Summoned 2020
Summoned 2020
Summoned 2020
The SumMoned
I was called here. Don’t know why. Don’t
B Freakish: You’re weird, and people react badly. You
can’t use manipulate someone until you prove your-
self to them first (this includes the other hunters: it’s
vs. one particular monster. This lasts until that
monster is dead.
b Whatever: Spend one Luck to get +1 Tough for the
know where from. But I got this sense: like there’s up to them when you have proved yourself ). Until remainder of the current mystery (maximum +4
a destiny waiting for me. I think–real soon–we’re then, they’ll just try to get away from you. You can Tough).
gonna find out why I was called. spend 1 Luck to have the person take to you. Skip b Why So Serious: If you cap off a move with an
But I have this feeling it’s for something bad. the roll: they act as if you rolled a 12. Additionally, appropriate one-liner, the team gets +1 forward (so
Real bad. you can use manipulate someone on monsters that the next hunter who makes a roll gets +1).
can reason and talk (but they always want something Gear
CHARM • Manipulate Someone really bad).
Then pick two of these: Huge weapons, pick one:
• Act Under Pressure b What Are You Looking At?: When you talk to a b Super hand cannon (4-harm close heavy loud reload)
COoL • Help Out monster capable of reason and speech, it recognises
you (and your potential). If you ask it what it knows,
b Machinegun (3-harm close area messy heavy loud
• Investigate a Mystery pick one for the Keeper to reveal:
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation • Tell me something about where I’m from.
• Tell me something about my destiny.
b Rocket launcher (4-harm far area heavy messy
reload loud)
• Kick Some Ass b Gigantic hellsword (4-harm hand heavy messy
TOUGH • Protect Someone
• Tell me something about who I really am.
• Tell me something about the Apocalypse.
b Automatic shotgun (3-harm close area heavy loud
b Should I Feel That?: Your body has 2-armour. This
WEIRD • Use Magic does not stack with any other armour.
b Mayhem!: When you grab a nearby large object and
b Red right hand (3-harm hand magic)
Luck use it as an improvised weapon, first determine how Heavy weapons, pick two:
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from much damage it will do. Guidelines: b Sledgehammer (3-harm hand heavy blunt)
an injury. • Fire extinguisher, fence post, furniture, etc: b Big sword (3-harm hand heavy messy)
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed 2-harm b Big axe (3-harm hand heavy slow)
• Motorcycle, lamppost, masonry chunk, etc: b Magnum (3-harm close loud reload)
Summoned special: Whenever you spend a Luck point, 3-harm b Shotgun (3-harm close loud messy reload)
another Sign of the Apocalypse will come to pass. When • Car, dumpster, boulder, etc: 4-harm
you have spent all your Luck, the Apocalypse begins. • Bus, truck, wall, etc: 5-harm