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The impact of bilingual subtitles on attention distribution and

cognitive load: An eye tracking study

Sixin Liao

BA, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 2014

MA, University of Manchester, 2015

Faculty of Human Sciences

Department of Linguistics Macquarie University

This thesis is presented as a partial fulfilment to the requirements

for the Master of Research

9th October, 2017

Table of Contents

List of Figures ................................................................................................................ 5

List of Tables ................................................................................................................. 6

Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 7

Statement of Candidate .................................................................................................. 8

Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 10

1.1 Research Background .................................................................................... 10

1.2 Research Objectives ....................................................................................... 13

1.3 Thesis Outline ................................................................................................ 14

Chapter 2. Literature Review ....................................................................................... 15

2.1 Pros and Cons of Subtitles: Does Redundancy Help or Harm? ..................... 15

2.2 Subtitles in Different Linguistic Formats ...................................................... 22

2.2.1 Monolingual subtitles: intralingual and interlingual subtitles ................ 23

2.2.2 Bilingual subtitles: dual cognitive benefits or dual cognitive burden? ... 26

2.3 Subtitles and Cognitive Load ......................................................................... 31

2.3.1 Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) ................................................................ 31

2.3.2 Cognitive processing of subtitles ............................................................ 33

2.4 Eye Tracking in Subtitling Research ............................................................. 36

2.5 Summary ........................................................................................................ 41

Chapter 3. Methodology .............................................................................................. 42

3.1 Sample............................................................................................................ 42

3.2 Materials ........................................................................................................ 43

3.2.1 Stimulus .................................................................................................. 43

3.2.2 Biographical questionnaire ..................................................................... 47

3.2.3 Cognitive load questionnaire .................................................................. 48

3.3 Apparatus ....................................................................................................... 50

3.4 Procedure ....................................................................................................... 50

3.5 Data Processing .............................................................................................. 52

3.5.1 Eye movement data ................................................................................. 52

3.5.2 Free recall test ......................................................................................... 55

3.6 Statistical Analyses ........................................................................................ 56

3.6.1 What is the impact of subtitle mode on attention allocation? ................. 56

3.6.2 What is the impact of subtitle mode on cognitive load? ......................... 58

3.6.3 What is the impact of subtitle mode on content comprehension? .......... 60

Chapter 4. Results ........................................................................................................ 61

4.1 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Attention Allocation .................................. 61

4.1.1 DT% in subtitles ..................................................................................... 61

4.1.2 DT% on the visual image ........................................................................ 67

4.1.3 Difference in DT% between subtitles and the visual image ................... 68

4.1.4 Mean Fixation Duration in the subtitled area ......................................... 70

4.2 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Cognitive Load .......................................... 71

4.2.1 Intrinsic cognitive load (IL) .................................................................... 71

4.2.2 Extraneous cognitive load (EL) .............................................................. 71

4.2.3 Germane cognitive load (GL*) ............................................................... 71

4.2.4 Mental effort in information acquisition (ME) ....................................... 72

4.3 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on the Scores of Free Recall Test ................... 73

Chapter 5. Discussion .................................................................................................. 75

5.1 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Attention Allocation .................................. 75

5.2 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Cognitive Load .......................................... 83

5.2.1 Self-reported measures............................................................................ 83

5.2.2 Eye tracking measures ............................................................................ 84

5.3 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Content Comprehension ............................ 85

5.4 Audiovisual Redundancy in Subtitling Research .......................................... 86

Chapter 6. Conclusion .................................................................................................. 90

6.1 Contribution ................................................................................................... 90

6.2 Limitations and Implications for Future Research......................................... 91

References .................................................................................................................... 94

Appendix A. Biographical questionnaire ................................................................... 102

Appendix B. Cognitive Load Questionnaire .............................................................. 104

Appendix C. Participant Information and Consent Form .......................................... 111

Appendix D. Research Ethics Approval Letter.......................................................... 114

List of Figures

Figure 1. Three types of cognitive load (Malamed, n.d.) ............................................ 33

Figure 2. Screenshots of four video conditions: NS, CS, ES and BS. ......................... 45

Figure 3. Screenshot of English subtitles.. ................................................................... 47

Figure 4. Screenshot of instructions for the eye tracking experiment. ........................ 52

Figure 5. Eye movement tracking ratio of all participants........................................... 54

Figure 6. Screenshot of AOI of the screen. .................................................................. 54

Figure 7. Screenshot of AOIs of bilingual subtitles. .................................................... 55

Figure 8. DT% in subtitles in monolingual and bilingual conditions. ......................... 62

Figure 9. Comparison of DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles in monolingual conditions. .... 63

Figure 10. Differences of DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles in monolingual conditions .... 64

Figure 11. Comparison of DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles in the bilingual condition. .... 65

Figure 12. DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles in the bilingual condition. ............................. 65

Figure 13. Comparison of DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles between monolingual and

bilingual conditions. ..................................................................................................... 66

Figure 14. DT% on the visual image across four video conditions. ............................ 68

Figure 15. Difference of DT% between subtitles and visual image for all participants in

different subtitled conditions.. ..................................................................................... 69

Figure 16. Comparison of DT% in image and subtitles in three subtitled conditions. 69

Figure 17. Mean Fixation Duration in subtitles in different subtitled conditions. ....... 70

Figure 18. Average values of self-reported cognitive load and mental effort in four

video conditions: NS, CS, ES and BS.......................................................................... 73

Figure 19. Means of recall scores in different conditions. ........................................... 74

List of Tables

Table 1. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients for IL, EL and GL* in Four Conditions ..... 49

Table 2. Experiment Design of Eye Tracking Experiment ......................................... 52

Table 3. Means of DT% in Subtitles in Monolingual and Bilingual Conditions ........ 62

Table 4. Means of DT% on the Visual Image in Monolingual and Bilingual Conditions

...................................................................................................................................... 67

Table 5. Mean Fixation Duration in Subtitles in Monolingual and Bilingual Conditions

...................................................................................................................................... 70

Table 6. Means (SD) of Cognitive Load and Mental Effort in Different Conditions . 72

Table 7. Means of Recall Test Scores in Different Conditions ................................... 73

Table 8. Comparison of Findings for the Overall Time Spent on Subtitles. ............... 82

Table 9. Comparison of Mean Fixation Duration (MFD) in Subtitles between Different

Studies .......................................................................................................................... 85


This study investigated the impact of subtitle mode on viewers’ visual attention

distribution, cognitive load and overall comprehension of the video’s content. Twenty

Chinese native speakers watched four videos with English narration, each in a different

condition: with English subtitles (intralingual subtitles), with Chinese subtitles

(interlingual subtitles), with both Chinese and English subtitles (bilingual subtitles),

and without subtitles. Their eye movements were recorded by means of a remote eye

tracker while watching the video. After watching each video, they were asked to

complete a post hoc Likert scale questionnaire to self-report three types of cognitive

load and mental effort in information acquisition. A free recall test was also used to

evaluate viewers’ comprehension of the video. Results showed that viewers’ visual

attention to L1 subtitles was more stable than that to L2 subtitles and less sensitive to

the increased visual competition in the bilingual condition, which could be attributed to

the language dominance of their native language. Bilingual subtitles did not create more

cognitive load or produce more cognitive gain than monolingual subtitles. However,

compared with the no subtitles condition, bilingual subtitles were found to be more

beneficial as they provided linguistic support to make the video easier to comprehend

and facilitate the learning process.


First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor

Associate Professor Jan-Louis Kruger for his continuous encouragement and guidance

throughout this study. Without his considerable expertise, insightful advice and careful

editing, this thesis would not have been possible. I am also grateful to my co-supervisor,

Dr. Stephen Doherty, for his meticulous and valuable feedback on my work.

My special thanks go to Professor Li Pan for constantly motivating me to go further

and bringing me back on track when I had a thought of giving up. I have been very

fortunate to have you as my mentor and friend.

My thanks also go to the staffs at Macquarie University for all their work in building

such a supportive and inspiring environment. I also wish to thank all participants for

their time and cooperation during data collection.

Thanks are due to my dear friends and colleagues: Sijia, Weiwei, Leidy, Andrea, Anh,

Xiaomin, for their generous assistance along this journey. You make this journey much

more interesting and rewarding than expected.

I am deeply indebted to my beloved parents and brother for their unfailing confidence

in me and unconditional support, both financially and emotionally, to make this

academic journey possible. Thank you for being supportive and understanding of the

choices I made in life. Your selfless love is all that keeps me going and becoming a

better person.

Chapter 1. Introduction

This chapter consists of three sections. It begins with an introduction to the research

background (1.1), underlining the unexplored and yet valuable research issues that

inspired the current study. The second section outlines three research questions that this

study sets out to address (1.2), followed by a structure of the thesis in the last section


1.1 Research Background

Advances in technologies have facilitated the production and dissemination of

audiovisual products around the world, for instance, videos distributed through online

video sharing platforms such as TED Talks or online programs from educational

institutions. In order to minimize the language barrier for audiences of diverse linguistic

backgrounds, subtitling, which provides transcription or translation of the spoken

dialogue, has become increasingly widespread (Aparicio & Bairstow, 2016; Kruger &

Doherty, 2016).

Based on linguistic parameters, subtitles can be categorized into three types, namely

intralingual subtitles (subtitles in the same language as the spoken dialogue),

interlingual subtitles (subtitles in a different language from the spoken dialogue), and

bilingual subtitles (encompassing both intralingual and interlingual subtitles) (Díaz

Cintas & Remael, 2007). Compared with intralingual and interlingual subtitles,

bilingual subtitles are less explored as they are normally used in a small number of
multilingual countries such as Belgium and Finland (Kuo, 2014; Pedersen, 2011).

However, recent years have seen an increase in the use of bilingual subtitles,

particularly in Mainland China. This is beginning to draw more scholarly attention to

this particular subtitle mode.

One distinct advantage of bilingual subtitles is that they make audiovisual products

accessible to both native and foreign audiences at the same time by providing dual

communication channels in two different languages. For this reason China Central

Television (known as CCTV), the dominant TV broadcaster in China, is promoting the

use of bilingual subtitles in TV programs to attract a wider audience (“CCTV’s efforts

to produce bilingual subtitles,” 2015). Bilingual subtitles have also been hailed as an

effective tool in language learning as they combine the benefits of both intralingual and

interlingual subtitles, with intralingual subtitles providing the written forms of spoken

words that can facilitate vocabulary learning and interlingual subtitles providing the

meaning (translation) of words that can enhance viewers’ comprehension and

absorption of the content (García, 2017). Bilingual subtitles are therefore particularly

favored by language learners in China (Li, 2016; Liu, 2014).

While subtitling has long been a focus of investigation, previous studies mostly focused

on the effects of subtitles on language learning. Few have attempted to explore their

impact on viewers’ cognitive load. Research along these lines is of significant value

because a more nuanced understanding of the impact of subtitles on the management

of cognitive resources allows us to ascertain how subtitles affect comprehension and

learning outcomes. Watching subtitled videos can place high demands on viewers’

attentional and cognitive resources because viewers have to cope with a rich

combination of multimodal and multiple-source information: the visual image (visual-

nonverbal), the spoken dialogue (audio-verbal), subtitles (visual-verbal) and

background sounds (audio-nonverbal). Processing too much information

simultaneously may exceed the limited capacity of working memory and result in

cognitive overload (Kalyuga, Chandler, & Sweller, 1999). Additionally, as subtitles

compete for visual attention (cf. automatic subtitle reading behavior as demonstrated

by d’Yewalle et al. in 1991), the mere presence of subtitles as additional written texts

may overburden the visual processing channel and interfere with the processing of other

visual elements that could be essential for comprehension (Van der Zee, Admiraal, Paas,

Saab, & Giesbers, 2017).

Furthermore, subtitles generate a level of redundancy as they contain information that

is partially or completely overlapping with the information presented in other channels

(e.g., the visual image and the spoken dialogue). Processing redundant information that

is not necessary for learning will take away cognitive resources that could have been

available for the processing of essential information and comprehension could therefore

be inhabited (Kalyuga & Sweller, 2005). This is sometimes called the redundancy effect.

Although recent years have seen some research endeavors in examining the impact of

subtitles on cognitive load (Kruger, Hefer, & Matthew, 2014; Kruger & Doherty, 2016;

Kruger, Hefer, & Matthew, 2013; Kruger, Matthew, & Hefer, 2013), progress in this

field is still limited by the types of subtitles that are investigated and the measurement

of cognitive load. Previous studies have been centered on monolingual subtitles, with

little attention being paid to the effects of bilingual subtitles on cognitive load.

Compared with monolingual subtitles, processing bilingual subtitles could be more

cognitively demanding as the concurrent presence of subtitles in two different

languages are likely to impose a heavy load on working memory and cause cognitive


1.2 Research Objectives

The current study had two objectives. The first objective was to compare the impact of

bilingual subtitles to that of monolingual subtitles in terms of viewers’ visual attention

to subtitles and image. The second objective was to determine whether bilingual

subtitles will result in more cognitive gain by combining the benefits of intralingual and

interlingual subtitles and thus facilitate comprehension or, alternatively, cause more

cognitive load as a result of increased redundancy thus impairing comprehension.

Making use of eye tracking technology and drawing upon Cognitive Load Theory, this

study therefore set out to answer the three research questions below.

R1: What is the impact of subtitle mode on visual attention allocation?

(1) Is there any difference in the visual attention allocated to L1 and L2 subtitles

between bilingual and monolingual conditions?

(2) Is there any difference in the attention allocated to the visual image between

bilingual and monolingual conditions?

R2: What is the impact of subtitle mode on cognitive load? More specifically, do

bilingual subtitles give viewers more cognitive benefits or generate more cognitive

burdens compared with monolingual subtitles?

R3: What is the impact of subtitle mode on content comprehension? (Do bilingual

subtitles enhance or hinder viewers’ comprehension of the video compared with

monolingual subtitles?)

1.3 Thesis Outline

The remainder of this thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 2 provides a literature

review of relevant research in monolingual and bilingual subtitling, cognitive load and

eye tracking. Chapter 3 presents the methodology of this study, including sampling,

materials, data collection and statistical analyses. Results of data analysis are presented

in Chapter 4, followed by a discussion of results in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 concludes with

a discussion of findings and contributions of the current study, as well as suggestions

for future research.

Chapter 2. Literature Review

This chapter is composed of five sections. The first section begins with a discussion of

the advantages and disadvantages of subtitles with reference to the verbal redundancy

effect (2.1). The next section (2.2) gives an introduction to three types of subtitles,

namely intralingual, interlingual and bilingual subtitles, and reviews the effects of

different subtitle modes on comprehension. The third section (2.3) provides an

introduction to three types of cognitive load as identified in Cognitive Load Theory and

then reviews previous studies that explored the impact of subtitles from a cognitive load

perspective. In the fourth section (2.4), the value and use of eye tracking technology in

subtitling research are discussed. It concludes with a summary of identified research

gaps in the last section (2.5).

2.1 Pros and Cons of Subtitles: Does Redundancy Help or Harm?

Initially used to provide deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences with access to audiovisual

products (Gottlieb, 2012), subtitling is a mode of audiovisual translation that transfers

orally delivered information to a written text which is usually presented at the bottom

of the screen simultaneously with the auditory information (Di Giovanni, 2016; Díaz

Cintas & Remael, 2007). The proliferation and global dissemination of audiovisual

products that are made possible by online video sharing websites and platforms such as

Coursera and TED Talks have led to a wider application of subtitles. Subtitling is

currently used widely as an effective method to minimize the language barrier and make

audiovisual products more accessible to global audiences (Aparicio & Bairstow, 2016;

Gottlieb, 2012; Kruger et al., 2014). In addition to the lower cost of production

compared with dubbing (Moreno, 2017), the growing popularity of subtitling is also

attributed to its advantage of giving audiences an authentic taste of the foreign culture

through the original auditory dialogue (Hsiao, 2014).

In spite of the widespread use of subtitles, there are divergent views regarding the

effects of subtitles. One the one hand, it is believed that subtitles provide on-screen

linguistic support that enables viewers, especially foreign language learners, to segment

the verbal stream and obtain the meaning of words with greater ease, thus more

cognitive resources can be devoted to deeper processing of the video content (cf. Mayer,

Lee, & Peebles, 2014). On the other hand, it is argued that subtitles (as a written form

of the spoken dialogue) generate redundant information which may not contribute to

comprehension but instead distract viewers from effective comprehension or deplete

their limited cognitive resources that could have been used to process other essential

information (Zheng et al., 2016).

As subtitles represent a form of verbal redundancy1, a review of the redundancy effect

(or to be more specific, the verbal redundancy effect) is necessary to better understand

the effects of subtitles. The redundancy effect has been explored extensively in the field

Subtitles do not constitute verbal redundancy when it is the only means to convey verbal information,

such as in the case of deaf or hard-of-hearing audiences. However, as this study focused on hearing

audiences who had intermediate language proficiency of the spoken dialogue, subtitles thus can be seen

as a form of verbal redundancy to these audiences who had access to identical verbal information from

both the auditory channel and the visual channel.

of educational psychology, and occurs when presenting the same information in

multiple forms and modalities that are not necessary for learning results in less effective

learning (Kalyuga & Sweller, 2005; Sweller, Ayres, & Kalyuga, 2011). The redundancy

effect has been found in numerous studies using concurrent presentation of written and

spoken words in multimedia learning. For instance, Mayer, Heiser and Lonn (2001)

found that when students watched narrated video with concurrent on-screen text that

summarized or duplicated the narration, they performed worse in retention and transfer

texts than did those who only got access to narration. They claimed that the concurrent

presentation of on-screen text, narration and other visual information overloaded

students’ visual information processor, forcing students to split their attention between

visual information and causing less cognitive resources available for learning.

Using spoken texts as redundant information, Diao and Sweller (2007) found that

concurrent written and verbatim spoken presentation rendered worse comprehension

performance at both lexical and text level and caused a higher mental load than the

written only presentation when reading in English as a foreign language, which was

more obvious when the test was more complex. Based on Cognitive Load Theory, they

explained that as novice learners were not able to recognize the sound-symbol relations

established by the written text and narration, processing the same information in

multiple forms increased extraneous cognitive load that interfered with the

comprehension of the information.

However, a number of studies revealed that the redundancy effect does not always

manifest itself when written and spoken words are presented concurrently. For instance,

a study conducted by Moreno and Mayer (2002a) found that presenting both spoken

and written explanations with animation did not hurt learning compared with presenting

only spoken or only written explanations with animation in a multimedia learning

environment. They suspected that students may have avoided reading on-screen text

and only used spoken narration for verbal information. While this explanation could

reasonably account for the absence of the redundancy effect, it needs to be tested by an

analysis of students’ eye movements.

In an attempt to reconcile the contrasting findings in verbal redundancy research,

Adesope and Nesbit (2012) conducted a meta-analysis to examine the effects of verbal

redundancy in multimedia learning. Based on statistical analyses of the results of 57

studies, they reported that spoken-written presentations were more advantageous than

spoken-only presentation and this advantage was dependent on various moderating

factors such as the absence of pictures or animation and the lack of control over the

pace of display2. They argued that “[a] meaningful interpretation of verbal redundancy

effects can only be made by considering moderating conditions including pacing of

presentation, degree of correspondence between audio and text, reading fluency of

learners, and inclusion of images or animation” (p. 259).

Likewise, Kalyuga (2012) proposed some factors that may moderate the verbal

redundancy effect. For instance, he suggested that presenting textual information in

small segments could eliminate the negative consequences of cognitive load caused by

They explained that learners could use other channels to enhance comprehension if they misperceive

information in one channel when they do not have control over the presentation pace. When learners

have control over the presentation pace, they may only use one channel to repeat information for effective

comprehension, thus resulting in less obvious benefits of verbal redundancy.

the need to reconcile the written text with the transient spoken words within limited


Although the studies of Adesope and Nesbit (2012) and Kalyuga (2012) provide us with

a more precise and comprehensive understanding of the verbal redundancy effect by

identifying some conditions in which verbal redundancy benefit instead of hindering

learning, it remains complicated to determine the effects of subtitles as verbal

redundancy. This is the case because subtitles are associated with a combination of the

conditions in which verbal redundancy has a facilitative effect (e.g., lack of control over

the pace of display and segmented written texts) and conditions in which verbal

redundancy has a detrimental effect (e.g., concurrent presence of pictures or animation).

Furthermore, as pointed out by Bisson et al. (2014) and Hinkin, Harris and Miranda

(2014), research on verbal redundancy mostly focused on multimedia learning using

expository prose as experimental materials; relatively less attention has been paid to the

redundancy effect in entertainment media, such as films with subtitles.

Although the benefits of subtitles have been well documented, most of these benefits

are associated with language learning, such as improving listening comprehension,

word recognition, vocabulary acquisition and speech perception (Almeida & Costa,

2014; Bird & Williams, 2002; Gernsbacher, 2015; Linebarger, Piotrowski, &

Greenwood, 2010; Matielo, D’Ely, & Baretta, 2015; Mitterer & McQueen, 2009; Saed,

Yazdani, & Askary, 2016; Vanderplank, 2013; Wang, 2014). Language gains do not

necessarily translate into a gain in overall comprehension as subtitled videos are

multimodal in nature and viewers are required to integrate both pictorial and linguistic

content for effective comprehension. This view can be supported by previous research

that set out to investigate whether there exists a significant tradeoff between subtitle

processing and image processing (Perego, Del Missier, Porta, & Mosconi, 2010).

Going beyond language learning, Lång (2016) investigated the effectiveness of

subtitles from the perspective of information acquisition. Fourteen Finnish natives with

no knowledge of Russian and twenty Russian natives with sufficient Finnish language

skills watched a short documentary narrated in Russian with Finnish subtitles. All

viewers were asked to complete a comprehension test that consisted of three types of

questions related to details provided by different sources of information, namely

narration-related questions (information not included in subtitles), image-related

questions (information not included in narration or subtitles) and subtitle-related

questions (information included in both subtitles and narration). The Russian group

which could acquire information from both L1 narration and L2 subtitles obtained

significantly higher scores in the subtitled-related questions than the Finnish group

which could only rely on L1 subtitles for verbal information. Lång (2016) therefore

concluded that overlapping auditory-verbal (narration) and visual-verbal channels

(subtitles) enhanced the acquisition of information3.

Using similar stimuli (entertainment media content) and testing method (source-

specific comprehension test), the study of Lavaur and Bairstow (2011) took a further

step to explore whether the comprehension of subtitled films is related to viewers’

It should be noted that the Russian group may not have acquired information from both channels. As

narration was provided in the viewer’s native language and subtitles in a second language, there could

be a possibility that viewers have mainly acquired information from the audio-verbal channel (narration)

and did not pay much attention to subtitles, especially when they were not familiar with subtitle reading.

language proficiency. Ninety French native high school students were divided into

beginner, intermediate and advanced groups based on their English proficiency. They

were asked to watch an English narrated movie extract without subtitles, with English

subtitles and with French subtitles, after which they were required to complete a

comprehension test that consisted of dialogue-based and visual information. It was

found that when watching a movie in a foreign language, subtitles served as a crucial

tool for comprehension for viewers with low language proficiency but had a distracting

effect on advanced leaners.

An important implication of the study by Lavaur and Bairstow (2011) is that, as is the

case with verbal redundancy effects, the effects of subtitles can be influenced by various

factors, such as viewers’ language proficiency. In addition to language proficiency,

factors that have been found to influence the processing and effects of subtitles include

age (d’Ydewalle & De Bruycker, 2007; Munoz, 2017), translation strategy of subtitles

(Ghia, 2012), text chunking (Rajendran, Duchowski, Orero, Martínez, & Romero-

Fresco, 2013), subtitle position (Fox, 2016), and the relation between the language of

subtitles and the native language of the viewer (Mitterer & McQueen, 2009).

The current study aims at examining whether the linguistic format of subtitles (i.e.,

subtitle mode) affects viewers’ overall comprehension of video. In particular, by

investigating subtitles that feature a higher degree of redundancy, namely bilingual

subtitles, this study hopes to shed some light on the role of redundancy in processing

subtitled materials.

2.2 Subtitles in Different Linguistic Formats

Based on linguistic parameters, subtitles can be categorized into three types, namely

intralingual subtitles, interlingual subtitles and bilingual subtitles (Corrizzato, 2015).

Intralingual subtitles (or same-language-subtitles/bimodal subtitles) refer to subtitles

that are in the same language as the spoken dialogue, which are primarily used by deaf

or hard-of-hearing viewers. Intralingual subtitles that are in viewers’ foreign or second

language are known as L2 subtitles. Intralingual subtitles are similar to captions and

these two terms are used interchangeably in some studies. Both intralingual subtitling

and captioning provide a written form of the spoken dialogue in the same language,

except that the former does not provide a transcription or translation for nonverbal

information such as sound effects or identify speakers (Garza, 1991; Specker, 2008).

Interlingual subtitles (or translated subtitles) refer to subtitles that are displayed in a

language different from that of the dialogue, normally in viewers’ native language.

Interlingual subtitles are also known as standard subtitles or L1 subtitles (Raine, 2012).

Different from intralingual and interlingual subtitles which consist of subtitles in only

one language, bilingual subtitles (or dual subtitles) present subtitles simultaneously in

two different languages. This type of subtitles are used in multilingual countries or

regions where two or more languages are spoken, such as Finland, Belgium, Israel,

Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong (Corrizzato, 2015; Gottlieb, 2004; Kuo, 2014).

In Mainland China, bilingual subtitles are gaining currency as China’s dominant TV

broadcaster is stepping up its effort to present television programs with subtitles in both

English and Chinese in order to attract a wider audience. The increasing usage of

bilingual subtitles in online videos is also attributed to the efforts of amateur subtitlers
who translate online foreign language videos on a voluntary basis (Hsiao, 2014; Zhang,

2013). These amateur subtitlers form their own online translation groups (known as

fansubbing groups), produce different formats of subtitles and upload subtitled videos

to their websites for free download4.

2.2.1 Monolingual subtitles: intralingual and interlingual subtitles

The benefits of intralingual subtitles and interlingual subtitles have been explored

extensively in numerous studies. The earliest large-scale empirical research on the

effects of subtitles was conducted by Price (1983). Nearly 500 participants of 20 native

language backgrounds were randomly assigned to two groups watching four English

excerpts: one group with captions (English language subtitles) and one without captions.

Results showed that viewers in the captioned group achieved significantly better

comprehension of the linguistic content of the video.

Price’s findings are corroborated by the study of Garza (1991), who used a

comprehension test and comparative interview to evaluate the effects of captioned

video materials on foreign language learning for advanced learners. Participants

included seventy English native speakers who used Russian as a foreign language and

Fansubbing groups often create their own websites for video sharing, such as YYets

(http://www.yyets.cc/kanview/kanindex47637.html), one of the largest subtitle groups in China.

forty students who used English as a foreign language. It was found that all students

performed better in comprehending the linguistic content of the video material when

they were provided with captions. He concluded that the use of captions benefited

advanced foreign language learners by “bridg[ing] the often sizable gap between the

development of skills in reading comprehension and listening comprehension” (p. 246).

His study is one of the few that explored subtitles in a language that has significantly

different syntactic structure and orthography from that of English and is therefore

particularly relevant to this study.

The study of Borras and Llafayette (1994) also found that intralingual subtitles

facilitated foreign language learners’ comprehension of linguistic content and oral

communicative performance. They contended that intralingual subtitles could help

viewers “associate the aural and written forms of words more easily and quickly” (p.


In an attempt to provide a quantitative measure of the overall effect of intralingual

subtitles on listening comprehension and vocabulary learning, Perez, Noortgate and

Desmet (2013) conducted a meta-analysis that synthesized and calculated the effect

sizes of primary research on the effectiveness of intralingual subtitles on listening

comprehension and vocabulary learning. Their results showed a large effect of

intralingual subtitles on listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition, which

confirms previous claims in support of the benefits of intralingual subtitles in language


In spite of the superiority of L2 subtitles over L1 subtitles as demonstrated in a number

of studies (see e.g., Markham & Peter, 2003; Markham, Peter, & Mccarthy, 2001), some

researchers hold an opposite view, arguing that L1 (interlingual) subtitles are more
beneficial as they prevent inaccurate inferences of word meaning (Aloqaili, 2014;

Mitterer & McQueen, 2009). Moreover, it is believed that interlingual subtitles produce

more comprehensible input when the written/spoken language is beyond the language

proficiency of viewers and the translation of the spoken dialogue can provide viewers

with more paths for information retrieval (Danan, 2004).

As pointed out by Borras and Llafayette (1994), the extent to which viewers benefit

from intralingual and interlingual subtitles may depend on their language proficiency.

For instance, Bianchi and Ciabattoni (2008) reported that L1 subtitles were more

facilitative for viewers with lower proficiency and L2 subtitles were more beneficial

for advanced language learners.

Vulchanova et al. (2015) carried out a study to investigate the effects of different

subtitles on viewers with different language proficiency. Forty-nine 17 year-old and

sixty-five 16 year-old Norwegian learners of English were asked to watch an English

episode in one of three conditions: without subtitles, with interlingual subtitles

(Norwegian subtitles) and with intralingual subtitles (English subtitles).

Comprehension questionnaire results showed that both intralingual and interlingual

subtitles had positive short-term effects on viewers’ plot and content comprehension of

the audiovisual materials compared with the no subtitle group. While the 16 year-old

age group benefited more from L2 subtitles, the 17 year-old age group seemed to

comprehend the video equally well in both L1 and L2 subtitles, a similar result as found

for the intermediate language learners in the study of Lavaur and Bairstow (2011).

In a study conducted by Birulés-Muntané and Soto-Faraco (2016), it was found that

viewers benefited from intralingual and interlingual subtitles in different ways. While

Intermediate Spanish students of English as a foreign language had more significant

improvement in their listening skills after watching L2 subtitled English material,

viewers in the L1 subtitled group performed better in plot comprehension.

A review of previous research on monolingual subtitles shows that both intralingual

and interlingual subtitles appear to serve as a beneficial tool in comprehension and

learning. However, no consensus can be made regarding the superiority of intralingual

and interlingual subtitles as the benefits of these two types of monolingual subtitles are

subject to certain conditions such as the viewer’s language proficiency and can be

manifested in different ways. Given that intralingual and interlingual subtitles have

distinctive benefits as supported by extensive empirical evidence, it raises an interesting

question as to whether these benefits can be combined when these two types of subtitles

are presented simultaneously in the form of bilingual subtitles. Following this question,

the next section provides a review of studies on the effects of bilingual subtitles.

2.2.2 Bilingual subtitles: dual cognitive benefits or dual cognitive burden?

While the potential educational benefits of intralingual and interlingual subtitles have

been explored extensively and are well documented, the effects of bilingual subtitles

attract little research interest. On the one hand, bilingual subtitles (as a combination of

intralingual and interlingual subtitles) can be a valuable aid in learning by combining

the benefits of both intralingual and interlingual subtitles (García, 2017; Kovacs &

Miller, 2014). On the other hand, bilingual subtitles may generate more redundancy

because there is not only overlapping information between subtitles and information in

other modalities such as the visual image and the spoken dialogue, but also between

subtitles in two different languages (if the viewer has some level of proficiency in both

languages). Processing too much redundant information may result in insufficient

cognitive resources for effective comprehension (Kalyuga & Sweller, 2005). Although

it has been found that intralingual or interlingual subtitles do not cause cognitive

overload (Kruger et al., 2014; Kruger et al., 2013), these findings may not apply to

bilingual subtitles in which more redundancy exists.

In an investigation into the effects of multimodal input of subtitled video on learners’

comprehension, Yekta (2010) compared ESL viewers’ comprehension performance in

four experimental groups, each of which watched a subtitled movie in one of four

conditions: with intralingual subtitles, with bilingual subtitles, with intralingual

displayed subtitles, and with only transcript of the dialogue. Results showed that the

bilingual condition had the highest comprehension scores, although no significant

difference was found between intralingual and bilingual conditions. A major

shortcoming of Yekta’s study is the very small sample size. With five participant

excluded, only 12 participants were investigated. Each experimental group had only

three participants. This makes it impossible to arrive at any meaningful conclusions.

Using a much larger sample size, the study of Wang (2014) sheds light on the potential

benefits of bilingual subtitles in language learning. Eighty Chinese ESL students were

divided into four groups and each group watched four video clips in one of four

treatments: with L1 Chinese subtitles, with L2 English subtitles, with bilingual (L1 and

L2) subtitles, and without subtitles. A vocabulary and a comprehension test were

administered to viewers after watching each video. Bilingual subtitles were found to be

the most effective mode in both vocabulary and comprehension performance in

comparison with monolingual and no subtitles conditions. Wang (2014) contended that

bilingual subtitles could enhance students’ confidence, facilitate the learning of new

words and allowed them to confirm their comprehension by comparing the original

subtitles and their translation equivalence. However, due to the lack of evidence on the

extent to which subtitles were processed, Wang’s study has the same limitation as most

performance-based studies on the impact of subtitles.

With the same focus on Chinese and English language groups, the study of Yang (2013),

however, yielded different results. One hundred and twenty one Chinese students were

divided into four groups, each of which watched an English video in one of four

conditions: without subtitles, with Chinese subtitles, with English subtitles, and with

bilingual subtitles (both Chinese and English). While the group that saw subtitled video

performed significantly better in the comprehension test than those who saw the video

without subtitles, no significant difference was observed in comprehension

performance between bilingual subtitles and monolingual subtitles. It should be noted

that in Yang’s study (2013), participants were from non-English majors while Wang’s

study (2014) used participants from English majors. The different language proficiency

of participants may account for the divergent results of these two studies.

In addition to performance data, Raine (2012) also made use of attitudinal data to

investigate the effectiveness of different subtitle modes on vocabulary learning and

language leaners’ preferences for subtitle modes based on enjoyment and vocabulary

learning. Thirty-nine Japanese students of English as a foreign language were assigned

to four different groups: English subtitles group, Japanese subtitles group, bilingual

subtitles group (English and Japanese), and a no subtitle group. Vocabulary test results

showed no significant differences between different groups. However, opinion survey

results showed that the majority of viewers preferred bilingual subtitled for vocabulary

learning and found them easier to read than L2 monolingual subtitles.

Aloqaili (2014) conducted a similar study to the study of Raine (2012) in a different

linguistic context. Forty-eight Arabic secondary students of English as a foreign

language were divided into four groups: no subtitles, with interlingual subtitles (Arabic),

with intralingual subtitles (English), and with bilingual subtitles (Arabic and English).

The pre- and post- test scores for the vocabulary knowledge scale showed that subtitles

had a positive effect on viewers’ intentional vocabulary learning. Although no

significant difference was found between different subtitled conditions, 66.6%

participants reported in the questionnaire survey that they preferred bilingual subtitles

for vocabulary learning.

In a study conducted by Chang (n.d., retrieved from Vanderplank's research in 2016),

it was found that viewers who were provided with bilingual subtitles (both Chinese and

English subtitles) outperformed those who received Chinese only or English only

subtitles in word recognition, factual understanding and inductive inference. Chang

claimed that in bilingual subtitles, the two different subtitles can “complement one

another, the one bridging different concepts and meaning, the other compensating for

poor listing and aural word recognition” (p. 93).

Combing both quantitative and qualitative methods, Li (2016) conducted a longitudinal

study to examine the effects of different subtitle modes (intralingual, interlingual and

bilingual subtitles) on Chinese L1 students’ learning of English vocabulary through

vocabulary test, and explored students’ attitudes towards the usefulness of different

types of subtitles in language learning through questionnaires. It also found that

students in bilingual conditions performed significantly better in word recognition and

recall tests than those in the no subtitle condition and this advantage was maintained in

the delayed tests three weeks later. She explained the better performance in word

recognition and recall tests in the bilingual subtitle condition was achieved probably

because viewers automatically switched between L1 and L2 subtitles to match the

sound with both written form and meaning, thus establishing a more stable mental

representation of the new words. Although the lack of data on the visual processing of

viewers limits the value of Li’s study, it provides some evidence for the educational

benefits of bilingual subtitles based on a longitudinal analysis.

Compared with intralingual and interlingual subtitles, the existing literature on

bilingual subtitles is relatively limited. Much of research in this field has been centered

on language learning, a similar limitation as identified in the research on monolingual

subtitles. Moreover, while findings of these studies are based on analyses of either

attitudinal or performance data, the interpretations of findings are often related to the

visual processing of subtitles. A methodology that combines both performance and

visual processing data is therefore required to produce more convincing evidence for

the effects of bilingual subtitles.

In addition to visual processing, a better understanding of the cognitive processing of

subtitles allows us to elucidate the mixed results regarding the effects of subtitles on

comprehension because the management of cognitive resources is of critical importance

to the learning outcome as demonstrated in educational psychology studies. Drawing

upon Cognitive Load Theory, one of the most influential theoretical frameworks that is

used to account for the cognitive processing during learning (Martin, 2014), the next

section illustrates how the concept of cognitive load has been explored in subtitling


2.3 Subtitles and Cognitive Load

2.3.1 Cognitive Load Theory (CLT)

Developed by John Sweller (1988) in the field of educational psychology, Cognitive

Load Theory (CLT) is an instructional theory that provides guidelines for instructional

design to deal with the processing limitations of the human cognitive system. CLT is

based on the assumption that the human cognitive architecture is composed of two

major processing components, namely working memory which is limited in capacity

and duration when dealing with novel information, and long-term memory which has

unlimited storage capacity. Different information elements are first processed in the

working memory and then transformed into knowledge in the form of schema stored in

the long-term memory (Sweller et al., 2011). Learning will be inhibited if working

memory is overloaded with too many information elements that need to be processed

simultaneously. Working memory load can be reduced through schema construction, a

process of converting multiple information elements into a single entity to make it

easier to process, or through schema automation, a process of bringing schema from

long-term memory to working memory to assist with information organization (Low &

Sweller, 2005).

Cognitive load refers to the load that is imposed on the learner when performing a

particular task (Chandler & Sweller, 1991). Three components of cognitive load have

been identified in the literature, namely intrinsic cognitive load, extraneous cognitive

load and germane cognitive load. Intrinsic cognitive load is created by dealing with the

inherent complexity of the task which is determined by the number of information

elements that need to be processed simultaneously in working memory (i.e., element

interactivity) (Sweller, 2010, p. 124; Van Merriënboer & Sweller, 2005, p. 150). For

learners with the same level of expertise, materials that have high element interactivity

impose a heavy load on working memory because they generate high intrinsic cognitive

load. Intrinsic cognitive load is also determined by the learner’s prior knowledge or

level of expertise. More experienced learners may experience less intrinsic cognitive

load than those with less experience as they have more advantages in schema


Extraneous cognitive load is generated by dealing with instructional features that do

not contribute to learning. For instance, extraneous cognitive load is increased when

multiple sources of essential information that are unintelligible in insolation are

presented temporally or spatially separated, forcing the learner to consume extra

cognitive resources in searching, coordinating and integrating information (Ayres &

Sweller, 2005). Learners are also likely to experience high extraneous cognitive load

when they make efforts to process redundant information that is unnecessary for

learning (Kalyuga & Sweller, 2005).

Different from intrinsic and extraneous cognitive load, germane cognitive load refers

to the cognitive resources devoted to schema construction and automation (Sweller,

2010; Sweller, Van Merrienboer, & Paas, 1998). It is created when learners are engaged

in processing essential information that contributes to learning. As human beings have

limited cognitive resources in working memory, the more intrinsic and extraneous

cognitive load are produced, the less cognitive resources are left for the learner to form

schema and thus less germane cognitive load is generated (see Figure 1 for a

visualization of three types of cognitive load). As a result, less learning is gained. Given

that intrinsic cognitive load cannot be manipulated by instructional design (Leppink,

Paas, Van der Vleuten, Van Gog, & Van Merriënboer, 2013), a vital principle in

learning instruction is to reduce extraneous cognitive load caused by poor instructional

design so as to free up more cognitive resources for germane cognitive load.

Figure 1. Three types of cognitive load (Malamed, n.d.)

2.3.2 Cognitive processing of subtitles

As previously mentioned, while subtitles have been widely investigated, research in

this field has been centered on the effects of subtitles on language learning (see e.g.,

Bird & Williams, 2002; Danan, 2004; Saed et al., 2016; Wang, 2014; Yekta, 2010;

Yoshino, Kano, & Akahori, 2000) or factors that may influence the processing of

subtitles (see e.g., d’Ydewalle & De Bruycker, 2007; Ghia, 2012; Hefer, 2013a). Few

attempts have been made to explore the effectiveness of subtitles from a cognitive


In order to determine the cognitive effectiveness of subtitle processing, Perego et al.

(2010) carried out a study to investigate whether subtitle reading would interfere with

the processing of the visual image. Forty-one Italian native speakers were recruited to

watch a 15-minute video excerpt narrated in Hungarian with Italian subtitles, after

which they were asked to complete a gist comprehension questionnaire, a subtitle

recognition test and a scene recognition test. Results showed that viewers achieved a

good comprehension of the video content without causing a significant tradeoff

between image processing and subtitle processing. They therefore drew a conclusion

that subtitle processing was cognitively effective and individuals had the ability to

process, integrate and remember information from multiple sources. However, they

pointed out that the effectiveness hypothesis for subtitle processing may not apply to

situations in which viewers are required to cope with very complex visual images.

Moreover, it should be noted that in their study, viewers could only rely on subtitles for

verbal information due to their lack of knowledge of the foreign language in the

soundtrack. A different picture could be drawn when viewers are less compelled to read

subtitles in order to understand the video, for instance, when they are able to understand

the languages in both subtitles and the spoken dialogue.

As the usage of subtitles is increasing in educational activities (see Kruger & Doherty,

2016), recent years have seen a growing body of research that sets out to explore the

effects of subtitles on cognitive load and learning outcomes. Using a combination of

direct and indirect cognitive load measurements, which included eye tracking,

electroencephalography (EEG), self-report scales and performance data, Kruger et al.

(2013) found that the presence of same language subtitles in a recorded academic

lecture could reduce ESL students’ cognitive load and did not cause cognitive overload.

In a subsequent study, Kruger et al. (2014) explored the impact of subtitle language on

cognitive load and comprehension. Sixty-eight Sesotho speaking participants were

randomly assigned to three groups, each of which watched an English lecture in one of

the three conditions: without subtitles, with English (L2) subtitles or with Sesotho (L1)

subtitles. Using eye tracking measurements, self-reported questionnaires and

electroencephalography (EEG) data, they found that students’ comprehension

performance was not significantly affected by the presence or the language of subtitles

and participants in the L1 subtitles group reported lower comprehension effort. They

also found that the language of subtitles had an impact on attention distribution, with

less time being spent on L1 subtitles than on L2 subtitles. They explained that as the

concurrent presence of L2 audio information made the L1 subtitles less necessary and

redundant for comprehension, students might use L1 subtitles only to check information

rather than to follow the lecture.

Compared with intralingual and interlingual subtitles, processing bilingual subtitles

could be more complicated and cognitively demanding. In addition to processing

information from multiple channels such as sound and image, viewers also have to

assign attention to subtitles in two different languages that appear on the screen

simultaneously. However, so far little empirical research has been conducted to

investigate the impact of bilingual subtitles on cognitive load, which limits our

understanding of the effectiveness of this particular subtitle mode.

2.4 Eye Tracking in Subtitling Research

Eye tracking is a psychophysiological measure that is used to study human reading

behavior, attention allocation and cognitive activities (Hvelplund, 2017; Moreno, 2017).

While the use of eye movement data has been well established in the context of static

reading (see e.g., Rayner, 2009, 2012), the application of eye tracking technology to

subtitling research has a relatively short history. The challenge of using eye tracking to

study subtitle processing lies in the dynamic nature of subtitles which are presented as

fleeting texts (Kruger, Szarkowska, & Krejtz, 2015).

In the existing literature, eye tracking has been mostly used to investigate the visual and

cognitive processing of multimodal and multimedia information when watching

subtitled videos (see e.g., d’Yewalle et al., 1991; Kruger, 2016; Kruger et al., 2014;

Kruger et al., 2013; Perego et al., 2010) and to explore how the reading behavior of

viewers is influenced by different factors such as age, language proficiency, language

combination between the spoken dialogue and subtitles, translation strategies, text

chunking and line segmentation, etc. (see e.g., d’Ydewalle & De Bruycker, 2007; Ghia,

2012; Hefer, 2013b, 2013a; Lång, Mäkisalo, Gowases, & Pietinen, 2013; Mangiron,

2016; Rajendran et al., 2013).

In an empirical study conducted by d’Ydewalle and De Bruycker (2007), they

investigated the eye movement patterns of children and adults when watching a movie

excerpt in two different subtitling conditions, namely standard subtitling (foreign

language soundtrack and native language subtitles) and reversed subtitling (native

language soundtrack and foreign language subtitles). Twelve adults and eight children

participated in the experiment, all of whom are native Dutch speakers and had no
knowledge of the foreign language in the movie excerpt (Swedish). They found that

viewers showed a more irregular reading pattern in reversed subtitling as there were

more subtitles skipped, fewer fixations and longer latencies. They also found that

viewers spent less time on one-line subtitles than on two-line subtitles in the standard

subtitling condition. They suggested that this was because one-line subtitles contained

less redundant information and thus required less visual attention. If these findings can

be applied to the present study, viewers should spend more time on bilingual subtitles

compared with monolingual subtitles as there are more redundant information sources

in bilingual subtitles.

In an eye tracking study carried out by Perego et al. (2010), they found that viewers

spent more time (67% of the fixation time) examining the subtitled area while fixations

on the visual area were longer. However, due to a lack of No Subtitles control group in

their study, it is still unclear whether the presence of subtitles has a significant impact

on the viewer’s attention distribution to the visual image.

The study of Ross and Kowler (2013) also found that viewers spent a large portion of

time (more than 40%) on the subtitled area, even in the presence of redundant audio

information. They suggested that the way viewers allocated their attention between

subtitles and the visual image was dependent on their inherent habits of being attracted

to text-based information, their continuous judgement and comparison of the

importance of information from different sources, as well as their tendency to integrate

verbal information form the visual and audio channels.

Based on an analysis of eye movement data, Orrego-Carmona (2014) found that

viewers’ L2 language proficiency had a significant impact on their visual attention

allocated the subtitles and image. When watching three videos with L1 subtitles (one
video with professional subtitles and two with non-professional subtitles), viewers with

high language proficiency in English had less fixations on the subtitled area than on the

image and the data showed less dispersion than the viewers with low language

proficiency, indicating that viewers who had high language proficiency and were able

to acquire verbal information from the soundtrack effectively would rely less on

subtitles as an aid for comprehension.

Winke, Gass and Sydorenko (2013) made the first attempt to investigate the how the

difference between L1 and L2 affects L2 learners’ reading of subtitles and the benefits

they gain from intralingual subtitles. They compared the time spent on the subtitle area

and the rest of the screen by English L1 learners of Arabic, Chinese, Russian and

Spanish. It was found that Chinese learners spent less time on subtitles when watching

unfamiliar content than familiar content, indicating that processing difficult visual-

verbal information could cause a splitting of attention for Chinese learners.

Bisson et al. (2014) investigated sixty-four viewers’ subtitle reading behavior in three

video conditions: standard subtitling (i.e., foreign language soundtrack with native

language subtitles), reversed subtitling (i.e., native language soundtrack with foreign

language subtitles), and intralingual subtitling (foreign language soundtrack with

foreign language subtitles). They found that viewers spent more time on the subtitle

area when the soundtrack was in an unknown foreign language with subtitles in either

native or foreign language. No significant differences were found in terms of the

fixation duration, the number of fixations in the subtitle area and the number of skipped

subtitles between standard and intralingual subtitling conditions. In other words,

viewers read subtitles in a similar way irrespective of the subtitle language when the

soundtrack was in an unknown foreign language. Their study also revealed that viewers

did not use all the subtitle presentation time to read subtitles but instead spent some

time on the image area, which supports Perego et al. (2010)’s finding that subtitle

processing does not interfere with image processing.

By means of eye tracking, Hefer (2013a) investigated the difference in L1 and L2

subtitle reading. Thirty Sesotho L1 students were randomly assigned to three groups:

two test groups (TSE and TES) and one control group (CSS). The TSE group watched

a French video clip with Sesotho (L1) subtitles in the first half and English (L2) subtitles

in the second half of the video while the TES group watched the same video with L2

subtitles in the first half and L1 subtitles in the second half. The CSS group watched

the same video with only L1 subtitles. Ten English L1 students formed another control

group. All students had no knowledge of the language of the soundtrack and their eye

movements were recorded by an eye tracker during video playing. Analysis results of

fixation time, dwell time and fixation count in the subtitled area revealed that L1 and

L2 subtitles were processed differently by Sesotho L1 viewers in that Sesotho L1

viewers read L2 subtitles with greater ease. Hefer (2013a) explained that the reason

why viewers spent more time and had greater difficulty reading L1 subtitles was

because they had lower literacy and reading speed in L1 text, although native language

was found to better assist their comprehension.

Interestingly, the study of Kruger et al. (2014) which also investigated attention

distribution of Sesotho L1 students reported different results. Kruger et al. (2014) found

that viewers spent less time reading L1 subtitles than L2 subtitles and the proportion of

time spent on subtitles was smaller than what was found in the study of Hefer (2013a).

A possible explanation for these different results is that viewers may reduce their

reliance on subtitles because of their access to the L2 spoken dialogue in the study of

Kruger et al. (2014). However, this assumption needs further investigation as d’Yewalle

et al. (1991) found that the knowledge of soundtrack did not affect the time spent on


Using eye tracking methodology, Munoz (2017) examined the effects of age and

proficiency on subtitle reading behavior. Forty Spanish-Catalan learners of English

were divided into three age groups: children (mean age 11.1), adolescents (mean age

14.6), and adults (mean age 25.8). Participants were also assigned to three language

groups based on their language proficiency: the beginner group, the intermediate group

and the advanced group. Participants were asked to watch two video clips with English

soundtrack, one of each clip with either English subtitles (L2) or Spanish subtitles (L1).

Participants’ eye movements were recorded by a Tobii T120 integrated eye-tracker

during video watching. Results showed that children spent more time reading subtitles

in L2 than L1 while adults skipped more L1 subtitles than L2 subtitles, which is

consistent with the results of Kruger et al. (2014) that students who were able to obtain

verbal information from the L2 spoken dialogue spent less time reading L1 subtitles. It

was also found that intermediate and advanced groups skipped more L1 subtitles than

L2 subtitles, which is probably due to the large overlap between the age and language

proficiency grouping (the beginner group was mainly composed of children and the

advanced group was mainly formed by adults). Munoz (2017) and Kruger et al. (2014)

hold a similar view that L1 subtitles are skipped more often by viewers of relatively

high language proficiency because subtitles in L1 are redundant to viewers for

comprehension as they are able to acquire verbal information from the L2 soundtrack.

2.5 Summary

Based on the literature review, a number of research gaps can be identified. First, most

studies focus on monolingual subtitling; bilingual subtitling remains underexplored.

The limited existing research on bilingual subtitles has been centered on their effects

on language learning. Little is known about the effects of bilingual subtitles on the

management of cognitive resources. Overall, cognitive processing of bilingual subtitles

has not been investigated with the same vigor as the processing of monolingual subtitles.

Second, so far only a very limited number of studies have attempted to investigate the

impact of subtitles from a cognitive load perspective (Kruger et al., 2014; Kruger, 2013;

Kruger et al., 2013; Kruger et al., 2013). More research is needed in order to help us

better understand how viewers may benefit from subtitles and optimize the use of

subtitles (Gernsbacher, 2015).

Furthermore, previous studies on subtitling mostly used materials in English or

European languages that are in the same language family (Lwo & Lin, 2012); little

research has been conducted to examine Chinese subtitles which are based on very

different orthographical and phonological systems, although the value of examining

language pairs with minimal orthographic and phonological similarities has long been

acknowledged by some scholars (see e.g., Bisson et al., 2014; Garza, 1991; Hinkin et

al., 2014; Plass, Chun, Mayer, & Leutner, 2003).

Chapter 3. Methodology

This chapter is composed of six sections. The first section provides information about

the samples used in this study (3.1). The second section (3.2) illustrates the selection

criteria of stimuli for the eye tracking experiment, production guidelines of subtitles,

compiling of biographical questionnaire and cognitive load questionnaire. The next

section (3.3) provides information on the apparatus used in the eye tracking experiment,

followed by a description of procedures of the whole experiment (3.4). The last two

sections (3.5 and 3.6) describes how data collected from the eye tracking device are

processed and analyzed, providing details on the exclusion of invalid eye movement

data, the defining of Areas of Interest (AOIs) and the selection of eye tracking measures

to address three research questions. It also discusses the criteria and procedure of

scoring the free recall test which is used to evaluate viewers’ overall comprehension of

the video.

3.1 Sample

Twenty Chinese native speakers in Australia who used English as their second language

were recruited as participants (14 females and 6 males). Eighteen participants were

postgraduate students and one was undergraduate at Macquarie University, Sydney,

Australia. One participant was a visiting scholar with above postgraduate-level

qualification. The average age of participants was 25.7. Ethics approval was gained for

conducting this study.

3.2 Materials

3.2.1 Stimulus

Four English videos clips, each lasting approximately five minutes, were used as stimuli

in the eye tracking experiment. These videos clips were from four episodes of a BBC

documentary series (Planet Earth, 2006). The whole documentary series consists of

eleven episodes, each of which features a global overview of a habitat on the planet.

The topics of the four video clips were “Mountains” (Episode Two), “Great Plains”

(Episode Seven), “Jungles” (Episode Eight) and “Shallow Seas” (Episode Nine). These

videos were selected because they were comparable in terms of the density and

complexity of pictorial content, the level of correlation between visual information

(image) and verbal information (narration), as well as the presentation rate of auditory

information. To ensure that all video clips were comparable in terms of the difficulty

of verbal information, a readability test was performed for the transcription of each

video clip using Coh-Metrix, a computational tool that evaluates linguistic

characteristics at multiple levels of language and discourse (Graesser, McNamara, Cai,

Mark, & Li, 2014). Results of Flesch Reading Ease of four videos were 75.71, 69.65,

71.65, and 71.88, which showed that four videos had a similar level of reading ease.

All video clips were examined by the researcher to ensure that there were no

inappropriate scenes that may cause discomfort to viewers.

Four experimental conditions were developed for each video clip (see Figure 2):

1. English narration without subtitles (NS),

2. English narration with Chinese subtitles (CS),

3. English narration with English subtitles (ES),

4. English narration with both Chinese and English subtitles (BS).

Subtitles were produced using Aegisub subtitling software5. Bilingual subtitles were

first produced, after which Chinese subtitles and English subtitles were removed

separately to constitute the CS and ES conditions. The display time of subtitles in the

CS, ES and BS groups were the same in order to minimize the impact of other variables

(e.g., display time) and investigate the effects that different subtitles themselves have

on attention distribution and cognitive load.


Software available at http://www.aegisub.org/.


Figure 2. Screenshots of four video conditions: NS, CS, ES and BS.

In this study, bilingual subtitles were presented in two lines to avoid excessive pollution

of the image in accordance with conventions (Díaz Cintas & Remael, 2007; Kuo, 2014),

with one line in the same language as the original speech (English) and the other one in

a translated language (Chinese). In accordance with the subtitling convention of

keeping the upper line shorter to limit the obstruction of other visual information (Díaz

Cintas & Remael, 2007), Chinese subtitles were displayed above English subtitles

because they normally occupy less space than English subtitles due to the different

writing systems. While English characters are represented by sound symbols that are

made of alphabets, Chinese characters are based on a logographic writing system in

which ideas or words are represented directly by symbols (Cheng, 2014). The Chinese

writing system has therefore been found to be more efficient and information rich

(Chang & Chen, 2002; Zhao & Baldauf, 2007), and in practical terms, simply occupy

less space. Subtitles were displayed at the bottom center of the screen. Chinese subtitles

and English subtitles in the BS condition were positioned at (x: 988, y: 1004) and (x:

988, y: 954) respectively. In the CS and ES conditions, subtitles were positioned at (x:

988, y: 1004).

English subtitles were presented at a rate of 10 to 14 characters per second (CPS)6,

which produced a near verbatim transcript of the spoken text. Each English subtitle

contained no more than 55 characters. The standard number of characters per line in

most guidelines is 37 characters (Díaz Cintas & Remael, 2007; Ivarsson & Carroll,

1998). However, since only one line was used per language, and due to the wider format

of the screen, a line length of 50% longer than the convention was considered to be

functional, particularly since the subtitles were created for use on a computer screen

with the user at a distance of approximately 70cm from the screen (see Figure 3). Line

breaks between subtitles were made to preserve semantic units where possible, in

accordance with standards. Chinese subtitles were produced as a literal translation of

English subtitles, which reproduced the original text as much as possible in both lexical

and syntactic terms7 (Ghia, 2012, p. 167). Each Chinese subtitle contained no more than

20 Chinese characters according to conventions (Kuo, 2014).

While 12 CPS has long been regarded as an appropriate speed for subtitle reading (Díaz-Cintas &

Remael, 2007), viewers in the information age are likely to have a faster reading speed (Szarkowska,

Here are a few examples drawn from the subtitle extracts produced for this experiment:

a) English ST: The great mountain range acts as a barrier

Chinese TT: 雄伟的山脉犹如一道屏障 (“The great mountain range is like a barrier”)

b) English ST: preventing clouds moving in from the south

Figure 3. Screenshot of English subtitles. The number of characters was 55 characters
and the font size was 50.

3.2.2 Biographical questionnaire

A biographical questionnaire was used to obtain some biographical information of

participants, such as age, major, English language proficiency (IELTS scores), etc. (see

Appendix A).

Chinese TT: 阻挡了从南飘来的浮云 (“Prevent clouds moving from the south”).

3.2.3 Cognitive load questionnaire

A self-report cognitive load questionnaire used in this study was adapted from the

questionnaire developed and validated by Leppink et al. (2014) to differentiate three

types of cognitive load (see Appendix B). This instrument was selected because it has

been validated and is the first one to differentiate between different types of load. As

this study was based on a context of film comprehension, which was different from the

problem-solving context in which the study by Leppink et al. (2014) was situated, some

adjustments were made to the scale items to reflect the variations of cognitive load.

The cognitive load questionnaire was composed of twelve items with a 0-10 rating scale.

Intrinsic cognitive load (IL) was measured with three items that were related to the

complexity of the video (e.g., “The information covered in this video was very

complex”) and one item concerning the effort invested to cope with the complexity (“I

invested a very high mental effort in the complexity of this video”). Extraneous

cognitive load (EL) was evaluated with three items that were related to the presentation

design (e.g., “The presentation of information in this video was very unclear”) and one

item concerning the effort invested to deal with the presentation design (“I invested a

very high mental effort in unclear and ineffective presentation of information in this

video”). Germane cognitive load (GL) was evaluated with three items referring to the

contribution of the video to information acquisition (e.g., “This video really enhanced

my understanding of the information that was presented”) and one item related to the

effort invested in information acquisition (“I invested a very high mental effort during

this video in enhancing my knowledge and understanding”).

An analysis of internal consistency was performed, which yielded Cronbach’s alpha

coefficient as an indication of reliability (see Table 1). Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of

0.7 or above is generally regarded to reflect a good level of internal consistency and

reliability (DeVellis, 2003; Kline, 2005). Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of IL and EL

across four conditions were high, revealing a high level of reliability of the items used

to measure these two types of cognitive load. However, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients

were low for GL in three conditions. In order to increase the internal consistency, the

last item (item 12) which was related to the mental effort in information acquisition was

removed from GL measurement 8 . The cognitive load that was evaluated by the

remaining three items was referred to as GL*. Item 12 was discussed separately as

mental effort in information acquisition (ME).

Table 1. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients for IL, EL and GL* in Four Conditions


IL 0.921 0.861 0.947 0.923

EL 0.845 0.721 0.809 0.739
GL (with item 12) 0.779 0.043 0.208 0.342
GL* (without item 12) 0.944 0.774 0.910 0.801

Leppink et al. (2014) also reported in their study that adding the last item regarding the mental effort in

understanding the video did not increase the internal consistency of the scales used to measure germane

cognitive load.

3.3 Apparatus

The eye tracking experiment was conducted on an SMI RED eye tracker with a

sampling rate of 250 Hz. The screen resolution of the eye tracker’s monitor was 1920

× 1080 pixels and the stimulus covered the entire 23-inch screen. Data were collected

with SMI iViewX and Experiment Centre 3.0.

3.4 Procedure

All participants completed the eye tracking experiment individually. They were asked

to sign a participation consent form prior to the start of the experiment (see Appendix

C), which gave them a brief introduction to the study and what to expect during the

experiment. The purpose of the study was revealed to participants, but they were not

asked to pay particular attention to subtitles.

They were then seated comfortably on a stable chair 700 mm from the stimulus screen

in a sufficiently illuminated room at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

Participants were asked to turn off their mobile phones during the experiment and there

was no noise from outside.

This is a within-subject study with each participant seeing all 4 videos, each in a

different condition (NS, CS, ES, and BS). In order to be able to randomize the texts and

the conditions and ensure that no participant would see the same text more than once

or be exposed to any condition more than once, the video clips, their treatments, and

the order in which viewers watched videos were counterbalanced using Latin Squares.

Participants were randomly assigned to one of 4 groups, each group seeing 4 videos in

4 conditions (see Table 2 for experimental design).

When participants were ready, they were asked to fill in a biographical questionnaire

on the computer, after which they were given written instructions on the screen (see

Figure 4). Each participant’s eyes were calibrated using a five-point calibration and

validated to ensure that their eye movements could be accurately recorded. After that,

a video clip began to play. When the video finished, they were asked to complete a

cognitive load questionnaire on the computer. Then they were asked to recall and write

down in English as much information as they could remember about the video they

watched. There was no time limit for the recall test. When the participants finished the

recall test, they did the calibration and validation again before watching the next video.

Each participant watched four videos clips separately and the order of video was

randomized in order to keep the unsystematic variation as small as possible (Field,

2009). The whole experiment for each participant lasted about one and a half hours.

Figure 4. Screenshot of instructions for the eye tracking experiment.

Table 2. Experiment Design of Eye Tracking Experiment

Episode Nine Episode Seven Episode Eight Episode Two

Group 1 NS CS ES BS
Group 2 CS ES BS NS
Group 3 ES BS NS CS
Group 4 BS NS CS ES

3.5 Data Processing

3.5.1 Eye movement data

Twenty participants were coded from P03 to P22 (the first two participants P01 and

P02 were for pilot study and not included in the analysis). Eye tracking data with a

tracking ratio of lower than 85% were discarded (see Figure 5). Three participants’ eye

movement data were therefore excluded. One participant’s data in the BS condition was

also excluded because of a technical problem during data collection. To sum up,

seventeen participants in the NS, CS, and ES conditions and sixteen in the BS condition

produced valid eye movement data.

Subtitles and the whole screen in the ES, CS and BS conditions were marked as

different Areas of Interest (AOIs). In the BS condition, subtitles in two different

languages were marked as two separate AOIs. The AOI of Chinese subtitles in BS were

marked as “CS_B” and English subtitles as “ES_B”. There was no space between these

two AOIs (see Figure 6 and 7).

This study used three eye movement parameters: dwell time, visible time and mean

fixation duration. According to the BeGaze 3.0 manual (SensoMotoric Instruments,

2011), dwell time was calculated as the sum of all fixations and saccades within an AOI.

Visible time was calculated as the display time of an AOI. The event detection

parameter for a fixation was a minimum duration of 50ms.

Data in all AOIs for each participant were extracted from SMI BeGaze 3.0

(SensoMotoric Instruments GmbH), a software for eye tracking data analysis. Dwell

time percentage of visible time (DT%) was used as a measure of visual attention

allocation. Mean fixation duration (MFD) was analyzed as an indirect indication of

cognitive load (Debue & Van De Leemput, 2014). DT% in subtitles was calculated by

dividing the dwell time in subtitles by the visible time of subtitles and multiplying that

by 100 to arrive at a percentage. Visual attention to the rest of the screen (DT% on the

visual image) was calculated by dividing the dwell time on the screen (with the dwell

time of subtitles subtracted) by the visible time of the video and multiplying that by 100

for a percentage.







P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22

Tracking ratio[%] Threshold[85%]

Figure 5. Eye movement tracking ratio of all participants.

Figure 6. Screenshot of AOI of the screen.

Figure 7. Screenshot of AOIs of bilingual subtitles.

3.5.2 Free recall test

Each recall test was analyzed into a set of idea units. Each idea unit contained one major

idea. One point was given in the recall test for each corresponding idea unit that was

identified or implied in the image, subtitles or the spoken dialogue regardless of

grammatical mistakes and minor misspellings. 0.5 point was given if specific names

were not given correctly in the recall test. Three participants’ recall scores were

discarded because they only noted a few isolated words. One participant’s data in the

ES and one in the BS condition were also discarded because of technical problems in

video playing. In total, 17 recall tests in the NS and CS conditions and 16 in the ES and

BS conditions were scored. Two researchers scored the recall test separately after first

scoring a sample test, discussing discrepancies and reaching agreement on the scoring

criteria. The average of the two researchers’ scores was used as an evaluation of the

participant’s comprehension performance.

3.6 Statistical Analyses

This chapter presents statistical analyses that were carried out using IBM SPSS

Statistics (version 22). Video condition (NS, CS, ES and BS) was used as independent

variable and dependent variables included dwell time percentage of visible time in

subtitles (DT% in subtitles), dwell time percentage of visible time on the visual image

(DT% on the visual image), mean fixation duration in subtitles (MFD), self-reported

cognitive load and comprehension performance (score of free recall test). A

significance level of 0.05 was adopted for all statistical analyses.

Since eye-tracking data often violate the normal distribution requirement of inferential

statistical tests like the ANOVA, or t-test, data that were not normally distributed were

subjected to non-parametric tests. Statistical tests were performed to address the

research questions as explained below.

3.6.1 What is the impact of subtitle mode on attention allocation?

(1) Is there any difference in the visual attention allocated to L1 and L2 subtitles

between bilingual and monolingual conditions?

The DT% in subtitles between three subtitled conditions, namely ES, CS, and BS, were

compared using statistical analysis tools. As there was no outlier in the data as assessed

by inspection of a boxplot and data were normally distributed in three conditions as

assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > 0.05), a one-way repeated measures ANOVA was

conducted. To confirm the ANOVA results, paired sample t-tests were also performed

on the data.

To examine the difference in the visual attention to L1 subtitles between the

monolingual and bilingual conditions, DT% in L1 subtitles between the CS and BS

conditions were compared. There were no outliers in the data as assessed by inspection

of a boxplot and the differences of DT% between two conditions were normally

distributed, as assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > 0.05), which makes it possible to

run a paired samples t-test.

In order to examine the difference in the visual attention to L2 subtitles between the

monolingual and bilingual conditions, DT% in L2 subtitles between the ES and BS

conditions were compared. As there were no outliers in the data as assessed by

inspection of a boxplot and the differences of DT% between two conditions were

normally distributed, as assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > 0.05), a paired samples t-

test was conducted.

To investigate the difference in the visual attention to L1 and L2 subtitles in the BS

condition, DT% in L1 subtitles and DT% in L2 subtitles in the BS condition were

compared. Given that there was no outlier in the data, as assessed by inspection of a

boxplot and the differences of DT% were normally distributed, as assessed by Shapiro-

Wilk's test (p > 0.05), a paired samples t-test was performed.

(2) Is there any difference in the attention allocated to the visual image between

bilingual and monolingual conditions?

To answer this question, DT% on the visual image in four conditions were compared.

As there was no outlier in the data, as assessed by inspection of a boxplot and no

violation of normality, as assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > 0.05), a one-way repeated

measures ANOVA was performed.

3.6.2 What is the impact of subtitle mode on cognitive load?

To determine the effect of subtitle mode on intrinsic cognitive load (IL), reported values

of IL in four video conditions were compared. One outlier was detected in the BS

condition by an inspection of boxplot. It was kept in the analysis as an inspection of

their values did not reveal it to be extreme. Data were normally distributed in NS, CS

and ES, as assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > 0.05). There was violation of normality

in BS as assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p = 0.008). However, Kolmogorov-Smirnov

test did not reveal any violation of normality (p > 0.05) in BS. A one-way repeated

measures ANOVA was conducted, and to validate the results, a non-parametric test

(Friedman test) was also performed. Both ANOVA and Friedman test produced the

same results.

To determine the effect of subtitle mode on extraneous cognitive load (EL), reported

values of EL in four video conditions were compared. One outlier in ES and one in BS

were detected by an inspection of boxplot. They were kept in the analysis as an

inspection of their values did not reveal them to be extreme. Shapiro-Wilk's test

revealed that EL scores were normally distributed in NS and CS (p > 0.05) while

violations of normality were observed in ES (p = 0.019) and BS (p = 0.04). But

Kolmogorov-Smirnov test did not reveal any violation of normality in four conditions

(p > 0.05). A one-way repeated measures ANOVA was first performed, which found

significant differences between NS and CS, NS and BS. A non-parametric test

(Friedman test) was then conducted to validate the results. Friedman test only found

significant difference between BS and NS, but no difference between NS and CS. As

the data in the NS and CS conditions were normally distributed, a paired-samples t-test

was performed, which found significant difference between NS and CS (t (19) = 3.359,

p = 0.003). As the one-way ANOVA results were confirmed by the paired samples t-

test, analysis was based on the one-way ANOVA results.

To determine the effect of subtitle mode on germane cognitive load (GL*), reported

values of GL* in four video conditions were compared. There were no outliers in the

data, as assessed by inspection of a boxplot, and data were normally distributed in four

conditions, as assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > 0.05), which makes it possible to

run a one-way repeated measures ANOVA.

To examine the effect of subtitle mode on mental effort in information acquisition (ME)

reported values of ME in four video conditions were compared. No outlier in the data

was detected, as assessed by inspection of a boxplot. However, Both Shapiro-Wilk's

test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test revealed violations of normality in CS and BS. A

non-parametric test (Friedman test) was therefore conducted.

Data of mean fixation duration (MFD) in subtitles in four conditions were also

compared to provide more information on cognitive load. Three outliers were kept in

the analysis as an inspection of their values did not reveal it to be extreme. No violation

of normality was observed, as assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > 0.05). A one way

repeated measures ANOVA was therefore performed.

3.6.3 What is the impact of subtitle mode on content comprehension?

To ascertain the effect of subtitle mode on content comprehension, scores of free recall

test in four conditions were compared. Two outliers (one in ES and one in CS) were

detected by an inspection of boxplot. They were kept in the analysis as an inspection of

their values did not reveal them to be extreme. Data were normally distributed in four

conditions, as assessed by Shapiro-Wilk's test (p > 0.05). A one-way repeated measures

ANOVA was conducted and paired samples t-tests were run to validate the results.

Chapter 4. Results

This chapter presents the results of statistical analyses to address three research

questions. To address the first question regarding the impact of subtitle mode on

attention allocation, statistical analysis results of dwell time percentage of visible time

(DT%) in subtitles and on visual image are discussed. To answer the second question

regarding the impact of subtitle mode on cognitive load, statistical analysis results of

three types of cognitive load (i.e., intrinsic cognitive load, extraneous cognitive load,

germane cognitive load) as well as mental effort are discussed. The third question

regarding the impact of subtitle mode on content comprehension is addressed through

a discussion of the statistical analysis results of free recall test scores.

4.1 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Attention Allocation

4.1.1 DT% in subtitles

The one-way repeated measures ANOVA showed significant differences in the DT%

in subtitles between different subtitling conditions (F (2, 30) = 3.944, p = 0.030). Post

hoc analysis with a Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons revealed that there

was significance between BS and CS (p = .034). A paired samples t-test found

significant difference between ES and CS (t (16) = -2.442, p = 0.027). BS (M = 33.62%)

and ES (M = 32.14%) had similar DT% in subtitles (see Table 3).

Table 3. Means of DT% in Subtitles in Monolingual and Bilingual Conditions

Subtitled condition M (SD) N

CS 21.55 (13.24) 16
ES 32.15 (17.50) 16
BS 33.62 (16.43) 16
CS_B 18.33 (15.91) 16
ES_B 15.29 (15.91) 16

Note. CS = Chinese monolingual subtitles. ES = English monolingual subtitles. BS =

bilingual subtitles. CS_B = Chinese subtitles in the bilingual condition. ES_B = English
subtitles in the bilingual condition.

Figure 8. DT% in subtitles in monolingual and bilingual conditions.

As can be seen from Figure 8, in the monolingual conditions in which subtitles were

presented in only one language, L2 (English) subtitles attracted more visual attention

than L1 (Chinese) subtitles. Figure 9 shows that a majority of viewers (68.75%) had

higher DT% in L2 subtitles than in L1 subtitles. Both DT% in Chinese subtitles and

English subtitles decreased from the monolingual condition (CS and ES) to the

bilingual condition (CS_B and ES_B). Paired samples t-tests were run to determine

whether there were significant differences in the DT% when subtitles were presented

alone as in monolingual conditions and when presented together with subtitles in

another language as in the bilingual condition. A significant difference was observed

between ES and ES_B (t (15) = 2.815, p = 0.013), but this was not the case between CS

and CS_B (t (15) = 0.772, p = 0.452). In other words, viewers spent much less time

looking at L2 subtitles in the bilingual condition than in the monolingual condition

whereas they spent a similar amount of time reading L1 subtitles in both conditions.




P14 P17 P15 P08 P05 P18 P13 P10 P16 P12 P07 P20 P03 P22 P04 P21






Figure 9. Comparison of DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles in monolingual conditions.

Negative values = higher DT% in English subtitles. Positive values = higher DT% in
Chinese subtitles.

Figure 10. Differences of DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles in monolingual conditions.
“English_subtitles” = absolute values of the difference in DT% between English
subtitles and Chinese subtitles in monolingual conditions with higher DT% in English
subtitles. “Chinese_subtitles” = absolute values of the difference in DT% between
English subtitles and Chinese subtitles in monolingual conditions with higher DT% in
Chinese subtitles.

As can be seen from Figure 10 which compares DT% in subtitles between Chinese (L1)

monolingual and English (L2) monolingual conditions, the difference between the time

spent on L1 and L2 subtitles is larger and is also less variable when viewers spent more

time reading L2 subtitles than when they spent more time reading L1 subtitles.

In the bilingual condition where Chinese subtitles and English subtitles coexisted, no

significance in the DT% was identified between CS_B and ES_B (t (15) = 0.539, p =

0.598). Similar DT% in the Chinese subtitles (M = 18.3%, SD = 15.9) and English

subtitles (M = 15.3%, SD = 15.9) indicates that viewers spent an approximately equal

amount of time on two different subtitles when watching videos with bilingual subtitles.

However, on closer inspection of the individual data, nearly half of participants had

higher DT% in English subtitles while half of them had higher DT% in Chinese

subtitles (see Figure 11).

P22 P20 P07 P08 P04 P16 P10 P18 P12 P21 P14 P13 P15 P17 P05 P03

Figure 11. Comparison of DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles in the bilingual condition.

Negative values = higher DT% in English subtitles. Positive values = higher DT% in
Chinese subtitles.

Figure 12. DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles in the bilingual condition. “English_subtitles”

= absolute values of the difference in DT% between English subtitles and Chinese
subtitles in bilingual conditions with higher DT% in English subtitles.
“Chinese_subtitles” = absolute values of the difference in DT% between English
subtitles and Chinese subtitles in bilingual conditions with higher DT% in Chinese

As can been seen from Figure 12 which compares DT% in subtitles between Chinese

(L1) and English (L2) subtitles in the bilingual condition, the difference between the

time spent on L1 and L2 subtitles is similar. It indicates that when viewers chose one

language as a dominant resource, they spent a similar amount of time reading subtitles

in another language.

It can be observed from Figure 13 that a majority of participants (62.5%) changed their

preferences for the language of subtitles when they shifted from a monolingual to a

bilingual condition, with seven participants changing their reliance on subtitles from

English to Chinese and three from Chinese to English.

3 3 3 3

2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0
P03 P21 P04 P20 P22 P05 P12 P13 P14 P15 P17 P18 P07 P08 P10 P16

Figure 13. Comparison of DT% in L1 and L2 subtitles between monolingual and

bilingual conditions. 0 = always higher DT% in Chinese subtitles. 1= higher DT% in
L1 subtitles in the monolingual condition but higher DT% in L2 subtitles in the
bilingual condition. 2 = higher DT% in L2 subtitles in the monolingual condition but
higher DT% in L1 subtitles in the bilingual condition. 3 = always higher DT% in L2

4.1.2 DT% on the visual image

The one-way repeated measures ANOVA found that DT% in the visual image was

significantly different between subtitling conditions (F (3, 45) = 8.382, p < 0.0005).

Post hoc analysis with a Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons revealed that

there was significant difference between NS and BS (p = 0.028), NS and CS (p = 0.026),

and NS and ES (p = 0.017). However, no significant differences were found between

subtitling conditions.

Table 4. Means of DT% on the Visual Image in Monolingual and Bilingual Conditions

Video condition M (SD) N

BS 64.48 (8,75) 16
CS 67.28 (9.61) 16
ES 64.58 (7.07) 16
NS 73.29 (13.45) 16

Figure 14. DT% on the visual image across four video conditions.

4.1.3 Difference in DT% between subtitles and the visual image

Paired samples t-tests found that there were significant differences in DT% between

subtitles and image in three different subtitling conditions. DT% was significantly

higher in image than in subtitles for all subtitled conditions: CS (t (16) = -13.354, p <

0.0005), ES (t (16) = -6.491, p < 0.0005) and BS (t (15) = -7.157, p < 0.005). While

almost all participant spent more time on image than on subtitles regardless of the

subtitling condition (see Figure 15), difference of DT% between subtitles and visual

image in BS and ES were roughly the same while a more noticeable gap was observed

in CS (see Figure 16).

P22 P21 P20 P18 P17 P16 P15 P14 P13 P12 P10 P08 P07 P05 P04 P03


Figure 15. Difference of DT% between subtitles and visual image for all participants
in different subtitled conditions. Positive results = a higher DT% in subtitles. Negative
values = a higher DT% on the image.










DT% in image DT% in subtitles

Figure 16. Comparison of DT% in image and subtitles in three subtitled conditions.

4.1.4 Mean Fixation Duration in the subtitled area

The one-way repeated ANOVA showed that mean fixation duration (MFD) was not

significantly different between CS, ES, CS_B and ES_B (F (3, 45) = 1.289, p = 0.290).

Table 5. Mean Fixation Duration in Subtitles in Monolingual and Bilingual Conditions

Subtitled Condition M (SD) N

CS 159.21 (43.07) 16
ES 143.77 (27.13) 16
CS_B 150.42 (40.55) 16
ES_B 139.84 (51.17) 16

Figure 17. Mean Fixation Duration in subtitles in different subtitled conditions.

4.2 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Cognitive Load

4.2.1 Intrinsic cognitive load (IL)

The one-way repeated measures ANOVA showed that there were significant

differences in IL between subtitling conditions (F (3, 51) = 5.321, p = 0.003). Post hoc

analysis with a Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons revealed that there was

significant difference between NS and ES (p = 0.035), NS and BS (p = 0.039). IL was

highest in NS and lowest in BS (see Table 6).

4.2.2 Extraneous cognitive load (EL)

The one-way repeated measures ANOVA found significant differences in EL between

different conditions (F (3, 51) = 5.103, p = 0.004). Post hoc analysis with a Bonferroni

adjustment for multiple comparisons revealed that there were significant differences

between NS and CS (p = 0.040), as well as NS and BS (p = 0.011). Similar to the trend

in IL, EL was highest in NS and lowest in BS.

4.2.3 Germane cognitive load (GL*)

The one-way repeated ANOVA showed that there were significant differences between

different conditions (F (2.198, 37.373) = 8.424, p = 0.001). Post hoc analysis with a
Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons revealed that there was significant

difference between NS and CS (p = 0.020), NS and ES (p = 0.017), and NS and BS (p

= 0.009). GL* in the CS condition was the highest and lowest in the NS condition.

4.2.4 Mental effort in information acquisition (ME)

Results of the Friedman test showed that mental effort in the subtitled area was

significantly different in different subtitling conditions (χ2 (3) = 9.245, p = 0.026).

Pairwise comparisons were performed with a Bonferroni correction for multiple

comparisons. There was a marginally significant difference between NS and CS (p =


Table 6. Means (SD) of Cognitive Load and Mental Effort in Different Conditions

Condition IL EL GL* ME

NS 18.78 (8.27) 14.56 (6.37) 15.44 (5.49) 5.44 (2.55)

CS 13.89 (7.40) 9.33 (5.74) 21.17 (4.34) 3.67 (1.94)
ES 12.06 (8.80) 9.56 (7.35) 19.89 (4.25) 4.61 (2.63)
BS 11.67 (7.90) 9.00 (6.25) 20.78 (3.89) 4.28 (2.87)

Note. N = 18.







Figure 18. Average values of self-reported cognitive load and mental effort in four
video conditions: NS, CS, ES and BS.

4.3 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on the Scores of Free Recall Test

The one-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed that there was no significant

difference in the recall scores between different conditions (F (3, 42) = 1.447, p = 0.243),

although the paired samples t-test results found that the difference between NS and BS

was approaching significance (t (15) = -2.033, p = 0.06).

Table 7. Means of Recall Test Scores in Different Conditions

Video Condition M (SD) N

NS 8.45 (3.46) 15
CS 9.88 (5.44) 15
ES 9.82 (4.00) 15
BS 10.83 (5.93) 15




Figure 19. Means of recall scores in different conditions.

Chapter 5. Discussion

Drawing upon eye movement data and self-reported data, this study investigated

Chinese L1 viewers’ distribution of visual attention and cognitive load when watching

English videos in different conditions: without subtitles, with English subtitles (L2

subtitles), with Chinese subtitles (L1 subtitles), and with bilingual subtitles (L1 + L2

subtitles). This study had two main objectives. The first objective was to compare the

impact of bilingual subtitles to that of monolingual L1 and L2 subtitles in terms of

viewers’ visual attention to subtitles and image. The second objective was to determine

whether bilingual subtitles will result in more cognitive gain by combining the benefits

of intralingual and interlingual subtitles and thus facilitate comprehension or,

alternatively, cause more cognitive load as a result of increased redundancy thus

impairing comprehension.

5.1 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Attention Allocation

An analysis of DT% in subtitles revealed a main effect of subtitle mode on viewers’

visual attention to subtitles. Viewers spent more time looking at subtitles in the BS

condition than in the CS condition, which is probably because bilingual subtitles

contained two lines of subtitles whereas there were only one-line subtitles in the

monolingual condition. However, this postulation is refuted by the lack of difference

between the BS and ES conditions. This would suggest that it is not the number of

subtitle lines but rather the addition of subtitles in a non-native language that results in

more attention to the subtitled area. This also provides some evidence for the statement

made by Kruger and Steyn (2014) that “the number of lines do[es] not play as big a

role in the processing of subtitles as previously thought” (p. 105). As L2 subtitles

attracted a significantly higher amount of visual attention (nearly the same as the

attention to the bilingual subtitles) than L1 subtitles, it seems that viewers are more

compelled to divert their attentional resources from other visual elements (e.g., image)

to L2 subtitles than to L1 subtitles.

An observation of the differences in the time spent on L1 and L2 subtitles between the

bilingual and monolingual conditions revealed that viewers’ visual attention to subtitles

in different languages was not equally sensitive to competition. Viewers spent less time

on L1 subtitles in the bilingual condition than in the L1 monolingual condition, but the

difference did not reach significance. However, the case was different for L2 subtitles:

viewers spent much less time looking at the L2 subtitles in the bilingual condition than

in the L2 monolingual condition. In other words, the presence of both L1 and L2 in

bilingual subtitles did not significantly alter the visual attention to L1 subtitles (they

received the same amount of attention as in the monolingual condition), but it did result

in a significant reduction of attention to L2 subtitles. This would suggest that viewers’

visual attention to L2 subtitles is more sensitive to the increased visual competition in

the bilingual condition.

When provided with both L1 and L2 subtitles in the bilingual condition, viewers did

not allocate equal amount of visual attention to two different subtitles or completely

ignored subtitles in one language due to their redundancy. Instead, they chose one

language as a main source of visual-verbal information. It seems that viewers are able

to adjust their viewing pattern and choose the less cognitively demanding way to

understand the video because paying equal attention to two subtitles would mean that

viewers have to shift back and forth between two subtitles, which could consume extra

cognitive resources and hinder information acquisition. It can also be explained by the

early-selection theories of attention proposed by Broadbent (1958) and Treisman (1968)

which posit that stimuli will be filtered at an early stage in order not to overload the

limited processing capacity of the human cognitive system.

Moreover, the fact that viewers spent time reading subtitles in both languages in spite

of their redundancy provides evidence for the automatic subtitle reading behavior

hypothesis as proposed by d’Yewalle et al. (1991). The unequal amount of visual

attention devoted to the L1 and L2 subtitles implies that the two different subtitles in

the bilingual subtitling condition function differently, one is used as the major visual-

verbal channel (dominant subtitles) and the other as complementary channel

(complementary subtitles). The similar difference in the visual attention between

dominant subtitles and complementary subtitles regardless of whether viewers chose

L1 or L2 subtitles as dominant subtitles indicates that viewers may capitalize on the

complementary subtitles for a similar purpose. As noted by Lavaur and Bairstow (2011),

viewers may refer to the other language subtitles to compare and confirm the

aural/visual input from time to time. However, such confirmation needs to be conducted

effectively and quickly as a long translation process may cause the viewers to lag

behind and lose the track (Saed et al., 2016), which could consequently deprive the

viewer of the benefits of dual-channel presentation as suggested by the Dual Coding

Theory (Paivio, 1986).

Furthermore, viewers’ preference for the language of subtitles changed from

monolingual conditions to the bilingual condition. Nearly half of viewers changed their

preferences from L2 subtitles to L1 subtitles when they shifted from monolingual to

bilingual conditions, whereas only 18.75% of viewers changed from L1 to L2 subtitles.

There are two possible explanations for that. One is that viewers may have more stable

reliance on L1 subtitles than on L2 subtitles due to the language dominance of their

native language (Heredia & Altarriba, 2001; Heredia, Olivares, & Cies, 2014). In face

of time constraints, viewers are inclined to acquire information in their native language

which is easier to process. A second possibility is that L2 subtitles render more

redundancy than L1 subtitles when L2 audio information is available and therefore are

less attended to by viewers. This would suggest that viewers may have the ability to

filter more redundant information even though they are unable to completely avoid

them in order to save cognitive resources for higher order processing and deeper

elaboration of the messages (Liu, Lai, & Chuang, 2011; Reese, 1984).

It was found that viewers’ visual attention to the dynamic image was not significantly

affected by the subtitle mode. In all subtitled conditions, viewers spent an

approximately similar amount of time on image, even though there were more sources

of information in the bilingual condition competing for visual attention. It implies that

viewers’ reliance on image appears to be more stable than their reliance on subtitles.

This is possibly because there is less redundancy between nonverbal information

(image) and verbal information (narration/subtitles) than between visual-verbal

information (subtitles) and audio-verbal information (narration), and therefore viewers

would rather spend more time on the less redundant information (i.e., image) in order

to maximize information acquisition. This again corroborates the view that viewers are

able to filter out information that has a higher degree of redundancy.

In monolingual conditions where subtitles were presented in either viewers’ native

language (L1 subtitles) or second language (L2 subtitles), viewers spent significantly

more time looking at L2 subtitles, which is in line with the results reported by Kruger

et al. (2014).

As it was found in the studies of Guichon and McLornan (2008) and Tsai and Huang

(2009) that the lexical interference between L1 subtitles and the L2 spoken dialogue

impaired viewers’ comprehension of lexical meanings, it could be possible that viewers

skip more L1 subtitles in order to avoid lexical interference caused by the linguistic

differences between the L1 subtitles and the L2 spoken dialogue. In this sense, viewers’

processing of subtitles is based on a top-down processing strategy.

However, viewers’ more visual attention to L2 subtitles could also be a result of bottom-

up processing as research on language-mediated eye movements has revealed that the

meaning of spoken language can impinge on the viewer’s allocation of visual attention.

It has been found that viewers are inclined to fixate on the visual objects that are most

semantically relevant to the spoken words (see e.g., Cooper, 1974; Eichert, Peeters, &

Hagoort, 2017; Mishra, Olivers, & Huettig, 2013; Salverda & Altmann, 2011). It is very

likely that viewers spend more time looking at L2 subtitles because there exist stronger

semantic relations between subtitles and the spoken dialogue that share the same

language. If this is the case, viewers are expected to spend more time reading L1

subtitles if the spoken dialogue is in L1. To verify this postulation, further research is

encouraged to explore the influence of spoken language on the visual processing of

transient texts such as subtitles.

A comparison of the current study and previous relevant studies revealed that viewers’

attention distribution to subtitles could be influenced by their knowledge of the

language in the soundtrack. As can be seen from Table 8, viewers who were able to

understand the spoken dialogue spent less time reading subtitles than those who had no

knowledge of the foreign language in the soundtrack regardless of the language of

subtitles. It seems that when information is presented in two different channels, both

aurally and visually, viewers tend to reduce their reliance on one single channel. This

view partially corroborates the findings reported by Sohl (1989) that viewers tried to

follow the speech when watching subtitled videos. An important implication of these

findings is that redundancy between different channels could be beneficial to viewers

as they are less likely to be cognitively overloaded by processing all information in one

single channel. For instance, as demonstrated the study of Moreno and Mayer (2002b),

students learned more effectively when the visual materials were accompanied by

speech rather than by written text.

However, given that reading skills are more developed than listening skills (Garza,

1991) and that subtitles are more efficient than auditory information (Hinkin et al.,

2014), it raises an interesting question as to why viewers still spare cognitive resources

for processing the audio information when they are able to acquire sufficient

information from the visual channel. One possible reason is that viewers split attention

between the subtitles and the spoken dialogue (redundancy between different sensory

channels) in order to relieve the stress on the visual processing memory and compensate

for the information loss caused by the splitting of attention between subtitles and the

image (redundancy within the same sensory channel). According to Dual Coding

Theory, processing redundant information between different sensory channels, such as

pictures and audio information, can produce enhancing effects by making the most use

of two independent systems for processing visual and auditory information (Paivio,

1986b, 2007; Reese, 1984; Thompson & Paivio, 1994). Based on a premise that humans

possess two independent processing systems, one is responsible for processing verbal

information and one for nonverbal information, the Dual Coding Theory posits that

retention of information can be strengthened when information is presented in two

different sensory channels.

It could also be possible that the gap between reading and listening in dynamic contexts

is so small for intermediate or advanced language learners that written verbal

information is not superior to or even less efficient than auditory information. This may

explain why subtitles are found to be beneficial for low proficiency viewers but

distracting for advanced viewers as found in some studies (see, e.g., Lavaur & Bairstow,


Another explanation for viewers’ tendency to process redundant audio information is

that the integration of audio and visual verbal information could occur automatically as

part of the multisensory processing of human cognition system (Ghazanfar & Schroeder,

2006; Quak, London, & Talsma, 2015). Further research is encouraged to determine

whether making use of audio input is an automatic behavior like subtitle reading

(d’Yewalle et al., 1991) and to what extent the presence of subtitles interferes with the

processing of the spoken dialogue or vice versa.

Table 8. Comparison of Findings for the Overall Time Spent on Subtitles.
Intralingual subtitling Interlingual subtitling Knowledge of the foreign language Number of subtitle lines Overall time spent
involved on subtitles
French soundtrack with No (Sesotho L1 viewers without One-line 79%
Sesotho subtitles (L1) knowledge of French)
Two-line 86%
Hefer (2013a)
Overall 83%
(p. 365)
French soundtrack with No (Sesotho L1 viewers without One-line 63%
English subtitles (L2) knowledge of French)
Two-line 76%

Overall 74%

English soundtrack with Yes (Sesotho L1 viewers using one-line and two-line 42.9%
English subtitles (L2) English as a second language)
Kruger et al. (2014) English soundtrack with Yes (Sesotho L1 viewers using one-line and two-line 20.3%
(p. 7) Sesotho subtitles (L1) English as a second language)
English soundtrack with One-line 32.1%
English subtitles (L2)
Current study English soundtrack with Yes (Chinese L1 viewers using One-line 21.6%
(2017) Chinese subtitles (L1) English as a second language)
Yes (Chinese L1 viewers using Two-line 33.6%
Bilingual subtitles English as a second language)
Note. Values were calculated as a percentage of dwell time of the visible time of subtitles.

5.2 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Cognitive Load

5.2.1 Self-reported measures

Significant differences in three types of cognitive load were found between the NS and

BS conditions, with BS reporting significantly lower scores in IL and EL and higher

score in GL*, which suggests that adding bilingual subtitles makes the video easier to

understand and allows for more cognitive resources for the learning process than not

providing viewers any written text as linguistic support. It also supports the growing

body of evidence that processing subtitles is cognitively effective and does not cause

cognitive overload (Kruger et al., 2013; Lång, 2016; Perego et al., 2010).

In contrast to Diao and Sweller’s findings in 2007, this study did not find an increase

in extraneous cognitive load in the presence of redundancy between audio and visual

information. It is worth noting, however, that their study compared text only to text

with audio, whereas the present study does not have a text only condition.

As no significant differences were found in cognitive load or mental effort between the

bilingual and monolingual conditions, there was no sufficient evidence for the

arguments that bilingual subtitles give viewers a cognitive gain by combining the

benefits of intralingual and interlingual subtitles or place more cognitive burdens on

viewers as a result of containing more redundant information than monolingual


5.2.2 Eye tracking measures

As no significant difference in mean fixation duration was found between L1

monolingual and L2 monolingual subtitles, or between L1 and L2 subtitles in the

bilingual condition, it could be said that processing L1 and L2 subtitles is equally

cognitively demanding regardless of whether the two subtitles are presented separately

or simultaneously. This is probably because viewers chose one language of subtitles as

a major channel for visual-verbal information in the bilingual condition – they were

engaged in cognitive processing that was similar to the monolingual condition.

It is interesting to note that while viewers spent significantly less time looking at L2

subtitles in the bilingual condition than in the monolingual condition (refer to the results

of DT% in subtitles), no difference was observed for the mean fixation duration in L2

subtitles between the two conditions. In other words, the reduction of time viewers

spend looking at subtitles did not affect the depth of processing of subtitles. This further

points to the necessity of making a distinction between attention allocation to and

reading of subtitles (Kruger & Steyn, 2014).

It is also worth noting that mean fixation duration in L1 and L2 subtitles in both

monolingual and bilingual conditions were shorter than that reported by Bisson et al.

(2014) and d’Ydewalle and De Bruycker (2007) (see Table 9). A possible reason is that

viewers in the study of Bisson et al. (2014) had no knowledge of the soundtrack, which

means that they could only rely on subtitles for verbal information in the interlingual

subtitling condition. It indicates that when viewers are able to acquire information from

the spoken dialogue, they may experience less processing difficulties, even though the

subtitles are in a different language from the spoken dialogue. This also partially
accounts for viewers’ inclination to rely less on subtitles when the spoken dialogue is

accessible to them as discussed before.

Table 9. Comparison of Mean Fixation Duration (MFD) in Subtitles between Different


Knowledge of
the Soundtrack
L1 subtitles L2 subtitles

Bisson et al., 240ms 227ms No

(2014) (p. 407)
d’Ydewalle & De 178 ms (for adults) N/A No
Bruycker (2007)
(p. 199) 248ms (for children)

Current study 159ms (in CS) 143ms (in ES) Yes

(2017) 150ms (in BS) 140 (in BS)

5.3 The Impact of Subtitle Mode on Content Comprehension

The free recall scores did not differ significantly across the four different conditions,

which implies that viewers comprehend the video equally well regardless of the

presence and linguistic formats of subtitles, although the lowest comprehension rate in

the NS condition suggests that subtitles benefit comprehension, which is consistent with

a number of studies (Chung, 1999; Hayati & Mohmedi, 2011; Hosogoshi, 2016;

Markham et al., 2001; Wang, 2014). However, the lack of significance in the results

makes it impossible to extrapolate.

Although bilingual subtitles do not seem to produce more cognitive benefits, the lack

of significant difference in both subjective measures (self-reported questionnaire) and

performance measures between the bilingual and monolingual conditions at least

dispels the concern that bilingual subtitles which generate more redundancy may cause

cognitive overload and impede comprehension.

5.4 Audiovisual Redundancy in Subtitling Research

Different from some previous subtitling studies that used videos with an unknown

language either in subtitles or in the soundtrack, this study provided viewers with access

to both visual-verbal (subtitles in L1, L2 or L1 and L2) and audio-verbal (narration in

L2) channels, which means that viewers are exposed to either two or three sources of

redundant verbal information at a time. Moreover, this study presents an attempt to

extend research on the redundancy effect from a L1 context to a L2 context. The four

video conditions that were investigated in the current study represent different degrees

of redundancy, with the NS condition containing the least amount of redundant

information and the bilingual condition encompassing most redundancy. Although the

CS and ES conditions consist of the same number of communication channels, they

could generate different degrees of redundancy because the semantic relations between

subtitles and the spoken dialogue differ when the two verbal channels are in the same

language than in different languages.

This study therefore provides some interesting insights into the influence of redundancy

on visual processing and cognitive load when watching subtitled videos. First, the

absence of significant difference between the no subtitle condition and subtitled

conditions suggests that the presence of subtitles as visual-verbal redundancy does not

give viewers a significant advantage in video comprehension. However, eye movement

data revealed that viewers spent more than 20% of the time reading subtitles in

monolingual conditions and more than 30% in the bilingual condition. Even though the

two different subtitles in the bilingual condition were redundant to each other, viewers

still spent time reading both subtitles. It appears that it is the presence rather than the

usefulness of visual-verbal redundant information that plays a bigger role in attracting

visual attention. This view is in line with previous studies which found that subtitle

reading was an automatic behavior (Bisson et al., 2014; d’Yewalle et al., 1991).

The automatic reading behavior could be attributed to the fact that subtitles are a visual

trigger for automatic or bottom-up visual attention. For instance, the dynamic nature of

subtitles corresponds to viewers’ inclination to be attracted to salient information, such

as motion (Bisson et al., 2014). In addition, it has been found that people tend to read

any available text as they believe that texts contain richer information (Cerf, Frady, &

Koch, 2009; Ross & Kowler, 2013; Wang & Pomplun, 2012). Subtitles as written text

therefore are likely to grasp visual attention even though they are redundant to

information in other modalities from different sources.

If viewers cannot avoid redundant information, how they allocate their attentional and

cognitive resources among multiple information sources effectively would be of great

importance for comprehension due to the limited processing capacity of working

memory. Consistent with the findings of the study by Liu et al. (2011), the current

study found that viewers had the ability to filter out information with a higher degree

of redundancy using selective attention according to their dynamic needs. A question

that is worth further investigation is whether viewers’ selective attention strategy is a

function of their prior knowledge, motivation and learning practice. Research on

multisensory processing and integration would provide much insights in this regard (see,

e.g., Koelewijn, Bronkhorst, & Theeuwes, 2010; Morís Fernández, Visser, Ventura-

Campos, Ávila, & Soto-Faraco, 2015; Quak et al., 2015; Talsma, Senkowski, Soto-

Faraco, & Woldorff, 2010; Van der Burg, Brederoo, Nieuwenstein, Theeuwes, &

Olivers, 2010; Van der Burg, Talsma, Olivers, Hickey, & Theeuwes, 2011). This also

points to the need for interdisciplinary collaboration in audiovisual research and

highlights the potential benefits the subtitling research could gain from other disciplines

such as cognitive psychology.

Interestingly, findings of the current study do not support previous claims that

processing redundant information causes higher extraneous cognitive load. In contrast,

the BS condition which presumably features more redundancy reported lower intrinsic

and extraneous cognitive load than NS which contains the least amount of redundant

information. There could be two reasons for that. First, the redundancy effect is

originally based on native language contexts whereas the current study is based on a

second language context. Presenting redundant information in viewers’ native language

may have a different impact on cognitive load than presenting redundant information

in viewers’ second language. This study could be replicated by including video

conditions that contain L1 spoken dialogue with L1 and L2 monolingual subtitles to

examine if there exists any difference in subtitle processing. Second, the video used in

the current study is less image intensive than the animation used in other studies that

explored the redundancy effect. As a result, viewers in the current study may have had

more available cognitive resources for the processing of redundant verbal information.

In contrast to the redundancy effect which suggests that presenting the same

information in multiple forms and modalities will result in a decrease in learning, the

current study does not provide evidence for the detrimental effect of redundant

information. The comprehension performance between NS and BS is approaching

significance in favour of the BS condition, but this would have to be investigated with

a larger sample and possibly longitudinally before any conclusions can be made.

Findings of the current study suggest that the effects of redundancy may be less

straightforward than previously assumed, especially in entertainment media. That is

why previous research which focused on determining the impact of different sources of

redundancy with a view to eliminating the redundant information that hinder

comprehension often yields divergent findings. Redundancy is a dynamic and context

dependent construct. Therefore, focus of future studies should be placed on exploring

how the interaction between redundant information changes as a function of the

complexity of the task, individual characteristics and presentation modes, among other


Chapter 6. Conclusion

This chapter is composed of two sections. The first section (6.1) summarizes findings

and contributions of the current study while the second section (6.2) discusses some

limitations of this study and provides suggestions for future research.

6.1 Contribution

This study presents an empirical study as part of the growing body of research that

explores the impact of subtitle mode on cognitive processing and video comprehension.

In particular, it contributes to our understanding of the impact of bilingual subtitles on

attention allocation and cognitive load, which has not been investigated before.

It was found that bilingual subtitles as a combination of intralingual and interlingual

subtitles affected viewers’ attention distribution to subtitles in a way different from

intralingual and interlingual subtitles. Results showed that viewers’ visual attention to

L1 subtitles was more stable than to L2 subtitles and was less sensitive to the increased

visual competition in the bilingual condition. This study also dismisses the concern that

bilingual subtitles result in cognitive overload and impede comprehension as a result of

increased redundancy.

Furthermore, this study enriches our understanding of the redundancy effect by

exploring the processing of redundant information in a foreign language context.

Results revealed that while viewers were inclined to attend to multiple available

redundant information, they appeared to have the ability to filter out some redundancy

in order to save cognitive resources for deeper processing of essential information.

Findings of the current study also indicate that the presence of redundant information

does not necessarily result in an increase in cognitive load and less learning as

suggested in previous research. The effects of redundant information on comprehension

are, to some extent, dependent on viewers’ ability to evaluate the momentary value of

different layers of redundancy, and actively select and integrate different sources of

redundancy based on their individual and dynamic needs to achieve their learning goal.

6.2 Limitations and Implications for Future Research

There are a number of necessary limitations that should be taken into account when

replicating the current study in further research. First, given the time constraints of this

project, the sample size in the current study is small, which does not provide sufficient

statistical power to determine the impact of different subtitled modes on viewers’

content comprehension. Although the sample size is in line with most other eye tracking

studies, a larger sample size could produce more conclusive findings.

Second, as viewers were asked to complete the free recall test in their second language,

their English writing skills may have interfered with their comprehension performance.

Some participants reported that they understood the content but found it difficult to

express it in English completely. A meta-analysis study conducted by Perez et al. (2013)

found that the test type used to measure the effectiveness of subtitles had a significant

impact on the effectiveness of subtitles for listening comprehension. The effectiveness

of subtitles on comprehension may be reduced when productive tests (e.g., recall

protocol) interfere with other language skills, for example, writing skills. Some studies

also found that asking participants to do the free recall test in their native and second

languages produced contradicting results regarding the effects of same language

subtitles on listening comprehension (Markham et al., 2001; Tsai & Huang, 2009). A

combination of both receptive and productive tests is therefore advisable for further


Third, any definite conclusions drawn from the data of the current study should be made

with caution as samples were not completely homogeneous in terms of language

proficiency. Although all participants that produced valid data for eye tracking and

comprehension analysis have met the language entry requirements of postgraduate

programs at Macquarie University in Australia, they may still possess different English

language proficiency due to their previous educational background and their exposure

to English language skill-related practice. For instance, students from the Translation

and Interpreting studies program could have higher English language proficiency than

students from the accounting program which involves a less intensive training of

English language skills.

A further limitation is that this eye tracking study only made use of the established

measures of dwell time and mean fixation duration. Future studies could consider more

metrics such as regressions and saccades to provide a more comprehensive picture of

viewers’ visual processing of subtitled audiovisual content. It would also provide more

insightful findings by investigating the extent to which L1 and L2 subtitles are

processed in monolingual and bilingual conditions using the Reading Index for

Dynamic Text (RIDT) developed by Kruger and Steyn (2014).

Finally, although this study provides some evidence in support of previous findings that

viewers try to follow the spoken dialogue when processing subtitles and visual image,

further research is needed to determine how viewers distribute cognitive resources

between subtitles and the spoken dialogue.


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Appendix A. Biographical questionnaire

Thank you for participating in this experiment. This questionnaire is used to collect

some background information of participants as part of this study. All information will

be kept confidential and only be used for academic purposes.

1. Please fill in the following sections:

Name: ______________________
University ID: __________________
Age: ________________________
Gender: _____________________
Your home country: ____________
Your home Language: (e.g. Cantonese, Mandarin, etc.) ___________________
Your current major: ____________
2. Indicate how many months you have spent in an English-speaking country in
the last 10 years. _______________________

3. Please provide your IELTS scores in the following components:

Overall: ___________
Listening: __________
Reading: ___________
Writing: ____________
Speaking: ___________

4. How often do you watch English films in the following conditions (tick the
box that is applicable):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(never) (very often)



With English

subtitles only

With Chinese

subtitles only

With both

English and

Chinese subtitles

5. How often do you watch BBC documentaries? (tick the box that is applicable):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(never) (very often)

Appendix B. Cognitive Load Questionnaire

Appendix C. Participant Information and Consent Form

Name of Project: Subtitles in Native and Foreign Languages: The Impact of

Bilingual Subtitles on Film Comprehension and Cognitive Load

You are invited to participate in a study on the impact of bilingual subtitles on film

comprehension and cognitive load. The purpose of this study is to investigate the

effectiveness and mental effort of information acquisition in the presence of bilingual


The study is being conducted to meet the requirements for the degree of Master of Research

under the supervision of Associate Professor Jan-Louis Kruger (02 9850 1467 or

[email protected]) of the Department of Linguistics.

If you decide to participate, you will be asked to fill in a biographical questionnaire and

then participate in an eye tracking experiment. You will be seated comfortably in a sound-

proof, sufficiently illuminated room watching four videos. Only your eye movement data

will be recorded by the eye tracking equipment. There will be no recording of your face or

voice. All videos are in English with English subtitles only, Chinese subtitles only, bilingual

subtitles in both Chinese and English or without subtitles. Each video lasts about 10 to 15

minutes. After watching one video, you will be given five minutes to fill in a self-reported

questionnaire regarding your viewing experience. The whole experiment will take

approximately one and a half hours to complete. Participation is on a voluntary basis and

there will be no cost to you. You will receive 2 hours credit on your practicum unit

(TRAN874) if you participate in the study.

Any information or personal details gathered in the course of the study are confidential,

except as required by law. No individual will be identified in any publication of the results.

The principle investigator and the co- investigator will be the only persons with access to

the data, which will be kept secure. A summary of the results of the data can be made

available to you on request via email to the investigator’s address above.

Please note that your current lecturers will not be made aware of who has

participated in the research. Furthermore, your participation in this study is

entirely voluntary: you are not obliged to participate and even if you decide to

participate, you are free to withdraw at any time without having to give a

reason and without consequence.

I,______________________________________ (participant’s name) have read

(or, where appropriate, have had read to me) and understand the information above and

any questions I have asked have been answered to my satisfaction. I agree to participate

in this research, knowing that I can withdraw from further participation in the research at

any time without consequence. I have been given a copy of this form to keep.

Participant’s Name:

(Block letters)

Participant’s Signature: ______________________ Date:

Investigator’s Name: _____JAN-LOUIS KRUGER

(Block letters)

Investigator’s Signature: ___ _____

Date: ________________________

The ethical aspects of this study have been approved by the Macquarie University Human

Research Ethics Committee. If you have any complaints or reservations about any ethical

aspect of your participation in this research, you may contact the Committee through the

Director, Research Ethics & Integrity (telephone (02) 9850 7854; email

[email protected]). Any complaint you make will be treated in confidence and

investigated, and you will be informed of the outcome.


Appendix D. Research Ethics Approval Letter

Re: "Subtitles in Native and Foreign Languages: the Impact of Bilingual

Subtitles on Film Comprehension and Cognitive Load" (5201700464)

Thank you very much for your response. Your response has addressed the
issues raised by the Faculty of Human Sciences Human Research Ethics Sub-
Committee and approval has been granted, effective 11th May 2017. This
email constitutes ethical approval only.

This research meets the requirements of the National Statement on Ethical

Conduct in Human Research (2007). The National Statement is available at
the following web site:


The following personnel are authorised to conduct this research:

Associate Professor Jan-Louis Kruger

Dr Leidy Castro-Meneses
Miss Sixin Liao
Ms Andrea Shan Chan
Ms Sijia Chen

Please note the following standard requirements of approval:

1. The approval of this project is conditional upon your

continuing compliance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in
Human Research (2007).

2. Approval will be for a period of five (5) years subject to the

provision of annual reports.

Progress Report 1 Due: 11th May 2018

Progress Report 2 Due: 11th May 2019
Progress Report 3 Due: 11th May 2020
Progress Report 4 Due: 11th May 2021
Final Report Due: 11th May 2022

NB. If you complete the work earlier than you had planned you must submit
a Final Report as soon as the work is completed. If the project has
been discontinued or not commenced for any reason, you are also required
tosubmit a Final Report for the project.

Progress reports and Final Reports are available at the following website:


3. If the project has run for more than five (5) years you cannot
renew approval for the project. You will need to complete and submit a
Final Report and submit a new application for the project. (The five year
limit on renewal of approvals allows the Sub-Committee to fully re-
review research in an environment where legislation, guidelines and
requirements are continually changing, for example, new child protection
and privacy laws).

4. All amendments to the project must be reviewed and approved by

the Sub-Committee before implementation. Please complete and submit a
Request for Amendment Form available at the following website:


5. Please notify the Sub-Committee immediately in the event of any

adverse effects on participants or of any unforeseen events that affect
the continued ethical acceptability of the project.

6. At all times you are responsible for the ethical conduct of

your research in accordance with the guidelines established by the
University. This information is available at the following websites:



If you will be applying for or have applied for internal or external funding
for the above project it is your responsibility to provide the Macquarie
University's Research Grants Management Assistant with a copy of this email
as soon as possible. Internal and External funding agencies will not be
informed that you have approval for your project and funds will not be
released until the Research Grants Management Assistant has received
a copy of this email.

If you need to provide a hard copy letter of approval to an

external organisation as evidence that you have approval, please do not
hesitate to contact the Ethics Secretariat at the address below.

Please retain a copy of this email as this is your official notification

of ethics approval.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Naomi Sweller

Faculty of Human Sciences
Human Research Ethics Sub-Committee


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