” (ISO, 1999, p. 24). And nowadays the word “board” is used, which also illustrates the
case of concept level change. The requirement for transparency is closely connected to the “term
motivation” principle, specified by some researchers (Leichik & Shelov, 2003, p. 88).

A completely motivated term is a term which makes the concept it designates absolutely
clear. The term share buy-back can be considered both transparent and motivated, as its main
components, shares and the process of buyback, can be inferred from the form of the term:
“share buyback is when a company makes an offer to buy back some of its own shares”
(VentureLine), “a company buys back its own shares” (LSE); it is “the repurchase of a
company's own shares: приобретение акций обществом: выкуп обществом собственных
акций” (Economicus) (priobretenie akcij obshhestvom: vykup obshhestvom sobstvennyh akcij;
L.t.: share acquisition by a company: the process of buying back its own shares). Some terms are
not motivated because their etymology and/or LGP usage patterns are not transparent in the
language which borrowed the terms in their original forms using transcription or transliteration.
The Management term due diligence: “research and analysis of a company or organization done
in preparation for a business transaction (as a corporate merger or purchase of securities)”
(Merriam-Webster) is associated with the LGP expression due diligence referring to “such
diligence as a reasonable person under the same circumstances would use” (Dictionary.com). In
Russian the term is used in the same phonetic form: дью дилидженс (IFC), which makes term
form absolutely unclear.

A term can lose its motivation during monolingual term formation, if the etymology of the
term loses its transparency over time, e.g. the word benchmarking, which functions in the field of
Management denoting “a measurement of the quality of an organization's policies, products,
programs, strategies, etc., and their comparison with standard measurements, or similar
measurements of its peers” (Business Dictionary) was derived from the word benchmark: “any
standard or reference by which others can be measured or judged” (Dictionary.com), which
originally was used to refer to a “surveyor's point of reference” (Online Etymology Dictionary).
A term form can be unclear if the term is motivated in a figurative manner, e.g. anti-dilution,
greenmail, etc. The constituents of terms in this case cannot be inferred: anti-dilution “is the
increase in earnings per share or decrease in loss per share that results when one assumes the
conversion of convertible instruments, the exercise of options and warrants, or the issuance of
common shares if specified conditions are satisfied” (Accounting Tools).

The transparency requirement is one of the main reasons for using the DT of terms, thus
making their components clear, e.g. the term due diligence in Russian is used not only in the
same phonetic form, but also in the following ones making term components explicit:
всесторонний анализ достоверности предоставляемой информации (IFC), должная
заботливость, осмотрительность, должная проверка, надлежащее обследование
(Lingvo) (vsestoronnij analiz dostovernosti predostavljaemoj informacii; L.t.: a comprehensive
analysis of the authenticity of the information given; dolzhnaja zabotlivost', osmotritel'nost',
dolzhnaja proverka, nadlezhashhee obsledovanie; L.t.: due diligence (Calque), due
circumspection, due verification, due investigation).

2.2. Consistency
Term consistency implies the non-arbitrary nature of the terminology of any specialized field.
Any terminology should represent an arranged and consistent set of terms, corresponding to
certain concepts. In other words, a terminological system should be structuralized, e.g. “synthetic
fabrics: nylon, orlon, dacron, rayon, etc.” (ISO, 1999, p. 24). Consistent word formation patterns
can be observed in a particular subject field, e.g. in the sphere of Corporate
Governance/Management the term buy-out functions along with the terms management buy-out,
leveraged buy-out and buy-in (Lingvo).

2.3. Appropriateness
The appropriateness of a term is closely connected to its connotation and its use within a
particular language. Term formation patterns should not stand in stark contrast to the established
patterns of a given language. Appropriateness excludes confusion: “nuclear energy” is a more
appropriate and precise term in comparison with “atomic energy”, which appears to be
“misleading” suggesting that “the energy or power is created from an atom” (ISO, 1999, p. 25).
If the structure of a term leads to ambiguity, then it is considered highly undesirable, as a term
should be a means of precise designation. Moreover term appropriateness requires a term to be

neutral, avoiding connotations. The term supermajority used to denote a “seventy five percent or
higher majority of votes required in approving certain changes or decisions in an organization”
(Business Dictionary) in the field of Management/Corporate Governance it is often replaced by
the less controversial and more neutral qualified majority (IFC).

2.4. Linguistic Economy or Conciseness

Linguistic economy (conciseness) implies that a term should be as short as possible. A
concise term has a number of advantages related to its use: it can be easily retrieved, reproduced,
etc., e.g. the Russian term квартальный отчёт (kvartal'nyj otchjot), as a product of Calque
from the English term quarterly report (Academic), obviously has priority over the term
ежеквартальный отчёт эмитента эмиссионных ценных бумаг (IFC, 2004) (ezhekvartal'nyj
otchjot jemitenta jemissionnyh cennyh bumag; L.t.: a quarterly report by an emissive security
issuer) with a descriptive form from the perspective of convenience, not accuracy. The
transparency requirement can be impaired once the requirement for conciseness is implemented.
The more characteristics that are reflected in a term form, the more accurate the term is. The
Russian term квартальный отчёт (kvartal'nyj otchjot), is less precise than the English term. Its
form and usage were fixed in the source language and represent the results of special field
development and monolingual term formation: “a quarterly report is an interim report that
management issues to shareholders each quarter during the fiscal year. The quarterly report has
been a fixture of the U.S. investment scene since the 1940s, when the New York Stock Exchange
made it a requirement for its listed companies” (Investor Glossary). The Russian term
components are not explicit, which justifies the usage of a long form of the term.

Term formation processes tend to favor conciseness over accuracy; however, a particular
subject field determines the relevance of a certain requirement, i.e. whether it is reasonable and
suitable to use long complex terms. In particular, the field of Management, which appears to be
between strictly codified terminologies and close-to-informal language terminologies, shows the
tendency of using concise term forms, which facilitates communication within the field. The
Management term by-laws (bye-laws) comprises a lot of semantic components, which can be

retrieved from its definitions: “by-laws (IFC) are internal documents, a set of rules that enable
each organization to conduct its affairs” (Srinivas, 2014); “the bylaws of a corporation contain
the rules and procedures that govern the rights and powers of shareholders, directors, and
officers” (All Business); “the official rules and regulations which govern a corporation's
management” (InvestorWords). The term by-laws represents a case of generalization, while the
term foreclosure (IFC) comprises the elements which were included in its form over the course
of history: “the legal process by which an owner's right to a property is terminated, usually due
to default” (InvestorWords); “legal proceeding in which "the bank can take possession of and
sell a mortgaged property” when the borrower does not meet his or her contractual obligations”

In Russian both by-laws and foreclosure have less concise equivalents, making semantic
components explicit:

- foreclosure: обращение взыскания (obrashhenie vzyskanija; L.t.: penalty infliction)

(IFC)); poterja, lishenie prava vykupa (poterya, lichenie prava vikupa; L.t.: a loss, the
deprivation of the right to buy something out) (Lingvo); переход заложенного
имущества в собственность залогодержателя (perehod zalozhennogo imushhestva v
sobstvennost' zalogoderzhatelja; L.t.: the process when a mortgaged property is handed
over to a mortgagee (i.e. becomes his or her property) ) (Lingvo); lishenie prava vykupa
zakladnoj (lishenie prava vikupa zakladnoy; L.t.: the deprivation of the right to buy out a
mortgage) (Economicus);
- by-laws: внутренние документы, правила и положения компании (vnutrennie
dokumenty, pravila i polozhenija kompanii; L.t.: the private documents, rules and
regulations of a company) (IFC); уставные нормы (корпорации); устав (корпорации);
подзаконный акт; постановление органа местной власти; автономные правила
(ustavnye normy (korporacii); ustav (korporacii); podzakonnyj akt; postanovlenie organa
mestnoj vlasti; avtonomnye pravila; L.t.: authorized norms (of a corporation), a charter
(of a corporation), a subordinate regulatory act, an administrative bill, autonomous rules)
(Lingvo). This term will be discussed in depth in the section “B. Case Study” of the
present piece of work.

2.5. Derivability
The derivability of terms refers to their productiveness with regard to term formation
processes. For example, the term herb produces derivatives which are in contrast to the term
medical plant: “herbal, herby, herbalist” (ISO, 1999, p. 25). The Corporate Governance term
gender budget (UN-1) is convenient in terms of derivability: gender-aware budget, gender-
responsive budget, gender-neutral budget, gender-budgeting etc. A term can be described as
productive if it makes different combinations possible, e.g. the Management/Corporate
Governance term leverage produces the following derivatives: “leverage effect, leveraged
buyout fund, leveraged company, leveraged loan, leveraged loan market, leveraged
recapitalization” (Venture Glossary); “leveraged buy-out” (IFC) (see examples in 2.6.).

2.6. Linguistic Correctness

Linguistic correctness implies that a term should “conform to the morphological,

morphosyntactic and phonological norms” of a certain language (ISO, 1999, p. 25). In particular,
the English language tends to use elliptical structures, which are hardly ever found in Russian.
English, as an analytical language, uses articles to convey certain meanings, which is impossible
in Russian. Participial constructions as well as constructions with adverbial participles and
constructions with prepositions are widely used in Russian; moreover the language tends to use
descriptive patterns. For example, the term buy-out can be transcribed in Russian maintaining its
phonetic form: бай-аут*; however, it cannot be formed with the help of Calque, because such a
pattern does not exist in Russian. The descriptive equivalent of the English term is more
frequent: выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании (vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij
kompanii; L.t.: the process of buying out the majority stake of a company) (IFC). The Russian
equivalents of the English term derivatives do not conform to the pattern either:
management/employee buy-out: выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании её же
управляющими (vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij kompanii ejo zhe upravljajushhimi; L.t.: the
process of buying out the majority stake of a company by its managers) (OECD, 2005) leveraged
buy-out: выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании с использованием заемных средств

(vi vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij kompanii s ispol'zovaniem zaemnyh sredstv; L.t.: the
process of buying out the majority stake of a company with the help of borrowings) (CBSC).

Similarly the term “lock-in amendment” (Norma-TM) has an equivalent in Russian where a
participial construction is used: положения, ограничивающие отмену ранее принятых
поправок (polozhenija, ogranichivajushhie otmenu ranee prinjatyh popravok; L.t.: regulations,
restricting the process of abolishing amendments that were implemented previously) (Norma-

2.7. Preference for the Native Language

Preference for the native language implies that native language expressions are preferable,
although direct loans are acceptable and widely used. This principle is not applicable to
specialized fields, where other traditions are implemented, e.g. “the use of Greek and Latin
forms” (UNESCO, 2005, p. 10), for example, the sphere of Medicine.

This requirement can be interpreted as a consequence of the linguistic correctness

requirement: the native language is always preferable unless the term structures and the
component meanings are close in both languages, e.g. anti-dilution in some codified resources
(Lingvo) is presented as a product of Calque: антиразводнение (antirazvodnenie), because a
similar structure and a semantic meaning exist in Russian.

2.8. Monosemanticity
According to the monosemanticity requirement, in theory every term should designate a
single concept, i.e. a particular term form should refer to a single meaning. The issue of
monosemanticity is one of the most controversial ones in terminological science. It is closely
connected to the interpretation of term-concept relationships as well as the nature of concepts.
Not only should a term be accurate, concise, transparent, etc., but it should also be concrete.
Multiple meanings are considered undesirable in terminology. Reformatskij (2005, p. 61) is sure

that terms “are striving to be monosemantic”, because their main function is to designate a
single, concrete meaning. In practice, though, it turns out that terms do not conform to this
requirement. Terminology development implies a number of changes, including meaning
variation. Changes are inevitable when new concepts appear. According to Lemov (2000, pp. 46-
47), it is characteristic of language signs to be “asymmetric”. Temmerman (2000, p. 7) is sure
that many concepts are “not clear-cut”, which triggers term instability. According to Márquez
Linares (2002, pp. 225-226), specialized language cannot be separated from general language.
Metaphorical and metonymical shifts as well as conceptual metaphors are frequent phenomena
in specialized languages (which highlights Lakoff and Johnson’s idea of metaphor objectiveness
(Lakoff and Johnson, 1980, pp. 187-188; Márquez Linares, 2002, p. 226). Consequently, the
monosemanticity requirement cannot be regarded as restrictive. In this respect, the principle of
“fixed content” appears to be relevant to terminology (Vinogradov & Platonova, 1999), that is to
say, variability within a single context should be eliminated. In practice, multiple meanings are
frequent in texts for special purposes.

Polysemy is a result of the extension of a meaning by means of metaphor or metonymy

(Márquez Linares, 2002). Accordingly, polysemy functions on a conceptual level. Polysemy can
be regarded as a product of using an existing term form to designate a new emergent concept, i.e.
the result of the process of interdisciplinary borrowing or terminologization. In this case a
polysemantic term represents a source for a new term, e.g. the term influx functioning in the
special field of Physics acts like a source domain for the Management term, created using
metaphor: “the countries which allowed participation of foreign capital in the privatization
process, are the countries with the highest rates of influx of FDI per capita” (Stanisic, 2008, p.

The phenomenon of referential ambiguity employs categorization (Márquez Linares, 2002, p.

218) in contrast to polysemy, which functions with the help of meaning extension. In other
words, terms are created independently from each other, referring to a single superordinate
meaning (Márquez Linares, 2002, p. 217). The expression booster functions in the fields of
Technology and Management fields conveying the following meanings: an amplifier
(Vocabulary.com) and stimulus, respectively:

1) “when you finish using your booster, slide its power switch in the opposite direction. Then
turn off the audio source’s power before disconnecting the headphones and the audio source”
(RadioShack Corporation, 2001);

2) “the 2004 financial year is expected to see further change in relative sector performance, as
falling interest rates become the main booster of economic activity” (FirstRand).

Both terms are based on the LGP unit: “a person or thing that supports, assists, or increases
power or effectiveness” (Collins); however, they were created independently. Both terms were
created with the help of metaphorical shift from the meaning of a word boost, referring to the
assistance, improvement or help (Lingvo).

2.9. Excluding Synonyms

Since terms should be as concrete as possible, the principle of excluding synonyms is also
applicable to terminological processes. Synonyms in terminology are “duplicates”, which
excludes variability regarding connotation: emotional, expressive meanings etc. (Vinogradov &
Platonova, 1999). Duplicates are “full synonyms” (Vinogradov & Platonova, 1999) and unstable
variants, which appear as preliminary steps of designation, e.g. performance charter/pledge
(UN-1); fiduciary trust/ responsibility; shareholder of record, stockholder of record, holder of
record, owner of record (Corporate Governance in Russia1); lead bank/book runner/loan
underwriter (Venture Glossary). “Partial synonyms” (Vinogradov & Platonova, 1999) can be
observed in terminologies but they are rare: “инструкция – объяснение – руководство –
наставление – указание – памятка” (instrukcija-ob"jasnenie-rukovodstvo-nastavlenie-
ukazanie-pamjatka; L.t.: an instruction-an explanation-a manual (a guide)-directions-an order-a
memo) (Vinogradov & Platonova, 1999), by-laws – regulations – rules – procedures. The
majority of problems related to synonyms are concentrated at the phonetics, syntax and
morphology levels, which violate the single form requirement, e.g. the terms used in
Architecture: “граффитто — графитто — сграффито” (graffitto — grafitto — sgraffito; L.t.: a
graffito) (Vinogradov & Platonova, 1999).

Investor Protection Association. (2000-2002). Corporate Governance in Russia. Corporate Governance Glossary.

3. Term Formation
The specific nature of the process of designation within LSP determines term formation
patterns. The nature of a certain subject field, as well as the motivation of term formation
influences the processes of term formation. For example, terms used in the field of Medicine will
be strictly examined in terms of term form accuracy, because descriptive forms, synonym use
and occasional words are no longer applicable. Term formation, in theory, should lead to
systematic and self-explanatory terms.

Word formation in Language for Special Purposes (LSP) resembles word formation
processes used in LGP. LSP is largely based on LGP vocabulary, where new word coining, i.e.
forming neologisms, is approached with extreme care. Incessant specialized knowledge
expansion triggers the need for term formation. In specialized language the process of term
formation is called neonymy, it is the “mechanism of term formation in LSPs” (Pecman, 2014).

Scientific and technical language is characterized by being dynamic, up-to-date, and

pragmatically-oriented. The nature of a special field triggers the need for the designation of new
concepts, their definitions, and the naming of previously non-existent phenomena. According to
Sager (1990, p. 80), term formation processes depend on the circumstances. The researcher
differentiates “primary and secondary term formation”. Primary term formation appears along
with concept formation. This stage allows arbitrary term use to a certain extent, producing non-
restricted term forms. It can be referred to as “a stage of preliminary designation” (Grinev-
Grinevich, 2008, p. 91), when a term is used to designate an unprecedented concept or
phenomenon. At the beginning terms can co-exist with LGP words, or have descriptive forms, or
be accompanied by definitions. Secondary term formation, in contrast, refers to the formation of
a term for an already known concept. According to Sager (1990, p. 80), secondary term
formation can be seen in two situations: monolingual revision of terminology, i.e. making it
structured, codified etc. and “a knowledge transfer to another linguistic community”. The
guidelines attributed to term use are mostly employed during secondary term formation, when
the designation of an existing concept should be justified in contrast with the “externally
uncontrolled and uncontrollable” primary term formation (Sager, 1990, p. 81).

Valeontis and Mantzari (2006) divide all the mechanisms of term formation into three
groups: “creating new forms”, which includes derivation, compounding and abbreviated forms;
“using existing forms”, i.e. conversion, terminologisation, transdisciplinary borrowing, semantic
transfer within a special language and “interlingual borrowing” (pp. 5-8). Cabré (1999) refers to
derivation, compounding and truncation, which corresponds to abbreviation such as “the formal
methods” and adding a “creation of phrases” method (p. 92). Phrase creation can be included in
the compounding method, along with blends and complex terms, as done by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO, 1999, pp. 28-29). According to Cabré (1999), truncation
is “the formal modification of existing units” (p. 92), while Valeontis and Mantzari (2006, p. 5)
ascribed it to the creation of new forms, as did the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO, 1999, p. 29). Abbreviated forms are more likely to be interpreted as a method for the
creation of new forms because short forms function along with full forms. Both forms are often
created almost simultaneously, so that full forms cannot be interpreted as a previous stage of
term creation.

In Cabré’s classification (1999, p. 93), conversion is attributed to “functional methods”,

along with “lexicalization”. Lexicalization produced by “converting one of the inflected forms of
a lexeme into a new word with a different grammatical category”, e.g. “harden” – “hardening”
(Cabré, 1999, p. 93) is not represented by many examples, especially in the narrow field of
Corporate Governance. That is the reason why it can be omitted from the classification of the
most productive term creation methods. “Semantic methods”, according to Cabré (1999, p. 93),
comprise semantic modifications, classified “by the provenance of the base form”, and the form
“produced in the process” (ibidem). The International Organization for Standardization (1999)
distinguishes “semantic transfer within a special language” (p. 31). In this respect Cabré (1999)
makes a justifiable reference to “semantic methods” not only within a special language, but also
based on LGP units (p. 93). The classification of productive term formation methods should take
into consideration two sources of the “base form” (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1973, p. 430): LGP
and other terminologies within LSP. Cabré (1999) distinguishes other methods of term creation
besides the formal, functional and semantic methods: “borrowing and loan translation or
calquing” (p. 94). The International Organization for Standardization (ISO, 1999) pays attention
to similar term formation processes: “direct loan” and “loan translation” with the only stipulation

that the two methods are referred to as “translingual borrowing”, rather than additional creation
processes (pp. 31 – 32).
Muñoz (2010) distinguishes the generation of terms with resources from the same language,
i.e. derivation, compounding, parasynthesis, abbreviation or compression, extension of meaning
and grammatical category change; and the generation of terms with resources from another
language, i.e. loan word, Loan Translation or Calque and Semantic Loan Translation or Semantic
Calque. Parasynthesis can be regarded as a mixture of compounding and derivation (Muñoz,
2010, p. 11). Grammatical category change is another name for conversion. The extension of
meaning is a part of terminologization or transdisciplinary borrowing and is often referred to as
semantic transfer. Loan word stands for direct loan.
Researchers do not mention DT within interlingual activity. However, in practice, this
creation method is very frequent, though not advisable when regarding the strict nature of LSP.
All the methods of term creation can be grouped into two activities, based on Sager’s model
of “primary and secondary term formation” (Sager, 1990: 80): “monolingual” or “the
monolingual creation of a new term, the monolingual revision of an existing term” (Fischer,
2010, p. 26) and “interlingual” activities or “interlingual transfer of an existing form” (Fischer,
2010, p. 26). The formal, functional and semantic methods can thus be attributed to the
monolingual creation of new forms, whereas Direct Loan, Loan Translation, Semantic Loan
Translation can be interpreted as interlingual activities. Term formation as a monolingual activity
is further subdivided into primary and secondary term formation, with the only stipulation being
that abbreviated term creation can be attributed to a marginal area between the creation of new
terms and the use of existing forms. Term formation as an interlingual activity is pure secondary
term formation.
The following classification of term creation methods was developed on the basis of the
various classifications included in this section:
- term formation as a monolingual activity was subdivided into two categories: creation of
new forms comprising derivation, compounding and abbreviated forms; and using
existing forms consisting of conversion, terminologization and transdisciplinary

- term formation as an interlingual activity or translingual borrowing was subdivided into
Direct Loan , Loan Translation, Semantic Calque and Descriptive Translation.

The following chart demonstrates the basic term creation methods:

Term Formation Methods

Term Formation as a Monolingual Activity Creation of New Derivation


Abbreviated Forms

Using Existing Forms Conversion



Term Fromation as an Interlingual Activity Direct Loan

(Translingual Borrowing) Loan Translation

Semantic Calque

Descriptive Translation

3.1. Term Formation as a Monolingual Activity
The coinage of new terms depends on “the pace of technological progress or theoretical
findings”, which shows the tendency for rapid development (Resche, 2013, p. 83). In order for
neonyms to be “understood and accepted”, they “must show lexico-semantic adequacy and
conform to morpho-syntactic rules” (ibidem).

3.1.1. Creation of New Forms

The creation of new term forms focuses on neonyms, i.e. it is not based on previous
knowledge, existing terms or their components. Derivation
Derivation is the process of attaching affixes to lexical unit bases. “Prefixation”,
“suffixation” and “mixed cases of prefixation and affixation” are common in English (Quirk and
Greenbaum, 1973, pp. 431-441, Cabré, 1999, p. 92; ISO, 1999, p. 28): garnishment (terms used
in contracts), earnings, funding (Norma-TM), manager, raider (Lingvo), fixtures, offeree (terms
used in contracts), divestiture (IFC) and nominee (IFC, 2004) are cases of suffixing. Prepaids
(Norma-TM), influx (Lingvo) and to encumber (terms used in contracts) illustrate prefixing,
while reinventing (government) (UN-1), disclosure (IFC, 2004) are mixed cases.

Recently the derivatives containing “prefixes such as eco- (for ecology/ecological) or bio-
(for biological) have proved popular, echoing current social preoccupations or centers of interest:
ECOMANAGEMENT, which helps companies improve their environmental practices, and
BIONOMICS, a new approach to economics <…>” (Resche, 2013, p. 87). Another “productive
base” in the sphere of Management is “shore/shoring”: “OFFSHORING and NEARSHORING”
(“depending on the distance between home and the foreign country where production and
services are outsourced”) (ibidem).

The use of suffixes and prefixes, mentioned above, is widespread in the field of
Management, although they rarely appear in the specific sphere of Corporate Governance, which

has not reached a stage of development that would allow the production of a vast amount of
innovative forms. Compounding
Compounding as a lexeme creation process represents the combination of “two or more
bases” (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1973, p. 444). Compounding leads to the formation of a term
designating a single concept. Shareholder, takeover, benchmark and buy-back are examples of
this term creation process. According to ISO classification (ISO, 1999), compounding can be
further subdivided into three groups: “blends” (p.28), i.e. joining term fragments: “transistor”
obtained from the clipped words “transfer” and “resistor” (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1973, p. 448);
“phrases”: “nor-par share” (Daft, 2004), “equity-linked savings plan”, “going-private
transactions” (Norma-TM), “acquisition secured creditor” (UNCITRAL), “change-in-control-
arrangements” (Corporate Governance in Russia), “assignment for the benefit of creditors”
(terms used in contracts), “tag-along right, drag-along right” (IFC) and “complex terms” joined
by means of “fusing” (ISO, 1999, pp. 28-29) : “output, input” (Daft, 2004); or hyphenation: anti-
dilution (Norma-TM), “buy-out, buy-in, spin-off, self-dealing” (IFC); or not joined at all:
“golden parachutes, equity injection, poison pills” (Norma-TM) and “netting agreement”

Blending, which “results from the conflation of two words” (Resche, 2013, p. 90) can be
considered as a subtype of compounding, although it is sometimes considered as a separate term
creation method (ibidem). Nowadays blends have become fashionable in the fields of
Management and Economiсs (ibidem). For example, the following words illustrate the case of
blending: “GLOCALIZATION is the mix of globalization and localization, STAGFLATION has
to do with both stagnation and inflation; <…> COOPETITION can be expanded as competition
and cooperation” (ibidem).

41 Abbreviated Forms
Abbreviated forms are obtained by shortening a lexical unit, trimming it to a certain extent.
Different kinds of abbreviated forms are distinguished within this type of term formation:
“initialisms”, “acronyms”, “clipping” (Cabré, 93, pp. 29-30), “abbreviation” and “short forms”
(ISO, 1999, pp. 28-30).

Short forms are obtained by reducing a complex term to its parts: “квартальный отчёт”
(kvartal'nyj otchjot; L.t.: quarterly report) (Academic) instead of “ежеквартальный отчёт
эмитента эмиссионных ценных бумаг” (ezhekvartal'nyj otchjot jemitenta jemissionnyh
cennyh bumag; L.t.: a quarterly report by an emissive security issuer) (IFC, 2004).

Clipping consists in removing “one or more syllables” from the beginning, the end or “both
ends” of a term: “phone” obtained from “telephone”; “photo” from “photograph”; “flu” from
“influenza” (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1973, p. 448).

Abbreviation is obtained by omitting parts of a term: QTE (Quote), the term “refers to a
stock’s last price it was traded for on its exchange”, PFD “stands for preferred stock” (Financial

Initialism creation consists in trimming components of a lexical unit so that only first letters
remain. Sequences pronounced as a word are called acronyms, as opposed to initialisms
produced letter by letter, e.g. acronyms: AMEX standing for American Stock Exchange; ROA
meaning Return on Assets; ROE - Return on Equity; ROI - Return on investment (Financial
Abbreviations); initialisms: IPO standing for Initial Public Offer (Norma-TM). Syllable
acronyms include the most convenient syllables of the original term, the priority is given to
syllables which are easy to pronounce and remember, e.g. “radwaste = radioactive waste, algol =
algorithmic language” (COTSOES, 2002, p. 33). Specific semi-initialisms/acronyms, or hybrids
(Lotte, 1971 as сited in Beisembayeva et al., 2016) are wide spread in management terminology:
“T-bill – treasury bill” (IFC), “e-government readiness – electronic government” (UNCITRAL).

In the sphere of Management there is a “trend towards an economy of language” (Resche,

2013, p. 89), which has resulted in the “popular habit of wring words phonetically”, for example:
“B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-customer)” (ibidem). In addition to this,
recently coined management terms have been abbreviated: “CSR”, standing for Corporate Social

Responsibility, “ERS”, meaning Enterprise Resource Planning (ibidem), ICGN - International
Corporate Governance Network (IFC), etc. There is also a tendency to combine letters from the
alphabet with a full word: “a J-shaped recession refer to a situation when, for some reason,
recovery is usually sharp, boosted, for example, by a new category of high-tech products”
(Resche, 2013, p. 89).

3.1.2. Using Existing Forms

The use of existing term forms refers to the term formation method which employs previously
created terms or their elements. The technique comprises conversion, terminologization and
transdisciplinary borrowing. Conversion
Conversion consists in transferring an existing word from one “word-class” to another
without changing its form (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1973, p. 441), e.g. pledge as a verb: “to give,
deposit, or offer (one's word, freedom, property, etc.) as a guarantee, as for the repayment of a
loan” (Collins) and pledge as a noun: “collateral for the payment of a debt or the performance of
an obligation” (Collins). In Russian the most frequent case of conversion is substantivation, i.e.
the process when adverbs and adjectives change their category to that of nouns. Terminologization
Terminologisation uses a word from LGP, imposing a new meaning on it. The word is
transformed into a term, which shares the same form; however, a special purpose appears. The
use of the word raider as “a soldier specially trained for close-range fighting” in order to denote
some entity which “attempts a usually hostile takeover of a business corporation” (Merriam-
Webster) illustrates the terminologization process. The same term formation method was used
for creating the management term hedge based on the LGP unit: “a fence or boundary formed by

a dense row of shrubs or low trees” and conveying the following meaning: “a means of
protection or defense (as against financial loss)” (Merriam-Webster).

Both examples refer to the changing of the base form method, more specifically to the
modification of the meaning by means of metaphor. Transdisciplinary Borrowing

Transdisciplinary borrowing (an example of internal borrowing) consists in using a term from
one subject field to designate a new concept in another subject field within the same language,
e.g. a term form leverage was borrowed from the field of Technology, where the term denotes
“the action of a lever” (Collins), to designate a concept in the field of Management/Corporate
Governance: “the use made by a company of its limited assets to guarantee the substantial loans
required to finance its business” (Collins). The usage of the term form in order to denote a new
concept in a different subject field is justified by the similar functions of a lever in Mechanics
and assets acting as a financial “lever” in Management:
1) “Leverage Cranes use the principle of leverage to lift loads” (Political Economy Research
Institute, 2010);

2) “...one feature that is common to all buyouts is the use of leverage in their financial
structure…” (Axelson et al., 2007, p. 1).

Both terminologization and transdisciplinary borrowing result in polysemic terms. The

meaning of the source terms is extended by means of semantic transfer. Semantic transfer
consists in using an existing term within a special language to “designate another concept by
logical extension” (ISO, 1999, p. 31). The meaning of the term is modified with the help of
synecdoche, metonymy, metaphor, etc. According to Cabré (1999), “semantic methods” include
“extending the meaning of the base form”, i.e. generalization, “narrowing the meaning of the
base forms”, i.e. concretization and “changing the meaning of the base form” (p. 94). The
Corporate Governance term safe harbor denoting “anti-hostile takeover defense in which the
target firm acquires a very heavily regulated firm thus making itself a less attractive candidate
for acquisition” (Business Dictionary) illustrates a base form meaning change using metaphor:

safe harbor is used to refer to “a harbor considered safe for a ship, as in wartime or during a
storm at sea” and in general to “any place or situation that offers refuge or protection”
(Dictionary. com).

3.2. Term Formation as an Interlingual Activity

Term creation as an interlingual activity or the “generation of terms with resources of another
language”, i.e. borrowing (Muñoz, 2010, p. 16) has a number of characteristic features: first of
all English is largely an “exporting language” (Muñoz, 2010, p. 16); the requirement for
linguistic correctness determines term forms in a target language; moreover, preference for the
native language requirement is violated if Direct Loans and Calque produce relevant forms in a
target language; and finally the creation of terms is mostly focused on a term form; however,
term content determines term formation if a term form cannot be exported from a source

Borrowing can be subdivided into four groups:

- Direct Loan (loan word), i.e. borrowing of a form and a content (ISO, 1999; Cabré,
1999, Muñoz, 2010);
- Loan translation, or Calque, i.e. borrowing of a meaning and reproducing the form
literally by means of target language resources (ISO, 1999; Cabré, 1999; Muñoz, 2010);
- Semantic Loan Translation or Semantic Calque (Muñoz, 2010), i.e. the search of
translation equivalents in a target language using existing forms; and
- Descriptive Translation, i.e. making semantic components of a term explicit.

3.2.1. Direct Loan

Direct Loan implies borrowing a meaning and a corresponding form from a source language.
The term form in the target language is transformed by means of transliteration or transcription.
Transliteration is a formal graphic representation which reproduces a term form, e.g. the term
benchmarking was borrowed into Russian using graphic adaptation (transliteration):

бенчмаркинг (Lingvo). The following Corporate Management terms were created with the help
of transliteration: мониторинг – monitoring; дивиденд – dividend (IFC), гендер – gender (UN-

Transcription is the phonetic reproduction of a term form, or “phonetic imitation of the initial
word” (Kazakova, 2008, p. 63), e.g. the Corporate Management term due diligence coincides in
pronunciation with the Russian term дью дилидженс (IFC). The Russian term гринмейл,
corresponding to the English one greenmail (Lingvo), illustrates the case of transcription. The
following cases illustrate the transcription method: “harmonizer – гармонайзер”, “promoter –
промоутер” (Voskresenskaja & Rybina, 2007), “clearing – клиринг” (Tabanakova, 2006, p. 8).
The use of transcription and transliteration leads to the loss of essential information about the
meaning of a special concept.

Both transliteration and transcription are widely used in term creation because the two
methods result in concise terms, which in most cases are internationally recognized. Direct Loan
is considered to be an undesirable term creation process because it violates term transparency. A
term borrowed by means of transliteration and transcription is neither motivated nor transparent.
The term content cannot be inferred from the term form reproduced phonetically or graphically.

3.2.2. Loan Translation or Calque

Loan translation consists in reproducing a term form by means of the literal translation of its
elements. The following Corporate Governance terms were borrowed from English into Russian
with the help of Calque: мёртвая рука (mjortvaja ruka) – dead hand (Academic); гендерный
бюджет (gendernyj bjudzhet) – gender budget (JUNIFEM); анти-разводнение (anti-
razvodnenie) – anti-dilution (Lingvo); sales manager – менеджер по продажам (menedzher po
prodazham) standard seeker – разработчик стандарта (razrabotchik standarta)
(Voskresenskaja & Rybina, 2007).

It is possible to apply loan translation if the formal structure of a term can be reproduced in
the target language. Moreover, the meanings of term elements should at least partially coincide.
For example, loan translation is hardly ever applied when an English term with an attributive is

borrowed into Russian. An attributive component in English makes it possible to form a concise
term conveying a certain semantic meaning. In Russian semantic elements implicitly expressed
by an elliptical structure should be retrieved and reproduced by means of DT: “floor transaction
– операция в зале биржи” (Anisimova, 2009, p. 2) (operaciya v zale birzhi; L.t.: an operation in
a stock exchange). However, both a descriptive form and a form created by means of calque can
coexist, which can be explained by the preference for a concise form: “net transaction – netto-
sdelka; сделка с ценными бумагами, при которой продавец и покупатель не платят
комиссионное вознаграждение” (Anisimova, 2009, p. 2) (netto-sdelka; sdelka s cennimi
bumagami, pri kotoroy prodavec i pocumatel’ ne platyat komissionnoye voznagrazhdenie; L.t.:
net transaction; a transaction (an agreement) with securities, when a seller and a buyer do not pay
a commission charge).

Loan Translation generates a huge number of terms and can be considered as a “terminology
fertilizer” (Palacios & Vicente, 2011, p. 21) because of several factors: it gives priority to
development and innovation; it produces international terms; it creates concise term forms and it
results in transparent terms in contrast to transliteration and transcription.

According to Muñoz (2010), semantic loan translation consists in extending the meaning of
an existing word in a target language by borrowing a new meaning from a source language (p.
18). The Russian term поглощение (pogloshhenie) which corresponds to the English one
takeover (IFC) illustrates Semantic Calque. Takeover in LGP stands for “the act of seizing or
assuming power, control, etc.” (Collins), the form of a word has been used in the corporate sense
since 1958 (Online Etymology Dictionary) in order to describe the act of a company taking
control over another. In Russian a word form corresponding to the LGP unit in English was used
to designate an emergent concept.

Although Semantic Calque is often considered as a separate term creation method, it can be
included in the Calque category. The boundaries of the two groups are not always clear-cut and
well-defined. It especially concerns Management terms, which sometimes use a word which was
previously borrowed into Russian to denote a new concept. The Corporate Governance term
consolidation, meaning “the unification of two or more corporations by dissolution of existing
ones and creation of a single new corporation” (Merriam-Webster) is based on an LGP unit and

has homonyms in the special fields of Physics, Geology, and Psychology etc. The Russian
equivalent of the term – консолидация (konsolidacija) (IFC) had existed in Russian in LGP and
different subject fields before the corporate sense was assigned to a word form: consolidation,
i.e. unification, of companies. Accordingly, the term консолидация can be considered as the
Calque of the meaning of the term, attributed to the term form, which was previously adopted
into the language.

In new management fields, like Corporate Governance, Calque can be confused with Direct
Loan. For example, the simple term bankrupt came into English from Latin ("in the state of one
unable to pay just debts or meet obligations," 1560s, from Italian banca rotta, literally "a broken
bench <..> (Online Etymology Dictionary)). Similarly the term was borrowed into Russian from
Latin: банкрот (bankrot). Both terms were created by means of Direct Loan. Later the term
bankruptcy appeared: "the breaking up of a business due to its inability to pay obligations," from
bankrupt, "probably on the analogy of insolvency, but with -t erroneously retained in spelling,
instead of being merged in the suffix ...." (Oxford English Dictionary cited in Online Etymology
Dictionary). The Russian term банкротство (bankrotstvo) with the same meaning was
borrowed from the English Language by means of Direct Loan and assimilation. Over the last
few decades, the special field of Management has used the terms bankrupt, and bankruptcy to
coin terms, e.g. intentional bankruptcy. The term received the following form in the Russian
language: умышленное банкротство (IFC) (umishlennoje bankrotstvo; L.t.: intentional
bankruptcy). The Russian term was retrieved by means of Pure Calque, although its second
component had been previously borrowed using Direct loan (the first component represents the
DT equivalent of the English word).

Accordingly, it is essential to trace back the etymology and the meaning of a source term to
identify the term creation method of the target term.

3.2.3. Descriptive Translation

The search for term equivalents in a target language can be complicated if term components
in both languages do not coincide. If an equivalent conveying a similar meaning in a target

language exists, Semantic Calque as described by Muñoz (2010) can be applicable. However, in
some cases the meaning of a term cannot be easily reproduced in a target language. For this
reason, translators often resort to DT, i.e. the disclosure of the meaning of a term using
description, i.e. explanation. For example, the term management override (“overruling or
circumventing prescribed policies or procedures for illegitimate purposes – such as personal gain
or an enhanced presentation of a department’s financial condition or compliance status”
(Vermont)) can have the following equivalent in Ruscorpora:

превышение должностных/служебных полномочий руководством (Ruscorpora)

(prevyshenie dolzhnostnyh/sluzhebnyh polnomochiy rukovodstvom; L.t.: abuse of
post/office authority by management).

The Russian term makes the semantic components contained in the definition explicit. At the
same time it is based on the source term components, retrieved by Calque (“management:
руководство; override: превышение”). In this piece of work, devoted to the Descriptive
Translation of Corporate Governance Terms, it is suggested that the following types of DT can
be distinguished:

- Pure Descriptive Translation;

- Descriptive Translation and Calque;
- Descriptive Translation and Direct Loan;
- Descriptive Translation and Additional or Irrelevant Components.
The DT method, its definition, use and categories are analyzed in detail in the chapters below
(chapter 7 “Defining Descriptive Translation of Terms”, chapter 8 “Descriptive Translation and
Term Formation Requirements” and chapter 9 “Descriptive Translation Groups within the
Coporate Govenrance Field”).

3.2.4. Direct Translation Equivalent

One more term creation method should be introduced, based on the general ideas of the
translation of borrowed words: Direct Translation Equivalent.

The creation of terms can employ existing forms not only within monolingual, but also
interlingual activity. In this case the target language uses its own vocabulary to translate the
source terminological unit.

As a rule, this term creation method in the target language is directed not at neologisms or
neonyms, but at terms retrieved in the source language by means of terminologization,
conversion, or transdisciplinary borrowing (see 3.1.2.). In practice, a word is not being created
by means of this method; but rather its meaning is being expanded or shifted to another category
by analogy with the source language unit.

For example, the term insolvency estate (“assets of the debtor that are subject to the
insolvency proceedings” (UNCITRAL-2, 2005) has the following equivalent in the Russian
Language: конкурсная масса (konkursnaja massa; L.t.: competitive mass (assets)) (Academic).
The Russian term functions within the field of Law. Accordingly, the term was shifted from the
field of Law to the field of Corporate Governance by analogy with the English term: bankruptcy
proceedings: конкурсное производство (konkursnoje proizvodstvo; L.t.: competitive
proceedings) (Lingvo). Accordingly, the Russian term was created using Direct Translation
Equivalent for the English term insolvency estate.

The source language (in our case – English) exerts a considerable influence over the creation
of new words in the target language (here Russian). However, the latter can change the borrowed
words according to its own patterns and traditions. It results in the use of assimilated terms with
native language suffixes, prefixes, etc. In addition to this, the cultural and stylistic aspects of the
target language should be taken into account. For this reason, the basic principles of term
formation in Russian, as a target language, can reveal the techniques which assimilate English
structures into the structure of the Russian language.

4. Basic Principles of Term Formation in Russian
In the Russian language word formation methods can be subdivided into four major groups,
namely morphological; morphological and syntactic; lexical and semantic; and lexical and
syntactic processes (Martinovich, 2011). The morphological method and partially the
morphological and syntactic group are considered as synchronic (Volinec, 2003, p. 5). Term
creation is mostly synchronic, but the lexical and semantic method, as well as the lexical and
syntactic process, is relevant for the term creation processes, as term creation is often carried out
artificially. All four conventional word creation processes can be applicable to terminology.

Morphological term formation of simple words can be subdivided into prefixal, suffixal,
postfixal and their combinations. Prefixal, suffixal and the combination of prefixal and suffixal
methods are the most frequent. These cases are of a great value to Corporate Governance
terminology. The postfixal method usually refers to the creation of reflexive verbs:
конвертировать (konvertirovat', i.e. to convert) – конвертироваться (konvertirovat'sja, i.e. to
be converted).

In the sphere of Management, Russian terms are mostly based on foreign term elements. The
assimilation processes are vast, e.g. the term хеджирование (hedzhirovanie) was created on the
basis of the term hedging (hedge) (Lingvo) with the help of a suffix. Suffixes “-ir”, “-ova” and
“-n” as well as inflexion “-ie” were added to the base. The term accountability has two
equivalents in Russian: отчётность (otchjotnost') and подотчётность (podotchjotnost')
(Lingvo). The latter was derived from the first with the help of prefixation. The prefix pod-
(under) in this case stresses the liability of staff etc., adding the meaning of subordination. Mixed
cases of the suffixal and prefixal methods can be also seen in Management Terminology: the
adjective внебалансовый (vnebalansovyj) corresponds to the term off-balance (IFC). The base
of the term was borrowed by means of Direct Loan: “- balans- ”, i.e. balance, then the prefix
“vne-“ (L.t.: over, out of, outside), the suffix “–ov” and the inflexion “–iy” forming the adjective
were added.

The morphological term formation method also comprises the process of complex word
creation, i.e compounding, which is subdivided into compounding of word bases and
compounding of words (Martinovich, 2011).

In Russian, word bases can be joined by means of the connecting vowels e or o, e.g. the term
правоотношения (pravootnoshenija, i.e. legal relationship) was created by fusing the words
право (pravo, a right) and отношения (otnoshenija, relationship) with the vowel o connecting
them. The process can also be accompanied by suffixation, e.g. the term правомочный
(pravomochnyj), corresponding to the English terms “legally competent” and “legally qualified”
(IFC), is a product of the compounding of the two bases: “право” (pravo, a right) and “моч”
(moch from мощь (moshh'), power; like in the word polnomochie, authority) and a subsequent
addition of the suffix –n and the inflexion iy. The bases can be also joined with a simultaneous
process of truncation or null-suffixation; or without a connecting vowel (fusion).

Abbreviation corresponds to the process of creating abbreviated forms in English and is

sometimes regarded as a non-morphological process (Volinec, 2003, p. 14). However, it can be
included in this group which deals directly with word base compounding. In the Russian
language abbreviations can be of different kinds employing initial and final letters, syllables,
sounds etc. The abbreviation МСКУ (MSKU) is an initialism retrieved from the term
международная сеть по корпоративному управлению (mezhdunarodnaja set' po
korporativnomu upravleniju, or International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) (IFC).

Complex words can be obtained by means of joining whole words. The parts of such words
can be both declined, or act like the product of fusion with only one word being declined.
Duplication is also possible. It is impossible to use a noun as an attributive in Russian and that is
why the complex terms письмо-соглашение (pis'mo-soglashenie, L.t.: letter-agreement) and
риск-аппетит (risk-appetit, L.t.: risk-appetite) were created on the bases of the terms
engagement letter and risk-appetite respectively (IFC).

The morphological and syntactical methods of word formation include processes of

grammatical category change. Substantivation, i.e. the shift from the category of adjectives,
adverbs, numerals or participles to that of nouns, is the most frequent case within this group. The
Russian terms заведующий or управляющий (zavedujushhij, upravljajushhij, L.t.: being in
charge, managing, governing) are equivalents of the English term manager (Lingvo). The nouns
were converted from the participles and preserved the typical suffix “–ush’”.

The lexical and syntactic method refers to the process of fusing the elements of a phrase and
occasionally of a sentence. The term вышеизложенный (vysheizlozhennyj, above-stated)
represents the fusion of the adverb выше (vyshe, above) and the adjective изложенный
(izlozhennyj, stated).

The lexical and semantic method corresponds to semantic transfer. This method results in
polysemic terms. Homonyms, in this respect, cannot be regarded as a result of semantic transfer.
Homonymic lexical units represent neither a single superordinate meaning, nor a source and a
target, they just happen to have the same form. For example, the lexical unit среда (sreda),
meaning Wednesday, is a homonym of the term среда (sreda), meaning environment,
surroundings etc. (Martinovich, 2011). The form of the lexical units is the same, which is just a

All term formation processes in Russian can be represented in the following chart:
Term formation methods in Russian

Morphological Simple Prefixal Complex Compounding of

Lexical Lexical Word Bases
Units Units

Postfixal Compounding of

Morphological and Syntactic Grammatical Category Change

Lexical and Semantic Fusing the Elements

Lexical and Syntactic Semantic Transfer

5. Terminology for Corporate Governance

5.1. Defining the field of Corporate Governance

The study of Corporate Governance, i.e. “the system by which companies are directed and
controlled” (The Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance, 1992, paragraph
2.5), is currently of great importance. Large companies need to be controlled and supervised.
Corporate failures and misleading tactics have led to the creation of codes and rules directed at
controlling Corporate Governance. Supervision of companies is needed on both a national and
worldwide level. The errors and failures of corporations create pitfalls in the economies of
different countries, and pose a potential threat to the environment, financial, ethical and legal
situations, as well as community social welfare.

The roots of Corporate Governance “can be traced back to the seminal work of Adolf Berle
and Gardiner Means in the 1930s, but the field, as we now know it, emerged only in the 1970s.”
(Subramanian, 2015). The control of corporations faced a lot of problems which stemmed from
“a patchwork system of regulation, a mix of public and private policy makers, and the lack of an
accepted metric for determining what constitutes successful corporate governance” (ibidem).
Best practices could not be achieved if there was a lack of control.

The modern history of Corporate Governance can be traced back to 1992, when the Cadbury
report was created in the UK in order to control the behavior of big companies, shareholders and
directors. Corporate Governance should be the responsibility of shareholders, who appoint the
directors and the auditors, while “boards of directors are responsible for the governance of their
companies” (FRC). The codes and rules focus on the protection of “widely dispersed
shareholders against self-interested directors and managers” (Kibirige, n.d.).

Massive fraud, money laundering, false accounts, misreporting, “fat cat” salaries and the
diversion of funds from pensions has forced experts to find the instruments which could prevent
and combat such bad company behavior (Clark, 2016).

These events led to the combined code, which is now represented by the UK Corporate
Governance Code (FRC). The code was designed for high standards of Corporate Governance to
be reached. Various types of rules, codes and reports appeared in different countries. OECD (the

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development) elaborated powerful principles for
Corporate Governance in 1999: Principles of Corporate Governance (OECD, 1999). This
document was issued in many updated later editions (OECD Principles, 2015). The work was
“intended to help policymakers evaluate and improve the legal, regulatory, and institutional
framework for corporate governance, with a view to support economic efficiency, sustainable
growth and financial stability” (ibidem, p. 9). OECD gives attention to the importance of check
and balances.

As previously mentioned, the bad behavior of companies forced the creation of serious
organizations, which were intended to prevent underhand dealings. For example, one of
America´s largest energy corporations, Enron, ended up in bankruptcy. The company “lied about
its profits and stands accused of a range of shady dealings, including concealing debts so they
didn't show up in the company's accounts” (Enron scandal at-a-glance, 2002). From December 2,
2001, the shares of the company “plummeted to $0.67 by January 2002”, having been worth
$90.75 “at Enron´s peak” (Investopedia). Another “global trading conglomerate”, Polly Peck
International (PPI) “collapsed after the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) raided premises” of the
empire built by its chief, tycoon Asil Nadir (Casciani, 2012). The Nadir´s behavior led to the
crash of PPI, which triggered a devastating situation: “investors who lost money included large
institutions, small investors and pension funds” (Raif, 2012). One of the most notorious cases of
a corporation collapse, which involved “a Conflict of Interests and a Superannuation (Pension)
Fund” was the bankruptcy of the “Robert Maxwell media empire” in 1991 (Australian
Guardians). It was alleged that Robert Maxwell’s “financial risks led him into grand fraud and an
apparent suicide” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2017).

It is important to note that modern Corporate Governance concerns a wide range of people
and organizations, who are interested in sound functioning of corporations; i.e. shareholders,
management, media, investors, customers, suppliers, employees, activists, regulators etc. (Clark).
Accordingly, Corporate Governance should balance “the interests of a company's many
stakeholders” (Investopedia).

Corporate Governance has the following purposes:

- it focuses on the prevention of “corporate collapses, such as Enron, Polly Peck and the
Maxwell companies” (Kibirige).
- it helps to “build an environment of trust, transparency and accountability necessary for
fostering long-term investment, financial stability and business integrity, thereby
supporting stronger growth and more inclusive societies” (OECD Principles, 2015, p. 7).
It should create “transparent and fair markets, and the efficient allocation of resources”
(ibidem, p. 13);
- it facilitates “effective, entrepreneurial and prudent management that can deliver the
long-term success of the company” (FRC);
- it is “primarily concerned” with companies “listed on a Stock Exchange” (Kibirige, n.d.).

Accordingly, Corporate Governance should possess the following characteristic features:

- it should ensure the accountably of the management to the board, and of the board to the
shareholders (ibidem)
- it should be fair, i.e. protect the rights of shareholders and “treat all shareholders,
including minorities, equitably” (ibidem) ;
- it should be transparent, i.e. accurate about performance, ownership, financial situation
and governance itself (ibidem);
- it should be based on independence, i.e. the directors and advisers are “free from the
influence of others”; conflicts of interests are to be avoided by essential procedures
(ibidem) ;

The global objective of Corporate Governance is to fulfill the aims of a company, i.e. “it
encompasses practically every sphere of management, from action plans and internal controls to
performance measurement and corporate disclosure” (Investopedia). Boards aim at ensure
“better governance and risk management practices” (Wright, et al., 2013, p. 15). For this reason,
the Corporate Governance field is closely related to the regulation of finance and risk

Any big company or corporation faces a lot of pressure from society (media, public), legal
structures (law), commerce, ethics and government (Clark, 2016). These negative stimuli have
created Corporate Social Responsibility, i.e. “movement aimed at encouraging companies to be

more aware of the impact of their business on the rest of society, including their own
stakeholders and the environment”; “a business approach that contributes to sustainable
development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders”
(Financial Times Lexicon). Accordingly, big companies should be aware that they pose a
potential threat to society, the environment and the economy. The actions of corporations have
long-term influence on the whole world. Big companies should be responsible for their
procedures, trying to create environmentally, economically and socially amicable situations.

Each country has its own history of Corporate Governance, outlining the models for their
businesses. The Anglo-US model focuses on the interests of shareholders. It “is characterized
by share ownership of individual, and increasingly institutional, investors not affiliated with the
corporation (known as outside shareholders or “outsiders”); a well-developed legal framework
defining the rights and responsibilities of three key players, namely management, directors and
shareholders; and a comparatively uncomplicated procedure for interaction between shareholder
and corporation as well as among shareholders during or outside the AGM” (EWMI/PFS
Program, 2005).

“The Anglo-American legal family” came “closest to full compliance” with Corporate
Governance Principles (Vasiliev, 2000). Industrialized countries have a lot of experience in
controlling and running big companies.

The development of Corporate Governance has only recently begun in Russia in comparison
with West-European Countries, the USA and Canada. At the beginning of 1990s Russia had its
own “model of privatization”. It “determined the basic characteristics of the structure of
corporate ownership and governance in Russia <…>” (ibidem). Privatization exerted an
influence on the emergence and development of Corporate Governance in Russia. The most
important Corporate Governance features in Russia are the “substantial dominance of insiders at
the initial stage of post-privatization development” (ibidem) and market economy. The special
and delayed development of Corporate Governance in Russia is at the root of its current
situation: “the system of corporate governance of post-communist Russia does not fit
comfortably any standard conceptual framework based on the example of other industrialized
countries” (Singh, 2010, p. 143).

The development of Russian Corporate Governance indicates the challenges for the
translation of terminology. The English-speaking countries generating Corporate Governance
terms are oriented at the procedures and techniques, which exist in the Anglo-Saxon model. Just
as the Russian and Anglo-Saxon models do not match each other, Corporate Governance terms
in Russian and in English cannot fully coincide.

According to all the characteristic features of the Corporate Governance Field, the translators
of Corporate Management terminology into Russian are faced with the following challenges:
- Corporate Governance Terminology is a subcategory of Management Terminology. It
uses terms from different management spheres and there are no clear-cut lines between
- The history of Russian Corporate Governance is relatively new. Nearly all the terms have
been borrowed from the English Corporate Governance domain, which is under constant
development. The English language is constantly coining terms, which change their
forms and meaning;
- The model of Russian Corporate Governance is different from the Anglo-Saxon one,
which causes some concept discrepancies.

5.2. The dynamics of Corporate Governance (Business) Terminology

Corporate Governance Terminology cannot be strictly outlined, as the field encompasses
practically the whole sphere of Management. Above all, Corporate Governance focuses on
control tools, risk-management, budget and financial fields. The interconnection of different
“economic-administrative domains” results in “a higher degree of dynamics than what is
necessarily expected from a “normal” science development” (Kristiansen, 2014, p. 252).

Corporate Governance Terminology can be considered to be dynamic as business

terminology is being developed under the conditions of the globalization of Economics and the
change of subject fields. New term forms play an important role in enriching the field of
Management and ensuring its sound functioning: “in specialized domains, neonyms are the
source of information as to the vitality of the domain, since new concepts, objects or tools need

to be assigned names for communication to remain possible” (Resche, 2013, p. 83). New
concepts appear, and innovative term forms replace old ones. For instance, the accounting term
“sub-prime debt” was developed by experts at the beginning of the global financial crisis and it
was later substituted by a new one: “toxic assets” (Fuertes Olivera & Nielsen, 2014, p. 215).
Experts use metaphors to “create images” in people´s mind (ibidem).

Similarly, the conceptualization of the world is unique in every language and every nation.
However, sometimes a concept can become international. For example, the term scorched earth
is used in Military terminology: “relating to or being a Military policy involving deliberate and
usually widespread destruction of property and resources (such as housing and factories) so that
an invading enemy cannot use them” (Merriam-Webster). The term form is recognizable all over
the world, due to its use for defining notorious historical events, for example, during World War
II: “The Germans <…> began to be hampered by the scorched earth policy adopted by the
retreating Soviets. The Soviet troops burned crops, destroyed bridges, and evacuated factories in
the face of the German advance” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d.). The military term has a
Calque form in the Russian Language: “выжженная земля” (Lingvo) (vyzhzhennaja zemlja),
or тактика “выжженной земли” (taktika “vyzhzhennoj zemli”).

The dynamics of Corporate Governance terminology is strengthened by cross-domain

borrowings. In Business terminology, the term was bestowed with another meaning of
intentionally damaging something as a measure of prevention: “a takeover prevention strategy in
which the target company seeks to make itself less attractive to hostile bidders by selling off
assets, taking on high levels of debt or initiating other activities that may damage the company if
it is purchased” (Investopedia). The Corporate Governance term scorched earth (scorched earth
policy) has the following equivalent in Russian: сжигание мостов (IFC) (szhiganie mostov;
L.t.: burning bridges). It is interesting to note, that this dynamic development of terminology
created a new form of the term, but the original Calque form is used as a synonym: тактика
выжженной земли (IFC) (taktika “vyzhzhennoj zemli”; L.t.: scorched earth tactics). This
example demonstrates the uncontrolled and rapid development of the field of Management, when
the term is borrowed from English, but it is not based on previous knowledge. The creation of
the new term form can be also explained by making the term different from its homonym.

According to Pedro A. Fuertes and Sandro Nielsen, English plays the role of “the lingua
franca of accounting” (Fuertes Olivera & Nielsen, 2014, p. 215). Accordingly, it is possible to
state that English is the source language for the creation of Management and Business terms in
other languages, namely Corporate Governance in Russian. Corporate Governance as a field has
developed considerably in recent decades. For this reason, a lot of previously accepted
frameworks have been dismissed and new ones have been adopted.

The use of Management terminology is mostly regulated by the terms creators, and the
organizations regulating the process of term use. The “supranational EU rules” (ibidem, p. 217)
and United Nations regulations exert considerable influence on Business terminology. The
international standards should be applied worldwide, although each country has its own
Corporate Governance model. Despite the implementation of rules and harmonization, there are
no comprehensive and generally accepted language regulations for English Corporate
Governance terminology. This complicates the translation of Business terms, which widely
employ synonyms, comments, clipped forms, additional elements and irrelevant components.
The Internet has considerably changed the study of terminology, “the scope of research has
grown considerably”: “the computer has revolutionized the possibilities for organizing,
distributing and accessing information” (Temmerman et al., 2014, p. 3). The “lexicographic
tools” can help “not only experts, but also semi-experts and interested laypersons who need
knowledge to solve problems” (Fuertes Olivera & Nielsen, 2014, p. 216) and to be up to date
with the highly dynamic Management terminology. Accordingly, the Internet dictionaries must
provide up to date and essential information about terms.

Term forms can be changed by the replacement of old or general frameworks. For instance,
the “traditional English term in financial reporting” enterprise, which “emphasizes the
commercial nature of business units” “has gradually been replaced by the term entity” (Fuertes
Olivera & Nielsen, 2014, p. 217). This is proved by the existence of derivatives in Corporate
Governance terminology with the meaning of “the business organization as a single and separate
unit for financial reporting purposes” (ibidem): non-for-profit entity, non-profit entity (IFC):
некоммерческая организация (nekommercheskaja organizacija).

Meanwhile the term enterprise is used for other purposes: enterprise risk management, state-
owned enterprise, etc. The difference is preserved by the translation into the Russian language:
enterprise: компания (kompanija, L.t.: a company) or предприятие (predprijatije; L.t.:
enterprise) ; entity: организация (organizacija, L.t.: organization):

- State-owned Enterprise (SOE): государственная компания (IFC) (gosudarstvennaja

kompanija; L.t.: state company);
- Enterprise Risk Management (ERM): управление рисками компании (IFC) (upravlenie
riskami kompanii; L.t.: management of the risks of a company);
- Non-for-profit Entity, Non-profit Entity: некоммерческая организация (IFC)
(nekommercheskaja organizacija; L.t.: non-commercial organization).
- Public Enterprise: публичное предприятие (UN-1) (publichnoe predprijatie; L.t.: public

Proper lexicographic work can strengthen the organized development of terminology as

“communicative and cognitive user situations are directly related to the dynamics” (Fuertes
Olivera & Nielsen, 2014, p. 219) of Management terminology, in this case. Dictionaries and
glossaries should provide users with relevant information. Accordingly, authors should give
attention to “the principle of relevance”, which “states that the selection and treatment of
dictionary data are directly related with the nature of the data to be included, the function(s)
of the dictionary and the user situation in which the dictionary is intended to be used”
(ibidem, p. 220). Accordingly, dictionaries should provide comprehensive definitions, usage
notes, comments and preferably synonyms and antonyms of a term (ibidem, 219-224). For
example, the Management term custodian, standing for “a financial institution that holds
customers' securities for safekeeping so as to minimize the risk of their theft or loss”
(Investopedia) has the following equivalents in Russian:

- кастодиан (IFC) (kastodian; L.t.: a custodian);

- попечитель (банк или иная организация, ответственные за сохранность
финансовых активов) (Lingvo) (popechitel' (a comment); L.t.: a trustee (a bank or
another organization, responsible for the safety of financial assets);

- депозитарий (Academic) (depozitarij; L.t.: Depositary (= Synonym));
- лицо, наделенное ответственностью за доверительное владение (IFC) (lico,
nadelennoe otvetstvennost'ju za doveritel'noe vladenie; L.t.: a person, vested with the
responsibility for confidential possession).

The existence of DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components (лицо, наделенное

ответственностью за доверительное владение (IFC)) proves that the term does not have a
stable form in Russian. An inexperienced user could choose the Direct Loan form: кастодиан
(IFC). However, the dictionary (Academic) provides a comment, that this form is mostly used in
colloquial speech in Russia, while in Kazakhstan it is used as a full-fledged term (Academic,
translation from Russian). In addition to this, the study of Ruscorpora reveals the leading
equivalents for the term custodian: попечитель (Lingvo) and депозитарий (Academic), each
term appears in Ruscorpora documents more than 500 times (Ruscorpora).

The dynamics of Corporate Governance Terminology is also influenced by the existence of

International Management Standards of term creation and national term formation patterns. For
example, the previously mentioned term form попечитель (Lingvo) is the Direct Translation
Equivalent, which was based on Russian: опекать (opekat’; L.t.: to be a trustee for somebody,
to take care of somebody). The term form депозитарий (Academic) is based on the English
word depository, which is based on the “Medieval Latin depositorium” – “place where things are
deposited” (Online Etymology Dictionary). Accordingly, the Russian word competes with the
established English form to designate the Management concept. English strongly influences
Russian in the field of Corporate Governance and it also influences term translation to a
considerable extent. Accordingly, “the idea of globalization” can be regarded as “a working
factor” in term dynamics (Fuertes Olivera & Nielsen, 2014, p. 226). According to Kristiansen
(2014, p. 245), as far as the field of Financial Accounting is concerned, “the greatest challenge”
in the process of international accounting standards adaptation “has not necessarily been to
choose the best terminology to denote the various accounting concepts, but to delineate the
concepts in such a way that the adaptation to a national accounting legislation is successful”

Similarly, in Business terminology, the problem stems not from the choice of a suitable
term equivalent, but from the strict delineation of concepts. This should ensure the successful
adaptation of international terms to National Management Standards.

6. Translating Coporate Governance Terminology

6.1. Business Term Translation

LSP can be described as “the diversity of different abbreviation types , the preference for
certain syntactic structures over others, the characteristic way certain grammar constructions are
translated” and elliptical forms for the expression of ideas (Lukina, 2006, p. 141). This is
coupled with the term formation requirements. All of these factors determine the translation of
LSP units. The special nature of term translation is analyzed in the works by Y. Vannikov
(1984), Е. Bazalina (2009), А. Anisimova (2009), G. Mel'nikov (1991), E. A. Bassey (2007), R.
Temmerman (2000, 2014) and P. Faber (2009, 2012, 2014) and others.

In special fields of knowledge attention is given, firstly, to the content of a term and the
precise expression of its meaning. For this reason, strict denotation prevails in terminology. This
excludes any additional content connotation, which is necessary for the translation of fictional
literature. The translation of specialized texts bears, above all, a concrete practical value. Term
form selection should be carried out objectively and independently. Terms are the semantic cores
of specialized literature. Terms codify, organize and structure the information contained in
specialized texts.

The challenge for term translation lies in the fact that term components in the source and the
target languages often do not coincide. Information weight differs in both. As a rule, the
translators strive to transfer all the semantic components. For this reason, DT is often considered
acceptable, although it is an undesirable method from the perspective of term conciseness and
the convenience for use.

The translation of terms should be oriented at the target language and preference for the
native language should be taken into account. The main stipulations for term translation are the
disclosure of “content accuracy of the source language units” and “the fulfillment of the absolute
identity of the concepts, expressed by the terms of the source language and translation language”
(Bazalina, 2009, pp. 3-4).

The key issue for any type of translation is equivalence or correspondence: “equivalence,
based on shared conceptual meaning in the form of interlinguistic and intertextual
correspondence, is the objective that translators ultimately pursue when they perform their
professional activity” (Faber & Ureña Gómez-Moreno, 2012, p. 74).

A translator of technical texts undoubtedly focuses on adequacy and consistency. The

semantics and etymology of terms should be considered; the process of term nomination and
development should be followed. According to Shirokolobova, adequate translation assures the
success of translation within LSP, and the translation of terminology is of great importance. For
this reason, a translator should focus on “internal cognitive structures, reflected in the
nomination in the source language” (Shirokolobova, 2010, 108 (the translation from Russian)).
According to Faber and Ureña Gómez-Moreno, it is important to take into consideration the
following “components of the communication process: (i) text sender; (ii) text receiver; (iii)
specialized text and its purpose” (Faber & Ureña Gómez-Moreno, 2012, p. 79).

Translation should aim for correctness, accuracy, lexical compatibility and it should take
into account the special nature of the term system and its connections with LGP and other fields
for specific purposes. Lexical, grammatical, semantic and stylistic differences in the source and
the target languages should be identified. It is also important to establish the conceptual links
between all the text components.

Sometimes a term can denote a concept which already exists in the target language, or it can
be based on a LGP unit or another special field unit. In such a case the term can be translated by
means of an existing equivalent. If the concept is new in the target language, the translator deals
with non-equivalent translation. In both situations the main aim of the translation is to ensure a
perfect match between the contents of the source and the target terms. In addition to this, the
stylistics of the context should be taken into account, which is mainly confined to that of
scientific and technical texts.

The translation of Business terminology, in our case Corporate Governance terminology,

shows certain trends in its use, functioning and creation which represent clear challenges for the
translator, e.g.:

- The globalization of Economics has triggered the massive use of Calque and Direct Loan
(see sections “Term Formation” and “Term translation as basic method of Corporate
Governance terminology formation in Russian”);
- Innovative forms of neonyms are widespread (see “Term Formation”);
- The term forms are indeterminate. Contextual or occasional translation is used (see
- Homonyms and synonyms are not well-defined (see 6.1.2);
- Attributive combinations of complex or compound terms proliferate in the field (see
- Figurative meaning terms use certain conceptualizing patterns (see 6.1.4);
- Various abbreviations are employed (see 6.1.5).

Bilingual dictionaries, glossaries and corpora are the main lexicographic tools for consistent
translation. These sources can solve a lot of issues connected to the translation of Corporate
Governance terminology.

6.1.1. The indeterminacy of Business terminology. Contextual or Occasional

In theory, terms should be “distinguished from words by their relative precision and semantic
circumscription, even if no longer by their complete context-independence” (Rogers, 2007,
p.15). This is difficult to implement in practice, although “the conventional wisdom of text
authoring in scientific and technical domains is to avoid any variation in the selection of terms,
such as the use of synonyms or hyponyms, particularly in safety-critical technical fields and
generes” (ibidem, p. 16).

The choice of a translation equivalent cannot be based on a translator’s subjective opinion.

There are certain glossaries and international documents that regulate the standards of term use,
define term units and give examples of their use.

The choice of a term is made in accordance with the characteristic features of technical and
scientific texts, closely related to the requirements for term formation. Terms ensure the
consistency, accuracy and objectivity of LSP.

The translation of terms is not an easy task, because the lexical composition of LSP is under
constant development: different components are being borrowed and the layer of “preterms”
(provisional terms) must be taken into account. The latter function as an interim stage of term
formation, until its final term form is coined. Changes in specialized vocabulary are connected to
the unstable form and content of words, because a verbal expression is being constantly equaled
to the meaning of a term. In addition to this, “because of its inherent fuzziness, meaning has
always been more difficult to analyze than syntax or grammatical form” (Faber & Ureña Gómez-
Moreno, 2012, p. 75). That is the reason for the existence of synonyms in terminology.

Translators of specialized texts sometimes deal with ad hoc equivalents. Terms and
concepts can change, because “scholarly areas are subject to different kinds of external pressure”
(Kristinasen, 2014, p. 252). Some concepts appear so fast in specialized fields that term forms
appear to not be fixed in codified resources. According to Faber and Ureña Gómez-Moreno
(2012), the job of a translator as a terminologist consists in rebuilding the conceptual system
partially or even entirely on the basis of some fragments given in a text (Faber & Ureña Gómez-
Moreno, 2012, p. 85).

According to Pecman, “variation can serve as a support for constructing knowledge”

(Pecman, 2014, p. 21). The author illustrates how “the unit can subliminally switch from its
term-like structure — the synthetic frozen form, for instance ice age meteoric waters — to its
expanded-term structure — the analytic form, for instance meteoric waters precipitated during
the ice age” (ibidem). “Expanded- term” form can be used in scientific discourse (ibidem). In
addition to this, the “unfolding of term structure in the heart of the text” is of a great importance
for “the process of constructing scientific knowledge” (ibidem). The explanation of a source
term can trigger descriptive forms of a target term, which can be fixed in codified resources (see
Descriptive Translation).

In theory, a term should not depend on a context and should correspond to a single concept;
in practice, however, terms are often retrieved using contextual translation.

The same source term can be translated with different term forms in the target language
depending on the context: “data variability – вариативность данных; variability of prices –
неустойчивость цен” (Аnisimova, 2009, p. 5) (data variability – variativnost' dannyh; L.t.: the
variability of data; variability of prices – neustojchivost' cen; L.t.: instability of prices). Context
plays an important role for the development of translation variation (Grinev-Grivevich, 2008,
p. 117). Context can make a term either concrete, or abstract. In addition to this, the same word
can be a term and a general language unit in different contexts. A term should always denote a
specific object, characteristic or an action.

Confusion could also stem from occasional translation equivalents, included in the
dictionaries by mistake. The appearance of occasional terms is a natural outcome of the way LSP
functions. Dictionaries should not include new entries on the basis of the occasional use of a
term in one text. A term is often used for the nomination of a new phenomenon, which can
receive another form over the course of time. Synonyms and DT are used to substitute a certain
term, in order to prevent repetition in the text. These forms can be wrongly regarded as terms and
included in the dictionaries or glossaries.

According to M. Rogers (2007), “indeterminacy in the translation of lexical terms” can be

regarded as “the absence of exclusive one-to-one relations such that term A is always translated
by term B and vice versa” (p. 18). In addition to it, “indeterminacy in any particular text is
understood as non-functional synonymy as well as shifts between specific (hyponymic) and
generic (hyperonymic) designations” (ibidem).

Even a strictly defined context can contain different term form variations. For example, the
comparison of the document “Principles of Corporate Governance” (G20 OECD, 2015)
composed by OECD in English and its translation into Russian (G20 OECD, 2016) revealed
certain variations of term forms. The term performance appears in the English document 31
times; while in the Russian document it has different forms:

- Результаты деятельности (rezul'taty dejatel'nosti; L.t.: the results of the activity);
- Показатели деятельности (pokazateli dejatel'nosti; L.t.: indices of activity);
- Деятельность (dejatel'nost'; L.t.: activity);
- Результаты работы (rezul'taty raboty; L.t.: the results of work) (G20 OECD, 2016).
The first two equivalents were obtained by means of Descriptive Translation and can be
considered to be functional synonyms. The term результаты деятельности is the direct
equivalent for the term performance and appears consistently in the document:

- “Принципы признают интересы наемных работников и иных заинтересованных

лиц и их важный вклад в долгосрочный успех и результаты деятельности
компании” (G20 OECD, 2016) (L.t.: the results of the activity of the company).
- “The Principles recognise the interests of employees and other stakeholders and their
important role in contributing to the long-term success and performance of the
company” (G20 OECD, 2015).
The synonym показатели деятельности appears occasionally in the text. Its use can be
explained by the strong influence of the contextual and semantic links between the words:

- “Инфраструктура корпоративного управления должна разрабатываться с учетом

ее воздействия на общие показатели экономической деятельности <…>” (G20
OECD, 2016) (L.t.: overall indices of economic activity);
- “The corporate governance framework should be developed with a view
to its impact on overall economic performance <…>” (G20 OECD, 2015);
The possible equivalent общие результаты экономической деятельности* (obshhie
rezul'taty jekonomicheskoj dejatel'nosti) can be used to maintain univocity of the term
performance. Nevertheless, the term component “показатели” (indices) reveals the meaning of
the term in this particular context precisely and accurately.

The term деятельность (activity) is the hypernym or generalized word for the concept and
previously mentioned terms. Its use can be justified by the context:

- “В дополнение к своим коммерческим целям компаниям предлагается раскрывать
информацию о политике и деятельности, касающейся вопросов деловой этики”
<…> (G20 OECD, 2016). (L.t.: the activity relating to business ethics);
- “In addition to their commercial objectives, companies are encouraged to disclose
policies and performance relating to business ethics <…>” (G20 OECD, 2015).
Some synonyms can be used to avoid repetition, which, while essential in fiction, can lead to
misunderstanding in scientific and technical literature. For example, in the following sentences
the term performance is used twice, which explains why an occasional synonym was employed:
результат работы (result of work):

- “<…> ряд стран принял решение рекомендовать и даже обязать советы директоров
проводить самооценку их деятельности, а также оценку результатов работы
отдельных членов совета директоров, его председателя и главного
исполнительного директора” (G20 OECD, 2016) (L.t.: self-assessment of the activity,
and also assessment of the results of work).
- “ <…> many countries have moved to recommend, or indeed mandate, self-assessment
by boards of their performance as well as performance reviews of individual board
members and the Chair and the CEO” (G20 OECD, 2015).
The instability of the term form результат работы (result of work) is proved by its use for
the translation of another expression:

- “The competitiveness and ultimate success of a corporation is the result of teamwork

<…>” (G20 OECD, 2016).
- “Конкурентоспособность и итоговый успех корпорации являются результатом
коллективной работы <…>” (G20 OECD, 2015).
Accordingly, translators could have trouble identifying the unit performance as a term.
However, the term belongs to Management terminology. It is a fertile component of various
terms, which also have unstable forms in Russian:

- Performance indicator(s): показатель деятельности (UN-1) (pokazatel' dejatel'nosti);

индикатор выполнения (OECD-1) (indikator vypolnenija; L.t.: indicator of the

performance); показатели (эффективности) деятельности (IFC) (pokazateli
(jeffektivnosti) dejatel'nosti; L.t.: the indicators of the (effectiveness) of activity);
- Performance management: управление качеством (UN-1) (upravlenie kachestvom;
L.t.: the management of the quality);
- Performance measurement: оценка достижений (UN-1) (ocenka dostizhenij; L.t.: the
assessment of achievements); оценка выполнения (OECD-1) (ocenka vypolnenija; L.t.:
the assessment of the fulfillment);
- Performance monitoring: мониторинг выполнения (OECD-1) (monitoring vypolnenija;
L.t.: fulfillment monitoring);
- Final performance report: окончательный отчёт (UNTERM) (okonchatel'nyj otchjot;
L.t.: final report);
- Performance-(related) pay: оплата в зависимости от результатов труда (UN-1)
(oplata v zavisimosti ot rezul'tatov truda; L.t.: the payment depending on the results of
work); вознаграждение с учетом результатов работы (UNTERM)
(voznagrazhdenie s uchetom rezul'tatov raboty; L.t.: remuneration with an account of the
results of work); нефиксированная часть дохода (Ruscorpora) (nefiksirovannaja chast'
dohoda; L.t. a non-fixed part of an income); оплата за конечные результаты труда
(Ruscorpora) (oplata za konechnye rezul'taty truda; L.t.: a payment for the final results of
work) etc.
- Risk-adjusted performance measurement (RAPM): оценка деятельности,
скорректированная по степени риска (IFC) (ocenka dejatel'nosti, skorrektirovannaja
po stepeni riska; L.t.: the assessment of activity adjusted according to the risk level);
результаты (хозяйственной) деятельности с учётом (факторов) риска
(Academic) (rezul'taty (hozjajstvennoj) dejatel'nosti s uchjotom (faktorov) riska; L.t.: the
results of (economic) activity taking into account the (factors of) risk).
Accordingly, the term performance has an unfixed form in Russian, which can be explained
by the high level of flexibility of the language in certain collocations and the compatibility of
words. It is interesting to note that the use of the term managerial performance can vary in the
same context (OECD):

- “Наряду с управлением корпоративной стратегией совет директоров, прежде всего,
отвечает за мониторинг результатов управленческой деятельности <…>” (G20
OECD, 2016). (L.t.: monitoring of the results of managerial activity);
- “Together with guiding corporate strategy, the board is chiefly responsible for
monitoring managerial performance <…>” (G20 OECD, 2015);
- “В целях выполнения своих обязанностей по контролю за работой менеджмента,
<..>, очень важно, чтобы у совета директоров была возможность высказывать
объективное суждение по разным вопросам” (G20 OECD, 2016) (L.t.: the control of
the work of management);
- “In order to exercise its duties of monitoring managerial performance, <…> , it is
essential that the board is able to exercise objective judgement” (G20 OECD, 2015).
It is obvious that the term form was not regarded as fixed by the translators. It triggered the
search for contextual equivalents. The word monitoring should have also been strictly defined
and translated consistently throughout the text.

The terms or “codified collections of words” aim “to fix meaning”: “their function is to be
determinate about meaning and the relations between the lexical elements expressing meaning”
(Rogers, 2007, p. 31). The translation of terms is different from the translation of LGP units,
where a translator chooses translation equivalents according to context. Codified terms obtained
using DT should be mentioned in dictionaries, glossaries and instructions. Reliable term
equivalence can only be observed in codified resources. When translating terms within a
specialized text, a translator deals with “formal correspondence”, rather than “textual
equivalence” (Catford, 1965, p. 29). The usage of different variations of a single term interferes
with the referential function of texts for special purposes (Rodgers, 2008, p. 104).

Nevertheless, as demonstrated, LSP can admit certain variations of term forms in the context;
however, the use of contextual equivalents should be limited and not included in codified

6.1.2. Homonyms and Synonyms in Business Terminology Translation
Despite the monosemanticity requirement (see 2.8.), the phenomena of homonymy and
polysemy are widespread in LSP. In addition to this, “there is now a general acceptance that the
goal of achieving a one-to-one term concept and concept-term relationship” is practically
impossible within a subject field (Rogers, 2007, p. 15). For this reason, a translation should be
carried out thoroughly, because free or improper translation may result in certain deviations in a
text and distortion of its content.

The context indicates the meaning of a term, but at the same time, it makes it dependent on
other lexical units, including other terms. When translators deal with polysemy or homonymy,
thus contemplating several translation equivalents in the same context, they often rely on a
dictionary. In theory, properly selected glossaries and dictionaries should ensure correct and
accurate translation. In practice, however, dictionaries, appear to be misleading tools. They
provide terms with incoherent or inconsistent comments, listings and explanations and
sometimes offer partially incorrect or wrong translations of terms. The compilers of dictionaries
and glossaries often cannot follow how term meaning changes and how a certain translation
equivalent emerges or disappears. The situation is worsened by superfluous or redundant term
equivalents and term components.

A dictionary should provide a translator with a concrete term equivalent with corresponding
listings and comments. Nevertheless, many dictionaries prove to be imperfect: they do not
distinguish homonyms, LGP and LSP units and synonyms. The problem of polysemy poses a
greater risk than homonymy, because a translator should identify the field of concept use.
However, the flaws in dictionaries represent a hindrance for the search for an adequate
equivalent. For example, the Amburger building dictionary offers not only the direct equivalent
for the term arch: “арка”, but also terms which are close in meaning: “аркад”а and “свод” (as
cited in Grinev-Grinevich, 2008, p. 117). A translator should have enough competence to
understand whether he/she can use a certain equivalent in the field of engineering or mechanics
or whether the concepts designated by the terms are equal or different. Accordingly, a translator
should quickly acquire such competence (ibidem): consult the etymological dictionaries,
encyclopedias and corpora, etc. Additional translation equivalents offered in dictionaries make

translation difficult, but at the same time, provide translators with a chance to choose a suitable

For example, the Management term transparency can have the following equivalent,
borrowed by means of transliteration with assimilation: транспарентность (UN-1)
(transparentost’; suffix “- ost’” often indicates an abstract noun in the Russian language). The
English word has the following equivalents in LGP:

- прозрачность (Lingvo) (prozrachnost', clarity (of the surface, water, topic, etc.);
- ясность (ibidem) (jasnost'; clarity of a topic, words, etc.);
- понятность (ibidem) (ponjatnost', the state of being understandable);
- открытость (ibidem) (otkrytost', openness) and
- очевидность (ibidem) (ochevidnost'; obviousness).
The Lingvo dictionary offers many synonyms with general meaning, which obviously do not
correspond to the Management term. In addition to this, it differentiates the terms from those
found in the fields of Photography, Science and Computing. In the field of photography, the term
has the following equivalents: слайд (Lingvo) (slajd, slide) or диапозитив (ibidem) (diapositiv;
lantern-slide). In the field of science: прозрачность (prozrachnost'; transparency) (ibidem),
светопроницаемость (svetopronicaemost'; the state of letting the light through), транспарант
(transparant, piece of tissue with text on it), диапозитив (ibidem). In the specialized field of IT
the term has one equivalent: прозрачность (ibidem) (Lingvo).

Accordingly, this dictionary provides a wide range of synonyms and homonyms for the term
without any indication of the term транспарентность. This term belongs to Business
vocabulary and denotes: “the extent to which investors have ready access to required financial
information about a company, such as price levels, market depth and audited financial reports.”

It turns out that the term has different meanings even within the field of Business:

“1. See-through, clear piece of acetate used for projecting data, diagrams, and text onto a
screen with an overhead projector. 2. Lack of hidden agendas and conditions, accompanied

by the availability of full information required for collaboration, cooperation, and
collective decision making. 3. Minimum degree of disclosure to which agreements,
dealings, practices, and transactions are open to all for verification. 4. Essential condition
for a free and open exchange whereby the rules and reasons behind regulatory measures
are fair and clear to all participants” (Business Dictionary).

The study of Ruscorpora indicates that the term транспарентность is widely used for
denoting a clear state of affairs (146 documents in Newspaper Corpus and 44 – in Main Corpus):
“основными приоритетами работы G20 в последний год с подачи России стали темы
инвестиций, транспарентности и эффективного регулирования” (Evstigneeva, 2013.
Ruscorpora). The analysis of the term транспарентность reveals that the term denotes the
existing concept be means of an innovative form exclusively used in progressive spheres of
knowledge. The translation of the English term faces the problem of possessing a unique and
unclear form in Russian, and the existence of different meanings of the English term within the
fields of Management and Business.

The problem of homonymy can arise when similar terms are translated by means of DT. For
example, the term safe harbor has the following descriptive equivalent in IFC:

меры, предпринимаемые компанией и позволяющие избежать угрозы поглощения,

налогов (IFC) (mery, predprinimaemye kompaniej i pozvoljajushhie izbezhat' ugrozy
pogloshhenija, nalogov; L.t.: measures undertaken by a company, (and) making it
possible to evade a threat of a takeover and debts).
Ruscorpora reveals the use of shorter Pure DT forms without additional elements:

- меры защиты от «недружественного поглощения» (Ruscorpora) (mery zashhity ot

“nedruzhestvennogo pogloshhenija”; L.t.: measures of defense against “hostile
- мера по защите от недружественного поглощения (Ruscorpora) (mera po zashhite ot
nedruzhestvennogo pogloshhenija; L.t.: a measure on the defense against a hostile

The variation of forms indicates the uncontrolled use of descriptive forms. In addition to
this, it turns out that the two similar forms within the field of Management have the same
descriptive forms in Russian:

- poison pills: меры по защите от поглощений (Ruscorpora) (mery po zashhite ot

pogloshhenij): “Карл Айкан также готов подать иск, запрещающий совету
директоров BEA применять меры по защите от поглощений (poison pills)” (Kotov,
2007. Ruscopora) (L.t.: to use the measures for the defense from takeovers);
- anti-takeover defense: меры защиты от поглощений (IFC) (mery zashhity ot
pogloshhenij; L.t.: defense measures against takeover(s)).
The terms safe harbor, poison pills and anti-takeover defense refer to measures or tactics for
preventing the takeover of a company. However, the figuratively motivated terms safe harbor
and poison pills refer to different kinds of business strategies, i.e. they are not synonyms. The
term safe harbor refers to “anti-hostile takeover defense in which the target firm acquires a very
heavily regulated firm thus making itself a less attractive candidate for acquisition” (Business
Dictionary). The term poison pills indicates “defensive tactics that make hostile takeover by a
corporate-raider prohibitively expensive or unattractive” (see above). The term anti-takeover
defense refers to the general action. Accordingly, the latter term can be translated by means of
Calque and DT: меры защиты от поглощений (IFC) (mery zashhity ot pogloshhenij; L.t.:
defense measures against takeover(s)). In contrast, the figurative terms safe harbor and poison
pills favor innovative forms retrieved by Calque:

- безопасная гавань (IFC) (bezopasnaja gavan'; L.t.: safe harbor) and

- ядовитая пилюля (Academic) (jadovitaja piljulja; L.t.: poison pill).
The use of Calque can solve the problem of homonymy and synonymy and retain the
figurative and recognizable forms of the terms.

6.1.3. Attributive Сombinations in Сomplex or Сompound Corporate Governance
Many terms represent compound and complex words. The main difficulty of translating such
units consists in the polysemy of their components, and the complexity of their grammatical

There are many attributive combinations in the English language. The search for equivalents
should be preceded by the analysis of their meaning and structure. This allows a translator to
identify the grammatical status of a unit, its semantic nature and its category. For example, an
attributive component can denote the following:

- a process or a phenomenon: “net transaction – нетто-сделка, сделка с ценными

бумагами, при которой продавец и покупатель не платят комиссионное
вознаграждение” (Anisimova, 2009, p. 2) (netto-sdelka; netto-sdelka, sdelka s
cennymi bumagami, pri kotoroj prodavec i pokupatel' ne platjat komissionnoe
voznagrazhdenie; L.t.: net transaction; a transaction (an agreement) with securities,
when a seller and a buyer do not pay a commission charge);
- the characteristic feature of an action/phenomenon/object: “stop payment –
остановка платежа: остановка оплаты чека лицом, которое его выписало, в
письменном виде или по телефону (не распространяется на электронные
платежи)” (ibidem) (ostanovka platezha: ostanovka oplaty cheka licom, kotoroe ego
vypisalo, v pis'mennom vide ili po telefonu (a comment); L.t.: stoppage of a payment:
the stoppage of the payment for a check by a person or entity, who/which issued it in
a written from or by telephone (except for electronic payments);
- a place: “floor transaction – операция в зале биржи” (ibidem) (operacija v zale
birzhi; L.t.: the operation in a stock exchange hall);
- application: “subscription ratio – подписной коэффициент: число акций, которые
надо иметь, чтобы получить право на еще одну акцию того же эмитента”
(ibidem) (podpisnoj kojefficient: chislo akcij, kotorye nado imet', chtoby poluchit'
pravo na eshhe odnu akciju togo zhe jemitenta; L.t.: subscription coefficient: a

number of shares, which should be available in order to obtain the right for a share of
the same issuer).
DT can be applied to terminological units in order to disclose the meaning of a term. It should
be noted that the meaning is not always derived from the term components. Sometimes the
meaning of the unit is different from the definition of its elements: “chip-rate – процентная
ставка по кредиту первоклассному заемщику; обычно плюс 1% от базовой ставки банка”
(Anisimova, 2009) (protzentnaya stavka po kreditu pervoklassnomu zajemschiku; obychno plus
1% ot bazovoj stavki banka; L.t.: the percentage rate under a loan to a first-class borrower,
usually plus 1% from the basic rate of a bank).
Some compound or complex terms are close to semantic merge. The translation of these units
will not depend on their components, because the whole meaning of the term cannot be equal to
the sum of the meanings of its elements. In such cases, the DT of term units is often
implemented, because such a translation often makes hidden sematic elements explicit: “tapping
director – датчик обнаружения прослушивания телефонной линии” (Anisimova, 2009)
(datchik obnaruzhenija proslushivanija telefonnoj linii; L.t.: detection sensor on a tapped
telephone line).

6.1.4. Figurative Terms in the field of Corporate Governance

Terminology on the whole and in the special field of Management in particular, seems to be
unlikely to favor creative term formation methods. Metaphor as a means of imaginative
representation does not seem to be compatible with strictly-defined and principle-driven LSP
vocabulary. However in practice, it turns out that semantic transfer as a term creation process can
conform to the main requirements attributed to terms.

“Changing the meaning of the base form” (Cabré, 1999, p. 94) with the help of metaphor
generates a huge number of terms because of several factors: it gives priority to development and
innovation; it produces international terms; it creates concise term forms which are convenient to
use; it tends to produce transparent term forms, i.e. semantic elements which can be inferred, and
it helps to delineate conceptual patterns attributed to each subject field.

78 Conceptual and Conventional Metaphors in Management Terminology
Metaphors generate not only semantically dense, concise and modern terms but they also
contribute to the conceptual patterns developed in a special field. According to Lakoff and
Johnson, our conceptual system is “purely metaphorical in nature” (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980,
p. 3). Terminology is also a part of our lives, employing communicative, social and linguistic
dimensions (Sager, 1990, p. 13). This is the reason why metaphor use is not necessarily confined
to LGP units. The main cornerstones of the special field of Management are the notions of
leadership, struggle, fight, movement, control etc.

Metaphors are indispensable instruments in shaping these concepts. The basic conceptual
metaphors in the sphere of Management were mentioned by Morgan in Images of Organization
INSTRUMENTS OF DOMINATION. The main spheres acting as sources for the special field of
Management are Engineering, the Military, Sport, Medicine, Psychology and Politics. “A
metaphor is a straightforward method used to simplify the complex description of an
organization” (Cacciaguidi-Fahy and Cunningham, 2007, p. 136), with its help, different
phenomena, such as Economics, financial strategies, company policies, etc. can be analyzed in
depth. Besides this, a metaphor is capable of conveying large amounts of information, which is
of a great use in LSP. According to Mesjasz (Mesjasz, 2002, pp. 10-11), metaphors of
organization include machines, biological systems, brains, learning/knowledge systems, social
networks, virtual organizations (based on the Internet) etc. Metaphors are based on our
experiences, and that this is the reason why source domain tends to be more delineated than the
target domain, which is in accordance with the special field of Management and LSP on the
whole, as new emergent concepts are rarely clearly defined.

Some conceptual metaphors within the Management terminology, which can be regarded as
subordinate to those mentioned by Morgan, include the most frequent source-target relations,

e.g. ECONOMIC STRATEGIES AS INSTRUMENTS. The financial term lever (see
“Transdisciplinary Borrowing”) also contributes to this conceptual metaphor, referring to the
features of lifting something, facilitating a process with a source domain of a technical


metaphor, e.g. in the case of the Management term hedge based on the LGP unit (see
“Terminologization”), the features mapped from the source domain a fence onto the process of
defense against losses are as follows: protection, security etc. The process of semantic transfer
can be illustrated by the following examples:

1) “The Neighbourhood Office will inform you of its decision to grant permission to build a
hedge, fence or wall within 15 working days …” (Building a fence, hedge or wall. Guidelines
for Tenants, n.d.). 2) “Cash flow hedge - hedge of the exposure to variability in cash flows
…” (IAS 39, p. 4).

Companies, shareholders, and other subjects of Management activity often act like targets.
The COMPANIES AS PREDATORS conceptual metaphor illustrates this case. The
Management term takeover in LGP stands for an act of seizing or devouring something. The
form of a lexical unit has been used in the corporate sense since 1958 (Online Etymology
Dictionary), describing one company taking control of another. The features mapped include the
hostile nature of some companies and vulnerability of others.

The COMPANIES AS ENEMIES metaphor also contributes to this conceptual pattern. The
use of the lexical unit raider, belonging to the terminologization process (see
“Terminologization”), adheres to the given conceptual metaphor:

1) “Police said that the raider threatened the two guards using a "small handgun"” (Barett,
2007). 2) “We also examine takeover premia that arise in the presence of competition among
raiders” (Yakov, Marcel & Rangarajan, n.d.)

The hostile relationships between companies including competition and military-like

strategies, are the features constructing this conceptual metaphor.

also based on the notion of the competition between companies; however, the feature of hostility
is not highlighted. The term level playing field, i.e. “a situation in which none of the competing
parties has an advantage at the outset of a competitive activity” (Collins) is a frequent term in the
special field of Management, linked to the sphere of Sport and obviously contributing to the
given conceptual pattern.

Various terms created by the method of semantic transfer, in particular with the help of
metaphor, correspond to extended conceptual patterns in the special field of Management. More
specific conceptual metaphors of different kinds can be observed, where central metaphors are
accompanied by the subordinate terms enjoying barely distinguishable features. For example, the
TEAM includes the following term: drag-along right referring to “a right that enables a majority
shareholder to force a minority shareholder to join in the sale of a company” (Investopedia). The
metaphorical meaning of the term caters for the main idea of the conceptual metaphor.

The COMPANIES AS PERSONS conceptual metaphor entails the mapping of human-like

features onto business entities. The Management term due diligence, meaning “research and
analysis of a company or organization done in preparation for a business transaction (as a
corporate merger or purchase of securities)” (Merriam-Webster) is based on the LGP expression
due diligence, i.e. the source domain referring to “such diligence as a reasonable person under
the same circumstances would use” (Dictionary.com).


conceptual metaphors, including such metaphors as equity dilution, shares lock-up, etc. The term
anti-dilution (see term transparency) contributes to the idea that financial objects, i.e. money,
shares etc. have functions and features (particularly physical properties) similar to different kinds
of substances.

The conceptual metaphor ORGANIZATION AS A BODY triggers the usage of a vast

number of medical terms in the special field of Management, e.g. profit can be described as
healthy, vitalizing; the term equity injection is used to denote main capital investment. The

process of “introducing fluid under pressure” (Collins) with medical purposes acts as a source
domain for the process of investing one’s capital in order to get profit.

Metaphor is a useful tool in creating terms in the special field of Management because the
field is steadily expanding and emergent concepts need to be designated. At the same time
changing the meaning of a base form using metaphor seems to represent a serious challenge for
Management terminology because metaphor always can be interpreted in different ways, some
ad hoc concepts can be ascribed to a certain metaphor. Terms are codified units, which cannot be
ambiguous in any circumstances. In most cases, metaphors functioning in LSP are conventional
metaphors, the origin of which is hardly ever perceived. For example, the use of the following
metaphor makes the link to the source domain obscure: advance: “I, the Payee, expressly agree
that this payment may be considered an advance of my wages…” (NY University). A lexical
unit advance in LGP is used to denote a “forward movement; progress in time or space”
(Collins), in the special field of Management the term refers to the phenomena sharing common
features with the LGP unit, namely something anticipating further actions: “the supplying of
commodities or funds before receipt of an agreed consideration” (Collins). The link between the
source and the target domain is not very explicit, which is the reason why the metaphor can be
considered as conventional.

However, some metaphors retain a strong connection to the source domains e.g. golden
parachute, poison pill, safe harbor and greenfield (IFC) some of them even preserve
connotations. For example, the Corporate Management term safe harbor (see
“Transdisciplinary Borrowing”) uses safe harbor at the sea as a source and an anti-hostile
takeover defense as a target. The term uses the following features: safety, protection, etc.
Moreover, the positive connotation is preserved. The given example adheres to the conceptual
metaphors frequent in the special field of Management: ORGANIZATIONS AS

Transdisciplinary borrowing and Terminologization are based on semantic transfer, in

particular the change of the base form with the help of metaphor. In modern Management
Terminology, the use of metaphors is considered favorable because their forms are semantically

82 Translating Figurative Terms from Corporate Governance
Most terms with dense content have figurative meaning. The figurativeness of terms should
be approached with special care, when compared to LGP unit translation. Terminology gives
priority to concise and innovative forms and tries to find an economical use of language units,
“based on the same parameters, i.e. the use of a compact linguistic form to express a wide range
of semantic and pragmatic information” (Timofeeva-Timofeev & Vargas-Sierra, 2015, p. 105).
Figurative units perform an important role in all varieties of communication: “metaphors,
idioms, formulaic phrases and other types of figurative examples are pervasive in discourse and
provide great communicative effectiveness” (ibidem).

Accordingly, a translator should identify figurativeness in texts and lexicon. In other words,
the meaning of the figurative form should be clear for native speakers, the links between
semantic components and cognitive structure should be coherent. In addition to this, two
requirements are essential for the figurativeness of linguistic units, according to the Conventional
Figurative Language Theory (Dobrovol’skij & Piirainen (2005a) as cited in Larissa Timofeeva-
Timofeev and Chelo Vargas-Sierra, 2015, p. 105) : “additional naming”, i.e. the concept can be
explained or expressed differently, and “image component”, i.e. the connotative element with
certain motivated links (ibidem).

The “image component” cannot be separated from the etymological, cultural and historical
background of linguistic expressions. When a figurative term is to be translated, the Calque
method can be used only if the conceptualizing patterns coincide in the target and the source
languages. If a certain element of the term or motivational links are not clear in the target
language, a new term form should be coined. For example, the term green wash can be explained
in the following way: “a type of deception committed by a company, which poses as an
environmentally responsible organization because this brings certain economic and social
benefits for the company, and yet its productive activity may in fact inflict serious damage on the
ecological balance” (Timofeeva-Timofeev and Vargas-Sierra, 2015, p. 115). The term in Russian
was attested as having another form: зеленое замыливание (zeljonoje zamylivanije; L.t.: green
soaping) (ibidem, p. 117). The first component was retained, as it is based on the metonymic and

general connotative meaning of the adjective, referring to ecology and the environment:
“green”, i.e. environmentally friendly and ecological (ibidem, p. 116). The second part; however,
in English, is connected to whitewash, “political term that refers to the manipulation of data”
(ibidem). The meaning of the second component refers to underhand dealing. In the Russian
language the second term component is “замыливание” (zamylivanije, soaping). The
connotation of this element is quite clear for the native speaker and refers to the act of
concealing, trying to hide something by dishonest means. The term follows the cognitive pattern
of the Russian language, although it may imply certain context and style restrictions.

In certain situations figurative terms are not translated by means of figurative elements. The
pursuit of concise forms in LSP can result in the use of non-motivated forms retrieved by Calque
(without certain connotation conformity) or Direct Loan (transcription or transliteration). For
example, the term greenmail stands for “the practice of buying enough of a company's stock to
threaten a hostile takeover and reselling it to the company at a price above market value”
(Merriam-Webster). The term is obviously a mixture of the words “blackmail” and “green”,
standing for the color of money (Merriam-Webster). The Russian term was retrieved by means
of DT and Calque: корпоративный шантаж (IFC) (korporativnyj shantazh; L.t.: corporate
blackmail). In this case, the term retained figurative meaning partially making the term
component “blackmail” explicit. Nevertheless, the term competes with the transcription form of
the term, which often appears in specialized contexts: гринмейл (IFC; Academic): “гринмейл –
самый распространенный прием, к которому прибегают миноритарные акционеры”
(Novikova, 2006. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: greenmail – the most frequent approach which minority
shareholders use). It is interesting to note, that dictionaries offer terms obtained by means of
Calque: "зелёный шантаж" (Academic) (zeljonyj shantazh (a comment); L.t.: “green mail”)
and "зелёная почта" (ibidem) (zeljonaja pochta; L.t.: “green mail/post”). The latter one is a
clear mistake of the interpretation of the meaning of the source term and the function of its

Accordingly, the translation of figurative terms can result in non-motivated term forms,
easily recognizable and yet violating the term transparency requirement.

6.1.5. Translation of Business Term Abbreviations
Different types of abbreviations represent another challenge for term translation. Each
language has its own patterns of abbreviations and clipping. In addition to this, the translation of
terms should pursue the aim of decoding unusual and unclear forms and at the same time to
preserve innovative and easily recognizable forms.

Hybrid abbreviations are formed "by means of clipping one element of a term system, while
the other one remains unchanged” (Lotte, 1971 сited in Beisembayeva, Yeskindirova &
Tulebayeva, 2016). These are very common in modern English, especially in the field of
Management. However, in Russian such a form is not widespread and the clipped element
requires explanation: e-contact: электронный контакт (UNTERM) (jelektronnyj kontakt; L.t.:
electronic contact); e-government: электронное правительство (UN-1) (jelektronnoe
pravitel’stvo; electronic governement); e-offer: электронное предложение (UNTERM)
(jelektronnoe predlozhenie; electronic offer). In some situations a certain abbreviation (“e-“ for
electronic) becomes so crystalized, that some terms are shaped into Pure Calque in Russian and
function in a full form and a clipped one: electronic governance (e-governance): электронное
управление (э-управление) (UN-1) (jelektronnoe upravlenie (je-upravlenie); electronic

Terminological systems are updated constantly. Nevertheless, the innovative structure of a

term is not always preserved in the target language. The DT of terms is used if a concept is new
in the target language and the term form is not easily reproduced. It especially concerns complex
terms with three or more term components. For example, the term e-staffing help desk has the
following equivalent in the Russian language: группа по оказанию помощи в вопросах
электронной кадровой системы (UNTERM) (gruppa po okazaniju pomoshhi v voprosah
jelektronnoj kadrovoj sistemy; L.t.: the group for the rendering of aid concerning the issues of
the electronic staffing system). The term has two modifiers in the attributive position. Such a
form does not exist in Russian and the clipping is not possible with the word it is attached to in
the Russian language.

Accordingly, the term should be decoded in the target language if the term form is not clear in
the target language. In addition to this, “the complexity of an adequate translation of
abbreviations is in the lack of an equivalent abbreviation in Russian” (Beisembayeva,
Yeskindirova & Tulebayeva, 2016).
Initial abbreviations of terms, i.e. the first letters of term components, are very common in
Russian. In the innovative field of Management initialisms tend to be borrowed in a full form
from the source language. For example, the term GARP (Growth at Reasonable Price) investors
favors the combination of Calque and the source term component: GARP-инвесторы: “GARP-
инвесторы совмещают growth- и value- подходы и покупают акции растущих компаний по
разумной цене <…>” (Buzdalin et al., 2010). The DT of the term offered in the IFC glossary
concedes to the innovative term form, because of the unwieldy and irrelevant components:
инвесторы, которые вкладываются в компании средней капитализации c высокими
темпами роста (IFC) (investory, kotorye vkladyvajutsja v kompanii srednej kapitalizacii c
vysokimi tempami rosta; L.t.: investors, who invest in the companies of a medium capitalization
with high level of growth).

6.1.6. Lexicographic tools for business terminology translation. The translators’ work with
The dictionaries and glossaries are two of the main lexicographic tools and the translator’s job
must continue to be that of resolving “the tension existing between determinate dictionary entries
and the much more indeterminate nature of a text, including the make-up of lexical chains in
which terms participate as essential lexical components in the textual picture” (Rogers, 2007, p.

The dictionaries often contain superfluous information and do not give examples of term use.
The use of coherent comments, listings and definitions can facilitate term translation. A
terminological resource should reflect “some sort of network representation, displaying common
types of links such as coordination, collocation, and superordination, as well as more complex
semantic relations with other words <…>” (Faber & Ureña Gómez-Moreno, 2012, p. 86).

According to Faber and L’Homme (2014), “when terms are activated in texts, they set in
motion a wide variety of underlying conceptual relations and knowledge structures”. Terms were
previously used as “linguistic labels” and a “semantic analysis of terminology” is currently of
great importance (ibidem, p. 144).

According to Pimentel (2013), the assignment of terminological equivalents “could be based

on: 1) corpora; 2) the analysis of the semantic content / conceptual characteristics of terms; 3)
the analysis of the collocational context of terms; 4) encyclopedic knowledge; 5) a tertium
comparationis or entity external to terms” (ibidem, p. 244).

Lexicographic work is simplified by the use of IT. The automation of a terminology resource
can be “implemented according to two scenarios” (Dzhepa, 2015, p. 83):

- “the search of equivalents and fixing them on a local level <…>” (ibidem), the
extraction of terms is important for the coordination of LSP translation;
- “harmonization of terminologies” (ibidem) is important for the univocity of terms
(see 10. “Harmonization”). It is an indispensable part of “the technological process
and is regulated by the ISO 860 standard” (ibidem, 85).

Comparable and parallel texts are important for sound terminology planning. In addition to
this, the search for equivalents or the frequency of their use can be carried out with the help of
corpora. The national corpus of the Russian Language, Ruscorpora, is “a reference system based
on a collection of Russian texts in electronic form” and it represents the modern language “in all
the variety of genres, styles, territorial and social variants of usage, etc.” (Ruscorpora). The
corpus has been created by “specialists in corpus linguistics” (Ruscorpora). It is used for
“academic research and language teaching” (ibidem). The corpus uses and processes a huge
amount of material: “more than 600 million words” (ibidem). Ruscorpora helps to track down
the usage of certain words, including terms; to consult the frequency, style and context of the
units. In addition to this, it allows the indication of the variations of these units, their forms and
compatibility with other words. Accordingly, Ruscorpora is a rich source for lexicographic work,
including the translation of terms, provided translators have enough professional skills to deal
with terminology translation.

The translation of terms should be based on a translator´s competence and ability to acquire
essential “expert knowledge” (Montero Martínez & Faber, 2009). Terminology is “an instrument
used in specialized communication”, but not the product of a “speech act” (ibidem). The
translator should focus on resolving translation challenges, analyzing the source text and
producing the target text. According to Montero Martínez and Faber (2009), the translators of
specialized texts should identify and acquire “specialized concepts activated in discourse”;
consult, evaluate and elaborate “information resources”; recognize the “interlinguistic
correspondences based on concepts in the specialized knowledge field” and manage the acquired
knowledge and information “in future translations”, including their “re-use” (ibidem).

Accordingly, translators should develop essential strategies when working with terms and
their contexts. Special attention should be given to the meaning of a certain concept and term

6.2. Term Translation as a Basic Method of Corporate Governance Terminology

Formation in Russian
All the term creation methods in the sphere of Corporate Governance in the Russian language
can be confined to interlingual activity, because most Russian terms are based on the English

The main methods of term-formation as an interlingual activity, i.e. Direct Loan, Calque, and
Descriptive Translation can be subdivided into more specific ones. The groups are not strictly
delineated, but overlap each other.

The following classification represents specific cases of term formation in the sphere of
Corporate Governance in Russian:

Direct loan Terms borrowed without Transcription


Assimilated terms

Loan translation or calque Pure calque

Calque and Direct loan

Calque and constructions with prepositions

Calque with notes

Direct Translation -

Descriptive translation Pure Descriptive Translation

Descriptive Translation and Calque

Descriptive Translation and Direct Loan

Additional or Irrelevant Components

The Direct Loan method consists of terms borrowed without assimilation comprising
transcription and transliteration, as well as assimilated terms. The influence of Russian is very
strong on the terms created by means of Direct Loan. The influence of Russian grammar,
particularly conventional word-formation processes in the language, exerts an influence on the
phonetic and graphic forms of terms. For example, the graphic form of the term registrar was
reproduced in Russian. The term was clipped and the suffix “–tor”, common for denoting people
belonging to a certain profession, was added: регистратор (registrator) (IFC). Assimilated
terms preserve features both of English terms and Russian ones. This is the reason why
assimilated and non-assimilated terms were differentiated within the group. As for transcription
and transliteration, they only seem relevant to terms borrowed without assimilation, because
assimilated terms are partially created with the help of these methods.

The Loan Translation (Calque) group was subdivided into Pure Calque; Calque and Direct
Loan; Calque and constructions with prepositions; and Calque with notes. Complex terms are
usually created by means of Loan Translation, although some term elements can preserve the
phonetic or graphic form of the English term elements, i.e. can be created using Direct Loan. In

most cases, such parts represent assimilated lexical units because they are accompanied by the
purely Russian ones. For example, the term аффилированная сторона (affilirovannaja storona)
corresponds to the term affiliated party (IFC). The first element of the Russian term partially
reproduces both the graphic and the phonetic form of the English one. The suffixes “an-“, “n-“
are used to form adjectives in Russian, the inflexion “–aja” is used for adjectives corresponding
to feminine nouns, i.e. here the noun storona (party).

The English language tends to form concise constructions, e.g. it employs attributives. Often
the only way to reproduce such constructions in the Russian language is to use prepositions.
Constructions with prepositions appear to be between the Calque and DT methods, because their
forms are connected to those of English terms and at the same time violate the conciseness
requirement. For example, the term Limited Liability Partnership has the following equivalent in
Russian: товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью (IFC) (tovarishhestvo s
ogranichennoj otvetstvennost'ju, L.t.: a partnership with limited liability). All the elements of the
original term were preserved; however, it is impossible to apply Calque to the English concise
construction with the two attributives. This is the reason why the preposition was used.

Some terms have been created by means of Calque but their form is so unclear in the target
language that they are accompanied by notes. White knight, a frequent term in the English
Corporate Governance vocabulary, is not so recognizable in Russian. A note describes the
content of the term: белый рыцарь (дружественный потенциальный покупатель
акционерной компании) (IFC) (belyj rycar' (druzhestvennyj potencial'nyj pokupatel'
akcionernoj kompanii), L.t.: white knight (a friendly potential purchaser of a joint-stock

A Direct Translation Equivalent is based on forms already existing in the Russian Language.
The elements of the term solvency standing for the “ability to pay all debts” (Collins) were
reproduced with the help of Russian lexical units: платёжеспособность (platjozhesposobnost'
L.t.: the ability to pay). The form of the term is applicable in general language as well. Its use in
Corporate Governance terminology means the extension of its meaning at the expense of the
English term.

All the translation methods mentioned above represent conventional techniques. The
Descriptive Translation method is a wide-spread phenomenon within the Management field,
although it is unwieldy to use and results in indeterminacy of term forms. The study of DT
within the field of Business, namely the sphere of Corporate Governance, has been neglected in
terminological research. The following sections are devoted to Descriptive Translation within the
Corporate Governance Field and most significantly – its classification and usage patterns.

7. Defining Descriptive Translation of Terms
The Descriptive Translation of terms is rarely addressed by researchers as a fully fledged
secondary term formation process (see paragraph № 3. Term Formation). Nevertheless, DT can
be considered not only as a translation technique, but also as a secondary term formation method.
It is an effective and frequent tool for dealing with neonyms or non-equivalent term forms.

P. Newmark (1988), one of the early contributors to translation theory, has given attention to
Descriptive Equivalents, when “description has to be weighed against function” (p. 84).
According to him, “description and function are essential elements in explanation and therefore
in translation” (ibidem). In addition to this, the author differentiates between “descriptive terms”
and “technical terms”. The latter terms which are used in the following circumstances:

- “the object is new” and is not clear-сut yet;

- “the descriptive term is being used as a familiar alternative, to avoid repetition”;
- “the descriptive term is being used to make a contrast with another one” (ibidem, 153).

According to other influential theorists, J.-P. Vinay and J. Darbelnet (1995), “oblique
translation” can be differentiated from “direct translation” (30). The latter one includes
borrowing, Calque and literal translation, while “the oblique translation” strategy consists of the

- Transposition, i.e. “replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning
of the message”;
- Modulation, i.e. “a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the
point of view”;
- Equivalence, i.e. equaling the meaning of two texts or language units;
- Adaptation, i.e. a “a special kind of equivalence, a situational equivalence” (ibidem, 35-

DT focuses on adaptation as specified by Vinay and Daberlnet (1995). Adaptation reaches

“the extreme limit of translation” and “is used in those cases where the type of situation being

referred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture” (ibidem). Accordingly, DT can be
considered as a subtype of the adaptation technique.

Generally-speaking, DT is a type of lexical and grammatical adaptation or transformation

(Komissarov, 1990). V.N. Komissarov (1990) offers the most accurately outlined definition of
DT: “a lexical and grammatical transformation under which the lexical unit of the source
language is changed for the phrase revealing its content” (ibidem). Accordingly, the author
separates DT from other “transformation” techniques proposed in Russian terminology. For
example, it is separated from lexical and semantical methods, such as generalization,
concretization and modulation; lexical and grammatical transformations, such as antonymic
translation and compensation; and technical methods of translation, such as omission, addition
and transfer (ibidem).

The main characteristic feature of DT is that it cannot be strictly defined. Even the definitions
of the translation method do not always coincide. For example, R.K. Min'jar-Beloruchev (1999)
highlights that when dealing with DT, the translator creates conformity “on the basis of the
meaning of the language unit” (p. 142). Meanwhile, DT and “different types of logical thinking”
(ibidem) are differentiated: generalization, concretization of meaning or antonymic translation.
DT, according to the author, consists in description of a concept defined “by means of another
language” (ibidem, p. 170). Consequently, DT can be considered to not be the product of logic,
but the outcome of revealing the meaning of a word.

DT cannot be separated from transformations such as generalization, concretization,

antonymic translation and extension (addition), because it often employs them to disclose the
meaning of a term.

According to M.A. Apollova (1977), DT is necessary when a word “acquires a big semantic
volume” (p. 72). If the semantics of a word in the source language is wider than in the target
language, it is highly probable that the translation unit will be translated descriptively. However,
such a statement is slightly limited because DT is needed when the translation unit does not have
a direct equivalent or any corresponding variant in the target language. The author highlights that

the characteristic feature of English is its laconic brevity, which is obvious from the translation
of words “requiring detailed description” (ibidem). Correspondingly, DT is a result of the dense
semantics of a source word, which is not easily retrieved in a target language.

Ya. I. Recker (1981) considers DT to be explanatory: “in essence it is not a translation but a
more or less extensive explanation of the meaning” (p. 58). The author also provides the
examples: “journeyman — квалифицированный рабочий или ремесленник, работающий по
найму” (ibidem) (kvalificirovannyj rabochij ili remeslennik, rabotajushhij po najmu; L.t.: a
qualified worker or a craftsman, working as a hired person). Recker (1981) concludes that a
translation can have different versions; however, the words “requiring the exact translation” are
the exceptions (ibidem, p. 59): “bull — спекулянт, играющий на повышение биржевых
ценностей” (ibidem) (spekuljant, igrajushhij na povyshenie birzhevyh cennostej; L.t.: a
speculator, playing for the increase of stock exchange values). Accordingly, the DT method
focuses on explanation, provided the language units do not require an exact form.

G.V. Terehova (2004) unites Calque and DT and calls them types of “free translation” (p. 56).
DT is indeed not a strict term translation method; however, Calque can be considered “free” only
to some extent, because it does not strengthen translators’ creative thinking. Nevertheless,
Calque is not always accurately delineated, i.e. it depends on component correlation and the
meaning of the source term. The idea of uniting Calque and DT under the same translation type
triggered the suggestion to distinguish Calque elements within DT (see Calque and DT below).

In DT, meaning is revealed by “a description method” (ibidem). The characteristics of this

translation method are contradictory: a terminological method of translation and a descriptive
one can be differentiated (although the translation of terms can also be descriptive). For example,
“the phrase видное место (in a newspaper) can be conveyed terminologically – a prominent
place, front page, and also in a descriptive way: поместить на видном месте to feature story”
(ibidem) (vidnoe mesto; L.t.: prominent place; pomestit' na vidnom meste; L.t.: to put into a
visible place). The DT method is regarded as a free description of a situation by the author;
although it can be crystallized in a language (на видном месте is a set expression). In addition
to this, the DT of terms is an indisputable phenomenon and can be investigated within

terminology. In terminological fields, DT defines (although, not strictly) terms and insures that
they function properly.

L.L. Vagapova and A.S. Vagapov (2007) highlight that DT should be shorter than the
“extensive description” (ibidem) offered in a dictionary. Consequently, DT can be differentiated
from free explanation.

According to the authors, this type of translation leads to “word redundancy and
approximateness” (ibidem). It can be considered as a rushed conclusion, because sometimes it is
DT, which offers the only accurate and definite translation. Examples of DT are also provided
for: “computer-process interface - устройство сопряжения вычислительной машины с
технологическим процессом, code auditor - автоматическое средство контроля качества
программы (ibidem)” (ustrojstvo soprjazhenija vychislitel'noj mashiny s tehnologicheskim
processom; L.t.: the device for connecting a computing machine with technological progress;
avtomaticheskoe sredstvo kontrolja kachestva programmy; L.t.: automatic means of program
quality control).

V.N. Komissarov (1990) also highlights that word redundancy is a disadvantage of DT. Some
examples of the phenomenon are given: “whistle-stop speech -- выступление кандидата в ходе
предвыборной агитационной поездки” (ibidem) (vystuplenije candidata v hode predvybornoj
agitatcionnoj poezdki; L.t.: the performance of a candidate during (in the course of) a pre-
election propaganda trip).

Accordingly, DT has extra explanatory elements. However, it is recommended for

differentiating irrelevant or additional components within DT from indispensable ones. This
triggered the shaping of the DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components method (see
9. “Descriptive Translation Groups within the Coporate Govenrance Field”).

T.A. Kazakova (2008) states that DT is not only used in case of an absence of a regular
equivalent, but also when “meaning functions of the corresponding units in the source and the
target language do not coincide” (p. 113). According to T.A. Kazakova (2008), DT is used, as a
rule, “simultaneously with a transcription” (p. 109). However, the author underlines that the

short form of a description is needed in order to avoid “an artificial unit” (ibidem, 113), i.e.
transcription or calque. Accordingly, DT is needed when concepts are not clear-cut in the
concept patterns of the target language. In addition to this, short term forms are more natural
when compared to DT. Nevertheless, Calque and Direct Loan cannot always substitute DT, this
only happens if the form of the term can function within the target language, i.e. its form is
recognizable or can become so, and a descriptive form is too badly organized to be a sound unit
in LSP.

Among countless translation methods, DT turns out to be an elusive linguistic phenomenon,

as it cannot be strictly defined, and at the same time its presence in translation theory is
unquestionable. On the basis of the abovementioned definitions, it is possible to outline the main
features of DT:

- DT is a special type of adaptation or transformation;

- DT is used in case of the direct equivalent in the target language not existing, i.e.
it deals with neologisms (in terminology – neonyms) and non-equivalent units;
- DT is an extensive (to a certain extent) verbal explanation;
- The aim of DT consists in the explanation of the source term meaning and the
disclosure of its content;
- DT is often necessary in case of a semantically dense source term.

8. Descriptive Translation and Term Formation Requirements
When dealing with such a contradictory method as DT, it is essential to remember that it
follows the traditional concept-form pattern for each term. That is to say, the term itself is
attached to and represents a certain concept existing independently from the term form chosen in
a certain language.

The importance of differentiating the reasons and processes of attaching certain content to a
certain form cannot be underestimated. Taking the justification of term use into consideration,
Russian terms can be grouped into two major categories: content-oriented terms and form-
oriented terms. The terms in the first group follow the requirements of content transparency;
those in the second one follow the requirements of linguistic correctness or other linguistic

As a rule, LSP gives priority to innovative, international and concise term forms.
Correspondingly, transliteration, transcription and calque are considered as preferable term
creation methods.

Nevertheless, in some cases an “undesirable” term creation method, DT, is used. LSP implies
rigid calculation of a term form conveying certain content, i.e. there has to be solid justification
for the use of DT. Otherwise, it will suffer under the strict “requirement policy” applied to terms.

DT, being an explanation of a term form, explicitly breaks only one requirement for term
creation (see Guidelines for Term Formation): linguistic economy or conciseness. Nevertheless,
some descriptive term forms are short enough to be used without hindrance within LSP.

DT meets the main term formation requirements, or guidelines for term formation, which
make it the preferable term creation method for the target language:

- transparency;
- linguistic correctness;
- preference for the native language.
DT is the term creation method which can create terms which break certain rules, and terms
which meet the same requirements, e.g.:

- derivability;
- consistency;
- appropriateness;
- monosemanticity;
- excluding synonyms.
In this section the favorable term creation requirements for DT will be analyzed first. Then
the contradictory guidelines for term formation will be illustrated to prove that DT can meet
certain requirements on some occasions and violate them on others (depending on the term
form). And finally, the only term formation requirement which makes DT an undesirable term
creation method, conciseness, will be proved not to be a gross violation.

8.1. Transparency, Linguistic Correctness and Preference for the Native

Language Term Formation Requirements
DT is indispensable when semantic components should be made explicit, i.e. content-oriented
translation is applied. If translation focuses on a relevant term form in a target language, a form-
oriented translation is used.

Content-oriented translation can be interpreted as the process aimed at providing term

content accuracy (Basalina, 2009, pp. 3-4). It implies that term form strives to be transparent
within LSP. For example, the Corporate Governance term supermajority (qualified majority) has
a descriptive equivalent in Russian: квалифицированное большинство голосов
(kvalificirovannoe bol'shinstvo golosov; L.t.: qualified majority of votes) (IFC). The semantic
element “голоса” (golosa: votes) is explicit: “seventy five percent or higher majority of votes
required in approving certain changes or decisions in an organization” (Business Dictionary).
The term component “majority” has a wider meaning than the Russian word “большинство”
(bol’shinstvo) and can refer to: “a number of voters or votes, jurors, or others in agreement,
constituting more than half of the total number” (Dictionary.com).

Some terms are translated descriptively because Calque or Direct Loan cannot produce
equally transparent terms in the target language. The term quarterly report has a stable and

widely used form in the special field of Corporate Governance. The term has been used since
1940, when it was introduced into the New York Stock Exchange (Investor Glossary). In
Russian the term has the following descriptive form: ежеквартальный отчёт эмитента
эмиссионных ценных бумаг (ezhekvartal'nyj otchjot jemitenta jemissionnyh cennyh bumag;
L.t.: a quarterly report by an emissive security issuer) (IFC, 2004). It makes the term more
transparent in the target language and less generalized: “a quarterly report is an interim report
that management issues to shareholders each quarter during the fiscal year” (Investor Glossary).

The transparency requirement is often applied to figuratively motivated term forms (see
2.1. “Transparency”). Figuratively motivated forms represent a challenge for translation, because
they are based on certain etymology, historical forms and conceptualizing patterns.

For instance, the word benchmark, originally referred to “a surveyor´s point of reference”, in
1884, acquired a figurative meaning (Online Etymology Dictionary). Within the field of
Management it stands for “a standardized problem or test that serves as a basis for evaluation or
comparison (as of computer system performance)” (Merriam-Webster). The concept was
introduced by Frederick Taylor: “he identified excellent performers by putting a chalk mark on
their benches. This indicated to staff whose output or working practices they should emulate”
(Bates & McGrath, 2013). It is obvious that for the Russian Management system, the
transliteration of the historically-motivated word benchmarking was unacceptable at first.
Accordingly, Corporate Governance used descriptive terms, such as:

- сопоставление с банком эталонных моделей (Ruscorpora) (sopostavlenie s

bankom etalonnyh modelej; L.t.: comparison with a bank of etalon models);
- анализ на основе эталонных показателей (IFC) (analiz na osnove etalonnyh
pokazatelej; L.t.: an analysis on the basis of etalon indices);
- сопоставление с эталонными значениями (UN-1) (sopostavlenie s etalonnymi
znachenijami; L.t.: comparison/confrontation with etalon indices).
Semantically-dense figurative forms are also often translated by means of DT. For example,
the English term with a figurative form greenfield is used to denote a new company or a new
venture, and is often used in the attributive position (as a modifier), e.g. green field investment.

In Russian, the term совершенно новая компания (IFC) (sovershenno novaja kompanija)
literally means “a completely new company”. The form of the Russian term in comparison with
the English term is explicit. At the same time figurativeness and conciseness are nullified. It is
the focus on the relationship between content and form relation which determines the use of DT.

DT focuses not only on the content of a term, but also on its form. In this case DT pursues
term formation requirements which respect the target language, i.e. the linguistic correctness
requirement and preference for the native language.

DT also focuses on fulfilling the linguistic correctness requirement. The term control
transaction was translated into Russian with the use of a preposition: сделка по приобретению
контроля (sdelka po priobreteniju kontrolja; L.t.: a transaction aimed at control acquisition)
(IFC, 2004). An attributive (a modifier) which could be obtained with Calque (*контрольная
сделка (kontrol’naja sdelka)) would give a characteristic to the second term component instead
of making it more precise. Such a construction in Russian does not convey the semantic
components implied by the English term: “acquiring at least a 50% stake in a company, either
individually or in partnership with another investor” (Private Equity Database). For this reason,
the semantic component “acquiring” (приобретение (priobretenie)) was made explicit with the
help of a preposition.

Preference for the native language requirement follows the linguistic correctness
requirement and completes it. It means that native forms have an advantage over foreign forms.
According to Toury (1985), “translators operate first and foremost in the interest of the culture
into which they are translating, and not in the interest of the source text” (p. 18). The terms can
be culture-bound, although it seems impossible within LSP. For example, the term feedback,
standing for “the partial reversion of the effects of a process to its source or to a preceding stage”
(Merriam-Webster), is often used in the descriptive form in Russian: обратная связь (Lingvo;
Ruscorpora; OECD-1) (оbratnaja svyaz’; L.t.: reverse connection). The transcription form
*фидбэк is often used in colloquial modern Russian, which proves the semantic density and
convenience of the English term. Nevertheless, this form is still not integrated into all spheres of
life. For this reason, the descriptive form is often used (Ruscorpora has 1005 relevant entries):

“при ТРВК номинальный валютный курс имеет эндогенную природу, иными словами,
существует обратная связь между инфляцией и номинальным курсом.” (Ruscorpora)
(L.t.: reverse connection between inflation and nominal rate).

Regarding the preference for the native language requirement, the sphere of Corporate
Governance, and Business in general, dictate certain rules for term forms. These spheres prefer
innovative and recognizable forms, rather than descriptive ones. For this reason, such forms as
фидбэк can easily substitute their descriptive pairs.

8.2. Deriviability, Consistency, Appropriateness, Monosemanticity; and

Excluding Synonyms Term Formation Requirements.
When a term is being coined, attention is given, above all, to the functions of the concept it
designates. When the terms with equivalents in the target language are being translated, the
choice of a term form is influenced both by the native language standards and the source
language prescriptions (see chapter 10 “Harmonization”).

In LGP, when a non-equivalent word is being translated, translators focus on the best way
of revealing its content. In LSP attention is given not only to the content of a term, but also to its
practical, innovative, and concrete form. The level of rigidity in term form calculation depends
on its field, e.g. in Medicine a concrete form is a priority. In the field of Medicine the
international and universal term creation patterns are used (see chapter 10 “Harmonization”).

The most important standards for term forms are the consistency and derivability
requirements. A term should correlate with other terms in its field and interconnected spheres,
i.e. it should be consistent. And in addition to this, the term form should be productive, i.e.
generate other term forms using derivability.

Regarding DT and Corporate Governance Terminology, the consistency and derivability

requirements often correlate with each other. For example, the term listed company, standing
for a “firm whose shares are listed (quoted) on a stock exchange for public trading. Also called

quoted company” (Business Dictionary), is consistent in Business terminology in English: listed
shares, listed company (Corporate Governance), listed security, listed option (Finance), etc. It is
also relatively productive regarding derivability: listing, i.e. “something that is listed” (Merriam-

In Russian, the terms employing the term component “listed” represent a peculiar case, as
they use its derivative “listing” incorporated into the descriptive form:

- listed company: компания, включённая в листинг фондовой биржи

(Ruscorpora) (kompanija, vkljuchjonnaja v listing fondovoj birzhi; L.t.: a
company, included in the listing of a stock exchange).
- listed (shares): включённые в листинг (vkljuchjonnye v listing; L.t.: included in
the listing) (IFC).
Accordingly, the sphere of Corporate Management in Russian strives to be consistent by
using the same term components to denote closely related concepts: листинг (listing).
Accordingly, DT follows the requirement for consistency in this case. Nevertheless, these term
forms prove to be consistent only to a limited extent, as the terms vary in codified resources:

- компания, акции которой котируются на фондовой бирже (UNTERM)

(kompanija, akcii kotoroj kotirujutsja na fondovoj birzhe; L.t.: a company whose
shares are rated on a stock exchange) (Academic);
- компания, чьи акции торгуются на (фондовой) бирже/рынке (Ruscorpora)
(kompanija, ch'i akcii torgujutsja na (fondovoj) birzhe/rynke; L.t.: a company
whose shares are being traded on a stock exchange/market), etc. (see table 8).
This means that term form consistency should be provided by codified resources, which is
difficult to reach within DT.

The trend to substitute one English form with its derivative can be explained. The English
term listed cannot be retrieved by means of transcription in Russian, because voiced consonants
(d=д) become voiceless in Russian at the end of a word, which can result in the repetition of a t-
sound (т). In addition to this, the ending “ed” cannot be shaped in its original phonetic from in
Russian (the similar sounds are “э” or “ы”, which risk inconvenient and doubtful pronunciation).

Transliteration is also not possible, because it will result in an unwieldy morphological and
phonetic form (for the reasons mentioned above). The ending”– ing” is not perceived by native
speakers as a natural part of their language; however, English has exerted a considerable
influence on Russian, and many words with this ending have been borrowed: leasing: лизинг;
branding: брендинг (Lingvo), etc.

In the case analyzed above, DT meets the requirement for consistency. At first, it can be
suggested that the DT method in this particular situation reduces the derivability of the term. In
extreme cases, DT violates the term formation requirement for derivability, because the
descriptive elements are too unwieldy to generate derivatives. However, the descriptive term
with a participle: “включённый в листинг” (vkljuchjonnyj v listing; L.t.: included in the listing),
can be used to form another term. Participles in Russian can have a short passive form (краткое
страдательное причастие (kratkoje stradatel’noje prichastije)). A short form of a participle acts
as a predicate and agrees with a noun. Accordingly, participial construction in Russian is highly
productive. In addition to this, the use of the “листинг” component (listing) opens up a wide
range of possible term forms.

The term “to go public” is semantically dense and not transparent in Russian, which triggered
the use of descriptive forms:

- войти в листинг фондовой биржи (IFC) (vojti v listing fondovoj birzhi; L.t.: to
enter in the listing of a stock exchange);
- (быть) включённым в листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora) ((byt')
vkljuchjonnym v listing fondovoj birzhi; L.t.: to be included into the listing of a
stock exchange) (see table 5).
The term listing has the following meaning: “acceptance of a qualifying security for trading
over a stock exchange” (Business Dictionary). To go public in its turn stands for “<…>
becoming a publicly traded and owned entity” (Investopedia). The process of translation uses the
correlation of causes and consequences for the phenomenon. It triggers the use of one form for
several English terms (listed (shares, company); to go public). The translation methods proved
not to be correct, because to go public “refers to a private company's initial public offering

(IPO)” (Investopedia). After IPO the company does indeed become public and the securities are
listed; however, IPO is not equal to listing (Chto takoe IPO (n.d.)): IPO “is the first time that the
stock of a private company is offered to the public” (Investopedia).
Accordingly, DT is a very contradictory method in terms of its derivability and consistency.
DT balances between term content transparency and a productive and consistent term form. It
limits its own possibilities of term form creation.
The appropriateness requirement is also closely connected to the term form standards
(derivability and consistency). It excludes any stylistic deviations of terms: in Business
terminology they should be formal. This guideline also dismisses slang forms, ambiguous
meanings and vulgar components within Management terminology. For example, the term to go
public, mentioned above, can be found in the glossary in the following form: cтать публичной
(о компании) (IFC) (stat’ publichnoy (o kompanii); L.t.: to become public (about a company).
This term form is undesirable for Russian and it contradicts the appropriateness requirement,
because the term component “публичный” has different semantic undertones, such as
“common”, “overt”, “available” or even “indecent”. Consequently, this descriptive form is not
preferable for Russian. In addition to this, the term can be confused with LGP elements.
Accordingly, descriptive forms of one term extracted from various codified resources can
meet the appropriateness requirement and can also break it.
The requirements of monosemanticity and excluding synonyms are also contradictory
within the field of Corporate Governance, where polysemy and homonymy are common cases
(see 6.1.2. “Homonyms and Synonyms in Business Terminology Translation”). Although many
descriptive forms violate the guidelines for monosemanticity and excluding synonyms, the
phenomena cannot be disregarded completely.
According to the monosemanticity requirement, a single term form should be matched to a
single concept. However, the dynamic nature of terminology not only changes term forms, but it
also develops term content. DT helps to make term forms concrete, i.e. the forms it generates are
meant to be accurate and unique. For example, the term safe harbor in Russian has the following
descriptive forms:

- меры, предпринимаемые компанией и позволяющие избежать угрозы
поглощения, налогов (IFC) (mery, predprinimaemye kompaniej i
pozvoljajushhie izbezhat' ugrozy pogloshhenija, nalogov; L.t.: measures
undertaken by a company (and) making it possible to evade the threat of a
takeover and debts);
- мера по защите от недружественного поглощения (Ruscorpora) (mera po
zashhite ot nedruzhestvennogo pogloshhenija; L.t.: a measure for the defense
from a hostile takeover), etc.
In the English language the term can refer to:
- “a legal provision to reduce or eliminate liability in certain situations as long as
certain conditions are met” (Investopedia).
- “a shark repellent tactic used by companies who do not want to be taken over,
where they purposefully acquire a heavily regulated company to make themselves
look less attractive to the entity considering taking them over” (ibidem).
- “an accounting method that avoids legal or tax regulations or one that allows for a
simpler method of determining a tax consequence than the methods described by
the precise language of the tax code” (ibidem).
Accordingly, although DT of terms within the field of Management should meet the
monosemanticity requirement, inaccurate term forms, normally retrieved by generalization, can
result in homonymy within the field. For example, the terms poison pills and anti-takeover
defense have similar forms to the term safe harbor (see the analysis in 6.1.2.):
- poison pills: меры по защите от поглощений (Ruscorpora) (mery po zashhite
ot pogloshhenij; L.t.: the measures for the defense against takeovers);
- anti-takeover defense: меры защиты от поглощений (IFC) (mery zashhity ot
pogloshhenij ; L.t.: defense measures against takeover(s)).
As demonstrated, proper descriptive forms should eliminate ambiguity within the field,
whereas generalized or limited forms can result in the violations of the monosemanticity and
excluding synonyms requirements for term creation.

Occasional or contextual term forms appear in Management texts to exclude repetition or to
explain a term (for this reason, DT is often used) (see 6.1.1). The problem stems from the fact
that such unstable term forms are often introduced into the codified resources. This creates an
excess of “justified” synonyms, which cannot have the same status within Business terminology.
For example, the term debt-to-equity ratio has the following descriptive equivalents in the
Russian language:

- cоотношение между собственными и заемными средствами (IFC;

Academic) (sootnoshenie mezhdu sobstvennymi i zaemnymi sredstvami; L.t.:
ratio between own and borrowed means);
- отношение задолженности к собственному капиталу (Lingvo; Academic)
(otnoshenie zadolzhennosti k sobstvennomu kapitalu; L.t.: ratio (relation)
between liabilities and one´s own capital)
- cоотношение заемных и собственных средств or соотношение
собственных и заемных средств (Academic) (sootnoshenie zaemnyh i
sobstvennyh sredstv or sootnoshenie sobstvennyh i zaemnyh sredstv; L.t.: ratio of
own and borrowed (borrowed and owned) means), etc. (see table 18).
The exclusion of synonyms is necessary to prevent confusion between term forms.
Nevertheless, DT does not always break the requirement for excluding synonyms. In some
situations a descriptive term form is so concrete and accurate that it prevents all attempts to
create synonyms. For example, the term maturity (securities) has the following Russian
equivalent: cрок погашения (ценных бумаг) (IFC; Academic) (srok pogasheniya (tzennih
bumag); L.t.: a date/term of repayment of (securities)).

Other term forms found in the dictionaries have irrelevant elements or limited forms, e.g.:

- подошедший, наставший срок платежа (Lingvo) (podoshedshij, nastavshij

srok platezha; L.t.: term of payment having come or become due);
- срок платежа (по векселю и т. п.) (Academic) (srok platezha (comment); L.t.:
term of payment (under a bond etc.)).

8.3. Conciseness Term Formation Requirement
As illustrated in the previous sections, the DT of terms in the field of Business meets certain
term formation requirements, while contradicting others to varying extent. The only term
formation guideline which can be objectively considered to be broken by DT is conciseness.

Indeed, the terms retrieved by DT are normally extensive, e.g.: concentrated ownership:
концентрация активов компании в руках одного или небольшой группы акционеров (IFC)
(kontzentratcyja aktivov v rukah odnogo ili nebol’shoj gruppy aktcionerov; L.t.: the
concentration of the assets in the arms of one (shareholder) or a small group of shareholders).

Nevertheless, the DT method does not favor an unwieldy form with irrelevant or superfluous
components. Some term forms generated by DT border on Semantic Calque (see A. 3.2.2. “Loan
Translation or Calque”). For example, the term procurement lead time has the following
equivalent in the Russian language: время реализации заказа (UNTERM) (vremja realizacii
zakaza; L.t.: time of the order implementation). The term explains the form of the English term
(“the interval in months between the initiation of procurement action and receipt into the supply
system of the production model <…> (Farlex) but, at the same time, does not provide extensive

The term foreclosure, meaning “a situation in which a homeowner is unable to make full
principal and interest payments on his/her mortgage, which allows the lender to seize the
property, evict the homeowner and sell the home, as stipulated in the mortgage contract <...>”
(Investopedia) has the following descriptive form in Russian: обращение взыскания (IFC)
(obrashhenie vzyskanija; L.t.: imposition of penalty). This relatively concise term form can be
considered as descriptive because it reveals the implicit semantic components of the term, i.e. it
explains the meaning of the term.

The DT of terms can meet all the term creation guidelines, provided the term is created
properly, i.e. without general, elusive, ambiguous, and irrelevant components. As part of LSP,
there is no reason why Management terms should not follow the requirements conventionally
attributed to terms. The term conciseness rule is the most contradictory of all the restrictions.

Although conciseness is a basic guiding line for all term formation methods, it is also the least
reliable one in regard to term accuracy and transparency.

9. Descriptive Translation Groups within the Coporate Govenrance
The processes of term creation and translation are based on the characteristic features of LSP,
term-formation requirements and terminology development. DT is one of the most frequent
methods of term translation. It deals with terms which do not have a direct equivalent in the
target language. In addition to this, the specialized fields which employ DT allow the forms to be
chosen in a relatively free manner.

When it comes to Corporate Governance terms, concepts appear in English-speaking

countries. In most cases not only a term, but the whole “idea” or concept is borrowed from
English and integrated into the Russian language system. Accordingly, the English language
exerts an enormous influence on the form of a Russian term. The Russian language struggles in
its turn with unclear and non-transparent term forms. In some cases several stages of adaptation
precede the integration of a term into the Russian language system. This triggers certain
variations within LSP.

By its very nature, DT encompasses a wide range of semantic elements and translation
techniques, as well as various combinations of these. As a result, subdivision of the DT method
is necessary, based on the characteristic features that accompany DT. Since this classification
does not exist, this work postulates the following groups:

- Pure Descriptive Translation;

- Descriptive Translation and Calque;
- Descriptive Translation and Direct Loan; and
- Additional or Irrelevant Components.
Pure DT does not use any components of a source term, and focuses only on term content. It
often includes figurative terms, semantically-dense units and etymologically, historically or
socially motivated terms. For example, the figurative term drag-along right can have the
following descriptive form in Russian: право мажоритарного акционера принудить других
акционеров продать свои акции на тех же условиях (IFC) (pravo mazhoritarnogo akcionera
prinudit' drugih akcionerov prodat' svoi akcii na teh zhe uslovijah; L.t.: a right of a majority

shareholder to make other shareholders sell their shares under the same conditions). The Russian
term focuses purely on the content of the English term: “a right that enables a majority
shareholder to force a minority shareholder to join in the sale of a company” (Investopedia).

Some terms created using DT partially preserve the form of original terms, but additional
term elements are used in accordance with Russian grammar, vocabulary and term content, etc.
The term борьба с отмыванием денег (bor'ba s otmyvaniem deneg; L.t.: the struggle against
(with) money laundry) is obviously based on the term anti-money laundry (IFC). The first
element of the English term was described in order to make the term content clearer and to avoid
an unwieldy construction. This example represents the Calque and DT method.

To identify the formation methods, which generate a vast amount of terms in the sphere of
Corporate Management, we should focus on the specific nature of these terms. Morphological
patterns coupled with term formation requirements dictate the rules for term creation in Russian.

For instance, English frequently uses elliptical structures, which are hardly ever found in
Russian. Participial constructions as well as constructions with adverbial participles and
constructions with prepositions are widely used in Russian; moreover, the language tends to use
descriptive patterns. For example, the term buy-out can have the same phonetic form in Russian,
as a result of transcription: *бай-аут; however, it cannot be retrieved with the help of Pure
Calque, because such a pattern does not exist in Russian. In this respect, the descriptive
equivalent with Calque elements seems to be the most relevant group: выкуп контрольного
пакета акций компании (vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij kompanii; L.t.: the process of buying
out the majority stake of a company) (IFC).

The DT and Direct Loan group contains a small number of examples, where descriptive
elements are attached to the term elements obtained by the Direct Loan method, e.g. an associate
– ассоциированная компания (IFC) (associirovannaja kompanija; L.t.: associated company).

The Additional or Irrelevant Components group contains the terms which employ extra
explanatory descriptive elements, which are usually superfluous. For example, acquisition
security right: право на получение поступлений по независимому обязательству

(UNCITRAL-1) (pravo na poluchenie postuplenij po nezavisimomu objazatel'stvu; L.t.: the right
to get an influx under an independent obligation). Usually these terms can be substituted by
shorter and more precise equivalents, for example, retrieved using Pure Calque:
приобретательское обеспечительное право (priobretatel'skoe obespechitel'noe pravo; L.t.:
acquisition security right):

“ <…> "обеспеченный кредитор, финансирующий приобретение" означает

обеспеченного кредитора, обладающего приобретательским обеспечительным правом;
<…>” (UNCITRAL -3, 2017).

Terms created using DT usually have unstable forms and in time tend to be substituted by
more concise variants. At the initial stages descriptive terms can coexist with shorter but less
precise terms, created by means of Direct Loan or Calque. The term greenmail has two
equivalents: with the descriptive form: корпоративный шантаж (IFС) (korporativnyj
shantazh; L.t.: corporate blackmail), and with the same phonetic form: гринмейл (Lingvo).

The detailed explanation of all the DT groups and the detailed analysis of descriptive terms
will be provided in the “Case Study”section.

10. Harmonization of Terminology
The harmonization of terms is urgently needed within fields for special purposes, as global
communication imposes the patterns of language use. The quality of translation depends on
codified resources: bilingual dictionaries, glossaries and corpora. In practice there are huge
discrepancies between effective communication within LSP and the requirement for
standardization. The harmonization of terminology should be distinguished from its
standardization. The latter aims to prove and prescribe “term-concept univocity”, while
harmonization focuses on “organizing and eliminating possible ambiguity and
misunderstandings in specialized domains” (Isabel Duran-Muñoz, 2014, p. 79). Accordingly,
harmonization can be interpreted as a recommendation, rather than a prescription.

The problem stems from the fact that different languages frame their own scientific and
technical fields, which develop at different speeds. National terminologies are formed under
different historical, social and cultural conditions, which results in the great variability of term
translation. Moreover, strict barriers between LSP units and general language units do not exist.
In addition to this, different languages have their own patterns of conceptualizing the world,
while the language and thinking are inseparable. It is quite common for a source term to have
several equivalents in the target language (see 6.1.2. “Homonyms and Synonyms in Business
Terminology Translation”). In theory, “terms should be unambiguous and have one meaning and
only one designation corresponding to one form <…>. In practice, however, even within a single
subject, we note that a single form can be related to more than one meaning” (Cabré, 1999,
p. 40).

Harmonization is controlled not only on a national level, but also a supranational one. For
example, strict terminologies in Europe, e.g. legal ones, should conform to EU legislation
(Whittaker, 2014, p. 62). Management Terminology is mostly controlled by UN rules and the
norms of English-speaking countries. However, since terminologies are controlled by strict
national and international rules sometimes national prescriptions do not conform to international
ones. If certain norms prevail in a country, they will dictate the choice of a term form. It is also
important to establish “whether the same concepts are present in the different national

transpositions” and “to identify the type of cultural factors that come into play”, if certain
discrepancies are indicated (ibidem).

Scientific and technical language tends to develop steadily, requiring “a representation of

the systematic part of the knowledge of the domain” (Kageura, 2002, p. 15). Terminology
represents knowledge within a system of concepts (Antia, 2000, p. 100) and is based on the two
contradictory requirements of “systematicity and flexibility” (Kageura, 2002, p. 19). The
standardization of terminology, which “requires unified translinguistic guidelines” (Felber as
cited in Kageura, 2002, p. 17) is also of great importance. Nevertheless, Kageura highlights the
irrelevance and harmfulness of standardization combined with “the claim of systematicity in
term creation” (Kageura, 2002, p. 19). The term creation process is seen as the main
distinguishing feature of terminology, along with dictionary and glossary codification (Cabré,
1999, p. 33). The cornerstones of terminology, which are concept precedence over names, the
exclusively synchronic nature of terminology, standardization and preference for a written form
(ibidem, pp. 33 -34), are as controversial as the nature of terminology itself (Kageura, 2002, pp.

Disharmonization and asymmetry appear when links are being established between concepts
and term forms. New notions receive provisional forms, or lexical units with unstable content
and temporary forms. As a rule, they do not meet the requirements for term creation, i.e. their
forms are unstable, very long or overly descriptive (Kudashev, 2007, p. 106).

The systematicity of terminology can be ruined by the occasional use of terms in certain
contexts. This can be attributed to the development of the discipline, author inaccuracy or
stylistic aims (Grinev-Grinevich, 2008, p. 118). The occasional use of new, unstandardized terms
is not a rare or serious phenomenon. However, grave mistakes result from the inclusion of
occasional term forms in the dictionaries and glossaries.

Not only should term forms be standardized, but also the concepts. Pavel and Nolet (2001)
define the concept harmonization as “an activity whose purpose is to eliminate minor differences
between two concepts which are closely related” (p. 120), and refer to the term harmonization as
“an activity leading to the designation of one concept, often in different languages, by terms

which reflect the same or similar characteristics or have the same or a slightly different form” (p.

Some notions are barely shaped or defined when they are integrated into a certain special
field. In most cases, terms are used to denote an emergent concept, and often this object or
phenomenon receives a new connotation or sphere of use and as a result – a new form.

The term creation process often employs DT. Such term forms are usual when terminology is
formed in one language and then borrowed into another one; the development stage of
terminology in the source language is initial and unstable. For example, the term branding and
all its terminological system were borrowed from English into Russian: “brand awareness –
уровень информированности потребителей о бренде; brand share – удельный вес товара
данной торговой марки; brand extension – расширение продаж товаров с одним
фирменным названием; brand image – репутация товара определенной марки; brand
ambassador – менеджер по продвижению бренда” (Chistova, 2013, p. 114). Chistova quotes
Kretov (2010) to explain diachronic asymmetry in terminology harmonization (as cited in
Chistova, 2013, pp. 113-114). The appearance of descriptive forms or synonyms, according to
Chistova (2013, p. 114), can be a sign of the lack of order within a certain terminological system.

Term forms are being constantly adapted to different conditions. This results in adaptive
asymmetry in terminology (ibidem). Kretov (2010) refers to this kind of asymmetry as the
“adaptive” one in linguistics, when the number of forms prevails over the number of functions
(p. 10). When the functions surpass the forms, such asymmetry is called “compressive” (ibidem).
According to Chistova (2013), the phenomenon of abbreviations replacing the full forms of
terms can be attributed to compressive asymmetry: “B2B Brand (Business to Business Brand.
Example: Caterpillar, Intel, Bosch); B2C Brand (Business to Consumer Brand. Example: Dell,
Sunsilk, Amazon)” (p. 114).

Accordingly, the disharmonization of terminology from a diachronic perspective is connected

to the asymmetry of term forms and functions in the course of LSP development. Synonyms,
abbreviations and descriptive forms appear in different contexts or at the initial stages of term
coinage or borrowing. Such term forms can be fixed by glossaries or dictionaries without

essential listings or comments, which represents a hindrance for the harmonization of

According to Chistova (2013), “homologous symmetry”, i.e. “the comparison of

terminological systems in different languages” (p. 114) reveals that the branding term system in
Russian is striving to be independent. The branding terminological system is mostly translated
from English into Russian. Nevertheless, the term forms need to have derivability, which results
in asymmetry (ibidem). For example, the direct translation equivalent of the term brand:
торговая марка is not productive when considering its derivability. For this reason the
transcription form is used as its synonym for the creation of derivatives: “бренд: брендовый
(качественный, представительный, фирменный), брендинговый (относящийся к бренду),
брендированный (расширяющий функциональность)” (ibidem).

The most relevant kind of symmetry for the harmonization of terminology is a synchronic one.
It reveals term creation patterns and functions of term components at a certain stage of language
development. Each language is striving for harmony; however, this may result in asymmetry on
an interlingual level. English exerts a considerable influence over terminology in other
languages, which leads to “denotative symmetry”, but triggers “graphic asymmetry” (ibidem).
The lack of harmonization of the graphic forms of terms retrieved by transcription or
transliteration is especially evident in languages with structures which are different from English,
like Russian. For example, the term stakeholder can be found in two transcription forms in
Russian: cтейкхоулдер (IFC) (steikhoulder) and стейкхолдер (Ruscorpora) (steikholder). The
confusion stems from the fact that the English letter “o” can have a diphthong, which is not
typical in the Russian phonetic system.

“Semantic symmetry” (ibidem) can be achieved using Calque for the borrowing of terms:

- dilution of shareholding: размывание акционерного капитала (IFC) (razmyvanie

akcionernogo kapitala);
- hostile takeover: недружественное поглощение (IFC) (nedruzhestvennoe
- secured transaction: обеспеченная сделка (UNCITRAL-1) (obespechennaja sdelka).

Disharmonization appears when the terms retrieved by Calque or Direct Loan have a
descriptive alternative in dictionaries:

window-dressing: декорирование витрин (dekorirovanie vitrin; L.t.: decoration of

shopping windows) (IFC) and приукрашивание истинного положения дел (IFC)
(priukrashivanie istinnogo polozhenija del; L.t.: decorating the true state of facts).

If the meaning of borrowed terms in the target language is expanded or generalized, it

triggers interlingual asymmetry in term content. Target languages often pursue the traditional
patterns established in their system and the preference for the native language requirement. For
example, the term amicably has a general meaning; however, in the field of Business it is used to
denote a concrete state of affairs: “having or marked by agreement in feeling or action”
(Merriam-Webster). In Russian the term has general meaning equivalents for use in LGP:

дружески; дружественно; дружелюбно (Lingvo Universal) (druzheski; druzhestvenno;

druzheljubno; L.t: in a friendly way, in a friendly manner).

Nevertheless, the Russian tradition of business discourse dictates certain rules for term
forms. A term form should be formal and strict. For this reason, the term amicably attains
specific, business-like and concrete forms in Russian, retrieved using DT:

- путём переговоров (IFC) (putjom peregovorov; L.t.: by means of negotiations) or

- мирным путём (Lingvo Law) (mirnym putjom; L.t.: in a peaceful way) or
- по взаимному согласию (IFC) (po vzaimnomu soglasiju; L.t.: on mutual agreement).
When a figuratively motivated term is borrowed from one language into another, it may
result in “emotive asymmetry” (ibidem). This implies that the conceptual world view can be
different in the target and source languages. In addition to this, culture, traditions and extra
linguistic factors exert their influence on the choice of a term form.

If a term has a motivated form, it should be justified. For this reason, many terms are
borrowed with a change in their motivated form. Accordingly, the disharmonization on the
conceptual level is projected onto the term forms. For example, the term window-dressing,
mentioned above, has a wide variety of translation equivalents in the dictionaries. The

motivational characteristic of the English term is clear in Russian: “something used to create a
deceptively favorable or attractive impression” (Merriam-Webster). However, the use of the term
in the sphere of Management to denote “a strategy used by mutual fund and portfolio managers
near the year or quarter end to improve the appearance of the portfolio/fund performance before
presenting it to clients or shareholders” (Investopedia) forces translators to search for motivated
forms used in similar situations in Russian. The glossaries and dictionaries have a large amount
of equivalents with different figurative forms, some of which are partially combined with
descriptive elements:

- приукрашивание истинного положения дел (IFC) (priukrashivanie istinnogo

polozhenija del; L.t.: decorating the true state of facts);
- вуалирование, причёсывание, подкрашивание баланса (Lingvo) (vualirovanie,
prichjosyvanie, podkrashivanie; L.t.: veiling, combing, embellishment of the balance)
All of the figurative elements can be considered as relevant, due to their clear form and
functions, and all these words are used in LGP for an underhand or dishonest way to make
something good-looking, attractive or appropriate. The terms вуалирование, причёсывание,
подкрашивание баланса (Lingvo) (vualirovanie, prichjosyvanie, podkrashivanie; L.t.: veiling,
combing, embellishment of the balance) are marked in the dictionary as financial terms;
however, they can be attributed to professional slang, as is specified by some dictionaries

In order to harmonize terminology, dictionaries should not only provide users with
appropriate listings and comments, but they also should specify the difference between financial
terms and commercial terms. For example, Lingvo attested the forms mentioned above as
financial terms used in Economics, and the term form украшение витрин (ukrashenie vitrin;
L.t.: decoration of shopping-windows) is attributed to the section of Marketing and to the field of
Commerce. The fields of Commerce and Finance are interconnected and closely related to each
other. Accordingly, the dictionaries do not facilitate the choice of the correct and appropriate
translation equivalent, thus making all the equivalents close synonyms.

Isabel Duran-Muñoz (2014) states the importance of “cross-domain harmonization”, which
“involves one language (intralingual) and different domains (cross-domain) and it works at the
level of terms (terminology)” (p. 84). This kind of harmonization is of special importance for
interconnected spheres (for example, Marketing and Finance). Cross-domain harmonization
avoids misunderstandings regarding the same concepts in different spheres by eliminating
archaic, out of date terms, superfluous synonyms and misleading forms. Harmonization should
be applied to eliminate stylistic or connotational differences for the designation of a single
concept. Disharmonization is obvious between strict fields, such as legal terminology, and highly
dynamic fields, such as tourism (Duran-Muñoz, 2014). However, complete harmonization
cannot be reached for these fields, because they have disparate natures and functions and
consequently show different levels of formality.

B. Case Study

1. Methodology
The main aim of this case study is to discover patterns of Descriptive Translation in the
sphere of Corporate Management and to apply the theory described in the first part to the

In the course of the research a total of 205 descriptive Russian terms were retrieved using the
sampling method, i.e. “a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of
observations will be taken from a larger population” (Investopedia) from 839 terms classified
into the groups proposed in the theoretical part. The examples, or samples, were chosen non-
randomly, i.e. consistently and continuously.

In this study the following glossaries and compendiums in both languages were used as the

- The English-Russian and Russian-English Corporate Governance Glossary of the

International Finance Corporation (IFC);
- Compendium of basic United Nations terminology in governance and public
administration by United Nations Economic and Social Council Committee of Experts on
Public Administration Seventh session (UN; UN-1 (Russian version));
- Key terms in evaluation and results-based management by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD; OECD-1 (Russian version));
- Budget terms by UNTERM (UNTERM);
- Legislative guide on secured transactions: terminology and recommendation by
UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) (UNCITRAL;
UNCITRAL-1 (Russian version)).

The sources are reliable glossaries and guides, compiled by internationally respected
organizations: the United Nations, the International Finance Corporation, United Nations
Commission on International Trade Law and the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development. The resources comprise comprehensive and relative information on the
special field of Corporate Management. Moreover, the sources are of great importance for

dynamic terminology of Corporate Governance. The documents can be obtained in both
English and Russian.

In the first section of the analysis we present each case of Descriptive Translation method:

- Pure Descriptive Translation;

- Calque and Descriptive Translation;
- Direct Loan and Descriptive Translation;
- Descriptive Translation and Additional or Irrelevant Components;

Descriptive Translation methods have been supported by examples, which demonstrate the
specific features of each technique the challenges for their use. All the examples were defined
and examined thoroughly using dictionaries and glossaries (in order to reveal all the altertnatives
and different interim forms of terms). Once all the translation equivalents were found, each one
was analysed regarding its use in the Russian National Corpus “Ruscorpora” (Ruscorpora) or on
the Internet (if not present in Ruscorpora and essential for the research). The abovementioned
methodology revealed the dynamics of discrepancy and ambiguity when dealing with descriptive
translation. The majority of these terms have two or more descriptive equivalents, followed by
short terms, which are created using Calque, Direct Loan or direct equivalents. Although some
translation methods are random, they prove to be preferable for certain terms. Such translation
techniques were placed into the RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION section for each term.

The following table demonstrates the analysis of a Corporate Governance term:

Regular resources
Of all the funds received by UNICEF, core resources – also known as Regular Resources (RR) –
best allow UNICEF to reach children who are in the greatest need and at the greatest risk,
whether they be the victims of a protracted conflict, an epidemic, or a natural or manmade
disaster (UNICEF, 2015).

Calque and DT
Средства регулярного бюджета (UNTERM)
Sredstva reguljarnogo bjudzheta
L.t.: the fund of a regular budget

Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
“Начиная с воскресенья, Пентагон вынужден финансировать военные операции в Ираке и
Афганистане из средств регулярного ежегодного бюджета в размере 459,3 миллиарда долларов,
где такие расходы не предусмотрены” (Pentagon vynuzhden uvolit' 100 tysjach grazhdanskih
rabotnikov, 2007).
L.t.: <…> the fund of a regular annual budget in the amount of 459,3 billion dollars <…>.
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

Each entry begins with the name of a term: regular resources, which is followed by the
definition of a term, taken from the glossaries, dictionaries or official documents, e.g. UNICEF
(2015). The first line in the table indicates a Descriptive Translation method for the first
translation equivalent: Calque and DT средства регулярного бюджета (UNTERM). The
translation equivalents, which are marked with UNTERM, IFC, OECD or UNCITRAL were
taken as a base for the analysis. All the other translation equivalents were taken from English-
Russian glossaries or dictionaries and were analyzed as alternative translations. For example, the
term regular resources has not been found in another form in Russian. For this reason, it only
has one translation equivalent in the table.

The next line in the table contains the transliteration of the Russian descriptive term: sredstva
reguljarnogo bjudzheta, which has been retrieved using the reliable transliteration tool: translit.cc
(Translit.cc). Transliteration is followed by literal translation, which has been marked with the
abbreviation “L.t.”. All the examples were analyzed for their practical use in Ruscorpora
(Ruscorpora) and/or on the Internet. The abbreviation “M.c.” stands for the “main corpus” of
Ruscorpora, and “N.c.” means its “newspaper corpus”. These two subcorpora are the main
domains for term use. The files dated between 2000-2017 (in rare cases the late 1990s) have
been chosen as the examples, which is essential for eliminating obsolete term forms. The term
forms which are homogeneous or have general forms have been retrieved by choosing specific
settings in Ruscorpora: non-fiction: official and business vocabulary; management and
administration; business, commercial, economic and financial spheres. In order to retrieve
different grammatical forms and variations of term forms, the following settings were
implemented: the words were introduced in the field “lexical and grammatical search” with the

indication of grammatical characteristics and the distance from 0 to 5 words between term

The analysis of each term closes with the Recommended Translation, which in the case of the
term regular resources is the same as found in the codified resource (UNTERM). All the terms
from the Recommended Translation were represented in chart 3 “Recommended Translation for
the Terms Translated Descriptively in Codified Resources”.

The second section of the Case Study presents the statistics and results of Recommended
Translation. The results reveal the patterns for the use of Descriptive Translation methods.
Calque and Descriptive Translation and Pure Descriptive Translation disclose the specific
reasons for Descriptive Translation use: Content and Form of a source term or Figurativeness,
which have been described in detail. Each technique was analyzed regarding its competitiveness
and practical use, which has been achieved using comparison with alternative translation
methods and term form stability.

Some terms were not included in the classification (76 terms) because they are of little
interest for the research. The majority of these belong to related subject fields, e.g. Law (criminal
law, to file a lawsuit, prosecutor’s office etc.); Politics (ballot-paper voting, tax return etc.) and
Economics (competition, macro-economic factors etc.). Some terms are frequent in general
language and have not considerably changed their meaning within Corporate Governance
Terminology: operations, event, independence etc. Such terms were eliminated from
classification, because they could have impaired the statistics.

All the term creation methods were distributed between the specific groups based on the
analysis of the examples.

2. Descriptive Translation methods. Analysis.
In the course of the research the descriptive forms of the Russian terms were grouped into
categories. Each term was analyzed considering its form and meaning. The following descriptive
term formation methods have been identified:

Pure Descriptive Translation is a translation method that focuses on the content of a term,
i.e. its semantic components when taken as a whole. Pure Descriptive Translation is only
oriented at the content of a term; the form of the source term is ignored or influences it to a
negligible extent. For example, non-incorporated: без образования юридического лица (IFC)
(bez obrazovanija juridicheskogo lica; L.t.: without formation/registration of a legal entity

Descriptive Translation (hereafter – DT) and Calque is a translation method combining

descriptive elements with elements of a source term transferred to a target term by using Calque
or Semantic Calque. In Calque, term components are translated separately; however, the choice
of translation equivalents is influenced by each component. For instance, pre-emptive right:
преимущественное право приобретения (IFC) (preimushhestvennoe pravo priobretenija; L.t.:
privileged right for acquisition); преимущественное право приобретения акций (Ruscorpora)
(preimussshestvennoe pravo priobretenija akcij; L.t.: privileged right (of) the acquisition of
shares); преимущественное право на приобретение акций (Ruscorpora) (preimusshestvennoe
pravo na priobretenie aktcij; L.t.: privileged right for acquisition of shares);

DT and Direct Loan is a translation method combining descriptive elements with elements
transferred to a target term using transcription or transliteration. The choice of a translation
equivalent is influenced by each component of source term. For example, affiliate: (Direct Loan
(with assimilation) + DT) aффилированная компания (IFC) (affilirovannaja kompanija; L.t.:
affiliated company);

DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components is a translation method implying the use of

extra explanatory elements within the target term. These components can be easily changed for

shorter ones or can be removed completely. They usually bear a very low semantic load, e.g.
“так называемый” (L.t.: so called), “указанный” (L.t.: indicated), “который” (L.t.: which).
Some elements contain information which is not explicit in the source term; they cannot be
retrieved from either the etymology of a term or its definition. These components do not
contribute to term transparency or the practical use of a term. The elements can be irrelevant and
may not match the style or grammar patterns of LSP. For example, key item management
reporting system: cистема отчетности в области управления по основным направлениям
деятельности (UNTERM) (sistema otchetnosti v oblasti upravlenija po osnovnym
napravlenijam dejatel'nosti; L.t.: the system of reporting in the field of management under the
main courses of activity);

DT, Calque and Direct Loan is a marginal category that contains descriptive elements and
elements retrieved from the source term using Calque or Direct Loan. This method is rarely used
(see table 17).

2.1. Pure Descriptive Translation
Pure DT is a conventional DT group based on the content of a term, which does not employ
Calque or Irrelevant Components. The method is often followed by short translation equivalents,
or descriptive form variations. Pure DT focuses, above all, on the content of a term, although in
some cases the form of a source term can exert an implicit influence on the choice of DT. For
this reason, all the cases can be separated into content-oriented DT and form-oriented DT.

2.1.1. Content-oriented DT
The use of DT can be triggered by the content of a source term. In this situation, DT can be
considered as content-driven or content-oriented, as it aims to disclose semantically-dense or
figurative content. Content-oriented DT comprises the cases of generalization, concretization and
disclosure of figurative meaning. The main problem of DT stems from the use of the same term
components for the creation of different terms within the field of Corporate Governance. Pure DT. Generalization.

Generalization of a term taken in general, or even generalization of its components can be
considered as one of the most frequent reasons for the use of Pure DT. This method is used to
avoid the potential ambiguity of Calque or Direct Loan forms.

The term stakeholder can be considered one of the most interesting cases of Pure DT. The
term is defined “a party that has an interest in an enterprise or project” (Investopedia). Its
analysis revealed the following equivalents and their use in Russian:

Table 1. Stakeholder
A party that has an interest in an enterprise or project. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation
are its investors, employees, customers and suppliers. However, modern theory goes beyond this
conventional notion to embrace additional stakeholders such as the community, government and trade
associations (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Заинтересованное лицо (IFC)
Zainteresovannoe lico
L.t.: an interested person/entity
M.c.: 36 doc., N.c.: 569 doc.
Заинтересованным лицам обращаться в экономический отдел компании по тел. (Jelektronnoe
ob"javlenie (2005). Ruscorpora).
2. Pure DT
Заинтересованная сторона (OECD-1)
Zainteresovannаja storona
L.t.: an interested party
Ruscorpora : M.c.: 245 documents; N.c.: 691 documents
Теперь заинтересованные стороны ждут решения московской экологической экспертизы.
(Maletin, 2003. Ruscorpora)
L.t.: interested parties
3. Pure DT
Участник совместного дела (Lingvo)
Uchastnik sovmestnogo dela
L.t.: a participant of a joint business
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
4. Pure DT + a comment (legal term)
Депозитарий спорного имущества (лицо, сохраняющее имущество третьих лиц до тех пор,
пока суд не решит, кому оно должно быть присуждено) (Lingvo Economics, Lingvo Law)
Depozitariy spornogo imushcestva (a comment)
L.t.: a depositary of a joint property (a person/entity saving the property of third parties until the court
decides who should own it)
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
5. Direct Loan (transcription)
Стейкхоулдер (IFC)
L.t.: a stakeholder (Direct Loan (transcription: Stejkhoulder))
Ruscorpora: Another spelling: Stejkholder: M.c.: 1 doc.; N.c.: 1 doc.
Направления финансирования определяются в ходе исследований,
глубокого анализа и периодически пересматриваются взависимости от достигнутых целей и
меняющихся требований заинтересованных сторон (стейкхолдеров) (Korporativnaja
social'naja otvetstvennost': i cel', i sredstvo, 2004. Ruscorpora).
Это вопрос корпоративного конфликта, и он более широкий и включает всех стейкхолдеров
(Zachem komitetu soveta direktorov sobstvennyj bjudzhet, 2008. Ruscorpora).
6. Direct Equivalent (general use)

Пайщик (Lingvo)
L.t.: shareholder
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 64 doc. ; M.c.: 48 doc.
<…> сейчас российский пайщик может выбрать фонд, который инвестирует в акции
риэлторских и девелоперских компаний Азиатского региона <…> (Koshkarov, 2008.
Заинтересованное лицо
Zainteresovannoe lico
L.t.: an interested person/entity

The term stakeholder, i.e. the one who holds a stake (in a company) has a similar form to the
term bondholder, which was borrowed into Russian using Calque: владелец облигаций (vladelec
obligatcij, L.t.: an owner of bonds) (IFC), держатель облигаций (derzhatel´ obligacij, L.t.: a
holder of bonds) (Lingvo). However, the term stakeholder has a pure descriptive form in
Russian: заинтересованное лицо (IFC) (zainteresovannoe lico, L.t.: a person concerned, or an
interested person) or заинтересованная сторона (OECD-1) (zainteresovannаja storona, L.t.:
an interested party). All the term components of the source term were made explicit in the target
terms: “a person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization” (Business

The term component лицо (lico; L.t.: a face, i.e. a person, a representative) is common in the
field of Management: лицо, предоставляющее право (UNCITRAL-1) (lico, predostavljaushhee
pravo, L.t.: a person, granting a right, grantor), подтверждающее лицо (UNCITRAL-1)
(podtverzhdaushhee lico, L.t.: confirmer), высшее должностное лицо (UNTERM) (visshee
dolzhnostnoe lico, L.t.: a chief official person, Chief Executive Officer (CEO))
The existence of another descriptive form in Russian, заинтересованная сторона
(zainteresovannаja storona, L.t.: an interested party), indicates that the term component “лицо”
is not fixed in Russian. Both term components can form the definition of the English term: “a
party that has an interest in an enterprise or project. The primary stakeholders in a typical
corporation are its investors, employees, customers and suppliers” (Investopedia). The frequent
use of both forms justifies that the terms function in Russian (see the examples in table 1). The
range of implicit term components is wide: “modern theory goes beyond this conventional notion
to embrace additional stakeholders such as the community, government and trade associations”

(Investopedia). Accordingly, in Russian the term component “holder” should be specified using
DT or, alternatively, translated using Calque. One more example of the generalization of the
term component “holder” is offered in the Lingvo Dictionary: участник совместного дела
(Lingvo) (uchastnik sovmestnogo dela; L.t.: a participant of a joint business) (see table 1). The
term component justifies the use of descriptive elements and makes its form clearer: “joint
business”. The dictionary contains one more descriptive translation of the source term:
депозитарий спорного имущества (Lingvo) (depozitarij spornogo imushhestva; L.t.: a
depositary of a joint property). This Russian term is a paraphrase of the previous one; however, it
is more concrete and modern. It uses the term component “депозитарий” (a depositary), which
is created in Russian using a Direct Loan and the assimilation of the term ending. Neither
descriptive term is used frequently, which is indicated by Ruscorpora (see table 1).
Inasmuch as the term is widespread in the sphere of Corporate Governance, the more concise
form is preferable. The term form стейкхоулдер, created using transcription, is not transparent,
but it contributes to the innovative nature of the terminology. Although the Russian term seems
convenient, it is not universal, since another transcription version exists: стейкхолдер (IFC)
(see table 1). The first term differs from the second one only at the expense of one letter −“y”−
and its sound (u): (ˈsteɪkˌhəʊldə) (Lingvo). Nevertheless, it hinders the path to the
standardization of the terminological system. A Direct Equivalent is also possible in Russian:
пайщик (Lingvo) (paishhik) (see table 1). The term has a long history and its meaning is often
considered as archaic.
Taking into consideration the wide range of possible equivalents of the source term in
Russian, the term form created by transcription may seem the most appropriate one. However, its
use in Ruscorpora is unstable and limited (see table 1). According to the frequency of use of each
term, the most relevant term translation method is Pure DT, i.e. заинтересованное лицо
(zainteresovannoe lico; L.t.: an interested person/entity), or заинтересованная сторона
(zainteresovannаja storona; L.t.: an interested party). The first can be found in as many as 605
Ruscorpora documents, but its presence is outnumbered by that of the second one: 936
documents. Both of them are relevant and widely used, but the term заинтересованное лицо is
more general and can substitute the other, and that is why it can be recommended as the
translation of the term stakeholder.

Pure DT can be used to make all the semantic components of a term transparent. The form of
a term cannot be shaped with the help of Calque because this construction cannot always be
incorporated into the Russian system. Transcription and transliteration cannot be dismissed as
irrelevant in this case; however, their use can lead to complete demotivation. These terms are not
easily found in dictionaries, glossaries or language corpora, because they have a wide range of
different forms. Term components can be created using generalization or concretization.

As a part of LSP, management terms should follow the requirements conventionally attributed
to terms. We consider the term conciseness rule to be the most contradictory of all the
restirctions. It is not only the guideline for all term formation methods, but also the least reliable
one for term accuracy and transparency. Pure DT. Concretization

Pure DT can not only generalize the meaning of a term, but can also make it specific, using
explanatory elements.

In this case, the DT of a term, triggered by its content, focuses on the specific meaning of the
term within the Corporate Governance terminology. For example, the term amicably meaning in
a friendly way (see table 2) in LSP (Lingvo) was borrowed into Russian in the following form:
по взаимному согласию, путем переговоров (IFC) (po vzaimnomu soglasiu, putem
peregovorov, L.t.: according to mutual agreement; usingnegotiations). The English term
amicable in the sphere of Corporate Governance has the following meaning: “having or marked
by agreement in feeling or action” (Merriam-Webster). Accordingly, the semantic components
“agreement” or “negotiations” are essential to describe the term meaning.

Table 2. Amicably
Amicable: having or marked by agreement in feeling or action <the contract negotiations between the
hotel workers and management were reasonably amicable> (Merriam-Webster).

1. Pure DT
По взаимному согласию (IFC)
Po vzaimnomu soglasiju
L.t.: usingnegotiations
M.c.: 3 doc.; N.c.: 92 doc.
Компетентные органы Договаривающихся Государств принимают по взаимному согласию
решения о том, как реализовать предусмотренные настоящим Соглашением
нормы, касающиеся удержания налогов у источника (Dogovor o nalogooblozhenii (1999).
L.t.: take decisions under a mutual agreement
2. Pure DT
Путём переговоров (IFC)
Putjom peregovorov
L.t.: usingnegotiations
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 12 doc., N.c.: 144 doc.
Все споры, возникающие между сторонами, решаются путём переговоров (Dogovor o
dostupe v internet (2003). Ruscorpora).
L.t.: all the disputes arising between the parties are solved using negotiations
3. Pure DT (general use)
Мирным путём (Lingvo Law)
Mirnym putjom
L.t.: in a peaceful way
Ruscorpora (general use): N.c.: 385 doc., M.c.: 5 doc.
Оппозиционные политические организации хотели бы решать проблемы мирным путем
(Svicherevskij, 2011. Ruscorpora).
4. Pure DT (general use)
Дружеским образом (Lingvo Law)
Druzheskim obrazom
L.t.: in a friendly way
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
5. Direct Equivalent (general use)
Дружески; дружественно; дружелюбно (Lingvo Universal)
Druzheski, druzhestvenno, druzheljubno
L.t: in a friendly way, in a friendly manner
Pure DT
путём переговоров
Putyom peregovorov (L.t.: usingnegotiations)

Pure DT (general use)
Мирным путём (Lingvo Law)
Mirnym putjom
L.t.: in a peaceful way

The IFC glossary equivalents are separated by a comma, which makes it unclear whether we
have two separate translations or just one. Nevertheless, term use (see table 2) justifies that the
terms can be used independently in Russian. Both terms, по взаимному согласию and путем
переговоров (IFC) can be considered to be full-fledged equivalents of the source term. The first
one uses a preposition “по” and the dative case of an adjective and a noun, which makes it close
to the English equivalent “according to”. The second descriptive form uses instrumental case in
Russian denoting manner “by means of”, which corresponds in its meaning to an adverb in
The general meaning of the source term “in a friendly way”, which is literally represented in
Russian: дружеским образом (Lingvo) (druzheskim obrazom, L.t.: in a friendly way), мирным
путём (Lingvo Law) (mirnym putjom, L.t.: in a peaceful way), can compete with the previously
mentioned terms in their practical use. These terms are widely used in the restricted context of
LSP (see table 2).
The term путем переговоров (IFC) appears in as many as 156 Ruscorpora documents, while
the term мирным путём (Lingvo) can be found in a total of 390 files. The latter can be used in
more general contexts, while the meaning of the former is restricted. Both of them can be
recommended as equivalents for the term amicably for use in different contexts within the field
of Corporate Governance. Pure DT. Etymologically-Motivated terms

Pure DT is an explanation of a source term, usually based on its definition. Pure DT often
focuses on compensating for the etymological and semantically-dense meaning of a term using
descriptive elements. It usually leads to the generalization of a term, making it less specific.

The Management term by-laws (bye-laws) consists of different components, not easily
retrieved from its form. The etymology of the first component of this term (“by”) is equivalent to
“town” (Scandinavian) (Dictionary.com). Accordingly the term refers to “town law”.

Nevertheless, the English term is used for the generalized notion in English: “by-laws are
internal documents, a set of rules that enables each organization to conduct its affairs” (Srinivas,
2014); “the bylaws of a corporation contain the rules and procedures that govern the rights and
powers of shareholders, directors, and officers” (All Business); “bylaws are the rules of a
corporation, established by the board of directors during the process of starting a corporation”

Table 3. By-laws
A rule adopted by an organization chiefly for the government of its members and the regulation of its
affairs (Merriam-Webster).

1. Additional or Irrelevant Components

Внутренние документы, правила и положения (компании) (IFC)
Vnutrennie dokumenty, pravila i polozhenija (kompanii)
L.t.: internal documents, rules and provisions (of a company)
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
2. Pure DT
Внутренние документы (компании) (Ruscorpora)
Vnutrennie dokumenty (kompanii)
L.t.: internal documents (of a company)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 6 doc., M.c.: 1 doc.
… на основе российских аналогов формируются учетная политика, отвечающая
требованиям МСФО, которая войдет в комплект финансовой отчетности, и рабочий план
счетов (если это необходимо), который является внутренним документом компании
(Transformacija rossijskoj otchetnosti v otchetnost', sostavlennuju v sootvetstvii s
MSFO, 2004. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: an internal document of a company
3. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Внутренние документы общества (Ruscorpora)
Vnutrennie dokumenty obshhestva
L.t.: internal documents of a company
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 23 documents., N.c.: 89 doc.,
Кстати, собрание обновило ряд внутренних документов акционерного общества, в том
числе его устав (Nikolaev, 2002. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: a number of internal documents of a joint-stock company
<…> документы, подтверждающие права общества на имущество, находящееся на его
балансе; внутренние документы общества; положение о филиале или представительстве
общества; (Federal'nyj zakon «Ob akcionernyh obshhestvah» (1995) , 2004). Ruscorpora).
L.t.: internal documents of a company
5. Pure DT (legal term)
Постановление органа местной власти (Lingvo)

Postanovlenie organa mestnoj vlasti
L.t.: the order of a local authority
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Так, по требованию прокуратуры Челябинской области отменено постановление
представительного органа местной власти
Октябрьского района об утверждении положения о налоге на рекламу <…> (Itogovyj
vypusk, 2006. Ruscorpora).
6. Pure DT
Подзаконный акт (Lingvo)
Podzakonnyj akt
L.t.: subordinate legislation act
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 98 doc.
С вводом в действие Федерального закона «Отехническом регулировании» и других
подзаконных актов обозначился системный подход и проблемам обеспечения
безопасности (промышленной, экологической) (Sozdanie sistemy bezopasnoj
jekspluatacii gazopromyslovogo oborudovanija, 2004. Ruscorpora)
7. Pure DT
Правила внутреннего распорядка (корпорации, общества) (Lingvo Economics)
Pravila vnutrennego rasporyadka
L.t.: the rules of internal order (of a corporation, a society)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 18 doc.
8. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Копия устава и/или нормативных документов, регулирующих деятельность
организации (ECOSOC)
Kopiya ustava i/ili normativnyh documnetov, reguliruyshih deyatel’nost’ orgnaizarzii
L.t.: a copy of a charter and/or normative documents regulating the activity of an organization)
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
7. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Копии документов, где расписаны права и обязанности (Ruscorpora)
Kopii documentov, gde raspisany prava y obyazannosti
L.t.: Copies of the documents where the rights and obligations are described
Ruscorpora: 1 doc.
<…> согласно соглашению, банк обязан подтвердить получение копий документов, где
расписаны права и обязанности члена Visa, и инструкции для пользователей ее
услугами – By-Laws and Operating regulation of owner (Barsukova, 2004. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: according to the agreement, the bank should confirm that the copies of the documents,
describing the rights and obligations of Visa members and instructions for the service users, were
8. Direct Equivalent
Положения (IFC-RCGP)
L.t.: Provisions
A comment: “положение” has another meaning: “position”, which complicates the search of

Examples: company has developed and follows by-laws regulating the activities and working
procedures of the corporate bodies… (IFC-RCGP). В обществе приняты положения,
регулирующие деятельность и порядок работы корпоративных органов … (IFC- RCGP
9. Direct Equivalent
Устав (организации) (Lingvo)
Ustav (organizacii)
L.t.: a charter
Examples: Ruscorpora: M.c.: 329 doc.
N.c.: 3 601 doc.
Это право выбора образовательного учреждения, которое прописано в уставе (Kryl'cova,
2011. Ruscorpora)
10. Pure DT
Уставные нормы (Lingvo Economics)
Ustavnye normy
L.t.: charter standards
Ruscorpora: N.c. 9 doc.
За неисполнение уставных норм лиги исключены «Кавказтрансгаз» (Изобильный),
«Жемчужина» (Буденновск) и «Балтика-Тарко» (Калининград) (Vtoroj divizion vyhodit
na pole bez jelistinskogo «Uralana», 2003. Ruscorpora)
Внутренние документы (компании)
Vnutrennie dokumenty (kompanii)
L.t.: internal documents (of a company)

The current English term by-laws nowadays presents an interesting case because it is
motivated etymologically yet corresponds to the morphological rules of modern language (the
component “by” may be perceived as a preposition, not causing any inconvenience for practical

The transfer from the English term to the Russian one can potentially lead to a number of
losses and/or sacrifices. First of all, in theory we can preserve term conciseness by implementing
the short form to the Russian term: устав (ustav), etc. Nevertheless, such a term has a more
precise meaning: a charter. Secondly, we can try to translate a term using transliteration or
transcription, but in this case, we are faced with a strange form in Russian and clarity is lost:
бай-ло(с). In this respect, we can say that Calque (or Loan Translation) should be removed
completely in this case. There is no single morphological structure in Russian which will
potentially correspond to the English one. DT seems to be the only relevant method in this

by-laws: внутренние документы, правила и положения компании (vnutrinnie documenty,
pravila i polozhenija kompanii; L.t.: the private documents, rules and regulations of a
company) (IFC); уставные нормы (корпорации); устав (корпорации); подзаконный акт;
постановление органа местной власти; автономные правила (ustavnye normy
(korporacii), ustav (korporacii), podzakonnyj akt, postanovlenie organa mestnoj vlasti,
avtonomnye pravila; L.t.: authorized norms (of a corporation), a charter (of a corporation), a
subordinate regulatory act, an administrative bill, autonomous rules) (Lingvo).

Futhermore, we also face a problem with the usage of parts of the terms in different codified
resources and consequently in translations, manuals and business affairs related to the field.

In Russian term components are made explicit with the help of enumeration. Accordingly, the
requirements of conciseness and accuracy are not fulfilled. The following definitions of the term
highlight all the term components used in the Russian form, e.g. “rule”, “organization”,
“internal” : “a rule adopted by an organization chiefly for the government of its members and the
regulation of its affairs” (Merriam-Webster); “by-laws are internal documents, a set of rules that
enables each organization to conduct its affairs” (Srinivas, 2014). Nevertheless, descriptiveness
in this case is only partial, because the Russian term is explicit to a limited extent. This makes it
different from the definition of the English term.

As a result, term conciseness - one of the most important term formation requirements -
sometimes contradicts another term formation restriction – term transparency, which supports
clear content and form of a term.

The form of the term внутренние документы, правила и положения компании is unstable
and not fixed. There are different variations of the term in different contexts in Russian.
Generalization can be used as an alternative method, e.g положения (polozhenija: regulations)
or внутренние документы (vnutrennie documenty: internal documents) or внутренние
документы общества (Ruscorpora) (vnutrennie dokumenty obshhestva: internal documents of a
company) (see the table 3):

“the company has developed and follows by-laws regulating the activities and working
procedures of the corporate bodies…” (IFC-RCGP).

“В обществе приняты положения, регулирующие деятельность и порядок работы
корпоративных органов … (IFC- RCGP (Russian)); кстати, собрание обновило ряд
внутренних документов акционерного общества, в том числе его устав” (Nikolaev,
2002. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: a number of internal documents of a joint-stock company)

This alternative has a more general meaning and its use can be justified if the context restricts
the meaning of the term. The advantage of the term form is in its conciseness. In dictionaries the
following forms of the term can be found: уставные нормы, устав etc. (Lingvo) (ustavnye
normy, ustav, L.t.: charter regulations, charter) etc. (see table 3). This proves that different term
forms can be used in Russian.

As far as DT is concerned, not only can enumeration be used in different contexts, but also in
constructions which comprise additional descriptive elements and participial constructions. The
following equivalent of DT is provided in the dictionaries: постановление органа местной
власти (Lingvo) (postanovlenie organa mestnoj vlasti, L.t.: an order of local authority). The use
of the term form is irrelevant if compared to the term forms seen above, because the concrete
term components can easily be omitted.

Some contexts contain even more expanded descriptive forms: a copy of the constitution
and/or by-laws of an organization: копия устава и/или нормативных документов,
регулирующих деятельность организации (ECOSOC) (L.t.: a copy of a charter and/or
normative documents regulating the activity of an organization):

“согласно соглашению, банк обязан подтвердить получение копий документов, где

расписаны права и обязанности члена Visa, и инструкции для пользователей ее
услугами – By-Laws and Operating regulation of owner” (Barsukova, 2004. Ruscorpora)
(L.t.: according to the agreement the bank should confirm that the copies of the documents,
describing the rights and obligations of Visa members and instructions for the service users,
were received).

The aim of descriptive forms is to make the content of the English term clear and transparent;
however, the use of these terms is undesirable because it makes the term form specific for a
certain context and difficult to use in other contexts. According to the Russian equivalents used

in Ruscorpora, the short term forms are the most frequent in their use, although they make
reference to a specific context: внутренние документы (компании, общества) (vnutrennije
documenty kompanii, obsshestva; L.t.: internal documents (of a company, society)). The term
form внутренние документы is used in as many as 119 Ruscorpora documents, although with
different meanings when regarding a company, or a society. For this reason, the following
descriptive translation can be recommended as the most relevant for the English term by-laws:
внутренние документы (vnutrennije documenty; L.t.: internal documents). Pure DT. Figurative Meaning

Content-oriented DT is similar to definitions, providing enough information to understand the
meaning of a term. In most cases, the DT within this category corresponds to figuratively
motivated source terms, created with the help of semantic transfer. The term dead hand
illustrates this case.

Table 4. Dead hand (figurative meaning)

An inalienable possession of lands or buildings by an ecclesiastical or other corporation (Merriam-

The condition of lands or tenements held without right of alienation, as by an ecclesiastical corporation;
inalienable ownership (Dictionary.com).

1. Pure DT
Владение без права передачи (IFC; Lingvo)
Vladenie bez prava peredachi
L.t.: ownership without the right of assignation/transfer
Ruscorpora: N.c. 1 doc. (not a full match)
ДОЛЯ БЕЗ ПРАВА ПЕРЕДАЧИ (A u nas vo dvore, 2005. Ruscorpora).
The Internet: the term is quite often used and mentioned in the dictionaries: "мертвая рука" -
термин, означающий "владение без права передачи" (Grigorjan, 2012).
2. Calque (figurative meaning)
«Мёртвая рука» (владение недвижимостью без права передачи) (Lingvo)
Mjortvaja ruka (the possession of a real estate without the right of assignation)
Ruscorpora: the term is used in different fields
The Internet: the term is used, but is difficult to find on the Internet (see the abovementioned
3. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Неотчуждаемое право собственности на недвижимость, принадлежащую какому-

либо учреждению (церковному, благотворительному и т. п.) (Academic)

Neotchuzhdaemoe pravo sobstvennosti na nedvizhimost’, prinadlezhashhuju kakomu-libo

uchrezhdeniju (comment)
L.t.: Inalienable property right on real estate, belonging to an institution (church, charity etc.)
Ruscorpora: 0 results
Note: alienation in mortmain — продажа недвижимости «под мертвую руку» (церковному,
благотворительному и т. п. учреждению без права ее дальнейшего отчуждения)
The Internet: the term is used in the dictionaries.
«Мёртвая рука. В римском праве неотчуждаемое право собственности на недвижимость,
принадлежащую корпорации» (Law Today).
Владение без права передачи
Vladenie bez prava peredachi
L.t.: ownership without a right of assignation/transfer

In this case Calque is not usually applied to a figurative term element, but rather its meaning
is explained. The term dead hand and its synonym mortmain (Lingvo) stand for “an inalienable
possession of lands or buildings by an ecclesiastical or other corporation” (Merriam-Webster).
The old English word mortmain “comes from the Old French words "morte" (meaning "dead")
and "main" (meaning "hand")” (Merriam-Webster). Both dead hand and mortmain currently
“describe property that is left to a company, church, or charity in perpetuity” and refer to the
tradition of “the dead exercising posthumous control over their property by dictating how it must
be used after they die” (Merriam-Webster).
The analysis of the dictionaries, glossaries and Ruscorpora revealed three forms of the term in
Russian (see table 4). One of the term forms was created using Calque: мёртвая рука (Lingvo)
(mjortvaja ruka). Nevertheless, such a term form is rarely used in the fields of Economics, Law
or Management with the initial figurative meaning. In addition to this, it is often used with
comments or is accompanied by a descriptive term form (see table 4).
Another term form in Russian was created with the help of DT, describing the actual process:
владение без права передачи (vladenie bez prava peredachi, L.t.: the possession without the
right of transfer (into the ownership)). The descriptive form of the term is oriented towards its
function in the special field of Corporate Governance and reveals its figurative meaning. It is
often used as the definition for the term мёртвая рука: which is often used and mentioned in the
dictionaries): “"мертвая рука" - термин, означающий "владение без права передачи"”

(Grigorjan, 2012) (L.t.: “dead hand” – the term meaning “the possession without the right of
Another term form can be attributed to the group of Additional or Irrelevant Components
because of its extra explanatory term components: неотчуждаемое право собственности на
недвижимость, принадлежащую какому-либо учреждению (церковному,
благотворительному и т. п.) (Academic) (neotchuzhdaemoe pravo sobstvennosti na
nedvizhimost’, prinadlezhashhuju kakomu-libo uchrezhdeniju (comment); L.t.: inalienable
property right on real estate, belonging to an institution (church, charity etc.). The Russian term
is used in the dictionaries on the Internet; however, it is mostly used as a definition for the term,
created using Calque: мёртвая рука. Nevertheless, the term form мёртвая рука is not
recommended as the translation for the English term dead hand because of its lack of clarity, and
active usage in other fields.
The term form владение без права передачи (IFC; Lingvo) (vladenie bez prava peredachi;
L.t.: ownership without the right of assignation/transfer) may be considered as the relevant
translation of the source term, because of its transparent and convenient form and high
possibility for its practical use. Pure DT. Explanation of Content Using Componens of Other Terms

The term to go public in Russian represents a classic Pure DT case, i.e. the term form has a
purely descriptive form aimed at the disclosure of the term content. However, its form is
ambiguous, because it is based on the content components, which are present in other terms from
the same field.

Table 5. Go public (about a company)
Going public refers to a private company's initial public offering (IPO), thus becoming a publicly traded
and owned entity (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Войти в листинг фондовой биржи (IFC)
Vojti v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: to enter in the listing of a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
2. Pure DT
(Быть) включённым в листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora)
(Byt’) vkluchjonnym v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: to be included into the listing of a stock exchange
M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 16 doc.
Концерн становится первой германской фирмой, акции которой включены в листинг Нь
ю-Йоркской фондовой биржи (Zubov, 1996. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: … the first German firm, whose shares are included into the listing of the New York stock
3. Pure DT
Быть (внесённым) в листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora)
Byt’ vnesjonnym v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: to be inserted into the listing of a stock exchange
M.c.: 1 doc.
<…>официальный журнал Европейского союза
опубликовал Директиву (распоряжение), требующую от компаний, внесённых в листинг
европейских фондовых бирж, готовить с 2005 г. свою консолидированную
отчётность в соответствии с нормами МСФО (Evropejskij, forum buhgalterov, 2003.
Ruscorpora). L.t.: ...the companies, introduced (inserted) into the listing of the European stock
4. Pure DT
Получать листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora)
Poluchat´ listing fondovoj birzi
L.t.: to receive listing of a stock exchange
M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.,
В последние дни 2008 года концерн «Тракторные заводы»
(КТЗ) получил листинг на Франкфуртской фондовой бирже (Shabashov, 2009.
L.t.: the concern ... received a listing at the Frankfurt stock exchange.
5. Direct Equivalent (general use)
Получать огласку (Lingvo)
Poluchat’ oglasku
L.t.: to receive publicity
Ruscorpora: about a company 0 matches
6. Calque (general use)

Стать публичной (о компании) (IFC)
stat’ publichnoy (o kompanii)
L.t.: to become public (about a company)
Ruscorpora: general meaning
(Быть) включённым в листинг фондовой биржи
(Byt’) vkluchjonnym v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: to be included into the listing of a stock exchange

The descriptive term войти в листинг фондовой биржи (IFC) conveys the meaning of the
source term taken as a unit: to be included in the listing of a stock exchange. The term listing can
be defined as follows: “acceptance of a qualifying security for trading over a stock exchange”
(Business Dictionary). To go public in its turn means “...becoming a publicly traded and owned
entity” (Investopedia). In this respect the element stock exchange could be considered to be extra
explanatory; however, the term listing itself in Russian is not transparent and that is why the use
of an additional explanation is justified. The Russian term preserves all the elements necessary
for the term to be understood in the field of Management, including the financial term listing
within the target term. It makes the term form different from a simple definition.

The descriptive term войти в листинг фондовой биржи (IFC) is not the only equivalent to
the English term in Russian. The verb войти can be substituted by many other verbs. The
following verbs in Russian can be transformed into participles and omit the performer of the
action (see table 5): включать в листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora), (vkljuchat’ v listing
fondovoj birzhi, L.t.: to include into the listing of a stock exchange), вносить в листинг
фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora) (vnosit’ v listing fondovoj birzhi, L.t.: to insert into the listing of
a stock exchange), получать листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora) (poluchat´ listing
fondovoj birzi, L.t.: to receive listing of a stock exchange). The existence of similar forms does
not contribute to the standardization and unification of the terminological system. The term
forms employing the verb “быть” (to be) and participles “включённый” and ”внесённый”
(included, inserted) are difficult to identify as fixed terms, because the verb “быть” (to be) is not
used in the present tense in Russian:

“Концерн становится первой германской фирмой, акции которой включены в листинг
Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи” (Zubov, 1996. Ruscopora) (L.t.: <…> the first German firm,
whose shares are included into the listing of the New York stock exchange).

The term cтать публичной (о компании) (IFC), created using Pure Calque, is offered as an
alternative translation by the IFC glossary. Althought it seems convenient, the term form in
Russian is ambiguous, because the term component “публичный” has different semantic
undertones, such as “common”, “overt”, “available” or even “indecent”.

The analysis of Russian equivalents in Ruscorpora provided the most prevalent term from all
the variations of possible translation: (быть) включённым в листинг фондовой биржи
(Ruscopora) ((byt’) vkljuchjonnym v listing fondovoj birzhi; L.t.: to be included into the listing
of a stock exchange). The term appears in a total of 19 documents, surpassing other equivalents.
This translation can be recommended as relevant for the English term to go public, with the
indication of all the grammatical forms of the participle in Russian: “быть включённым” (to be
included), “включённый” (included, a participle), “включён” (a short participle), “был/будет
включён” (was/will be included). Pure DT. Ambiguity in interconnected spheres

As demonstrated in the previous paragraph, the main problem of DT stems from using the
same term components for the formation of several terms within the same field or interconnected
It is interesting to note that many descriptive forms of different Russian terms contain similar
term elements and cannot be easily distinguished by a common user of the glossaries. The
analysis of the Corporate Governance term drag-along right showed that its Russian equivalents
are close to those, which in English correspond to the Management term freeze out (see table 5
and 6 below). The latter is not present in the Corporate Governance field; however it belongs to
the field of Management. The use of descriptive translation employing the same term
components with a slight or insignificant difference within interconnected fields should be
avoided. If such terms are substituted with more innovative, interesting forms using Calque,

short equivalents or Direct Loan, it can lead to far more diverse, concrete meanings within the
field of Corporate Governance.
The comparison of the following terms illustrates the case of ambiguous Russian terms:

Table 6. Drag-along right (figurative meaning)

A right that enables a majority shareholder to force a minority shareholder to join in the sale of a
company (Investopedia);

A right that allows majority shareholders to force minority shareholders to accept an agreement”

Majority shareholder's privilege of obligating the minority shareholders to sell their shares at a price
offered in accordance with the shareholders agreement (Business Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Право мажоритарного акционера принудить других акционеров продать свои
акции на тех же условиях (IFC)
Pravo mazhoritarnogo akcionera prinudit’ drugih akcionerov prodat’ svoi akcii na teh zhe
L.t.: a right of a majority shareholder to make other shareholders sell their shares under the
same conditions
Ruscorpora: 0 matches/rarely used on the Internet
2. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Oбязанность миноритарного акционера продать свой пакет акций наряду с
мажоритарным акционером на тех же условиях (Institutions of Civil Law and
Modernization Of The Economy)
Objazannost’ minoritarnogo akcionera prodat’ svoj paket akciy narjadu s mazhoritarnym
akcionerom na teh zhe uslovijah
L.t.: an obligation of a minority shareholder to sell one´s own package of shares along with a
majority shareholder under the same conditions
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: «<…> обязанность миноритарного акционера продать свой пакет акций
наряду с мажоритарным акционером на тех же условиях… Это так называемое Drag –
along right» (Institutions Of Civil Law And Modernization Of The Economy).
4. Calque
Право потянуть за собой (Academic)
Pravo potjanut’ za soboj
L.t.: the right to drag (smth./smb.) with you

Ruscorpora: 0 examples (except for general meaning)
The use on the Internet (rare):
The exact form:
Еще один момент: есть ли у вас, вашей компании или группы инвесторов, с которыми вы
находитесь в дружеских отношениях, право "потянуть за собой" (право акционеров,
владеющих большей частью акций компании и поддержавших какое-л. предложение о
покупке или поглощении компании, потребовать, чтобы и остальные акционеры приняли
данное предложение и продали свои акции)? (Venture News).
Not exact form:
Drag-along — право потянуть за собой миноритариев в случае продажи акций
L.t.: the right to drag along minority shareholders in case of selling the shares by a majority
(shareholder) (Centr upravlenija finansami)
5. Pure DT
Права подключения, права подключения к сделке (к продаже), права подключить (к
продаже) (Academic)
Prava podkljucheniya, prava podkljuchenija k sdelke (k prodazhe), prava podkljuchit’ (k
L.t.: the rights of joining, the rights to join the bargain (the sale), the rights to join (the sale))
Ruscorpora: 0 examples
The use on the Internet: general meaning
Право потянуть за собой
Pravo potjanut’ za soboj
L.t.: the right to drag (smth./smb.) with you

Table 7. Freeze out (Squeeze out) (figurative meaning)

An action taken by a firm's majority shareholders that pressures minority holders to sell their stakes in the
company. A variety of maneuvers may be considered freeze-out tactics, such as the termination of
minority shareholder employees or the refusal to declare dividends (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Право мажоритарного акционера принудительно выкупать бумаги у других
акционеров (Ruscorpora)
Pravo majoritarnogo akcionera prinuditel’no vykupat’ bumagi u drugih akcionerov
L.t.: a right of a majority shareholder to buy out forcibly the documents of other shareholders
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Конституционный суд (КС) решит, соответствует ли основному закону страны право
мажоритарного акционера принудительновыкупать бумаги у других акционеров,
если в его распоряжении находится 95% голосующих акций АО (Akcionerov proverjat po
Konstitucii, 2007. Ruscorpora).
(L.t.: a right of a majority shareholder to buy out forcibly the documents of other shareholders).
2. Pure DT
Вытеснение (миноритарных акционеров) (Academic)

Вытеснять (например, мелких предпринимателей) (Lingvo)
Vytesnjat’ minoritarnyh akcionerov
L.t.: to squeeze out minority shareholders
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Глава Permira Томас Кренц не хочет идти на большие расходы, связанные с вытеснением
миноритарных акционеров (Permira zavladela Hugo Boss, 2006. Ruscopora).
3. Pure DT
= Squeeze out
Уменьшение доли миноритарных акционеров (Academic)
Umen’shenie doli minoritarnyh akcionerov
L.t.: a reduction of a share of minority shareholders
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Pure DT
= Squeeze-out
Принудительный выкуп (акций) (Academic)
Prinuditel’nyj vykup (akcij)
L.t.: an compulsory buy-out (of shares)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 25 doc.
После получения 95%
«Интер РАО» имеет право объявить принудительный выкуп акций ТГК-11 (Just, 2012.
Принудительный выкуп (акций)
Prinuditel’nyj vykup (akcij)
L.t.: an compulsory buy-out (of shares)

The term drag-along right, which includes the phrasal verb to drag along can be translated
using Calque : право «потянуть за собой» (Lingvo) (pravo potjanut’ za soboj, L.t.: the right
to drag (smth.) with you). The figurative meaning in this case is preserved, but the content of the
term is not clarified.

The DT право мажоритарного акционера принудить других акционеров продать свои

акции на тех же условиях (IFC) (pravo mazhoritarnogo akcionera prinudit’ drugih akcionerov
prodat’ svoi akcii na teh zhe uslovijah, L.t.: the right of the majority shareholder to make other
shareholders sell their shares under the same conditions), retrieved from the IFC glossary,
discloses the meaning of the term. DT does not focus on the form of the English term, but on its
figurative meaning. The principal semantic components are made explicit: “a right that enables a
majority shareholder to force a minority shareholder to join in the sale of a company”
(Investopedia); “a right that allows majority shareholders to force minority shareholders to

accept an agreement” (InvestorWords); “majority shareholder's privilege of obligating the
minority shareholders to sell their shares at a price offered in accordance with the shareholders
agreement” (Business Dictionary). The metaphoric form of the English term is not preserved in
the Russian term due to the translators’ desire to make the form of the term transparent.

Although it seems unambiguous, the form of the term is not stable or fixed. There are
numerous variations of the Russian form in different resources, including more concise term
forms: права подключения, права подключения к сделке (к продаже), права подключить (к
продаже) (Academic) (pravo podkljuchenija, pravo podkljuchenija k sdelke (k prodazhe), pravo
podkljuchit’ (k prodazhe), L.t.: the right of joining, the right to join the bargain (the sale), the
right to join (the sale) (see table 6).

All the Russian terms highlight different semantic components of the English term. According
to the definitions of the term in the source language (see table 6), the term component “minority
shareholders” can mean such components as “other shareholders”, or “joint sale of shares”:
“обязанность миноритарного акционера продать свой пакет акций наряду с
мажоритарным акционером на тех же условиях… Это так называемое Drag - along right”
(L.t.: a duty of a minority shareholder to sell their stock of shares along with a majority
shareholder on the same terms) (Kotova-Smolenskaja, 2009).

The term component “on the same terms” is indispensable along with the term component “to
sell the stock of shares”, regardless of the general meaning of the term “drag along”, which is
also used in the sphere of Corporate Management to denote some mechanisms of joining a deal:
“разновидности «механизмов требования присоединения к сделке»” (Dolinskaja & Faleev,
2010, p. 162) (raznovidnosti mehanizmov trebovaniya prisoedinitsya k sdelke).

All the abovementioned examples indicate that the target term form is redundant and not
convenient to use. The term components “свой” (one´s), “другие” (others) etc. do not contribute
to the transparency of the Russian term and make it appear between DT and Irrelevant
Components. Accordingly a shorter form can be used in the field of Corporate Governance in
order to prevent an ambiguous translation. Nevertheless the shorter term forms recommended in
the dictionary were not found in the Ruscorpora documents (see the table 6): права

подключения, права подключения к сделке (к продаже), права подключить (к продаже)
(Academic) (prava podkljuchenija, prava podkluchenija k sdelke (k prodazhe), pravo
podkljuchit’ (k prodazhe), L.t. rights of joining, rights to join the bargain (the sale), the right to
join (the sale)). The only term form which is used with relative frequentcy used on the Internet is
право потянуть за собой (pravo potjanut’ za soboj; L.t.: the right to drag (smth. /smb.) with
you). This term was created using Calque with the corresponding figurative meaning, making its
form recognizable, interesting and innovative within the field of Management. Nevertheless, the
term is often used in a more expanded form with the aim to disclose its meaning (see table 6).
Accordingly, the previously mentioned term may be recommended as a translation for the
English term drag along right with the condition that its form is to be fixed and crystallized
within the field of Management (without any expansion of its form).
The existence of terms with similar meanings can mislead a translator when dealing with the
Russian term: право мажоритарного акционера принудительно выкупать бумаги у других
акционеров (Ruscorpora) (pravo mazhoritarnogo akcionera prinuditel’no vykupat’ bumagi u
drugih akcionerov, L.t.: a right of a majority shareholder to buy out forcibly the documents of
other shareholders). The term refers to the English term a squeeze out or a freeze out, which is
defined as “an action taken by a firm's majority shareholders that pressures minority holders to
sell their stakes in the company. A variety of maneuvers may be considered freeze-out tactics,
such as the termination of minority shareholder employees or the refusal to declare dividends.”
(Investopedia). The metaphorical form indicates that the action is to oblige somebody to do
something; however, the term does not have the component of “following” and it makes it
different from the term drag-along right.

The use of Russian terms corresponding to the term freeze out indicates that the short
descriptive form is the most relevant one: принудительный выкуп (акций) (Academic)
(prinuditel’nyj vykup (akcij); L.t.: a compulsory buy-out (of shares)). The term is used in a total
of 26 documents, which is frequent when compared with the other forms. It is interesting that
Calque with figurative meaning which was recommended for the translation of the term drag-
along right (see table 6) is not used as a translation method for the term freeze out. Nevertheless,
the Calque with a short descriptive form allows translators of LSP texts to avoid ambiguity

connected to the use of similar term components such as “to buy (out)”, “minority shareholders”
and “to pressure”.

2.1.2. Form-Oriented Pure DT

Form-Oriented Pure DT is a rare case. It is implicitly tiriggered by the form of a source
term, i.e. the choice of a descriptive form is not based on content of a source term, but it focuses
on the reproducing of a difficult term form in Russian.

Form-Oriented Pure DT borders on Calque and DT, because it employs source term
components; however, these components are integrated into the pure description of a term form.

The requirements of term conciseness and transparency should meet the linguistic correctness
rule, despite its importance sometimes being considered as irrelevant. It implies that a term
should “conform to the morphological, morphosyntactic and phonological norms” of a certain
language (ISO, 1999, p. 25).

For instance, English uses a lot of elliptical structures, which are hardly ever found in
Russian. Participial constructions as well as constructions with adverbial participles and
constructions with prepositions are widely used in Russian; moreover, this language tends to use
descriptive patterns.

The term listed company, meaning “a firm whose shares are listed (quoted) on a stock
exchange for public trading” (Business Dictionary), is an example of a semantically-dense term

Table 8. Listed company

A listed company is a company whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange (Collins).

1. Pure DT
Компания, акции которой котируются на фондовой бирже (Academic)
Kompanija akcii kotoroj kotirujutsja na fondovoj birzhe
L.t.: a company whose shares are rated on a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 5 doc.
В соответствии с международными стандартами финансовой отчетности для

компаний, акции которых котируются на фондовых биржах (Voprosy transformacii
buhgalterskoj otchetnosti v sootvetstvii s MSFO, 2003. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: companies whose shares are rated on a stock exchange
2. Pure DT
Компания, акции которой котируются на бирже (биржах) (Ruscorpora)
Kompaniya, akcii kotoroj kotirujutsja na birzhe (birzhah)
L.t.: a company, whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: N.c. 15 doc.
При этом стоить учитывать, что сделка по покупке компании, акции которой
котируются на бирже, обычно стоит на 20-30% дороже проекта по приобретению
непубличной компании с аналогичными оборотами (Rossijskij ritejl ostanetsja za nami,
2005. Ruscorpora)
3. Pure DT
Компания, акции которой зарегистрированы на фондовой бирже (IFC)
Kompnaija, aktcii kotoroj zaregistrirovany na fondovoj birzhe
L.t.: a company whose shares are registered on a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Pure DT
Компания, чьи акции котируются на бирже (Ruscorpora)
Kompnaija, ch’i akcii kotirujutsja na birzhe
L.t.: a company whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange
N.c.: 5 doc.
Это требуют правила, которых должна придерживаться любая компания, чьи акции
котируются на международных биржах (Kapitalizacija Rambler Media vyrosla za god pochti
v 3 raza, 2006. Ruscorpora).
Впрочем, вчера две ведущие рыболовецкие компании региона, чьи акции котируются на
бирже в Шэньчжэне, — Dalian YiQiao Marine Seeds и Dalian Zhangzidao Fishery Group —
заявили, что их бизнес пока не пострадал (Pavlov, 2010. Ruscorpora).
5. Pure DT
Компания, акции которой обращаются на бирже (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, akcii kotoroj obraschautsya na birzhe
L.t.: a company whose shares have a turnover on a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: 6 doc.
Инвесторы из материкового Китая охотно инвестируют в компании, акции которых
обращаются на Гонконгской фондовой бирже, через так называемые QDIIфонды
(квалифицированные домашние институциональные инвестиции) (Trebuetsja vremja na
obrazovanie kitajskih investorov, 2010. Ruscorpora)
6. Pure DT
Компания, чьи акции торгуются на (фондовой) бирже/рынке (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, chji akcii torgujutsja na (fondovoj) birzhe
L.t.: a company whose shares are being traded on a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: M.c. 2 doc., N.c. 27 doc.
По добыче нефти «Роснефть» будет на первом месте среди компаний, чьи акции
торгуются на фондовых рынках», – отмечает собеседник (Ivanova, 2013. Ruscorpora).
К началу октября американские биржи покинули 56 концернов, а это уже 12,4% всех
иностранных компаний, чьи акции торгуются на биржах США (Bitva za jemitenty,
2007. Ruscorpora)

7. Direct Loan (+ assimilation)
Листинговая компания (IFC)
Listingovaja kompanija
L.t.: a listing company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Internet: Листинговая компания – это открытое акционерное общество, которое
выставляет свои акции на бирже (Utmagazine)
L.t.: listed company – is an open joint-stock company, which offers its shares on a stock-
8. Direct Loan + DT
Компания (фирма), акции которой включены в листинг (фондовой биржи) (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija (firma), akcii kotoroj vkljucheny v listing (fondovoj byrzhi) (Ruscorpora)
L.t.: a company (a firm), whose shares are included in the listing
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 full match
По сообщению компании, фонд намерен инвестировать в генерирующие, сетевые и
сервисные активы как частных компаний, так и компаний, акции которых включены в
листинги торговых площадок (Shvedy prishli za jelektrichestvom, 2007. Ruscorpora).
9. Direct Loan + DT
Компания, внесённая в листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, vnesennaja v listing fondovoj birzhy
L.t.: a company introduced in the listing of stock exchange
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
<…> официальный журнал Европейского союза опубликовал Директиву (распоряжение),
требующую от компаний, внесённых в листинг европейских фондовых бирж, готовить
с 2005 г. свою консолидированную отчётность в соответствии с нормами МСФО.
(Evropejskij, forum buhgalterov, 2003. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: the companies included in the listing of European stock exchanges.
10. Direct Loan +DT
Kомпания, включенная в листинг фондовой биржи (IFC)
Kompanija, vkluchennaja v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: a company, included in the listing of a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: 8 doc.
«ВымпелКом» стал первой российской компанией, включенной в листинг
Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи (NYSE) (Vinogradov, 2006. Ruscopora).
L.t.: a first Russian company, included in the listing of New-York stock exchange.
Компания, акции которой котируются на бирже (биржах)
Kompanija, akcii kotoroj kotirujutsya na birzhe (birzhah)
L.t.: a company, whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange
Or Direct Loan +DT
Kомпания, включенная в листинг фондовой биржи
Kompanija, vkluchennaja v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: a company, included in the listing of a stock exchange
Or Pure DT (close to Additional or Irrelevant Components method)
Компания, чьи акции торгуются на (фондовой) бирже/рынке (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, ch’i akcii torgujutsja na (fondovoj) birzhe
L.t.: a company whose shares are being traded on a stock exchange

The term listed company contains an abundance of semantic components within a dense and
concise term form: it is not the company which is listed, but its shares on a certain stock
exchange (see the definition in table 8). Such a form represents a challenge for translation into
Russian. In addition to this, the term component listed is semantically dense and innovative in its

The factors above entail the use of DT with a wide range of variations in Russian. First of all,
the term component listed has different equivalents in Russian: котирующийся,
зарегистрированный, включённый, etc. (kotirujushhijsya, zaregistrirovannyj, vkljuchennyj;
L.t.: quoted, registered and included). Secondly, retrieving the semantic component “shares”
triggers participial constructions or descriptive constructions employing “чей”, “который”
(chej, kotoryj; L.t.: whose, which). Among all the possible translations with Pure Descriptive
form, the Russian term компания, акции которой котируются на бирже (Ruscorpora)
(биржах) (kompanija, akcii kotoroj kotirujutsja na birzhe (birzhah); L.t.: a company, whose
shares are quoted on a stock exchange) is used relatively frequently and can be found in 15
Ruscorpora documents (see table 8). The term was retrieved from Ruscorpora after the analysis
of the term компания, акции которой котируются на фондовой бирже (Academic)
(kompanija akcii kotoroj kotirujutsja na fondovoj birzhe; L.t.: a company whose shares are rated
on a stock exchange). The term can be found in a total of 6 Ruscorpora documents, which
indicates that the term component “фондовый” (fondovyj, stock) is not essential for the
descriptive form in Russian.

In addition, the analysis revealed the most frequently used descriptive term: компания, чьи
акции торгуются на (фондовой) бирже/рынке (Ruscorpora) (kompanija, ch’i akcii
torgujutsja na (fondovoj) birzhe; L.t.: a company whose shares are being traded on a stock
exchange). It is used in a total of 29 Ruscorpora documents, which could be the reason for the
recommendation of this term as the relevant translation. Nevertheless, the term component “чей”
(chej, whose) does not seem appropriate for the form of this term. It makes the term form close
to the verbal definition.

The attributive construction in Russian is also possible in this case, which is proved by the
term created using Direct Loan (with assimilation): листинговая компания (IFC) (listingovaja
kompanija; L.t.: a listing company). The first term component is based on a term which has been
already incorporated into Russian: “листинг” (listing) and the suffix “–ова-“, used for
adjectives. In English, listing stands for “something that is listed” (Merriam-Webster). One of
the business definitions of listing is as follows: “acceptance of a qualifying security for trading
over a stock exchange.” (Business Dictionary) The definitions mentioned above indicate that the
form of the term листинговая компания is justifiable and practical. In spite of this fact, the term
did not prove efficient according to its use in Ruscorpora, where it is not represented at all.
Nevertheless, the term is used on the Internet (see table 8), which means that the term is still in
the process of stabilization within Russian. This is also proved by the use of descriptive
translation with the term component retrieved by Direct Loan: компания, включенная в
листинг фондовой биржи (IFC) (kompanija, vkluchennaja v listing fondovoj birzhi; L.t.: a
company, included in the listing of a stock exchange). This term can be found in as many as 8
Ruscorpora documents, surpassing the use of terms with a similar form: компания (фирма),
акции которой включены в листинг (фондовой биржи) (Ruscorpora) (kompanija (firma),
akcii kotoroj vkljucheny v listing (fondovoj byrzhi); L.t.: a company (a firm), whose shares are
included in the listing) and компания, внесённая в листинг фондовой биржи (kompanija,
vnesennaja v listing fondovoj birzhy; L.t.: a company introduced in the listing of stock
exchange) (see table 8). It is interesting to note that the recommended translation for the
previously mentioned term to go public is as follows: (быть) включённым в листинг фондовой
биржи (Ruscorpora) ((byt’) vkljuchjonnym v listing fondovoj birzhi; L.t.: to be included into
the listing of a stock exchange) (see table 5). It highlights the frequency of the use of the term
component “включённый” (vkluchjonnyj, included). Accordingly, the terms containing other
equivalents of the component, i.e. “quoted”, “included”, “registered”, are of less practical use
within the field.
The analysis of the translation of the term listed company revealed 3 frequently used
translation methods: Pure DT, Direct Loan and DT, and Pure DT close to Additional or
Irrelevant Components (see table 8/recommended translation). All the terms are frequently used;
however, the term created using Direct Loan and Pure DT has an advantage over the others,

being innovative, relatively concise and easy to use: компания, включенная в листинг
фондовой биржи (kompanija, vkluchennaja v listing fondovoj birzhi; L.t.: a company, included
in the listing of a stock exchange).

2.2. Calque and Descriptive Translation

The Calque and DT method appears to be between Pure DT and Calque, i.e. this term
translation technique is both content and form oriented. The term forms, which partially preserve
the initial form of the source term adding descriptive components, can be attributed to the Calque
and DT method.

Calque and DT is more specific than Pure DT, but less concrete than Calque. For this reason,
Calque and DT is not faced with the problems of ambiguity, generalization and unwieldy
constructions, because basic term components are retrieved using Calque. On the other hand,
Calque and DT risks making term components unjustifiably concrete, or higlighting incorrect
meanings of components.

2.2.1. Сalque and DT. Single Unit Term.

In most cases, Calque and DT is used for terms, which consist of several words. However, it
can be applied to one-word compound terms, which have several components. These terms
usually have complicated forms and meanings.

The term supermajority represents such a case.

Table 9. Supermajority
A percentage larger than a simple majority; often 67%. Company charters often require a supermajority
of shareholders to approve an important proposal, such as a merger or sale. It exceeds the simple majority
used for most voting-based decisions, and is often included as an amendment to the charter (Investor
1. Calque + DT
Квалифицированное большинство голосов (обычно ¾) (IFC)
Kvalificirovannoe bol’shinstvo golosov (obychno ¾)
L.t.: the qualified majority of voices (usually ¾)
Examples: M.c.: 11 doc., N.c.: 22 doc.
Дело в том, что для принятия поправок в Устав требуется квалифицированное
большинство голосов, то есть не менее семнадцати (Tatarenkov, 2002. Ruscorpora).
Но сейчас вопросы визового режима будут решаться квалифицированным
большинством голосов (Usov, 2010.Ruscopora).
L.t.: the qualified majority of votes
2. Direct Equivalent
= qualified majority Kвалифицированное большинство (принцип коллективного
принятия решения, призванный защитить права меньшинства, согласно которому
барьер, который необходимо преодолеть устанавливается выше 50 %, напр., на уровне
60 % или 75%; часто подразумевается большинство в 2/3 голосов) (Academic).
Kvalificirovannoe bol’shinstvo (a note)
L.t.: the qualified majority (the principle of a collective decision-making, aimed at defending
the rights of the minority, according to which the threshold is more than 50%, for example at
the level of 60% or 75 %; often 2/3 of the voices stands for the majority).
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 17 doc, N.c.: 86 doc.
Я полагаю, что все члены ЕС должны уважать меньшинства, но здесь было
квалифицированное большинство", — сказал глава МИД (Mel'nik, 2014. Ruscorpora).
Вопрос об отзыве полномочий Президента принимается квалифицированным
большинством – более 2/3 голосов присутствующих делегатов (Procedura snjatija i
naznachenija glav sportivnyh federacij RF. Spravka, 2010. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: the qualified majority
3. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Квалифицированное большинство в две трети (голосов) (Ruscorpora)
a supermajority of two-thirds, a two-thirds supermajority — квалифицированное
большинство в две трети голосов (Academic)
Kvalificirovannoje bol’shinstvo v dve treti (golosov)
L.t.: the qualified majority of 2/3 voices
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
Одновременно с этим предлагается, чтобы этот комитет принимал решения
квалифицированным большинством в две трети голосов, чтобы участники рынка так
же могливлиять на тарифы и другие существенные решения (Verzhbickij, 2012.
4. Calque + DT
Сверхквалифицированное большинство (Lingvo)

Sverhkvalificirovannoe bol´shinstvo
L.t.: overqualified majority
N.c.: 1 doc.
<...>Пакет холдинга в операторе вырастет с 44 до 74%, то есть до сверхквалифицирова
нного большинства»,
пишет в отчете аналитик UniCredit Securities Надежда Голубева. (Dement'ev & Bursak,
2003. Ruscorpora)
Kвалифицированное большинство
Kvalificirovannoe bol’shinstvo
L.t.: the qualified majority

The Calque and DT translation method can be applied to a term consisting of one word. In
this case one part of a word, a full-fledged term component, is translated into the target language
using Calque. Other term components are made explicit using descriptive elements. The term
supermajority is defined as “a seventy five percent or higher majority of votes required in
approving certain changes or decisions in an organization” (Business Dictionary), “a corporate
amendment in a company's charter requiring a large majority (anywhere from 67-90%) of
shareholders to approve important changes, such as a merger” (Investopedia). The only
additional explicit term component in the Russian term квалифицированное большинство
голосов (IFC) is голосов (of votes). The term component is relevant because it is implied in the
term definition. The term component “majority” has the Direct Equivalent in Russian:

The term component “super” modifying the component “majority” conveys the following
meaning in the field of Corporate Governance: “a majority (as two-thirds or three-fifths) greater
than a simple majority” (Merriam-Webster).

In Russian the term supermajority can have the following equivalent according to Lingvo
dictionary: сверхквалифицированное большинство (Lingvo) (sverhkvalificirovannoe
bol´shinstvo, L.t.: overqualified majority). The existence of the synonymic term qualified
majority voting (IFC) (see Additional or Irrelevant Components) and its Russian equivalent
голосование по принципу квалифицированного большинства (IFC) (golosovanie po principu
kvalificirovannogo bol’shinstva, L.t.: the voting under the principle of qualified majority) boosts

the use of the term component квалифицированный (kvalificirovannyj, qualified). In this case
the use of the component “сверх-“ (sverh, over) is superfluous and irrelevant because it repeats
the meaning contained in the term component “qualified” as opposed to “simple”. In this respect
the following term can be used in the field of Corporate Governance: квалифицированное
большинство (kvalificirovannoe bol’shinstvo, L.t.: qualified majority) (see table 9).

A great number of examples retrieved from Ruscorpora (see table 9) indicate that the
descriptive term form is fixed in Russian: “… для принятия поправок в Устав требуется
квалифицированное большинство голосов, то есть не менее семнадцати” (Tatarenkov,
2002. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: for the amendments to be accepted in the Charter the qualified majority
of votes is needed, i.e. not less that seventeen). Nevertheless, the Direct Equivalent of the term
квалифицированное большинство (Academic) (кvalificirovannoe bol’shinstvo; L.t.: the
qualified majority, based on its synonym: qualified majority) can be suggested as the relevant
translation for the term supermajority. The Russian term can be found in a total of 103
documents, surpassing all the other term form variations. In addition to this, the term form is
transparent and is convenient to use, which is proved by the infrequent use of comments or
additional components (see table 9): квалифицированное большинство в две трети (голосов)
(Ruscorpora) (kvalifitzirovannoje bol’shinstvo v dve treti (golosov); L.t.: the qualified majority
of 2/3 voices).

2.1.2. Calque and DT. Calque of the whole term combined with explanation of
Difficult semantic constructions represent a reason for the use of Calque and DT. Special
nouns, based on phrasal verbs (phrasal verb nominatives) can trigger the use of DT. These nouns
comprise different sematic components in a short form, for example: buy-out: buying something
out. In addition to this, these nouns are often used as a base for coining new terms with figurative
meanings. Such a combination of innovative content and concise, grammatically dense form is
not easy to shape in Russian.

The translation of one of these English terms is analyzed in the table below (table 10).

Table 10. Buy-out (figurative meaning)
The purchasing of a controlling share in a company (Online Etymology Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании (IFC)
Vykup kontrol’nogo paketa akciy kompanii
L.t.: buy-out/repurchase of a control package of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Менеджеры «Сибура» не скрывают, что помимо выкупа контрольного пакета акций
компании у Газпромбанка онизаинтересованы в консолидации бумаг, принадлежащих
сейчас другим акционерам (Shabashov, 2008. Ruscorpora)
2. Calque and DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета (Ruscorpora)
Vykup kontrol’nogo paketa
L.t.: repurchase of a control package
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc. N.c.: 15 doc.
Для привлечения средств на выкуп контрольного пакета акционеры «Вестера» ведут
переговоры с пятью банками (Perceva, 2011. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: to attract money for the buyout of a control package the shareholders make negotiations
with five banks.
3. Calque and DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета акций (Ruscorpora)
Vikup kontrol’nogo paketa akciy
L.t.: repurchase of a control package of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 6 doc.
В апреле РБК daily уже сообщала о том, что южноафриканский Standard Bank ведет
переговоры о выкупе контрольного пакета акций группы у
топ-менеджеров группы во главе с Рубеном Варданяном («Trojka Dialog» hochet pod krylo
gosudarstva, 2010. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: … Standard Bank Lodz the negotiations about the buyout of a control package of shares
of a group…
4. Additional or Irrelevant Components
эк. закупка всей партии товара (Academic)
Zakupka vsej partii tovara
L.t.: a purchase of the whole shipment of produce
Ruscorpora: N.c.: without “весь” (the whole): 5 doc.
А на закупку очередных партий товара требовались все новые и новые суммы денег
(Knjazev, 2000. Ruscorpora).
Calque and DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета
Vykup kontrol’nogo paketa
L.t.: repurchase of a control package

The term buy-out can have the same phonetic form in Russian as a result of transcription:
*бай-аут; however, such a pattern does not exist in Russian. In this respect, the descriptive
equivalent of the English term seems to be the most relevant one: выкуп контрольного пакета
акций компании (IFC) (vykup kontrol’nogo paketa akciy kompanii; L.t.: the process of buying
out the majority stake of a company).
According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the form of the term buy out with the
meaning of “the purchasing of a controlling share in a company” first appeared in 1976 and
derives from the “verbal phrase buy out “purchase someone’s estate and turn him out of it”
dating from the 1640’s (Online Etymology Dictionary). In Russian the term can be made explicit
only by describing its meaning in English: выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании
(IFC) (buy-out/repurchase of a control package of shares) (see table 8). The term form in the
target language matches the definition of the source term exactly. The use of descriptiveness is
justified because the form of the source term cannot be shaped in Russian: phrasal verbs do not
exist in Russian. The use of Direct Loan can result in a non-transparent, inharmonious term
DT has also been used for the derivatives of the term. It indicates that the term form is fixed
in the field of Corporate Governance. Leveraged buy-out (LBO) has the following equivalent in
Russian: выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании за счет кредита (IFC) (vykup
kontrol’nogo paketa akciy kompanii za schjot kredita, L.t.: the buy out of a control package of
shares at the expense of a loan). Management buy-out is also translated using DT: выкуп
компаний (их) менеджментом (Ruscorpora) (vykup kompanij (ih) menedzhmentom, L.t.: the
buy out of companies by their management). Both terms are widely used in the field of
Corporate Governance:
Management/employee buy-out: “Большинство операций венчурного капитала
заканчиваются продажей на торгах (включая management buy-outs или выкуп
контрольного пакета акций компании её же управляющими и служащими и management
buy-ins или приобретение группой посторонних профессиональных менеджеров
контрольного пакета акций компании)” (ОECD, 2007, p. 84) (L.t.: the purchase of a control
package of shares of a company by its own managers and employees).

Leveraged buy-out: Выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании с использованием
заемных средств (CBSC) (L.t.: a purchase of a control package of shares with the use loan
The source term has no variation, but the Russian term favors different variations, which
makes it less precise: выкуп контрольного пакета акций (Ruscorpora) (vykup kontrol’nogo
paketa akciy, l.t.: repurchase of a control package of shares); выкуп контрольного пакета
(Ruscorpora) (vikup kontrol’nogo paketa; L.t.: repurchase of a control package). These terms are
more efficient in practical use, because they are not restricted by the term component “of a
company” (see table 8). In addition to this, the abovementioned term forms created by Pure DT
are more frequently used in Ruscorpora, than the term выкуп контрольного пакета акций
компании (IFC) (vykup kontrol’nogo paketa akciy kompanii; L.t.: buy-out/repurchase of a
control package of shares). The term выкуп контрольного пакета (Ruscorpora) (vykup
kontrol’nogo paketa; L.t.: repurchase of a control package) is used in as many as 16 Ruscorpora
documents. Its form is both short and convenient and excludes repetition within a sentence. For
this reason it may be recommended as the translation for the English term buy-out.

2.1.3. Calque and DT. Figurative Meaning

Translators tend to resort to DT and Calque in order to preserve not only the initial form of a
source term, but also to restore the figurativeness of a term. Pure DT can also be used to translate
the figurative meaning of a term; however, this term method is used to disclose the meaning of a
term, i.e. it is rarely used when the figurativeness is preserved. The term shares lock-up,
mentioned below, received a number of possible translation equivalents in Russian and its
figurativeness has been preserved in most cases.

Table 11. Shares lock-up (figurative meaning)
To stop fulfilling transactions employing shares.
To lock up: to invest your money in something, so that it is not available for you to spend (Macmillan).

1. Pure DT (figurative meaning)/ Calque and DT

Временное блокирование совершения акционерами сделок с акциями (IFC)
Vremennoe blokirovanie sovershenija akcionerami sdelok s akcijami
L.t.: a temporary blocking of the fulfillment of the transactions with shares by shareholders
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Internet: practically not used
2. Calque +DT
Блокирование пакета акций (Ruscorpora)
Blokirovanie paketa aktciy
L.t.: Blocking of a package of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
<..> только блокированием 6-процентного пакета акций ЗАО БК «Перспектива» можно
было бы либо сорвать собрание <..>, либо утвердить собственные позиции, не допустив
контрольный пакет Чекменева к голосованию (Stoljarov, 2002. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: blocking of 6 per cent package of shares
3. Calque
Блокирование акций (Ruscorpora)
Blokirovanie akciy
L.t.: Blocking of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 5 doc.
Региональным отделениям партии «Единая Россия» во взаимодействии с аппаратом
полномочного представителя и органами государственной власти субъектов Российской
Федерации принять меры по информационному блокированию акций т.н. альтернативных
профсоюзов и других конструктивных сил в предвыборный период (Rodionov, 2009.
L.t.: informational blocking of shares
4. Pure DT
Юридический термин: ограничение операций по акциям (Academic)
Ogranichenije operacij po akcijam
L.t.: legal term: the restriction of operations with shares
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Internet: nearly not used
Блокирование акций (Ruscorpora)
Blokirovanie aktziy
L.t.: Blocking of shares

The DT and Calque method includes the DT of terms created by means of semantic transfer
in the target language. The figurativeness of these terms is usually preserved. The description is
triggered by making the term easier to understand in Russian.

The term shares lock-up has the following equivalent in Russian: временное блокирование
совершения акционерами сделок с акциями (vremennoe blokirovanie sovershenija
akcionerami sdelok s akcijami, L.t.: temporal lock-up/blocking of carrying out transactions
employing shares by shareholders). In this case the term element “lock-up”, derived from the
phrasal verb “to lock up” with the help of conversion, was borrowed into Russian with the help
of Calque: blocking. The verb “to lock up” means “to invest your money in something, so that it
is not available for you to spend” (Macmillan) in Management terminology. DT does not aim to
explain the semantic components of the term element “lock-up”. Rather, it is used to describe the
process: transactions employing shares which are locked-up, rather than available shares. The
additional element “shareholders” can be easily eliminated without changing the meaning of the
term; however, it contributes to term accuracy.

The Russian term временное блокирование совершения акционерами сделок с акциями

(vremennoe blokirovanie sovershenija akcionerami sdelok s akciami, L.t.: temporal lock-
up/blocking of carrying out transactions employing shares by shareholders) appears to be
between Pure DT and Calque and DT. Its descriptive form resembles a definition, and yet it
contains term components which were introduced into the Russian term with the help of Calque:
блокирование (blocking, lock-up). Ideally the term should be created using Pure DT, because it
borrowed the term component from the English term as an additional component, rather than
using Calque as a base. The term is mentioned in the glossaries and dictionaries (see table 11),
but it is not used in Ruscorpora, and is all but absent on the Internet.

The shorter equivalent, блокирование пакета акций (blokirovanie paketa akcij, L.t.:
blocking of the package of shares) (see table 11), is widely used in Ruscorpora. It represents a
case of Calque and DT, because the term form is based on the English one, with an additional
descriptive element (package) and the reversion of the word order. The term was found in 3
Ruscorpora documents, which was surpassed by another equivalent, created using Calque:
блокирование акций (Ruscorpora) (blokirovanie akcij; L.t.: blocking of shares). This term
appears in 5 Ruscorpora documents and demonstrates that Calque is the successful term
translation method in this case. Calque can be recommended as the translation method for the
English term. Regarding the term shares lock-up, the form of the term allows its figurativeness to

be preserved under translation, although Pure DT without a motivated form is offered in the
dictionaries as the legal term: ограничение операций по акциям (Academic) (оgranichenije
operatcij po akcijam; L.t.: legal term: the restriction of operations with shares).

2.1.4. Calque and DT. Concretization

DT can be used to reveal the meaning of term components and, paradoxical as it may seem,
to limit its content. Prepositional constructions can be used in this case, not only because of the
term form but also because of the semantically-dense meaning of one or several term
components in the source language. The translation of the term mandatory bid into Russian
illustrates such a case.

Table 12. Mandatory bid

“Аn offer to purchase the shares of a company which has to be made when a shareholder acquires 30 per
cent of that company's shares” (InvestorWords).

1. Calque and DT
Обязательное предложение о покупке (IFC; Academic)
Objazatel’noe predlozhenie o pokupke
L.t.: an obligatory offer for a purchase
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
Internet: frequently used
"”Татнефть” направила обязательное предложение о покупке акций банка “Зенит”" ("Tatneft'"
napravila objazatel'noe predlozhenie o pokupke akcij banka "Zenit", 2016)
2. Calque and DT
Обязательное предложение о приобретении акций (Ruscorpora)
Objazatel’noje predlozhenie o priobretenii akciy
L.t.: an obligatory offer for shares acquisition
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 4 doc.
В рамках всё той же сделки по приобретению «Мосэнергосетьстроя» компания направила
всем акционерам предприятия обязательное предложение о приобретении акций (Korytina,
3. Calque and DT
Обязательное предложение о приобретении ценных бумаг (Ruscorpora)
Objazatel’noje predlozhenie o priobretenii cennyh bumag
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the acquisition of securities
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
О желании «Самохвала» консолидировать 100% акций ТАМП говорится в «Обязательном
предложении о приобретении ценных бумаг», документе, выпущенном

компанией 6 сентября 2007 года для соакционеров мясокомбината (Solovichenko, 2007.
4. Calque and DT
Обязательное предложение о выкупе (пакетов) акций (Ruscorpora)
Objazatel’noe predlozhenie o vykupe (paketov) akciy
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the buyout of the (packages) of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 14 doc.
16 июля 2008 года «Уралхим» направил миноритариям этого предприятия оферту –
обязательное предложение о выкупе их пакетов акций (Popova, 2010. Ruscopora)
5. Calque and DT
Oбязательное предложение о продаже акций (Ruscorpora)
Objazatel´noe predlozhenie o prodazhe akciy
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the shares sale
“Инсайдеры утверждают, что преодолевать планку в 30% Salzgitter пока не собирается, ведь
тогда он был бы обязан сделать другим акционерам компании
обязательное предложение о продаже их акций” (Perevod Aleksandra Polockogo. Stalevary
kopjat sily, 2009. Ruscorpora)
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the shares sale
6. Calque and DT
Приобретение обязательного пакета акций (Fedchuk)
Priobretenie objazatelnogo paketa akciy
L.t.: the acquisition of an obligatory stock of shares
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet:
«приобретение частичного пакета акций (partial bid) и обязательного пакета акций
(mandatory bid)» (Fedchuk).
Priobretenie ... obyazatelnogo paketa acciy
L.t.: the acquisition of partial stock of shares and obligatory stock of shares
7. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Обязанность предложить приобрести акции (Academic)
Objazannost’ predlozhit’ priobresti akcii
L.t.: an obligation to offer an acquisition of shares
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Internet: not used (except for the dictionaries)
Обязательное предложение о выкупе (пакетов) акций
Obyazatel’noe predlozhenie o vykupe (paketov) aktziy
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the buyout of the (packages) of shares

The term mandatory bid is translated descriptively in the IFC glossary: предложение об
обязательном выкупе (predlozhenie ob objazatelnom vykupe, L.t.: the offer of (about) an
obligatory buy-out). In this case the descriptive form is a result of the translation of the term

component “bid”. The following equivalents of the term “bid” can be found in Russian: заявка
(на торгах, предлагаемая цена, предложение), предложение цены, предлагаемая цена
(Lingvo, Мultitran, Mjuller, Apresjan) (zajavka (na torgah, predlagaemaja cena, predlozhenie),
predlozhenie ceni, predlagaemaaa cena: an application (at an auction, a price offered, an offer),
the offer of a price, a price offered). Multitran dictionary offers the following equivalents:
предложение (о заключении контракта), предложение о покупке (Multitran) (predlozhenie
(o zakluchenii kontrakta), predlozhenie o pokupke; L.t.: offer (about contract settlement), offer
about buying). Accordingly, the equivalent предложение о выкупе (predlozhenie o vykupe;
L.t.: the offer of (about) a buy-out) was chosen to translate the term mandatory bid. The
translation triggers a descriptive term form because the term component bid is made explicit with
the help of the defining element “обязательный” (objazatelniy: obligatory).

The definition of the English term proves that the use of DT can be considered relevant: “an
offer to purchase the remaining shares of a company that a stockholder has to make if he or she
acquires at least 30% of that company's stock” (QFC); “an offer to purchase the shares of a
company which has to be made when a shareholder acquires 30 per cent of that company's
shares” (InvestorWords). These definitions highlight that the semantic component
“обязательный” (objazatelniy: obligatory) is not related to the term component “предложение”
(predlozhenie: offer), which is why it is essential to make the term component “выкуп” (vykup:
buy-out) explicit.

In Ruscorpora, the examples attaching the term component “obligatory” to the term
component “bid” or “offer” are quite frequent: обязательное предложение о приобретении
акций (оbjazatel’noje predlozhenie o priobretenii akciy, L.t.: an obligatory offer for shares
acquisition); обязательное предложение о выкупе пакетов акций (оbjazatel’noe predlozhenie
o vykupe paketov akciy; L.t.: an obligatory offer for the buyout of the packages of shares);
обязательное предложение о продаже акций (obyazatel´noe predlozhenie o prodazhe akciy,
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the shares sale) (Ruscorpora) (see the examples in the table 12).

The following example illustrates the use of term component “обязательный” (obligatory)
attached to the term component “bid” or “offer”: правило о подаче обязательного

предложения (the mandatory bid rule) (Kutishenko, 2002) (pravilo o podache objazatelnogo
predlozhenija: the rule about the application of an obligatory offer).

Nevertheless, the semantic component “acquisition”, which is made explicit in Russian at the
expense of other term components: “приобретение”, “выкуп”, “продажа” (acquisition, buyout,
sale), makes the Russian term not fixed in the field of Corporate Governance.

In practice, the form of the Russian term is so unstable that a wide range of meanings are
made explicit: “приобретение частичного пакета акций (partial bid) и обязательного пакета
акций (mandatory bid)” (Fedchuk, 2009) (priobretenie chastichnogo paketa akciy i
objazatelnogo paketa akciy; L.t.: the acquisition of partial stock of shares and obligatory stock of

The analysis of Ruscorpora revealed the most frequently used term form in Russian, created
using Calque and DT: обязательное предложение о выкупе (пакетов) акций (Ruscorpora)
(objazatel’noe predlozhenie o vykupe (paketov) akciy; L.t.: an obligatory offer for the buyout of
the (packages) of shares) (see table 12). The term can be recommended as the relevant
translation of the English term due to its clear and relatively convenient form for practical use.
The term contains all the explicit term components necessary for it to function within the field of
Corporate Governance. The term обязательное предложение о покупке (IFC; Academic)
(objazatel’noe predlozhenie o pokupke; L.t.: an obligatory offer for a purchase) is not used in
Ruscorpora, though it quite frequently appears on the Internet (see table 12), which proves its
practical value. The term can be considered as an option for the Russian equivalent of the term
mandatory bid provided its form is crystallized in LSP and is represented in Ruscorpora.

2.3. Direct Loan and Descriptive Translation
The DT and Direct Loan method is not represented by many examples. Even though the term
components reproduce the graphic or phonetic form of a word, they can be based on the elements
which have been previously borrowed into Russian. Nevertheless, some terms are directly
created with the help of Direct Loan and descriptive elements for their terminological use.

2.3.1. Direct Loan and DT. Concretization and Assimilation.

The Direct Loan and DT method aims to concretize term content, thus making a term form
concrete using descriptive elements. A term component retrieved by means of Direct Loan is
often modified or assimilated to be integrated into the target language.

As a rule, this method is made up of neonyms in the source language, e.g. the term affiliate
represents such a case

Table 13. Affiliate

An “organization that is affiliated” (Collins), i.e. “officially connected with a larger organization
or group” (Macmillan).

1. Direct Loan (with assimilation) +DT

Аффилиированная компания (IFC)
Affiliirovannaja kompaniya
L.t.: affiliated company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: widely used, but without double “и”:
Аффилированной компанией называется та фирма, которая является подконтрольной более
крупной материнской организации (Utmagazine).
2. Direct Equivalent
Дочернее предприятие (отделение или часть предприятия) (Lingvo Economics)
Dochernee predprijatie
L.t.: a subsidiary enterprise (a department or a part of an enterprise)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 150 doc., N.c.: 1182 doc.
Фирма «Диагностика-
М» является дочерним предприятием «Лаборатории ТСНК» и специализируется на
разработке аппаратов конвейерного типа (Borodina, 2014. Ruscorpora).
3. Direct Equivalent

Дочерняя компания (Ruscorpora)
Dochernjaja kompanija
L.t.: a subsidiary company
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 142 doc., N.c.: 1950 doc.
В 2009 году консорциум в составе «ЛУКойла»
(точнее, его дочерней компании «ЛУКойл Оверсиз», ведающей зарубежными проектами) с
долей 56,25% и норвежской Statoil (18,75%) выиграл тендерна право освоения
месторождения. (Kudujarov, 2014. Ruscorpora)
4. Direct Equivalent
Дочернее общество (Ruscorpora)
Dochernee obshhestvo
L.t.: a subsidiary society
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 44 doc., N.c.: 327 doc.
5. Direct Equivalent
Филиал (Lingvo Economics)
L.t.: a branch (office)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1135 doc., N.c.: 7 066 doc.
«Все крупнейшие компании мира имеют филиалы в Москве: прекрасная перспектива
карьеры» (Zavgorodnjaja, 2014. Ruscorpora).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct Loan (with assimilation) and DT
Аффилированная компания
Affilirovannaya kompaniya
L.t.: affiliated company
Direct Equivalent
L.t.: a branch (office)

The DT and Direct Loan method employs transliteration or transcription of the term base
and uses descriptive elements. For example, the term affiliate standing for an “organization that
is affiliated” (Collins), i.e. is “officially connected with a larger organization or group”
(Macmillan) received the following equivalent in Russian: аффилированная компания
(affilirovannaja kompaniya, L.t.: affiliated company) (IFC). The term form affiliate was
assimilated into Russian and corresponds to an adjective in the target language. The adjective
accompanies the term component “компания” (kompanija; company), which has been made

This concept was borrowed into Russian from foreign law and has been used since the end of
the XX century: “the concept of affiliation <…> started to be mentioned since 1992”
(Utmagazine). In addition to this, Russian has synonyms which are more familiar to native
speakers: филиал или дочерняя компания (filial or dochernja kompanija, L.t.: a branch (an
office) or a subsidiary company) (Utmagazine). The latter terms are widespread in Russian,
which is shown d by their use in Ruscorpora. The Direct Equivalent филиал (Lingvo
Economics) (filial; L.t.: a branch (office)) is found in a total of 8201 documents, which
represents a large number of examples. The term дочерняя компания (Ruscorpora)
(dochernjaja kompanija; L.t.: a subsidiary company) can be found in as many as 2092 files. In
addition to this, the terms which are recommended by different resources as the direct
equivalents of the English term successfully function in the field of Corporate Governance:
дочернее общество (Ruscorpora) (docherneje obschestvo; L.t.: a subsidiary society);
дочернее предприятие (отделение или часть предприятия) (Lingvo Economics) (dochernee
predprijatie; L.t.: a subsidiary enterprise (a department or a part of an enterprise)) (see table
13). The term component дочерний (dochernij; L.t.: subsidiary) receives different additional
elements, disclosing the meaning of the term and limiting the area of its usage: “компания”,
“общество”, “предприятие” (a company, a society, an enterprise). Despite the fact that the
terms with these components are actively used (see table 13), they also create discrepancies
when regarding their use in the dictionaries, i.e. they should be offered in the dictionaries as
the equivalents of the English term for different contexts.

Although the terms employing the term component дочерний (dochernij; L.t.: subsidiary)
are widespread, the term аффилированная компания (IFC) (affilirovannaja kompanija, L.t.:
affiliated company) can be suggested as the most appropriate translation for the English term.
The term is actively used on the Internet (see table 14), and its form corresponds to the
innovative nature of LSP. In addition to this, the term аффилированный is used not only to
denote firms, but also officials (utmagazine). That is why the term аффилированное лицо
(affilirovannoe lico; L.t.: affiliated person) can be recommended as the translation equivalent
for the term affiliate. Moreover, the term филиал (filial, a branch) can be suggested as the

general equivalent for the English term and be used in contexts belonging to the field of
Corporate Governance.

2.3.2. Calque based on Direct Loan with Assimilation

In some cases the term components are first translated into Russian, using Direct Loan.
The term can be borrowed by means of DT and Calque, based on Direct Loan with or without

This method retains basic term components from the source language which can be
translated with the help of Calque based on Direct Loan. The term gender budget illustrates such
a case.

Table 14. Gender budget

“Оutlines not just expected revenue and expenditures, but also responds to the budget impact on women
and men, resulting in budgetary commitments that show a solid, accountable connection to a
government's gender equality commitments” (Network of East-West Women).

Note: gender-responsive budget; Gender-sensitive budget etc.

1. Calque (based on Direct Loan with assimilation) and DT

Бюджет с учётом гендерных факторов (UN-1)
Bjudzhet s uchjotom gendernyh faktorov
L.t.: the budget with an account of gender factors
Ruscorpora: 0 examples
The Internet: rarely used
“Однако необходимо сделать следующий шаг и составить национальный бюджет с учетом
гендерных факторов в целях решения следующих задач: 1) вовлечения женщин и мужчин в
процесс составления бюджета; 2) выделения ресурсов для осуществления инвестиций в
интересах женщин и 3) оказания вспомогательных услуг в целях оптимизации отдачи от
инвестиций” (WorldBank).
2. Calque (based on Direct Loan with assimilation)
Гендерный бюджет (MCGI; JUNIFEM)
Gendernyj bjudzhet
Ruscorpora: 0 examples
The Internet: widely used
Тематическая группа по гендерным вопросам (ГТГ) при системе ООН в Российской
Федерации объединяет агентства ООН, работающие в Российской Федерации. <…>

Одним из результатов сотрудничества с Правительством Российской Федерации стала
публикация со стороны ГТГ доклада "Гендерный анализ и гендерный бюджет:
инструменты экономического развития". ООН в Российской Федерации (UN Russia).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque (based on Direct Loan with assimilation)
Гендерный бюджет
Gendernyi budzhet

The term gender budget used in the sphere of Corporate Management denotes a budget with
the following features: (it) “outlines not just expected revenue and expenditures, but also
responds to the budget impact on women and men, resulting in budgetary commitments that
show a solid, accountable connection to a government's gender equality commitments” (Network
of East-West Women).

In UN documents the term is translated descriptively with the prepositional construction “с

учётом” (s uchjotom, L.t.: taking into account): бюджет с учётом гендерных факторов (UN-
1) (budget s uchjotom gendernyh faktorov; L.t.: a budget which takes into consideration gender
factors). The term is based on the elements which were previously borrowed into Russian from
the English with the help of Direct Loan. “Гендерный” (gendernyj) is an assimilated term
component with the adjective ending: “гендер” (English gender), stemming from “Latin genus
(genitive generis) "race, stock, family; kind, rank, order; species"” (Online Etymology
Dictionary). The term gender in English comes “from Old French gendre, genre "kind, species;
character; gender"”, which in its turn proceeds from the stem of the Latin “genus (genitive generis) "race,
stock, family; kind, rank, order; species," also "(male or female) sex <…>"” (Online Etymology
Dictionary). The fact that the Russian term was borrowed using Direct Loan before the term
gender budget was translated into Russian proves the fact that the descriptive form of the
Russian terms (see table 14) is based on Calque.

The term content is made accurate and explicit with the help of the term component “factor”.
Sometimes dictionaries or glossaries do not include the concise equivalent of the English term,
which is to be widespread in Corporate Management contexts: гендерный бюджет (MCGI;
JUNIFEM) (gendernyj bjudzhet). It means that the concise construction in this case is also
possible in Russian, although the adjective “гендерный” is used instead of the noun gender. The
term form in the target language meets the requirements of conciseness at the expense of

disposing of important semantic components. The fact that the construction gender budget is
natural in English can be proved by its derivatives, which comprise additional elements inserted
between the term components: gender-aware budget, gender-responsive budget, gender-neutral
budget. In English the term becomes semantically denser than the Russian term when an
adjective is used.

In Russian the following definitions are used for the term:

- “применение комплексного гендерного подхода к формированию и исполнению

бюджета” (MCGI) (priminenie kompleksnogo gendernogo podhoda k formirovaniju i
ispolneniju bjudzheta; L.t.: the usage of complex gender approach to the budget creation and
- “инструмент для оценки воздействия государственного бюджета на различные группы
мужчин и женщин посредством выявления путей, которыми гендерные отношения
воздействуют на общество и экономику” (JUNIFEM) (instrument dlya ocenki
vozdejstvija gosudarstvennogo bjudzheta na razlichnie grupy muzhchin y zhenshhin
posredstvom vyjavlenija putej, kotorimy gendernye otnoshenija vozdejstvujut na obshhestvo
i economicu; L.t.: the instrument for the appreciation of the governmental budget influence
on different groups of men and women by finding the ways in which gender relationship
influences society and economy).

In these definitions the importance of the semantic components gender factors is highlighted:
“complex gender approach”, “gender relationship”, “groups of men and women” etc. The term
component “c учётом” (taking into consideration) turns out to be relevant and is used in the
term definition, such as:

- “анализ гендерно-ориентированных ассигнований” (ibidem) (analiz genderno-

orientirovannyh assignovanij; L.t.: the analysis of gender-oriented assignments);
- “учёт гендерной перспективы на всех этапах бюджетного процесса” (MCGI) (uchjot
gendernoj perspektivy na vseh etapah bjudzhetnogo processa; L.t.: taking into consideration
the gender perspective at all the stages of the budget process).

The derivative term gender budgeting also contains the prepositional construction “с
учётом” (s uchjotom) or the word учёт (uchjot) in Russian: составление бюджета с учётом
гендерных факторов (UN-1) (sostavlenie bjudzheta s uchjotom gendernyh faktorov; L.t.:
budget formation according to gender factors), учет гендерной проблематики при
составлении бюджета (Webster’s Online Dictionary) (uchjot gendernoj problematiki pri
sostavlenii bidjeta; L.t.: taking into consideration gender problems while forming a budget).
Accordingly, the DT of the term gender budget not only makes the form accurate but also its
content clearer, although the concise term form гендерный бюджет (gendernij bjudjet) is
currently preferred. This is proved by its use on the Internet (see table 14), while the term
бюджет с учётом гендерных факторов rarely appears on the Internet. In addition to this,
neither term is represented in Ruscopora (see table 14). Therefore, the term гендерный бюджет
can be recommended as the translation for the term gender budget, due to its concise,
recognizable form and practical value.

2.4. Descriptive Translation with Additional or Irrelevant Components
DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components is both form and content-oriented. It uses
additional elements to explain the content of a source term and to make its form explicit. The
main risk of this method consists in the use of irrelevant elements. This leads to the use of
unstable forms, which function as provisional terms within Corporate Governance.

2.4.1. DT and Irrelevant Components

DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components can employ elements which bear negligible
semantics or grammatical function. In most cases these components are considered irrelevant,
i.e. they can be omitted, clipped or substituted. The term Core Value Investors represents this

Table 15. Core Value Investors

Core Value investors focus on buying companies at relatively low valuations on an absolute basis, in
relation to the market or its peers, or in comparison to an individual stock's historical levels. Ownership
Glossary (Ownership Glossary).
Core value investing involves buying the shares of companies with low stock valuations compared with
similar companies or the market as a whole (Zacks Investment Research).
Core Values
A principle that guides an organization's internal conduct as well as its relationship with the external
world. Core values are usually summarized in the mission statement or in a statement of core values
(Business Dictionary).

Additional or Irrelevant Components

Инвесторы, которые вкладываются в крупные компании, ориентируясь на ключевые
коэффициенты компании (IFC)
Investory, kotorye vkladivajutsja v krupnye kompanii, orientirujaas’ na kljuchevye koefficienty kompanii
L.t.: the investors who invest into big companies being oriented by the core coefficients of the company

Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
The Internet: rarely used, not reliable sources
See the use:
Он считает, что банк привлекает инвестора быстрыми темпами развития: в последние несколько
лет основные показатели банка растут приблизительно в два раза в год. (Alejnikova, 2008.
L.t.: a bank attracts an investor with its big development speed: within the several years the main indices
of a bank have been growing approximately two times a year.
Инвесторы, ориентирующиеся на ключевые коэффициенты (компании)
Investory, orientirujuschijesja na kluchevyje koefficienty (kompanii);
L.t.: the investors, oriented at the core values (of a company).

In some cases DT is triggered by the term form and can be combined with some additional
components. These components can be accompanied by DT if the concise term form is unclear
in Russian, or cannot be shaped.

For example, the term Core Value Investors has the following equivalent in the IFC glossary:
инвесторы, которые вкладываются в крупные компании, ориентируясь на ключевые
коэффициенты компании (IFC) (investory, kotorye vkladyvajutsja v krupnye kompanii,
orientirujas' na kljuchevye kojefficienty kompanii; L.t.: investors, who invest in large-scale
enterprises according to the key coefficients of a company). All three term elements: “investors”,
“core” and “value” have been preserved in the Russian term. If the term were based on these
three elements with essential descriptive elements, it would be included in the Calque and DT
group. Accordingly the process has been described, rather than the key term components.

With the aim of translating the English term, some elements that provide additional
information have been included. The pronoun который (kotoryj, which) and the Russian
participle ориентируясь (orientirujas’, being oriented) make the term similar to its definition.
This term form cannot be easily used within the field of Corporate Governance.

The concise attributive form in English is considerably shorter than the Russian term. The
form of the Russian term is not fixed in the field of Management, as can be proved by its use (see
table 15). The term is practically absent on the Internet and is not represented in Ruscorpora.
Obviously, the term form is too unwieldy to be used within the field of Corporate Governance.
The first option is to shorten the descriptiveness of the term, making it less similar to a

definition, e.g.: *инвесторы, ориентирующиеся на ключевые коэффициенты (компании)
(investory, orientirujuschijesja na kljuchevye koefficienty; L.t.: the investors, oriented at the core
values (of a company)). First of all, such a translation allows the elimination of the double
reference to investing within the term: investors and investing (“вкладываться” is the Direct
Equivalent of the verb to invest). Secondly, in order to prevent a term from resembling a
definition, the participle (ориентирующийся, i.e. oriented) can substitute the relative pronoun
который (which) and the Russian participle “ориентируясь” (orientirujas’, being oriented).
Thirdly, the term component компании (of a company) can be offered as an option in brackets,
which makes the term meaning general and applicable for different contexts. The translation
suggested can be classified in the Calque and DT group, because the term is based on the main
elements retrieved by Calque with the use of essential descriptive elements.

Not only can Calque and DT be implemented for the translation of the English term Core
Value Investors, but the Calque method with certain changes within the term form can also be
used. The term value investor has the following equivalent in the English-Russian dictionaries:
стоимостной инвестор (Academic) (stoimostnoj investor, L.t.: value (adjective) investor). The
term form is created using Calque. The adjective “стоимостной” (stoimostnoj) representing the
term component “value”, coins a term in Russian with an unfamiliar form. The attributive
position of the element “value” is more natural if it is translated with the help of a preposition
“по” (po; according, by) and the dative case of the noun “стоимость” (stoimost’; value, cost):
инвеcтор по стоимости (investor po stoimosti, L.t.: insvetor (who is in charge) of cost). In
theory, the term Core Value Investor, which contains another element in an attribute position, in
comparison with the term value investor can be translated with the help of Pure Calque.
Nevertheless, such a construction is impossible in Russian, because the focus would be unclear:
*ключевой стоимостной инвестор (kljuchevoj stoimostnoj investor, L.t.: key value
(adjectives) investor). This form of the term is misleading because the noun инвеcтор (investor)
is defined by the adjective “ключевой” (key), rather than “стоимостной” (value, adjective).

Accordingly, only Calque with certain changes is possible to use and the following
translation can be recommended: инвеcтор по ключевой стоимости (investor po kljuchevoj
stoimosti, L.t.: insvetor (who is in charge) of the key value). Nevertheless, such a form is less

transparent and convenient to use than the form created by Calque and DT mentioned above (see
table 15).

2.4.2. DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components. Provisional Form

DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components is characterized by an unstable non-concise
form. These term forms are considered undesirable for strict Corporate Governance terminology.
However, DT is often indispensable at the beginning, during the initial stage of term coinage in
the target language. The term risk appetite in Russian represents such a case.

Table 16. Risk appetite (figurative meaning)

The ISO 31000 risk management standard refers to risk appetite as the "Amount and type of risk that an
organization is prepared to pursue, retain or take". In a literal sense, defining your appetite means
defining how "hungry" you are for risk (Protecht).

1. Additional or Irrelevant Components

Сумма риска, который компания желает принять (IFC)
Summa riska, kotoryj kompanija zhelaet prinjat’
L.t.: a sum of a risk which company wishes to accept
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for online glossaries and dictionaries
2. Pure DT
Допустимый совокупный риск (Academic)
Dopustimyj sovokupnyj risk
L.t.: an acceptable joined risk
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Pure DT
Допустимый уровень совокупного риска (Ruscorpora)
Dopustimyj uroven’ sovokupnogo riska
L.t.: an acceptable level of a joined risk
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Согласно анкете, опубликованной на сайте регулятора, ЦБ интересует, предусмотрено ли
утверждение целевых показателей размеров совокупного риска, таких как предельно
допустимый уровеньсовокупного риска, устойчивость к риску (в целом и (или) в разрезе
отдельных видов типичных банковских рисков, в том числе кредитного, рыночного,
операционного), закреплены ли они в
каком-либо документе, а также кто несет ответственность за управление оперриском (CB
provedet opros bankov ob upravlenii operacionnymi riskami, 2009. Ruscorpora).

4. Pure DT
Деловая лексика: Готовность к принятию риска (Academic)
Gotovnost’ k prinjatiju riska
L.t.: Business vocabulary: Readiness to accept the risk
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rare use
При внедрении дифференциации убытков (эффект владения) готовность к
принятию риска в различных условиях существенно изменилась. В условиях, когда
решение принимается относительно собственных средств, готовность к принятию
риска еще теснее коррелирует с определенностью исхода и бегством от
неопределенности (Burakov, 2016).
5. Pure DT
Деловая лексика: Приемлемый для организации уровень риска (Academic)
Priemplemyj dlya organizacii uroven’ riska
L.t.: Business vocabulary: A level of risk acceptable for an organization
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
6. Pure DT
Приемлемый уровень риска (Ruscorpora)
Priemplemyj uroven’ riska
L.t.: An acceptable/relevant level of risk
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 6 doc.
Мы определили для себя приемлемый уровень риска по кредитам и начинаем выдавать,
следя за тем, как ведет себя подушечка необходимой ликвидности (Ivanter, 2014.
7. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Деловая лексика: Готовность организации к принятию риска определенного уровня
Gotovnost’ organizacii k prinjatiju riska opredeljonnogo urovnja
L.t.: Business vocabulary: readiness of an organization to accept the risk of a certain level
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: only online dictionaries
8. Pure DT
Деловая лексика: Ориентированность на риски (Academic)
Orientirovannost’ na riski
L.t.: Business vocabulary: orientation at risks
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
9. Pure DT (general use)
Деловая лексика: Готовность пойти на риск (Academic)
Gotovnost’ pojti na risk
L.t.: Business vocabulary: readiness to run the risk
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 match (not full)
По его мнению, назрела необходимость введения некоего теста, определяющего готовность
человека пойти на неоправданный риск. (Тест для лихачей // РБК Daily, 2007.06.27)
10. Direct Equivalent (general use)
Деловая лексика: Готовность рисковать (Academic)
Gotovnost’ riskovat’
L.t.: Business vocabulary: readiness to risk

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 8 doc.
Если идет нормальный политический диалог, то у бизнесменов обеих стран появляется
уверенность в завтрашнем дне и готовность рисковать своими капиталами (Samorodnij,
2008. Ruscorpora)
11. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Деловая лексика: Позиция в отношении рисков (Academic)
Pozicija v otnoshenii riskov
L.t.: Business vocabulary: A position towards risks
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
12. Pure DT
Деловая лексика: Параметры приемлемого риска (Academic)
Parametry priemlemogo riska
L.t.: Business vocabulary: parameters of an acceptable risk
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
13. Calque
Pure Calque: риск-аппетит (IFC)
Risk appetite
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc. «Увеличение просроченной задолженности
заставило многие банки пересмотреть свои подходы к риск-аппетиту (Kondrat'ev, 2011.
L.t.: approaches to risk-appetite
Приемлемый уровень риска
Priemplemyj uroven’ riska
L.t.: An acceptable/relevant level of risk

Some terms with descriptive forms are accompanied by Direct Loan or Calque. For
example, the term risk appetite was created in Russian with the help of Calque: риск-аппетит
(risk-appetit, L.t.: risk-appetite) (Ruscorpora) (see the example in table 16). The form of these
terms is not only opaque, but also unwieldy and strange in the target language. Therefore, a
descriptive form is needed in the special field of Corporate Governance. The following
equivalent is provided in the IFC glossary: сумма риска, который компания желает принять
(IFC) (summa riska, kotoryj kompanija zhelaet prinjat’; L.t.: the sum of risks which a company
is ready to run). The term form in Russian loses its figurativeness for the sake of a more
transparent form (see the definition of the term in table 16). Nevertheless, the term component
который makes the term form inconvenient for use and similar to its definition (see table 16).
The accuracy and relevance of other term components may be questioned in the special field of
Corporate Governance: “желать” (to wish) instead of “готова” (to be ready), “сумма” (sum)

instead of “размер” (amount). In addition to this, the term does not appear in either Ruscorpora,
or in the dictionaries (except for the online glossaries and dictionaries) (see table 16).

An analysis of Ruscorpora proves that the semantic component “ready, readiness” is of more
value than the element to wish. The Direct Equivalent, which employs the element “готовность”
(gotovnost’, L.t.: readiness), suggested in the dictionary: готовность рисковать (Academic)
(gotovnost’ riskovat’) appears in a total of 11 Ruscorpora documents. However, the frequent
usage of the equivalent can be explained by its form suitable for LGP, not only LSP, although
the term is listed under “business vocabulary” in the dictionary (see table 16). The less concise
form of this term, which can be attributed to the Pure DT method: готовность пойти на риск
(Academic) (gotovnost’ pojti na risk; L.t.: Business vocabulary: readiness to run the risk), is
represented in only one Ruscorpora document, due to its unstable form (see table 16).
Dictionaries suggest other term forms which employ the term component готовность
(gotovnost’, L.t.: readiness):

- готовность к принятию риска (Academic) (gotovnost’ k prinjatiju riska; L.t.: readiness to

accept the risk) and
- готовность организации к принятию риска определенного уровня (Academic)
(gotovnost’ organizacii k prinjatiju riska opredeljonnogo urovnja; L.t.: readiness of an
organization to accept the risk of a certain level).

The latter is attributed to the method employing Additional or Irrelevant Components,

because it contains elements which limit its meaning: “организации” (organizacii, of an
organization), “определённого уровня” (opredeljonnogo urovnya, of a certain level). It is
important, that the term is not represented in either Ruscorpora, or on the Internet, except for in
the online dictionaries (see table 16). The term готовность к принятию риска (Academic)
(gotovnost’ k prinyatiju riska; L.t.: readiness to accept the risk) does not appear in Ruscorpora
either, but it is used on the Internet (see table 16), which proves its practical value.

The analysis of all the translation equivalents of the term risk-appetite revealed huge
discrepancies in the forms of the terms. The glossaries and dictionaries use different equivalents
and descriptive elements to disclose the meaning of the term: “приемлемый” (priemlemyj,
acceptable), “ориентированность” (orientirovannost’, orientation), “допустимый” (dopustimyj,

acceptable), “параметры” (parametry, parameters), etc. Most of the terms employing these
components are rarely used in Ruscorpora and on the Internet (see table 16). The term
приемлемый уровень риска (Ruscorpora) (prijemplemyj uroven’ riska; L.t.: an
acceptable/relevant level of risk) is a term created by means of Pure DT and is found in 8
Ruscorpora documents (see table 16). The term does not contain any irrelevant elements and
discloses the meaning of the English term to a reasonable extent.

Accordingly, the term can be suggested as the most adequate and suitable translation for the
source term. The term can be considered as competitive against the new and innovative forms,
like the term риск-аппетит (risk-appetit) formed using Calque, as the latter is rarely used (see
table 16) and unwieldy for Russian grammar (it would be more natural to employ a preposition:
*аппетит к риску (appetit k risku, appetite for the risk). The term suggested as the equivalent
of the English term risk-appetite can also compete with the terms containing the element
“готовность” (gotovnost’, readiness) due to the discrepancies of the term forms employing this
component (see the analysis above).

2.5. Direct Loan, Calque and DT
DT is a term creation method that favors the use of Calque, Direct Loan and even Additional
Components within the term. The impact of using several methods for the translation of term
components at the same time cannot be disregarded. Nevertheless, the combination of Direct
Loan, Calque and the DT method is quite rare because it implies the coinage of a new term with
the simultaneous use of three methods: Calque, Direct Loan and descriptive elements. The
analysis of the term form normally results in the identification of Calque and DT or Direct Loan
and DT. The term fixed dividend represents such a case in Russian.

Table 17. Fixed dividend

Dividend given each year for the same amount, regardless of financial performance (Money Glossary).

1. Calque and DT
Дивиденд с фиксированной ставкой (IFC)
Dividend s fiksirovannoy stavkoj
L.t.: a dividend with a fixed rate
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque and DT
Фиксированный размер дивиденда (Ruscorpora)
Fiksirovannyj razmer dividenda
L.t.: a fixed amount of a dividend
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Им предъявлено обвинение в фальсификации финансовых отчетов, которая дала
возможность компании получить новые кредиты и выпустить акции с фиксированным
размером дивиденда наобщую сумму 283 млн. евро (Mebel'nyj gigant na grani bankrotstva,
2007. Ruscorpora).
The Internet: quite often used
Как правило, по привилегированным акциям устанавливается фиксированный размер
дивиденда и предполагается первоочередной порядок его выплаты (ANPO Pravovoj centr IVV
3. Calque
Фиксированный дивиденд (Academic)
Fiksirovannyj dividend
L.t.: a fixed dividend
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Как поясняет издание, именно под оплату привилегированными ценными бумагами
(позволяющими получать фиксированные дивиденды, но дающими возможность
участвовать в управлениибанком) прошлой осенью Генри Полсон выделил порядка 200 млрд

. долларов четыремстам американским банкам (Smol'nyj, 2009. Ruscorpora).
The Internet: quite often used
Фиксированный дивиденд по привилегированным акциям устанавливается при их выпуске
(NPZ Znanije).
Фиксированный дивиденд
Fiksirovannyj dividend
L.t.: a fixed dividend

The term fixed dividend meaning a “dividend given each year for the same amount, regardless
of financial performance” (Money Glossary) has the following equivalent in Russian: дивиденд
с фиксированной ставкой (IFC) (dividend s fiksirovannoy stavkoj, L.t.: a dividend with a fixed
rate). The term combines Calque (фиксированный; fixed), Direct Loan (дивиденд; dividend)
and descriptive elements (c(о) ставкой; with a rate)). Nevertheless, the term form cannot be
attributed to the mixed group of Direct Loan and Calque because the term component
“дивиденд” (dividend) already exists in Russian, although it was previously created using Direct
Loan. The construction with a preposition and the components preserved in their concise form
matche the patterns of the field of Corporate Governance. The descriptive elements can be
retrieved from the meaning of the term (see the definition in table 17). However, the term does
not appear in Ruscorpora and is rarely used on the Internet. It proves hat the term is not practical
and cannot be recommended for the translation of the English term.

The term form favors the use of a denser form: фиксированный дивиденд (Academic)
(fiksirovannyj dividend). The term was translated with the help of Calque and its further
assimilation into Russian (фиксированный (fiksirovannyj; fixed) in the form of an adjective.
The term is used in modern sources of the field of Management (see the examples in table 17).
Nevertheless, it has another variation, which quite often appears on the Internet:
фиксированный размер дивиденда (Ruscorpora) (fiksirovannyj razmer dividenda; L.t.: a fixed
amount of a dividend). The term is formed with the help of Calque and DT.

The form of Pure Calque is preferable for this term, because both terms are equally used in
management contexts and the term фиксированный дивиденд (fiksirovannyj dividend; L.t.: a

fixed dividend) adheres to grammaical patterns of Russian and favours the use of innovative and
concise forms.

2.6. The use of different DT methods for the translation of one term
Management terminology is constantly generating neonyms and the term forms which
already exist in LSP are being modified. This complicates translation and assimilation processes
within a target language. This results in various translation methods, suggesting two or more
translation patterns. While the first translation is used or is being assimilated, other versions may
exist as provisional or explanatory ones. Some of them take the form of a comment, or additional
and irrelevant components. The dictionaries cannot handle such pressure. In addition to this,
many online dictionaries cannot be considered as reliable, because the information is abundant
and improperly filtered; however, such sources are actively used by translators.

The term debt-to-equity ratio (leverage) illustrates the case of disorganized translation
equivalents and covers nearly all the abovementioned DT translation methods.

Table 18. Debt-to-equity ratio/leverage

1. Calque and DT
Соотношение между собственными и заемными средствами (IFC; Academic)
Sootnoshenie mezhdu sobstvennymi i zaemnymi sredstvami
L.t.: ratio between own and borrowed means
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Для исключения из него агентство будет оценивать новые инвестиционные планы
консолидированной группы, ее способность существенно уменьшить левередж
(соотношениемежду собственными и заемными средствами (Starinskaja, 2012. Ruscorpora).
«Для улучшения соотношения между собственными и заемными средствами «Евросеть»
прорабатывает варианты привлечения акционерного капитала («Evroset'» uhodit ot FAS, 2007.
2. Calque and DT
Отношение задолженности к собственному капиталу (Lingvo; Academic)
Otnoshenije zadolzhennosti k sobstevennomu kapitalu
L.t.: ratio (relation) between liabilities and one´s own capital
Ruscorpora: N.c. 1 match (not full)

«В результате допэмиссии будет привлечено 67,2 млн рублей (2,4 млн долл.), которые
необходимы, чтобы по просьбе иностранныхакционеров привести в соответствие со
стандартами несколько финансовых коэффициентов (например, отношение кредиторской
задолженности предприятия к его собственномукапиталу)», – сообщил RBC daily г-
н Тутыхин (Seregin, 2005. Ruscorpora)
3. Calque and DT
Отношение задолженности к собственным средствам (Ruscorpora)
Otnoshenie zadolzhennosti k sobstevennym sredstvam
L.t.: ratio (relation) between liabilities and one´s own means
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 match (not full)
Юлия Бондарева добавляет, что будет предложен еще целый ряд коэффициентов: например,
соотношения капитала к нетто-резервам, отношения дебиторской задолженности к
собственным средствам, отношения кредиторской задолженности к собственным
средствам (Poljakova, 2011. Ruscorpora).
4. Calque
Коэффициент долг/акционерный капитал (Lingvo; Academic)
Kojefficient dolg/akcionernyj kapital
L.t.: coefficient debt/joint-stock capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Calque and DT
Cоотношение заемных и собственных средств (finance)/ соотношение собственных и
заемных средств (Academic)
Sootnoshenie zaemnyh i sobstvennyh sredstv/sootnoshenie sobstevennyh i zaemnyh sredstv
L.t.: ratio of own and borrowed means
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 13 doc.
Руководитель практики инвестиционного консультирования ФБК Роман Кенигсберг отметил,
что одной из особенностей банковского бизнеса является высокий леверидж (соотношение
собственных и заемных средств) (Alekseevskih, 2014. Ruscorpora)
Примерное соотношение собственных и заемных средств можете назвать? (коллективный.
Bol'shaja doza pesticidov // «Jekspert», 2014)
6. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Cоотношение собственных и заемных средств компании (Ruscorpora)
Sootnoshenie sobstevennyh i zaemnyh sredstv kompanii
L.t.: ratio of own and borrowed means of a company
Ruscorpora: 1 doc.
Впрочем, после IPO соотношение собственных и заемных средств компании может вернут
ься на неоптимальный уровень (Shesterina, 2006. Ruscorpora).
7. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Отношение заемных средств к собственным средствам компании (Academic)
Otnoshenie zaemnyh sredstv k sobstbennym sredstvam kompanii
L.t.: relation (ratio) of one means to the borrowed means (ones) of a company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
8. Calque and DT
Коэффициент соотношения собственных и заёмных средств (Ruscorpora)
Koeffitcient sootnoshenija sobstvennyh i zaemnyh sredstv
L.t.: coefficient of the ratio between own and borrowed means
Ruscorpora: 16 doc.
Для оценки финансового состояния заемщика используются три группы оценочных

показателей: коэффициенты ликвидности; коэффициент соотношения собственных и
заемных средств; показатели оборачиваемости и рентабельности (Zhovanikov, 2003).
9. Calque and DT
Соотношение собственного капитала и заёмных средств (Ruscorpora)
Sootnoshenie sobstevennogo kapitala y zaemnyh sredstv
L.t.: ratio of own capital and borrowed means
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
…банки и брокерские компании по большей части финансируют свой бизнес за счет
заемных средств и при списании активов вынуждены снижать свои объемы кредитования,
чтобы не допустить снижения соотношения собственного капитала и заемных средств.
(Krizis na dva trilliona, 2007. Ruscorpora).
10. Calque and DT
Соотношение между заемным и собственным капиталом (Academic)
Sootnoshenije mezhdu zaemnym i sobstvennym kapitalom
L.t.: ratio between borrowed and own capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
11. Calque and DT
Отношение заемного капитала к собственному (Academic)
Otnoshenie zaemnogo kapitala k sobstvennomu
L.t.: relation of borrowed capital to the own one
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
«Помимо прочего, это поможет оптимизировать отношение заемного капитала к
собственному», – добавляет он. (Koptjubenko, 2005. Ruscorpora)
12. Calque and DT
Обязательства к собственному капиталу (Academic)
Obyazatel’stva k sobstvennomu kapitalu
L.t.: liabilities to one’s own capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
13. Calque and DT
Показатель отношения заемных средств к капиталу (Academic)
Pokazatel’ otnoshenija zaemnyh sredstv k kapitalu
L.t.: an index of the relation (ratio) of borrowed means to the capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
14. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Отношение заёмных средств к общему капиталу (Academic)
Otnoshenie zaemnyh sredstv k obschemu kapitalu
L.t.: relation (ratio) of borrowed means to the common capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
15. Calque and DT
Отношение заёмных средств к собственным (Academic)
Otnoshenie zaemnyh sredstv k sobstvennomu
L.t.: the relation (ratio) of borrowed means to one’s own
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
16. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Соотношение между собственными и привлеченными средствами (Academic)
Sootnoshenie mezhdu sobstvennymi I prrivlechennymi sredstvami
L.t.: the ratio between one’s own and involved means

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See the use: (1 doc.)
Например, ЦБ считает, что мы должны написать жесткие нормативы по соотношению
между собственными и привлеченными ресурсами стройсберкасс, 1 к 5 (Kvartira
ponemnogu, 2003. Ruscorpora).
17. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Cоотношение собственных и привлеченных средств (Ruscorpora)
Sootnoshenie sobstvennyh i prrivlechennyh sredstv
L.t.: the ratio of one’s own and involved means
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
При этом эксперты рынка отмечают высокорисковое для бизнеса компании соотношение со
бственных и привлеченных средств (Kovtun, 2008. Ruscorpora).
18. Direct Equivalent (general meaning)
Коэффициент платежеспособности (бухгалтерский учет) (Academic).
Koefficient platezhesposobnosti
L.t.: coefficient of paying capacity
Ruscorpora: 1 match
Коэффициент платежеспособности (текущей ликвидности) в целом по предприятиям облас
ти остался ниже допустимого (Kremlev, 2004. Ruscorpora).
See the use: На встрече присутствовали представители «Росгосстраха», СОГАЗа,
Гарантии» и РОСНО, которые от лица страхового сообщества выразили обеспокоенность
преждевсего предлагаемым коэффициентом маржи платежеспособности в 1,6, считая его с
лишком высоким (Lavrent''ev, 2010. Ruscorpora).
19. Direct Equivalent (general meaning)
Коэффициент задолженности (Academic)
Koefficient zadolzhennosti
L.t.: liability coefficient
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the use:
«Коэффициент чистой задолженности к EBITDA, вероятно, сохранится на уровне выше 2
на протяжении следующих двух-трех лет (Sokolik, 2005. Ruscorpora).
При этом количество предприятий, имеющих коэффициент отношения кредиторской и
дебиторской задолженностей выше 2 уменьшилось на 7%. (Chujko, 2004. Ruscorpora).
20. = leverage DT and Direct Loan
Леверажное соотношение (Academic)
Leverazhnoe sootnoshenie
L.t.: leverage ratio
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
21. = leverage
Pure DT
Использование кредита для совершения финансовых сделок (finance) (Lingvo)
Ispolzovanie credita dlja sovershenija finansovyh sdelok
L.t.: the use of a credit for the completion of financial transactions
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
22. Direct Loan
= leverage Левередж, леверидж (Academic)

2 transcription forms
Ruscorpora: Левередж: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 9 doc.
Новые стандарты вступят в силу в июле 2016 года (по показателю левереджа — в 2018 году)
(Kostarev, 2014. Ruscorpora).
Леверидж: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 6 doc.
В предкризисные годы поведению банков были присущи черты хедж-
фондов (особенно в 2005-
2006 годы): высокий леверидж с низким уровнем ликвидности, как результат ― высокая
прибыльность операций (V plenu staroj paradigmy, 2014.Ruscorpora).
23. Calque (figurative meaning)
= leverage (Финансовый) рычаг (Academic)
рычаг (Academic)
(Finansovyj) rychag
Financial leverage
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 11 doc., N.c.: 59 doc.
Такие компании смогут самостоятельно привлекать инвестиции и будут способны уже на
старте иметь финансовый рычаг на порядок больше, чем сегодня могут позволить себе
городские сети (Vajnziher, 2014. Ruscorpora).
24. Calque (figurative meaning)
= leverage Кредитное плечо (Academic)
Kreditnoe plecho
L.t.: credit shoulder
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 52 doc.
Улучшающаяся финансовая статистика и восстановление кредитных рынков вновь
позволяют крупнейшим инвестиционным банкам торговать сложными деривативами с
большим кредитным плечом. (Basmanov, 2010. Ruscorpora)
Коэффициент соотношения собственных и заёмных средств
Koefficient sootnoshenija sobstvennyh i zaemnyh sredstv
L.t.: coefficient of the ration between own and borrowed means
Calque (figurative meaning)
= leverage (Финансовый) рычаг
(Finansovyj) rychag
Financial leverage

The Russian terms represent a product of accelerated development of the terminology field
and borrowing from another language. First of all, some of the sources list the term under
financial leverage: “the debt-to-equity ratio (debt/equity ratio, D/E) is a financial ratio indicating
the relative proportion of entity's equity and debt used to finance an entity's assets. This ratio is
also known as financial leverage” (Audit IT). In the IFC glossary, the term leverage is separated

with a comma and stands next to debt-to-equity ratio. However, the term debt-to-equity ratio is
an independent term, though related to the term (financial) leverage:

Debt/equity ratio
A measure of a company's financial leverage. Debt/equity ratio is equal to long-term debt divided
by common shareholders' equity. Typically the data from the prior fiscal year is used in
the calculation. Investing in a company with a higher debt/equity ratio may be riskier, especially in times
of rising interest rates, due to the additional interest that has to be paid out for the debt (InvestorWords).

The use of credit to enhance one's speculative capacity (Merriam-Webster).

The second term is used in its figurative meaning in English. In LGP the term is used to
denote an "action of a lever", "power or force of a lever" and "advantage for accomplishing a
purpose" (Online Etymology Dictionary). The word became a financial term as far back as 1933
The first term is special because of its form, which represents a fertile pattern in the English
language, but is difficult to borrow as Pure Calque into Russian. The pattern “NOUN (attributive
position) +NOUN” in general is difficult to reproduce in Russian, because of the Russian case
system (we must reverse the term word order, and use an adjective or put the noun in the
attributive position in a proper case (usually genitive case), adding prepositions if necessary).
Pure Calque with the same word order is impossible under such a construction; however, Calque
with a reversed word order has not been completely dismissed: коэффициент
долг/акционерный капитал (Lingvo; Academic) (koefficient dolg/aktzionernyj capital; L.t.:
coefficient debt/joint-stock capital).
Though Pure Calque is difficult to implement, it does not interfere with the opportunity to
borrow some elements of the term with the help of Calque, e.g.:
- cоотношение между собственными и заемными средствами (IFC; Academic)
(sootnoshenie mezhdu sobstvennymi i zaemnymi sredstvami; L.t.: ratio between own and
borrowed means);
- отношение задолженности к собственному капиталу (оtnoshenie zadolzhennosti k
sobstevennomu kapitalu; L.t.: ratio (relation) between liabilities and one´s own capital)
(Lingvo; Academic).

The form of the term debt-to-equity ratio is difficult to reproduce not only because a
nominative unit is in the attributive position, but also because it represents a compound term
(two nouns and a preposition). The examples of translation into Russian, mentioned above,
represent the Calque and Descriptive Translation method, comprising Calque elements
(“соотношение” (ratio), “заёмный” (debt, an adjective), “к” (to, a preposition)) and descriptive
elements (“средства” (means), “капитал” (capital), “между” (between), “собственный” (own,
an adjective)). The existence of two and more options of Calque and DT with different
descriptive elements shows the unstable and inconcise term content in English. This is mainly
attributed to the term component “equity”, which has several descriptive equivalents in Russian:
акция без фиксированного дивиденда (a share without a fixed dividend), собственный
капитал (one’s own capital), собственные средства (one’s own means), чистая доля в
средствах (a pure share out of the means), ценные бумаги (bonds) etc. (Lingvo Economics).
The concise form of the English term triggers the different use of prepositions when translated,
i.e.”между”, “к”, оr a conjunction “и”: соотношение собственных и заемных средств
(Academic) (sootnoshenie zaemnyh i sobstvennyh sredstv/sootnoshenie sobstevennyh i
zaemnyh sredstv; L.t.: ratio of own and borrowed means).
As shown in table 18, Calque and DT is widely used for the translation of the term debt-to-
equity ratio into Russian. This descriptive method of translation proves to be justifiable. It allows
a translator to retain the vital components of the English term: “ratio”, “debt” and “equity”. It
extends the term to a certain limit, without making its form unwieldy. It shapes the main idea of
the content of the source term, delineating the main (not irrelevant) semantical components:
“собственный”, “средство” and “между”. In this respect, Calque and DT can be considered to
be a descriptive semantic Calque to some extent.
The main disadvantage of Calque and DT is that the term form is neither fixed nor strict, as it
could be with Pure Calque. This fact is proved by the diverse patterns of descriptive translation
for the term debt-to-equity ratio. Word order is not fixed within the Russian term, i.e. the term
components appear in different positions: cоотношение заемных и собственных средств or
соотношение собственных и заемных средств (Academic) (sootnoshenie zaemnyh i
sobstvennyh sredstv/sootnoshenie sobstevennyh i zaemnyh sredstv; L.t.: ratio of own and
borrowed (borrowed and owned) means). Synonyms for term components are widely used:

“соотношение” (sootnoshenie; correlation), “отношение” (otnoshenie, relation),
“коэффициент” (koefficient), etc. Each modification of a term form creates a new unit, whose
adequacy and suitability should be carefully examined by a translator.
The main goal of the present case study was to trace all the usages of a term in Russian, using
Ruscorpora as the main source of examples. The analysis of the Russian contexts revealed the
term forms, which are slightly modified but not mentioned in the glossaries or dictionaries:
отношение задолженности к собственным средствам (Ruscorpora) (оtnoshenie
zadolzhennosti k sobstevennym sredstvam; L.t.: ratio (relation) between liabilities and one´s own
means); коэффициент соотношения собственных и заёмных средств (Ruscorpora)
(koefficient sootnoshenija sobstvennyh i zaemnyh sredstv; L.t.: coefficient of the ratio between
own and borrowed means). The analysis of Ruscorpora revealed that the Calque and DT method
is the most relevant translation method for the term debt-to-equity ratio. The study of the corpus
dismissed several translation versions and showed the frequent usage of others. The term
коэффициент соотношения собственных и заёмных средств (Ruscorpora) (koefficient
sootnoshenija sobstvennyh i zaemnyh sredstv; L.t.: coefficient of the ratio between own and
borrowed means) is represented in as many as 16 documents belonging to Economics and related
fields. This Russian term is followed by the term offered in the dictionary: соотношение
собственных и заемных средств (Academic) (sootnoshenie sobstevennyh i zaemnyh sredstv;
L.t.: ratio of own and borrowed means), which is used in 13 Ruscorpora newspaper corpus
documents and 3 main corpus documents. Although the usage of the term is frequent, it can
sometimes be used as a comment on the main term (transcription of the term leverage):
“леверидж (соотношение собственных и заемных средств)” (Alekseevskih & Shirmanova,
2014. Ruscorpora).
The mentioned previously Russian term with a comment leads to two descriptive translation
scenarios. The first one is aimed at a short and innovative term form, and the second one gives
priority to the content of a term.
When translation focuses on conciseness, it is important to incorporate the term form into the
system of the native language. Otherwise the translator runs risks coining a new word with little
practical use. It is also important to not commit any errors, neither orthographical nor stylistic
ones, when dealing with transliteration, transcription, Calque or the search for a direct

equivalent. As far as the term debt-to-equity ratio is concerned, its form does not contribute to
the possibility of implementing Direct Loan. Neither the construction, nor the term components
can be easily reproduced in Russian. This may be the reason why the concise, innovative and
figurative English term leverage, being close in meaning to the term debt-to-equity ratio, is
favored by translators and is used instead of the latter term. This is proved by the
abovementioned term containing the transcription of the therm leverage and the comment based
on debt-to-equity ratio term.
The analysis of Ruscorpora allowed us to identify the favorite translation pattern, which is
Pure Calque with figurative meaning: (финансовый) рычаг (Academic) (finansovyj) rychag;
L.t.: (financial) leverage)). It is used in as many as 70 Ruscorpora documents (see table 18),
which is the leader among other translation patterns for the two English terms. Nevertheless, the
term (финансовый) рычаг (Academic) is not unique, as it functions along with another frequent
Russian term with figurativeness, retrieved using Calque: кредитное плечо (Academic)
(kreditnoje plecho; L.t.: credit shoulder). It can be found in 55 Ruscorpora documents (see table
18). In previous examples the figurative meaning of the source term was preserved; however,
translators often decipher the content of such terms. It sometimes results in a descriptive form of
a target term: использование кредита для совершения финансовых сделок (finance) (Lingvo)
(ispolzovanije kredita dlja sovershenija finansovyh sdelok; L.t.: the use of a credit for the
completion of financial transactions).
The frequent usage of Pure Calque shows that the term is partially incorporated into the
sphere of Management and it functions with a certain level of success. In addition, the
inconvenient phonetic form of the English term for Russian speakers leads to frequent errors or
an unstable transcription form. In Ruscorpora two transcription forms are used as equivalents of
the English term leverage: левередж and леверидж (see table 18). The terms appear in
Ruscorpora with nearly equal frequency, which shows the low quality of transcription as a
translation method in this particular case.
The second translation scenario focuses on the content of a term, which implies the search
for a Direct Equivalent or the implementation of additional semantic components. The latter is
the most undesirable type of descriptive translation, i.e. DT with Additional or Irrelevant
Components. It often employs components which can be easily avoided by translators. In

addition to this, this Descriptive Translation method generates a vast amount of unwieldy
constructions with only slight differences between them. For example, the term отношение
заемных средств к собственным средствам компании (Academic) (оtnoshenie zaemnyh
sredstv k sobstbennym sredstvam kompanii; L.t.: relation (ratio) of one means to the borrowed
means (ones) of a company) contains a superfluous detail: the word “средство” (sredstvo; L.t.:
means). If the term is to be compared with abovementioned terms created by the Calque and DT
method, it is obvious that the translator can get rid of the additional component. This detail
contributes neither to the transparency of the term form nor to its conciseness. Consequently, it
can be considered irrelevant for the explanation and description of the English term debt-to-
equity ratio.
The Russian term contains one more component, which extends its form and at the same time
limits its meaning: “компании” (kompanii, L.t.: of a company). According to this component,
the debt-to-equity ratio can be attributed exclusively to a certain company. The term component
proves to be irrelevant due to its concrete meaning (concretization), which only makes the whole
term useful in certain contexts. Ruscorpora demonstrates clearly that the term is not frequently
used: only one similar, and yet shorter form, was found in the source: cоотношение
собственных и заемных средств компании (Ruscorpora) (sootnoshenie sobstevennyh i
zaemnyh sredstv kompanii; L.t.: ratio of own and borrowed means of a company). The relevance
of additional components within a certain term is controversial.
The DT method which employs extra components borders on the DT and Calque technique.
The elements of the term may be considered irrelevant if they are superfluous or, if they add
additional meaning to the term. For instance, the term cоотношение собственных и
привлеченных средств (Ruscorpora)) (sootnoshenie sobstvennyh i privlechennyh sredstv; L.t.:
the ratio of one’s own and attracted means) contains the component “привлечённый”
(privlechennyj; attracted). The word is not a Direct Equivalent of the term part “debt”, although
it makes reference to a similar meaning in the sphere of Management. This term component is
considered as irrelevant because of its inexact meaning, and improperly descriptive nature.
The analysis of all the translations of a single term (debt-to-equity ratio, see table 18) has
revealed the most frequently used Russian terms. These terms can be suggested as the most
desirable ones:

- коэффициент соотношения собственных и заёмных средств (Ruscorpora) (koefficient
sootnoshenija sobstvennyh i zaemnyh sredstv; L.t.: coefficient of the ration between own
and borrowed means) or
- (финансовый) рычаг (Academic) ((finansovyj) rychag; financial leverage).

The first term follows the pattern of Calque, adding relevant descriptive elements.
Consequently, this is an example of the Calque and DT technique. The second one favors the
pattern of Pure Calque with figurative meaning. Such a translation may substitute the descriptive
term, although it does not directly correspond to the English term debt-to-equity ratio, but to the
figurative term leverage. For this reason, both translations can be considered relevant and useful.

The translation patterns stated above highlight the importance and necessity of Descriptive
Translation within the field of Corporate Management. Most of them are indispensable parts of
modern terminology. Nevertheless, they are responsible for coining a vast amount of neologisms,
which is an obstacle for professional communication.

3. Statistics and Results
This research focuses on the incorporation of Descriptive Translation into the coinage of
neonyms in specialized languages, namely in the sphere of Corporate Governance. Over the
course of the study, the descriptive forms of the Russian terms belonging to this area were
analyzed regarding their vitality and practical usage.

Chart 1. Term formation methods in Russian in the

field of
Corporate Governance

1% Direct loan. Transcription

1% 3% Direct loan. Transliteration

Direct loan. Assimilated

41% Pure Calque

Calque based on Direct loan
Calque. Constructions with
Calque with notes

Direct Translation Equivalent

Descriptive Translation

Chart 1 reveals the main methods of term creation in the sphere of Corporate Governance,
which have been analyzed in the Theoretical Part (A. 3. “Term Formation”): Calque, Descriptive
Translation, Direct Loan and Direct Translation Equivalent. The classification was based on a
total of 839 terms retrieved from codified resources (IFC; UN; UN-1; UNTERM; UNCITRAL;

UNCITRAL-1; OECD and OECD-1). Over the course of the analysis, specific subgroups of
Calque and Direct Loan have been revealed:

- Calque: Pure Calque; Сalque based on Direct Loan; Сalque. Constructions with Prepositions
and Calque with notes;
- Direct Loan: Transcription, Transliteration and Assimilated Terms.

The Calque group proves to be the most frequent (60%): Pure Calque (41 %), Calque based
on Direct Loan (10 %), Calque and constructions with prepositions (5%) and Calque with
notes (4 %).

This group is followed by Descriptive Translation (24 %), which surpasses the Direct
Translation Equivalent group (11 %).

The most rarely used method is Direct Loan (5 %): Direct Loan. Assimilated Terms (3 %);
Transliteration (1 %) and Transcription (1 %). Direct Loan has proven to be infrequent due to
Corporate Governance being based on the whole spheres of Business and Management, which
makes that Direct Loan forms are not coined but borrowed from that sphere. Nevertheless, the
basic Direct Loan forms were differentiated in order to mark the presence and potential
importance of this method. Other term forms containing Direct Loan forms and Calque elements
were placed into the group, Calque based on Direct Loan.

The Calque and constructions with prepositions method and Calque with notes were
differentiated because the term forms which they generate are very similar to descriptive ones
and border on the Descriptive Translation and Calque group (see below). In certain situation,
these terms can be considered as belonging to any of these groups.

It is important to note that some English terms had several Russian equivalents in the
codified resources. This especially concerns Descriptive Translation accompanying Calque or
Direct Loan. This indicates that the field of Corporate Governance is on its way to
harmonization and innovative term forms. In this case, the preference in the classification was
given to Descriptive forms over Calque and Direct Loan. The existence of Calque, Direct
Equivalent or Direct Loan forms along with Descriptive Translation reveals that an innovative

term form is not considered as the full-fledged and absolute equivalent for an English term. The
competitiveness of Calque, Direct Loan and Direct Translation Equivalents was revealed in
Chart 3, which focuses on the preferable and recommended translation for each English term

Chart 2. Descriptive Translation from codified

resources (UN, OECD, IFC and UNCITRAL)

48% Pure DT

Calque and DT

Additional or Irrelevant
25% 1%
Direct Loan and DT

Chart 2 focuses exclusively on the Descriptive Translation methods, which have been
retrieved from codified resources (IFC; UN; UN-1; UNTERM; UNCITRAL; UNCITRAL-1;
OECD and OECD-1) and have been presented in section 2 of the Case Study (2. Descriptive
Translation methods. Analysis). Calque and Descriptive Translation (Calque and DT) has proven
to be the most frequent term creation method and accounts for 48 % of all the terms. It is
followed by Additional or Irrelevant Components (26%) and Pure Descriptive Translation (Pure
DT) (25%). The most infrequent DT method is Direct Loan and DT, which has created only 1 %
of the terms.








CALQUE and Direct loan

The abbreviation of the source term (with or without a comment and calque elements)

CALQUE and Direct equivalent

1% 2%




Chart 3 “Recommended Translation for Terms Translated Descriptively in Codified
Resources” illustrates the applicability of the suggested terms in LSP, their relevance and
competitiveness with modern term formation methods (Calque, Direct Loan or acronyms).

The chart includes all the results included in the section “Recommended Translation”, and
was based on the analysis of the practical usage of the terms, their appearance in glossaries and
dictionaries, and their adaptability to the nature of the native language.

The groups include all the Descriptive Translation methods, mentioned above: Pure DT
(22%), DT and Calque (37%), Additional or Irrelevant Components (4%), DT and Direct Loan
(1%). When compared to Chart 2, the use of DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components has
diminished, while DT and Calque remains to be the most frequent method.

Other methods compete with Descriptive Translation and demonstrate other trends for
translation in the sphere of Corporate Management: Calque (22%), Direct Translation Equivalent
(7%), Direct Loan (3%), the abbreviation of the source term (with/without a comment), Calque
and Direct Loan (1%), Calque and Direct Equivalent (1%). Calque is recommended as an
effective substitution for a great number of terms from codified resources: 22 %.

In the following chapter the results based on Chart 3 are analyzed in order of frequency, i.e.
starting with the most frequent term creation method; Calque and Descriptive Translation.

3.1. Calque and DT. Results
Calque and DT accounts for the majority of DT cases (37%) and proves to be competitive
with other term formation methods (Calque, Direct Loan, abbreviation etc.).

One of the aims of this study was to reveal why translators or glossary/dictionary authors
resort to Calque and DT as the method of choice for translating corporate management terms into
Russian. Most terms that are translated using Calque in the glossaries were considered relevant
for the research.

The usage of DT and Calque can be attributed to componential translation. The method is
chosen depending on the form of the source term, which is not easily shaped in the target

3.1.1. Calque and DT. TERM FORM and CONTENT

The first step towards disclosing the need for DT and Calque is the analysis of the term
forms in both English and Russian. The following table demonstrates how the term forms
correlate with each other:

English term Russian term (Calque and DT)

Construction Construction
Nominative Construction Participial or
with a verb with a verb
Construction with a subordinate
(without a (with a
preposition construction
preposition) preposition)
A noun (or several
nouns with a 5
A participle (one or
several with a 2
A verb 1 1
Phrasal verb 1
Compound single- 1
unit term
Noun (in attributive 9 4
position) + noun

Adjective/participle 7 3 1
+ noun
Construction with 1 1 1
3 and more term 12 17 5
additional 3
components or
acronyms (complete
or partial)

In the abovementioned table, 75 Calque and DT terms from the recommended translation
section were analyzed considering their form. The left-hand column contains the information
about the source (English) terms. The numbers indicate the amount of Russian terms of a certain
form which correspond to the English ones. Complex term (Source term with 3 or more elements)

The table indicates that 34 English terms comprising 3 and more term elements account for
the majority of DT and Calque cases. It proves that the DT and Calque method is mostly form-
driven. Compound terms, especially those containing more than 2 elements, are difficult to be
reproduced in Russian. The most popular DT form in Russian is construction with prepositions.
This appears between Descriptive Translation and Calque. In addition to this, the construction
change might require extra elements, making the form of the term descriptive. A total number of
17 terms containing 3 or more components (excluding constructions with prepositions) were
translated into Russian with the help of a preposition: cost data format; format for the cost data;
cost format: данные о затратах и ставках возмещения (recommended translation on the
basis of different resources) (dannye o zatratah i stavkah vozmeschenija, L.t.: Data about
expenses and reimbursement rates); anti-takeover defense: меры по защите от поглощений
(Ruscorpora) (mery po zashhite ot pogloshheniy; L.t.: defense measures against takeover(s);
results-oriented annual report: отчёт о результатах работы за год (otchjot o rezultatah raboty
za god; L.t.: a report on the results of work for a year); zero-base budgeting: cоставление
бюджета с нуля (Academic) (sostavlenie bjudzheta s nulja; L.t.: budget compilation from

zero), third-party cost-sharing: участие третьей стороны в покрытии расходов (UNTERM)
(uchastie tret’ej storony v pokrytii rashodov; L.t.: the participation of a third party in expense

The majority of English terms with 3 or more components contain a compound word, e.g.:
“result-oriented” in result-oriented annual report, “zero-base” in zero-base budgeting, “third-
party” and “cost-sharing” in third-party cost-sharing. It proves that compound words in English
contain extra semantic elements which should be retrieved and/or reproduced with the help of a
preposition, because the construction is dense both semantically and grammatically. The only
compound term of one word was translated into Russian with the help of a construction with a
preposition: self-dealing: операции в собственных интересах (Academic) (operacii v
sobstvennyh interesah; L.t.: operations for one’s own interests).

Nevertheless, the fact that the English word contains 3 or more elements does not imply that
the Russian term should contain a preposition. If a complex term is translated into Russian with
the help of a nominative construction, it means that the form of the term can be easily
reproduced using Calque and descriptive elements without a preposition, e.g.: pre-emptive right:
преимущественное право приобретения акций (Ruscorpora) (preimusshestvennoe pravo
priobreteniya; L.t.: privileged right for the acquisition); two-tier board: двухуровневая
структура совета директоров (IFC) (dvuhurovnevaya struktura soveta direktorov; L.t.: a
two-level structure of a board of directors); non-performing loan: невозвратный кредит
(nevozvratnyj kredit; L.t.: irrevocable credit) (Academic). The elements in these terms were
translated together with other elements as one word, or with the help of a descriptive equivalent,
which is close to a direct translation equivalent.

The translation of complex terms or terms containing 3 and more elements can result in a
participial construction or a construction with subordinate elements, e.g.: asset-backed
securities: ценные бумаги, обеспеченные активами (IFC) (cennye bumagi, obespechennye
aktivami; L.t: securities backed/supported by the assets); acquisition secured creditor:
обеспеченный кредитор, финансирующий приобретение (UNCITRAL-1) (obespechennyj
kreditor, finansiruushhij priobretenie; L.t.: a secured creditor financing an acquisition). The

usage of the participial construction in Russian often requires additional elements. The latter
term received a descriptive form not because of the element “secured”, but because of the
elliptical construction, which was expressed with the help of the additional elements and the
direct object: “финансирующий приобретение” (financing an acquisition). It is interesting to
note that the term “secured creditor” is translated into Russian as обеспеченный кредитор
(Lingvo) (obespechenniy kreditor), which is an example of Pure Calque. Nevertheless, the same
dictionary offers translation equivalents with participial or prepositional constructions:
кредитор, получивший обеспечение (в виде залога, ипотеки) (kreditor, poluchivshyj
obespechenie (v vide zaloga, impoteki); L.t.: a creditor, having received security (in the form of
a pledge or mortgage)); кредитор, имеющий обеспечение долга (kreditor, imejuschij
obespechenije dolga, L.t.: a creditor, having the security of a debt), кредитор по
обеспеченному долгу (Lingvo Economics and Lingvo Law) (kreditor po obespechennomu
dolgu, L.t.: a creditor under the secured debt).

The term contains another element: “acquisition”. The term acquisition secured creditor
risks being shaped with a construction employing two participles: *кредитор, получивший
обеспечение долга и финансирующий приобретение (kreditor, poluchivshyj obespechenie
dolga i finansirujushhij priobretenie; L.t.: a creditor, having received the security of the debt and
financing the acquisition). Such a form discloses the meaning of the source term: ““acquisition
secured creditor” which means a secured creditor that has an acquisition security right”;
““acquisition security right” means a security right in a tangible asset, or in intellectual property
or the rights of a licensee under a license of intellectual property, which secures an obligation to
pay any unpaid portion of the purchase price of an asset, or other credit extended to enable the
grantor to acquire rights in the asset to the extent that the credit is used for that purpose”
(UNCITRAL-3, 2016). Nevertheless, the term form with two participles is very unwieldy for
LSP, which is the reason why the short equivalent is used for the translation of the term part.

204 Noun (in attributive position) + noun
Another group accounting for 13 cases of DT and Calque comprises terms with noun +
noun construction, i.e. one noun stands in the attributive position: performance pay, control risk,
etc. Such a construction is not common in Russian. Nevertheless, only 4 out of 13 cases are
suggested for translation with the help of a preposition, e.g. control transaction: cделка по
приобретению контроля (IFC) (sdelka po priobreteniju kontrolja; L.t.: a transaction on control
acquisition). In other cases the translation does not require the change of the nominative
construction, but rather employs descriptive elements with the components retrieved by Calque:
deadlocks resolution: разрешение тупиковых ситуаций (IFC) (razreshenie tupikovyh situaciy;
L.t. resolution (of) deadlock situations); control risk: риск системы контроля (IFC) (risk
sistemy kontrolja; L.t.: the risk (of) control system). It is possible to reproduce the construction
with a noun in the attributive position by changing the case of a word (in the majority of
situations it is the genitive case: риск системы контроля (the components “системы” and
“контроля” belong to the genitive case in Russian). Often such a change requires descriptive
elements to fulfill the missing semantic components or to shape the form of the Russian word:
“системы” in the term риск системы контроля and “ситуаций” in the term разрешение
тупиковых ситуаций. Adjective/participle + noun

If the construction “noun (in the attributive position) + noun” cannot be found in Russian, the
construction “adjective (or participle) + noun” is quite common. Nevertheless, a total of 11
English terms with such a form are translated descriptively. It means that the choice of the
descriptive form was not driven by the form of the source term, e.g. the term financial distress
has the following equivalent in Russian: бедственное финансовое положение (IFC)
(bedstvennoe finansovoe polozhenie); L.t.: disastrous financial situation). The target term was
partially retrieved using Calque; however, the term component “distress” has additional semantic
meaning, which is explicit in Russian: “бедственное положение” (bedstvennoe polozhenie;
L.t.: disastrous situation).

The term regular resources also receives a descriptive form because of the semantic
components retrieved from the meaning of the whole term: средства регулярного бюджета
(UNTERM) (sredstva reguljarnogo bjudzheta; L.t.: a fund of a regular budget). The additional
component “бюджета” (byudzheta, L.t.: of a budget) makes the term concrete and related to its
definition in English: “Of all the funds received by UNICEF, core resources – also known as
Regular Resources (RR) – best allow UNICEF to reach children who are in the greatest need and
at the greatest risk, whether they be the victims of a protracted conflict, an epidemic, or a natural
or manmade disaster.” (UNICEF, 2015).

Although the majority of the source terms containing an adjective/participle and a noun can
be easily translated into Russian with the help of the same construction, there are cases when the
target term represents a prepositional construction or a participial construction. For instance, the
term unquantifiable risk was shaped in Russian with the help of a participial construction: риск,
неподдающийся количественной оценке (risk, nepoddaushhijsja kolichestvennoj otzenke; L.t.:
risk not liable to the quantitative measurement). This translation can be considered relevant
because the Calque of the component “quantifiable”: “квантифицированный” with the negative
particle “не” is rarely used in Russian. The term contains the semantic component “inability”,
which is likely to be made explicit in Russian (“the inability of investors to calculate how much
risk they are taking with impact investment due it being relatively new territory” (Hudson,

The semantic components “being unable” or “not liable for something” are often made
explicit in Russian with the help of a participle: unquantifiable: “не допускающий
количественного определения” (Lingvo Economics) (ne dopuskajushhij kolichestvennogo
opredelenija, L.t.: not permitting the quantative definition). Some terms have received the form
of a prepositional construction in Russian. For example, the term unqualified opinion has the
following equivalent in Russian: мнение без оговорок (IFC) (mnenie bez ogovorok; L.t.: an
opinion without reservations). In this case the target term is not caused by the form of the source
term, but rather by its meaning: “auditor's opinion of a financial statement, given without any
reservations. <…>” (InvestorWords).

Accordingly, the term is close to the Pure Descriptive Translation method. The term can be
attributed to the Calque and DT technique because it is partially retrieved by Calque (“мнение”:
opinion). Phrasal verb nominatives

Another group of terms without direct equivalents in Russian are phrasal verbs and phrasal
verb nominatives. Translators should use aditional elements and construction changes as
instruments when dealing with such words. For instance, the term buy-out, standing for “the
purchasing of a controlling share in a company” (Online Etymology Dictionary) can be
translated into Russian using the nominative unit “выкуп” (vykup) (Lingvo Economics).
Nevertheless, its short form and general meaning force translators to add descriptive elements to
the target term: выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании (IFC) (Vykup kontrol’nogo
paketa akcij kompanii; L.t.: buy-out/repurchase of a control package of shares); выкуп
контрольного пакета акций (Ruscorpora) (vikup kontrol’nogo paketa aktziy; L.t.: repurchase
of a control package of shares); выкуп контрольного пакета (Ruscorpora) (vykup
kontrol’nogo paketa; L.t.: repurchase of a control package). The phrasal verbs or phrasal verb
nominatives create difficulties for the translation when they form the part of a term, making it
complex: management buy-out, leveraged buy-out, etc. The elliptical term form is not easily
reproduced in Russian and requires descriptive elements: management buy-out: выкуп акций
компании (её) менеджментом (Ruscorpora) (vykup akcij kompanii (eyo) menedzhmentom;
L.t.: the buy-out of the shares of a company by its management). Additional components “акций
компании” (akcij kompanii, L.t.: of the shares of a company) help to shape the form of the term
and to connect the two components retrieved by Calque: “выкуп” (buy-out) and
“менеджментом” (by management). Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms and abbreviations constitute another group of source terms, which represent a
challenge for translators. First of all, such term forms are normally crystallized within LSP, are

easily recognizable by professionals and tend to create derivatives. For example, the term
EBITDA, which stands for Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization, often
appears in the form of the English abbreviation even in Russian:

“EBITDA (доход до уплаты налога на прибыль, процентов и амортизации) — 50,5 млн

долл” («Sinterra» otchitalas' za WiMAX, 2007. Ruscorpora);

“«Северсталь» объявила, что за шесть месяцев 2011 года ее EBITDA (прибыль до

вычета расходов по уплате налогов, процентов, и начисленной амортизации) составила
$2млрд.” (Gerasimova, 2011. Ruscorpora).

For this reason, the abbreviation of the source term with or without a comment can be
considered as a preferred translation for the term.

In certain cases the terms are not shaped with the help of abbreviation, initialisms, clipping
or acronyms. Calque and DT, based on the full form of a term, contribute to the clarity and
transparency of the term. The term D&O insurance, standing for directors and officers liability
insurance can be translated into Russian with the following form: cтрахование
ответственности директоров и должностных лиц (strahovanie otvetstvennosti directorov i
dolzhnostnyh lic; L.t.: insurance of directors and official persons’ liability).

Partial acronyms are an unusual form in Russian and are often translated descriptively. For
example, the term T-bill (treasury bill) appears in the form of the Calque and DT in Russian:
краткосрочные казначейские облигации (IFC) (kratkosrochnye kaznachejskie obligacii; L.t.:
short-term treasurer’s securities): “В сентябре Китай купил долгосрочных и краткосрочных
казначейских облигаций США на 43,6 млрд долл” (Pavlov, 2008. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: long-
term and short-term treasurer’s USA securities). The term component “казначеские”
(kaznachejskie) stands for the clipped word “treasury” (T), while the term component
“краткосрочные” (kratkosrochnye, L.t.: short-term) was retrieved from the meaning of the
source term: “a Treasury bill (T-Bill) is a short-term debt obligation backed by the U.S.
government with a maturity of less than one year, sold in denominations of $1,000 up to a
maximum purchase of $5 million. <…>” (Investopedia). The term component “short-term”

appears to be vital for the term meaning and integrated into its form, which distinguishes it from
other types of treasury bills. The Russian term without this component cannot be equal to the
term T-bill. For instance, the term казначейские (ценные) бумаги (Ruscorpora) (kaznachejskie
(cennyje) bumagi; L.t.: treasurer’s securities), can convey a general meaning: “cейчас
существует четыре вида казначейских ценных бумаг: краткосрочные векселя (bills),
среднесрочные облигации (notes), долгосрочные (bonds) и облигации, защищенные от
инфляции (TIPS)” (Bunin, 2009. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: Nowadays there are four types of the
treasury securities: short-term bills (bills), medium-term securities (notes), long-term (bonds),
and securities protected from the inflation (TIPS)).

Accordingly, the clipped word or acronym can have a crystallized meaning within a field of
terminology, which cannot be translated using Calque or Direct Loan until the term is used with
its own specific meaning in the target language. Prepositional constructions

Constructions with prepositions also represent a challenge for translators. For instance, the
term value at risk, meaning “statistical technique used to measure and quantify the level of
financial risk within a firm or investment portfolio over a specific time frame” (Investopedia)
can be translated descriptively with the help of a participial construction: cтоимость (сумма
активов), подверженная риску (IFC) (stoimost’ (summa aktivov), podverzhennaja risku; L.t.:
the cost (the sum of assets) exposed to risk). The term components “at risk” can be shaped in
Russian as “exposed to risk”, which contributes to the clarity of the term and its concrete

When it comes to prepositional constructions, a descriptive form with Calque can

correspond to a concise semantically dense term form in the source language. The grammatical
patterns of both languages do not often coincide in terms of the use of certain prepositions and
their compatibility.

209 Other term forms
Complex terms, compound terms, abbreviations, acronyms, phrasal verbs or phrasal verbs
nominatives, and nouns in attributive positions do not have corresponding constructions in
Russian and do not contain additional semantic components which should be retrieved.

Nevertheless, Calque and DT can be considered as the preferred translation method, even for
terms with simple structures, i.e. a noun, a participle, or a verb (with or without accompanying

For instance, the following terms with a simple form are translated using DT and Calque:

- forgery: подделка документов (IFC) (poddelka dokumentov; L.t.: falsification of

documents, forgery);
- derivatives: производные ценные бумаги (IFC) (proizvodnye cennie bumagi; L.t.: derived
- declare dividends: объявить о выплате дивидендов (IFC) (ob’javit’ o vyplate dividendov;
L.t.: to declare the payment of dividends).

These terms contain additional semantic components: “документов” in подделка

документов, “ценные бумаги” in производные ценные бумаги, “о выплате” in объявить о
выплате дивидендов. These elements are implicit in the English terms, which are strengthened
by the English grammatical system which supports laconic constructions.

3.1.2. CALQUE and DT. Figurativeness
The DT and Calque method implies that certain components of a term were borrowed into
the source language using Calque. The previous section focuses on the term forms and reveals
that some of them may trigger the usage of descriptive elements. Nevertheless, not only may the
form of the source term cause the usage of descriptiveness, but also its content. As mentioned
above, some term components can contain implicit meanings, which might result in the
descriptive term form in the target language.

The specific group of terms with figurative meaning accounts for a number of descriptive
translation cases. The figurative meaning of terms is usually based on the etymology of a term; it
is often retrieved using metaphorical transfer. Correspondingtly, the term form may be unclear
and not motivated in the target language. For instance, the term leverage attained its figurative
sense "advantage for accomplishing a purpose"” as far back as 1858. And by 1933 “the financial
sense” was attested to the word in American English (Online Etymology Dictionary). It is
obvious that English was more prepared for the use of the financial term than Russian, where the
word “рычаг” (leverage) is not used for accomplishing a goal. The specific meaning of “the use
of credit to enhance one's speculative capacity” (Merriam-Webster) is, without doubt, innovative
in Russian. For this reason, the term struggles with the convenient and clear form in Russian,
being shaped into different forms from Pure DT to Calque and Direct Loan (see table 18): (Pure
DT) использование кредита для совершения финансовых сделок (finance) (Lingvo)
(ispolzovanie kredita dlya sovershenija finansovyh sdelok; L.t.: the use of a credit for the
completion of financial transactions); (Direct Loan): левередж, леверидж (Ruscorpora);
(Сalque): (финансовый) рычаг (Academic) ((Finansovyj) rychag; L.t.: Financial leverage).

DT and Calque could be the method for the translation of figurative terms under the
following circumstances:

- The figurativeness of a term is preserved and borrowed in its implicit form with the
corresponding meaning in Russian. Descriptive components help to either explain the term
form, or to shape the form of the term. Calque is based on the figurative component;

- The figurativeness of a term is preserved and implicit, but the form of the term is changed,
i.e. the figurative term component is based on a similar figurative meaning element in
Russian. In this case the form of the term or non-figurative components are borrowed using
- The figurativeness of the term is made explicit. Calque is based on the form of the term or
its non-figurative components.

As many as 9 terms with figurative meanings in English were translated using Calque and DT
into Russian.

The first case mentioned above is represented by 6 examples. The use of figurative
components of a source term with additional descriptive elements proves to be the most common
for the Calque and DT method. The terms absorption factor and deadlocks resolution illustrate
such a case, where figurative elements were retrieved using Pure Calque: коэффициент
поглощения издержек (UNTERM) (koefficient pogloschenija izderzhek; L.t.: a coefficient of
cost absorption); разрешение тупиковых ситуаций (Ruscorpora) (razreshenie tupikovyh
situatziy; L.t. resolution of deadlock situations). Both terms retain their figurativeness in the
target language, while the figurative meaning stays the same: “поглощение” (pogloschenije,
absorption); “тупиковый” (tupikovuj, deadlock, an adjective).

The use of descriptive elements is justifiable and makes DT and Calque competitive with the
Pure Calque method. The term коэффициент поглощения издержек (UNTERM) (koefficient
pogloschenija izderzhek; L.t.: a coefficient of cost absorption) uses the descriptive components
retrieved from its definition: “in absorption costing, the rate determined in advance for all cost
centers for allocating fixed costs and variable costs (together or separately) to the output, in an
accounting period” (Business Dictionary). The use of the semantic component “издержки”
(izderzhki; expenses, costs) is justified by the existence of Pure Calque in other fields
(Chemistry, Physics etc.): коэффициент поглощения (Lingvo) (koefficient pogloschenija; L.t.:
a coefficient of expenses): “его суть заключается в зависимости скоростей роста
коэффициента поглощения от световой интенсивности” (Trofimov, 2004. Ruscorpora).

Although the term is also used in the field of Chemistry and Physics in English, its use in the
field of Management in Russian is new and needs to be transparent.

The use of descriptive elements for the translation of the term deadlocks resolution is
justified by the preference for the native language requirement. The descriptive form
разрешение тупиковых ситуаций (Ruscorpora) (razreshenie tupikovyh situatzij; L.t. resolution
of deadlock situations) results from the form of the source term: “noun in attributive position +
noun”. Such a form requires the reversion of word order in Russian and the use of the genitive
case for the noun which appears in the attributive position in Russian: *разрешение тупика
(razhreshenie tupika, L.t.: resolution of a deadlock). Nevertheless, Pure Calque is impossible in
this case, because of the unwieldy form in Russian and its ambiguous meaning (“разрешение”
has another meaning of “permission, permit, authorization” (Lingvo)). The use of the descriptive
element “ситуаций” (situatzij; L.t. of situations) makes the term form clear and attests the single
meaning to it.

Under Calque and DT, terms can retain their figurative meaning, but the term component
bearing metaphorical meaning can be borrowed into Russian with another form. Such cases are
quite rare and are represented by only two examples in our research. For example, the term
diffused ownership has the following equivalent in Russian: раздробленность акционерного
капитала (IFC) (razdroblennost’ aktzionernogo kapitala; L.t.: the fragmentation of joint stock).
“Раздробленность” literally means “fragmentation”, in Russian, while “diffused” corresponds
to “рассеянный, размытый, диффузионный” (rassejannyj, razmytyj, diffuzionnyj) (Lingvo)
and even “распространнённый” (raprostranyonnyj, L.t.: widespread) (Lingvo Economics) in
Economics. The figurative term components were borrowed from the meaning of the English
term: “Such firms have a separation of ownership and control, in that ownership is dispersed
among many small shareholders and control is largely concentrated in the hands of salaried
professional managers who own little (or no) equity.” (Peng, 2012, p. 535). The semantic
components “separation” and “dispersed” with their clearly motivated meaning led to the use of
the element “раздробленность” (fragmentation) in Russian. The use of descriptive elements is
justified by the compatibility of the term components: “joint-stock” (акционерный капитал) can

be described as dispersed, while “ownership” is difficult to represent with such a characteristic.
Accordingly the descriptiveness of the term was triggered by non-figurative term elements.

The third case of translation of figurative terms using DT and Calque is not supported by
many examples. In our research only one case illustrates the method and proves the rarity of its
use. The figurativeness of the term is made explicit, but some term components are borrowed
using Calque, e.g.: self-dealing: операции в собственных интересах (Academic) (operacii v
sobstvennyh interesah; L.t.: operations for one’s own interests). The whole term was translated
descriptively; however, the term component “self-“ was transferred with the help of Calque:
“cобственный” (sobstvennyj, L.t.: one’s own), matching the definition of the term: “Financial
dealing that is not at arm's length; especially: borrowing from or lending to a company by a
controlling individual primarily to the individual's own advantage.” (Merriam-Webster). The
figurativeness of the whole term in the source language is preserved within the single term. The
term components, translated separately with descriptive components, are not figurative. The
descriptive element is based on the definition of the term: “собственные интересы”
(sobstvennye interesy; L.t.: self-interests).

3.1.3. CALQUE AND DT. Competitiveness and Use
The analysis of Calque and DT proves the method to be successful and practical. Calque and
DT is used in the following circumstances:

- The form of the source term is difficult to reproduce in the target term without essential
grammatical elements. For example, application controls: прикладные средства контроля
(IFC) (prikladnye sredstva kontrolja; L.t.: applied control means); сontrol transaction:
cделка по приобретению контроля (IFC) (sdelka po priobreteniu kontrolya; L.t.: a
transaction on control acquisition);
- The form of the source term is difficult to reproduce in the target term, because one of the
elements contains additional semantic components, while other term components are
borrowed using Calque. For example, mandatory bid: обязательное предложение о
покупке (IFC) (оbyazatel’noe predlozhenie o pokupke; L.t.: an obligatory offer for a
purchase); competing claimant: конкурирующий заявитель требования (UNCITRAL -1)
(konkuriruush’iy zayavitel’ trebovaniya; L.t.: a competing claimant of a requirement);
- The transfer of the figurativeness of the source term needs additional semantic or
grammatical components to be included in the translation. However, the figurativeness of a
term influences descriptiveness to a negligible extent when other components are retrieved
by Calque. For example, anti-money laundry: борьба с отмыванием денег (IFC) (bor’ba s
otmyvaniem deneg; L.t.: a struggle against money washing (laundry).

Calque and DT is represented in as much as 37% of recommended or preferred translations

of the terms analyzed. It means that 37% of the terms, which were represented in the glossaries
and dictionaries in the descriptive form, initially demonstrated that DT and Calque could be a
competitive method with other translation techniques. A total of 75 terms have Calque and DT as
a recommended translation into Russian. Most of them are represented in the English-Russian
glossaries in the form of Calque and DT: 68 out of 75 terms (2 terms were translated using Pure
DT and 5 terms using Additional or Irrelevant Components (see below)).

In some cases Calque and DT underwent certain changes within the term form in the
translation process; nevertheless the method has proved to be competitive and quite stable. For
example, the term buy-out has the following equivalent in the glossary: выкуп контрольного
пакета акций компании (IFC) (vykup kontrol’nogo paketa akciy kompanii; L.t.: buy-
out/repurchase of a control package of shares). However, the term appears only once in
Ruscorpora: “Менеджеры «Сибура» не скрывают, что помимо выкупа контрольного пакета
акций компании у Газпромбанка они заинтересованы в консолидации бумаг,
принадлежащих сейчас другим акционерам” (Shabashov, 2008. Ruscorpora).

The shorter equivalent retrieved from Ruscorpora is also based on the Calque and DT
method: выкуп контрольного пакета (Ruscorpora) (vykup kontrol’nogo paketa; L.t.:
repurchase of a control package). It is used more often and is represented in 16 Ruscorpora files:
“Для привлечения средств на выкуп контрольного пакета акционеры «Вестера» ведут
переговоры с пятью банками” (Perceva, 2011. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: to attract money for the
buyout of a control package the shareholders make negotiations with five banks). The term form
surpasses another Calque and DT term in its use; it appears in 6 Ruscorpora documents: выкуп
контрольного пакета акций (Ruscorpora) (vykup kontrol’nogo paketa akcij; L.t.: repurchase
of a control package of shares): “В апреле РБК daily уже сообщала о том, что
южноафриканский Standard Bank ведет переговоры о выкупе контрольного пакета акций
группы у топ-менеджеров группы во главе с Рубеном Варданяном” («Trojka Dialog» hochet
pod krylo gosudarstva, 2010. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: … Standard Bank Lodz the negotiations about
the buyout of a control package of shares of a group…). Accordingly, the term выкуп
контрольного пакета (Ruscorpora) (vykup kontrol’nogo paketa; L.t.: repurchase of a control
package) is more universal in its use, due to the absence of components which might limit its
meanin and restrict its use. Despite the fact that the preferred translation for the term buy-out is
different from the one recommended in the dictionary, it has been slightly varied and
corresponds to the initial form, which proves the stable nature of the Calque and DT method.

The transformation of the term buy-out in Russian has happened using the Calque and DT
method. The term form has been slightly modified in order to expand its practical applicability
and to make its meaning less concrete. The term listed (shares) (definition: “being included and

traded on a given exchange” (Investopedia) is represented in the glossary in two forms, obtained
using Pure DT: котирующиеся на фондовой бирже (акции) (IFC) (kotiruyush’iesya na
fondovoy birzhe (akcii); L.t.: quoted on a stock exchange (shares)) and DT and Calque :
включённый в листинг (IFC) (vkluchjonnyj v listing; L.t.: included in the listing). The second
term form is based on the term retrieved with the help of Direct Loan and assimilation:
“листинг” (listing). The term включённый в листинг (IFC) (vkluchjonnyj v listing; L.t.:
included in the listing) is an innovative derivative of another term within the field (listing) and
appears in 4 Ruscopora documents:

“Сейчас акции компании уже включены в листинг РТС, также готовятся документы
для включения ценных буаг в листинг на ММВБ и Лондонской
фондовой бирже (LSE)” (Anglijskij pacien, 2007. Ruscorpora).

The term retrieved using Pure DT is also represented in 4 Ruscorpora documents, although it
has synonymic forms, and is an obstacle to the harmonization of terminological systems. The use
of the following term forms can be compared:

- котирующиеся на фондовой бирже (акции) (IFC) (kotirujyushhiesja na fondovoj birzhe

(akcii); L.t.: quoted on a stock exchange (shares)): “РДР будут выпущены на акции Rusal,
котирующиеся на Гонконгской фондовой бирже” (Kamneva, Starostina, Verzhbickij,
2010. Ruscorpora);
- котирующиеся на фондовом рынке (акции) (Ruscorpora) (kotiruyushhiesja na fondovom
rynke (akcii); L.t.: quoted on a stock market (shares)): “Более 95% акций Allianz,
котирующихся на фондовых рынках, представлены на биржах в Германии, несмотря
на то что около 70% акций принадлежат иностранным инвесторам” (Hepner & Shnel',
2009) (Ruscorpora).

Accordingly, the use of DT and Calque can be considered as the preferred translation method
for the term listed (shares).

The term tag-along right with figurative meaning means “a contractual obligation used to
protect a minority shareholder (usually in a venture capital deal). If a majority shareholder sells

his or her stake, then the minority shareholder has the right to join the transaction and sell his or
her minority stake in the company” (Investopedia). This term is represented in the glossary in the
extra explanatory form, obtained using the Additional and Irrelevant Components method: право
акционера на продажу своих акций в случае продажи акций другими акционерами на тех
же условиях (IFC) (pravo akcionera na prodazhu svoih akcij v sluchae prodazhi drugimi
akcionerami na teh zhe uslovijah; L.t.: a right of a shareholder to sell his/her shares in the case of
the sale of shares by other shareholders under the same conditions). This term form is unwieldy
and difficult to track down in specialized texts. In most cases, only the parts of the whole
Russian term can be found in Ruscorpora: “<…> что решение совета директоров носит
рекомендательный характер и никак не влияет на право акционера продавать или
отказаться от продажи принадлежащих ему акций” (Fadeev, 2008. Ruscoropra) (L.t.: a right
of a shareholder to sell or to refuse from the sale of the shares owned by him). The dictionaries
offer other equivalents of the term tag-along right, which can be attributed to the Calque and DT
method: права последовать (присоединиться) (к продаже) (prava posledovat’
(prisoedinit’tsja) (k prodazhe) (a comment); L.t.: the rights to follow (to join) (the sail); права
присоединения к сделке (к продаже) (prava prisoedineniya (k prodazhe); L.t.: fin. (finance) the
rights to join a transaction (the sail)); права присоединения (Academic) (prava prisoedinenija;
L.t.: the rights of joining).

All the terms retrieved using Calque and DT have explicit and clear forms, which makes
them convenient to use and can be recommended as the translation of the term. All of the
recommended forms can actually be used, depending on whether the context requires a
construction with a verb or a nominative construction.

As stable and practical as the DT and Calque method has proven to be, in some cases it can
be replaced by other translation techniques. A total of 99 terms were offered in the glossaries in
forms triggered by Calque and DT. Nevertheless, in the course of the research and the analysis,
other translation methods proved to be more relevant and practical and were recommended in
place of Calque and DT. The following methods were competing with Calque and DT and were
suggested as translation for the source terms:

- Calque : cost of capital: (Calque and DT) затраты на привлечение капитала (IFC)
(zatraty na privlechenie kapitala; L.t.: the costs for the capital attraction) - (Calque )
cтоимость капитала (IFC; Academic) (stoimost’ kapitala; L.t.: the cost of capital);
- Direct equivalent: competency assessment: (Calque and DT) oценка профессиональных
качеств (UN-1) (ocenka professional’nyh kachestv; L.t.: the assessment of professional
skills – (Direct equivalent) профессиональная аттестация (Academic) (professionalnaya
attestatzija; L.t.: business vocabulary: professional assessment);
- Direct Loan: greenmail: (Calque + DT (figurative meaning)): корпоративный шантаж
(korporativnij shantazh; L.t.: corporative blackmail) – (Direct Loan (transcription))
Гринмейл (IFC; Academic) (L.t.: greenmail (transcription));
- Calque and Direct Loan: netting agreement: (Calque and DT) соглашение о
взаимозачёте (UNCITRAL-1; Academic) (soglashenie o vzaimozachete; L.t.: an
agreement on a mutual reckoning (comment: the term “mutual reckoning” in Russian
consists of one word)) - (Calque and Direct Loan (transliteration)): соглашение о неттинге
(Academic) (soglashcenie o nettinge; L.t.: agreement about netting);
- Calque and direct equivalent: Return on Investment (ROI): (Сalque and DT) доход на
инвестированный капитал (IFC) (based on the direct translation equivalent borrowed
using Direct Loan: (Latin.) Investire (Kurakov, P., Кurakov, V. & Kurakov, А., 2004)
(Dohod na investirovanniy capital; L.t.: income on an invested capital) – (Direct Equivalent
+ Calque based on the direct translation equivalent borrowed using Direct Loan)
Доходность инвестиций (IFC) (Dohodnost’ investicii; L.t.: profitability of investments);
- Abbreviation (of the source term): EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation
and amortization): (Calque and DT) доходы до уплаты процентов, налогов, износа и
амортизации (IFC) (dohody do uplaty protzentov, nalogov, iznosa i amortizacii; L.t.:
income before the payment of interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) – (abbreviation
of the source term) EBITDA (with or without a comment) (Ruscorpora).

The choice of one specific translation method was based on the following criteria: the
practical use of terms, exclusion of synonyms or homonyms, the adequacy and suitability of the
form for the grammatical structure of Russian, the derivability and productiveness of the term.

One example is the term cross-shareholding, with its figurative meaning and specific use:
“minority stakes held by two companies in each other; this is often done to help strengthen long
term business relationships, and is particularly prevalent in RELATIONSHIP MODEL countries
such as Germany and Japan. (Law Dictionary). This term is translated in the glossary in the
following form: перекрестное участие в акционерном капитале (IFC) (perekrestnoe uchastie
v aktzionernom kapitale; L.t.: a cross participation in the joint stock). The term keeps the
figurative component, retrieved using Calque: “перекрёстное” (perecryostnoje (adjective, neuter
form; “cross”) and resorts to descriptive elements to make the term form clear: “участие в
акционерном капитале” (perekrestnoe uchastie v aktzionernom kapitale; L.t.: a cross
participation in the joint stock). Nevertheless, the term is not used in Ruscorpora. Its shorter
form, borrowed using Calque and represented in the dictionary, is widely used on the Internet
and in Ruscorpora (it appears in 17 documents): перекрестное владение акциями (Academic)
(perekrestnoe vladenie akcijami; L.t.: cross-holding of shares):
“Их связывает банк, стоящий в центре группы, и перекрестное владение акциями” (Bur
mistrov, 2012. Ruscorpora).

Accordingly, Calque proves to be more practical in use, and can be offered as the translation
of the Enlgish term cross-shareholding.

The term digital divide (“the socioeconomic and other disparities between those people who
have opportunities and skills enabling them to benefit from digital resources,especially the
Internet, and those who do not have these opportunities or skills <…>” (Dictionary. com))
appears in the dictionaries and glossaries in many forms: (Calque and DT) «цифровая
политика» (UN-1) (cifrovaja politika; L.t.: “a digital politics”; Ruscorpora:); (Сalque)
«цифровая пропасть» (Lingvo; Academic) (tzifrovaya propast’; L.t.: digital abyss); (Calque )
«цифровое неравенство» (Lingvo; Academic) (cifrovoe neravenstvo; L.t.: digital inequality);
(Calque ) цифровой разрыв (Academic) (cifrovoj razryv; L.t.: digital gap); (Calque ) цифровой
барьер (Academic) (cifrovoj barrier; L.t.: digital barrier); (Calque + DT) электронно-цифровой
разрыв (Academic) (elektronno-cifrovoj razryv; L.t.: e-(electronic) digital gap).

The English term has been reshaped in many forms in Russian. The abundance of synonyms
and attempts to add descriptive (explanatory) elements (“электронно-“(electronic-), “политика”
(politics)) have created a lot of discrepancies regarding the use of the term in Russian.
Nevertheless, not all the terms are used with the same frequency in Russian. The term цифровая
пропасть (Lingvo; Academic) (cifrovaya propast’; L.t.: digital abyss) appears in only one
Ruscorpora document; цифровой разрыв (Academic) (cifrovoj razryv; L.t.: digital gap) can be
found in 24 Ruscorpora files; and the term цифровое неравенство (Lingvo; Academic)
(cifrovoje neravenstvo; L.t.: digital inequality) is used in as many as 49 Ruscorpora texts. None
of the other terms (see above) are represented in Ruscopora, while the most frequently used is
цифровое неравенство: “Принятие данного законопроекта позволитоператорам сократить
сроки строительства сетей и повысить эффективность инвестиций. Также появятся
условия для строительства сетей в регионах, где раньше это было невыгодно. В конечном
итоге этот шаг направлен на ликвидацию цифрового неравенства, — сообщили
«Известиям» в пресс-службе Минкомсвязи” (Loginov, 2014. Ruscorpora).

Consequently, the exclusion of synonyms proved that Calque and DT is not an essential
method in this case, and the other Calque forms and descriptive or direct equivalents of
components are not either.

The Calque and DT method supports the preference for the native language requirement.
It focuses on the grammatical structure of the term using additional components as tools to shape
a term: regular resources: cредства регулярного бюджета (UNTERM) (sredstva
reguljarnogo bjudzheta; L.t.: a fund of a regular budget). Nevertheless, the derivabilty of the
term form often triggers the use of Calque, Direct Loan, and other innovative methods. For
instance, the term netting agreements has the following potential equivalents: (Calque and DT)
cоглашение о взаимозачёте (UNCITRAL-1; Academic) (soglashenie o vzaimozachete; L.t.: an
agreement on a mutual reckoning (comment: the term “mutual reckoning” in Russian consists of
only one word); (Calque and DT) сделка о взаимозачётах (Ruscorpora) (sdelka o
vzaimozachjotah; L.t.: a transaction on a mutual reckoning). The term appears in its full form
only once in Ruscorpora; however, its parts appear in various documents, which creates disorder
within the field of Corporate Governance: (compare)

“Видимо, по той же причине тихо и незаметно умерло дело и в отношении заместителя
министра по чрезвычайным ситуациям Владимира Кульечева, курировавшего сделку о
взаимозачетах” (Korol'kov & Nikitinskij, 2003. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: a transaction on mutual
reckoning) and

“Подписаны соглашения по сотрудничеству в области социального обеспечения (это

хорошая новость для пенсионеров: Россия и Латвия договорились о взаимном зачете
трудового стажа) и по воинским захоронениям” (Putinu teper' pridetsja ehat' v Latviju,
2007. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: Russia and Latvia agreed on mutual reckoning).

In addition to the unstable term form, one of the term components exists in the field of
Management in a form retrieved using Direct Loan: неттинг (netting): “Кроме того, Банк
России в настоящее время уже разрабатывает концепцию закона о ликвидационном
неттинге” (Miheev, 2006. Ruscorpora). Accordingly, the term offered in the dictionary: (Calque
and Direct Loan) соглашение о неттинге (Academic) (soglashcenie o nettinge; L.t.: agreement
about netting) is connected and related to the term, which has already been crystallized in LSP.
The term form obtained using Calque and Direct Loan boosts the derivability of the term and its
consistent use.

In some cases the Calque and DT method is replaced by term forms which are not clear in
Russian, which is why they co-exist with descriptive forms, e.g. the figurative term antidilution
is equally used in the form of Calque and DT and Pure Calque :

- (Calque) антиразводнение (Academic) (antirazvodnenie);

- (Calque and DT (a verb)) не размывать пакет акций (Ruscorpora) (ne rasmyvat’ paket
akciy; L.t.: Not to dilute a package of shares).

Although the second translation option for the term is not a nominative construction, it is
easy to use in practice: “Мы перевели уже 25 миллиардов и, защищая их интересы, сделали
это так, чтобы не размывать их пакет акций” (Beroeva, 2009. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: to wash out
their package of shares). The nominative construction corresponds to the English term in its
form, and accordingly, is more convenient for glossaries, dictionaries and LSP texts.

3.2. PURE DT. Results
Pure Descriptive Translation is the second most frequent method in the recommended
translation section. It follows the DT and Calque technique and is represented by 22% of the
terms. It proves to be less stable and competitive in comparison to Calque and DT. Nevertheless,
it is widely used and important for terminology, in particular in the field of Corporate

Pure DT can be attested as a content-based translation and term creation method. It focuses
mostly on term meaning, while the source term form has a negligible influence. The
figurativeness or specific meaning of the source term is one of the most important “engines” of
the Pure DT method.

The method favors term clarity and transparency requirements, and gives priority to the
meaning of a term, rather than to convenient use and innovative and concise form. Accordingly,
Pure DT often breaks the term conciseness requirement, and does not support the derivability
and practical use of a term.

3.2.1. Pure DT. Term Form and Content

As stated previously, Pure DT focuses on the content of a term, taking the term as a whole
unit and disclosing its meaning, making term form explicit and transparent. Accordingly, in
theory, the form of a source term cannot exert any influence on the form of the target form per
se, or it can only change it negligibly.

The following chart demonstrates the correlation of the forms of the English terms, being the
base for the Pure DT terms, and Russian ones, retrieved using Pure DT:

English term Russian term (Pure DT)
Participial (including
passive or short
construction (noun + Construction Construction
noun(another case) with preposition with a verb
or adjective + noun)
Adverb 1
Noun (attributive
5 2 1
position) + noun
Noun 9 1 1
1 2 1
+ Noun
Compound term
4 1
(nominative unit)
A verb 2
Construction with a
Construction with
1 1
Term with 3 and
2 8 1
more components

The table illustrates that most of terms in Russian preserved the initial form of the source
term: 19 nominative units out of 45 Pure DT terms (noun (attributive position) + noun; pure
nouns; adjective + noun, compound terms) were translated with the help of a nominative
construction (noun + noun (another case) or adjective + noun) and 2 verbs were translated with
the help of a construction with a verb. It means that nearly half of cases of Pure DT followed the
structure of the initial term, and presumably descriptiveness is not influenced by the form of the
source terms.

A total of 5 terms were borrowed in the form of a participial construction (including a passive
or short form of a participle2) or a subordinate construction and 15 terms have the form of

(Pure DT) Компания, акции которой зарегистрированы на фондовой бирже (IFC) (Kompnaiya, aktzii kotoroy
zaregistrirovany na fondovoy birzhe; L.t.: a company whose shares are registered on a stock exchange).
“Зарегистрированы” is a short form of the participle “зарегистрированный”.

prepositional constructions, which illustrates the explanatory nature of Pure DT, rather than its
focus on the form of the source term.

The following analysis of term forms and their correlation with term contents illustrates that
Pure DT depends mostly on the meaning of the entire term, rather than on its components and
grammatical form: Noun
The majority of Pure DT cases in the present analysis are nominative units and in particular,
simple nouns. Calque and DT, in contrast, is hardly represented by nouns (see table Calque and
DT. Forms). As many as 11 nouns were translated into Russian using Pure DT.

A noun is the simplest term form; Pure DT based on one cannot be influenced by its form
per se. For example, the term receivable(s) is borrowed in Pure Descriptive and nominative form
into Russian: дебиторская задолженность (UNCITRAL-1) (debitorskaja zadolzhennost’; L.t.
debtor’s liability). The English term stands for “money owed to a business by its clients and
shown in its accounts as an asset” (Financial and Business terms: 2012), the semantic units
“money owed to a business by its clients” are made explicit with the Russian term, which means
that, in this case, Pure DT is based on the content of the English term.

One English term in the form of a noun was translated into Russian with the help of a
participial construction: grantor: лицо, предоставляющее право (UNCITRAL-1) (lico,
predostavljaushhee pravo; L.t.: a person/entity giving a right). The term grantor has the
following definition for business use: “eligible bestower of an easement, grant, or right, such as
the one who establishes a trust and transfers his or her property to it” (Business Dictionary) or
“one who gives something, especially ownership of a property” (Macmillan). The notion of the
“performer of the action” is difficult to translate if a Direct Equivalent with the same form does
not exist in Russian. The term grantor has the following equivalent in LGP and legal fields:
даритель (daritel’; L.t.: presenter, donor), жертвователь (zhertvovatel’; benefactor) (Lingvo).
In the field of Corporate Management, grantor does not have the meaning of donation; it rather

focuses on bestowing a grant or right (see definition). Accordingly, the Russian term underlines
the meaning of the English term, and the form results from the structure aimed at explanation
and description: “(that) one who grants the right”. In practice the term component “лицо” (lico, a
person/entity) can be omitted and substituted by the person/entity in question, although Russian
tends to use the verb instead of a participle in this case: “Правда, в этом случае предоставить
право бесплатного проезда могут местные советы депутатов, если посчитают это
необходимым” (Antipenko, 2011. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: local boards of deputies can grant a right
of a free passenger fare OR local boards of deputies can be the grantors of a free passenger fare). Complex term (a term with 3 or more components)

The terms with 3 or more components are generally the most unwieldy ones; their form
triggers the use of descriptive or additional elements in the target language. A total of 11
complex terms were translated into Russian using Pure DT.

Most of terms (8 terms) received the form of prepositional constructions. Nevertheless, the
form of the source term has only influenced the target term to a negligible extent or has not
affected it at all. For instance, the term when-actually-employed contract has the following
recommended form in Russian: контракт на условиях оплаты за фактически
проработанное время (UNTERM) (kontrakt na uslovijah oplaty za fakticheski prorabotannoje
vremja; L.t.: a contract under the conditions of payment for the time actually performed).
Accordingly the Russian term is not based on the form of the English one and its components,
but focuses on the meaning of the whole term: “WAEs are defined in the Secretary General’s
Bulletin (ST/SGB/283) dated 29 August 1996 and entitled Use of “When Actually Employed”
Contracts for Special Representatives, Envoys and Other Special High-Level Positions.” (Homsi,
2002). The form of the English term does not have a corresponding pattern in Russian, for this
reason the term form cannot be shaped in Russian using Calque : *когда-фактически-
трудоустроен (kogda-fakticheski-trudoustroen). Consequently, this construction implicitly
influences the use of Pure DT; however, the term form is oriented at the content of the source

The term principle “Caveat emptor” contains a Latin phrase for "let the buyer beware"
(http://www.Investopedia). The Russian term represents Calque of the Latin phrase with certain
changes: принцип «да будет осмотрителен покупатель» (в отношении инвесторов)
(OECD-1) ((princip “da budet osmotritelen pokupatel’” (v otnoshenii investorov); L.t.: a
principle “may the buyer be prudent” (regarding the investors). Accordingly, the Russian term is
the Calque of the Latin phrase, but it can be considered Pure DT of the English term principle
“Caveat emptor”, conveying its meaning: “the principle that a person who buys something is
responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.” (Merriam-
Webster). In addition to this, the term is often used without the component “principle”: “Она
(note by Mariia Iakusheva: “процедура дью дилидженс”) реализует принцип caveat emptor
— «да будет осмотрителен покупатель»” (Ford, Bornstajn & Prujett, 2010, p. 78).

The Pure DT of some English terms with three and more components is similar to DT and
Calque and appears on the margin of this method. Nevertheless, a Pure DT form concentrates on
the meaning of a term, where Calque components can be present (i.e. it is not Calque of the term
form, but rather a semantic Calque, or borrowing of semantic components with the same form).
For instance, the term arm’s length transaction has the following form in Russian: cделка
между независимыми сторонами (IFC) (sdelka mezhdu nezavisimimi storonami; L.t.: a
transaction between independent parties). The figurativeness of the English term has been made
explicit: “a transaction in which the buyers and sellers of a product act independently and have
no relationship to each other.” (Investopedia); “basis of determining fair market value (FMV), it
is a dealing between independent, unrelated, and well informed parties looking out for their
individual interests”. (Business Dictionary). The Russian term form is connected to the English
term form only by the component “transaction”, which is both semantically and grammatically
important, but is not the semantic core of the term. This fact is proved by the slight variation of
the term in the texts: “После этого приходят налоговые органы и проверяют, является ли
эта цена рыночной, соответствует ли она принципу операций между независимыми
сторонами” (Rossii ne nado izobretat' velosiped, 2010. Ruscorpora) (operacii mezhdu
nezavisimymi storonami; L.t.: operations between independent parties). Nevertheless, the
Russian term was retrieved using Pure DT, based on the definition of the English term. In

addition to this, the use of the prepositional construction in Russian is not triggered by the
complex form of the English term. The preposition “между” (mezhdu; between) is used to
connect two semantic components: “независимыe” (nezavisimye (adjective, plural);
independent) and “cтороны” (storony; parties).

Accordingly, the use of Pure DT for the translation/creation of the terms based on complex
English terms is triggered by the definition/explanation of the source term, irrespective of its
form. Noun (in attributive position) + noun

Nouns in the attributive position are only represented by few examples (8 terms). Such a
construction does not exist in Russian and should be translated with the help of an
adjective/participle + a noun, or using word order reversion and a change in the case of the first
noun (normally, to a genitive case). Calque and DT is a frequent method for the translation of
these terms (see the table Calque and DT forms).

The use of Pure DT can be implicitly influenced by the non-equivalent form of the source
terms, i.e. translators resort to this method because the term form cannot be easily reproduced in
Russian. In addition to this, the construction of a noun in the attributive position with another
noun often contains hidden semantic components. For instance, the term security risk can be
transformed into the following terms: *a risk for security; * risk connected to security; * risk
related to security, * risk, which can undermine security etc. The term security risk is used to
describe “<…> a threat to the safety of a country or organization”
(https://www.collinsdictionary.com). The Pure DT form, based on the definition, is widely used
on the Internet: (лицо/ситуация), угрожающие безопасности ((Lico/situacyja),
ugrozhajushhije bezopasnosti; L.t.: (a person/situation), threatening security):

“Каждая критическая ситуация, угрожающая безопасности, требует единообразия

действий государственных институтов и слаженного взаимодействия должностных
лиц, отвечающих за конкретные аспекты обеспечения безопасности” (Fomin, 2014).

Accordingly, the term component “risk” exerted an influence on the whole term and caused
the use of descriptiveness in Russian. The form of the source term has influenced the
translation implicitly, and the hidden semantic components were made explicit in Russian.

The term management override has the following definition: “overruling or circumventing
prescribed policies or procedures for illegitimate purposes – such as personal gain or an
enhanced presentation of a department’s financial condition or compliance status” (Vermont).
The meaning of the whole term was disclosed in the Russian term: превышение
должностных/служебных полномочий руководством (Ruscorpora) (prevyshenie
dolzhnostnyh/sluzhebnyh polnomochij rukovodstvom (L.t.: abuse of post/office authority by
management). The component override received a descriptive form in Russian and was
accomplished using the term component “management”, which can receive another equivalent in
Russian: превышение полномочий должностными лицами (Ruscorpora) (prevyshenie
polnomochij dolzhnostnymi licami; L.t.: the exceeding/abuse of their authorities by the official
persons). Accordingly, the descriptiveness of the Russian term depends on the meaning of the
whole term, rather than on its form. Compound term (nominative unit)

The compound form of the source term is often the reason for the use of descriptive
elements (see Calque and DT. Compound term). Compound terms consist of several parts which
have been merged and have consequently acquired their own meaning. The meaning of some
components of compound terms can be traced back only when the etymology of the term is
investigated. For example, the term by-laws consists of two components: “by” means “town” (<
Scandinavian) (Dictionary.com). Accordingly, the term refers to “town law”. In the field of
Management, a new meaning was attested to the term: “by-laws are internal documents, a set of
rules that enables each organization to conduct its affairs” (Srinivas, 2014). In Russian Pure DT
is the preferred translation for the English term by-laws: внутренние документы (компании)
(Ruscorpora) (vnutrennie dokumenty (kompanii); L.t.: internal documents (of a company)) (See
table 3: By-laws).

Some of the compound terms containing particles or prepositions within their form attain a
specific form in Russian. For example, the term non-incorporated has the following equivalent
in Russian: без образования юридического лица (IFC) (bez obrazovaniya uridicheskogo litsa;
L.t.: without formation/registration of a legal entity (person)). The construction with a
preposition is clearly based on the definition of the term: “a commercial enterprise that is owned
privately by one or more people. One disadvantage of owning an unincorporated business is that
it results in unlimited liability for its owners since it has not been formally registered as a
corporation” (Business Dictionary). The term is offered in dictionaries in the form of Pure
Calque: (Calque) неинкорпорированный (Lingvo Law); некорпоративный (Lingvo
Economics) (neinkorporirovannyj, nekorporativnyj; L.t.: not incorporated); (Additional or
Irrelevant Components). However, a short and concise form does not appear in Ruscorpora,
while Pure DT with a preposition is often used (192 Ruscorpora documents):

“Участники договора инвестиционного товарищества могут «соединить свои вклады и

осуществлять совместную инвестиционную деятельность без образования
юридического лица для извлечения прибыли»” (Petlevoj, 2011. Ruscrorpora) (L.t.:
without formation of a legal entity (person)). The term form of the source term did not exert
considerable influence on the Pure DT form of the Russian term.

In some cases, the compound term can be derived from another term already existing in the
field of Management in Russian. The term form does not contribute to the use of descriptive
elements in such situations. For instance, the term subcontracting is related to the terms
subcontract and subcontractor. Both were borrowed into Russian using Direct Loan and
assimilation and Calque: субподряд, субконтракт, договор с субподрядчиком (Lingvo)
(supodrjad, subkontrakt, dogovor s subpodrjadchikom), субподрядчик (Lingvo)
(subpodrujadchik) and were used for the translation of the term subcontracting: (Pure DT)
Заключение контрактов с субподрядчиками (UNTERM) (zakluchenie kontraktov s
subpodrjadchikami; L.t.: making the contracts with subcontractors); (Pure DT) заключение
договоров субподряда (Academic) (zakluchenie dogovorov subpodryada; L.t.: making a
subcontract). In Russian, both terms are based on the content of the English term, rather than on
its form: “The practice of assigning part of the obligations and tasks under a contract to another

party known as a subcontractor” (Investopedia). It is interesting to note that the Direct Loan
with assimilation is also used in the dictionaries as the equivalent for the term subcontracting:
cубконтрактация (subkontraktatziya); субконтрактирование (Academic)
(subkontraktirovanie). The two forms obtained using Direct Loan with assimilation indicate that
these terms are not stable in LSP, which is proved by their infrequent use in Ruscorpora. In
addition to this, on the Internet, the term субконтрактинг (subkontrakting) is used as a
synonym: “В России же система субконтрактинга ещё не получила должного
распространения <…>” (Dobronravov, 2003). (For this reason the term
заключение/подписание договора субподряда (zakluchenie/podpisanie dogovora subpodrjada;
L.t.: a conclusion/signing of a subcontract) can be considered as the preferred translation for the
English term.

In some cases Pure DT resembles the Calque method. Nevertheless, Pure DT of a compound
term can be recognized by its close relationship with the content of a term. For instance, the term
feedback is so semantically dense, that it is offered in the dictionaries with Additional or
Irrelevant Components or in the form of a comment:

- cвязь производителя с потребителем (Lingvo Universal; Academic) (svgjaz´

proizvoditelja s potrebitelem; L.t.: the connection of a manufacturer with a consumer);
- информация от потребителя (Lingvo Universal; Academic) (informacija ot
potrebitelja; L.t.: economics the information from the consumer);
- используемые результаты, полученные в другой области знания (Academic)
(ispolzuemye resultaty, poluchennye v drugoj oblasti znaniya; L.t.: the used results,
retrieved from another field of knowledge);
- (информация о результатах определенных действий для внесения поправок в
будущие решения) (Academic) (informacija o rezultatah opredelennyh dejstvij dlya
vnesenija popravok v budushhie reshenija; L.t.: infromation about the results of certain
actions for making amendments to future decisions);
- (регулярные отчеты исполнителей о текущей деятельности) (Academic)
(regulyarnye otschety ispolnitelej o tekuschej dejatel´nosti; L.t.: regular report of the
performers about current activity).

Although it seems paradoxical, these term forms are too concrete to be exact. The term
components do not refer to the main meaning of the term: “the partial reversion of the effects of
a process to its source or to a preceding stage” (Merriam-Webster); “process in which the effect
or output of an action is 'returned' (fed-back) to modify the next action.” (Business Dictionary).
The definition of the term is disclosed in the following form in Russian: обратная связь
(OECD-1; Lingvo) (оbratnaja svyaz’; L.t.: reverse connection). In Russian, this term can be
attributed to the Pure DT method, because it focuses on the meaning of the term, although it is
actually based on the component “back”, close to the semantic component “reverse”. The
Russian term is widely used in Ruscorpora (1005 documents) and can be recommended as the
translation for the term feedback:

“При ТРВК номинальный валютный курс имеет эндогенную природу, иными словами,
существует обратная связь между инфляцией и номинальным курсом” (Moiseev, 2003.
Ruscorpora) (L.t.: reverse connection between inflation and nominal rate). Other term forms

As shown by the previous examples, the Pure DT method was influenced by the source term
content rather than its form. This has been proven by other term forms translated into Russian
using Pure DT.

For instance, the adverb amicably has the following equivalents in the field of Corporate
Governance: по взаимному согласию (IFC) (po vzaimnomu soglasiju; L.t.: using negotiations);
путем переговоров (IFC) (putyom peregovorov; L.t.: usingnegotiations); мирным путём
(Lingvo Law) (mirnym putjom; L.t.: in a peaceful way). All of the descriptive forms contain a
preposition (“по”, “путём” (po, putyom; by, by the way of)) to indicate the function of the term
and its use in a specific context. It is interesting to note, that LGP favors the use of direct
equivalents: дружески; дружественно; дружелюбно (Lingvo Universal) (druzheski,
druzhestvenno, druzhelubno; L.t: in a friendly way, in a friendly manner). Accordingly, the
specific use of the term gives a priority to the descriptive structure of the term. At the same time,
the Russian term is not oriented towards the source term form.

The term listed company, in the form of a participle and a noun, has the following Pure DT
equivalent in Russian: компания, акции которой котируются на бирже (биржах)
(Ruscorpora) (kompanija, akcii kotoroj kotirujutsya na birzhe (birzhah); L.t.: a company, whose
shares are quoted on a stock exchange). The form of the Russian term with a subordinate
construction is oriented towards the definition of the English term: “firm whose shares are listed
(quoted) on a stock exchange for public trading” (Business Dictionary).

A participle and a noun combination like approving officer can be translated into Russian
with the help of Pure DT: чиновник с правом подписи (IFC) (chinovnik s pravom podpisi; L.t.:
an official with the right of a signature). It is interesting to note that the descriptive form based
on the meaning of the term receives the form of a participial construction in LSP and

- cотрудник, имеющий право подписи (UNTERM) (sotrudnik, imeushhiy pravo podpisi;

L.t.: an employee having the right of signature);
- чиновник, имеющий право подписи (Ruscorpora) (chinovnik, imeushhiy pravo podpisi;
L.t.: an official having the right of signature);
- чиновник, обладающий правом подписи (Ruscorpora) (сhinovnik, obladajushhij pravom
podpisi; L.t.: an official posessing the right of signature);
- чиновник, владеющий правом подписи (Ruscorpora) (сhinovnik, vladejushhij pravom
podpisi; L.t.: an official owning the right of signature).

The abundance of Additional or Irrelevant Components forms indicates that the meaning
of the term approving officer should be disclosed in Russian. Nevertheless, the construction
with a preposition чиновник с правом подписи (IFC) (chinovnik s pravom podpisi; L.t.: an
official with the right of signature) can be suggested as the translation because its form is clear
and convenient to use: “Сегодня предприниматель ― вассал пожарников, милиции,
налоговиков, эпидемиологов, чиновников с правом подписи на небольшом клочке
бумаги” (Goszakaz na srednij klass. Obratnaja svjaz', 2002. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: officials with the
right of a signature).

The translation of verbs and verbal constructions show the tendency towards employing the
same structure in Russian. It proves that the Pure DT method depends on the meaning of a term,
rather than on its form. For instance, the term nullify or invalidate (a transaction) was translated
into Russian with an orientation towards the specific use of the term and its connection to the
semantic component “a transaction”: объявить недействительной (IFC) (ob’yavit’
nedejstvitel’noj; L.t.: to declare invalid); признавать недействительным (Lingvo Universal)
(Priznavat´ (delat’) nedejstvitel´nym; L.t.: to acknowledge (to make) invalid). The terms are
related to the term’s definition: “to cause (something) to lose its value or to have no effect”
(Merriam-Webster). The latter term form appears in Ruscorpora and can be suggested as a
translation for the English term: “Чтобы получить разрешение на арест имущества, суды
должны будут признавать сделку по его продаже недействительной” (Kunle &
Alekseevskih, 2013. Ruscorpora). Accordingly, the descriptive form of the term is triggered by
its specific use, while the Direct Equivalent can be used both in both LGP and LSP:
aннулировать, отменить (сделку, операцию) (IFC) (annulirovat’, otmenit’ (sdelku,
operaciju); L.t.: nullify, to cancel (a transaction, an operation)). In the special field of Law, the
term is also used in the Pure Descriptive form to disclose the term meaning: лишать законной
силы (Lingvo Universal) (lishat’ zakonnoj sily; L.t. to deprive of a law force); лишать
юридической силы2 (lishat’ juridicheskoj sily; L.t.: to deprive of a juridical (legal) force).

Constructions with prepositions also justify the fact that Pure DT is mostly content-oriented.
For example, the structure of the unit terms of reference did not influence the target term, which
has the following form options: техническое задание (OECD-1) (tehnicheskoe zadanie; L.t.: a
conventional task); пределы компетенции (Lingvo Universal) (predely kompetencii; L.t.: limits
of the competence); круг полномочий (Lingvo Universal) (krug polnomochij; L.t.: a round of
authorities). The descriptive term form appears to be even more concise than the source term;
however, it can be considered to be Pure DT, as it focuses on the source term content: “The
specific limits of responsibility that determine the activities of an investigating body, etc. A
description of the objectives and structure of a meeting, committee, project, etc.” (Collins). All
of the term equivalents are frequently used in Ruscorpora, although the term техническое
задание (OECD-1) (tehnicheskoe zadanie; L.t.: a conventional task) surpasses the other and

appears in 520 documents: “К сентябрю холдинг представит техническое задание по
проекту, а до конца года ЦППК и ТМХ должны заключить договор на поставку
электричек” (Gordeeva, 2014. Ruscorpora). The term form is used for specific purposes,
although the short form of direct equivalents also exists and is offered in some dictionaries:
компетенция (Academic) (kompetenсija; L.t.: a compensation); ведение (Academic) (vedenie;
L.t.: directing, authority, competence).

The term with a preposition shareholder of record (stockholder of record, holder of record,
owner of record) represents an interesting case of the Pure DT formation method in Russian. The
term has been recommended in the following form: (лицо), зарегистрированное в реестре
акционеров (Ruscorpora) ((lico), zaregistrirovannoje v reestre akсionerov; L.t.: (a person/entity)
registered in a shareholder registry). In this case the form of the source term has implicitly
influenced the creation of the target form. For this reason, the form of the Russian term borders
upon the Calque and DT method. First of all, the term component “holder” in the compound
word “shareholder” can be translated separately from the component “share” or together with it:

- “лицо”: (Additional or Irrelevant Components) Лицо, указанное в учетных записях в

качестве зарегистрированного держателя ценных бумаг эмитента (IFC) (Lico,
ukazannoe v uchetnyh zapisjah v kachestve zaregistrirovannogo derzhatelja сennyh bumag;
L.t.: a person/entity indicated in the record statements as a registered holder of the securities
of the issuer));
- “владелец”: (Direct translation equivalent + Calque) зарегистрированный владелец
акции (Lingvo Economics; Academic) (zaregistrirovannyj vladelec akcii; L.t.: a registered
owner of a share);
- “держатель” (Direct Equivalent + Calque) зарегистрированный держатель акции
(Academic) (zaregistrirovannyj derzhatel’ akcii; L.t.: a registered shareholder));
- “акционер” (Direct translation equivalent) зарегистрированный акционер (Lingvo;
Academic) (zaregistrirovannyj akcioner; L.t.: registered shareholder); (Calque and DT)
акционер, зарегистрированный в реестре (акционеров) (Ruscorpora) (akcioner,
zaregistrirovannyj v reestre akcionerov; L.t.: a person/entity registered in a shareholder

The analysis of these term forms and the discrepancies of term translation equivalents
indicate the possibility of replacing the term “holder” with a certain entity or a person in
question, or the general term component “лицо” (“lico”; a person or entity) can be used: “лицо,
зарегистрированное в реестре акционеров Общества, обязано своевременно
информировать держателя реестра акционеров об изменении своих данных” (Svircova,
2003. Ruscorpora).

The term component “record” coupled with the preposition “of” cannot be translated without
the use of a participle “зарегистрированный” (zaregistrirovannyj; L.t.: registered)
(документально зарегистрированный, засвиделельствованный (Lingvo Universal)
(dokumenal’no zaregistirovannyj, zasvidetel’strvovannyj; L.t.: officially registered, legalized)).
The application of this term component results in the use of a participial construction and an
additional semantic element “реестр” (reestr; L.t.: registry). The latter entails the implicit use of
the component “share” together with its full form “shareholder”: “акционер” (akcioner). The
Russian term with the Pure DT form is convenient and corresponds to the definition of the
source term: “the stockholder whose name is registered on the books of the corporation as
owning the shares at a particular time. Shareholder, shareowner, stockholder - someone who
holds shares of stock in a corporation” (Farlex).

3.2.2. PURE DT. Figurativeness

The previous analysis indicates that Pure DT is mostly content-oriented, influenced by the
meaning of the source term. For this reason, figuratively motivated terms constitute a special
subcategory of Pure DT.

As many as 11 out of 45 terms with Pure DT as the recommended translation have figurative
meanings in the English language.

In all cases, the figurativeness in the term form has been disclosed in Russian. Accordingly,
the figurativeness of the term was made explicit, which triggered the use of descriptiveness. For
instance, the term risk-appetite is offered in the dictionaries in many descriptive forms (see table

16), one of which is quite frequently used in Ruscorpora (8 documents): приемлемый уровень
риска (Ruscorpora) (prijemplemyj uroven’ riska; L.t.: an acceptable/relevant level of risk): “Мы
определили для себя приемлемый уровень риска по кредитам и начинаем выдавать, следя
за тем, как ведет себя подушечка необходимой ликвидности” (Ivanter, 2014. Ruscorpora).
The term equivalent employs the component “risk”, although the whole term is based on the
management term definition: “The ISO 31000 risk management standard refers to risk appetite
as the "Amount and type of risk that an organization is prepared to pursue, retain or take". In a
literal sense, defining your appetite means defining how "hungry" you are for risk. (Protecht).
Pure Calque can be used as the method of the translation of the term risk-appetite; however, the
structure of the term breaks generally accepted patterns of Russian (Calque with certain changes
is more natural: аппетит к риску (appetit k risky; L.t.: appetite for risk): риск-аппетит (IFC)
(risk-appetit). The term appears only once in Ruscorpora: “Увеличение просроченной
задолженности заставило многие банки пересмотреть свои подходы к риск-аппетиту”
(Kondrat'ev, 2011. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: approaches to risk-appetite).

The term level playing field has the following definitions: “a situation that is fair for all the
people involved” (Macmillan); “a situation in which none of the competing parties has an
advantage at the outset of a competitive activity” (Collins). The figurativeness of the term is
based on the metaphor BUSINESS AS a GAME, where the BUSINESS AFFAIRS or
CONDITIONS are a PLAYING FIELD. The metaphorical sense has been completely lost in the
Russian term: равные условия для конкуренции (IFC) (ravnye usloviya dlya konkurentzii; L.t.:
equal conditions for a competition). The term level playing field has the Direct Equivalent
without figurative meaning: единые правила игры or равные возможности (Lingvo) (edinye
pravila igry or ravnue vozmozhnosti; L.t.: common game rules or common opportunities).

The following Calque (Calque and DT) forms are offered for the use of the term:

- (Calque) единое игровое поле (IFC) (edinoe igrovoe pole; L.t.: integrated/common playing
- (Calque and DT) поле с равными условиями игры (Academic) (pole s ravnymi uslovijami
igry; L.t.: a field with common playing conditions).

Nevertheless, only the Pure DT form appears in Ruscorpora (6 documents) as the equivalent for
the special meaning of the term level playing field: “Эта система прозрачна, позволяет
получать стабильные доходы в государственный бюджет и обеспечивает равные
условия для конкуренции между производителями на рынке” (Vyhuholeva, 2002.
Ruscorpora) (L.t.: equal conditions for a competition).

The term maturity (securities) is based on the general meaning denoting “the state of being
fully developed or adult” (Collins). In the field of finance the term stands for “the date upon
which a bill of exchange, bond, note, etc., becomes due for repayment” and “the state of a bill,
note, etc., when due” (Collins). Accordingly, the term maturity is based on the metaphorical
sense of being grown up or developed, i.e. being ready, full-fledged, finished. In Russian the
term favors the use of Pure DT with an explicit term form: срок погашения (ценных бумаг)
(IFC; Academic) (srok pogashenija (cennyh bumag); L.t.: a date/term of repayment of
(securities)): “При этом чем более отдален срок погашения облигаций, тем шире спектр
колебаний рыночных цен” (Stahovich, 2003. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: a term of repayment of bonds).
The analysis of the Russian equivalents for the term maturity revealed that the term creation does
not employ Calque or Direct Loan. The phonetic form of the English term does not coincide with
the phonetic system of Russian and the source term cannot be reproduced in its initial form in
Russian without certain changes. The direct equivalents for the general use of the word maturity
are as follows: спелость, зрелость, совершеннолетие (Lingvo) (spelost’, zrelost’,
sovershennoletije; L.t.: ripeness, maturity, full age). The Corporate Governance term should be
used alongside the terms security or bond, in Russian these units are not entirely compatible:
*зрелость облигаций; *спелость ценных бумаг and attain ambiguous connotation.
Consequently, Pure DT in this case is used, based on the requirements for the preference for the
native language and term form transparency.

3.2.3. PURE DT. Competitiveness and Use
The analysis of Pure DT has proven the method to be relatively practical. In some cases the
technique showed the tendency for a lack of stability or derivability of its form. In general, Pure
DT can be used in the following circumstances:

- The source term contains implicit semantic components which cannot be reproduced in the
Russian term without descriptive elements. For example, the term to go public: (Быть)
включённым в листинг фондовой биржи ((Byt’) vkljuchjonnym v listing fondovoj birzhi;
L.t.: to be included into the listing of a stock exchange) (Ruscorpora) (to go public “refers to
a private company's initial public offering (IPO), thus becoming a publicly traded and
owned entity” (Investopedia) (see table 5)) ;
- The form of the source term is not transparent or motivated in Russian. For example, to
foreclose: обращать взыскание (на имущество) (IFC) (obrasshat’ vzyskanie (na
imusshhestvo); L.t.: to impose a penalty (on a property)) (<…> from Old French forclos,
past participle of forclore "exclude, shut out; shun; drive away" (12c.) <…> Specific
mortgage law sense is first attested 1728.<…>”. (Online Etymology Dictionary). “A
situation in which a homeowner is unable to make full principal and interest payments on
his/her mortgage, which allows the lender to seize the property, evict the homeowner and
sell the home, as stipulated in the mortgage contract. <…>” (Investopedia);
- Direct Loan or Calque are not applicable because of the unwieldy phonetic, graphic,
syntactic structure or semantics in Russian. For example, stakeholder: заинтересованное
лицо (IFC) (zainteresovannoe lico; L.t.: an interested person/entity) (The form of Direct
Loan (transcription) cтейкхоулдер (IFC) is rarely used in the same form (Ruscorpora: 2
doc.) (see table 1));
- The figurative meaning of the source term cannot be transferred to Russian without certain
losses of transparency, connotation or motivation. The figurative meaning is made explicit.
For example, dead hand: владение без права передачи (IFC; Lingvo) (vladenie bez prava
peredachi; L.t.: ownership without the right of assignation/transfer) (see table 4).

Over the course of the research a total of 22% of the terms with initially descriptive forms
were recommended for translation using Pure DT. It shows that Pure DT is less frequent and

effective than Calque and DT (37%). Pure DT proved to be relatively stable, because 36 (out of
45) terms preserved their Pure DT form given in the glossaries, with or without changes. As
many as 8 terms initially had a descriptive form with Additional or Irrelevant Components; one
has two forms of Calque and Additional or Irrelevant Components. It is interesting to note that
other terms were represented by two translation equivalents: Additional or Irrelevant
Components and Pure DT (2 terms), Calque and Pure DT (3 terms), Direct Equivalent and Pure
DT (1 term), Direct Loan and Pure DT (2 terms) (see below).

Certain terms, initially offered in the glossaries in the form of Pure DT, underwent some
changes disclosed in the analysis. For instance, the term authorization has two Pure DT
equivalents in the glossary: предоставление полномочий (IFC) (predostavlenie polnomochij;
L.t.: granting authorities) and выдача разрешения (IFC) (vydacha razreshenija; L.t.: the
emission of permission). The analysis revealed that the term выдача разрешения is widely used
in Ruscorpora (353 documents):

“К числу таковых относится сокращение сроков выдачи разрешений, необходимых для

начала бизнеса, создание подготовленных промышленных площадок и целый ряд
других мер” (Medvedev, 2010. Ruscorpora).

However, the term предоставление полномочий has a similar form in the dictionaries:
наделение правами (полномочиями) (например, должностного лица) (Academic) (nadelenie
pravami (polnomichijami) (a comment); L.t.: endowing with rights (authority) (for example, an
official). The existence of three forms multiplies the deviations and discrepancies of the term
use in Russian. However, the term наделение полномочиями (Academic) (nadelenie
polnomichijami; L.t.: endowing with authority) surpassed the other terms in their use in
Ruscorpora (277 documents, 65 exact matches (наделение правом/правами 89 doc., exact
forms: 12 doc.; предоставление полномочий: 45 doc., 5 exact forms): “выборы -это более
открытая и демократичная процедура, чем любой другой механизм наделения
полномочиями” (Bashlykova, 2013. Ruscorpora).

In order to avoid the uncontrolled use of synonyms, the following term forms are suggested
as the translation of the term authorization in the special field of Corporate Governance: выдача

разрешения (IFC) (vydacha razreshenija; L.t.: the emission of a permission) or наделение
полномочиями (Academic) (nadelenie polnomichijami; L.t.: endowing with rights (authority)
(for example, an official)).

The complex term e-staffing help desk has the following equivalent in the glossary: группа
по оказанию помощи в вопросах электронной кадровой системы (IFC) (gruppa po
okazaniju pomoshhi v voprosah elektronnoj kadrovoj sistemy; L.t.: the group on giving help
concerning the issues of the electronic staffing system). The Russian term can be attributed to
the Descriptive Translation method with Additional or Irrelevant Components. The term
сontains two prepositions (“по”, “в”), additional elements (“оказание”, rendering (giving)),
which make its form unwieldy and inconvenient to use. In addition to this, the term is not
represented in Ruscorpora, and not used on the Internet. The term components “help desk”
constitute its essential part and mean: “a group of people who provide help and information
usually for electronic or computer problems - usually singular (Merriam-Webster learner’s
dictionary). The equivalent of the term components “help desk” is as follows: служба
технической поддержки (Lingvo) (sluzhba tehnicheskoj podderzhki, L.t.: a service of the
technical support). The partial acronym “e-staffing” stands for “electronic staffing”.
Accordingly, the following Pure DT form can be suggested for the English term e-staffing help
desk: cлужба технической поддержки по вопросам электронной кадровой системы
(sluzhba tehnicheskoj podderzhki po voprosam elektronnoj kadrovoj sistemy; L.t.: service of the
technical support for the issues of the electronic staffing system).

Some terms were recommended in the glossaries combining Pure DT with other methods:

- Calque and Pure DT: level playing field: (Pure DT) равные условия для конкуренции
(IFC) (ravnye uslovija dlja konkurencii; L.t.: equal conditions for a competition); (Сalque)
«единое игровое поле» (IFC) (edinoe igrovoe pole; L.t.: integrated/common playing field);
- Direct Equivalent and Pure DT: nullify, invalidate (a transaction): (Pure DT): объявить
недействительной (ob’yavit’ nedeystvitel’noy; L.t.: to declare invalid); (Direct Equivalent
(general use)) aннулировать, отменить (сделку, операцию) (annulirovat’, otmenit’
(sdelku, operaciju); L.t.: nullify, to cancel (a transaction, an operation);

- Direct Loan and Pure DT: stakeholder: (Pure DT) заинтересованное лицо (IFC)
(zainteresovannoe lico L.t.: an interested person/entity); (Direct Loan (transcription))
стейкхоулдер (IFC).

In all the cases mentioned above, Pure DT was favored over other term forms, which proves
the competitiveness of Pure DT to be relatively high. Nevertheless, Pure DT occasionally
surrenders to some term creation techniques (a total of 16 terms offered in the dictionaries in the
form of Pure DT obtained another form in the course of the research). For instance, the following
term creation methods managed to substitute Pure DT, because they are more practical, concrete
or convenient (exclude synonyms, favor derivability, support term conciseness requirement etc.):

- Calque : special post allowance: (Pure DT) надбавка за выполнение особых функций
(UNTERM) (nadbavka za vypolnenie osobyh funkcij; L.t.: a bonus for the fulfillment of
special functions) – (Сalque) cпециальная должностная надбавка (UNTERM;
Academic) (spetzial’naya dolzhnostnaya nadbavk; L.t. a special post bonus)
- Calque and DT: cost data format: (Pure DT) нормативы эксплуатации и ставок
возмещения (UNTERM) (normativy expluatacii i stavok vozmeschenija; L.t.: standards of
maintenance and reimbursement rates) – (Сalque and DT) данные о затратах и ставках
возмещения (dannye o zatratah i stavkah vozmeshhenija; L.t.: Data about expenses and
reimbursement rates) ((Calque and DT) Ставка возмещения расходов (Ruscorpora)
(stavka vozmeschenija rashodov; L.t.: a reimbursement rate (of costs));
- Direct Loan: due diligence: (Pure DT) всесторонний анализ достоверности
предоставляемой информации (IFC) (vsestoronnij analiz dostovernosti predostsvljaemoj
informacii; L.t.: overall analysis of the authenticity of the information given – (Direct Loan
(transcription)) Дью дилидженс (дью дилидженс (IFC); due diligence (transcription));
- Direct translation equivalent: winding up (a company): (Pure DT) прекращение
деятельности (компании) (IFC) (prekrashhenie deyatel’nosti (kompanii); L.t.: ending the
activity (of a company) - Direct Equivalent ликвидация (компании) (IFC; Lingvo)
(likvidacija (kompanii); L.t.: liquidation (of a company)).

The preference of Calque or Direct Loan over Pure DT illustrates the tendency for conciseness
and innovativeness in the term form. It especially concerns figuratively motivated terms with
their dense semantic meaning and recognizable form (e.g. safe harbor, drag-along right,
umbrella project, wet lease etc.)

For instance, the term safe harbor is based on the metaphor BUSINESS as the SEA,
BUSINESS TACTICS as a SHELTER. The Corporate Governance means a certain “<...> tactic
used by companies which do not want to be taken over, where they purposefully acquire a
heavily regulated company to make themselves look less attractive to the entity considering
taking them over.” (http://www.Investopedia). The Pure DT form in Russian is oriented at the
definition of the term and term form transparency: мера по защите от недружественного
поглощения (IFC) (mera po zaschite ot nedruzhestvennogo pogloschenija; L.t.: a measure of the
defense from a hostile takeover). The Calque form with the same figurative meaning:
безопасная гавань (bezopasnaya gavan’; safe harbor) is used more often than the Pure DT form
in Ruscorpora (13 documents vs 1 document): “А в таких ситуациях россияне всегда
обращаются к доллару как «безопасной гавани», даже если это противоречит здравому
смыслу” (Popov, 2005. Ruscorpora). The use of Calque stipulates that the form of the target
term is sufficiently motivated to be used within LSP.

The term wet lease has a figurative, non-transparent form and stands for “the form of leasing,
under which the lessee receives (besides the property being rented) all the raw materials,
necessary for work, personnel for the performance of necessary work, uses the services of the
maintenance of the property being rent, etc.; the term is mostly used for the lease of air and sea
crafts” (translation from Russian) (Academic). The following Russian term forms are offered in
the dictionaries and glossaries:

- (Pure DT) cистема аренды имущества с техническим обслуживанием
(Academic) (systema arendy imushhestva s tehnicheskim obsluzhivaniem; L.t.: the system
of rent of property with technical service);
- (Additional or Irrelevant Components) аренда на условиях обслуживания арендованного
имущества арендодателем (Academic) (arenda na uslovijah obsluzhivanija

arendovannogo imuschestva; L.t.: lease under the conditions of a maintenance of a leasehold

Neither descriptive term represented in Ruscorpora in its full form and this creates a lot of
discrepancies regarding the use of the term:

- “Более того, до кризиса деловые комплексы строились и сдавались в аренду с

подведенными коммуникациями, с бетонными стенами, со стяжкой на полу” (Vremja
aktivnyh prodazh nastupaet na rynke kommercheskoj nedvizhimosti, 2009. Ruscorpora)
(L.t.: <…> to let on a lease with communications connected, with concrete walls <…>);
- “Компания устанавливает оборудование, которое ей и принадлежит, а потребитель
платит за его аренду и обслуживание” (Ne hotelos' by, chtoby v Rossii nas schitali
«zhirnymi kotami», 2009. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: <…> a client pays for its lease and service

The Pure Calque form offered in the dictionary quite frequently appears in Ruscorpora (12
documents): “мокрый лизинг” (Academic) (mokryj lizing; L.t.: wet leasing): “Все воздушные
суда будут взяты в «мокрый» лизинг у РОСТО ДОСААФ” (Kolobkov, 2012. Ruscorpora).
Although the term is often used in Aviation, its form may be applicable to other fields, like
Management. Its convenient and recognizable form can lead to the harmonization of

The term greenfield represents a classical example of a term with figurative meaning, which
favors the use of Direct Loan in Russian: «гринфилд» (Academic): (Ruscorpora 15 doc.): “Есть
предложение, чтобы сделать градацию по порогам инвестиций для гринфилдов в
зависимости от отраслей», — говорит министр” (Malysheva, 2014. Ruscorpora). The form of
the term is modern and innovative, but has zero motivation. The term form is crystallized in the
field of Management, which is proven by the rare use of Pure DT and Calque: совершенно
новая компания (создаваемая «с нуля») (IFC); (sovershenno novaja kompanija (sozdavaemaja
s nulja); L.t.: an entirely new company (created from “zero”); зелёное поле (Academic)
(zeljonoe pole; L.t.: green field).

The direct equivalent of the partial acronym e-benefits is making its form explicit in Russian:
электронные льготы (electronnye l´goty; L.t.: electronic benefits (social benefits). At the same
time, the form of Pure DT with the explanation is not crystallized or recognizable within the field
of Management: электронное оформление пособий и льгот (UNTERM) (electronnoe
oformlenie posobij y l´got; L.t.: electronic registration of grants and benefits).

3.3. Additional or Irrelvant Components and DT. Results. Competitiveness and

The Additional or Irrelevant Components method was not recommended for many DT
terms. Only 4% of the terms translated descriptively in the glossaries have this term form in the
section of the recommended translation.

The Additional or Irrelevant components method is, in theory, undesirable for terminology
in general and Corporate Governance terminology in particular. First of all, the technique creates
unwieldy constructions. On the one hand, the method employs additional elements which
disclose the meaning of a term or fulfill its form in the native language. On the other hand, in
most cases, these elements are not essential for the term to function. These elements can be
considered as irrelevant, they can be omitted in some contexts, substituted by synonyms, or their
order can be changed. As a result, these term forms create chaos within management
terminology, being an obstacle for the harmonization of terminological systems.

The analysis and results concerning the DT method employing Additional or Irrelevant
Components cannot be based on the correlation of the source and target term forms, neither can
it be oriented towards the term figurativeness and implicit semantic components. The appearance
of the method is stipulated by the specific use of the term. Several types of Additional or
Irrelevant Components can be distinguished within the DT method:

- The target term employs irrelevant components for the term meaning or its form. Such a
term form appears in the glossaries as an initial stage for the translation of “strange”
neonyms, especially figuratively motivated ones. These term elements can de dismissed as
unnecessary, and the term form should be shaped into the form of Pure DT, Calque and DT,
Calque, Direct Loan, etc. The term form is mostly an interim stage of the creation of the
term in Russian.
- Additional or Irrelevant Components are created on purpose in order to make the term
different from its Direct Equivalent (often ambiguous) in a general field or from homonymic
terms in other special fields. Some of these components can be considered as possible for

use within the term form, provided the term form is practical. For example, programme
support and development activities: (Additional or Irrelevant Components) Оперативно-
функциональное обслуживание и разработка программ (UNTERM) (Operativno-
funkcionalnoe obsluzhivanie i razrabotka program; L.t.: efficient and functional service and
program development). The Сalque form мероприятия по поддержке и разработке
программ (meroprijatija po podderzhke i razrabotke program, L.t.: measures on the support
and development of programs) is rarely used, so the UN term can be considered unique in
its form;
- Additional or Irrelevant Components provide no essential semantic or grammatical function.
The source term influences the form of the target term, but to a negligible extent (i.e. a more
concise term form can be used). Nevertheless, they try to meet the requirement for the
preference for the native language, adapting it for the in the target language. Some of these
terms can be suggested for use within LSP. For example, dependency rate salaries:
(Additional or Irrelevant Components) Оклады по ставке для сотрудников, имеющих
иждивенцев (UNTERM) (Oklady po stavke dlja sotrudnikov, imeushhih izhdivintcev; L.t.:
basic salary under the rate for employees having dependents).

Only 8 terms retrieved from the glossaries in the form of DT with Additional or Irrelevant
Components have this as the preferred method. The majority of these terms are special United
Nations concepts, used in exclusive contexts. For example, the term Human Resources Network
has the following equivalent in Russian: Сеть по вопросам людских ресурсов (UNTERM)
(Set’ po voprosam lyudskih resursov; L.t.: the network on the issues of human resources). The
Russian term employs additional elements: “по вопросам” (po voprosam, on the issues), which
do not bear any essential function except for shaping the form of the Russian term into the
formal one. In theory, it is possible to use the Pure Calque form: *Сеть людских ресурсов (Set’
ljudskih resursov; L.t.: the network of human resources). However, in practice, it turns out that
the term is quite often used in UN documents:

“В докладе рекомендуется улучшить через Сеть по вопросам людских ресурсов

Секретариата Координационного совета руководителей (КСР) обмен информацией и

сотрудничество между службами по набору кадров организаций системы Организации
Объединенных Наций <…>” (UNIDO, 2009).

Accordingly, such a term form can exist and function within LSP provided its form is
crystallized and unique for one concept.

While the previously mentioned term retains its initial form with Additional or Irrelevant
Components, some term forms undergo certain changes within the analysis. For instance, the
term reportable condition means “a matter coming to the auditor's attention relating to
SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCIES in the design or operation of the entity’s internal control that
could ADVERSLY AFFECT an entity's ability to fulfill future obligations with customers and/or
the satisfaction of liabilities” (VentureLine) The term component “reportable” has an additional
semantic meaning of “being liable for something”, which is typical for adjectives with such a
form (see Calque and DT. Adjectives/Participles + Noun: unquantifiable risk). This semantic
element should be retrieved in Russian, otherwise it may result in an unwieldy and ambiguous
form of past passive participle: “сообщаемый” (soobschaemyj). Accordingly, the term was
attested as a form with additional elements in Russian: ситуация, о которой необходимо
сообщать (руководству) (situacija, o kotoroj neobhodimo soobshhat’ (rukovodstvu); L.t.: a
situation which should be reported (to management)). The use of an additional component
“необходимо” (neobhodimo, necessary) resulted in the use of a subordinate construction in a
prepositional case. The term form proves to be too general to belong to the field of Management,
and its form is not clear enough (What is the type of a situation? How should it be reported?).
This fact can be proved by the existence of another term form with additional elements, which is
offered in the dictionary: обстоятельство, которое должно быть отражено в
аудиторском заключении (отчёте аудитора) (Academic) (obstojatel’stvo, kotoroje dolzhno
byt’ otrazheno v auditorskom zakljuchenii (otchete auditora); L.t.: a circumstance, which should
be reflected in audit conclusion (report of an auditor)). Such a term form is oriented towards the
source term definition. In addition to this, it strengthens the special use of the term, making it
unique and recognizable within the field. The additional elements “должно быть” (dolzhno byt’,
should be) and the use of “который” (kotoryj, which) in a subordinate construction shapes the
term form in Russian.

As previously mentioned, some additional components are used for the exclusion of
synonyms or homonyms in the general field or other special fields. For example, the term cost-
effective was attested as the following descriptive form with Additional or Irrelevant
Components: эффективный с точки зрения затрат (UNTERM) (effectivnyj s tochki zrenija
zatrat; L.t.: effective from the point of view of expenses). The term has a direct translation
equivalent: доходный, прибыльный, рентабельный (Lingvo Universal) (dohodnyj, pribyl’nyj,
rentabel’nyj; L.t.: lucrative, profitable, paying). These words can be used in a wide range of
contexts and can lead to miscomprehension within a particular field. For this reason, the use of
Calque elements: “эффективный” (effective) and “затраты” (expenses) with additional
components: “c точки зрения” (from the point of view) make the term unique in its use, clear
and related to the source term meaning. This term form border upon the Calque and DT method.
Nevertheless, it can be attributed to the Additional or Irrelevant Components group because the
term has such a form not because it is essential for the translation, but for making it recognizable
and related to the target term. In addition to this, the English term form with a noun in the
attributive position exerts an influence on the use of additional elements, as the structure cannot
be shaped using Pure Calque in Russian.

In the previous examples the additional descriptive elements method was suggested for the
translation of the English terms. Some of the terms forms were slightly modified, nevertheless
the Russian terms were retrieved by DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components. Only 8 terms
in this study have used the method in question as the preferred translation technique. It means
that the method is not desirable for Corporate Governance terminology. It can be used for a
provisional translation, an interim stage on the way to the final term form.

Notwithstanding the fact that the method creates a great deal of discrepancies in term use,
DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components technique quite often appears in dictionaries and
glossaries, especially at the first stage of term borrowing. As many as 52 terms (some of them
accompanying other term translation methods) have the form of Additional or Irrelevant
Components in the glossaries. Over the course of the research, their synonyms, clipped forms
and shorter equivalents were retrieved from the dictionaries and Ruscorpora. The following term

creation methods replaced the Additional or Irrelevant Components DT and were recommended
as the preferred translation for the English terms:

- Pure DT: procurement lead time: (Additional or Irrelevant Components) Время на

заготовку материальных средств (UNTERM) (Vremja na zagotovku material’nyh
sredstv; L.t.: the time for the tangible asset preparation – (Pure DT) Время реализации
заказа (UNTERM) (Vremya realizatzii zakaza; L.t.: time of order implementation);
- Calque: business judgement rule: (Additional or Irrelevant Components) Правило
добросовестности директоров при принятии решений (IFC) (Pravilo dobrosovestnosti
direktorov pri prinjatii reshenij; L.t.: the rule of the good faith of the directors under decision
making) – (Сalque) Правило делового суждения (Pravilo delovogo suzhdenija; L.t.: the
rule of business judgement) (The Internet use, e.g. Gohan, 2010, p. 110);
- Calque and DT: group cost index: (Additional or Irrelevant Components) Индексация
существующих ставок возмещения (UNTERM) (Indeksacija sushhestvuyshhih stavok
vozmeshhenija; L.t.: an indexation of the existing rates of reimbursement) – (Сalque and
DT) Индекс по категориям (UN documents) (Index po kategorijam; L.t.: Index under the
- Direct translation equivalent: custodian: (Additional or Irrelevant Components) лицо,
наделенное ответственностью за доверительное владение (IFC) (lico, nadeljonnoe
otvetstvennostju za doveritel’noe vladenie; L.t.: a person, vested with the responsibility for
the confidential possession) – (Direct equivalent) попечитель (Lingvo) (Popechitel’ (a
comment); L.t.: a trustee (a bank or another organization, responsible for the safety of
financial assets)) or (Direct equivalent) Депозитарий (Depozitarij; L.t.: Depositary);
- Direct Loan: disclaimer clause: (Additional or Irrelevant Components) Статья договора,
предусматривающая отказ от его условий (IFC) (Statija dogovora,
predusmatrivaushhaja otkaz ot ego uslovij; L.t.: a paragraph of an argreement stipulating the
refusal from its conditions) - Direct Loan (transcription) дисклеймер (Ruscopora);
- Calque and abbreviation of a source term: GARP investors: (Additional or Irrelevant
Components) Инвесторы, которые вкладываются в компании средней капитализации
c высокими темпами роста (IFC) (Investory, kotorye vkladivautsja v kompanii srednej

kapitalizacii i visokimi tempami rosta); L.t.: investors, who invest in the companies of a
medium capitalization with high level of growth) – (Calque and the abbreviation of the
source term) GARP-инвесторы (the use on the Internet: (Buzdalin et al, 2010)).

The use of other term creation methods instead of DT with Additional or Irrelevant
Components proves that the field of Management Field gives prreference to concise, innovative
and recognizable forms.

It especially concerns terms with figurative or dense meaning. For example, the term hostile
action/forced abandonment factor/abandonment factor, which means “a factor applied to each
category of self-sustainment rates and to the spares element (or half of the estimated
maintenance rate) of the wet lease rate to compensate the troop/police contributor for loss and
damage” (Glosbe), has the following equivalent in Russian with additional components:
коэффициент учета враждебных действий или (вынужденного) оставления (имущества)
(UNTERM) (koefficient uchjota vrazhdebnyh dejstvyj ili (vynuzhdennogo) ostavlenija
(imushhestva); L.t.: a coefficient of accounting of hostile actions or (a forced) abandonment of (a
property)). The elements “учёт” (uchet, account), “имущества” can be considered superfluous.
In addition to this, a Calque form of the term exists in the dictionaries: фактор враждебного
действия/ вынужденного оставления (UNTERM) (factor vrazhdebnogo
dejstvija/vynuzhdennogo ostavlenija; L.t.: a factor of a hostile action/forced abandonment). The
Calque method favors the recognizable form of the English term over the descriptive translation.
Accordingly, Calque can be considered as the preferred translation for this term.

Some of the additional components do no provide any semantic or grammatical function.

For this reason, some terms can be clipped, and limited to Pure DT or Calque and DT forms. For
example, the term deadlocks resolution is offered in the glossary in the following form:
(Additional or Irrelevant Components (figurative meaning)) механизм разрешения
«тупиковых» ситуаций (IFC) (mehanizm razreshenija “tupikovyh” situatzij; L.t.: the procedure
of resolution of deadlock situations). The term component “механизм” (mehanizm; mechanism,
procedure) makes the term more concrete; however, it does not disclose any essential meaning.
Moreover, the term cannot be found in Ruscorpora, but it appears in the form of Calque and DT:

разрешение тупиковых ситуаций (Ruscorpora) (razreshenie tupikovyh situatzij; L.t. resolution
of deadlock situations): “Договоренности, достигнутые в Москве, вызвали у иностранных
инвесторов оптимизм, надежды на скорое разрешение тупиковой, как начинало казаться,
ситуации” (Chernuha, 2002. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: a hope to reach a resolution of a deadlock, as it
began to seem, situation).

The term window-dressing stands for: “a strategy used by mutual fund and portfolio
managers near the year or quarter end to improve the appearance of the portfolio/fund
performance before presenting it to clients or shareholders” (Investopedia). The figurativeness
of this management term triggered a chain reaction of descriptive terms in Russian often
employing Additional or Irrelevant Components:

- (Additional or Irrelevant Components) приукрашивание истинного положения дел (IFC)

(priukrashivanie istinnogo polozhenija del; L.t.: decorating the true state of facts);
- (Additional or Irrelevant Components) умение показать товар лицом (Academic) (umenie
pokazat´ tovar licom; L.t.: an ability to show the produce from their exterior side (face));
- (Additional or Irrelevant Components) умение произвести благоприятное впечатление
(не соответствующее действительности) (Lingvo Universal) (umenie proizvesti
blagoprijatnoe vpechatlenie (ne sootvetstrvujushhee dejstvitel’nosti); L.t.: an ability to make
a favorable impression (not corresponding to the reality)).

The previously mentioned terms resort to additional elements, which are not necessary for
the disclosure of the meaning of a term. For example, the first equivalent can be found in
Ruscorpora in a shorter form: (Pure DT (figurative meaning)) приукрашивание (реальной)
ситуации (Ruscorpora) (priukrashivanie (real’noj) situacii; L.t.: decorating the real situation):
“Анна пишет о том, что тушить пожары лесникам нечем, а также обвиняет главу МЧС в
бездействии, лжи и приукрашивании реальной ситуации” (Belen'kaja, 2010. Ruscorpora).
Accordingly, the term components “истинное положение дел” (istinnoje polozhenije del, L.t.:
actual state of affairs) seems to be superfluous and can be substituted with shorter equivalents.
Other forms of Additional or Irrelevant Components stated above resemble colloquial

definitions of a term and can be substituted by shorter equivalents offered in the dictionaries or

- (Calque) «декорирование витрин» (IFC; Academic) (“dekorirovanie vitrin”; L.t.:

“(shopping) window-decoration” (Calque);
- (Additional or Irrelevant Components) умение показать товар лицом (Academic) (umenie
pokazat´ tovar licom; L.t.: an ability to show the produce from their exterior side (face));
- (Direct translation equivalent) вуалирование (с целью создать видимость высокой
ликвидности) (Academic; Lingvo Universal) (Vualirovanie (s cel’ju sozdat’ vidimost’
vysokoj likvidnosti); L.t.: Fogging/veiling (with the aim to make the visibility of a high
- (Pure DT (another figurative meaning)) «причесывание» баланса (с целью создать
видимость высокой ликвидности) (Lingvo Universal; Academic) (prichjosyvanie balansa
(s cel’ju sozdat’ vidimost’vysokoj likvidnosti); L.t.: combing the balance (with the aim to
make the visibility of a high liquidity);
- (Pure DT (concrete term, another figurative meaning)) причёсывание бухгалтерии
(Ruscorpora) (prischjosyvanie buhgalterii; L.t.: combing the accountancy);
- (Pure DT (figurative meaning)) подкрашивание баланса (с целью создать видимость
высокой ликвидности) (Lingvo Universal) (podkrashyvanie balansa (s cel’ju sozdat’
vidimost’ vysokoj likvidnosti); L.t.: dyeing of the balance (with the aim to make the
visibility of a high liquidity); (
- Сalque) украшение витрин (Lingvo Universal); украшение витрины (для привлечения
покупателей) (Academic) (ukrashenie vytrin/ ukrashenie vitriny (dlja privlechenija
pokupatelej); L.t.: decoration of windows/ decoration of a window (in order to attract the
- (Calque) оформление витрин (Academic) (Oformlenie vitrin; L.t.: design of windows);
- (Direct Equivalent (general meaning)) приукрашивание (Academic) (priukrashivanie
(comment); L.t.: embellishment);
- (Direct Equivalent (general meaning) очковтирательство, приукрашивание, лакировка
действительности, показуха (Academic) (Ochkovtiratel’stvo, priukrashivanie, lakirovka

dejtrvitel’nosti, pokazuha; L.t.: Eye-wash, embellishment, varnishing of the reality, outward
- Direct Equivalent (general meaning)) Рекламный предмет, реклама (Academic)
(Reklamnyj predmet, reklama; L.t.: an commercial object, a commercial/publicity).

The abundance of equivalents creates chaos in the use of the terms. In addition to this, many
words belong to the category of professional jargon. The analysis of the term revealed that the
Calque form декорирование витрин (IFC; Academic) (dekorirovanije vitrin”; L.t.: (shopping)
window-decoration) quite often appears in the special texts: “декорирование витрин (window
dressing) — внесение изменений в отчетность, что позволяет представлять финансовое
состояние компании лучше, чем фактическое” (Efimova, 2010).

As demonstrated by the creation of the equivalent for the term window-dressing in Russian,
the term can have different forms with Additional or Irrelevant Components. Accordingly, the
term can have different synonyms, variations, clipped forms etc. The Additional or Irrelevant
Components method often appears as an interim stage of term creation. Until the term becomes
full-fledged, a lot of provisional term forms can appear. As many as 60 terms in this research
were offered in the form of Additional or Irrelevant Components, some of them retained this
form, and others were shaped into different forms. However, 42 other terms more were not
created using DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components, and their preferred translation
focuses on other term creation methods. Nevertheless, these terms have Additional or Irrelevant
Components forms in the dictionaries or Ruscorpora.

The term risk tolerance illustrates the use of Additional or Irrelevant Components as an
interim stage of term form creation. The term means “an investor's ability to handle declines in
the value of his/her portfolio” (InvestorWords) and has the following equivalent in the glossary:
(Calque and DT) уровень терпимости к риску (IFC) (гroven’ terpimosti k risku; L.t.: the level
of tolerance/patience towards a risk). The Russian term is not practical and does not appear in
Ruscorpora, while its slightly modified forms are represented in Ruscorpora documents:

- (Additional or Irrelevant Components) устойчивость к (возможным) рискам
(Ruscorpora) (ustojchivost´ k (vozmozhnym) riskam; L.t.: resistance towards (possible)
- (Additional or Irrelevant Components) степень устойчивости и защищённости от
рисков (Ruscorpora) (stepen’ ustojchivosti i zashhischennosti ot riskov; L.t.: a degree of
resistance against the risks);
- (Additional or Irrelevant Components) допустимый уровень совокупного риска
(Ruscorpora) (dopustimyj uroven’ sovokupnogo riska; L.t.: an acceptable level of a joint
- (Pure DT) допустимый уровень риска (Ruscorpora) (dopustimyj uroven’ riska; L.t.: an
acceptable level of risk).

The term risk tolerance has an unusual form for Russian grammar, as a noun cannot stand in
the attributive position to another noun without certain changes. However, the components
“допустимый” (dopustimyj; acceptable), “уровень” (uroven’; level); “возможное”
(vozmozhnoje, possible) and “степень” (stepen’, level) are not triggered by the source term
form and do not contribute to the meaning of the term. The term can be used without these
elements, which is proved by the following term forms retrieved using Calque:
толерантность к рискам/риску (Lingvo Economics) (tolerantnost’ k riskam/risku; L.t.:
tolerance towards risks/risk); терпимость к риску (Lingvo Economics) (terpimost’ k risku;
L.t.: tolerance towards risk). Both terms can be found in Ruscorpora; however, the first one
employs the term components previously borrowed using Direct Loan with assimilation
(толерантность: tolerantnost’, L.t.: tolerance), which makes it specific, recognizable and related
to the source term: “<…> Старшее поколение может быть максимально уязвимо к
инвестиционным рискам, а младшее может недополучать инвестиционный доход при
высокой толерантности к рискам», — говорится в документе” (Koshkarov, 2010.
Ruscorpora) (L.t.: high tolerance towards risks).

The DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components method can be considered as necessary as

an initial stage for term creation and its function. Nevertheless, the uncontrolled use of additional
elements can result in ambiguous use of the term in different contexts.

3.4. Direct Loan and DT. Results. Competitiveness and Use
DT and Direct Loan can be considered one of the most unstable methods in the sphere of
Corporate Governance.

Only two terms in all the research were suggested for translation using Direct Loan and DT:

- associate: aссоциированная компания (IFC) (assotziirovannaya kompaniya; L.t.: associated

- affiliate: аффилированная компания (IFC) (affiliirovannaya kompaniya; L.t.: affiliated
company). Both terms have a component translated using Direct Loan with assimilation into
Russian: these components were shaped into the form of adjectives. English terms associate
and affiliate have other equivalents in the dictionaries and Ruscorpora.

The term associate can have a Pure DT form: член товарищества (Lingvo Economics)
(сhlen tovarishhestva; L.t.: member of a society), or a Direct Translation equivalent: компаньон,
партнёр, соучастник (Lingvo Economics) (kompan’jon, partner, souchastnik; L.t.: companion,
partner, co-participant). Both terms can be used in general contexts, while the term, retrieved
with the help of Direct Loan and Calque appears mostly in specialized texts: “<…>
предприятия осуществляют инвестиции в Россию через свои зарубежные филиалы или
ассоциированные компании” (Nikiforov, 2002. Ruscorpora). However, the term партнёр
(partner) can be used with the component “деловой” (delovoj, business): “business associate =
деловой партнёр” (Lingvo Economics). Accordingly, both Direct Loan and DT and Direct
Equivalent forms can be used in LSP.

The term affiliate can be translated into Russian usinga direct equivalent. There are a lot of
synonyms corresponding to the English term: дочернее предприятие (отделение или часть
предприятия) (Lingvo Economics) (dochernee predprijatie; L.t.: a subsidiary enterprise (a
department or a part of an enterprise)); дочерняя компания (Ruscorpora) (dochernjaja
kompanija; L.t.: a subsidiary company); дочернее общество (Ruscorpora) (docherneje
obschestvo; L.t.: a subsidiary society) and филиал (Lingvo Economics) (filial; L.t.: a branch
(office)). All the terms are widely used for general purposes, although the terms филиал and

дочерняя компания are much more frequent and can be found more than eight thousand times
and two thousand times in Newspaper Corpus and Main Corpus of Ruscorpora respectively:

“В 2009 году консорциум в составе «ЛУКойла» (точнее, его дочерней компании

«ЛУКойл Оверсиз», ведающей зарубежными проектами) с долей 56,25% и норвежской
Statoil (18,75%) выиграл тендерна право освоения месторождения” (Kudijarov, 2014.

“«Все крупнейшие компании мира имеют филиалы в Москве: прекрасная перспектива

карьеры»” (Zavgorodnjaja, 2014. Ruscorpora).

The Direct Loan and DT form is not represented in Ruscorpora; however, it is widely used on
the Internet: “аффилированной компанией называется та фирма, которая является
подконтрольной более крупной материнской организации” (Utmagazine). Accordingly, the
terms филиал, дочерняя компания and аффилированная компания can be considered as the
preferred translation for the term affiliate, being very close synonyms. Nevertheless, the term
created usingDirect Loan and DT is connected to the English term form and can be used within
Corporate Governance to denote a specific notion.

The Direct Loan and DT method proves to be an infrequent one within the field of
Corporate Governanance. First of all, the sphere of Corporate Management is based on business
terminology, which has already been crystallized in Russian. It means that the terms are often
borrowed using Calque on the basis of assimilated or non-assimilated Direct Loan term

For example, the term gender budget takes the following form in the dictionary: (Calque
(based on Direct Loan with assimilation) and DT) бюджет с учётом гендерных факторов
(UN-1) (bjudzhet s uchjotom gendernyh faktorov; L.t.: the budget with an account of gender
factors) and the preffered translation: (Calque (based on Direct Loan with assimilation))
гендерный бюджет (MCGI; JUNIFEM) (gendernyi budzhet).

The term to monitor has the following Direct Equivalent in general use: контролировать
(Lingvo Economics) (kontrolirovat’; L.t.: to control). The term retrieved using DT and Calque
based on Direct Loan is often used in Ruscorpora: проводить мониторинг (IFC) (provodit’
monitoring; L.t.: to fulfill monitoring): “На следующей неделе более 700 членов групп,
проводящих мониторинг цен в магазинах, получат соответствующие удостоверения.”
(Aleksandrova, 2011. Ruscorpora). The term is based on the Direct Loan of the English term
monitoring. The choice of DT and Calque based on the term мониторинг supports the
derivabilty of the term and its connection to the English term, which makes its form recognizable
and innovative.

The DT and Direct Loan can be suggested as productive because the terms created by DT
and Calque based on Direct Loan (with or without assimilation) border upon the DT and Direct
Loan group and Calque and DT.

This study deals with the Descriptive Translation (DT) of terms within Corporate
Governance Terminology. The Descriptive Translation into Russian from English of terms is
an issue of major current importance. The study of Descriptive Translation is especially needed
within highly dynamic and modern specialized fields, such as Corporate Governance.

This study justifies the hypothesis, i.e. the importance of Descriptive Translation as a full-
fledged term creation and translation method within Corporate Governance Terminology. The
main objective of this study has been achieved: descriptive terms have been classified and their
practical use has been justified. The Descriptive Translation method can be purely descriptive,
which results in Pure Descriptive Translation; it can combine descriptive elements with Calque
or Direct Loan, which shapes Calque and Descriptive Translation or Direct Loan and Descriptive
Translation; and it can contain extra explanatory or superfluous components, which has been
grouped under the term Descriptive Translation with Additional or Irrelevant Components. The
statistics and results highlight the frequency and consistency of Descriptive Translation use in
the field in question. The following evidence, which has been revealed over the course of the
research, justifies the adequacy and usefulness of the Descriptive Translation of terms:

- Proper descriptive forms should follow all the term formation requirements. This
includes the term conciseness guideline, as a DT form should not be unwieldy and/or
- DT is a formal explanation of the source term content. It cannot be equaled to definitions,
occasional or provisional terms. Descriptive terms should be included in codified
resources with relevant listings and comments.
- DT can be combined with Calque and Direct Loan in order to achieve term transparency
in the target language, which makes its form strict and well-defined.
This research contributes to the study of Terminology and Descriptive Translation, as it
provides strictly differentiated classification groups of DT within the field of Corporate

A specific group, the Calque and Descriptive Translation method, has proven to be the
most effective, competitive and productive one within the field. This fact highlights that the
DT of terms tends to use definite forms, such as those retrieved by Calque. This method is
used in the following circumstances, which can be considered as the reasons for DT use:

- One of the term components can be retrieved using Calque, while another one should be
explained because of its semantical density or figurativeness, or its complex grammatical
- In Russian, Calque and DT is used for a number of structures taken from English:
complex or compound terms (including single-unit compound terms); nouns (in
attributive position) + nouns; phrasal verbs or phrasal verb nominatives; acronyms and
abbreviations and prepositional constructions.
- The use of Calque and DT for constructions such as adjectives or participles combined
with nouns, simple nouns and other simple term forms proves that the method can
effectively disclose the semantics of separate term components.
- Descriptive elements in this method are rarely used because of the figurativeness of a
source term. In most cases figurative elements are preserved by Calque, and
descriptiveness appears at the expense of additional non-figurative components. In rare
cases, the figurativeness of a term is explained or changed using other conceptual
patterns, while other term components are translated using Calque.
The Calque and Descriptive Translation method can be recommended for use within
Corporate Governance. This technique generates highly competitive units, which can be
crystallized in Russian. However, further elaboration of these term forms is needed, as the
problems of homonymy, polysemy and synonymy exist in the field of Management and
Corporate Governance, in particular.

Calque and DT is followed by another group of DT terms within Corporate Governance

Field: Pure Descriptive Translation. This is the classic group of Descriptive Translation,
which is conventionally associated with the whole method of DT. Pure Descriptive
Translation proves to be very effective; however, not completely stable and competitive:

- The content of semantically dense, non-transparent, etymologically or figuratively
motivated terms often has to be explained, because of: different conceptualizing patterns
of two languages, including connotation and motivation; non-existent grammatical
structures in the target language and unwieldy graphic, phonetic, morphological or
syntactic forms of source language units.
- The initial status of a target unit as a part of speech is often preserved, which proves the
content-oriented nature of Pure DT. It is often used for the following term forms: simple
nouns, complex or compound terms and nouns (in attributive position) + nouns. Most of
the grammatical forms are simple, but the content is dense with a lot of implicit
components. A limited number of complicated forms forces translators to use Pure DT.
- Figurativeness is one of the most important reasons for the use of Pure DT. In most cases,
the explanation of a term is triggered by etymologically and metaphorically-motivated
units, which are unknown or sophisticated for the target culture and conceptual patterns.
Even though the Pure DT method is quite competitive and practical, the term forms which
it generates are not always stable. It is often accompanied by concise term forms, or can be
reasonably substituted by Calque, Calque and DT, Direct Loan or Direct Translation

The method of DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components is the most undesirable one
within the special field of Corporate Governance. It generates mostly ineffective terms with
unstable forms. The reasons for the use of this method are as follows:

- The translation of unwieldy neonyms into Russian and the creation of provisional term
forms. It is the interim stage of a term being crystallized within Corporate Governance;
- Deliberately making term form different from other units in Corporate Governance
terminology and interconnected spheres, i.e. excluding synonyms, additional meanings
and homonyms.
- Adherence to the requirement for the preference for the native language, which aims to
adapt the form and content of a source term into the target language.
The use of Additional or Irrelevant Components does not depend on figurativeness, or the
correlation of the form and content of a source term. This method highlights the need for

thorough revision of descriptive terms and further harmonization of the field of Corporate
Governance. The DT method with Additional or Irrelevant Components was replaced by other
term creation methods over the course of the research: Pure DT, Calque, Calque and DT, Direct
Translation Equivalent, Direct Loan and Calque combined with the abbreviation of a source
term. The various alternatives for the Additional or Irrelevant Components method prove that
Corporate Governance not only gives priority to recognizable, concise and convenient forms, but
also favors the use of strictly-defined descriptive forms.

The use of DT with Additional or Irrelevant Components is necessary at the initial stage of
term translation. However, occasional, provisional and ambiguous term forms should be
excluded from lexicographic tools, once the form of a term is well-defined and crystallized in

The method of Direct Loan and DT is the most infrequent one. It is explained by the
integration of Corporate Governance into the field of Management. Basic terms, which have
been previously borrowed by means of Direct Loan into Management Terminology, are already
crystallized within the field. It means that DT in Corporate Governance terminology employs
Calque based on Direct Loan, rather than pure Direct Loan.

Nevertheless, the method has a great potential for the translation of unique neonyms within
the field. It generates innovative, recognizable and concise term forms. In addition to this, it is
independent from content or the form of a source term and its figurativeness.

Once the Descriptive Translation methods are differentiated, they can lead to the structuring
of the whole field of Corporate Governance. The analysis of Descriptive Translation patterns has
revealed the main trends in the sphere of Business, which are innovativeness, clarity and
practical use. The formula for the success of Descriptive Translation is eliminating irrelevant
components, unstable forms, out of date elements, polysemy and occasional forms. The
comparison of Direct Loan, Calque and Direct Equivalents with Descriptive Translation has
proved that the latter has its advantages and disadvantages.

The main positive characteristic of Descriptive Translation is that it ensures term form
transparency and compatibility with Russian culture, conceptual patterns and language structure.

The main flaws of Descriptive Translation terms are their deficiently-defined forms and
inaccurate content. Term forms often lose or acquire term components in practice, and term
content is often very concrete or general, i.e. not exact. This undermines the whole
terminological system, which strives to be strict and practical.

The limitations of the study are connected to the unstable and highly dynamic nature of the
field of Corporate Governance. Term forms are changing at high speed, new forms are
constantly emerging and others are being reshaped or eliminated. In addition to this, the study is
limited by the lack of comprehensive and up-to-date English-Russian Corporate Governance
Glossaries. These limitations can lead to the further elaboration of Corporate Governance
terminology in Russian, and Descriptive Terms in particular.

This study highlights the necessity of restructuring the whole system of Management terms,
based on the example of Corporate Governance terminology. The study is crystallized around the
idea that Descriptive Translation is essential when it comes to the translation of Corporate
Governance terms into Russian, but it needs organization. In this respect, the Calque and
Descriptive Translation method has proven to be the most effective term creation pattern, which
can contribute to the harmonization of Corporate Governance.

The harmonization of language signs is urgently needed within the field in question. Not only
should descriptive terms be organized, but also the concepts which they denote should be clear-
cut. In practice, there are huge discrepancies between effective communication within LSP and
the degree of standardization that is theoretically required.

The harmonization on different language levels can lead to accurate, well-defined and
convenient to use Descriptive term forms within the field of Corporate Governance.

The harmonization of Management Terminology, the compilation of comprehensive English-

Russian Corporate Governance Glossaries, and the reorganizing Descriptive Translation terms

can be considered as the objectives of future studies. This work contributes to the global idea of
giving attention to deficient term forms within relatively new subject fields.

Данная работа раскрывает тему описательного перевода терминов в области
корпоративного управления. Описательный перевод терминов с русского языка на
английский является актуальным и важным объектом исследования. Особенно острой
является необходимость изучения описательного перевода в динамичных и современных
специализированных областях, таких как корпоративное управление.

Данное исследование предоставляет доказательство гипотезы полноправности

описательного перевода в качестве способа создания и перевода терминов в области
корпоративного управления. В данной работе обосновывается достижение главной цели
исследования: классификации схем описательного перевода и доказательства их
практического использования. Описательный перевод может обладать следующими

- быть исключительно описательным, что позволило сформировать «Чистый

Описательный Перевод»;
- комбинировать описательные элементы с калькированием, транскрипцией или
транслитерацией, что было объединено в «Описательный Перевод и
Калькирование» и «Описательный Перевод и Прямое Заимствование»
- содержать неуместные или добавочные описательный элементы, что было
сгруппировано в способ «Описательного Перевода с Дополнительными или
Избыточными Компонентами».

Статистика и результаты подчёркивают частотность и последовательность

использования описательного перевода в области исследования. Следующие аргументы,
выявленные в процессе изучения темы, доказывают адекватность и практичность
описательного перевода терминов:

- Описательные термины, сформированные должным образом, должны

соответствовать всем требованиям, предъявляемым к терминам. Предписание

краткости формы термина не является исключением, так как корректный
описательный перевод не подразумевает избыточности или нагромождённости;
- Описательный перевод является формальным объяснением содержания исходного
термина, что отличает его от дефиниций, окказиональных или временных форм
терминов. Описательный перевод должен быть включён в кодифицированные
ресурсы с соответствующими комментариями и обозначениями;
- Описательный перевод может задействовать калькирование или прямое
заимствование с целью достижения прозрачности формы термина на целевом
языке, что обеспечивает чёткость и строгость формы термина.

Данное исследование может послужить вкладом в изучение терминологии и

описательного перевода, предоставляя чётко разграниченную классификацию
описательного перевода в области корпоративного управления.

«Описательный перевод и Калькирование» оказался наиболее эффективным и

продуктивным способом в сфере исследования, что подчёркивает тенденцию
описательного перевода терминов к использованию строгих форм, полученных, например,
с помощью калькирования. Данный способ применяется при определённых

- некоторые терминоэлементы могут быть воспроизведены с помощью

калькирования, в то время как другие компоненты нуждаются в описании, так как
их содержание является образно-мотивированным или семантически плотным,
либо их форма представляет собой сложную грамматическую конструкцию;
- на русском языке способ «Описательный Перевод и Калькирование» используется
для перевода ряда конструкций, взятых из английского языка, таких как: сложные
или составные термины (включая термины, состоящие из одного слова);
существительные (в качестве определения) + существительные; фразовые глаголы
или производные от них существительные; акронимы, аббревиатуры и предложные

- использование «Калькирования и Описательного Перевода» для конструкций,
представляющих собой сочетание прилагательных или причастий с
существительными или простых существительных и других простых форм
терминов является подтверждением того, что метод может быть использован для
эффективного раскрытия семантики отдельных терминоэлементов;
- Данный способ редко использует описательные элементы для экспликации
образной мотивировки исходного термина. В большинстве случаев образно-
мотивированные компоненты воспроизводятся с помощью калькирования, и
описательные элементы задействуются при переводе других компонентов. В
редких случаях образная мотивировка термина объясняется, или трансформируется
сам концепт, в то время как другие терминокомпоненты переводятся с помощью
Способ «Описательный Перевод и Калькирование» может быть рекомендован для
полноправного использования в области корпоративного управления. Данный метод
создаёт большое количество конкурентоспособных единиц, которые могут быть
закреплены на русском языке. Тем не менее, необходима дальнейшая разработка форм
данных терминов, поскольку проблема омонимии, полисемии и синонимии
существует в области менеджмента и корпоративного управления, в частности.

Вторым способом перевода по частотности употребления после «Описательного

Перевода и Калькирования» является «Чистый Описательный Перевод», классическая
группа описательного перевода, которая традиционно ассоциируется с описательным
переводом в целом. «Чистый Описательный Перевод» является высокоэффективным
методом; однако, не всегда устойчивым и конкурентоспособным:

- содержание семантически насыщенных, непрозрачных, этимологически или

образно-мотивированных терминов зачастую нуждается в описании, ввиду
следующих обстоятельств: концептуальное деление мира на двух языках не
совпадает (включая коннотацию и мотивировку); на языке перевода не существуют
определённые грамматические конструкции, в то время как на исходном языке

используются громоздкие графические, морфологические, фонетические или
синтаксические формы терминов;
- первоначальный статус термина зачастую сохраняется, что является
доказательством ориентирования чистого описательного перевода на содержание
термина. Данный способ часто задействуется для перевода следующих форм
терминов: простые существительные, сложные или составные термины и
существительные (в качестве определения) в сочетании с другими
существительными. Большинство грамматических форм являются простыми;
однако, содержание является насыщенным с множеством имплицитных элементов.
Лишь ограниченное количество сложных форм может послужить основанием для
использования «Чистого Описательного Перевода»;
- образная мотивировка является одной из самых важных причин использования
«Чистого Описательного Перевода». В большинстве случаев объяснение
содержания термина необходимо для этимологически или метафорически
мотивированных терминоэлементов, которые являются незнакомыми или
сложными в целевой культуре или концептуальном делении мира.
Несмотря на то, что чистый описательный перевод является достаточно
конкурентоспособным и практичным, формы терминов, которые он создаёт, не всегда
являются стабильными. Данный способ перевода часто сопровождается краткими
формами терминов, или обоснованно вытесняется калькированием, прямым
заимствованием, «Описательным Переводом и Калькированием» или прямым
переводческим эквивалентом.

Метод «Описательного Перевода с Дополнительными или Избыточными Элементами»

является самым нежелательным способом в области корпоративного управления. В
результате использования данной схемы описательного перевода появляются
малоэффективные термины с неустойчивой формой. Причинами употребления данного
способа перевода являются следующие обстоятельства:

- перевод громоздких неонимов на русский язык и создание временных форм
терминов. Данный метод является промежуточной стадией кристаллизации
терминов в области корпоративного управления на русском языке;
- намеренное создание различий между термином и другими единицами
терминологии корпоративного управления или смежных областей с целью
исключения синонимии, омонимии или полисемии;
- стремление к выполнению требования «приоритета родного языка», которое
преследует цель адаптировать форму и содержание исходного термина к языку
Использование дополнительных или избыточных компонентов в описательном
переводе не зависит от образной мотивировки термина, или от воздействия содержания и
формы исходного термина. Данный метод подчёркивает необходимость тщательного
пересмотра описательных форм терминов, а также дальнейшей гармонизации
терминологии корпоративного управления. «Описательный Перевод с Дополнительными
или Избыточными Элементами» был вытеснен следующими способами перевода в
процессе исследования: «Чистый Описательный Перевод»; калькирование;
«Описательный Перевод и Калькирование»; поиск прямого переводческого эквивалента;
прямое заимствование; а также калькирование, скомбинированное с аббревиатурой
исходного термина. Различные альтернативы способа описательного перевода с
дополнительными или избыточными элементами являются доказательством того, что
корпоративное управление отдаёт предпочтение не только узнаваемым, кратким и
удобным формам, но также строго очерченным описательным конструкциям.

Использование описательного перевода с дополнительными или избыточными

компонентами является необходимым на начальной стадии перевода терминов. Однако
окказиональные, временные или неоднозначные формы термина должны быть исключены
из лексикографических инструментов перевода, как только форма термина будет строго
определена и закреплена на русском языке.

Метод «Прямого Заимствования и Описательного Перевода» является самым редким

явлением в области корпоративного управления. Данная область представляет собой

составляющую часть сферы менеджмента. Базовые термины уже имеют закреплённую
форму на русском языке, первоначально попав в сферу менеджмента или общую лексику
с помощью прямого заимствования из английского или латинского языка. Таким образом,
способ описательного перевода в области корпоративного управления в основном
задействует не чистое прямое заимствование, а калькирование, которое базируется на
транскрипции или транслитерации, ранее применённых к терминоэлементам.

Данный метод имеет большой потенциал в отношении перевода уникальных неонимов

в области менеджмента. Он создаёт инновационные, узнаваемые и краткие формы
терминов. Кроме того, данный способ перевода и создания терминов не зависит от
содержания и формы исходного термина и его образной мотивировки.

Классификация и разграничение способов описательного перевода может позволить

реструктурировать всю систему корпоративного управления. Анализ схем описательного
перевода выявил основные тенденции в сфере бизнеса, которыми являются
инновационные и чёткие формы, а также практически значимые термины. Формулой
успеха описательного перевода является исключение избыточных элементов,
нестабильных форм, полисемии и окказиональных терминов. Сравнение прямого
заимствования, калькирования и поиска прямого переводческого эквивалента с
описательным переводом позволило выявить сильные и слабые стороны последнего.

Основным преимуществом описательного перевода является то, что он гарантирует

прозрачность форм и их соответствие русской культуре, концептуальному делению мира
и структуре языка.

Главные недостатки описательного перевода терминов заключаются в неопределённой

форме терминов и неточном содержании. На практике термины зачастую приобретают
или теряют треминоэлементы, а содержание термина нередко становится слишком
конкретизированным или обобщённым, то есть нечётким. Терминология стремится к
строгости и практичности, и данное поведение терминов нарушает целостность системы.

Ограничения данного исследования связаны с нестабильным и динамичным
характером области корпоративного управления. Формы терминов видоизменяются с
высокой скоростью, появляются новые формы, и старые приобретают новые очертания
или исчезают полностью. Кроме того, исследование имеет ограниченный характер из-за
недостатка всеобъемлющих и современных русско-английских глоссариев по
корпоративному управлению. Данная работа обозначает дальнейшие пути разработки
терминологии корпоративного управления на русском языке и описательного перевода, в

Данное исследование подчёркивает необходимость реструктуризации всей

терминологии менеджмента на примере корпоративного управления. Исследование
базируется на доказательстве идеи того, что описательный перевод необходим при
переводе терминов корпоративного управления на русский язык, однако он нуждается в
реорганизации. В данном отношении, метод калькирования и описательного перевода
оказался самым эффективным способом описательного перевода. Выявленный факт
может послужить вкладом в гармонизацию терминологии корпоративного управления.

В данной области существует острая необходимость в гармонизации языковых

единиц. Не только описательные термины нуждаются в упорядочении, но также и
обозначаемые ими понятия должны быть чётко очерчены. На практике существуют
большие противоречия между предполагаемой эффективной коммуникацией на языке для
специальных целей и уровнем стандартизации.

Гармонизация терминологии менеджмента, составление всеобъемлющих русско-

английских глоссариев по корпоративному управлению, реорганизация описательного
перевода терминов могут послужить целью последующих исследований. Данная работа
поддерживает глобальную идею по выявлению дефектных форм терминов в относительно
новых специализированных областях.


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Appendix 1.

Classification of Term Creation Methods in the Spehere of

Corporate Governance

1.1. Direct loan . Terms borrowed without assimilation. Transcription

English term Russian term

1. Default (on a loan) Дефолт (по кредиту) (IFC) (Defolt (po kreditu)
2. Goodwill Гудвил (IFC) (Gudvil)
3. Insider Инсайдер (IFC) (Insajder)
4. Management Руководство, менеджмент (компании) (Rukovodstvo,
menedzhment (kompanii)) (IFC)
5. Quorum Кворум (Kvorum) (IFC)
6. Raider Рейдер (Rejder) (IFC)

1.2. Direct loan. Terms borrowed without assimilation. Transliteration

7. Audit Аудит, аудиторская проверка (IFC, (OECD-1) ) (Audit,

auditorskaja proverka)
8. Auditor Аудитор (Auditor) (IFC)
9. Creditor, lender Кредитор (Kreditor) (IFC)
10. Dividend Дивиденд (Dividend) (IFC)
11. Gender Гендер (UN-1) (Gender) (IFC)
12. Mediator Медиатор (Mediator) (IFC)
13. Monitoring Мониторинг (IFC, (OECD-1) ) (Monitoring)

1.3. Direct loan. Assimilated terms

14. Beneficiary (Выгодоприобретатель) бенефициар (IFC),

бенефициарий (OECD-1) ((Vygodopriobretatel'),
beneficiar, beneficiarij)
15. Centralization Централизация (UN-1) (Centralizacija)
16. Consolidation Консолидация (Konsolidacija) (IFC)
17. Corporate raid Рейдерство (Rejderstvo) (IFC)
18. Corruption Коррупция (Korrupcija) (IFC)
19. Decentralization Децентрализация (UN-1) (Decentralizacija)
20. Deflation Дефляция (UN-1) (Defljacija)
21. Depositary Депозитарий (Depozitarij)
22. Deregulation Дерегулирование (UN-1) (Deregulirovanie)
23. Discrimination Дискриминация (UN-1) (Diskriminacija)
24. Economic Exploitation Экономическая эксплуатация (UN-1) (Jekonomicheskaja
25. Inflation Инфляция (UN-1) (Infljacija)

26. Liquidation, dissolution [of a Ликвидация (компании) (IFC) (Likvidacija (kompanii))
27. Managerialism «Менеджеризм» (UN-1) («Menedzherizm»)
28. Mediation Медиация (IFC) (Mediacija)
29. Note Нота (краткосрочная ценная бумага) (IFC) (Nota
(kratkosrochnaja cennaja bumaga))
30. Participatory evaluation Партисипативная оценка (OECD-1) ) (Partisipativnaja
31. Priority Приоритет (UNCITRAL-1) (Prioritet)
32. Prospectus (of securities issue) Проспект (эмиссии ценных бумаг) (Prospekt (jemissii
cennyh bumag))
33. Put option Опцион «пут» (соглашение, дающее право продать
финансовый инструмент по оговоренной цене и в
определенный срок) (IFC) (Opcion «put» (soglashenie,
dajushhee parvo Prodat' finansovyj instrument po
Ogovorennoj cene i v opredelennyj srok))]
34. Registrar Регистратор (Registrator)
35. Registry Регистр (IFC) (Registr)
36. Reorganization Реорганизация (IFC) (Reorganizacija)
37. Restructuring Реструктуризация (Restrukturizacija) (IFC; UN-1)
38. Transparency Транспарентность (UN-1) (Transparentnost')
39. Triangulation Триангуляция (OECD-1) (Trianguljacija)

2. Loan translation or calque.

2.1. Pure calque

English term Russian term

40. Above par, in excess of par value Свыше номинала (IFC) (Svyshe nominala)
41. Abuse rights of shareholders Нарушать права акционеров (IFC)
(Narushat' prava akcionerov)
42. Additional paid in capital Дополнительно оплаченный капитал
(Dopolnitel'no oplachennyj kapital) (IFC)
43. Administrative Services Division Отдел административного обслуживания
(UNTERM) (Otdel administrativnogo obsluzhivanija)
44. Advisory Council, Advisory Board Консультативный Совет (IFC) (Konsul'tativnyj
45. Affirmative action Позитивные действия (UN-1) (Pozitivnye dejstvija)
46. American Accounting Association Американская ассоциация бухгалтеров (IFC)
(AAA) (Amerikanskaja associacija buhgalterov)
47. American Institute of Certified Американский институт
Public Accountants (AICPA) Cертифицированных публичных бухгалтеров (IFC)
(Amerikanskij institute Certificirovannyh publichnyh
48. Analytical tools Аналитические инструменты (OECD-1)
(Analiticheskie instrumenty)
49. Annual General Meeting of Годовое общее собрание акционеров (IFC)
Shareholders AGMS (Godovoe obshhee sobranie akcionerov)
50. Appropriate corporate Надлежащая корпоративная атмосфера/культура
atmosphere/culture (IFC) (Nadlezhashhaja korporativnaja

51. Architectural and engineering team Aрхитектурно-инженерная группа (UNTERM)
(Arhitekturno-inzhenernaja gruppa)
52. Assignment of authority and Наделение полномочиями и ответственностью (IFC)
responsibility (Nadelenie polnomochijami i оtvetstvennost'ju)

53. Assignment of right Уступка права (Ustupka prava)

54. Attachment to a movable asset Принадлежность движимого актива (UNCITRAL-1)
(Prinadlezhnost' dvizhimogo aktiva)
55. Auditability principle; principle of Принцип отчетности; принцип подконтрольности
auditability (UNTERM) (Princip otchetnosti; princip
56. Best practice Наилучшая практика, надлежащая практика
(Nailuchshaja praktika, nadlezhashhaja praktika) (IFC;
57. Better World Campaign Кампания «За лучший мир» (UNTERM)
(Kampanija «Za luchshij mir»)
58. Block of share Пакет акций (Paket akcij) (IFC)
59. Blue chips Голубые фишки (Golubye fishki) (IFC)
60. Board of Directors (bod) Совет Директоров (Sovet Direktorov) (IFC)
61. Board of Trustees Совет попечителей, опекунский совет (IFC) (Sovet
popechitelej, opekunskij sovet)
62. Bona fide competition Добросовестная конкуренция (IFC) (Dobrosovestnaja
63. Bondholder Владелец облигации (IFC) (Vladelec obligacii)
64. Call to account Привлекать к ответственности (IFC) (Privlekat' k
65. Capital adequacy ratio Коэффициент достаточности капитала (IFC)
(Kojefficient dostatochnosti kapitala)
66. Capital markets Рынки капитала(IFC) (Rynki kapitala)
67. Capital reduction Уменьшение капитала (IFC) (Umen'shenie kapitala)
68. Capital surplus, paid-in-surplus Добавочный капитал(IFC) (Dobavochnyj kapital)
69. Card voting Голосование карточками (IFC) (Golosovanie
70. Carve-out of shares, equity carve-out Отчуждение акций (IFC) (Otchuzhdenie akcij)
71. Change Management Управление преобразованиями (UN-1) (Upravlenie
72. Charter Fund, Charter Capital Уставный капитал (IFC) (Ustavnyj kapital)
73. Charter, Articles of Association, Устав (акционерного общества) (IFC)
Articles of Incorporation (JSC) (Ustav (akcionernogo obshhestva)
74. Committee for Corporate Conflict Комитет по урегулированию
Settlement Корпоративных конфликтов (Komitet po
uregulirovaniju Korporativnyh konfliktov)
75. Commitment to good corporate Приверженность принципам надлежащего
governance principles корпоративного управления (IFC) (Priverzhennost'
principam nadlezhashhego
Korporativnogo upravlenija)
76. Common Services Service Служба общего обслуживания (UNTERM) (Sluzhba
obshhego obsluzhivanija)
77. Common share Простая акция (IFC) (Prostaja akcija)

78. Comparative financial statements Сравнительная финансовая отчетность (IFC)
(Sravnitel'naja finansovaja otchetnost')
79. Complex organizational structure Сложная организационная структура (IFC)
(Slozhnaja organizacionnaja struktura)
80. Comprehensive review Всеобъемлющий обзор (UNTERM)
(Vseob"emljushhij obzor)
81. Confederation of European Конфедерация ассоциаций европейских
Shareholders Association акционеров (Евроакционеры) (IFC) (konfederatziya
(Euroshareholders) assotziatziy evropeyskih aktzionerov)
82. Conflict resolution Урегулирование конфликтов (UN-1) (Uregulirovanie
83. Consistent basis of measurement Последовательная база измерения (оценки) (IFC)
(Posledovatel'naja baza izmerenija (ocenki))
84. Construction Management Team Группа нуководства строительством (UNTERM)
(Gruppa nukovodstva stroitel'stvom)
85. Consultative Committee on Консультативный комитет по административным
Administrative Questions вопросам (UNTERM) (Konsul'tativnyj komitet po
administrativnym voprosam)
86. Contingency fund; reserve fund Чрезвычайный фонд; резервный фонд (UNTERM)
(Chrezvychajnyj fond; rezervnyj fond)
87. Contractual capacity, contractual Договорная правоспособность (IFC) (Dogovornaja
powers pravosposobnost')
88. Contractual relations, relations under Договорные правоотношения (IFC) (Dogovornye
the contract pravootnoshenija)
89. Controlling shareholder Контролирующий акционер (IFC) (Kontrolirujushhij
90. Corporate disputes Корпоративные споры (IFC) (Korporativnye spory)

91. Corporate events Корпоративные события (IFC) (Korporativnye

92. Corporate Governance Корпоративное управление (IFC; UN-1)
(Korporativnoe upravlenie)
93. Cost allocation Распределение затрат (IFC) (Raspredelenie zatrat)
94. Corporate Governance Code Кодекс корпоративного управления (IFC) (Kodeks
korporativnogo upravlenija)
95. Corporate conflict regulation policy Политика регулирования корпоративных
конфликтов (IFC) (Politika regulirovanija
96. Corporate governance rating (CG Рейтинг корпоративного управления (РКУ) (IFC)
rating) (Rejting korporativnogo upravlenija (RKU))
97. Corporate secretary, company Корпоративный секретарь(IFC) (Korporativnyj
secretary sekretar')
98. Corporate social responsibility Корпоративная социальная ответственность (IFC)
(Korporativnaja social'naja otvetstvennost')
99. Corporate standards Корпоративные стандарты (IFC) (Korporativnye
100. Cost-benefit analysis Анализ затрат и результатов (IFC) (Analiz zatrat i
101. Counting Commission Счетная Комиссия (IFC) (Schetnaja Komissija)

102. Country risk Страновой риск (IFC) (Stranovoj risk)
103. Crossholding (of shares) Перекрестное владение (акциями) (IFC)
(Perekrestnoe vladenie (akcijami))
104. Council of Issuers, Board of Issuers Совет Эмитентов (IFC) (Sovet Jemitentov)
105. Data collection tools Интсрументы сбора данных (OECD-1) (Intsrumenty
sbora dannyh)
106. Debtor of the receivable Должник по дебиторской задолженности
(UNCITRAL-1) (Dolzhnik po debitorskoj
107. Debt-to-assets ratio Отношение заемных средств к активам (IFC)
(Otnoshenie zaemnyh sredstv k aktivam)
108. Debt securities Долговые ценные бумаги (IFC) (Dolgovye cennye
109. Decision-making procedure Порядок принятия решений (IFC) (Porjadok prinjatija
110. Deferred tax Отсроченный налог (IFC) (Otsrochennyj nalog)
111. Dependent company Зависимая компания (IFC) (Zavisimaja kompanija)
112. Development objective Задача развития(OECD-1) (Zadacha razvitija)
113. Diluted shares Разводненные акции (IFC) (Razvodnennye akcii)
114. Dilution of ownership Размывание собственности (IFC) (Razmyvanie
115. Dilution of shareholding Размывание акционерного капитала (IFC)
(Razmyvanie akcionernogo kapitala)
116. Direct ownership Прямое владение (IFC) (Prjamoe vladenie)
117. Dispersed share ownership Распыленность акционерной собственности (IFC)
(Raspylennost' akcionernoj sobstvennosti)
118. Divided Balance Sheet Разделительный бухгалтерский баланс (IFC)
(Razdelitel'nyj buhgalterskij balans)
119. Dividend at variable rate Дивиденд с переменной ставкой (IFC) (Dividend s
peremennoj stavkoj)
120. Division for Organizational Отдел организационного развития (UNTERM)
Development (Otdel organizacionnogo razvitija)
121. D&O policy (D&O Insurance – Полис D&O (страхование ответственности
Directors’ and officers’ liability должностных лиц, страхование ответственности
insurance) совета директоров и руководства компании) (IFC)
(Polis D&O (strahovanie otvetstvennosti dolzhnostnyh
lic, strahovanie otvetstvennosti soveta direktorov i
rukovodstva kompanii))
122. Early termination of authority Досрочное прекращение полномочий (Dosrochnoe
(office, powers) prekrashhenie polnomochij)
123. E-Contact Электронный контакт (UNTERM) (Jelektronnyj
124. E-government Электронное правительство (UN-1) (Jelektronnoe
125. E-Offer Электронное предложение (UNTERM) (Jelektronnoe
126. Electronic governance (e-governance Электронное управление (э-управление) (UN-1)
(Jelektronnoe upravlenie (je-upravlenie))
127. Elements that underlie good Элементы, лежащие в основе надлежащего
corporate governance Корпоративного управления (IFC) (Jelementy,

lezhashhie v osnove nadlezhashhego korporativnogo
128. Employment contract, labor Трудовой договор (IFC) (Trudovoj dogovor)
129. Encumbered asset Обременённые активы (UNCITRAL-
1)(Obremenjonnye aktivy)
130. Enterprise risk management (ERM) Управление рисками компании (Upravlenie riskami
131. Equipment Оборудование (UNCITRAL-1)(Oborudovanie)
132. Equity securities Акционерные ценные бумаги (IFC) (Akcionernye
cennye bumagi)
Euroshareholders Corporate основные принципы корпоративного
133. Governance Guidelines управления евроакционеров (IFC) (osnovnye principy
korporativnogo upravlenija evroakcionerov)
134. Evaluation instruments Инструменты оценки(OECD-1) (Instrumenty ocenki)
135. Exclusive competence Исключительная компетенция (полномочия) (IFC)
(Iskljuchitel'naja kompetencija (polnomochija))
136. Expected error Ожидаемая ошибка (IFC) (Ozhidaemaja oshibka)
137. Expected losses Ожидаемые убытки (IFC) (Ozhidaemye ubytki)
138. External party Внешняя сторона (IFC) (Vneshnjaja storona)
139. External director (outside director) Внешний директор(IFC) (Vneshnij direktor)
140. External risks Внешние риски (IFC) (Vneshnie riski)
141. External evaluation Внешняя оценка(OECD-1) (Vneshnjaja ocenka)
142. Executing agency Учреждение-исполнитель (IFC) (Uchrezhdenie-
143. Extraordinary General Meeting of Внеочередное общее собрание акционеров (IFC)
Shareholders (EGM) (Vneocherednoe obshhee sobranie akcionerov)
144. Extraordinary transaction Нетипичная операция (IFC) (Netipichnaja operacija)
145. Fair (market) value Справедливая (рыночная) стоимость (IFC)
(Spravedlivaja (rynochnaja) stoimost')
146. Fairness (principle) Принцип справедливости(IFC) (Princip
147. Family-owned company, family Семейная компания (IFC) (Semejnaja kompanija)
148. Financial Reporting Service Служба финансовой отчетности (UNTERM)
(Sluzhba finansovoj otchetnosti)
149. Financial Resources Management Служба управления финансовыми и электронными
and Electronic Service ресурсами (UNTERM) (Sluzhba upravlenija
finansovymi i jelektronnymi resursami)
150. Financial implications Финансовые последствия (UNTERM) (Finansovye
151. Financial industrial group (FIG) Финансовая промышленная группа (ФПГ) (IFC)
(Finansovaja promyshlennaja gruppa (FPG))
152. Financial market risk Риск финансового рынка (IFC) (Risk finansovogo
153. Fiscal deficit Бюджетный дефицит (UN-1) (Bjudzhetnyj deficit)
154. Fiscal year Финансовый год(IFC) (Finansovyj god)
155. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Прямые иностранные инвестиции (IFC) (Prjamye
inostrannye investicii)
156. Foreign exchange risk, currency risk Валютный риск (IFC) (Valjutnyj risk)

157. Foundation agreement Учредительный договор (IFC) (Uchreditel'nyj
158. Foundation meeting Учредительное собрание (IFC) (Uchreditel'noe
159. Formative evaluation Формирующая оценка(OECD-1) (Formirujushhaja
160. Fractional share Дробная акция (IFC) (Drobnaja akcija)
161. General resources Общие ресурсы (UNTERM) (Obshhie resursy)
162. General meeting of shareholders Общее собрание акционеров (ОСА) (IFC) (Obshhee
(GMS) sobranie akcionerov (OSA))
163. General temporary assistance Общая временная помощь (UNTERM) (Obshhaja
vremennaja pomoshh')
164. Generally Accepted Accounting Общепринятые принципы бухгалтерского
Principles (GAAP) Учета (ГААП) (Obshheprinjatye principy
buhgalterskogo Ucheta (GAAP))
Всеобщие признанные принципы учета (UNTERM)
(Vseobshhie priznannye principy ucheta)
165. Global Cooperation Framework Рамки глобального сотрудничества (UNTERM)
(Ramki global'nogo sotrudnichestva)
166. Global Field Support System Глобальная система обеспечения на местах
(UNTERM) (Global'naja sistema obespechenija na
167. Global Governance Глобальное управление (UN-1) (Global'noe
168. Global Management Team Глобальная группа управления (UNTERM)
(Global'naja gruppa upravlenija)
169. Good Governance Благое управление (UN-1) (Blagoe upravlenie)
170. Gold share, golden share Золотая акция (IFC) (Zolotaja akcija)
171. Group of Experts on the Programme Индексация существующих ставок возмещения
of Work (UNTERM) (Indeksacija sushhestvujushhih stavok
172. Headquarters locations Места расположения штаб-квартир (UNTERM)
(Mesta raspolozhenija shtab-kvartir)
173. High Level Committee on Комитет высокого уровня по программам
Programmes (UNTERM) (Komitet vysokogo urovnja po
174. Hostile takeover Недружественное поглощение (IFC)
(Nedruzhestvennoe pogloshhenie)
175. Human capital Человеческий капитал (UN-1) (Chelovecheskij
176. Human resources Людские ресурсы (UN-1) (Ljudskie resursy)
177. Immovable property, real estate, real Воздействия) (OECD-1) Недвижимое имущество
property (Nedvizhimoe imushhestvo)
178. Impacts Воздействия (OECD-1) (Vozdejstvija)
179. Independent director Независимый директор (IFC) (Nezavisimyj direktor)
180. Independent undertaking Независимое обязательство (UNCITRAL-1)
(Nezavisimoe objazatel'stvo)
181. Independent appraisal Независимая оценка (IFC) (Nezavisimaja ocenka)
182. Independent appraiser Независимый оценщик (IFC) (Nezavisimyj ocenshhik)
183. Independent evaluation Независимая оценка(OECD-1) (Nezavisimaja ocenka)

184. Indirect ownership Косвенное владение (IFC) (Kosvennoe vladenie)
185. Information and communication Информация и связь (IFC) (Informacija i svjaz')
186. Inherent limitations Неотъемлемые ограничения (IFC) (Neot"emlemye
187. Initial Public Offering (IPO) Первоначальное публичное размещение (IFC)
(Pervonachal'noe publichnoe razmeshhenie)
188. Inside director Внутренний директор (IFC) (Vnutrennij direktor)
189. Insiders’ dilemma Дилемма инсайдеров (IFC) (Dilemma insajderov)
190. Institutional development impact Воздействие на институциональное развитие(OECD-
1) (Vozdejstvie na institucional'noe razvitie)
191. Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Институт внутренних аудиторов (IFC) (Institut
vnutrennih auditorov)
192. Intangible asset Нематериальные активыuncitral-1, (UNTERM)
(Nematerial'nye aktivy)
193. Integrated Management Information Комплексная управленческая информационная
System система (UNTERM) (Kompleksnaja upravlencheskaja
informacionnaja sistema)
194. Integrated Supply Centre Комплексный центр снабжения (UNTERM)
(Kompleksnyj centr snabzhenija)
195. Intellectual property Интеллектуальная собственность (UNCITRAL-1)
(Intellektual'naja sobstvennost')
196. Intentional bankruptcy Умышленное банкротство (IFC) (Umyshlennoe
197. Inter-Agency Network of Facilities Межучрежденческая сеть управляющих
Managers учреждениями (UNTERM) (Mezhuchrezhdencheskaja
set' upravljajushhih uchrezhdenijami)
198. Inter-Agency Procurement Services Управление межучрежденческих служб снабжения
Office (UNTERM) (Upravlenie mezhuchrezhdencheskih
sluzhb snabzhenija)
199. Interest rate risk Риск процентной ставки (IFC) (Risk procentnoj
200. Intergovernmental Working Group of Межправительственная рабочая группа экспертов по
Experts on International Standards of международным стандартам учета и отчётности
Accounting and Reporting (UNTERM) (Mezhpravitel'stvennaja rabochaja gruppa
jekspertov po mezhdunarodnym standartam ucheta i

201. Interim dividend (usually paid out Промежуточный дивиденд (обычно выплачивается
On a quarterly basis) ежеквартально) (IFC) (Promezhutochnyj dividend
Vyplachivaetsja ezhekvartal'no))
202. Interim financial information or Промежуточная финансовая информация
Statements или отчетность (IFC) (Promezhutochnaja finansovaja
informacija ili otchetnost')
203. Internal Audit Division Отдел внутренней ревизии (UNTERM) (Otdel
vnutrennej revizii)
204. Internal control Внутренний контроль (IFC) (Vnutrennij kontrol')
205. Internal evaluation Внутренняя оценка(OECD-1) (Vnutrennjaja ocenka)
206. International Corporate Governance Международная сеть по корпоративному
Network (ICGN) Управлению (МСКУ) (IFC) (Mezhdunarodnaja set' po

korporativnomu Upravleniju (MSKU))
207. International Finance Corporation Международная финансовая корпорация
(IFC) (МФК) (IFC) (Mezhdunarodnaja finansovaja
208. International Financial Reporting Международные стандарты финансовой отчетности
Standards (IFRS) (МСФО) (IFC) (Mezhdunarodnye standarty finansovoj
Otchetnosti (MSFO))
International Organization of Международная организация комиссий по ценным
209. Securities Commissions (IOSCO) бумагам (IFC) (Mezhdunarodnaja organizacija komissij
po Cennym bumagam)
210. International Standards of Международные стандарты учета и отчетности
Accounting and Reporting (UNTERM) (Mezhdunarodnye standarty ucheta i
211. Issuer’s option Опцион эмитента (IFC) (Opcion jemitenta)
212. Joint evaluation(OECD-1) Объединённая оценка (OECD-1) (Ob"edinjonnaja
213. Joint responsibility Совместная ответственность (IFC) (Sovmestnaja
214. Learning organization Обучающаяся организация (UN-1)
(Obuchajushhajasja organizacija)
215. Letter of Intent Договор намерений, Письмо о намерении (IFC)
(Dogovor namerenij, Pis'mo o namereni)
216. Lifelong learning Пожизненное обучение (UN-1) (Pozhiznennoe
217. Limitation on scope Ограничение масштаба (IFC) (Ogranichenie
Major transaction, material Крупная сделка (IFC) (Krupnaja sdelka)
218. transaction
219. Management Information System Управленческая информационная система (IFC)
(MIS) (Upravlencheskaja informacionnaja sistema)
220. Management process Управленческий процесс, процесс управления (IFC)
(Upravlencheskij process, process upravlenija)
Managerial information, Управленческая информация (IFC) (Upravlencheskaja
221. Management information informacija)
222. Managerial reporting, management Управленческая отчетность(IFC) (Upravlencheskaja
reporting otchetnost')
223. Managing Director Управляющий директор (IFC) (Upravljajushhij
224. Man-year Человеко-год (UNTERM) (Cheloveko-god)
225. Mergers and takeovers Слияния и поглощения (IFC) (Slijanija i
226. Meta-evaluation Метаоценка(OECD-1) (Metaocenka)
227. Mid-term review Среднесрочный обзор (UNTERM) (Srednesrochnyj
228. Mid-term evaluation Серединная оценка(OECD-1) (Seredinnaja ocenka)
229. Model Charter Типовой Устав (IFC) (Tipovoj Ustav)
230. Money laundry Отмывание денег (IFC) (Otmyvanie deneg)
231. Movable property, movables Движимое имущество (IFC) (Dvizhimoe

232. Multi-year funding framework Схема многолетного финансирования; многолетные
рамки финансирования (UNTERM) (Shema
mnogoletnogo finansirovanija; mnogoletnye ramki
233. Multi-year payment plan Многолетний план выплат (UNTERM) (Mnogoletnij
plan vyplat)
234. National Association Of Corporate Национальная Ассоциация корпоративных
Directors (NACD) Директоров(IFC) (Nacional'naja Associacija
korporativnyh Direktorov)
235. National Association of Securities Система автоматизированных котировок
Dealers Automated Quotations национальной ассоциации дилеров по
System (NASDAQ) ценным бумагам (НАСДАК) (IFC) (Sistema
avtomatizirovannyh kotirovok Nacional'noj associacii
dilerov po Cennym bumagam (NASDAK))
236. Net assets Чистые активы (IFC) (Chistye aktivy)
237. Net Present Value (NPV) Чистая приведенная стоимость (IFC) (Chistaja
privedennaja stoimost')
238. New Public Management Новое государственное управление (UN-1) (Novoe
gosudarstvennoe upravlenie)
239. Nominated person Назначенное лицо (UNCITRAL-1)(Naznachennoe
240. Non-cash form Безналичная форма (IFC) (Beznalichnaja forma)
Неисполнительный директор (IFC) (Neispolnitel'nyj
241. Non-Executive Director
242. Notes to financial statements Примечания к финансовой отчетности (IFC)
(Primechanija k finansovoj otchetnosti)
243. Non-governmental organizations Неправительственная организация (UN-1)
(Nepravitel'stvennaja organizacija )
244. Non-profit organization Некоммерческая организация (UN-1)
(Nekommercheskaja organizacija)
245. Non-documentary form, non-paper Бездокументарная форма (ценных бумаг) (IFC)
form (securities) (Bezdokumentarnaja forma (cennyh bumag))
246. Notification of the assignment Уведомление об уступке (UNCITRAL-
1)(Uvedomlenie ob ustupke)
247. Objective setting Постановка задач (IFC) (Postanovka zadach)
248. Objectives сategory Категория задач (Kategorija zadach)
249. Office for Inspections and Управление инспекций и расследований (UNTERM)
Investigations (Upravlenie inspekcij i rassledovanij)
250. Office secret Служебная тайна (IFC) (Sluzhebnaja tajna)
251. Office of Internal Audit Управление внутренней ревизии (UNTERM)
(Upravlenie vnutrennej revizii)
252. Office of Internal Audit, Inspection Управление внутренней ревизии, инспекции и
and Management Control управленческого контроля (UNTERM) (Upravlenie
vnutrennej revizii, inspekcii i upravlencheskogo
253. Office of Internal Oversight Services Управление служб внутреннего надзора (UNTERM)
(Upravlenie sluzhb vnutrennego nadzora)
254. On a pro rata basis На пропорциональной основе (IFC) (Na
proporcional'noj osnove)
255. One-man (body) Единоличный (орган) (IFC) (Edinolichnyj (organ))

256. One-stop shopping Принцип «одного окна» (IFC) (Princip «odnogo okna»
257. Open/closed subscription (for Открытая/закрытая подписка (на акции) (IFC)
Shares) (Otkrytaja/zakrytaja podpiska (na akcii))
258. Openness of information Открытость информации (IFC) (Otkrytost' informacii)
259. Operational/operating risk Операционный риск (IFC) (Operacionnyj risk)
260. Operational reserve Оперативный резерв (UNTERM) (Operativnyj rezerv)
261. Out-of-the-counter securities (OTC Внебиржевые ценные бумаги (IFC) (Vnebirzhevye
securities) cennye bumagi)
262. Oversight Group Группа надзора (UNTERM) (Gruppa nadzora)
263. Owner’s equity Собственный капитал (IFC) (Sobstvennyj kapital)
264. Ownerless shares Бесхозяйные акции (IFC) (Beshozjajnye akcii)
265. Ownership structure Структура собственности (IFC) (Struktura
266. Paid-in capital, paid-up capital Оплаченный капитал (IFC) (Oplachennyj kapital)
267. Parent, mother company Материнская компания (Materinskaja kompanija)
268. Participating dividend Участвующий дивиденд (IFC) (Uchastvujushhij
269. Participating shareholder Участвующий акционер (IFC) (Uchastvujushhij
270. Performance indicator Показатель деятельности (UN-1) (Pokazatel'
271. Personnel management Управление кадрами (UN-1) (Upravlenie kadrami)
272. Placement (of securities) Размещение (ценных бумаг) (IFC) (Razmeshhenie
(cennyh bumag))
273. Placing price Цена размещения (IFC) (Cena razmeshhenija)
274. Portfolio concentration Насыщение портфеля(IFC) (Nasyshhenie portfelja)
275. Portfolio turnover rate (securities) Коэффициент оборачиваемости портфеля (ценных
бумаг) (IFC) (Kojefficient oborachivaemosti portfelja
(cennyh bumag))
276. Post balance sheet events События после даты баланса (IFC) (Sobytija posle
daty balansa)
277. Potential exposure Потенциальный риск (IFC) (Potencial'nyj risk)
278. Preemptive bid Упреждающее предложение(IFC) (Uprezhdajushhee
279. Preferred share, preference share Привилегированная акция (IFC) (Privilegirovannaja
280. Principle of effective staff policy Принцип эффективной кадровой политики (IFC)
(Princip jeffektivnoj kadrovoj politiki)
281. Principle of environment protection Принцип защиты окружающей среды (IFC) (Princip
zashhity okruzhajushhej sredy)
282. Principle of reasonability Принцип разумности (UNTERM) (Princip
283. Principles of transparency and Принцип прозрачности и объективности раскрытия
objectivity of information disclosure информации о деятельности компании (IFC) (Princip
on company’s activities prozrachnosti i ob"ektivnosti
Raskrytija informacii o dejatel'nosti kompanii)
284. Process evaluation Оценка процесса (OECD-1) (Оценка процесса)
285. Program evaluation Оценка программы (OECD-1) (Оценка программы)
286. Programme Management Division Отдел управления программами (UNTERM) (Otdel

upravlenija programmami)
287. Professional competence and due Профессиональная компетентность и
care должная тщательность (IFC) (Professional'naja
kompetentnost' i Dolzhnaja tshhatel'nost)
288. Proforma financial statement Предварительный (ориентировочный) финансовый
отчет (IFC) (Predvaritel'nyj (orientirovochnyj)
Finansovyj otchet)
289. Project evaluation Оценка проекта(OECD-1) (Ocenka proekta)
290. Project or program objective Задача проекта или программы(OECD-1) (Zadacha
proekta ili programmy)
291. Property rights Права собственности (UN-1) (Prava sobstvennosti)
292. Prospective financial information Перспективная финансовая информация (IFC)
(Perspektivnaja finansovaja informacija)
293. Protection of shareholder rights Защита прав акционеров (IFC) (Zashhita prav
294. Public administration Государственное регулирование (UN-1)
(Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie)
295. Public Enterprise Публичное предприятие (UN-1) (Publichnoe
296. Public Management Государственное регулирование (UN-1)
(Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie)
297. Public-Private Partnership Государственно-частное партнёрство (UN-1)
(Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnjorstvo)
298. Publicly-held company, publicly- Публичная компания (IFC) (Publichnaja kompanija)
quoted company
299. Quality assurance Гарантия качества(OECD-1) (Garantija kachestva)
300. Quality control Контроль качества (IFC) (Kontrol' kachestva)
301. Quarterly report Ежеквартальный отчет (IFC) (Ezhekvartal'nyj otchet)
302. Reasonable assurance Разумная уверенность (IFC) (Razumnaja uverennost')
303. Redemption right Право выкупа(IFC) (Pravo vykupa)
304. Register (of shareholders, co- Реестр (акционеров, участников товарищества) (IFC)
Partners of the partnership) (Reestr (akcionerov, uchastnikov tovarishhestva))
305. Regulators, regulatory agencies, Органы регулирования (IFC) (Organy regulirovanija)
Regulatory bodies
306. Related parties Связанные стороны (IFC) (Svjazannye storony)
307. Remaining risk, residual risk Остаточный риск (IFC) (Ostatochnyj risk)
308. Report on disposition of assets; Отчет о ликвидации активов (UNTERM) (Otchet o
disposition of assets report likvidacii aktivov)
309. Resource Management System Cистема управления ресурсами (UNTERM)
(Cistema upravlenija resursami)
310. Responsibility (principle) Принцип ответственности (IFC) (Princip
311. Results chain Цепь результатов (OECD-1) (Cep' rezul'tatov)
312. Results framework Cтруктура результатов (OECD-1) (Ctruktura
313. Retained earnings Нераспределенная прибыль (IFC) (Neraspredelennaja
314. Retirement of securities (shares and Погашение ценных бумаг (акций и облигаций) (IFC)
bonds) (Pogashenie cennyh bumag (akcij i

315. Revenue recognition policy Политика признания доходов (IFC) (Politika
priznanija dohodov)
316. Revolving fund Оборотный фонд (UNTERM) (Oborotnyj fond)
317. Right of demand Право требования (IFC) (Pravo trebovanija)
318. Right of disposal (of assets) Право распоряжаться (имуществом) (IFC) (Pravo
rasporjazhat'sja (imushhestvom))
319. Right of representation Право представления (IFC) (Pravo predstavlenija )
320. Right of veto Право вето (IFC) (Pravo veto)
321. Risk acceptance Принятие риска (IFC) (Prinjatie riska)
322. Risk analysis Анализ риска (Analiz riska) ((IFC; OECD-1) )
323. Risk assessment, risk measurement, Оценка (измерение) риска (IFC) (Ocenka (izmerenie)
Risk evaluation riska)

324. Risk mitigation Сокращение риска, снижение риска (IFC)

(Sokrashhenie riska, snizhenie riska)
325. Risk transfer Перенос риска (IFC) (Perenos riska)
326. Risk/reward ratio Сoотношение прибыль/риск (IFC) (Sootnoshenie
327. Sampling risk Риск выборки (IFC) (Risk vyborki)
328. Sampling units Единицы выборки (IFC) (Edinicy vyborki)
329. Schedule of compensation План [график] компенсационных выплат (UNTERM)
awards;schedule of awards (Plan [grafik] kompensacionnyh vyplat)
330. Secondary Public Offering (SPO) Вторичное размещение акций (SPO) (IFC)
(Vtorichnoe razmeshhenie akcij)
331. Sector program evaluation Оценка программы сектора (OECD-1) (Ocenka
programmy sektora)
332. Secured bonds Обеспеченные облигации (IFC) (Obespechennye
333. Secured obligation Обеспеченное обязательство (UNCITRAL-1)
(Obespechennoe objazatel'stvo)
334. Secured transaction Обеспеченная сделка (UNCITRAL-1)
(Obespechennaja sdelka)
335. Security right Обеспечительное право (UNCITRAL-1)
(Obespechitel'noe pravo)
336. Segregation of duties Распределение (разделение) обязанностей (IFC)
(Raspredelenie (razdelenie) objazannostej)
337. Self-evaluation Самооценка(OECD-1) (Samoocenka)
338. Self-seeking purposes Своекорыстные цели (IFC) (Svoekorystnye celi)
339. Sensitive information Чувствительная информация, щепетильная
информация (IFC) (Chuvstvitel'naja informacija,
shhepetil'naja Informacija)
340. Share retention Удержание акций (IFC) (Uderzhanie akcij)
341. Shareholder agreement Соглашение акционеров (IFC) (Soglashenie
342. Shareholder list Список акционеров (IFC) (Spisok akcionerov)
343. Shareholders’ equity Акционерный капитал (IFC) (Akcionernyj kapital)
344. Show-of-hands voting Голосование поднятием рук (IFC) (Golosovanie
podnjatiem ruk)
345. Silo mentality Бункерный менталитет (UNTERM) (Bunkernyj

346. Silver parachute Серебряный парашют (IFC) (Serebrjanyj parashjut)
347. Simple majority of votes Простое большинство голосов (IFC) (Prostoe
bol'shinstvo golosov)
348. Sole executive body Единоличный исполнительный орган (IFC)
(Edinolichnyj ispolnitel'nyj organ)
349. Sole proprietor Единоличный собственник, единоличный владелец
(IFC) (Edinolichnyj sobstvennik, edinolichnyj
350. Special Account for Common Специальный фонд расходов на общее
Services обслуживание (UNTERM) (Special'nyj fond rashodov
na obshhee obsluzhivanie)
351. Special Account for Unpaid Assessed Специальный счет для невыплаченных начисленных
Contributions взносов (UNTERM) (Special'nyj schet dlja
nevyplachennyh nachislennyh vznoso)
352. Special Measures Fund for the Least Фонд специальных мероприятий для наименее
Developed Countries развитых стран (UNTERM) (Fond special'nyh
meroprijatij dlja naimenee razvityh stran)
353. Split-up (of a company) Разделение (компании) (IFC) (Razdelenie (kompanii)
354. Split-up of shares Дробление акций (IFC) (Droblenie akcij)
355. Spotless reputation, a clean slate, Безупречная репутация (IFC) (Bezuprechnaja
Impeccable reputation reputacija)
356. Staff policy, personnel policy, HR Кадровая политика (IFC) (Kadrovaja politika)
357. Stake, participating interest Доля участия(IFC) (Dolja uchastija)
358. State (governmental) registration Государственная регистрация (IFC)
(Gosudarstvennaja registracija)
359. State-owned enterprises (SOE) Государственные компании (IFC; UN-1)
)Gosudarstvennye kompanii)
360. Strategically significant corporate Стратегически значимые корпоративные события
Events (IFC) (Strategicheski znachimye korporativnye
361. Subsequent assignment Последующая уступка (UNCITRAL-1)
(Posledujushhaja ustupka)
362. Summarized financial statements Обобщенная финансовая отчетность (IFC)
(Obobshhennaja finansovaja otchetnost)
363. Summative evaluation Резюмирующая оценка (OECD-1)
(Rezjumirujushhaja ocenka)
364. Sustainable development Устойчивое развитие (UN-1) (Ustojchivoe razvitie)
365. Takeover Поглощение (IFC) (Pogloshhenie)
366. Tangible asset Материальные активы (UNCITRAL-1) (Material'nye
367. Target group Целевая группа (OECD-1) (Celevaja gruppa)
368. Target price Целевая цена, намеченная цена (IFC) (Celevaja cena,
namechennaja cena)
369. Term of bond Срок облигации (IFC) (Srok obligacii)
370. Termination of obligations Прекращение обязательств (Prekrashhenie
371. Tests of control Тесты контроля (IFC) (Testy kontrolja)
372. Thematic evaluation Тематическая оценка (OECD-1) (Tematicheskaja

373. Third party guarantee Гарантия третьей стороны (IFC) (Garantija tret'ej
374. Transfer balance sheet Передаточный баланс (IFC) (Peredatochnyj balans)
375. Transparency (principle) Принцип прозрачности (IFC) (Princip prozrachnosti)
376. Trial Balance Пробный бухгалтерский баланс (IFC) (Probnyj
buhgalterskij balans)
377. Trust management Доверительное управление (IFC) (Doveritel'noe
378. Two-tiered system Двухуровневая система (IFC) (Dvuhurovnevaja
379. Unallocated resources Нераспределенные ресурсы (UNTERM)
(Neraspredelennye resursy)
380. Undercapitalization Недостаточная капитализация (IFC) (Nedostatochnaja
381. Unexpected loss Непредвиденный убыток (IFC) (Nepredvidennyj
382. Unsecured bonds Необеспеченные облигации(IFC) (Neobespechennye
383. Valuation and pricing Оценка и ценообразование (IFC) (Ocenka i
384. Value of assets Стоимость активов (IFC) (Stoimost' aktivov)
385. Voting shares Голосующие акции (IFC) (Golosujushhie akcii)
386. Welfare state Государство всеобщего благоденствия (UN-1)
(Gosudarstvo vseobshhego blagodenstvija)
387. Working papers (WP) Рабочие документы (РД) (IFC) (Rabochie dokumenty

2.2 Calque based on Direct Loan3

English term Russian term

388. Affiliated party, affiliated person Аффилиированная сторона/лицо (IFC)
(Affiliirovannaja storona/lico)
389. Associated person, associated party Aссоциированное лицо, ассоциированная cторона
(IFC) (Associirovannoe lico, associirovannaja
390. Agency problem Агентская проблема (IFC) (Agentskaja problema)
391. American Depositary Receipt (ADR) Американская депозитарная расписка (АДР) (IFC)
(Amerikanskaja depozitarnaja raspiska (ADR))
392. Annual dividend Годовой дивиденд (IFC) (Godovoj dividend)
393. Anti-monopoly legislation Антимонопольное законодательство (IFC)
(Antimonopol'noe zakonodatel'stvo)
394. Audit evidence Аудиторское доказательство (IFC) (Auditorskoe

Calque based on Direct Loan combines Calque with term components which have been previously retrieved using
Direct Loan. Most of these elements are assimilated.

395. Audit opinion Аудиторское мнение, аудиторское заключение (IFC)
(Auditorskoe mnenie, auditorskoe
396. Audit program Программа аудита (IFC) (Programma audita)
397. Audit risk Аудиторский риск (IFC) (Auditorskij risk)
398. Audit sample Аудиторская выборка (IFC) (Auditorskaja vyborka)
399. Auditing standards Аудиторские стандарты, стандарты аудита (IFC)
(Auditorskie standarty, standarty audita)
400. Auditor’s report Аудиторский отчет (IFC) (Auditorskij otchet)
401. Bank account Банковский счёт (UNCITRAL-1)(Bankovskij schjot)
402. Beneficiary owner Бенефициарный (реальный) владелец (IFC)
(Beneficiarnyj (real'nyj) vladelec)
403. Chief Operating Officer (COO) Руководитель операционной службы (IFC)
(Rukovoditel' operacionnoj sluzhby)
404. Commercial secret Коммерческая тайна (IFC) (Kommercheskaja tajna)
405. Control and Revision Service Контрольно-ревизионная служба(IFC) (Kontrol'no-
revizionnaja sluzhba)
406. Convertible security Конвертируемая ценная бумага (IFC)
(Konvertiruemaja cennaja bumaga)
407. Confidential information Конфиденциальная информация (IFC)
(Konfidencial'naja informacija)
408. Consolidated financial statements Консолидированная финансовая отчетность (IFC)
(Konsolidirovannaja finansovaja otchetnost')
409. Continuing auditor Постоянный аудитор (IFC) (Postojannyj auditor)
410. Correlation matrices Корреляционные матрицы (IFC) (Korreljacionnye
411. Council of Institutional Investors (CII) Совет институциональных инвесторов (IFC) (Sovet
institucional'nyh investorov)
412. Credit Committee Кредитный комитет (IFC) (Kreditnyj komitet)
413. Credit rating Кредитный рейтинг (IFC) (Kreditnyj rejting)
414. Cumulative dividend Кумулятивный дивиденд (IFC) (Kumuljativnyj
415. Cumulative voting Кумулятивное голосование (IFC) (Kumuljativnoe
416. Delegation of authority Делегирование полномочий (IFC) (Delegirovanie
417. Disciplinary measures Дисциплинарные меры (IFC) (Disciplinarnye mery)
418. Disciplinary sanctions Дисциплинарные санкции, дисциплинарное
взыскание (IFC) (Disciplinarnye sankcii, disciplinarnoe
419. Diversification of risks Диверсификация рисков (IFC) (Diversifikacija riskov)
420. Documentary form, paper form Документарная форма (ценных бумаг) (IFC)
(securities) (Dokumentarnaja forma (cennyh bumag))
421. Dominant company Доминирующая компания (IFC) (Dominirujushhaja
422. External audit Внешний аудит (IFC) (Vneshnij audit)
423. External auditor Внешний аудитор (IFC) (Vneshnij auditor)
424. Financial investment group (FIG) Финансовая инвестиционная группа (ФИГ) (IFC)
[Finansovaja investicionnaja gruppa (FIG))
425. Framework Guidelines and Рамочные руководства и рекомендации института

Recommendation of the Institute of внутренних аудиторов (IFC) (Ramochnye rukovodstva
Internal Auditors (IIA) i rekomendacii Instituta vnutrennih auditorov)
426. Gender Equality Гендерное равенство (UN-1) (Gendernoe ravenstvo)
427. Guaranteed dividend Гарантированный дивиденд (Garantirovannyj
428. Hedge Fund Хеджевый фонд (IFC) (Hedzhevyj fond)
429. Holding company Холдинговая компания (IFC) (Holdingovaja
430. Incoming auditor Последующий (новый) аудитор (IFC) Posledujushhij
(novyj) auditor)
431. Independent auditor Независимый аудитор (IFC) (Nezavisimyj auditor)
432. Insider dealing Инсайдерская сделка, инсайдерская торговля (IFC)
(Insajderskaja sdelka, insajderskaja torgovlja)
433. Insider information Инсайдерская информация (IFC) (Insajderskaja
434. Institutional investor Институциональный инвестор (IFC) (Institucional'nyj
435. Intellectual property Интеллектуальная собственность (IFC)
(Intellektual'naja sobstvennost')
436. Internal audit Внутренний аудит (IFC) (Vnutrennij audit)
437. International Standards on auditing Международные стандарты аудита (IFC)
(Mezhdunarodnye standarty audita)
438. Internal Audit department/Service Служба внутреннего аудита (IFC) (Sluzhba
vnutrennego audita)
439. Investor relations (IR) Взаимоотношения с инвесторами (IFC)
(Vzaimootnoshenija s investorami)
440. Liquidation value (of shares) Ликвидационная стоимость (акций) (IFC)
(Likvidacionnaja stoimost' (akcij))
441. Liquidity risk measurement Измерение (оценка) риска ликвидности (IFC)
(Izmerenie (ocenka) riska likvidnosti)
442. Listing requirements Листинговые требования (IFC) (Listingovye
443. Listing rules Правила листинга, листинговые правила (IFC)
(Pravila listinga, listingovye pravila)
444. Matrix management "Матричное управление" (UNTERM) ("Matrichnoe
445. Majority shareholder Крупный (мажоритарный) акционер (IFC) (Krupnyj
(mazhoritarnyj) akcioner)
446. Management intervention Интервенция (вмешательство) руководства (IFC)
(Intervencija (vmeshatel'stvo) rukovodstva)
447. Market liquidity risk Риск рыночной ликвидности (IFC) (Risk rynochnoj
448. Minority shareholder Миноритарный акционер (IFC) (Minoritarnyj
449. Minority shareholder mistreatment Ненадлежащее обращение с Миноритарными
акционерами (IFC) (Nenadlezhashhee obrashhenie s
Minoritarnymi akcionerami)
450. Model Code Модельный Кодекс (IFC) (Model'nyj Kodeks)
451. Modified auditor’s report Модифицированный аудиторский отчет (IFC)

(Modificirovannyj auditorskij otchet)
452. Nominee holder Номинальный держатель (IFC) (Nominal'nyj
Nominal shareholder, nominee Номинальный владелец ценных бумаг, номинальный
453. Shareholder акционер (IFC) (Nominal'nyj vladelec cennyh bumag,
nominal'nyj akcioner)
454. Performance indicator Индикатор выполнения (OECD-1) (Indikator
455. Performance monitoring Мониторинг выполнения (OECD-1) (Monitoring
456. Predecessor auditor Предшествующий аудитор(IFC) (Predshestvujushhij
457. Principal auditor Основной аудитор (IFC) (Osnovnoj auditor)

Principle of effective dividend Принцип эффективной дивидендной политики (IFC)

458. Policy (Princip jeffektivnoj dividendnoj politiki)

459. Reputation risk Репутационный риск (IFC) (Reputacionnyj risk)

460. Reserve Fund Резервный фонд (IFC) (Rezervnyj fond)
461. Revision Commission Ревизионная Комиссия (IFC) (Revizionnaja Komissija)
462. Risk hedging Хеджирование риска (IFC) (Hedzhirovanie riska)
463. Secured creditor Обеспеченный кредитор (UNCITRAL-1)
(Obespechennyj kreditor)
464. Segment information Информация по сегментам, сегментарная
информация (IFC) (Informacija po segmentam,
segmentarnaja Informacija)
465. Scope of audit Масштаб аудита (IFC) (Masshtab audita)
466. Stress-testing Стресс-тестирование(IFC) (Stress-testirovanie)
Standards for the Professional Профессиональные стандарты внутреннего аудита
467. Practice of Internal Auditing (SPPIA) (IFC) (Professional'nye standarty vnutrennego
468. Structural unemployment Структурная безработица (UN-1) (Strukturnaja
469. Transaction risk Транзакционный риск (IFC) (Tranzakcionnyj risk)

2.3. Loan Translation or Calque. Constructions with Prepositions.

470. Additional Liability Partnership Товарищество с дополнительной

(ALP) Ответственностью (ТДО) (IFC) (Tovarishhestvo s
dopolnitel'noj Otvetstvennost'ju (TDO))
471. Arrival inspection Инспекция по прибытии (UNTERM) (Inspekcija po

Asset-Liability Management Комитет по управлению активами и обязательствами
472. Committee (ALCO) (IFC) (Komitet po upravleniju aktivami i
473. Audit Committee Комитет по аудиту (IFC) (Komitet po auditu)
474. Borrowing costs Затраты по займам (IFC) (Zatraty po zajmam)
475. Budget Information System Информационная система по бюджету (UNTERM)
(Informacionnaja sistema po bjudzhetu)
476. Budget Review Group Группа по пересмотру бюджета (UNTERM) (Gruppa po
peresmotru bjudzheta)
477. Chief Information Officer (CIO) Директор по информационным Технологиям (IFC)
(Direktor po informacionnym Tehnologijam)
478. Clothing Allowance Пособие на обмундирование (UNTERM) (Posobie na
479. Confidentiality agreement Соглашение о конфиденциальности (IFC) (Soglashenie
o konfidencial'nosti)
480. Control agreement Соглашение о контроле (UNCITRAL-1)(Soglashenie o
481. Corporate Governance Progression Матрица прогрессий по корпоративному
Matrix управлению (IFC) (matrica progressij po korporativnomu
482. Country program evaluation/Country Оценка программы для страны, помощи стране
assistance evaluation (OECD-1) (Ocenka programmy dlja strany, pomoshhi
483. Dividend payable Дивиденд к выплате (IFC) (Dividend k vyplate)
484. Dollar-driven expenditures Расходы, производимые в долларах США (UNTERM)
(Rashody, proizvodimye v dollarah SShA)
485. Finance and Budget Network Сеть по финансам и бюджету (UNTERM) (Set' po
finansam i bjudzhetu)
486. Financial lease right Право по финансовой аренде (UNCITRAL-1) (Pravo po
finansovoj arende)
487. Financial Reporting Council (UK) Совет по финансовой отчетности (Великобритания)
(IFC) (Sovet po finansovoj otchetnosti (Velikobritanija))
488. Fixed interest securities Ценные бумаги с фиксированной
(процентной) ставкой (IFC) (Cennye bumagi s
(procentnoj) stavkoj)
489. Floating rate loan Кредит с плавающей процентной ставкой (IFC) (Kredit
s plavajushhej procentnoj stavkoj)
490. Floating rate securities Ценные бумаги с плавающей процентной
cтавкой (IFC) (Cennye bumagi s plavajushhej procentnoj
491. Global Basic Education Reserve Fund Глобальный резервный фонд для базового образования
(UNTERM) (Global'nyj rezervnyj fond dlja bazovogo
492. Going concern assumption Допущение о непрерывной деятельности (IFC)
(Dopushhenie o nepreryvnoj dejatel'nosti)
493. Limited liability partnership (LLP) Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью (IFC)
(Tovarishhestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost'ju)
494. Local Claims Review Board Комиссия по рассмотрению претензий на местах
(UNTERM) (Komissija po rassmotreniju pretenzij na

495. Nominations and Remuneration Комитет по назначениям и вознаграждениям (IFC)
Committee (Komitet po naznachenijam i voznagrazhdenijam)

Pension asset management Компании по управлению пенсионными

496. Companies Активами (КУПА) (IFC) (Kompanii po upravleniju
pensionnymi Aktivami (KUPA))
497. Predictive value Ценность для прогнозирования (UNTERM) (Cennost'
dlja prognozirovanija)
498. Procurement Kit Комплект для закупок (UNTERM) (Komplekt dlja
499. Programme Management Group Группа по руководству программой (UNTERM)
(Gruppa po rukovodstvu programmoj)
500. Programme support activities Деятельность по поддержке программ (UNTERM)
(Dejatel'nost' po podderzhke programm)
501. Risk Committee Комитет по рискам (IFC) (Komitet po riskam)
502. Risk response Реагирование на риск (Reagirovanie na risk)
503. Share retention agreement Соглашение об удержании акций (IFC) (Soglashenie ob
uderzhanii akcij)
504. Solvency statement Отчет о платежеспособности (Otchet o
platezhesposobnosti) (IFC)
505. Several liability (obligation) Ответственность по делимому обязательству (IFC)
(Otvetstvennost' po delimomu objazatel'stvu)
506. Standard Cost Manual Руководство по нормативным издержкам (UNTERM)
(Rukovodstvo po normativnym izderzhkam)
507. Strategic Planning Committee Комитет по стратегическому планированию (IFC)
(Komitet po strategicheskomu planirovaniju)

2.4. Loan Translation or Calque. Calque with Notes

508. Alternative Investment Market Альтернативный инвестиционный рынок

(AIM) (Лондонской фондовой биржи) (IFC) (Al'ternativnyj
investicionnyj rynok (Londonskoj fondovoj birzhi))
509. Authorized shares, authorized stock Объявленные (к выпуску) акции (IFC) (Ob"javlennye (k
vypusku) akcii)
510. Beneficial ownership Собственность бенефициара (выгодоприобретателя)
(IFC) (Sobstvennost' beneficiara (vygodopriobretatelja))
511. Controlling Owner (CO), founder’s Стадия основателя (СО) (в семейной компании) (IFC)
Stage (Stadija osnovatelja (SO) (v semejnoj
512. Corporate citizenship Корпоративное гражданство (форма социально
отвественного поведения бизнеса) (Korporativnoe
grazhdanstvo (IFC) (forma social'no otvestvennogo
povedenija biznesa))
513. Crown jewels Драгоценности короны (наиболее привлекательные
активы компании, являющейся объектом поглощения)
(IFC) (dragocennosti korony (naibolee privlekatel'nye

aktivy kompanii,
javljajushhejsja ob"ektom pogloshhenija))
514. Direct Public Offering (DPO) Прямое публичное размещение (размещение акций
силами эмитента напрямую инвесторам) (IFC)
(prjamoe publichnoe razmeshhenie (razmeshhenie akcij
silami jemitenta naprjamuju investoram))
515. Engagement letter Письмо-соглашение (на проведение аудита) (IFC)
(Pis'mo-soglashenie (na provedenie audita))
516. Golden parachute Золотой парашют (ряд условий о Единовременной
выплате в случае потери Менеджером работы) (IFC)
(Zolotoj parashjut (rjad uslovij o Edinovremennoj vyplate
v sluchae poteri Menedzherom raboty))
517. Individual entrepreneur Индивидуальный предприниматель (без образования
юридического лица) (IFC) (Individual'nyj predprinimatel'
(bez Obrazovanija juridicheskogo lica))
518. Interlocking directorates Соединенное директорство (директор одной компании
одновременно является директором другой),
«перекрещивающиеся директораты» (IFC) (soedinennoe
direktorstvo (direktor odnoj kompanii odnovremenno
javljaetsja direktorom drugoj), «perekreshhivajushhiesja
519. Loan term Срок (погашения) кредита (IFC) (Srok (pogashenija)
520. Management letter Письмо руководству компании (направляемое
аудиторской фирмой после проведения аудита) (IFC)
(Pis'mo rukovodstvu kompanii
(napravljaemoe auditorskoj firmoj posle Provedenija
521. Management representations Представления руководства (компании
аудиторской фирме в ходе аудита) (IFC) (Predstavlenija
rukovodstva (kompanii Auditorskoj firme v hode audita))
522. Off-balance sheet items Внебалансовые (забалансовые) статьи (IFC)
(Vnebalansovye (zabalansovye) stat'i))
523. Pac-Man defense Защита Пэк-Мена (поглощаемая компания
старается уклониться от навязываемого ей
предложения, делая покупателю встречное
предложение о покупке) (IFC) (zashhita pjek-mena
(pogloshhaemaja kompanija staraetsja uklonit'sja ot
navjazyvaemogo ej predlozhenija, delaja pokupatelju
vstrechnoe predlozhenie o pokupke))
524. Par value, nominal value, face Номинальная стоимость (ценной бумаги) (IFC)
Value (Nominal'naja stoimost' (cennoj bumagi))
525. Performance indicators Показатели (эффективности) деятельности (IFC)
(Pokazateli (jeffektivnosti) dejatel'nosti)
526. Physical controls Физическая проверка (активов) (IFC) (Fizicheskaja
proverka (aktivov))
527. Poison pill Ядовитая пилюля, отравленная пилюля (IFC)
(средство борьбы с враждебным Поглощением)
(Jadovitaja piljulja, otravlennaja piljulja
(sredstvo bor'by s vrazhdebnym Pogloshheniem))

528. Prepayment risk Риск досрочного погашения (кредитов) (IFC) (Risk
dosrochnogo pogashenija (kreditov))
529. Regulatory risk, legal risk Риск изменения законодательства (риск потерь
вследствие изменения законодательства) (IFC) (risk
izmenenija zakonodatel'stva (risk poter' vsledstvie
izmenenija zakonodatel'stva))
530. Risk transformation Трансформация риска (из неприемлемого в
приемлемый) (IFC) (transformacija riska (iz
nepriemlemogo v priemlemyj))
531. Scorched earth, scorched earth Сжигание мостов, тактика выжженной земли
Policy (комплекс мер, направленных на превращение
поглощаемой компании в
максимально непривлекательный актив) (IFC)
(szhiganie mostov, taktika vyzhzhennoj zemli (kompleks
mer, napravlennyh na prevrashhenie pogloshhaemoj
kompanii v maksimal'no neprivlekatel'nyj aktiv))]
532. Sensitivity analysis Анализ чувствительности (к риску) (IFC) (Analiz
chuvstvitel'nosti (k risku))
533. Shark repellent Акулья отрава (поправки к уставу компании,
значительно усложняющие враждебное поглощение)
(IFC) (Akul'ja otrava (popravki k ustavu kompanii,
znachitel'no uslozhnjajushhie vrazhdebnoe pogloshhenie))
534. Shuttle diplomacy Челночная дипломатия (ведение
переговоров с помощью медиатора с попеременным
посещением сторон) (IFC) (chelnochnaja diplomatija
(vedenie peregovorov s pomoshh'ju mediatora s
poperemennym poseshheniem storon))
535. Sibling partnership (CP) Стадия прямых преемников (в семейной
компании) (IFC) ((SR) Stadija prjamyh preemnikov (v
semejnoj kompanii))
536. Spin-off Выделение (создание общества из части
другого общества вследствие отчуждения
активов) (IFC) (vydelenie (sozdanie obshhestva iz chasti
drugogo obshhestva vsledstvie otchuzhdenija
537. Standard rates of reimbursement Стандартные расценки для возмещения (расходов)
(UNTERM) Standartnye rascenki dlja vozmeshhenija
538. Subscription agreement Соглашение о подписке (на акции) (IFC) (Soglashenie
o podpiske (na akcii))]
539. Transformation Преобразование (изменение
Организационно-правовой формы) (IFC)
(Preobrazovanie (izmenenie Organizacionno-pravovoj
540. White knight Белый рыцарь (дружественный потенциальный
покупатель акционерной компании) (IFC) (Belyj rycar'
(druzhestvennyj Potencial'nyj pokupatel' akcionernoj

3. Direct Translation Equivalent

English term Russian term

541. Absentee voting Заочное голосование (IFC) (Zaochnoe golosovanie)
542. Accuracy (of information presentation) Точность (представления информации) (IFC)
(tochnost' (predstavlenija informacii))
543. Accountability Ответственность(OECD-1) (Otvetstvennost')
544. Accountability (principle) Принцип подотчетности (Princip podotchetnosti)
545. Acknowledgement Признание (UNCITRAL-1)(Priznanie)
546. Activity Деятельность (OECD-1) (Dejatel'nost')
547. Appraisal Одобрение (OECD-1) (Odobrenie)
548. Assignee Цессионарий (UNCITRAL-1) (Cessionarij)
549. Assignment Уступка (UNCITRAL-1) (Ustupka)
550. Assignor Цедент (UNCITRAL-1)(Cedent)
551. Assumptions Предполежение (OECD-1) (Predpolezhenie)
552. Attachment to immovable property Принадлежность недвижимого имущества
(UNCITRAL-1) (Prinadlezhnost' nedvizhimogo
553. Base/floor salary scale; base salary Шкала базовых/минимальных окладов (UNTERM)
scale; floor salary scale (Shkala bazovyh/minimal'nyh okladov)
554. Baseline scope Основной проект (UNTERM) (Osnovnoj proekt)
555. Benchmark Базис, точка отчёта (UNTERM) , база (OECD-1) (Bazis,
tochka otchjota, baza)
556. Bond Облигация (IFC) (Obligacija)
557. Book value Балансовая стоимость(IFC) (Balansovaja stoimost')
558. Cash pool Общая касса (UNTERM) (Obshhaja kassa)
Casting vote (of the Решающий голос (председателя) (IFC) (Reshajushhij
559. Chairperson) golos (predsedatelja))
560. Cluster evaluation Групповая оценка (IFC) (Gruppovaja ocenka)
561. Competitiveness Конкурентоспособность (UN-1)
562. Conclusions Заключения (OECD-1) (Zakljuchenija)
563. Convene/convoke/ call a Созывать собрание (IFC) (Sozyvat' sobranie)
564. Co-partner (of partnership) Участник (товарищества) (IFC) (Uchastnik
565. Cross-borrowing; internal borrowing Взаимозаимствование (UNTERM)
566. Data protection and privacy Защита информации и конфиденциальность (IFC)
(Zashhita informacii i konfidencial'nost')
567. Debtor Должник, заемщик (IFC , UNCITRAL-1) (Dolzhnik,
568. Development intervention Действие по развитию (OECD-1) (Dejstvie po razvitiju)

569. Devolution Делегирование полномочий (UN-1) (Delegirovanie

570. Disclaimer Отказ от права (IFC) (Otkaz ot prava)

571. Downsizing Сокращение штатов (UN-1) (Sokrashhenie shtatov)
572. Dispose (shares, Продавать, отчуждать, распоряжаться (IFC)
Assets) (акциями, активами) (Prodavat', otchuzhdat',
rasporjazhat'sja (akcijami, aktivami))
573. Divestiture Изъятие инвестиций, отделение активов,
разукрупнение, отчуждение (IFC) (Iz"jatie investicij,
otdelenie aktivov, Razukrupnenie, otchuzhdenie)
574. Effectiveness Результативность (OECD-1) (Rezul'tativnost')
575. Efficiency Эффективность (OECD-1) (Jeffektivnost')
576. Equity, shares, stock Акции(IFC) (Akcii)
577. Evaluability Оценочность (OECD-1) (Ocenochnost')
578. Ex-ante evaluation Ожидаемая оценка(OECD-1) (Ozhidaemaja ocenka)
579. Ex-dividend Без дивидендов (Bez dividendov)
580. Ex-post evaluation Реальная оценка (OECD-1) (Real'naja ocenka)
581. Execution of documents Оформление документов (IFC) (Oformlenie
582. Exposure limitation Ограничение риска (IFC) (Ogranichenie riska)
583. Final performance report Окончательнй отчёт (UNTERM) (Okonchatel'nj otchjot)
584. Fixed assets, Property, Основные средства (IFC) (Osnovnye sredstva)
Plant and Equipment
585. Fixed-term appointment Срочный контракт; назначение на определенный срок
(UNTERM) (Srochnyj kontrakt; naznachenie na
opredelennyj srok)
586. Guarantor/issuer Гарант/эмитент (UNCITRAL-1) (Garant/jemitent)
587. Issuer Эмитент (UNCITRAL-1) (Jemitent)
588. Impairment (of assets) Обесценение (активов) (IFC) (Obescenenie (aktivov))
589. Impasse Тупик (UN-1) (Tupik)
590. Input Вклад(OECD-1) (Vklad)
591. Knowledge Осведомлённость (UNCITRAL-1) (Osvedomljonnost')
592. Lessons learned Извлечённые уроки (OECD-1) (Izvlechjonnye uroki)
593. Logical framework Логическая структура(OECD-1) (Logicheskaja
594. Mass/product Масса или продукт (UNCITRAL-1) (Massa ili produkt)
595. Mentoring Наставничество (UN-1) (Nastavnichestvo)
596. Merger Слияние (компаний) (IFC) (Slijanie (kompanij))
597. Negotiable document Оборотный документ (UNCITRAL-1)(Oborotnyj
598. Negotiable Instrument Оборотный инструмент (UNCITRAL-1) (Oborotnyj
599. Notice Уведомление (UNCITRAL-1) (Uvedomlenie)
600. Non-for-profit entity, non- Некоммерческая организация (IFC) (Nekommercheskaja
Profit entity organizacija)
601. Outstanding shares Обращающиеся акции, размещенные акции (IFC)
(Obrashhajushhiesja akcii, razmeshhennye akcii)
602. Outlying post Периферийное базирование (UNTERM) (Periferijnoe
603. Output Мероприятия (UNTERM) , результат (OECD-1)
(Meroprijatija, rezul'tat)
604. Performance management Управление качеством (UN-1) (Upravlenie kachestvom)
605. Performance Management Оценка достижений (UN-1) ), Оценка выполнения

(OECD-1) (Ocenka dostizhenij, Ocenka vypolnenija)
606. Performance Выполнение(OECD-1) (Vypolnenie)
607. Pledge Залог (IFC) (Zalog)
608. Possession Владение (UNCITRAL-1) (Vladenie)
609. Proceeds Поступления (UNCITRAL-1) (Postuplenija)
610. Purpose Намерение(OECD-1) (Namerenie)
611. Reach Стороны(OECD-1) (Storony)
612. Redemption Погашение (облигаций), выкуп (акций) (IFC)
(Pogashenie (obligacij), vykup (akcij))
613. Registered security Именная ценная бумага (IFC) (Imennaja cennaja
614. Reimburse (costs, losses) Возмещать, компенсировать (расходы, убытки) (IFC)
(Vozmeshhat', kompensirovat' (rashody, ubytki))
615. Relevance Уместность (OECD-1) (Umestnost')
616. Reliability Надёжность (OECD-1) (Nadjozhnost')
617. Sustainability Устойчивость( OECD-1) (Ustojchivost')
618. Risk avoidance Отказ от риска (IFC) (Otkaz ot riska)
619. Evaluability Оценочность (OECD-1) (Ocenochnost')
620. Evaluation Оценка( OECD-1) (Ocenka)
621. Senior Management Service Административные руководители (UNTERM)
(Administrativnye rukovoditeli)
622. Solvency Платежеспособность (IFC) (Platezhesposobnost')
623. Staff assessment Налогообложение персонала (UNTERM)
(Nalogooblozhenie personala)
624. Strategic results framework Ориентирововчные стратегические результаты
(UNTERM) (Orientirovovchnye strategicheskie rezul'taty)
625. Subscription (for securities acquisition) Подписка (на покупку ценных бумаг) (IFC) (Podpiska
(na pokupku cennyh bumag))
626. Subsidiary Дочерняя компания (IFC) (Dochernjaja kompanija)
627. Summary Сводка, резюме (UNTERM) (Svodka, rezjume)
628. Sustainability Устойчивый характер (UN-1) (Ustojchivyj harakter)
629. Sustainable innovation options Перспективные инновационные решения (UNTERM)
(Perspektivnye innovacionnye reshenija)
630. Terms of reference (TOR) Техническое задание (ТЗ) (IFC) (Tehnicheskoe zadanie
631. Unified budget and work plan Единый бюджет и план работы (UNTERM) (Edinyj
bjudzhet i plan raboty)
632. Usage factor Коэффициент использования (UNTERM) (Kojefficient
633. Variance Отклонения (UNTERM) (Otklonenija)
634. Working capital Оборотный капитал (IFC) (Oborotnyj kapital)

4. Descriptive Translation.

English term Russian term

635. Absorption factor Коэффициент поглощения издержек (UNTERM)
(Kojefficient pogloshhenija izderzhek)

636. Acquisition security right Право на получение поступлений по независимому
обязательству (UNCITRAL-1) (Pravo na poluchenie
postuplenij po nezavisimomu objazatel'stvu)
637. Amicably По взаимному согласию, путем переговоров (IFC) (Po
vzaimnomu soglasiju, putem peregovorov)
638. Arm’s length transaction Сделка между независимыми сторонами,
сделка без заинтересованности (IFC) (sdelka mezhdu
nezavisimymi storonami, sdelka bez zainteresovannosti)
639. Approving officer Сотрудник, имеющий право подписи (UNTERM)
(Sotrudnik, imejushhij pravo podpisi
640. Base-line study Исследование исходной ситуации (OECD-1)
(Issledovanie ishodnoj situacii)
641. Bearer form На предъявителя (ценная бумага) (IFC) (Na
pred"javitelja (cennaja bumaga))
642. Buy-out Выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании (Vykup
kontrol'nogo paketa akcij kompanii) (IFC)
643. By-laws Внутренние документы, правила и Положения
(компании) (IFC) (Vnutrennie dokumenty, pravila I
Polozhenija (kompanii))
644. Cost data format; format for the cost Нормативы эксплуатации и ставок возмещения
data; cost format (UNTERM) (Normativy jekspluatacii i stavok
645. Cousin Consortium (CC) Стадия преемников в третьем поколении (в семейной
компании) (IFC) (Stadija preemnikov v tret'em pokolenii
(v semejnoj kompanii))
646. Current exposure Потенциальные риски на настоящий момент (IFC)
(Potencial'nye riski na nastojashhij moment)
647. Dead hand Владение без права передачи (IFC) (Vladenie bez prava
648. Dependency rate salaries Оклады по ставке для сотрудников, имеющих
иждивенцев (IFC) (Oklady po stavke dlja sotrudnikov,
imejushhih izhdivencev)
649. Drag along right Право мажоритарного акционера принудить других
акционеров продать свои акции на тех же условиях
(IFC) (pravo mazhoritarnogo akcionera prinudit' drugih
akcionerov prodat' svoi akcii na teh zhe uslovijah)
650. E-Benefits Электронное оформление пособий и льгот (UNTERM)
(Jelektronnoe oformlenie posobij i l'got)
651. E-staffing help desk Группа по оказанию помощи в вопросах электронной
кадровой системы (UNTERM) (Gruppa po okazaniju
pomoshhi v voprosah jelektronnoj kadrovoj sistemy)
652. Empowerment Расширение прав и возможностей (UN-1) (Rasshirenie
prav i vozmozhnostej)
653. Entitlement Материальные права (UN-1) (Material'nye prava)
654. Family assembly Формальное собрание семейной компании (IFC)
(Formal'noe sobranie semejnoj kompanii)
655. Feedback Обратная связь (OECD-1) (Obratnaja svjaz')
656. Finding Выявленный факт (OECD-1) (Vyjavlennyj fakt)
657. Fixing date (record date) Дата закрытия реестра (IFC) (Data zakrytija reestra)
658. Foreclose (the property) Обращать взыскание (на имущество) (IFC) (Obrashhat'

vzyskanie (na imushhestvo))
659. Foreclosure Обращение взыскания (IFC) (Obrashhenie vzyskanija)
660. Frameworks and guidelines for Internal Концептуальная основа и инструкции по внутреннему
Controls контролю (IFC) (Konceptual'naja osnova i instrukcii po
vnutrennemu kontrolju)
661. GARP (Growth at Reasonable Price) Инвесторы, которые вкладываются в
investors компании средней капитализации c
высокими темпами роста (IFC) (investory, kotorye
vkladyvajutsja v kompanii srednej kapitalizacii c
vysokimi tempami rosta)
662. Gender Budgeting Составление бюджета с учётом гендерных факторов
(UN-1) (Sostavlenie bjudzheta s uchjotom gendernyh
663. Grantor Лицо, предоставляющее право (UNCITRAL-1) (Lico,
predostavljajushhee pravo)
664. Greenfield Совершенно новая компания (создаваемая «с нуля»)
(IFC) (Sovershenno novaja kompanija (sozdavaemaja «s
665. Group cost index; group index Индексация существующих ставок возмещения
(UNTERM) (Indeksacija sushhestvujushhih stavok
666. Human resource standards Стандарты работы с персоналом (IFC) (Standarty
raboty s personalom)
667. Implementation Lead Time Срок разработки; время подготовки (к выпуску
продукции) (OECD-1) . Время реализации заказа (Srok
razrabotki; vremja podgotovki (k vypusku produkcii)).
Vremja realizacii zakaza)
668. Insolvency estate Имущественная масса в деле о несостоятельности
(UNCITRAL-1) (Imushhestvennaja massa v dele o
669. Insolvency representative Управляющий в деле о несостоятельности
(UNCITRAL-1) (Upravljajushhij v dele o
670. Issued and outstanding (a security) Выпущенная и находящаяся в обращении
(ценная бумага) (IFC) (Vypushhennaja i
nahodjashhajasja v obrashhenii (cennaja bumaga))
671. Leveraged buy-out (LBO) Выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании за счет
кредита (IFC) (Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij kompanii
za schet kredita)
672. Line budgeting; line item budget Предметы текущих поставок (UNTERM) (Predmety
tekushhih postavok)
673. Maintenance rate Ставка возмещения расходов на техническое
обслуживание (UNTERM) (Stavka vozmeshhenija
rashodov na tehnicheskoe obsluzhivanie)
674. Management buy-out (MBO) Выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании ее
руководством (IFC) (Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij
kompanii ee rukovodstvom)
675. Management override Превышение полномочий со стороны руководства
(IFC) (Prevyshenie polnomochij so storony rukovodstva)
676. Maturity (securities) Срок погашения (ценных бумаг) (IFC) (Srok

pogashenija (cennyh bumag))
677. Minimal capital requirements Требования к минимальному уровню/размеру капитала
(IFC) (Trebovanija k minimal'nomu urovnju/razmeru
678. Mobility and Hardship Scheme Система надбавок за мобильность и работу в трудных
условиях (UNTERM) (Sistema nadbavok za mobil'nost' i
rabotu v trudnyh uslovijah)
679. Non-Competition Отказ от конкуренции с компанией (IFC) (Otkaz ot
konkurencii s kompaniej)
680. Non-incorporated Без образования юридического лица (IFC) (Bez
obrazovanija juridicheskogo lica)
681. Non-post requirements Потребности, не связанные с финансированием
должностей (UNTERM) (Potrebnosti, ne svjazannye s
finansirovaniem dolzhnostej)
682. Off-site Внешний; находящийся за пределами района
(UNTERM) (Vneshnij; nahodjashhijsja za predelami
683. Order and shipping time; delivery lead Продолжительность выполнения заказа и доставки;
time срок выполнения заказа и доставки (UNTERM)
(Prodolzhitel'nost' vypolnenija zakaza i dostavki; srok
vypolnenija zakaza i dostavki)
684. Outcome Конечный продукт (OECD-1) (Konechnyj produkt)
685. Performance pay Оплата в зависимости от результатов труда (UN-1)
Performance-related pay Вознаграждение с учетом результатов работы
(UNTERM) (Oplata v zavisimosti ot rezul'tatov truda
Voznagrazhdenie s uchetom rezul'tatov raboty)
686. Policy “Comply or explain” Политика соблюдения требований или
Представления веских причин несоблюдения (IFC)
(Politika sobljudenija trebovanij ili
Predstavlenija veskih prichin nesobljudenija)
687. Principle “Caveat emptor” (for Принцип «да будет осмотрителен покупатель» (в
investors) отношении инвесторов) (Princip «da budet osmotritelen
pokupatel'» (v otnoshenii investorov))] (OECD-1)
688. Programme support and development Оперативно-функциональное обслуживание и
activities разработка программ (UNTERM) (Operativno-
funkcional'noe obsluzhivanie i razrabotka programm)
689. Programme support communication Информационные средсва содействия осуществлению
программ (UNTERM) (Informacionnye sredsva
sodejstvija osushhestvleniju programm)
690. Qualified opinion Мнение с оговорками (аудит) (IFC) (Mnenie s
ogovorkami (audit))
691. Receivable Дебиторская задолженность (UNCITRAL-
1)(Debitorskaja zadolzhennost')
692. Reportable condition Ситуация, о которой необходимо сообщать
(руководству) (IFC) (Situacija, o kotoroj neobhodimo
soobshhat' (rukovodstvu))
693. Reserved matter Вопрос, который следует предварительно
утвердить акционерами, самой компанией,
либо иными вовлеченными лицами (IFC) (vopros,
kotoryj sleduet predvaritel'no utverdit' akcionerami, samoj

kompaniej, libo inymi vovlechennymi licami)
694. Safe harbor Меры, предпринимаемые компанией и
позволяющие избежать угрозы поглощения,
налогов (IFC) (mery, predprinimaemye kompaniej i
pozvoljajushhie izbezhat' ugrozy pogloshhenija,
695. Scope options Дополнительные альтернативы (UNTERM)
(Dopolnitel'nye al'ternativy)
696. Self-dealing Пользоваться имуществом и возможностями компании
в личных целях, заключение сделки в собственных
интересах (IFC) (Pol'zovat'sja imushhestvom i
vozmozhnostjami kompanii v lichnyh celjah, zakljuchenie
sdelki v sobstvennyh interesah)
697. Shareholder of record, stockholder of Лицо, указанное в учетных записях в качестве
record, holder of record, owner of зарегистрированного держателя ценных бумаг
record эмитента (IFC) (lico, ukazannoe v uchetnyh zapisjah v
kachestve zaregistrirovannogo derzhatelja
cennyh bumag jemitenta)
698. Staggered board of directors Постепенная смена состава совета директоров, совет
директоров, избираемый по частям (средство борьбы с
враждебным поглощением) (IFC) (postepennaja smena
sostava soveta direktorov, sovet direktorov, izbiraemyj po
chastjam (sredstvo bor'by s vrazhdebnym Pogloshheniem))
699. Statement of requirements Ведомость потребностей; (OECD-1) . Перечень
технических требований (UNTERM) (Vedomost'
potrebnostej; Perechen' tehnicheskih trebovanij)
700. Subcontracting Выдача субподрядов, заключение контрактов с
субподрядчиками (UNTERM) (Vydacha subpodrjadov,
zakljuchenie kontraktov s subpodrjadchikami)
701. Supermajority, qualified majority of Квалифицированное большинство голосов
Votes (usually ¾) (обычно ¾) (IFC) (Kvalificirovannoe bol'shinstvo golosov
(obychno ¾))
702. Support for technical services Оперативно-функциональное обслуживание
технических услуг (UNTERM) (Operativno-
funkcional'noe obsluzhivanie tehnicheskih uslug)
703. Swing space Подменный фонд (UNTERM) (Podmennyj fond)
704. Tag-along provisions Положения о совместной продаже акций в cлучае
продажи акций другими aкционерами на тех же
условиях (IFC) (Polozhenija o sovmestnoj prodazhe akcij
v Sluchae prodazhi akcij drugimi Akcionerami na teh zhe
705. Tag-along right Право акционера на продажу своих акций в cлучае
продажи акций другими акционерами на тех же
условиях (IFC) (Pravo akcionera na prodazhu svoih akcij
v Sluchae prodazhi akcij drugimi Akcionerami na teh zhe
706. Terms of reference Техническое задание (OECD-1) (Tehnicheskoe zadanie)
707. Treasury shares, treasury stock Акции выпущенные, а затем выкупленные компанией-
эмитентом (IFC) (Akcii vypushhennye, a zatem
vykuplennye kompaniej-jemitentom)

708. Umbrella project Всеобщий (общий) проект (UNTERM) (Vseobshhij
(obshhij) proekt)
709. Unqualified opinion Мнение без оговорок (аудит) (IFC) (Mnenie bez
ogovorok (audit))
710. Visitors' experience pavilion Программа обслуживания посетителей (UNTERM)
(Programma obsluzhivanija posetitelej)
711. Wet lease; wet lease arrangements; wet Система аренды имущества с техническим
lease system обслуживанием (UNTERM) (Sistema arendy
imushhestva s tehnicheskim obsluzhivaniem)
712. WAE contract,contract Оплата за фактически проработанное время
When-actually-employed (UNTERM)
Контракт на условиях оплаты за фактически
проработанное время ( (UNTERM) ) (Oplata za
fakticheski prorabotannoe vremja;
Kontrakt na uslovijah oplaty za fakticheski prorabotannoe
713. Whistleblower program Программа по «осведомлению» руководства (IFC)
(Programma po «osvedomleniju» rukovodstva)
714. Winding up (а company) Прекращение деятельности (компании), ликвидация
(компании) (IFC) (Prekrashhenie dejatel'nosti (kompanii),
Likvidacija (kompanii))
715. Zero-base budgeting Составление бюджета с нулевого уровня (UNTERM)
(Sostavlenie bjudzheta s nulevogo urovnja)
716. Acquisition secured creditor Обеспеченный кредитор, финансирующий
приобретение (UNCITRAL-1) (Obespechennyj kreditor,
finansirujushhij priobretenie)
717. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) Альтернативные методы разрешения споров (IFC)
(Al'ternativnye metody razreshenija sporov)

718. Anti-dilution Меры по предотвращению возможного размывания

пакета акций (IFC) (Mery po predotvrashheniju
vozmozhnogo Razmyvanija paketa akcij)
719. Anti-money laundry Борьба с отмыванием денег (IFC) (Bor'ba s otmyvaniem
720. Application controls Прикладные средства контроля (IFC) (Prikladnye
sredstva kontrolja)
721. Asset-backed securities Ценные бумаги, обеспеченные активами (IFC) (Cennye
bumagi, obespechennye aktivami)
722. Budget and finance section Секция бюджетно-финансового обслуживания
(UNTERM) (Sekcija bjudzhetno-finansovogo
723. Comparatives Сравнительные показатели (IFC) (Sravnitel'nye
724. Competency assessment Оценка профессиональных качеств (UN-1) (Ocenka
professional'nyh kachestv)
725. Career development system Система организации и планирования карьеры (IFC)
(sistema organizacii i planirovanija kar'ery)
726. Checks and balances Система «сдержек и противовесов» (IFC) (Sistema
«sderzhek i protivovesov»)
727. Core Value investors Инвесторы, которые вкладываются в крупные

компании, ориентируясь на ключевые коэффициенты
компании (IFC) (investory, kotorye vkladyvajutsja v
krupnye kompanii, orientirujas' na kljuchevye kojefficienty
728. Committee of Experts on Salary Комитет экспертов по пересмотру поправок к окладам,
Differentials, Cost of Living коррективов на стоимость жизни и надбавок на
Adjustments and Dependency иждивенцев (UNTERM) (Komitet jekspertov po
Allowances peresmotru popravok k okladam, korrektivov na stoimost'
zhizni i nadbavok na izhdivencev)
729. Control deficiency Недостаточность контрольных процедур (IFC)
(Nedostatochnost' kontrol'nyh procedur)
730. Control risk Риск системы контроля, риск недостаточности
контрольных процедур (IFC) (risk sistemy kontrolja, risk
nedostatochnosti kontrol'nyh procedur)
731. Control transaction Сделка по приобретению контроля (IFC) (Sdelka po
priobreteniju kontrolja)
732. Convertible bonds Облигации, конвертируемые в акции (IFC) (Obligacii,
konvertiruemye v akcii)
733. Competitor Конкурирующая компания (IFC) (Konkurirujushhaja
734. Competing claimant Конкурирующий заявитель требования (UNCITRAL-1)
(Konkurirujushhij zajavitel' trebovanija)
735. Confirmer Подтверждающее лицо (UNCITRAL-1)
(Podtverzhdajushhee lico)
736. Contracts Management Officer Сотрудник по контролю за использованием контрактов
(UNTERM) (Sotrudnik po kontrolju za ispol'zovaniem
737. Cost-effective Эффективный с точки зрения затрат (UNTERM)
(Jeffektivnyj s tochki zrenija zatrat)
738. Cross-shareholding Перекрестное участие в акционерном капитале (IFC)
(Perekrestnoe uchastie v akcionernom kapitale)
739. D&O insurance (directors and Страхование ответственности должностных лиц (IFC)
Officers liability insurance) (Strahovanie otvetstvennosti dolzhnostnyh Lic)

740. Deadlocks resolution Механизм разрешения «тупиковых» ситуаций (IFC)

(Mehanizm razreshenija «tupikovyh» situacij)
741. Debt-to-equity ratio, leverage Соотношение между собственными и заемными
средствами (IFC) (Sootnoshenie mezhdu sobstvennymi i
zaemnymi sredstvami)
742. Declare dividends Объявить о выплате дивидендов (IFC) (Ob"javit' o
vyplate dividendov)
743. Derivatives Производные ценные бумаги (IFC) (Proizvodnye cennye
744. Diffused ownership Раздробленность акцинерного капитала (IFC)
(Razdroblennost' akcinernogo kapitala)
745. Digital divide «Цифровая политика» (UN-1) («Cifrovaja politika»)
746. Dividend risk Риск неполучения дивидендов (IFC) (Risk
nepoluchenija dividendov)
747. EBITDA (earnings before Доходы до уплаты процентов, налогов, Износа и
Interest, tax, depreciation and амортизации (IFC) (Dohody do uplaty procentov,

amortization nalogov, Iznosa i amortizacii)
748. Enterprise Resource Planning Планирование общеорганизационных ресурсов
(UNTERM) (Planirovanie obshheorganizacionnyh
749. Financial Management Information Информационная система управления финансовой
System деятельностью (UNTERM) (Informacionnaja sistema
upravlenija finansovoj dejatel'nost'ju)
750. Fixed dividend Дивиденд с фиксированной ставкой (IFC) (Dividend s
fiksirovannoj stavkoj)
751. Funds Monitoring Tool Механизм контроля за средствами миссий (UNTERM)
(Mehanizm kontrolja za sredstvami missij)
Generally Accepted Risk Общепринятые принципы управления рисками (IFC)
752. Principles (GARP) (Obshheprinjatye principy upravlenija Riskami)

753. Global Competitiveness Конкурентоспособность на глобальном уровне (UN-1)

(Konkurentosposobnost' na global'nom urovne)
754. Human Resources Network Сеть по вопросам людских ресурсов (UNTERM) (Set'
po voprosam ljudskih resursov)
755. Internal controls Формы и методы внутреннего контроля (IFC) (Formy i
metody vnutrennego kontrolja)
756. Key item management reporting system Система отчетности в области управления по
основным направлениям деятельности (UNTERM)
(Sistema otchetnosti v oblasti upravlenija po osnovnym
napravlenijam dejatel'nosti)
757. Logical framework techniques; Методы построения логических рамок (UNTERM)
logframe (Metody postroenija logicheskih ramok)
758. Major equipment review Углубленный обзор основного имущества (UNTERM)
(Uglublennyj obzor osnovnogo imushhestva)
759. Management Ownership Committee Комитет участников по вопросам управления
(UNTERM) (Komitet uchastnikov po voprosam
upravlenija )
760. Management Policy Office Управление по вопросам политики в области
управления (UNTERM) (Upravlenie po voprosam politiki
v oblasti upravlenija)
761. Management reform Реформа государственного управления (UN-1)
(Reforma gosudarstvennogo upravlenija)
762. Management Review Group Группа по обзору вопросов управления (UNTERM)
(Gruppa po obzoru voprosov upravlenija)
763. Managerial support services Расходы по вспомогательному обслуживанию
(UNTERM) (Rashody po vspomogatel'nomu
764. Mandatory bid Обязательное предложение о покупке (IFC) (Rashody
po vspomogatel'nomu obsluzhivaniju)
765. Matériel management system; asset Система управления материальными средствами
management system (UNTERM) (Sistema upravlenija material'nymi
766. Monitoring, Evaluation and Consulting Отдел контроля, оценки и консультационных услуг
Division (UNTERM) (Otdel kontrolja, ocenki i konsul'tacionnyh
767. Netting agreement Соглашение о взаимозачёте (UNCITRAL-1)

(Soglashenie o vzaimozachjote)
768. Anti-takeover defense Меры защиты от поглощений (IFC) (Mery zashhity ot
769. One-tier board Одноуровневая структура совета директоров (IFC)
(Odnourovnevaja struktura soveta direktorov)
770. Pre-emptive right Преимущественное право приобретения (IFC)
(Preimushhestvennoe pravo priobretenija)
771. Pre-mandate commitment authority Принятие обязательств до утверждения мандата
(UNTERM) (Prinjatie objazatel'stv do utverzhdenija
772. Procurement lead time Время на заготовку материальных средств; время
реализации заказа (UNTERM) (Vremja na zagotovku
material'nyh sredstv; vremja realizacii zakaza)
773. Post adjustment Корректива по месту службы (UNTERM) (Korrektiva
po mestu sluzhby)
774. Project monitoring and evaluation Система контроля за выполнением проектов и их
system оценки (UNTERM) (Sistema kontrolja za vypolneniem
proektov i ih ocenki)
775. Qualified majority voting Голосование по принципу квалифицированного
большинства (IFC) (Golosovanie po principu
kvalificirovannogo bol'shinstva)
776. Regular resources Средства регулярного бюджета (UNTERM) (Sredstva
reguljarnogo bjudzheta)
777. Related party transaction Сделка с заинтересованностью (IFC) (sdelka s
778. Representations and warranties Заверения и гарантии сторон (IFC) (Zaverenija i garantii
779. Results-based management Система управления, ориентированная на достижение
конкретных результатов (UNTERM)
Управление, основанное на результатах(OECD-1)
(Sistema upravlenija, orientirovannaja na dostizhenie
konkretnyh rezul'tatov; Upravlenie, osnovannoe na
780. Results-oriented annual report Годовой доклад, отражающий результаты проведенной
работы (UNTERM) (Godovoj doklad, otrazhajushhij
rezul'taty provedennoj raboty)
781. Restricted information Информация ограниченного доступа (IFC) (Informacija
ogranichennogo dostupa)
782. Retention-of-title right Право на удержание правового титула (UNCITRAL-
1)(Pravo na uderzhanie pravovogo titula)
783. Risk tolerance Уровень терпимости к риску (IFC) (Uroven' terpimosti k
784. Risk-adjusted performance Оценка деятельности, скорректированная по степени
Measurement (RAPM) риска (IFC) (Ocenka dejatel'nosti, skorrektirovannaja po
stepeni riska)
785. Security risk Риск недостаточного обеспечения безопасности (IFC)
(Risk nedostatochnogo obespechenija
786. Self-sustainment standards; Нормы материально-технического самообеспечения
performance standards for self- (UNTERM) (Normy material'no-tehnicheskogo

sustainment samoobespechenija)
787. Senior Executive Service Категория старших руководящих сотрудников
(UNTERM) (Kategorija starshih rukovodjashhih
788. Share buyback Обратная покупка акций обществом (IFC) (Obratnaja
pokupka akcij obshhestvom)
789. Shareholding Policies Политика по участию в акционерном капитале,
политика по владению акциями (IFC) (Politika po
uchastiju v akcionernom Kapitale, politika po vladeniju
790. Shares lock-up Временное блокирование совершения акционерами
сделок с акциями (IFC) (Vremennoe blokirovanie
sovershenija Akcionerami sdelok s akcijami)
791. Special post allowance Специальная должностная надбавка; надбавка за
выполнение особых функций (UNTERM) (Special'naja
dolzhnostnaja nadbavka; nadbavka za vypolnenie osobyh
792. Special Voluntary Fund Специальный фронт добровольных взносов (UNTERM)
(Special'nyj front dobrovol'nyh vznosov)
793. Special Account for Travel Services Специальный счет расходов на обеспечение проезда
(UNTERM) (Special'nyj schet rashodov na obespechenie
794. T-bills (treasury bills) Краткосрочные казначейские облигации (IFC)
(Kratkosrochnye kaznachejskie obligacii)
795. Third-party cost-sharing Участие третьей стороны в покрытии расходов
(UNTERM) (Uchastie tret'ej storony v pokrytii rashodov)
796. Triple A approach Подход, основанный на "трех А" (UNTERM) (Podhod,
osnovannyj na "treh A")
797. Two-tier board Двухуровневая структура совета директоров (IFC)
(Dvuhurovnevaja struktura soveta direktorov)
798. Unquantifiable risks Риски, неподдающиеся количественному
Измерению (Riski, nepoddajushhiesja kolichestvennomu
799. Value at risk (VAR) Стоимость (сумма активов), подверженная риску (IFC)
(Stoimost' (summa aktivov), podverzhennaja risku)
800. Vision and direction Видение и направление развития (IFC) (Videnie i
napravlenie razvitija)
801. Voluntary Fund Фонд добровольных взносов (UNTERM) (Fond
dobrovol'nyh vznosov)
802. Work Force Planning Exercise Мероприятия по планированию штатного расписания
(UNTERM) (Meroprijatija po planirovaniju shtatnogo
803. Affiliate Аффилиированная компания(IFC) (Affiliirovannaja
804. Associate Ассоциированная компания(IFC) (Associirovannaja
805. Inventory Инвентарные запасы (UNCITRAL-1) (Inventarnye
806. Monitor Проводить мониторинг(IFC) (Provodit' monitoring)

Descriptive Translation and Another Equivalent. Descriptive Translation Accompanied by a Term
Created by Means of Calque

English term Russian term

AAA rating (according to Standard Высший рейтинг, рейтинг AAA (по
807. and Poor’s) Классификации агентства Standard and
Poor’s) (Vysshij rejting, rejting AAA (po
Klassifikacii agentstva Standard and
808. audited financial statements проверенная аудитором финансовая отчетность,
аудированная финансовая отчетность (IFC)
(proverennaja auditorom finansovaja otchetnost',
audirovannaja finansovaja otchetnost')
809. Business judgment rule Правило бизнес суждения, правило
добросовестности директоров при принятии
решений (IFC) (Pravilo biznes suzhdenija, pravilo
dobrosovestnosti direktorov pri prinjatii reshenij)
810. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Первый руководитель, высшее должностное лицо
(IFC) (pervyj rukovoditel', vysshee dolzhnostnoe lico)
811. Concentrated ownership Концентрация собственности,
концентрация активов компании в руках
одного или небольшой группы акционеров (IFC)
(Koncentracija sobstvennosti, Koncentracija aktivov
kompanii v rukah odnogo ili nebol'shoj gruppy
812. Condemnation of equipment Перевод оборудования в категорию непригодного;
списание оборудования (UNTERM) (Perevod
oborudovanija v kategoriju neprigodnogo; spisanie
813. Cost of capital Стоимость капитала, затраты на привлечение
капитала (IFC) (Stoimost' kapitala, zatraty na
Privlechenie kapitala)
814. Disclaimer clause (in contract) Статья договора, предусматривающая отказ
от его условий, защитительная оговорка (IFC) (stat'ja
dogovora, predusmatrivajushhaja otkaz ot ego uslovij,
zashhititel'naja ogovorka)
815. Family meeting Семейное собрание, неформальное
собрание семейной компанииь(IFC) (semejnoe
sobranie, neformal'noe sobranie semejnoj kompanii)
816. Forgery Подделка документов, подлог (IFC) (Poddelka
dokumentov, podlog)
817. Go public (a company) Стать публичной (о компании), войти в листинг
фондовой биржи (IFC) (Stat' publichnoj
(o kompanii), vojti v listing fondovoj birzhi )
818. Hostile action/forced abandonment Коэффициент учета враждебных действий или
factor; hostile action/abandonment (вынужденного) оставления (имущества); фактор
factor враждебного действия/ вынужденного оставления
(UNTERM) (Kojefficient ucheta vrazhdebnyh dejstvij
ili (vynuzhdennogo) ostavlenija (imushhestva); faktor

vrazhdebnogo dejstvija/ vynuzhdennogo ostavlenija)
819. Hot line Линия оповещения, «горячая линия» (IFC) (Linija
opoveshhenija, «gorjachaja linija»)
820. Implementing agency Организация, осуществляющая проект (UNTERM)
(Organizacija, osushhestvljajushhaja proekt)
821. Level playing field Равные условия для конкуренции, «единое
Игровое поле» (IFC) (Ravnye uslovija dlja konkurencii,
«edinoe Igrovoe pole»)
822. Market risk Рыночный риск, риск изменения цен на рынке (IFC)
(rynochnyj risk, risk izmenenija cen na rynke)
823. Mortgage-backed securities Ценные бумаги, обеспеченные ипотекой, ипотечные
ценные бумаги (IFC) (Cennye bumagi, obespechennye
ipotekoj, Ipotechnye cennye bumagi)
824. Non-performing loan Нестандартный кредит,
непроизводительный кредит (кредит, по которому не
выполняются условия первоначального соглашения)
(IFC) (nestandartnyj kredit, neproizvoditel'nyj kredit
(kredit, po kotoromu ne vypolnjajutsja uslovija
pervonachal'nogo soglashenija))
825. Nullify, invalidate (a transaction) Объявить недействительной, аннулировать,
отменить (сделку, операцию) (ob"javit'
nedejstvitel'noj, annulirovat', otmenit' (sdelku,
operaciju)) (IFC)
826. Return on assets (ROA) Доход на активы, рентабельность активов (IFC)
(Dohod na aktivy, rentabel'nost' aktivov)
827. Return on equity (ROE) Доход от акций, рентабельность
Собственного капитала (IFC) (Dohod ot akcij,
rentabel'nost' Sobstvennogo kapitala)
828. Return on investment (ROI) Доходность инвестиции, доход на
вложенный (инвестированный) капитал (IFC)
(dohodnost' investicii, dohod na vlozhennyj
(investirovannyj) kapital)
829. Term of office Срок службы, срок пребывания в должности (IFC)
(Srok sluzhby, srok prebyvanija v dolzhnosti)
830. Window-dressing Приукрашивание истинного положения дел,
«декорирование витрин» (IFC) (Priukrashivanie
istinnogo polozhenija del, «dekorirovanie vitrin»)
831. Risk appetite Сумма риска, который компания желает Принять,
риск-аппетит (IFC) (Summa riska, kotoryj kompanija
zhelaet Prinjat', risk-appetit)

Descriptive Translation and Another Equivalent. Descriptive Translation Accompanied by a Term

Created by Means of Direct Loan

English term Russian term

832. Authorization Предоставление полномочий, выдача разрешения,
авторизация (IFC) (Predostavlenie polnomochij, vydacha
razreshenija, avtorizacija)

833. Benchmarking Анализ на основе эталонных показателей, (analiz na
osnove etalonnih pokazateley), Сопоставление с
эталонными значениями (UN-1) (Analiz na osnove
jetalonnyh pokazatelej, (analiz na osnove etalonnih
pokazateley), Sopostavlenie s jetalonnymi znachenijami)
834. Custodian Кастодиан, лицо, наделенное ответственностью за
доверительное владение (IFC) (Kastodian, lico,
nadelennoe otvetstvennost'ju za doveritel'noe vladenie)
835. Due diligence Дью дилидженс, всесторонний анализ
достоверности предоставляемой
информации (ifc) (d'ju dilidzhens, vsestoronnij analiz
dostovernosti predostavljaemoj Informacii )
836. Greenmail Корпоративный шантаж, гринмейл (IFC) (Korporativnyj
shantazh, grinmejl)
837. Listed (shares) Включенные в листинг или котирующиеся
на фондовой бирже (акции) (IFC) (vkljuchennye v listing
ili kotirujushhiesja na fondovoj birzhe (akcii))
838. Listed company Листинговая компания; компания, акции которой
зарегистрированы на фондовой бирже; компания,
включенная в листинг фондовой биржи (IFC)
(Listingovaja kompanija; kompanija, akcii kotoroj
zaregistrirovany na fondovoj birzhe; kompanija,
vkljuchennaja v listing fondovoj birzhi)
839. Stakeholder (Заинтересованное лицо, стейкхоулдер (IFC),
заинтересованная сторона(OECD-1) (Zainteresovannoe
lico, stejkhoulder, zainteresovannaja storona)

Examples exluded from the classification

840. Arab International Accounting Международная конференция арабских стран по

Conference вопросам учета (UNTERM) (Mezhdunarodnaja
konferencija arabskih stran po voprosam ucheta)
841. Basil Framework for Internal Рамочное руководство Базельского
Control Systems in Banking Комитета по системе внутреннего контроля
Organizations , 1998 Для банковских организаций, (UNTERM) 1998 г.
(Ramochnoe rukovodstvo Bazel'skogo
Komiteta po sisteme vnutrennego kontrolja
Dlja bankovskih organizacij, 1998 g.)
842. Calpres Global Corporate Глобальные принципы корпоративного
Governance Priciples Управления Калифорнийского пенсионного фонда
(Принципы calpres) (IFC) [(Global'nye principy
korporativnogo Upravlenija Kalifornijskogo pensionnogo
fonda (Principy calpres))]
843. Cardon Report, Brussels Stock Отчет Кардона, Брюссельская фондовая
Exchange ( (UNTERM) 998) Биржа (1998 г.) (IFC) (Otchet Kardona, Brjussel'skaja
fondovaja Birzha (1998 g.))
844. Code of Best Practice, Cadbury Кодекс наилучшей практики, Комитет Kэдбери (1992
Committee (1992) г.) (IFC) (Kodeks nailuchshej praktiki, Komitet Kjedberi

(1992 g.))

845. Companies Act (UK) Закон о компаниях (Великобритания) (IFC) (Zakon

o kompanijah (Velikobritanija))
846. Combined Code on Corporate Объединенный кодекс корпоративного
Governance (Great Britain, 2003) Управления, Великобритания (2003) (IFC)
(Ob"edinennyj kodeks korporativnogo Upravlenija,
Velikobritanija (2003))
847. Corporate Governance Code of the Кодекс корпоративного управления Совета по
Financial Reporting Council, 2003 финансовой отчетности, 2003 г. (IFC)
(UK Combined Code on Corporate (Объединенный Кодекс, Великобритания) (Kodeks
Governance) korporativnogo upravlenija Soveta Po finansovoj
otchetnosti, 2003 g. (Ob"edinennyj Kodeks,
848. Contingent-owned equipment Принадлежащее контингенту снаряжение (UNTERM)
(Prinadlezhashhee kontingentu snarjazhenie)
849. Counterfactual Контрафакт(OECD-1) (Kontrafakt)
850. COE negociations; MOU Переговоры о принадлежащем контингентам
negociations снаряжении (имуществе) (UNTERM) (Peregovory o
prinadlezhashhem kontingentam snarjazhenii
851. Commitment gap Необеспеченность выполнения поставленной боевой
задачи личным составом (UNTERM)
(Neobespechennost' vypolnenija postavlennoj boevoj
zadachi lichnym sostavom)
852. Contingency allocations Ассигнования на непредвиденные расходы (UNTERM)
(Assignovanija na nepredvidennye rashody)
853. Contingency reserve Резерв на непредвиденные расходы (UNTERM)
(Rezerv na nepredvidennye rashody)
854. Economy Экономия(OECD-1) (Jekonomija)
855. Effect Эффект(OECD-1) (Jeffekt)
856. Field Mission Logistics System Система материально-технического обеспечения
миссий на местах (UNTERM) (Sistema material'no-
tehnicheskogo obespechenija missij na mestah)
857. Fifth Committee; Administrative Пятый комитет; Комитет по административно-
and Budgetary Committee бюджетным вопросам (UNTERM) (Pjatyj komitet;
Komitet po administrativno-bjudzhetnym voprosam)
858. Financial distress Бедственное финансовое положение (IFC)
(Bedstvennoe finansovoe polozhenie)
859. Goal Цель(OECD-1) (Cel')
860. Gratis Military Officer Военный сотрудник, прикомандированный на
безвозмездной основе (UNTERM) (Voennyj sotrudnik,
prikomandirovannyj na bezvozmezdnoj osnove)
861. IFC Central Asia Corporate Проект IFC по корпоративному управлению в
Governance Project (CACGP) Центральной Азии (IFC) (Proekt IFC po
korporativnomu upravleniju v Central'noj Azii)
862. IFC Corporate Governance Pilot Пилотная программа IFC по корпоративному
Program управлению (IFC) (Pilotnaja programma IFC po
korporativnomu upravleniju)

863. IFC Private Enterprise Partnership Консультативная программа IFC в Восточной Европе
(PEP) и Центральной Азии (IFC) (Konsul'tativnaja programma
IFC v Vostochnoj Evrope i Central'noj Azii)
864. Indicator Индикатор (OECD-1) (Indikator)
865. Interregional Fund for Programme Межрегиональный фонд для подготовки, пропаганды
Preparation, Promotion and и оценки программ (UNTERM) (Mezhregional'nyj fond
Evaluation dlja podgotovki, propagandy i ocenki programm)
866. Inter-Agency Procurement Межучрежденческая рабочая группа по снабжению
Working Group (UNTERM) (Mezhuchrezhdencheskaja rabochaja gruppa
po snabzheniju)
867. Invitation to bid; invitation for bid; Заявка на подряд; офферта (UNTERM) (Zajavka na
bid notice; tender notice podrjad; offerta)
868. LIBOR (London Inter-Bank Лондонская межбанковская ставка предложения (IFC)
Offered Rate) (Londonskaja mezhbankovskaja stavka Predlozhenija)

869. Local Claims Review Board Комиссия по рассмотрению претензий на местах

(UNTERM) (Komissija po rassmotreniju pretenzij na
870. Local Committee on Contracts Местный комитет по контрактам (UNTERM) (Mestnyj
komitet po kontraktam)
871. London Stock Exchange (LSE) Лондонская фондовая биржа (IFC) (Londonskaja
fondovaja birzha)
872. Measures, analyses and criteria Меры, анализы и критерии(OECD-1) (Mery, analizy i
873. Mechanical, electrical, plumbing Механическая, электрическая, санитарно-техническая
infrastructure инфраструктура и подвальные помещения (UNTERM)
(Mehanicheskaja, jelektricheskaja, sanitarno-tehnicheskaja
infrastruktura i podval'nye pomeshhenija)
874. Mine-clearance monitor; quality Сотрудник по контролю качества разминирования
assurance monitor; monitor (UNTERM) (Sotrudnik po kontrolju kachestva
875. Mission Succession Planning Программа обеспечения преемственности в миссиях
Programme (UNTERM) (Programma obespechenija preemstvennosti
v missijah)
876. National Association of Securities Национальная ассоциация дилеров по
Dealers (NASD) Ценным бумагам (НАСД) (IFC)
877. New York Stock Exchange Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа (NYSE) (IFC) (nju-
(NYSE) yorkskaya fondovaya birzha)
878. Noblemaire Principle Принцин ноблмэра (IFC) (UNTERM)
879. (OECD-1) Principles of Corporate Принципы корпоративного управления
Governance, 2004 ОЭСР (Организации Экономического
Сотрудничества и Развития), 2004 г. (IFC) (principi
korporativnogo upravleniya OESR (organizatziya
ekonomicheskogo sotrudnichestva y razvitiya))
880. Open-Ended Working Group on Рабочая группа открытого состава по пересмотру
the Revision of WFP's General and Общих положений и Финансовых положений МПП
Financial Regulations (UNTERM) (Rabochaja gruppa otkrytogo sostava po
peresmotru Obshhih polozhenij i Finansovyh polozhenij
881. Phase II (III,IV,V) Working Group Рабочая группа по этапу II (III, IV, V) вопроса о

on Reimbursement of Contingent- выплате компенсации за принадлежащее контингентам
Owned Equipment имущество (UNTERM) (Rabochaja gruppa po jetapu II
(III, IV, V) voprosa o vyplate kompensacii za
prinadlezhashhee kontingentam imushhestvo)
882. Peacekeeping Reserve Fund Резервный фонд для операций по поддержанию мира
(UNTERM) (Rezervnyj fond dlja operacij po
podderzhaniju mira)
883. Recommendations Рекомендации(OECD-1) (Rekomendacii)
884. Partners Партнёры (IFC) (Partnjory)
885. Results Результаты(OECD-1) (Rezul'taty)
886. Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002 (USA) Акт Сарбэйнса-Оксли, 2002 г. (США) (IFC) (Akt
Sarbjejnsa-Oksli, 2002 g. (SShA))
887. Sir Adrian Cadbury’s Комитет под председательством Сэра
Committee Эдриана Кэдбери (IFC) (Komitet pod predsedatel'stvom
Sjera Jedriana Kjedberi)
888. Special Account for Information Специальный счет расходов на информационно-
Technology and телекоммуникационное обслуживание в Центральных
Telecommunications Services учреждениях (UNTERM) (Special'nyj schet rashodov na
Costs at Headquarters informacionno-telekommunikacionnoe obsluzhivanie v
Central'nyh uchrezhdenijah)
889. Special Account for the Plan of Специальный счет для Плана действий по борьбе с
Action to Combat Desertification опустыниванием (UNTERM) (Special'nyj schet dlja
Plana dejstvij po bor'be s opustynivaniem)
890. Special Account for the United Специальный счет для Временных сил Организации
Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Объединенных Наций в ливане (UNTERM)
(Special'nyj schet dlja Vremennyh sil Organizacii
Ob"edinennyh Nacij v livane)
891. Special Account for the United Специальный счет для Группы наблюдателей
Nations Observer Group in Central Организации Объединенных Наций в Центральной
America америке (UNTERM) (Special'nyj schet dlja Gruppy
nabljudatelej Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij v
Central'noj amerike)
892. Steering Committee for the Руководящий комитет по модернизации библиотек
Modernization and Integrated ООН и комплексному управлению ими (UNTERM)
Management of United Nations (Rukovodjashhij komitet po modernizacii bibliotek OON i
Libraries kompleksnomu upravleniju imi)
893. Sub-Group on Common Premises Группа по Проекту по общим помещениям и услугам
and Services Project ОКГП (UNTERM) (Gruppa po Proektu po obshhim
pomeshhenijam i uslugam OKGP)
894. Temporary Executive Committee Времменая рабочая группа по программным,
Working Group on Programme, бюджетным, административным и организационным
Budgetary, Administrative and вопросам (UNTERM) (Vremmenaja rabochaja gruppa po
Organizational programmnym, bjudzhetnym, administrativnym i
organizacionnym voprosam)
895. The Financial Executives Institute Институт финансовых исполнительных директоров
(IFC) (Institut finansovyh ispolnitel'nyh
896. The Institute of Management Институт управленческих бухгалтеров (IFC) (Institut
Accountants upravlencheskih buhgalterov)
897. The (OECD-1) Steering Group on Руководящая группа ОЭСР по корпоративному

Corporate Governance управлению (IFC) (Rukovodjashhaja gruppa OJeSR po
Korporativnomu upravleniju)
898. Trust Fund for Interest on the Целевой фонд для процентов по взносам на
Contribution to the United Nations Специальный счет Организации Объединенных наций
Special Account (UNTERM) (Celevoj fond dlja procentov po vznosam na
Special'nyj schet Organizacii Ob"edinennyh nacij)
899. Post-phase V working group Рабочая группа по рассмотрению вопросов после этапа
V (UNTERM) (Rabochaja gruppa po rassmotreniju
voprosov posle jetapa V)
900. Programme Fund for the Фонд по программам для достижения целей 90-х годов
(UNTERM) 990s Goals (UNTERM) (Fond po programmam dlja dostizhenija celej
90-h godov)
901. Under-Five Mortality Reduction Резервный фонд для сокращения смертности детей в
Reserve; U5MR Reserve возрасте до пяти лет (UNTERM) (Rezervnyj fond dlja
sokrashhenija smertnosti detej v vozraste do pjati let)
902. United Nations Common Coding Общая система кодирования Организации
System Объединенных наций (UNTERM) (Obshhaja sistema
kodirovanija Organizacii Ob"edinennyh nacij)
903. United Nations Common Supplier Единая база данных Организации Объединенных
Database Наций о поставщиках (UNTERM) (Edinaja baza dannyh
Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij o postavshhikah)
904. United Nations daily allowance for Суточное денежное довольствие для войск
troops; daily allowance to troops Организации Объединенных Наций; суточное
денежное довольствие (для войск) (UNTERM)
(Sutochnoe denezhnoe dovol'stvie dlja vojsk Organizacii
Ob"edinennyh Nacij; sutochnoe denezhnoe dovol'stvie
(dlja vojsk))
905. United Nations Development Счет развития (UNTERM) (Schet razvitija)
Account; Development Account
906. United Nations Foundation, Inc. "Юнайтед нейшнз фаундейшн, инк." (Фонд содействия
Организации Объединенных Наций) (UNTERM)
("Junajted nejshnz faundejshn, ink." (Fond sodejstvija
Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij)
907. United Nations Fund for Фонд Организации Объединенных Наций для
International Partnerships международного партнерства (UNTERM) (Fond
Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij dlja mezhdunarodnogo
908. United Nations International Целевой фонд Организации Объединенных Наций для
Partnership Trust Fund международного партнерства (UNTERM) (Celevoj
fond Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij dlja
mezhdunarodnogo partnerstva)
909. United Nations International Международная краткосрочная консультативная
Short-term Advisory Resources служба Организации Объединенных наций (UNTERM)
(Mezhdunarodnaja kratkosrochnaja konsul'tativnaja
sluzhba Organizacii Ob"edinennyh nacij)
910. United Nations Plan План Организации Объединенных наций (UNTERM)
(Plan Organizacii Ob"edinennyh nacij)
911. Voluntary Fund for the United Фонд добровольных взносов для Декады женщины
Nations Decade for Women Организации Объединенных наций (UNTERM) (Fond
dobrovol'nyh vznosov dlja Dekady zhenshhiny

Organizacii Ob"edinennyh nacij)
912. Working Group on the Financing Рабочая группа по вопросу финансирования
of the United Nations Relief and Ближневосточного агентства Организации
Works Agency for Palestine Объединенных Наций для помощи палестинским
Refugees in the Near East беженцам и организации работ (UNTERM) (Rabochaja
gruppa po voprosu finansirovanija Blizhnevostochnogo
agentstva Organizacii Ob"edinennyh Nacij dlja pomoshhi
palestinskim bezhencam i organizacii rabot)
913. Working Group on Accounting Рабочая группа по стандартам учета (UNTERM)
Standards (Rabochaja gruppa po standartam ucheta)
914. Working Party on the Medium- Рабочая группа по среднесрочному плану и бюджету
term Plan and the Programme по программам (UNTERM) (Rabochaja gruppa po
Budget srednesrochnomu planu i bjudzhetu po programmam)
915. Workshop on Accounting Практикум по стандартам учета в арабских странах
Standards in the Arab Countries (UNTERM) (Praktikum po standartam ucheta v arabskih

The analysis of a term excluded from classification (most of them are created using Calque)

Contingent-owned equipment

It is a major logistical operation to ensure troops and police units arrive in peacekeeping missions with their
own equipment, ready to operate in challenging conditions.

The Contingent Owned Equipment (COE) system was adopted by the United Nations to simplify the means by
which countries are reimbursed for providing equipment, personnel and self-sustainment support services to
formed military or police contingents in peacekeeping missions (UN Organization).

Calque and DT
Принадлежащее контингенту снаряжение (UNTERM)
Prinadlezhaschee kontingentu snaryazhenie
L.t.: equipment owned by contingent
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
Принадлежащее контингенту снаряжение
Prinadlezhaschee kontingentu snaryazhenie
L.t.: equipment owned by contingent

The analysis of a term with DT as a recommented translation (initially borrowed by means of another
translation method)

Put option (figurative meaning)

An option contract giving the owner the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specified amount of an
underlying security at a specified price within a specified time. This is the opposite of a call option, which
gives the holder the right to buy shares (Investopedia).

1. Direct Loan (with assimilation)

Опцион «пут» (соглашение, дающее право продать финансовый инструмент по
оговоренной цене и в определенный срок)
Opcion “put” (soglashenie, daush’ee pravo prodat’ finansoviy instrument po ogovorennoy tzene
i v opredelenniy srok)
L.t.: option “put” (transcription) (an agreement giving the right to sell a financial instrument for
a price having been agreed upon and within a certain term)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.; N.c.: 8 doc.
Срок истечения опциона «пут» - декабрь 2007 года, и, по мнению аналитика Альфа-банка
Виталия Купеева, Access Industries воспользуются им,
так как текущий курс акций «Комстара» более чем на 50% превышает цену, указанную в
опционном соглашении (Александра Крекнина. «Комстар» хочет расти быстрее // РБК
Daily, 2007.11.30).
Выкуп акций у миноритарных акционеров «Комстара» и опционы «пут» могут обойтись
МТС в 850 млн долл. (Антон Бурсак. Запасливый МТС // РБК Daily, 2010.06.30).
L.t.: option put (transcription)
2. Calque (based on Direct Loan) and DT
бирж. Опцион продавца (на продажу, "пут") (контракт, дающий покупателю право (но не
обязанность) продать соответствующий финансовый инструмент по оговоренной цене в
течение определенного времени в обмен на уплату премии; покупаются инвесторами,
которые верят в снижение цен инструментов в основе опционов) Academic))
Opcion prodavtza (na prodazhu, put) ( a cooment)
Exchange. Seller’s option (for selling, “put”) (a contract giving to a buyer the right (but not an
obligation) to sell a corresponding financial instrument on a stipulated price during a certain
time in exchange for the payment of a bonus; are bought by the investors, who believe in
lowering the prices for the instruments as a base of the options).
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Pure DT
Опционное соглашение о продаже/на продажу (Ruscorpora)
Opcionnoe soglashenije o prodazhe/na prodazhu
L.t.: an option agreement about/for sale
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
Кроме того,
«Система» заключила опционное соглашение о продаже (put option) на 51% акций Shya
m Telelink Ltd. по цене не ниже, чем цена покупки, которое может бытьисполнено в течен
ие года со дня покупки 10% акций Shyam Telelink Ltd (Антон Бурсак. Право на выход //
РБК Daily, 2007.10.24).
4. Calque + direct loan
Бирж. пут-опцион (Academic) (see the abovementioned comment)

L.t.: (exchange) put-option
Ruscorpora: 1 match for PUT OPTION DEED
В рамках сделки он заключил с покупателями пакета соглашение о так называемом пут-
опционе (put option deed) (Анастасия Мишанина. Зюзин продал 1,9% акций «Мечел» в
рамках частной сделки // РБК Дейли, 2012.07.17).
5. Direct loan (short form)
бирж. пут (see the abovementioned comment)
Transcription of 1 term component
L.t.: exchange. put
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Опционное соглашение о продаже
Optzionnoe soglashenije o prodazhe
L.t.: an option agreement for sale

Appendix 2. Classification and Analysis of Descriptive Terms
1. Amicably
Amicable: having or marked by agreement in feeling or action <the contract negotiations between the hotel
workers and management were reasonably amicable> (Merriam-Webster).

1. Pure DT
По взаимному согласию (IFC)
Po vzaimnomu soglasiju
L.t.: on mutual agreement
M.c.: 3 doc.; N.c.: 92 doc.
Компетентные органы Договаривающихся Государств принимают по взаимному согласию
решения о том, как реализовать предусмотренные настоящим Соглашением
нормы, касающиеся удержания налогов у источника (Договор о налогообложении (1999).
L.t.: take decisions under a mutual agreement
2. Pure DT
Путем переговоров (IFC)
Putyom peregovorov
L.t.: by means of negotiations
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 12 doc., N.c.: 144 doc.
Все споры, возникающие между сторонами, решаются путём переговоров. (Договор о доступе в
интернет (2003). Ruscorpora)
L.t.: all the disputes arising between the parties are solved by means of negotiations
3. Pure DT (general use)
Мирным путём (Lingvo Law)
Mirnym putjom
L.t.: in a peaceful way
Ruscorpora (general use): N.c.: 385 doc., M.c.: 5 doc.
«Оппозиционные политические организации хотели бы решать проблемы мирным путем. (Матв
ей Свичеревский. «Другая Россия» призывает создать Фронт Национального спасения // Новый
регион 2, 2011.02.24)
4. Pure DT (general use)
Дружеским образом (Lingvo Law)
Druzheskim obrazom
L.t.: in a friendly way
Ruscorpora: 0 mathes
General use
5. Direct equivalent (general use)
Дружески; дружественно; дружелюбно (Lingvo Universal)
Druzheski; druzhestvenno; druzheljubno
L.t: in a friendly way, in a friendly manner
Pure DT
путём переговоров
putjom peregovorov (L.t.: by means of negotiations)
Pure DT (general use)

Мирным путём (Lingvo Law)
Mirnym putjom
L.t.: in a peaceful way

2. Bearer form
bearer bond: a fully negotiable bond payable to its bearer (Merriam-Webster, 1996).
bearer security = bearer bond
A security for which proof of ownership is possession of the security certificate; this enables such bonds to be
transferred from one person to another without registration. No register of ownership is kept by the
company in whose name it is issued (Academic).
A security not registered in the
issuing corporation's books but that is payable to its bearer (the person possessingit) (Academic).

1. Pure DT
На предъявителя (ценная бумага) (IFC)
Na pred"javitelja (cennaja bumaga)
L. t.: For the holder/bearer
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 60 doc.; N.c.: 75 doc.
Российская Федерация, субъекты РФ и муниципальные образования могут осуществлять
эмиссию различных видов ценных бумаг: а) в форме облигаций и иных ценных бумаг;
б)кратко-, средне- и долгосрочные; в) именные и на предъявителя;…((Статистическое
исследование рынков долговых и производных ценных бумаг (2004) // «Вопросы статистики»,
L.t.: personal and to (its) holder
2. Calque (Construction with preposition)
Форма на предъявителя (форма ценных бумаг, при которой доказательством права
собственности на ценную бумагу является обладание ее сертификатом) (Academic)
Forma na pred"javitelja (forma cennyh bumag, pri kotoroj dokazatel'stvom prava sobstvennosti na
cennuju bumagu javljaetsja obladanie ee sertifikatom)
L.t.: the form to (its) bearer (presenter) (a form of securities under which the ownership right
justification on the security is the holding of a certificate)
M.c.: 1 doc.
…первые облигации ЗАО «Стройметресурс» ―
крупнейшего застройщика Подмосковья на сумму 30 млн рублей будут размещаться на
внебиржевом рынке и в бумажной форме на предъявителя (Юлия Ефимова. Облигация
векселю не помеха (2002) // «Финансовая Россия», 2002.09.19).
L.t.: in a paper form to (its) presenter
3. Calque (Pure Calque)
Предъявительская форма (Academic)
Pred"javitel'skaja forma
L.t.: the presenter´s (bearer´s) form
Ruscorpora: 0 examples
Ценная бумага на предъявителя
Cennaja bumaga na pred"javitelja
A security for the bearer

3. By-laws
A rule adopted by an organization chiefly for the government of its members and the regulation of its affairs
By-laws are internal documents, a set of rules that enables each organization to conduct its affairs (Srinivas,
2014); the bylaws of a corporation contain the rules and procedures that govern the rights and powers of
shareholders, directors, and officers (All Business).
The official rules and regulations which govern a corporation's management (InvestorWords); bylaws are the
rules of a corporation, established by the board of directors during the process of starting a corporation

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Внутренние документы, правила и положения (компании) (IFC)
Vnutrennie dokumenty, pravila i polozhenija (kompanii)
L.t.: internal documents, rules and provisions (of a company)
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
2. Pure DT
Внутренние документы (компании) (Ruscorpora)
Vnutrennie dokumenty (kompanii)
L.t.: internal documents (of a company)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 6 doc., M.c.: 1 doc.
… на основе российских аналогов формируются учетная политика, отвечающая требованиям
МСФО, которая войдет в комплект финансовой отчетности, и рабочий план счетов (если это
необходимо), который является внутренним документом компании (Трансформация
российской отчетности в отчетность, составленную в соответствии с МСФО (2004) //
«Бухгалтерский учёт», 2004.12.06).
L.t.: an internal document of a company
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Внутренние документы общества (Ruscorpora)
Vnutrennie dokumenty obshhestva
L.t.: internal documents of society
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 23 documents., N.c.: 89 doc.,
Кстати, собрание обновило ряд внутренних документов акционерного общества, в том
числе его устав (Юрий Николаев. Буря в кузове КамАЗа. На предприятии обещают
реструктуризацию без сокращений (2002) // «Известия», 2002.06.30).
L.t.: a number of internal documents of a joint-stock company

документы, подтверждающие права общества на имущество, находящееся на его балансе;

внутренние документы общества; положение о филиале или представительстве общества;
(Федеральный закон «Об акционерных обществах» (1995) // , 2004).
L.t.: internal documents of a society
5. Pure DT (law term)
Постановление органа местной власти (Lingvo)
Postanovlenie organa mestnoj vlasti
L.t.: the order of a local authority
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Так, по требованию прокуратуры Челябинской области отменено постановление представите
льного органа местной власти
Октябрьского района об утверждении положения о налоге на рекламу <…> (Итоговый выпуск
(вечерний) – 16.02.06 18:35 – Челябинск // Новый регион 2, 2006.02.17).

6. Pure DT
Подзаконный акт (Lingvo)
Podzakonnyj akt
L.t.: subordinate legislation act
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 98 doc.
С вводом в действие Федерального закона «Отехническом регулировании» и других подзакон
ных актов обозначился системный подход и проблемам обеспечениябезопасности (промышле
нной, экологической) (Создание системы безопасной эксплуатации газопромыслового
оборудования (2004) // «Газовая промышленность», 2004.10.25).
7. Pure DT
Правила внутреннего распорядка (корпорации, общества) (Lingvo Economics)
Pravila vnutrennego rasporjadka (korporacii, obshhestva)
L.t.: the rules of internal order (of a corporation, a society)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 18 doc. (2000-…)
8. Additional or irrelevant components
Копия устава и/или нормативных документов, регулирующих деятельность организации
(UN ESC -1)
Kopija ustava i/ili normativnyh dokumentov, regulirujushhih dejatel'nost' organizacii
L.t.: a copy of a charter and/or normative documents regulating the activity of an organization)
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
7. Additional or irrelevant components
Копии документов, где расписаны права и обязанности (Ruscorpora)
Kopii dokumentov, gde raspisany prava i objazannosti
L.t.: Copies of the documents where the rights and obligations are described
Ruscorpora: 1 doc.
<…> согласно соглашению, банк обязан подтвердить получение копий документов, где
расписаны права и обязанности члена Visa, и инструкции для пользователей ее услугами –
By-Laws and Operating regulation of owner (Ruscorpora) (Светлана Барсукова. Visa пожалеет,
что стала первой? // РБК Daily, 2004.08.05)
Lit: according to the agreement the bank should confirm that the copies of the documents, describing
the rights and obligations of Visa members and instructions for the service users, were received
8. Direct equivalent
Положения (IFC-RCGP)
L.t.: Provisions
A comment: “положение” has another meaning: “position”, which complicates the search of
company has developed and follows by-laws regulating the activities and working procedures of the
corporate bodies… (IFC-RCGP). В обществе приняты положения, регулирующие деятельность
и порядок работы корпоративных органов … (IFC- RCGP (Russian) )
9. Direct equivalent
Устав (организации) (Lingvo)
Ustav (organizacii)
L.t.: a charter

Examples: Ruscorpora: M.c.: 329 doc.
N.c.: 3 601 doc.
Это право выбора образовательного учреждения, которое прописано в уставе (Ольга
Крыльцова. Тюменские выпускники предпочитают ЕГЭ по обществознанию, физике,
биологии // Комсомольская правда, 2011.05.13).
10. Pure DT
Уставные нормы (Lingvo Economics)
Ustavnye normy
L.t.: charter standards
Ruscorpora: N.c. 9 doc.
За неисполнение уставных норм лиги исключены «Кавказтрансгаз» (Изобильный),
«Жемчужина» (Буденновск) и «Балтика-Тарко» (Калининград) (Второй дивизион выходит на
поле без элистинского «Уралана» // Советский спорт, 2005.03.23).
Внутренние документы (компании)
Vnutrennie dokumenty (kompanii)
L.t.: internal documents (of a company)

4. Cost data format; format for the cost data; cost format
Standardized tables sent to Member States for them to provide data on the changes in cost (purchase,
maintenance, POL, etc.) of contingent-owned equipment, changes that will be taken into account in revised
reimbursement rates (UNTERM Organization).

1. Pure DT
Нормативы эксплуатации и ставок возмещения (UNTERM)
Normativy jekspluatacii i stavok vozmeshhenija
L.t.: standards of maintenance and reimbursement rates
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
Их внутренний норматив эксплуатации при этом сокращался с 4 до 3,5 лет (Алексей
Виноградов. «Газели» будут бегать три года // РБК Daily, 2004.04.14).
L.t.: an internal maintenance standard
2. Calque and DT
Ставка возмещения расходов (Ruscorpora)
Stavka vozmeshhenija rashodov
L.t.: a reimbursement rate (of costs)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Для справки, средняя ставка возмещения расходов по сбору налогов в Италии составляет
около 3% (Stille, 1995). ) (Ж. М. Елубаева. Система распределения доходных источников в
Итальянской республике (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.05.19).
L.t.: an average reimbursement rate of the costs on the tax collection
3. Calque (Construction with preposition)
Данные о затратах (Lingvo)
Dannye o zatratah
L.t.: data about expenses

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 12 doc. N.c.: 8 doc.
Оценка будет грубой, поскольку нет эксплуатационных характеристик, фактических
данных о затратах. (коллективный. Форум: Российский атом. Проект ПРОРЫВ (2012)).
Приводятся данные как о текущих затратах, так и об инвестициях в основной капитал и
нематериальные активы (Направления развития статистики информационных технологий
(2004) // «Вопросы статистики», 2004.11.18).
4. Pure DT
Статистика издержек производства (Lingvo)
Statistika izderzhek proizvodstva
L.t.: statistics of production cost (expenses)
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
Note: рост/снижение производства (increase/decrease of production)
Топ-менеджер подчеркнул, что высокий уровень рентабельности достигается в его фирме в
первую очередь благодаря снижению издержек производства (Перевод Александра
Полоцкого. США начали «солнечную войну» против Китая // РБК Дейли, 2012.05.21).
данные о затратах и ставках возмещения
Dannye o zatratah i stavkah vozmeshhenija
Data about expenses and reimbursement rates

5. e-Benefits
A central location for Veterans, Service Members, and their families to research, find, access, and, in time,
manage their benefits and personal information (E-benefits).

1. Pure DT
Электронное оформление пособий и льгот (UNTERM)
Jelektronnoe oformlenie posobij i l'got
L.t.: electronic registration of grants and benefits
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used except for online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Direct equivalent
Электронное пособие
Jelektronnoe posobie
L.t.: Electronic Benefit
General use: Electronic manual
The Internet: the term is often used with the following meaning: “electronic textbook”
3. Direct equivalent
Электронные льготы
Jelektronnye l'goty
L.t.: Electronic Benefits (social benefits)
Examples: 0 Ruscorpora
The Internet: quite often used
Электронные льготы В Киеве презентовали проект по внедрению на Украине концепции
общегосударственной автоматизированной системы «Электронное социальное удостоверение»
(Karty v Ruki: Socpomoshh' Perechisljat na Kartochnye Scheta, 2011).
Электронные льготы

Jelektronnye l'goty
L.t.: Electronic Benefits (social benefits)

6. Empowerment
A management practice of sharing information, rewards, and power with employees so that they can
take initiative and make decisions to solve problems and improve service and performance
(Business Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Расширение прав и возможностей (UN-1)
Rasshirenie prav i vozmozhnostej
L.t.: expansion of rights and possibilities
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 2 doc.
На встрече в Кремле с участниками международной конференции "Расширение прав и возмо
жностей―через закон и правосудие" президент однозначно заявил о своем
отношении к смертной казни: он против ее восстановления (Строганов Юрий. ПРЕЗИДЕНТ
ПРОТИВ СМЕРТНОЙ КАЗНИ // Труд-7, 2001.07.11).
L.t.: expansion of rights and possibilities
2. Pure DT + a comment
упр. Расширение полномочий (работника) (предоставление работнику права принимать
управленческие решения в области его компетенции; один из способов повышения
эффективности управления) (Academic)
upr. Rasshirenie polnomochij (rabotnika) (predostavlenie rabotniku prava prinimat' upravlencheskie
reshenija v oblasti ego kompetencii; odin iz sposobov povyshenija jeffektivnosti upravlenija)
L.t.: (management) expansion of power (of an employee) (note: upr. = upravlenie = governance
(assignment to an employee of the right to take manangerial decisios under his or her competence; one
of the means to increase the effectiveness of management)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 40 doc., N.c.: 140 doc.
3. Pure DT
Расширение прав и полномочий (Ruscorpora)
Rasshirenie prav i polnomochij
L.t.: expansion of rights and power
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 1 doc.
По словам председателя Донецкого областного совета Анатолия Близнюка, предложенная
Концепция вместо расширения прав и полномочий местного самоуправления предлагает
внедрить жесткую административную вертикаль власти (Дмитрий Орлов. Облсовет Донецка
раскритиковал планы Минрегионстроя // Новый регион 2, 2008.04.08).
4. Pure DT
Предоставление полномочий (Academic)
Predostavlenie polnomochij
L.t.: assignment of powers
Ruscorpra: 0 examples
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Оформление доверенности, полномочия (Academic)
Oformlenie doverennosti, polnomochija
L.t.: registration of attorney, authority

Ruscorpora: оформление полномочия:
M.c.: 1 doc. , N.c.: 1 doc.
Оформление полномочий представителя M.c.: 3 doc.
N.c.: 16 doc. (Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации (2002) // 2004)
Lit.: resg\istration of attorney of a representative
6. Direct equivalent (general use)
Доверенность (Academic; Lingvo Universal)
L.t.: attorney
7. Direct equivalent (general use)
(у)полномочие (Academic;Lingvo Universal)
L.t.: authority
Расширение полномочий
Rasshirenie polnomochij
Expansion of power

7. Entitlement
A right to benefits specified especially by law or contract
A government program providing benefits to members of a specified group; also : funds supporting or
distributed by such a program (Merriam-Webster).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Материальные права (UN-1)
Material'nye prava
L.t.: tangible rights
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 86 doc.; N.c.: 16 doc.
Коллегией решение районного суда было признано ошибочными и основанными на
неправильном применении норм материального права (Александру Кирюхину отказали в
удовлетворении иска // Комсомольская правда, 2009.07.22).
L.t.: tangible rights
2. Pure DT
Собственные Права (Ruscorpora)
Sobstvennye Prava
L.t.: Own rights
Ruscorpora: Parallel Corpus: 1 example
Они существуют в тотальной Культуре Собственных Прав (Хелен Филдинг. Дневник
Бриджит Джонс).
Sobstvennyh prav (nominative case – sobstvennye prava)
They exist in a total Culture of Entitlement (Helen Fielding. Bridget Jones's Diary (1996)).
L.t.: own rights
3. A comment
(статья бюджетных расходов, связанная с выполнением законодательно утвержденной
программы) (Academic)
(stat'ja bjudzhetnyh rashodov, svjazannaja s vypolneniem zakonodatel'no utverzhdennoj programmy)

L.t.: (an expense item connected to the fullfillment of the legally established programme)

4. Pure DT
Положенная, установленная норма (Academic)
Polozhennaja, ustanovlennaja norma
L.t.: due established norm
5. Pure DT
Специальное право (на помощь, пособие и т. п.) (Academic; Lingvo Universal)
Special'noe pravo (na pomoshh', posobie i t. p.)
L.t.: Right (for help, benefits etc.) (a note: spetz. = special )
6. Direct equivalent (general use)
Предоставление права (на совершение какого-л. действия) (Academic)
Predostavlenie prava (na sovershenie kakogo-l. dejstvija)
L.t.: assignment of a right
See empowerment
7. Additional or irrelevant components
Компенсационная выплата (Academic)
Kompensacionnaja vyplata
L.t.: compensational payment
8. Additional or irrelevant components
юр., соц., амер. право на получение пособия, субсидии
право на социальную помощь (пособия и т. п.) (Academic)
jur., soc., amer. pravo na poluchenie posobija, subsidii pravo na social'nuju pomoshh' (posobija i t. p.)
L.t.: the right to receive a benefit, a subsidy
The right for the social help (subsidy etc.) (note: yur., sotz., amer. = uridichenskaya, social, american
= law, social, american)
9. Direct equivalent (general use)
Cубсидия (Academic)
L.t.: subsidy, grant
(Cпециальное) Право (на помощь, пособие и т. п.);
Spetzial’noje Pravo (na pomosch, posobie etc.)
L.t.: A special right (for help, benefits etc.) (a note: spetz. = special )

8. Feedback
The partial reversion of the effects of a process to its source or to a preceding stage (Merriam-Webster)
Process in which the effect or output of an action is 'returned' (fed-back) to modify the next action (Business

1. Pure DT (general use)

Обратная связь (OECD-1; Lingvo)
Obratnaja svjaz'
L.t.: reverse connection

M.c.: 462 doc., N.c.: 543 doc.
При ТРВК номинальный валютный курс имеет эндогенную природу, иными словами,
существует обратная связь между инфляцией и номинальным курсом (С. Р. Моисеев.
Таргетирование реального валютного курса: теория, мировая практика и возможность
применения в России (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.02.03).
L.t.: reverse connection between inflation and nominal rate
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Эк. cвязь производителя с потребителем (Academic; Lingvo Universal)
Jek. cvjaz' proizvoditelja s potrebitelem
L.t.: the connection of a manufacturer with a consumer
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Эк. информация от потребителя (Academic, Lingvo Universal)
Jek. informacija ot potrebitelja
L.t.: economics the information from the consumer
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Используемые результаты, полученные в другой области знания (Academic)
Ispol'zuemye rezul'taty, poluchennye v drugoj oblasti znanija
L.t.: the used results, retrived from another field of knowledge
5. A comment
упр. (информация о результатах определенных действий для внесения поправок в будущие
решени) (Academic)
upr. (informacija o rezul'tatah opredelennyh dejstvij dlja vnesenija popravok v budushhie resheni)
L.t.: governance (gov.) (the infromation about the results of certain actions for making amendmends to
the future decisions)
6. A comment
упр. (регулярные отчеты исполнителей о текущей деятельности) (Academic)
upr. (reguljarnye otchety ispolnitelej o tekushhej dejatel'nosti)
L.t.: regular report of the performers about current activity
Обратная связь
Obratnaya svyaz’ ;
L.t.: the connection back

9. Financial distress
Financial distress is a condition where a company cannot meet, or has difficulty paying off, its financial
obligations to its creditors, typically due to high fixed costs, illiquid assets or revenues sensitive to economic
downturns (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Бедственное финансовое положение (IFC)
Bedstvennoe finansovoe polozhenie
L.t.: disastrous financial situation
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 4 doc., N.c.: 7 doc.
Подобные комментарии известный инвестор сделал на фоне растущей
доходности португальских государственных облигаций, которые уже
установили новые максимумы (8,05%) из-за ожиданий
инвесторов скорого вмешательства ЕС в бедственное финансовое положение страны (Евгений

Басманов. Баффет не исключает коллапса единой европейской валюты // РБК Daily, 2011.03.25).
2. Calque and DT
Финансы Критичное финансовое положение (Academic)
Finansy Kritichnoe finansovoe polozhenie
L.t.: a critical financial situation
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
У испанцев настолько критичное финансовое положение, что в Москву они не взяли ни одного б
олельщика (Дмитрий Егоров. И «Петя» не помог. За поражением «Химок» наблюдали родные
финского защитника Петтери Копонена // Советский спорт, 2013.03.29).
3. Direct equivalent
Финансовые затруднения (Academic)
Finansovye zatrudnenija
L.t.: financial trouble
Ruscorpora: General meaning
M.c.: 32 doc., N.c.: 137 doc.
Это грозит массовыми финансовыми затруднениями и уходом страховщиков с рынка (Мария
Каверина. ОСАГО перевалит за 100 млрд рублей // РБК Дейли, 2013.05.29).
Бедственное финансовое положение
Bedstvennoe finansovoe polozhenie
L.t.: disastrous financial situation

10. Finding
The result of a judicial examination or inquiry.
The results of an investigation — usually used in plural (Merriam-Webster).

1. Pure DT
Выявленный факт (OECD-1)
Vyjavlennyj fakt
L.t.: a revealed fact
M.c.: 12 doc.; N.c.: 205 doc.
Основной проблемой остается недостаточно оперативное реагирование на выявленный
факт незаконного размещения. (Екатерина Севрюкова. Новый глава департамента рекламы
Москвы Владимир Черников: «Перед нами стоит задача навести в городе порядок» // РБК
Daily, 2011.04.04)
L.t.: a revealed fact
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Полученные данные, сведения (Lingvo Universal)
Poluchennye dannye, svedenija
L.t.: retrieved data, information
3. Direct equivalent (general use)
Находка, открытие, обнаружение (Academic, Lingvo Universal)
Nahodka, otkrytie, obnaruzhenie
L.t.: finding, discovery, revealence
4. Direct equivalent (general use)
Вывод (Academic)

L.t.: a conclusion
5. Direct equivalent (general use)
Заключение (Academic, Lingvo Universal)
L.t.: conclusion
Выявленный факт
Vyiavlenniy fact; L.t.: a revealed fact

11. Fixing date

Two days prior to settlement date. For Forward Rate Agreements it is the date on which the market rate is set
for calculating the amount payable or receivable (SmallBiZ).

1. Calque and DT
Дата закрытия реестра (IFC)
Data zakrytija reestra
L.t.: the date of regiser closure
M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 30 doc.
Дивиденды должны еще утвердить акционеры: годовое собрание пройдет 27 июня, а дата
закрытия реестра — 11 мая (Галина Старинская. ЛУКОЙЛ хочет чаще выплачивать дивиденды
// РБК Дейли, 2012.04.28).
2. Calque
Дата фиксации (Academic)
Data fiksacii
L.t.: the date of fixing
Ruscorpora: 0
3. Calque and DT
Дата фиксации реестра (Ruscorpora)
Data fiksacii reestra
L.t.: the date of register fixing
Ruscorpora: 1 doc.
Информация о дивидендах и дате фиксации реестра к годовому собранию (коллективный.
Форум: Спекулянты за работой (2011))
Дата установки (Academic)
Data ustanovki
L.t.: the date of adjustment
Ruscorpora: general meaning
Calque and DT
Установка ставки (Academic)
Ustanovka stavki
L.t.: the adjustment of the rate
Ruscorpora: 0 examples, not clear form of the term
Дата закрытия реестра
Data zakrytija reestra
L.t.: the date of regiser closure

12. Line budgeting (line item budget)

A budget in which the individual financial statement items are grouped by cost centers or departments
(Business Dictionary).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Предметы текущих поставок (UNTERM)
Predmety tekushhih postavok
L.t.: subjects of current supplies
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the use: Ведь мы не только занимаемся накоплением резервных объемов
топлива ― мы должны будем обеспечить текущие поставки топлива на энергообъекты для
успешного прохождения осенне-зимнего сезона (Игорь Юсуфов: «За подготовку к зиме
отвечают все» (2001) // «Известия», 2001.08.30).

Текущие поставки по соглашению должны были производиться по 50-

процентной предоплате, полный расчет за поставленное топливо муниципалитетам
необходимо было осуществлять не позднее 15 числа месяца, следующего за месяцем
отгрузки. (Антон Незнамов. Долг платежом страшен (2003) // «Восточно-Сибирская правда»
(Иркутск), 2003.06.21)
L.t.: current supplies
2. Direct equivalent
Line – item budget (budgeting)
фин., учет постатейный бюджет
постатейное бюджетирование (Academic)
fin., uchet postatejnyj bjudzhet
postatejnoe bjudzhetirovanie
L.t.: Item-by-item budghet (budgeting)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
Наиболее ранний по времени появления подход к составлению бюджета — линейно-объектный
или постатейный бюджет остается самым популярным у всех органов власти благодаря
точности отчетности и простоте контроля. Utkin & Denisov, 2001)
The Internet: линейно-объектный бюджет (linejno-objektnyj budzhet) – Pure Calque
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Pure DT
фин., учет бюджет с постатейной разбивкой (Academic)
fin., uchet bjudzhet s postatejnoj razbivkoj
L.t.: a budget with an item-to-item separation
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
4. Pure DT
Постатейная роспись (годового) бюджета (Ruscorpora)
Postatejnaja rospis' (godovogo) bjudzheta
L.t. item-to-item description of an annual budget
M.c.: 1 doc.
Основные параметры бюджета были утверждены мэром города Вадимом Булавиновым еще 6 я
нваря, а к сегодняшнему дню Департамент финансов завершил постатейную
роспись годового бюджета города (Итоговый выпуск вечерний – 11.01.04 18:00 // Новый

регион 2, 2005.01.12).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct equivalent (+ elements of calque)
постатейный бюджет; постатейное бюджетирование1
postatejnyj bjudzhet; postatejnoe bjudzhetirovanie
L.t.: Item-by-item budghet (budgeting)

13. Management override

“Management override” means overruling or circumventing prescribed policies or procedures for illegitimate
purposes – such as personal gain or an enhanced presentation of a department’s financial condition or
compliance status (Vermont).
1. Pure DT
Превышение полномочий должностными лицами (Ruscorpora)
Prevyshenie polnomochij dolzhnostnymi licami
L.t.: the exceeding/abuse of their authorities by the official persons
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 9 doc.
Не устраивает представителей малого бизнеса и необоснованно завышенные, по их
мнению, ставки земельного налога, арендной платы за землю и корректирующий
коэффициент единого налога на вмененный налог, а также превышение полномочий
должностными лицами органов государственной власти иместного самоуправления при
проведении различных контрольных и надзорных мероприятий (Итоговый выпуск
(вечерний) – 26.10.05 19:10 – Челябинск // Новый регион 2, 2005.10.27).
2. Pure DT
Превышение должностных/служебных полномочий руководством (Ruscorpora)
Prevyshenie dolzhnostnyh/sluzhebnyh polnomochij rukovodstvom
L.t.: abuse of post/office authority by management
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
Уголовное дело возбуждено по факту превышения должностных полномочий руководств
ом Минобороны, десантировавшим солдат на дачу (Анастасия Морылева, Елизавета
Маетная. Дорога к даче зятя Сердюкова уничтожает рыбное хозяйство Астрахани //
Известия, 2013.02.28).
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Превышение полномочий со стороны руководства (IFC)
Prevyshenie polnomochij so storony rukovodstva
L.t.: abuse of authority by (from the side of) management
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
служба прокуратуры Свердловской области, в частности, сообщила, что «по факту превыш
ения служебных полномочий со стороны руководства Кировского РУВД Екатеринбурга, с
вязанногос незаконной реализацией изъятого имущества, органами прокуратуры возбужден
о уголовное дело по признакам преступления, предусмотренного части 1 статьи 286 УК РФ
«Превышениедолжностных полномочий» (Итоговый Выпуск Вечерний – 19.03.04 18:10 //
Новый регион 2, 2004.03.20).
Превышение должностных/служебных полномочий руководством
Prevyshenie dolzhnostnyh/sluzhebnyh polnomochij rukovodstvom
L.t.: abuse of post/office authority by management

14. Non-incorporated
= Unincorporated:
A commercial enterprise that is owned privately by one or more people. One disadvantage of owning an
unincorporated business is that it results in unlimited liability for its owners since it has not been formally
registered as a corporation (Business Dictionary).
1. Pure DT
Без образования юридического лица (IFC)
Bez obrazovanija juridicheskogo lica
L.t.: without formation/registration of a legal entity (person)
Rusсorpora: M.c.: 74 doc.
N.c.: 118 doc.
Участники договора инвестиционного товарищества могут «соединить свои вклады и
осуществлять совместную инвестиционную деятельность без образования юридического
лица для извлечения прибыли».
(Виталий Петлевой. В правительстве готов законопроект об инвестиционном товариществе
// РБК Daily, 2011.04.18)
L.t.: without formation of a legal entity (person)
2. Calque
эк., юр. Неинкорпорированный (Academic, Lingvo Law)
некорпоративный (об организации, не являющейся юридическим лицом, отдельным от свои
х собственников) (Academic, LingvoEconomics)
jek., jur. Neinkorporirovannyj;
nekorporativnyj (ob organizacii, ne javljajushhejsja juridicheskim licom, otdel'nym ot svoih
L.t.: not incorporated
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Не образующий корпорацию (Lingvo Law)
Ne obrazujushhij korporaciju
L.t.: not forming a corporation
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Не имеющий прав юридического лица (Lingvo Law)
Ne imejushhij prav juridicheskogo lica
L.t.: not having the rights of a legal entity
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
Another equivalent:
― финансово-
промышленные группы, паевые инвестиционные фонды, представительства, филиалы и дру
гие обособленные подразделения юридических лиц
независимо оттого, что эти организации не имеют прав юридического лица; (Теоретическ
ие и практические аспекты измерения занятости в неформальной экономике (2004) //
«Вопросы статистики», 2004.07.29).
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Не имеющий статуса корпорации (Lingvo Law)
Ne imejushhij statusa korporacii
L.t.: not having the status of a corporation
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches

Без образования юридического лица
Bez obrazovanija juridicheskogo lica
L.t.: without formation/registration of a legal entity (person)

15. Off-site
Referring to a location other than the subject site. (Business Dictionary)

1. Direct equivalent (general meaning)

Внешний (UNTERM)
L.t.: External
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque
Вне объекта (Ruscorpora)
Vne ob"ekta
L.t.: outside of the site
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Находясь вне объекта и узнав об аварии, немедленно явиться к ответственному руководител
ю работ для получения задания. (Инструкция по составлению планов ликвидации аварий и
защиты персонала на взрывопожароопасных объектах хранения, переработки и
использования растительного сырья (2003))
3. Calque (adjective form)
Внеплощадочный (Academic)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc.; N.c.: 2 doc.
Город, в свою очередь, получит 100% построенных и реконструированных внеплощадочных
объектов инженерного и коммунального назначения. (Николай Минашин. Москва воюет с
энергодефицитом // РБК Daily, 2006.03.15)
4. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
Сторонний (Lingvo)
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
5. Additional or Irrelevant components (DT)
Находящийся за пределами района (UNTERM)
Nahodjashhijsja za predelami rajona
L.t.: situated outside the barriers of a region
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the use: to be situated outside the barriers of a region
Медицинские учреждения и развлекательные заведения пока находятся в основном за преде
лами района (Выбираем новостройку эконом-класса: Кожухово // Комсомольская правда,
В момент катастрофы крейсер находился вне пределов этого района (Турченко Сергей
капитан I ранга. Как Погибал 'Курск' // Труд-7, 2000.09.13).


Командования авиации флота в районах отвечают за обеспечение базирования, боевой подгот
овки и тыловое обслуживание соединений и частей авиации флота, находящихся в
пределах районов их ответственности (Организация и «трансформирование» авиации ВМС
США (2004) // «Зарубежное военное обозрение», 2004.08.23).
Вне объекта
Vne ob"ekta
L.t.: outside of the site

16. Outcome
Something that happens as a result of an activity or process (Merriam-Webster)

1. Pure DT
Конечный продукт (OECD-1)
Konechnyj produkt
L.t.: a final product
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 242 doc.; N.c.: 244 doc.
Вы вложили в него деньги и получили конечный продукт, который охраняется
авторским правом (Владимир Зыков. Бизнесмены с помощью YouTube зарабатывают на
общественном достоянии // Известия, 2012.12.09).
2. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
Итог (Ruscorpora, Lingvo)
L.t.: Result
Ruscorpora: (general meaning)
Без серьезного стратегического осмысления этой проблемы в Европейском союзе и НАТО
возможен именно такой итог. (Sir Timothy Garden, Tom Donnelly et al.. In the wake of Iraq
("NATO Review") (ABBYY Lingvo)
L.t. a result
(Without serious strategic thinking by the European Union and NATO, this may be the outcome. (Сэр
Тимоти Гарден, Том Доннелли и др.. После Ирака ("Вестник НАТО")))
3. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
Результат; последствие; исход (Lingvo Universal, Academic)
Rezul'tat; posledstvie; ishod
L.t.: a result, a consequence, an outcome
Ruscorpora: general meaning
конечный продукт
konechnyj product L.t.: a final product
Or Direct Equivalent
Itog; L.t.: Result

17. Receivable(s) (noun)

accounts receivable especially AmE money owed to a business by its clients and shown in its accounts as an
asset; = Receivables;
The company had more than $10 million in cash and $10 million in accounts receivable (Academic).

1. Pure DT
Дебиторская задолженность (UNCITRAL-1)
Debitorskaja zadolzhennost'
L.t. debtor’s liability
M.c.: 48 doc., N.c.: 251doc.
Кредиты и дебиторская задолженность, отражаемые по амортизированной стоимости. (АКБ
"Русславбанк". Финансовая отчётность (ABBYY LingvoPRO) (2010))
(Loans and receivables carried at amortised cost. (JSCB Russlavbank. Financial Statements) )
Компания принимала меры по взысканию дебиторской задолженности, но безуспешно (Алексей
Кузьменко, Надежда Геращенко. Газированные ОСТанки (2010.06.23) //
http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2010/06/23/market/488774.shtml, 2010).
2. Pure DT
Счета дебиторов (Academic, LingvoEconomics)
Scheta debitorov
L.t.: debtors’ accounts
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc.
Это прежде всего доходы от собственности на финансовые и другие активы: вклады, ценные бум
аги, ссуды, иные счета дебиторов; дивиденды и изъятие из доходов корпораций; реинвестирован
ные доходы от прямого иностранного инвестирования; рента и др. (Определение объема теневой
деятельности на основе макроэкономических показателей (2004) // «Вопросы статистики»,
3. Pure DT
Учет. причитающиеся суммы (Academic)
Uchet. prichitajushhiesja summy
L.t. (accounting) due payment
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 13 doc.; N.c: 39 doc.
Этими ценными бумагами, согласно Downes and Goodman (1998, 30), являются «облигации или в
екселя, обеспеченные кредитными договорами, либо иными причитающимися
суммами…» (Д. А. Игнатьева. Секьюритизация как один из инструментов проведения
преобразований отечественной экономии (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.05.19).
NOTE: the meaning is not concrete
Причем первые деньги будут выплачиваться только в размере 50 процентов от причитающейся
суммы (Дмитрий СТЕШИН. Узникам обещают честно разделить немецкие деньги //
Комсомольская правда, 2001.07.25).
4. Pure DT
Учет. суммы к поступлению (Academic)
Uchet. summy k postupleniju
L.t. (accounting) sums to be received
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Сумма, предусмотренная к поступлению (Ruscorpora)
Summa, predusmotrennaja k postupleniju
L.t.: a sum due to be received
Всего за 9 месяцев т. г. в Союзный бюджет поступило 80,2 млрд. рублей доходов, или на 96,9 млр
д. рублей меньше сумм, предусмотренных к поступлению по уточненномубюджету на этот пери
од. (Егор Гайдар. Гибель империи (2006)).

Дебиторская задолженность
Debitorskaja zadolzhennost'
L.t. debtor’s liability

18. Terms of reference

The specific limits of responsibility that determine the activities of an investigating body, etc.
A description of the objectives and structure of a meeting, committee, project, etc. (Collins).
Statement of the background, objectives, and purpose of a program, project, or proposal.
(Business Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Техническое задание (OECD-1)
Tehnicheskoe zadanie
L.t.: a conventional task
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 98 doc.; N.c.: 422 doc.
К сентябрю холдинг представит
техническое задание по проекту, а до конца года ЦППК и ТМХ должны заключить договор на
поставку электричек. (Мария Гордеева. РЖД заплатят «Трансмашхолдингу» 135 млн евро за
скоростные электрички // РБК Дейли, 2014.06.26)
Note: synonym in the English language

Если на стадии проектирования, когда разрабатывалось техническое задание, предполагалась

возможность более дисперсного размещения сопутствующих олимпийских объектов и
инфраструктуры (Московский государственный университет. Отчет № 1 о влиянии игр в
рамках программы "Исследование влияния Олимпийских игр" (ABBYY Lingvo) (2009-2010)).
(L.t.: At the planning stage, when the requirement specifications were being developed, it was
supposed that related Olympic venues and infrastructure would be scattered).
2. Pure DT
Пределы компетенции (Lingvo Universal)
Predely kompetencii
L.t.: limits of the competence
Ruscorpora: M.c. 82 doc.; N.c. 80 doc.
Они не вправе ни продавать, ни оформлять их, а могут только оказывать содействие в пределах
своей компетенции, то есть консультировать, предоставлять курьерские услуги, заполнять
документы (Как не Обжечься о 'Горящие' Путевки // Труд-7, 2003.03.27)
Мы подготовим всю необходимую документацию в пределах нашей компетенции. (Михаил
Вигнанский, Тбилиси. Грузия заинтересовалась украинскими делами Саакашвили // Известия,
3. Pure DT
Круг полномочий (Academic; Lingvo Universal)
Krug polnomochij
L.t.: a round of authorities
Ruscorpora: M.c. 13 doc.; N.c.: 53 doc.
А такая область, как Government Relations (GR), входит исключительно в круг ваших полномо
чий и интересов? (РБК. «Деньги лишними не бывают» // РБК Daily, 2010.11.23).
4. Direct equivalent (general use)
Компетенция (Academic)

L.t.: a compensation
5. Direct equivalent (general use)
Ведение (Academic)
L.t.: directing, authority, competence
Техническое задание
Tehnicheskoe zadanie
L.t.: a conventional task
Or Pure DT
Пределы компетенции (Lingvo Universal)
Predely kompetencii
L.t.: limits of the competence

19. Performance pay = performance –related pay

A financial reward system for employees where some or all of their monetary compensation is related to how
their performance is assessed relative to stated criteria. Performance related pay can be used in
a business context for how an individual, a team or the entire company performs during a given time
frame.(Business Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Нефиксированная часть дохода (Ruscorpora)
Nefiksirovannaja chast' dohoda
L.t. a non-fixed part of an income
Ruscorpora: 1 doc.
«В уходящем году заметно выросла нефиксированная часть дохода (бонусы)», ― отмечает
Мария Арсеньева. (Илья Кабанов. Гонка вознаграждений (2004) // «Континент Сибирь»
(Новосибирск), 2004.12.17)
L.t. a non-fixed part of an income (bonus)
2. Calque (construction with prepositions) = pay-for-performance
оплата за результаты (заслуги, качество, производительность) (Academic)
oplata za rezul'taty (zaslugi, kachestvo, proizvoditel'nost')
L.t.: payment for the results
Ruscorpora: N.c. 3 doc.
Или возможна оплата за результат, то есть когда пользователь, увидев рекламное сообщение, при
дет в конкретный салон красоты и скажет, что он узнал о нем благодарярекламе в подъезде
(Татьяна Бородина. В подъездах жилых домов установят телевизоры // Известия, 2014.06.26).
А все объяснялось просто: люди, обеспеченные всем необходимым для жизни и труда, работали
на совесть, строго соблюдался принцип оплаты труда за конечные результаты (Н. Пирогов. От
мотивации труда к развитию общества // «Наука и жизнь», 2007).
3. Calque (construction with prepositions)
оплата по результатам (заслугам, качеству, производительности)
стимулирующей оплаты труда, при которой размер заработной платы зависит отпроизводительно
сти или качества работы) (Academic)
oplata po rezul'tatam (zaslugam, kachestvu, proizvoditel'nosti)
(sistema stimulirujushhej oplaty truda, pri kotoroj razmer zarabotnoj platy zavisit otproizvoditel'nosti ili

kachestva raboty)
L.t.: payment according to the results
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 5 doc, N.c.:6 doc.
То есть оплата будет по результатам труда. (Ольга ГРУШКО. Зарплату учителям будут
рассчитывать по-новому! // Комсомольская правда, 2008.06.06)
А гарантией правильности Вашего выбора будет то, что оплата берется только по положительны
м результатам (Вы спрашивали ― отвечаем (2001) // «Аргументы и факты», 2001.04.04).
4. Calque and DT
Оплата по результатам труда
Oplata po rezul'tatam truda
L.t: payment (based) on the results of work/labour
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 4 doc., N.c.: 1 doc.
…в тексте закона оплата по результатам труда возможна только при заключении срочного
договора…. (Лола Кучина. Имитация реформы (2003) // «ПОЛИТКОМ.РУ», 2003.03.26)
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Вознаграждение с учетом результатов работы (UNTERM)
Voznagrazhdenie s uchetom rezul'tatov raboty
L.t.: a reward with an account of the results of work
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
6. Additional or irrelevant components
Вознаграждение по результатам работы (Ruscorpora)
Voznagrazhdenie po rezul'tatam raboty
L.t.: a reward according to the results of work
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc.
Работнику выплачивается вознаграждение по результатам работы за год в размере рублей (Дог
овор о приёме на работу (2003)).
7. Additional or irrelevant components
Оплата в зависимости от результатов труда (UN-1)
Oplata v zavisimosti ot rezul'tatov truda
L.t.: payments depending on the results of work
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
8. Additional or irrelevant components
Оплата за конечные результаты труда (Ruscorpora)
Oplata za konechnye rezul'taty truda
L.t.: a payment for the final results of work
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 4 doc., N.c.: 1 doc.
Широкое применение прогрессивных форм материального поощрения за увеличение выпуска
продукции с меньшей численностью работников, бригадной оплаты за конечные
результаты труда в промышленности и других отраслях,
аккордной оплаты труда, особенно в строительстве и сельском хозяйстве». (А. Иващенко. Свой
огород и поле за ним // «Человек и закон», 1978)
L.t.: payment for the final results of work
Оплата по результатам труда/работы
Oplata po rezul'tatam truda/raboty
L.t: payment (based) on the results of work/labour

20. When-actually-employed (contract) (WAE (contract))
WAE is short hand for “When Actually Employed”. WAEs are defined in the Secretary General’s Bulletin
(ST/SGB/283) dated 29 August 1996 and entitled Use of “When Actually Employed” Contracts for Special
Representatives, Envoys and Other Special High-Level Positions (Homsi, 2002).

1. Pure DT
Контракт на условиях оплаты за фактически проработанное время (UNTERM)
Kontrakt na uslovijah oplaty za fakticheski prorabotannoe vremja
L.t.: a contract under the conditions of payment for the time actually performed
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches

Еще до отъезда из России студент лично подписывает с работодателем контракт, в котором указаны
условия оплаты (Наталия Гинзбург. Доходное место (2002) // «Домовой», 2002.11.04) (омонимия не
А заключение контрактов на условиях, предлагаемых антимонопольщиками, даст им возможность
мониторить все договорные отношения компаний. (Галина Старинская, Екатерина Сафонова,
Маргарита Булавкина. ФАС придумала, как решить проблему дефицита бензина // РБК Дейли,

Comments: unclear form of the term in the Russian language

M.c. 3 doc., N.c. 112 doc.

Моя камера ― «Hennelore-25» с полным оптическим камуфляжем, находящаяся в моей личной

собственности, что позволяет мне заключать контракты на гораздо более выгодных условиях,
чем это могут делать безлошадные господа (Виктор Пелевин. S.N.U.F.F (2011)).
L.t.: contracts under a lot more beneficial conditions

The Internet: rare use with another form

Контракт с оплатой за фактическую работу

Kontrakt s oplatoj za fakticheskuju rabotu
L.t.: a contract with a payment for the actual work

Общие положения об использовании контрактов "с оплатой за фактическую работу" (ОФР) для
должностей специальных представителей, посланников и других специальных должностей высокого
уровня изложены в документе ST/SGB/283 от 29 августа 1996 года (Uajnz & Munir Zahran, 2011)
Контракт с оплатой за фактическую работу
Kontrakt s oplatoj za fakticheskuju rabotu
L.t.: a contract with a payment for the actual work

21. Principle “Caveat emptor” (for investors)

Law: the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good
condition, works properly, etc. (Merriam-Webster).
A Latin phrase for "let the buyer beware." The term is primarily used in real property transactions. Essentially
it proclaims that the buyer must perform their due diligence when purchasing an item or service

1. Pure DT
Принцип «да будет осмотрителен покупатель» (в отношении инвесторов)
лат. да будет осмотрителен покупатель (OECD-1)
Princip «da budet osmotritelen pokupatel'» (v otnoshenii investorov)
lat. da budet osmotritelen pokupatel'
L.t.: a principle “may the buyer be prudent” (regarding the investors)
May the buyer be prudent
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the use:
Эксперты же советуют покупателям быть более внимательными и осмотрительными. (,
По материалам информагентств. ФАС против бесплатных кредитов // Комсомольская правда,
L.t.: Experts advise the buyers to be more attentive and prudent.
The Internet: often used without the component “принцип” or apart from it:
Она (note by Mariia Iakusheva:“процедура дью дилидженс”) реализует принцип caveat emptor
— «да будет осмотрителен покупатель». (Б. Форд, Д. Борнстайн, П. Пруэтт (2010)
Руководство Ernst&Young по составлению бизнес-планов(translation from Englsih), Moscow,
retrieved from: googlebooks)
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Caveat emptor
юр. ком. качество на риск покупателя
качество на риске покупателя (Academic)
jur. kom. kachestvo na risk pokupatelja (accusative case)
kachestvo na riske pokupatelja (prepositional case)
L.t.: a quality at the risk of a buyer
Ruscorpora: prepositional case 1 doc.
Как я понимаю, выгодней не обьявлять свою профессию ― и давай себе советы до усеру (сave
at emptorium ― «качество на риске покупателя») и пусть народ делает что хочет.(Красота,
здоровье, отдых: Медицина и здоровье (форум) (2005))
3. Pure DT
"Пусть покупатель будет бдителен (осмотрителен)" (Academic)
"Pust' pokupatel' budet bditelen (osmotritelen)"
L.t.: “let the buyer be prudent” (careful)
Ruscopora: 0 full matches
4. Pure DT
"Пусть покупатель остерегается" (Academic)
"Pust' pokupatel' osteregaetsja"
L.t.: “let the buyer be careful”
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
«да будет осмотрителен покупатель»
«da budet osmotritelen pokupatel'»
L.t.: “may the buyer be prudent”

22. Subcontracting
The practice of assigning part of the obligations and tasks under a contract to another party known as a
subcontractor (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Заключение контрактов с субподрядчиками (UNTERM)
Zakljuchenie kontraktov s subpodrjadchikami
L.t.: making the contracts with subcontractors
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Pure DT
= sub-contracting эк. заключение договоров субподряда (Academic)
(economics) jek. zakljuchenie dogovorov subpodrjada
L.t.: making a subcontract
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: widely used
Заключение договора субподряда может быть ограничено либо законом, либо основным
договором строительного подряда, когда подрядчик должен выполнить работу лично (п. 1 ст.
706 ГК РФ) (Ershov, 2013).
3. Direct loan (assimilated transliteration) + comment
субконтрактация (заключение и выполнение договора между первоначальным подрядчиком и
субподрядчиком) (Academic)
subkontraktacija (zakljuchenie i vypolnenie dogovora mezhdu pervonachal'nym podrjadchikom i
L.t.: (assimilated transliteration)
(making and fullfillment of a contract between a contractor and a subcontractor)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc. N.c.: 3 doc.
Субконтрактация―вид производственной кооперации, способ организации производства,
иcпользующий разделение труда между контрактором (заказчиком) и
субконтракторами (поставщиками) при изготовлении продукции (Дмитрий Михалев. Крупные
заводы Новосибирской области должны стать холдингами // РИА Новости, 2008.10.03).
The Internet: widely used

Note: субконтрактинг (subkontrakting) is used as a synonym

В России же система субконтрактинга ещё не получиладолжного распространения. <…> Для
контрактора основным преимуществом субконтрактации является сравнительнонизкая
себестоимость комплектующих и услуг, получаемых от мелких и среднихпредприятий,
поскольку у них накладные расходы ниже (Dobronravov, 2003).
4. Direct loan (assimilated transliteration) + comment
Субконтрактирование (заключение и выполнение договора между первоначальным
подрядчиком и субподрядчиком) (Academic)
Subkontraktirovanie (zakljuchenie i vypolnenie dogovora mezhdu pervonachal'nym podrjadchikom i
L.t.: (assimilated transcription)
(making and fullfillment of a contract between a contractor and a subcontractor)
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
The Internet: not often used
Расходы на субконтрактирование не могут превышать 50% всех приемлемых расходов
проекта… (http://www.gsu.by/)
5. Pure DT
Выдача субподрядов (UNTERM)

Vydacha subpodrjadov
L.t.: issue of subcontracts
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See the possible use with a verb (to subcontract) (Ruscorpora):
Мы не забываем и про Хакасию, часть работ, процентов 30, мы планируем
отдать на субподряд организациям Хакасии (На СШГЭС начинается новый важный этап
ремонтно-восстановительных работ // РИА Новости, 2010.09.08).
L.t.: we plan to let the organizations of Khakassyia subcontract a part of works, around 3 per cent
(the term is not separated in the Russian language)

Мы подписали с этой компанией договор субподряда и остались довольны проведенными

работами. (Юрий Мамаев. Коммунальщики «сдают» позиции (2002) // «Дело» (Самара),
L.t.: we signed a subcontact agreement with this company
Кроме того, по словам мэра, в прошлом году немецкая компания заключила на пять лет с
«Одескоммунтранс» договор субподряда (Дмитрий Булава. Костусев вернет в Одессу немцев
ценой коммунального предприятия // Новый регион 2, 2011.02.21).
L.t.: a German company concluded a subcontract agreement with “Odesskimmuntrans” for five

По словам г-на Пилипчука, между компаниями был заключен договор субподряда на

проведение работ по перекладке канализации на Озерковской набережной в Москве (Галина
Старинская. Утечка на 20 млрд рублей // РБК Daily, 2009.09.11).
L.t.: the subcontract agreement was concluded between the companies

В октябре прошлого года с ней был заключен договор субподряда на 2,8 млрд руб. (Наталья
Копейченко. Дерипаска выбыл из гонки // РБК Daily, 2009.04.24).
L.t.: the subcontract agreement for 2,8 billion roubles was concluded.
Заключение/подписание договора субподряда
Zakljuchenie/podpisanie dogovora subpodrjada
L.t.: a conclusion/signing of a subcontract
Or Direct loan (assimilated transliteration)

23. Triple A approach

Assessment, analysis and action (UNTERM)

1. Сalque and DT
Подход, основанный на "трех А" (UNTERM)
Podhod, osnovannyj na "treh A"
L.t.: an approach based on “three A”
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

24. Listed company
Firm whose shares are listed (quoted) on a stock exchange for public trading. Also called quoted company
(Business Dictionary).
A listed company is a company whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange (Collins).

1. Pure DT
Компания, акции которой котируются на фондовой бирже (Academic)
Kompanija, akcii kotoroj kotirujutsja na fondovoj birzhe
L.t.: a company whose shares are rated on a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 5 doc.
В соответствии с международными стандартами финансовой отчетности для
компаний, акции которых котируются на фондовых биржах (Voprosy transformacii
buhgalterskoj otchetnosti v sootvetstvii s MSFO, 2003. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: companies whose shares are rated on a stock exchange
2. Pure DT
Компания, акции которой котируются на бирже (биржах) (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, akcii kotoroj kotirujutsja na birzhe (birzhah)
L.t.: a company, whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange

Ruscorpora: N.c. 15 doc.

При этом стоить учитывать, что сделка по покупке компании, акции которой
котируются на бирже, обычно стоит на 20-30% дороже проекта по приобретению
непубличной компании с аналогичными оборотами Rossijskij ritejl ostanetsja za nami, 2005.
3. Pure DT
Компания, акции которой зарегистрированы на фондовой бирже (IFC)
Kompanija, akcii kotoroj zaregistrirovany na fondovoj birzhe

L.t.: a company whose shares are registered on a stock exchange

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Pure DT
Компания, чьи акции котируются на бирже (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, ch'i akcii kotirujutsja na birzhe
L.t.: a company whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange
N.c.: 5 doc.
Это требуют правила, которых должна придерживаться любая компания, чьи акции котируются
на международных биржах. (Капитализация Rambler Media выросла за год почти в 3 раза // РИА
Новости, 2006.05.15)
Впрочем, вчера две ведущие рыболовецкие компании региона, чьи акции котируются на бирже в
Шэньчжэне, — Dalian YiQiao Marine Seeds и Dalian Zhangzidao Fishery Group — заявили, что их
бизнес пока не пострадал (Pavlov, 2010. Ruscorpora).
5. Pure DT
Компания, акции которой обращаются на бирже (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, akcii kotoroj obrashhajutsja na birzhe
L.t.: a company whose shares have a turnover on a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: 6 doc.
Инвесторы из материкового Китая охотно инвестируют в компании, акции которых обращают
ся на Гонконгской фондовой бирже, через так называемые QDIIфонды

(квалифицированные домашние институциональные инвестиции) (Trebuetsja vremja na
obrazovanie kitajskih investorov, 2010. Ruscorpora).
6. Pure DT
Компания, чьи акции торгуются на (фондовой) бирже/рынке (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, ch'i akcii torgujutsja na (fondovoj) birzhe/rynke
L.t.: a company whose shares are being traded on a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: M.c. 2 doc., N.c. 27 doc.
По добыче нефти «Роснефть» будет на первом месте среди компаний, чьи акции торгуются на
фондовых рынках», – отмечает собеседник (Ivanova, 2013. Ruscorpora).
К началу октября американские биржи покинули 56 концернов, а это уже 12,4% всех иностранны
х компаний, чьи акции торгуются на биржах США (Bitva za jemitenty, 2007. Ruscorpora)
7. Direct Loan (+ assimilation)
Листинговая компания (IFC)
Listingovaja kompanija
L.t.: a listing company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Internet: Листинговая компания – это открытое акционерное общество, которое выставляет
свои акции на бирже (utmagazine)
L.t.: listed company – is an open joint-stock company, which offers its shares on a stock-exchange.
8. Direct Loan + DT
Компания (фирма), акции которой включены в листинг (фондовой биржи) (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija (firma), akcii kotoroj vkljucheny v listing (fondovoj birzhi) (Ruscorpora)
L.t.: a company (a firm), whose shares are included in the listing
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 full match
По сообщению компании, фонд намерен инвестировать в генерирующие, сетевые и сервисные ак
тивы как частных компаний, так и компаний, акции которых включены влистинги торговых пл
ощадок (Shvedy prishli za jelektrichestvom, 2007. Ruscorpora).
9. Direct Loan + DT
Компания, внесённая в листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, vnesjonnaja v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: a company introduced in the listing of stock exchange
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.

официальный журнал Европейского союза опубликовал Директиву (распоряжение), требующую

от компаний, внесённых в листинг европейских фондовых бирж, готовить с 2005 г. свою
консолидированную отчётность в соответствии с нормами МСФО (Evropejskij, forum buhgalterov,
2003. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: the companies included in the listing of European stock exchanges.
10. Direct Loan +DT
Kомпания, включенная в листинг фондовой биржи (IFC)
Kompanija, vkljuchennaja v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: a company, included in the listing of a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: 8 doc.
«ВымпелКом» стал первой российской компанией, включенной в листинг Нью-
Йоркской фондовой биржи (NYSE) (Vinogradov, 2006. Ruscopora).
L.t.: a first Russian company, included in the listing of New-York stock exchange.
Компания, акции которой котируются на бирже (биржах)
Kompanija, akcii kotoroj kotirujutsja na birzhe (birzhah)

L.t.: a company, whose shares are quoted on a stock exchange
Or Direct Loan +DT
Kомпания, включенная в листинг фондовой биржи
Kompanija, vkljuchennaja v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: a company, included in the listing of a stock exchange
Or Pure DT (close to Additional or Irrelevant Components method)
Компания, чьи акции торгуются на (фондовой) бирже/рынке (Ruscorpora)
Kompanija, ch'i akcii torgujutsja na (fondovoj) birzhe/rynke
L.t.: a company whose shares are being traded on a stock exchange

25. Go public (about a company)

“Going public refers to a private company's initial public offering (IPO), thus becoming a publicly traded and
owned entity” (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Войти в листинг фондовой биржи (IFC)
Vojti v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: to enter in the listing of a stock exchange
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
2. Pure DT
(Быть) включённым в листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora)
(Byt') vkljuchjonnym v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: to be included into the listing of a stock exchange
M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 16 doc.
Концерн становится первой германской фирмой, акции которой включены в листинг Нью-
Йоркской фондовой биржи (Zubov, 1996. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: … the first German firm, whose shares are included into the listing of the New York stock
3. Pure DT
Быть (внесённым) в листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora)
Byt' (vnesjonnym) v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: to be inserted into the listing of a stock exchange
M.c.: 1 doc.
<…>официальный журнал Европейского союза
опубликовал Директиву (распоряжение), требующую от компаний, внесённых в листинг
европейских фондовых бирж,
готовить с 2005 г. свою консолидированную отчётность в соответствии с нормами МСФО
(Evropejskij, forum buhgalterov, 2003. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: ...the companies, introduced (inserted) into the listing of the European stock exchanges <...>
4. Pure DT
Получать листинг фондовой биржи (Ruscorpora)
Poluchat' listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: to receive listing of a stock exchange
M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.,
В последние дни 2008 года концерн «Тракторные заводы»
(КТЗ) получил листинг на Франкфуртской фондовой бирже (Shabashov, 2009. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: the concern ... received a listing at the Frankfurt stock exchange.

5. Direct Equivalent (general use)
Получать огласку (Lingvo)
Poluchat' oglasku
L.t.: to receive publicity
Ruscorpora: about a company 0 matches
6. Calque (general use)
Стать публичной (о компании) (IFC)
Stat' publichnoj (o kompanii)
L.t.: to become public (about a company)
Ruscorpora: general meaning
(Быть) включённым в листинг фондовой биржи
(Byt') vkljuchjonnym v listing fondovoj birzhi
L.t.: to be included into the listing of a stock exchange

26. Nullify, invalidate (a transaction)

To cause (something) to lose its value or to have no effect (Merriam-Webster).
1. Pure DT
Объявить недействительной (IFC).
Ob"javit' nedejstvitel'noj
L.t.: to declare invalid
Ruscorpora: N.c. 2 doc.(out of date)
Здесь объявлены недействительными сделки по
продаже ресурсов и получению кредитов,
заключенные после июньской Декларации о суверенитете, ― Россия за них
ответственности не несет (Василий Селюнин. Всё у нас получится // «Огонек». № 8, 1991,
L.t.: the transactions are declared invalid
See the use:
Ведь завтра вам могут объявить, что сделка недействительна (Шершнев Федор. Если во Главу
Угла Поставить Закон - // Труд-7, 2002.07.12).
2. Direct equivalent (general use)
Аннулировать, отменить (сделку, операцию) (IFC)
Annulirovat', otmenit' (sdelku, operaciju)
L.t.: nullify, to cancel (a transaction, an operation)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
И даже если клиент будет аннулировать сделку, то эту комиссию ему уже не вернут
(Ширманова Татьяна. Менял заставят говорить правду // Труд-7, 2009.06.05).
L.t.: to nullify a transaction
3. Pure DT
юр. делать недействительным (Academic)
jur. delat' nedejstvitel'nym
L.t. to make invalid
Ruscorpora: N.c. 2 doc.
Одним из его главных требований является своевременное оформление всех документов, что
делает недействительными все соглашения о долевом участии, заключенные дополучения
разрешения на это строительство (Итоговый выпуск (вечерний) – 06.04.05 18:00 – Челябинск //
Новый регион 2, 2005.04.07).

4. Pure DT (law term)
Лишать законной силы (Lingvo Universal)
Lishat' zakonnoj sily
L.t. to deprive of a law force
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Pure DT (law term)
юр. лишать юридической силы (Academic)
jur. lishat' juridicheskoj sily
L.t.: to deprive of a juridical (legal) force
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches (about a transaction)
Источник "Известий" в руководстве "Родины" рассказал: во-
первых, отсутствие представителя Минюста лишает мероприятие юридической силы (Ольга
ТРОПКИНА. Сергей Глазьев хочет сделать из 'Родины' партию // Известия, 2004.01.30).
6. Pure DT
Признавать недействительным (Lingvo Universal)
делать или признавать недействительным (Academic)
Priznavat' nedejstvitel'nym;
delat' ili priznavat' nedejstvitel'nym
L.t.: to acknowledge (to make) invalid
M.c. 5 doc. N.c. 11 doc.
Чтобы получить разрешение на арест имущества, суды должны будут признавать сделку по ег
о продаже недействительной. (Мария Кунле, Анастасия Алексеевских. «Минимальный штраф
за нарушение ПДД должен быть 500 рублей» // Известия, 2013.03.19)
Признавать недействительным
Priznavat' nedejstvitel'nym
L.t.: to acknowledge (to make) invalid

27. Stakeholder
A party that has an interest in an enterprise or project. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its
investors, employees, customers and suppliers. However, modern theory goes beyond this conventional notion
to embrace additional stakeholders such as the community, government and trade associations (Investopedia).
1. Pure DT
Заинтересованное лицо (IFC)
Zainteresovannoe lico
L.t.: an interested person/entity
M.c.: 36 doc., N.c.: 569 doc.
Заинтересованным лицам обращаться в экономический отдел компании по тел. (Jelektronnoe
ob"javlenie (2005))
2. Pure DT
Заинтересованная сторона (OECD-1)
Zainteresovannaja storona
L.t.: an interested party
Ruscorpora : M.c.: 245 documents; N.c.: 691 documents

Теперь заинтересованные стороны ждут решения московской экологической экспертизы.
(Maletin, 2003.Ruscorpora)
L.t.: interested parties
3. Pure DT
Участник совместного дела (Lingvo)
Uchastnik sovmestnogo dela
L.t.: a participant of a joint business
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
4. Pure DT + a comment (legal term)
Депозитарий спорного имущества (лицо, сохраняющее имущество третьих лиц до тех пор, пока
суд не решит, кому оно должно быть присуждено) (Lingvo Economics, Lingvo Law)
Depozitarij spornogo imushhestva (lico, sohranjajushhee imushhestvo tret'ih lic do teh por, poka sud ne
reshit, komu ono dolzhno byt' prisuzhdeno)
L.t.: a depositary of a joint property (a person/entity saving the property of third parties until the court
decides who should own it)
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
5. Direct Loan (transcription)
Стейкхоулдер (IFC)
L.t.: a stakeholder (Direct Loan (transcription))
Ruscorpora: Another spelling M.c.: 1 doc.; N.c.: 1 doc.
Направления финансирования определяются в ходе исследований,
глубокого анализа и периодически пересматриваются взависимости от достигнутых целей и меня
ющихся требований заинтересованных сторон (стейкхолдеров) (Korporativnaja social'naja
otvetstvennost': i cel', i sredstvo, 2004. Ruscorpora).
Это вопрос корпоративного конфликта, и он более широкий и включает всех стейкхолдеров. (Заче
м комитету совета директоров собственный бюджет // РБК Daily, 2008.10.30).
6. Direct Equivalent (general use)
Пайщик (Lingvo)
L.t.: shareholder
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 64 doc. ; M.c.: 48 doc.
<…> сейчас российский пайщик может выбрать фонд, который инвестирует в акции риэлторских и
девелоперских компаний Азиатского региона <…> (Koshkarov, 2008. Ruscorpora).
Заинтересованное лицо
Zainteresovannoe lico
L.t.: an interested person/entity

28. Custodian
Someone who keeps and protects something valuable for another person (Merriam-Webster).
A financial institution that holds customers' securities for safekeeping so as to minimize the risk of their theft
or loss. (Investopedia).
Банк или иная организация, принимающая на хранение финансовые активы или другие ценности;
вариант "кастодиан" используется в законодательстве Казахастана, а в России используется больше в
разговорном языке) (Academic).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Лицо, наделенное ответственностью за доверительное владение (IFC)
Lico, nadelennoe otvetstvennost'ju za doveritel'noe vladenie

L.t.: a person, vested with the responsibility for the confidential possession
2. Direct loan (transcription)
Кастодиан (IFC)
L.t.: a custodian
Ruscorpora: N.c.. 11 doc.
сейчас компания имеет дочерние структуры в Узбекистане и Киргизии, а также недавно
зарегистрировала компанию на Кипре, которая намерена получитьлицензии кастодиана и
брокера («Ист Кэпитал» станет казахской // РБК Daily, 2007.06.15).
банк-кастодиан или иностранный центральный депозитарий к голосованию не допускается
(Игорь Пылаев. Глава ФСФР готов снять ограничения на выпуск ADR и GDR // РБК Daily,
L.t.: a custodian, a bank-custodian
3. Direct equivalent
Депозитарий (Academic)
L.t.: Depositary (= Synonym)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 74 doc., 467 doc.
Кроме того, законопроект заставляет банки передавать сертификаты на хранение
депозитариям и запрещает сберсертификаты на предъявителя (Анастасия Алексеевских.
Минфин нашел способ ввести безотзывные вклады // Известия, 2014.06.26).
4. Direct equivalent + comment
Попечитель (банк или иная организация, ответственные за сохранность финансовых активов)
Popechitel' (bank ili inaja organizacija, otvetstvennye za sohrannost' finansovyh aktivov) (a
L.t.: a trustee (a bank or another organization, responsible for the safety of financial assets)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 115 doc., 446 doc.
L.t.: a trustee
Direct equivalent
Direct equivalent
L.t.: Depositary (= Synonym)

29. Visitors' experience pavilion

Project of the Department of Public Information. Conceptual design work for the project scheduled to begin in
December 2002 in order to prepare a further report in response to General Assembly resolution 56/236 of 24
December 2001. To be enacted in conjunction with the capital master plan and to consist of interactive
exhibits, among other things.
Variants: (1) visitors' experience project; (2) visitors' experience (UNTERM Organization).

Calque and DT
Программа обслуживания посетителей (UNTERM)

Programma obsluzhivanija posetitelej
L.t.: the programme of service for visitors
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: the use in commerce
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

30. Listed (shares)

Being included and traded on a given exchange (Investopedia)
1. Pure DT
Kотирующиеся на фондовой бирже (акции) (IFC)
Kotirujushhiesja na fondovoj birzhe (akcii)
L.t.: quoted on a stock exchange (shares)
N.c. 4 doc.
РДР будут выпущены на акции Rusal, котирующиеся на Гонконгской фондовой бирже. (Гал
ина Камнева, Наталья Старостина, Антон Вержбицкий. ФСФР зарегистрировала российские
расписки алюминиевой компании // РБК Daily, 2010.12.08)
2. Pure DT
Kотирующиеся на фондовом рынке (акции) (Ruscorpora)
Kotirujushhiesja na fondovom rynke (akcii)
L.t.: quoted on a stock market (shares)
N.c. 2 doc.
Более 95% акций Allianz, котирующихся на фондовых рынках, представлены на биржах в
Германии, несмотря на то что около 70% акций принадлежатиностранным инвесторам. (Аксел
ь Хепнер, Кристиан Шнель (Перевод Татьяны Глазковой). Прощай, Америка! // РБК Daily,
3. Calque (based on the term formed with the help of direct loan and assimilation) +DT
включенный в листинг (IFC)
фин. включенный в листинг (о ценной бумаге, которая принята к торгам на какой-л. бирже и
которую можно найти в котировочных листах; также о компании, которая выпустила такую
ценную бумагу) (Academic)
vkljuchennyj v listing (a comment)
L.t.: included in the listing (about a security, which is accepted for a bid on a stock-exchange and
which can be found in quoted lists; and also about a company which issued such a share)
Ruscorpora: N.c. 4 doc.
Сейчас акции компании уже включены в листинг РТС, также готовятся документы для вкл
ючения ценных бумаг в листинг на ММВБ и Лондонскойфондовой бирже (LSE) (Английский
пациент // РБК Daily, 2007.04.12).

RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque (based on the term formed with the help of direct loan and
assimilation) +DT
Включённый в листинг
Vkljuchennyj v listing
L.t.: included in the listing
Pure DT
Kотирующиеся на фондовой бирже (акции)
Kotirujushhiesja na fondovoj birzhe (akcii)
L.t.: quoted on a stock exchange (shares)

31. Authorization
Process used in verifying that the individual or organization who has requested or initiated an action has
the right to do so. (Business Dictionary)
the act of authorizing: to give power or permission to (someone or something) (Merriam-Webster).

1. Pure DT
Предоставление полномочий (IFC)
Predostavlenie polnomochij
L.t.: granting authorities
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 6 doc., exact form: 2 doc. N.c.: 39 doc., exact form: 3 doc.

<..> предоставление полномочий по принятию решений

в рамках лимитов и создание системы контроля за их соблюдением <..> (Т. Н. Данилова.
Структура банка и организация управления филиальной сетью (2003) // «Финансы и кредит»,
L.t.: granting authorities on decision making

<..> нельзя обойтись без предоставления республике больших полномочий в сфере экономики
(Без заголовка (2003) // «Итоги», 2003.03.17).
L.t.: granting to the Republic of big authorities in the economics sphere
2. Pure DT
Выдача разрешения (IFC)
Vydacha razreshenija
L.t.: the emission of a permission
M.c.: 38 doc., N.c.: 315 doc.
К числу таковых относится сокращение сроков выдачи разрешений, необходимых для начала
бизнеса, создание подготовленных промышленных площадок и целый ряд других мер. (Дмитрий
Медведев. Послание Президента РФ Федеральному Собранию Российской Федерации //
«Российская газета», 2010)
L.t.: the emission of permissions
3. Direct loan/Direct equivalent (transliteration):
Авторизация (IFC)

Ruscorpora: The use of a term “авторизация” is widespread
M.c.: 14 doc., N.c.: 34 doc.
Если карта действительна, то оператор получает код авторизации (Новости СБСАГРО (1997) //
«Столица», 1997.12.08).
L.t.: the code of authorization

Введение авторизации пользователя, установка систем защиты и присвоение персонального

номера решит проблему только на местах (Анатолий ГУСЕВ. Информацию о москвичах защитят
от хакеров // Известия, 2004.01.09).
L.t.: the introduction of user’s authorization
4. Pure DT
Наделение правами (полномочиями) (напр., должностного лица) (Academic)
Nadelenie pravami (polnomochijami) (a comment)
L.t.: endowing with rights (authority) (for example, an official)
Ruscorpora: наделение правом /правами M.c.: 22 doc., exact forms: 5 doc., N.c.: 67 doc., exact
forms:7 doc.
- Закон "О введении в действие Жилищного кодекса" предусматривает наделение правами
нанимателей―жильцов бывших общежитий, которые были переданы на баланс муниципалитета.
(Мамедова Майя. Кто Хозяин Моей Земли? // Труд-7, 2006.07.20)
Наделение полномочиями: M.c.: 20 doc., exact forms: 4 doc., N.c.: 257 doc., exact form: 61 doc.
Выборы -
это более открытая и демократичная процедура, чем любой другой механизм наделения полном
очиями (Наталья Башлыкова. «Политическая реформа не стала ответом на протестные
выступления» // Известия, 2013.11.20).
5. Direct equivalent (law, economics term (general use))
Уполномочивание (Academic, Lingvo Universal)
L.t.: authorization
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
6. Direct equivalent (law, economics term (general use))
Разрешение (Academic, Lingvo Universal)
L.t.: a permission
Ruscorpora: general use
7. Direct equivalent (law, economics term (general use))
Санкция (напр., на проведение операций) (Academic)
Sankcija (a comment)
L.t.: a sanction (for example, for the fulfillment of transactions)
Ruscorpora: general use
8. Direct equivalent (law, economics term (general use))
Лицензия (напр., иностранной компании на осуществление деятельности на территории
данного государства) (Academic)
Licenzija (a comment)
L.t.: a license (for example, of a foreign company to fulfill its activities on the territory of another
Ruscorpora: general use
9. Direct equivalent (law, economics term (general use))
Санкционирование (Academic, Lingvo Universal)

L.t.: Authorization, confirmation
Ruscorpora: general use
Выдача разрешения
Vydacha razreshenija
L.t.: the emission of a permission
Pure DT
Наделение правами (полномочиями) (напр., должностного лица)1
Nadelenie pravami (polnomochijami) (a comment)
L.t.: endowing with rights (authority) (for example, an official)

32. Related party transaction

A business deal or arrangement between two parties who are joined by a special relationship prior to the deal.
For example, a business transaction between a major shareholder and the corporation, such as a contract for the
shareholder's company to perform renovations to the corporation's offices, would be deemed a related-party
transaction (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Сделка с заинтересованностью (IFC)
Sdelka s zainteresovannost'ju
L.t.: the transaction with an interest
M.c.: 5 док., N.c.: 79 док.
Telenor выступила против сделки с Wind: компания настаивает на том, что слияние с Wind не
сделкой с заинтересованностью (Антон Бурсак. Консультанты Vimpelcom ltd поддержали
сделку с Нагибом Савирисом // РБК Daily, 2011.03.01).
L.t.: the transaction with an interest
2. Pure DT
Сделка между аффилированными лицами (операция между лицами, которые связаны между
собой, в т. ч. через отношения собственности, и могут оказывать влияние на решения друг
друга) (Academic)
Sdelka mezhdu affilirovannymi licami (comment)
L.t. a transaction between affiliated entities/persons (an operation between entities/persons, which are
connected to one another, namely via property relations and can affect each other’s decisions
Ruscorpora: 2 doc.
И цена выкупа не может определяться на основании сделок между
аффилированными лицами (Маргарита Парфененкова. ФСФР запретила «Седьмому
континенту» требовать принудительного выкупа акций у миноритариев // РБК Дейли,
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Сделка, заключённая между аффилированными лицами (Ruscorpora)
Sdelka, zakljuchjonnaja mezhdu affilirovannymi licami
L.t. a transaction concluded between the affiliated entities/persons
Ruscorpora: N.c. 1 doc.
Без внимания мытарей не останутся и сделки, заключенные между аффилированными или взаи
мозависимыми лицами (Екатерина Выхухолева. Компаниям не придется доказывать свою
добросовестность // РБК Daily, 2006.06.21).

4. Calque and DT
Сделки между связанными сторонами (Academic)
Sdelki mezhdu svjazannymi storonami
L.t. transactions between related (connected) parties
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Calque and DT
Операции между связанными сторонами (Academic)
Operacii mezhdu svjazannymi storonami
L.t. operations between related (connected) parties
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Сделка с заинтересованностью
Sdelka s zainteresovannost'ju
L.t.: the transaction with an interest

33. Business judgment rule

A legal principle that makes officers, directors, managers, and other agents of a corporation
immune from liability to the corporation for loss incurred in corporate transactions that are within
their authority and power to make when sufficient evidence demonstrates that the transactions were
made in Good Faith (Farlex).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Правило добросовестности директоров при принятии решений (IFC)
Pravilo dobrosovestnosti direktorov pri prinjatii reshenij
L.t.: the rule of the good faith of the directors under decision making
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for online glossaries and dictionaries
2. Calque
Правило бизнес-суждения (IFC)
Pravilo biznes-suzhdenija
L.t.: the rule of business judgment
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used
правило бизнес суждения (business judgment rule) – Правовая презумпция,
что руководство фирмы действует в интересах фирмы и, следовательно, его решения были
защищены от судебного рассмотрения. (Business Prime).
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Презумпция добросовестности директоров при принятии решений (Academic)
Prezumpcija dobrosovestnosti direktorov pri prinjatii reshenij
L.t. a presumption of the good faith of directors under decision making
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Direct equivalent + comment
Правило неприкосновенности (принцип, который защищает должностных лиц корпорации от
несения личной ответственности до тех пор, пока они действуют добросовестно, с должной
осторожностью и в соответствии с указаниями высшего руководства) (Academic)
Pravilo neprikosnovennosti (comment)

L.t.: the rule of inviolability (a principle, which defends the officials of a corporation from bearing their
personal responsibility while they act in good faith, with due diligence and in accordance with the
direction of senior management).
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used in different subject fields
“Правило неприкосновенности. Члены совета директоров должны придерживаться взвешенных
деловых суждений при исполнении своих обязанностей” (Rymanov, 2017).
5. Сalque (construction with prepositions)
Страхование: Правило о деловом решении (Academic)
Strahovanie: Pravilo o delovom reshenii
L.t. Insursance: the rule about business decision
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used
Note: It is used in the form of the Pure Calque:
Правило делового суждения (business judgment rule) является стандартом, по которому
оценивают работу директоров корпорации… (Gohan, 2010, p. 110)
Правило делового суждения
Pravilo delovogo suzhdenija
L.t.: the rule of business judgement
Or Direct equivalent
Правило неприкосновенности
Pravilo neprikosnovennosti
L.t.: the rule of inviolability

34. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The person who has the most authority in an organization or business: the executive with the chief decision-
making authority in an organization or business (Merriam-Webster).

1. Pure DT
Первый руководитель (IFC)
Pervyj rukovoditel'
L.t.: the first manager
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 108 doc.
своевременное доведение оперативной информации до сведения первых руководителей ГЖД (в
форме донесений, сообщений, докладов) (Дорожный ситуационно-логистический центр
управления хозяйствами ОАО «РЖД» (2004) // «Логистика», 2004.09.20).
L.t.: the first manager
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Главный исполнительный директор корпорации (обычно президент) (Lingvo Economics)
Glavnyj ispolnitel'nyj direktor korporacii (comment)
L.t.: the main executive manager of the corporation (usually the president)
Ruscopora: N.c. 12 doc.
Как рассказал в беседе с РБК daily главный исполнительный директор корпорации по управ
лению имен и номеров Интернета ICANN Род Бекстр, на прошлой неделе ихкомпания ввела тес
товую зону защищенных доменных имен (DNS. (Виталий Петлевой. Интернет защитит имена //
РБК Daily, 2010.05.13) .
3. Calque

Главный исполнительный директор (Academic; Ruscorpora)
Glavnyj ispolnitel'nyj direktor
L.t.: the main executive manager
M.c. 17 doc. N.c. 360 doc.
Слова президента и главного исполнительного директора TeliaSonera Ларса Нюберга об этом
приводятся в отчете TeliaSonera за первое полугодие 2012 года. (Елизавета Серьгина.
TeliaSonera считает продажу доли в «МегаФоне» историей успеха // РБК Дейли, 2012.07.19)
4. Pure DT
Менеджеры высшего звена (Academic)
Menedzhery vysshego zvena
L.t.: managers of the higher rank
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 15 doc., N.c.: 67 doc.
«Наиболее востребованы технические, IT-
специалисты, менеджеры по продажам, административный персонал, наименее —
менеджеры высшего звена, юристы, маркетологи», —
отмечает директор офиса «Coleman Services Санкт-Петербург» Елена Новоселова. (Ирина
Лапеченкова. Петербургский рынок труда испытывает дефицит высококвалифицированных
кадров // РБК Дейли, 2011.08.31)
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Руководители корпораций и крупных компаний (Academic)
Rukovoditeli korporacij i krupnyh kompanij
L.t.: managers of corporations and big companies
Comment: not a concrete term
6. Calque
Директор-распорядитель (LingvoEconomics)
L.t.: manager (in charge)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
Последние четыре года он работал в качестве директора –
распорядителя Московского музыкального театра им. (Итоговый выпуск вечерний – 01.09.05
18:00 – Нижний Новгород // Новый регион 2, 2005.09.02)
7. Calque
Высшее должностное лицо (IFC)
Vysshee dolzhnostnoe lico
L.t.: the senior post officer
M.c.: 97 doc., N.c.: 343 doc.
Так срок пребывания у власти высших должностных лиц Кубы будет ограничен до двух сроков
по пять лет. (Евгений ЛУКЬЯНИЦА. Куба оказалась на пороге рыночных реформ //
Комсомольская правда, 2011.04.17)
L.t.: the senior post officer
Главный исполнительный директор
Glavnyj ispolnitel'nyj direktor
L.t.: the main executive manager
OR Calque
Высшее должностное лицо
Vysshee dolzhnostnoe lico
L.t.: the senior post officer

35. Regular resources
Of all the funds received by UNICEF, core resources – also known as Regular Resources (RR) – best allow
UNICEF to reach children who are in the greatest need and at the greatest risk, whether they be the victims of
a protracted conflict, an epidemic, or a natural or manmade disaster. (UNICEF. Report on Regular Resources

Calque and DT
Средства регулярного бюджета (UNTERM)
Sredstva reguljarnogo bjudzheta
L.t.: a fund of a regular budget
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Начиная с воскресенья, Пентагон вынужден финансировать военные операции в Ираке и Афганистане
из средств регулярного ежегодного бюджета в размере 459,3 миллиарда долларов, где такие расходы
не предусмотрены (Пентагон вынужден уволить 100 тысяч гражданских работников // Известия,
L.t.: the fund of a regular annual budget in the amount of 459,3 billion dollars.
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

36. Work Force Planning Exercise

Workforce Planning: The systematic assessment of future workforce needs and the determination of strategies
and actions required to meet those needs (Workforce Planning for Human Resource Professionals One-Day
Overview, 2002).
Systematic identification and analysis of what an organization is going to need in terms of the size, type, and
quality of workforce to achieve its objectives. It determines what mix of experience, knowledge, and skills are
required, and it sequences steps to get the right number of right people in the right place at the right time
(Business Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT
Мероприятия по планированию штатного расписания (UNTERM)
Meroprijatija po planirovaniju shtatnogo raspisanija
L.t.: measures on staff schedule planning
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online glossaries and dictionaries
2. Pure DT (shortened form)
=workforce planning
использование персонала (Academic)
ispol'zovanie personala
L.t.: the use of personnel
Ruscorpora: general meaning
N.c.: 3 doc. (not full matches)
Использование временного персонала выгодно и не так затратно, как кажется на первый взгляд.
(Какие Компании Чаще Обращаются к Temporary Staffing? // Труд-7, 2008.06.10)
L.t. the use of temporary personnel
В последнее десятилетие небольшие города при электростанциях типа Новомичуринска столкнул
ись с проблемой использования высококвалифицированного персонала (Васильев Дмитрий.
Эстетика Энергетики // Труд-7, 2001.03.28).
L.t. the use of highly qualified personnel

3. Pure DT
Использование труда персонала (Ruscorpora)
Ispol'zovanie truda personala
L.t. the use of the labour of personnel
Ruscorpora: general meaning
N.c. 1 doc.
Третий по эффективному использованию труда персонала — Газпромбанк (Екатерина Белкина.
Сотрудники банков приносят миллионы, а получают тысячи // РБК Daily, 2011.03.02).
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Планирование потребности в персонале (Academic)
Planirovanie potrebnosti v personale
L.t.: the planning of the need in personnel
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Мероприятия по планированию штатного расписания
Meroprijatija po planirovaniju shtatnogo raspisanija
L.t.: Measures on staff schedule planning

37. Management Ownership Committee

The Management Ownership Committee, comprising the heads of all Geneva-based agencies, under the
Chairmanship of the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, provides strategic direction and
high-level support for all common service initiatives (UN General Assembly, 2003 -2).
The “three-tier mechanism”, which comprises the Management Ownership Committee, the Task Force on
Common Services, and various ad hoc working groups, is being reviewed so as to further enhance its
efficiency, the report continues. Possible improvement measures include expanding the mandate of the Task
Force on Common Services to incorporate the tasks assigned to the Management Ownership Committee and
redefining the role of the Joint Purchase Service (UNIS Vienna, 2004).

Calque and DT
Комитет участников по вопросам управления (UNTERM)
Komitet uchastnikov po voprosam upravlenija
L.t.: the committee of members on the issues of management
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: “Целевой группы по общим службам, с тем чтобы он предусматривал возложение
определенных функций на Комитет участников по вопросам управления и корректи- ровку задач
Объединенной службы закупок” (UN General Assembly, 2013).
Комитет участников по вопросам управления
Komitet uchastnikov po voprosam upravlenija
L.t.: the committee of members on the issues of management

38. Management Review Group

Management review
analysis and evaluation by the external auditor of management’s performance, including an analysis of the
quality of decision making, efficiency of operations, profitability, corporate policies, internal controls,
personnel relations, social responsibility, marketing factors, and ability to keep up-to-date technologically, as
well as factoring economic and political considerations into decisions among other criteria (All Business).

Calque and DT
Группа по обзору вопросов управления(UNTERM)
Gruppa po obzoru voprosov upravlenija
L.t.: a group on the review of the issues of management
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: UNTERM
Rarely used
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

39. Forgery
An act of forging; especially: the crime of falsely and fraudulently making or altering a document (as a check)

1. Calque and DT
Подделка документов (IFC)
подделка (документов, денег и т. п.) (Academic; Lingvo Universal; Academic)
юр., пат. подделка товаров (представление товаров как продуктов не того производителя,
которым они на самом деле произведены) (Academic)
Poddelka dokumentov;
poddelka (dokumentov, deneg i t. p.)
L.t.: falsification of documents, forgery
M.c.: 3 doc.; N.c.: 350 doc., exact forms 278 doc.
Французов подозревают фактически в подделке документов, обмане клиентов (Эльмар
Гусейнов. Галльский детектив. Наши следователи изъяли документы в крупнейшем банке
Франции (2002) // «Известия», 2002.02.01).
L.t.: falsification of documents

По факту организации незаконной миграции и подделки официальных

документов возбуждено уголовное дело (Алла Александрова. В Магнитогорске двое уроженцев
Таджикистана наладили массовую миграцию нелегалов // Новый регион 2, 2010.10.18).

L.t.: falsification of official documents

Это не первый случай подделки проездных документов на метро: в марте прошлого года была р
азоблачена преступная группировка, торговавшая фальшивыми билетами увхода в метро в тече
ние целого года (Галина Зинченко. За чужой счет // РБК Daily, 2010.07.21).
L.t.: falsification of travel tickets (documents)
2. Calque and DT
Поддельный документ (Academic)
Poddel'nyj dokument
L.t.: a forged document
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 40 doc., N.c.: 593 doc.
Как выяснилось, аферисты похищали деньги из банка с помощью поддельных документов (Ал
ександра Ермакова. Торговцы должностями получили 12 лет на троих // Известия, 2014.07.07).
3. Direct equivalent (general use)
Подлог (IFC, Lingvo Universal, Academic)
L.t.: forgery

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 14 doc.; N.c.: 251 doc.
Обычно в бухгалтериях не идут на подлог. (Коллективный срок исковой давности (2011-2012))
L.t.: forgery
Подделка документов
Poddelka dokumentov
L.t.: falsification of documents, forgery

40. Arm’s length transaction (figurative meaning)

A transaction in which the buyers and sellers of a product act independently and have no relationship to each
other. The concept of an arm's length transaction is to ensure that both parties in the deal are acting in their
own self interest and are not subject to any pressure or duress from the other party. (Investopedia)
Basis of determining fair market value (FMV), it is a dealing between independent, unrelated, and
well informed parties looking out for their individual interests. Transactions involving family members,
and parent companies and subsidiaries, are deemed arm-in-arm dealings. To qualify as an arm's length
transaction, neither of the involved parties may have any interest in the transaction's consequences to the other
party (Business Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Сделка между независимыми сторонами (IFC)
Sdelka mezhdu nezavisimymi storonami
L.t.: a transaction between independent parties
Ruscorpora: M.c., N.c.: 0 matches
Parallel Corpus: 1 doc.
Справедливая стоимость―это сумма, на которую можно обменять актив или посредством
которой можно урегулировать обязательство при совершении сделки на рыночных условиях
между хорошо осведомленными, независимыми сторонами, действующими на добровольной
основе. (АКБ "Русславбанк". Финансовая отчётность (ABBYY LingvoPRO) (2010))
• Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between
knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction.
(JSCB Russlavbank. Financial Statements (2010))

2. Pure DT
Сделка без заинтересованности (IFC)
Sdelka bez zainteresovannosti
L.t.: a transaction without an interest.
Ruscorpora: 0 results
3. Pure DT
Операция между независимыми сторонами (Ruscorpora)
Operacija mezhdu nezavisimymi storonami
L.t.: operation between independent parties
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
После этого приходят налоговые органы и проверяют, является ли эта цена рыночной,
соответствует ли она принципу операций между независимыми сторонами (России не надо
изобретать велосипед // РБК Daily, 2010.06.22).
L.t.: operations between independent parties.
4. Additional or irrelevant components.

Сделка между хорошо осведомленными и независимыми друг от друга сторонами (Ruscorpora)
Sdelka mezhdu horosho osvedomlennymi i nezavisimymi drug ot druga storonami
L.t.: a transaction between well-informed and independent from each other parties
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc. Международные стандарты все большее предпочтение
отдают оценке по справедливой стоимости, которая по определению представляет собой сумму
денежных средств, достаточную для приобретения активов или
исполнения обязательств при совершении сделки между
хорошо осведомленными и независимыми друг от друга сторонами (К справедливой
стоимости (2004) // «Металлы Евразии», 2004.12.17).
L.t.: a transaction between well-informed and independent from each other parties
5. Direct equivalent (general use)
юр. Коммерческая (рыночная) сделка (сделка между сторонами, которые не имеют каких-л.
юридических и финансовых связей, для избежания конфликта интересов; напр., сделка между
мужем и женой или между корпорацией и дочерней компанией не может считаться сделкой "на
расстоянии вытянутой руки"; сделки такого рода являются основой для независимого
определения рыночной цены предмета сделки, напр., актива; при составлении финансовой
отчетности предполагается, что все сделки были коммерческими, но поскольку это может быть
не так, и при этом пользователь отчетности не будет знать об этом, существуют стандарты,
требующие раскрытия информации о сделках между связанными сторонами) (Academic)
jur. Kommercheskaja (rynochnaja) sdelka (a comment)
L.t.: (law) commercial (market) transaction (a transaction between the parties, which don’t have any
law or financial ties, for avoiding a conflict of interests; for example, a transaction between a husband
and a wife or betwee a corporation and a branch company cannot be considered an arms’ length
transaction; such transactions are normally a bas for an independent identification of a market price of
the subject of a transaction, for example, an asset; while writing a financial report it is supposed that all
the transactions are commercial, but as it can be wrong and the user won’t know that there are
standards, requiring the information about the transactions between the parties involved to be

Коммерческая сделка: N.c.: 56 doc., M.c.: 38 doc.
Рыночная сделка: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 13 doc.

Кроме того, подобные саммиты создают благоприятную атмосферу для заключения

коммерческих сделок, что положительно влияет на стабилизацию экономической ситуации
(Что вы ждете от Петербургского международного экономического форума? // РИА Новости,

Parallel corpus: 1 doc.: en

James was a little cowed; when it came to the actual figures of a commercial transaction he was sure of
himself, for then he was dealing with facts, not with men; but preliminary negotiations such as these
made him nervous—he never knew quite how far he could go. (John Galsworthy. The Man of Property
Джемс струхнул: когда речь шла о точных цифрах коммерческой сделки, он был уверен в себе,
так как имел дело с фактами, а не с людьми; но предварительные переговоры, вроде тех,
которые велись сейчас, нервировали его — он никогда не знал, где и как нужно остановиться
(Джон Голсуорси. Собственник (Н. Волжина, 1946)).

Рыночный (или сравнительный) подход основан на сравнении данных об аналогичных

рыночных сделках (Д. А. Корнилов, С. Н. Яшин. Использование методов и подходов к оценке
стоимости объектов обмена и определение на их основе эффективности принимаемых стратегий
при реконструктуризации компаний (2004) // «Финансы и кредит», 2004.11.22).
Сделка между независимыми сторонами
Sdelka mezhdu nezavisimymi storonami
L.t.: a transaction between independent parties

41. Base-line study (figurative meaning)

Analysis of current situation to identify the starting points for a program or project.
(Business Dictionary).

Full Definition of BASELINE

1: a line serving as a basis; especially : one of known measure or position used (as in surveying or navigation)
to calculate or locate something
2 a : either of the lines on a baseball field that lead from home plate to first base and third base and are
extended into the outfield as foul lines
3: a boundary line at either end of a court (as in tennis or basketball)
4: a usually initial set of critical observations or data used for comparison or a control
5: a starting point <the baseline of this discussion> (Merriam-Webster).

1. Pure DT
Исследование исходной ситуации (OECD-1)
Issledovanie ishodnoj situacii
L.t.: a research of a starting situation
Ruscorpora: 0 results

2. Pure DT
Анализ существующего положения (Academic)
Analiz sushhestvujushhego polozhenija
L.t.: the analysis of the current situation
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 5 doc.
Интерес представляет не только предлагаемая модель, но и первая часть документа―анализ с
уществующего положения. (Сиснёв Виссарион соб. корр. 'Труда'. ОКОНЧАТЕЛЬНЫЙ
ДИАГНОЗ // Труд-7, 2004.02.10)
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Исследование современного состояния (Academic)
Issledovanie sovremennogo sostojanija
L.t.: the analysis of the contemporary state
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc.
Этот труд остается непревзойденным, хотя давно есть потребность в исследовании современ
ного состояния языка. (Финно-угорские народы. Коми-язьвинцы (2001) // «Жизнь
национальностей», 2001.12.28)
4. Calque
Базовое исследование (Ruscorpora)
Bazovoe issledovanie
L.t.: basic study
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
По словам собеседника агентства, FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) представляет
собой установку для базовых исследований, при помощи которой ученые смогутглубже изуч
ить элементарные частицы материи и проникнуть в тайны возникновения вселенной. (Германи
я и РФ расширяют сотрудничество в области научных исследований // РИА Новости,
5. Pure DT (environmental term)
Изучение фоновых условий (окружающей среды) (Bol'shoj anglo-russkij politehnicheskij slovar')
Izuchenie fonovyh uslovij (okruzhajushhej sredy)
L.t.: a study of background conditions (of environment)
Comment: environment term
Анализ существующего положения
Analiz sushhestvujushhego polozhenija
L.t.: the analysis of the current situation

42. Buy-out
The purchasing of a controlling share in a company (Online Etymology Dictionary)

1. Calque and DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании (IFC)
Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij kompanii
L.t.: buy-out/repurchase of a control package of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Менеджеры «Сибура» не скрывают, что помимо выкупа контрольного пакета акций комп
ании у Газпромбанка онизаинтересованы в консолидации бумаг, принадлежащих сейчас друг
им акционерам (Shabashov, 2008. Ruscorpora).

2. Calque and DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета (Ruscorpora)
Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa
L.t.: repurchase of a control package
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc. N.c.: 15 doc.
Для привлечения средств на выкуп контрольного пакета акционеры «Вестера» ведут
переговоры с пятью банками (Perceva, 2011. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: to attract money for the buyout of a control package the shareholders make negotiations with
five banks.
3. Calque and DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета акций (Ruscorpora)
Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij
L.t.: repurchase of a control package of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 6 doc.
В апреле РБК daily уже сообщала о том, что южноафриканский Standard Bank ведет перегово
ры о выкупе контрольного пакета акций группы у топ-
менеджеров группы во главе с Рубеном Варданяном («Trojka Dialog» hochet pod krylo
gosudarstva, 2010. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: … Standard Bank Lodz the negotiations about the buyout of a control package of shares of a
4. Additional or Irrelevant Components
эк. закупка всей партии товара (Academic)
jek. zakupka vsej partii tovara
L.t.: a purchase of the whole shipment of produce

Ruscorpora: N.c.: without “весь” (the whole): 5 doc.

А на закупку очередных партий товара требовались все новые и новые суммы денег.
(Knjazev, 2000. Ruscorpora).
Calque and DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета
Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa
L.t.: repurchase of a control package

43. Cousin Consortium (CC)

A cousin consortium is defined by cousins who share ownership of a joint enterprise; generally third
generation members of a family in business but not necessarily—they could be second generation or even a
first-generation start-up, although this is less common. A cousin consortium can be formed by 2 cousins or
more (Business Families Foundation, 2016).

Pure DT
Стадия преемников в третьем поколении (в семейной компании) (IFC)
Stadija preemnikov v tret'em pokolenii (v semejnoj kompanii)
L.t.: the stage of successors in the third generation (in a family company)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for online dictionaries and glossaries

44. Dead hand (figurative meaning)
“An inalienable possession of lands or buildings by an ecclesiastical or other corporation” (Merriam-Webster).
“The condition of lands or tenements held without right of alienation, as by an ecclesiastical corporation;
inalienable ownership” (Dictionary.com).

1. Pure DT
Владение без права передачи (IFC; Lingvo)
Vladenie bez prava peredachi
L.t.: ownership without the right of assignation/transfer
Ruscorpora: N.c. 1 doc. (not a full match)
ДОЛЯ БЕЗ ПРАВА ПЕРЕДАЧИ (A u nas vo dvore, 2005. Ruscorpora)
Internet: the term is quite often used and mentioned in the dictionaries): "мертвая рука" - термин,
означающий "владение без права передачи" (Grigorjan, 2012).
2. Calque (figurative meaning)
«Мёртвая рука» (владение недвижимостью без права передачи) (Lingvo)
«Mjortvaja ruka» (the possession of a real estate without the right of assignation)
Ruscorpora: the term is used in different fields
Internet: the term is used, but is difficult to find on the Internet (see the abovementioned example)
3. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Неотчуждаемое право собственности на недвижимость, принадлежащую какому-либо
учреждению (церковному, благотворительному и т. п.) (Academic)
Neotchuzhdaemoe pravo sobstvennosti na nedvizhimost', prinadlezhashhuju kakomu-libo
uchrezhdeniju (comment)
L.t.: Inalienable property right on real estate, belonging to an institution (church, charity etc.)
Ruscorpora: 0 results
alienation in mortmain — продажа недвижимости «под мертвую руку» (церковному,
благотворительному и т. п. учреждению без права ее дальнейшего отчуждения)
Internet: the term is used in the dictionaries.
«Мёртвая рука. В римском праве неотчуждаемое право собственности на недвижимость,
принадлежащую корпорации» (Law Today).
Владение без права передачи
Vladenie bez prava peredachi
L.t.: ownership without a right of assignation/transfer

45. Drag-along right (figurative meaning)

A right that enables a majority shareholder to force a minority shareholder to join in the sale of a company
(Investopedia.com); a right that allows majority shareholders to force minority shareholders to accept an
agreement (InvestorWords.com); majority shareholder's privilege of obligating the minority shareholders to
sell their shares at a price offered in accordance with the shareholders agreement (Business Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Право мажоритарного акционера принудить других акционеров продать свои акции на
тех же условиях (IFC)
Pravo mazhoritarnogo akcionera prinudit' drugih akcionerov prodat' svoi akcii na teh zhe uslovijah

L.t.: a right of a majority shareholder to make other shareholders sell their shares under the same
Ruscorpora: 0 matches/rarely used on the Internet
2. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Oбязанность миноритарного акционера продать свой пакет акций наряду с
мажоритарным акционером на тех же условиях (Institutions Of Civil Law And
Modernization Of The Economy).
Objazannost' minoritarnogo akcionera prodat' svoj paket akcij narjadu s mazhoritarnym akcionerom
na teh zhe uslovijah
L.t.: an obligation of a minority shareholder to sell one´s own package of shares along with a
majority shareholder under the same conditions
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: «<…> обязанность миноритарного акционера продать свой пакет акций
наряду с мажоритарным акционером на тех же условиях… Это так называемое Drag –
along right» (Institutions Of Civil Law And Modernization Of The Economy).
4. Calque
Право потянуть за собой (Academic)
Pravo potjanut' za soboj
L.t.: the right to drag (smth./smb.) with you
Ruscorpora: 0 examples (except for general meaning)
The use on the Internet (rare):
The exact form:
Еще один момент: есть ли у вас, вашей компании или группы инвесторов, с которыми вы
находитесь в дружеских отношениях, право "потянуть за собой" (право акционеров,
владеющих большей частью акций компании и поддержавших какое-л. предложение о
покупке или поглощении компании, потребовать, чтобы и остальные акционеры приняли
данное предложение и продали свои акции)? (VentureNews)
Not exact form:
Drag-along — право потянуть за собой миноритариев в случае продажи акций
L.t.: the right to drag along minority shareholders in case of selling the shares by a majority
(shareholder) (Centr upravlenija finansami)
5. Pure DT
Права подключения, права подключения к сделке (к продаже), права подключить (к
продаже) (Academic)
Prava podkljuchenija, prava podkljuchenija k sdelke (k prodazhe), prava podkljuchit' (k prodazhe)
L.t.: the right of joining, the right to join the bargain (the sale), the right to join (to the sale))
Ruscorpora: 0 examples
The use on the Internet: general meaning
Право потянуть за собой
Pravo potjanut' za soboj
L.t.: the right to drag (smth./smb.) with you

46. (to) Foreclose (the property)

A situation in which a homeowner is unable to make full principal and interest payments on his/her mortgage,
which allows the lender to seize the property, evict the homeowner and sell the home, as stipulated in the
mortgage contract. One month after the homeowner misses a mortgage payment, he/she is in default and will
be notified by the lender. Three to six months after the homeowner misses a mortgage payment, assuming the
mortgage is still delinquent and the homeowner has not made up the missed payments within a specified grace
period, the lender will begin to foreclose. The farther behind the borrower falls, the more difficult it becomes
to catch up, since lenders add fees for payments that are 10 to 15 days late (Investopedia).
To foreclose a mortgage (Merriam-Webster).
Late 13c., from Old French forclos, past participle of forclore "exclude, shut out; shun; drive away" (12c.),
from fors "out" (Modern French hors; from Latin foris "outside;" see foreign) + clore "to shut" (see close (v.)).
Senses in English influenced by words in for- (which is partly synonymous with the Latin word) and spelling
by a mistaken association with native fore-. Specific mortgage law sense is first attested 1728. Other Middle
English for- words in which the same prefix figures include forjuggen "condemn, convict, banish;" forloinen
"forsake, stray from," and forfeit (Online Etymology Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Обращать взыскание (на имущество) (IFC)
Obrashhat' vzyskanie (na imushhestvo)
L.t.: to impose a penalty (on a property)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.; N.c.: 4 doc.
Судебные органы не решались
обращать взыскания на федеральное имущество, подавать на банкротство (Иван Штольц.
Тик-так (2002) // «Дело» (Самара), 2002.08.01).
L.t.: to impose penalty on federal property

Сегодня нельзя обращать взыскание на единственное жилье―в случае невозврата кредита

банку трудно реализовать такой залог (Надежда Косарева: 'К 2010 году ипотекой смогут
воспользоваться 30% населения' // Известия, 2004.06.10).
L.t.: to impose penalty on the sole property

Note: обращать взыскание на залог

Невозвраты заставят кредиторов чаще обращать взыскание на залог, продать который сегодня
можно лишь по бросовым ценам (Калинникова Татьяна. Банкиры прописали рассрочки // Труд-
7, 2009.03.11).
L.t.: to impose penalty on a pledge
2. Pure DT
Лишать права выкупа (вступать во владение заложенным имуществом вследствие неуплаты
должником причитающихся с него сумм) (Academic).
to foreclose (on) a mortgage — лишать права выкупа заложенного имущества
Lishat' prava vykupa (a comment)
L.t.: to deprive of the buy-out right (to get the rights of an owner of a mortgaged property as a result of
non-payment of the mortgaged property)
Ruscorpora: 1 doc. (see the example below)
В США нарастает вал случаев, когда банки лишают американские семьи права выкупа
заложенных по ипотеке домов, так как люди не могут за них расплатиться (Без права выкупа //
РБК Daily, 2007.11.28).
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Лишать права выкупа заложенного имущества (Academic)

Lishat' prava vykupa zalozhennogo imushhestva
L.t.: to deprive of the right of pledged property buy-out
Ruscorpora: see the abovementioned example
4. Additional or irrelevant components
юр. Отказывать в праве выкупа закладной вследствие просрочки (Lingvo Universal)
jur. Otkazyvat' v prave vykupa zakladnoj vsledstvie prosrochki
L.t.: to deny the right of the buy-out of a pledge as a consequence of a delay
Ruscorpora: 0 results
5. Pure DT
юр. лишать права пользования (Academic; Lingvo Universal)
jur. lishat' prava pol'zovanija
L.t.: to deprive of the right for the usage
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.; N.c.: 2 doc.
Но самое главное―обременение земельного участка сервитутом не лишает собственника прав
владения, пользования и распоряжения в полном объеме (Ирина СЕРГИЕНКО. На вопросы
читателей «Комсомолки» отвечает адвокат Ирина Сергиенко // Комсомольская правда,

The building society will be forced to foreclose on this mortgage because regular payments have not
been made. — Строительную компанию лишат права пользоваться ссудой, поскольку не
проводились регулярные платежи (ABBYY Lingvo).
6. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
юр. Исключать (Lingvo Universal)
jur. Iskljuchat'
L.t.: to exclude
Обращать взыскание (на имущество)
Obrashhat' vzyskanie (na imushhestvo)
L.t.: to impose a penalty (on a property)

47. Foreclosure
A situation in which a homeowner is unable to make full principal and interest payments on his/her mortgage,
which allows the lender to seize the property, evict the homeowner and sell the home, as stipulated in the
mortgage contract <...>. See “to foreclose” (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Обращение взыскания (IFC)
Obrashhenie vzyskanija
L.t.: imposition of penalty
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 16 doc.
Обращение взыскания на долговые требования представляет собой взыскание в основном на з
аработную плату должника. (Исполнение судебных решений по гражданским делам в России и
Японии (2004) // «Арбитражный и гражданский процессы», 2004.10.25).
L.t.: the imposition of penalty on the debt requirements

Цена иска в несколько раз превышает минимальный размер оплаты труда, и по правилам исполни
тельного производства обращение взыскания должно
происходить на имущество должника (Определения суда общей юрисдикции (2004) //

«Арбитражный и гражданский процессы», 2004.08.30).
L.t.: the imposition of penalty should be performed on the debtor’s property.
1.Additional or irrelevant components
2. Лишение должника права выкупа заложенного имущества
foreclosure of a mortgage — лишение права выкупа заложенного имущества (Academic)
Lishenie dolzhnika prava vykupa zalozhennogo imushhestva
L.t.: the deprivation of a debtor of the right of a pledged property buy-out
Ruscorpora: 0 exact matches
See the use with synonyms: N.c.: 3 doc.
С момента начала ипотечного кризиса в США, вызванного резким падением цен на жилье и
участившимися случаями лишения заемщиков права выкупа недвижимости из-за невыплат по
кредитам, рыночная стоимость компании Countrywide Financial резко упала <…> (Екатерина
Александрова. Bank of America считает покупку Countrywide перспективным вложением // РИА
Новости, 2008.01.11).

По прогнозам, количество случаев лишения прав на выкуп жилья составит в следующем году 1,4
млн. (Без права выкупа // РБК Daily, 2007.11.28).
«Массовое лишение прав на выкуп заложенных домов отнимает огромные суммы денег у
частных домовладельцев, — сказал РБК daily Дедрик Мухаммад (Pоман Kириллов. Ипотечная
дискриминация // РБК Daily, 2008.01.16).
2.Pure DT
3. Лишение права выкупа закладной (Lingvo Universal)
Lishenie prava vykupa zakladnoj
L.t. : the deprivation of the right for mortgage buy-out
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Однако ситуация продолжает ухудшаться: компания объявила, что в декабре минувшего года
число случаев лишения права выкупа закладной и задержки платежей возросло до рекордного
показателя (Екатерина Александрова. Bank of America считает покупку Countrywide
перспективным вложением // РИА Новости, 2008.01.11).
3 DT
4 прав на выкуп закладной (Ruscorpora)
4. Lishenie prav na vykup zakladnoj
L.t.: the deprivation of the right on a mortgage buyout
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Эти опасения подтвердила обнародованная на этой неделе информация о резком росте числа
лишений прав на выкуп закладных в США (Владимир Павлов. Freddie Mac Опять Просит Деньги
// Рбк Daily, 2009.05.14).
4.Pure DT
5. Потеря прав на выкуп закладной (Ruscorpora)
Poterja prav na vykup zakladnoj
L.t.: the loss of the rights on the buyout of a mortgage
N.c.: 1 doc.
Несмотря на данные о снижении количества случаев потери прав на выкуп закладных уже на
протяжении трех месяцев, этот показатель все еще на 19 процентов больше, чем в октябре 2008
года <…> (Денис Ворошилов. США сохранит инструменты для предотвращения нового кризиса -
Гайтнер // РИА Новости, 2009.12.10).
5.Pure DT
6. Потеря (лишение) права выкупа (переход права собственности на заложенное имущество к
кредитору в том случае, если должник не смог своевременно погасить долговые обязательства)

Poterja (lishenie) prava vykupa
L.t.: the loss (deprival) of the buy-out right
N.c.: 1 doc.
В Global Insight утверждают, что в следующем году лишение прав выкупа жителей десяти
густонаселенных городских регионов (см. таблицу) вычтет из общестранового показателя ВВП
более 45 млрд долл. (Без права выкупа // РБК Daily, 2007.11.28).
Обращение взыскания
Obrashhenie vzyskanija
L.t.: imposition of penalty

48. Leveraged buy-out (LBO) (figurative meaning)

A leveraged buyout (LBO) is the acquisition of another company using a significant amount of borrowed
money to meet the cost of acquisition. The assets of the company being acquired are often used
as collateral for the loans, along with the assets of the acquiring company. The purpose of leveraged buyouts is
to allow companies to make large acquisitions without having to commit a lot of capital (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании за счет кредита (IFC)
Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij kompanii za schet kredita
L.t.: the buy out of a control package of shares at the expense of a loan
Ruscorpora: 0
2. Pure DT
Выкуп контрольного пакета акций с помощью кредитов (Academic)
Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij s pomoshh'ju kreditov
L.t.: the buy oit of a control package of shares with the help of loans
Ruscorpora: 0
3. Pure DT
Покупка контрольного пакета акций корпорации с помощью кредита (Academic)
Pokupka kontrol'nogo paketa akcij korporacii s pomoshh'ju kredita
L.t.: the purchase of a control package of shares of a corporation with the help of a loan
Ruscorpora: 0
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Приобретение компании за счёт использования значительных долговых ресурсов (Ruscorpora)
Priobretenie kompanii za schjot ispol'zovanija znachitel'nyh dolgovyh resursov
L.t.: an acquisition of a company at the expense of the use of considerable debt resources
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Это была сделка из разряда Leveraged Buy-Out (LBO) – приобретение компании за счет
использования значительных долговых ресурсов, обеспеченных денежными потоками этой
компании (Иностранные банки нам не конкуренты – Константин Рыжков // РБК Daily,
L.t.: an acquisition of a company at the expense of the use of considerable debt resources
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Приобретение компаний с использованием заёмных и собственных средств инвесторов
Priobretenie kompanij s ispol'zovaniem zajomnyh i sobstvennyh sredstv investorov
L.t.: L.t.: an acquisition of a company with the use of debt and own means of investors

Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Тем не менее, как сообщил источник в Москоммерцбанке, в его планах стоит развитие новых
направлений, таких как финансирование слияний и поглощений вразличных сферах бизнеса:
кредитования сделок LBO (leveraged buy-out―приобретение компаний с использованием
заемных и собственных средств инвесторов) и их разновидности ― сделок MBO (management
buy-out―выкуп компаний их менеджментом) (Казкоммерцбанк готовится к IPO // РБК Daily,
L.t.: an acquisition of a company with the use of debt and own means of investors
Выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании за счет кредита
Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij kompanii za schet kredita
L.t.: the buy out of a control package of shares at the expense of a loan

49. Management buy-out (figurative meaning)

A transaction where a company’s management team purchases the assets and operations of the business they
manage. A management buyout (MBO) is appealing to professional managers because of the greater potential
rewards from being owners of the business rather than employees.

1. Calque and DT
Выкуп компаний (их) менеджментом (Ruscorpora)
Vykup kompanij (ih) menedzhmentom
L.t.: The buy-out of companies by their management
Ruscorpora: N.c. 2 doc.
Тем не менее, как сообщил источник в Москоммерцбанке, в его планах стоит развитие новых
направлений, таких как финансирование слияний и поглощений вразличных сферах бизнеса:
кредитования сделок LBO (leveraged buy-out―приобретение компаний с использованием
заемных и собственных средств инвесторов) и их разновидности ― сделок MBO (management
buy-out―выкуп компаний их менеджментом) (Казкоммерцбанк готовится к IPO // РБК Daily,
2. Calque and DT
Выкуп акций компании её менеджментом (Ruscorpora)
Vykup akcij kompanii ejo menedzhmentom
L.t.: the buy-out of the shares of a company by its management
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Фонд поддерживает развитие информационных и
коммуникационных технологий, биологии, а также развитие бизнеса и выкуп акций компании е
е менеджментом (MBO) вдругих отраслях (Сергей Рябов. Бельгийцам понравился фитнес по-
русски // РБК Daily, 2006.02.28).
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Выкуп контрольного пакета акций корпорации ее персоналом (Academic)
Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij korporacii ee personalom
L.t.: the buy out of a control package of shares of a corporation by its personnel
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Additional or irrelevant component
Выкуп контрольного пакета акций компании ее руководством (IFC)
Vykup kontrol'nogo paketa akcij kompanii ee rukovodstvom
L.t.:a buy-out of a control package of company’s shares by its management
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches

Compare with buy-out:

Менеджеры «Сибура» не скрывают, что помимо выкупа контрольного пакета акций компани
и у Газпромбанка они заинтересованы в консолидации бумаг, принадлежащихсейчас другим акци
онерам (Shabashov, 2008. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: Managers of “Sybur” don’t conceal that apart from the buy-out of a control package of shares of
Gazprombank they are interested in the consolidation of the documents…
5. Calque
Выкуп управляющими (Academic)
Vykup upravljajushhimi
L.t.: the buy out by the management
Ruscorpora: 0 matche
6. Additional or irrelevant components
Выкуп управляющими своей доли обратно (Ruscorpora)
Vykup upravljajushhimi svoej doli obratno
L.t.: the buy-out by management of their share (back)
Ruscorpora: M.c. 1 doc.
И еще одни вариант выхода ― выкуп управляющими своей доли обратно (Татьяна Гурова.
Магистраль их мышления (2004) // «Эксперт», 2004.12.13).
Выкуп акций компании (её) менеджментом
Vykup akcij kompanii (ejo) menedzhmentom
L.t.: the buy-out of the shares of a company by its management

50. Anti-dilution (figurative meaning)

Anti-dilution is the increase in earnings per share or decrease in loss per share that results when one assumes
the conversion of convertible instruments, the exercise of options and warrants, or the issuance of
common shares if specified conditions are satisfied (Accounting Tools).
a lessening of real value (as of equity) by a decrease in relative worth; specifically : a decrease of per share
value of common stock by an increase in the total number of shares (Merriam-Webster).

1. Calque and DT (a verb) (figurative meaning)

Не размывать пакет акций (Ruscorpora)
Ne razmyvat' paket akcij
L.t.: Not to dilute a package of shares
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 2 doc. (not full matches) Мы перевели уже 25 миллиардов и,
защищая их интересы, сделали это так, чтобы не размывать их пакет акций (Нигина Бероева.
Правительство одобрило сокращение 5 тысяч человек на АвтоВАЗе // Комсомольская правда,
2009.10.02, Ruscorpora).
L.t.: to wash out their package of shares
2. Additional or irrelevant components (figurative meaning)
Меры по предотвращению возможного размывания пакета акций (IFC)
Mery po predotvrashheniju vozmozhnogo razmyvanija paketa akcij
L.t.: measures on the prevention of a possible wasg out of a package of shares
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque
фин. Антиразводнение (увеличение прибыли на акцию или уменьшение убытков по акции в
результате увеличения количества обыкновенных акций без соответствующего увеличения

активов или прибыли, напр., в результате конвертации облигаций, исполнения варрантов на
акции и т. п.; конвертация приводит к завышению прибыли на одну акцию за счет прибавления
к общей сумме прибыли процентов, которые должны были быть выплачены по
конвертированным ценным бумагам) (Academic).
fin. Antirazvodnenie (calque) (comment)
Anti-dilution (financial) (an increase of revenue per share or a decrease of losses on shares as a result
of an increase of normal shares without a corresponding increase of assets or income for example as a
result of a conversion of bonds, execution of warrants on shares etc.; conversion leads to the
overstatement of revenue per share at the expense of addition to the overall sum of revenue of an
interest, which should be paid under the converted bonds).
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: widely used
“Антиразводнение - это увеличение прибыли на акцию или уменьшение убытка на акцию,
являющееся результатом допущения конвертации конвертируемых инструментов, исполнения
опционов или варрантов или выпуска обыкновенных акций после выполнения определенных
условий” (IAS 33, 2004).
Antirazvodnenie (calque)
Calque and DT (a verb) (figurative meaning)
Не размывать пакет акций
Ne razmyvat' paket akcij
L.t.: Not to dilute a package of shares

51. Safe Harbor (figurative meaning)

Safe harbor refers to a legal provision to reduce or eliminate liability in certain situations as long as certain
conditions are met. Safe harbor also refers to a shark repellent tactic used by companies who do not want to be
taken over, where they purposefully acquire a heavily regulated company to make themselves look less
attractive to the entity considering taking them over (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT (another figurative meaning)

Мера по защите от недружественного поглощения (Ruscorpora)
Mera po zashhite ot nedruzhestvennogo pogloshhenija
L.t.: a measure on the defense from a hostile takeover
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Узнав об этом, на рынке заговорили о смене собственника, однако в январе НПФ
«Сургутнефтегаз» сообщил, что теперь владеет 93% УК «Лизинг Продакшн» и аналитики
предположили, что это мера по защите от недружественного поглощения (Состояние Путина
может достигать 40 миллиардов долларов // Новый регион 2, 2007.11.16. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: a measure on the defense from a hostile takeover

See the use:

Эта мера должна обезопасить газового гиганта от недружественного поглощения со стороны
конкурентов (Денис Жуйков. Евросоюз против золотых акций // РБК Daily, 2006.09.07.
L.t.: This measure should secure the gas giant from the hostile takeover by the cometitors.

2. Pure DT (another figurative meaning)
Меры защиты от «недружественного поглощения» (Ruscorpora)
Mera po zashhite ot “nedruzhestvennogo pogloshhenija”
L.t.: measures of defense from “hostile takeover”
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Тем не менее таких мер защиты от «недружественного поглощения» может оказаться
недостаточно. (Владислав Серегин. «Фазотрон» пойдет под снос // РБК Daily, 2005.03.16.
3. Additional or irrelevant components (another figurative meaning)
Меры, предпринимаемые компанией и позволяющие избежать угрозы поглощения, налогов (IFC)
Mery, predprinimaemye kompaniej i pozvoljajushhie izbezhat' ugrozy pogloshhenija, nalogov
L.t.: measures undertaken by a company and making it possible to evade a threat of a takeover and debts
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Calque
Безопасная гавань (Academic)
Bezopasnaja gavan'
Safe harbor
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 12 doc.
А в таких ситуациях россияне всегда обращаются к доллару как «безопасной гавани», даже если
это противоречит здравому смыслу. (Антон Попов. Россияне по-прежнему любят валюту // РБК
Daily, 2005.03.25. Ruscorpora)
5. A comment
фин. (разновидность защиты от поглощения путем приобретения контролируемого государством
предприятия, что делает поглощение компании непривлекательным) (Academic)
fin. (raznovidnost' zashhity ot pogloshhenija putem priobretenija kontroliruemogo gosudarstvom
predprijatija, chto delaet pogloshhenie kompanii neprivlekatel'nym)
Financial (a kind of protection from a takeover by means of the acquisition of an enterprise controlled by
the state, which makes the takeover of a company non-attractive).
6. A comment
учет (бухгалтерские операции, которые позволяют избежать юридических и налоговых
последствий; напр., использование льготной программы ускоренной амортизации) (Academic)
uchet (buhgalterskie operacii, kotorye pozvoljajut izbezhat' juridicheskih i nalogovyh posledstvij; napr.,
ispol'zovanie l'gotnoj programmy uskorennoj amortizacii)
Accounting (accounting operations, which allow to avoid legal or tax consequences; for example, the use
of a privileged program of an accelerated amortization).
7. A comment
фин., амер. (правило Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам, в соответствии с которым компании
могут покупать собственные акции, не опасаясь обвинений в манипуляциях) (Academic)
fin., amer. (pravilo Komissii po cennym bumagam i birzham, v sootvetstvii s kotorym kompanii mogut
pokupat' sobstvennye akcii, ne opasajas' obvinenij v manipuljacijah)
Finance, American (the rule of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, in accordance
with which companies can buy out their own shares, not being afraid of charges for the manipulations)
8. A comment
юр. (положение закона, согласно которому обвиняемое лицо освобождается от ответственности,
если тот или иной поступок совершен им без злого умысла)
jur. (polozhenie zakona, soglasno kotoromu obvinjaemoe lico osvobozhdaetsja ot otvetstvennosti, esli tot
ili inoj postupok sovershen im bez zlogo umysla)

Law (a legal provision according to which a defendant is exempted from liability if a deed was committed
without a bad intention).
Карл Айкан также готов подать иск, запрещающий совету директоров BEA применять меры по за
щите от поглощений (poison pills). (AНДРЕЙ KОТОВ. Карл Айкан поможет Oracle // РБК Daily,
2007.10.30. Ruscorpora)
L.t.: to use the measures on the defense from takeovers (poison pills).
Согласно ему компания должна не только не предпринимать новых мер по защите от
поглощения, но и отказаться от существующих сразу после того, как другаякомпания сделала
официальное предложение о покупке. (ЕС защитился от поглощений // РБК Daily, 2007.02.28.
L.t.: measures on the defense from takeover.
встречное предложение к NASDAQ, окажись информация о нем правдой, стало бы наилучшей
защитной мерой от возможного поглощения. АНДРЕЙ КОТОВ (День независимости от
конкурентов // РБК Daily, 2006.11.09. Ruscorpora)
L.t.: a preventive measure for a possible takeover.
Безопасная гавань
Bezopasnaja gavan'
Safe harbor

52. Maturity (securities) (figurative meaning)

(finance) 1. the date upon which a bill of exchange, bond, note, etc, becomes due for repayment
2. the state of a bill, note, etc, when due (Farlex).

1. Pure DT (another figurative meaning)

Срок погашения (ценных бумаг) (IFC; Academic)
Srok pogashenija (cennyh bumag)
L.t.: a date/term of repayment of (securities)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 26 doc.
Срок погашения ценных бумаг наступит в марте будущего года, а проценты по ним
выплачиваются ежеквартально. (Маргарита Водянова. Рубли можно получить долларами //
«Общая газета», 1998)
L.t.: a date of repayment of securities

Кроме того, ЦБ снизил объем вложений в ценные бумаги негосударственных эмитентов (в

частности, федеральных ипотечных агентств США) и приостановил ихприобретение, а также
снизил максимальный срок погашения ценных бумаг иностранных эмитентов. (Госдума
переназначит Игнатьева как главу Центрального Банка // РИА Новости, 2009.06.24)
L.t.: maximum term of repayment of securities of foreign issuers.

При этом чем более отдален срок погашения облигаций, тем шире спектр колебаний рыночных
цен. (Л. Ю. Стахович, Г. Э. Шахназарян. Анализ зарубежного опыта размещения пенсионных и
страховых резервов в ценные бумаги (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.04.21)
L.t.: a term of repayment of bonds

See the use: Срок погашения этих облигаций был установлен через 10 лет. (Л. Ю. Стахович, Г. Э.
Шахназарян. Анализ зарубежного опыта размещения пенсионных и страховых резервов в ценные
бумаги (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.04.21).
L.t.: the date of repayment of these bonds

На данный момент максимальный срок погашения
гособлигаций США составляет 30 лет. (Максим Шахов, Владимир Павлов. США хотят удешевить
обслуживание своего гигантского внешнего долга // РБК Daily, 2011.02.04)
L.t.: at the moment the maximum date of repayment of public USA bonds amounts to 30 years.

Если срок погашения векселя падает на нерабочий день, то его погашение производится в
последующие два рабочих дня. (О порядке выпуска и обращения простых векселей администрации
Оренбургской области // «Оренбуржье», 1997)
L.t.: a term of repayment of a bill

В листинге непросроченных банковских обязательств следует отметить восемь векселей

«АвтоВАЗбанка» на общую сумму 800 млн рублей, срок погашения которых наступает в феврале
этого года, по цене 10% от номинала. (Максим Акимов. Котировки банковских долгов (1996) //
«Коммерсантъ-Daily», 1996.01.17)
L.t.: eight bills of “AvtoVazbank” for a total of 800 million rooubles, the repayment term (of which) is
due in Februry this year…

На общем благоприятном фоне исключением стала эмиссия казначейских билетов Венгрии,

обещанный срок погашения которых был равен 3 месяцам, апроцентная ставка 5,47% годовых.
(Европа добилась стабильности // РБК Daily, 2010.07.20)
L.t.: the emission of treasuror´s bills from Hungary, a stipulated term of repayment (of which) is 3 months

Срок погашения выпуска — лето 2017 года. Такой длинный выпуск впервые размещается на
российском рынке с начала кризиса. (Полина Смородская. Столичная переподписка // РБК Daily,
L.t.: the term of repayment of the emission is the summer of 2017.

17 декабря текущего года наступает срок погашения первого выпуска облигаций «Патэрсона» на 2
млрд руб. (Маргарита Парфененкова. «Дикая орхидея» для пенсионеров // РБК Daily, 2009.09.29)
L.t.: the date of repayment of the first emission of securities

Сделка с Mitsubishi увязана с еще двумя сделками: соглашением с банками-кредиторами о

пролонгации займов (на сумму 500 млн долл.) и предложением держателям облигаций (общий
объем выпуска 250 млндолл, срок погашения в 2010 году) об их обмене. В частности, облигации
могут быть погашены сейчас (с дисконтом в 20-40%) либо обменяны на более длинные бумаги с
немедленным погашением только 21% долга (Shabashov, 2009. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: the repayment date is due in 2010… the securires can be repaid now…

…долг по еврооблигациям на 500 млн долл.,

срок погашения которых истекает через шесть дней. (галина старинская. Преддефолтное
предложение // РБК Daily, 2009.09.25)
На облигации поступают проценты, а у каждого типа бумаг есть срок погашения, после которого
можно обналичить номинальную стоимость. (Бунин Сергей. 134 миллиарда на дне чемодана //
Труд-7, 2009.06.17)
Держателям облигаций компания предлагает продлить срок погашения бумаг на пять лет, до 30
июня 2014 года. (Дарья Черкудинова. Недетское предложение «Нутритека» // РБК Daily,
L.t.: the repayment term/date
2. Additional or irrelevant components (another figurative meaning)
Срок погашения по еврооблигациям (Ruscorpora)

Srok pogashenija po evroobligacijam
L.t.: the term of payment under the Eurobonds
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
По словам источника РБК daily в МПБ, условия реструктуризации довольно просты: срок
погашения по еврооблигациям сдвигается ровно на год, ставка купона сохраняется на уровне 9%.
(Доплата от Пугачева // РБК Daily, 2010.07.08)
L.t.: the term of paying off (under the) Eurobonds is extended for one year exactly
See the use:
Об условиях реструктуризации еврооблигаций МПБ известно, что срок погашения по ним
сдвигается на год, ставка купона остается прежней — 9%, а держателямевробондов,
согласившимся на реструктуризацию, предложена премия 50 евро на облигации номиналом 1000
евро (Марина Максимова. Межпромбанку объявили настоящий дефолт // РБК Daily, 2010.07.09).
L.t.: the term of paying off

<…> осуществить выплаты по еврооблигациям на сумму 200 млн евро (эквивалент 7,2 млрд руб.),
срок погашения по которым наступает 6 июля 2010 года.
(Марина Максимова. Сергей Пугачев ищет деньги // РБК Daily, 2010.06.10)
L.t.: to execute the payments under the Eurobonds

3. Pure DT
фин. Cрок платежа (по векселю и т. п.) (Academic)
срок платежа по векселю (тж. date of maturity) (Academic)
fin. Crok platezha (po vekselju i t. p.)
srok platezha po vekselju (comment)
L.t.: term of payment (under a bond etc.)
Ruscorpora: M.c. 3 full matches
Векселедатель должен быть включен в список, утвержденный Банком России, при этом срок плат
ежа по векселю не должен превышать более чем на один месяц срокпоследнего платежа по
экспортному контракту. (И. В. Пещанская. Краткосрочный кредит как способ перераспределения
совокупного оборотного капитала в экономике (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.05.19)
4. Additional or irrelevant components
эк. Подошедший, наставший срок платежа (Lingvo Universal)
jek. Podoshedshij, nastavshij srok platezha
L.t.: a due term of payment
Ruscopora: 0 matches
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Pure DT (another figurative meaning)
Срок погашения (ценных бумаг)
Srok pogasheniya (tzennih bumag)
L.t.: a date/term of repayment of (securities)

53. Self-dealing (figurative meaning)

Financial dealing that is not at arm's length; especially : borrowing from or lending to a company by a
controlling individual primarily to the individual's own advantage.
First Known Use of SELF-DEALING 1940 (Merriam-Webster).

1. Calque and DT
Заключение сделки в собственных интересах (IFC)
Zakljuchenie sdelki v sobstvennyh interesah
L.t.: making a transaction for self-interests

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Iternet: not used, except for forums and glossaries
2. Calque and DT
Операции в собственных интересах (ситуация, когда банк без должной проверки дает кредиты
своим руководителям или сотрудникам, в т. ч. по искусственно заниженным ставкам, или
незаконно берет взятки за предоставление кредитов; см. due diligence) (Academic)
Operacii v sobstvennyh interesah (comment)
L.t.: Operations for one’s own interests (the situation, when the bank without a due verification gives
loans to its managers or employees, namely under the artificially lowered rates, or illegally takes bribes
for giving credits, see due diligence)
Ruscorpora: N.c. 1 doc.
ВТБ не проводил в пятницу операций с этими акциями в собственных интересах или интересах
банков группы, сказал ее представитель (Елена Иванкина, Екатерина Метелица, Наталья
Старостина. «Мечел» за 30 минут потерял на Московской бирже 40% // РБК Дейли, 2014.03.03).

The Internet: quite often used

“Операции с использованием внутренней информации и злоупотребительные операции в
собственных интересах должны быть запрещены” (OECD, 2001).
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Пользоваться имуществом и возможностями компании в личных целях (IFC)
Pol’zovatzya imuschestvom i vozmozhnostyami kompanii v lichnyh tzelyah
L.t: to use the property and possibilities of a company for self-interests
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Использовать имущество в собственных интересах (Ruscorpora)
Ispol'zovat' imushhestvo v sobstvennyh interesah
L.t.: to use the property for self-interests
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Учредители и управляющие имуществом общественного фонда не вправе использовать
указанное имущество в собственных интересах " (Дрожженов Алексей. Добро Пожаловать в
Мышеловку! // Труд-7, 2002.09.16).
L.t.: to use the indicated property for self-interests

See the use: Для них государственные ценности становятся как бы бесхозными, когда буквально
на глазах погибает не установленное в цехах дорогостоящее оборудование, когда отдельные
руководители используют принадлежащие предприятию материалы и оборудование в
личных целях (В. Найденов. Важное направление нравственного воспитания // «Человек и
закон», 1979).
L.t.: managers use the material and equipment owned by an enterprise for their own interests

O самовольном использовании в личных целях принадлежащих государственному предприятию,

учреждению, организации, колхозу, а также иной кооперативной и общественной организации
транспортных средств, сельскохозяйственной техники, станков, инструментов, сырья и другого
имущества, если эти действия не причинили существенного ущерба <..> (А. Борецкий.
Товарищеские суды // «Человек и закон», 1977).
L.t.: about unauthorized use for self-interests of transport means, agricultural equipment, machines,
instruments, raw materials and other propery owned by a public organization, an institution, an
organization, a collective farm and also other cooperative and public organizations…

"Об утверждении общих принципов служебного поведения госслужащих" от 13 августа 2002

года, предписывающий чиновнику сообщать о конфликте интересов своему начальнику и не
использовать служебное положение в личных целях (Михаил Фишман. Кадры сытые и
честные (2003) // «Еженедельный журнал», 2003.04.01).
L.t.: to use the post (position) for personal interests/aims

― В наше время для коммуниста не было обвинения страшнее, чем в использовании

служебного положения в личных целях (Владимир Войнович. Иванькиада, или рассказ о
вселении писателя Войновича в новую квартиру (1976)).
L.t.: the use the post (position) for personal interests/aims
Операции в собственных интересах
Operacii v sobstvennyh interesah
L.t.: Operations for one’s own interests

54. Staggered board of directors/ staggered board (figurative meaning)

A staggered board of directors (also known as a classified board) is a board that is made up of different classes
of directors. Usually, there are three classes, with each class serving for a different term length than the other.
Elections for the directors of staggered boards usually happen on an annual basis. At each election,
shareholders are asked to vote to fill whatever positions of the board are vacant, or up for re-election. Terms of
service for elected directors vary, but one-, three- and five-year terms are common. <...> (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Постепенная смена состава совета директоров (IFC)
Postepennaja smena sostava soveta direktorov
L.t.: a gradual change of the members/membership of the board of directors
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: nearly not used in the full form
2. Pure DT
Совет директоров, избираемый по частям (средство борьбы с враждебным поглощением)
Sovet direktorov, izbiraemyj po chastjam
L.t.: the board of directors being elected by parts (the means of fight against a hostile takeover)

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque
упр. ступенчатый (классифицированный) совет директоров
Syn.: classified board (Academic)
upr. stupenchatyj (klassificirovannyj) sovet direktorov
L.t.: a graduated (classified) board of directors
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rare use
Известен также как классифицированный совет директоров. Это противозахватная мера, при
которой выборы в советы директоров разбиваются на несколько периодов так, что каждый
данный год избиратеся только часть от общего числа директоров (Gohan, 2010).
4. Pure DT
Совет директоров на основе ротации
Syn.: classified board (Academic)
Sovet direktorov na osnove rotacii
L.t.: board of directos based on rotation
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See the use: По мнению адвоката Газпрома, сложившаяся ситуация―"лишь следствие подобной
деятельности компании и ее менеджмента, а также недостаточного контроля со стороны совета
директоров, избираемых частными акционерами".
L.t.: the board of directors elected by private shareholders
Например, если председателем совета директоров выберут представителя «Газпром
нефти», то гендиректором станет менеджер ЛУКОЙЛа, а затем произойдет ротация
(Людмила Подобедова. «Газпром нефть» и ЛУКОЙЛ поработают вместе // РБК Daily,

L.t.: For example, if the representative of “Gazprom neft’” is elected chairman of the board of directors,
then LUKOIL manager will become a general director, and then there will be a rotation.
Ступенчатый (классифицированный) совет директоров
Stupenchatyj (klassificirovannyj) sovet direktorov
L.t.: a graduated (classified) board of directors

55. Swing space (figurative meaning)

(mainly US & Canadian) a temporary working environment, used esp while renovations are being carried out

1. Pure DT
Подменный фонд (UNTERM)
Podmennyj fond
L.t.: a fund (being) substituted
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Потребителю необходимо не забывать о своем праве на получение из подменного фонда на
период ремонта бытовой техники аналогичную технику и писать соответствующее заявление об
этом. (Как тверичанам защитить свои права в магазинах и сервисных мастерских // Комсомольская
правда, 2009.03.14)
L.t.: a fund (being) substituted
Note: not relevant match

2. Pure DT
Подменное помещение (UNTERM Organization)
Podmennoe pomeshhenie
L.t.: a temporary location
Сумма в размере 1049 млн. долл. США плюс-минус 10 процентов установлена при том понимании,
что строительство начнется в октябре 2004 года, и с учетом того, что сметные расходы на
базисный вариант составят 991 млн. долл. США, а на подменные помещения ó 96 млн. долл. США
за вычетом 17 млн. долл. США, предусмотренных на ранее утвержденные меры безопасности, и 57
млн. долл. США в связи с исключением нового большого зала заседаний и помещения
многоцелевого назначения в нынешнем комплексе зданий и при дополнительных расходах в
размере 36 млн. долл. США на замену навесной стены. (UN. General Assembly, 2003).
Podmennoe pomeshhenie
L.t.: a temporary location

56. Tag-along provisions (figurative meaning)

A tag along provision is a corresponding right entitling certain (usually minority) shareholders to participate in
a sale by the other (usually majority) shareholders at the same time and at the same price for each share. The
minority shareholder then "tags along" with the majority shareholder's sale.
These provisions are typically included in the constitution of the company and state that, if the tag along
procedures are not followed by the purchaser, its attempt to buy any of the shares is invalid and will not be
registered (Ivory & Rogoza, 2011).

Addtional or irrelevant components

Положения о совместной продаже акций в случае продажи акций другими акционерами на тех же
условиях (IFC)
Polozhenija o sovmestnoj prodazhe akcij v sluchae prodazhi akcij drugimi akcionerami na teh zhe uslovijah

L.t.: provisions on a joint sale of shares in the case of the sale of actions by other shareholders under the same
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
Положения о совместной продаже
Polozhenija o sovmestnoj prodazhe
L.t.: provisions on a joint sale

57. Tag-along right(s) (figurative meaning)

A contractual obligation used to protect a minority shareholder (usually in a venture capital deal). If a majority
shareholder sells his or her stake, then the minority shareholder has the right to join the transaction and sell his
or her minority stake in the company (Investopedia).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Право акционера на продажу своих акций в случае продажи акций другими акционерами на тех
же условиях (IFC)

Pravo akcionera na prodazhu svoih akcij v sluchae prodazhi akcij drugimi akcionerami na teh zhe
L.t.: a right of a shareholder to sell his/her shares in the case of th sale of shares by other shareholders
under the same conditions.
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches

See the use:

Впрочем, юрист адвокатского бюро «Егоров, Пугинский, Афанасьев и партнеры» Иван Веселов
заметил, что решение совета директоров носит рекомендательный характер и никак не влияет на
право акционера продавать или отказаться от продажи принадлежащих ему акций.
(МИХАИЛ ФАДЕЕВ. «Щекиноазот» себя не переоценивает // РБК Daily, 2008.03.17)
L.t.: a right of a shareholder to sell or to refuse from the sale of the shares owned by him
«Однако в документе не прописано право акционера, не согласного с реорганизацией, продать
свои акции обществу», — пояснила г-жа Красницкая. (Благословение на «неравный брак» //
РБК Daily, 2007.09.03)
L.t.: a right of a shareholder.. to sell his/her shares to the public

2. Calque and DT
Фин. права последовать (присоединиться) (к продаже) (право акционера продать свои акции на
тех же условиях, на которых продали акции крупные акционеры) (Academic)
Syn.: co-sale rights, come-along rights
Fin. prava posledovat' (prisoedinit'sja) (k prodazhe) (a comment)
L.t.: the rights to follow (to join) (the sail)
(the right of a shareholder to sell one’s own shares on the same conditions which had major shareholders
selling the shares)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
То есть любой акционер имеет право присоединиться к продаже акций инвестора или других
продающих акционеров по той же цене в полном объеме или пропорционально доле в
акционерном капитале (Teplickaja, n.d.).
3. Calque and DT
Фин. права присоединения к сделке (к продаже)(Academic)
Fin. prava prisoedinenija k sdelke (k prodazhe)
L.t.: fin. (finance) the rights to join a transaction (the sail)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Calque and DT
Фин. права присоединения (Academic)
Fin. prava prisoedinenija
L.t.: the rights of joining
Ruscorpora: 0 matches,
Note: direct object
Право присоединиться (к продаже/cделке)
Pravo prisoedinit'sja (k prodazhe/cdelke)
L.t.: the right to join ( a sale/ a transaction)

58. Umbrella project (figurative meaning)
The UMBRELLA project is centered around the creation of new innovative business models tailored to
various different stakeholders (e.g. building owner, building occupant, management company, public authority
etc.), building types, climate and policy (Umbrella, 2013).

1. Pure DT
Всеобщий (общий) проект (UNTERM)
Vseobshhij (obshhij) proekt
L.t.: overall (general) project
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc. ; N.c.: 60 doc. (Note: в общем, проект)
Было много фирм, работавших в Министерстве авиационной промышленности много лет над общ
ими проектами. (Государева «Крыша». Россия стремится укрепить позиции на рынке авионики
(2002) // «Известия», 2002.08.13)
Строительство молочного комплекса в Орловской области —
часть общего проекта «Моссельпрома» по развитию молочного животноводства. (ДАРЬЯ
ЧЕРКУДИНОВА. Лисовский-молочник // РБК Daily, 2008.01.31) L.t.: general projects
2. Pure DT
Всеобъемлющий проект (Academic)
Vseob"emljushhij proekt
L.t.: a comprehensive project
Ruscorpora: N.c. 1 doc.
Специальный представитель ООН по Косово Мартти Ахтисаари, передавший на обсуждение сторо
н свой план, заявил, что всеобъемлющий проект по урегулированиюпроблемы будет
готов к 10 марта, после чего он будет передан для голосования в Совет Безопасности ООН (Косов
о на финишной прямой // РБК Daily, 2007.02.22).
3. Pure DT
Полный проект (Academic)
Polnyj proekt
L.t.: a full project
Ruscorpora: general use
4. Calque
Проект-зонтик (Academic)
L.t.: umbrella-project (calque)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See umbrella brand: “зонтичный бренд”
M.c. 2 doc.; N.c.: 79 doc.
Под единым «зонтичным брендом» проще привлекать в том числе и государственное финансиров
ание, и кредитные средства (Людмила Подобедова. «Росгеологию» могут превратить в
госкорпорацию // Известия, 2014.07.09).
L.t.: umbrella-project (calque)
Зонтичный Проект
Zontichnyj Proekt
L.t.: umbrella project

59. Whistleblower program/whistleblowing (figurative meaning)
Definition of 'Whistleblower'
Anyone who has and reports insider knowledge of illegal activities occurring in an organization.
Whistleblowers can be employees, suppliers, contractors, clients or any individual who somehow becomes
aware of illegal activities taking place in a business either through witnessing the behavior or being told about
it. Whistleblowers are protected from retaliation under various programs created by the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (Investopedia).
A person who tells police, reporters, etc., about something (such as a crime) that has been kept secret

1. Pure DT
Программа по «осведомлению» руководства (IFC)
Programma po “osvedomleniju” rukovodstva
L.t.: a programme on management “notification”
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See the use:
Также предусмотрена система оповещения руководства и вызова аварийно-ремонтных бригад.
(Елена Таскина. Уральские энергетики перешли в режим готовности: в выходные похолодает до
минус 30 // Новый регион 2, 2011.01.21)
L.t.: the system of management notification/information
The Internet: not used
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Обращение в компетентные органы о нарушении закона (Academic)
Obrashhenie v kompetentnye organy o narushenii zakona
L.t.: an appeal to the competent entities about the violation of law
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Гражданская активность, связанная с разоблачением противоправных действий (Academic)
Grazhdanskaja aktivnost', svjazannaja s razoblacheniem protivopravnyh dejstvij
L.t.: a civil liability, connected to the revealing of illegal actions
4. Additional or irrelevant components (retrieval of two terms formed by Pure DT)
Деловая лексика: Сообщение о фактах коррупции или незаконной деятельности
Delovaja leksika: Soobshhenie o faktah korrupcii ili nezakonnoj dejatel'nosti
L.t.: Business vocabulary: informing about the facts of corruption or illegal activity
Ruscorpora: сообщение о фактах коррупции или незаконной деятельности: 0 matches
Сообщение о фактах незаконной деятельности: 0 matches
Сообщение о фактах коррупции: N.c.: 10 doc.
По ее словам, определенная чистка рядов проводится и правоохранительные органы
вынуждены реагировать на сообщения о фактах коррупции (Светлана Макунина, Анастасия
Литвинова, Иван Петров. Генпрокуратура сделала подарок уходящему президенту, на словах
победив коррупцию // РБК Дейли, 2012.03.27).
5. Direct equivalent (general use)
Общая лексика: Доносительство (Academic)
Obshhaja leksika: Donositel'stvo

L.t.: general vocabulary: denouncing
Ruscorpora: General use
M.c.: 60 doc., N.c.: 40 doc.
Наша любовь к применению «оружия»
«анонимного письма» проистекает из советского прошлого, когда поощрение доносительства был
о нормой (Лев Любимов. «Резервы» до нуля // Известия, 2014.06.19).
Note: whistleblower – информатор (Lingvo Universal)
Система информирования (руководства)
Sistema informirovanija (rukovodstva)
L.t.: the programme of informing (the management)
(the suggestion is based on the translation of the noun “whistleblower” – информатор (Lingvo

60. Netting agreement (figurative meaning)

Consolidating the value of two or more transactions, payments or positions in order to create a single value.
Netting entails offsetting the value of multiple positions, and can be used to determine which party is owed
remuneration in a multiparty agreement (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Соглашение о взаимозачёте (UNCITRAL-1; Academic)
Soglashenie o vzaimozachjote
L.t.: an agreement on a mutual reckoning (comment: the term “mutual reckoning” in the Russian
language consists of one word)
Ruscorpora: 0 examples
2. Calque and DT
Сделка о взаимозачётах (Ruscorpora)
Sdelka o vzaimozachjotah
L.t.: a transaction on a mutual reckoning
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 match.
Видимо, по той же причине тихо и незаметно умерло дело и в отношении заместителя министра
по чрезвычайным ситуациям Владимира Кульечева, курировавшего сделку о взаимозачетах.
(Игорь Корольков, Леонид Никитинский. Снаряд угодил в МЧС // «Московские новости», 2003)
L.t.: a transaction on mutual reckoning
(comment: the term”mutual reckoning” in the Russian language consist of two words, compare with
the previous example)
See the use:
Подписаны соглашения по сотрудничеству в области
социального обеспечения (это хорошая новость для пенсионеров: Россия и Латвия
договорились о взаимном зачете трудового стажа) и по воинским захоронениям. (Путину
теперь придется ехать в Латвию // РИА Новости, 2007.12.19)
L.t.: Russia and Latvia agreed on mutual reckoning
3. Calque and direct loan (transliteration)
Финансы: соглашение о неттинге (Academic)
Finansy: soglashenie o nettinge
L.t.: agreement about netting
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Неттинг: N.c.: 5 doc.

Кроме того, Банк России в настоящее время уже разрабатывает концепцию закона о ликвидацио
нном неттинге. (Алексей Михеев. Срочный рынок получил судебную защиту // РБК Daily,
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and direct loan (transliteration)
Соглашение о неттинге
Soglashenie o nettinge
L.t.: agreement about netting

61. Level playing field (figurative meaning)

A situation that is fair for all the people involved (Macmillan).
A situation in which none of the competing parties has an advantage at the outset of a competitive activity

1. Pure DT
Равные условия для конкуренции (IFC)
Ravnye uslovija dlja konkurencii
L.t.: equal conditions for a competition
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.; N.c. 5 doc.
Эта система прозрачна, позволяет получать стабильные доходы в государственный бюджет и о
равные условия для конкуренции между производителями нарынке. (Екатерина Выхухолева.
Польза вредных привычек. Алкоголь и табак принесут казне больше денег (2002) // «Известия»,
L.t.: equal conditions for a competition
первых, мы создаем равные условия для конкуренции, разрабатываем судебный механизм за
щиты прав предпринимателей. (Алексей Макурин, Николай Ефимович, Андрей Седов, Сергей
Аверкин. Министр экономического развития и торговли Герман Греф: Живите спокойно.
Дефолтов не будет // Комсомольская правда, 2001.07.05)
L.t.: equal conditions for a competition

See the use: M.c. 1 doc.

создание по возможности равных
условий для добросовестной конкуренции на рынке финансовых услуг, усиление рыночной ди
сциплины, обеспечение достоверности и прозрачности отчетности. (На пути к системной
стабильности (2004) // «Металлы Евразии», 2004.10.15)
L.t.: equal conditions for a bona fide competition
2. Calque
«Единое игровое поле» (IFC)
«Edinoe igrovoe pole»
L.t.: integrated/common playing field
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque and DT (figurative meaning)
эк. "поле с равными условиями игры"
(ситуация, когда на рынке существуют одинаковые законодательные условия и созданы равные
возможности конкурентной борьбы для всех участников рынка; при регулировании
внешнеэкономических отношений предпосылка о необходимости создания равных
конкурентных условий нередко используется для оправдания протекционистских мер,

применение которых объясняется необходимостью компенсировать "недобросовестные"
преимущества иностранных фирм) (Academic)
jek. "pole s ravnymi uslovijami igry" (a comment)
L.t.: economy “a field with common playing conditions” (a situation, when there are equal legal
condition and equal possibilities of a competition are created for all the participants of the market;
under the regulation of external economy relations the presupposition about the necessity to create
equal competitive conditions is often used to justify preventive measures, the use of which is justified
by the necessity to compensate for “unfair” advantages of foreign firms).
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Равные условия для конкуренции
Ravnye uslovija dlja konkurencii
L.t.: equal conditions for a competition

62. Window-dressing (figurative meaning)

The act or an instance of making something appear deceptively attractive or favorable.
Something used to create a deceptively favorable or attractive impression (Merriam-Webster).
A strategy used by mutual fund and portfolio managers near the year or quarter end to improve the appearance
of the portfolio/fund performance before presenting it to clients or shareholders. To window dress, the fund
manager will sell stocks with large losses and purchase high flying stocks near the end of the quarter. These
securities are then reported as part of the fund's holdings. (Investopedia).

1. Additional or irrelevant components (figurative meaning)

Приукрашивание истинного положения дел (IFC)
Priukrashivanie istinnogo polozhenija del
L.t.: decorating the true state of facts
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Pure DT (figurative meaning)
Приукрашивание (реальной) ситуации (Ruscorpora)
Priukrashivanie (real'noj) situacii
L.t.: decorating the real situation
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 4 doc.
Анна пишет о том, что тушить пожары лесникам нечем, а также обвиняет главу МЧС в
бездействии, лжи и приукрашивании реальной ситуации. (Мария Беленькая. «Высшая
власть предстает дорогим покойником» // Труд-7, 2010.11.29)
«Все это должно быть реально, без приукрашивания ситуации. (Ксения Уфимцева. На
Южном Урале главам муниципалитетов порекомендовали предоставить реальную статистику
и убрать территории от мусора // Новый регион 2, 2010.04.28)
3. Calque
«Декорирование витрин» (IFC; Academic)
«Dekorirovanie vitrin»
L.t.: “(shopping) window-decoration” (calque)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
Декорирование витрин (window dressing) — внесение изменений в
отчетность, что позволяет представлять финансовое состояние ком*

пании лучше, чем фактическое. (О.В. Ефимова (2010) Финансовый Анализ: современный
инструментарий для принятия экономических решений, Москва: Омега –Л)
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Умение показать товар лицом (Academic)
Umenie pokazat' tovar licom
L.t.: an ability to show the produce from their exterior side (face)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc. (out of date)
Авторитет им приобретен не за счет умения показать товар лицом. (Г. Е. Николаева. Битва в
пути (1959))
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Умение произвести благоприятное впечатление (не соответствующее действительности)
(Lingvo Universal)
Umenie proizvesti blagoprijatnoe vpechatlenie (ne sootvetstvujushhee dejstvitel'nosti)
An ability to make a favorable impression (not corresponding to the reality)
Ruscorpora: economics: 0 matches
6. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
фин. жарг. Вуалирование (с целью создать видимость высокой ликвидности) (Academic;
Lingvo Universal)
fin. zharg. Vualirovanie (s cel'ju sozdat' vidimost' vysokoj likvidnosti)
Fogging/veiling (with the aim to make the visibility of a high liquidity)
Ruscorpora: economics: 0 matches
7. Pure DT (concrete term, another figurative meaning)
фин. жарг. «причесывание» баланса (с целью создать видимость высокой ликвидности)
(Academic; Lingvo Universal)
fin. zharg. «prichesyvanie» balansa (s cel'ju sozdat' vidimost' vysokoj likvidnosti)
Finance, slang. Combing of the balance (with the aim to make the visibility of a high liquidity)
8. Pure DT (concrete term, another figurative meaning)
Причёсывание бухгалтерии (Ruscorpora)
Prichjosyvanie buhgalterii
L.t.: combing the accountancy
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
В этих случаях история компании является конкурентным преимуществом, перевешивающим
дополнительные затраты на причесывание бухгалтерии ― да и затраты этистановятся
посильны для окрепшей фирмы. (Лев Усыскин. Люди первых миллионов
(социоэкономические заметки несоциолога и неэкономиста) (2003) // «Неприкосновенный
запас», 2003.09.12)
9. Pure DT (concrete term, figurative meaning)
Фин. Подкрашивание баланса (с целью создать видимость высокой ликвидности) (Lingvo
Fin. Podkrashivanie balansa (s cel'ju sozdat' vidimost' vysokoj likvidnosti)
L.t.: Dyeing of the balance (with the aim to make the visibility of a high liquidity)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
10. Сalque
Украшение витрин (Lingvo Universal)
торг. украшение витрины (для привлечения покупателей) (Academic)
Ukrashenie vitrin;
torg. ukrashenie vitriny (dlja privlechenija pokupatelej)
L.t.: Decoration of windows/ commercial. Decoration of a window (in order to attract the buyers)
Ruscorpora: economics: 0 matches

11. Calque
Оформление витрин (Academic)
Oformlenie vitrin
L.t.: design of windows
Ruscorpora: economics: 0 matches
12. Direct equivalent (general meaning) (a comment)
общ. Приукрашивание (любая деятельность, направленная на то, чтобы представить ситуацию
в более выгодном свете, чем на самом деле)
приукрашивание (действия, направленные на придание финансовой отчетности желаемого
вида, т. е. на создание видимости более хорошего финансового положения, чем оно есть на
самом деле; напр., перед составлением годовой финансовой отчетности компания может взять
долгосрочный кредит и держать полученные средства в денежной форме, тогда на дату
составления финансовой отчетности у компании будут хорошие показатели ликвидности, а
после составления годовой отчетности, компания погасит ненужный кредит, и финансовые
показатели снова вернутся к реальному виду; не является фальсификацией финансовой
отчетности, т. к. не происходит прямого искажения финансового результата или общей суммы
obshh. Priukrashivanie (comment)
L.t.: general. Embellishment (any activity aimed at placing the situation in better light than it actually
Embellishment (actions aimed at giving a financial account the desired appearance, i.e. at creation of
the visibility of a better financial condition, than it actually is, for example before making an annual
financial account a company can take a long-term loan and keeps the means obtained in cash, then by
the daye of making the financial statement the company will have good liquidity rates and after
making the financial statement the company will pay off the unnecessary loan and the financial rates
will return to their normal state; it is not a falsification of the financial statement because there is no a
direct distortion of a financial result or a general sum of the balance).

13. Direct equivalent (general meaning)

Очковтирательство, приукрашивание, лакировка действительности, показуха
Ochkovtiratel'stvo, priukrashivanie, lakirovka dejstvitel'nosti, pokazuha
L.t.: Eye-wash, embellishment, varnishing of the reality, outward show
14. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
Рекламный предмет, реклама
Reklamnyj predmet, reklama
L.t.: an commercial object, a commercial/publicity
Декорирование витрин
Dekorirovanie vitrin
L.t.: (shopping) window-decoration

63. Winding up (а company) (figurative meaning)

The process of selling all the assets of a business, paying off creditors, distributing any remaining assets to the
principals or parent company, and then dissolving the business. Winding up can refer to such a process either
for a specific business line of a corporation or to the dissolution of a corporation itself.


1. Pure DT
Прекращение деятельности (компании)
Prekrashhenie dejatel'nosti (kompanii)
L.t.: ending the activity (of a company)
N.c.: 5 doc.
Для руководства БМП это сообщение явилось полной неожиданностью, так как решение о
прекращении деятельности компании принимал только генеральный директор BEL (Леонид
Заварский. Ситуация в Балтийском морском пароходств (1996) // «Коммерсантъ-Daily»,
L.t.: the ending of the company activity

Как заявил РБК daily гендиректор УК «РБизнес Управление активами» Владислав Бессарабов,
ничего неожиданного в решении ФСФР о запрете операций нет: «Этоодно из действий,
направленных на прекращение деятельности компании» (ПОЛИНА СМОРОДСКАЯ. Одним
профучастником меньше // РБК Daily, 2010.05.20).

See the use:

Можно предположить, что в Петербурге передел рынка будет связан в том числе с
прекращением активной деятельности страховой компании «Русский мир», —полагает г-н
Кузнецов (Виктория Алейникова. Добровольное падение сборов // РБК Daily, 2009.05.20).
L.t.: the ending of an active activity of an assurance company

По его словам, руководство Грузии намерено добиться прекращения деятельности

российской компании в Цхинвальском регионе. (Грузия-Осетия. События в цитатах. 9 августа
// РИА Новости, 2004.08.09)
L.t.: the ending of an activity of a Russian company

Несмотря на прекращение деятельности таких компаний как «МММ» и «Русский Дом

Селенга» криминал из российской рекламы не ушел, а стал болееизощренным (Итоговый
выпуск (вечерний) – 29.09.04 18:00 – Нижний Новгород // Новый регион 2, 2004.09.30).
L.t.: ending of an activity of such companies as “MMM” …

…прекращения операционной деятельности компании (Дмитрий Коптюбенко. ЮКОС лишит

Восточную Европу нефти // РБК Daily, 2004.07.09).
L.t.: ending of an operational activity of a company

2. Direct equivalent
Ликвидация (компании) (IFC)
юр., эк. ликвидация (прекращение деятельности компании и распродажа ее имущества)
winding-up of a company — ликвидация компании (Academic)
Ликвидация фирмы (Lingvo)
Likvidacija (kompanii)
L.t.: ending of the activity (of a company), liquidation (of a company)
N.c.: 113 doc.; M.c.: 5 doc.
«Пока на многие вопросы, касающиеся санации и ликвидации страховых компаний, еще нет
ответов. (Екатерина Метелица. АСВ утвердили в роли ликвидатора страховщиков // РБК

Дейли, 2013.11.25)


ликвидация (компании)
дikvidacija (kompanii)
L.t.: liquidation (of a company)

64. Benchmarking (figurative meaning)

Benchmarking is the process of comparing your own organization, operations, or processes against other
organizations in your industry or in the broader marketplace. Benchmarking can be applied against any
product, process, function or approach in business (Reh, J.F, 2017).

Full Definition of BENCHMARK

1. usually bench mark: a mark on a permanent object indicating elevation and serving as a reference in
topographic surveys and tidal observations
2. a: a point of reference from which measurements may be made
b: something that serves as a standard by which others may be measured or judged
c: a standardized problem or test that serves as a basis for evaluation or comparison (as of computer system
performance) (Merriam-Webster).

also bench-mark, "surveyor's point of reference," 1838, from a specialized surveyors' use of bench (n.) + mark
(n.1); figurative sense is from 1884 (Online Etymology Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Анализ на основе эталонных показателей (IFC)
Analiz na osnove jetalonnyh pokazatelej
L.t.: an analysis on the basis of etalon indices
Ruscorpora: full matches: 0
See the use: 1 doc.
Анализ экономических связей на основе показателей межотраслевого баланса. (Анализ
экономических связей на основе показателей межотраслевого баланса (2004) // «Вопросы
статистики», 2004.05.27)
L.t.: an anlysis of economic connections on the basis of indices of interindustrial balance
2. Pure DT
Сопоставление с эталонными значениями (UN-1)
Sopostavlenie s jetalonnymi znachenijami
L.t.: comparison/confrontation with etalon indices
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Сопоставление с банком эталонных моделей (Ruscorpora)
Sopostavlenie s bankom jetalonnyh modelej
L.t.: comparison with a bank of etalon models
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Другим направлением НИР является компьютерная технология оптимизации разведки
месторождений, основанная на создании и использовании модели разведуемого объекта
(многофакторной или объемной математической) и сопоставление ее с банком эталонных м

оделей для выбора оптимальной методики разведки (Рудная геофизика: от методов к
технологиям (2000) // «Геоинформатика», 2000.09.01).
L.t.: comparison with a bank of etalon models
4. Direct loan (transcription+transliteration)
Бенчмаркинг (IFC; Academic)
Examples: M.c.: 4 doc., N.c.: 7 doc.
«В теории современного менеджмента есть такое понятие – «бенчмаркинг» –
выстраивание бизнеса исходя из лучших практик, – отмечает Виктор Шейнбаум. (Александр
Костин. Почти как в космонавты // Известия, 2013.09.27)

Нет сомнений, что мы услышим про шпионаж, бенчмаркинг, кражу интеллектуальной

собственности, трансфер преподавателей-звезд, судебные тяжбы… (Викторов Виктор. С
КОРОЧКОЙ И БЕЗ // Труд-7, 2007.08.02)
L.t.: benchmarking

Вторая задача связана с выделением наблюдаемых и ненаблюдаемых процессов в сфере

образования, а также определяющих их факторов и связей, то есть с реализацией подхода,
который в современной экономике принято называть бенчмаркингом. (Мониторинг экономики
образования: цели, задачи, реализация (2004) // «Вопросы статистики», 2004.09.30)
L.t.: the determining factors and connections, i.e. the realization of an approach which is traditionally
called benchmarking in the modern economics

See more examples:

Кроме того, не утверждена так называемая методика бенчмаркинга (то есть сравнения
регулируемой сетевой компании с эталонной). («Мы стремимся к четкому разделению затрат»
// РБК Daily, 2008.05.28)
L.t.: a methodology of benchmarking (i.e. a comparison of a regulated network company with an
etalon one)

Глава зарубежной делегации рассказал о сформировавшейся в условиях реформы структуре

Федерального ведомства, а также поделился опытом внедрения бенчмаркинга―конкурса,
проводимого среди так называемых держателей фондов. (Казань Знакомится c Немецким
Опытом // Труд-7, 2007.08.10)
L.t.: introduction of benchmarking – a contest being taken among so called holders of funds.
5. Additional or irrelevant components
упр. Перенятие опыта (процесс поиска новых и более совершенных приемов работы,
осуществляемый путем сравнения собственных приемов с наилучшими из тех, которые
используют другие) (Academic)
upr. Perenjatie opyta (a comment)
L.t.: adopting the experience (a process of searching of new and more perfect means of work,
performed by means of comparison of one’s own means with the best of those which are used by the
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Директор международных и специальных проектов группы компаний «Транс-
Бизнес» М.А. Бузюк уделил основное внимание в своем выступлении проблеме
интеграциироссийского контейнерного бизнеса с международным и необходимости переняти
я опыта и жестких правил последнего в отечественной практике (Логистика контейнерных
перевозок (2004) // «Логистика», 2004.06.21).

6. Additional or irrelevant components
фин. Сравнение эффективности (оценка эффективности данной ценной бумаги, портфеля или
инвестиционной стратегии по сравнению с другими существующими на рынке вариантами)
fin. Sravnenie jeffektivnosti (a comment)
L.t.: the comparison of the effectiveness
Ruscorpora: General usage (M.c.: 4 doc. N.c.: 5 doc):
Примечательно, что недавно точно такое же сравнение эффективности работы компаний при
водил один из помощников Путина, формально не отвечающий за работу
нефтяного сектора… (Наталия Алексеева. 'Галушки Сами В Рот Не Прыгнут' // Известия,
1 doc. Economics:
Они считают, что сначала надо разработать новые ориентиры для сравнения эффективности
различных портфелей ценных бумаг (бенчмарки) и ввести обязательный аудитинвестпортфеле
й, находящихся в доверительном управлении. (GIPS поможет инвесторам // РБК Daily,
7. Additional or irrelevant components
Эталонное тестирование (Academic)
Jetalonnoe testirovanie
L.t.: reference/sample testing
Ruscorpora: 0 mathes
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See the possible use:
В ней используется сравнение нормативных (или целевых, эталонных) и фактических пока
зателей, характеризующих достигнутое состояние в экономическом и социальном
развитии районов. (Социально-экономические аспекты оценки и регулирования
территориальной асимметрии в развитии административных районов* (2004) // «Вопросы
статистики», 2004.08.26)
L.t.: the comparison of normative (or aim, etalon) and actual indices
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct loan (transcription+transliteration)

65. Due diligence (figurative meaning)

Research and analysis of a company or organization done in preparation for a business transaction (as a
corporate merger or purchase of securities) (Merriam-Webster); the care that a prudent person might be
expected to exercise in the examination and evaluation of risks affecting a business transaction
(Dictionary.com); due diligence refers to the care a reasonable person should take before entering into an
agreement or a transaction with another party (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Всесторонний анализ достоверности предоставляемой информации (IFC)
Vsestoronnij analiz dostovernosti predostavljaemoj informacii
L.t.: overall analysis of the authenticity of the information given
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque
Должная осмотрительность (Academic; Lingvo Universal)
Dolzhnaja osmotritel'nost'
L.t.: due awareness

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 10 doc.
Косвенным признаком, например, может служить отступление от стандартной банковской пр
актики, отсутствие должной осмотрительности и соблюдения установленныхпроцедур со с
тороны указанных лиц. (Анастасия Алексеевских. Соцгорбанк, причисляемый к группе
Урина, попал в уголовное дело // Известия, 2013.10.07)
3. Calque
Должная заботливость (Lingvo Universal)
Dolzhnaja zabotlivost'
L.t.: due care
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Должная заботливость и осмотрительность (Ruscorpora)
Dolzhnaja zabotlivost' i osmotritel'nost'
L.t.: due care and awareness
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1doc.
Стоит принципиальный вопрос об ответственности акционерного общества перед акционера
ми и о пределах должной заботливости и осмотрительности АО при исполнениисвоих обяза
нностей, —
комментирует председатель совета директоров правового бюро «Олевинский, Буюкян и пар
тнеры» Эдуард Олевинский. (Анастасия Алексеевских. «Газпром» проиграл украинский
дивидендный спор с ФСФР // Известия, 2012.08.07)
5. Calque
Должная (надлежащая, разумная) тщательность (Academic)
Dolzhnaja (nadlezhashhaja, razumnaja) tshhatel'nost'
Due (proper, rational) thouroghness
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
«В небольших же аудиторских фирмах в силу недостаточности штата может не хватать
ресурсов на проведение указанных процедур с должной тщательностью», — уточнил г-
н Ефремов. (Марина Максимова. Банк России прикончил «комфортных» аудиторов // РБК
Дейли, 2011.12.28)
6. Calque
Должная проверка (Academic)
Dolzhnaja proverka
L.t.: due verification
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 7 doc.
Также консультант должен уже до 1 октября определить и предложить руководству
аэропорта потенциальных инвесторов —
чьи активы будут консолидированы, затем составитьплан-
график сделки, организовать «должную проверку» потенциальных покупателей. (Мария
Киселева. Morgan Stanley займется консолидацией активов Шереметьево // Известия,
7. Calque
Надлежащее обследование (Academic)
Nadlezhashhee obsledovanie
L.t.: due/proper examination
Ruscorpora: Economics: 0 matches

8. Additional or irrelevant components
фин. проверка благонадежности финансового состояния компании (перед покупкой ее акций,
слиянием с ней) (Lingvo Universal)
fin. proverka blagonadezhnosti finansovogo sostojanija kompanii (pered pokupkoj ee akcij,
slijaniem s nej)
L.t.: verification of a financial state of a company (before the purchase of its shares, merge with it)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Кто заинтересовался банком, Лебедев не раскрывает, но подчеркивает, что с потенциальным
и участниками уже подписаны договоры о неразглашении и дело дошло до duediligence
(проверка благонадёжности финансового состояния компании, — «Известия»). (Дина
Ушакова. Лебедев разочаровался в Навальном и распродал активы // Известия, 2012.12.13)
9. Additional or irrelevant components
Разумное прилежание (непрерывная деятельность после возникновения замысла
изобретения, нацеленная на его практическое осуществление) (Academic)
Razumnoe prilezhanie (nepreryvnaja dejatel'nost' posle vozniknovenija zamysla izobretenija,
nacelennaja na ego prakticheskoe osushhestvleni
L.t.: rational diligence
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
10. A comment
фин. (проверка потенциальным инвестором финансового состояния и перспектив компании,
претендующей на получение инвестиций) (Academic)
fin. (proverka potencial'nym investorom finansovogo sostojanija i perspektiv kompanii,
pretendujushhej na poluchenie investicij)
Finance ( the verification by the potential investor of a financial state and perspectives of a
company, pretending to receive the investments)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
11. A comment
фин., банк. (внутренний анализ кредитором выданных кредитов с целью определения или
переоценки кредитного риска) (Academic)
(fin., bank. (vnutrennij analiz kreditorom vydannyh kreditov s cel'ju opredelenija ili pereocenki
kreditnogo riska)
Finance, bank. Internal analysis of the loans issued by the creditor in order to identify or
overestimate a credit risk
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
12. A comment
фин. (проверка андеррайтерами полноты и обоснованности информации, предоставленной
эмитентом в связи размещением нового выпуска ценных бумаг) (Academic)
fin. (proverka anderrajterami polnoty i obosnovannosti informacii, predostavlennoj jemitentom v
svjazi razmeshheniem novogo vypuska cennyh bumag)
L.t.: the verification by the underwriters of the fullness and validity of the information offered by
the emitent in relation to the allocation of a new issue of shares)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
13. A comment
фин. (оценка финансового состояния компании-цели, проводимая компанией, планирующей
поглощение или слияние) (Academic)

fin. (ocenka finansovogo sostojanija kompanii - celi, provodimaja kompaniej, planirujushhej
pogloshhenie ili slijanie)
L.t.: an estimation of a financial state of a target company, carried out by a company planning a
takeover or a merge
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
14. Direct loan (transcription)
Дью дилидженс
Дью дилидженс (IFC)
Due diligence (transcription)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: widely used
Обычно для проведения процедуры "дью дилидженс" покупатель привлекает консультантов
и экспертов. (http://duediligence.su/work/prav.asp)
15. Due diligence
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 8 doc., N.c.: 236 doc.
«Компания уже начала переговоры с третьими лицами, и вся необходимая информация была
предоставлена заинтересованным сторонам для проведения due diligence», —
уверяет менеджмент Flinders (Анастасия Мишанина. Австралийская Flinders Mines
подыскивает замену Магнитке // РБК Дейли, 2012.07.31).

С некоторыми банками мы находимся на переговорной стадии, с некоторыми уже проходим

процедуру due diligence»,сообщила директор по работе с агентами УК «Альфа-
Капитал» Гульшат Басирова (Екатерина Белкина, Антон Вержбицкий. Банк «Нордеа» может
в кризис заняться ПИФами // РБК Дейли, 2011.10.05).

На стадии due diligence находится еще пять сделок (Маргарита Парфененкова. Российские
склады приглянулись иностранцам // РБК Дейли, 2011.12.22).

Due diligence + comment

Проводить due diligence (всестороннюю оценку) приобретаемого актива имеет смысл,

только если он генерирует прибыль более 20 млн руб. в год, говорит партнер ArtisanGroup, ч
лен экспертного совета журнала «Слияния и поглощения» Александр Филимонов (Евгений
Новиков, Юлия Синяева. Малый бизнес на колесах // РБК Дейли, 2013.11.28).

Участники конкурса должны иметь опыт аудита отчетности не только по Российские

стандарты бухгалтерского учета (РСБУ), но и по МСФО, а также опыт комплексной
финансовой и юридической проверки бизнеса (due diligence), говорится в конкурсной
документации (Олеся Елькова. Государство проверит справедливость дивидендов от РЖД //
Известия, 2013.10.30) .

Перечень этих документов и характер проверки похожи на проведение предынвестиционной

проверки узбекской компании (due diligence), полагает владелец «Уздунробиты» (Анастасия
Фомичева. МТС просит власти Узбекистана прекратить рейдерскую атаку // РБК Дейли,

Сегодня Х5 Retail Group должна объявить о завершении предынвестиционного анализа (due

diligence) компании Formata Holding B.V., владеющей сетью гипермаркетов«Карусель» (Мар
ия Соловиченко. Х5 оценила «Карусель» // РБК Daily, 2008.04.10).

Самой критической точкой эксперты называют этап due diligence (комплекс аналитических и
оперативных мероприятий, направленных на всестороннюю проверку законности икоммерч
еской привлекательности планируемой сделки) (Наталья Дембинская. Активы манят и зовут
// Известия, 2012.04.26).

К этому моменту они должны провести due diligence (комплексная оценка бизнеса) Ezulwini
(РБК Daily. «Ренова» в партнерстве с Waterpan предложила 80 млн долларов за рудник в
ЮАР // РБК Дейли, 2012.04.25).

Компании, импортирующие древесину и продукцию из нее, при работе с поставщиками дол

жны будут проводить оценки рисков и due diligence (экспертизу―ред. (WWF приветствует
отказ Европы от нелегальной древесины // РИА Новости, 2010.06.17),

В рамках подготовки к сделке корпорация проводила due diligence —

аудиторское исследование финансово-
хозяйственной деятельности компании, чтобы оценить всевозможные риски приобретения
(Оправдание для Ходорковского // РБК Daily, 2007.09.03).

Мы сейчас заняты тем, что приводим себя в состояние готовности, —

делаем due diligence (комплексная юридическая оценка («Я бы хотел, чтобы это был
российский инвестор» // РБК Daily, 2007.07.04).

«Любой покупатель перед тем как приобрести актив, проводит его юридическую оценку,
due diligence, и самостоятельно оценивает риски (Риски в придачу // РБК Daily, 2007.07.02).
Продолжается процесс Due Diligence (проверка финансовой отчетности – РБК daily) («Илим
Палп» рискует имиджем // РБК Daily, 2006.12.13).

Кроме того, все они отметили, что РОСНО уже провела в «Согласии» процедуру due diligenc
e (первичной оценки компании) и менеджмент РОСНО был удовлетворен еерезультатами (Р
ОСНО пришло к «Согласию» // РБК Daily, 2006.10.17).

«Но они пойдут на сотрудничество только после подробного due diligence (всесторонняя
предварительная оценка –
РБК daily) и на условиях паритетного участия (как в случае сТНК и BP)», –
уверен Станислав Клещев (Елена Шестернина. КЭС готовится к IPO // РБК Daily,

Во всяком случае, невзирая на свои августовские заявления, российский холдинг вместе с пр

очими претендентами все-таки провел due diligence (анализ предприятия перед его
покупкой). (Мария Молина. Evraz сошел с дистанции // РБК Daily, 2005.10.14)
16. Additional or irrelevant components
Анализ проблемы достоверности информации (Ruscorpora)
Analiz problemy dostovernosti informacii
L.t.: an analysis of a problem of authenticity of information
Целостный подход к анализу проблемы достоверности
социологической информации возможен лишь при наличии четкой логической структуры п
социологического исследования, в основе которой лежит метод восхождения от абстрактног
о к конкретному (В. Я. Ельмеев, В. Г. Овсянников. Прикладная социология. Очерки

методологии (1999)).
L.t.: an analysis of a problem of authenticity of a sociological information
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct loan (transcription)
Дью дилидженс

66. Greenmail (figurative meaning)

The practice of buying enough of a company's stock to threaten a hostile takeover and reselling it to the
company at a price above market value; also : the money paid for such stock (Merriam-Webster)
The practice of buying a large block of a company's stock in order to force a rise in stock prices or an offer by
the company to repurchase that block of stock at an inflated price to thwart a possible takeover bid
The holding of a large block of stock of a target company by an unfriendly company, with the object of forcing
the target company to repurchase the stock at a substantial premium to prevent a takeover (Farlex).
1. Calque + DT (figurative meaning)
Корпоративный шантаж (IFC)
Korporativnyj shantazh
L.t.: corporative blackmail
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.; N.c.: 27 doc.
Кроме того, заявления «Норильского никеля» об ответных
шагах, которые ГМК нацелена предпринять в качестве реакции на отказ Rusal от
сделанной оферты, в алюминиевой компании расценивают как еще одно проявление
грубого корпоративного шантажа. (Милана Челпанова, Даниил Шабашов. UC Rusal не
отдаст «Норникель» (2010.12.29) //
http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2010/12/29/industry/562949979484707.shtml, 2010)
L.t.: corporative blackmail

Эксперты утверждают, что новые правила защитят компании от корпоративного шантажа,

но при этом будут ущемлять права миноритариев. (Людмила Новикова. Акционеры
получат полгода на правосудие // РБК Daily, 2006.02.07)
L.t.: new rules will defend the companies from comporative blackmail
2. Calque (figurative meaning)
фин., упр. "Зеленый шантаж" (выкуп компанией своих акций по повышенной цене у
фирмы, скупившей значительное число ее акций и угрожающей поглощением; обычно
компания, выкупающая свои акции, в обмен на завышенную цену ставит условие о том, что
компания, пытавшаяся осуществить поглощение, в течение определенного периода
воздержится от повторных попыток поглощения) (Academic)
fin., upr. “Zelyonyj shantazh” (a comment)
L.t.: Finance, management “green mail” (a buyout by the company of its shares at a higher price
from the firm, which purchased a considerable number of its shares and threatens with a takeover:
usually a company buying out its shares in exchange for a higher price makes a condition that the
company having attempted to perform a takeover during a certain period refrains from other
attempts of a takeover).
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque (another figurative form and meaning)
фин., упр. "зеленая почта" (see the abovementioned comment) (Academic)
Zelyonaja pochta
Green mail/post

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Direct loan (transcription)
Гринмейл (IFC; Academic)
L.t.: greenmail (transcription)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.; N.c.: 5 doc.
На самом деле это известные зарубежные технологии захвата собственности, они
называются «гринмейл» (Елена Яковлева. Каша с маслом. Экономическое пиратство
входит в моду (2002) // «Известия», 2002.12.23).
L.t.: famous foreign technologies of property takeover, they are called “greenmail”

Гринмейл – самый распространенный прием, к которому прибегают миноритарные

акционеры. (Людмила Новикова. Акционеры получат полгода на правосудие // РБК Daily,
L.t.: greenmail – the most frequent approach which minor shareholders use.
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct loan (transcription)

67. Return on assets (ROA)

An indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. ROA gives an idea as to how efficient
management is at using its assets to generate earnings. Calculated by dividing a company's annual earnings by
its total assets, ROA is displayed as a percentage. Sometimes this is referred to as "return on investment"

Ratio measuring the operating profitability of a (non-financial) firm, expressed as a percentage of the operating
assets. ROA indicates a firm's ability to efficiently allocate and manage its resources but (unlike 'return on
equity') ignores the firm's liabilities. Also called return on total investment (ROTI). Formula: Operating
income x 100 ÷ Operating assets (Business Dictionary).

The ratio of net profit to shareholders' equity (also called book value, net assets or net worth), expressed as a
percentage. A measure of how well a company uses shareholders' funds to generate a profit (Financial Times

1. Direct translation equivalent/Calque and DT

Рентабельность активов (IFC, Academic)
Rentabel’nost’ aktivov
L.t.: profitability of assets

Ruscorpora: M.c. 10 doc., N.c.: 33 doc.
«Увеличение прибыли связано с ростом рентабельности активов. (Елена Зубова. Российские
банки показали прибыль (2008.02.04) // http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2008/02/04/finance/318386.shtml,
L.t.: the profitability of assets
Рентабельность активов составила 2,42%, рентабельность капитала — 19,4%. (Дарина
Рудакова. Чистая прибыль Сбербанка за 2010 год увеличилась в 8,5 раз // РБК Daily,
L.t.: the profitability of assets amounted to 2.42%
! спорные по своей рентабельности активы, тогда как Evraz приобретает «хорошие, но
очень задорого». (Александра Трушина, Максим Шахов. AK Steel сватают россиянам
(2008.08.04) // http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2008/08/04/industry/366698.shtml, 2008)
L.t.: assets disputable on their profitability
2. Direct equivalent
Доходность активов (Academic)
Dohodnost’ aktivov
L.t.: Profitability of assets
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc.; N.c.: 10 doc.
Нужно работать над тем, чтобы обеспечить приемлемую доходность активов. (Анастасия
Литвинова. Минтруда и Минфин разошлись во взглядах на накопительную пенсию // РБК
Дейли, 2012.08.27)
3. Calque
Доход на активы (IFC), доходы на активы (Lingvo)
Dohod na aktivy (singular), dohody na aktivy (plural)
L.t.: an income on assets
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Это прежде всего доходы от собственности на финансовые и другие активы: вклады, ценные
бумаги, ссуды, иные счета дебиторов; дивиденды и изъятие из доходовкорпораций;
реинвестированные доходы от прямого иностранного инвестирования; рента и др. (Определен
ие объема теневой деятельности на основе макроэкономических показателей (2004) //
«Вопросы статистики», 2004.04.29)
L.t.: an income from the ownership on the financial and other assets…
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct translation equivalent + calque
Рентабельность активов
Rentabel’nost’ aktivov
L.t.: profitability of assets

68. Statement of requirements

To operate a business responsibly you must be prepared to meet any and all requirements, whether they are
defined by the law, a business contact or your own business procedure manual. You may also have to prepare
or request a formal statement of requirements, SOR, at some point when conducting business. A statement of
requirements has a very important meaning in business to business, B2B, transactions (Balle, n.d.).

1. Direct equivalent
Ведомость потребностей (UNTERM)
Vedomost’ potrebnostej
L.t.: the list of needs
Ruscorpora: 0 matches

The Internet: nearly not used
2. Calque
Ведомость о потребностях (Lingvo)
Vedomost´ o potrebnostjah
L.t.: the list about the needs
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque and DT
Перечень технических требований (UNTERM)
Perechen’ tehnicheskih trebovanij
L.t.: the enumeration of the conventional requirements
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
Документ представляет собой перечень технических требований к производственным и скла
дским помещениям, несоблюдение которых влечет за собой потерю лицензии (Денис Пузырев.
Эльвира Набиуллина заинтересовалась условиями хранения водки // РБК Дейли, 2012.03.15).
Перечень технических требований
Perechen’ tehnicheskih trebovanij
L.t.: the enumeration of the conventional requirements

69. Scope options

Based on comprehensive examinations by the design team and the results of an earlier study conducted in
1998-1999, viable solutions for each problem were divided into two categories: solutions that solved problems
at a lower cost and with less intervention into the buildings (the baseline scope), and solutions that, although
desirable, were either more costly or exceeded the essential health, safety and efficiency objectives of the
capital master plan (scope options). Scope options would include enhanced security provisions, redundancy
and contingency options, as well as sustainable innovation options (UNTERM Organization).
A project management term for the combined objectives and requirements necessary to complete a project.
Properly defining the scope of a project allows a manager to estimate costs and the time required to finish the
project (Investopedia).

Calque + DT
Дополнительные альтернативы (UNTERM)
Dopolnitel’nye al’ternativy
L.t.: additional alternatives/options
Ruscorpora: economics: 0 matches
The Internet: general meaning
Отличительной чертой государства является его общепризнанное и исключительное право
использовать принуждение. Принуждать -- значит склонять людей к совместной деятельности,
ограничивая свободу их выбора. Добровольная совместная деятельность основана исключительно
на убеждении, которое обеспечивает желаемое поведение, предлагая дополнительные
альтернативы (Heyne, 1997).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

70. Pre-emptive right

The right of current shareholders to maintain their fractional ownership of a company by buying a
proportional number of shares of any future issue of common stock. Most states consider preemptive

rights valid only if made explicit in a corporation's charter. also called subscription privilege or subscription
right (InvestorWords).
A privilege extended to select shareholders of a corporation that will give them the right to purchase additional
shares in the company before the general public has the opportunity in the event there is a seasoned offering. A
preemptive right is written in the contract between the purchaser and the company, but does not function like a
put option (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Преимущественное право приобретения (IFC)
Preimuschestvennoe pravo priobreteniya
L.t.: privileged right for the acquisition
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 7 full matches
При этом цена размещения будет отличаться для разных категорий покупателей: 37,53 тыс. рублей
за штуку для нынешних акционеров, имеющих преимущественное право
приобретения, и 41,7 тыс. рублей для всех остальных инвесторов (Мария Киселева, Олеся
Елькова. «Ильюшин» потратит 3,6 млрд рублей на переезд из Москвы // Известия, 2013.08.08).
2. Calque and DT
Преимущественное право приобретения акций (Ruscorpora)
Preimushhestvennoe pravo priobretenija akcij
L.t.: privileged right for the acquisition
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 28 doc. (16 full matches)
Депутаты предлагают существенно сократить сроки преимущественного права приобретения ак
ций по закрытой подписке в процессе допэмиссии. (Юлия Синяева, Анастасия Литвинова.
Депутаты решили сократить сроки по преимущественному праву выкупа акций // РБК Дейли,
Способ размещения: открытая подписка без применения преимущественного права приобретени
я голосующих акций акционерами. (Сообщение o Государственной Регистрации Отчета Об
Итогах Выпуска Ценных Бумаг // Труд-7, 2001.11.23)
3. Calque and DT
Преимущественное право на приобретение (Academic)
Preimushhestvennoe parvo na priobretenie
L.t.: privileged right for the acquisition
Ruscorpora: 0 matches without a direct object
4. Calque and DT
Преимущественное право на приобретение акций (Ruscorpora)
Preimushhestvennoe pravo na priobretenie akcij
L.t.: privileged right for the acquisition of the shares
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 full match
N.c.: 5 full matches.
При этом преимущественное право на приобретение акций «сбытов» получат компании, приняв
шие их в доверительное управление. («Сбыты» пойдут с молотка // РБК Daily, 2006.12.08)
See the use:
По его словам, больше всего мешает IPO норма о преимущественном праве прежних акционеров
на приобретение выпускаемых акций, о предельной цене размещения акцийна бирже, которая не
может более чем на 10% превышать цену размещения по преимущественному праву, и ряд других.
(Антон Попов. Средний бизнес толкают на биржу // РБК Daily, 2004.04.29)
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Преимущественно право на приобретение пакета акций (Ruscorpora)
Preimushhestvennoe pravo na priobretenie paketa akcij

L.t.: privileged right for the acquisition of the package of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 matches (not full)
Об этом она сообщила партнеру по совместному предприятию —
консорциуму AAR, у которого есть преимущественное право на приобретение этого пакета. (Г
алина Старинская. Пять вариантов для ТНК-ВР // РБК Дейли, 2012.06.04)
L.t.: privileged right for the acquisition of the indicated package of shares
6. Additional or irrelevant components
Преимущественно право акционера на приобретение акций (Ruscorpora)
Preimushhestvennoe parvo na priobretenie paketa akcij
L.t.: privileged right of a shareholder for the acquisition of shares
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 match, N.c.: 3 matches (not full matches)
Для Европы это может стать крупнейшей за всю ее историю эмиссией новых акций с преимущест
венным правом акционеров на их приобретение. (Перевод Александра Полоцкого. Банкам
придется бороться // РБК Daily, 2008.04.22)
Из компетенции общего собрания акционеров исключено право принимать решения о неприменен
ии преимущественного права акционера на приобретение акций обществаили ценных бумаг, ко
нвертируемых в акции. (Кириенко Сергей специалист ОАО 'Газпром'. НОВОЕ В АКЦИОНЕРНОМ
ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВЕ // Труд-7, 2002.05.31)
7. Additional or irrelevant components
= pre-emption right Преимущественное право на покупку (Academic)
Preimushhestvennoe pravo na pokupku
L.t.: pre-emptive right for the purchase
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 full match
«Сигма» сочла, что эта сделка нарушила интересы CКП, имевшей преимущественное право на п
окупку. (Александра Крекнина. Борьба на два фронта // РБК Daily, 2006.08.25)
8. Additional or irrelevant components
Преимущественное право на покупку акций (Lingvo)
Preimushhestvennoe pravo na pokupku akcij
L.t.: pre-emptive right for the purchase of shares
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc, N.c.: 1 doc.
Однако пятеро остальных акционеров (Sony Ericsson, Ericsson, Matsushita Electric Industrial, Samsun
g и Siemens) решили воспрепятствовать этому путем использованияпреимущественного права на
покупку выставленных на продажу акций (Перераспределение акций завершено (2004) //
«Computerworld», 2004.07.09).
Власти США не приветствуют большие размеры зарплат и бонусов, поэтому основной доход топ-
менеджеры получают от опционов (преимущественное право на покупку, продажу акций)(Макс
им Шахов. Золотые управленцы // РБК Daily, 2010.07.28).
9. Additional or irrelevant components
Преимущественное право на покупку пакета (акций) (Ruscorpora)
Preimushhestvennoe pravo na pokupky paketa (akcij)
L.t.: privileged right for the purchase of the package (of shares)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc, N.c.: 3 doc. (not full matches)
"Интеррос" не реализовал свое преимущественное право на покупку этого пакета в конце декаб
ря 2007 года, сославшись на то, что условия оферты были изначальнонеприемлемыми. (Прохоров
и The Moscow Times заключили мировое соглашение - 'Онэксим' // РИА Новости, 2009.09.28)
Аналогичный иск подал пенсионер Альбакринов ― миноритарный акционер «Росската», заявивши
й свое преимущественное право на покупку 12-
процентного пакета акций, принадлежавшего «Нефтегазснабу» и выкупленного в прошлом году в
се тем же «Цветметсервисом». (Глеб Столяров. Медная катанка ждет нового хозяина (2002) //
«Дело» (Самара), 2002.04.11)

See the use: Кроме того,
«Сигма» заявила о своем преимущественном праве на покупку у миноритарных акционеров 20
% акций СМАРТС (Екатерина Борзова. СМАРТС добилась свободы // РБК Daily, 2006.07.21).
1 Сalque
0. = pre-emption right Преимущественное право (право существующих акционеров
приобрести вновь выпускаемые акции или акции других акционеров, которые хотят их продать, д
о того, как они будут предложены широкой публике) (Ruscorpora)
Preimushhestvennoe pravo
L.t.: pre-emptive right
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Преимущественное право приобретения акций
Preimushhestvennoe pravo priobreteniya akcij
L.t.: privileged right for the acquisition

71. Procurement lead time

The interval in months between the initiation of procurement action and receipt into the supply
system of the production model (excludes prototypes) purchased as the result of such actions. It is
composed of two elements, production lead time and administrative lead time (Farlex).
Procurement: The act of obtaining or buying goods and services.
The process includes preparation and processing of a demand as well as the
end receipt and approval of payment (Business Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Время реализации заказа (UNTERM)
Vremja realizacii zakaza
L.t.: time of the order implementation
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
В пресс-службе предприятия не стали отрицать, что рост показателей зависит от
времени реализации заказов (Последние успехи «Северной верфи» // РБК Daily, 2006.11.21).
L.t. the time of the order implementation
2. Calque (construction with a preposition) + a comment
Время на заготовку (Lingvo (marketing))
Время на заготовку (время между принятием решения о необходимости приобретения того или
иного сырья, материала и т.п. и его получением; складывается из времени, необходимого для
подготовки размещения заказа, и времени на выполнение и доставку заказа) (Academic)
Vremja na zagotovku (a note)
L.t.: time for the preparation (the time between the decision-making about the necessity of the acquisition
of a certain raw material, material, etc. and its receipt; it consists of the time necessary for the preparation
of the order allocation and the time for the realization of the order delivery).
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque (construction with a preposition)
Время на закупку (see the note above (№2)) (Lingvo (marketing), Academic)
Vremja na zakupku
L.t.: time for the purchase
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Время на заготовку материальных средств (UNTERM)

Vremja na zagotovku material’nyh sredstv
L.t.: the time for the tangible asset preparation
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Время реализации заказа
Vremya realizatzii zakaza
L.t.: time of the order implementation

72. Supermajority
A corporate amendment in a company's charter requiring a large majority (anywhere from 67-90%) of
shareholders to approve important changes, such as a merger.
This is sometimes called a "supermajority amendment". Often a company's charter will simply call for a
majority (more than 50%) to make these types of decisions (Investopedia).
a majority (as two-thirds or three-fifths) greater than a simple majority (Merriam-Webster).
A percentage larger than a simple majority; often 67%. Company charters often require a supermajority of
shareholders to approve an important proposal, such as a merger or sale. It exceeds the simple majority used
for most voting-based decisions, and is often included as an amendment to the charter (InvestorWords).
seventy five percent or higher majority of votes required in approving certain changes or decisions in an
organization (Business Dictionary).

1. Calque + DT
Квалифицированное большинство голосов (обычно ¾) (IFC)
Kvalifitcirovannoe bol’shinstvo golosov (obychno ¾)
L.t.: the qualified majority of voices (usually ¾)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 11 doc., N.c.: 22 doc.
Дело в том, что для принятия поправок в Устав требуется квалифицированное большинство
голосов, то есть не менее семнадцати (Сергей Татаренков. Вкус победы (2002) // «Дело» (Самара),
2002.07.17). Но сейчас вопросы визового режима будут решаться квалифицированным
большинством голосов. (Алексей Усов. Брюссель: Россия не готова к безвизовому режиму с ЕС //
Новый регион 2, 2010.10.05)
L.t.: the qualified majority of votes
2. Direct equivalent
= qualified majority Kвалифицированное большинство (принцип
коллективного принятия решения, призванный защитить права меньшинства, согласно которому
барьер, который необходимо преодолеть устанавливается выше 50 %, напр., на уровне 60 % или 7
5%; часто подразумевается большинство в 2/3 голосов) (Academic)

Kvalifitcirovannoe bol’shinstvo (a note)

L.t.: the qualified majority (the principle of a collective decision-making, aimed at defending the rights of
the minority, according to which the threshold is of 50%, for example at the level of 60% or 75 %; often
2/3 of the voices stands for the majority).
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 17doc, N.c.: 86 doc.
Я полагаю, что все члены ЕС должны уважать меньшинства, но здесь было квалифицированное б
ольшинство", — сказал глава МИД (Геннадий Мельник. Греция считает успешным свое
председательство в ЕС // РИА Новости, 2014.06.30).
Вопрос об отзыве полномочий Президента принимается квалифицированным большинством –
более 2/3 голосов присутствующих делегатов (Процедура снятия и назначения глав спортивных

федераций РФ. Справка // РИА Новости, 2010.03.26).
L.t.: the qualified majority
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Квалифицированное большинство в две трети (голосов) (Ruscorpora)
a supermajority of two-thirds, a two-thirds supermajority — квалифицированное большинство в две
трети голосов (Academic)
Kvalifitcirovannoje bol’shinstvo v dve treti (golosov)
L.t.: the qualified majority of 2/3 voices
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
Одновременно с этим предлагается, чтобы этот комитет принимал решения квалифицированным
большинством в две трети голосов, чтобы участники рынка также могливлиять на
тарифы и другие существенные решения (Антон Вержбицкий. Профучастники бьются за тарифы //
РБК Дейли, 2012.07.13).
4. Calque + DT
Сверхквалифицированное большинство (Lingvo)
Sverhkvalifitcirovannoe bol´shinstvo
L.t.: overqualified majority
N.c.: 1 doc.
<...> Пакет холдинга в операторе вырастет с 44 до 74%, то есть до сверхквалифицированного
большинства», пишет в отчете аналитик UniCredit Securities Надежда Голубева (Александр
Дементьев, Антон Бурсак. Разрыв связи // РБК Daily, 2009.03.13).


Kвалифицированное большинство
Kvalifitcirovannoe bol’shinstvo
L.t.: the qualified majority

73. Current exposure

A system used by financial institutions to measure the credit risk of losing anticipated cash flows from
forwards, swaps, options and other derivatives contracts they are party to, in the event the counterparty to the
contract should default. An investor's total exposure, under the current exposure method, is equal to the
replacement cost of all marked to market contracts currently in the money, plus the credit exposure risk of
potential changes in future prices or volatility of the underlying asset (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Потенциальный риск (Ruscorpora)
Potentcial´nyj risk
L.t.: the potential risks
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 5 doc.
<…> на исследования потенциальных рисков в мире было израсходовано 800 млн. долл (Ю. Д.
Третьяков, Е. А. Гудилин. Уроки зарубежного нанобума (2008) // «Вестник РАН», 2009)
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Потенциальные риски на настоящий момент (IFC)

Potentzial’nye riski na nastoyash’ij moment
L.t.: the potential risks at the present moment
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the use:
Прогнозирование потенциальных рисков, связанных с будущим потоком доходов и другими ожи
даемыми выгодами от инвестиций, становится все более сложной задачей судлинением прогнозног
о периода (С. А. Филин. Стратегическое управление инвестиционной деятельностью при переходе
экономики на инновационный тип (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.02.17).
Потенциальный риск
Potentzial´nye riski
L.t.: the potential risks

74. Digital divide

The socioeconomic and other disparities between those people who have opportunities and skills
enabling them to benefit from digital resources, especially the Internet, and those who do not have
these opportunities or skills:Programs that help to bridge the digital divide between rich and poor countries
(Dictionary.com). The digital divide refers to the difference between people who have easy access to the
Internet and those who do not (Techopedia).

1. Calque + DT
«Цифровая политика» (UN-1)
Tzifrovaja politika
L.t.: “a digital politics”
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque
«Цифровая пропасть» (Lingvo; Academic)
Cifrovaja propast’
L.t.: digital abyss
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
«Цифровая пропасть», вопреки ожиданиям, все еще разделяет человечество. (Александр Волков.
Семь чудес такой хрупкой природы // «Знание-сила», 2012)
3. Calque
«Цифровое неравенство» (Lingvo; Academic)
Cifrovoje neravenstvo
L.t.: digital inequality
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 5 doc., N.c.: 44 doc.
Термин «цифровое неравенство» (или «цифровой разрыв» -
digital divide) начали употреблять в Соединенных Штатах, преследуя цель обозначить проблему не
равенства вдоступе к новым информационным технологиям, которая, как выяснилось, остро стоит
не только на международном уровне, но и на микроуровне внутри каждого отдельновзятого
государства. (А. А. Чернов. Становление глобального информационного общества (2003))

Принятие данного законопроекта позволитоператорам сократить сроки строительства сетей и

повысить эффективность инвестиций. Также появятся условия для строительства сетей в регионах,
где раньше это было невыгодно. Вконечном итоге этот шаг направлен на ликвидацию цифрового
неравенства, — сообщили «Известиям» в пресс-службе Минкомсвязи.
(Виктор Логинов. Сельхозземли отдадут связистам // Известия, 2014.01.29)

4. Calque
Цифровой разрыв (Academic)
Cifrovoj razryv
L.t.: digital gap
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 22 doc.
В рамках мероприятия был презентован проект «Сети все возрасты покорны». Его цель —
повышение интернет-
грамотности населения и преодоление так называемого «цифрового разрыва» поколений. (Ирина
Юзбекова. Как преодолеть «цифровой разрыв» поколений // РБК Дейли, 2013.02.04)
5. Calque
Цифровой барьер (Academic)
Cifrovoj bar’er
L.t.: digital barrier
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
6. Calque + DT
Электронно-цифровой разрыв (Academic)
Elektronno-cifrovoj razryv
L.t.: e-(electronic) digital gap
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
«Цифровое неравенство»
Tzifrovoje neravenstvo
L.t.: digital inequality

75. Funds Monitoring Tool

Funds Monitoring Tool “was developed… to assist peacekeeping missions with the implementation of the new
policy on allotments” (UN General Assembly, 2004).
Calque + DT
Механизм контроля за средствами миссий (UNTERM)
Mehanizm kontrolja za sredstvami missij
L.t.: a mechanism of a control under the missions’ means
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used, UNTERM
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

76. Mandatory Bid

Аn offer to purchase the shares of a company which has to be made when a shareholder acquires 30 per cent of
that company's shares (InvestorWords).
1. Calque and DT
Обязательное предложение о покупке (IFC; Academic)
Objazatel’noe predlozhenie o pokupke
L.t.: an obligatory offer for a purchase
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
Internet: frequently used
"Татнефть" направила обязательное предложение о покупке акций банка "Зенит"
Информационное агентство России ТАСС (TASS. Russian News Agency, 2016)
2. Calque and DT
Обязательное предложение о приобретении акций (Ruscorpora)

Objazatel’noje predlozhenie o priobretenii akcij
L.t.: an obligatory offer for shares acquisition
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 4 doc.
В рамках всё той же сделки по приобретению «Мосэнергосетьстроя» компания направила всем
акционерам предприятия обязательное предложение о приобретении акций (Евгения Корытина.
Подкоп под РАО «ЕЭС» // РБК Daily, 2010.08.25).
3. Calque and DT
Обязательное предложение о приобретении ценных бумаг (Ruscorpora)
Objazatel’noje predlozhenie o priobretenii cennyh bumag
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the acquisition of securities
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
О желании «Самохвала» консолидировать 100% акций ТАМП говорится в «Обязательном
предложении о приобретении ценных бумаг»
документе, выпущенномкомпанией 6 сентября 2007 года для соакционеров мясокомбината (Мария
Соловиченко. «Самохвал» не распробовал колбасу // РБК Daily, 2007.10.26)
4. Calque and DT
Обязательное предложение о выкупе (пакетов) акций (Ruscorpora)
Objazatel’noe predlozhenie o vykupe (paketov) akcij
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the buyout of the (packages) of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 14 doc.
16 июля 2008 года «Уралхим» направил миноритариям этого предприятия оферту –
обязательное предложение о выкупе их пакетов акций (Екатерина Попова. Кипрский оффшор
атакует Сбербанк // Новый регион 2, 2010.06.08).
5. Calque and DT
Oбязательное предложение о продаже акций (Ruscorpora)
Obyazatel´noe predlozhenie o prodazhe akcij
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the shares sale
N.c.: 1 doc.
Инсайдеры утверждают, что преодолевать планку в 30% Salzgitter пока не собирается, ведь тогда о
н был бы обязан сделать другим акционерам компании
обязательное предложение о продаже их акций ((Перевод Александра Полоцкого). Сталевары
копят силы // РБК Daily, 2009.10.02).
L.t.: an obligatory offer for the shares sale
6. Calque and DT
Приобретение обязательного пакета акций
Priobretenie objazatel’nogo paketa akcij
L.t.: the acquisition of an obligatory stock of shares
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet:
«приобретение частичного пакета акций (partial bid) и обязательного пакета акций (mandatory
bid)» (Fedchuk)
Priobretenie ... obyazatelnogo paketa acciy
L.t.: the acquisition of partial stock of shares and obligatory stock of shares
7. Additional or irrelevant components
Обязанность предложить приобрести акции (Academic)
Objazannost’ predlozit’ priobresti akcij
L.t.: an obligation to offer an acquisition of shares

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Internet: not used (except for the dictionaries)
Обязательное предложение о покупке
Objazatel’noe predlozhenie o pokupke
L.t.: an obligatory offer for a purchase

77. Matériel management system; asset management system

Asset management programs can be defined as managing infrastructure capital assets to minimize the total cost
of owning, operating, and maintaining assets at acceptable levels of service (Cityworks).

1. Calque and DT
Cистема управления материальными средствами (UNTERM)
Sistema upravlenija material’nymi sredstvami
L.t.: a system of the tangible assets management
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Методы управления запасами материальных ресурсов (UNTERM)
Metody upravlenija zapasami material’nyh resursov
L.t.: the methods of the tangible resources management
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Автор этой статьи Ремир Радионов, не отрицая экономической целесообразности перехода
отечественных предприятий на логистические методы управления
запасами материальных ресурсов и оборотными средствами, считает в то же время, что
нельзя слепо копировать зарубежный опыт реализации этих методов без учета российской
специфики материально-технического снабжения и особенностей транспортно-складского
обслуживания предприятий. (Р. Радионов. Российские особенности управления запасами и
оборотными средствами (2003) // «Логистика», 2003.12.22)
L.t.: the methods of the tangible resources management

3. Calque
Методы управления запасами (Ruscorpora)
Metody upravlenija zapasami
L.t.: the methods of resource management
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 4 doc.
Логистические методы управления запасами, применяемые за рубежом (в США, Японии и т.
д. (Электронное объявление (2004))
4. Calque
Cистема управления активами (Academic)
Sistema upravlenija aktivami
L.t.: the system of asset management
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc, N.c.: 7 doc.
«Мы должны наладить систему управления активами и разработать планы развития каждого
из объектов», — добавил г-н Корявов. (Наталья Копейченко. Продюсер для московских
отелей // РБК Daily, 2010.02.19)
5. Calque (short form)

Система руководства (управления) МТО (Academic)
Sistema rukovodstva (upravlenija) MTO
L.t.: the system of management MTO
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Cистема управления активами
Sistema upravlenija aktivami
L.t.: the system of asset management

78. Cross-shareholding (figurative meaning)

Minority stakes held by two companies in each other; this is often done to help strengthen long term business
relationships, and is particularly prevalent in RELATIONSHIP MODEL countries such as Germany and
Japan. Law Dictionary (Law Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT (figurative meaning)

Перекрестное участие в акционерном капитале (IFC)
Perekryostnoe uchastie v akcionernom kapitale
L.t.: a cross participation in the joint stock
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: often used
Так, банки одновременно выступают кредиторами и участниками Советов директоров других
банков (так называемое «перекрестное участие в акционерном капитале») (Kostjuk, 2009).
2. Calque
= cross-stockholding Перекрестное владение акциями (ситуация, когда две или более компаний или
финансовых учреждений владеют акциями друг друга; обычно это компании-партнеры либо
компания и кредитующий ее банк; часто используется как средство упрочнения контроля над
компаниями и защиты от враждебного поглощения) (Academic)
Perekryostnoe vladenije akcijami (a comment)
L.t.: cross-holding of shares (a situation when two or more companies or finance institutions own each
other’s shares; usually these are the partner companies or a company and a bank which gives it a credit; it
is often used as a means of assuring the control over the companies and defense from hostile take-over.
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 16 doc.
Их связывает банк, стоящий в центре группы, и перекрестное владение акциями (Павел
Бурмистров. Чудо японское // «Русский репортер», 2012).
The Internet: widely used
3. Pure DT
Финансы: Взаимное участие в уставных капиталах (Academic)
Finance: vzaimnoe uchastie v ustavnyh kapitalah
L.t.: a mutual participation in authorized capital stock
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 match (not full)
Пределы взаимного участия хозяйственных обществ в уставных капиталах друг друга и число
голосов, которыми одно из таких обществ может пользоваться на общемсобрании участников или
акционеров другого общества, определяются законом (Гражданский кодекс Российской
Федерации. Часть первая (1994) // , 2004).
= cross-stockholding Перекрестное владение акциями
Perekryostnoe vladenije akcijami
L.t.: cross-holding of shares

79. Special post allowance
Staff members who assume for a substantial period of time the full range of duties and responsibilities of a
post at a level clearly higher than their own may be granted an allowance which is normally temporary and
non-pensionable and is most commonly called a "special post allowance" (SPA) (International Civil Service
Commission, 2012, p.5).
1. Pure DT
Надбавка за выполнение особых функций (UNTERM)
Nadbavka za vypolnenie osobyh funkzij
L.t.: a bonus for the fulfillment of special functions
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque
Cпециальная должностная надбавка (UNTERM; Academic)
Special’naja dolzhnostnaja nadbavka
L.t. a special post bonus
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
<…> Специальная должностная надбавка и представительские расходы на шесть месяцев для
Генерального секретаря Конференции <…> (Fifth Review Conference of the States Parties To The
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Bwc/Conf.V/13 Stockpiling of
Bacteriological. Russian, 2002)
Calque (short form)
Cпециальная надбавка (Ruscorpora)
Special’naja nadbavka
L.t. a special bonus
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc. ; N.c.: 15 doc.
Никаких специальных надбавок депутатам Госдумы не полагается,―утверждает Горячева (Отде
л политики. Далеко ли нам до Дублина // Известия, 2009.10.08).
The Internet: general use
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Специальная надбавка за сложность (Ruscorpora)
Special’naja nadbavka za slozhnost’
L.t.: the special allowance for the difficulty
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
До 70 процентов увеличены надбавка за выслугу лет и специальная надбавка
за сложность, напряженность и специальный режим службы (Армия начинает стрелять.
Зарплату... // Комсомольская правда, 2002.07.02).
L.t.: the special allowance for the difficulty, intensity and the special order of service
Cпециальная должностная надбавка
Special’naja dolzhnostnaja nadbavka
L.t. a special post bonus

80. Concentrated ownership

“... regulations of financial institutions dictate whether countries such as the USA implement a market-based
system that results in a dispersed ownership structure, while countries such as Germany and Japan adopt a
bank-based system that results in a concentrated ownership structure” “in concentrated ownership situations

large shareholders take a leadership role in monitoring management, as well as reducing risk involving
with managerial director” (Doh, P. J. & Stump S.A., 2005).
1. Pure DT
Концентрация активов в руках компаний (Ruscorpora)
Koncentracija aktivov v rukah kompanij
L.t.: the concentration of assets in the arms of companies
N.c. 3 doc.
концентрация таких крупных активов в руках нескольких
компаний препятствует честной конкуренции (Wal-Mart оставили без банка // РБК Daily,
L.t.: the concentration of such big assets in the arms of several companies impedes a bona fide
.. проводит политику недопущения
концентрации нефтяных активов в руках компаний из одной-двух стран (Дмитрий
Коптюбенко. Буржуи слетаются на ЮКОС // РБК Daily, 2004.11.25).
L.t.: the policy of the prevention of the concentration of the oil assets in the arms of the companies
from one or two countries.

2. Additional or irrelevant components

Kонцентрация активов компании в руках одного или небольшой группы акционеров
Koncentracija aktivov v rukah odnogo ili nebol’shoj gruppi akcionerov
L.t.: the concentration of the assets in the arms of one (shareholder) or a little group of shareholders.

Ruscorpora: 0 full matches

See the use: N.c. 4 док.
концентрация таких крупных активов в руках нескольких
компаний препятствует честной конкуренции (Wal-Mart оставили без банка // РБК Daily,
L.t.: the concentration of such big assets in the arms of several companies impedes bona fide competition.

<...>проводит политику недопущения

концентрации нефтяных активов в руках компаний из одной-двух стран (Дмитрий
Коптюбенко. Буржуи слетаются на ЮКОС // РБК Daily, 2004.11.25).
L.t: the policy of non-admission of the concentration of the oil assets in the arms of the companies from
one or two countries
3. Calque
Концентрация собственности (IFC)
Koncentracija sobstvennosti
L.t.: the concentration of the ownership
Ruscorpora: M.c. 9 doc.; N.c. 8 doc.
Из тенденций, которые отмечаются в докладе, стоит выделить снижение концентрации
собственности (Уперлись в потолок // РБК Daily, 2007.11.14).
L.t.: the concentration of ownership.

Концентрация собственности
Koncentracija sobstvennosti
L.t.: the concentration of the ownership

81. Issued and outstanding (a security)

Dictionary of Business Terms: issued and outstanding shares of a corporation, authorized in the corporate
charter, which have been issued and are outstanding. These shares represent capital invested by the firm’s
shareholders and owners, and may be all or only a portion of the number of shares authorized.
Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms: issued and outstanding shares of a corporation, authorized in the
corporate charter, which have been issued and are outstanding. These shares represent capital invested by the
firm’s shareholders and owners, and may be all or only a portion of the number of shares authorized. Shares
that have been issued and subsequently repurchased by the company are called treasury stock, because they are
held in the corporate treasury pending reissue or retirement (All Business).

1. Calque and DT
Выпущенная и находящаяся в обращении
(ценная бумага) (IFC; Academic)
Vypushhennaja i nahodjashhajasja v obrashhenii (cennaja bumaga)
L.t.: issued and being in circulation
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque and DT (short form)
Outstanding = выпущенный в обращение (о ценных бумагах) (Lingvo)
Vypushhennyj v obrashh’enije (o cennyh bumagah)
L.t.: set(issued) into circulation
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 4 doc.
При выполнении предварительных условий «ЛУКОЙЛ Оверсиз» приобретет все выпущенные в о
бращение акции Chaparral Resources (Даниил Шабашов. На «ЛУКОЙЛ» напал карликовый
миноритарий // РБК Daily, 2006.03.16).
Общая сумма выпущенных в обращение облигаций по выданным кредитам (сначала были
облигации, по которым выплачивались 5% годовых, затем облигации, дававшие
право на получение 4 1/2 %), млн руб (В. Смирнов. Деятельность городских кредитных обществ ―
ипотечных учреждений нового типа в доревоюционной России (2003) // «Финансы и кредит»,
3. Calque and DT (short form)
Находящиеся в обращении (акции) (Ruscorpora)
Nahodjashhijesja v obrashhenii (akcii)
L.t.: (a share) being in circulation
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 5 doc.
В целом удельный вес облигаций, находящихся в обращении, на 09.01.2004 составлял 84,9%, а
на 27.02.2004 ― 86,7% (Статистический анализ рынка государственных облигаций Российской
Федерации (2004) // «Вопросы статистики», 2004.09.30).
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Находящиеся в свободном обращении (акции) (Ruscorpora)
Nahodjashhijesja v svobodnom obrashhenii (akcii)
L.t.: (a share) being in free circulation
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 29 matches

Проданный пакет составляет порядка 4,4% всех акций «Пятерочки», находящихся в свободном
обращении. (Елена Желобанова, Алексей Виноградов. «Пятерочку» подвели акционеры // РБК
Daily, 2006.01.13)
Вес компании в индексе MSCI определяется исходя из совокупной рыночной стоимости ее акций,
находящихся в свободном обращении (free-float) (Итоговый выпуск (вечерний) – 27.05.05 18:12 –
Екатеринбург // Новый регион 2, 2005.05.28).
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Выпущенные акции, не выкупленные компанией (Academic)
Vypushhennye akcii, ne vykuplennye kompaniej
L.t.: Issued shares, not having been bought by the company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (short form)
Находящиеся в обращении (акции)
Nahodyaschiyesya v obraschenii (aktzii)
L.t.: (a share) being in circulation

82. Minimal capital requirements

Capital requirement:
The standardized requirements in place for banks and other depository institutions, which determines how
much liquidity is required to be held for a certain level of assets through regulatory agencies such as the Bank
for International Settlements, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or Federal Reserve Board. These
requirements are put into place to ensure that these institutions are not participating or holding investments that
increase the risk of default and that they have enough capital to sustain operating losses while still honoring
withdrawals (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Требования к минимальному уровню/размеру капитала
Trebovanija k minimal’nomu urovnju/razmeru kapitala
L.t.: the requirements to the minimal level/size of a capital
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 5 doc.
В этой связи повышение требований к
минимальному размеру капитала коммерческих банков должно осуществляться по мере появления
экономических возможностей (На пути к системной стабильности (2004) // «Металлы Евразии»,
L.t.: the requirements to the minimal size of a capital

See the use:

Требования к минимальному размеру уставного капитала, вступившие в силу 17 января,
нарушили 1 1 небольших банков (Банковские новости (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.03.03).
L.t.: the requirements to the minimal size of an authorized capital
N.c.: 10 док., 12 вх.
<...>отбор банковских лицензий из-
за нарушения требований к минимальному размеру собственного капитала ЦБ планирует
начать в конце февраля— начале марта 2010 года (ЦБ пощадит банки // РБК Daily, 2009.12.30).
L.t.: L.t.: infringement of the requirements to the minimal size of an owned capital

2. Calque and DT
Требование по минимальному размеру капитала (Ruscorpora)
Trebovanie po minimal’nomu razmeru kapitala
L.t.: a requirement on the minimal size of a capital
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
<…> количество банков, которые все еще не соответствуют новому требованию по
размеру капитала в 90 млн рублей, сократилось до 21 (Сергей Лаврентьев. Был такой банк в
Армавире... // РБК Daily, 2010.02.04).
L.t.: a new requirement on the minimal size of a capital
Требования к минимальному размеру капитала
Trebovanija k minimal’nomu razmeru kapitala
L.t.: the requirements to the minimal size of a capital

83. Order and shipping time; delivery lead time

Lead time
Number of minutes, hours, or days that must be allowed for the completion of an operation or process, or must
elapse before a desired action takes place (Business Dictionary).

The amount of time between the placing of an order and the receipt of the goods ordered
1. Calque and DT
Продолжительность выполнения заказа и доставки (UNTERM; Academic)
Prodolzhitel’nost’ vypolnenija zakaza i dostavki
L.t.: the duration of fulfillment of an order and a shipment
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque and DT
Продолжительность выполнения и доставки заказа (Academic)
Prodolzhitel’nost’ vypolnenija i dostavki zakaza
L.t.: the duration of fulfillment and shipment of an order
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque and DT
Cрок выполнения заказа и доставки (UNTERM)
Srok vypolnenija zakaza i dostavki
L.t.: the term of fulfillment of an order and a shipment
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: often used
“Срок выполнения заказа и доставки зависит от выбранного продукта. В среднем он составляет 5-7
дней.” (Primaginary).
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Время на истребование и доставку материальных средств (Academic (military term))
Vremja na istrebovanije i dostavku material’nyh sredstv
Time for the demand and shipping of tangible(material) assets(means)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Direct equivalent

Cрок выполнения заказа (Ruscorpora)
Srok vypolnenija zakaza
L.t.: the term of fulfillment of an order
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 20 doc., N.c.: 17 doc., Эта процедура осуществляется на месте у клиента, что
значительно сокращает сроки выполнения заказа (Потолкуем! (2003) // «Мир & Дом. City»,
L.t.: the terms of fulfillment of an order
6. Direct equivalent (short form)
Cрок доставки (Ruscorpora)
Srok dostavki
L.t.: the term of an order
M.c.: 30 doc., N.c.: 118 doc.
Перевозки характеризуются высокой производительностью, надежностью, ускоренными сроками
доставки по графикам перевозок железных дорог (И. Батищев, А. Нестеренков. Контрейлерные
перевозки развиваются вне России (2003) // «Логистика», 2003.09.22).
L.t.: terms of shipment
See the use:
M.c.: 2 doc. Средняя продолжительность доставки составила 18,9
сут., а ее среднее квадратичное отклонение ― 2,7 сут. (Оптимизация графика поставок при
случайных задержках в пути (2003) // «Логистика», 2003.12.22).
L.t.: an average duration of a shipment amounts to 18,9 days (and nights).
7. Direct equivalent (short form)
Время на поставку (Academic (military term))
Vremja na postavku
L.t.: time for shippping
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
8. Calque (short form)
Cрок поставки (Academic (military term))
Srok postavki (comment)
L.t.: shipping time (of tangible assets)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 49 doc., N.c.: 284 doc.
Для россиян сроки поставки, к сожалению, намного больше, и связано это с таможенными и
транспортными хлопотами. (Мария Мельникова . Чисто английское производство // Известия,
9. Calque and DT
Время выполнения поставки (время от поступления заказа клиента до поставки продукции)
(Academic (transport term))
Vremja vypolnenija postavki (a comment)
L.t.: time for fulfillment of shippping (the time from the receipt of the order of a client to the shipping of
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Cрок выполнения заказа и доставки
Srok vypolnenija zakaza i dostavki
L.t.: the term of fulfillment of an order and a shipment

84. Comparatives
Sales figures, etc. for a particular period that are compared to those for the same period in a different
year: The grocery chain saw sales growth drop to 1.7% from 3.7% in the previous quarter as it came up
against tough comparatives from a year earlier (Academic).

Pure DT
Сравнительные показатели
Sravnitel’nye pokazateli
L.t.: comparative indices
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 7 doc., N.c.: 5 doc.
Иллюстрации: Таблица Сравнительные показатели
институциональных инвесторов на финансовом рынке Казахстана по итогам 2002 г. (Накопительная
пенсионная система как институциональный инвестор фондового рынка Казахстана (2004) // «Вопросы
статистики», 2004.07.29).
L.t.: comparative indices of institutional investors

На фоне провала российской экономики в 2009-м, когда чуть ли не ежемесячно, вплоть до июня, бились
рекорды 1990-х по падению промпроизводства и ВВП, сравнительные показатели в 2010-
м выглядят достаточно обнадеживающе (Инга Воробьева. Растем снизу // РБК Daily, 2010.02.26).
L.t.: comparative indices


85. Competing claimant

“Competing claimant” means a creditor of a grantor that is competing with
another creditor of the grantor having a security right in an encumbered asset of the grantor and includes: (a)
Another creditor with a security right in the same encumbered asset (whether as an original encumbered asset
or proceeds); (b) In the context of the non-unitary approach to acquisition financing, the seller or financial
lessor of the same encumbered asset that has retained title to it; (c) Another creditor of the grantor that has a
right in the same encumbered asset; (d) The insolvency representative in the insolvency proceedings in respect
of the grantor;16 or (e) Any buyer or other transferee (including a lessee or licensee) of the encumbered asset

1. Calque and DT
Конкурирующий заявитель требования (UNCITRAL-1)
Konkurirujushh’ij zajavitel’ trebovanija
L.t.: a competing claimant of a requirement
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used in UNCITRAL documents
2. Calque
Конкурирующий претендент (Ruscorpora)
Konkurirujushh’ij pretendent
L.t.: competing candidate
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Поэтому сейчас город может выбирать на каждый объект лучшего инвестора среди
нескольких конкурирующих претендентов (Зубов Михаил Дед Мороз. Олег Толкачев: Рынок не
Прощает Наивных Законов // Труд-7, 2003.04.22).

Конкурирующий заявитель требования
Konkurirujushh’ij zajavitel’ trebovanija
L.t.: a competing claimant of a requirement

86. Voluntary Fund

1. Calque and DT
Фонд добровольных взносов (UNTERM, Academic (ecology))
Fond dobrovol’nyh vznosov
L.t.: the fund of voluntary payments (deposits)
M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 1 doc.
Все большее число коренных жителей разных стран могут принимать участие в конференциях и
сессиях органов ООН благодаря поддержке Фонда добровольных взносов ООН для коренного
населения (Выступление представителя делегации Российской Федерации на 60-й сессии
Комиссии ООН по правам человека (2004) // «Дипломатический вестник», 2004.05.25).
L.t.: the UN fund of voluntary payments for native citizens.

2. Calque
Добровольный фонд
Dobrovol’nyj fond
L.t.: voluntary fund
Ruscorpora: general use
N.c.: 4 doc.
Как объясняли ситуацию в «Икеа», местные чиновники отказывались поддерживать проект, пока
представители мебельного гиганта не примут финансовое участие в«добровольных фондах», орга
низованных мэрией (Итоговый выпуск (вечерний) – 28.02.05 18:30 – Екатеринбург // Новый регион
2, 2005.03.01).
Фонд добровольных взносов
Fond dobrovol’nyh vznosov
L.t.: the fund of voluntary payments(deposits)

87. Control risk

Probability of loss arising from the tendency of internal control systems to lose their effectiveness over time,
and thus expose (or fail to prevent exposure of) the assets they were instituted to protect (Business Dictionary
The probability that a misstatement exists in an assertion made pertaining to a financial statement due to the
failure of internal control systems to detect. Prevent or correct it. As mandated by the International Standards
of Auditing (ISA), it is the responsibility of management, not the auditor, to implement and manage an internal
control system to prevent errors and fraud that could lead to misstatements (InvestorWords).

1. Calque and DT
Риск системы контроля (IFC; Academic)
Risk sistemy kontrolja
L.t.: the risk of control system

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc.
Следует отметить, что часть операционных рисков, как было сказано выше, одновременно влияет
на оценку неотъемлемого риска и риска системы контроля (С. В. Панкова. Учет рисков при
проведении аудита финансовой отчетности банков по международным стандартам (2003) //
«Финансы и кредит», 2003.01.20).
L.t.: the risk of control system
2. Calque
Риск контроля (Lingvo; Academic)
Risk kontrolja
L.t.: the risk of control
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque
Контрольный риск (Academic)
Kontrol’nyj risk
L.t.: control risk
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Риск недостаточности контрольных процедур (IFC; Academic)
Risk nedostatochnosti konrol’nyh procedur
L.t.: risk of control procedures insufficiency
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Риск, связанный с ненадёжностью процедур контроля (Academic); management (любой риск,
связанный с ненадежностью процедур контроля) (Academic)
Risk, svjazannyj s nenadyozhnostju procedur kontrolja
Risk connected to the insecurity of control system; (any risk connected to the insecurity of control system)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
6. A comment
учет (вероятность того, что система внутреннего контроля не сможет своевременно
предотвратить или обнаружить отклонение или неточность в показателях финансовой
отчетности) (Academic)
L.t: Accounting (the probability that the system of internal control won’t prevent or detect a deviation or
inaccuracy in financial aсcount indices)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Риск системы контроля
Risk sistemy kontrolja
L.t.: the risk of control system

88. Asset-backed securities

Bonds or notes backed by loan paper or accounts receivable originated by banks, credit card companies, or
other providers of credit; not mortgages (InvestorWords).

1. Calque and DT
Ценные бумаги, обеспеченные активами (IFC; Academic)
Cennye bumagi, obespechennye aktivami

L.t: securities backed/supported by the assets

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 5 doc., N.c.: 5 doc.

По мнению агентства, они держат в большом
объеме высокорисковые ценные бумаги, обеспеченные активами (ABS), в том числе и
ипотечные облигации (Константин Полтев. Банкам не хватает капитала (2009.11.25) //
http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2009/11/25/world/444020.shtml, 2009).
L.t.: high-risk securities backed/supported by the asssets (ABS), including mortgage securities

See the use:

На втором этапе произойдет консолидация банков с целью формирования земельных пулов: это
позволит производить эмиссии ипотечных ценных бумаг, обеспеченных земельными
активами (Маргарита Парфененкова. Российскую землю отдадут в залог // РБК Daily, 2005.10.21).
L.t.: emission of mortgage securities backed by the land assets

2. Calque
Облигации, обеспеченные активами (Ruscorpora)
Obligacii, obespechennye aktivami
L.t: securities backed/supported by the assets
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc. , N.c.: 7 doc.
Выпущена первая эмиссия облигаций, обеспеченных ипотечными активами и, что самое
главное, удалось отстоять рыночный характер ипотечного жилищного кредитования. (Государство
и ипотека: «Не навреди» (2003) // «Строительство», 2003.05.26) (9)
L.t.: the first emission of securities backed by mortgage assets
3. Calque
Залог, обеспеченный активами (Lingvo; Academic)
Zalog, obespechennyj aktivami
L.t: a bond backed/supported by the assets
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Calque
Обеспеченный активами залог (Academic)
Obespechennyj aktivami zalog
L.t: backed/supported by the assets bond
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Финансы: ценная бумага с обеспечением активами (Academic)
Cennaja bumaga s bespecheniem aktivami
L.t: a securities with the provision of assets
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Ценные бумаги, обеспеченные активами
Cennye bumagi, obespechennye aktivami
L.t: securities backed/supported by the assets

89. Application controls
Application control is a security practice that blocks or restricts unauthorized applications from executing
in ways that put data at risk (Digital Guardian, 2017).

1. Calque and DT
Прикладные средства контроля (IFC)
Prikladnie sredstva kontrolja
L.t.: applied control means
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
“Прикладные средства контроля представляют собой процедуры, автоматизированные или
осуществляемые вручную, которые обычно используются на уровне обработки хозяйственных
операций” (Konsul'tantPljus).
2. Pure DT
Программные модули управления (Academic)
Programmnyje moduli upravlenija
L.t.: programme module of management
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See the use: Система имеет функционально-
модульное построение, причем технологические и программные модули, реализующие
отдельные функции управления, позволяютконфигурировать систему и взаимодействующие
друг с другом автоматизированные рабочие места под изменяющиеся потребности
пользователя (М. Шмулевич. Инфотранс ― 2003 (2003) // «Логистика», 2003.12.22).
The Internet: is used mostly in the sphere of informatics
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Контрольные процедуры на уровне приложений (Academic)
Kontrol’nyje procedury na urovne prilozhenij
L.t.: control procedures on application level
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Прикладные средства контроля
Prikladnye sredstva kontrolja
L.t.: applied control means

90. Committee of Experts on Salary Differentials, Cost of Living Adjustments and Dependency

UN Committee of social experts

Calque and DT
Комитет экспертов по пересмотру поправок к окладам, коррективов на стоимость жизни и надбавок на
иждивенцев (UNTERM)
Komitet jekspertov po peresmotru popravok k okladam, korrektivov na stoimost’ zhizni i nadbavok na
L.t.: committee of experts on the revision of the amendments to the salaries, living cost corrections and
dependant allowances
Ruscorpora: matches
The Internet: UNTERM

91. Control deficiency

“In an audit of financial statements, the auditor may identify deficiencies in the company's internal control
over financial reporting. A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow
management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect
misstatements on a timely basis” (PCAOB).

Calque and DT
Недостаточность контрольных процедур (IFC)
Nedostatochnost’ kontrol’nyh procedur
L.t.: deficiency of control procedures
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used, mostly in online dictionaries and glossaries

Выявленные недостатки контрольных процедур на ГЭС и отсутствие уверенности по другим
объектам вынудили агентство пересмотреть рейтинги (Сергей Исполатов. Плохо контролировали //
РБК Daily, 2009.10.15).
L.t.: disadvantages of control procedures

See the term: quality control deficiency report QCDR, quality control deficiency report

донесение о неудовлетворительном контроле качества (Academic)

RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

92. Control Transaction

A transaction which results in control of a company being established or given to another entity or person
(Academic (Translation from Russian).

1. Сalque and DT
Сделка по приобретению контроля (IFC; Academic)
Sdelka po priobreteniu kontrolja
L.t.: a transaction on control acquisition
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.(not a full match), N.c.: 8 doc.
До 1 июля будет завершена сделка по приобретению и установлению 100-процентного контроля
ОАО «ЛУКОЙЛ» над «ЛУКОЙЛ-Пермь» (Объединение: идёт нормальная работа (2003) //
«Нефтяник» (Пермь), 2003.04.01).
L.t.: a transaction on acquisition and establishment of 100 per cent control

сделка по приобретению контроля в ТГК-7 может стоить около 900 млрд долл (Aндрей
Успенский. КЭС попал под прицел ФАС // РБК Daily, 2007.09.06).
L.t.: a transaction on control acquisition
2. Calque
Контрольная сделка (Academic)
Kontrol’naja sdelka

L.t.: control transaction
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Сделка по приобретению контроля
Sdelka po priobreteniju kontrolja
L.t.: a transaction on control acquisition

93. Confirmer

Alternative term for confirming bank or confirming house (Business Dictionary).

Confirming bank
Bank in an exporter's country which guarantees that the letter of credit established by the importer (for the
benefit of the exporter) will be honored once the conditions therein are fully complied with (Business

1. Calque and DT
Подтверждающее лицо (UNCITRAL-1)
Podtverzhdaushhee lico
L.t.: a confirming official/person/entity
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used
“Важно также правильно выбрать подходящее подтверждающее лицо; составить запрос
подтверждения... “ (Lemesh, 2014).
2. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
L.t.: confirmer
Ruscorpora: a general form
Подтверждающее лицо
Podtverzhdaushhee lico
L.t.: a confirming official/person/entity

94. Debt-to-equity ratio, leverage (figurative meaning)

Debt/equity ratio
A measure of a company's financial leverage. Debt/equity ratio is equal to long-term debt divided by common
shareholders' equity. Typically the data from the prior fiscal year is used in the calculation. Investing in a
company with a higher debt/equity ratio may be riskier, especially in times of rising interest rates, due to
the additional interest that has to be paid out for the debt (InvestorWords).

The debt-to-equity ratio (debt/equity ratio, D/E) is a financial ratio indicating the relative proportion of
entity's equity and debt used to finance an entity's assets. This ratio is also known as financial leverage (Audit


1724, "action of a lever," from lever (n.) + -age. Meaning "power or force of a lever" is from 1827; figurative
sense "advantage for accomplishing a purpose" is from 1858. The financial sense is attested by 1933,
American English; as a verb in the financial sense by 1956. Related: Leveraged; leverages; leveraging (Online
Etymology Dictionary).
influence or power used to achieve a desired result power, effectiveness <trying to gain more
political leverage> the use of credit to enhance one's speculative capacity (Merriam-Webster).

1. Calque and DT
Соотношение между собственными и заемными средствами (IFC; Academic)
Sootnoshenie mezhdu sobstvennymi i zayomnymi sredstvami
L.t.: ratio between own and borrowed means
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Для исключения из него агентство будет оценивать новые инвестиционные планы консолидирова
нной группы, ее способность существенно уменьшить левередж (соотношение
между собственными и заемными средствами (Starinskaja, 2012. Ruscorpora).
«Для улучшения соотношения между собственными и заемными средствами «Евросеть» прора
батывает варианты привлечения акционерного капитала («Evroset'» uhodit ot FAS, 2007.
2. Calque and DT
Отношение задолженности к собственному капиталу (Lingvo; Academic)
Otnoshenije zadolzhennosti k sobstevennomu kapitalu
L.t.: ratio (relation) between liabilities and one´s own capital
Ruscorpora: N.c. 1 match (not full)
«В результате допэмиссии будет привлечено 67,2 млн рублей (2,4 млн долл.), которые необходим
ы, чтобы по просьбе иностранныхакционеров привести в соответствие со стандартами несколько
финансовых коэффициентов (например, отношение кредиторской задолженности предприятия к
его собственномукапиталу)», – сообщил RBC daily г-н Тутыхин (Seregin, 2005. Ruscorpora)
3. Calque and DT
Отношение задолженности к собственным средствам (Ruscorpora)
Otnoshenije zadolzhennosti k sobstevennym sredstvam
L.t.: ratio (relation) between liabilities and one´s own means
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 match (not full)
Юлия Бондарева добавляет, что будет предложен еще целый ряд коэффициентов: например,
соотношения капитала к нетто-резервам, отношения дебиторской задолженности к
собственным средствам, отношения кредиторской задолженности к собственным средствам
(Poljakova, 2011. Ruscorpora).
4. Calque
Коэффициент долг/акционерный капитал (Lingvo; Academic)
Koefficijent dolg/akcionernyh kapital
L.t.: coefficient debt/joint-stock capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Calque and DT
Cоотношение заемных и собственных средств (finance)/
соотношение собственных и заемных средств (Academic)
Sootnoshenije zayomnyh i sobstvennyh sredstv/sootnoshenie sobstevennyh i zayomnyh sredstv
L.t.: ratio of own and borrowed means
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 13 doc.
Руководитель практики инвестиционного консультирования ФБК Роман Кенигсберг отметил, что
одной из особенностей банковского бизнеса является высокий леверидж(соотношение
собственных и заемных средств) (Alekseevskih, 2014. Ruscorpora)

Примерное соотношение собственных и заемных средств можете назвать? (коллективный.
Большая доза пестицидов // «Эксперт», 2014)
6. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Cоотношение собственных и заемных средств компании (Ruscorpora)
Sootnoshenie sobstevennyh i zayomnyh sredstv kompanii
L.t.: ratio of own and borrowed means of a company
Ruscorpora: 1 doc.
Впрочем, после IPO соотношение собственных и заемных средств компании может вернуться н
а неоптимальный уровень (Shesterina, 2006. Ruscorpora).
7. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Отношение заемных средств к собственным средствам компании (Academic)
Otnoshenije zayomnyh sredstv k sobstbennym sredstvam kompanii
L.t.: relation (ratio) of one means to the borrowed means (ones) of a company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
8. Calque and DT
Коэффициент соотношения собственных и заёмных средств (Ruscorpora)
Koefficient sootnoshenija sobstvennyh i zayomnyh sredstv
L.t.: coefficient of the ratio between own and borrowed means
Ruscorpora: 16 doc.
Для оценки финансового состояния заемщика используются три группы оценочных показателей:
коэффициенты ликвидности; коэффициент соотношения собственных и заемных средств;
показатели оборачиваемости и рентабельности. (В. Н. Жоваников. Менеджмент кредитных
рисков: теоретические аспекты и практические решения (2003) // «Финансы и кредит»,
9. Calque and DT
Соотношение собственного капитала и заёмных средств (Ruscorpora)
Sootnoshenie sobstevennogo kapitala i zayomnyh sredstv
L.t.: ratio of own capital and borrowed means
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
…банки и брокерские компании по большей части финансируют свой бизнес за счет заемных
средств и при списании активов вынуждены снижать свои объемы кредитования, чтобы не
допустить снижения соотношения собственного капитала и заемных средств. (Krizis na dva
trilliona, 2007. Ruscorpora).
10. Calque and DT
Соотношение между заемным и собственным капиталом (Academic)
Sootnoshenije mezhdu zayomnym i sobstvennym kapitalom
L.t.: ratio between borrowed and own capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
11. Calque and DT
Отношение заемного капитала к собственному (Academic)
Otnoshenije zayomnogo kapitala k sobstvennomu
L.t.: relation of borrowed capital to the own one
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
«Помимо прочего, это поможет оптимизировать отношение заемного капитала к собственному»
, – добавляет он. (Koptjubenko, 2005. Ruscorpora)
12. Calque and DT
Обязательства к собственному капиталу (Academic)
Objazatel’stva k sobstvennomu kapitalu
L.t.: liabilities to one’s own capital

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
13. Calque and DT
Показатель отношения заемных средств к капиталу (Academic)
Pokazatel’ otnoshenija zayomnyh sredstv k kapitalu
L.t.: an index of the relation (ratio) of borrowed means to the capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
14. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Отношение заёмных средств к общему капиталу (Academic)
Otnoshenije zayomnyh sredstv k obshhemu kapitalu
L.t.: relation (ratio) of borrowed means to the common capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
15. Calque and DT
Отношение заёмных средств к собственным (Academic)
Otnoshenije zayomnyh sredstv k sobstvennym
L.t.: the relation (ratio) of borrowed means to one’s own
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
16. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Соотношение между собственными и привлеченными средствами (Academic)
Sootnoshenije mezhdu sobstvennymi i prrivlechennymi sredstvami
L.t.: the ratio between one’s own and involved means
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See the use: (1 doc.)
Например, ЦБ считает, что мы должны написать жесткие нормативы по соотношению между
собственными и привлеченными ресурсами стройсберкасс, 1 к 5 (Kvartira ponemnogu, 2003.
17. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Cоотношение собственных и привлеченных средств (Ruscorpora)
Sootnoshenije sobstvennyh i privlyochennyh sredstv
L.t.: the ratio of one’s own and involved means
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
При этом эксперты рынка отмечают высокорисковое для бизнеса компании соотношение
собственных и привлеченных средств (Kovtun, 2008. Ruscorpora).
18. Direct Equivalent (general meaning)
Коэффициент платежеспособности (бухгалтерский учет) (Academic).
Koefficient platezhyosposobnosti
L.t.: coefficient of paying capacity
Ruscorpora: 1 match
Коэффициент платежеспособности (текущей ликвидности) в целом по предприятиям области
остался ниже допустимого (Kremlev, 2004. Ruscorpora).
See the use: На встрече присутствовали представители «Росгосстраха», СОГАЗа, «РЕСО-
Гарантии» и РОСНО, которые от лица страхового сообщества выразили обеспокоенность прежде
всего предлагаемым коэффициентом маржи платежеспособности в 1,6, считая его слишком
высоким (Lavrent''ev, 2010. Ruscorpora).
19. Direct Equivalent (general meaning)
Коэффициент задолженности (Academic)
Koefficient zadolzhennosti
L.t.: liability coefficient
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the use:

«Коэффициент чистой задолженности к EBITDA, вероятно, сохранится на уровне выше 2 на про
тяжении следующих двух-трех лет (Sokolik, 2005. Ruscorpora).
При этом количество предприятий, имеющих коэффициент отношения кредиторской и дебиторс
кой задолженностей выше 2 уменьшилось на 7%. (Chujko, 2004. Ruscorpora).
20. = leverage DT and Direct Loan
Леверажное соотношение (Academic)
Leverazhnoje sootnoshenije
L.t.: leverage ratio
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
21. = leverage
Pure DT
Использование кредита для совершения финансовых сделок (finance) (Lingvo)
Ispol’zovanije kredita dlja sovershenija finansovyh sdelok
L.t.: the use of a credit for the completion of financial transactions
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
22. Direct Loan
= leverage Левередж, леверидж1
2 transcription forms
Ruscorpora: Левередж: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 9 doc.
Новые стандарты вступят в силу в июле 2016 года (по показателю левереджа — в 2018 году)
(Kostarev, 2014. Ruscorpora).
Леверидж: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 6 doc.
В предкризисные годы поведению банков были присущи черты хедж-фондов (особенно в 2005-
2006 годы): высокий леверидж с низким уровнем ликвидности, как результат ― высокая прибыл
ьность операций (V plenu staroj paradigmy, 2014.Ruscorpora).

23. Calque (figurative meaning)

= leverage (Финансовый) рычаг (Academic)
рычаг (Academic)
(Finansovyj) rychag
Financial leverage
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 11 doc., N.c.: 59 doc.
Такие компании смогут самостоятельно привлекать инвестиции и будут способны уже на старте
иметь финансовый рычаг на порядок больше, чем сегодня могут позволитьсебе городские сети
(Vajnziher, 2014. Ruscorpora).
24. Calque (figurative meaning)
= leverage Кредитное плечо (Academic)

Kreditnoje plecho
L.t.: credit shoulder
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 52 doc.
Улучшающаяся финансовая статистика и восстановление кредитных рынков вновь позволяют
крупнейшим инвестиционным банкам торговать сложными деривативами сбольшим кредитным
плечом (Basmanov, 2010. Ruscorpora).
Коэффициент соотношения собственных и заёмных средств
Koefficient sootnoshenija sobstvennyh i zayomnyh sredstv
L.t.: coefficient of the ration between own and borrowed means

Calque (figurative meaning)
= leverage (Финансовый) рычаг
(Finansovyj) rychag
Financial leverage

95. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization)

Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. An approximate measure of a
company's operating cash flow based on data from the company's income statement. Calculated by looking
at earnings before the deduction of interest expenses, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. The formula is:
EBITDA = Revenue – Expenses (excluding interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) (InvestorWords).
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization — discussed more commonly using the
acronym EBITDA — has become a popular standard by which to measure business performance. Public
companies use it on earnings calls to demonstrate achievement. Reporters use it interchangeably with cash
flow to describe earning power. Banks look to it as a way to understand the likelihood of debt repayment
(Beshore, 2014).

1. Calque and DT
Доходы до уплаты процентов, налогов, износа и амортизации (IFC)
Dohody do uplaty procentov, nalogov, iznosa i amortizacii
L.t.: income before the payment of interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
Ruscorpora: Full matches: 0
2. The source term with a comment
EBITDA (доход до уплаты налога на прибыль, процентов и амортизации) (Ruscorpora)
EBITDA (dohod do uplaty naloga na pribyl’, procentov i amortizacii)
L.t: EBITDA (an income before the payment of income tax, interest and amortization)
Ruscorpora: N.c.:1 doc.
EBITDA (доход до уплаты налога на прибыль, процентов и амортизации) — 50,5 млн долл.
(«Синтерра» отчиталась за WiMAX // РБК Daily, 2007.04.19) (Ruscorpora).
3. Calque and DT (short form)
Доход до уплаты налогов и процентов
Dohod do uplaty nalogov i procentov
L.t: income before the payment of taxes and interest
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Объем реализации составил 1,7 миллиардов долларов, а доход до уплаты налогов и процентов
― 871 миллион долларов (Мария Игнатова. Согласно отчетности. «Сибнефть» нашла хороший
способ увеличения прибыли (2001) // «Известия», 2001.10.22).
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Прибыль до вычета процентов, налогов и амортизационных отчислений (Lingvo)
Pribyl’ do vycheta procentov, nalogov i amortizacionnyh otchislenij
L.t.: profit before the deduction of interest, taxes, amortization deductions
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Прибыль до вычета расходов по уплате налогов, процентов, и начисленной амортизации
Pribyl’ do vycheta rashodov po uplate, nalogov, procentov i nachislennoj amortizacii

L.t.: profit before the deduction of expenses under the paypment of taxes, interest and amortization
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
«Северсталь» объявила, что за шесть месяцев 2011 года ее EBITDA (прибыль до вычета расход
ов по уплате налогов, процентов, и начисленной амортизации) составила $2млрд (Анастасия
Герасимова. Из металлургов в рудокопы // Известия, 2011.08.26).
6. Additional or irrelevant components
Доходы до вычета процентов, налогов, обесценения и амортизационных отчислений (Academic)
Dohody do vycheta procentov, nalogov, obescenennija i amortizacionnyh otchislenij
L.t.: income before the deduction of interest, taxes, interest, depreciation and deduction of amortization
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
7. Additional or irrelevant components
Доходы без/до вычета подоходного налога и амортизации (Ruscorpora)
Dohody bez/do vycheta podohodnogo naloga i amortizacii
L.t.: income without/before the deduction of income tax and amortization
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
Показатель EBITDA (доходы без вычета подоходного налога и амортизации) за шесть месяцев
этого года увеличился на 21,4% по сравнению с аналогичным периодом 2004 г. и составил 3,084
млрд руб. (Ольга Соколик. Телекомы не справились с расходами // РБК Daily, 2005.08.01)

По оценке экспертов UFG, основанной на анализах темпов роста компании,

«НОВАТЭК» должен продемонстрировать наивысший показатель роста EBITDA (доходов до
вычета подоходного налога и амортизации) среди прочих российских компаний нефтегазового
сектора в течение следующих 5 лет. (Дмитрий Коптюбенко. «НОВАТЭК» пошел в рост // РБК
Daily, 2005.08.31)
8. Calque (Calque +DT, Additional or irrelevant components)
сокр. EBITDA фин., учет прибыль до (вычета) процентов(процентных выплат\),
налогов и амортизации (амортизационных отчислений\) (прибыль компании от
основной деятельности до вычета налоговых выплат, процентов по кредитам и n
облигационным займами амортизационных отчислений) (Academic)
Pribyl’ do (vycheta) procentov (procentnyh vyplat), nalogov i amortizacii (amortizacionnyh otchislenij)
(a comment )
L.t.: profit before the (deduction) of interest (interest payments), taxes and amortization (amortization
deductions) (a profit of a company from the main activity before the deduction of tax payment, interest
under credits and bond borrowings of amortization deductions )
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
В отчетном периоде «Газпром нефть» продемонстрировала и рост прибыли до вычета налогов,
процентов и амортизации (EBITDA). («Газпром нефть» превзошла ожидания // РБК Daily,
9. Calque and DT
Финансы: прибыль до вычета процентов, налогообложения, износа и амортизации (Academic)
Finansy: Pribyl’ do vycheta prozentov, nalogooblozhenija, iznosa i amortizacii
L.t.: profit before the deduction of interest, taxation, depriciation and amortization
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
10. Additional or irrelevant components
Прибыли до вычета расходов по процентам, уплаты налогов, и начислений амортизации
Pribyli do vycheta rashodov po procentam, uplaty nalogov, i nachislenij amortizacii
L.t.: profit before the deduction under interest, payment of taxes and amortization extra charge
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.

По словам Федорова, EBITDA margin (рентабельность компании по прибыли до вычета
расходов по процентам, уплаты налогов, и начислений амортизации –
«Известия») российского «Уралкалия» составляет 47%, а у «Газпрома» только 39%. (Анастасия
Герасимова. Сбербанк даст денег Белоруссии // Известия, 2011.08.05)
11. Additional or irrelevant components
Прибыль, до вычета из нее налогов, процентов по заемным средствам, амортизации (Ruscorpora)
Pribyl’ do vycheta iz nejo nalogov, procentov po zayomnym sredstvam, amortizacii
L.t.: profit before the deduction of taxes, interest under borrowings, amortization
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
По данным компании, выручка РЕН ТВ за этот период составила 60 млн евро, а показатель EBIT
A (прибыль, до вычета из нее налогов, процентов по заемным средствам, амортизации) —
6 млн евро (Ольга Гончарова, Анастасия Васильева. РЕН ТВ снизил EBITA // РБК Daily,
12. Additional or irrelevant components
Прибыль до вычета расходов по процентам, налогам и амортизации (Ruscorpora)
Pribyl’ do vycheta rashodov po procentam, nalogam i amortizacii
L.t.: profit before the deduction of expenses under interest, taxes and amortization
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc. Если посмотреть на соотношения цена-прибыль, рыночная стоимость –
прибыль до вычета расходов по процентам, налогам и амортизации, то получается, что
компаниянедооценена (Евгения Гаврилюк. ДВМП дорожает на глазах // РБК Daily, 2005.07.14).
13. Additional or irrelevant components
Прибыль до вычета расходов по уплате налогов, процентов и начисленной амортизации
Pribyl’ do vycheta rashodov po uplate nalogov, procentov i nachislennoj amortizacii
L.t.: profit before the deduction of expenses under taxes payment, taxes and amortization added
Ruscorpora: 2 doc.
«Северсталь» объявила, что за шесть месяцев 2011 года ее EBITDA (прибыль до вычета
расходов по уплате налогов, процентов, и начисленной амортизации) составила $2млрд. (Анаста
сия Герасимова. Из металлургов в рудокопы // Известия, 2011.08.26).
14. The source term with a comment
Показатель EBITDA (Прибыль до вычета процентов, налога на прибыль, износа и амортизации)

Pokazatel’ EBITDA (Pribyl’ do vycheta protcentov, naloga na pribyl’, iznosa i amortizacii)

L.t.: the index of EBITDA (income before the deduction of interest, income tax, depreciation and
За полугодие показатель EBITDA (прибыль до вычета процентов, налога на прибыль, износа и
амортизации) составил 7,433 миллиарда долларов, что на 13,5% больше показателя января-июня
прошлого года и также соответствует ожиданиям экспертов (в среднем―7,458 миллиарда
долларов) (ЛУКОЙЛ в I полугодии нарастил прибыль по US GAAP на 24%, до $4 млрд // РИА
Новости, 2010.08.31).
15. Additional or irrelevant components
Прибыль до вычета процентов по заемным средствам, налогов и амортизации
Pribyl’ do vycheta procentov po zayomnym sredstvam, nalogov i amortizacii
L.t.: profit before the deduction of interest under borrowings, taxes and amortization
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
EBITDA (прибыль до вычета процентов по заемным средствам, налогов и амортизации) состав
ила 20,86 млн долл. против убытка 3,65 млн долл. в прошлом году (ДВМП вышло в плюс // РБК
Daily, 2006.10.23).

16. Additional or irrelevant components
Выручка к прибыли до вычета налогов и амортизации (Ruscorpora)
Vyruchka k pribyli do vycheta nalogov i amortizacii
L.t.: gain for the income before the deduction of taxes and amortization
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Руководитель инвестиционного департамента группы компаний Verysell Андрей Бочаров указыв
ает на то, что по коэффициенту EV/EBITDA (выручка к прибыли до вычетаналогов и амортиза
ции) капитализация группы соответствует «среднему уровню для международных металлургичес
ких компаний» (Владислав Серегин. Скромный «ЕвразХолдинг» // РБК Daily, 2005.05.20).

17. EBITDA (with or without a comment)

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 30 doc., N.c.: 1779 doc.
<…> в новой стратегии будет жесткий лимит в 15—
16 млрд долл. в год при примерной EBITDA 20 млрд долл (Тимофей Дзядко. Кубышка
ЛУКОЙЛа // РБК Дейли, 2014.06.27).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: The abbreviation from the source language
EBITDA (with a comment)
Calque +DT
Прибыль до вычета процентов, налогов и амортизации
Pribyl’ do vycheta procentov, nalogov i amortizacii
L.t.: profit before the deduction of interest interest payments, taxes and amortization amortization

96. Generally Accepted Risk Principles (GARP)

<... > a review panel of bankers and supervisors produced a list of Generally Accepted Risk Principles
(GARPs) <...> These principles are guidelines for bankers to run their organizations safely to ensure they do
not suffer financial collapse (Fight, 2004).

Calque and DT
Общепринятые принципы управления рисками (IFC)
Obshheprinjatye principi upravlenija riskami
L.t.: Generally-accepted principles of risk management
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used
“В большом перечне вышедшей за последние годы специальной литературы выделяются
разработанные аудиторской фирмой "Куперс энд Лайбренд" "Общепринятые принципы управления
рисками".” (http://center-yf.ru/data/Menedzheru/Risk-menedzhment.php)
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

97. GARP (Growth at Reasonable Price) investors

What does 'Growth At A Reasonable Price - GARP' mean
An equity investment strategy that seeks to combine tenets of both growth investing and value investing to find
individual stocks. GARP investors look for companies that are showing consistent earnings growth above
broad market levels (a tenet of growth investing) while excluding companies that have very high valuations
(value investing). The overarching goal is to avoid the extremes of either growth or value investing; this

typically leads GARP investors to growth-oriented stocks with relatively low price/earnings (P/E) multiples in
normal market conditions (Investopedia).

Additional or irrelevant components

Инвесторы, которые вкладываются в компании средней капитализации c высокими темпами
роста (IFC)
Investory, kotorye vkladyvajutsja v kompanii srednej kapitalizacii i vysokimi tempami rosta)
L.t.: investors, who invest in the companies of a medium capitalization with high level of growth
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: 0 matches

The source term and calque is widely used:

“GARP-инвесторы совмещают growth- и value- подходы и покупают акции растущих компаний
по разумной цене…” (Buzdalin et al., 2010).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and the abbreviation of the source term

98. Pre-mandate commitment authority

Authority for new missions to initiate contracts to provide services (such as strategic lift and port operations)
and critical items (such as rations, fuel and water) prior to the approval of a mission mandate by the Security
Council. This objective is to match the availability of financial resources with political developments so that
response can be rapid and the initial key support structures of a new mission can be established (UNTERM

Calque and DT
Принятие обязательств до утверждения мандата (UNTERM)
Prinjatie objazatel’stv do utverzhdenija mandata
L.t.: the acceptance of commitment before the establishement of mandate
Ruscorpora: 0 matches

See a similar term:

Commitment authority: полномочное обязательство
Обязательство, подтверждающее, что финансовая организация предоставит кредитную линию в рамках
собственных или донорских ресурсов (Academic).

The Internet: UNTERM

Rarely used
“В связи с отсутствием полномочий на принятие обязательств до утверждения мандата и доступа к
предсказуемым и надлежащим ресурсам для проведения <....>” (Linguee).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

99. Post adjustment

“The base salary is supplemented by a post adjustment which varies according to the cost of living in the duty
station and the exchange rate of the United States dollar. The post adjustment, set by the United Nations as a
percentage of the base salary, ensures that all staff members at the same salary level have a similar purchasing
power in every duty station by compensating for the differences in cost of living while taking currency
fluctuations into account” (United Nations Careers).

1. Calque and DT
Корректива по месту службы (UNTERM)
Korrektiva po mestu sluzhby
L.t.: the amendment/adjustment under the post location
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque and DT
Корректив по месту службы (Academic)
Korrektiv po mestu sluzhby
L.t.: the amendment/adjustment under the post location
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: UNTERM, quite often used
“Помимо базового оклада вознаграждение включает корректив по месту службы, определяемый
с учетом стоимости жизни и курса местной валюты по отношению к доллару США для каждого
места службы” (Centr Novostej OON).
Корректив по месту службы
Korrektiv po mestu sluzhby
L.t.: the amendment/adjustment under the post location

100. Results-based management

Results-based management is a management strategy by which all actors on the ground, contributing directly
or indirectly to achieving a set of development results, ensure that their processes, products and services
contribute to the achievement of desired results (outputs, outcomes and goals) (United Nations Development
Group, 2010).

1. Calque and DT
Управление, основанное на результатах (OECD-1)
Upravlenie, osnovannoe na resul’tatah
L.t.: management based on results (participial construction containing a preposition)
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
2. Calque and DT
Управление, нацеленное на результаты (Ruscorpora)
Upravlenie, natzelennoe na resultaty
L.t.: management aimed at results (participial construction with a preposition)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Управление, нацеленное на результаты / Пер. с англ. (В. К. Козлов, С. А. Уваров. Концепция
логистики фирмы и ее потенциал (2004) // «Логистика», 2004.12.13)
3. Calque and DT
Менеджмент, ориентированный на результат (Ruscorpora)
Management (transcription), orientirovannyj na resul’tat
Management, oriented at the result
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Существуют три составляющих любого проекта: идея, средства на её реализацию и менеджмент,
ориентированный на результат. (В России нет банка, который имеет невозврат по
потребкредитам меньше 5-6% – Евгений Бернштам // РБК Daily, 2006.02.21)
L.t.: management oriented at the result (participial cinstruction with a preposition)

4. Additional or irrelevant components
Метод управления по результатам (Academic)
Metod upravlenija po rezul’tatam
L.t.: the method of management according to results
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches, 2 not exact matches
M.c.: 1 doc, N.c.: 1 doc.
Первое -
внедрение в деятельность органов исполнительной власти всех уровней методов и механизмов у
правления по результатам и проектного управления. (Константин ФРУМКИН. Сергей
Нарышкин: 'Слухи об отставке правительства - закон жанра' // Известия, 2007.12.24)
Данный метод «дистанционного» управления по целям и результату
позволяет управлять трудовыми процессами на обширной территории (Проблемы правового
обеспечения дистанционного управления трудовыми процессами (2004) // «Управление
персоналом», 2004.11.15).
5. Translation equivalent
Управление по результатам (Academic)
Upravlenije po rezul’tatam
L.t.: the management according to results
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Собирались ввести за правило "управление по результатам" (Михеев Владимир. ГРЯДЕТ
РЕВОЛЮЦИЯ УПРАВЛЯЮЩИХ? // Труд-7, 2007.09.22).
6. Additional or irrelevant components
Cистема управления, ориентированная на достижение конкретных результатов (UNTERM;
Sistema upravlenija, orientirovannaja na dostizhenie konkretnyh rezul’tatov
L.t.: the system of management oriented at the achievement of certain results
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Translation equivalent
Управление по результатам
Upravlenije po rezul’tatam
L.t.: the management according to results

101. Risk-adjusted performance measurement (RAPM)

<...> any performance assessment should balance risk and reward. That is what a risk-adjustment
performance metric (RAPM) does. A RAPM is a performance metric that assesses reward with some
adjustment for risks. What we mean by reward depends on the application. It might be revenues, profits,
returns, etc. (Risk Glossary).

1. Calque and DT
Оценка деятельности, скорректированная по степени риска (IFC)
Ocenka dejatel’nosti, skorrektirovannaja po stepeni riska
L.t.: the assessment of activity adjusted according to the risk level
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Additional or irrelevant components
(Business) результаты (хозяйственной) деятельности с учётом (факторов) риска (Academic)
Rezul’taty (hozjajstvennoj) dejatel’nosti s uchyotom (faktorov) riska

L.t.: the results of (economic) activity taking into account the (factors of) risk
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
The Internet: often used with additional elements:

Все эти коэффициенты относятся к классу так называемых «показателей оценки результатов
деятельности с учётом риска» (risk-adjusted performance measures –RAMP), которые получили
широкое распространение в финансовом секторе как меры экономической эффективности
учитывающие риск (Ukolov & Gupalova, 2014).

risk-adjusted performance measure (RAPM) - эффективность работы с учетом риска (Risk-adjusted

performance measure (RAPM) (n.d.) PLUS Journal).

Оценка эффективности использования портфеля, настроенного на некоторый уровень риска (risk-

adjusted performance measurement, RAPM) (Aleksandrova, Denezhkina & Popov, 2012).

The use of abbreviation + calque:

Традиционно оценка эффективности портфеля осуществляется при помощи показателей RAPM

(risk-adjusted performance measures) <…> (Ol'kova, 2015).

RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: The abbreviation of the source term + calque

Показатель RAMP
Pokazatel´ RAMP
Index RAMP

102. Share buyback

A corporation's repurchase of stock or bonds it has issued. In the case of stocks, this reduces the number of
shares outstanding, giving each remaining shareholder a larger percentage ownership of the company. This is
usually considered a sign that the company's management is optimistic about the futureand believes that the
current share price is undervalued. Reasons for buybacks include putting unused cash to use, raising earnings
per share, increasing internal control of the company, and obtaining stock for employee stock option plans or
pension plans. When a company's shareholders vote to authorizea buyback, they aren't obliged to actually
undertake the buyback. also called corporate repurchase (InvestorWords).
Buyback: the act or an instance of buying something back; especially : the repurchase by a corporation of
shares of its own common stock on the open market (Merriam-Webster).

1. Calque
Обратная покупка акций (Ruscorpora)
Obratnaja pokupka akcij
Return purchase of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 4 doc.
Обратную покупку акций инвесторы обычно приветствуют, так как в результате дивиденды
распределяются на меньшее число владельцев ценных бумаг (Перевод Александра
Полоцкого). Reebok — головная боль Adidas // РБК Daily, 2008.03.06).
L.t.: return purchase of shares
2. Calque
фин. (обратный) выкуп акций (выкуп компанией своих собственных акций на открытом
рынке; обычно к обратному выкупу прибегают, если акции являются недооцененными;

обратный выкуп уменьшает количество акций в обращении, увеличивает доход на акцию и
повышает рыночную стоимость бумаг, оставшихся у акционеров; также обратный выкуп
может являться попыткой защиты от поглощения (Academic)
(Оbratnyj) vykup akcij (a comment)
Finance. (a return) buyout of shares (a buyout by a company of its own shares at an open market;
usually a share buyback is used when the shares are underestimated; buyback diminishes a number
of shares in circulation, increases an income per share and increase a market price of bonds which
shareholders still possess, also a buyback may be a means of takeover defense.
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 98 doc.
Благодаря хорошим финансовым показателям Morgan Stanley удвоит дивиденды и проведет
обратный выкуп акций на 1 млрд долл. (Владимир Павлов. Гендиректор Morgan Stanley
Джеймс Горман пообещал удвоить выплаты акционерам // РБК Дейли, 2014.04.18).
3. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Приобретение акций обществом (выкуп обществом собственных акций) (Academic)
Priobretenije akcij obshhestvom
L.t.: an acquisition of shares by a company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Обратная покупка акций обществом (IFC)
Obratnaja pokupka akcij obshhestvom
L.t.: a return purchase of shares by a company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
(обратный) выкуп акций
(Оbratnyj) vykup akcij
(a return) buyout of shares

103. Third-party cost-sharing

A third party (not MIT) contributes or donates cash or services (i.e., material/personnel/equipment) or other
allowable items to the project (MIT Office of Sponsored Programs).

Сalque and DT
Участие третьей стороны в покрытии расходов (UNTERM)
Uchastie tret’ej storony v pokrytii rashodov
L.t.: the participation of a third party in expense cover
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

104. Checks and balances

A system in which the different parts of an organization (such as a government) have powers that affect and
control the other parts so that no part can become too powerful.
A system that allows each branch of a government to amend or veto acts of another branch so as to prevent any
one branch from exerting too much power.
First Known Use of CHECKS AND BALANCES 1787 (Merriam-Webster)
1. Calque and DT

Система «сдержек и противовесов» (IFC)
Sistema “sderzhek i protivovesov”
L.t.: the system of “checks and balances”
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 35 doc., N.c.: 79 doc.
Бизнес развивается, и нам необходима система сдержек и противовесов, чтобы хеджировать
риски, присущие растущей компании. (РБК. «Деньги лишними не бывают» // РБК Daily,
L.t.: we need the system of checks and balances to hedge the risks

В результате оказалась разрушенной система сдержек и противовесов, что приводит к

распространению коррупции» (Доклад Козака: изменится ли политика на Северном Кавказе? //
РИА Новости, 2005.06.17).
L.t.: the system of checks and balances turned out to be destroyed

По мнению экспертов, поправки к Конституции угрожают разрушить традиционную систему

сдержек и противовесов, которая сложилась в стране (Екатерина Забродина. Анкара прорубила
'единое окно' // Известия, 2010.09.14).
L.t.: the traditional system of checks and balances
2. Calque and DT
Механизм «сдержек и противовесов» (Ruscorpora)
Mehanizm “sderzhek i protivovesov”
L.t.: the mechanism of “checks and balances”
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
Ведь даже в странах с равномерной геометрией трех ветвей власти никогда не уходит понимание
социальной значимости прессы как гаранта от возможных сбоевмеханизма сдержек и противов
есов (Азамат ТЫНАЕВ. Готова ли сама власть бороться с коррупцией? // Комсомольская правда,
3. Calque and DT
Политика «сдержек и противовесов» (Ruscorpora)
Politika “sderzhek i protivovesov”
L.t.: the policy of “checks and balances”
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c: 1 doc.
Впрочем, политика «сдержек и противовесов» порой выглядит как просто умело
сбалансированный пиар (Светлана Бабаева, Георгий Бовт. Теорема Путина-Лобачевского.
Признаки скорого дефолта (2002) // «Известия», 2002.07.14).
4. Calque and DT
Принцип «сдержек и противовесов» (Ruscorpora)
Princip “sderzhek i protivovesov”
L.t.: the principle of “checks and balances”
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
И все три ветви должны быть независимы друг от друга, чтобы работал принцип сдержек и
противовесов (Нужна ли России особая демократия? // Известия, 2005.09.09).
5. Calque
Сдержки и противовесы (Ruscorpora)
Sderzhki i protivovesy
L.t.: checks and balances
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 12 doc., N.c.: 22 doc.
Реальная проблема ― в отсутствии значимых сдержек и противовесов президентской

власти (Виктор Шейнис, Ирина Прусс. Моя Конституция меня бережет? // «Знание - сила»,
Система «сдержек и противовесов»
Sistema “sderzhek i protivovesov”
L.t.: the system of “checks and balances”

105. Special Voluntary Fund

The Special Voluntary Fund (SVF) is the second most important source of funding for UNV. Projects and
programmes around the globe benefit from the generosity of donors who entrust their voluntary contributions
to UNV and leave the allocation of these substantial funds at the discretion of our organization (UN
Volunteers, 2012).

Calque and DT
Специальный фонд добровольных взносов (UNTERM)
Special’nyj fond dobrovol’nyh vznosov
L.t.: a special fund of voluntary payments/contribution
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 2 doc.
Все большее число коренных жителей разных стран могут принимать участие в конференциях и
сессиях органов ООН благодаря поддержке Фонда добровольных взносов ООН для коренного
населения (Выступление представителя делегации Российской Федерации на 60-й сессии Комиссии
ООН по правам человека (2004) // «Дипломатический вестник», 2004.05.25).
L.t.: UN Special Fund of Voluntary Payments
Специальный фонд добровольных взносов
Special’nyj fond dobrovol’nyh vznosov
L.t.: a special fund of voluntary payments/contribution

106. Mortgage-backed securities

A type of asset-backed security that is secured by a mortgage or collection of mortgages. These securities must
also be grouped in one of the top two ratings as determined by a accredited credit rating agency, and usually
pay periodic payments that are similar to coupon payments. Furthermore, the mortgage must have originated
from a regulated and authorized financial institution (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Ценные бумаги, обеспеченные ипотекой (IFC)
Cennie bumagi, obespechennie ipotekoj
L.t.: securities backed by mortgage (participial construction in the Russian language)

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 5 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
При этом наибольшие потери понесли банки с Уолл-
стрит, вкладывавшиеся в ценные бумаги, обеспеченные ипотекой и другими рискованными
финансовыми инструментами (Владимир Павлов. Lehman Brothers ищет покупателей (2008.08.04)
// http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2008/08/04/world/366700.shtml, 2008).
L.t.: securirities backed by mortgage and other hazardous financial instruments.

в истекшем квартале убытки по кредитам составили 20,9 миллиарда долларов, а потери от сниже
ния стоимости ценных бумаг, обеспеченных ипотекой,―5,7 миллиарда долларов (Fannie Mae
снизил чистые убытки в I квартале на 8% - до $23,2 млрд // РИА Новости, 2009.05.08).
L.t.: the cost of securities backed by mortgage is 5,7 billion dollars.
2. Calque and DT
Ценные бумаги, обеспеченные закладной (Lingvo)
Cennie bumagi, obespechennye zakladnoj
L.t.: securities backed by mortgage (deed) (participial construction in the Russian language)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Индекс деривативов, основанный на 20 ценных бумагах, обеспеченных
закладными, упал более чем на треть за последний месяц (Погорели на ипотеке // РБК Daily,
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Ценные бумаги, обеспеченные ипотечной закладной (Ruscorpora)
Cennye bumagi, obespechennye ipotechnoj zakladnoj
L.t.: securities backed by hypothecary mortgage (deed) (participial construction in the Russian language)

Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.

По его мнению, не станет панацеей для рынка и план нескольких крупных банков США по
созданию спецфонда для скупки пострадавших из-
за кредитного кризиса ценныхбумаг, обеспеченных ипотечными закладными, пишет Reuters
(Кризис нарастает как снежный ком // РБК Daily, 2007.12.13).
4. Calque and DT
Облигации, обеспеченные ипотекой (Ruscorpora)
Obligacii, obespechennye ipotekoj
L.t.: bonds backed by mortgage (participial construction in the Russian language)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 1 doc.
Например, S&P ранее раскритиковало присвоение Moody’ s наивысших
рейтингов облигациям, обеспеченным ипотекой (Андрей Котов. Moody’s начало войну за
рейтинги // РБК Дейли, 2012.03.19).
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Ценная бумага, обеспеченная залогом недвижимости (Academic)
Cennaja bumaga, obespechennaja zalogom nedvizhimosti
L.t.: a security backed by real estate pledge
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 not a full match
Фонд планирует выкупать закладные, обеспеченные недвижимостью, построенной на средства З
ПИФН «Югра Недвижимость», а также ипотечные ценные бумаги, обеспеченные залогом иной
жилой недвижимости, построенной на территории округа (Наталья Фридман. «РЕГИОН»
ставит на ипотеку // РБК Daily, 2005.06.20).
L.t: securities backed by a pledge of another residential real estate
6. Direct equivalent

Ипотечные ценные бумаги (IFC)
Ipotechnye cennye bumagi
L.t.: mortgage securities
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 33 doc., N.c.: 177 doc.
Облигации являются аналогом известных в мировой практике «ипотечных ценных бумаг»
(Ирина Леньшина. Ипотечная панацея. Бесквартирность будут лечить по иркутским рецептам
(2002) // «Известия», 2002.04.25).
L.t.: Bonds are analogue of “mortgage backed securities”, famous in the worldwide practice
Ипотечные ценные бумаги
Ipotechnye cennye bumagi
L.t.: mortgage securities

107. Approving officer

The person, usually a supervisor, responsible for administering leave for employees in a work unit (Defined

1. Pure DT
Чиновник с правом подписи (Ruscorpora)
Chinovnik s pravom podpisi
L.t.: an official with the right of a signature
M.c.: 1 doc.
Сегодня предприниматель ― вассал пожарников, милиции, налоговиков, эпидемиологов,
чиновников с правом подписи на небольшом клочке бумаги (Госзаказ на средний класс.
Обратная связь (2002) // «Известия», 2002.12.26).
L.t.: officials with the right of a signature

2. Additional or irrelevant components

Cотрудник, имеющий право подписи (UNTERM)
Sotrudnik, imeushhij pravo podpisi
L.t.: an employee having the right of signature
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Чиновник, имеющий право подписи (Ruscorpora)
Chinovnik, imeushhij pravo podpisi
L.t.: an official having the right of signature
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 not a full match
Пока чиновники, имеющие право на электронную цифровую подпись, пользуются USB-
носителем, похожим на флешку.(Елизавета Шевченко. Москвичи смогут ставить цифровую
подпись с помощью мобильного телефона // Известия, 2013.01.21).
L.t.: official having the right for electronic digital dignature
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Чиновник, владеющий правом подписи (Ruscorpora)
Chinovnik, vladejushhij pravom podpisi
L.t.: an official owning the right of signature
Ruscorpora: N.c. 1 doc.
У современного чиновника, владеющего правом подписи –

такой простор для своей деятельности на благо себе, какого никогда не было (О бедном
чиновнике замолвите слово // РИА Новости, 2009.08.21).
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Чиновник, обладающий правом подписи (Ruscorpora)
Chinovnik, obladajushhij pravom podpisi
L.t.: an official posessing the right of signature
Ruscorpora: 1 doc.
Каждый чиновник, обладающий правом подписи, становится владельцем административной
валюты… (Рис. Валентина Дружинина. Тайная жизнь правительственных чиновников: взятки,
девочки, тусовки // Комсомольская правда, 2006.04.04)
Чиновник с правом подписи
Chinovnik s pravom podpisi
L.t.: an official with the right of a signature

108. Insolvency estate

“Assets of the debtor that are subject to the insolvency proceedings” (UNCITRAL-2, 2005)

1. Calque and DT
Имущественная масса в деле о несостоятельности (UNCITRAL-1)
Imushh’estvennaja massa v dele o nesostojatel’nosti
L.t.: property issue under the case of insolvency
Ruscorpora: 0 matches

2. Direct equivalent
Конкурсная масса (goods and rights pertaining to the debtor as of and after the commencement of the
proceedings which can be evaluated in money (and all of which form the debtor’s property and
constitute assets available for paymen) (Academic)
Konkursnaja massa
L.t.: competitive mass
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 16 doc., N.c.: 121 doc.
В ходе процедуры банкротства в конкурсную массу не может попасть единственное жилье (за
исключением залога по ипотеке), личные вещи, бытовая техника (общейстоимостью не более 30
тыс. рублей), а также наличные деньги (не более 25 тыс. рублей) и предметы первой необходимо
сти. (Александра Баязитова. Физических лиц банкротить некому // Известия, 2014.07.07
Конкурсная масса
Konkursnaja massa
L.t.: competitive mass(estate)

109. Insolvency representative

A person or body, including one appointed on an interim basis, authorized in insolvency proceedings to
administer the reorganization or liquidation of the insolvency estate; <…> (UNCITRAL-5, 2012).

1. Calque and DT
Управляющий в деле о несостоятельности (UNCITRAL-1)

Upravljaushhij v dele o nesostojatel’nosti
L.t.: manager of insolvency case
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque and DT
Конкурсный управляющий в деле о несостоятельности (Ruscorpora)
Konkursnyj upravljaushhij v dele o nesostojatel’nosti
L.t.: a competitive manager of insolvency case
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc. Представляется, что для лучшего понимания
роли конкурсного управляющего в деле о
несостоятельности необходимо обратиться к одному из принципов данных дел,
отражающих природу несостоятельности в Германии. (Актуальные вопросы назначения
конкурсных управляющих в Германии (2004) // «Арбитражный и гражданский процессы»,
L.t.: a competing manager of the insolvency case
3. Direct equivalent
Конкурсный управляющий (Ruscorpora)
Konkursnyj upravljaushhij
L.t.: a competitive manager
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 43 doc., N.c.: 426 doc.
По действующему законодательству, если заемщик обанкротился в течение полугода после
возврата ссуды банку (добровольного или судебного), конкурсный управляющий возвращает в
конкурснуюмассу эти средства (Анастасия Алексеевских. Банкам могут оставить деньги
банкротов // Известия, 2014.04.24).
Конкурсный управляющий
Konkursnyj upravlyaushhij
L.t.: a competitive manager

110. Zero-base budgeting

A method of budgeting in which all expenses must be justified for each new period. Zero-based budgeting
starts from a "zero base" and every function within an organization is analyzed for its needs and costs. Budgets
are then built around what is needed for the upcoming period, regardless of whether the budget is higher or
lower than the previous one (Investopedia).

Method for preparing cash flow budgets and operating plans which every year must start from scratch with no
pre-authorized funds. Unlike the traditional (incremental) budgeting in which
past sales and expenditure trends are assumed to continue, ZBB requires each activity to be justified on the
basis of cost-benefit analysis, assumes that no presentcommitment exists, and that there is no balance to
be carried forward. By forcing the activities to be ranked according to priority,
ZBB provides a systematic basis for resource allocation (Business Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT
Cоставление бюджета с нулевого уровня (UNTERM)
Sostavlenie byudzheta s nulevogo urovnja
L.t.: budget compilation from zero level

Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
See a possible use:
Депутаты Московской областной думы поддержали создание бюджета целевого
бюджетного инвестиционного фонда, и в этом году мы уже выносим на
правительство перечень объектов, требующих финансирования (Евгений Серегин: «Работы
много, но мы справимся!» (2004) // «Мир & Дом. Residence», 2004.03.15).
L.t.: the creation of a budget

The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque (construction with a preposition)
сокр. ZBB фин., учет. Бюджетирование на нулевой основе (Academic)
Byudzhetirovanije na nulevoj osnove
L.t.: abbreviation ZBB, finance, accounting
budgeting on a zero-base
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
“Система бюджетирования на нулевой основе позволяет периодически переоценивать
осуществляемые мероприятия и программы в сопоставлении с новыми проектами, исходя из
критериев сопоставления будущих затрат и ожидаемых результатов” (Hruckij, n.d.).
3 Calque (construction with a preposition)
Бюджет с нулевой базой (Academic)
Byudzhet s nulevoj bazoj
L.t.: a budget with a zero base
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
“Бюджет с нулевой базой (ZBB) является другим типом осуществления прогноза для
предприятия. Его особенность состоит в том, что при его разработке каждый раз требуется
возврат к начальному варианту, как если бы бюджет формировался впервые” (Hil Lafuente,
4. Calque
Бюджет нулевой точки (Academic)
Byudzhet nulevoj tochki
L.t.: a budget of a zero point
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used
“Статичные бюджеты делятся на приростные бюджеты, бюджеты нулевой точки и
приоритетные.” (Bubnova & Gorchakova, 2015)
5. Calque and DT
Составление бюджета с нуля (Academic)
Sostavlenie byudzheta s nulja
L.t.: budget compilation from zero
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: often used
“В любом случае, если составление бюджета с нуля будет использоваться более часто, то
руководители все равно найдут аргументы для оправдания своей деятельности” (Atrill, P. &
McLaney, 2016).
Составление бюджета с нуля

Sostavlenie byudzheta s nulja
L.t.: budget compilation from zero

111. Competitor
Any person or entity which is a rival against another. In business, a company in the same industry or a similar
industry which offers a similar product or service. The presence of one or more competitors can reduce
the prices of goods and services as the companies attempt to gain a larger market share. Competition also
requires companies to become more efficient in order to reduce costs. <…> (Business Dictionary).

1. Pure DT
Конкурирующая компания (IFC)
Konkurirujushhaya kompanija
L.t.: a competing company
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 11 doc., N.c.: 87 doc.
Аналитики конкурирующей компании полагают, что рост (менее чем на 1%) возможен тольк
о в 2015 году, а в ближайшие 12 месяцев производители ПК столкнутся спадением продаж ещ
е на 3,8% (Андрей Котов. Рынок ПК поставил рекорд падения продаж // РБК Дейли,
2. Pure DT
Участник рынка (Lingvo Economics)
Uchastnik rynka
L.t.: a participant of the market
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 451 doc., N.c.: 10 551 doc.
Участники рынка опасаются, что вторым после ЦБ акционером может стать Сбербанк, заним
ающий почти 50% рынка пластиковых карт (Наталья Старостина, Татьяна Алешкина.
Национальная платежная система получит акционеров // РБК Дейли, 2014.04.17).
3. Direct equivalent (general use)
Конкурент (IFC; Lingvo Economics)
L.t.: a competitor
Ruscorpora: general term
4. Direct equivalent (general use)
Соперник (Lingvo Economics)
L.t.: a rival
Ruscorpora: general term, mostly sport
Участник рынка
Uchastnik rynka
L.t.: a participant of the market

112. Derivatives
= derivative security (Lingvo Economics)
(finance) a contract, as an option or futures contract, whose value depends on the value of the securities,
commodities, etc. that form the basis of the contract (Collins).

1. Calque and DT
Производные ценные бумаги (IFC, Academic)
Proizvodnye cennye bumagi
L.t.: derived securities
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 9 doc.
Это инвестирование в ценные бумаги: акции, облигации и производные ценные бумаги,
через биржи, а также торговля валютами на Forex (Нигина Бероева. Акции снова пошли в гору
// Комсомольская правда, 2006.04.18).
L.t.: derived securities

В остальном же аналитики не видят причин в отказе от сделки с Deutsche Boerse – в Лондоне

хорошо поставлена торговля акциями и деривативами (производные ценные бумаги), а во
Франкфурте – крупнейшая площадка по торговле фьючерсами (Петр Кирьян. Немцы идут на
Лондонскую биржу // РБК Daily, 2005.01.28).
L.t.: derivatives (derived securities) (direct loan)
2. Direct loan (transcription with assimilation) and DT
Деривативная ценная бумага (Academic)
Derivativnaja cennaja bumaga
L.t.: a derivative security
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Direct loan (transcription)
Дериватив (Ruscorpora)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 5 doc.
В остальном же аналитики не видят причин в отказе от сделки с Deutsche Boerse – в Лондоне
хорошо поставлена торговля акциями и деривативами (производные ценные бумаги), а во
Франкфурте – крупнейшая площадка по торговле фьючерсами (Петр Кирьян. Немцы идут на
Лондонскую биржу // РБК Daily, 2005.01.28).
L.t.: in London the sale of shares and derivatives (derived securities) is well organized
Производные ценные бумаги
Proizvodnye cennye bumagi
L.t.: derived securities
Direct loan (transcription)

113. D&O insurance (directors and officers liability insurance)

Personal liability insurance that provides general cover to a firm's directors and senior executives. Paid usually
by the firm, it reimburses (in part or in full) the costs resulting from law suitsand judgments arising out of
poor management decisions, employee dismissals, shareholder grievances, and other such acts committed
in good faith. Criminal offenses are not covered under this insurance (Business Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT (generalization)
Страхование ответственности должностных лиц (IFC)
Strahovanie otvetstvennosti dolzhostnyh lic
L.t.: insurance of officials’ liability
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: often used
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Cтрахование директоров и администрации компании от исков третьих сторон (акционеров,
кредиторов и т. п.) (Academic)
Strahovanie direktorov i administracii kompanii ot iskov tret’ih lic
L.t.: insurance of directors and management of a company against third entities (shareholders,
creditors, etc.) suits
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Cтрахование правления и руководства компании от исков третьих сторон (акционеров,
кредиторов и т. п.) (Academic)
Strahovanie pravlenija i rukovodstva kompanii ot iskov tret’ih storon
L.t.: insurance of management and directors of a company against third parties (shareholders,
creditors, etc.) suits
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Cтрахование от убытков вследствие некомпетентности директоров и управляющих (Academic)
Strahovanie ot ubytkov v sledstvie nekompetentnosti direktorov i upravljajushhih
L.t.: insurance againые losses as a result of incompetence of directors and management
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Cтрахование ответственности директоров и высших должностных лиц (Academic)
Strahovanie otvetstvennosti direktorov i vyshhih dolzhnostnyh lic
L.t.: L.t.: insurance of directors and officials’ liability
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

The shorter form is used: “«Страхование D&0» (страхование ответственности директоров и

должностных лиц) защищает директоров и должностных лиц компании, а также ее дочерних
компаний (более чем на 50% принадлежащих материнской компании) от возможных
претензий, заявленных третьими лицами против директоров и должностных лиц” (Media-
Informacionnaja Gruppa «Strahovanie segodnja» (MIG), 2003).
Cтрахование ответственности директоров и должностных лиц
Strahovanie otvetstvennosti direktorov i dolzhnostnyh lic
L.t.: L.t.: insurance of directors and official persons’ liability

114. Restricted information

The term "Restricted" is defined by UC systemwide policy (UC IS-2 Policy entitled Inventory,
Classification, and Release of University Electronic Information) (link is external) as:
"Restricted Information describes any confidential or personal information that is protected by law or policy,
and that requires the highest level of access control and security protections whether in storage or in transit
(US Berkeley, n.d.)

1. Calque and DT
Информация ограниченного доступа (IFC)
Informacija ogranichennogo dostupa
L.t.: the information of a limited access
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 6 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
технические средства и системы, обрабатывающие открытую информацию, но размещенные в
помещениях, в которых обрабатывается информация ограниченного доступа, а также сами
помещения, предназначенные для обработки такой информации; (Доктрина информационной
безопасности Российской Федерации (2000)).
L.t.: the information of a limited access

Разгласивших информацию, содержащуюся в тестах ЕГЭ, теперь могут привлечь к

административной ответственности, так как в законе об образовании термин
«конфиденциальная информация» заменили на понятие «информация ограниченного
доступа» (Катерина Бритцова. Абитуриентов лишили связи // Труд-7, 2011.03.01).
L.t.: in the law on the education the term “confidential information” was substituted with the notion
´information of a limited access”.
2. Calque and DT
Informacija с ограниченным доступом (Ruscorpora)
Informatziya s ogranichennym dostupom
L.t.: information with a limited access
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 5 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
Информация о членах политической партии, представляемая для сведения в уполномоченные
органы, относится к информации с ограниченным доступом (Федеральный закон «О
политических партиях» (2001) // , 2004).
L.t.: the information with a limited access.

Кроме того, планируется усилить защиту информации и модернизировать государственные

системы коммуникации, по которым может передаваться информация НАТО с
ограниченным доступом (Генсек НАТО проведет переговоры с Леонидом Кучмой // РИА
Новости, 2004.04.19).
L.t.: NATO information with a limited access.
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Информация, находящаяся в ограниченном доступе (Ruscorpora)
Informacija nahodjashhajasja v ogranichennom dostupe
L.t.: information available in a restricted access

Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Юристы предупреждают, что использование информации, находящейся в ограниченном
доступе, может быть признано незаконным (Анастасия Гаврилюк, Валентина Борисова.
Приставы найдут должников в социальных сетях и блогах // РБК Daily, 2011.02.10).
L.t.: Lawyers warn that the use of the information being under the restricted access can be
acknowledged illegal.

See the possible use:

Необоснованное отнесение информации к категории сообщений с ограниченным доступом»
(Украина: тотальный контроль под маской свободы информации // Новый регион 2, 2006.05.22).
L.t.: unjustified attributing of information to the category of the messages with a limited access.


Информация ограниченного доступа
Informacija ogranichennogo dostupa
L.t.: the information of a limited access

115. One-tier board

Under a one-tier system, the company is governed by a unified board performing both management and
supervisory functions (thus, there is no separate supervisory board) (Szánthó, 2012).

Calque and DT
Одноуровневая структура совета директоров (IFC)
Odnourovnevaja struktura soveta direktorov
L.t.: one-level structure of the board of directors
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used
“Новое законодательство в Нидерландах об одноуровневой структуре совета директоров, возможно,
потребует изменить определенные процедуры в отношении совета директоров Яндекса и его состава”
(«Opisanie Akcionernogo Kapitala Godovoj Otchet Kompanii Jandeks N.V. (Yandex N.V.) Za 2013 God po
Forme 20-F Godovoj Otchet» , n.d.).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

116. Two-tier board

A corporate structure with two boards of
directors. A management board oversees thecompany and provides general direction, while a supervisoryboar
d must approve of majorbusiness decisions. Half the supervisory board is elected by shareholders
while the otherhalf represents employee interests. It appoints the management board (Farlex).

1. Calque and DT
Двухуровневая структура совета директоров (IFC)
Dvuhurovnevaja struktura soveta direktorov
L.t.: a two-level structure of a board of directors

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
“Основные элементы континентально-европейской модели:
 двухуровневая структура совета директоров;
 представительство заинтересованных сторон;
 универсальные банки;
 перекрестное владение акциями” (Kontinental'no-evropejskaja model' korporativnogo
upravlenija, 2015).
2. Calque and DT
Двухуровневая система управления (Ruscorpora)
Dvuhurovnevaja sistema upravlenija
L.t.: a two-level system of governance
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 8 doc.
Особое внимание теперь уделяется деятельности оперативно-
технологических служб, которые в этом году в «Белгородэнерго» перешли на двухуровневую с
истему управления. (Олег ГОНЧАРЕНКО. «Белгородэнерго» - снова первый // Комсомольская
правда, 2008.10.22)

Ambiguity: В-
четвертых, пора разобраться с новациями и признать ошибочным введение двухуровневой сис
темы управления образованием, где образовательные округа отвечают за содержание, а
муниципальные―за финансирование.(Лиханов Альберт писатель, председатель Российского
детского фонда. ДЕТИ И ОТЦЫ // Труд-7, 2006.11.28)
3. Direct equivalent (incomplete)
Двухуровневое правление (Academic)
Dvuhurovnevoje pravlenije
L.t.: two-level governance (ruling)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Direct equivalent (incomplete)
Двухъярусное правление (Academic)
Dvuhjarusnoje pravlenije
L.t.: two-tier governance (ruling)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Двухуровневая структура совета директоров
Dvuhurovnevaja struktura soveta direktorov
L.t.: a two-level structure of a board of directors

117. T-bills (treasury bills)

A Treasury bill (T-Bill) is a short-term debt obligation backed by the U.S. government with a maturity of less
than one year, sold in denominations of $1,000 up to a maximum purchase of $5 million. T-bills have
various maturities and are issued at a discount from par. When an investor purchases a T-Bill, the U.S.
government writes an IOU; investors do not receive regular payments as with a coupon bond, but a T-Bill pays
an interest rate (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Краткосрочные казначейские облигации (IFC)
Kratkosrochnye kaznacheyskie obligacii
L.t.: short-term treasurer’s securities

Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
В сентябре Китай купил долгосрочных и краткосрочных казначейских облигаций США на
43,6 млрд долл. (Владимир Павлов. Китай закредитовал США // РБК Daily, 2008.11.20).
L.t.: long-term and short-term treasurer’s USA securities

See the use:

Ставки по трехмесячным казначейским облигациям США вчера опустились до
минимального с 1954 года уровня в 0,0304% (Андрей Котов. Aig Подставили // Рбк Daily,
L.t.: rates of three-month treasurer’s securities

The Internet: often used

“Выпускаются специальные национальные, строительные, фискальные, индексированные,
краткосрочные казначейские облигации” (ForexAW).
2. Calque (general meaning)
Казначейские облигации (Ruscorpora)
Kaznachejskie obligacii
L.t.: treasurer’s bonds
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 5 doc., N.c.: 134 doc.
Действительно, Бельгия за последний год неожиданно вышла на третье место по объему принадл
ежащих ей казначейских облигаций США — вслед за Китаем и Японией (Иван Ткачев. Россия
снова увеличивает вложения в госбумаги США // РБК Дейли, 2014.06.17).
3. Calque (general meaning)
Казначейские (ценные) бумаги (Ruscorpora)
Kaznachejskie cennyje bumagi
L.t.: treasurer’s securities
Ruscopora: M.c.: 5 doc., N.c.: 43 doc.
Cейчас существует четыре вида казначейских ценных бумаг: краткосрочные векселя (bills),
среднесрочные облигации (notes), долгосрочные (bonds) и облигации, защищенные от инфляции
(TIPS). (Бунин Сергей. 134 миллиарда на дне чемодана // Труд-7, 2009.06.17)
L.t.: Nowadays there are four types of the treasurer’s securities: short-term bills (bills), medium-term
securities (notes), long-term (bonds), and securities protected from the inflation (TIPS).
4. Calque (general meaning)
British Казначейский вексель (Lingvo Economics)
Kaznachejskij veksel´
L.t.: treasury bill
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 6 doc.
Альтернативы американским казначейским векселям на рынке пока не существует, их будут по
купать еще как минимум лет 10 (Мария Сарычева. Дефолт в США отменяется, а кризис
возвращается // Известия, 2011.08.03).
5. Direct equivalent (law term)
American Налоговый сертификат (Lingvo Law)
Nalogovyj sertifikat
L.t.: fiscal certificate
Law term
Краткосрочные казначейские облигации
Kratkosrochnie kaznacheyskie obligacii
L.t.: short-term treasurer’s securities

118. Results-oriented annual report

(ROAR) Provides a systematic assessment of progress made by UNDP against its strategic objectives. ROAR
is an important part of UNDP's application of results-based management, which is the organizing principle of
UNDP's substantive work.
ROAR is used to report to programme Governments and donors, but it is also increasingly a basis for
organizational learning, defining programme direction, establishing oversight and improving performance
management (as cited in UN Organization).

Note: UNDP: United Nations Development Programme (UN Organization)

1. Calque and DT
Отчёт о результатах работы за год (Ruscorpora)
Otchyot o rezultatah raboty za god
L.t.: a report on the results of work for a year
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Отчет о результатах работы за год и планах на
перспективу сделал глава района Василий Александрович Денисов. (Надежда РУСАНОВА.
Вести из Мантуровского района // Комсомольская правда, 2008.11.28)
L.t.: a report on the results of work and plans for the perspectives
2. Calque and DT
Доклад о результатах работы за (прошлый) год (Ruscorpora)
Doklad o rezultatah raboty za (proshlyj) god
L.t.: a report on the results of work for the past year
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Сегодня на заседании правительства Министерство информационных технологий и связи РФ
представит доклад о результатах работы за прошлый год и озвучит направления
деятельности до 2010 года (Информатизация всей страны // РБК Daily, 2007.08.23),
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Годовой доклад, отражающий результаты проведенной работы UNTERM
Godovoj doklad, otrazhaushhuj rezultaty provedennoj raboty
L.t.: an annual report reflecting the results of a work fullfilled
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Отчёт о результатах работы за год
Otchyot o rezultatah raboty za god
L.t.: a report on the results of work for a year

119. Non-performing loan

A loan on which the borrower is not making interest payments or repaying any principal (Financial Times
A loan where the borrower is not likely to pay any interest nor to repay the principal, as in the case
of loans to Third World countries by western banks (Business Dictionary).
A sum of borrowed money upon which the debtor has not made his or her scheduled payments for at least 90
days. A nonperforming loan is either in default or close to being in default. Once a loan is nonperforming, the

odds that it will be repaid in full are considered to be substantially lower. If the debtor starts making payments
again on a nonperforming loan, it becomes a reperforming loan, even if the debtor has not caught up on all the
missed payments (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Нестандартный кредит (IFC)
Nestandartnyj kredit
L.t.: a non-standard credit
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Этот пункт в законе остается, но теперь даже при наличии всех документов кредиты связанным
компаниям придется относить ко второй категории качества (нестандартные кредиты). (Екатерин
а Белкина. Банк России проверит заемщиков банков «на реальность» // РБК Дейли, 2011.07.22)
2. Calque and DT
Невозвратный кредит (Academic)
Nevozvratnyj kredit
L.t.: irrevocable credit
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 54 doc.
В четвертом квартале 2013 года объем невозвратных кредитов в стране вырос на 4,7 млрд долл. (
Владимир Павлов. Инвесторы распродают акции китайских банков // РБК Дейли, 2014.03.17)
3. Calque
Неработающий кредит/заём (Academic)
Nerabotajushhij kredit/zayom
L.t.: non-working credit/loan
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 9 doc.
В сегменте малого бизнеса ситуация с долей неработающих кредитов хуже, чем во всех остальны
х, и в том числе выше, чем в целом в рознице, рассуждает замгендиректора «Эксперт РА» Павел С
амиев. (Елена Тофанюк, Яна Милюкова. Прибыль ВТБ ушла на резервы по кредитам малому
бизнесу // РБК Дейли, 2014.05.28)
4. Calque
Недействующий кредит/заём (Academic)
Nedejstvujushhij kredit/zayom
L.t.: non-active credit/loan
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Таким образом, даже если все эти клиенты окажутся дефолтными, показатель NPL (доля недейств
ующих кредитов) банка вырастет на 0,03%. (Юлия Синяева. Бизнес подсадят на готовую прибыль
// Известия, 2011.12.02)
5. Calque and DT
Finance Проблемный кредит (Academic)
Problemnyj kredit
L.t.: a problematic credit
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 14 doc., N.c.: 184 doc.
Одним из самых очевидных критериев «здоровья» банковского сектора являются размеры обесцен
ения активов (например, в результате списаний по проблемным кредитам). (Иван Ткачев. Банки
поставили исторический рекорд // РБК Дейли, 2014.07.01)
6. Calque and DT
Finance Проблемная ccуда (Academic)
Problemnaja ssuda
L.t.: a problematic loan
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 18 doc.

Как стало известно РБК daily, в ближайшее время Связной Банк выставит на продажу пул проблем
ных ссуд на 2 млрд руб. (ЕКАТЕРИНА БЕЛКИНА. Связной Банк продает все плохое // РБК
Дейли, 2013.03.22)
7. Calque and DT
Finance Просроченная ссуда (Academic)
Prosrochennaja ssuda
L.t.: an overdue loan
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
8. Calque with a comment
Непроизводительный кредит (кредит, по которому не выполняются условия
первоначального соглашения) (IFC)
Neproizvoditel’nyj kredit (kredit, po kotoromu ne vipolnjautsja uslovija pervonachal’nogo soglashenija)

L.t.: non-performing credit (loan, under which the conditions of the initial agreement are not fulfilled)

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Невозвратный кредит
Nevozvratnyj kredit
L.t.: irrevocable credit
Calque and DT
Проблемный кредит
Problemnyj kredit
L.t.: a problematic credit

120. Diffused ownership (figurative meaning)

Approximately 80% of listed UK firms and 90% of listed UK firms are now characterized by diffused
ownership, with numerous small shareholders but none with a dominant level of control. Such firms have a
separation of ownership and control, in that ownership is dispersed among many small shareholders and
control is largely concentraded in the hands of salaried professional managers who own little (or no) equity
(Peng, 2012).

Calque and DT (figurative meaning)

Раздробленность акционерного капитала (IFC)
Razdroblennost’ aktconernogo kapitala
L.t.: the fragmentation of the joint stock
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used, mostly in the online dictionaries and glossaries
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (figurative meaning)
Раздробленность акционерного капитала
Razdroblennost’ akcionernogo kapitala
L.t.: the fragmentation of the joint stock

121. Absorption factor (figurative meaning)
In absorption costing, the rate determined in advance for all cost centers for allocating fixed costs and variable
costs (together or separately) to the output, in an accounting period (Business Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT (figurative meaning)

Коэффициент поглощения издержек (UNTERM)
Koefficient pogloshhenija izderzhek
L.t.: a coefficient of expenses absorption
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used, mostly in the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque
Коэффициент поглощения (Lingvo)
Koefficient pogloshhenija
L.t.: a coefficient of expenses
Ruscorpora: general use (chemistry etc.)
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (figurative meaning)
Коэффициент поглощения издержек
Koefficient pogloshhenija izderzhek
L.t.: a coefficient of expenses absorption

122. Anti-money laundry (figurative meaning)

Anti-money laundering (AML) A set of procedures, laws or regulations designed to stop the practice of
generating income through illegal actions. In most cases money launderers hide their actions through a series
of steps that make it look like money coming from illegal or unethical sources was earned legitimately
Money laundering is the process of concealing sources of money. Money which is evidently theproceeds of a c
rime is referred to as "dirty" money, and money which has been "laundered" toappear legitimate is referred to a
s "clean" money (Farlex).
Money laundering
Techniques used to make the acquisition or possession of funds obtained through illegal activities appear
legitimate, or to simply hide the source of the funds. Money laundering is considered a crime in most nations
due to the use of it in the funding of other criminal activities (InvestorWords).

1. Calque and DT (figurative meaning)

Борьба с отмыванием денег (IFC)
Bor’ba s otmivaniem deneg
L.t.: a struggle against money washing (laundry)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 19 doc., N.c.: 104 doc.
И нужно избавляться именно от этой щели в законодательстве, тогда борьба с отмыванием
денег будет приносить свои плоды (Нигина Бероева, Рис. Валентина ДРУЖИНИНА. Потратил
600 тысяч рублей - попал под колпак финразведки // Комсомольская правда, 2007.03.20).
L.t.: a struggle against money washing (laundry)

2. Calque and DT (figurative meaning)

Борьба с отмыванием средств (Ruscorpora)
Bor’ba s otmyvaniem sredstv
L.t.: a sruggle against means washing (laundry)

Ruscorpora: N.c.: 8 doc.
В четверг папа Римский подписал специальный закон о борьбе с отмыванием средств,
полученных преступным путем, и финансированием терроризма (Наталия Шмакова. Бенедикт
XVI учредил службу для борьбы с отмыванием 'грязных денег' // РИА Новости, 2010.12.30).
L.t.: a struggle against means washing (laundry)

3. =Anti-money laundering
Additional or irrelevant components
Борьба с легализацией преступных доходов (Academic)
Bor’ba s legalizacijej prestupnyh dohodov
L.t.: a sruggle against authorization of criminal incomes
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 12 doc.
Официальная цель публикации черного списка―облегчить участникам рынка исполнение закона
и активизировать борьбу с легализацией преступных доходов (В России обнародуют 'черный
список' лиц, причастных к терроризму // РИА Новости, 2008.07.02).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (figurative meaning)
Борьба с отмыванием денег
Bor’ba s otmivaniem deneg
L.t.: a struggle against money washing (laundry)

123. Deadlocks resolution (figurative meaning)

A deadlock occurs when there is a set of processes waiting for resource held by other processes in the same
set. The processes in deadlock wait indefinitely for the resources and never terminate their executions and the
resources they hold are not available to any other process. The occurrence of deadlocks should be controlled
effectively by their detection and resolution, but may sometimes lead to a serious system failure. After
implying a detection algorithm the deadlock is resolved by a deadlock resolution algorithm whose primary step
is to either select the victim then to abort the victim. This step resolves deadlock easily (Chahar & Dalal,

1. Calque and DT (figurative meaning)

Разрешение тупиковых ситуаций (Ruscorpora)
Razreshenie tupikovyh situacij
L.t. resolution of deadlock situations
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
В распоряжении РБК daily оказался законопроект Минэкономразвития России, который направлен
на разрешение тупиковых ситуаций, связанных с невозможностьюпринятия решений советом
директоров или наблюдательным советом акционерных обществ. (ИГОРЬ ПЫЛАЕВ. «Временные»
директора // РБК Daily, 2008.08.27)
L.t.: resolution of deadlock situations

Договоренности, достигнутые в Москве, вызвали у иностранных инвесторов оптимизм, надежды

на скорое разрешение тупиковой, как начинало казаться, ситуации. (Чернуха Марина.
КАСПИЙСКИЙ ПРОРЫВ // Труд-7, 2002.05.16)
L.t.: a hope to reach a resolution of a deadlock, as it began to seem, situation
2. Additional or irrelevant components (figurative meaning)
Механизм разрешения «тупиковых» ситуаций (IFC)
Mehanizm razreshenija “tupikovyh” situacij

L.t.: the procedure of resolution of deadlock situations
Ruscorpora: 0 matches

See the use: M.c.: 3 doc.

Если запускать новый механизм, то необходимо детально прописывать порядок взаимоотношений
между несколькими недропользователями, порядок разрешения споров, чтобы избежать
тупиковых ситуаций... (Евгения Корытина. Получить поисковую лицензию на один участок недр
смогут несколько компаний // РБК Daily, 2010.11.12)
L.t.: the procedure of dispute resolution in order to avoid deadlock situations
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (figurative meaning)
Разрешение тупиковых ситуаций
Razreshenie tupikovyh situacij
L.t. resolution of deadlock situations

124. Anti-takeover defense (figurative meaning)

A legal or structural tactic adopted by a company in order to protect it from being acquired by another
company. Defenses may be used in conjunction with, or as a substitute for, ANTITAKEOVER LAWS (Law

1. Calque and DT (figurative meaning)

Меры защиты от поглощений (IFC)
Mery zashhity ot pogloshhenij
L.t.: defense measures against takeover(s)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used
2. Calque and DT (figurative meaning)
Меры по защите от поглощений (Ruscorpora)
Mery po zashhite ot pogloshhenij
L.t.: defense measures against takeover(s)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Согласно ему компания должна не только не предпринимать новых мер по защите от поглощен
ия, но и отказаться от существующих сразу после того, как другая компания сделала официально
епредложение о покупке. (ЕС защитился от поглощений // РБК Daily, 2007.02.28)
ОМОНИМЫ (homonyms): Карл Айкан также готов подать иск, запрещающий совету директоров
BEA применять меры по защите от поглощений (poison pills). (AНДРЕЙ KОТОВ. Карл Айкан
поможет Oracle // РБК Daily, 2007.10.30)
See Safe Harbor
L.t.: measures on the defense against takeover
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Мера по защите от недружественного поглощения (Ruscorpora)
Mera po zashhite ot nedruzhestvennogo pogloshhenija
L.t.: a measure on the protection from hostile (unfriendly) takeover
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
НПФ «Сургутнефтегаз» сообщил, что теперь владеет 93% УК «Лизинг Продакшн» и аналитики
предположили, что это мера по защите от недружественного поглощения. (Состояние Путина
может достигать 40 миллиардов долларов // Новый регион 2, 2007.11.16)
L.t.: a measure on the protection from hostile (unfriendly) takeover

RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (figurative meaning)
Меры по защите от поглощений
Meri po zashhite ot pogloshhenij
L.t.: defense measures against takeover(s)

125. Gender budget

“Оutlines not just expected revenue and expenditures, but also responds to the budget impact on women and
men, resulting in budgetary commitments that show a solid, accountable connection to a government's gender
equality commitments” (Network of East - West Women).
Note: gender-responsive budget; gender-sensitive budget etc.

1. Calque (based on Direct Loan with assimilation) and DT

Бюджет с учётом гендерных факторов (UN-1)
Bjudzhet s uchyotom gendernyh faktorov
L.t.: the budget with an account of gender factors
Ruscorpora: 0 examples
The Internet: rarely used
“Однако необходимо сделать следующий шаг и составить национальный бюджет с учетом
гендерных факторов в целях решения следующих задач: 1) вовлечения женщин и мужчин в
процесс составления бюджета; 2) выделения ресурсов для осуществления инвестиций в
интересах женщин и 3) оказания вспомогательных услуг в целях оптимизации отдачи от
инвестиций” (WorldBank).
2. Calque (based on Direct Loan with assimilation)
Гендерный бюджет (MCGI; JUNIFEM)
Gendernyi bjudzhet
Ruscorpora: 0 examples
The Internet: widely used
Тематическая группа по гендерным вопросам (ГТГ) при системе ООН в Российской Федерации
объединяет агентства ООН, работающие в Российской Федерации. <…> Одним из результатов
сотрудничества с Правительством Российской Федерации стала публикация со стороны ГТГ
доклада "Гендерный анализ и гендерный бюджет: инструменты экономического развития". ООН
в Российской Федерации (UN Russia)
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque (based on Direct Loan with assimilation)
Гендерный бюджет
Gendernyi bjudzhet

126. Gender Budgeting

Gender budgeting is part of the gender mainstreaming strategy. Gender budgeting focuses on a gender-based
analysis and an equality-oriented evaluation of the distribution of resources. These resources are mainly
money, time as well as paid and/or unpaid work. Gender budgeting seeks to achieve a gender-equal
distribution of resources (Blickhäuser & von Bargen, 2007).

Calque (based on direct loan) and DT

Составление бюджета с учётом гендерных факторов (UN-1)

Sostavlenie budzheta s uchyotom gendernyh factorov
L.t.: drafting a budget taking into account gender factors
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
“До настоящего времени в большинстве инициатив по составлению бюджета с учетом гендерных
факторов основное внимание уделялось расходной части бюджета” (UN Economic and Social Council,

Calque is often used: Гендерное бюджетирование

Gendernoje budzhetirovanije
L.t.: gender budgeting
“Решение об осуществлении бюджетной реформы, включая гендерное бюджетирование, было
принято австрийским парламентом единогласно <…>” (Shtadler, K. & Hjurtes, C., 2012).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque (based on direct loan)
Гендерное бюджетирование
Gendernoje budzhetirovanije
L.t.: gender budgeting

127. AAA rating (according to Standard and Poor’s)

The top rating awarded to qualifying corporate bonds by the bond rating agencies such as Standard &
Poor's (AAA) and Moody's (Aaa). These ratings mean: (1) the bonds are of the highest quality (are
'gilt edged'), (2) carry the least degree of investment risk, and (3) are fully expected
to pay both interest and principal on time. Other rating agencies use different designations (Business

1. Calque + DT
Высший рейтинг (IFC)
Visshij reiting
L.t.: the highest rating
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: general use, 30 economic terms
Агентство Standard & Poor’ s (S&P) понизило высший рейтинг Нидерландов до AA+ со стабильн
ым прогнозом (Юлия Калачихина. Нидерланды вылетели из клуба экономически благонадежных
держав // РБК Дейли, 2013.12.02).
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Высший кредитный рейтинг по версии S&P (Ruscorpora)
Visshij kreditnyj reiting po versii S&P
L.t.: the highest credit rating according to S&P
Ruscopora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Последствия бюджетного кризиса на первый взгляд не менее ощутимы, чем во время кризиса 2011
года, когда США потеряли высший кредитный рейтинг по версии S&P. Только из-
завынужденного простоя госучреждений американская экономика сейчас лишилась 3,1 млрд долл.
(Владимир Павлов, редактор международного отдела РБК Daily. Американский цирк // РБК Дейли,
3. Calque + DT
Высший рейтинг Standard & Poor’s (Ruscorpora)
Visshij reiting Standard & Poor’s
L.t.: the highest Standard & Poor’s
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Ранее, 28 апреля, Испания также потеряла высший рейтинг Standard & Poor's (Анастасия

Смирнова. Китай предупредил о риске нового глобального кризиса // Новый регион 2, 2010.06.01).
4. Pure DT
Высший кредитный рейтинг (Ruscorpora)
Visshij kreditnij reiting
L.t.: the highest credit rating
Ruscorpora: N.c. 19 doc.
США и Великобритания вплотную приблизились к потере высшего кредитного рейтинга,
сообщило агентство Moody’s.
L.t.: the highest credit rating
5. Pure DT
Высокий кредитный рейтинг (Ruscorpora)
Visokij kreditnij reiting
L.t.: a high credit rating
Ruscorpora: M.c. 4 doc., N.c.: 49 doc.
При этом они утверждают, что банк вполне может обходиться доходами от своих бондов,
обладающих высоким кредитным рейтингом (ААА) (МАКСИМ ШАХОВ. Всемирный банк
пошел по миру // РБК Daily, 2010.04.02).
L.t.: a high credit rating (AAA)
6. Pure DT
Высший рейтинг AAA (Ruscorpora)
Vishij reiting AAA
L.t.: the highest credit rating
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
Великобритания сохранила высший рейтинг ААА с негативным прогнозом. (Татьяна Глазкова.
Под Великобританией зашатался рейтинг // РБК Daily, 2010.03.31)
L.t. the highest rating AAA
7. Pure DT
Высший кредитный рейтинг AAA (Ruscorpora)
Visshij kreditnij reiting AAA
L.t.: the highest credit AAA rating
Ruscorpora: N.c. 19 doc.
По прогнозам Международного валютного фонда (МФВ), к концу года доля государственного дол
га может достигнуть 85% ВВП, а это самый высокий уровень для европейскихгосударств с высши
м кредитным рейтингом ААА (Анастасия Вахламова. За французский долг ответит вся Европа //
Известия, 2011.08.15).

Сейчас у Франции высший кредитный рейтинг — ААА (Татьяна Глазкова. Эйфелева башня под
залог // РБК Daily, 2009.12.30).

По мнению рейтингового агентства, в ближайшее время не стоит ожидать

снижения высшего кредитного рейтинга
США (ААА), однако, если налоговые льготыстанут постоянными, это может нанести вред америка
нской кредитной оценке. (Владимир Павлов. ЦБ Китая: Доллар будет надежен еще максимум год //
РБК Daily, 2010.12.08)
L.t.: the highest credit rating of the USA (AAA)
8. Additional or irrelevant components
Высший кредитный рейтинг на уровне ААА (Ruscorpora)
Visshij kreditnij reiting na urovne AAA
L.t.: the highest credit rating on AAA level
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.

9. Additional or irrelevant components
Корпоративный кредитный рейтинг на уровне AAA (Ruscorpora)
Korporativnij kreditnij reiting na urovne AAA
L.t. a corporate credit rating on level AAA
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Международное рейтинговое агентство Standard & Poor’s тогда присудило компании
корпоративный кредитный рейтинг на уровне ААА (Анна Фадеева, Елизавета Серьгина.
Миллиарды для Microsoft // РБК Daily, 2009.05.13).
1 Abbreviation from the source language + calque + a note
0. рейтинг AAA (по классификации агентства Standard and Poor’s) (IFC)
reiting AAA (po klassifikacii agenstva Standard and Poor’s )
L.t.: a high rating AAA rating (according to Standard and Poor’s agency classification )
See above the use of the term
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque + DT (abbreviation)
Высший рейтинг (AAA)
Visshij reiting (AAA)
L.t.: the highest rating (AAA)

128. Affiliate
An “organization that is affiliated” (Collins), i.e. “officially connected with a larger organization or group”

1. Direct Loan (with assimilation) +DT

Аффилированная компания (IFC)
Affiliirovannaja kompanija
L.t.: affiliated company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: widely used
Аффилированной компанией называется та фирма, которая является подконтрольной более
крупной материнской организации (Utmagazine).
2. Direct Equivalent
Дочернее предприятие (отделение или часть предприятия) (Lingvo Economics)
Dochernee predprijatie
L.t.: a subsidiary enterprise (a department or a part of an enterprise)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 150 doc., N.c.: 1182 doc.
Фирма «Диагностика-
М» является дочерним предприятием «Лаборатории ТСНК» и специализируется на разработке
аппаратов конвейерного типа (Borodina, 2014. Ruscorpora).
3. Direct Equivalent
Дочерняя компания (Ruscorpora)
Dochernjaja kompanija
L.t.: a subsidiary company
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 142 doc., N.c.: 1950 doc.
В 2009 году консорциум в составе «ЛУКойла»
(точнее, его дочерней компании «ЛУКойл Оверсиз», ведающей зарубежными проектами) с доле
й 56,25% и норвежской Statoil (18,75%) выиграл тендерна право освоения
месторождения. (Kudujarov, 2014. Ruscorpora)

4. Direct Equivalent
Дочернее общество (Ruscorpora)
Docherneje obshhestvo
L.t.: a subsidiary society
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 44 doc., N.c.: 327 doc.
5. Direct Equivalent
Филиал (Lingvo Economics)
L.t.: a branch (office)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1135 doc., N.c.: 7 066 doc.
«Все крупнейшие компании мира имеют филиалы в Москве: прекрасная перспектива карьеры»
(Zavgorodnjaja, 2014. Ruscorpora).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct Loan (with assimilation) and DT
Аффилиированная компания
Affiliirovannaja kompanija
L.t.: affiliated company
Direct Equivalent
L.t.: a branch (office)

129. Associate

An entry-level member (as of a learned society, professional organization, or profession) (Merriam-Webster).

1. Direct loan (with assimilation) and DT

Ассоциированная компания
Associate company = ассоциированная компания (IFC; Lingvo Economics)
Associirovannaja kompanija
L.t.: associated company
Ruscorpora: M.c. 2 doc., N.c.: 6 doc.
…предприятия осуществляют инвестиции в Россию через
свои зарубежные филиалы или ассоциированные компании (Сергей Никифоров. Надежный
партнер. Итальянские товары есть в каждом доме и на каждом втором предприятии России
(2002) // «Известия», 2002.04.01).
L.t.: enterprises fulfill their investments in Russia through their foreign affiliates or asscoaited

Подобные союзы во всем мире являются гарантами чистоплотности ассоциированных

компаний (Юлия Игнатьева. Строители обложили Кремль // Известия, 2007.12.24).
L.t.: associated companies
2. Pure DT (general meaning)
Член товарищества (Lingvo Economics)
Chlen tovarishhestva
L.t.: member of a society
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 10 doc., N.c.: 59 doc.
Размер платы не может превышать сумму, которую берут с членов товарищества (// Труд-7,

3. Direct equivalents (general meaning)
Компаньон, партнёр, соучастник (Lingvo Economics)
Business asscociate = деловой партнёр (LingvoEconomics)
Kompan’jon, partner, souchastnik
L.t.: companion, partner, co-participant
Ruscorpora: general use
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct loan (with assimilation) + DT
Ассоциированная компания
Associirovannaja kompanija
L.t.: associated company
Or direct equivalent

130. (to) Monitor

to watch, keep track of, or check usually for a special purpose (Merriam-Webster).

1. Calque + DT (based on the direct loan of the term “monitoring”)

Проводить мониторинг (IFC)
Provodit’ monitoring
L.t.: to fulfill monitoring
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 32 doc., N.c.: 251 doc.
Несколько фирм проводят мониторинг Москвы и Санкт-Петербурга (Введение в
медиапланирование в «Наружке» (2000) // «Наружная реклама России», 2000.08.17).
L.t.: to fulfill monitoring

Российская служба проводит строжайший мониторинг поставляемых продуктов (Алексей

Кузьменко. Япония хочет поставлять в Россию мраморную говядину // РБК Daily, 2011.03.24).
L.t.: to fulfill the strictest monitoring of products supplied

В прокуратуре отмечают, что Минздрав заключал госконтракты и при этом даже не проводил
ценового мониторинга (Юрий Николаев. Чиновники снова 'нагрелись' на томографах //
Известия, 2011.02.21).
L.t.: not to fulfill price monitoring

See the use with a participle:

На следующей неделе более 700 членов групп, проводящих мониторинг цен в магазинах, получ
ат соответствующие удостоверения (Алла Александрова. Южноуральские депутаты предлагают
снижать цены на продукты первой необходимости // Новый регион 2, 2011.03.04).
L.t. groups fulfilling a monitoring of prices in shops
2. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
Контролировать (Lingvo Economics)
L.t.: to control
Ruscorpora: general use
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque + DT (based on the direct loan of the term “monitoring”)
Проводить мониторинг
Provodit’ monitoring

L.t.: to fulfill monitoring

131. Inventory
An itemized list of current assets: as (1): a catalog of the property of an individual or estate (2) : a list of
goods on hand
The quantity of goods or materials on hand: STOCK (Merriam-Webster).

1. Сalque + DT (based on the direct translation equivalent (see №5 инвентарь))

Инвентарные запасы (UNCITRAL-1)
Inventarnye zapasy
L.t.: inventory stock
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 2 doc.
Область применения Symbol MC9000-G довольно широка ― это управление
инвентарными запасами, проверка цен, приемка/отгрузка, управление складом, ввод данных в
производственных условиях и регулирование транспортировки багажа (Платформа Symbol
Technologies -- Gemini (2003) // «Логистика», 2003.12.22).
L.t.: the management of inventory stock
2. Pure DT
Материально-производственные запасы (Lingvo Economics)
Material’no-proizvodstvennyje zapasy
L.t.: material- industrial stock
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 6 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
Увеличение ВВП США в четвертом квартале было вызвано, в частности, ростом доходов от эксп
орта, частных инвестиций в материально-
производственные запасы и потребительских расходов (Оценка роста ВВП США в IV квартале
2009 года понижена с 5,9% до 5,6% // РИА Новости, 2010.03.26).
3. Pure DT
Товарно- материальные запасы (Academic)
Tovarno-materialnyje zapasy
Marketable-industrial stock
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 4 doc., N.c.: 5 doc.
материальные запасы состоят из двух супергрупп: средств производства и предметов потребле
ния (Потребительские запасы -- сущность и подход к анализу // «Вопросы статистики», 2004).
5. Direct equivalent (general use)
Инвентарь (LingvoEconomics; Academic)
L.t.: inventory
(Latin) inventarium (Tolkovyj slovar' Ushakova online)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 250 doc., N.c.: 987 doc.
Есть ли планы по созданию программы по материально-
техническому обеспечению школ, чтобы юные игроки не испытывали проблем с
инвентарем? (Андраник Керопян. Вячеслав Фетисов: «Необходимо отменить премиальные в
сборной» // Известия, 2014.06.16)
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct equivalent (general use)
L.t.: inventory

132. Audited financial statements
A company's financial statements which have been prepared and certified by a Certified Public
Accountant (the auditor). In the U.S., the auditor certifies that the financial statements meet the requirements
of the U.S. GAAP. An auditor can have an unqualified opinion, in which he or she agrees with how the
company prepared the statements, or a qualified opinion, in which he or she states which aspects of the
company's statements he or she does not agree with. In extreme cases, the auditor may express no opinion on
financial statements at all, in the case that the scope of the audit was insufficient (InvestorWords).

1. Calque and DT
Проверенная аудитором финансовая отчетность (IFC; Academic)
Proverennaja auditorom finansovaja otchyotnost’
L.t.: the financial statement checked by the auditor (reversed word order)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used, mostly used in the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Сalque and DT
Проверенный аудитом финансовый отчёт (Ruscorpora)
Proverennyj auditom finansovyj otchyot
L.t.: the financial report checked by the audit (reversed word order)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
В частности, в иске приводится цитата из разговора главы «Полюса» Евгения Иванова и Каната
Асаубаева, в которой последний отмечает:
«У нас есть надлежащие проверенные аудитом финансовые отчеты (Даниил Шабашов, Галина
Камнева. На бумаге было гладко // РБК Daily, 2010.08.06).
The Internet: not used
3. Сalque
Проверенный финансовый отчёт (Lingvo Economics)
Proverennyj finansovyj otchyot
L.t.: a checked financial report
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Calque and DT
Заверенная аудитором (финансовая) отчетность (Academic)
Zaverennaja auditorom (finansovaja) otchyotnost’
L.t.: the (financial) statement certified by the auditor (reversed word order)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
На пути к IPO холдингу сначала придется опубликовать заверенную международным аудиторо
м отчетность по МСФО и, в частности, раскрыть структуру собственности» (Алексей
Виноградов. «РусПромАвто»: до IPO остался год // РБК Daily, 2005.03.17).
5. Calque and DT
Подтвержденная аудитором (финансовая) отчетность (Academic)
Podtverzhdyonnaja auditorom (finansovaja) otchyotnost’
L.t.: the (financial) statement proved by the auditor (reversed word order)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
6. Direct loan (with assimilation) and calque
Аудированная (финансовая) отчетность (IFC; Academic)
Audirovananja finansovaja otchyotnost’

L.t.: an audited financial statement
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: often used
Аудированная финансовая отчетность (Sberbank)
See the possible use:
Недавно международный аудитор KPMG завершил проверку финансовой отчетности «Ренова-
Медиа» за 2006 год, рассказал РБК daily президент ЗАО «Ренова-Медиа»
Виктор Савюк («Ренова-Медиа» сдала отчетность // РБК Daily, 2007.11.19).
L.t.: Recently an international auditor KPMG finished the check of a financial statement

В настоящее время аудиторы заканчивают проверку финансовой отчетности по американским

стандартам бухучета», – сообщила РБК daily Марина Белашева, пресс-
секретарь «МегаФона» (Юлия Лю. «Раскрутить» абонентов на новые услуги // РБК Daily,
L.t.: Nowadays the auditors finish the check of a financial statement

В частности, речь идет о размещении на официальном сайте бухгалтерской отчетности страховщ

ика, заверенной аудитором, присвоенных рейтинговыми агентствами рейтингах, сведения обучр
едителях и акционерах (Елена Шарпаева. Страховых брокеров обяжут иметь банковскую
гарантию при получении денег от клиентов // РБК Дейли, 2011.11.09).
L.t.: a statement of the insurer certified by the auditor
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct loan (with assimilation) and calque
Аудированная (финансовая) отчетность
audirovananja (finansovaja) otchyotnost’
L.t.: an audited (financial statement

133. Return on investment (ROI)

The profit from an activity for a particular period compared with the amount invested in it: Weekly sales are
running well ahead of the levels required for a 25% return on investment (Cambridge University Press).
A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a
number of different investments. To calculate ROI, the benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the cost
of the investment; the result is expressed as a percentage or a ratio (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Доход на инвестированный капитал (based on the direct translation equivalent borrowed by means of
direct loan) (IFC)
(Latin.) Investire (Kurakov, P., Кurakov, V. & Kurakov, А., 2004)
Dohod na investirovannij kapital
L.t.: income on an invested capital
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Эффективность фондового рынка может быть оценена:
― уровнем дохода на инвестированный капитал с учетом характера зависимости: чем выше
риск вложений, тем выше цена фондовых активов и выше доходность;
― вероятностьюполучения дохода на инвестированный капитал при заданной степени риска.
(Л. А. Чалдаева. Теоретические и методологические аспекты исследования механизма
функционирования фондовой биржи (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.02.17)
L.t.: the possibility to receive an income on an invested capital.
2. Calque and DT (based on the direct translation equivalent borrowed by means of direct loan)
Прибыль на инвестированный капитал (Lingvo Economics)

Pribyl´ na investirovannij kapital
L.t.: profit on an invested capital
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Для того чтобы стимулировать прибыль на инвестированный капитал, компании следует
полностью сконцентрироваться на своих возможностях безопасности и сети передачи
данных» (Юлия Калачихина. BlackBerry пойдет по стопам Nokia // РБК Дейли, 2013.09.06).
3. Semantic calque and DT (based on the direct translation equivalent borrowed by means of direct
Доходность за счёт инвестиций (Ruscorpora)
Dohodnost´za schet investicij
L.t.: profitability at the expense of investments
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 4 doc.
В настоящий момент у фонда достаточная доходность за счет инвестиций в ценные бумаги. ('М
ногие НПФ решили сыграть в игру 'стань большим и продайся' // РБК Daily, 2010.10.28)
Тем не менее, ВЭБ пытается компенсировать падение
доходности за счет новых инвестиций в корпоративные, ипотечные и субфедеральные бонды
(Альберт Кошкаров. ВЭБ теряет доходность // РБК Daily, 2010.11.08).
L.t.: to compensate the decrease of profitability at the expense of new investments
4. Calque and DT
Доход на вложенный капитал (IFC)
Dohod na vlozhennyj kapital
L.t.: an income on a deposited capital
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 8 doc.
от того, насколько высок доход на вложенный
акционерами капитал, зависит ликвидность ценных бумаг акционерного общества и сама
возможность его функционирования (А. А. Рожков. Ресурсно-результативный подход к оценке
эффективности корпораций (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.04.21).
L.t.: an income on a capital deposited by the shareholders

Однако в нынешнее время в перспективе пятидесяти лет доход на вложенный капитал может дос
тигнуть 250%» (Наталья Копейченко. Роман Абрамович погреется на Карибах // РБК Daily,
L.t.: an income on a deposited capital can amount to 250%.
5. Direct equivalent +calque
(based on the direct translation equivalent borrowed by means of direct loan)
Доходность инвестиций (IFC)
Dohodnost’ investicii
L.t.: profitability of investments

M.c.: 11 doc., N.c.: 127 doc. Эти цифры отражают прибыльность наиболее
удачных проектов, но надо отметить, что
доходность инвестиций в недвижимость может
быть выше, чем в финансовой сфере.(Елена Новомлинская. Управление инвестиционными
проектами (1996) // «Коммерсантъ-Daily», 1996.01.27)

Стратегия AFI Development направлена на удовлетворение акционеров компании в плане повыше

ния доходности инвестиций, считает управляющий партнер Kensington Advisors
Илья Кутнов. (Николай Михалев. AFI Development отказывается от расширения бизнеса в России
// РБК Daily, 2011.03.28)
L.t.: the increase of investment profitability

В итоге местным кредитным организациям стоит ждать сокращения доходности своих

инвестиций, пишет The Financial Times. (Евгений Басманов. Банки Великобритании потеряли
конкурентное преимущество // РБК Daily, 2011.04.19)
L.t.: profitability of their investments

6. Direct equivalent + calque (based on the direct translation equivalent borrowed by means of
direct loan)
Рентабельность инвестиций (капиталовложений) (Academic)
Rentabel’nost’ investicij (kapitalovlozhenij)
L.t.: profitability of investments (capital investments)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 6 doc., N.c.: 17 doc.
«Онлайн-реклама —
самый эффективный канал коммуникации с точки зрения рентабельности инвестиций», —
объясняет такой интерес рекламодателей исполнительный директор EIAA ЭлисонФена
(Александр Кленин. Приоритет онлайн-рекламе // РБК Daily, 2009.04.27).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct equivalent + calque (based on the direct translation
equivalent borrowed by means of direct loan) Доходность инвестиций
Dohodnost’ investicii
L.t.: profitability of investments

134. Return on equity (ROE)

Return on equity (ROE) is the amount of net income returned as a percentage of shareholders equity. Return
on equity measures a corporation's profitability by revealing how much profit a company generates with the
money shareholders have invested (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Рентабельность собственного капитала (IFC)
Рентабельность собственного (акционерного) капитала (Academic)
Rentabel’nost’ sobstvennogo (akcionernogo) kapitala
L.t.: the profitability of the own (joint) stock
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 18 doc.
Коэффициент рентабельности собственного капитала характеризует эффективность использован
ия собственных средств предприятия, составляющих акционерный капитал(уставный и добавочн

ый капитал) и накопленный капитал (прибыль и фонды) для финансирования его финансово-
хозяйственной деятельности (А. В. Брычкин. Оценка кредитоспособности контрагентов и
создание резервов под возможные потери по дебиторской задолженности (2003) // «Финансы и
кредит», 2003.01.06).
L.t.: the coefficient of the own capital

Рентабельность собственного капитала крупнейших банков мира будет расти очень незначительн
о еще как минимум в течение двух лет, при этом не исключено, что суммасписаний составит бол
ее 2 трлн долл. (Артем опарин. Списать два триллиона долларов // РБК Daily, 2009.04.01).
L.t.: the profitability of the own capital
2. Calque +DT
Доход от продажи акций (Ruscorpora)
Dohod ot prodazhi akcij
L.t.: Revenue form share sale
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 18 doc.
Кроме того, у него есть право получить 10 процентов дохода от дальнейшей продажи акций (И.
Савватеева. Анатолий Чубайс: Приватизация даст казне 92 миллиарда // «Комсомольская
правда», 1992).
L.t.: 10 per cent revenue of a future share sale

See the use:

«Серьезных возможностей покрывать операционные убытки доходами от продажи пакетов
акций у РЖД нет» (Милана Челпанова. Минэкономразвития раскритиковало методику
индексации тарифов на грузоперевозки РЖД // РБК Daily, 2010.12.08).
L.t.: ¨RZD ( Russian Railways) doesn’t have serious possibilities to cover the operational losses by the
income from the stock of shares” (in the Russian language the dative case (income) and genitive cases
(the stock of shares) are used; the word order of the whole sentence is reversed if compared to the
English one).
3. Calque
Прибыль на акционерный капитал (Lingvo Economics)
Pribyl’ na akcionernyj kapital
L.t.: profit on a joint stock
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Успешность оценивалась по двум критериям: прибыль на акционерный капитал (или рентабел
ьность капитала) и совокупный доход акционеров. (Елизавета Романова. Женщина приносит
бизнесу удачу // РБК Daily, 2004.02.19)
4. Calque and DT
Прибыль на собственный (акционерный) капитал (Academic)
Pribyl’ na sobstvennyj (akcionernyj) kapital
L.t.: profit on one’s own (joint) stock
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Direct translation equivalent
Рентабельность капитала (Lingvo Economics)
Rentabel’nost’ kapitala
L.t.: profitability of the capital
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 4 doc., N.c.: 48 doc.
Руководство банка также обещает к 2016 году достичь рентабельности капитала в 14%
(Сирануш Шароян. Societe Generale продолжит делать ставку на Россию в 2014—2016 годах //
РБК Дейли, 2014.05.14).

6. Calque
Доход от акций (IFC)
Dohod ot akcij
L.t.: the income from the shares
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 13 doc.
С января 1994 года доход от акций Dun & Bradstreet составил всего 2,4% за вычетом
дивиденда (Владимир Гендлин. Разделение концерна Dun & Bradstreet (1996) // «Коммерсантъ-
Daily», 1996.01.24).
L.t.: the income from the shares
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct Translation Equivalent/Calque and DT
Рентабельность капитала
Rentabel’nost’ kapitala
L.t.: profitability of the capital

135. Condemnation of equipment

The seizure of a property by a public authority for a public purpose. Condemnation often occurs when a
taxpayer owns property or real estate in a place that has been designated for public use or construction.
Condemnation is exercised by public authorities through the power of eminent domain (Investopedia).

1. Pure DT
Перевод оборудования в категорию непригодного (UNTERM)
Perevod oborudovanija v kategoriju neprigodnogo
L.t.: a shift of equipment into the category of unserviceable
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used, mostly in the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque
Cписание оборудования (UNTERM)
Spisanie oborudovanija
L.t.: Write-off of equipment
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Если в досрочном списании оборудования нет умысла ухода от налога, ни о каком восстановлен
ии НДС не должно быть и речи, подхватывает руководитель экспертного совета «Деловой Росси
и» Антон Данилов-Данильян, умысел же налоговики должны доказать в суде (Александр Клубов.
«В разгар» модернизации Минфин решил обложить налогами новое оборудование // Новый
регион 2, 2010.08.24).
Cписание оборудования
Spisanie oborudovanija
L.t.: Write-off of equipment

136. Term of office

The term during which some position is held (Farlex).

1. Calque and DT
Cрок пребывания в должности (IFC)
Srok prebivanija v dolzhnosti

L.t.: the term of being in charge (keeping a post)
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 8 doc., N.c.: 11 doc.
Профессиональная специфика диктует и свои сроки пребывания в должности. (Наталья Дядик.
Загляни в себя (2002) // «Дело» (Самара), 2002.04.11)
L.t.: terms of being in charge

Чиновникам снизили срок пребывания в должности.Предельный возраст пребывания на

госслужбе сокращен с 65 до 60 лет. (Борис Клин. Депутаты отделили музеи от церкви //
Известия, 2010.11.18)
L.t.: the officials’ term of being in charge was reduced.

The limit age of being a public official (of being ain charge of a public service) was reduced from 65 to
60 years.
большую часть жизни он проработал в финансовых службах; считает, что чуть менее шести лет
– оптимальный срок пребывания в данной должности <…> (Александр дементьев. Кризис
повысил статус финансовых директоров // РБК Daily, 2010.07.06)
L.t.: an optimal term of keeping this post
срок службы L.t.: term of service
2. Calque + direct translation equivalent
Cрок полномочий (Lingvo Economics)
Srok polnomichij
L.t.: term of aurthority
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 88 doc., N.c.: 673 doc.
Срок полномочий переизбранного президента составит четыре года. (Антон Сычев. Владислав
Третьяк переизбран на пост президента ФХР // Известия, 2014.06.18)
3. Calque + direct translation equivalent
Срок службы (IFC)
Srok sluzhbi
L.t.: term of service
Ruscorpora: general meaning
в зависимости от срока службы и амортизации этого оборудования. (Елена Фирсова. Позывной -
«04» // Комсомольская правда, 2011.04.01)
L.t. maintenance and service term of equipment

Этот конкретный самолет имеет солидный срок службы (Игорь Кравченко («КП» -
Петропавловск-Камчатский») На Камчатке пришлось аварийно сажать самолет с треснувшим
стеклом // Комсомольская правда, 2011.03.02).
L.t.: the term of service of a plane

Не планируется ли в ближайшее время увеличить срок службы или продлить призывной возраст
? (Елена Федяшева. «В горячие точки попадут только контрактники» // Комсомольская правда,
L.t.: to increase the term of (military) service and to prolong the call-up age
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque + direct translation equivalent
Cрок полномочий
Srok polnomichij
L.t.: term of aurthority

137. Family meeting
a formal meeting of not less than five relatives or next friends of a minor or other person held by official
appointment under civil law to consider and give advice in his interest (Merriam-Webster).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Неформальное собрание семейной компании (IFC)
Neformal’noe sobranie semejnoj kompanii
L.t.: family meeting, an informal meeting of the family company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque
Семейное собрание (IFC)
Semejnoe sobranie
L.t.: family meeting
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 5 doc.
Три поколения коллекционеров, одинаково страстно увлеченных искусством и одинаково целеус
тремленно формировавших семейное собрание. (Юлия Изюмова. Офорты Рембрандта на
выставке в ГМИИ им. Пушкина // РБК Дейли, 2012.10.10)
Семейное собрание
Semejnoe sobranie
L.t.: family meeting

138. Implementing agency

To implement: to fulfill; perform; carry out:
Once in office, he failed to implement his campaign promises (Dictionary.com).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Организация, осуществляющая проект (UNTERM)
Organizatzija, osushhestvljaushhaja proekt
L.t.: an organization fulfilling the project
N.c.: 1 match (not full)
В нарушение постановления Правительства Российской Федерации от 24 июля 2001 года № 552
«О мерах государственной поддержки организаций угольной промышленности,
осуществляющих реализацию инвестиционных
проектов» Минэнерго России не контролировало целевое использование кредитов. (Друзья
Амана. Особенности сибирского бизнеса // Новый регион 2, 2007.02.21)
L.t.: “On the measures for the support of the organizations of coal industry fulfilling the realization of
investment projects”.
2. Calque
Учреждение-исполнитель (Academic)
L.t.: an enterprise-performer
Ruscorpora: 0 doc.
3. Calque
Организация-исполнитель (Academic)
L.t.: an organization-performer

Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
В дополнении к этому в качестве приложений к информационно-
справочному руководству включен ряд важнейших международных документов по экотуризму,
переведенных на русскийи казахский языки организацией-исполнителем проекта
(неизвестный. Руководство по развитию экологического туризма в Казахстане (2013)).
L.t.: an organization-performer

139. Non-Competition
Запрет участнику договора вести по окончании договора деятельность, могущую навредить другому
участнику договора (Academic).
The prohibition for the partner of the contract to perform the activity, which may cause harm to another partner
of the contract once the contract is terminated (Academic. Translation from Russian).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Отказ от конкуренции с компанией (IFC)
Otkaz ot konkurencii s kompaniej
L.t.: the refusal from the competition with a company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Direct equivalent
Запрет конкуренции (Academic)
Zapret konkurencii
L.t.: prohibition of competition
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: widely used
“Запрет конкуренции в отношении работника, хотя и встречается часто, тем не менее, не может
быть наложен автоматически и требует тщательной подготовки” (Zapret konkurencii — kak jeto
dolzhno vygljadet' na praktike, 2014).
Запрет конкуренции
Zapret konkurencii
L.t.: prohibition of competition

140. Qualified majority voting

See supermajority (calque, non-figurative form)
Qualified majority voting is one of the two main methods of voting in the Council of the EU, and also other
EU institutions which have one representative for each Member State: e.g. the Board of Supervisors of the
European Banking Authority. The alternative to qualified majority voting is simple majority voting, with one
vote per member state (Kaetzler & Richter 2015).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Голосование по принципу квалифицированного большинства (IFC)
Golosovanie po principu kvalificirovannogo bol’shinstva
L.t.: the voting under the principle of qualified majority

Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Чтобы увеличить оперативность работы европейских институтов, в
Лиссабонском договоре есть ещё один пункт — голосование по принципу квалифицированного
большинства. (Петрушов Игорь. Соединенные штаты Европы // Труд-7, 2009.12.01)

Изменения касаются новой системы голосования по принципу квалифицированного

большинства. (Лиссабонский договор, или Договор о реформе. Справка // РИА Новости,
L.t.: the voting under the principle of qualified majority
2. Calque
Голосование квалифицированного большинства (Ruscorpora)
Golosovanije kvalificirovannogo bol’shinstva
L.t.: the voting of qualified majority
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc. (not full matches)
Устав и Программа Партии могут быть изменены или дополнены решением ее Съезда при
условии голосования за данное решение квалифицированного большинства (не менее двух
третей от состава делегатов Съезда) (УСТАВ // Труд-7, 2001.12.28).
Вводится новая система голосования – так называемого квалифицированного большинства.
(Ксения Самойлова. Лиссабонский договор вступил в силу // Новый регион 2, 2009.12.01)
L.t.: voting for the decision by the qualified majority (not less than two thirds of the Congress delegates)
Голосование квалифицированного большинства
Golosovanije kvalificirovannogo bol’shinstva
L.t.: the voting of qualified majority

141. Human resource standards

The HR Council's HR Management Standards are designed to support board members, managers and
employees in the development and implementation of effective HR policies and practices for nonprofit
organizations (Hrcouncil.ca).

Pure DT
Стандарты работы с персоналом
Standarty raboty s personalom
L.t.: the standards of work with personnel
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: widely used
“Во-первых, придется следить, как сотрудники региональных HR-служб соблюдают общие стандарты
работы с персоналом и корпоративные правила, не проявляют ли самодеятельности там, где не нужно”
(Pogodina, 2015).

Abbreviation and calque: HR-cтандарты

Стоит отметить, что британские национальные HR-стандарты не только составлены очень подробно,
но и имеют под собой серьезную научную базу (Oparina, 2011).

142. E-staffing help desk
Help desk
A group of people who provide help and information usually for electronic or computer problems —usually
singular (Merriam-Webster learner’s dictionary). Staffing the practice of employing or hiring employees

Additional or irrelevant components

Группа по оказанию помощи в вопросах электронной кадровой системы (UNTERM)
Gruppa po okazaniu pomoshhi v voprosah elektronnoj kadrovoj sistemy
L.t.: the group on the aid rendering under the issues of the electronic staffing system
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not often used both in English and Russian
Help desk: служба технической поддержки (Lingvo) (sluzhba tehnicheskoj podderxhki, L.t.: a service of the
technical support).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Pure DT (on the basis of the direct equivalent)
Служба технической поддержки по вопросам электронной кадровой системы
Sluzhba tehnicheskoj podderzhki po voprosam elektronnoj kadrovoj sistemy
L.t.: service of the technical support for the issues of the electronic staffing system

143. Unquantifiable risks

The inability of investors to calculate how much risk they are taking with impact investment due it being
relatively new territory (Hudson, 2014).

Calque and DT
Риски, неподдающиеся количественному измерению (IFC)
Riski, nepoddaushhiesja kolichestvennomu izmereniju
L.t.: risks not liable to the quantitative measurement
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

The use of another equivalent:

Calque and DT
Риск, неподдающийся количественной оценке
Riski, nepoddaushhiesja kolichestvennoj ocenke
L.t.: risk not liable to the quantitative measurement
<…> риск, не поддающийся количественной оценке, характеризуется тем, что, несмотря на наличие
информации о возможных воздействиях или последствиях, отсутствует достоверная информация о
связях между причинами возникновения рисков и наступлением неблагоприятных последствий <…>
(Girjaeva, 2012).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)
Риск, неподдающийся количественной оценке
Riski, nepoddaushhiesja kolichestvennoj ocenke
L.t.: risk not liable to the quantitative measurement

144. Representations and warranties
Indemnifications and covenants written into the purchase and sell agreement that provide important factual
information necessary to protect a buyer from incidents in the future (InvestorWords).

1. Calque and DT
Заверения и гарантии сторон (IFC)
Zaverenija i garantii storon
L.t.: assurance and guarantees of the parties
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque
Заверения и гарантии (Ruscorpora)
Zaverenija i garantii
L.t.: assurance and guarantees
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
«В любом случае польской компании еще придется доказать, что реальная ситуация в Mazeikiu
Nafta тем или иным образом не соответствовала предоставленным Yukos
заверениям и гарантиям (Галина Старинская. Вспомнили былое // РБК Daily, 2009.07.16).
Заверения и гарантии
Zaverenija i garantii
L.t.: assurance and guarantees

145. Vision and direction


Сalque and DT
Видение и направление развития (IFC)
Videnie i napravlenie razvitija
L.t.: vision and direction of the development
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the possible use:
N.c.: 2 doc.
Вчера «Норильский никель» провел День инвестора в Лондоне, где представил свое видение
направлений развития до 2025 года (Галина Камнева, Даниил Шабашов. Медью прирастать будем //
РБК Daily, 2010.05.19).
L.t.: vision of directions of development

The Internet: widely used

“Если видение и направление развития являются убедительными и мотивирующими и руководители
хорошо работают над тем, чтобы это поняли и служащие и потребители, то жизнеспособность
организации и её успех обеспечены” (Blanshar, 2010).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

146. Contracts Management Officer
Under the direct supervision of the Director, Division of Administration, the incumbent will be responsible to:

GENERAL: Ensure that the Contracts Management Unit maintains complete and accurate electronic and hard
copy records to ensure proper accountability. Develop and implement systems for sound internal control that
would ensure compliance with contractual terms and conditions, in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Define the roles and responsibilities of the Unit’s staff and establish their performance indicators. Manage and
supervise team building and career development of the Unit’s staff. Perform other related work as may be
required by the Director, Division of Administration (United Nations Careers).

Additional or irrelevant components

Сотрудник по контролю за использованием контрактов (UNTERM)
Sotrudnik po kontrolu za ispol’zovaniem kontraktov
L.t.: an official on the control of contract use

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

The use on the Internet:

= Contract Manager

Calque and DT
Руководитель отдела контрактов
Rukovoditel’ otdela kontraktov
L.t.: Manager of the department of contracts
The Internet: often used
“Руководитель отдела контрактов отвечает за назначение работников, которые обрабатывают запрос”
(Griffit, Stivenson & Uotson, 2006).

Direct equivalent:
Менеджер по контрактам
Menedzher po kontratam
L.t.: contract manager
The Internet: often used
“Для работы в проекте реконструкции московских кинотеатров компания ADG group ищет менеджера
по контрактам (Contract manager)” (HeadHunter).

Direct equivalent:
Специалист по контрактам
Specialist po kontraktam
L.t.: an expert on the contracts
“Вакансия Специалист по контрактам в компании Kelly Services, зарплата по договоренности”
Специалист по контрактам
Specialist po kontraktam
L.t.: an expert on the contracts

147. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
Any method of resolving disputes other than by litigation. Abbreviated as ADR. Public courts may be asked
to review the validity of ADR methods, but they will rarely overturn ADR decisions and awards if the
disputing parties formed a valid contract to abide by them. Arbitration and mediation are the two major forms
of ADR (Cornell Law School).

1. Calque and DT
Альтернативные методы разрешения споров (IFC)
Al’ternativnye metody razreshenija sporov
L.t.: alternative methods of dispute resolution
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Жуйков В. М. Третейские суды: их роль в разрешении гражданско-правовых споров,
взаимоотношения с судами общей Юрисдикции/Альтернативные методы разрешения споров:
посредничество и арбитраж. (Производство по делам о признании и приведении в исполнение
решений иностранных судов и иностранных арбитражных решений (краткий комментарий к
главе 31 АПК) (2003) // «Арбитражный и гражданский процессы», 2003.05.26).
L.t.: alternative methods of dispute resolution

See the use:

Первое ― это использование альтернативных, несудебных, методов разрешения коммерческих
споров. (Вениамин Яковлев. По коммерческим делам // «Отечественные записки», 2003)
L.t.: the use of alternative, non-judicial methods of commercial dispute resolution.
2. Calque and DT
Альтернативные способы разрешения споров (Ruscorpora)
Al’ternativnye sposoby razreshenija sporov
L.t.: alternative ways of dispute resolution
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
Медиация -
это альтернативный способ разрешения споров, где судья не принимает определяющего
участия в выработке решения (Ярослав Николаев. Судьи в отставке станут судебными
медиаторами // РБК Дейли, 2012.04.04).
3. Calque and DT
Альтернативное решение конфликтной ситуации (без привлечения правоохранительных органов)
Al’ternativnoje reshenije konfliknoj situacii (a comment)
L.t.: alternative resolution of conflict situation (without law machinery involvement)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Calque
Альтернативное разрешение спора (Ruscorpora)
Al’ternativnoje razreshenije spora
L.t.: alternative resolution of a dispute
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc.
Для того, чтобы качество работы было высоким, в новый АПК введены институты предваритель
ного обеспечения будущего иска, предоставлены широкие возможности для использованияальте
рнативного разрешения спора и примирительные процедуры. (Всероссийская научно-
практическая конференция «АПК и ГПК 2002 года: сравнительный анализ и актуальные
проблемы правоприменения» (2003) // «Арбитражный и гражданский процессы», 2003.05.26).
Альтернативные способы разрешения споров

Al’ternativnie sposoby razresheniya sporov
L.t.: alternative ways of dispute resolution

148. Financial Management Information System

Financial Management Information Systems accumulate and analyze financial data in order to make good
financial management decisions in running the business. FMIS is the acronym for the term
“Financial Management Information Systems” ( IT knowledge portal)

1. Calque and DT
Информационная система управления финансовой деятельностью (UNTERM)
Informatcionnaja sistema upravlenija finansovoj dejatel’nostju
L.t.: information system of financial activity management
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
N.c.: 1 doc.(not a full match)
экономическая модель определяет основные параметры развития информационной системы
управления финансово-хозяйственной деятельностью предприятия (ИСУ ФХД) (А. А.
Якименко. Особенности совершенствования системы управления газотранспортным
предприятием (2004) // «Газовая промышленность», 2004.08.25).
L.t.: information system of financial and economic activity
2. Calque
Информационная система управления финансами (Ruscorpora)
Informacionnaja sistema upravlenija finansami
L.t.: information system of finance management
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc.
Настоящий метод реализован в составе программного обеспечения процедур текущего
планирования расходов бюджета при реализации проекта перевода Минфина Московской област
и наказначейское исполнение бюджета в рамках Информационной
системы управления финансами (ИСУФ), разработанной ЗАО ОВИОНТ, и успешно применяет
ся как в Московской области, так и приисполнении других бюджетов. (Программируемый
пошаговый метод распределения финансовых ресурсов с автовыравниванием (2004) //
«Информационные технологии», 2004.07.26)
Информационная система управления финансами
Informacionnaja sistema upravlenija finansami
L.t.: information system of finance management

149. Internal controls

Internal controls are methods put in place by a company to ensure the integrity of financial and accounting
information, meet operational and profitability targets, and transmit management policies throughout the
organization. Internal controls work best when they are applied to multiple divisions and deal with the
interactions between the various business departments. No two systems of internal controls are identical, but
many core philosophies regarding financial integrity and accounting practices have become standard
management practices (Investopedia).

1. Additional or irrelevant component

Формы и методы внутреннего контроля (IFC)
Formy i metody vnutrennego kontrolja

L.t.: the forms and methods of an internal control
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the use:
Многолетняя банковская практика показывает, что кроме факторов, характеризующих заемщика,
кредитный риск в значительной мере определяется тем, как организована в банке кредитная
работа, какие процедуры и методы внутреннего контроля реализуются при проведении
кредитных операций (В. Н. Жоваников. Менеджмент кредитных рисков: теоретические аспекты
и практические решения (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.05.19).
L.t.: procedures and methods of internal control
2. Calque and DT
Внутрифирменные средства контроля (Lingvo Economics; Academic)
Vnutrifirmennyje sredstva kontrolja
L.t.: inside-the-firm means of control
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Система внутрифирменных программ контроля (Ruscorpora)
Systema vnutrifirmennyh programm kontrolja
L.t.: the system of inside-the-firm programme of control
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Кроме того, сказал Иванов, на комиссии также обсуждались современные тенденции
распространения ОМУ и связанные с этим риски для безопасности и обороноспособности
России, а такжесоздание с учетом внешнеэкономической деятельности системы внутрифирменн
ых программ контроля при экспортной деятельности (Россия выпустит 'Белую книгу',
разъясняющую политику в сфере экспортного контроля // Известия, 2005.10.31).
Методы внутреннего контроля
Metody vnutrennego kontrolja
L.t.: methods of an internal control

150. Major equipment review

In the context of the reimbursement of COE, periodic (triennial) review of major equipment rates to reflect
changes in costs and prices (UNTERM Organization).

Additional or irrelevant components

Углубленный обзор основного имущества (UNTERM)
Uglublennyj obzor osnovnogo imushhestva
L.t.: Profound review of major equipment
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the use:
Будут проводиться обзоры и тесты всех типов оборудования, участвующих в процессе звукозаписи
(«Новый бит» 2003 (2003)).
L.t.: review and tests of all the types of equipment

The Internet: not used except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

Основной осмотр оборудования
Osnovnoj osmotr oborudovanije

L.t.: major review of equipment
The Internet: quite often used
“Ежегодный Основной Осмотр Оборудования Детской Игровой Площадки <…>” (Metodika provedenija
inventarizacii oborudovanija detskih igrovyh i sportivnyh ploshhadok).


Основной осмотр оборудования
Osnovnoj osmotr oborudovanije
L.t.: major review of equipment

151. Management Policy Office

Supported the Under-Secretary-General and the Assistant Secretaries-General in providing integrated policy
analysis and advice on all management issues, including assuring that policies in the financial, human
resources, technology and common services areas were addressed. Facilitated an integrated approach to the
Secretary-General's proposals for increasing productivity, efficiency and cost-effectiveness throughout the
Organization. Introduced best practices in management functions at all levels to enhance the Organization's
capacity to monitor and evaluate management performance.
Along with the Oversight Support Unit, superseded by the Office for Oversight and Internal Justice around the
year 2005, as a consequence of the reorganization of the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for
Management (UNTERM Organization).

Additional or irrelevant components

Управление по вопросам политики в области управления (UNTERM)
Upravlenie po voprosam politiki v oblasti upravlenija
L.t.: management on the issues of policy in the sphere of management
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used

The use on the Internet: Политика в области менеджмента

Politika v oblasti menedzhmenta
L.t.: the politics in the sphere of management
“Политика в области менеджмента качества Сибирского государственного университета путей
сообщения направлена на постоянное обеспечение своих потребителей услугами и продукцией в
соответствии с перспективными требованиями заказчиков” (Sibirskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet Putej
Отдел (управление) политики в области менеджмента
Otdel (upravlenije) politiki v oblasti menedzhmenta
L.t.: the department of policy in the sphere of management

152. Monitoring, Evaluation and Consulting Division

Office of Internal Oversight Services. | Result of the merger of the management consulting component of the
Audit and Management Consulting Division with the Central Monitoring and Inspection Unit and the Central
Evaluation Unit. MECD conducts in-depth evaluations that assist the intergovernmental bodies in assessing the
relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and impact of outputs and activities against the objectives of a programme
(UNTERM Organization).

Calque and DT
Отдел контроля, оценки и консультационных услуг (UNTERM)
Otdel kontrolja, ocenki i konsultacionnyh uslug
L.t.: a department of control, assessment and consulting services
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

Отдел контроля, оценки и консультирования
Otdel kontrolja, ocenki i konsultirovanija
L.t.: a department of control, assessment and consulting
Отдел контроля, оценки и консультирования
Otdel kontrolja, ocenki i konsultirovanija
L.t.: a department of control, assessment and consulting

153. Project monitoring and evaluation system

As with many things in international development, the precise definition of an M&E system varies between
different organisations. In most cases an M&E system refers to all the indicators, tools and processes that you
will use to measure if a program has been implemented according to the plan (monitoring) and is having the
desired result (evaluation) (Tools4dev).

Additional or irrelevant components

Cистема контроля за выполнением проектов и их оценки (UNTERM)
Sistema kontrolja za vypolnenyjem proektov i ih ocenki
L.t.: the system of the control under the fulfillment of the projects and their evaluation
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See the possible use:
В обязанности специалиста по компенсациям и льготам входят разработка и внедрение
конкурентоспособных систем оплаты труда, программ по предоставлению льгот сотрудникам
компании, проведение обзоров рыночного уровня компенсаций, контроль над проектами по оценке
работы сотрудников (Ольга Радько. Эксперты составили рейтинг самых дефицитных профессий
России // Новый регион 2, 2010.09.16).
L.t.: control under the projects on the evaluation of empolyees’ work

The Internet: not used

Separate use: Calque
система контроля проектов
Sistema kontrolja projektov
L.t.: system of the control of projects
Система оценки проектов
Sistema ocenky projektov
L.t.: system of the evaluation of projects
“Система контроля проектов несовершенна, в результате чего застройщики для удешевления покупают
заниженные сейсмические баллы” (Labykin, 2014).

В Российской Федерации также была создана система оценки проектов электронного правительства
<…> (Petrova, 2013).

Система контроля и оценки проектов
Sistema kontrolja i ocenky projektov
L.t.: system of the control and assessment of projects

154. Retention-of-title right

Legal rule that sold and delivered merchandise remains the property of the seller until the buyer pays the
purchase price in full (Business Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT
Право на удержание правового титула (UNCITRAL-1)
Pravo na uderzhanie pravovogo titula
L.t.: the right to the retention of the right title
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
“Эквивалентность права на удержание правового титула и права по финансовой аренде
приобретательскому обеспечительному праву” (UNCITRAL-1)
2. Retention-of-title
Calque and DT
retention-of-title Сохранение правового титула (Lingvo Economics)
Sohranenije pravovogo titula
L.t.: reservation of the right title
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The complete term:
Calque and DT
Право на сохранение правового титула
Pravo na sohranenije pravovogo titula
L.t.: the right for the reservation of the title
The Internet: rarely used, mostly in the dictionaries
“<...> интеллектуальной собственности, может включать обусловленную выдачу
исключительной лицензии), право на сохранение правового титула, право на финансовую аренду
или аналогичную сделку <...>” (Linguee).
Право на сохранение правового титула
Pravo na sohranenije pravovogo titula
L.t.: the right for the reservation of the title

155. Hostile action/forced abandonment factor/abandonment factor (figurative meaning)

Hostile action/forced abandonment factor means a factor applied to each category of self-sustainment rates
and to the spares element (or half of the estimated maintenance rate) of the wet lease rate to compensate the
troop/police contributor for loss and damage (Glosbe).

1. Additional or irrelevant components (figurative meaning)
Kоэффициент учета враждебных действий или (вынужденного) оставления (имущества)
Koefficient uchyota vrazhdebnyh dejstvyj ili (vynuzhdennogo) ostavlenija (imushhestva)
L.t.: a coefficient of accounting of hostile actions or (a forced) abandonment of (a property)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque
Фактор враждебного действия/ вынужденного оставления (UNTERM)
Faktor vrazhdebnogo dejstvija/vynuzhdennogo ostavlenija
L.t.: a factor of a hostile action/forced abandonment
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
фактор враждебного действия/ вынужденного оставления
Faktor vrazhdebnogo dejstvija/vynuzhdennogo ostavlenija
L.t.: a factor of a hostile action/forced abandonment

156. Risk tolerance (figurative meaning)

An investor's ability to handle declines in the value of his/her portfolio (InvestorWords).
An investor's ability or willingness to accept declines in the prices of investments while waiting for them to
increase in value. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Financial and business terms. 2012 (Academic).

1. Calque and DT
Уровень терпимости к риску (figurative meaning) (IFC)
Uroven’ terpimosti k risku
L.t.: the level of tolerance/patience towards a risk
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Устойчивость к (возможным) рискам (Ruscorpora)
Ustojchivost´ k (vozmozhnym) riskam
L.t.: resistance towards (possible) risks
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc. Опубликованные данные подтверждают тезис о перераспределении
баланса между ключевыми экономическими центрами, которое, по мнению экспертов, повысит
устойчивость мировой экономики к возможным рискам (Европа выходит на первое место //
РБК Daily, 2007.03.15).
L.t.: resistance of global economics towards possible risks.
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Степень устойчивости и защищённости от рисков (Ruscorpora)
Stepen’ ustojchivosti i zashhischennosti ot riskov
L.t.: a degree of resistance against the risks
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc. «Считать приоритетом при реализации проекта БТС-2 не достижение
конкретных показателей его экономической эффективности, а повышение в результате
осуществления проекта степени устойчивости и защищенности от рисков внешней
энергетической политики России в Восточной и Центральной Европе», —говорится в докладе
главы Минпромэнерго (Труба раздора // РБК Daily, 2007.09.03).
L.t.: a degree of resistance and immunity to risks
4. Additional or irrelevant components

Допустимый уровень совокупного риска (Ruscorpora)
Dopustimyj uroven’ sovokupnogo riska
L.t.: an acceptable level of a joint risk
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Согласно анкете, опубликованной на сайте регулятора, ЦБ интересует, предусмотрено ли
утверждение целевых показателей размеров совокупного риска, таких какпредельно допустимый
уровень совокупного риска, устойчивость к риску (в целом и (или) в разрезе отдельных видов
типичных банковских рисков, в том числекредитного, рыночного, операционного), закреплены
ли они в каком-либо документе, а также кто несет ответственность за управление оперриском
(ЦБ проведет опрос банков об управлении операционными рисками // РИА Новости, 2009.11.23).
5. Pure DT
Допустимый уровень риска (Ruscorpora)
Dopustimyj uroven’ riska
L.t.: an acceptable level of risk
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 2 doc.
Если вы не можете найти приемлемый уровень для стоп-
ордера, учитывая ваш допустимый уровень риска, то пропустите сделку (неизвестный.
Интервью с трейдером: Дон Генри // Forex Magazine, 2004).
6. Calque
Толерантность к рискам/риску (Lingvo Economics)
Tolerantnost’ k riskam/risku
L.t.: tolerance towards risks/risk
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
«Снижается социальный эффект схемы в случае снижения стоимости портфеля при
неблагоприятной конъюнктуре… Старшее поколение может быть максимально уязвимо к
инвестиционным рискам, а младшее может недополучать инвестиционный доход при высокой
толерантности к рискам», — говорится в документе (Альберт Кошкаров. Пенсии пойдут на
схемы // РБК Daily, 2010.03.04).
L.t.: high tolerance towards risks
7. Calque
Терпимость к риску ( Lingvo Economics)
Terpimost’ k risku
L.t.: tolerance towards risk
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Однако, по ее словам, такими облигациями вполне могут заинтересоваться крупные частные инв
есторы, у которых терпимость к риску больше (Игорь Пылаев, Сергей Лаврентьев, Екатерина
Белкина. Банк жилищного финансирования возрождает рынок ипотечной секьюритизации. // РБК
Daily, 2011.04.18).
Толерантность к рискам/риску
Tolerantnost’ k riskam/risku
L.t.: tolerance towards risks/risk

157. Security risk
If you describe someone as a security risk, you mean that they may be a threat to the safety of a country or
organization (Collins).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Риск недостаточного обеспечения безопасности (IFC)
Risk nedostatochnogo obespechenija bezopasnosti
L.t.: the risk of insufficient security provision
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches

See the use:

Первое, что приходит в голову, - явно недостаточная степень обеспечения безопасности в
аэропорту «Домодедово», пишет «Независимая газета». (Ольга Радько. Составляющие
терроризма в России укоренились на уровне общественного сознания // Новый регион 2,
L.t.: insufficient degree of security provision at the airport
Note: Правительство обязуется возмещать ФИФА и ее партнерам все финансовые потери в
случае инцидента, связанного с недостаточным обеспечением безопасности. (Тарасенко И.. «$1
миллиард на безопасность». Именно столько планирует потратить на охрану во время ЧМ-2014
Бразилия // Советский спорт, 2010.12.21)
L.t.: an incident connected to the insufficient security provision.
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Риск, связанный с нарушением техники безопасности (Lingvo)
Risk, svjazannyj s narushenijem tehniki bezopasnosti
L.t.: risk connected to the violation of security technics
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used, mostly in the dictionaries and glossaries

The Internet: Pure DT based on the definition is widely used: (лицо/ситуация), угрожающие
(Lico/situatzija), ugrozhajuschije bezopasnosti
L.t.: (a person/situation), threatening security
“Каждая критическая ситуация, угрожающая безопасности, требует единообразия действий
государственных институтов и слаженного взаимодействия должностных лиц, отвечающих за
конкретные аспекты обеспечения безопасности” (Fomin, 2014).
(лицо/ситуация), угрожающие безопасности
(Lico/situacija), ugrozhajushhije bezopasnosti
L.t.: (a person/situation), threatening security

158. Shareholding Policies

The process of setting the rules and mechanisms of shareholding.

Shareholding: the ownership of shares in a company (Farlex).

1. Calque and DT
Политика по участию в акционерном капитале (IFC)
Politika po uchastiu v akcionernom kapitale
L.t.: the policy on the participation in the shareholding capital

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online glossaries and dictionaries
2. Calque
Политика по владению акциями (IFC)
Politika po vladeniu akcijami
L.t.: the policy on the holding of shares
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online glossaries and dictionaries
Without a preposition: rarely, but used
Политика владения акциями
Politika vladenija aktzijami
L.t.: the policy of holding of shares
“286. Рекомендуется, чтобы политика владения акциями общества членами совета директоров
содержала запрет на использование директорами любых механизмов хеджирования,
нивелирующих мотивационный эффект от долгосрочного владения акциям” (CROFR).
Политика владения акциями
Politika vladenija akcijami
L.t.: the policy of holding of shares

159. Acquisition secured creditor

“Acquisition secured creditor” means a secured creditor that has an acquisition security right; (b) “Acquisition
security right” means a security right in a tangible asset, or in intellectual property or the rights of a licensee
under a license of intellectual property, which secures an obligation to pay any unpaid portion of the purchase
price of an asset, or other credit extended to enable the grantor to acquire rights in the asset to the extent that
the credit is used for that purpose (UNCITRAL-3, 2016)

Сalque and DT
Обеспеченный кредитор, финансирующий приобретение (UNCITRAL-1)
Obespechennij kreditor, finansirujushhij priobretenie
L.t.: a secured creditor financing an acquisition
The Internet: rarely used, mostly in the online dictionaries and glossaries
“ <…> "обеспеченный кредитор, финансирующий приобретение" означает обеспеченного кредитора,
обладающего приобретательским обеспечительным правом; <…>” (UNCITRAL-4, 2017).
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Обеспеченный кредитор, финансирующий приобретение
Obespechennij kreditor, finansirujushhij priobretenie
L.t.: a secured creditor financing an acquisition

160. Acquisition security right

“Acquisition security right” means a security right in a tangible asset, or in intellectual property or the rights of
a licensee under a license of intellectual property, which secures an obligation to pay any unpaid portion of the
purchase price of an asset, or other credit extended to enable the grantor to acquire rights in the asset to the
extent that the credit is used for that purpose (UNCITRAL-3, 2016).

Additional or irrelevant components
Право на получение поступлений по независимому обязательству (UNCITRAL-1)
Pravo na poluchenie postuplenij po nezavisimomu objazatel’stvu
L.t.: the right to get an inflow under an independent obligation
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for online glossaries and dictionaries

Сalque is often used

Приобретательское обеспечительное право
Priobretatel’skoje obespechitel’noje parvo
L.t.: acquisition security right
“ <…> "обеспеченный кредитор, финансирующий приобретение" означает обеспеченного
кредитора, обладающего приобретательским обеспечительным правом; <…>”
Приобретательское обеспечительное право
Priobretatel’skoje obespechitel’noje parvo
L.t.: acquisition security right

161. Value at risk (VAR)

Value at risk (VaR) is a statistical technique used to measure and quantify the level of financial risk within a
firm or investment portfolio over a specific time frame. This metric is most commonly used by investment and
commercial banks to determine the extent and occurrence ratio of potential losses in their institutional
portfolios. VaR calculations can be applied to specific positions or portfolios as a whole or to measure firm-
wide risk exposure.

Calque and DT
Стоимость (сумма активов), подверженная риску (IFC)
Stoimost’ (summa aktivov), podverzhennaja risku
L.t.: the cost (the sum of assets) exposed to risk
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 0 full matches

See the use:

по данным британских СМИ, банки RBS и Lloyds приблизились к договоренности с Минфином о
предоставлении госгарантий по их активам, подверженным риску резкого снижения стоимости.
(Андрей котов. Британские власти взяли метлу в руки // РБК Daily, 2009.02.26)
L.t.: public guarantees on the assets exposed to the risk of a drastic decrease of their cost.

The Internet: the term with the component “cтоимость” is often used
“Стоимость, подверженная риску (Value at Risk — VAR), соответствует максимальным потенциальным
убыткам банка по занимаемым позициям в течение определенного периода времени, размер которых
оценивается с заданным уровнем доверия” (Steiner, 2004).
Стоимость, подверженная риску
Stoimost’, podverzhennaja risku
L.t.: the cost exposed to risk

162. Cost-effective
Producing good results without costing a lot of money economical in terms of tangible benefits produced by
money spent <cost–effective measures to combat poverty> (Merriam-Webster).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Эффективный с точки зрения затрат (UNTERM)
Effectivnyj s tochki zrenija zatrat
L.t.: effective from the point of view of expenses
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
Менеджмент Harmony обещает, что новая компания будет более эффективна с точки зрения
затрат (Владислав Серегин. Harmony намерена поглотить Gold Fields // РБК Daily, 2004.10.19).
L.t.: effective from the point of view of expenses

<…>интернет-реклама является наиболее эффективной с точки зрения затрат («Посткризисный

мир — время цифровой рекламы» // РБК Daily, 2009.09.16).
2. Direct equivalents (general use)
Доходный, прибыльный, рентабельный (Lingvo Universal)
Dohodnyj, pribyl’nyj, rentabel’nyj
L.t.: lucrative, profitable, paying
Ruscorpora: General use
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Additional or irrelevant components
Эффективный с точки зрения затрат
Effectivnyj s tochki zrenija zatrat
L.t.: effective from the point of view of expenses

163. Mobility and Hardship Scheme

Established by the International Civil Service Commission in 1989. Approved by the General Assembly in its
resolution 44/198 as part of the package of measures emanating from the 1989 comprehensive review of
conditions of service of staff in the Professional and higher categories (UNTERM Organiation).

Calque and DT
Cистема надбавок за мобильность и работу в трудных условиях (UNTERM)
Sistema nadbavok za mobil´nost´ i rabotu v trudnyh uslovijah
L.t.: the system of bonus for mobility and work under hard conditions
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used
“А. Общие для обеих категорий сотрудников условия службы
1. Система надбавок за мобильность и работу в трудных условиях
1. признает, что сотрудники часто должны выполнять свои служебные обязанности в трудных
условиях и что вызванная служебной необходимостью мобильность может приводить к нарушению
привычного уклада жизни сотрудников; <…>” (UNESCO, 2012)
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Calque and DT (see above)

164. Non-post requirements
Financial support needs not related to posts.

Additional or irrelevant components

Потребности, не связанные с финансированием должностей (UNTERM)
Potrebnosti, ne svjazannyje s finansirovaniem dolzhnostei
L.t.: requirements not connected to the financing of posts
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

Сalque and DT is rarely, but used:

Потребности, не связанные с должностями
Potrebnosti, ne svyazannyje s dolzhnostyami
L.t.: requirements, not connected to posts
“Консультативный комитет запросил, но так и не получил подробную разбивку по каждой
статье расходов в категории «Потребности, не связанные с должностями».” ()
Потребности, не связанные с должностями
Potrebnosti, ne svjazannyje s dolzhnostjami
L.t.: requirements, not connected to posts

165. Programme support and development activities

United Nations Development Programme (UNTERM Organization).

Additional or irrelevant components

Оперативно-функциональное обслуживание и разработка программ (UNTERM)
Operativno-funkcional’noe obsluzhivanie i razrabotka programm
L.t.: efficient and functional service and programme development
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

Calque: мероприятия по поддержке и разработке программ

meroprijatija po podderzhke i razrabotke programm
L.t.: measures on the support and development of programmes
Calque is rarely used, the UN term can be considered unique in its form.
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Additional or irrelevant components (see above)

166. Programme support communication

Variant: project support communication (UNTERM Organization).

Additional or irrelevant components

Информационные средства содействия осуществлению программ (UNTERM)
Informacionnyje sredstva sodeistvija osushhestvleniyu programm
L.t.: information instruments of programme implementation assistance
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used
Exclusive UN equivalent

RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Additional or irrelevant components
Информационные средства содействия осуществлению программ
Informacionnyje sredstva sodeistvija osushhestvleniyu programm
L.t.: information instruments of programme implementation assistance

167. Dependency rate salaries

Net salaries determined for staff with a primary dependent (UNTERM Organiation).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Оклады по ставке для сотрудников, имеющих иждивенцев (UNTERM)
Oklady po stavke dlja sotrudnikov, imeushhih izhdivincev
L.t.: basic salary under the rate for the employees having dependents
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rare use
«Комиссия также рекомендует Генеральной Ассамблее следующее: <…> предусмотреть при
переводе на единую шкалу окладов сотрудников, получающих оклады по ставке для
сотрудников, имеющих иждивенцев, на том основании, что они имеют на иждивении ребенка,
выплату им про- межуточной надбавки в размере 6 процентов на такого находящегося на
иждивении ребенка <…> (UN General Assembly, 2015).
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Compare: Dependency rate
Экономика: ставка оклада для сотрудников, имеющих иждивенцев (Academic)
Stavka oklada dlja sotrudnikov, imejushhih izhdivencev
L.t.: rate of a basic salary for employees having dependents
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Additional or irrelevant components
Оклады по ставке для сотрудников, имеющих иждивенцев
Oklady po stavke dlja sotrudnikov, imeushhih izhdivincev
L.t.: basic salary under the rate for the employees having dependents

168. Grantor
Eligible bestower of an easement, grant, or right, such as the one who establishes a trust and transfers his or
her property to it (Business Dictionary ).
Оne who gives something, especially ownership of a property (Macmillan).

1. Pure DT
Лицо, предоставляющее право (UNCITRAL-1)
Lico, predostavljaushhee pravo
L.t.: a person/entity granting a right
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the possible use:
Правда, в этом случае предоставить право
бесплатного проезда могут местные советы депутатов, если посчитают это необходимым
(Ольга Антипенко. Правительство решило: на уроки школьники будут ездить бесплатно, а в
кружки и к репетиторам – по талонам // Комсомольская правда, 2011.02.22).
L.t.: local boards of deputies can grant a right of a free passenger fare

В 2009 году Сбербанк по предложению «Яндекса» получил «золотую акцию» компании,

предоставляющую право блокировать продажу более чем 25% акций (Евгений Красников.
«Яндекс» предложил Грефу место в совете директоров // РБК Дейли, 2014.05.07) .

2. Additional or irrelevant components

Тот, кто передаёт или предоставляет право (Lingvo Economics)
Tot, kto peredajot ili predostavljaet pravo
L.t.: the one, who gives or offers the right
Ruscorpora: Undefined form of a term
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Тот, кто даёт разрешение (Lingvo Economics)
Тot, kto dajet razreshenije
L.t.: the one who gives the permission
Ruscorpora: Undefined form of a term
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Тот, кто предоставляет дотацию (Lingvo Economics)
Tot, kto predostavljaet dotaciju
L.t.: the one who gives the grant
Ruscorpora: Undefined form of a term
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Тот, кто предоставляет субсидию (Lingvo Economics)
Tot, kto predostavljaet subsidiju
L.t.: the one, who gives the subsidy
Ruscorpora: Undefined form of a term
(Лицо), предоставляющее право
(Lico), predostavljaushhee pravo
L.t.: (a person/entity) granting a right

169. Reportable condition

REPORTABLE CONDITION is a matter coming to the auditor's attention relating to SIGNIFICANT
DEFICIENCIES in the design or operation of the entity’s internal control that could ADVERSLY AFFECT an
entity's ability to fulfill future obligations with customers and/or the satisfaction of liabilities (VentureLine).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Ситуация, о которой необходимо сообщать (руководству) (IFC)
Situacija, o kotoroj neobhodimo soobshhat’ (rukovodstvu)
L.t.: a situation which should be reported (to management)
See the use: Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
M.c.: 1 doc. (general use)
О каждой аварийной ситуации необходимо сообщать начальнику цеха и не
допускать к работе до устранения неполадок (Инструкция по охране труда для аппаратчика
стерилизации консервов (1995-2003) // , 2002).
L.t.: Each emergency situation should be reported to the workshop chief
The Internet: not used, except for online glossaries and dictionaries.
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Обстоятельство, которое должно быть отражено в аудиторском заключении (отчёте аудитора)

Оbstojatel’stvo, kotoroeje dolzhno byt’ otrazheno v auditorskom zakljuchenii (otchyote auditora)
L.t.: a circumstance, which should be reflected in audit conclusion (report of an auditor)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for online glossaries and dictionaries
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Additional or irrelevant components
Обстоятельство, которое должно быть отражено в аудиторском заключении (отчёте аудитора)
Оbstojatel’stvo, kotoroeje dolzhno byt’ otrazheno v auditorskom zakljuchenii (otchyote auditora)
L.t.: a circumstance, which should be reflected in audit conclusion (report of an auditor)

170. Core Value Investors

“Core Value investors focus on buying companies at relatively low valuations on an absolute basis, in relation
to the market or its peers, or in comparison to an individual stock's historical levels. Ownership Glossary”
(Ownership Glossary)
“Core value investing involves buying the shares of companies with low stock valuations compared with
similar companies or the market as a whole” (Zacks Investment Research).
Core Values
“A principle that guides an organization's internal conduct as well as its relationship with the external world.
Core values are usually summarized in the mission statement or in a statement of core values”
(Business Dictionary).

Additional or Irrelevant Components

Инвесторы, которые вкладываются в крупные компании, ориентируясь на ключевые коэффициенты
компании (IFC)
Investory, kotorye vkladivautsja v krupnyje kompanii, orientiruyas’ na kluchevyje koefficienty kompanii
L.t.: the investors who invest into big companies being oriented by the core coefficients of the company
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
The Internet: rarely used, not reliable sources
See the use:
Он считает, что банк привлекает инвестора быстрыми темпами развития: в последние несколько лет
основные показатели банка растут приблизительно в два раза в год. (Alejnikova, 2008. Ruscorpora).
L.t.: a bank attracts an investor with its big development speed: within the several years the main indices of a
bank have been growing approximately two times a year.


Инвесторы, ориентирующиеся на ключевые коэффициенты (компании)
Investory, orientirujushhijesja na kluchevyje koefficienty;
L.t.: the investors, oriented at the core values (of a company).

171. Key item management reporting system

Project of the Management Policy Office scheduled to take place between 2002 and 2005; part of a
management reform initiative aimed to increase the scope and level of information available to programme
managers (UNTERM Organization).
Additional or irrelevant components
Cистема отчетности в области управления по основным направлениям деятельности (UNTERM)
Systema otchyotnosti v oblasti upravlenija po osnovnym napravleniajam deyatel’nosti

L.t.: the system of report in the field of mangement under the main courses of activity
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for online dictionaries and glossaries
Exclusive form of the UN term
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Additional or irrelevant components
Cистема отчетности в области управления по основным направлениям деятельности
Systema otchyotnosti v oblasti upravlenija po osnovnym napravleniajam deyatel’nosti
L.t.: the system of report in the field of mangement under the main courses of activity

172. Logical framework techniques; logframe

Logical framework (LogFrame) analysis
Management by objectives (MBO) applied to program or project design, monitoring, and evaluation. This
approach consists of four steps: (1) establishing objectives, (2) establishing cause-and-
effect relationships (causal linkages) among activities, inputs, outputs, and objectives, (3)
identifying assumptions underlying the causal linkages, and (4) identifying objectively-verifiable measures for
evaluating progress and success. It gets its name from the 4 x 4 matrix (frame) employed in its mapping:
the columns (which represent the levels of program or project objectives) are called vertical logic, and rows
(which represent measures for assessing progress) are called horizontal logic (Business Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT
Методы построения логических рамок (UNTERM)
Metody postroenija logicheskih ramok
L.t.: the methods of logistics framework development
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used
2. Direct loan (transcription )
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: actively used
Логфрейм маркетинговый инструмент будущего, с помощью которого можно быстро решить,
что, как и зачем поставлять заказчику. Термин лог-фрейм происходит от сокращенного названия
логико-структурной матрицы, которая помогает создавать комплексный маркетинговый продукт
(Trusov, 2007).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct loan (transcription )

173. Management reform

Management reform underpins all other reforms and, as Secretary-General Kofi Annan observed: “Failure to
carry through reform in any one of these areas can greatly reduce or nullify the value of reform in all the
The reforms aim to increase the UN’s capability to comply with its principles, objectives and mandates more
efficiently and effectively, while improving transparency, accountability, and integrity (Center for UN Reform

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Реформа государственного управления (UN-1)
Reforma gosudarstvennogo upravlenija
L.t.: the reform of public management

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 8 doc., N.c.: 5 doc.
Не следует рассчитывать на кардинальное изменение ситуации в результате планируемой
Кремлем и безусловно необходимой реформы государственного управления. (Государство и
олигархия (2003) // «Завтра», 2003.06.26)
L.t.: the reform of public management
2. Calque and DT
Реформа системы управления
Reforma systemy upravlenija
L.t.: the reform of management system
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
Реорганизация была проведена в рамках реформы системы управления главками, которую
регулятор объявил в августе (Александра Баязитова. Московское управление ЦБ сократило
топов с неоднозначной репутацией // Известия, 2014.01.29).
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Реформа в системе государственного управления (Ruscorpora)
Reforma systemy upravlenija
L.t.: the reform of management system
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 1 doc.
Проведение структурных реформ в системе государственного управления лесным хозяйством
обусловлено необходимостью создания конкурентоспособной рыночной средыв области
лесопользования и воспроизводства ресурсов (Методические основы оценки трудоемкости
выполнения государственных функций управления лесным хозяйством (2004) // «Лесное
хозяйство», 2004.02.17).
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Реформа (всей) системы государственного управления (Ruscorpora)
Reforma (vsej) sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravlenija
L.t.: a reform of the whole system of public management
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
Повышение качества и доступности услуг для населения Томской области осуществляется в
рамках реформы системы государственного управления (административнойреформы),
одобренной правительством в 2005 году (Томичи не будут предъявлять 75 видов документов при
получении услуг // – РИА Новости, 2012.07.03).

После становления России как независимого государства и реформы всей системы

государственного управления в области охраны окружающей среды встал вопрос о подготовке
издания Красной книги Российской Федерации на новой политической и административной
основе (Красная книга Российской Федерации. Справка // РИА Новости, 2009.01.19).
L.t.: a reform of the whole system of public management
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Реформа системы общего государственного управления (Ruscorpora)
Reforma sistemy obshhego gosudarstvennogo upravlenija
L.t.: a reform of the system of general public management.
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Сегодня центральными задачами является построение системы интенсивного воспроизводства
ВВП и коренная реформа системы общего государственного управления (Андрей Лубенский.
Эксперт: ошибки правительства загоняют Украину в «долговую яму» // Новый регион 2,
6. Calque

Реформа управления (Lingvo)
Reforma upravlenija
L.t.: reform of management
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 11 doc., N.c.: 40 doc.
Однако, видимо, реформа управления не должна стоять на месте (Леонид Злотин. Водяное
спокойствие // Известия, 2013.09.04).
Реформа управления
Reforma upravlenija
L.t.: reform of management

174. Disclaimer/Disclaimer clause (in contract)

Full Definition of DISCLAIMER
1a : a denial or disavowal of legal claim : relinquishment of or formal refusal to accept an interest or estate
b : a writing that embodies a legal disclaimer
2a : DENIAL, DISAVOWAL b : REPUDIATION (Merriam-Webster).

A disclaimer is a defensive measure, used generally with the purpose of protection from unwanted claims or
liability. A restaurant may disclaim responsibility for loss or damage to a customer's Personal Property, or a
disclaimer clause in a contract might set forth certain promises and deny all other promises or responsibilities.
A disclaimer of Warranty, which is provided for in the Uniform Commercial Code, limits a warranty in the
sale of goods. It may be general or specific in its terms (West's Encyclopedia of American Law).
1. Additional or irrelevant components
Статья договора, предусматривающая отказ от его условий (IFC)
Stat’ja dogovora, predusmatrivajushhaja otkaz ot ego uslovij
L.t.: a paragraph of an argreement stipulating the refusal from its conditions.
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Direct equivalent
Защитительная оговорка (IFC)
Zashh’ititel’naja ogovorka
L.t.: protective clause
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Disclaimer
Pure DT
Отказ от права (IFC)
Otkaz ot prava
L.t.: the denial of the right
Ruscorpora (general use): M.c.: 14 doc., N.c.: 24 doc.
Эти деньги он может заработать за отказ от прав на использование товарного знака Infiniti, под
которым с 2008 года выпускает принтеры и чернила для широкоформатной печати (Алексей
Захаров. Nissan не отстояла право на Infiniti // РБК Дейли, 2013.08.01).
4. Direct loan (transcription)
Дисклеймер (Ruscopora)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
«Также существует риск ответных мер российского правительства, которые могут привести к
аресту активов фонда», — отмечает Templeton Russia в дисклеймере о рисках (Иван Ткачев.
Фонд Мобиуса сократил долю России в портфеле на четверть // РБК Дейли, 2014.06.03).

RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct loan (transcription)

175. Policy “Comply or explain”

The “comply or explain” approach recognises that good governance cannot be constrained by ever-increasing
statutory regulations which tend towards a “one size fits all” solution.
The principle of “comply or explain” means that companies are accountable to shareholders who can exercise
sanctions rather than being accountable to a regulator such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
in the US (Financial Times Lexicon).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Политика соблюдения требований или представления веских причин несоблюдения (IFC)
Politika sobludenija trebovanij ili predstavlenija veskyh prichin nesobludenija
L.t.: the policy of the fulfillment of the requirements or the offer of the solid reasons of non-fulfillment

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
Принцип «соблюдай или объясняй» (Ruscorpora)
Prinzip “sobludaj ili ob"jasnjaj”
L.t.: the principle “obey or explain”
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
По его словам, эмитенты премиум-сегмента в Великобритании должны соблюдать кодекс
корпоративного управления в полном объеме (по принципу «соблюдай или объясняй») (Антон
Вержбицкий. ММВБ-РТС предложит листинг класса премиум // РБК Дейли, 2012.03.29).

The Internet:
К публичным компаниям традиционно предъявляются повышенные требования в части
раскрытия информации о любых отклонениях от стандартных правил – изменении компетенции
органов управления, порядка принятия решений и т.п., формулируемые в виде принципа
«соблюдай или объясняй» (comply or explain) (Alehnovich, 2012).
Принцип «соблюдай или объясняй»
Prinzip “sobludaj ili ob"jasnjaj”
L.t.: the principle “obey or explain”

176. Reserved matter

A subject upon which the National Assembly for Wales and the Scottish Parliament may not
legislate as set out in the legislation (Academic).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Вопрос, который следует предварительно утвердить акционерами, самой компанией,
либо иными вовлеченными лицами (IFC)
Vopros, kotorij sledujet predvaritel’no utverdit’ akcionerami, samoj kompanieyj, libo inymi
vovlechyonnymi licami
L.t.: an issue which should be previously confirmed by the shareholders, the company itself or other
persons/entities involved

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque
Финансы: Исключительные вопросы (Academic)
Finance: Iskluchitel’nyje voprosy
L.t.: Exceptional issues
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 0 doc.
Исключительный вопрос
Iskluchitel’nyj vopros
L.t.: Exceptional issue

177. Shareholder of record, stockholder of record, holder of record, owner of record

The stockholder whose name is registered on the books of the corporation as owning the shares at a particular
Shareholder, shareowner, stockholder - someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation (Farlex).

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Лицо, указанное в учетных записях в качестве зарегистрированного держателя ценных бумаг
эмитента (IFC)
Lico, ukazannoe v uchyotnih zapisjah v kachestve zaregistrirovannogo derzhatelja cennyh bumag
L.t.: a person/entity indicated in the record statements as a registered holder of the securities of the
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Экономика: владелец именной акции, зарегистрированный в реестре акционеров компании
Ekonomika: Vladelec imennoj akcii, zaregistrirovannyj v reestre akcionerov
L.t.: Economy: the owner of a nominal share, registered in a shareholder registry
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Direct translation equivalent
(Stockholder of record) Зарегистрированный акционер (Lingvo; Academic)
Zaregistrirovannyj akcioner
L.t.: registered shareholder
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc.
Однако через некоторое время, когда зарегистрированные акционеры, пересчитав друг
друга, поняли, что число голосующих акций у них на руках явно превышает 45%, счетная
комиссия подписалавторой протокол, в котором была указана новая цифра ― 48,6%.(Глеб
Столяров. Чужие среди своих (2002) // «Дело» (Самара), 2002.07.25).
4. Pure DT
Лицо, зарегистрированное в реестре акционеров
Зарегистрированное лицо в реестре (акционеров) (Ruscorpora)
Lico, zaregistrirovannoje v reestre akcionerov
Zaregistrirovannoje lico v reestre akcionerov
L.t.: a person/entity registered in a shareholder registry
A registered person/entity in a shareholder registry

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
Лицо, зарегистрированное в реестре акционеров Общества, обязано своевременно
информировать держателя реестра акционеров об изменении своих данных (Свирцова Раиса
специалист ОАО 'Газпром'. Как Оформить Права Собственности на Акции? // Труд-7,
5. Calque and DT
Акционер, зарегистрированный в реестре (акционеров) (Ruscorpora)
Akcioner, zaregistrirovannyj v reestre akcionerov
L.t.: a person/entity registered in a shareholder registry
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Право на участие в собрании получат акционеры, зарегистрированные в реестре
акционеров по состоянию на 12 ноября 2004 года (Итоговый выпуск (вечерний) – 16.11.04 18:32
– Екатеринбург // Новый регион 2, 2004.11.17).
6. Direct translation equivalent + calque
(Holder of record) Зарегистрированный владелец акции (Lingvo Economics; Academic)
Zaregistrirovannyj vladelec akcii
L.t.: a registered owner of a share
Ruscorpora: N.c: 3 matches (not full)
По состоянию на 13 мая 2002 года в реестре акционеров ОАО "Газпром" зарегистрированы
более 500 тысяч владельцев акций, проживающих в Российской Федерации и за рубежом, что
непозволяет пригласить всех акционеров для участия в собрании (Совет директоров ОАО
'ГАЗПРОМ'. Информационное Сообщение // Труд-7, 2002.05.28).
7. Direct equivalent + calque
Зарегистрированный держатель акции (Academic)
Zaregistrirovannyj derzhatel’ akcii
L.t.: a registered shareholder
Ruscorpora: 1 match (not full)
По словам г-
на Касенова, на собрании были зарегистрированы держатели 48% голосующих акций,
представитель государства регистрацию не прошел. (Андрей Жуков, Санкт-Петербург. Череда
собраний акционеров // РБК Daily, 2009.05.14)
8. Calque and DT
Зарегистрированный владелец именной акции (Academic)
Zaregistrirovannyj vladelec imennoj akcii
L.t.: a registered owner of a nominal share
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
9. Direct equivalent
(Owner of record) Зарегистрированный владелец (Lingvo Economics)
Zaregistrirorvannyj vladelec
L.t.: a registered owner
Ruscorpora: general meaning
10. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
(Owner of record) Собственник (Lingvo Economics)
L.t.: owner
Ruscorpora: general meaning
(Лицо), зарегистрированное в реестре акционеров
(Lico), zaregistrirovannoje v reestre akcionerov

L.t.: (a person/entity) registered in a shareholder registry

178. Treasury shares, treasury stock

US term for corporate stock reacquired by the issuing firm to (1) hold in its control to frustrate
a takeover attempt, (2) reissue it to the public at a later date for a better price, (3) cancel (retire) it to reduce
number of outstanding shares and thus increase earnings per share. When held by the issuing firm,
treasury stock accrues no dividend and has no voting power. It is recorded in the issuer's books at
its acquisition cost (called cost method) or at its par value (called par value method). In either case, retained
earnings equal to its acquisition cost are appropriated. In the issuer's balance sheet, it is shown as
a deduction in arriving at stockholders' equity, and is ignored when computing the ratios that measure value
per common stock (Business Dictionary).

See T-bills.

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Акции выпущенные, а затем выкупленные компанией-эмитентом (IFC)
Akcii vipushhennie, a zatem vykuplennie kompaniej-emitentom
L.t.: the shares issued and then bought out by the issuer company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Собственная акция компании, хранимая в её финансовом отделе (Lingvo Economics)
Sobstvennaja akcija kompanij, hranimaja v jejo finansovom otdele
L.t.: an own share of a company, being kept in a financial department
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Additional or irrelevant components
Свои же акции, приобретённые корпорацией-эмитентом (Lingvo Law)
Svoi zhe akcii, priobretjonnyje korporacijej-emitentom
Own shares, having been acquired by the issuer corporation
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Pure DT
Выкупленная у акционеров акция (Academic)
Vykuplennaja u akcionerov akcija
A share bought back from the shareholders
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Pure DT
Акция в собственности компании (Academic)
Akcija v sobstvennosti kompanii
A share in the ownership of a company
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
7,2% акций в собственности компании «Северсталь» (Человек президента // РБК Daily,
6. Calque
Казначейская ценная бумага (Lingvo Economics)
Kaznachejskaja cennaja bumaga
L.t.: treasury share
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 4 doc.
Казначейская ценная бумага
Kaznachekskaja cennaja bumaga

179. Unqualified opinion
Independent auditor's declaration that he or she has no reservation in certifying that the audited firm's financial
statements (1) adequately disclose material information, (2) present fairly its financial position, and (3)
show results of its operations in conformity with the provisions GAAP (Business Dictionary).

Auditor's opinion of a financial statement, given without any reservations. Such an opinion basically states that
the auditor feels the company followed all accounting rules appropriately and that the financial reports are an
accurate representation of the company's financial condition. Opposite of qualified opinion (InvestorWords).

1. Calque and DT
Мнение без оговорок (аудит) (IFC)
Mnenie bez ogovorok (audit)
L.t.: an opinion without reservations (audit)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: often used
“Аудиторское заключение содержит четко выраженное мнение в письменной форме о
финансовой отчетности. Мнение без оговорок (безусловно положительное мнение) выражается в
том случае, когда аудитор приходит к выводу, что финансовая отчетность представляет
достоверный и справедливый взгляд или представлена справедливо во всех существенных
аспектах, в соответствии с применяемой основой представления финансовой отчетности” (AS-
2. Pure DT
ауд. безусловно-положительное заключение аудитора (Academic)
Bezuslovno-polozhitel’noje zakljuchenije auditora
L.t.: unconditionally positive decision of an auditor
3. Pure DT (incomplete term)
положительное заключение аудитора (Ruscorpora)
polozhitel’noje zakljuchenije auditora
L.t.: positive decision of an auditor
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc.
Было принято к сведению положительное заключение аудитора (международной компании KP
MG) о достоверности отчетности «ЛУКОЙЛ-
Пермь», заслушан отчет и проведены выборы членовсовета директоров. (Годовое собрание
акционеров (2003) // «Нефтяник» (Пермь), 2003.05.27)
4. Pure DT
Безусловно положительное аудиторское заключение (Academic)
Bezuslovno polozhitel’noje auditorskoje zakljuchenije
L.t.: unconditionally positive auditor decision
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Pure DT (incomplete term)
Положительное аудиторское заключение (Academic)
Polozhitel’noje auditorskoje zakljuchenije
L.t.: positive auditor decision

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 5 doc.
По словам первого зампреда СМП Банка Александра Левковского, наличие положительного ауд
иторского заключения, подписанного авторитетной международной аудиторской компанией, яв
ляетсяобязательным условием для всех видов кредитных, корреспондентских и иных отношений
любых банков (Анастасия Алексеевских. Иностранный аудит для госкомпаний просят оставить //
Известия, 2014.03.13).
6. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
Неквалифицированное заключение (Academic)
Nekvalificirovannoje zakluchenije
L.t.: unqualified decision
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
В октябре 2009 года гендиректор «Севмаша» Николай Калистратов заявил: «Из-
за неквалифицированного заключения контрактов в 2004 году «Севмаш» до сих пор находится
в тяжеломэкономическом положении, и мы, безусловно, рады, что государство оказывает нам по
мощь в размере 4 млрд рублей» (Алексей Гриминчук. Танкеры потопят «Севмаш» // РБК Daily,
Мнение без оговорок (аудит)
Mnenie bez ogovorok (audit)
L.t.: an opinion without reservations (audit)

180. Qualified opinion

Independent auditor's opinion, (given as part of an audit report) stating: (1) the audit was restricted in scope
otherwise the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the firm, or (2) the audit was
unrestricted and for the entire accounting period but an unqualified opinion cannot be expressed because (a)
the account books and records do not completely reflect conditions that conform to the provisions of GAAP,
(a) there has been a material change (between accounting periods) in accounting policies or in the methods of
their application, (c) there are significant uncertainties regarding assumptions underlying the financial
statements, (d) the auditor was unable to conduct complete verification of the accuracy of the accounting
records due to certain omissions, (e) the auditor and the management were unable to reach a compromise
agreement regarding method of treatment or valuation of certain assets, and/or (f) the management was
unwilling or unable to correct certain unacceptable practices or situations (Business Dictionary).
A qualified opinion is a written statement by a certified public accountant in his or her audit report, stating
that the financial statements of a client are fairly presented, except for a specified issue (Accounting Tools

1. Calque and DT
Мнение с оговорками (аудит) (IFC)
Mnenije s ogovorkami (audit)
L.t.: an opinion with reservations (audit)
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Генеральный директор «Альт-
Аудит» Павел Серебряков заметил РБК daily, что недостоверность бухгалтерской отчетности в
приказах ЦБ не указана как основание для отзыва лицензий у Промбанка и
Векомбанка, а мнение с оговорками является «модифицированным», а не «положительным». (Ма
рина Максимова. АСВ составило список «комфортных» аудиторов // РБК Дейли, 2012.04.12)
2. Pure DT
ауд. условно-положительное заключение аудитора (Academic)
Uslovno-polozhitel’noje zakljuchenije auditora

L.t.: conditionally positive resolution of an auditor
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Pure DT
Условно положительное аудиторское заключение (Academic)
Uslovno polozhitel’noje auditorskoje zakljuchenije
L.t.: conditionally positive auditor resolution
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Pure DT
Аудиторское заключение с оговорками (Academic)
Auditorskoje zakljuchenije s ogovorkami
L.t.: positive auditor resolution with reservations
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
See the use:
По словам представителя комитета, юридическое управление ЗС в целом дало положительное
заключение на законопроект с некоторыми оговорками (Андрей Жуков, Санкт-Петербург. Сбой
в партнерстве // РБК Daily, 2008.03.25).
L.t.: positive resolution with some reservations
5. Additional or irrelevant components
Заключение аудитора на основании ограниченной аудиторской проверки (Academic)
Zakljuchenije auditora na osnovanii ogranichennoj auditorskoj proverki
L.t.: a resolution of an auditor based on a restricted auditor verification
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
6. Additional or irrelevant components
Квалифицированное заключение аудитора по отчетности компании (Academic)
Kvalificirovannoje zakljuchenije auditora po otchyotnosti kompanii
L.t.: a qualified resolution of an auditor about the account of a company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
7. Direct equivalent (general meaning)
Квалифицированное заключение (LingvoEconomics; Academic)
Kvalificirovannoje zakljuchenije
L.t.: a qualified decision
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
Для того чтобы давать квалифицированные заключения, нужны национальные
инфраструктуры, приборы, штаты специалистов, законодательная база (Ивойлова Ирина.
Нехорошая Квартира // Труд-7, 2002.11.29).
8. Calque (general meaning)
Квалифицированное мнение (LingvoEconomics; Academic)
Kvalificirovannoje mnenije
L.t.: a qualified opinion
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 2 doc.
В совет вошли представители общественных организаций, ученые, эксперты, способные
высказывать независимое квалифицированное мнение и отстаивать его (Комендант Татьяна.
ГДЕ ТУТ НАШИ, ГДЕ ЧУЖИЕ? // Труд-7, 2005.01.14).
Calque and DT
Мнение с оговорками (аудит)
Mnenie s ogovorkami (audit)
L.t.: an opinion with reservations (audit)

181. Support for technical services
An arrangement that reimburses United Nations agencies and United Nations regional commissions for a
portion of their costs in providing technical support services to UNDP programmes and projects, at various
stages of the programme or project cycle (UNTERM Organization).

Technical support
User-friendly assistance for individuals having technical problems with electronic devices. The technical
support team is composed of individuals that are familiar with the ins and outs of a device. With this
knowledge, they are able to troubleshoot most problems that a user experiences. Information on how to reach
technical support is usually provided with the packaged materials included with a device. Technical support
may be provided over the phone, through email, or with a live-chat interface (Business Dictionary).
Additional or irrelevant components
Оперативно-функциональное обслуживание технических услуг (UNTERM)
Operativno-funkcionalnoe obsluzhivanie tehnicheskih uslug
L.t.: an operational and functional service for technical attendance/service
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

Direct translation equivalent is often used

Техническая поддержка
Technical support
L.t.: Technical support
“<…>Разработка проекта, дизайн и программная разработка: ООО «Компания Сайтсофт».
Техническая поддержка: ООО "РН-Информ" <…>” (Rosneft Oil Company).
Техническая поддержка
Technical support
L.t.: Technical support

182. Family assembly

A Family Assembly is a formal forum where all family members can discuss business and family issues, and
how the latter are impacting on the former (Bernand, 2012).

Calque and DT
Формальное собрание семейной компании (IFC)
Formal’noe sobranie semejnoj kompanii
L.t.: the formal assembly of a family company
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used
Формальное собрание семейной компании
Formal’noe sobranie semejnoj kompanii
L.t.: the formal assembly of a family company

183. Frameworks and guidelines for Internal Controls

See Internal Controls

Additional or irrelevant components

Концептуальная основа и инструкции по внутреннему контролю (IFC)
Konceptual’naja osnova i instrukcii po vnutrennemu kontrolju
L.t.: a conceptual base and instructions on internal control
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
Рамки и направления внутреннего контроля
Ramki i napravlenija vnutrennego kontrolja
L.t.: Frameworks and guidelines of Internal Control

184. Group cost index; group index

In the context or reimbursement of COE4, index used to update the COE reimbursement rates for each group of
equipment categories. Each Member States would develop their indices relating to military equipment costs
and the indices from the various Member States would be averaged. The resulting average index would then be
applied to each category (UNTERM Organization).

Additional or irrelevant components

Индексация существующих ставок возмещения (UNTERM)
Indeksacija sushhestvuyushhih stavok vozmeshhenija
L.t.: an indexation of the existing rates of reimbursement
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

Calque is often used

Групповой индекс (цен)
Gruppovoj indeks (tzen)
L.t.: group (cost) index
“Групповой индекс цен учитывает динамику цены всех товаров в выборке, рассчитывается как сума
цен текущего периода в отношении к суме цен базисного периода” (Utmagazine).
Unique form of the UN term: Индексация существующих ставок возмещения (UNTERM).

Calque and DT
Индекс по категориям
Index po kategorijam
L.t.: Index under the categories
“Рабочая группа рекомендовала увеличить максимальную величину среднеквадратического
отклонения до 25 процентов, как указано в приложении I.А и II.C ее доклада, и включить ставки
расходов на основное имущество и самообеспечение в бюджеты операций по поддержанию мира на
2001/02 финансовый год с использованием индексов по категориям” (UN General Assembly, 2001).

Contingent Owned Equipment

Индекс по категориям
Indeks po kategorijam
L.t.: Index under the categories
Групповой индекс (цен)
Gruppovoj indeks (cen)
L.t.: group (cost) index

185. Enterprise Resource Planning

A process by which a company (often a manufacturer) manages and integrates the important parts of its
business. An ERP management information system integrates areas such as planning, purchasing, inventory,
sales, marketing, finance, human resources, etc. (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Планирование общеорганизационных ресурсов (UNTERM)
Planirovanie obshheorganizacionnyh resursov
L.t.: the planning of the existing general and organizational resources
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Cистема планирования и управления ресурсами предприятия (Academic)
Sistema planirovanija i upravlenija resursami predprijatija
L.t.: systems of planning and management of the enterprise resources
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque and DT
Cистема планирования ресурсов предприятия (Ruscorpora)
Systmema planirovanija resursov predprijatija
L.t.: the system of planning of enterprise resources
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
И мы вновь увидели возврат интереса как к ERP (enterprise resource planning system, система
планирования ресурсов предприятия), так и к CRM-
системам (customer relationship management, управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами) («Тех
нология Kinect может быть применена в бизнес-приложениях» // РБК Daily, 2010.12.07).
4. Calque
Планирование ресурсов предприятия (Academic)
Planirovanije resursov predprijatija
L.t.: the planning of enterprise resources
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Calque
Планирование корпоративных ресурсов (Academic)
Planirovanije korporativnyh resursov
L.t.: the planning of corporate resources
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
6. Direct equivalent
сокр. ERP упр., учет. планирование бизнес-ресурсов (Academic)
Planirovanije biznes-resursov
L.t.: the planning of business resources

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Cистема планирования ресурсов предприятия
Systmema planirovanija resursov predprijatija
L.t.: the system of planning of enterprise resources

186. Managerial support services

An administrative overhead fee to offset the costs of supporting projects funded through other resources
(UNTERM Organization).

Pure DT
Расходы по вспомогательному обслуживанию (UNTERM)
Rashody po vspomogatel’nomu obsluzhivaniju
L.t.: expenses under the support service
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used
The use of the preposition “на” instead of “по”:
“<…> некоторые учреждения системы Организации Объединенных Наций применяют 7-8-процентную
ставку возмещения расходов на вспомогательное обслуживание программ и одновременно с этим
применяют также другие меры… <…>” (UN Economic and Social Council, 2013)
Расходы на вспомогательное обслуживание
Rashody na vspomogatel’noje obsluzhivanije
L.t.: expenses on/for the support service

187. Self-sustainment standards

performance standards for self-sustainment
Include specifications regarding the capacity and/or capability of catering facilities, communications nets,
office equipment, electrical power generators, the level or type of minor engineering works, explosive
ordnance disposal (EOD), laundry and cleaning, tentage/rigid structure accommodation, medical support,
observation and surveillance, NBC protection, etc. Only when those standards are met is the troop
contributor eligible for reimbursement (UNTERM Organization).

Calque and DT
Нормы материально-технического самообеспечения (UNTERM)
Normy material’no-tehnicheskogo samoobespechenija
L.t.: the standards of the material and technical self-sustainment
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
The Internet: rarely used except for online glossaries and dictionaries

Ruscorpora: 4 doc.: Calque and DT (short form)
нормы материального обеспечения
L.t.: the standards of the material sustainment

1 doc.:
нормы материального и денежного обеспечения

L.t.: the standards of the material and funds sustainment
The Internet: calque is rarely, but used

Нормы самообеспечения
Normy samoobespecheniya
L.t.: the standards of self-sustainment

“Рабочая группа также рекомендовала включить нормы самообеспечения в бюджеты

операций по поддержанию мира на 2001/02 финансовый год с использованием индексов по
категориям, как указано в приложении II.C к ее докладу” (UN General Assembly, 2001).
Нормы самообеспечения
Normy samoobespechenija
L.t.: the standards of self-sustainment

188. Senior Executive Service

See Chief Executive Officer
The Senior Executive Service consists of federal employees who report directly to Presidential appointees.
These leaders are the link between the politics and administration of the US federal government (Roberts,

1. Additional or irrelevant components

Категория старших руководящих сотрудников (UNTERM)
Kategorija starshih rukovodjashhih sotrudnikov
L.t.: the category of senior executive officers
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely used, mostly in the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque and DT (a specific meaning)
Химическое оружие: Служба высших государственных служащих (SES) (Academic)
Slyzhba vysshih gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih
L.t.: chemical weapon the service of senior executive employees
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rare use including the management sphere:
“Служба высших государственных служащих является особой системой управления
чиновниками, которые занимают высшие государственные должности в центральном аппарате
правительственных ведомств” (Lobanov, 2004).

Calque is often used:

Группа высших должностных лиц
Gruppa vyshih dolzhnostnyh litz
L.t.: The group of senior executive officers
“Группа высших должностных лиц включает в себя четырех заместителей Генерального
директора (ЗГД) и четырех помощников Генерального директора (ПГД)” (WIPO).
Группа высших должностных лиц
Gruppa vysshih dolzhnostnyh lic

L.t.: The group of senior executive officers

189. Special Account for Travel Services

Special account of expenses for covering the costs of trips.

Additional or irrelevant components

Специальный счет расходов на обеспечение проезда (UNTERM)
Specialnyj schyot rashodov na obespechenie proezda
L.t.: a special expense account for travel support
Ruscopora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries

The use of another form:

Additional or irrelevant components
Специальный счет расходов по обслуживанию поездок
Spetzialnyi schet rashodov po obsluzhivaniju poezdok
L.t.: a special expense account for travel service
“Что касается использования услуг по организации поездок, предоставляемых внешними
подрядчиками в целях снижения расходов на операции по обслуживанию поездок, то Управление
централизованного вспомогательного обслуживания рассмотрит вопрос об экономической
целесообразности использования подобного механизма обслуживания в ходе пересмотра условий
контракта на обеспечение транспортных услуг” (Reverso Context).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Additional or irrelevant components
Специальный счет расходов по обслуживанию поездок
Specialnyj schyut rashodov po obsluzhivaniju poezdok
L.t.: a special expense account for travel service

190. Career development system

The Career Development System includes two workshops, one for individuals and one for managers: For
Individuals — Managing Your Career matches employee-motivated strengths with the needs of current and
future positions at Northwestern. This approach helps employees to develop ways of growing into a role,
instead of simply growing out of it. For Managers — Managing Development Planning is designed to help
managers better understand their employees’ career motivators and use that information in fostering
development. This workshop explores the premise that better professional development conversations lead to
more engaged and productive employees (Northwestern. Human Resources).

1. Calque and DT
Система организации и планирования карьеры (IFC)
Sistema organizacii i planirovanija kar’jery
L.t.: the system of career organization and planning
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used
2. Calque
Система карьерного роста (Academic)
Systema kar’jernogo rosta
L.t.: the system of a career growth
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: often used

“Система карьерного роста слабо проектируется в тех компаниях и подразделениях, где имеется
низкая вертикаль управления” (Cherepanov, 2014).
Система карьерного роста
Systema kar’jernogo rosta
L.t.: the system of a career growth

191. Competency assessment

Evaluating an employee’s performance based on pre-defined competencies and their behavioural indicators, in
turn is called competency based assessment (Management Study Guide).
Competency: an ability or skill (Merriam-Webster).
1. Calque and DT
Оценка профессиональных качеств (UN-1)
Ocenka professional’nyh kachestv
L.t.: the assessment of professional skills
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 11 doc., M.c.: 3 doc. "Система общественных оценок профессиональных
качеств выпускников вузов как претендентов на рынке труда"(Ирина Радова. Выпускника вуза
доведут до ума // Известия, 2006.07.18).
L.t.: the assessment of professional skills
Оценка твоих профессиональных качеств специалистами необходима (Михаил Калужский,
Юрий Козырев. Правда хорошего снимка // «Русский репортер», № 1 (1), 17-24 мая 2007, 2007).
L.t.: the assessment of your professional skills by specialists
See the use: <…>Майя Михайловна дала высокую оценку профессиональным качествам
вновь назначенного руководителя Большого балета Бориса Акимова) <…>(Бирюков Сергей.
L.t.: Maya Mihailovna gave a high assessment to the professional qualities (in the Russial language –
dative case) of manager appointed…
2. Direct equivalent
Деловая лексика: профессиональная аттестация (Academic)
Delovaja leksika: professional'naja attestacija
L.t.: business vocabulary: professional assessment
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 4 doc., N.c.: 8 doc.
Знание этой книги требуется при профессиональной аттестации во всех учреждениях и
организациях Туркмении (Топ-28 самых эксцентричных реформ Туркменбаши // РИА Новости,
Профессиональная аттестация
Professional'naja attestacija
L.t.: business vocabulary: professional assessment

192. Convertible bonds

A bond that can be converted into a predetermined amount of the company's equity at certain times during its
life, usually at the discretion of the bondholder (Investopedia).

1. Calque and DT
Облигации, конвертируемые в акции (IFC)
Obligacii, konvertirujemyje v akcii
L.t.: the securities converted into shares

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Сalque
Конвертируемые облигации (Ruscorpora)
Konvertirujemyje obligacii
L.t.: convertible bonds
M.c. 1 doc.
Акционеры НК «ЮКОС»: группа МЕНАТЕП (60,5%), фонд Veteran Petroleum (10%),
портфельные инвесторы (10,6%), под конвертируемые облигации UBS зарезервировано2,5% ак
ций, в АДР конвертировано 12,8%. (Татьяна Лысова. Михаил Ходорковский: «По цене я не
торговался» (2003) // «Восточно-Сибирская правда» (Иркутск), 2003.06.19)
L.t.: 2.5% of the shares were reserved for the converted securities UBS

See the use of the verb:

N.c.: 1 doc.
К концу 2012 года кредиторы Amtel смогут конвертировать облигации в акции (до 45%)
«Сибур — Русские шины» (Юлия Карулина. Сбербанк не дал добро // РБК Daily, 2009.02.27).
L.t.: By the end of 2012 the Amtel creditors will be able to convert the securities into shares (up to 45%)
Обеспечением конвертируемых облигаций выступают 2,37% акций нефтяной компании (Андрей
Успенский, Екатерина Голубкова. ЛУКОЙЛ идет в ТГК-8 // РБК Daily, 2008.01.18).
L.t.: 2,37% of the shares of the oil company perform the security of the converted shares
Конвертируемые облигации
Konvertirujemyje obligacii
L.t.: convertible bonds

193. Global Competitiveness

Global competition: The existence of competing organizations that serve
international customers. Access to global customers has increased through enhanced communications,
improved shipping channels, reduction of barriers, and centralized finance authorities (Business Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT
Конкурентоспособность на глобальном уровне (UN-1)
Konkurentosposobnost’ na global’nom urovne
L.t.: the competitiveness on the global level
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
В 2010-2012 годах ожидается достижение высокого уровня конкурентоспособности на
глобальном уровне, становление российского финансового рынка в качестве регионального
международного финансового центра, одного из ведущих центров на евроазиатском
пространстве. (Наум Захаров. Правительство России одобрило идею создания Международного
финансового центра // Новый регион 2, 2009.02.05)
L.t.: the competitiveness on the global level
2. Calque and DT
Конкурентоспособность на мировом уровне (Ruscorpora)
Konkurentosposobnost’ na mirovom urovne
L.t.: the competitiveness on the world level

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
«Такая мера лишена экономического смысла и ставит под угрозу устойчивость национальной
банковской системы, резко ограничивая ее конкурентоспособность на мировом уровне, —
утверждает г-н Аксаков (Игорь Пылаев. Анатолий Аксаков защищает банки // РБК Daily,
L.t.: the competitiveness on the world level
3. Calque and DT
Конкурентоспособность на мировом рынке/мировых рынках (Ruscorpora)
Konkurentosposobnost’ na mirovom rynke/mirovyh rynkah
L.t.: the competitiveness in the world market/world markets
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 12 doc., N.c.: 22 doc.
Надо взглянуть фактам в глаза —
наша конкурентоспособность на мировых рынках угля крайне ограничена, а конкуренция буд
ет только усиливаться (Правила меняются // Известия, 2014.06.25).
4. Calque and DT
Конкурентоспособность на глобальном рынке/мировых рынках(Ruscorpora)
Konkurentosposobnost’ na global’nom rynke/globalnyh rynkah
L.t.: the competitiveness in the global market/global markets
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
Топливная компания «ТВЭЛ» создана в целях достижения оптимальной структуры управления
предприятиями ядерно-топливного цикла, повышения эффективности их работы и
конкурентоспособности на глобальном рынке (ТВЭЛ реструктурирует предприятия в ЗАТО //
РИА Новости, 2010.12.16).
5. Calque
Глобальная конкурентоспособность (Ruscorpora)
Global’naja konkurentosposobnost’
L.t.: global competitiveness
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 28 doc.
В рейтинге глобальной конкурентоспособности Всемирного экономического форума Россия за
нимает 133-е место по эффективности государственных институтов среди 144 стран (Андрей
Котов. Россия недорого: Почему наш рынок акций самый недооцененный? // РБК Дейли,
6. Calque
Мировая конкурентоспособность
Mirovaja konkurentosposobnost’
L.t.: world competitiveness
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 3 doc.
Однако несмотря на эти существенные вливания французского государства в инновационную
сферу, позитивной отдачи с точки зрения общего роста мировой конкурентоспособности стран
ы внаучно-технологической сфере, по мнению аналитиков ОЭСР, почти не наблюдается (Тигран
Оганесян. Дефицит инновационных чемпионов // «Эксперт», 2014).


Глобальная конкурентоспособность
Global’naja konkurentosposobnost’
L.t.: global competitiveness

194. Budget and finance section
This section operates under the supervision of the Administrative Services Division of the Economic and
Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) (UNTERM Organization).

1. Calque and DT
Секция бюджетно-финансового обслуживания (UNTERM)
Sekcija byudzhetno-finansovogo obsluzhivanija
L.t.: the section of the budget and finance service
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque
Бюджетно-финансовая сфера (Ruscorpora)
Budzhetno-finansovaja sfera
L.t.: budget and financial sphere
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 4 doc.
Противоправные действия Гурвица привели к критическому состоянию жилищно-
коммунального хозяйства и бюджетно-финансовой сферы города. (Михаил Рябов. В Верховной
Раде зарегистрировано постановление об отставке мэра Одессы Гурвица // Новый регион 2,
L.t.: budget and finance sphere of the city
Преодоления прежде всего негативных последствий непоследовательно проводимых рыночных
реформ, разразившегося два с половиной года назад острейшего кризиса бюджетно-финансовой
системы. (Тарасов Георгий. КОГО НАЗЫВАЕТ ТАЙМЫР // Труд-7, 2001.01.26)
L.t.: the crisis of the budget and financial system
Бюджетно-финансовая сфера
Budzhetno-finansovaja sfera
L.t.: budget and financial sphere

195. Human Resources Network

Human Resources: The division of a company that is focused on activities relating to employees. These
activities normally include recruiting and hiring of new employees, orientation and training of current
employees, employee benefits, and retention (Business Dictionary).

Additional or irrelevant components

Сеть по вопросам людских ресурсов (UNTERM)
Set’ po voprosam lyudskih resursov
L.t.: the network on the issues of human resources
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: quite often used
“В докладе рекомендуется улучшить через Сеть по вопросам людских ресурсов
Секретариата Координационного совета руководителей (КСР) обмен информацией и сотрудничество
между службами по набору кадров организаций системы Организации Объединенных Наций в целях
более эффективного задействования в рамках всей системы бывших младших сотрудников категории
специалистов и младших экспертов.” (UNIDO, 2009).
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Additional or irrelevant components
Сеть по вопросам людских ресурсов
Set’ po voprosam lyudskih resursov

L.t.: the network on the issues of human resources

196. Risk appetite (figurative meaning)

The ISO 31000 risk management standard refers to risk appetite as the "Amount and type of risk that an
organization is prepared to pursue, retain or take". In a literal sense, defining your appetite means defining how
"hungry" you are for risk” (Protecht).
1. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Сумма риска, который компания желает принять (IFC)
Summa riska, kotorij kompanija zhelaet prinjat’
L.t.: a sum of a risk which company wishes to accept
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for online glossaries and dictionaries
2. Pure DT
Допустимый совокупный риск (Academic)
Dopustimyj sovokupnyj risk
L.t.: an acceptable joined risk
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Pure DT
Допустимый уровень совокупного риска (Ruscorpora)
Dopustimyj uroven’ sovokupnogo riska
L.t.: an acceptable level of a joined risk
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Согласно анкете, опубликованной на сайте регулятора, ЦБ интересует, предусмотрено ли
утверждение целевых показателей размеров совокупного риска, таких как предельно допустимы
й уровеньсовокупного риска, устойчивость к риску (в целом и (или) в разрезе отдельных видов
типичных банковских рисков, в том числе кредитного, рыночного, операционного), закреплены л
и они в каком-либо документе, а также кто несет ответственность за управление оперриском. (CB
provedet opros bankov ob upravlenii operacionnymi riskami, 2009. Ruscorpora)
4. Pure DT
Деловая лексика: Готовность к принятию риска (Academic)
Gotovnost’ k prinyatiju riska
L.t.: Business vocabulary: Readiness to accept the risk
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rare use
При внедрении дифференциации убытков (эффект владения) готовность к принятию риска в
различных условиях существенно изменилась. В условиях, когда решение принимается
относительно собственных средств, готовность к принятию риска еще теснее коррелирует
с определенностью исхода и бегством от неопределенности (Burakov, 2016).
5. Pure DT
Деловая лексика: Приемлемый для организации уровень риска (Academic)
Priemplemyj dlja organizacii uroven’ riska
L.t.: Business vocabulary: A level of risk acceptable for an organization
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
6. Pure DT
Приемлемый уровень риска (Ruscorpora)
Prijemplemyj uroven’ riska
L.t.: An acceptable/relevant level of risk

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 6 doc.
Мы определили для себя приемлемый уровень риска по кредитам и начинаем выдавать, следя
за тем, как ведет себя подушечка необходимой ликвидности (Ivanter, 2014. Ruscorpora).
7. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Деловая лексика: Готовность организации к принятию риска определенного уровня (Academic)
Gotovnost’ organizacii k prinyatiju riska opredeljonnogo urovnya
L.t.: Business vocabulary: readiness of an organization to accept the risk of a certain level
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: only online dictionaries
8. Pure DT
Деловая лексика: Ориентированность на риски (Academic)
Orientirovannost’ na riski
L.t.: Business vocabulary: orientation at risks
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
9. Pure DT (general use)
Деловая лексика: Готовность пойти на риск (Academic)
Gotovnost’ pojti na risk
L.t.: Business vocabulary: readiness to run the risk
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 match (not full)
По его мнению, назрела необходимость введения некоего теста, определяющего готовность
человека пойти на неоправданный риск (Тест для лихачей // РБК Daily, 2007.06.27).
10. Direct Equivalent (general use)
Деловая лексика: Готовность рисковать (Academic)
Gotovnost’ riskovat’
L.t.: Business vocabulary: readiness to risk
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 3 doc., N.c.: 8 doc.
Если идет нормальный политический диалог, то у бизнесменов обеих стран появляется уверенно
сть в завтрашнем дне и готовность рисковать своими капиталами (Samorodnij, 2008. Ruscorpora)
11. Additional or Irrelevant Components
Деловая лексика: Позиция в отношении рисков (Academic)
Pozicija v otnoshenii riskov
L.t.: Business vocabulary: A position towards risks
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
12. Pure DT
Деловая лексика: Параметры приемлемого риска (Academic)
Parametry priemlemogo riska
L.t.: Business vocabulary: parameters of an acceptable risk
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
13. Calque
Pure Calque: риск-аппетит (IFC)
Risk appetite
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc. «Увеличение просроченной задолженности
заставило многие банки пересмотреть свои подходы к риск-аппетиту (Kondrat'ev, 2011.
L.t.: approaches to risk-appetite
Приемлемый уровень риска
Prijemplemyj uroven’ riska
L.t.: An acceptable/relevant level of risk

197. Greenfield (figurative meaning)
Denoting or relating to previously undeveloped sites for commercial development or exploitation (English
Oxford Living Dictionaries).

1. Pure DT
Совершенно новая компания (создаваемая «с нуля») (IFC)
Sovershenno novaja kompanija (sozdavaemaja s nulja)
L.t.: an entirely new company (created from “zero”)
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. A comment
эк. (новое предприятие, создаваемое с нуля) (Academic)
(novoe predprijatije, sozdavajemoje s nulja)
L.t.: economics ( a new facility,being created from “zero”)
Ruscorpora: «С нуля» (from “zero”)
M.c.: 1 doc. coздание нового предприятия с нуля (sozdanije novogo predprijatija s nulya (the
creation of a new facility from zero)
Предприятия по выпуску биопрепаратов могут быть размещены в частично переоборудованном
действующем или простаивающем предприятии микробиологического синтеза, ориентированном
напроизводство микробной биомассы, что значительно экономичнее создания нового предприя
тия с нуля (Биологические технологии очистки земляных амбаров, загрязненных
углеводородами (2004) // «Газовая промышленность», 2004.11.17).
N.c.: 3 doc.
(Новое) предприятие, созданное с нуля (Novoe predprijatije , sozdannoje s nulja ((a new) facility
created from zero)
Это абсолютно новое предприятие, созданное с нуля, причем в течение одного года (Мамина
Юлия. ДЕНЬГИ - В БАНКИ // Труд-7, 2002.12.30).
N.c.: 2 doc. To build/to create a new facility from zero
Получается, что сегодня в лесной отрасли выгоднее и проще вести борьбу за передел собственно
сти, чем создавать новые предприятия с нуля (Евгения Гаврилюк. Продолжается война за
Архангельский ЦБК // РБК Daily, 2004.11.25).
3. Pure DT
Эк. Совершенно новое предприятие (Academic)
Sovershenno novoje predprijatije
L.t. a completely new facility
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 2 doc.
Специалисты рынка полагают, что причины, по которым совершенно новое предприятие оказа
лось первым в очереди на сокращение, могут крыться в сложностях финской компании
приорганизации логистических цепочек и прохождении комплектующих через российскую тамо
жню (Elcoteq попал под сокращение // РБК Daily, 2008.01.20).
4. Additional or irrelevant components
Деловая лексика: объект (предприятие), строящийся (создаваемый) на чистом месте заново
Ob’jekt (predprijatije), strojashhijsja (sozdavajemyj) na chistom meste zanovo
L.t.: an object (facilty), being built on a pure place from the beginning
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
5. Direct loan (Transcription)
«Гринфилд» (Academic)

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 14 doc.
«Есть предложение, чтобы сделать градацию по порогам инвестиций для гринфилдов в зависим
ости от отраслей», — говорит министр. (Елена Малышева. «Входной билет» в особую
экономическую зону Крыма может подешеветь // РБК Дейли, 2014.05.29)
Предлагаю установить нулевую ставку в федеральной части налога на прибыль в первые 10 лет
работы новых производств (так называемых гринфилдов) (Елена ЧИНКОВА. Владимир Путин:
Поменьше бюрократии – побольше работы! // Комсомольская правда, 2012.11.29).
6. Calque
«Зелёное поле» (Academic)
Zeljonoje pole
L.t.: green field
Ruscorpora: general meaning
RECOMMENDED TRANSLATION: Direct loan (Transcription)

198. Wet lease; wet lease arrangements; wet lease system (figurative meaning)
Форма лизинга, при которой лизингополучателю кроме собственно арендуемого имущества
предоставляется необходимое для работы сырье, предлагается персонал для выполнения необходимых
работ, оказываются услуги по эксплуатации арендуемого имущества и т. п.; термин применяется в
основном при лизинге воздушных и морских судов (Academic).
The form of leasing, under which the lessee receives (besides the property being rent) all the raw materials,
necessary for work, personnel for the performance of necessary work, uses the services of the maintenance of
the property being rent, etc.; the term is mostly used under the lease of air and sea crafts (translation from

1. Pure DT
Cистема аренды имущества с техническим обслуживанием (UNTERM; Academic)
Systema arendy imushhestva s tehnicheskim obsluzhivaniem
L.t.: the system of rent of propery with technical service
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the possible use:
Более того, до кризиса деловые комплексы строились и сдавались в аренду с подведенными
коммуникациями, с бетонными стенами, со стяжкой на полу (Время активных продаж
наступает на рынке коммерческой недвижимости // РИА Новости, 2009.04.27).
L.t.: to let on a lease with communications connected, with concrete walls…

Компания устанавливает оборудование, которое ей и принадлежит, а потребитель платит за его

аренду и обслуживание («Не хотелось бы, чтобы в России нас считали «жирными котами» //
РБК Daily, 2009.12.30).
L.t.: a client pays for its lease and service
2. Additional or irrelevant components
Экономика: аренда на условиях обслуживания арендованного имущества арендодателем
Arenda na uslovijah obsluzhivanija arendovannogo imushhestva
L.t.: lease under the conditions of a maintenance of a leasehold property
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque
эк. мокрый лизинг (Academic)
Mokryj lizing

L.t.: wet leasing
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 11 doc.
Все воздушные суда будут взяты в «мокрый» лизинг у РОСТО ДОСААФ. (Сергей Колобков.
«Почта России» обзавелась собственным флотом воздушных судов // РБК Дейли, 2012.12.06)
Aviation: Аренда воздушного судна с экипажем (Academic)
Arenda vozdushnogo sudna s ekipazhem
The lease of an aircraft with its crew
эк. мокрый лизинг
Mokryj lizing
L.t.: wet leasing

199. Shares lock-up (figurative meaning)

To lock up: “to invest your money in something, so that it is not available for you to spend” (Macmillan).

1. Pure DT (figurative meaning)/ Calque and DT

Временное блокирование совершения акционерами сделок с акциями (IFC)
Vremennoe blokirovanie sovershenija akcionerami sdelok s akcijami
L.t.: a temporary blocking of the fulfillment of the transactions with shares by shareholders
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Internet: practically not used
2. Calque +DT
Блокирование пакета акций (Ruscorpora)
Blokirovanie paketa aktziy
L.t.: Blocking of a package of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 3 doc.
<..> только блокированием 6-процентного пакета акций ЗАО БК «Перспектива» можно было
бы либо сорвать собрание <..>, либо утвердить собственные позиции, не допустив контрольный
пакет Чекменева к голосованию (Глеб Столяров. Чужие среди своих (2002) // «Дело» (Самара),
L.t.: blocking of 6 per cent package of shares
3. Calque
Блокирование акций (Ruscorpora)
Blokirovanie akcij
L.t.: Blocking of shares
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 5 doc.
Региональным отделениям партии «Единая Россия» во взаимодействии с аппаратом
полномочного представителя и органами государственной власти субъектов Российской
Федерации принять меры по информационному блокированию акций т.н. альтернативных
профсоюзов и других конструктивных сил в предвыборный период (Александр Родионов,
Святослав Булгарин. Одному из двух уволенных заместителей уральского полпреда нашли
замену // Новый регион 2, 2009.12.01).
L.t.: informational blocking of shares
4. Pure DT
Юридический термин: ограничение операций по акциям (Academic)
Ogranichenije operacij po akcijam
L.t.: law term: the restriction of operations with shares

Ruscorpora: 0 matches
Internet: nearly not used
Блокирование акций
Blokirovanie akcij
L.t.: Blocking of shares

200. Declare dividends

Declared dividend
A portion of a company's profits that have been decided to be paid out as dividends to the shareholders by the
board of directors. The declaration thereby creates a liability for the associated payments (InvestorWords).

1. Calque and DT
Объявить о выплате дивидендов (IFC)
Ob’javit’ o vyplate dividendov
L.t.: to declare the payment of dividends
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 2 doc., N.c.: 8 doc.( full matches)
Кроме того, акционеры приняли изменения и дополнения в устав банка, касающиеся
формирования его исполнительных органов, о праве банка принимать решение (объявлять) о
выплате дивидендов по размещенным акциям по квартальным итогам и установлении 5%-
го размера резервного фонда от уставного капитала банка, отмечается в сообщении (Банковские
новости (2003) // «Финансы и кредит», 2003.03.03).
С начала четвертого квартала 103 американские компании объявили о выплате специальных
дивидендов своим акционерам до конца этого года (Андрей Котов. Компании США хотят
быстрее выплатить дивиденды акционерам // РБК Дейли, 2012.11.29).
2. Declared dividend Calque
Объявленный дивиденд (Lingvo; Academic)
Ob’javlennyj dividend
L.t.: a declared dividend
Ruscopora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 10 doc.
Впрочем, и за их вычетом прибыль Evraz была бы значительно ниже объявленных дивидендов
(Анастасия Мишанина. Evraz выплатит дивиденды, несмотря на убытки // РБК Дейли,
Объявить о выплате дивидендов
Ob’javit’ o vyplate dividendov
L.t.: to declare the payment of dividends

201. Dividend risk

In options terminology, "dividend risk" refers to the chances of not collecting the dividend when you have
written a covered call.
If you own stock and want to collect the dividend, and if you also want to write covered calls that are slightly
in the money, then you may encounter dividend risk (Wofinger, 2009).

1. Calque and DT
Риск неполучения дивидендов (IFC)
Risk nepoluchenija dividendov

L.t.: the risk of non-receipt of dividends
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: rarely, but used
“Высокий инвестиционный риск неполучения дивидендов, связанный со сложностью контроля
движения финансовых ресурсов из-за непонятной системы трансфертного ценообразования.”
(PBC Management).
2. Calque and DT
Риск не получить дивиденд (Ruscorpora)
Risk ne poluchit’ dividend
L.t.: the risk not to receive a dividend
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Тем самым концерн страхует риски не получить дивидендов от создания «Атомпрома»
(Дмитрий Кудряшов. ТВЭЛ хочет в «ЭМАльянс» // РБК Daily, 2006.09.14).
Риск неполучения дивидендов
Risk nepoluchenija dividendov
L.t.: the risk of non-receipt of dividends

202. Fixed dividend

Dividend given each year for the same amount, regardless of financial performance (Money Glossary).
1. Calque and DT
Дивиденд с фиксированной ставкой (IFC)
Dividend s fiksirovannoj stavkoj
L.t.: a dividend with a fixed rate
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
The Internet: not used, except for the online dictionaries and glossaries
2. Calque and DT
Фиксированный размер дивиденда (Ruscorpora)
Fiksirovannyj razmer dividenda
L.t.: a fixed amount of a dividend
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Им предъявлено обвинение в фальсификации финансовых отчетов, которая дала возможность
компании получить новые кредиты и выпустить акции с фиксированным размером дивиденда
наобщую сумму 283 млн. евро (Mebel'nyj gigant na grani bankrotstva, 2007. Ruscorpora).
The Internet: quite often used
Как правило, по привилегированным акциям устанавливается фиксированный размер дивиденда
и предполагается первоочередной порядок его выплаты (ANPO Pravovoj centr IVV MVD RF).
3. Calque
Фиксированный дивиденд (Academic)
Fiksirovannyj dividend
L.t.: a fixed dividend
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Как поясняет издание, именно под оплату привилегированными ценными бумагами
(позволяющими получать фиксированные дивиденды, но дающими возможность участвовать в
банком) прошлой осенью Генри Полсон выделил порядка 200 млрд. долларов четыремстам амери
канским банкам (Smol'nyj, 2009. Ruscorpora).
The Internet: quite often used
Фиксированный дивиденд по привилегированным акциям устанавливается при их выпуске (NPZ

Фиксированный дивиденд
Fiksirovannyj dividend
L.t.: a fixed dividend

203. Cost of capital

The amount of money that a company must pay out in dividends to its shareholders, and in interest on
bonds and other loans: British biotechs now find themselves with less flexibility and a higher cost of capital.
Determining the cost of capital allows you to calculate what return on investment is necessary
to compensate you for the risk you are taking (Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Dictionary).

1. Calque and DT
Затраты на привлечение капитала (IFC)
Zatraty na privlechenie kapitala
L.t.: the costs for the capital attraction
M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 1 doc.
Результатом становится увеличение размеров и сроков инвестирования и сокращение затрат на
привлечение капитала за счет снижения рисков (Корпоративная социальная ответственность: и
цель, и средство (2004) // «Металлы Евразии», 2004.12.17).
L.t.: cutting down the expenses for the capital attraction.

С другой стороны, поскольку среда, в которой работает компания, конкурентна, важно снижать
затраты на привлечение долгового капитала (Дмитрий Коптюбенко. Genser покупает
кредитную историю // РБК Daily, 2004.03.03).
L.t.: it is important to reduce the expenses for the attraction of the debt capital.
2. Pure DT
Проценты на капитал (Academic)
Procenty na capital
L.t.: interest on a capital
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 5 doc., N.c.: 7 doc. (not full matches)
Регулятор, в свою очередь, будет формировать тариф компаний таким образом, чтобы они имели
возможность постепенно возвращать инвестированные средства и проценты на привлеченный
капитал (Александр Волков. На следующей неделе «МРСК Урала» проведет в Перми
презентацию новой методики тарифного регулирования RAB // Новый регион 2, 2008.09.18).
3. Pure DT
Издержки применения капитала (Academic)
Izderzhki primenenija kapitala
L.t.: Expenses of the use of a capital
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
4. Calque
Стоимость капитала (IFC; Academic)
Stoimost’ kapitala
L.t.: the cost of capital

Ruscorpora: M.c.: 10 doc., N.c.: 24 doc.
Кроме того, сами платежи часто являются фиксированными, что защищает лизинг
получателя от увеличения стоимости капитала и инфляции (Ольга Елина. Платить, но не сразу
(2004) // «Бизнес-журнал», 2004.03.03).

В итоге компании работают с рентабельностью 10-

14%, что ниже стоимости капитала и более чем в два раза ниже аналогичного показателя для
ведущих зарубежных стран (Евгения Корытина. Нефтяники нашли 6 трлн рублей в бюджет //
РБК Daily, 2011.02.17).
L.t. the cost of capital
5. Calque
Цена капитала (Academic)
Cena kapitala
L.t.: the cost of capital
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 1 doc., N.c.: 1 doc.
Сейчас банк торгуется даже ниже прогнозной цены капитала на конец 2008 года, отмечают анал
итики ИГ «Ренессанс капитал» (Елена Зубова. УРСА Банк подешевел // РБК Daily, 2008.07.24).
Стоимость капитала
Stoimost’ kapitala
L.t.: the cost of capital

204. Hot line (figurative meaning)

1: a direct telephone line in constant operational readiness so as to facilitate immediate communication
2: a usually toll-free telephone service available to the public for some specific purpose <a consumer hotline>
1. Calque and DT
Линия оповещения (IFC)
Linija opoveshhenija
L.t.: the line of notification
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
2. Calque and DT
Линия экстренной связи (которая не может быть занята другим абонентом) (Academic)
Linija ekstrennoj svjazi (a comment)
L.t.: the line of an emergency connection
Ruscorpora: 0 matches
3. Calque
«Горячая линия» (IFC; Lingvo)
“Goryachaya liniya”
L.t.: “Hot line”
Ruscorpora: M.c.: 102 doc., N.c.: 1 911 doc.
По его словам, самой проблемной сферой была медицина, на нее приходилась большая часть
жалоб, поступавших на горячую линию руководства Крыма (Власти Крыма обещают сломать
доставшуюся от Украины систему коррупции // РИА Новости, 2014.06.11).
«Горячая линия»
“Gorjachaya linija”
L.t.: “Hot line”

205. Market risk
The possibility for an investor to experience losses due to factors that affect the overall performance of the
financial markets. Market risk, also called "systematic risk," cannot be eliminated through diversification,
though it can be hedged against (Investopedia).
Market risk can be defined as the risk of losses in on and off-balance sheet positions arising from adverse
movements in market prices (European Banking Authority (EBA)).
Also called systematic risk. The risk that an overall market or asset class will change in value according to
economic conditions or other factors that may override any characteristics specific to a particular stock, bond,
commodity or currency (Financial times Lexicon).

1. Calque and DT
Риск изменения цен на рынке (IFC)
Risk izmenenija cen na rinke
L.t.: the market risk, the risk of change of the prices at the market
Ruscorpora: 0 full matches
See the use:
M.c.: 8 doc., N.c.: 41 doc.
на данном этапе основные риски для компании связаны с
изменением цен на металлы на мировых рынках (Максим Шахов. Прибыль «Норникеля»
выросла на четверть // РБК Daily, 2006.06.09).
L.t.: at this stage major risks for the company are connected to the changes of the prices on metals at
global markets.
2. Calque
Рыночный риск (IFC; Lingvo; Academic)
Rynochnyj risk
L.t.: Market risk
Ruscorpora: N.c.: 1 doc.
Кроме введения резервов на непрофильные активы ЦБ также ужесточил параметры оценки
процентного и рыночного риска (Екатерина Белкина. ЦБ пожалел банки с непрофильными
активами // РБК Daily, 2011.04.07).
L.t.: the assessment of the percentage ad market risk
Риск изменения цен на рынке
Risk izmeneniya tzen na rinke
L.t.: the market risk, the risk of change of the prices at the market


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