Summoned 2020

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Moves b

Absolute Badass: Increase your Tough by +1 (to a

, You get all the basic moves, plus three Summoned moves. maximum of +3).
You get this one: b Screw You: Spend a point of Luck to get +1 ongoing

The SumMoned
I was called here. Don’t know why. Don’t
B Freakish: You’re weird, and people react badly. You
can’t use manipulate someone until you prove your-
self to them first (this includes the other hunters: it’s
vs. one particular monster. This lasts until that
monster is dead.
b Whatever: Spend one Luck to get +1 Tough for the
know where from. But I got this sense: like there’s up to them when you have proved yourself ). Until remainder of the current mystery (maximum +4
a destiny waiting for me. I think–real soon–we’re then, they’ll just try to get away from you. You can Tough).
gonna find out why I was called. spend 1 Luck to have the person take to you. Skip b Why So Serious: If you cap off a move with an
But I have this feeling it’s for something bad. the roll: they act as if you rolled a 12. Additionally, appropriate one-liner, the team gets +1 forward (so
Real bad. you can use manipulate someone on monsters that the next hunter who makes a roll gets +1).
can reason and talk (but they always want something Gear
CHARM • Manipulate Someone really bad).
Then pick two of these: Huge weapons, pick one:
• Act Under Pressure b What Are You Looking At?: When you talk to a b Super hand cannon (4-harm close heavy loud reload)
COoL • Help Out monster capable of reason and speech, it recognises
you (and your potential). If you ask it what it knows,
b Machinegun (3-harm close area messy heavy loud
• Investigate a Mystery pick one for the Keeper to reveal:
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation • Tell me something about where I’m from.
• Tell me something about my destiny.
b Rocket launcher (4-harm far area heavy messy
reload loud)
• Kick Some Ass b Gigantic hellsword (4-harm hand heavy messy
TOUGH • Protect Someone
• Tell me something about who I really am.
• Tell me something about the Apocalypse.
b Automatic shotgun (3-harm close area heavy loud
b Should I Feel That?: Your body has 2-armour. This
WEIRD • Use Magic does not stack with any other armour.
b Mayhem!: When you grab a nearby large object and
b Red right hand (3-harm hand magic)
Luck use it as an improvised weapon, first determine how Heavy weapons, pick two:
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from much damage it will do. Guidelines: b Sledgehammer (3-harm hand heavy blunt)
an injury. • Fire extinguisher, fence post, furniture, etc: b Big sword (3-harm hand heavy messy)
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed 2-harm b Big axe (3-harm hand heavy slow)
• Motorcycle, lamppost, masonry chunk, etc: b Magnum (3-harm close loud reload)
Summoned special: Whenever you spend a Luck point, 3-harm b Shotgun (3-harm close loud messy reload)
another Sign of the Apocalypse will come to pass. When • Car, dumpster, boulder, etc: 4-harm
you have spent all your Luck, the Apocalypse begins. • Bus, truck, wall, etc: 5-harm

Harm After you inflict harm with it (with a kick some

When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable. ass move or otherwise), roll +harm inflicted.
On a miss, you use it without trouble. On a 7-9,
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying
pick one side effect, and on a 10+ pick two:
Unstable: b • You hurt someone nearby as well as your target
• You make something about the situation worse
Experience • You lose control of your improvised weapon
Experience: bbbbb • You cause massive property damage
• Your improvised weapon breaks
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a
move tells you to, mark an experience box.
This playbook is ©2020 by Steve Hickey, Michael Sands, and Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. Permission to copy for personal use granted!
Getting Started Signs & Luck Leveling Up
To make your Summoned, first pick a name. Then follow Whenever you use Luck, you’ll trigger another sign of the When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
the instructions in this playbook to decide your look, Apocalypse. You choose what it is, but the Keeper brings up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
hobby, ratings, Apocalypse, moves, and gear. Finally, the sign into the game. list below.
introduce yourself and pick history. When all your Luck is used, the Apocalypse is imminent.
Pronouns: _______________________ It’s up to you to stop, or cause, the end of the world.
b Get +1 Weird, max +3
Your call.
Look, pick one from each List: b Get +1 Charm, max +2
• Alien, uncanny, monstrous, artificial, unholy, ______. Introductions b Get +1 Cool, max +2
• Demonic body, elemental body, reptilian body, When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you b Get +1 Sharp, max +2
glassy body, almost-human body, ____________ body. can do your introductions together. b Take another Summoned move
• Working clothes, motorcycle leathers, huge coat, Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your b Take another Summoned move
no clothes, normal clothes, _____________ clothes. Summoned by name and look, and tell the group what b Gain an ally team of monster hunters (or monstrous
they know about you. hunters) under your command
You try to fit in with humans. Pick some of these: Cigars, History b Get a position in a Sect, like the Initiate has. Create
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one your Sect as if you were making an Initiate charac-
pets, sports, junk food, hat, films, comics, luxury food,
for each of the other hunters: ter, or join a Sect that already exists in your game.
antiques, tv shows, classic cars, _________________.
• This hunter was there when you were summoned. You gain the Initiate move for when you are in good
Ratings, pick one line: Ask them who the summoners were. standing with your Sect
b Charm -1, Cool +2, Sharp 0, Tough +2, Weird -1 • This hunter sees your human side. Ask them why. b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm -1, Cool -1, Sharp +2, Tough +2, Weird 0 • You could probably take this hunter in a fight, but b Take a move from another playbook
b Charm -1, Cool 0, Sharp -1, Tough+2, Weird +2 you’re not certain. Together, decide when the last
b Charm 0, Cool +1, Sharp +1, Tough +2, Weird -1 time you threw down was, and what interrupted After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
b Charm 0, Cool +1, Sharp -1, Tough +2, Weird +1 your fight. advanced improvements in addition to these, from the
list below.
Apocalypse • This hunter fascinates you, romantically. Ask them if
You are destined to bring about the Apocalypse. You may they know about it, and if they reciprocate it. Advanced Improvements
not know about it yet, but you have come across hints • This hunter is tied into your destiny somehow. Tell b Get +1 to any rating, max +3
of your destiny. Pick a sign of the Apocalypse (with help them how they fit into your first sign of the Apoc- b Change this hunter to a new type
from the group) that has already been revealed to you. alypse. b Create a second hunter to play as well as this one
b Betrayal b Murder of the King • This hunter saved your ass when the shit went down. b Mark two of the basic moves as advanced
b An army of b The Beast slouches Ask them how. b Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced
monsters rises into the world • You met this hunter while separately hunting a b Retire this hunter to safety
b Rain of fire b Become the Dragon monster. Ask them why you now work together. b Get back one used Luck point
b Eternal darkness b The Coronation • This hunter is your good friend. Tell them if it’s from b You turn evil (again?): retire this hunter. They
b Things from beyond b Your Hosts assemble way back, or recently. become one of the Keeper’s threats
b Take your throne b The fall of the Tower • You are suspicious about this hunter’s motives. Ask b Undo one sign of the Apocalypse
b Red sun b The seas boil them what they did that gave you doubts about them.
b The Portal opens b Natural disasters
b Plague b Judgement Day The Summoned was created by Steve Hickey
b Learn your b World war
true name b Famine
b The Stars are Right b Ancient Evil reborn
b Breaking the Seal b __________________

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