Divine Form Fillable

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, You get all the basic moves, and pick three Divine moves:

The DiVIne
bb Boss from Beyond: At the beginning of each bb Soothe: When you talk to someone for a few
mystery, roll +Weird. On a 10+, your Superiors ask seconds in a quiet voice, you can calm them down,
you to do something simple. On a 7-9, they ask you blocking any panic, anger, or other negative emo-
I am the Light, the Sword. to do something complicated or difficult. In either tions they have. This works even if the thing that
I am sent to defend the meek from Darkness. case, you get to ask them one of the questions from freaked them out is still present, as long as your
All Evil fears me, for I am its end. the investigate a mystery move right now. On a voice can be heard.
miss, you are required to do something terrible. If bb Lay On Hands: Your touch can heal injury and
you do not accomplish what they’ve ordered, you disease. When you lay your hands on someone

CHARM • Manipulate Someone cannot use this move again until you have made up
for your failure.
hurt, roll +Cool. On a 10+, heal 2 harm or an illness,
plus they’re stabilized. On a 7-9, you can heal the
• Act Under Pressure bb Angel Wings: You can go instantly to anywhere harm or illness as on a 10+, but you take it into your-
COoL • Help Out you’ve visited before, or to a person you know well.
When you carry one or two people with you, roll
self. On a miss, your aura causes them extra harm.
bb Cast Out Evil: You may banish an unnatural crea-
• Investigate a Mystery
SHARP • Read a Bad Situation
+Weird. On a 10+ you all go where you wanted. On
a 7-9, you don’t quite manage it. Either you are all
ture from your presence. Roll +Tough. On a 10+ it
is banished. On a 7-9 it takes a little while for the
• Kick Some Ass separated, or you all appear in the wrong place. banishing to take effect—the creature has time to
TOUGH • Protect Someone bb What I Need, When I Need It: You may store any
small object you own, putting it into a magical space
make one or two actions. Either way, the banished
creature is unharmed, and you have no control over

nobody can get to. You may retrieve anything you where it goes. This move may be used on unnatural
• Use Magic
stored at any time; it appears in your hand. hunters (e.g. the Monstrous). On a miss, something
bb Smite: Your body and divine weapon always count is keeping it here. That’s bad.
Luck as a weakness against the monsters you fight. Your
Mark luck to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from unarmed attacks are 2-harm intimate hand messy.
an injury. Gear Mission
Okay bbbbbbb Doomed Pick one divine weapon: You have been put on Earth for a purpose. Pick one:
bb Flaming sword (3-harm hand fire holy) bb You are here to fight the schemes of an Adversary.
bb Thunder hammer (3-harm hand stun holy) bb The End of Days approaches. Your role is to guide
When you reach 4 or more, mark unstable.
bb Razor whip (3-harm hand area messy holy) these hunters and prevent it from coming to pass.
Okay bbb|bbbb Dying bb Five demon bag (3-harm close magic holy) bb The End of Days approaches. Your role is to guide
Unstable: b bb Silver trident (3-harm hand silver holy) these hunters and ensure it comes to pass.
You also get divine armour (1-armour holy). It has a look bb You have been exiled. You must work for the cause of
Experience suited to your divine origin. Good without drawing attention from your brothers
Experience: bbbbb and sisters, as they are bound to execute you for your
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a bb One of the other hunters has a crucial role to play
move tells you to, mark an experience box. in events to come. You must prepare them for their
role, and protect them at any cost.

This playbook is ©2015 by Michael Sands and Evil Hat Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. Permission to copy for personal use granted!
Getting Started Look, pick one from each List: Leveling Up
To make your Divine, first pick a name. Then follow the • Man, woman, androgynous, asexual. When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level
instructions in this playbook to decide your look, ratings, • Blazing eyes, terrifying eyes, placid eyes, sparkling up. Erase the marks and pick an improvement from the
mission, moves, and gear. Finally, introduce yourself and eyes, perceptive eyes, starry eyes, glowing eyes. list below.
pick history. • Dirty clothes, perfect suit, rumpled suit, casual
clothes, practical clothes.
bb Get +1 Tough, max +3
Ratings, pick one line: bb Get +1 Cool, max +2
bb Charm+1, Cool+1, Sharp-1, Tough+2, Weird=0 ✔ b
b Get +1 Charm, max +2
bb Charm-1, Cool+2, Sharp-1, Tough+2, Weird=0 bb Get +1 Sharp, max +2
bb Charm-1, Cool=0, Sharp+1, Tough+2, Weird+1 ✔ b
b Get +1 Weird, max +2
bb Charm+1, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough+2, Weird-1 bb Take another Divine move
bb Charm-1, Cool+1, Sharp=0, Tough+2, Weird+1 bb Take another Divine move
bb Gain a lesser divine being as an ally, sent from above
to help with your mission
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you
bb Take a move from another playbook
can do your introductions together.
bb Take a move from another playbook
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your
Divine by name and look, and tell the group what they After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
know about you. advanced improvements in addition to these, from the
History list below.
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one Advanced Improvements
for each of the other hunters: bb Get +1 to any rating, max +3.
• If you are protecting another hunter as your mission, bb Change this hunter to a new type.
tell them this: You have a crucial role in what is to bb Create a second hunter to play as well as this one.
come. I am here to guide and defend you. bb Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
• They should not be involved in this situation: the bb Mark another two of the basic moves as advanced.
prophecies didn’t mention them at all. This gets your bb Retire this hunter to safety.
attention but you don’t know what it means yet. bb Erase one used Luck mark from your playbook.
• They are, at heart, a good and righteous person. You bb Change your mission. Select a different mission
must help them stay that way. from the normal options, or (with the Keeper’s
• They are an abomination, and should be destroyed. agreement) a new mission of your creation.
Except you can’t–work out with them why not.
• Their prayer (perhaps an informal or even uncon-
scious prayer) summoned you.
• They fill you with feelings of sexual infatuation. You
are confused by the associated mortal emotions.
• They saved your life, and you understand (intellectu-
ally at least) that you owe them for it.
• They’re the person you go to for advice on mortal
stuff (e.g sex, food, drugs, television, etc).

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